V .i OSJiHLTOKK LETTER. laia; tcoff thtw rmU '-f?' d7 I meet U iotu JWfc.cUctTi. ilea and wctaoa of m&rkeil Udit ulaitT. whcw iiv w iiuiajfjn ujao a rvcaaace. Many of tSefc I 'hay known for Jtar, ;I MwyowJ tUm on tha .trwta at all boon ATta all kjuom, and of tea woy. rM Whj C4 cot cUimcJ WitMcmd tome thai thj ""-iT fT? wmchJ with cfteo tu muu-vi)ua u cxUtcacr. It U acJ!XsTJcar ao aiuc lwa it crtHcr of Blocker l -ainkwdwij. a bitter iy to iCn:.:e: icuttiag, bum- wt.i swa owa ti preat tUruuhrrr. aail the ptitriaa a thj harriol aloo wrare4 icir crcat roatj antl c!oM,abwL' tha raote lo.iJ to. a attic, ret, frail locking womn. Glkaxttdl coTrrJ with r d .1 by.J-A A iak oo her back fi.!tl miih T1in Par?r wur Bulbing r ; Uit gray hir waj tagUtl n(5it;tl jk though it ha. tu ua-kt-atp fee yrara ; bier ur ftrt wffi btjjup ia a cqam of rasi, aim! iv hiftijjft! aloo trembling un.K r IicmmihU appeared that hrr jtr nrJiXH almost nraf it roJ. Ten jr"w Iftw jpocro by aiiure tha. lvc:ru tvtIjiiMtet oatjf n WtdiH.-s.lar Ioai I tCTTtit fame woman, dd. IWkinj likMW witch ot Kndor. stiU Ugzinf I-4TiV chain and w.t.ti tor th--t)'5"fi'Xtfle. In tli. Mitchell b-ui thi vupio r full 1I.W i Itri)a.lwjj. jaiTifio Canul jtr -t. A tint tim. it f"tmic of tlie l t V:v'U' tt! tliMMr iu llvn UtuU'vl St.it"". Ani-n;-th.J Lnriant ! tjr -(f r ji. . -turnv'l thw he..l-4 ( h:( .N- Y'rXl w.h thi i'lruti.iJ wn-fth.-l tn th.- - nt r.t li .;: ' O ff. t fw."tlJ t lUlM-rr, tin' fJ'. aVTiuiif tit u nut n lUl irrattucut I jlr. Tum-i KJuhn. I nnd.rtanfi what lu rU mnA I -.,1 i J finn t. fv . vuva mii uwsiij aiivi vuivii uivyucu uuv U1CU " 11. i VUTWgOD, DOD MUD M ID IO IQTUCe bM Own lrflM I It lirnlri. in n mrwlorlto h.at rr iwaca inc o(caaa rctl not, wbidi 1 1'arrnta abooU b carefal not to pat bcitc when cold. Which If ru T.fnriJrtKt iutt ks I n n Vw k . A f .L:il I Mer !armiDd m-tnm K L-t tK- I I. V , 1 &TCrriJ FOR A 1 CRKET OR UHICKJT. chifmrf i . I I ... . .v. t i , Take somo bread crumbs and tarn on black aad tmii Inxnilama; but .he morala; nothing bit a parc.high-toncd i".1?0 Tfb m0,8ttentfe .tiiJacm-arareahw.taoorcoun. and carefnllj Elected mcratnro U fhl 'L VfTS JBtler ". mcltcd' txycooai.awheucTer they cocne town. f. W.,. anemploycd the mind IrjLti'?' t'tl AM 1 ta .j m.cl. Uftc opWua xk.f.., .ma&4,'.nd thi. bccom ' . . "E?' ? 3?. 1 t lain a cuntcnipUttog thw u.xi-1 aro not pruprly gowppio, which is I : . i . mix llioriifty ami stulTyoar bird, ttnlt lllOfi lnaa IkTk o.-v- r rf ftlifk liPAnt aro not t-ruirly iroMipnior. which is .. ... i . . . t j. i , . , , i , i nullum iu.il in-i.-u 10 oc cuyrpvu ; inen vt it. VnYt, "Tixal any frniale wo- I urany. The ioaoiz huuIJ never Ijv Uan who wouhl war breve he- like I UaireU to leheariw all the news ihey Hm'ii.kd oweetBreaIiS. The best the in oar ht U bo ridicklooi.'' Th" I may percbaiKe hear, utiles tbcv arc I W1,i' c'k wee threads ii t broil CuuqI Jvannea and (nxnre Frjnci I Uojrht to relate it a they hear ir, for I ll'c,n thus: PartNtil them, and then Traio are t. well known to call for I the lore of tellinvr news often induce Vut l'icln u" a clean gridiron for broil a acTvution. Uat Ukt n nuuiv I theui to manufacture a hiipdIv when I wneu Uelicately Urowned, take wlw hare uer wn an'ltMJian nnn- I it'tan't otherwise be obtained, and I hem off and roll in melted butter in ce, who roitt hke to know a little I a habit .f miretreentatiuii results in -1 plte t pn-rcnt their being dry and I but hard freezing, eerjpciallv when it ikbuut her. Vh ahc i noUJy kimw. I Uolute lyinir, tU meanest prpeni- hard, rmc cook tlicni on a griddle, I produces discoleraUon. reduces the it yvo cau iev tier aimoot any noe I y, nit in have renal t of final disregard of justice and honor, ehould be aa jiear the boiling point as possible, without actually boiling. The bird, being held by the -legs, should be immersed and lifted np and down in the water three times. This makes picking easy. The feathers should then be at once removed, pin feathers and all, very cleanly and without breaking the skin. It should next bo "plumped," by being .dipped about two seconds into water nearly or quite boiling-hot, and then at once into cold water about the same length Of time. ! 1 It should be entirely cold, but not frozen, before being ' packed. ' If packed with the animal heat in it, it will be almost sure to 'spoil J Unfro zen poultry sells best. Slight freez ing does not injure tue sale greatly MISCELLANEOUS. ATTAINED AT LAST I ' A TRIAL Will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE.! day oo Uroidway drvcd in the gor tfcoujt tranui' uf her rib. Iamt, feathers anl I'riugva mke up a cow turue Ui a I wuuki drlighl the Ix-art of Slotted Tail or Crav Hore. And U the AoUndid appliocea of our I deplbs of iufamy and disgrace : bigttcr oviluutiuit mw not lo make lying, tU meanest pnpeiii- me cook tiiciu on a griddle, produces discoleraUon, reduces the to stealing. Stealing and ly- well bulli ml, turning frequently; and value twenty-fire to seventy-five per ; ruinetl the goverument. The H-ine put narrow tups of fat salt cent. Pack in boxes, with a layer of " misrepresentation leads to a n rk on them while cooking. clean straw (rye straw is best) be od when thin I a ire is reached the human vml h.v arrtvel at the lowest r tff wnt l.v. I i'u r if .rn l)..w' ttl t. h.-r -v-"it tiu- r.t .-.t ,'l'ar -h- i. v- r n uk- jI I o.ittfXir nv, b l t i! ...m.. ..r v n-'U .H it i t '.:" . i t.r t . , 4,ivMwni. w. hot ' in in' n . " l 'SrVi' vf m rty. -.ui-t U- t'.i . rtiiu , ! .11 l.iv d"t i. r !', lor i'l . r.n at "p '--c i - b ,i e i i v I V 4 1 "' ' ' '' ' ' ..,. it C'-' '' Va ,.