'-'.-: - J', .j- : --. . , v ! v-:':"-! :' ' " .--! ; . . I . fi f .' - ' .' ; '' . : """ ' ' .t" '-. ' ' v.-;-'-;.;- . . ', , .., ... -. v -.;;: , ' .. :' -. -; . :: ," . ( - - I ; :'-..-'M-, . 4 i - ' i . - - ' - - , . ' l .;! - . -;- : 1 : " :.-!';,..- ! . f: (":. t . ' J " .-V. v ' ' " : 1 It ')L. VII., NO. 203. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATUKPAV EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1861. A V HOLE NO., 210 X -V' - - fj1: --. i gjrrp.. . .... : rj $v-. 7 , I " I I I 1' II I l W MM : 1 I I ! JJ M - Im I v i S i Vr V r I 2 ri I i TIvllMS: liaper, SC.OO; Weekly, .a.OO, 1 1 1,,- jvr . rt'v,i .it'T, pod, unites a remiitnce . '. . r.t!.rinu' 'it: Tiiiiflr notice U eiren, so ) . i i' ii' -r.t r.in iM-'Uia't' lHl"ore the expiration of i v. , ' ixi-iv i)!i:lat ouririiK, when the e.t :Kditor and Protor. w . 1 - Januarj- 6, 1801. l'hc Herald Job Office ....i . .'iii'!i tt1 v fitted up with the finest as- :ui. :i rJJui! Tvrc to be found in the State i 'Vi - f Joh .work can now be speed- i, 1 d ia '. oi'ifly frinted at this office from , . ....Wit to ft biting card. Elandbtlli, -. .:.:!-. xv: kcy neatly and promptly t:i-'l at 9n iiuu"?-, imu ou reajjouauie terms. i'Zi;tJ' iitiou' will ltd eiren; to the Job , : :!!! fl ju-n-Jirn-r, ftnii w tj ) ,7 -.-k -mnirU-tl to our' Job 1 ' l is th" liu.-inoss, will -1 . L . nt Ju nnftir, and w feel assured that hand, who is ex be executed sat- i't.inir rn rverr rvteci. uirc mm a inai ai -, .i. :v: ifit Unot done well, no cdmplaittt j- uf u withdrawal of patronage: Mrthndist Episcopal CJeneral Confer- ; t nt iind the Slavery Question. Ti'jvt tjS the Oei.eral ConfL-rence of the Meth ,vi:! Ki i-f iiMl Churcli. wljich assembled at A I l ist, in regard to slarery, has , . ,.. I ttU -ltyvt Ti'inion thfoagtioul thecoun- : , ' ; -'i'itflv ui MniH,- ol the border cpnfernces. M it in w. however, that the bLshontof j jT-..-1 !.nri !( 4. wlio an the sole expounders of all ;.' i ,, e p ') Uie (;eiH r.il,4'oirfirent?, have de " ij 4 .1 il.-.it ti iu-t ii i4t binding on membership 4 : 'tl.f l nnji. 1a- adi'iitinir a resolution to that -If..;: ;.!ii-"4' "meeJinL held ft fev i intiuii iti.' Tho rf fdutionj 1 ?w davs since at ai follows, and ini.tnihi4.u-.lv :diitttl :. i , :R ' ' "i" Tlat in our jilduieat there was i i i i t ' r-..A r i,a LTi. ojuil Church which ( hanged the .,c-i!orhipjn said church.", 1 "A Wvi: n FAi.ii Ukiuto a Mi j"iK..Lis..-4 Vronliij to tlw C'iucir ilxiox Poods imirtil littf-f tilt. tr. H l.OiliVnr.lU 111 m.tl Cll. lumru naiura - 1 .1. . 1 T..n. toii. is -J ie lie -l-to luivc f:ikh heir to a million liHiunds tUn.. under the .fallowing tircum- ,tancs.: ji : ( Ninch tiiirsajro. iu the county of Yorkshire Kiifil.Mi.l. riri lived a lid died cue Lord Dalton, a- j-ofsesyeil f an ininu-utse estate. Never fit.ivin . I'M-uf inarriolj Lord Dalton died without ii-sue. and without relatives, pave four brothers, :uh ot" w chine to the United States, one : -tiling in N4cv Jersey, one iii Maryland, one in .Virginia, "fhese brothers nori'thcir heirs eVer aj.jiring alter he death of Lord Dalton, his jrt.(--i ty. lt!i laijdeil "and iHTSonal, like bun I tire. N ut uilii r ctaUs, pasttl uto the hands of ; ;!.r :tMMiiiit. Adver.teinents were sent i iV.nh. bat ii)tlriug of tho heirs was ever heard ; .uitil -me five inontlis ago. i when Mr. Dalton 1 a.-. i.h-iitally'J, in raiding an lingliih newspaper, -mini M :ujtss the advertisement. Struck with f the mcntiof his name, he a!; once determined ! u inv.figiio the matter, ,ahd see -whether he It Dull MeniTy himself a3"a, 'descendant of the i .t.-. ca-t d. l'3 has not been without success, for . -r he has iroc; that .he Is a great-great-grand- h'd.l of the. broker lio removM to New Jersey. Foe two j;ear& jwtt an agent of the British " i j.overnnieu( h i- Uui in the United Stateivcax i hiag fiT tii heirs, and is at! present in Cincin- nati." lu m. Dalton' s genealogical researches ' Irv wa- a-i-isqi-d by ihe agent, who gives it as his i opiulon th-xt Dalton is an heir to the great .e-tate." ! ''The ' PiiFDENfa i Fast FJepidiated. The J South Congti gittional Church at Georgetown, ; Ma- :m nl',iti, foucern. of which the Rev. ; J'Iih I. - Ileoi her ( brother of i. fV. B.is pastor, j held n cluircfi miVtuig. on Sunday evening hast, and nfier- mUeh discussion, resolved not to com i ply. with tlijiiPresident's rejuest far a fast on the 4th oj Jan.4irv. The resolutions', whicb were V adopted byuhe" close vote of 13 to 12, "pitch in- to"' the Prelfdent and his message, declare that j his proclamation is an act ofihvpocraey, that the f co nstitutiort "ght to be stripbed of its Blayery t rendition Jald representatidn construction, and that the present distress is an especial judgment . upon tfiesiiof slavery. Mr.eecDernaapreacn : td a rl hoanti-lavcry serlton in? the morninjg.. 'I I . . if providence J'ott-J VlhItt12Llko rnSorrH,CABou.VA. There i Inj U-en m5rifiitur5dipthisityby Mr. Gibb3f t . '. tonhe order 4f a ladt in South .Carolina, a hand- soniePulnM-ito flag, jntended for presentation to ne'w -military' cinnpany, formed at Edgefield Court IIo'u.-. i"n that State, f The flag is of hea- ty blue silk, :-four feet at the staff; by four feet six inches i?W the fly. In thecentre, on one side, ' itnjiears the(frge loif star of the State, and above and below; gilt aad- shaded lettering, the fol : -! Sowin? motto: "A laoe in the picture, near the WaAx ng of llie pi ns ." On the reverse side, also 4 of blue silk. is the Palmetto tree, and the coiled : rattlesnake, i At the base offthe tree are the ? diiefdsofth State of South Carolina, with the words . 4 Edj field Kinemen'' faoove. lnenag -' is-decoratetl'with heavy bullaop, tassel and cord, and U nrc'oiiiKuiied W a standard, surmounted ; "withabra. siear headl Thje flag wUl be tor . . ' -wirdcl to 'k)uth jCfcrolina immediately, as it is . wanted. Sa4 - . A . y ' 'mw ' - j n A St. Petersburg letter of the 13th ult says : '".An iin'tafrd event has creatlr occupied pubr - ntf..ntiTt lrrre dui-inr the last few days. - At" . th.