T"'. "THn f . i&ll 1 i : ; Rotoo ctAdvorllcInsr- $f J. IT. STALLHTGS - - Editor. y .. ft JS SS SS I r WW I 1 l l W I I II A XI m A-4 II VI IX 1 XI ; i I I IV I I J I If I I - . XI mf XI V 111. J A IV I 1 I i i f ssnst. m i if m i ii mi m i . m, i - mm is jai -msii mi em mi 1 s mm -m i lhi vjf Bui- aetisaa ia kol .7 1 - - - . .I Inn VOL. I. AVILJIIXGTON, N. C, THUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1877; NO. 6. ( Ml K 1 Uaiiatl I lliiiniUIWbtyM-T 1 ( ! i UM..t)Ul.N MCIltfllV. FtMUMatu tb tiiiiM .N tiB a4 DuttiK 4 Ninlainl, ,im Utm, i y. t c CLLCZOS.X.C rijr. a I U LI4 XUTOS. ITWDti: CO, X. C, If. tf. MANDI.IN. A Homey and Cou melloc a t La w fot Utiloe RiehUndj Onslov Co K C Attorney ana Counselor, lUZABrnrrowN. m c 2: rp4riie Iruixctor tmj H'djker - j -ar KX 'V CtAttm, Br. (Yi pirn V 3kMM. C Ctneral Commhsldn Herciuxjls , "ttr Qa MiM,. aani .lrp, Mtfli.. i n I. a, tirmiM. f.i ,. faa Ct . mm G. JiONEY & SONS, UUMUU, ri. I. Qrir?4L MMrMM w v4t I 4 Wvr! rtw a diii , X ICTU8J.IL t. IU4 iillMlinN. UHw M llHlWt, A J H Ur..)Q Arsk tmt.Mttk A. I 1 1 1 T rt rU4 r v. rv. 1tm( it at s. l-4mr VA V A Jl ' mr "" at t ltm m ax Im mmkm . A.Auihm M. Cw c A m. I'tuU. r, at 1blwmk W, USIWELLSCARBoTlCTABLETS t ii Urnm i f t TwtA Lrl nM hy oil tmgi.4 VrBLLH CARBOU'? TABLETS. Ztmrrrmwfhm, 7 Ka kwmmt Vurk. EST W A X T t WILSON SEWING lf ACHlNECO Z ana. Tari ri'.j; ri-r CJ PIUM ItABtT CI RXIX. . rTli a.l ir Oar. d. . a. CmUmm.) RUPTURE. Uml MMtit tf. i. A. jlittiia-4. CM fcxA. 31 T. HwnU I rl a Iki " VvUk rV fttrmab D. MItvrmM Ithiwh. t IA a-UuW. ifHM ikitu 1 tiitf lt'lf IT. W. ). tripuiw M lite. 4 h (Mapitnt tT 9., b4 rit WW J M. SCOTT, Cuim Byr. 00LDSB0R0. S. C. r pripU SU-oi bot frU-m !) V tAAa. jnUOP, LOEB 4 CO., W imi GroMrm. dWv fc tto lrm-W. rt i r w r c a eJI IV rv sicca 100 "00 "l co:'- AnS piTf Ii 4,'iMMMatmmt ta. a . C'MTlt ao.. a. utm, n lf tn ttiloA T ( Jwt v ut I fmnrdt lwtkal w a lAr ifii1 Ir. BINFORn, LOKBA CO !. w. m. c r nASfx. VICK & MEBAXE. 4ta g iarm.U. f)y l SALE 02 8IUPHXKT or Tift COTTON CROPS. art r ii fc M-rtA 4 I AarjhmMt S atM mUn a4 frM Mil LOCAL. W. Mi )vW I Sr nllr I trmt ap4 krta Tw 4rUr with ttr liiMf (! tjkt iJitlMM(i Tm. 4mf muum 4. City Religious Directory for Sundiy, Nov. 12th Tint Pt17U-tvoi CharcH. or rxr Tbwvl mo I Oraiig.- trret. Her. J. IL WiU, D P., 4ilr, m-rvice4 at II a. ra. 8 p. m Swd PrtrwbjteHan C1rci Crap- Fr-CJt Sirel M. E. Cltarch. cmr Front aad UIunt lUr. J. E. 3fasn. pastor. STTTM-e at II a. m.P ad H p. m. Hlrb Serert M. E. Chorch, Tifth be- iwvrit Nan aid Cttarcfa St., Bev. J. JI. Kh !, pa.tor. Si. Jimri KpCfpl Chorrh cornrr HfkrtaiMJ ILirU bt.. Ir. 3Ir. Waf.n, rtt:tor. Th.l an.1 KVJ O. Si., Kt. Mr. PattenMw, recte. 5f. Pr EpcYl ClittrcH earner Ftwth and Urange M.. Iler. T. M. Aml4crt nrv t -r, ct ic- at 11 a. m.. rvl Up. m. ,ri npMt Cbnrrh. rnre M.r ket aa Filth M.. UfT. Ja. It. Ta 8 p. . S.crrl IViptit Cborch, SiitU be- twreo Oiorvhand Catlt St., r-ei-m t II a. m. and TJ p. m., by J. T. Mug. Fint Pr Will IUf4it CLarch, cvmrr Fuurth aid Dwoo Lta , er vior at II a. bw and 74 t ca fii. rAnr. Eeanjc. Laihro dirco toeucr Sixth miui Market Sf.. Her. 0. II. H.-nhrim, D. D.. pir. Ger- I itMQ rviecM at 11 a. u., EiigtUb r- tico at T J p. lu. St. TbotuM Catholic Clmirh. on Dock U-lwcrn S-onl and Third Sta, Rev. Mk S. Onxui, ptir Ucr. P. MJor, a.itant, mornii-g a:rtriow a 7 ai 10 1 u clock, vrp.r chanted t 5 p. nu Fint Coofrvf ational chorcl. Acad emy 1111, cufTHrr Seoth and Nun tic, itrrviora at 11 a. m. aa 8 p. u Seamen Bethel, on Dk btwrn Water m1 FriHit tt It-r. J . L. iKrtro, cfwplia. iNpric at 4 p. m. St. Mrk (col.) KpiopJ Cliarcb, Cro Skth nd Mulbry via, nnru ing prayer at 11 a. ro. erroing prayer at 9 p. cr. KUwwf Baptut Church (elnd) Senf S between Orange at Ann t. W. II. Banks. pCr. s-.