,- . v : ' .- - ':- ' ."""': Mf,; - r.-..- . ...'..mm- "'M.-'lv . ,'.-"m M". ' .."V- ; h.M'H.-K- -'O.-L;- :..-;.".. .,;- :;; , . .'.,.;,' - . r. ! .. . : . "T- - . i . i . I . ... : ..... . . .; . i -xj-r. 7 7 "Vri r .r ' :T- ",-f--;:-r . - ' VOL. VII., WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAYk EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1861 AYHOLE NO. 2105. NO. 205. WILMINGTON. N: 0.1 TUESDAY .EVENINGL. JAUDAHY 8. 1861. . " r. -T - .TEIIMS: bally Paper, SCOO; Weekly, jS2.00, J2H1N. ADVANCE, Tlv- r.u'i :w vvWvs stoppwl, unless a M-mittance - t.. .t i.avimut c:A Jx- WJile f t Hie cpiration of a subsci ij'tioo. f r f !. , 1 . u ... .v,,, l.i mailed at oar risk, whea the let- t -T -"T ----- "t.t-r ii M-i'UrH. ! ; A. W A DDELL, Editoy and Pronor, Tuesday Kvenin, jlnuary,, 1801. . - TIus llerald Job OfflQf - nvnv i-niiletelv fitted uj fith the Cncst as- r A T . . -.tliu nt of. 'J8 Tyre to dfoUnl in the State Ki"-rt ie(i s Of Job worlNcfin now be speed ily -ind h.ulouidy, printed at this office from .n'l-ook dtv: -t ij visiting card. IlandbillB, , tr ul.irj. I l.uiks Jtr, &c, neatly and promptly j rirtel at shurt flotice, and on Reasonable terms K-j nttc-ntiou will be given, to the' Job .UparlriH iit lu re-.ifUr, and we. ;feel "assured that " -rk--ritnr- t-d to our " Job iiand, "who is ex- j ru u ( .1 in the business, w ill' be cxecnted sat j if:i 'tr! y in. every reject. Give him a trial at :my r.itf an j ifU U ml ilune "well) no complaint . aill U made .of a withdrawal of patronage. - I . TSl" TIhj'S'cw Orlej.ua 1'icatune, an able con fi native jtMjraal, closes a strong editorial against com ion with the following pithy paragraphs "The :reat present fact is that the South, with irreat tinatiiuiity, insilts" tluvt they are not safe unilec tli5s lovcrpmcnt as k is, or administered. . " as it uuy'bcand prom is '4 to. Jbe, unless they have Mt-urily against its hostile action towards jhrnwl veil, unless they get aniendinents to the i-vstetit. to restore it to the t;ran J federative idea n whieji it was baed 6riginally, of theeqnality of'the rights of all thSiatea in respect to each other and the ininiunity of r.eh against" aggres sion by the rest. br by the central pbweft . Xqw the Southern position everywhere, lear- ing;put the mere joint of Form in which it is presented, is this :. Will the North deliberate . and negotiate with us to ascertain whether it , is iK)Sjible to continue tLe Government on such terms that we can ga on together in ieacej If thfo cannot be "done, and the diversty is too great to Ie bvertjouie by Jhe desire for ufl ion and the sense of the value of unionj let'us part in Kace, and each eople conitrUct for itself such Government as liuiy be to then in tlie language of tlie Decl.u-aOoti of. 17 JC, quoted alove 4 'most likely' to effect tlfeir safety and happiness," . ' When Mr. .Lincoln and MrL Trumbull Mr. Wade arid 31 r. Hale, reply to this solemn over- tnrc of people to. people, by stolid refusals to 1 - . . 1 . . 1 1 1 f A 1 t " listen, ami me arrogant oranuisuin oi ne ieu iral sword a3 tl only arbiter Wtwcen the sec tions', they theniselvjfrs. are lhe traitors to the' oknt principles k)f the constitution, to the cause 'Af liberty and to ihumanity. Dut'the sword in such a fause will be but a owerIess wntiptin. It would drop from their Itarids in the, tecile effort tof wield if. Unless, indi--!, the avenging disi-ord whicb their folly shall have raised- in their own households shall seize the weajKnj in their, grasp and. draw the blade through tlt-ir own mphglcd fingers." . Inaugural. Address of Governor Jack-j-son -of Missouri.'. ' Missouri, January 4. Gov. Jackson' i inaugnrabaddress was almost exclusively 4eyet!cit to the discussion of Federal Relations. ; lie says the destiny of the slavehold ing States are identical, and Missouri would best consult her' own interests, Sand the interests of the; whole country, by a. timely deplaratio.n of her dt terminal km to st iridiy her "sister slave holding States: ii w hose wrongs she participates and w ith vhi?e anstitutioni her people; Sympa- . thize: ' , ' , - ; Missouri will remain in ilje Union so long as there is a hope of maintaingthc guaranties of the Constitution, bui if the Northern States are de termined to put jthe slaveholdingr States on the .footiug of ineiuality, by preventing the. en trance of Slavesjnto the "Territories ; admitting no more Slave States or persiting in-nullifying or perverting tlie fonstitntion in reference to slave property, then they themselves practically abandon the Union, and cannot expect the South to submit to such a government. - He opposes cdercioo, and says the project of manitaing tlie Government by force, may lead to a consolidate! despotism, bet never to Union. Our government,' is based upon justice, equality and, the first 4rP of blood! shed in a war of aggression upon Sovereign Stitcs, will result in the overthrow of the entire 'Federal system, " He says he has not abandoned all; hope of the pres ervation oC the tTnion, and h believed that by 'prudence and .well-directed; efforts, an adjust ment, alike honorable to" both sections, can be effected. ,-JIe is opposed to Congressional compromise,- and says the South tan rely only upon Constitutional guaranties ;S aaid, to effect this - end, he adTisesjihe calling be. a Southern Con vention to agret ujkmt sucli mendmnts of tlie Consttution fast would sectuc her just rights ' and' submit themt to the Northern States for their ' acfion He advises the calling of a State Con- ventioirto ascertain the will of the people on the . subject ; and alsp advises a.tnorougn organiza tion of the State militia td repel invasion and nrotect nronertV and Ah2 lives of citizens. He recommends the legalization! of the suspension of specie payments hj the bants. 