--sVr' I I f ' .! if. ' ;. V!5:r:" t' v- ft 1 i .- I. ' vr? 1 f S 1 i ! i i ' "L i I i t- '- I VOL.: VII., NO. 202. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING,1 iiJANUARY 2, VyilOLE NO: 2102- ' ' '.' ' ' " ' " ' i , . , . . . . I l V Hi !: - a-: : - - ; 5 v '' X- -.1 '---Ii ; ' 01 "1 i GlV '---i-H'-' "J -';' i r V I - 4 TERMS: Daily Paper, SO-OO; Weekly, $2.00, Z3r lr ADVANCE. I - Paper i- alwav stopped, unless a remitUnce i-rmlilo continue fi. ninety nonw tifit v.vm.'iit can l made - ul.r-rii-ti..n 1 ! !, inail.-.J at our ruk, when the let- - r- A. 31. n ADDCLL, Editor and ProHor. 0 3SX- Wcilncsil&y livening, January 2, 1861. - he llerald Job Office ii.. xv onifl ti ij j iTttitl up with the finest as rl'ii r r.r Joe Tte .to 1) Tound in the State. I'mi of Joh work can now be speed- all liuhil-uimly prinlt'd at this office from i..hm ,n to. i Tisiting card. IlandbilLs, it. u! ir-. -! 1 1 K9) xt , c, ptauj anu prompujr t I 1 g. . A 1 - 1 .1 i-i'if ! nt -fiort i4ue, nl on reasonable terms. I! iKi'ui .Vtt-otion will be given to the Job iii-!it ?in-sifi(r, and we etl aisared that nil v. orU nil u?t tl.to our Job hand, who 13 cx j ri i t- iii t lie Kuiincsa, will f be executed sat ' "i. 'i'tWy iu Vvery resiiectj Give him a trial at i. tti-. :nvl ifl t tsnot done well, no complaint ;.i i- m i.!.' ff a Withdrawal of atronage, .. ; ;" i i T Our Patrons. T!n- Iau.V lltiuui i3"lriscntod Jto its readers , .t i'.h. ttKlir.-it day of the new year, in an cn- i.. wqu-V,' the p-nAral fit of which will, it f. tovWniorf attractive than its former tii t!ie place "of six wide- colnmins of i ', L I"- to till.' iKl 'i' it now conhiins seven, narro?r columns ot tvpe, a size :.: ill' r. Tlfis i-liange of the entire appearance i'.ir i;m r, ha Ui--n made at considerable ex- n o to tin piiijnetor. ;i liiiK- when iiew intcstmcnU in any business nv -in.-idcjl nirudcnt. It has been made, i mi.-vrr, ii view of the fact that enterprize and : i ri; . arij tho chief elements of. success in the i.i i ii:! iner of la cwsiiier, and with the hope r-..a tl.e i ari of jthc proprietor, that the public w ill iij i-rivlatp jlds efforts, and liberally assist f.rni 3 n-afize iis expectations. The IIcrald, " ':iUlniii;h iff crrculation lias steadily increased since it cairn- into bur liaiuls, has never received 'thofcujiort:sto fhu1i it isntitled. The want of this siipporfj herclore, lias kept it jSoraewht In tacksrouuX ,but wo have determined to ' i make it merit a liberal support hereafter, wheth- er it receives it, r not. ? The office is nowfur- iifJicd, we liev in every respect, better than J ,:hJv olfier in North C;irolina,-.and wq have very ,3o.l autliujjty'fof so believing. The paper is 'printed on one of Jloe's Cylinder Presses which is run l mim-all the tfpe a the pfficais new. And of the fest kind we have a competent fore man, imported expressly for this market," and V reporter, -wnoBej exclusive easiness is to give "the ui-nkt and 3hjp news Oixr exchange list is . a" very targe onej cnioracing papers irom au parts of flie country, rfid, hereafter, ur telegraph and ' ne its coliiiffiBviibc more full than heretofore. There ca' le thing wanting to make the jtjiT a gool oi', except: a want of qualification in the editor, nndjof that" the public must judge, us they .have done. We do not intend either to .lisupie aa independence we do not feci, or to make any further; appeal .to our friends for sup port tlian is prter, . bu wo do think that our eiforts to jmbliph a godd paper (in the face of many difficulties,) entitle us to the considera tion of our political'frends, at least. It ia very poor conjulation to an editor Jo be told that you approve of his curse, like liis editorials, &c., Sic.j but withold ij our mnterial aid, or giTe it to those whose course yoh do not- approve. TA! newspaper i cannot exist-on empty. praise, how ever gratifying jt may b to the editbr. Weare T i . . lrfectly willing- to stand or fall, according to our merit, or want of merit,' and expect to do so; but we canttot appreciate that kind of -aid which acknowledges thcfaeriVand stops atthat We, therefore, respectfully ask onr friends, and the friends' of the IIera1j, tq bestow upontis' their business patronage only according to their j itimate of the estent tolwhich we deservo it, 'The; Official Gazette of China. ; j . ' The Chinese Government has an official jour- lud, similar to taosc seep in most of the States of Europe.; It is; organised, managed, and edi ted with an ability whith the ; persons most ex . - ieriencc4 in the 'mechanism of the press would admire. It satisfies all the wants of government lal and private publicity embraces all the ques tions, and unites morajly ahd politically the different province to tbe centre, by supplying oflicial.netts'which must be reproduced by the provincial pross.f It is at once a means of gov ernment, of centralization, of justice,- of instru tion and of amusrment. j The Pekin Gazelte, as it is called! appears dailv in the form of a pam- . phlet, and contains fromf sixty to seventy pages Nothing can appear inj it withorit having been previously;, examined br a political or literary j committees. The official part emanates from tho Emperpr's Cabinet, which every day verK . ties it with minute attentaoni It notices all pub-; lie affairs, and gives a (succinct recital ot' the - "principal -events. It contains Ihe petitions and luemoira presented to th4 Emperor, with hi re-j plies, as. well as his orders and instructions to the mandarins. ! Records of judicial events qon-; " elude the ijllkial part, which j the editors cannot change in any respect yithoht exposing them-' selves' to lose their lives This severity, exam ' aniples of winch occur fijom time to time, main tains, among the public fcm almost religious res !ct tor all that jniay appear j in the Gazette. ' The journal is regarded as the expression of the 'Emperor'stwill, which erery !qne obeys, and be fore which every one bpws.j i Hence it follows that thi Western Powers have great interest in stipulating that their conventions with the Chi- liese Government shall lie published in the offi that heinor the best sanction a trea- beirisr" " moreover, a sort of. -public consecration of iH The non-official part , consists, o Cmatter similaS: to Ihat which appears 'in the political and literary jonrnala of Europe; l but, contrary to what exists in Europe,' there s more noetnv than nrose. 