-ic at 10J a. m nd 3 and 8 p. m. . Trinity CVpI X. E. Church (col.) CrvrT S-Trntn Drunkk t , Ke. A. M -rv, tvter, arrvicv at II a tn , and 3 ami 7 J p. m . fW. 0 A nuk rivff K ir. W. W. IttMi-CMMaXkii Cfl. ()& il tU M Ctx rt Otnaiw. (muiui Ejtma Cx-A L-1j' Iavaw Sheriff Manning collected 1,500 coanty taxe LaX week. A good week's work. The sfmocjphre has been qu te cool for sfTcral days, but there has been no frost of much coo sequence here Jt- The "Storm King." af Lf riotin 2 in our wudrt for aereral days, has mii deprtd, and we are now bating magnificent autaranaJ weather. Sol Bear A Brot, offer TaluabJe hoes and His at Magooh for sIc. F. A. Newbury, Esq., at thai pLee wiU show the property and gite terms. Th interest in the religious rti era si th Fifth street Methodist churck'is increasing. A Large num ber of peniteuts hate presented them Sfle for prajer. The November number of the Carolina Farmer ha been recti ted ami is full, a usual, of interesting matter f r the farmer. It is a really aloable journal. The colored companies of the Fire Department paraded the streets on Tuesday last. From their appear- oca and drill. thy ill protc effi cient shon'd tlieir sertices be re quirvl. KeT. J. I'. Tay!or. the pastor of the llrst Baptist ehnrrh. is abni ia attendance on the Baptist State Con smtion, now (a session at Durham. Mr. Tajkw will not return till after next SunJaj. Ilia pulpit will be applied, morning and night, Rrv. J. N. Stallisgs. We cal the particular attention of our reUri to the tdrertwemeiit o( Col. ileJrick, which apparf in thi4 istut of the Democrat. k our country friend to gire the Tolonel a call before baying goods elsewhere. If any man knovg how to boy goudi to u to gire hu cut tnmert bargaioi, ii in Col. Jledrkk. lie k.Kwi bow ta .sell u well. Try him and yvw will be tor to be Ill hSIw Alu,aal weeing of the FtocV iKHuers oi- tli w. 4. w. K. K., will be held in Una city on the 20th inC TT.c Annual meeting of the 3tock hoJdf n of the W. C. Jt A. K. R, wiU be held oo th,e aame day. Kate ilertick, culurel, anl nearly one hoodrvd yean, died in this city Q .l . w oi'ruj infill. is uay iw we might h-re written, 'tlte oldest ! baUiant," tat we do Dot know; there may be oldt r atill. rtiuuu. We Qodervtatid that there will be a change of tchedale to go into tf fct on Sunday morning next by which the maili will leave heru one hoar earlier lu the morning and ar riTe one hour later at night. Thin change will, we learu, be general throughout tl Sooth. COL. r. R. 1UJTK. TLia poJit? and clcrrr gentU-man, ptaeUrr here, dt-anea grtat credit lor the vigilaace, eCicieocy aud fiil falaaa with which he executra the important troat committed to bint by U Federal g Ti-rnmrDt. Tampering will the noaila ia a daagcrou thing in tJji coram qui ly aod vicinity. Our exa lUrnt ptmater ia aure to bring the guilty to joticv OLU. We are glad to chronicle the fact that illuminating and lubricating oila will aoon be redaced in price with an abundant aapply alwayt on hand. Mx. N F. TbomMoaepfe iej,t!ng the firm of Mrwra. Chess, tar ley x tx, wbo iiare li.e very beat and most adranUgrotu fasililiea will sooo erect an iron tank at a proper place in this city lor the storage of refined products of petro leum. VUku A dog was outlawed. aud killed for hating bitten Da rid (JLario, ou the trt. Another attacked a gentle man's horse on Water street and car.ght him by the nose for which be will probably receive the same doom. Not content with nhoving thrir Tic ions dispositions towards men acd