THE ,'t 5 WtLSUKOTOH DE2I0CIUT, fTBLtatD ETMTTinrwoAi. X. IT. STAXXEf 2S - - Siitcr. , mt or srjscwmoj. v. - o It $a VLm'.h .... - rtuv Uota. I mi rma rt o LOCAL. W wiaiNiiCy iarBfctc WnIaUu tea OTwiU f ' iJtiOB rATfon, oo of the r rh r i tttj f anbi. On a.iJ Wiaj U I warnt. I" Jiitarj trn ,jf c II ror Tt V- art t;ci.K llt MutuiaJ ritkyar much rfrr tnn t rit tini - th !')' V tJ htil.l 4. If KiiUm! rt'n i I n-iri-, will I" ni'lr. . - - . i i r r 1- t !y. If i y rt eft 1 1 t- t 1 1 r i U itlr i f ' -r -N'- n. tjt t !" N 'f ;tf' iVnwx rl i 'I n,r . f t! (u try t'-4 li J A ti- r. ,- kii! l t t.t 8 t'tr fa ri.,. Iti Iuplm K U. II- walkit. t.r the tr V f it. ti.-ttt t.f th apji r a-hti car, j .). ! n.l f It. Th- e r rr-1 Tf .f. Jt4 b f rv a- ir k . 4 ik- Mr. J. Uryan. who waa formerly a j.itntn.s in the lxt and a ho' iorv o1' F...i..i4 .t- Vuti tibhn of thia city ; ?W -Mt a jtjjx. haa L.m in bu: r.' ' t 5ta;rl'-i a. h rvturr.i icbi' fot nur situtti. !!. w.ll Iv; happy it'e and no hi ff.rtiW Ai.d f rn'-r afoui-. - , . , M 1 Ii....n l.tJi for -lra.n.da.dl S..r j k"1 r 1 lS- CruU ! T ,.Vv..tiW.- I J3 f..r he.d 313 tor ' ",',M"l.,U" U'lt' n t,U ' Vl" 'r ,,J or,!,r4-,: 9ic 11(Cll,.,,i;,l,, t:ttMr. Ot,l. f lU'v. t...d . 1.' li'.J. m d Uiiiivi jtiK" u. :dllha bren iu A. u i 'or v ra- Jatj, cr;utt-4 ii I -i.rr i, f-1- !' WhI- tUrr ! J Ii,' ,. ftir' oa M'rr a- j l t . I t. i- aid aT:katir I atiojt ' l.hU dip'a ' ! .'-'! an i i !utry 1 1 ' ' I '--o t m j. m t o a. Oiarman f ti e 't u ' t ' on i .-t tiiv aul IVitt lit 'I'll: j l 'til ly C of H'i;h Siihj !.!!, iu tit riiim'iaieatfct. a;i m ii t t- r. t'aftii ( J V rtor, Kix) , t T'irf,rv toain-n!j, r pn - ..nity. .(. t . 'ZM i alt., tf.riiii; tl .i ,.; a'M' t t. 'l'l l r-l wa ac tt t'v ' .-raI f lit' kind an t nU-ntiji i d. Tf tjni-c . ' !i. t Ir-1 !;:!' will j r bably irv i-r U i.. , r A lt''-ti L iniil . o . th J.I '.JH ttv , f M. P an.p!-ll trvl, U tw. et 1 I MWM . . . t.itkii ihI I v I r t'. ' 'iinrn'tl X at alUt I o'cU k. It i mj'i!d t t- ihr ! r l" an t c ni'r , n hut ,l"'4 lv ou tliv prvrm . pr wf- tl previous mousing. JrT:ii a''v. r tr faJlirjf wltn.'t vt t' :1 w. ) ili cl-c till th- tir i,.r a. n'il. r crar.t r d. siru" i i v u' 1 h ' ro'wl Iiua al cut ' $- . I M'- J V -'crn th" trr of J'.r-! t ! v uf dl'rv.'rr . I ti t I' W WV l uhtvl fcri rwai.'kjf . wli;h lrt ti e 0 .it-. ii' ! aviKta rfr t" i . w .. I i.f. . u- yrar oM wvil.r! Jit lb ."". tai- aai 3 day oM ri.'nol -H b- , iar. jrar arvd 1 ; lj vl . t 3tV3 Ik . Total . i"2 lo W ha . m otr aaith ri:bly wn-U 50 lb. TW t--ck ) a ra4 lWkhire and Ta Oarwllma, rnr. The January naub.r of thus al ii aabhr aTieulcaratmagtin is before u- It U gotten up ta ticel!ot g.yUr, athibtrui j rVrtt cUm worknau hipx n w rr'ic with rv-ading mat 0awhfCh should bo carefally read ' b eTtry farmT In the suit, TLa iydjacnptioo prwe (fl.&Ojwr aaoam) vy i! x x mm VOL. I. U to low thai no ooe voaU tniaa tbf oatbj, and tW crrfall sf Ice t ed tad orin.l matter it coduId voold b uf tuavb OMrt taJoc to the autttcri lr tha tk tDoncy. We cLecrf allj rvKorancod tke CnIia Farmer m voeTif tb aUUst ami best coodactd agrirjiltmra magmxiDeia tbc South. The ltavmT. Cato;db Farmer and n good Almanac vr neeafiti4 i trerr wall irrvlatd hocLthVili i ; w TWTUaM Xraal bkamL . We wcie -present oa xti FHdaj uirraao.aii) fvw)aEiaU. tn:v ata TItaSjafaM toaixiyr ia which th pop? act)attted themicl- t In the exercises we witntaed. show the thorough training they lue rretting from the talented and etmit priucipal and her ccrpa of rSefent aiaiatanta. W were ffra ti lled at the rvKri of Mio Dra.1lj, which hotd .'13 pupila enrolled, uitd an aTerapf attcmJance. aiooethe fir it tf October, of jter and a hug uumuer of the who bad teen j-rtxt in Uf part rut ut, and a cuotid rrable nuniWr prfvt in ihtir tudie ml. Thi school had been a great bUsain; totbia city, and the pruaprct fur fature U5cfu!iua ia brighter than at ariv prvvioua iriod. SaaklaC Aectiaat. Oa Sitnnlay a!out a quarter put f jur o'clock p. ru. &$ Mr. Erneat Ki.iht, son'of l apt. James Knight, mxs:r of transportation on tbe N i niir.gton and Ueldou railroiid, was mending a belt iu the machine shop of the railroaJ companj, the 'coe of bb cout UcArud entangled n th in wliincry and ho waa drawn around the nhft oter a huudred 'im-1 KTorc the rnachincry coulJ be vopp-d. Wbon takcu down he waa m a ttmrt'utly manjrLd condition. Tftuh-rty as strong artn and ym a'hiaiti hrarta could mote, Jjjia How .workmen con try ed him to fh rs li uce of a tii tl hoatt broken par-uts. aud skoluil uuhIicaI attcit- il.tace Mn at hand, but thr w:m no bflp lor the wr maimed and ma:iL:ed auCeier. and at about chten p. m. his U'rrib'e agonies in the sleep of dtath. On .U n. iav morning at II oiiock tits T eaorred by the Whiting uf which he X4 an esteem til r iu ui;, Uid.. nu r.i r, an! f.