1 The praises of the Em- lH.'ror, or the recital ' of sorne of his act3,.are or dSnarily tlfc themes of the Chinese poets, and they employ that exaggerated s and hyperbolical "language which J distinguishes j the Chinese from otlier nations. lAmongl the poetry are also to , be found faUes And allegories, and it seems that the Chinese hail their j Esop long before the G reeks emerged from barbarism. Similar to the xgreat journals of Paris, ithe Pekin Gazette con tains a sitecies of feuilleon, in wnicn are recor- anu in leading parti bat little flattertd. AtSirt from the exaggera- uoa reiaiive u,i.ne roa-iang-sai reiitu; the In-ki-li, (English) the journal is really inte , resting, and nothing is better calculated to give . a Correct idea of t Chinese empire, its inhabi . tants, and their; manners. Xat. JaUUiaeneer. The Department of &e Interior gives public warning against receiving or purchasing any of inc stolen Indian Bonds ana coupons, as the claim of tho United States thereto will be prosecuted to deL romantic and funm-stic aavenrures. yhich litterly the ' 'Western devils" have been made to play af lcadinc? parti of course, being meutmos; extent. . From the Boston Courier. i Tmt True Way to Isflcexck the Soctu. In reading a recent quarterly report of an agent of the American Tract Society, in North Carolina, we could not aroid . the reflection, that liad Northern men . contented themselves with such sort of interference with the South, the country would hare been saved the present terrible con rulsion which threatens the utter prostration of bur government: and dismemberment oT- the Union ; and not only so, but that an amount of good have been done to the slaves, as well as the freemen of the South, -which all the direct anti-slavery efforts of the North never have done, and never can do. i f ' The following is an "extract from the report to which we refer, j It is the December report of Mr. Crowder, General Agent of the American Tract Society in North Carolina : . "Since September 1, I have labored in 13 counties, visited and talked on personal religion wjth 429 families, 37 of whom had no Bible, 72 no Other religious books, 102 habitually neglect ed preaching, and 197 never had a religious visit and prayer at their, houses. I have also distri buted over 240,000, pages of gospel truth, most ly in families and Sunday schools, which schools we nave organized In the most ignorant sections, in which hundreds of parents and children are bcine tausrht to stdl and read, and li Christ. During' the quarter I- have learned of 63 persons who -attributed their conversion to God's blessing upon the reading of books and tracts. A minister toldfne that the tract 'Come(to Jesus,' -which I gave him a few years ao, was the means of the hopeful conversion of a whole family. At the safrie time, he says. I gave him a iacket of tracts wortk 25 cents, which he scat tered in a section where there was not one fami ly in ten that attended 'preaching lecause of the distance 10 or 12? miies to the nearest and their great wickedness 'and indifference. Since then there-has beenla revival, .and a church built there; and he has- good reason to lelievc that the mcket of tracts was the means, in God's hands, of starting this reformation." And all this is but a sample of what the agents of this excellent xuttional institution have leen doing'.at the South. In North Carolina alone' colporteurs are now: successfully reaching over twenty thousand families every year, chiefly in the more destitute bounties of the State, leaving the more favored 'counties -to be occupied br other instrumentalities. . In one county, where a faithful colporteur has " been supported by a single lady, over jfour hundred families were found neglecting public, worship. In addition to all his personal labors, the colporteur has suc ceeded in enlistinrf about two hundred of the best men and women of the country in revisit ing the more scattered families for religious in struction ; and there are now eleven good Sab bath Schools wher such never before existed in the county. . - . It is to support 'such sort of labors all over the South and SouthwTs. that the American Tract Societv now dnneals earnestlv to the friends of the cause for funds. Thfy should not appeal m vain. 'i Destitution and! Death 6f a Revolutionary Soldier. Robert Curry, a veteran of the Revo lution, died near Cincinnati one day last week under circumstances oi extreme destitution. For several weeks 'Prior to his death he was without the common unecessaries of life, and his' son and two step daughters who were living with him. not being, able to defray his funeral expenses permitted; the body to lie for several days on the bed in! which the veteran died, un til the police, hearing ot the matter, had the re mains decently interred. The deceased was one hundred and two years of age, born in Little York, Pennsylvania, in 1758. At the age of thirteen he enlisted as drummer boy in the Con tinental army, and served through the war of the Revolution. lie came to Cincinnati in 181G and resided here until his death. . i The Japanese1 Jsmbasst. We have news of the arrival of the steam-frigate Niagara, having the Japanese Embassy on board, at Hong Kong. She reached there n the 22d of October, after a passage of nearly tWelve days from. Batavia. All on board were in good health. She was to leave on the 30th for Yeddo, where she was expect ?d to remain ten days, and would return 'to Hong Kong about. the first of December to take on board the American Minister to China, ,Mr. Ward, who would proceed in her a3 far a3 Aden, on his return to the United States. It was Understood that on the arrival! of the Embassy at Yeddo an extraordinary demonstration of welcome was to be made