horses the cauinea hare tried their ellorls against each other. Quite an excitement wa raised on the whar by a contest between some dgs on a Tescl, which was so fierce as 'o make all the men on board flee to the wharf for aafey. Iaac Slcka mvl otbeia, col.rei. mcmlxrr f one f thoae nnissncra known a "Labor Union. attempted t intunwlate Joliua Telfir, anithcr negro, fW laboring fir a certain em- p'oyer whom the Union did not like. Lie w threuteurd with oVath, and the attempt made to compel him to pun u5 ors:aiiuiion to wnicn ine otliera belong. Demonstraliona of vi-I- r.ce w re ued towarda bim which r-nlird in hi seeking tSe protection r .i i...- f...: TV l.IA Ol lltV UW, iIUIIHT II jJUVl IK-IU S-ovk in a pace bond of $100 for appearance at the next term of the Criminal Coart. Stocks atti mpled to rttaliate, oy baelng Teltir arres ted; but hi warrant was dhmiecd at bis own out. Nelson Jonas, colored, who lir d on JJiddlo Sound, was drowned last rhurs-lay at Moorr's Inlet He and others had been out fishing, and as ther were coming in their boat was capsied and though the others were rescued, Jouo failed to kep himself abore water, UH the help which was hastening to bis rescue could arrift. Thaddeas Moore, of Point Cas well, Fender county, was drowned on List Tuesday morning at Mr. 0. O ParI)s wharf The deceased went on board the steamer North East at about 3 o'clock, and when about to leavo he stepped iuto the rirerf for get'ing probably tne position of the boat and supposing that be was step ping on the wharf. Before he could be rescued the current carried him under a flat and he was lott. The deceased was ahul 25 years of age and leaves a wife and one child. Comr. This tribuital disposed of but thiee cases during its recent term of two weeks. Two of tbeae were civil caes the other criminal. All were of great importance and were contested with great ability by the lear-ed aid able counael engaged. In the ca-e ol Kerch ner fc Colder Bro., va. A. Jk T. G McRae, decided by the jury for the defendants, the judge re fused to aet aside the Terdict. In the case of the Bank of New flan oter ra. Black A Co, of New York, Ilia Honor decided the question of law reaerred for the defendant, sa tba jwry had pre? iously decided the facia. The ease baa been appealed tn IhPTrieiu, Court. Crimi in whicn tneaeienaant stood ciutrirea with the murder of Dafid Morphy, occupied three days. The counsel both lor the prosecution and defense displayed great zeal and ability. Smith as acquitted and his aged father and sorrowing, wife and cbil dren made happy in his triumphant Tiudicaiion and rcleas. We hear the efforts of lion. D. L. Russell, for the prosecution and of N. A. Sted man, Jr.. foi the defense most highly applauded Dr. M.J. lRt. We, noticed la.st k, the depar ture f tii dii-ting-iislied phjrakrian from our midst. Ii gives as pleasure to copy tne following tr-m the I! hsgb Olnv-rvcr, written to that paper by ita New Yik comvpoudt-nt, K. J. Uale, Sr. "I also had the pleasure of a visit from Dr. M. J. lcIfosset, of Wil mington, who will probably make thi liia home for the future, with the iew to the practice of his profession in those branches of it of which be has made a specialty, the eye and the ear, ana ol euitiug tne ixortu uaro-lin-i Medical Journal. I was aston ished to hear how many casca of ca taract, and of strabismus, the Doctor had successfully treated in Wilming ton. These are now exery day incidents. I remember what a sensa tion was produivd when that accom Blisbed gentleman and physician, Dr. ckwith, of Raleigh, first-opera tei (or cafarnct and restored sight to the blind. Hie proTcsskm has made wonderful progress since that day. Br V rpt'--AT '"i Al-t rng UmUl sickrn ard will di. "1 trunt that the Doctor will soon take rank with other eminent South ern phvSicians here, such as Ioctora Metcalfe. Thoma.. imt nan, Jt?es senden and others, and that he will reap a rich pecuniary reward here to sunnlement the fame which he ac quired at home." CkaaW r CoauatN. At the annual meeting of this body on laat Friday, the old officer wen reflected. Tney are as follows: President A. II. VanBokkelcn. 