4 ... : OccrPA-nos or Fort Ptuaski. At eight o clock Wednesday morning, Jthe' steamer Samson left with the detachments Tot port I'ulaski. COl. Henry K. Jacksqn, Aid to the Governor, accom panied by Major-II. M. Davenport, had preceded the companies and had demanded of Mr. Thos, Hennussy, keeper of the. fort the keys, whichAe, having po iower to resist promptly delifered to the authorized agent of the Governor of Geor gia. When thi Joat reached the landing on Cockspur Island, tlie troops ivere debarked and marched, to the fort, wnicn was tasen possesion of, in pursuances of orders of the Governerof the State", bv Cantun F. S. Rvrtow, of the Ogle thorpe Light Infcmtt-y, acting as second in com mand. On the passage uown, tne&ampspn pass ed the ,revenuef cult t J. p.' Dobbin, with the I nued States colors A nionj uown, anuuierai nietto tlar flvind at her peak.; " Shortlv' afteri the arrival! of the steamer at Cockspur, a parly of gentlemen presented them- .selves at tbe fort, and matte a tenaer iq oionei Lawton, of the Cutter, whicfai they had taptured and which was then aground. Col. Lawton, not reoo'i-nixina the "unlawful -capture of the Dobbin, authorized Cani. Scriven.of the Sa van- nah Volnntrr f Guards, to take possession of her in the aaooebf the-SKte of Georgia, with in structions to tnrn her "over to the Governor, which he -did. .The occupation of Fort Pulaski, fr authority of the Governor of the State, was a prudential measure, designed to guard against : the commission jof any lawless act by an ias- v iterated icople. and at the sane time to prevent . 1 i ' e i i . x t :ti lis occupancy uy lorcea uosuje io us, uu i le sustained by jounpeoplo to' any. amount of re inforcements necessary to hold it against attack from any quarter. Satannah Xevt. t t ' Ox Effect of Loxg-Kasg Weaposs. Chamj the clever Parisian caricaturist, is making . himself very merry with the long-range weapons now so generally in vogue, j According to him, the -word ot command on drill will be, " Atten tion ! Spy glasses. , Fire I" The new weapons enabling the hostile armies to fight at great dis tances, the yanhuished armv will be summoned by telegraph to surrender ; and the rictorioui hero returned from the battle field, and recount ing the evente of the campaign, wnen interroga ; ted respecting the personal appearance ofr the people against whom he has been fighting,- Will be obliged to confess his . inability to satisfy the curiosity of his -hearers upon-, this point, "as, .though he w the fire, he wa quite out of right of hs?nsmj.-ChaTUttQn Mercury. . Cdmparatiye Table of Exports Of the principal article from U& Port of Wilmin toii, AT. C.t for the ytnr emdimo 31 Dumber, - lbC0 q c"ty're Kith thote of the year 1 S53 : a 1859. . Articles. V Coastwise. Foreign. SptsTurpt-.bUs...... Crude' do " ..... Roin " Tar ' - IUca - , Hour 4f.... rimber, P. P. ft. Lumber, " " .... Shingles, Stae,. Poa NuU, bush. Cotton, -bale: .. 137,740 9,471 12,717 ' '22,881 855 1Mb '32 . 33,500 W,3C8,806 2531,570 G6,797 555,630 40,255 7,174 3,125 101,103 ,074,794 100 108.65C! 18,902 1,574; 1,375 CC 105 1,251 1 258 130,502 54,453 DoiSheeting do. uo. i arn,do.... :. Do. Waste, dv Do. Warplo Newspaper, bdls,....-. Wool, bales, Rice, cl'n, c'sks, Do. rough; bush, Wheat, bush, 10 18CO. Articles. Coastwise. .1 Foreiffn. Spta Turpt. bbl3,.... 127, 5C2 52,175 440,132 43,050 20,400 ' 23,54 s 57,425 ' C,120 784 - 35 20,000 9,882,878 Crude do, obis,; Kofin, do Tar do.... Pitch, do Flour, : do Timber, P. P. fL Lumber, do. do. Shingles Stav"8, ; Pea Suts, bush, , Cotton, bales,... Do. Sheeting, do.-. Do Yarn, do. Do. Waste, do.. Do Warp, do. 5,489 300 22,C00 9,12fi,176 730,8 2,KS7,870 10,000 97,43 99,743 22,851 1,750 1,501 92 Newspaper, bdls Wool, bales,.-... 1,54ft 11 11 120,020 2S0 Rice, cl'n, conks, Doroueh, bush. .7... Wheat, bush. Comparative Table of Exports Prom the rmrt of Wilmiaaton. N. (J.. fur the ftntrth quarter of 18G0 compared with the Jovrth quarter of 1859, ending 21tofJj'ecember of each year : 1859. . Articles. . 7 Coastwise. Foreign; 1,640 7,656 270 Spts. Turpt., bbls... 33,179 10,851 80,312 2,933 1,815 Crude Turpt., bbls.. Rosif, bbls.,. Tar, bbls.....;. Pitch, bbls.. j. Timber, P. P. ft...... Lumber, " " ft.....; 20,000 2,0S1,792 ' 294,000 75C,252 Shingles, staves, Pea Xuts, bush Flour, bbls ,.... Cotton, bales... .b 100 35,582 141 10,562 372 318 12 10 Do. Sheeting, bales. Do. l am, bales Do. Waste, bales...... Do. Warp, bales...., 27 apernews, bdls... . 