by the Japanese. Nat. Int. . The Stolen BoNbs. In the United States Cir cuit Court in NewiYork, Friday, Judge Smalley granted injunctions against Jerome ii. Simpson, Vice President of the Overland Express Company, Thompson Brother, and Clark, Dodge and Co., DroKers, uodard Bailey, Chief Clerk of the In terior Department Russell. Maiora & Waddell. and Richard Sehel, restraining them from par ting with any of the stolen Indian trust tund bonds which they may have in their possession. ; Constitution. p GREAT ATTRACTION T THE OLD STAND. No. 9 Market street. Now opening, the largest and nnest stocK oi Crocl kerv. Cnina aUd uiass are ever yci onerea io me citizens oi luniugiuu. Having several yjears experience in this business, justifies me in sayutg that I can offer inducements which cannot bq had elsewhere. We keep con stantly on hand, the best of Cut and White Flint Glass, fifae" White and Silver and China Ware, Terra Cotters, Laa and Parian Ware, with the best of Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, and every thing used in the House Furnishing line. . , ... xcr; . To wholesale customers, I take pleasure in say-. ing tnat i can ao oeiier oy iuem iuis sumuu,, mn heretofore. I i Call and examind oar well selected stock. Look before you buy. ; H. R. PERRIN. WilmiBgton, Octj. 1, 18C0. tf S HCABAS. i A' FULL" assortment of Cat)as Port Monnaies, 7 Reticules, .Ladies' Traveling Bags, Purses, ft- ' KAHNWELLER & BRO'S. oct 30 I , ' ' - OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIG- ; TO TOMU. ' THESE delicious and far-famed Bitters are re commended jby-the first physicians of the country, on account of their Purity ,and Medicinal Virtue. ?:: l ' . They are' pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are .ronounced the beit Tonic and Stimulant ever" off ered to the pubU4 ' ' 1 i -n, Their curative powers, in cases of General De bility, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, etc. aro unparaueiea, ana as a guarantee iuai, we ieei i-an ted in claimincr what we do, we beg leave to kstate that our assertions are endorsed by Prof. Silliman, of Yale College, i Prof. Hayes, of Massachusetts, , and hundreds of others. For sale by Grocers, Wine Merchants and Drug gista, generally, j .'dec 18-ly O HOUSEKEEPERS. j Patent Knife Cleaners, , Table and: Doors Mats, k To be had at tha original Crockery Store. dee 17 .w :! H. R. PERRIN. JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. A. J. DeRosset, Pork, - i . Bagging, . . Cheese, H - , Rope, Butter, : Nail3, i j Crackers, ' Starch, For sale low for .cash, by ,t,tt. dec 27 ! ' ' ' ZENO II. GREENE. GILT JBAND and Decorated Tea Setts, decir dedly the handsomest in the State, dec 26 !' IL R. PERRIN. FOR TIUS WEEK. HARPER'S WEEKLY, containing New 1 ear pictures, Portraits of the Georgia Legisla tora in Congress, Ac, - ; . Frank Leslie's Illustrated News, containing an illustration of the burning of Fo.t Moultrie, spiking the guns, Ac. 1 1 . .' - :. . New ork Mercury, i " " Dispatch, National Police Gazette, , Literary Companion, : ' Phunny Phellow, for February, t . Chess Monthly, ; ;. 1 - ' : London Weekly Times, r Latest - New York, Pliladelphia, . BalUmore, Charleston and Petersburg papers, at ; . , , . WHITAKER?SNew Book Store!, , Matkei "if, bet. its, Dawson'i and Wilkinson's. - dec 31 M - ' ' ' v Special USTcJtioe AD3IINISTRATORS XOTICP- ; j3- THE UNDERSlGNErfhaving been duly qualified as the dmibHtrator f the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Termj A. I)., 18G0, of thc'pjurt of pleas and Quarter Ses sions, of the county of New Hanover, hereby noti fies all persona having accounts or demands of jany kind against saidEstate, tit present the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time rlre? cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the nnder-i signed, without delay. JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec. 15, 1G0-Cw. j MRS. WIXSLOW, An experienced nursci and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething bv softening the gums, reducing all inflaroatirn will allay all pain, and is suru to regulate the bowels Depend upon it, mother?, it will give' rest to your selves, and relief and health to voun infant. Per r 'ectlysafe in all cases. Soeadvertisenrent in.anotlw er column. " feb 25-ly SVALKER MINUTES, q. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIU G G1ST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Sch.ct Medi cines, English, French and German Ch-.-m-ieals, Swedish Leeches, &c, also, ' . . PAINTS, X)ILS, ; ' Window Glass, Perfumery,- Fancy Articles, c., &c i aug 14, ls;o 3J W. A. BATCUELOU'S ILV1U DYE ! This splendid nair Dye Las no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brownno staining' the skin or injuring the. Hair remedies tho absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Ilain for life. None are genuine unless signed " W; A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CIIAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 27ly " " 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. J53- JUST RECE1YFD, a full supply of Land rcth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas Asparagus Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, ana a general assort Mnent ot small seed. ior sale by 1 WALKER. MEAKES, 43 Mauket &t. nov 28. ' ! Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, Y. E. Corner i Front and Market St., WlLMlKGTON, N, CI S3i. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. . ! . J ;; ', ' ' . Prescription ! accurately compounded. Medicine can bo obtained at anv hour of tke night. The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from tho corner. , .. . "i. On and after Mrs day, all prescriptions will be Cash.I ! . ' oct CO HAIR DYE HAIR- DYE. WM. A. BATCIIELqii'3 HAIR DYE. The Original and best in tJie YToVld. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. ' , ! GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY" HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural BrOwn or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. .