- School Tr encineers, established in the Palace X Paul I. Vjsputcs have arisen between the pro- yiVssors antlijie pupils, ine latier-nave opemy routed thk lirectori and one hundred , and fifty, . S rods t of w !'j?ai hold franks as officers, have resig- J ri- d. A collective itct oi mis Kino is ia. uu-'i- y !i. nd uf hiHnilitary annals of Russia, and is con load prehiant wDth danger1, 83 it proves that ' . she yonug f ien think much more of their rights 'tli:in rurmlv, aad j are inclined to resist what .'I vl Link ;irltrary; proceedings." ' -1 ' 'I .Vs I'V., fVinA nis well "kkoW, is justly re j ; f'ti owhe.li."itieularlr that known by the. name of -. U- b 'hani-ber; t but its highest reputation aates irom 1 Al 1. 1. ihe Uiod at which 4he lorhipof Johan ....rV. : ,.i&i, ; nnw-H.e nrOnertv of the Metter- ii i deli tamil t.! belonged to the; clerical pnnces of . - H !.,.. iu,X fiir latter in that year lorgorxo "4 c his authorisation for the (vintage, and when 1 tiiis forcctfalncM was repaired, the grapes were ha.lf rotten rai the vines. Tathe great surprise S . ..f the vintners, Ihegrapes which were apparent i ;Tv in;the worst state produced the finest-wine. I Ninee'thatLiime the vintage at Johanisberg is i : j4,tp6nedk the latest possible period. Those 1 1 which. are Irahtlv decaved continue to produce the wine jiic finest qualitviAvhich is. called the J PottntatcAJ. ine, it is onVy princes wbocah 'have it in theic celtirs on account of its high lMVi.r.Axaix fob the Yeak! 18C0. During the A VMT lust t-n iu?t t-o?ed there arrived at New lorK, Vvr.n r.-.,;. -inn toi rnmirrantsL includ :f iug 4C.C;&oni Ireland, 37,3G from Germany, 11,112 froai England, 1,30G from Scotlaadjand '.iherest fmto vrJmn other! countries. , These ' '..'....tumi l!ni. :l. 4t.'nm oVinnt S7.875.- mm) in specif of which $3,&4G,000 came from InUnd, 2?e00f00Wrom Germany, and 950, ; ! txx from England apd Scotland, ur ine nuiu : f er of passengers brrived kbout 44,000 have avowed thlir- intention to locate in New York, ? 14,fO0 in Pennsylvania andvNew Jersey, 12,000 m New Finland, and 4,000 in the Southern M'WTfo, -.'L:niiirt TndianAt TlHnni4 TLtlehicran JU1U9 . A V vavv y m.w "O AVi3c6nsin,owa, Minnesota jand California, 20, 000; Kansas. Nebraska, Nefw Mexico, Canada, tf .r i0,0d The total number of mmigrnts arrin-a at $r York ia I859a3 only 79,322. , . v; p - . , : Comparative Table of Exports Of tkt priHetjMlmrt icle from tie Port of WUmlng 1G0, a compared mrxtk-tho otk ear 1859.- 1860. Articles. .4 . Coastwise. Foreign. Spt Turpt., boU.,..r 137,740; 66,707 j 555,636j 40,255 , 7,174 9,471 Crude do " .......J- Rosin ' i 12,717 22,881 Tr " I'itch' . ..... Flour " Timtjer, P. P. ft Lumber, " .... Shingles,.. Stareii, Pea Nuts, bush. ;. Cotton, bales,.. Do. Sheeting do...... Do. Yarn,do. Do. V'ate, do Do. Warp, do Newspaper, bdls,.".... Wool, bales,. Rice, cl'n, c'skg, Do. rough, bush, Wheat, outh,. 855 1,065 . 101,163 33,500 6,074,794 12,368,806 2531,570 100 108,656: 18,902' 1,574; . 1,375! 66 105 . 1,251 1 10 130,5021 54,453 18GO. Articles. Coastwise. Foreign. Spts Turpt. bbl?, 1 27,562 j 52,175; an 137 1 20,400 Crude do, bbls, Rosin, do Tar do. Pitch. , do........ Flour, do 23,548 57,425 . 43,056 5,489 300 22,600 9,126,176 730,880 6,120 784 35 Timbty-, P. P. ft Lumber, do. do ' Shingles, Staves,. Pea XnU. buh,. ...... ! 20,000 9,882,878 2,887,870 97,432 99,743 22,851 1,750 1,561 i 10,000 Cotton, bales,... ...... Do. sheeting, do Do Yarn, do Do. Waste, do - . 69i 92j Do Warp,, do Newspaper, bdls... J.J Wool, bales, j Rice, cl'n, casks, .. 1,546 11 11 : 120,020 ' 280 Do. rough, bush ! Wheat, bush. ;.. Comparative Table of Exports owi the port of Wilmington j N. C.,for the f arter of 1 860 rompared with the fourth oh of 159, ending Zlatof December of each year 1859. Articles. t .j Coastwise. Foreign. Spts. Tnrnt., bbl.... . 33,179 7,548 1,640 Crude TurpL, bbls... Rosin, bbls....'. Tar, bbls.... 10,851 . 80,312 2,933 1,815 7,656 270 : 365 20,000 2,081,792 294,000 i I " ! 10 ritch, bbls Timber, p. P. It .nmber, fU. 756,252 Shingles ' Staves 100 35,582 441 10,562 372 318 Pea Nuts, bush , F16ur, bbls Cotton, bales Do. Sheeting, bales, Do. Yarn, bales...... Do. Waste, bales..... Do. Warp, bales i2' 271 230 raper, news, bdls..., Rice, rough, buh... o. clean, casks Wool, bales 1,9321 Wheat, bush.-. I86O. Articles. Coastwise. Foreign. Spts Turpt., bbls.... 28,417 3,963 4,272 7,409 1,144 110 14,000 Crude lurpt., DDIs.. Rosin, bbls Tar,bbls.........k , 10,747 86,749 8,912 660 Pitch, bbls ...'.. Timber, P. P. ft...... Lumber," " ft Shingles 3,600 1,817,061 . 353,694 57,566 31,76S 9,011 3,085,477 ; 621,350 Staves, , Pea N uts, bush :.. Flour, bbls ,. Cotton, bales ... Do. Sheeting, bales.. 293 2541 10i 38! Do. Yarn, bales Do. Waste, bales Do. Warp, bales Paper, news, bdls.:.. Rice, rough,bush..., Do. clean, casks , 44j in1 Wool, bales. Wheat, bush , MISCELLASEOCS COASTWISE. 1 Fhirseed. 125 hnshels: Emntvbbls.. ll0: do kegs. jE16; Soap Stone, 877 bbls; Liquor, 26 bbls; Mdze, kt pHe&.iige!; Lnea u uu, uar, w 961 bbls, 4 hhds; Hides, 1,150; t)ld Iron, 137 tons; Sheep Skins, 7 bales; Tobacco, 228 boxes: Corn, 1.500 bushels; Rags, 26 bales! Copper 'Ore, 34 bbls; Old Copper, 3 hhds, 3 casks, 3 bbls,' 2 boxes, er, 13 rolls; Juniper wood, 198 cords; Beeswax, 11 boxes, 87 bbls, 2 hhds; Rosin Oil, 130 bbls; Oran- fes, 125 bbls; Tallow, 8 bbls; lieet, ddih; uonee, lbags. . . . FOREIGN'. Corn. 200 bnsheW; ' Spars. 