(..vv 411'! ni' r ' ui x OK I 1 1 UCv "k . ..I- " 3' .til t I V ti M K I ' Trniitv ii.iii- i. p.- p -aViV '' '"' "l " 1 C.ie l , i n t- . ,1 l' o ' W ' ! re l ..I.. I i !' ; . !, p-t r u. nSI iU-iJ 'UH lkV 1,1 " . t.ty t'4.! tX, I f, iaiiaA4Ui K.tla. la- a.tti, an I tirftjf a Ot-H tut I) d if li'.da twW lnn' Nc-iy teutj j.ui-uci-!! Va. I'' '"iti'h uti S b-kf--r , t tvrv trtm' h.-ui , and wa- it. f.Uwrilr-ik.-M:te i t anotlivr Jiti' riuiulth home e li'd. ari l wl..... tio rrnrdr.t brth r. lit tr . ...I W:Viatia mt.---k " Wall 5tr.. r. iliUf day became- nnbafra d ; b w P r Mr S.. and mduf.-d huu t. l. tilV.iiAbandle of raiifoad boud wlJc! ho kr-w ai m lb- -ale h .M,farttcd th.-m f-r dupte of . , " .... ..ii t i lixl IU' tVtll'l it til'. k ott ti t" ; r t. Ii iur int t It i ri Il i'Uft, TUtl Hi. iu l.a. k t S. t foin ,'' k '. ,,i,-.,f Wall and Na.-an rijt'ftlay Wd-"pH"ar'-. Mid tt e n-.t .fij?f. Kn jrirtr.l tor tli4- r "t-t-rrj ; jmm fini-l ' l J" s, "UjcJ him tJ state V pi u-" tr ten t Jtar ; h- M-rvr.l ln t i r out i 'ifta ia'i lia tied t' ferr II -w kiLvml a d .uji.-f. a'. wi h tl. .r,.t4 I, , t,.rfv hi" ttll i.ad tb" in 0. iJtetf:i;4 iruit hi h - ine-d: ""TiTJ i"f;i ,M fin me i" nd wtnh made Iim ptl;riii.e t,. t!iipwiiled p"t U -"r,'t. t!" Ur.' tof fcVtory lat. - and ht !a Wall t'e wa-. d. ert. d. t' i al: t.Mia were elrncd; th wrathcr v.ft."raw an I MiiIe.,ai.t. and He t v Vn. ...t a! .n the silreet aearveb n..-;crd the old man wl.o t'.-. ll . -l.m I. ad luoWett m u. 4 ri M'fi !' ......H:...itn and ay tint m t ' a4 aiH- p-t lVtt"n,r, tli they i khi KNciit la. the abg itet impivA-oi. uii thin onr- phtAtieatrd daugbt-r of the wildcr ra. She leads a bttl child by the band who is sevaral sbadea whiter than herself, but wI.oh arrayed in the amc hwy costume cf her protector; t ,t the diQerenue of feature aixl mold I jrbi'U the idea thai the princess is her m-jthcr. Some day site will dis apj.ar, swallowed up, crhapn, in the wild maelstrom of this great city; here and there aotueone may mis her fi- a day ur tv, bat then srra will be t rfrttev. ju.-A we forget thv Astorx, tiw Vaaderbills, and th Stewarts, titiu, contrived to forget us ex , t I r ti-e same purpose ol gam. nr new bridge, which connects lir iyu with Nw York, via Ian ik the jcciio of one ol the inoit It IjiUtt'ial occurrence ever witnessed n the world, for many mouths pal all . uf people have l-eeu crossing and rcrj-itig th-j narrow lootbridt;c iuiim U tii n tl tociS, an. I . . nt-it l r li e ... iking ot tic i it a e- wlneh i' t uprt ti . ii . .oal toadwaT. lm toluiatur- 4ti'Mt nwiut al .... eievatlou o i.e i.undrvd jmic it) o- .-.. xenty I- t tix.vt- tin- river. It M a -Uj-Zj heigtn 'Jlc lltilj-ed to cliinon.g, but a ..! i l.olori- ha. haunted all ,.iii oi oii-" f,''t pl , a ml I la i i. a. j vi..in4 lot e era. "k4 l"i ti..- ' ii tv . 1 1. r 1. 1 -i. ue a.. iutv fTli. it i. I .w . 11 u..uaji k,, a . I b.'o ig ir ' . J 3.4 cr 'xsn. i . -t a un v. . ji t I t.otu itial iu iift.k. .. a lei. i i .'i . i "in i i lit i . . . . . a ilt W W'T' 111 W i r. di.,. d t tl . ... 1 .1 t t' i o at hsh, thirteen , ..... r , . a . ;a k . II. .f pll . i i v- .: llci- .lO'ijt -"IV . . . t 'i. ,t v sy r a two litft..'i . a .; I Mill I) -Vljftll ..w ft... !" at-'"ii oao.w.y virer ui, ... the uti"i .""'tae ti i silg;it . h wuc "u tne hti'lg'-, he wa.n seen i. u l ii. ai piteptic tit; the paage av i iiri". only lur feet acra, and a.i be nrithed and twisted in hi 4 my, it i iud alm-"t impwsible f je luui l. escape destruction. lwu .i. i tt9t.t-d towa.d ami iwied hint it i. i,.- v Lr.-iBiT lo raakea dread ful die iatj the river bdow. Tbor- , ft. i . ... I ft" ft'WwwT" w- iw rr 'v .tr'L iLii.-nu.lihe. -M man it.ii ....ro-f. rnirhstone. hi iwad rvtii;- 7L .i,.. !. i.h .. r iru. k. I.. d '.. d a"d . L l I Ih LialFv r.ir-"' .ftwlra; 4it'i i!m- nt "tr t Vim"li.'lii' h d at it" -haken .tnT'll.'li.J ll.t""X hi. U..hU .1 I.,- had yiUrrl a w Id c J f dej a:.. I fjll ftUS 1"1 'Uk,t 1 '" '" iVM.flft- Sr I'aill'x "V d.V .1 i...v fl..T. Ill lJ lUH eUl. " M"fVi- ,k am ,. tn at won.-' ..?VlAlo 'bv4 r hum.-r er.iv Tu-w. i. d-. U . f a U-ld lif'Cui'i . ... ..,r..,iOiti.' .1 Y I)i .il- and doa-intn M l", r ; in br f". t" C r,..'.- M dV. r.. l..-e J w f, vatiC lent. ! ol ..r J.Tif lt r.vn'" r. n d. .. and I. Ii . I I M . I A tlv while ll tnu'k ' knu'w k ' I ; M!!rer f l n lion I t I 4fl!A" ,'r i . '.-.o ti"-ak in- p - , .. vsjf y" v '" ' 'k "' ' i"" . ;i.i.ty r w " ' ,,v I Mk r - .,ffi ami Ihrn h.n .t t d . . -the tvl of th'e 'Id Fo r" ... proved ami rwb'-l '' Ud. rV3?c5Khea.f f M toll v idaid, Cotut' t t . af . e m.j ant trki.. i !"- jillV w abo I." m.dd' if .h . w tl L-rn? wenM J'" l u" iftfw. 7'"- uw ftrb if 4. tird-fU. r of Mummed. .. . i- K..-ata a oer Tui whatcrer her iodi.ere CSB V n that AlVuao i a lwrVa -rrT-.-- that Ivitrd hun - w CjrtutRI , wean - - rim t en, i l I tw h r tn-a one nay h U-t ulnjul l . ah.t hj found it .... r ! 