23Q Rice, rough, bush.., Do. clean, casks..... Wool, bales.... 1 1,932 Wheat, bush.......... 1SOO. Articles. Coastwise. Foreign. Spts Turpt., bbls...., Crude Turpt,, bbls... Rosin, bbls... ., . 28,417 10,747 86,748 3,963 4,272 7,409 1,144 .110 ' 14,000 3,085,477 621,350 Tar, bbls... 8,912 C60 Pitch, bbls Timber, P. P. ft Lumber," " ft...... Shingles.. a. Staves,......: 3,600 1,817,061 353,694 57,566 31,768 9,011 fea iS uts, bush Flour, bbls...... Cotton, bales. Do. Sheeting, bales.. Do. Yarn, bales..... 293! 254 10 38 Do. Waste, bales Do. Warp, bales Paper, news, bdls...., 214 Rice, rough, bush..., Do. clean, casks , Wool, bales Wheat, bush , 10 ' MISCELLANEOUS COASTWISE. Flaxseed, 125 bushels;1 Empitbbls.,.110; do kegs, 216; Soap Stone, 877 bbls; Liulv 26 bbls; Mdxe, o7 packages: Dried fruit. 4.589 Dars, fto Doxes, 961 bbls, 4 hbds; Hides, ?1,150; Old Iron, 137 tons; Sheep Skins, 7 bales; Tobacco, 228 boxes; Corn, 1,500 bushels; Rags, 26 bales; Copper Ore, 34 bbls;. Old Copper, 3 hhds, 3 casks, 3 bbls, 2 boxes, pieces: Potatoes. 217 bbls; Uacon, i nna; iieatn- , 13 rolls; Juniper wood, 198 cords; Beeswax, 11 boxes, 87 bbls, 2 hhds; Rosin OU, ,130 bbls; Oran- fes, X25 bbls; Tallow, 8 bbls; lteet, TJ bbls; uouee, lbags. FOREIGN. Corn, 200 bushels; Spars..I0. GREAT ATTRACTION A T THE OLD STAND. No. 9 Market street. f ' Now opening, the largest and finest stock of CrocKery, China anu Ulass are ever yet ottered iu me citizens oi uiuiiigion. i Having several years experience in this business, justifies me in saying that I can offer inducements which cannot be had f elsewhere. We keep con stantly on hand, the best of Cut and White Flint Ulass, nne W hite ana ouvcr ana upina y are, Terra Cotters, Lava and .Parian Ware, with the best of Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, land every thing used in the House Furnishing line. To wholesale customers, I take pleasure in say ing that I can do better by them this- season, thaii heretofore.. j , Call and examine our well selected stock. Look before you buy. U. R. PERRIN. . Wilmington, Oct. 1, I860. tf , . CABAS. A FULL assortment of Cabas Port Monnaies, Reticules, "Ladies' Traveling Bags, Purses, etc. KAliA Wl!,liit!.K & liitu rs. oct 30 ; . OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIG WAM TONIC. THESE delicious and far-famed Bitters are re commended by thrt first physicians of the country, on account of their Purity and Medicinal Virtue, ' . ? They areplea3ant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the bet Tonic and Stimulant ever of fered to the public. Their curative powers, in cases of General De bility, Loss o Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a 'guarantee that we feel war ranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave ,to state that our assertions are endorsed by Prof. Silliman, of Yale College, . Prof. Hayes, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. For aala by Grocersj Wine Merchants and Drug gists, generally. I l" declS-ly O HOUSEKEEPERS. . Patent Knife. Cleaners, ; Table and Doors Mats, f - - To be had at the original Crockery Store. dec 17 - - H. R. PER KIN. JUST RECEIVED Per Schr. A. J. DeRosset, Pork. , Bagging, ' Cheese, - t ' . Rope, . . ' Uutter, xans, Crackers, Starch, For sale low for cash; by dec 27. ZENO n. GREENF. 1LT IBAND and , Decorated Tea Setts, deci dedly the handsomest in the btate. dec26r C' ' - - 11. K. PliKKi. FOR TIUS WEEK. HARPER'S WEEKLY", containing New Year pictures, Portrait of the Georgia Legisla tors in Congress, Ac., Frnt Leslie's Illustrated News, containing an illustration of the burning of Fo.t Moultrie, spiking the guns, Ac, - ' New Y'ork Mercury, " -. " Dispatcn, . ' National Police Gaiette, ; Literary Companion, . Pbunny Phellow, for February, Chess Monthly, r .' : ' i " ' London Weekly Times, - . Latest New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston and Petersburg papers, at ' WHITAKFJVS New Book Store, Market st., bet. "Jas. DawsonV and Wilkinson's. BY ASS5 LONDON PORTER. - "VTO HUMBUG,bnt a genuine article, in import l ed packages, direct from the Importer. In valids send and get it after trying ,elsewherer and pronounce it superior. - - -. r "" IveCOiieCt, UJOU waun pMiv . mj o n Porter' you can get it from " don Porter, dee 4 .. 7PVn TT IHJVl'Vk" Special Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S 1VOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been duiy qualified as the Administrator of ,' the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at tlie December Term, A. D.,1860, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, of the county f New Hanover, hereby poti fies all person baring accounts or demands of any kind against said Estate,' to present the same to the under'gned for payment, within the time. pres-; cribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. ; "JOHN, DAWSON. Wilmington Dec. 15, lSC0-6w. ; 1, . S : MRS.. WIN SLOW, , JU.An experienced nurse and female physi cian, baa a Soothing Syrup fir children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all Snflamation will allay all pain, and ii sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon if, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column. . ; 1 ft b 25-1 V WALKER BIEARKsj 15, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary;. and Dealer in Select Medi cines, Englttdi, rrencb arid German Chvinical-), Swedish Leeches, Ac. also, ... PfALTS, OILS V mdow ('las.