10. - GREAT ATTRACTION 4 T THE OLD STAND, No. 9 Market street. A ,)w opening, the largest and finest stock of Crockery , China "and Glass Ware ever "yet ottered lo the citizens of Wilmington. Having several vears experience in this business, iustifies me in savin sr that ! can offer inducements which cannot be had elsewhere. We keep con. stantlv on hand, the- best of Cut and W hite klia Glass; fine White and Silver and China Ware, Terra Cotters, Lava and Parian Ware, with the best of Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, and every thing used in the House Furnishing line. . To wholesale customers. I take pleasure in say ing that I can do better by them this season, than heretofore. ' : . ' I . Call and examine our well selected stock. Look before vou buv. ' H. R. PERRIN. Wilmington, Oct. 1, 1S60. tf U t CABAS. i F.ULL assortment of Cabas Port Monnaies, Reticules, Ladies'. Traveling Bags, Purses, .KAIIXWEILER A BRO'S. A etc oct 30 OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIG- rflHESE delicious and far-famed Bittera are re I commended Dv tne nrsi pnysipiaus i vuc country, on account of their Purity and Medicinal Virtue " I j1 Ther are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the best Tonic and Stimulant ever of fered to the public. ! j ' ' Their curative powers, in ases of General De bility, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we feel war ranted in claiming! what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endorsed by j j ; Prof. Silliman, of Yalrf College, Prof. Haye, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of Others. . - For sale by Grocers, W' ine Merchants and Drug- itm croTiArftllT .! ! dec 18-ly ?--- fr- J - TO HOUSEKEEPERS. : I r . -. Table an Doors Mats, ' L To be had at the original Crockery Store. . " dec 17 I II. U. PERRIN. ITT RECEIVED. Per Schr. A. J. DeRosset, Pork, Bagging. j Rope, j Ch f uttef, Nails, Crackers, ; . oiarcn, G ILT BBAND and Decorated Tea Setts, deci- S'f "H.R. PERIIIN. . 1 dec J TOR THIS WEEK. HARPER'S WEEKL 1 , containing pictures, Portraits of the Georgia Legisla tors in Olngrees, Ac, ' ' '. ' " rank Leslie's IUustrated News, containing an illustration of the burning of Fo.t Moultrie, spiking the guns, Ac, I ' A6W A Or. iicrcur , ( , u - Dispatch, - V , r National Police Gazette, - ' Literary Companion, i . Phunnv Phellow, for February, . j -. Chess jfoathlr, J , -" "f- : ' London Weekly. Times. ; ( 4 r - ' Latest New York. PhUadelphia, BaUimore, Charleston and Petersburg papers, at ' J - . AYHITAK.i.14 S jjiew Boosiowre, - ket kt., bet. Jas. Dawson' and; WiUtinson t. Mark dec 31 - RYASS' LONDON PORTER. JO HUMBCG,btft a genuine article, in import- kl .torrx! 1 Airrt from thfl imoortcr. ' 111- falida Bend and gt it after trying' elsewhere, and 'SSSiV j5?5E.t the geunlne -Byii Lon, aon gorier, ,v-6.-- fiprrvw t, nn nn cat 11 I r OLL1 .Special ISTotices. ADMEN ISTRATOR'S OTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been duly qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, A. D., 1860, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, of the county of New Hanover, hereby noti fies' persons having accounts or demands of any kind against said Estate, to present the same to the undersigned fjr payment, within thetime pres cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. 1 JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec. 15, 1860-6W. 32 MRS. WKYSLOW, experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatlj facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infant,-. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement' iii anoth er column. feb 2.7-1 V WALKER MEARES, Uaa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKI G- G1ST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select, Medi cines, tnglish, , i rench and German Chemicals Swedish Leeches, Ac, also, ' PAINTS, OILS, . . Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Article?, &c, Ac. aucr 14. 1860 W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! This splendid Ilau? Dye has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or. natural Brown no staining the' skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine uules signed " W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. . CnAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept29-ly; ' ' 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. aJUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reth New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortementi of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 28 i : ; : Wholesale and Retail Druggist and -Chemist, iV. E. Corner Front and Market Sin., Wilmington, N. C. IS. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, 'OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. . . - Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of 'the night. The night belt is at the second door ;(on front street,) from the corner. i : On and after this 'day, j all prescriptions will be Cash. , . , '- oct 30 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. -The Original and best in the World. All-others are mere imitation, and sh ud I '.- avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY nAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. ; Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded vwm. a juaicneior, since mm, ana over wmmw plications have been made to the Hair of his pa - a all rvA 1 r n r .-v trons of his famous Dye. m. A. Batchelor a Hair Dye produces a coioi not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may. be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates f6r Life by this splen- aia Liye. Sold in all cities and town3 of the United States by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ' , gThe Genuine has the namp and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! i Faces Made Clear! Howl Bv one week's use of the Magnolia Balni. , A ? - . , perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual . pre paration. Price 50 cents per. bottle. Sold everywhere. Sec advertisement. I W. E. HAGAN A CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw . .. . Troy, New York. GRAND: VIRGINIA DISCOVER. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vincedis Jlr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. i about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec 12, 1850. . ' - ' , This famous article can now be had of t he princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only t use the restorer accord 5nr .to nrinted -directions on the bottle. : Those r. 1 who haveny doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the- Virginia nair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, C9 Main st. - R. EZEKIEL. Richmond Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take 8ath on the noly Bible, that 1 have baen bald for. the past 12 years and have restored my hair by ; using Ezekiel s Virginia Hair Restorer. ' " -. N aphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. - r , " Joe. Mayo. . ' - Mayor of Richmond. .' " W. H. LlPPlTT,Sole Ag't., jan 14 t Wilmington, N. C. ) .,. GLUEGLUE. CARD. We beg leave to'inform the trad o that we have appointed WM. V. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of .Wilmington, N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. Boston, apl 3, 18C0. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent j for tne sale Ol lueir vxiues m .uia jui.j!., fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. .;:-r :i - apT9-iy." r ;W. C. HOWARD, Urokef. . EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just , re- j ceivea, tor saie oj WOIVni A DANIEL. dec 5 ". ,; C11EESE. NGLISri, PINE APPLE ANDSTATE at decll GEO. "MYER'S. 1 For - rsr. " Birrs New York, in store. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretarv--Oraham Daves, ?f Craven., j Treasurer rD. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufus II. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C II. Brogjden, of Waynei Attornev General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren Speaker of Senate II. Tj Clark, of Edgecombe.; lloape of Lommons w. l. tuortcn, of Wavne. i'fitate Librarian O. 1L Perrv, of Wake, 1 ubuc i rinter--Jno Spefman, cors.rtn.. LTATK. Council-Wooteii.-of' L-noir ; John W: Cunning-i ham, of Person W. A.-Fuirguson, of Bertie j J.j F. Graves, of Surry ; r David "Murphy, of Cumber-! land;. J. -J. Lig, f Nrjthani.pton. and Wf Jj. Ilillarn. of Runcouibe. i ' f ! : ' KEPH-H r The. I'nited State rrn cocrt?. .'',. ' -ii. Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina. i.i held stiuitannually atRalelgh,i (in the 1st Mondav in June ajnd last: Mondav in No-; rembi-r. .!,,, h.jj, Asa liizz. "f . .1 M. Way lie. of Georgia-? Hon:j .artin. Ditricf ' J udg'e salary,! S'iiHMt. ' Robert P. Diet, Jone, Marhal. i Iii.-tiif-t Attorney; We.j,ey The I'nited States J)i.-tiiet Court are held at Edentonl lid Jlohav in Apfi II and October, .f, M. Jones, Clerk; Xewberti, 4 tit Monday in-April'and Oetiber, lienjaniiii lirown. ! Clei k ; AVilmington, 1st Monday after the trh ?.!oind:iy ia Aju il and Oc tober,. John L. Cant well. Clijr.k.-' 1 "; V 4rruKMK N'-ot- th i: RT. The Supreme Court if North Carolina is held' at Raleigh send-annually, on the second Monday in June, and flic 2d Monday in December. It islsbr held oucl' a v;ir at Jlorg'anton. Burke county, on the HrVt Monday in August. J. R.. Dodge, Clerk. The tlKcers area- fHlows: Cluef Justice," Rich-1 mdud M.' Pearson, fd Yadkin;- Justices, JMj fc. Manly of Craven, dnd William II. Battle, oPOr ange. salary of eaelii, 2.r00 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warren ton, Attorjney-General ; J Hamilton t. Jones, ot Howan. Kf!)orter : huniunu B.. Freeman. ofWakk Clerk; Oliver II. Perry, of Wake, Depirrv Clerk1: James Litchford. of Wake, Marshal. ". 1!U! rofR is. The Superior Coiirt.s are !i M in sivpn Circuits, by the following olliccrs : .Iii-iat s, Rl -R. Heath, of Chowan; (ieo. Howard, ol' .Wilson ; j .Jas. W.4O3 born. of Mecklenburg, liohert S. Frehc h, of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, of (Juilfoid : John L. Bailey;, of j Orange, and Komulus M. launders, ot aKe. s So licitors Elias (.' lllnes. of Edentoin, rides! the j First Circuit.; Williani J. Houston, ot Duplin, rides the Second Circuit : William As Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit r IJjos Ruffin, of Orange, rijles the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. i Strange, of New Hanoyer, rides the Fifth Circfuit ; David Coleman, of nuneombo, rides .the Seventh; Circuit. '1 . " ' ." r . I'M '! I- WORKS IN NOiiTH C.VUOLIXA. PITDLIC The Branch Mint of the United States is located. at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county j in this Slate. This establishment was authorized bv Act of Con-h I ress,' passed 3d March. 1S3.". The oflieers are asn ollows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and' Acting Treasurer; .John II. Gibbens, -AssaverJ- Melter and Refiner : John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner': Wm. F. S. Strange. ;( lerk. The University oil North Carolina, situated at Chapel 'Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W . JN. K irom lialeisii. The North Carolina Institution for the educatioi of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is loeatet at. Raleigh, V . J. Palmer. Principal.- Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor J Carteret county ? Fort Caswell, Smithyille, Bruns4 wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at i'Farcttt ville. . - . Insane Asvlum ol North Carolina, situated ir th" vicinit itv of Raleigh' wilhcontain 250 patients : 12..) patient nt now in it. Dr. V,: C. Fislier, Super&t tendent : Dr. ! TJ Fuller. Assistant Physician Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward: .Mrs. Hill, Matron Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W Ilolden, Eilward CantwelU A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J Blow, John A. Taylor, and. Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. CHarlcs E. Johnston, President o: the Board-: . William E. Anderson, Treasuifcr. Messrs. Ilolden,. Johnston, and Battle, LCecutiv ; Committee. ' . V. . y All indigent insane persons entitled too receivetfi and treated, and taken Care of at tho 11 ublic charges. Pavina- patients are also received ironi this an other States. For proper fomi to. be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylnnt. see Revisctl Code, chapter on Asylums. . T O W N G O T E RN M E N T .! COMMISSIONERS OF - WILMiSGTOX. . Mayor- John Dawson. ' " S D" Wallace, O G Parslev, Samuel R Bunting, W A WrightT C Miller and Alli ed Martin. j fiee department. ' ' - - . Chief Engineer James Mitcliell.-' ' - i Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. -. Cief Fire Warden B W Becrv Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis, W T J Vann. Edward Kidder. ! ; E Kidder and C D, Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter -Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRE OOMPAXV. (Re-organized Jnne-6, 1853.) i Foreman Walter Furlong; ' i 1st Assistant Jolifn Sheppard. ! 2d'Assistant William Dowling. ' Secretary E P Wade. -; Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. HOOK AND LADDER COMFAXT NO. I. Foreman John Wright. 1st. Assistant J Kiizer. i.. Secretary and Treasurer J. d Bishop. - COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION - (Office: 18 Water street.) George Harris?. T' CjWortli, W C Fergus, Jos II Planner, w ni M Harris. keiiooLSi. - ' j j BOARD OF SCTERINTNIlENTS 01 COMMON SCHqOLSl Chairman S D Wallac " Win S Larkins James Mel) utile, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, R and Joseph M Foy. berttll Tate.- Samiiol Player, WILMIS STON ISSTITtrrtJ.' L Meginney, PrinteipaL WILMINGTON MAtE AXD Fi'MJ I.E. .SI M !!.'A a V. G W Jewitt, Princioal. ' 4 -r.'- j -' OAKDALF. CCMETRKY CU'UPANV, President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright, G R French,' Ed watrd Kidder, Jno . AjTaylor,tOwen- L I dlyaw, S D W allace. , ' j - Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. ;-Ohice next door to BanL Wilmington. C0UNTT OffFiCliS. COCRTS, AC. Shorifl W T J Vain:. . ' h .Clerk County iConrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright Judge U'S District Court Asa Biggs. : Marshal II S District N C Wesley" Jones. Deputy Marshal IT S, District Wilmington' Jno J Conolcv. , . - i "--.' Clerk U S District Court JoJm L Cantwj.'ll. Clerk and Master Equity-JJuBrutz Cutlat-.j Chairman County Court James T Miller. j; Register of Deed'sjj Ac Jere Nichols. j ,pil "raficrrate of Town-John J Concilev Constables--Lewii M Williams, Jno Utlavf, AVil- U:im II Biddl'e. A Wilder. James P String-held, !J J Moore. .- I ' ' . '.! " '' , ! i n!spe eio ns . Wood lnspeetors-j-Joseph Smith, Wm Ilolden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. ,:---.- ( . - ' : ' ; . ' I ; - Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderma6r Jas JI. Stevenson, Jamps O Bowuen, Jonn fc. james IJohn C Bowden. TRomas Player, John JI Henderson, B Southerland, Wil- Iiam J price, liODcrt v. juubsuu, inwui w deanst.-.-.-- "?t-Z. J';" ,.' ' ; ' :'-:." 'f-.M. ,i L1 Timber and L.umber ! inspectors james a.iucr T, IT Bowdenl 5James S Mel vin, 'Henry AV Groves, J W .Jlunroe, rN Clark, Robert JIaxwell E Turlingtonv" - iw,,r,rj.,-, ; ;; ' j WILMINGTO"? GA3 LIGHT COJlrANi. (Office ,ini S4vings BaplBuddiBg.) ; President Cos John JIcRae; i' --, f : Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. f j Superintendeat-OUver JIcDheany. Jl SECRET SOCIETIES. ! i ' ; T. JOHN'S LODfiX NO. 1 MASONIC. V Meets the last Tuesday Evening La each month at St, John's JiaU.) i O L Fdlvaw. Master. bf Newhoff. S W. Oliver i'cllhenny, J W. Jno L CtwelL Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. ! Henry Spaldine, S U. A A Hartsael J J D. I J O Bowdea, Tyler, 1 COXCOKD CHArtEa,; NO. 1 mAsonic; J (Meets lit Monday evening in each month,-at St. ,.,( j i j ' . Joan b iiau.; i - Most Ex R O Rankin, H P.J Cora L C Turner, G JM 3d Ex O L FUIvaw. Kin. V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, O M 2d Com P W Fannin"-. Cant V. 1 l Host. M! . f Com W J Price, G il 1st Com A.Martin. P S. V i V. m . -!' ' : 'V Mr Newhoff, R -A Com Jno A TaylorTrea. ' Capt.; ; :. " K rurungton, xyier. ! i r1 - . .' -r i- . : . Cape tear j.odgi (so. 3 i.'. o. r. ( Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow' HalL) Asa J Murrav. NO. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V G. , ff H Howey, Treasurer. v; : r MTBELL ENCAMPMENT NOi 1 ;!. O. O. F. ! Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d ii.'. . j" ; r nuay in,eacu uioniu J D Gardner, CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repitonl II P. f R J Jones, Scribe John J Conoley S W. f Thos II IJowey.'.Treas. I CAPE FBA 3IAEISE TOTAL iABSTINEXCK SOCIKTt. (Meets il the Seamen's feetbel on; Dock Street, every; .Monday eveningi immediately atter; tne- ; close ot tne Prayer fleeting lor seamen, Chas D Ellis; President." Geo W WUliams Vice William M i Poisson. Sec-4 President, , 1 retary. . ' . I Jas Fleet, As't Secty. " .11 ! j- .M . -f ' f ! : f . ' SE '.MENS friend societt. Charles D Ellis, Presi- B F Mitchell, Sec'y & r dent. ;. i s Treasurer. ! C D (Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J ; DeRosset. O G Parslev. Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper of the Stamens' Home, u fi li. J ii,.i!c..u i . - i .1 . I -: j ' tAn'lES' BENEVOLENT SOCIBTT. 1st Directress, Mrs Kefl-I 4thl)irectress,Mrs nal- nedvi j lett. ! 2d Directress, Mrs IIar4 i rfesj ' '; ' i Secretary, Mr3 Sickle. Van- ya uirqctress, airs ue Treisurej, Miss Lilling- : Rbssett.i ' ton. i 1 .' ; -. ? i "' I ;' ! WILMINOTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ; , "i (Organized Uune, 1855.) . I Df J H Dikson,President Donald McRae, Treas. Geo Davis Yice Pres't. $ Wm R Ltley, Sec'y. Piatt Cowan, Treasurer J ' i ; ReV R B Drane, R H Cowan, E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor G J McRae, J G Wright, T : a , 1 II 11 IIIU4S. ',- , ' MILITARY. ' , WH.MINQT0N J.tOHT INFANTRT. . a (Org. May 20th, 1853.); Wm L l)eRosset, Capt. 5 . I C Winslow, Ensign. R B McRae,; 1st Lieut. J A D . Caajaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieuttj Master. 