1 1 ia w - 'IZxI L days after Vr rw.aly U daj th. Clnc? ,'f;Vot.W .w, bt.4 th. t only vrd n on hi v routed ,tn? maniac tnnietl on ht'prcvrvers, aud f.r a few moment . .... th. river together. mw oincrs rmthed ot from th top- of the tow- . i . . . . i er. ami ater a iei.p'raio fiCMUgw the n an wa finally secured, and con veyed I ..ti e New York side. Oo t p tu." n.,.i.e tower auotlK-r de p rale stttvh- I.h k. place i "a sel v Ii'fel, au l we coiMtder it a t j.p'clvl mercy that !m bttle epis-nle .a-, n t e.t at least a ball a len tv. !.. In view of Uml- i.w.ilde r cur t t . .i.M i .... i et.ee oi ?oi n a i;4ijiiiiij, "v oith ritiej. l.avw sltul ilutftii.n pa-e, .t ... . C ...t . ...... ...! rrl. .. in vt C" 'in'iy 5 n mat al tl' r -vrneti mnl now natcU their tui.A-.ny ly ionttmplat'ii the bndiTe I of game, these ready aceouiplishni. u-s roiu the Uadliyn fer.y l".al. wan I gjMisted by the old army muskets, ami . . . i . i . . ...i ..ft. I . . . i .i ... i. minor, t' e eeit i raiei i iu u nin, eixlgnn can umsui a.y .iumu..i o. man. J led lat ve k in Bnklyti. I wak the earth in these parts. Tbele or many yrar tvKr Pan came down I 4re TgQ number of s tealled I -x- ti the City Hall every dy, and I bound, and tl! greatest paitof them d U'l th cFovk triek twlvr. IvT ,.. ,.. (. . ,,y htm si.ntv m- ivy ; 1.. it.t't never cae, ami ljt wc k . at fity Mali U k struck . .v h.r ti e Fast time f.r r Pan Oae of u ir great beef etrlrs wn w -i.o.-. d to le doing nrh a pro- 1 . "BvboW ibe Utni: Jeatoo Uio Uisrce Tb rb of Ira lit Uida hrr biJcon, frv Bftiod a aiatfk. aou in b r band Uo lxr Tha brutes mtrror. which. duaorlcU, wears Fate Imaf, Boot hke hrr own Urccit." is oar boundcu duty to uphold integrity .nd fidelity, and loach them, br precept and example, to the risiug generation, and to all who may need such instruction. 1 uttmg nothiu in their hands but a pure literature, both religious and political, reading notbiug but select work, golden sheaves of knowledge, selected from the chart" aod bound by tho raapcr's hand. This will elevate the standard of true piety, and political economy. and prepare the coming icn to act the pari, to a certain extent, of the on itairmi lainers. .o rclloils ir iininiC can U" riect if calumny and a rn-jniic" aie mi.tweu lo cnler ; no preacher or rmuday school teacher ijt.es hia duly unless he teaches to avoid these pouonous evil. It is -alural eoincKH'iice that the nmte is .oily K.it in the eyes of oil.fr-, when i b am does not receive th least consideration, and can't l; di.M overed by a microspic view. A stem reality I .ks ns b.hlly in the fare, and with brave beartu, clear head anil willing i.a mis we may win glory und honor and aatvatwn for our god old native ."Mate, even at tho late hour; and also 1 r l.er iiiMiiuliors, and for the great cause of univesal eilucaticn. The si.ir of hope tt ill linger iu the dis tance, take courage all I ' Iu th world broad tkkl of battl.-. It) lb" biwoac of tif, IW nut like dumb, dioea cattle '. He a tteru In tbc atnfc I" On Ik 23 I ol S-pbTuber, the Ma-.or.i.- fin. era1 -f Key. L. P. Summ.-r-o. (vh ., wime living resided in V. i. -..(la.. c a.s tsimiaieu, oy several eioji-. t. ! l.U. sm'! made an e-.tin.ate as bih as 2,000 and others 2..i, I nt I think tne firt figures are n. ar-r a correct estimate. Tht er -it... ii wa- -".nl, plain and practical. Th- M nh- oLdi ipiies wore impres mve and r fleet a spirit of paramount friendship, which is always maiiifent il by this ancient order, whose origin t . ... i r . t. ...... . Can ueiraceu to tne uays oi inc. wise and gvMl ld Sdoiuoti, who, as the cripturea iu incutrovirt ible lang-ujgi- declarer, was the wisest man, which of courrc tvale him the bright est aod best mason. In this world the roseg of life are lost in death, and on an occasion like this the, rcpaicm ha "a solemnity that no one's reelings can entirely evade even if desired. The oridant teaches to press on w aid in tlie pathway of virtu, and true Protestantism, which, ostensibly, is th only j lid icioUH course lo the 8 "Ill's final abod- of future blis Tltt? DmiOCKVT as Well asi.ther J.I pers, have endeavored to direct farm er's attention . to sheep husbandry, which wonld be far more prolitable than rearing and kennel. ing dogs In some neighborhoods there is fcarcely a sheep, while every piatlcr has h-ur or fire canine attendants, and a-. ih. scour the forests and field in s- nu ll For pRRTRnriNc IssECTs akd V-rn- I twoen eachIaver of poultry, in the mix. i wo j'oiinuH of alum, dissolved I Bm6 posture in which they roost, in three or four quarts of water will I Boxes are the beat packages, and destroy most insects, whether in-door I 8Doa'(' contain from, say one to two or out-of-doors insects. It ahnnU u I hundred pounds. Larger boxes are used while nearly builinsr hot. tovp'rw 1 inconvenient and more apt lo get in device ol the closet, bedstead nati- I J111- Mark each box, specifying try, floor boards, etc., where vermin are siMpcetod. If used in white washing wal.s or ceiling, it will keen insect-i away and cockroaches will not approach pamt washed with cool atum water. Hoir is Fowls. In the Poultry til .1 . la. oiid is given tins method oi treat ing this disease. Ml any of tbe fowls breathe haul, snap their heads, or tun at the nostrils, give a tcaspoonful oi ca-M'T on. ii ineir n-jsuua arc stopped up au l tliey make a whistling sound .r et en fieir mouths to breathe make a strong .suds ol castile soap and I'lk' w.irm water, and with a em.ill spouse , i 1 1 out the mouth and throat, clean out the no.strili, then . give the oil. e ativiso those troubled vvitii tlii" lic.lsc: to try this remedy. what it contains. Send invoice by mail. Ship so as to arrive about the middle of the week. Babies arc always too highly prized to suffer with Colic, Flatulence ets. when Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will at once relieve them. Price 25 cents n bottle. ECOMOMY IS WEALTH. Icins Cakiv -T.iki fivsh cgjjH, ac- . ii.. ...i..