--, Perfumerv, Fancy Articles, ic., c. , : - aug I t', 18C0 Sri W. A. RATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! This splendid Hay-1) has no equal instantaneous in effect rbeautiful Black, or natural Brown no staining the skin of 'injuring, the Hair remedies me aosiird anu in euect oi liart uyes,- and invigo rates the Hair for life. ' None are genuine unless Slirnea . A. Ilatehelor " SoM cvcn ir CIIAS. BATCHELOIl, Proprietor,. gepf29-ly 81 'Barclay street; N. Y. LAXDRETIFS SEED. J33 JUST RECE1YFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, BlueGra.ss, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assoi tenieht of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 2S " ' IE-EE. LIPPITT, , Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, Ar. E. Corner Front and Market Sts., WlLMIJiOTOXj N. C. ' ALWAYS ON IIAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMER Y, AND FANCY AR TI- cles: - m i Prescriptions accurately" compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the nirht. The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. - On and after this day, all prescriptions will be Cash. . oct 30 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DIE. , The Original anl best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should.be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY', RE, OR RUSTY nAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. : Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Win. A. Batchelor, since 1839, arid over 80.000 ap plications have been xftC. to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. ' Wm. A. Batchelor s Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted riot to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the nair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United -States, by Druggists and Fancy Goodi Dealers, i "QThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William-A. Batchelor. - CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, "sept29-ly ' 81 Barclay Street, N. YV Piinples Banished ! . Faces Made Clear ! f By '- IIOWl one week's use of. the Magnolia Balm. . perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. 5 ' Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement.. ) W. E. HAGAN & CO. apl 19-lyd&w . i -. , Proprietors, Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Naphtali EzEKiEL,informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. .We saw him -.two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop, of hair has snrunsr ud with a vigorous growth." So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it " THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. isabo going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. . . This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Drusrarists. Those persons who desire a finej head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord- inar to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, C9 Main st. ' R. EZEKIEL. Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have, baen bald for the past 12 years and have restored mv hair by usinr tzekiel s V irarinia Hair Restorer. . . . , Naphtali Ezekiel: Tlus day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. . 1 :' Joe. Mayo; " . , Ma vor of Richmond. W. n. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag, jah 11 ' - Wilmington, N. C. GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to informHhe trado; that we have appointed WM. C. no WARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington. N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. Boston, apl 3, 1S60. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. ' THE UNDERSIGNED, having been, appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if .not superior, to any .manufactured m the United States, and is warran ted to give -satisfactionor the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand J samples of which can be seen at my office. , aplO-ly: " .! " W.. C. HOWARD, Broker. t ED AR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re- 1 j ceived, foraleby - ' " -: ;dec5 WORTH & DANIEL. CHEESE. NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dec-II GEO. 1IER'S. IIAY. B ALES New York, 1069 ; dec 20 in store. For sale rery low, b by ' " JAMES WILLAA. 