( t Fifteen Medals and Diolomashave been aw arded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1SG9, rnd over 80,000 ap plications have been made to .the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. j Wm. A. Batche'or's H2ir Dye produces a color not to-be dhting uished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigoraies for-Life by this splen did Dye. . . ' " Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. gThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box. of William A. Batchelor. - ;' CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor,. pt 29-ly 81 Barclay Street,' N. Y. Piuiples Banished ! '. Faces'Made Clear 1 How? '."-' ; By one week's u:e of the MagnoUa JJaHi. A perfectly harmle3, but elegant and .effectual pre- pnt'ation. rcs 50 cen's pej- botl'c. Sold c'veryvriiere.- See vevtisement. ! : W. E. IIXOAN & CO., Propiietors, apl 19-lydAw Troy, New York. "GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NAFnTAtTEzEK'EL, iafornied us fch?t he had prepar ed a hair restorer, wh, which he was experiment ing" upon hi3 oivn 'head, whose top whs entirely bi'd. We saw him two day? since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mi-. Ezekel of the efficacy ofTiis discove ry, that-he has named it THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article whith is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated r iends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. ' j This famous art:cle can now be had of the princi pal'. Druggists. Thoofrpersonij who desire a fine head of hair, have only o ute the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. ' Those who have any idoubts of it3 efficacy can have them removed in a short time, By ujingj the Virginia Hair Restorer ;lnUlib'e, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. , ' . Wholesale depot for orders, CO 3Iain st. ' R. EZEK1EL. , Richmond, Nov. 14, 1850. . 1. N. Ezekel, takepath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hair by using-Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. . NArniAti Ezekiel. This day sworn to before mei by Napht.di Eze kie; t . Joe. Mato, i Mayor of Richmond. ' W: II. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., ' jan 14 " i Wilmington, N. C. GLUE-GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, N, C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. Boston, apl 3, 1860. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, haying been appointed by GEO. E. ROGERS. & CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from th trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior; to any manufacturedj in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A'well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. I ' apl9-ly. ; ; - W."C. HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS 3,000 just re ceived, for sale by - ; dec 5 I - WORTH & DANIEL. CHEESE. T7XGLISII. PINE APPLE AJN U SSTAI K, at 1 'j dec .u - -- GEO. MYER'S. HAY. , 1 nfl BALES vNew. York, in store. For 1UUJ salt very iowb; dec 29 -. . JAiIE3 A. WLLLARD. DIEECTOEY STATE GOVERN3IEXT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, -of Rowan. ; PrirateSecretarr-Jraham Darer, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts of Wake, Sec'y of State fus H. Page, of Wake. Comptroller CTTl. Brogden, of Wavnei ; Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. ' House of Caramons W.'T. jDortcb, OI ayne. . i ' State Librarian O. II. Perry, of Wakei i Public Printer Jno Spehnan, " " j i 1 COCXCILLORS OF STATE. . . j I . Council Wooten. f Lenoir ; John W; Cunning ham, of Person ; W. A. Furguson. of Bertie: i J. F. Graves, of Surry u David "Murphy of Cumber land;' J. J. Long, of Northampton and W. It. Hillard, of Buncombe. . . ," '',. FEHERAL -U TATE COrETS. ( Tlie United States Circuit Court, for th District of North Carolina, is huW"'inii-annuallv' at lialeigh. in the 1st Mondav in Jr i last Mondirv ia No vember. ." t;.'.. - - : ' .- : Judges Hon. . M. Wavno, of Georgia; -Hon. Asa' lii-rrs,, tt" Martin. District Judge. salary, !?2MM. ' Robert P. Dick, District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. : ! The United States District Courts are-held at Edeuton, .d Monday in April and October; J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newborn, Itli Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday alter the 4tti Monday in April and "Oc tober, John L. (.'ant well. Clerk,. , the !i ruEiie coi'f.T.- . Tlu Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the '2d Mondav in December. It is also ln.-ld one- a veiir at Moriranton. Rurke eountv, oh the first Mondav in Amrust. J. R. Dtwlge. Clerk. Thq officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Rich--iiiond M. Pearson, of Yadkin; Justices, M. lu. Manly 'of Craven, and William II. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins,' of Warfenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones. .of Rowan, -Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake. Clerk ; . Oliver II. I'errv, of Wake, Dejiutv Clerk ; .Famks Litehtbrd, ofAVakcv Marshal. I i . r ".-- '-'' strEiuoa. eoi nrs. , The Superior Courts are lield in seven Circuits, by the following olliers :' Judges, R. R, Heath.' of Chowan ; Geo. Howard, ofjWilson ; Jas. W. Os born, 'of Mecklenburg. Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L, Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. ; So lieit'ors Elias C. Ilines, of ' Edenton, rides the First Circuit; Wiljiani .. Houston, of Duplin rides the Secorid Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thus. Rullin, of Orange, i-ides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit : David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. ' " rUDLIC WORKS IN" XOItTU CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located' at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, ls35. The oflicers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent an,I Acting Treasurer; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refinei-; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. '.'