- coiuil-. .) m preacneo oy "e. d. d. IlausT. Tne crowd iu ut- cordin,; to the ouantity ol cake to bo iceil, separate them, beat tiie whites till very still, stir iu linely powdered sugar till quite thick, add soaic rose water, after which place the bowl ol ici"ig in a kettle of boiiing water, stir it constantly nil U e inies lo a boil, then ice voiir i,:ilc with the warm icing, which will hard- n. very quick; take sdifl". while paper, roflcd I'uunel- .haped, into winch pht some icing-. and, by pres-ing it through the small apeilure, von can maKo u wers, let ters, dts. or anv hgures you fancy. I'ARnuisiK Pik. Line a deep baking- t i :.i 1 .1 .... . ....... .1. ..1111 wuii veai c-.tiicin ; oei uiesu pi ice thin slices of ham and a season ing of pepper and salt. Pluck, draw, w iK and .ii ti ler four partridges; rub each part with a seasouing of i . t ji i pepper, salt, minccu parsiey, anaDUi- loorlCicbard ays. It ihis be true then it is wise iu every family to use Durycas' Satin (Jloss Starch in pi el crencc to any other, .because it is tiie most economical ever nianufacimcd in the world. It is the most econom ical because it is the best. It is pur er, whiter, and stronger than any other starch. Its effect will last twice as long-as any other starch. It has received the highest award over all competitors in the four quarters of the glelc. Don't be deceived by your grocer. Ask lor Durycas' Im proved Corn Starch for food, and Durycas' Satin Gloss Starch for laun dry purposes, and take no other. Good Advice, Now is the time of year for Pneu monia, Lung Fever, &o. Every family should have a bottle of PoscriEES' German Stbup. Don't allow for one moment that cough to take hold of your child, your family or your self. Consumption, Asthma, Pneu monia, Lroup' Hemorrhages, and other fatal diseases may set in Althoug it is true liEBMAN bTniP is cuiinc ras shuttle mm mm When onoo used will retain ita place forever. WE EXCHANGE MACHETES. Send your old-fashioned, enmtrsome, lieavy-rnnnlnff.woman-kimnir machine to us, and wo will allow you 25 lor ac aa part payment for ono of ours. IT IS CELEBRATED FOR ITS A3VANTAGHS. IN THAT IT IS ONE CF THE LARGEST SEWIM MACHINES MANUFACTURED. ADAPTED flHtE TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK SHOP. IT HAS THE LAKGEST SHUTTLE WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLOS ALMOST A SPOOL OF YUQCJtrt THE SHUTTLE TEWSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING IKE SHUTTLE FROM THE MACHiNE. THIS MACHINE !S SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER 13 APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN' EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE JBON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT. ALL ITS WEARING. PARTS CASE-HARDEN ED OR STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WiTH MEANS FOR TAKING UP LOST MOTION, 30 WE ARE .JUS TIFIED IN Warranting Every fttachiae for 3 Years. IT 13 THE "LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE IV.ARKET. IT IS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WiTH ALL TKESS G'ANTAGES, IT IS SOLO FROM $1 5 TO $25 LESS 1HAN OTHES FIRST CLASS MACHINES. t .r-., EXCLUSIVE COhilS-Oi. Or TERRITORY GIVEN TO AGENTS. n EXTRAORDINARY ISiCHCtSRIillTS OFFEHED FOR CASH OR C.'4 CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS A?JD TERMS TO (m mm mm Co., WANTED. I j.:;:clid Avenue, CLEVELAND, 0. u inSCELLAJfEO pS. Geo. Woods & Co's Parlor Or ' gans. ' . Att. other reoommondationa being eqaal, that OBaANIiS THa Most Yuxixix which is capable st prodacinjj the greatest number of Musical Effects and Varia- 'Jl-n ';-;tions. I, '.: K is claimed Jy Gko. Woods & 0o., and the elaiid can be verified by enquiry and examina tion, 'that .the Instruments of their manufac ture produce Qdawties or Tone which are the Aearest, approach that has eve been made to the tones of the pipe organ; that, in addition to tnis, they po88es8 the most ' BEAUTIFUL QUALITIES OF TONE which are peculiar to themsolvos; and tha the atrangemonte and inventions which they alone make use, give to them a capacity for producing th GREATEST. VARIETY 01? OK CHESTB4L and mSTBUMENTAL EFFECTS and a range of oxpreaBion which is TRULY WONDIlRFTJL,. ! These advantages are due severally to thj general plan of the construciioii of the Instru -ments ; the great amount of cake, bkiix and taste given to the TUioKa and voicing of tho eoda : and, above all, to tho merits of tlioir COMBINATION, SOLO STdPS. THE yKOLlNR A soft o: breathing stop. j THE Y OX II U M ANA .-4-A baritone solo stop. I THE PIANO. A FiatuVof csqaisitc tone which, will never require timihg. " Tho above Stops are in every case toparato and additional bo ts of vibrators jaiid to.I bars, and entirely distinct from tho Tremolo which accompanies them. The greet Variety of com binations and variations of which they aro ca pable impart to the instrument a WONDER FUL CAPACITY for the production of MUSICAL ' EftFfcCTS aud they can all be brought A.T WILL into the full organ, adding largely to it i power and Richness of Tone. ; . Instrumentjs containing these Solo t.ct can be obtained at very reasonable figures, and thoso intending1 to pu rcliaso will dm well to consult them before purchasing clsewhovo. ' MISOELLANEOFS. C 't KMSTOH COLLEGIATE IMSTITUT . I i (Chartered by Leglslatue.) i ' U t TrrrrPTTT T.T.wTS. A. V. .... A. V I ...... . . , .kiX 'I''' !f 'lT.r.n.C.OT. nOWAJiJJ. (MssTb. B.LEWIS. U'.. lias., ANNA I DAVJA? : -v. -, ,s ' . As-istanta, Musitj, i FaU"and .1- mttierSeMion 1877-78. . , Monday, September 8m. Tuition. Fees, &6.Y (rsn Tkbm pr mrx norms.) Open ...123.00 18.00 la.tw iaoo UihOO Classical Courao. . . . . Advanced English-. , Preparatory .. ..