1 Ii Savage, ad " u u Myers, urderiy. OEBMAn' yOLUNTEERS. j Organized February 22d, 185?.) C Cornphlseh Capt. " J 116 Hashegan, 3d Lieut. ti on jianii, ist iiieu,t. vv ueinstDatcn, ensign. li oilers, 2d Lieut, ' 1 J Meier, Orderly. . if- '..- " ' ' !:" .:; " .". "banks. - 1 - ;fj : 'i "BUNK OP JCAPE FEAR, j, T H Wright, President.! H R Savage, Cashier. , J G Burr, Teller. . j JD Gardner, As'tTeller. J Mcljaurin, rt K-Keeper- A 11 Hardin, uis. UlerK. 5 s Discount Day, Wednesday. i ; i . " I .' - ' --.;- ' !' i . I : ." BANK OP WILMINOTON, N. ,C. JohnlMacRae, Pi'esident. . S Jewett; Cashier. W L Bmith, Teller. I William Larkinsi,Book- j T M Gardner, Dis Clertf. keeper. :- j j ; : Discount l)ay, Tuesday. , I j f I j BANK OP NO&TH CAROLINA. " John Dawson, Pres. t Wm Reston, Cashier, Wm D Smith, Teller. I J II Wright, B'k-keeper. I . . . -l i J)iscount l)ay, Tuesday; , . I j ; i ! COMMERCIAL BAJIK OF WILMINGTON. O G Parslev. Pres. . ) Tim'v SaVa?e. Cashier, Jno MqRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker; Book- J D Barryi Dis. Clerk, j keeper. t Keener.) H; ; Discount D ay, Monday.; WILMINGTON I SAVIQa BANK. V John A Taylor, President. Wm Hyde, Casnier, r - ' . . . l - RAiLj ROADS. WILMISdTON, CHARLOTTE k RUTHERFORD R. ROAD. . (Office cor Market and S Water street. ) II W Guion, President R H Cowan, Sec. Treas. Ji-C McRae, Chief Eng.l Koad unfinished. I ' WILMINGTON MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, Thos DWalker, Pres. Wm A Wklker, Sec'y. J P Iiopertson,(ien I Sup. Jos J lang, treas. .1 K ii McRae, Oen'l Freight Agent. WILMINGTON WELDON BAIL BOAD. W S Ashe, PresK'J W Thotopson, Hon Gen. dent.: Freierht Aerent. $ L Frpmont, Chief Eng. i , . A Sup. . - I James $ Green, Sec'y '& Treasurer. j i S D Wallace, Asst Secfc ! Gen Ticket Agent.; J ames G 'G'rejen,! Yard Master. P H Langdon, Aud'r A Supt's- ClerkJ William Smith, Ticket ! 'r -i UlIUlUti5. , Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist i Episcopal, (SY 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Kev J 11 Wheeler, Pastor. . I j Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, - Pastor. ! i s i i 1 Baptist!, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rey J j L Pf ich- ard, Pastor. t 1 1 ' J i Baptist, (O S) Castle ht 5ti and Cth, Rev Aaron f Davis, Pastor. ' r ! ' I Koman uainouc, uocKiDi ana aa, Key a nomas ; Murphy, Pastor. - ! j f ; -' ' Episeopali (St James' J) cor Market arid 3d, Rev : R B Drane, Rector. i ! Episcopal, (St John's, i cor 3a and Red Crossj Episcopal, (St Paul's, cor 4th and Orange, Bishop i Thos Atkinson, Rector. ' I ; M' r Presbyterian, Princess: bt 7th and 8thL Rev M Mc- ' yueen, castor. -,t- . Presbrian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange; y Kev m li liner, rascor. ; ; M Baptist,4 (now buildingi) cor Market and 5th, , Rev I J L Prichard, Pasto. - J Lutheran, (now. building) cor Market and5thRev ; J H Mengert, Pastorj. , ? ! ' t Seamehs' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. i! POST OFFICE. j j , WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. S . Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office, homra from IU A M to 1 P JL 2 P JI to sundown.-Sundays, 1 A JI to 9 A JI. fv ' i Northajyfi Jlail, by W A VR R.arrives daily at 7 P Jf and 5 AM. Closes 1J4 adePP M, cbanging on Sunday from i P JI to 10 A JI. ; i j - ; Soutihern JIaU, by W A JI R R, arrives daily at i4Ji;lt Closes daili at 7 P JL 1 , J .)-. ; Smihville, N C, (hprse,) arrives Mondavi and Friday at 5 P JI. dopes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A Jfi !'"-- ' - ' V " r Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives JIn dav at: 9 A M. Closesi Thursday at 9 P JI'. ! . ' &!;:,--.. 4 ', .: I r. I--! U. ;S. GOVERNMENT. OFFICERS. ' Jas T Miller, Collector. D Jl Foylek, Weigher LW J Price, Deputy Col & -tiuager. lector ; . , j -H R Xix.on Survevoi-. T M Burnett Insp'r. W F Burch and Uriah Sullivan, Inspector A W N Peden, Naval Offl " ' cer. r- v - - leasurer, , . !,- . i r,' ;' cos-arts. British Vice-Consuli-Don McRae, n WaterJ f: Spanish V ice-Consul t J Lord, 6 n Water. f i Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ccr n . Water-and Mulbery, (upstairs.) i j i j j INTERNAL EilPROVEMENT.! 17LORIDA HAILROAD, BONDS-4$26,000. pf the above Bondsredeemable in !S9l4-with coupons at 7 per eftper annum, payable in the city of New- York, ls JIarch and 1st September. Foifsale by DeUOSSET, BROWN A CO.; dec l1 " "I'-'- ,-' '. :" lr h 1": ; . '- f COFFEE. ' prfY BAGS RIO COFFEE, -tvg 20 bags Lagurfyra Coffee, 1 .' 20 maU best Java . " dec i: : ;i v: . y 1 T : ZEXO. U. GREENE. s ERRANTA WILSON, A BE CONSTANTLY receiving fine CLOTH J COATS, City nuke. Cassimer Suita at th lowest posiible rate.! . . jn de 10 , - 7 , . - t.: , - - : . f i U City .Business- Cards. ; ERRANT &. WILSOX, "TTTTIOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Do- T f mesne uryjuoocu, urocenes, uoois, noes, c.i - : t . - N'6. 14 and 15 North Water Street. octS Wilmington, N. C. JAS. Ti PETTEWAY & CO. "ITACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchant, IV j N8 North Water Street,, - j' ,: , ' i . WlLMlStffON. N. C ' Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, AC ocia OEOaOK HAKBI&S. X. B0WXLL, ,&. W. W HAHISS. i IIARRIS9 & IIOWEl.Lv COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . , Oct 2,1858 i WiLMiKOiosrANi C. WORTH At. DANIEL, 7 Cl ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mkbchavti. X -i No. 2. Granite Row, Wilmington. NX. 23f Solicit consignment of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. . Agenu lor llowe s ceieDratea ncaie. D, G. WORTH. . ept26,ly ! , N. O. DANIEL. JAMES ANDERSON, ! T- - ' EtWAEB S VAtJ-Ri ANDERSON A SAVAGE, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, '60-ly. WUmington, N: C. C. II. ROBINSON A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING- ME CHANTS, I Wilmington, X. C, MER- Omce over Mr. 4. A. v mara s store. 