J " rt'iiiXinij'xi'fuiiTBCBjjur.' . i - " ... v - ; - "J.ir. STALLHrdS. ' Editcr- ir; h or sjrtsscumox. ! I , Tk JJ k '-W . ., .... S iWtiriW. la a payahw a4- .M. :" iPf coatina.J W ft... .... p.-t.A h t.0 Ceil ,. . ouinonn Monixx. w.n., w,. oi. t,,, Mip,,; Af.. bMt .Si U &U Of Ci tuM l rft; I lU.Ja4 th . (tua ! m4 .. h. .if .' - . mil lk f rpi It u it. t i trvatlkn fmi Um. 4( b.d wfw mtib 4 iRo(. 1 H.-n ! li lit bu Arua4 tMl, ' .: si i;t. I mad An tlopa int fuiiuw Ui liflil f !' h'. fr jiI ouj ! gtf t, -.it. I SELECTED STORY. . THE DC AD SECllET. tu: rrn ; tli icar. i . fir; Mr. lUupwri. a: uxl then f r. rii f n tamj-:ool, which i, t I rMr?ii itll m the pr-s !I ..ii :: !!. "H-rr! rtta ou to rli.' ravtlwatk; u cau"t drill !(.,:, . - i;t rl.af. U hit's tli ni4:irr i .' I' t '!.!!.' Hi Iff. IhlHU. ii.UJ.l uifniaF. Ittcit. black i'.i:.. 'in if Ut'r txy tt t. ti jvx y m ton suit -r.t t;l-ni;tt fri.'Hl aHBl the r i; uf lawn i flrr Mr rbiiiMu to biruf. 4i''rt; S tuck up bi hntbrcila. 'lr mu'E a iU a -it i fn2" iut! t.u't fa t!ie jutpifatian ad H'ltowin? I ! oviU,'t attention t.n fli.ni. a'l albinr 11 X . . n r. mi lia I U t ,.hf I arti ttn wit iuj lu an .rrtl Mr. Phii- I ivoufd ratU.-r utTr - ratu- uM -i witl. jtiir tor J Clxn- vvi'iM 'Hi ie i i;c Tiin'r-tS iJ'-. what t , fiti. I think ti"u - wttr Mil" hin x irertttn; un l-.l r- caul lr I hennery. ti 1 v L I n j(u of :he Cn4 I u t h t t'hitdrnu h' 1 1 i w , : An I I w.H C"111 u ta. tell i r I apt.ni tll in onr t Mk, to the fi nih- prsc ivirfi! t. tilt up the rap rh.i n . i n Ik- '-vs of Mi..TrTrtoti b4 , in i hf. Hafig gv1 ;v .. with th AdtairaltT. he ntwA ;wC a -hip wtito h f ir 'ui"; auU uptth prrrul . Tith inCvt-Ts! an "horr. h I I !M i miU h t (ttn. x hiItifh .. i- Tut hi i r th;nk. rath't ....it fi it now. lu't took p llitj n ; f am nt pttDg 1 1 : r. f t!i. mrl j.i yon think. 1 rr of lh CfH-rwarj i r- time nv.ts be tatH .nvlnawlhcy f comfor i N UijHjvl of. I can jit amnl i ' ,t ru th main part of my itorT - .? ! 'f rrth tr l owrr. What i it n ' l joa ant to Yt4. Mr. Phrrtn UiU want to jfvt np :ii? of tte piBio that hi. lt chance uf cotnwio2 i In iM.pLtaf nn mmi liijfmin; tb '.'.i. f rt Uf la triin th : m-u!! ..f i little jrntl taJking ,. t n H? w.i raoS onwiUisr t . ..V4i tmnWWt wtMiki I n wpithy fn.-nd Cbttorr. b :' r pi-tr i-Hair with thm raXrnilj i v. r iv i x 1?"" hiw ari ui.r car tli amv!orJ. and walk Jr in tli 4.rve.on of lha . rHni wi .. aa to kj MMitarvf. witHin- aay hHiof .int;ii;. t ta il lxon;l .ir r try tLtxt rrtoarc of tak m; -"mjins Jraarht? Tb? icar. Ijm inihotioW JTi n.!nn a pf ajjiio"t ery tp .A th.. Xf c. niipp Jtp-plio mrh-m .uaI iadkt it. ta lI .-.i with a!l th rtt. a4 wtftir o with bit story, nacoa . i u,'t a.t-rt-. lb tn tad inn-r tit a hnmowi prmt io Join li'i lMt ootb' w no t! teraptT of a frtfal cbul. I t.i foa la that tb UI."r Mf.KrrtkUo4 and Captain Tivwrtoa trt nr uaijhbom h. pf. Ib had oot bo Mf af- .t. J hor on founJ oat ' V.V " ' , V . . I.: . .nf r; ' m . : n V : N ; vA ' - v V v- 1 I I I l-LVJiilLLJ,. LM -dL o , ... . . , . . - v;, - ft - i t- ,V,;V- - - , i - ... -, .... - -, - .. , J r- i . .. '' . i . ' t ' . - . - .-. . .a - - - - .- - VOL. I. rrota the other that rortk aowrr waa lor tale. Ua flni hr. log ibia, oU FrankUod .tiled t lev qaeatMnt a bo at the dace. Lot taau net a word on tbe aabjact of w . a rarebpaiuj it. Soon after lhaf, U Captaia fol t thin tod went to lionnj- bit a!ecc. old traaUiod priTattlr tet off for UornwtlL to look at tbe ettate. and to find oat all ha 'conld aLoat its tdTiDttret and defect! from tbe persnns in chxrgr of the hoate aad and. He toud notbtnr .when ha earn hneJk. naiil CapUia Trefer too rttnroed froa hit fixit crniae: ineo tnia qmiet old reotlemaa poke oot one morning in bit quiet. aectoni way. - TreTerto-jfaml he. Sf too will e!T VarthVenua Tower at the r-new.wf which Jon' boag ht it 1b, wsrn jtm tneijo.ciipoafjt f it br tell him to Ukr tie title-Jeodt to nine, and ak for the porchane money. 