..'. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the -Countrof Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. - ." The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb,and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville Bruns wick county, f 1 United 'Statics Arsenal. LocaWd at Fayette Ville. I Insane Asylum of North Carolina', situated in the vicinity of; Raleigh, will contain 250 patients); 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin-, tendent ;. Dr., F. T. fFuiler, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W, W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. -Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr., (Jharles b. Johnston, fresidtfUt ot the Board ; William E. Anderson j Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle',- Executive Committee. ' 1 All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public chargk Paying patients are also received frow this aijd other States. ' For proper form to be observed in sending mdigEnt vfisane to Asylum, see I.evisqd Lode, cnapter. on Asylums. ' . - ' ' b ; ) TOWN GOVERNMENT, COMVISSIONEES OF WILMINGTON.' Mayor John Dawson. . S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R 'Bunting, W A Wright, TIC Miller and Ab.ed Martin. . ' FIRE DEPARTMENT. : Chief Engineer James Mitchell. ( Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beerjr. - : Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. ' 1 Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Etl ward Kidder. ; . E Kidder and L; li .talis, to superintend blowing up buildings! ' j; - Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. ; ,. HOWAKD BELIEF . FIIIE 'COMPANY. - ( Re-organized June 6, 185'J. ) Foreman Walter Furlong. " ..." i -1st Assistant John Sheppard. 2d Assistant W'lliam Dowling. Secretary E P Wade. Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. HOOK AND LAUDER COMPAN Y NO, 1. ' Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer; - ; Secretary and Treasurer J. lr. Bish. , COMMISSIONERS: OF NAVIGATION. ; (Oilice IS Water street.) ; Georsre Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fei gns Jos H Flanner, Win 31 Harris. - . I - ' ; SCHOOLS. ;. ';;' f i BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON- SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. i f Wm S Larkins, James McDnllie. James K(jrr, David Mclntyre, Rpbert 11 late, hamuol Playe and Joseph M toy.' : wrLMiNOTO's I ixsrrr:- it. L Meginney," Principal. WILMINOTON MAJiU AND I EM V LK SEM! G W Jewitt, Principal. NAJIV. OAKDALE CEMETEUy fOMPANY. President Donald McRae. ; I i : : Directors Wm A Wright. G R French. Edi ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L'FillyawiS D W allace. . t : i Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown, i Oilice next door to BanL. Wilmington. , i! '. COUNTY OFFICERS, COJTRTSj H ' i Sheriff W T J Vann. J ' I ' Clerk County Conrt Samuel Ii, Bunting. Clerk Superior Court Jatne3 A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa BigrsJ ; ! Marshal U S District N C Weslev oes. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wifmington- -Jno "J Conolev. - ' i '. '':. i . Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Gutlari j Chairman County Court Janes T Miller. '. Register of Deeds, Ac -Jure . Vichols. 1 : ! Special Magistrate of Town Ijohn J Conolev. Cn?t4)les Lewis M Williams. Jno Utlov. Wil liam' H Huddle,-A Wilder, Jamts P StringHeld,! J j flioore. . -; INSPECTOR! Wood lnspector&T-Jo3eph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors !) a rid E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon.- ;:..:" Naval Store lnspectore Alfred Alderman,. Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, .John S- James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W in i -r : t. i ir i t Q,.t.nlr.r,A v;i i layer, uuuu jsi. licuuri duuiuli i.v., liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. .. :. . - - . .. V '-.,- -. '::: ' U i;.:'- Timber and Lumber Inspectors James; Alder- man, li ll rsowoen, j ames o jaeivin, ; jienry t Groves," J W Munroe, N Clark, Robert Masyell, E Turlington. j i ? WILKliiOTON GAS- LIGHT COMPANY (Office in Savings Bank i Building. ) President Col John McRae. - ' ' Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. ; i ; Soperiatvadent UUrer McIIlienny. j ii H ' SECRET1 SOCIETIES. i KT-i JOHsVxODfiE SO. 1 HASOSIC. i Meets the, ast Tuesdav Evening in each month at ''If- C.' 1.1.'. 11.11 V . 1 I ; . ' ' OI. U(ia S IiU. O L FiUviaw. Master, f M Newhoft 8 W. Olirer McUhennv, J, W. Jno L Cantwell, Trfaf T M Gardner. Sec'y i Henry Spalding, S D; A A;ltartneld J V. ' J O UoWden, lyier. I CONCORD CHAPTER J MASOSIC (Meets itiJlondav evening in each month at , ; flilj ' ' John's HalL) . f ; ; St. Most ExR (i Rankin, II P. Com L C Turner, O X 3d Ex O L Kllaw, King. V. Ex T B Crf, Scribe. U Com INorthrop, G X 2tT Cora P W "Tannine. Cant V. i "7 ; Ilotl:! ! Com WJ Price, Gii Com A Martin.:-! S. V. - f M Xmvhoff, R .V Com Jno ATavlor.Tf CaptJ , E Turlington, Ty er - FEAR LODC.C SO. 2 t. O. O. P. iMee Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall ) Asa J Imiray. N G. W L Bmith, Secretary James E Kca, V G. T: II Hewer, Treasurer;. ; i. - W -. ' " .;' j CrEL BiXCAMpMEXT SO. I. O. O. if. . (Meets jia the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d ; ,.i triday in each month. s J D Gardner, C P. ;; Tho M Gardner, J W. uev. A P llepiton, II P.; H J Jones, Scribe. John J Cprioley S W. Thos II Howey, Treas CATE jPiAU HAUIXE TOTAL ABSTIXEXCE ROCHETS (Miiets jifc.the Seamen'4 Bethel; on' Dock Str everVi Monday evening, immediately alter tl s .liJi ifiL. ii r.