1st Vice President E. Peschau. 2nd Vice President I). McRao. Secretary and Treasurer John L. Cant well. " Executive Council Oeo. Harriss, James II. Chadbourn, Ii. E. Calder, James Spnmt, William L. Deltosset, and David U. Worth, Kx Ufflcio, President of the Produce Exchange, with the President and Vice Presi dents, constitute the Executive Coun cil. We art- more than pleased to w that the President, a thoroughly practical boeinees man, in his Report, gives a very hopelul and encouraTing' view of the accotnplihment of the work for the improvement of the bar t the tconth of the nver. In his Ke port, th? President aay : The Produce Exchange having been established for the purpose ol recTilatinr business connected with the purchase and sale of produce, also of transporting and shipping same, as well as other matters of trade, the duties which remained for the Chamber of Commerce are such as are calculated to advance the pros- pent y ot Wilmington as a commer cial port, the increase of facilities for transportation, and tne improvement of the avenues or trade and corn men e. We have a project for a great work of "Internal Improvement, which we intend to bring to notice of the puMiq, and continue to pres until it is pop nhtrized and adopted, ai.d which will do mre for North Carolina and Wil mi'igtonthau all the "improvement if the avenues of trade and oimimerce"" heretifore completed or berun It is a ship caaal, uniting the C ipe Fear and Yadkio river, opening np water tratitfporta'ion through the entire Stale, and linking thi prt w:th the nvmntaine. We shall give some facts concerning the matter Dext week, which will s'iow its feasibility, aud ile great benefits, not only to Wil mington, but to the entire State. It gives os great pleasure to copy the lat parapmph of President Van B kkeleit Report, aud express the earnest wish Ue hope aay soon be realised. It sva : While the depression of business hioh has - been general ov?r the commercial world has beeu .exper ienced in th'.a community equally with other points, nut with little disaster, we hare cause to look- for ward with hope of a prosperous fu ture when the business of the conn try is fully restored. COURT RECORD. -I tUxpcrUd WmUj for th Dkmockat. . V Another dull week in judicial cir cle. To the honor of our city, we can cay but little criminal ma't r hat leeti brought l-efure the city authori liea and magistrutea. Tlie last la s of wur feuperMjr Court were taken up' witk murder cae, removed from Bladen to tlinp, county, wherein great InT-at Was tnanifested by the Bladen w.' Tlic (State failed to mako ca. ami tle defendant, was ' There was considerable rainfall on 11006 last There was a frost in this section on last Sunday morning, sufficient to kill vegetation. Rev. Mr. Heitman, the Methodist minister at Magnolia, is conducting r ;n him hnih at that place. The Superior Court for the county of Duplin will begin its Fall Session, pn the 3d Monday in this month, it being the 19th day. duage woore - m Wl m will preside. The Docket is light. .... r There is no case of importance either portan criminal or civil. Wanted: Employment, as engi neer, or engineer and sawyer, by one who