'Captain Trerrrtoo at uatnral ly a little ajtouiahVj at the readU ne of tbi oder ; bat people, like myself, who know old Kranklaad't hUtory. were aot eo turpriieI Hi fortune had )xii made br trade, and be wj fuolish enough to be always a little ahamed of ackoowLjtifinf, that one simple and crrditahie fact. The truth M. that, bis ancestors had been Untied pen try of importance be fore tbe time of tbe Citil War. and the old gentleman great am bition was to sink Ibe merchant in the landed grandee, and to lere his son to succeed hrm in tbe char acter of a sqnire of large estate and great ounty influence. lie as willing to devote half hit fortune to accomplish thia great cheme; bat ball his fortune would not bay him such an estate as he wanted, in an important sgrical- toraJ connty like oar. uenti are high; and land is made tbe most of with as. An estate, aa eitensire as tbe esrite ot I'or'.bgenna, would fetch nor than double the moner which Captain TreTerton coul3 venture to ask for it, if it waa sit uated in these parts. Old Prank Miid was well aware of that fact, and attaebedjall pos'b!e impor tance to it. Besidee, there waa omelhiug in tbe fendal look of Porthrenna'l ower. and in the nrht i over tbe rain and f tberies. which thi partbaseerthe estate incladed. that flattered bis notions of re storing tbe family greatness Here, he and his m after hiui, could lord it. aa b thought, on a htrgo ca!e, and direct at their totrrvigu will and pleasur tbe iudurtry of bu ad reds of poor people, scattered alone hoo4Ut. or huddled tiiiulhc-t. in the Iittr ViITagrS iwUnd. Tin tii a tempting prtmpect. and it could stHrnred for forty thousand and4 which wa just ten thou sand pounds lfM thtn ho had made p hi mind to give when be flral determined to niciamorph him elf from a plain merchant into a magnificeut UndoJ gentleman. People who knew ll.eio facts were. a I bsve said, not much surprid at Mr. Fraukbnd'a readinesj to parcbass Porthgeona lower; and Captain Trverio. it is hardly necary to ay. u not long in clinching the bargain on his sids. The estate changed hands; and ay weut old Piankland with a tail of w iie acres from Indon at his heeli, to work the mine and the fisheries on new scientific princi- FU. and to beautify tbe old hour rum top to lxttu with brau new medieval deviations, under the direction of a gentleman who was aid to be ai. architect, but who hokd. to my mind, the very imago of a lpib prieit in di'gufse: Wonderful plans and projects were they not ! And how do ton thinlc l hey succeeded? ' t- IK tell me. mv dear fellow:" was the auswer that tell from Mr. Phippea'e Hps. "I wonder whetlitr Mi Sturcb keep a bottle r cam phor julep in the lamily medicine chest? waa the thought that paued thsongb Mr. Phippeu mind. Tell von!" eiclaimed the vicar. Why. ef court evert one or bis plans turned out a dead failure. Hi Cornish tenantry received him as an interloper. The antiquity of his family made no impression upon them. It mifbt be aa old family, but it was not a Cornish family, and therefore, t was of no impor Unce in their eye. They wouia have jfoue to the world" ead for lh Treverton's; hut ntaraao of them would move a step out or bis war for tbe Franklauds. As for the mine, it smef mspira wun the earn mntinoot spmt that pes- veaeAl the tenantry. Tbe wise acres from London blasted in all directiooson th profoundst sciii- tifi pnnciples, brought aboai six peany worth of ore U th surface for every five poandt tbef spent in rettiagttnp. The fisheries tarn ed oat a ntll uetier. .a new for enring pilchards, which wat a marvel of economy iu theory. proved to b a perfect phenonomen, . : . : Tl. A or exuavagancw in only item oMnck in old t ran kl sod large sum of misforlnnee was pro dsced by hit quarreling in good tint with the medieval architect, who waa like a Popish priest in dliguite. This fortunate event tavedthenew owner of Port b gen n a all th money he might otherwise bav spent in restoring and re decorating the whole sait of rooms on the north s;d of th house, which had been left to go to rack aad mi a for more than hfte tears past, and which remain io tbeir old neglected condition to tbit day. To : WILrmGTOHV'!Pr MAUCH 23, ,1878. make a long ttory tbort, aflcr us letelj tpendin? more th on sands of poundi at. ToTtbenn than (. tuoaiaiiketoieckonnp, eld Frank land gare lit at last, left tbe placa in disgust to tbe care of bis steward, who wai charged -never to lay out another farthingon it, and returned to thia neighborhood. Being "in high dudgeon; and happening" to cateb Captain Treverton on sboie when he got back, the first thing he did .was to abute Porlbgenua and all the people about it too vehe mently iu tbe .Captain'g pretence; This led to a ooolneai Vetweeu the two neighbor, which might Lave ended in tbe breaktng oS of all in tercourse but for tbe children ou either aide, who would sec 'each, other ost as often at ever, and who ended, by dint or willful persisten cy, in put tine an end to tbo es- aratsgtaeati between the Zither by makiogit look simply naTcoTous Here, in my opinion, lies tbe most carious part ol the story. Impor Lant fainilr interest deninded on those two vonne neoide fsllin?' in love with eachothr; and. wonder ful to relate, (that as you know. after my confession at