-..: eiistj 01 ine ri avei iueeiiug 101 .eeauieii. Chas D Ellts. President. ; Geo" W Williams, Williani M' Poissou, Sec President. ice iretir,Vrf "' Jas Fleets As't Sect . ' 5 if - ".; " ' " - SEAMESS'.tUlESD SOCIETY. ; Cl&rlefe Jl Ellis, Presi- i B F Mitchell, Sjec'y , 'dent.:i ; Treasurer. i I i C D EiHs.'' Gilbert Potter. Col John McRea, J . iDeRossit, O G Parsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seanms' Ih oinieL cor t ronl and Dock streets. E I t A DI ES' liEXEYOLEN'T SOCIETY. I T I r l vizo Mrs' Kuu- 4th Directress, Mis Ilal- ;lied'; f I Id pirifcjress, Mrs liar :rissl'j j 5d Directness, Mrs .De-: iRosett. lett! Secretary Mrs anl- Siekje. Ti easflrer, Miss LiU ton. j : lngf i -i Wl tNflNOTOX LICR.V.EY ASSOCKATTOS. (Organized June, 1855 j) Dr J If Dikson.President. rejVlaVis iVice Pres't. Donald ilcRae, Trf-as Wm R Utlev, Sec' v. Pfatt'Coffn, Treasurer.-"' -; ' Kev m il Drane. Ii 11. Cowan. K If lla.tl S D WallaeeJJi.hn A Taylor, G JMcRae, J G Wright uireen. , . v mIlitary. WILMTXGTOX LIGHT IXFAXTBV. (Org. !May S0th, 1853.j) J ' Win L DeRosset, Capt I C WinHow.jEnsijn R B McRae, 1st Lieut. ; A D CTnkaux, OuaHer A D Cn!zau.x, Oua 1 Master. J C Mcriliennv, 2d Lieut H Savagp,;3d" C D Myers, Orderlj , 3 . ) f ' t i ! . ' 1M. GERMAN VOLL'NTEEUS.j ; ' Organized February 22d, J853.) C Cornehlsen, Capt. i II G Hashegan, 3d Libut II VohiQlajhn, 1st Lieut. W Detnstbatch, Ensign II Volleife,!2d Lieut. J Meier, Order e. BANKS. i f BANK OF CAPE -FEAR. ' T II Wrieht, President. II R Savake, Cash let. J: G Burr, Teller. i J D Gardiier,As't Teller. J 'McLauTia, B'k-keeper- ; T II Hardin, Dis. Clbrk. 1 I Discount Day, Wednesdjiy., " v. I j - i7-''-" 1 1" i " . " ; ; ,, v : BASK OF tSvilmington, sj; c. -John McRae,' President?:' S .lewett, Cashier. W L Shth, Teller, i ' William Lai'kins,B6ok- T M Gardner, j)is; Clerk. keeper. i j Discount Dav, Tuesday. ! . : J-" . 4J. !:-k;- .n -.', i .! i f I BANK OF KOKTH CAROLINA. .f .'' John Dawson, Pres. fWm Reston, Casliier Wm D Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-keeer. i j .Discount Day, iuesd ay, j ' i cosiMER'CIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON O G 'Parsley, Pres. Tim'v Savage, Casftier Jno MpRaii, Jr, Teller. Asa K? Walker Btook J D Baffyi Dis. Clerk. keeper, i ' , t : Discount Day, Monday, r ; Ij' : WILMINGTON SAYINGS BANK. John ATaylor, President. ' Wm Hyde, Casmier, ' ; RAIL ROADS WILMINQTOy, CHARLOTTE - & RUTHERFORD R. ROAD, (tlilicf cor Market and S Water street. ) II W'Giriori, President. J R H Cowan, Sec. Ti eas, J C McRaei Chiet Eng, ; Road unfinished. i n. ILMtNGTON & MAVCnESTER HAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres ..Wm A Walker, Sic'y! j 1' itoT9ert3on,jren lup. jos j Ju?ng, ireas. ! ; f :RB McRae, Gen'I Freight Agent.1 ' ;i WlilMINGTON & WELDON -RAtL ROAD, v T T . 1- - i 1 h II n. - T T" T" m .i 'i Hon W Si Ashe. Presi- r J- W Thompson, Gen. i dent. I i Freight Agent! S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G Green, Yard f & Hun.l Master. JamesH Gfeen, Sec'y & P. II Laijigdon, Audfr Treasurer. i Sunt s Clerk. S D Wallace, Asst Sec & William 1 Smith, TitketJ '. Gfiu; Ticket Agent. Agent I CHURCHES. Methofllst - Episcopal, corlFront and Walnut. Methodist iEplscopal, (S) 5th bt Church and jflijt ll Cas tie. Rbv J If Wheeler. Pastor, i Baptist' coi Orange and Cth, Rev A Paul Repiton Baptist, :Frfn bt Ann and Nunn', Rev. j LP ard.i Pastor- I ;ch Baptisjil(6j S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev A D avis j Paistor. j ' iron Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas MurphVj it 'astor. . . - " ' . -Episcopal, jSt JaTJpf?,) cor Market and J3d, R B. Drane, Rector. - I 5 . Episcopal. ISt John's, ) cor 3a andfRcd Cross. Rev. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Biihop 1 nos AtKlnson, itector. Presbj teritSn, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc- Oueen, Pastor. Presbyterian, (now building, ) cor 3d and Ora .Rev! M B iGrier, Pastor. Baptit,i (n)w buudmg,) cor Market and 5th, J LfPrichard, Pastor, i J Rev Rev Luthfrain,; dnow building) cor Market and 5th, J If Mend-ert. Pastor. j Seftmfn' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Watei! i; ! M , ii i r - j 1 n j i vvfiLMi: Postmaster I i 1 Wp 1 -A'JCJl lINGtON, NORlTH CAROLINA.' ter Daniel Diekson, . i Assisiantf Joseph L Jacobs, arid Oilice! hours from 1V2 A M to 1 V M. 2 P II to sundowp. Sundays, 734 ! A M to 9 A M. . Vorther-nSMail. dv W A' W R R.farrives dai y at 7 P M an.l a A M.: 'Closes 1J and 9 P M, changing on Sundat from 11' M to 10 AM. . 1 , SoutHefnMail, by W A M R R,;arrives daily at A'A ii? -V- j-ioses oauv at 1 f M. Sniithville, N C, (horse,) arrives Mondav "Friday at 5'P M." , Closes Tuesday ind Saturday at a Ai. j : ? . . - - 1 i Onshlw Court House, N.C, (horse) arrives Mon day at Vt A M. Closes 1 hursday at 9 P M Ui GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. i !; I ccstom house. I Jas f Millef, Collector. ; D M Fpyles, Wei ther Y J Prices Deputy Uol- & GUager, lec$or.. m: TI Burnett, Insp'r H RiNiton--Survevor. I W r Rurch and Ll: riah. W N Pvden, Naval Offl- ( Sulliyan Inspect or A cer, . i .Measurer r 1 I CONSULS. ccr n )Vater and Mulbery,; (up stairg. ) ' UNTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. TLORIDA RAILROAD BOJEDS $26,000 of th n Sthe above Bonds redeemable in 1S91 with coudons at T per cent per annum, payable inj the city k)f New- ork, 1st March and r 1st September. Forsale by DeR0SSET,15ROWA & CO defc ir ; ) - -.:".:" ' . 4 . COFFEE. T BAGS RIO COFFEJS, f 20 bags Lagnayra Coffee, 20 mats best Java ! decli-i i. -'" w.:,.-ZENO;iL' GREENE. -f ERRANT& WILSON. IRE CONSTANTLY receiving 'i fine CLOTH i COATS, City make. Cassimere Suits at the owest possible ratc-,-,ki.-r--:--aefl Iftitih Vice-ConsmI Don McRae, n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul E J Lordi n Water. Brpzillian V ice-Consu? O, G Parsley, jr.,' Cards , ERRANT it WILSON, - TTHOLESALE AND RETATLf Dealers in Dos 1 1 ,mestic Iry uoxw, uroccrie5, twiumg, Boot., Shoftft, -4ci. " - I'. '"" ' i Nos. H and U North Witer Street, iA oct a !Ni - " ilrotngton, N. I. JAS. T. PETTEWA Yl Ac CO. F ACTORS ..AND COMMISSION ileTchantji. i M No 8 North KVater Mwi, Solicit eonijrnments of all kindi of Produce, al so orders for Groccrie?, Baggingi Rope,. Guano, Ac. Ac. ! ' i U . 4 j oct a GEOBCB HiRSISS. il 3. KOWEtU PH. W. W. nAURJSfi. IIARRISS Ai HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vy ; Oct ISoS WlLH X0TOX, N . C. WORTH Ai DANIEL, GROCERS AND COMMISSION! Mcunnxr I X No. 2. Granite Row, .Wilmington. N.C. JZST" Solicit j consignments lof Floor, : Dried Fruit, Feathers.