-IIowtU bx a large eotiomre of rvUiitcJ ami lncnds w CprmuJ tu the John. ( l urrh. wherethe impressire Epis , . f til .... I1,tflU- ritinir tfceru-e to his Lwt earthh" i.U'.. ii. OakdAfe CVuieterr". r pu' tu iKkui'C .uit""cry. io nta yru'f : ru ken pa rem a and nr-latires f ;iif our sitntre ympxithy and romUJence in their terrible bereare ment. v ith the hoj that the tcn- n of Gotland th consoling insiaeiu-e .-r tune ruiy reconcile th-.-tu let their irniurab! losa. Tk Daptia Caaal. We ar gladloa e t!i work, which !sa bn ta!kl of to long, taking l. ip. We d j not believe that it .n br m.uh an. I prr-ired as a tide wtr canal. Tte and$ and big ii :rts will e;!cua!y prereot; bat we tat it will pay and pay It will tastly improve naTiga tiou. which of itself w ill be a great ailt intake, b-tt its grtateit Talae wt'dbe in the drainage of the im tu u.- bodica of rich swamplands,' whitia will render Pnptin county rn of the richest in the Jtate. Ex her "ti lilac k do nut otvr atimaU the number of acres or their fertility. They will average fifty to Sixty t l uhel of cora to the acre, and if druiurd. will enable the fanners to enrich tluir uplands with the rich ii-! lit a of muck with which they nUnind. V s ncerely trust the tl werk wiH go stevl.Iy ou until tr.e crvnal is an ac'ouiphshcd fact, and all their rich awaanp lands are rrv-la:med and the peojde all along toe. rit. r bite tucirnprurcd naviga ti u ahich y. will ailrd them. It i of cT"at iniprtance to Wiltuing t ti ar.d we rej icv that her enter pr s u,; m- rchanta and cituuna are showiig o maoh uitereat in the muter. At the meeting ou Tues eeof the moat culerpriaiog and trost prudent busineaa men of thCitT. Mears. E Kidder, A. IT. Van Hokkahn and I. K Grainger were app nnled ciumitt e4o eX ami ze into tha practKabiiity of the enterprise and to take s;epa for rainaj funds for a prvliminary sur ety. SUU SVekaaa LaaUaltlaas. Through th courtesy of J. W. Ty E., th rtfwieut tl i-al-'U ap-niirodot of the Baptist Miaaiait Sunday Scad we attended an nUuiion ieo by the p".pJ1a at Ili-tMvljo 1111. i U' rVf-ida of the 4ih iw'. T cateftaiuruil waa f4ten ap atprraaly for the uarSi uf itw dciMjoi, ana waa, ta srn uartic- w otar, a complete .aocoe. The t Hall waa parked 1 6 it ntnwiet capacity with at appreciative ' andimce who manafi sre-1 their interest and apprt.ral by repeated borate of applauae. , Tlte sanelr, loth TuCal and InatruroenUf waa vrrr. lue. -. 1 tie aablcanx were excellent, thogh we raust Ootifr-a to being eMiptetIy Ad oat by the 'Beaax and Belfes of Wilmiogtc n." Tbm speecfw were "well delirerrd. a ad wr I are the aatiafac1hri ( know iiig that allltoogb raiLu'tonaoi C'lntnfm were great tpeuwe t grwxate'.-fv.Ivi j I r. Wai'U 'CI ar " nowliere." Tlie ivoUttone ol puetrj wereaxcflh iitly well tendered, aud evidciioed real dramaiic pow. ra. A very pleaaant .Cantata waa 'given will exquitdte tanta aud aJdd much ti the lntret of the occasion. Tlie Charad- "Matriawujr" wa juat giMd, and iu aaying this we u-au that e-ry part waa rendored aup. rhly. Whre all did no wt-ll it Would Iw in vidious to particularize, no we will DM n-ljr.aay that the ladies and grn tlenien all did well, with the ladies, as a matter ot cunw, a long way abvad. We learn that a tepctitioii f the entertainment at au erly day is contemplated, and we bespeak for the c ool a full house, feeling oure tbat tbe audh nee ill bare a happy- tune. Latta IVaam Xlalaia. Dsua lC3ocaaT: We left your pleaaaut Ctiy by tbe s;a," ou Satur- day, December 22ud, -n route for tle "C4y of Oaka." Al Stanford, a the couty aeai of render s callti by authority of a statute paaned by the last legialatnre, Judge Moore and Mrwar. EL V. t J. D. Kerr got on board, court having adj iurued that . . . ..i morning, bhenu 1'addmon, having in chaigw two convict for the peniten tiary, ahx took the cars. We soon h-axDcd fiora these gentlemen, thai four elber convicts, who bad been sentenced to the penitentiary for terms varying from two to fivo yearn, had eacapt'd from the temporary jail that bad been constructed for the porp-j Vf cutJxuiug aiavOMera durinir . tb tt-rm of the court. I. W. Crow, the negro tichool Itacber who had been convicted for forging a acbl ontei on tbe treasurer of Duplin county aud wU! trial had bet n retinived to Fen der, wa.