breakfast time) wa's eiastly what they did. Here i. a case of a most .romantic love match, which is also the mar nage, of a!l others, that the parents ou both fide-hail the stronrcst worldly intort.tt in proniottnc. hbakespeare may say what he pleases, the course of true Jove doca run smooth sometimes. Neverwas the marriage scrvic jxrfotnicd to better purpose, thau when I read it this morning. The tat being entailed on Ieouard. Captain Trev- erton's daughter now goes back, in tbe capacity of mistress, to the hon and lands which her father told. Hoamend being an only child, the purchase money of l'orth genna, which old Frunkland once lamented as meney thrown away, will now, when the Captain diet, le the marriage portion of young Frankland's wife. I don't know what yoa think of the beginning and middle of my story, Pbippcn, but the end ought to satisfy you. at auy rate, liid you ever hear of a bride and bridegr nm who started with fairer ptospects iu life than our bride aud bridegroom of to day f Before Mr. Piiippcu could make any reply, Mi ?turch pat iter bead out of the school rKm window and seeing 'he two geutlomcn ap proachiog. beamed on them with her invariable smile. Then, ad dresting tho vicar. saM, in her softest tones: . - I rvgret extremely to trouble vou. ar. but I tind Kolert verv multiplication table." Where does he stick iuw ? ' asked Doctor Cheiinery. At seven times eirlit, sir' rc-plie-l Mu Sturch. ltb!"tbooted theicur thn.iigh h e windoa. Seven timet eight ?" -Forty three." an-wcred the whimpering vi-c f the invisthle 1m1. Von shall hac one more chance before I K' cane.'' taid Iioctor Cheiinery. "Now, I hen, look out ! Seven times My dear, good friend, interpoed Mr Phipvn. ' if you cane thst very unhappv toy, h: will scream My nerves nave" been tried once this m rning bv the camp stool. I shall be totally shattered if I hewr creams. Jive mi time to get out afthe way, and allow me alo to sptr dar Miss S lurch the s.id spectacle of correction (se shocking to sensibilities like hers) by asking her for a little camphor jnlep, and so giving her " ecuc far getting out of the way like me. I thiak 1 cvu'd have done without the cam phor julep under nn v other circum stances; but I ak for it unhesita tinglv now, as much for Miss Mcrch'a sake, ai for the sake of mvown po3r nerves Have you got camphor julep Miss Sturch ? jay ye. I bg ami entreat, and give roe an opportuuity of escorting you ont or the way of the screams." While Miss Sturch whose WH trained sensibilities were proof agaiast the longest paternal caning and the loudest filial acknowledg ment of it in the way of screams tripped up stairs t ftch the cam phor julep, as smiling and eelf possessed as ever, M.uter Hob, rinding binuelf alone with his sis ter iu the school loom, sidled up totht voungest or the two pro duced from thepockstof bis tron mts three frowsy ariduated drone, looking very much th worse for wear, and, attacking Mis Amelia on the weak, or creed 7 side of her character, artfully offered the drops n exchang fr confidential infor-' roation on the subject or seven times eight. "You don't like em T whispered Bob. "Oh. dent l! answered Amelia. Stveu times eight f asked Bob "Fiftr i x," antwered Amelia, "fure?' sad llob. Certain," said Ameba I he drop cbaneed hands, and the catastrophe of the domestic drama changed with them Just as Mjss Stnrch appeared with the Ciinplior julep at the garden door, in the character of medical Hebe to Mr. Phippen, her intractable pupil showed himself to hn father at th school room window, in the char acter, arithmetically speaking, of a reformed son. The cane reposed for the day; and Mr. Phippen drank his gias of camphor julep with a mind at ease on the twin aabjeets of Mitt Sinrch's sei'sibilt tie and Matter Bob screams. T m Comictk.) I -C '. . HJZM-rt ' ,!.tr7i;r;2jr ..t or wo . cnap William QToaid .In Urf- ac-:n u .irn a. -jijkw't," . hiM suomteilMi'patwf with laen whoso tair:--'wsr ir ' bis owp. ltD had a k.c for Americans, and Ma&l-s BaUret of that cauatryVitlT ' UeorL'e naid a visit to hiniv in lm rccention room in the Windsor Hotel In a corner stood the King, surrounded by army, and navy officers in uniform, the com mittee appointed by the Common Council to fchow the King the city's tights, aud a delegatfon of former residents of the Sandwich Island, who had called t pay their respects. All wire ie?pect ful, and stood at a respectful dis tance from the royal presence. Undismayed by tlnVdisplay, "C:U iforn'a (Jcorcc entsred tbe room. ml' P"5IT bis way through the Common l.'ounc-il's committee. stepped in front of hia old friend, reached out