-Beeswax, Tobcao and (ountry Produce generallv; ' ' . i . Agents tor iiowy s ccieoraiea cRie. ' ; '" i. ! :iJ " . D. GL WORTH. seDt26.lv I ' N. U. DANIEL. JAMES AKDERStyxJ' ;i ! - BDWABD SVVAOK. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Julv 1ST. fCO-lv. Wilm ngton. C. . . ir 4. .? ..av r I -4- COMMISSION AND FORWARDING M E Il ly CHANTS, Ij . , Wilmington, N. C- OfTiee over Mr. JL A. n iuard' tore, jJ3; Entrance Corner Princess ajnd Water ft mar V. ,'60-tl i . i . ' W,' EKllAST, ' i .;.i ' '. L.K. WISOX , ERRANT .& WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Nos. Ii axd I." North Water t., oct i 'oif-lv i .Wilmington. . v;. Wi A. (JWYER, 1.0 VE f PEACOCK, S. . iE.NNlXOi!. GWYIJR, PEACOCK A CO., WllMlkfiTON, N- C. C10MMISSION MERCHANTS. Wholesale (J10 J eersand deklersin N AVAL j Stl'ORsES, 'OT ly eers and deklers ii) N AVAL S .'ON. knd Southern lioluce goner TO N. and Southern Pijoduce genera Rv. jer' Prompt personal attiuloft .given (.. all consignments 01 prcKluee. feb lU-ly WILLIAM II. LIPIMTT, NIIEMISTAND 'DRUGGIST. Wholesale ami I j Retail Dealer in Paints. Oils, Dvef Stull, in'dow Glass, Putty, Segars, Ol Brandies, and Tvinesj; Perfumery and Fancy Articles, iN.E. cor ner Front and Market st.., l .llni'inftoi mar 2b, 1)8 11 EDWIN A. KEITJI, OMMISSION MERCHANT.' I . 'Wilm iiffton, N". C. to"!- Oilers his services to Planters' as; Factor or Agent for the sale! of COTTON;, will give his per sonal attendance to the basinets. Jlisaeoiniiiissiori for selling Cotton;! will be 5W ot. pdr bale, no addi tional charge w ill be made. -Cottoh lorwartlcd to New 'York at 10 cts per bakv oct 4-1860 -iy j ROBERT II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! I Wilmington. N. C. . JSSItT- Office !tiu'th Corner Market and Water streets up staiirs.l .' oct 5, 15. O. G. PARSLEY A: CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Vtam Saw.nj. .Planing Mills, Wilmington, jN. C. - jZ35t All orders or inquiries for 1 LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. - - ! inch 21 '59 MITI Ax McLAURIN, COMMISSION AND' Forwaud no Merchants, : Wilnfington, N.C Refer to : I ;- . John DAWsosj Esq., Mavor. 1 E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bade State N. C. T. M. SMITH.' - Ijo'um'LAI'RIN. July 1 1859-tf t ' j : . ; A MALC03I McINNlSl GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water street, j oct 1 1 ; Wilmington; Ni C. Ciias. D. Myers. Fin. J. Moore. , MYERS Ai MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, : Straw Groods, Furs, Uinbrcjllasr Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. CJ June 21, 1859 j, ' II. R. DANIEL, .4 TTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, J : j Erizabethtow.v. Iwill atteml the Courts of Bladen, Columbus and Robeson. ! All business entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. , - oct 4-3m T. C. &, G. WORTH, G OMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, , ' Wilpjington, N. C. UNION DISTILLERY, v -. j Wilnf ington, N. C. A. II. VANBOKKELEL, libprieol ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. sg, Wharfage and storage furnished, arid coop- eraire done at lair rates. - ian iw. I G. POLVOGT, TTPIIOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, I I Corner Front and Princess Streets, i: v . Wilmingthn, N. C Keeps constantly on hand Mat trasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled, Hairt Mossl and all Upholsterv Materials. ATso, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, an jl Decorations of every description. . . Pictures framed to order. Promot attention .given -to fitt ng up t Railroad ellings; Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dw may ii , J H.VTIIAWAY. WM. R. CTLEY. irATH A WAY Ai Cd, 'COMMISSION MERCIIANNS, 1 dec 16, jS liwington, A. u. J. M. ROBINSON Ac SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALEI JL jJomestic llard,ware. Agricultural Implements, yan 9, '08 : i ' JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM,: ENERAt COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. V Prompt l'ersonal attention given to Con signments, for Sale or Shipment. ' 'ry.Liberal Cash advancement, made on Con signments to my New York friends. nov 'I, '57 John 3IacRae. ,; Donald MacRak.i J. W. K. Dix. J. & D 3IacRAE 4 PP ri ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. jJT jan 185S , Wilmington, N. C, JOSEPHJ. LIPPlTT, ("IO3IMISSION MERCHANT, j J mar 8, f58 . Wilnjingtom, N. C. . HENRY NUTT, I FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, j : Wilmington, N. C. "53Will give his iersonal attention to Iflisiness entrusted to his care. , frept 10,. '7-tf. , JAKES STOKLET j ) ALEX. oiDHAB. i STOKLEY Ai OLDHAM, 1 DEALERS i IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, y Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention given to tb sale of Cotton, Flour, JJacori, and other Country produce. JUTE ROPE U On COILS best Jute Rope, for tale by OU nov 28 .'ZENO H. GI) REEN. Jalmanacs f6r 18GI. fllURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs at KEL- J LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 -.YV iif TO ARRIVE! . i ' KCn BBLS FLOUR." Apply) - 1 ' ' OUU nov 27 - - STOKLEyTa OLDHAM. BACON. 2S. and 4 hi "IO HHDS. SIDES, and 4 hhite. shoulders, lust arrived.! . For sale by J. A. WLLLARD. .1.;. .4 FLOUR. ; I : 800 SACKS just landed. Fo)r tale at $1,10 per sacky nor 10 J. A. WLLLARD. - MULLETS.! .v. r OC BBLS. nica ind largo Mullets, in oak bbla. ZD tec llu '. . ZEXU IL GREENE. City Jjtisiness N ORTIT ERN BUSLNESS CARDS. tXO. i. DAKCT, t JOBS i. MTU AM, f. . ITU AM. late of . i lt of Ut of - Tarboro' JC. Scotland Nk, Warrmtoo, X. V. I DANCY, II Y3IAN At, CO., IROCER AND COMMISSION MsacHAfti. 1 . " IIVMAN, DANCY Jk CO., ( ROCERS jAND COMMISSION MitnuxT, T .'. ' ' 1 f . NoaroL,Y. ' The New York house will be conducted by Jn S. Dancy, aldwl by R. W. II j man. The Norfolk llou) w ill t conducted by Join II. Hvman and F. M. Hynan. 