33" Entrance Corner Princess and Water st mar 9, '60-tf j ! L. W. BBRABr, ' OEO. WISQ.N',. I ERRANT At WILSON, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 14 axd 15 North Water M... oct , 60-ly I 1 V llmington, . IV W-. A. OWTES, L0VET PEATOCK, S, B. JESM N1. iGWYERi PEACOCK Ai CO., . .' - j . i i 1 ILMIXOTOX, t;. lUMAllSSlOi JlfcKUUA.vrs, Wholesale tiro- V and dealers in NAYAL STORES COT- lU.i, and southern froduce generally JfcSf Prompt personal attention ghen to all - consignments of iroduCe. leD it-iy ! : WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Vlholesale and j Retail Dealer in Paints, OilsiDye Stuffs, Window iGlass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancv Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market sts., Wilmingtpn, N. C. mar 25, 58 . ' ! EDWIN A. KEITH, . . COMMISSION MERCHANT.; i . I Wilmington. N. C. Oners nis services to Planters as Factor, or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. Hid commission, for selling Cotton.! will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge willibe made. Cotton forwardel to XeW York at 10, cts per bale. oct 4-18G0-ly I ' . . i ROBERT II. COWAN, GENERAL CPMMISSION MERCHANT, ! ' I WilmingtoVi, N. V. Office South Corner Market and Water streets upstairs.; ' oct a. ,1 $59. a ; O. G. PARSLEY & CO. . PROPRIETORS of the Hiltos Stkam Saw and Pj-anixo MiLts, Wilmington, N. C. All orders or inquiries tor LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. mch 21 '5! SMITH A McLAURlN, , , C COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, , ! Wilmington, X. C. , Refer to : t - ' John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. Ei 'P. HallL! Eso., President Branch Bank State N. C. T. v. smith, jlOMV M'l.AtRIV. July 1 1859-tf . MALCOM McINNIS, GROCER ANp COMMISSION MERCHANT, j North Water street. . oct 1 j Wilmington, J. V. Chas., D. Mters, Fred. J. AIoore. J, MYERS Si MOORE. C ! - "YTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, ti-t Straw Goods, rurs, Umbrellas, Canes, tec, CiC, oi maritei street, uiningin, . v. June 21, 1859 K ' ' i ' ' ! II. R. DANIEL. 1 A TTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LA.W, t . ! Euzabethtown lWill attend ihe Courts of Bladen, Columbus and Robeson. All business entrusted to me wi receive prompt attention. oct 4-3 ni ; u . ; ; T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AXD FORWARDIXG MER y CHANTS, j Wilmington, X. C. UNION DISTILLERY, - f Wilmington, N. C. A. IL VANBOKKELEL, Proprietor. LL KINDS 6F XAVAL STORES, pfirchascd, ianafactured, and sold. ' Wharfageand storage tnrnished, and coop erage done at lair rates. . jan I lmo. G. POLVOGT, TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, I j Corner Front and Princess Streets, ! umington, a. j. Keens constantly on hand Mattrasses. Lonnres. Cushions. Feathers. Curled Hair, Moss, andall Uoholstcrv Materials. Also. Papef Hangings Window Shadesi Fire Screens, and Decorations of every aesenpuon. i Pictures trained to order. . Prompt attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private liweiiings. : v may Ji - ; I - ; ... -i .' L. HATHAWAY, WH. II. CTLFY. 1 HATHAWAY At CO. COMMISSION MERCHAXXS, j 'dec 16, '58 . Wilmington, N. C. I J. M. ROBINSON Ac SON, - TMPC I Don Ac., Nc "MPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, ot 8, Front St., Wilmington, A. O. jan 9, '58 ( . ' ; ' . JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, CI ENTERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD T ING MERCHANT. Wilmingto. X, C. saJPrompt i Personal attention triven to Con signments,! for Sale or Shipment. . , gLiberal Cash advancements, made on Con signments to my Aew 1 orlt friends. ; nov ZrN John JIacRae. Donald JIacRab. J. W. K. JUx, D MacRAE St. CO, ' I J. & G1 ENERAL COMJUSSION JIERCHANTS, jan 1858 Wilmington, N. C. j JOSEPH J. WPPITT, eOilJIISSION MERCHANT, '.- .-. mar 8, '58 ' Wilmington; X'. C. ; HENRY NUTTi TRACTOR AXD FORWARDIXG AGENT, JM , i j' W Umington, A. l. "satiWilI give his personal attention to business entrusted to nis care. sept 10, '57-tt jakes stoklet alex. oldham, i . i STOKLEY Ac OLDHAM, TTVEALERS ilX, GRAIN, A COMMISSION Jtf MERCHANTS, i Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention gifen to the sale of' Cotton, Flour, Bacon, ana otner country rroauce. .. JUTE ROPE. QfldoiLS best Jute Rope, for sale by . Of nov 28 i . ZENO H. GREEN. almanacs for 1801. URNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- EY'S BOOK STORE. dec ll iL TO ARRIVE. .. . BBLS FLOUR. Apply to nor 27 STOKLEY A OLDnAJL 500 ''"'2 j BACON. :.'!:';.;. 1 Q HHDS. SIDES, and 4 bhds. shouldor juat LA arrived. For sale by : J. A. WILLARD. . ! VTXTTT ' f 801 1 SACKS just landed. For sale at SM.IO ack. ! nor 10 . J. A. WILLARD. : MULLETS, , ;-, , , 25 IBLS. nice and large "Mallets, In oak bbls. dec 11 ZENO H. GRE5. NORTI I ERN II Us l . y.SH CAR VS. f so. a. pasct, : j 7(hji n, htku, . . itmak. . late of ; I v late of late of. j Tarboro X. ii Scotland Veckj Watreno. N. C. KOCERS AND COMMISSION. Micu,r.J 4 J t :' 131 IV'1 "t. : 'IIY3IAN, DANCY A. CO., i 1 ROCERS AXD COMMISSION MrtrniSt., VJT I :! : ' ; . - .; Noaroit,V.: The New York l.on" w ill b rondactnl by J. S. Dancy, idel by R. W. IIrman. ,' , ' The X'orfolk Hoii will le conducted bv JoKa Ifc Hvman and F. M.. Jlrraan. - J$T' Particulars ateBtimt n'lvi-n t. tbe tl of Co'tton, Com. What, and Xaral Storv. 