his hand, and naid "How are you, Dave?" The army and navy oflicers put their hands on their side arms, and the obsequious Aldermen sprang forward simultaneously, with bands outstretched in a threat ening manner. The Kanaka King alone was nnmoved. He looked for a moment straight into the eyes of bis viiitor; then, tmiling, be grasjed the caulker's hand and said; "Why, George, bow do you do?" Then, taking George hy the arm, ha led him to another pnrt of the room, and there the two stood awhile talking over old times in Honolulu. Wna'a Trne Place. If I do not at least sav (hat wh;itev?r cbie may Inre or demand her, woman's true place, first and last, must be her home, I shall be untrnc to any one standing great conviction. "Womn must make of their homes and make them more to those who belong within t l.i.li ... t m i L-.l-.. ..T 7iK..t I attractions. W1. .vj.r. 7i "if "t,,i r vr't untl1 clerk waa at lie 'cut rv. 'n .. . . i 5K.eU . f working at his'lrAvle, fdp .can.-J . . - - ( Ktog or tbedjv'nor; , irt, ;e fflcerv )a the annrv;youag-i..e J uif., ,. : , . bout.tXo-remau; vTell, said tho atr.nger, fter fire ccppai r. ud h.l fffO l j N i,H;k , . t , lhe rail roa j. met V.tkK tbeys. - JKl. :.ble; I anppose yod don't -trnatr was "California yct?thi4 tT7SSitn, nf mTZl rrtgtifrf&T King Kalakaua was Naw Tcork a flluin,ej, : -.- -guesi, in the winter of lb. f, ,.v . - . ... in-oia -uua. -fi'ulct to live. integrity of home ia endangered. Th linmea of to-daV are not So dear as those of a past generation. A grat change h9 come over our people. A musements multiply and presi. Young people have taken out a license against their parents Parents are getting rather afriad of their boys and girls. Home isn't the little nucleus radiating joy to each, each sheddiug back j;y on it. It is a cohvenicnt place to have, nnd the lather ii the banker, and the mother is the mistress ol laundry women a:td cooks, but the home i gone. "It ii only a pnrt of the outer world which you have roofed over and lighted a tire in," which you may make dark with your frown or uncomfortable by your whim. Once it was. what it must be again the heart's holy of holies; once no man would desecrate ft by desert ing -it; once all good impulse sprung hence, aiid all true charac ter grew, once-the hearth at which faiher and mofher sat was holy and dear, and if the generation? arc to get back old stability or character, and firmness of princi pie and the old undefllrd religion, it must be through thes.' In inis of which yon, 0 women! ai e pi ietcBSf!: it mint be bv varnishing them asrain with f v -JO o rrrnfes reawakening irons ont fires, and santifyinj: anew the only place in which a human soul can be surely fitted for the work nnd warfare ol life. Heaven help us, if this dese cration of the home get into another generation! Wonu'i L.ov A man. who had struggled with a malignant disease, approached that crisis in it stage ou which his lfe seemed to depend. Sleep, uninterrupted sleep, might insure his recovery. His anxious wife, scarcely daring to breathe, was sitting bv his bed; her servants, exhausted by constant watching, had all left her. It was pa.t mid night; a door was left open for air; she heard, iu the stillness of the night, a window open below stairs, and soon after nppro.ichins foot steps. A moment more and a man with his face disguis entered the room. She instantly saw her hits band's danger, and anticipating the defigu of the unwelcome intruder, she poiuted to her husband, and pressing her finger upon her lip? to implore silence, held out to the robber her purse and her keys. To her great surprise, he took neither. Whether he was terrified or charmed by the courage of her affection can not be kuown. He left the room, and, without robbing a house sanc tified by tuch strength of affection, k ? departed. One Kentucky farmtr appropri ates the vearlv product of one were of his farm" to the purehaso of reading matter for bimsell nd family. , ' i : 'Wnatid an TJadarstaadins 'f.F-o'ut 82 veare of ae. lookiuar iiuv had crawled out of a cave to' H . Sentence life anew entered one of ; i lottk and waiting at tha com,- liberty, lie .'...Tliat a what 1 Wanted to knew. - a'ays ik to navp' -an nnder ' U'diiijjvalwwt such trig's for if. 