1 jSiJT.Particnlarm attention ginpn to the sale of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Naval Store. September rS-tflPCO j ' Geo. O. VasAmuksb, Jh., . -C. S. VauAmiixuk. VANAMRINGE HROTIIEUS, "VjfAVAL STORE AN b GENERAL CoMMtsjmi 1 Merchants; J 1 . 14ft War Strccr, New York; A ' ItfH TO S - ,. Mr, J. R. Bio.isom i Me T. C. & B. G. Worth, L. 1UTIIAW4T A CO., ! J. 1). McRib Co., Mr. J H. Flannk, Auguct 21, 'CO-tf Wilmington N.C. '." ". ) ' i .' J - LONDON Ai 1JIIYAN, ; .03lMlSSIO.V HMtCHANTS, r No. 32 India strict Btxton. XCH Connignmcntf of, Naval Stores. Cotton. l.Uniher. and other Southern I'nxluoA nolicitetl. J.vo. R. London, J. II. IUT.AX, Jr. Nov 2i-.tr WM. M. ORKINKB, W. W. UlKkUK. G REIN ER Ai IIAItKNESS, v "10TT Ll Hoi TTO.V AND i GENERAL COMMISSION SK. 1 1 PutLAPKLrilli. ov t., 1857 Will. U 111LL, I ' N. M. NoirLtKT. of North Carolina. of North Carotins, HILL & NORFLEET, . . GENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARD I NI I Merehasts, Shocko Slip. ! I . . UiChUinlMl, a.. Solicit cvnslgnmenti of Cotton. Luiulx-r, Klh, and all kind ot Merelianti.u and Produce. I'.. " h . ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugaro, t'oflW, Ml ses, Salt, Lluie, Guann, Ac Large cargH of tint above articles are ofieref-lur mw tnour market an nually, and we shall be'pleaw'dlo operate for par titKordcrinir, proniUing faithfulness in onr Cn- deavors to rcprcscntthqin"., Jan 25-Ir. : i, W. WILKINSON At CO. 17RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 !' nY p9 Barclay streel, N, Y "Q- Particular alien tion given to consignment and i.urehase of Merchandiw, all kil Liberal casli advance Uirough WILKINSON. CO., Wilmington, N. Ci , . ' . , AUgUSt Z, lS4iO-JV- . I ' ' , 1 ASTERN HAY. 200 bales hf the Lett E.Urn 2J Hay in market, . Fur palebr 1 I LlATHAWAY CO. ' UClT VENIVIDI. VICI. was the announcement of a Terr irrcaV J victory, by a Roman1 General, Th people of is day. m speakinir f tho Inimitable CASSI- DEY, modify the saying of the noble I toman, than! 'I came, I sawJ 1 bmiglt'kof tho irrcat varlctv of articles offered for sale nit the Rendezvous", , dec 21 '. - 1 ' . 20 A 2S South Front st. T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Cr-' Una has seceded ! ! This ther would not -haro heen ixreparcd to.do, if sotuo of her citizen had not bought ' ill 1 KEROSENE OIL AND LAM IS, Ivl?M.. I. I'll ll I.Jll'H, f:reat variety of Fancy articles, nita ididavs Caudy, Nuts, c. e., of tho LSSIDEY. I ( i - d.H 21 as well as a gr ble for Uie llol patriotic CASSIDEY. 1 TUTE ROPE AND TWINEr-25 CoiU bo.t Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv 1 dec A 1 1 1 .cauii. uLi!..irN . BEST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 i r! WORT WORTH A DANIEL'S. ITUN'E BED; lOOM jSETS. A new lot, somo very pretty just opened, .and for talo at dec ia I . ii , . 1'KHItlN'M. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TIER PARKERSBUKG. . t JL Fresh Raisin, Fresh Batter, rigs, Prunes, Citron, Nutmegs, Mace, Segars. Tobacco, Ale, ' Porter, Raitflnn, IjoafHagar. Granulaied do. ti ti a 11 ti . 11 Daekwhcat. A ll C Sugar," Urusuea' fr- r 11 Sweet Cider, ' dec 19 I j 11 Elegant Ilams, WORTH A DANIEL. rOLD WEATHER l GOODS. Over Coats, dec 17 . j ;l BALDWIN'S. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice WciUrn Bacon Sides and Stouldej. For sl br , 1 idecrzi I : 1 haiiiatai lu, TVT C. FLOUR. 60 bop 50 Lbl of (rood HATHAWAY Aj CO. 1 brands; dec 21 jvpss dec21 SCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prime hoicc Muscovado Sugar. For sale br to 1 i f HATHAWAY A CO. LARD. 1VTOW LANDING frj.m Schr Sea Bird, 6 bbhu J.1 Wea L'stern Lard--a Splendid article. IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 Western Lard, in small package. dec 4 Por sale by . L. IL UREENE; VTEWELOU ,K I In h ?agf and bbla. For hU bv y dedl STOKLEY A OLDHAM INGLISH, CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected .En- , I j glish Cheese, just rcceivad at deu 4 1 1 WORTH A DANIEL I- T HOSE CHOICE HA VAN AS have come, at dec C WORTH A DANIEL'S. TARD. 20 Kegs Extra heat Lard for. family . jJ use. Ii j yyiMnn a. ua.vict. . ,f . TIORK. 50 bbla. N. Citr Mew J'ork, for sale J ' " imi-rvt' . -" XI dec ,.7 J. by ZtNOH. GREENE- rplIE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war- I ranted in all cases, ;tb be had of ' ucc20 '' .Vi '' j JVOItTH A DANIEL ' UYASS' LONDON POilTEIL "Vf O HUMUUG.but genuine article, in Import J ed packages, direct from the Importer. . In valids send and get it after trying elsewhere, and pronounce it superior. ' "I .! I Itecollcct, if you want- thcgciinine "Byasf Lon don Porter,"? you can get It from 1 i' dec 4 J I Afc.U 11. uutt.rH CORN. 50tMJ Bmdis Hydo County Corn, j 2000 bush's. I'eryuimariii County Corn. 1000 do. Western mixed j In store aim! for sale br ' i. deel i Ji'ELLIS A MITCHELL EALTHFEL EXERCISE. Is necewary to a long and happy life. Let the girls buy Trait- .. linir Hoops the boys! small axes, of CASSIDLx . and take plenty of exercise these Cool mornings. dec I '.!!.-'!. ' " 1 IN "STORE.-. . 17C BAGS RIO, LAGUAYRA. ' Jtmacla and 1 I O Mocha CofTec: i , 150 bbla C. Y'clW. . White, A. B.-A C. Crufhed Sotrar. 20 hhds Sweet Cuba Molasses. 100 bbls City Mjsg Pork, f H 20 hhds Cincinnati Sides and Shoulders. 50 Boxes Tobaccco, 100 bbla Mackerel and Mullets, 10 tons Hoop Iron, 100 boxes Candles, 1 50 do. Candy, , - - 100 bbls Liquor, - . ' 10 ; ! Extra Sugar House fyraps. 100 bags Marshal's Fine Sail; . 200 fj Alum HalL m. i l 1 oct 27 McI.fNia. - : .! ' FLO UK. . " . , TTtAMlLYJ Suner and Fine. FaretUvill and M Wilminirton inspection. In store, .and rr sale br (dec 11) i ZENO II. GREENE. . books roii Abi k rpHE North Carolina Form Book Cantwell' I Justice, or Swan's Rcrini Frecdley'a Lfgal Adviser, at Kclley'a Bookstore. dec 11 ; v ' TIIE.W031AN IN ,WIHTL NE amongst tho left Norcla out, atKcHej'a O Book Store. 100 1II1LS. SUGAR. . RltSHED, Powdered andaariflcd, jo.t rcccir- 1 ed, and for aw verj low, lor can, at f, GEO. MYERS. dec 11 I RED APPLES. 1r BBLS.' just received at .decU GEO. 'MYERS'. ' ' ' k I - P J V - mm - i