- one of them. E W Kn, ho waa one ol Crow's connav.-!, jocu laily remark-d to Judge M'"-n-, that ''his Crow would pall op corn next spring" We told him we thought 'hi crtw would be caught. Our prediction prnvfd true. When the cars had paain-d Kuee Hill about to mile, the black forger waa aeen walk ing leisurely aloug in the direction of Magnolia. Wr slopped over at Mag uolia until Monday. We saw Mr John F. Croom and requested him to get some one to assist hkn, and go down the railroad and capture Crow, lie procured bia brulhrr aud proceed ed down the road and came up-n Crow about three miles fiorn town and arrested him without difficulty. Tel igjapbing to Sheriff PaddUon, and finding that he bad gone on to Ka-b-igh. Crow waa takeu to K-uaos-viile and lodged in jail. Mr. Croom dn rvee great credit fur the capture of this fellow. He waa pnt to con siderable trouble and expense, and richly deierves a reward from the county of Duplin, at whose expense forger was brought to justice. The CmiuUionera, at their meeting, n xl Mouday, will, we trust, make him a proper allowance. The people of Magnolia had ei joy ed a very pleaaant evening, the pre vious night, at the eutertainment at the Seminary. We beard all theme who were engaged in the performance Trrj highly compluuented for tbs ad mirable manner in which they per formed their parts. .The graded school at Magnolia 'S doing well, over one hundred pupils being in attenc'ance. There waa great complaint of bard iirnee. The proximity oi Christmas set med to have but little ifflct in improving matters. Oa Monday we arrived at Gold a boro. There were a great many tie gToee on the streets and tripling at the sti-rea. We stopped with Boni'X, wl keepe an excellent boose, wnio i is alwaya fall. The Humphrey Uouse is also a splendid hotel aud the competition is very strong. The Methodist and Baptist charcbee bad Claiatmaa tnea prepared for their Sunday Schools, and we have do doobt all enjoyed themselves) flrely. Oddaboro exhibits many pre of s of prosperity. Many new. substantial brick aturvahave beso built recently, and other are. io prog real of eon, strnctim. Among those being built U acxcnmolios,ounveaieatstrao'or for tbe Messenger nwapaper and book store. W congraUilats Bm. Bouiu epoa tbe prosperity of his entt-rpriae WiLaVrrNGTON, N. C, THUBSD A Y, JANTJAE, - We arrived in this city on ilon j ,t.' mt e i vwv rn,Tn-1 day evening , at i.Chiaj j day wa.daxkr,Tainy and disagreeable! i a was kit day: folio wing. 'Vu"i timet are experienced h el e as - well u elwwhere. Merchant complin. and it At- end-nt. that therf com plain U arrnofr--without foundation, We paid a Tisit to tbe Insane Asylnw a few days ago. Dr. Griasom treated . nv 1 t t-rrinAH .Uwinj i n w,th great idndnes,. ehowing s through the bnilding and explaining evefrthmg to ns. Th Inatiratipn kfalL Many of the.patienta "o:a",Vd n et afiablfi jrentltiAar with, sadness on account of their very . - - deplorable and unfortunate condi tion. They are well cared for and treated with all the tenderness possi ble by tbe excelleut superintendent Among other things of interest, Dr. Griasom showed as, while in the hot house, cottotf stalk, which is five years old and has Worne five succes sive croDS of cotton. The doctor a gave us a boll of . cotton from the bush, w hich ia well opened end, has seed fully matured. In the hot-house are 'many rare plains of rich and beautiful foliage. We visited the Salisbury Street Baptist Church and saw the new organ. It is being placed in position in a gallery pre pared for it, directly over the pnlpit. It is very handsome and will add Tcry greatly to the appearance of the church. The organ will fill the church with its rich, melodious tones. It cost 2.000 and the old organ. It will be used for tbe first time next Sabbath the first of the new year. We heard Dr. Pritchard, the excel leut and deservedly popular pastor, preach a fine discourse on last Sunday in the baiement of his church, which is now used until the audience room is completed and the organ in posi tion. MT. OLIVE LOCALS. D. J. AABOS. Editor. Turpentine 180, corn 60, wheat 140, rye 125, peas 