'al'thioir niakea- me sriacr it?w t pise," nggeted lie clerk. "Oh! I ahall, replied the stran ger. "Tho oiiUide of this hotvl sotnieih, to smile a welcome at me; but, as I said before, my present policj id to get along without beinf kicked. I've got mental fer-lings a well aa any body else, and I am ?t ttinjr no worn in fh.'H that a men; cominiin r.ni'I Imtim-a from a heavy hotel clerk iipet mc a whole dav. rarewell, young man; extra talerti for me. dn t bile no A Conseieutioaa Widoiw. A poor man on made his will. He ln.s de;itli b:d called his wise to him and to'd icr ol its ifoi- Eions. "I hac left, he s:iiii,;rniy horse to my parents; s -1 1 it and hand over the nioaey you receive. I leave to you my dog; take good care of him, he will serve you faithfully." The wife promised to obey, and in due time sst out for the neighboring market with the horse and dog. "ilow much do you waut for your horse?" inquired the farmer. "I cannot sell the horse alone, but you may have both of them at reasonable rates, (live me ono hundred dollars fcr the dog and one dollar for the horse." The farmer laughed, but :is the terms were low he wiliinaly iiccepted them. Then the worthy woman gave thehu3baud s parents the dollar received for flie horse and kept the hundred dollars for herself "I took the pledge," said an old man, "at the foot of the gallows where I saw a young man hung, (the Sheriff took out hit watch and Sftvl fif vrtil bfivn fi n Bill in rr tn sttr ' - J" xnc young in an burst into tears and said: 'I had only one -little brother. He had beautiful blue eyes nnd flaxeu hair, and I loved him. But one day I frot drunk, and coming home found lim gathering berries in the garden and became angry without cause and killed him with a rake. Whis key has done it; it has ruined me. I have but one word to say never, never, never touch anything that is intoxicating!" " An old 'urkev-raiser gives the following experiment : Four tur keys were conlied in a pen, and fed on meal, toiled potatoes and oats. Four oU;eis, of the same brood, were also at the Maine time con fned in 'another pen, and fed daily ou the bailie articles, but with one pint of very finely pulverized char coal mixed with their food mixed nif-al and h ilel potatoes, fhey had aluo a plentiful supply of brok en charcoal in their pen. The .eight were killed on the sanii day, aud there was a difference of one and a half pounds each in favor of the fowl which had been supplied with charcoal, they being' much the fattest and tho meal greatly su perior in point of tenderness and flavor. . The most perilous hour of a jierson's life is when he is tempted to despond Tha man who loses his courage loses all; there is no more hope of him than thcie hope is ol a dead man a dead man. But it mat ters not how poor he may be, how much pushed by circum stances, how much deser.ted by friends, how much lost to the world; if he only keeps hi3 courage, holds up his head, works on with his h.tnds, and with unconquerable will determines to be and to do what become? a man, all will be well. It is nothing outside of him tyat kills, but what is within that makes or unmakes. A celebrated author says: "If I wen- to choose the people with whom I would spend my hours of conversation, they should certainly le such as labored no. farther than to make themselves readily and clearly apprehended, and would have patience and curiosity to un derstand ine. To hare good seuse, amir ability to express it, are the most essential and neccesary qualities in companions When thought riue in us fit to utter among fimi'.iar friends, there neef'a hot little care in clothing them." Two keg gunpower wer found conceal jd iu tho basement of an ArWaneas court house recently, leading to suspie'oa of a deir to remove the omnty seat. 'When tempted to anger, says a writer, "breathe a prayer." Jea' so. Wheu you stub your toe, for instance, 'murmur, "Now I lame mV iwu v. it. a . v wiv John B. vGotifrh state that in P tbi fly-five yiars be has delivered Seven thousand six huuareu -apeecn-et, but neyfr faced an audience yet without w'ishing to go', the other way. He never approaches an aud if nee without feblinga shaking of flic knees. and a dryness of tke lip's. ' . :- - .'i- .'I should ke 'Courtship and Marriage' and the 'Best of Hus bands,' " said a ; pretty girl, . trip ping into a - Broadway bookstore. "I think I can fill the bill, misa," Ij-eplied the dapper young salesman ';Jave youien Tuousanaa yearr- If you intend to do , a' mean thing wait till to-morjow. If you arc to do "aT noble thing, do it Prosperity js no joist scale;. adr- reigh Iriejids. Loxiug a cow for the sake ofa cat; the Chinese interpretation of going to law. . y The exoeHses of youth aro drafts upon old age, payable with interest, j Driwking water neither makes a man si"k, nor in debt, nor hia wife a widow. We request all mothers to stop using Laudanum for their Babfes, but wso Dr. Buil's Baby Syrup, a good medicine. It contains nothing lnjuriouj. 