1W. ClEECDpOEiY.; STATE GOVERNMENT. j' Goyernor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan, i " i i Private Secretarr--Graham DaTes, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake, -i i Secy dT State Rufus I. Page, of Wake j Comptroller C. H.j Brogden, of Wayne, i H Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate II. T- Clark, of Edgecombe. , , . House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. :. ' - j , " j '5 ';$ r State Librarian O. II. jlJerry of Vv ase. ; j Pablic Printet--Jno Spehnan, " " ' . ' ' ! T v''1.. :'f ;-! '' .; COCSC-I.LOKS OF STATE. A i Council Wx"ten. jam, of Person : W f Ienoir ; John Wi Cunnine A. Furjrusbn, of Bertie;? J. F. Graves, of Surrv David Myfphy, of. Cumber- land; .L J. Long, of N rinaiupion, anu m lj. Hillaru. of Muneouibe. FEDEKAL AVl STATE OCBTS, The United State- Circuit Court, for; the District jf North Carofina. is held semi-annuallv it RaleiLrh. bn the 1st Monday in Juneiand last Monday in No vember. - i Judges Hon. J..M. syne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Bijrs-V of Martin, H istrict Jndge salary, '$2000. Robert P. Dick, District Attorney b Weey Jones, Marshal. ' . The United States D rict Courts are held at" Edentori, 3d Monday in-Alftril and October, J.i.M. Jones, Clerk ; Newborn, 4fh Monday in! April and October, Benjamin 'Brown!, Clerk; Wilmington, 1st Monnayatter the 4th Monday in Apm ana yc tober, John L. Cant well, CJerk." j ' ' THE SlTRESfjC COCKT. - j j.: The Supreme Court of Xprth Caroling is hebj at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June,, and the 2d Monday in December. J It is also held once a year at Morgahton, Burke 'county,ioft. the lirst Monday m August, J. 11. Dedge, VIerkJ. The officers arc. as ' follows i Chief Justice, Rich mond M. . Pearson,- of Yadkin ;' Justices, M. E Manly of Craven, and William n.- Battle, of Or ange salary of each, 2,500 per annum.j William A. Jenkins," of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund IL Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver Hi Perry j of lYake, Deputy Clerk i James LitchfordJ of Wake, Marshal. ! . 1 SUPEltlOU courts. i . S , : 1 The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following officers : Judges, R. R. Heath j of Chowan: Geo. Howard, of ilson ;' Jas. W. Os- born, of Mecklenburg, Robtrt S. French of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, of Guilford y John L.. Bailey, of Uranjre, and liomulus Al. Saunders, ot Wake. pht licitors Elias O. Hines, if Edenton, j rides) (he. lirst Circuit: . William J. Houston, of Duiifin rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the llurd Circuit ; lfsos, Raflin. of Oranre, rides the Fourth Circuit : Robt Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth CireuILt David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides tlie Seventh Circuit. PUBLIC WORKS IS NORTH CAROLINA. Thc'Branch'Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenbursr county in this State, This establishment w,as authorized by Act of. Con gress, passed 3d March, 1J5. The omcers arqij follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent in( Actinor Treasurer; John! II. Gibbens, Assajier Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner Wm. b. !S. fStrance. iMerlrJ :i -f The University of North Carolina, situated "at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twentv'-eight :i ITT. xt m r i0i, . A T The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the BUndj is located at .Raleigh, W. J. ialmer, Principal. 1 Fortifications. Fort Maeon, Beaufort Harbor Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithy ille, BrUns wick countv. I ' ir': i '. United States Arsenal, i Located at Fayette ville. , ;,: ,:: f 1 Insane Asylum of Nortji Carolina,. Situated in the vicinity ot Kaleigh, will contain 25 patients : 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward Mrs. Hill, Matron l)r Charles E. Johnston. Kemp P. Battle, W. W HolJenSEdward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. Wi J lilow; John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President o the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, jExecutiv Comniittee. - ; . ir All indigent insane persons entitled to be received and treated, and taken care of at the public charge, Pavuig patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent Insane, to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. i : j TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson, i S D Wallace. O G, Parsley, Samuel R Buntinjr W A Y right, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. ! fire department. . I . -i . ". ;.;: Chief Engineer James! Mitchell. i i Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. ! Assistant Fire Warden-i-W T J Vann. ; Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis. W T J Vann .Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Mlis; to superintend otowing up buildings. i i Lamp Liighter JJeinpsey Martin. HOWARD . RELIEF f FIRE COMPANT. (Re-organized June G, 1850. ) t Foreman Walter Furlong. j ! S' 1st Assistant John Sheppard. ! ; 2d Assistant William Dowling. . .-'". 4 ' Secretary E P Wade, t j Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. . nOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1. i , Foreman John Wright. . 