80, meal 70, pota toeS 40. Albert Hargrove, who resided on W. E. IlilTs UixxelT place," died oi the 31st ult. Mr. John Casey hai pnrchased the property formerly owned by Mrs. Jane Merritt, and is erecting a store house thereon. The Trustees fiave advertised for a teacher to take charge ol the Acad emv here a splendid opening for a good instructor. David Cobb, a well knoirn citixen, of this place, is dead. Ilia medical attendants were Drs, Roberts, Flow ers and Faison. AH that was possi ble was done, but in vain. Our Christmas Tree was quite a success. There. were many valuable preseuts. and none were negh-cied in the geuerul distribution. There was a very appropriate address by Mr. Ira Hatch. The family of Mr.'F. O. Wilson were joisoued a few days since by eating northern pickles. They suf fered a great deal and had it not been for the timely aid of Dr. G. M. Kobeits, results might have proven 'fatal. ' They were relieved finally It is aid that the packers of these pickles put some poisonous drug in the vinegar to keep the pickles greeu. Ik ware of "bougbten pickles in jars." Quite a sad death occurnd near hero the past week. Two little brothers, about 12 and 15 years old, named Ilalliman, weie in the woods cuttiug down timber to split rails; a tree lodged, they attempted to cut tbe tree down on which the first one lodged, and in doing so, the young er was cunght among the boughs of the falling tree and his neck broken. They were Tery industrious boys, , and the family has tbe sympathy of all Christmas has passed and with it a very ugly spell of weather. The New Year has opened bright and clear. We trust the coming year may be more favorable to all than the past. Many have paid "nature's last debt," and among them some of the bright est intellects this century ever knew. We have had more than our Asual number of stomas, fires, &c. The Eastern Countries have been engaged in a fearful warfare. Cruelties have been practiced that are shocking to this enlightened age. Taken Alto gether the past year has been fafal in many respects. We trust that this will be more prosperous in every way. Dear Dimocbat Xo doubt yon think, aud justly, too, that I owe yoo an apology for my long silence, bnt were you acquaiated with the cir cumsiancrs which caused my delay, yoo would pardon my procrastination, and welcome me back, with tbe old adage, that "It's better late than nev er." Feeling assured that that won Id be vour verdict. I am encouraged to contribute once more to your valuable paper such t terns of interett as nave come coder my observation in this vicinity. Yoo are aware that there has been a considerable rnah of buai- ne here since tbe removal of the county seat, and all under adverse circuAjstauor. In the first place, the beet building waa dealroyml by fire, which. rendered it. neoesuy to en ct tthera immediately, in order to .have Balial4e bDiding tor the court house, ... , . a temporary: couVt bowe as soon- arranged by S. P Baud, Eao.. who seems to be a leading spun of the place, iud who deserved mucli credit tfr what be has done, not only tb? remoTa iniyae but j 0nce t iteen Throua-h bis iuatcnmetitality there have been erec- ted, at tnia place, a comroriaoio noiei, 1 two and other nt cejwary build, ; withfu oue mmtbm The hotel is j ,ldt,r t1ly t,uperTisi0ll a: n. Vil i j u zni an expert iti. the bnuinees ? jrentltinan. T Jlnh'-S rWDeitiSuai2 feniVtocindai tnlf thejr "bad:crnenr 'I ria-aaaif 9 m aPkPaTrt aTl tl SDV A frlaal nJkHl here, oiid Burgaw begins to look like a lo"wn and is rapidly growing in im pcrtance since the people are made, to realize that it ia. the couuty stat of Pender. . Come here when you will, there is generally an a tractive crowd, from this and othi-r counties, to greet you. Business, of course, calls the mi ft of them'out, while curiosity lead soise to visit the place which bore off the palm of victory by to large a ma. jofty for the county eat of the good p. i pie of Pender ; others to teal'Z- the great advantages of the loeatioii toa uv.jbrity of the p'-ople. This is eaiily perceivalje, and acknowledged evtu by those whoso bitterly opposed thH placo as the c onty seat, while Uicaaiur'VTVMAVUWV r . a a-m others manifest the greatest anxiety in the inducements offered by the railroad company. It seems that all hate been sati.