has had extensive experience in both capacities, and in putting saw mills in working order, and who 'can give the best of references. Apply at the Dbmocbax office for particu lars. Charles Law ton whose confession in the Federal Court, was noticed last week, was sentenced by Judge Brooks to one year at hard labor at Albany, N. Y. A light sentence which his Honor was induced to give, because of the former good character and vouth of the prisoner and at the petition of all the people of Mag j - nolia. Another offender for a like a 1 r j crime receiveu a sentence 10c two year. -K b notiqLd ia a recent i-MSwa, that Dct-ir Seawcll had purchased a Magic Lantern for the benefit of the Sunday School cause. The Doctor gives exhibitions to the Sunday ScImoIi in bis vicinity, and we are glad to loam ban beeu thus enabled to revive tins Sunday School work aroand him. He divides the proceeds with every Sunday School lor which he exhibits, and appropria'ei his own portion to' buying books, papers Ac, for the benefit of the school of which he is Superintendent. Uarrell's Store, N. C, ) Nov. 5th, 1877. f Dear Demochrt. Mr. A. S. Col well, of Bockfish, Duplin county, who some time ago sitting in a rock iucr chair, killed the deer as reported at the tima in the Record, and who will have a hunt occasionally at al most any sacrifice, being still unable from the effects of rheumatism to ride on horsebuck. drove out in his bujnry one day last week to a stand, and iu less than half an hour, killed a buck that weighed, neatly dressed, j ii pounus, ana carnea a neaa 01 1 j r 1 a j- a m horns that would sh'p easily over the noted abdominal corporosity of the said Col well, and had six points on a beam. Mr. J. F. Johns-n killed one about the 9ame size about thr. e weeks ago near the same spot. If any of your New Hanover Nimrods c-n beat this deer hunting under difficulties, let u know and we will have our man Col well to try again. Yours respectfully, Roctktish. 0ur "erring Southern brother," Postmaster General Key, or some one in bis department, has not ''errod' in one instance, at least. The genial polite and excellent lady I who gave universal satisfaction to all the respectable people of Kenan s- ville and vicinity as postmistress two years ago, but who -was turned out without one word of Complaint against her, and a man, the most ob noxious to the people possible, put in her place, for political ends, has just been reinstated. She entered upon tbe discharge of her duties yesterday, amidst th universal re- joic ngs and congratulations of the noble people of Kenansville, and of Duplin county. Miss Mary A. Wat son is postmistress, at Kenansville again, vice Henry R. Kornegay re moved, uou a. M. waddell our Representative in Congress the chair man of the Committee on Postoffices and Post roads had the good work done. He has, as he is entitled to have, the thanks of the people of Duplin for Ihis act of justice. ' SAMPSON COUNTY ITEMS. There have been good rafting Six Runs, Coharies, freshets in the VZSA Black River recently. (jrxDS are Catherine much better tharl farmers expected, after the destsjuctive storms, which passed over J Out country some time ago. JW We learn that blind staggers are rery preralent among the horees in parts of, ampsbn and Duplin conn ties, quite' a number haying died. This disease seems to be almost mr curable A horse seldom survires it and when one does he is of little, if any value, we understand. LBNOtH COUNTY IOCAL8 C. W. HOWARD, Effifbr. ; . ' It now begins to feel like Fall of the year. Fires are quite comfort of Sheriff Bccton's estate, has been selling, for several days, at auction the goods belonging to said estate. 