-..i..., Primarfj ..J... Music, ij , fuel and Washing... 10.00 Contingent fee........ 15 . Pupils charged from time of entrance to 1 -ft 1 VT. .1 i I P UUBO U. WtUl 1 i.ft U UUUUUIIUU, VJIUVl .U IMW. of protracted Mcknoe. " ' The Principal claims thai tua irorlrhl of tho pupils of the school is continuous tUrough tho ontiro time of the session. Ktjistow. Julr 25th. 1877. I f rof . Lewis is a eradnato of Chatiol Hill. ' and has had twelve years experience in oon. ducting Acadamies, and at one time was oo principai or uno uxroru iromaie ijouogo. un der the management of this distinguished gen tleman, we trust that tho Institute will sua tain tho cnviablo reputation it has borne in thq past. Ed. MARCHAL & SMITH THE JlANP.-t ,;-ii: T TIIE MOST iii; IlliST TONE, i:L!C PIAN'OS Tli ev il I'. seven aiKi IK thonsands of these dreaded diseases, j et it is mach'better to have it athanJ when three doses will cure yon. One vyuy jum ' -v '- tcr : n aiv lut'iii in a i iKimr ditin aik! Your wricic iamiiy a antecu. 1 ik ii n- pour ovi-r tl.iMii cup pint of strong winter and keep you safe from, dan souislovk: li ic ih'1 cdes of the dish Scr- if you are consuimjtivc. do not wuli a liiriit 1 ii II paste ; cover with tbe rt-81 mini you nave ir:ea ttna rcine ly. tnc ponuon oi a h inu:; itu-411 it ocr wun iiil- uik oi i j...ld.v v-ulo. xv-uuihi wize i nmvr n,Hl Uiir i .in 1 I... I . C . I - I i.tnntg Knlsl rtrr tmnt. hr....,.i II I J .11111 I'JM' K'l (.'in.' num. J.I lue I " v W--WVJ- Kv.v. JVKXl I danger ol becoming too I uoilingswortb, ft Uo. Magnolia, N. C; I ACKNOY. i.K!(;i:i' TO P." T. IM'1 I uuifovin. siu c- Li" IK i-U-' K ..-?jvuod, Invr, wiih utv guar riee:' aud for them i.f Ecou- THB SOUTH-ATLANTIC, A Monthly Magazine devoted to Lit erature, fccience and Art, pub lished in VVilmingtoii, Nortli Carolina. The corps of contributors includes several of the most distinguished authors of the. pres ent da 7. A Serial Story, Poems, . Sketches. Reviews, Scientific and Historical articles wil appear in every number. This Magazine wil contain only original literature. raoN one ve.ui,?3.P0. sisoxs e )rv is-jcts ADVERTISINQ TERMS: 1 pago one ins. .?25 00 St'BSI 1 page on vr. .1120 00 " " .. 75 00 yl ' " " . . 50 00 " " " .. 36 00 15 00 10 00 r, nil All communications should bo addressed to i Mbs. CICEUO W. 11A1UUH, Editor and Proprietor. oiiiaiisriviL, GOODYEAR'S 1 RUBBER GOODS, Vulca lizod Rubber ia eve ry Conceivable Form , Adapted to Universal Uso. an t 'iz. panto ii in brown. c e ANY ABriCLE TJNDEE FOUR POUNDS WEIGHT CAN BE SENT BY MAIL. r 1 MISCELLANEOUS- with a thick paiier. Lr. J. V. Blount, Kenansville, N. C , and T)r .T TTin r.v. To UxkeaTi kkkv. It the turkey Z " ,r v n ' ' ' . ... , ft ft 1 I XVWUftT Aft. V., CI 1 ........,! iu.icKaH miff tft.ftr.Arl I r ' . lV I'll. (I, r,,'rt,-lll " tr.ll- .ft 4.I.V. r. lULUi inside and out; joint only to the, first joints in the leg; then cut a dozen small irasiM-s i:i the iloshy parts ot tbc turkev, .Hid press one whole ovstcr in cuh g.ih; then close the nkin and fle.ili iv r each oyster as tightly a iMMwiLU-i tben -lu tukcr, Irariit a little room for the turkey to swell. When M tilled! new It up tightly, rub over lightly with flour, pprinkle a lit tle r.alt and iw-piHT oh if, put some w..t r iu y-iir dripping pan, put in the lurkey, b;isto it oltoii with its own dripping : bile t- a itic brown; tliiekeii i g.avy with a liille fl ur ami w.il' i. Iv !iii" and keep the b 'ttoin "I y-itir dripping pan e vered ith water, t it will burn Ihc j;ravy ni l in .k-- it lultir Over 13,000 Fo Use. AGRICULTURAL. Coring Pork- TUTT'S PILLS A Noted Divine s3ys They are worth their tvetgnt in gout. RAD WHAT HE SAYS: Dm. Tutt: Dear Sir: For ten years I har been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. Last spring your ptUs were recommended to me ; I used them (bat with little faith). I am now a well man, hare good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gooe; and I hare gained lorry pounds soiia tiesn. 1 bey art worm tneir weirnt in goia. Rxv. R. 1. SIMPSON, Louisrille, Ky. Aui lll.-' V T.l Address MAKCliA. or ii.'i'E!; : V. S1; il (. y County. T pr.VNO CO. WIND AND WATER PROOF garments a speciality. Oot clcjth surface coat oombinQs two garnicnta in one. For stormy weather, it is a Perfect Water Proof, and in a dry weather, a 1 1 NEAT AND TIDYOVERCOAT. It i not a diiliciill matter to cure p ik -" li l it will alway.s lc v(et provided lli- necessary rxjuisili-,s ;irc tiirii:!'ie ! jrk ft oin young pigs from t in ii ii months old, and plenty of g . i j.ilt. t,'nt thepoik up into suit ablv rti.vd nieces, after it lias l..vi ti tb'-Se biicli t?amps.nl U.'g m i win:- , t,lC :Vlnt v ..ll; but it should n,.vr it.lVi i I! alUoWil to flVfZ". I'irlr rll 1 are worthl.t-s for anything bav; a-, in tCieant chasing of hrtS winch k.-. ps .. f t it t. i . r.ftwl..-.t . ..! Iltl.'l'. I'lHt lltrilt t" l. - rour mutton. A joipeirt i -ni i.u nl-ei ..I .1 ..i nr.- a iesf. while a few trained f .st-bonnd wouM be a b- n- 111 More mischief if done by : s .p.t- lluLl, b.a o'tnc J ntimcr.i'3' than by Mr Kcynard in .1! . f o' hi i.tnral ucproUH"ii- cv ii; s.n.1 in farmyards. The !! ''! turn d u't deserve a pi e -- n (m. On tln -iSth ult. was the bcgiiiiiin of tho e piinovtial gale, acompunicd with a beavT rainfall which CMitina- ni. i.h -. and b ur murder give I ed inccmantiy 24 hour, and rvsnlleJ t .1.;.