-fi- d that Burgaw is he county seat of Pender, and that the donation offered by the railroad company ia a reality. This was veri. fiec Iat week by the -appearance of Co1. K. R. Bridgern, president of the road, who informed the Commission, ers of his rOidim s. to make deeds for the lands. The Superior Court ol Pender convened here on the 18th ult., Jude Mo re presiding. Tbe weather was very favorable, and thre was a full attendaiic--, especially of the legal profession, representing the counties of New Hniover, Duplin, Sampson, Onslow, Wayne and Pender. The Judge's charge to the grand jury was I rindulrof good sound sense, and took well with everybody except the oyer. a -era ol rads. me omcer in aitena. . . i t a ce on tre urana jury lniorms me tl at he was never so much annoyed in all his life as he was by the overseers of r ads, (says that it reminded him of the time during the war when the conscript law was iu voguej asking bin) such quesiious aa these: "Have they tieirilpteoadset'It you know whether I am indicted or not ?' Mo says it Itecame so great a bore that he could not stand it, so wbeu two overseers approached him with the same inqairy, he remarked that a true bill had been found against every overseer in Pender county. One of them fainted and the other turned pale, but consoled hltna-lf -by saying that he could taove that he did not have enoegh baud on his.road to keep' it up, and he did 'not know ho to cut finger boards. The Judge was more leni.nt than we exp cied to find him. He waited patiently on the . ' am i -1 SIT jury, ant is not at all airaic , oi ins duties. He can sit up and go ist to sleep bv them, as our sheriff can .i ii .j j i i. tesiiiy. lie rec'inrnena'u footi uo. stauUal buildings for c nrt house and jail, and he highly complimented Snerin faridiaou and nis deputies lor courtesli s exteud-d beyond their nffi. cial capacities. There was consider, able done here in cjurt, still the civil docket was not all disposed of. The grand Jury foui.d fifty ,iwo true bilis. Town lots are selling at from $25 to $5. " Chickens 50 oents per pair, turkeys 75 cents each, fresh pork 6 to 7 cents per paund, beef 5 to 6, corn 50 to 60, sweet potatoes 50. Burgaw. LlLEsVJLLE N. C, "I i Jan. 3(1, lS. j" Mb. Editor. With agreen-pino-wood fire to blow up eyery few min utes, and two children crying in the room where I am writing, I attempt to fulfil my promise to send you a news letter Irom this place. The crops in this county have been more than an average during the past year, and a great deal of cotton is daily shipped from this point, but the cry of great scarcity of money still continues, and most of the far mers are aa deep in debt as they were last year. Pork is selling "at 6 and 6J cents a pound, cottam at nearly the same figures it brings in Wil mington, and other things in pro portion. We cry out against going in debt and buying commercial fertilizers and raising too little' meat and corn as the cause of all our financial em barrassment, bat the truth is, there 9 so little money in circulation tha t nothing which a farmer makes for sale will pay him for the cost of pro5 duction if be has to hire his labor and buy his fertilizer, whether! he buy for cash or on t me. The in famous New England iniquity of demonetizing the silver dollar, and the existing excise laws have reduced the circulating medium till there is not enough money left in the hands of the people to answer the wants of trade, and we can not hope for bet ter times until the general govern ment changes its financial policy.The moneyed men are becoming richer,, and the poor, poorer every day; and this will continue to be the case un til the TJ. S. Government remove its destructive tax from State bank ing institutions or gives to the peo- 51e a sufficiency of circulating me ium. Christmas with .ns has been unu sually dulL The rainy weather in terfered sritb many contemplated gathering of the young people and with some religion meetings which were appointed for the last Sunday Y . 1 0, 1 878. i i the year. ' The Anson B&pb' TTninn 'whmh waa to have met ac nn Creek Uhnrch in the sonth western narfc of the county on Friday before the. 5th Siinday. in December did not fail altogether, Ktnougn me rain Prevented the assemDimg o-i, a Congregation at the church on Sat urday, and Sunday, i Ane , ae legates from four churches who arrived in the- neighborhood; on Friday after noon assembled on Saturday at Mr. Eliiah HuntlerTs and transacted the business.