1st Assistant J Kizer. j - ' Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop . , commissioners 0f naviqation: ; ! (Office 18 Water street.) . . George narriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos 11 lanner, W m M Ilarrjs. SCHOOLS. board of superintendents of COMMON SCHOOLS, Chairman S D Wallace. Wm S Larkins, James i McDuffic, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II late, Samuel Player, and Joseph M t oy. . j ; . Wilmington! ixstitite. L Meginney, Principal! . WILMINGTON MALE A NO FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal.; . - -I OAKDALE CEMETERY COMPANY. i President Donald McRae. : Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, -Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace.. - I i Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Ofiice, nexttloor to BanL Wilmington. COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, AC. ' Sheriff W T J Vann. ! ' Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting, Clerk Superior Court jjames A Wright Judge U S District Co4rfc -Asa Biggs- ! Marshal U S District N f -Weslev Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conoley. 1 . j 1 Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. . Chairman County Court James T Miller, c Register of Deeds, Ac iJere N ichols. - r : i Special Magistrate of Town John J Conoley. Constables-'-Lewis M Williams,. Jno Htlay, Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. ' i . IN8PRCTOBS.. Wood Inspectors Joseth Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting; Hiram R Nixon. - v. : '' ; ' j e- i, : "fj.-. M'-M r " Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George. Alderman. John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam I J Price, Robert 0 Johnson, Nathan Jf. Bor deaux.1 . s, -.''.."".''. V' '.' ';!;'. ':1 !:';''. Timber and Lumber InspectorsJames Alder- man. l ll liowaen, jaines o jneivin, itienry. t Groves, J W Monroe, N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington.. ","'.-"- ,v , .: l "i ;VT.- f WILinSflTOS 4UlS 'LIQHT COMPANT. ; ; ; - (Office Jb; Saying Bank Building, v ' President Col John McRae. ; j : -. Secretary andJreasurer Wm Iyd. I ; 'SuprintndcatUTerMcIlIienny. i 4 SECRET SOCIETIES. , ' H ' KT.-. JOH.'siLODCB XO. 1 MASOVIC (Sleets the las Tndav Evening in each month at '::':..?$"il:-J -jStJohnls llan. ) " O L Fillcaw- MajitJr ' I M Newhoff. S W, Oliver lieUhenBy. J W. i; Jte L CantweH, Treas. T Mjf.ardneniSec'y, Henry Snaldinir, S D, A A Hartffiefd J I; J O Bowden, Tjier. coscoan cArrxii so. 1 sd5ic.i (Meets Hi Monday 'evening in each month t i 'John's Hall.) r 3d Most ExR G Ranfcion 1M Com L C Turner, O Mj Ex O L Fill yaw, King. ? V. . - i Ex T B Carf, Scribe. i Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P Wj Fanning, Capfc Y. Host.! Com W J Price, G M 1st Y. '- ' ' im A Martin. P S; " M Newbbff, R Capt.3 j Af Com Jno A Tavlor.Trea. E Turlington, Tjler. CAFE FF.AS LODOEi ?j0. 2 I. O.-0. F. Meets Tuesday nightjat Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J-Murray N G. W L Smith Secretary. James' E Eea,-Y G.' IT II Howev, Treasurer. CKuiUEli. ESCAMPM8ST K0. 1 I. 0. 0. t. (Muets in jthe Hall -of Ca Fear "Lodge-, Island 3d ' Friday in each month. J D Gardner, C P. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Uepiton, H P. John J Cbuoley S W. R . Jones, Scribe. Thos H Howey, Treas. ft l i s i CAPE FEjt R MARISK TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. (Mets:at the Seamen's" - Bethel, on Dock Street, every Mpnd'a- eyeningi immediately, after the I closeof the Prayer fleeting for seamen. ) ; Ch'as 1) Eljis. president. Geo W Williams. Yice Wiitiara M Poisson,fSec- President. .. retarvl- .j ; Jas Fleet, Ast Sect'y. 8EAHE,NS' FRIEND SOCIEfT. 1 Charles I Ellis, lresi- j t i dent. '1 ' B F Mitchell, Sec'y & Treasurer. D Eilis Gilbert Potter, Col John McRoa, A J DeRosset. O G Parsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keepi'r of the' Sea mens' Home, cor Fnmt and Dock Streets. ' , DAnES BE'EVLEXT SOeiF.TV. ' . 1st Directness j Mrs Ken-j 4th l1irectre.ss,Mrs Hal. n(;dy.;j i3 i lett. V- " 2d Directress, Mrs Har-f- Secretary, -Mrs lYan- riss. if ' - " Sickle. 3d Directress, Mrs De- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- Rossclt. t ' , ton. . WltMINGtOW LlBUlVRY' ASSOCIATION. :'' i H l (Organized June, 1855. Dr J II piksohjPresident.j Donald McRae., Treas. Wiii R Utlev, Sec'y.' Ueo Davis jV $ce Fres;t. Piatt Cowan Treasurer. Kef R C Drane, R II Cowan,- E I) Hail, S 1) WlIace, John A Tajlor,jG-J McRae, J G Wright, Lnrectois ; . ' I '. ' ) i - I j ; , ' MILITARY. v t. .:Wrt,MTSCTON LTOHT INFANTRY. j 1 I Org. May 20th, 1853.) , Wm L Deitosset, Capt. -j I C WinslbW, Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. ! A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenay, 2d Lleut.i Master. nSavage,3d fj j C D Myers, Orderly. j . ,' GERMAIN VOLUNTEERS. ;Xv "'. j (Organized February 22d, 1853. ) C Corriehlsen, Capt. - r HGIIashegan, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, fct Lieut, i W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vollers, i2d Lieut, s i r J Meier, Orderly. t BANKS. BANK OF CAPE FEAR. T II WrighVPresidjt. H R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. j JD Gardner,As't Teller. J McLauri4,-B"k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk. " i ! Discount Day, : Wednesday. . 2 r- '.