- nl cal,, ,,l oir.g I Q m freshet unprecedented lor whs Since the wind escaped from its nriaon h U!tc it ha boon raging fun oaily, making the cxprcsfon more imprcive, that "we know not whence it comes and whether it Cocth. "One i.r two metuUr of tbc R .iiaii (?.ilho bc church at Newton Grove have re centK joined the Baptist church; the Catholic churc'i is n-'t in a tlourehing cot.diiion, yixtr Sampoo local eil it or wh laboring nuder a mistake who i he r. D..rted It wan tn tlnurtdting Ci!i- d tUn. I-aC Wdlun, Km., is raid ing ra uey by fUi'cription to 'rect a a lare and chiiiu-Iious AlClnodidl cliuicJi al r ncr Newton Orov-f aod be s accoeliiig well with tbc sub. sciption. II? ia a geutlcnian of un tiring energy, and tb riht man fof tbc enterprise. It is to be hoped that i be citizen at large. ill liberally autweribe, m tltey bare already doue o many placvjt (Jotnc to the rescue. frdew citi os, and luilJ, this moon incut of IV tcsTaotiam. C. in a . I, in, t "-lit cask, m nl... ik and salt, lit.l.'e .iis:n.s in n tiding porter- t k t" J..ll Ir !l take . ll i million o iitbibti. j in fail, though ti. .1 Ibe .-le li' os lre ready . o i at tw i tv- ie cut" on t!e.UUr Ail kinN I ra.le are stiil liirty, and f r lo- put few days the i ran, p !ii. l ; p.urin n p"u Sin t i."i'i l..nr rin.oial ra!-nr. iirces are ti.. ii.rt.'ji'', wli'ih I arj !rry t i. ,-..id as the v pnter i ming on, I'b. bit ui. v.l itnl' is -till iti our f r, .ur . xp r- eeeeliug "r ini puis f r th. tast i t.is .fis by $. Mio om Hoping iiat tii "ta'e .f tiK!..;, mn nti'te I '". Trnh nr-, tl.a O 'RSVI. Ilia II '"ZTLXJT' O IV. n ite l . r.s ol po i from bah a I.ii!m i. i .i. i i . e.o n ...o i e., .' p.-unus j j portion ol Hie .i:i iiiiii o reserved ti.siiitr Iii a whole btisl ir.l in Ill I .' 'r the c i cil.-.l ni.il skim- ! s ,i -en P'-IK. ,. .tolieii 1. 1 It .in.- 1 . i .mi i i-.ot I uo inches. j iv a lioivx, list Mf .m the pink, to kep it hum lliat nor, and I he pork will keen l iu lr M u r : A familiarity mi Ii I iuiiwMs ! l x lite" die. 'i fti.siit.it' si, in my j nit.ii, w lb t obl eultivate l int. Ibct, ! if we ...ild . are! Hy r vr all tb ro.w - t r.T pL.tucti-. and try t profit b tUvt. p. ve-pt), w.-. 4.4 a nation, i! i -. r O. U tb- high, at atate ol lot . IU. f kl .tltur-. rrti-iemenl, and lo-sf. -mi if.t I .st. a pkty lughlr Cooouendalle and praisworthr. Irwmajoruf t Ub- nag men, ay thfv nave no tuiHJ to read, Wuew, i. ,l--d. tby Uk! up-a grrat deal n"rr time to frivotoua (rauwirrow, than it would rvpi-re to real larjrr book. V. ty tusny rtctt IheuwclTca from absenting t a newspaper for want id time to read if. There i not a nxi of tho U-ast iutetli 'enor, taat can rv-o-l, but i antious to grl the latest news), ao I what w morv dot r able than th -.:al ami grneral new of tbe country. 1 bctv t4t oticn a jrenerai in- iuirv for aucn new, ana l Know no HOUSXUOU) AXD KITCHEIf. OurmtxT. Tale three carrots and grata them: place in a t ves-scl and cTcr with lard, without salt, if con- vroknt; bod thoroughly, straiu and add spfScicnt beeswax to make a paste. Thia i a most ioYalaable ointment for cute, burns, scalds, or wounds of any kind. To Srtnr a Ha. Parboil and newspaper better tlian the DiofoOUT I T100 lh km.on ,rJi rnko cii fr. n -btch to ret It. Dy th) timo a ortr it with a sharp kaife lome Wil or Uirrx iuvAit3w utrjs U1 BlUU these with a drraaiog mado of crackers ht can read hr ahouki take news paper; at tirat be ein oolj comprehend a Itttie. tt after a while, with caxe aa J tie proper appiicalio, be wiU cooked to a brown crisp anil crum bled fine; add salt, pepper, egg, btittcr, . i - ( I .M p" 1 1 K . ! . I p. Ii iiuai ..I fo. it in Keen 8 wee i as i .ii a.s u is covereu with t!u: 1. 1 in.-. Oidiii-irv lino ( )nou I -..r., .-.. i .. " ' sail is pi-o ;i Oi'd as me c-'arsi- s;il II I ? i n weig il is nse,. pa. )ar rel s!;.oild alwas nave iiihIiss.iI ve nail in f e bi inc. Foi bacon, hams and shoiiMer.s, use eigiu p.'iiiio.s ot s.ur, niie (jnart of iii. Ia.s--s, (or its e.piival.Mit ;wo and a ha'f pounds ..f sngar.l two ounces of halt pet re, one oim. e of s.ileratus t " ea.'h one tiiii..itei pini.is i l trimtne-.l. I i: K as el, isely as Kss:ble in a eak : tis-n : a utile ol tlie salt betwi en I he pieces. Iic.il -and skim the ingredients, and when cold, pour- over the moat, adding water sufficient to cover entirely, in six weeks U,e meat cm Ii- taken, out, rinsed, and liuiir up to be sineked. Som; like a few cloves and black pepper added to the pickle. If a "dry pickle" is .,rc. lerrcd, tub I lie nam once aaily witjj the alo.c mixture, in a tub. until the pickle has all been rubbed into the meat. Hams prepared in this way i ..r i : 1 ..." . J never iiccu iicsim inng ociorc chok ing, and aid keep ind'-linitcly, if cured from man fe- Ilics. Country Gcntie- Ilew to Prcpar-Poultry for Uto Market- The oultry must Ih; well fatiened; crops empty when killed. FooJ iQ the crop injures the appearance, ia liable to t-our, and purchases object to paying for thi- worse than uselegg weight. Therefore keep from food twentv-foui hours lcloic killin":. Opening tho veins of the neck and bleeding iu the mouth arc the beit mode of killing. xor scalding joultry the water TUTPS PILLS CUM STCX HXOJJ-ACHX TUTPS PILLS CTTJLB STtmniA. TUTPS PILLS CTOS ooirsTtr ATXOX TUTPS PILLS q crox PTLXS. TITITSPILLS cum rsvia ajtd AQOJt. TUTPS PILLS CUM BTXJOTrS OOLIC TUTPS PILLS CXTM KTCIfBT COM PLAIKT. TUTPS PILLS erM Toapra una e Dr. Tutt has been cn- c-aw in the practice of meirlnne thirty Years, and form longtime was demon. stntor of anatomy in tlie MedicaiVJoiiee'eot oeor- (fia, hence persons using bis Pills have the guaran tee that they are prepared on scientific principles, and are free from all auackery. He has sncceeded in combining in them the heretofore antagonistic Qualities of a ttrtngikeu- tugjmrgativt,anaafur. itrinjf ionic. A Their first apparent ef. feet is to increase the ap- 17 .w:v.i' y r-ace, N. i. 