1 September 13-tf isp : ' ; ' LjGto. O. ' Van A M we, J C. H. VAmi6c VANAMRINGE IIROTIICR.V, Vf AVAL STORE AXD GKX Murn.Afv! ' ERAL Cohkik"! V 110 Water Strivt, Sen VrtrkJ ri:rr to j . t ' Mr. J. R. Btoti '4 Mens. T. C. A IL U. Woitii. HAinAWAT Co.. - I Wihuinrton. V.C . J. IK Jlclfim t.. Mr. J. II. Fr.AXViu," August 21. r.ojf - "rT:'".' "u. don 'aTii ii V a .V,'r ' V. GOMMlSSH)jMi:ilCHNTS, . .y 1 ' I I Xo. 3J India twt Ihnton'. . j:fT i.on.ignintfni"l , tutr, ntli. LumbiTi and ther Southern- l'rMluce Miliciii d. JSO. It. LnvDrtV,, J. II. I'KT 4N. Jl . Nor 2I-tf I T " 1 ) WM. M Bi:itit, W. W. UIKSI.t. GREINER Ai IIARK.NKS.S, . i COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION" IIoim:. j j . . Puiti.i:i.riu4 ' .Nov I ), li i 1 ; ,'., "-".-".; -t - - -t.-r - Win. I.. JiM.i,, I A. .M.. Akisi 1 1 t. of North- Carolina, f North Canliii. : J IILL A NORFLKirr. i EX ERAL COMMISSION' A FORWARIUNG IT ' iMercha nils, ShockiMp Sh' KIchiiM'nd, V i Solicit ooirigniiienti of (tttn. LumM r Fid.. and all kind i, of .Merc handise and Pr In ' .Merchandise and l'l "Hiai-. . ; j aio : .- I Agent for iho - purchaiie of Sugar. Collei. Mla- hcs, Salt, Lime, (Jnanm, Ac, jirge.cargtK'a of the above artk-U'sarel oirercd for ile in our iufk. ( an nuallv, and we phalL.bi jileaml lo operate f.r ph tiesordering, 'prjuiiWng jfaithfultM in utir t u deavor to roprefCnttlicm..-1 ' ' Jan '.'.' I v G. W.! WILKINSON At CO: ! ! T?"L'IT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS;. JM ' I j ' X9 Barclay ct reel. X. I "SJfvl Particular attention given to rom-i'iiui. I t and turcliase of M rchandijHf, all kindn. ; 4' ' Liberal vash ad v;ince thro'ugh,WJLIv(XSO CO.,, Wilmington, X. ,C 1 ' ' i i Aiignir z. jK'io.iy .. . -ii Eh KTERX HAY.. 200 bale of the bent ErsUrii For1 n.ilo hy . ' . f HATHAWAY A C. ay ii) market. dee 21 ' H VENT, VIDI, Vll'l. ! SUCH was (he nnoonneeinpuf of a v-rj great victory, byi a. Roman tJeneral. llii tx'tiolu of this'day, in ijcaking of thr luimitnlile (,'ASSI- llhi, uKUluy the Haying ot llie uole Kotnan, thu ' 1 Came, InawL J Ixingtit of the great variety' of articles oflyred fr sale ut the Kendcvous, dee '21- ; 2fi 4.2 South Front i t. 1 TT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Car.. I hna has nci eded I Thtrf they would t.ot have been prepared to do, If fomoo'f hrfr Itirrm i hvf not bought i ,; 1 ; , , KKKOSKAI'. OIL A ND LAMPS. t a$ Well as a great yariety of Fnnry article, "iilti ble for the llolidn vm iCandy, Xut. tv.. Ac, of tlnf patriotic CASSI l E Y . " . , , dV-c .21 . TUTE ROPE AXD TWINE 25 Coil nt Jut- fl Rope, Bagging Twine.: For salt bv dec 1 zexo h. Oin:i:xi:. at ' .- 1. I KST HAMS I X T W X a t Xdel WORTH A D.N'fEI;. Freoh Rautini, Freh Bnlter r ig. " Prunes; Citrpn; " jrNhttneg-4, , " JIaee,' Buckwheat Cheese,! . Segar. Tobacco. ' . Ale. i- : it l-i.rter,,, . Raixini., i lyaf Sugar, Orauulated do ' A B A C Sugsr,' Crushed " Sweet. Cider, Flegapt llsm., ' WORTH A DAN ILL. dctf 19 C10LD ! WEATllER (iOODS. Over Co?it, j BlanketH, Sbaw l-), L'ndur wear, r.." deeJ7 ' I1ALU Wi.V'S CHOICE BACOX. 22 hl.d. li..icnH'Mtcti bacon SidefAnd Shouldeii. For Ml br dec 21 I HATHAWAY A CO. Nv 1 j'L(KTlL.-i7 buTerf 5f'bi.i .brnn-I I I HATHAWAY f fihl A t it. dec 21 ntf-USCOVADO, 'I'OAH-r2' l'hd ' Idi'd. rior to' For aale W J, AWAVW'f'o; H-tr. lcl.oi licelMnwovado MucaW dec 21 . )' HATH TTOY LANDING from Schr Sen Bird ' Si H. J.1 Vi resterii Lard a Knh-hdJil arlirlo . 'H IX KTOUF ... i" S . i-'. I 15 Kegs X". C. Lurd, in gxid lekg,; 5 , Western' Lard, in MnaU packai, dec 4 Fok fale lly l 7., fl. URKEXl'. NEW TIjOCK! InXag Htid Iihlx, For fiU b dec.1 ,- ) SIUJKLIY A OLDHAM TNGLISH CHEESlp.! Botes let4lrLn. jyj glish Cheese jut rcciv.vl at ! " "ded 4 , 1 . Worths, dai EE. riMIOSE CHOICE JI A VA.V AS have rome.ai . J decfi WORTH A DAXIKIS. ! LARD. 2i Keg Extra l.out lir d lor fiinily use. I.i WORTJ I A DA $ If!.-, 1BWUIV. de&7 50 Wa X. Y. City MifwTork, foiale ZkXOILGKKKXi:. ' bv riUIE 'BEST FAMILY FLOUR, In town, war- I ranted In all cases, to ! had of dec 29 WORTH A DAXIEL. G10RX. 50UO Uushs Hyde County Cj . 2'MH) budis. Peruniuian. C01 4- orn, i outitr Corn. JOOOI do Western United.!- . r- In ttore and! for sale by ' - ' : decj Tjt . ELLfS A MITCIIEtL. ARMAGEDDON. :'. , ! ' OR THE Overthrow . of Romanjum and Miarchv; The Etlstence of the UnittsI States Foretold in the Bible, by S," D. Baldw in, at , f ' i - r, jifli'jn in. n v , KELLKY'rTNew B.K.k Store. oct 6 - I K Klil.Kl .vS K.mk Sf.,r 'COFFEE COFFEU- f BAGS ilioCofTee 20 o Laguayrad-Jil.i . tJJ St. Domingo do 20 niats Jata'do in I'tore, m f ' B a 11'.. ' ' and lor. sale v '"r-eawi, iv : j.. 11 .- ' . II ' L V- dec 11 ZEXO IL'IOREEVR. poRii poRkTH r, yT BHL;, New Y'ork City Mcfi", jtitt 1 I tJ and for sale low, for cah, br decll ZEXO H. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. . Q)K KEGS jut to hand, fiom 20 to 2 rent. L CO decll 1 - . " , ' V,A. MYERS. A T T THE BUTTER stohriToolirkin morVv J the same ?ort, jtit receiviMl... POTTS.' NAILS. 150 kegs asM.rtodXafCj:roin 3 to nor 1 J I Foraleby . ' , ZENO H. GRET.N'E. THE QUAKER CITY INSURAXfE , ,! -company.'. : ( ;l i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.' ........... f30J.2SI 25 CHARTERED CAPITAL....,....;....;; 600,000 00 XSURLS AGAINST loss or damage br fire and the penis of the Seal Inland" Navigation and ransportation. ; . GEORGE IL HART, Prei lcnt. ,E. P. ROSS, . Vice President. IL R. lvgshalL Sec. and Treas. S. IL Butler, Ass't See. i ' : 1 2fZT w e are prepared to take Fire and Marin links ia the above Company. . '.- ' DSUOSSET, BROWS A CO. . Wilmington, X. C, Jan. 14. . ' Agent. PISTOLS. t . 3 TOE "NORTH PATENT," mado br the Savag R. F. A. Co., 6 Shooters, a spUndid Firo arm, now on exhibition' at the Clothing and FureUh ing Store, The Agent, who tiaaaed throueb hen; last week. Informs us that h ld 2000 of the ahor to tba State ol Ueorgla, . Call and th-m ..- oeeii r .r v.- ; - jiajlijwja. N EW HULLED BUCKWHEAT, at WORTH A DANIELS. No 2. UranJtvRo. FX E BED It "(MVM"S'.:i S. a; ncn" lof.liom rery prettyjits't ojW-ned, and lor salo ut i dec 19 ...- yj. '. PEJUUX'S. ? i " Christmas" strlVLit:sr ; " -rnER PAKKERSBIMUI. ' ' L I i 6. i; , 1 4L t: t :fi.; r I -

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