25 cents. ' Train PURIFIES TOE BLOOD, REN OVATES AND- INVIGO RATES THE SYSTEM. : ITS .HKniO.U, KROPERPIES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Sol rent and Diuretic Yegotine Reliable Evidence- Vcgetine JIk. H. It. Stevens. Dear Sir I will mosi cheer fully add mv tpgh'mnn, tn tha VcgCtiHejgreat number you have already received m favor of your great 1 Tl .1 f r ."."!. 1 Tl 1 . . .1 .' . i ... . AT . Cgetinejforl do not think enough can be said in its praise; for I waa Ar,r.f;.-,,.!troubled over thirty years with egccinc tnat dreadful disease, Catarrh, an3 had such bad cousrhine- r.-.ra spells that it would seem aa itneugh 1 never could breathe any more, and Vkqetink has cured me; and I Jo feel to thank God all the time that there is sogood a medicine aa Veqe tixe, and I also think it cne of Vejretiae Vcgetine Vegelme the stomach, and advise every body to take the Veoztine, for i can assure them it ia one of the Atgst modicines that ever vas. Mrs. L. Gobe, Cot. Magazine and Walnut Sts., Cambridge, Mass. gTves health, strength AND APPETITE. r Vegctine Vcgetine Vegeline Vcgetine Vcgetine My daue-hter has received reat benefit from the use ot Vegetine. Her declining health was a source of anxiety to all her friends. A few bottles of Veoetise restored he health, strength arid appetite. -Kl H. XTLDEN, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent, J"o. 49 Sears Building, liost'jn, Mass. Vcgetine ejretini Vcgetine Vcgetine Vegetine CANNOT EE ESCCEIjXiEI), Chablestown, Mass. II. It. SravExs. Dear Sir, This is to certify that I have used, your "Blood Preparation" in niy family for egetine Vegetine Vcgetine .Vegeline Vegetine several years, andjthink that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or liheumatic affections it can not be excelled; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine it is the best thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, Mks. A. A. Dinsmobe, No. 19 Burseil Street Vegetine Vegetine IT IS A VALUABLE REMEDY. Vegetine South Boston, Feb. 7, 1870. I Mb. H. B. Stevens egetine Dear Sir I have taken several ' I. ... . r . Domes oi your v kuktine, ana am convinced it is a valuable remedy for Dsspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and general, debility of the System. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from the above Vegetint Vegetine Vegetinel'roP18- - Yours regpectrally, Mrs. Mcnroe Pabkbb. , VeaCtfllC 83 Athens Street. VEGETINE. PREPARED BY H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists Temperance Reform Aud its J-.!it 3 formers. BY BEV. W. H. DANIELS, A. M. Profusely Illustrated with Portraits an 1 Sketches and containing over 600 Pages. 43- A whole temperance library in a sin gle volnrne. I AGENTS WANTED EYERYWHEKE. Address for extra Terms and Circulars, NELSON & PHILLIPS, " 805 Broadway New York. EDWIN! J. McNABB, Attorney ana .Counselor, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. Qllladen Count.) Oollections,'aiiy where in. N"ortl Cnrchna a Hpecialit-y. Refers by permission to Messrs. Hinaldi & Co., Local ITercfianti. SUBSCRIBE TO THE WIL 3IINGTON DEMQCRAT. NO. ,23. ! NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. . ; The penetrating- winds la ciden to this season of the year lare a se vere ordeal for the lungs. 'The neglect of a hard congh generally; leads to. a weakness ot 'tho lungs, which," not infrequently, reaultaj in,. Consumption;"'. . , " Vi.VjJ-a. ; OCHENCK S -PlTLMOMIC , OYRiriJ. Will. at oncerelieve and - loosen a tight congh-f and is - such an . agreeable remedy that children wu Take it : without being taxed-tAlc'drS0 the lungs, if consumption itf;jnt already -developed, ''may. be easily mastered by the use.of-?lfee "Puinio nic.byrup, together witn bchencks Mandrake; Pills to clear the system of the accumulated mucus.- -? i .'' : In more serious cases, "where the aisease uas necome uecpiy seaiea, anil" f Iia "nil i(iit anftvra from the lM0f appetite': jweakness and ema- I ' J r-' Toxic should be used in connection with the above mentioned remedies Lto stimojale the appetite and (ring me aigef.uvc powers into 1 neauny action, ' thereby sustaining! the strength of the patient and ! ena bling him to resist the progress of the disease until the .Pulmonic Syrcp may perform its healing and cleansing work. The use of these standard reme dies according to the directions which accompany theui, cannot fail to produce mcst satisfactory re sults. A letter addressed lo Dr. Schenck, c mier. Sixth and" Arch fctreets, Piiilvielphia, asking ad vice, will, promptly receive the Doctor's personal attention, free of charge. Schenck's Medicines aro for sale by all Druggists. " THE SOUTH-ATLANTIC,. A Monthly Magazine devoted to Lit erature, Science and Art, pub lished in Wilmington, North (Jaroliua. r. The corps of contributors includes seve ral of the most distinguished authors of the present da. A Serial Story," Poems, Sketches Reviews, Scientific and Historical articles wi.l appear in every number. This Magazine will contain only original litera ture, " SUBSCRIPTION ONE TItAB $3.00. STNOLS CQV1 25 cents j ADVERTISING ' TEEMS : 1 page ono yr $120 00 1 pageOne ins $25 00 " " " 75 00 " " 15 00 " " 50 00 L " " . 