1 The family of Mr. R. H. Rountree is again in our town. They have oeen iiriug in urojKiyn, n. x. since 1873, and have now come South to their old home to spend the winter The Baptists of this place have j been engaged during .the past two I weeks ia a protracted meerinsr. con I intlOil V v fk. P.. IT. Tniwlnn nrTA ; ..,1-,4. fru. i t , I hare been rewarded with several ad ditions to their church. On the 30th and 31st ult. many of 1 i 1 . 3 1 our people were nigniy eiuerxainea "jiaC ana cuaraaes wnicn were I Stten up by the ladies of the Epis , - ' i, --. K , VVWI Vtl UA Ksllj OOClOlU JJ tytAVT J VUUg ladies and gentlemen of Kins ton. The entertainment was indeed cred itable to the veiy estimable ladies who conducted it. The music, which was superintended by Mrs. Anna L. IJavis, teacher of vocal and lnstru- mentaLrmisic in the Kinston Colle giate Institute, was almost unsur passable. The charades were well selected and skillfully managed by Mrs. Harriet Peebles and Mr. George i. Miller. Many expressed them selves as being delighted, and satis ned with their investm nt the ad mission fee. The object of the en tertainment was to raise money to pnrchase lights for the church, which, we are glad to say, was a complete success. We learn that between fifty and sixty dollars were received. Dear Dkm kjhat: The Board . of CommieMoners of Pender county mef ou Jiouday th.j 5th ius aud the loi.t venire tor the term 01 Superior Court, to be held on the 3d Monday in De comber, coiibidia of tlte following: T. C. Orr, J. JS. Uunt,ThoS. Brew ingtoii, Li. W. Howard, U. H. tiarrias. J. E. W'oodcock, Seymour WasrstaP. J. C. Urm8by, T. ir Orinsby, Ducan Murray, D. S. Hale, Q. T. Wibjou, K. Batts Wra. F.rdeu, J. B. Fox, W TTT TT am a - tr f. w. nerring, v. tt. uaoiD. is iic- Moore, Eli K-iciielte, W. S. Murray, C. S!dues R. A. Corbett, R. C. Lewis H. W. Herring, D. Johnston, A- Bor deaux, B. P. arail, W. B Aikeiis, W. Costiu, b. Williaii8, R. C. Bowden, L. N. Bwdeu, G. F. Gurganus, J. w. ttooks, J. tt. Alderman aud J Ji. Jambs. Extra Jurorts G-iorgte Pow ers, George M Murray, AL Jonns- ton, Jobu Crcoui, Henry x itsan, R. W. Collins, W. L. WKdcock, Henry Ramsey and B. C Bordeaux. The petition ol D. D. Millait and W. 1. Howard and others for tbe county to keep up the ferry at Lane's ferry, 111 this county, was referred to the Magistrates of Holly township, T .e poll tax of F. M Meeks of Holly twiisinp, was remitted. 1 . - was remitted. A. J. Moore's poll tax was also remitted. w. rt. xtivenuarK S property was re- iuced to the amount of four huudred dollar. Daniel Snaw and C. M. D. Humphrey were appointed to settle witn j, A. Jones, Uoualy Treasurer. J. w. VVesi brook was erranted li w . cense to retail liquor for three months at Uairidon Creek. David Sherman Was granted license to retail Honor at Bijaw rsraiicn. John omith and U. J. C irlton were granted license to retail liquor at Lcesburg. Tbef-1 lowing bills were approved: J. E. Bivenbark, C. H. rent, and furui ture b"Z.5Vi fc. It. Uall. piiiitmir. $28,00, Epbraim Ha wen, furni-ihiug eofflti for pauper and buivinir $5,00. C M. D.; Humphrey, Commissioner' a fee W,00,Q. Jtmen, U rimer, bold- 1 ing ir quest over the body of Johnnie Mju giie, $9.20; f r inqu -st over Jo seph Jones, $14,80; fr inqivst over Elizabeth UcvatH-, 9,50, A. V. nor rell. out-d.or p or, $8 00, B-. C. Bot- iux, ditto, $24,00, -Mdee, do $4,00, J. XL. B-iuneiman, do, 10,00, William Melntire, ao. $4,00, A. H Paddftioii, sundries for ue of Court House, '$104,' 70, Ira- Woody, remo ving county furuiturt, $l,0o, J. Con- oly, stationery, $61,10, R. M. Croom, Commissioner g