- They cne so much'in- tertsted" that they , eontmued the discussion of oneqnery till 12 O'clock tbe most enjoyable sessions tmy had ever attended. ; The Spring Session of the Cedar Creek Academy, at tfiis place, Rev. N. B. Cobb and C. H. Spencer, Esq., principals, opened 'on last Mon day the 7th inst. We understand that several new studentsfrom abroad are expected. This school ofEers un usual inducements to young men preparing themselves for business. In addition : to the couise usually taught in preparatory schools in struction is given in Short-hand Reporting, Book-keeping and Tele graphy. Our Baptist friends have opened the new year with a nightly prayer meeting and have invited the mm isters and members of other denomi nations to unite with them. The meeting last night, was addressed by Rev. C. M. Pepper of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who has been re turned to this circnit for another year. Rev. N B. Cobb will continue to preach at' Lilesville, Polktbn, Rockingham and Cartledge's Creek. J i is partner in the school is a lawyer from "Camden County who will open a law office ui our village. Occasional. HiLMaPSOKT. Dear Democrat: Christmas passed off quietly and pleasantly, as did the county fair, and I believe all seem satisfied. Every Sampsonian who attended the fair had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Gov. Vance, whose speeches are always rich and rare intellectual treats. This pa triotic and liberty-loving man baa the interests of the people and the country at heart, and loves constitu tional liberty next to his life and his object with the assistance of the masses is to elevate the couni the highest standard oTTintelieceual moral, political and material great-, ness. To succeed in all these requires the coopi ration of the entire people. Librtv ov;ng men whose aim legislative re-form must, rcine:iil er that, ' " Tis liberty alone that giVes th flower Of fi.-ctiii? life its lustre anil perfmnu; And we.are weedd without it. AU constraint, Except wjjat wisdom lays on evil men, Is evil; baits the faculties, impedes Their progress in the road of acie'ice blinds Tno eyesight of discovery; and bejtu, In thoije that suffer it. a "sordid u.iud, Bestial, a moager intellect, unfit To be the tenant of man's noble form. The funniest cariosity of Christ mas times was a buzzard wearing a bell, that made several circumgrvra tions immediately over my residence on Thursday, December 27th. The stupid bird seemed, to enjoy his musi cal ornament and alighted on a tree, in pight for several minutes, when in company with several of his tribe ne directed his course southward at 1 a slow, si.e.idy sail. 1 am curious enough to want to know, who belled the buzzaid ? and am glad to, know that there is somebody of a sufficient level upper story to perform' sucii a seemingly difficult operation. Some of the old widowers in High Sampson are still on the matrimonial warpath. They seem desirous to establish gynarchy on a small scale, calling for partners for the next set. Speed the hour when they are made bapp; ! As it is hog-killing time, no epicure of common sense can complain of farm life fare A pleasant new year to the Demo crat and its friends and may pros perity attend them. Tribute to -the Mamory of J. D- Liaanh. "It is appointed unto , all men once to die. The dread mandate must be obeyed. . Death goes his destined round, takaifg into his cold embrace without destinction the old and the young, rich and poor, sick and well none knoweth where the shaft may strike." It is with sadness that. we record the death of one of Oui most worthy citizens who depar ted this life at his home in Samps m county in the twenty-seventh year of his age. About three years ago, he married the accomplished daughter or .Mr. 1 nomas Pugh of this county. ne -was a Kino and anectionate hus band and father, a warm and gene. rous nearteu inena, highly respected, a peaceful and law-abiding citizen. A man of untiring energy and per severance and of unimpeachable veracity and strictly honest. Though his career was short as measured by years, yet there wen. traits in his character worthy of imitation. In life kind and geniaL to all, open hearted and generoushis hand ever ready to relieve the wants and dis tresses of his fellow-creatures; be loved by all and more especially by those who, through their close inti macy with him could read the gene , rous tlirotKugg. of his inmost heart. His Bufferings were beyond descrip tion. It seldom becomes our duty to witness the suffering our departed friend endured for twenty days. Thus be lingered when on the morn ing of ,20th of November he was summoned from hi career of useful ness oa earth. In, the freehness and vigoc of bis young manhood, he ha been taken, leaving a bereaved wife and child. Deeply do we sympathize with hia afflicted family, for sure y tJ t,a nntaideof that Httle circl? has bereavement" faneiTmore heavily than upon his-l'-y-r: f.