10 00 y " " " 36 oo yt ' 5oj All communications ahould be addressed to Mks. CICEBO W. HARRIS, Editor and Iroprielor. MARCHAL & SMITH, I PIAKOS. THE HANDSOMEST, ' T THE BEST TONE, '- MADE. v Tliey are Beautiful Rosewood, seven and one third Octaves, with every improvement and fully guaranteed. Their moderate prices and uniform success have won for them the position of a Standard of Economy and Durability., , . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL MUSICIANS' TO BE THE BEST. Over -18,000 Now in Use. Agents wanted in every Ceitnty, Address '"'.'' MARCH AL & 8MITH PIANO CO. or Robebt W. Smite, Jlqt1 i , 47 University Place, N. Y ' X.SOO Proflt ONUOO. Made any day in puts and jaxl. - Invest; accordin.to your means. $10, $50 Or $100,! in stock privileges, has brought a small fortune to the careful investor. We advise; when ana how to operate safely. Book with! fullj information sent free. Address orders by Jaail and telegraph to 'i ; BAXTER & C O., i Bankers and Brokers, 17 WaU St.iJ.Y. f Geo. Woods & Co's Parlor Organs. All other recommendations being equal, tat ORGAN is the Most Valuable which .is capable ef producing the greatest nnn her of Musical Effcts and Vari ations. It is claimed by Geo. Woods & Co., and the claim can be -verified by enquiry and examination, that the Instruments of their manufacture produce Qualities of Toks wmcn are tne oearest approach that has ever been made to the tones of the pipe or gan; that, in addition to this, they possess the most Beafltiful Qualities or Tone. which are- peculiar to themselves; and that the airangements and inventions which they alone make use, give to them a ca pacity for producing th t GREATEST VA RIETY OF ORCHESTRAL and INSTRU MENTAL EFFECT and a range Of expres sion which is TRULY WONDEEFUE. These advantages are dueseverally to the general plan of the construction ef the In struments ; the . great .amount of cask, skill and taste given to the tuning and voicing of the reeds:and, above all, to the merits of the COMBINAT10 fSOLO STOPS THE . yEOLINE. A soft o: breathing stop. TflK VOX HUMANA. A baritone solo stop. THE PIANO. A Piano o. exquisite tone which will never require tuning. The above Stops are In every case sepa rate, and additional sets ef vibrators and steel bars, and entirely distinct from the Tremolo which accompanies them. The great variety of combination and variation of which they are capabla impart to the in strument a WONDERFUL APAITY for the production of MUSICAL EFFECTS. .- n and they can all be brought AT WLLL into tha fall organ, adding largely to its power and Eichkzss of Tone." Instruments containing these Solo Ef fect can be obtained at very reasonable figures .and those intending to purchase will do well to consult them herore par chasing clsewheie. , Ratoa of Adyert 81 ACE 1 inch. S ineMe 8 tnchea i'coL 7 i: Advertisera who 4eair vtQ b allowad to ebang tbeir advwtiatimenta each weak -withont additional charita. ,..:';''-,. . Boaineaa notioiM ia . local cohumi vUl b charged 15 cents per Una for th first la ertion and 10 cent per line thereafter. . jTEBMS CASH-ON DIMAKD. MISCELLANEOUS . .; ITEA8- t no 8 moa. 8 no I 1 year $4 00 $8 00: ia00 I $1800 60O, 1200 1 $18 00 J . 40P 8 00 16 00 SSeOf 5 0i; . is oo moo i so oa i , 69 oo ' 24 00 40 00 ; 60 00 MM 36 CO ' 55 00 83 00 .125 00 i i i 1. 1 1 -: f.'i-.iM ''.!,. -" i WK StTPPLT TO LOBBIES, GEO- cerV Hotels,.- BesUaraats, Ag-eatt, . !, Feddlera, and larga eonramm t- raseral,. " : TEAS pat ap In original packaroa at lat- i porters' once. Beinf oannecUd with th largos, im porting hoaaea ia tb trade, all -v parties raoniriar T& i ntuiilK ul iin .' Lrell to scad -their orders direct Samples' ! Isem creo oi caarro. r - . . : (Wo wUh aa Ageat.'Afal or Femal, la , cu wwii uui ooaatr to sou oar teas, pl ' . ap ia packages from i lt and apwarda. To-f ach extra inducement are oGrA. TnfMM I - parties Teanirinsr a test of oar Tea, m will I ' 'send braaail, oa receipt of 60 oenta. 1 ooaad 1 i1 foe blank form aad prioea to . -f ,i. r ' . 