fee, $23,50, S. H. Manning, keeping priners,$53,20. It was ordered by tbe Hoard, That no bill be appr oved by this Board un less the debt or account be contracted by the exprews order and direction of j this ii ard. JJ. ETJITORIAL MEWS NOTES. Senator O. P. Morton of Indiana is dead. A democrat most probably Hon. Dan. Voorhees will occupy "his place. We are without full returns from the elections held on Tuesday, but hare heard enough to show that New York; New Jersey and Pennsylvania have gene Democratic. Hurrah ! It is with profound sorrow that we chronicle the death of Gen. N. B. Forest, one of the foremost leaders of t he Confederates,during the late war. As long as chivalry and heroism are admired, so Iqng wiU , Gen. Forest s memory lire. Our Representative Hon. A. II. Waddell is Chairman of an important Committee that of Post Offices and Post Roads We may now hope ibr increased mail facilities, tet - the people iend up petitions and they will have attention InCon4reas, a great many bills have been introduced. 1 Soeiie of ttrm are of the ntmeet importance, partic--vlarly those relating ft aodifiea tioni oi the ! Rerenue svdABajikiig litw.?lltbepretb -1 , I r rl . Mir . m ',-ir :l T-rl we wo.aoon hm-e prospent- The Abysinians do not mince ten when they go to war they mince their antaigonista. - la a recent battle with Meulek, the latter lost 9JW0 men in" killed and wounded, ft is said that the King of Abyaima with 130,000 troops is on the point of invading Egypt. The Khedtre will likely need all his troops at home. Alter f-evero fighting, the Ruaaiaoa have oomph-ted the investment of Plevna. If reHef does not reach 0 man Pasha from without, the fate of is army is sealed. We may listen for reports of sanguinary fighting around Plevna, as an army is on the march fr its relief! In Asia the Russian, alt-r an obstinate conflict, iucceeddd in driving the Turks from their position around Eraeroum. Muhkta Pasha, the Turkish comman dr, was wounded. The end 5 seems approaching. ' , C0I3L3ERCIAL, WILMINGTON MARKET REPORTS. Market Review j for the wi-ec eua- ng Wednesday Nov. 7th. Spirit-) TuBPENTiws-Thursdar Nov. let- Market opened quiet at 316 but closed dull at 30A. Friday 2d. Market opened dull and nominal, but closed quiet, 125 casks! changed hands at 30c cts per gal., Cjity dtstilled at 30. , 1 Bataruav u. c iriu, tu okm country sold at 30c per sral. Monday 5th. Market quiet and nominal for country packages 5 casks cif v distilled sold at 30c iter srai. . Tuesday 6th. Market quiet, 100 casks country sold at 30c per gal., also 20 casks city distilled at same pnoe. Wednesday 7th.-Market quiet and steady, sales at 30c per gal. Bos IN. Thursday Nov. 1. Mar ket quiet, strained 1.45 good strained 1.50, no sales. Friday 2L r-Market firm, strained 1.45 good strained 1.50 with sales of 100 bbls of the latter. Saturday 3.-Markt firm, strained 1.471 good strained 1.52L sales of 2,000 bbls. Monday 5th. Market firm, 967 bbls sold at 1.45 lor strained and 1.50 for good strained. Tuesday 6th. Market firm sales of 500 bbls at 1.45 for strained and 1.50 for good strained. Wednesday 7th Market firm, sales at L45 for strained and 1.50 for good strained. Crude TuKPsxTiNx-Thursday Nov 1st.-Market steady, hard 1.4ft" Vir gin and yellow dip 2.30. No change has taken place in. the state or the maritet or prices up to tne nignt oi Wednesday the 7th. Tab. Thurgdav Nov. 1st Mar ket steady 1 . 