-':";'-'-' ' -r L : DIED, j Near HerruvraTill, Sampson oountr. on the oath ofDeteW. the infant son. of air. J. U- A M. 8. Herring, aged 2 weeks sad 1 day. MARKET EEPOET. APPIJHgreen per pk t Q. I . .i dried per lb... .... 8 . BACON, C Hams, i 15 H 66- BEEF, on hoof gross. . dressed.. .., BEESWAX, per lb.. BUTTER. N. C. ft. iff 6 5 24 fl 16 18 .8 ' 12 I2 . 25 20 & 25 60 8 .70 ,70. 50 m 60 CABBaGE, per head, CHICKENS, alive,... dressed per pair. . CORN, per bush meal " ' DUCKS, alive f pair dressed ..... : 50 22 tt 50 10 f ! 5 i 12J 75 11 H 40 to 12 1.00 O 60 25 20 EGGS, per. dozen FEATHERS, per lb1. , FISH, per bunch. HIDESVgreen'per lb., ; dried " " HONEY, per gal..... N. C. LAKD per IX)... l ONIONS per pk OYSTER. sound .... PK S, field per bush.. PEANUTS, f PEACHES green.. dried per lb ..... .: 15 a 6 a 50 a 40 O 20 8 60 PORK, fresh, per lb., POTATOES, N. C... Jrish - --a RICE, rough, per lb.;. country cleaned . . 8 (I 1.50 Tt 2.00 SHEEP on hoof, each. t dressed, per lb... . v 8 Qi 12J TALLOW, per lb . TOMATOES, per pk.. TURKEYS, alire...:. 8 a 50 fl) 1.00 12 15 25 & 30 dressed per lb... . . TJJRNIPS, per bush.. VENISON, per lb.... 7 G 12 i WOOL, unwashed 1 ft n washed..,. ..... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THE READERS OF THE DEMOCRAT. pared to offer great bargaftna In XZySERl in. i and the nea- shades. TTOTJSE Furnishing Goods are offered ia J-JL gr reat variety, at -the very lowest living prices. ,4 Beaut ful assortment ot curtain goods 1 fiOIB i'oin 20 c a yard up. THE largest and best stock of ladies' cloaks in the city, a nice cloak at $7 60 to $12 0U. A Lf.rge and carefully selected Stock of Carpets, from 25c a yd up. I APPEAL to your Judgment and think yo can be suited to almost anything that you wish in my line. Kespectfully, nov 15-tf It, M. alclNTlBlS. G. BONEY & SOJSTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. SPECIAL attention to Naval Mores and (tot ton. Low charges and qnick returns. oct4-tf LAND SALE. A Rare Opportunity. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AT FALi Term, 1877, of the Superior Coart of Duplin county t. Receiver of tbe estate of E. J Trimble, deceased,. and Commissioner to sell the lands belonging to his estate, notice ia hereby given that I shall on MONDAY, the 4Tb. DAY OF FEBRUARY 878, at the Conrthouss door in KenaHsville, Du phn county, proceed to sell at public vendue, said lands consisting of ... 8,000 Acres iS'aidl lands are situated in Cyprssa Greek TownsBip, Duplin county, near Chinquepin, o i the waters of the North East River and. Cypress Creek. They will be sold in lots (accurately sur veyed ) to suit purchasers. These lands were iurnierly known aa the "PICfETT lands:" They comprise large quantities of valuable farming lanUs and pine forest, of turpentine and timber land, bordering on the North East River, which is navigable at nearly all seasons of the year . j Upon said lands is situated one of tbe best G-x-ltyt Aotxcl. JSa-w 'M'1111-' (known as the Pickett MiU) in Eastern North Carolina, in good order, finely located, on an unfailing stream near the North East ltivar. ' . Persons desiring to make a good invest ment, or to secure a farm located in a healthy section, will do well to examine these lands and attend the-sale. I . .8. Hayes Trimble, Esq , who resides on the premises, will take pleasure in showing tha lands to any person desiring to examine them. Terms of sale one-third oasb;, aalsmee on eight months credit. Title reserved until last payment i made. '-" J. D. SOUTHERLAND, Receiver and CoahoMiasionar. Dec. 12th, 1877. , - S. W. yic. CP. Mzbakb. VICK & MEBANE, SHIPPING & COjlMSSION MERCKMTS, Wilmington, Ni C. , Offer their services to theis rfends and the publia generally, for the ' SALE OB SHTPIIBNT COTTOIST OEOPS. Having first rate connections North anj m Europe, both for cotton orders and '.Freight rooms, we feel confident of our ability to 1 BUY, SELL orj SHIP, - ob terms as adrantageova at can be had any where.. Liberal advances made on cotton la band or on Mil of lading. Oct lS-Sio, Ani: . V . . 