156 "front strwjt, . A ,":'" l " Gor. Maiden Lane,' fel4 t . - 2fw York, .i l--:$. . . "'.I. ' r "XVTa.zxxxxib; XEoviso,' "" r?lWT "W W If 1 VVV A PTffturtr - .. -, roiMiiifrta i M i ni i THIS HOUSE, under tho lua sagtment of tho Proprietor, is ono of 'tho best kept ' Hotels in tho eitr..- Tha rooms are airy and 4 convenient, neat and nice. ' Tha tabl la well provided, and th victuals well cooked , Omnibus to take paaaengara to and from , the trains at all hours. The location is de sirable for business men, resiaenti and -'-transient. Charges fair and reasonable. "Stop at the Manning House, Wilmington, N. C - . Ydufirsy PAMIONX SYQUNCt PEOPLE i eagerly aoagbt by th young folks, and read with interest by the older. Its parpoao ia to interest while it amass: io be ladioiods. . practical, sensible, and to have really p -' manent worm, wane u aiuracia xor tn hour. i j ' ' . It is handsomely illustrated, and has I for contributor some of th most attractive 1 writers in the country. Amonic these are : J. T. Trowltridse, Dinah M. Craik, James T. Fields, J. G. Whittier, Bebesca H. Davis, Louise C. Moulton, Mrs. A. H. Leonowens, C. A. Stephens, Edward E. Hale, Harriet P. SpoSTord, Wm. Cullcn Bryant, A. D. T. Whitney. Louisa M. Alcott. . . . Its reading is adapted to old and Toucan , is very comprehensive in its character. It gives Stories of Adventure, Stories of Home and Letters of Travel, School Life, Edito rials upon j Current Tales, Poetry, Topics, Selections for Declamation.. Historical Ar ticles, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, Puzzles, Religious Articles, Facts and Incl -dents. 1 - Subscription Prioa, S1.75. Specimen copies Beat free. Please mention ia what paper you read this advertisement PERRY MASON & CO., 41 Tempi Place, Boston. l M : . . ' , - rrr" a tiic Jr-i-' AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES ETEB'Y MAN HI3 -0W5 AQEMT. Norther pretended Mannfactnrer adrer-i tise "$630 Piano for $176," and "270 Or gans for $65," but it is feUte Such tnstra. ments are inferior, and priced three tiaaes their: value. Don't be deceived with saea "Grand Offers. Being WHOLESALE DEALERS, having N Agents, aad selling direct to purchasers, , we can famish Relia ble Instrument from Best Makers atlowest FACTORY PRICES. .'. . ; 7 Oct Pianos, $179 I 9 Stop Organs, $7 VA Oct Pianos, 230 12 Stop Organ, 78 MASON k HAMLIN OB ANS. - 7 Stop, $100. - V , Stops. $108 Stool and Cover, with Piaaos. Stol with Organs. Fifteen days trial. Written guar antee. Redaction to-ZVachBrs, School and . Churche. Send for Catalogues, Special Offers September 1, 177, aad Circular ex-i posing Impositions ef J'ianq and Organ Trade, etc. " 1 LUDDEN & BATES, " . Savannah, Oa., Wholesale Piano and Organ Dealers. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! We are the first to oiler FirstClass Sewing MacHlnes, , at prices within th reach of alL WE WILL,. 8ELL THE VEBI BEST FAnn.t Sewing Macbinx For Twenty-Five Dollars on an ornamented Iron Btand and Treadle, with Walnut Top and Drawer, and neoes aary Attachments, aad deliver it any Bail road Depot in the United States, : vhes: oir oharue These machine ar warranted to do tb whole line of Family Sewing with more rap idity, ease of management, and leas fatigue to the operator, thaa any machine now in use. They make the Double Thread Stitch in such inner th thay aroidthe nce sity of winam..: be under threat, and will sew from the finest cambrio t tha heav iest overcoat sloth. Send for a circular and aample of sewin . Every machine war ranted for three years. 1 . ; AGENTS WANTED ETXKYWHUiE. . - -. . :.' i ( !: ' ' " I - CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO., Limited. 72 Filbert St., rhUadelphU. Pa. .... , -j. : u- 1 h- - : printing: , LETTER PRESS PRINTING OF ALL kinds at lowest prioe in th city.-;. Every description ef j JOB WOKK, required by anybody and eTerj'body, Pos ters, Programmes, Card, Circulars, Cata logue, Uill Heads, - Labels, Bills of La- . ding, Statements and Show ICardki All kind of .... v I r- PLAIN AND TANCT PidNTTNO executed with' neatness aad dispatch . J"Omce in Evan's BuUding. next room adjoining to that of ibe Wilmington Deaa crat, Pfincess Street, Wilmington, N. C. ' -V '.. Wfi- '-, O. A. PEICE. THE OBPHANS FRIENl . A LITE AND LITELY'fFEEKLT f .OEGAK OF THE OBPHAN '"WOUK, ' Entertaining and Ins tractive to the Young. "A Zkalocs Faiaxo akd Advocate " OF EDUCATION. PUBLISHES EVERY WEDNESDAY. Subscription and postage . ONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. Office iii the OXF0KD BUILD ING, AT OXFORD.1 ;, ',1: 7 i

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