'aap.' By a peculiar proceBB, tho rdhber is pmt be tween the two cloth surfaces, Which prevents smelling or sticking, even in tile liottept cJi mates. They are mado in three colors Bin tfiacK and Jlrown. A ;! ir -;::,.:,;til my- ; x tv ' il . iil'il mm hi WAS AWARDED 1tH fie.st ; msmu i At Uio Centcnnlsil j:xlin)Jtl..n. P . always carried off tbe lo l"-' V 1" wherever cxliihiutu A C Tr .. jir.ib - - -. ...... i . .i .. nnnlna; WANTS or JEVKKYIiODV. '1 li- M C -r. V. SE Wl NO M AOH J .HE v .ns I -i - ' years 8inry tile aid. or Uio neT t talent '-d Mwlianlral fcHli. f ; ' MACJIIKn. is SIMVIJlIn CON l.l t I !" i -rm.lnin!Vlga Wnr klnaPart "l I U . J 1 OfDOlSti nsrr rt&gr 't M ' . ' '" f Eewinft MoBhitwis. JUvilltirN " -iihoutooKriKONE Cr.K'f ; In tl:e Mnnufjkcti'.rs of l'" JlAv ' " '-J Very Bet JVIn-f '!irli i" V?K Tho VKAUIKa l AU'iU ii: -- fiACU iitlK 4uii 0ic Mochnlur has been o-rut 0 vrilh the Bfxylul ffrnr of .- .n Easy BunnlnK, . DtJIlAJilo;, ... ' . ) NOI8BLKS3MAC1UM2. r"l V .1 WEI for Coansn or floo T'f . ' TON, BILK or L4NEN, CXft'lhfi ' - t'! l.igUtrnt M untinm to Jlmvrr ' " (.1 LEATIIJ? Such ConflrlrTiv-:'. in thO' INTRINSIC Nil 111 ;'.' 1 thl HOME SEWING MAC'HlvC !t every JiAViusis is uuy - ; . cv . a x a i arraiitca ir 1 1 w . - LITE AGEVTS wante.it i i ) 1 v:e are not njprpKonted. fiend for prices, nnd Mmt '" .' tre ilOMf., or cau .t any -. - 1 Are Light, Portable, Strong an Durable. We aro now 'offering thorn at tbecxti cmfc low price of $10 each. Sent post-paid to any address npon receipt ot price. When ordering, state size around clx-stj, o-.xr vest. ..)'' Reliable par tk-s desiriug toisieoui uo ii, can sead fur onr Trrde Journal,; giving dsuiip tion ot enr leading articles. ; Be sure and et . the Origiual- tiOodycar a Jteam Vulcanized fabric s. JSSr Bend for illustrated price-list of Our Celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. ' A'tdrcis carctnlly, . Goodyear s Rubber Curler Co., 4 uroiic lw;iy. Ne-.v Yerk Oily. t."lX i " a : P. O. Box 5 156. NORTH CAROLINA HOM iitj.i- 'GliKATJiMUrCTiUN! li . A First Class Fire In. Cos. petite by causing the food to properly assimilate. Thus the system is nour ished, and by their tonic action on the digestive or gans, regular and healthy evacuations arc produced. 1 nerapiaiiy wiui wincn persons take an fieri, while under the influence of these pills, of itself in dicates their adaptability to nourish the body, ami hence theirefficacy in cur ing nervous debilitv, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wast ing ot the mnscles, slug- chronic constipation, and 1 1 A n ' v. C re b First-Ciass. Sew at jirii-i-s wH'-iii ti, : .sell T! i i:us ;;;; cms:: For i -! rr Clt i Maenmes, l1. Vii;VlLL : v L r e. ; Ma- health and strenirth to the system. Sold everywhere. Office, 35 Murray SUcet, New York. mumn op sciences Gray Hair can b changed to a jrlossy black by a single application of Dr.TVTT'e Hair Dye. It acu like magic, aad is waiiauted aa harmless as water. Price roa Qfflce 3t Murray St,, W.Y. i wen-iy " r i v i on an ( mi.-:. :i; -i : with Wail.;u I 1 .. . Att;uj.nic:i. i. ' (I 'pot in tli, I ' . is; Th -so ii i ;i el i i ; i h .. e v. i. i whole l'.ii . ul I'.imily b ! ity, !! ul' !iiii:v.' ;.-ui. tt tin: .--.-i ! i.r. ' :i . : I'll- v ::!.!.. .' ' 1 !' :' a maun' r :1m ' ill. winding tin- u-td.-r linwi I, ;i m the finest r;ei.i . t t : clotli. S :,1 ,ro.- ;i , iu-ii! h :r. ill". Kv.TV JU.1 .-I: .. J . yiars. AlillNTS WAX n:!; !' i : CKNTEXMAi. M.V.':;s'. 7.:! Pii'.-Tl i ' m Oolars .mil ;nilc, sary i I) Bncourage Home Iiisstitution unci IiZeep tp.f Money at Home. , IN SURE AGAINST LOSS BY Fl ME AND SO PROVIDE FOR ANY UNFORESEEN CONTIN . GENUY. I na'"J.fD, rr,tret, fJlilcjifft, III, .21 r"- !$thfl'.-r, t T.. ..' ; ' IViitr" t., Zi i'rtiiri.t. cil i I l ft tl" l ho 'i niv. jo r.ijiid- .- Ullc to ' i:i use. I - - i . I . i Mich i -essily of It will afford tho undeiargucd ulcvhurc to make Duplication for any ono dedking to in sure. J. N. STALLING:, Bpecial Agent, Magnoha. N. C. I h-w from :' overcoat .i?'L..f.H.;w- t'o" three .iii'tt.-.d. . : Ii, Pa. PALI S 9. What is Queen's Delight? It Is a plant that grows In the South, and is spe-. dally adapted to the cure ot diseases of that climate.: NATURE'S OWN REMEDY,9 Entering at once Into the blood, expelling all scrof nlous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it it a searching alterative.but when combined with SanapariUA, YcUow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr. Tntt's Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight, The wiost powerful blood porifier known to rnedical science or the core of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul ' discharges from the ears and nostrils, alwccsses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of 1 secret practices, disordered lira and spleen. Its use strengthens th wervoas system. Imparts a fair com. plexioa, and bmlds np the body with M O HEALTHY. SOLID FLESH. Asaa antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst tyte have been radically cured by it. Being purely veg etable ks continued use will do no harm. The best lime to take it is during the summer and fall ; and ; instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health. Sold