60 per bbl. No cbaxge in state of Market or prices up to the uight oi Wednesday 7th Coxtok. Thursday Not. 1st Market quiet, sales of, 350 bales at 10$ for middliUg. Fi ridav 2d. Market stead v. 200 300 145 bales sold at 104, for middling. Saturday 3d. fNo change, bales apld. Moo lay 5rh. Mirket dull. bales sli at lOJlor middling. Tuesday 6 tb. Market quiet and dna, 65 bales, sold at 101 for mid dling. S - Wednesday 7th. Market quiet and steady, sales at 10& for middling. Timbejl Market dull withalanre quantity, for sale. Only a few rafts so i a .qunng .tne past wee k. v e quote prime mill 7.50 common mill I 5 00 inferior mill 4.00 per M Receipts for the week ending Wednesday Nov. 7th. Cottoa 19.135 bales: spirits . tur pentine" 1 ,976 casks; rosin 9.819 bbls; carpeoune ,va ddis; car 444 uuiu. P. HEINSBERGER, Wholesale and Retail Bookseller arid Statiomr. 1 Pianoav Organs, . ! Sheet Music, i Cbromostc. ' AND: BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. -. f . . 39 41 Market alroet, Wilmiaten, T. C. oct-4-eui TTVtn and ReTolrera. niaatraiad IT IJ VS 1 rioa Lis fro. Or Woatara Otua Work, aittaburg 9a. oo 18-4w- nifaini fj B D H " I i. - 11 LIE. I .J . -1 I wxxmxaTOJf uat waasxT' QMOCWMM AID 00w. ; i - . v tanT. bacon-n. c,(?yr- BWders';.) ItSCwjCf J'-fTL Wiltuii DIVISION, tave iwiuvw .-- 11-4.1 m. T" . . . . . . . - 2-iw at: bueiDy UAi p m. I1J l.rlolXO UJr. .11 w.Wilminirton. Char- mm.. W.TJaJlv. ekctpt A'uiaaye. H Kae Wllminton an'l AVodiMwUva and rrt iburg on lut anay". V Wbiu . u . ty ue uat. - c c Bed - .ylv TIUHKK Ordinary, Very Good, T00 fj 8.00 Prime Mill, .00 O 10.00 ROSIN ' Strained, per bbL. 1.45 Oj. 50 SPTS TURPENTINE, pier gallon,. ...... 30 O TURPENTINE, Vellow Dip....... 2-30 Virgin, . 2.80 1.45 Bard. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, HETJ 070QE MID IIET7 GOODS I B D H I 0 II HAS REMOVED , tb Conor Frest in Csli Sbrh Ti! Whsra b fond a awairWy ITew Stock lofoods- EMBBACIKt aha mod xtalv aad vsriad ' Maortmeni at Madiom aa4 fow Prlo4 Dress Ooo-la Tar opnd in this cijr, Ala. Uu-g-e atock f and Docae Dry 00(1 parotaased in Mtv Tort wiuuai im iaaa van dara 4 a daan of tlilrtr pe east traa rio rnlios; aaoaafa go, said mrlU b add at vary angbt aarano on um ooaa. BLEACHED OOTTONB. h.t aint Piawaa Blantiad ooiaoB, ty. ointa f JJJ op. Tb bawt aaii Iiwv i ootton ia ta attr. . Bcoaien. i PRINTS. Q ff rieoaa print a WhoUsaJa and lUtail. No rriats aoid; at BaUil but tAoaa wa warrant, Hemios, BLANKETS AND 6UAWL9, 406T Doalrabte stock, otaaap. Bavaica. MEN AND BQyS WEAR. CJALEM, N. O. fiaavinMras, Tirciaia aad KJ ItArvlaad Kavaavs ad ua ia tbai Badanrtan fox tb ld Kmmti aad .Oa Imaraa. Oau prodoctioa of Sootbara iadastry. Bssaict. HOSIERY. F)R Ladle. Oirla, Mem ba4 Boy a. Alao a QoadHloekof Lsrfttas aoa Omif Uadar. f 1 iloaios. T HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. TLBlXTdimf, IWa. DorUa, Napkina, MbeitHt ia fall aaoaA. awtnoa. THE ENTIRE PUBLIC A RB IKVI BCD to aa of tbasaoat XKeMiria4oawaiof DrytfJooda iaUaaaitv. Beaaaaaba tkoS I ZvOn. r; aat IJara Moat artoa; tbatlbsar aad HU artata, aod tbai arv la of boyara wul raoaiva tao aaoaa ravpoctrul attoa uoa. j i t DOVS-tf BxDajoa. X n r nvptmvii e. nnrr U. I a. JOIIUAAIAJJJ l& UUlla j WILMINUTOIV, f. C, Offer to tie triad ikir bUiulr&rd bnatUot EXTRA FAMILY. FAMILY AND EXTRA SUPER FLOUR, Manataoiared at their BillUa frota aoJecVed N. CL'.Wboaw ALSO Black Heed Oa4a, Cboic Bd Bya, WUta a 4 Bu)8Eia.v7BaUT. U Bot.rKQ Mbal, I . it CaACKAoCoaw, ii' Tiaorar Ha, ii-. raa surra. Al, Ac. Fop by B. F. MITCHELL & SON, - nov l-4t . I, , WUmington, a. C. VALDADLE PH0PEHTY FOR OALEt IN THE fdwNQ . ... j MAGNOLIA. ! - Two (2) &Tmg boaaa aad A- T b aoid on Beaaonsbla Terms. , For parties Bojp Baaa A Baa, ortA.Hwra,, ! Wl'auxurtoo, B . 0L nov 1-tf w i 1 ST I w 1 I ' . r is sj TibetTTu. 1 n 1 STAVES ON. r. - ' Tl . aUMrpt, Bavaioa; j. fA XI i 1 i 14. iaawaallli'ri"" I'll i