1 .... . . WttPUn for the lint luMrtioa, and 10 eenta iJmtt towl ADnirnsEMENTaJ ENj il'n 1 W SWB MID -GOODS!. v. A. vi,:l' ir tpi4ii. tTniar fratt'ili 'irfi'; -Kir .(' New stoct of Goods, . . .! ' I 'I-.-'.. EMBRACING tha ml exteiuilre andl Tarlad assortment ot Medium and i Low iPriead Dress Goods ever opened la, thit fatv kUoTm large stock of Staple and Dorm tic Dry Goods. purebaaea in nw i wiuui-. tbe Ut Ven aaya at a deobne of thirty eent. fmra pnoes ruling a month ago. nd a very sugut uuw u w wav ttoiut, : Hmaira. .I - . i' ' I BLEACHED COTTONS Cff Pieces Bleached cottons, i O JJ np. The best 10 oeuU W. ent cotton in the city. eMiltrd: BiDBjck. PRINTS. OAA Pieces print at Wholesale and BpUit OUU No Prints .sold at RSUul btuwue we warrant Hbsei 01. ! BLANKETS AND SriAWfcs. MOST Desirable stock, cheap. Hicaici, MEN AND BOYS' j WEAR. SALKH, N. C, Cauai meres, Virgtiat saj Maryland Kerseva and Caisimtirai. Onrs . is tbe Hfadquarterg for the! proancuas f Sootbern industry, " ; t HOSIERY. TTOR Ladies, Girls, Men and Boys. l Oord Stock or XaMlfes and Gents' wear. 1 HOUSEKEEPING jGOOD rTlABTjI? LINEN. Trowels, DiiyUea, Nabkiia, i bheenng, etc., in run stoca. ; f 11XDBICE. ; 1 THE ENTIRE PUBLIC Mil VI of thai A RE IN VI TED to an inspection of tha most V XX-oompJete stock of Dry Goods in thtf-eityv 4::- . loon . poiamn wm o. Ai7 I tJa I XMunemuer mat , uoai in nrsi oiasa Kooav ri t i . j- mi . . ia oalv; that I save bat one pricte; that I bny for It I and sen.oreash, and tbj awt e. ofV J m ana seu. roreasn, ana w tw eiw orrv r novS-ttf Hkduox. O nAr vocal and S aew InstrumenUl ieoa fj Sheet Moslem 10o,- silver or. atpa. Pub. Co.; MiddlebTro, Masa. I , irsic tw O pr CARDS 15 sty lea 10c. or chromo cards 4 tJ 20c, with name J. Hutted & Co., Nas-; t sau, New York. 4a- LARGE mixed cards with name, ia OU case, 13c, 25 without base, 9c, SU Dew fun cards 10a Outfits lOo. F. Washburn A) Co., Middleboro, Mass. j 4w "VTEW ORGANS. 16 Stops 1123, 10 tis. 11. a.1 too, 9, ten. Planoe retail ! price S75j) only 1236; Send for confidential circulars. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. i 4w Age nts N T Dll Foa PaBTiCTiaKJk Addbfss WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York city; Cliioaio, 111: New Orleans, iia., or san rranrx. vji mi , r That San ford's ItaClcal Qure for Catarrh will not instantly t- lieve aud speedily cure, ltetni - ences, Henry WsUh, Esq. CUVVS, noiiij t vnn, jt.j.j, Farce-A Co., Aurora, N. Y.S'Wm.1 Wells, Bowen, Esq., McHattoiii Grant FOB A CARK& Boaeu, St: Ltui. JrestiaKw uials and treatisej by mail. Price., with impreved Inhaler, it. Ho, fir riTXDDU evervwbere. WEEKS A IfOTTEtf Ur bAIAnnn proprietors, Bosrn.Mai(. Cotxjs's Voltaic Plastebs are the Utat, m . : 1, I RUPTTJBE. Those wishing relief and care for Rmrtura ahould ooBsolt Dr. i. A. &heba, 238 Bread- W!flend10'cts for bis new boolt,.wit)a'rhpto- .. ... .... i . , grapnio naenessea ox au. casea imfosei antM after cure. Beware of cheats wbnj pratsud; to furnish Dr. Shermans treatment, h j. One of these fellows, a Kerhiaa . clerk, nowj calling himself Dr. W. G. Cripien, is indict ed on oamplaint of Dr. 8., and awaits trial for torgery and embezzlement. 4w MARSDEN'S PECTORAL BALP,' THE GREAT REMEDY f OR couansj colds,.. I. AKD CONSUMPTION. FlNLAY fe TH0MPOV, J New Orleans, a.,Bole Agts. S6T For Bate by all Droggist i v 4w BRUCE WILLIAMS, ' ' . Attorney and Counsellor at Law,. L1LLINGTON, PENDER CO , N 0. Col lections aiiy where in North Caro lina a Hpecialty. . P. HEINSBERGER. Wholesale and Be tail Bookseller and Stationer. i . Pianos, j ''i' Organs, f Sheet Music, 1 . Cbromofl,A'. avd : ! . BIVNK BOOK MANUFACTUItEB 39 a 41 Market street, Wilmington, t. oct 4-0 i - , 1 PRINTING. ' LETTER PRESS PBTNTTNO OF ALL kioda at lowai prhM ia . taa city. Evm7 de- r;prioo of JOB WOKE, required by aa; I body and susajlwity. Posters, Programinsa, Cards: Cirea'-ara, Caiaiogaaa, Bill Hedv Ls ' bete, BlUa of Lading, Bteteaaenle and Show. Cards. AU kinds of . . . ; ' ' f PLAIN AND FANCY PiihrTI9t . j , ." I . - . . exeeaW with asataass aad dispate ' ' ' ; srOmos ia Brasj 'a Boildlng mxI fVwss i ioialng-to that of the WUsaiagton VttmpanX, Priaeesa Street. Wllmlngtoo, "-f-p-j-l ' $50 1 V

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