by all drutrrists Price, ti.OO. Oficc, 3J Murray Street, KeVYorkl '. CKAMPYo: Pali boap. j.,ew MtOS9 York. Valuable Property for Sale ! THE nndersigned offers for rale within the ' limits of the town, a farm of 20 acrpa w.n drained, clay snbsoil, and well adapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn, and all farm pro-1 da eta. 1 is capaoio oi wiog Droogut to a very hich state of cultivation, and is a remarkably healthy location. It baa npon it a large two story dwelling, with eight rooms and all nec- essary ont-nouses, ana a weu ui exceuent wi ... ll offers also one gin house with twelrn horae power engine and two Kins in excellent order, (one neeaie gui j me gm aos a splendid bnatoes. AH of this property ts val uable, and will be sojd on favorable terms. APP.TI Da. Q. H. r.OBERTS, The Laundry. A : I J Cieu.-l-ii? i I 1 1 fVlANUFAC- CRAMrn: Con i or Monroe ilitchen', ' ' VALUABLE KSW Y0EK UAHB FOR SALE. 3VXa-3X3NHaC3r- HOUSE Propiiotor. THIS HOUSE, under tho ma nagrmciit of of the Pronriutor. is one of tho bi-Ht k. nt Hotels in the city. Tho rooms are airy and convenient, neat and Jiiee. Tho tahlo id well provided, and the victuals well cooked. Om nibus to take passengers to and from the trains at all hours. Tho losation is deakablo for business . inon, resident and transient. Charge fair and reasonable. Stop at tho Manning lfouso ; ' Wilniington. N.C. BOOTS and SHOES Made and Ilejmired, liy j. p. Wallace! MAGNOLIA, N. C, b nop next to the Keooru oflioe. Work-done neatly, faithfully, and nrompUv. 15-st rnutc- rial used, satisfaction triuiriniti Tel lus cash or produce at mailiet,ia(( n. l'atriiiag! toltcited. hi D ii tiui LOOK HKKE, .. Fii-st Class Extension tablo four drawer "Home"- not 'Home Shuttle" Sowing Maculae: with at tachments for t27 and -freight: or. f'iH.M free 6f freight. Also a. "New American ,' of same description at S31.50 and fremht: or. 3t free of freight.1 ' Forther information given uium application to ' , J. N. STALLIKGS, AO r, Magnolia, IS- C. FOR SALE ! frtTPP otn m wr nlanrtlliAn 1.- r aa tho Sollaco place, at JJear Marsli Cburcli, withm five miles of Mount Uiive, containing 109 acres of good land, olay subsoil, and wcl drained. adaDted to the growth of ail farm . v. . products, a gooa,.aweiung. nonse aim oui n oases, a line orcnara, npiuouiu water anu healthv location, good neignooriiood and schools convenient. Terms favorable. AFplf to .J. B. BOBEBTS, sep 6-lm Mount Ohve, . C. fATs. Jt-ir W, 18T1. AV 13L FT !N" E Y SEWING TVIVOIIIXAXIC I , ( I Still Ahead! , ' s. uiixiiuiii uui' i' yxiviii rpiIE WHITNEY 8EWINO MACHINE IIA.S j J. boon sold fur tlao last tlirco years all ovor ' tho United Htatos lo Patrons of 'llusbaudry at One-half the Price Uniform-1 ly Charfjed for other First- f Tho Plain Stylo 'Family Rewing Mvililno warran'tod crftcl an I durable in . uTory pr titular, is reduced w Tao Half C'as.i -Stylo, Blafck walnut tabll veneered cover and drawer, ii sold at - A i i,l all .tlir'i- Htvlea in lika Dronortkin. I 2'w ntv tSays aro allowed for trial. Terra si tltid iiiftriictious how to order will be fonn u $ in circulars. I' or circnlarsor inforu'ittio aldr an .''-". , II1TNEY MAN'E"0 CO., ratterson, N. J, 3- a c a IB X r m i ias .s m. '"ATIC ' Jitter g i i ri 64 qiUE PI..Nr.VTIOX ard Jxv.-U UksigisiR to A the estate of the lati E t. U. 15 Nichol son, doceaped, situate aLuiit 2; miles from Magnolia, X. C. contaiiiihg 1,000 acres, and consiKtinir of a l;irir3 -na.nttiiv of (rood farmintr lands, with plenty of .tuilK-i- and rujrpentine lands on which aro lartra fitt.nn titles Of Jight niul ti.., . ..C .v: .-.?.. - a dwelling house with ail u -ossary oathonses fcXiZ-A Broker 17 Wail fit "k V and eocVd water. It has alwavs been retarded ' BMnd Brokers, 17 Wall St., K Y. as very neaitny. 1-QOO Profit ON,jtlOO. Made any flay in Puts axd CAi.r.s.i . Invest ac ford in e to veur means, sio, aoi)f, $ico, in Stock privileges, ii u'ufiu' . ""u wrmno in ih ftrefnltnyostor. We advise when and . uvn.tA skfel v. Book with ' full infor mation sent fro. Address orders by mail and It has always been regarded It will be Hold in ouaritities to such purehaBer, and on cisv torm.s. For further particulars address or eea Mas. i Cf. NICHOLSON, Ut-. Olive, N. C, Or Col. L. A. Powell, Hi. IlolIingBWoi th, or A. W. Carlton, Magnolia, N. . sc-p "iO-Sm IdamHtorj eUf-Vrj-. WwS7r w Jdw.t.t " IMtUaaHWInlu, C. WteBM a CaJteitaM Dm rt. I t.T.sWWlk.T.il nlmn.fcTortJ 8 A l'lactidfil FamHy KnittiiiflMactiiue f, Knits all nixes or work, narrowi) and wioons jt clia'.c all sifccs ' comiiloto. Hnus over AS dilfcrcut gartacnts,.8ocks, Stockings, Mittens. Leggitm, Wristlbtn. Glovos. etc Jt knits every lssible variety of plain or fancy stitch. 7 tor cent, proilit in mannfaeturiiig knit goo Is. lfannrrscan treble thoyalno of their woo), by eiii verting it into knit goods. Women maka 13.00 per day with it f cents Wanted. Kund for Satnnlea.' Trio jList and Circulars to principal oflioo and man ufactory, ' ' ' , . llickford Knitting Maclitao Mfg. Co., Brat- tunoro, vt. r - I I 1 Or office No- W Broadwav,, Vcw York; No. West 3d Street, St. Paul Minn. ' . THE VILLAGE OllOANIST IS JUST TAB BOOK. FOR YOUNG OOANISTS. . It contains cverytliipg tbat'an .Or g an Book libuld oontain BJjnorb tli an most ofj tlicrn. ' j 1C0 PAGES. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND . Sent post-paid, frier, fXIO, , GEO, WOODS sVCOMPANY, CAM BR 1 D G E PO UT ,MASS. 1 . disrespect i era taw ecav., x, wmm.UMr . ! -iliOltTl-J? U.acJtweu 9 V - wr