- i; ; JBANTC OF WILMINQTON, N. C. John MacRae, President S Jewett. Cashier. W L SmitH, Teller. William Larkins,Btf)ok T M Gardner, Dis" Clerk! keeper. t i , j; J Discount Day, Tuesday. ' i - j j BASK OF NORTH CAROLINA. . John l)awson Pres. jWm Reston, Cashier Win i) Smith,: Teller. ; J HWriht, B'k-keeper. hi :J Discount Day, Tuesday. 1 j COMMERCIAL RANK OF WILMINGTON. : . 0G Parsley, Pres. j Tim'y Savage, Ciishier. Jno MeRac Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, Bbok4 JD BarryDis. jDleik. keeper. ; ' r ! ' DisCountDay, Monday. WILMINGTON SAVlNOS RANK. ' John A Tai lor, President. -,i t. : Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE- RUrHERFORH R ROAD. : (Officcor Marketarid 8 Water street.) : H WGuioi, President. R H Cowan, Sec Treas. J C M$Ilae ChiefiSng. Road unfinished. ; "!!"- f i ' ' I ; : - , : : WILMINGTUN & MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. . Thos D Walker, Pres. ':' Wm A Walker, Sec'y. JP Robertson, Gen'l Sup.' J03 J Ling, Treas.; U'lj' R p MjcRae, Gen'l Freight Agent, j 5 Wilmington weldon kail roap. Hon W S; Ashe, PreSi- J W Thompson, G.en. dent. 4 i S L FremoM, Chief Eng. & Sup-1 f : 'i S James.S Green, Secy A Treasurer! i S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Gen Ticket Agent. Freight Agent. James G Green, Yard Master. i P H Lanirdon, Aud'r & Supt's Clerk William Smith, Ticket Agent. . 1 CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, HS) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheelpr, Pastor. Baptist, cor: Orange and, Cth, Rev A Paul Repiton, ' Pastor: f (.. : , '.j; i;, Baptist, Front; bt Ann and Nitnn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor.1 J, f ! Baptist, (O Sj'Castla lit 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. ; j' ' . . Roman- CatlioIic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor, ll . - ' Episcopal, (St James?,) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R. B Drane, ReetorJ ; Episcojpal, (BtJbhn'sj) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's) eor 4th and "Orange, Bishop ' Thos Atkinson. Rector. . ! Presbyterian, Princes lit .7th and 8th, Rev1 M Mc Queen, 1 astor.; t i " - , Presbyterian, (now bpilding,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. Baptist, (now building, cor Market and 5th, Rev j ju 1'richaro. I'astor.s '! Lutheran, (nowbuildin) cor Market and 5th, Rev J 11 Alengert, 1'astor. : Seameiis'-Beithel, Dr.jk bt Frant and S Water, ; I. - ).' POST OFFICE. i WtLMTSGTO, koBTlI CABOLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. i Assistants- Joseph iL Jacobs, and -Office hours from 74 A M to 1 P M. 2 I' M to sundown. Sundays 7XA A M to 9 A M. J Northern Mail, by W & W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5 A M. Closes l and O P M, changing on rsunciay irom i4 Jf JU to 10 A al. i h iSouthern Mail, by W & M. R R, arrives daily at i4 A M. i Closes daily at7 P M. - , Sniithvillei ri C, (horse,) arrives , Monday and r ritlay at o r M. Uldses luesdayand Saturday at IT k l . -it - ' . Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 I'M. U. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. CESTOl HOCSE. Too T Ttflllr... JPnllnWtnW D 31 Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col . viuager. T M Burnett, Ins lector. - . ' i 1; isp'r H'R Nixon-rSurvevor. ; W F Burch and Uriah W N Peden, Naval OfU- Sullivan, Inspector A Measurer. 1 cer. f CON8CLS. ' j BritishiViqe-Consul Don McRae, ri Water. Spanish Vibe-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water. Brazillian Vice-Consul--0 G Parsley, jr., ccr n Water ad MulberyH up stairs-. ) Danish , Viee-Consul- P K.DickJnson, cor Front and Chestnut. ; INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. fTLOBIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of tj .tb'abovef Bonds redeemable- in 1891 with coupons at i per cent per annum, , payaoie in me city of New Ytrk, 1st March "and ' 1st September. for sale cy UEKOi.r, miuwis k . ,-'- -r COFFEE. K( BAGS RIO COFFEE, - J fJJ 420 bags Laguayra Coffee, ; 20 mata best Java " ! deel jf.'-i :f -1 I j;' ZENO H." GREENE. ' 1 ERRANTAWILSON.i A BE CONSTANTLY receiving fine CLOTH V COATS, City make. - Cassimere Suits at the owest possible fates, if dec 10 City lousiness Cards, i erraxtv1lsu, " 7"H0LES A LR AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- . f f II mestie Vtj tioou.- uroecTM' vioiumg, Bo,L, k Shoe, Ar.- . ; i ' Nos. 14 and 15 North WaU-r.Stre. oct 2 . Wilmington. N. C. JAS. T. 1ETT K W A Y At CO. T7ACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchant. 1 j ; -NoS orthWaUr Street. - " WitioTo, N. C. i Solicit conignmcntsi of all iinuj f Prod nee. al- .so orders for Groceries, Bag, ging, Uope,' iuano, Ac, Ac. . ! - oct.3 6EOB1K HABR1SS. A." J. IHJWET.U DR. W. W. D ABKIS9. ; IIARRI8S .t HOWELL, j 7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Oct 2, 1858 Wii mixctov, N C. 4 WORTH DANIEL GROCERS AND COMMIOV. MsKtn AVTsv j No. 2, Granite Row, WUminton, N.C. ' iT 'Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruitjj Feathers! Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. 1 ' ' , Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale.- . - D. G. WORTH, sept 2G,ly - N. G. DANIEL. JAMES ANDERSON, EDWARD SA Vi CKT ANDERSON Av SAVAGE, EXERALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, 'C0-ly. Wilmington, N. C. C. H. UOIJINSON Ac CO., COMMISSION AND FOUWAIID I N( .MER C1IANTS, Wilmington. N. C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's ptore. jx? Entrance Corner Pririeews and Wat r t, . mar 9, 'G0-tf . ' j i . w. EUR ANT, . ' ;T w I vt , ERRANT Ai WILSON, a 10MMIS.S10N M ERC1I ANJS. M No..14 Nd l." North Water st,, oct 2, r.Ofly ,. ' 1 Wilmington, . C. . -A. WVft. . . LO'VET riSACoCK', S. It. J k M S (,t). GWYER, PEACOCK & CO., Wit,viuro, . ('.' COSI M I,SS lON'M KUCH A N TS j cers awl dealers in NAVAL Wh-nlesnle !- in J.t.li j,uiil ( IU- T-ON.'and t?outherii' I'rrtduce geiu'railv . ,: Prompt personal attention givi-u t; all consignments f produce. ' feb 16-1 v i , WILLIAM II. LIIIITT, I IE Mil ST AND 1)RI(JJ1ST, Wholesale mid Ri'tail Dealer: in-- PninKs Oijs. Dvo Stufl'. W ind(iw Glass. Putj. Secrs, Old 15ranlies,- and Wines), perfumery ami! Fane v Articles. X. E. cor--nor Fiiont and Market el?., Wilmington." N: ('. man 25. M EDW1N.A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT. . Wilmington. N. C i. Offers his services to I'lanters as rjiefor or Agent for tlu; sale 'of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance b the business. Hi coin mission for selling Cotton, will Ir5l ots. v-r bale, no aldi t ion a 1 charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 cts per bale. --.', oct 4-1800 -ly ' .: ROBERT II. COWAN- ENERAL 'COMMISSION' MERCHANT, Wilmington. N. C. Ofiice South Corner Market and Water streets up stairs. - ; Oct 5, 1S5!) O. G. PA ItS LEV A CO. T1R0PR1ET0RS of the IIu.tLv Steam SawM' I Planixg Mills. Wilmington. N. C. i?EiT".AU orders or inqiiii ies Ib-i'LUMRKR, will receive promt attention. " '"mjh. 21 Tirt C,i.Ti ff M. M a . CX. 1'lv U . m. J M lil , c OMMISSION AND iF or. w v;: wxu .Muh'ham S Wilniinglbii N. C Refer to John 1) a wsn n . Esq . ELVP. Hall. EWi.. State N. C. :. ' i T. M. SMITH,V , July 1 is5y-tf Mavpr. I'resient Brnneh Bank JOHX M I At UIN. 4- MALCOHl McINNlS, G ISOQER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. North Water street. ' oct 1 Wiluiino-ton. N. C. Cha.s. D. Mvek's, i ? Fred. J. 'Mooi'tr. MYERS Ac MOORE; HOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, CaneK, V(- Ac. 34 Market street,: Wilmiiicrton, N. C. June -1, 1S59 , 4r i r .r7d A n 1 1: l, . " 1 ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW,' Kl,l7.ADF.TIITOWX. 1 will attend the Courts of. Bladen, Columbus and Robeson. All business entrusted to. me will receive prompt attention. r ' oct 4-:!tn T. C. '& 13. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- J CHANTS, Wilmington, N. tl UNION DISTILLERY, t , ! ' ' WiIiiiingtou,-N A. II. VANBOKKELEL, Proprietor. C. ALL KINDS OF N"AVAL STORES, pun hasd, manufaetm ed, and sold. . . . SaaL Wharfase and storage furnished, and coop erage done at fair rates. jan 2 lboO. - G. POLVOGT, UPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANG Eli, . I Corner Front and Princess Streets, i Wihniuficton, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all UphoUterv Materials; A'o, Paper' Hansrine's, indow Shades, Fire SciV-ehs, and Decorations of every 'description. ' i " Pictures framed to order. Prompt, attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, .steamboats, and Private Dwelling. may 31 '" . - " L. HATHAWAY. !, 4 WK. il. UTLEV. II ATH A WAY 6l CO. . c OMMISSION MERCHANTS, dec lfVto yt iliiiington, N. C'. M. ROBINSON Ac SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Agricultural Implements, Ac, No. 8, Frcmt st., Wilmington, N. C. jan 0, '58 JOSEPH R. 15LOSS03I, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, WiLmibg.oni, N. C. SQfc. Prompt Personal attentiou given to Cn signments, nir Sale or Shipment. . .Liberal Chsh advancements, made' on Con signments to my New York friends. rnov 2, '57 Jo'on MacRae. ? J. Ac Donald Ma cRtE. , T BlacRAE At J.!W. K. Dfx. CO, GENERAL COMMISSION MEtRCHANTS, jan 1858 . Wilmingtor, N. C. T 1IENR OUTf, "lACTOR AND FORWARD ING AG EXT, I' i I 1: Wilminarton, N. C. "iWill give b's pt-rsonal attention to busi less entrusted to his care. ; ' r sept v, ot-V. JAMF3 STOKLET ALEX. OLDHAM. $ STOK LEY &, OLDHAM, f DEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C . Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and other.Coantfy Produce. ji JUTE ROPE. i On COILS best Jute Roi. for sole by nor 2S l '. V ZENO U. GREEN. ALMANACS FOR 18GI. . TURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STORE. dtfe 11 . TO ARRIVE.. BBLS FLOUR. 'Apply to 500 noy 27 KTOKLEYA OLDHAM. BACON. "f O-HHDS. SIDES, and 4 hhda. shonlders, just J. A. WILLARD. -lw arrived. For sale by ":: FLOUR. ' ' . : ,: SACKS just landed. For sale at $1,10 per sack. 1 noy 10 J A. WILLARD. ' WOLFE'S LIQUORS. ENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, , t VJT yT7 l'r Brandy. i v ouery. f me. . . . -. Madeira 4t . j . tt tt ion ... rorsaieoy dec 13 WORTU ft DANIEL. 4. TVO'RTIl ERN IllTsl X VMH r.AtlT9. If iNO. S. .PVKCTf late of ' . j . Tarboro'N. C. ru'H-"T"'. rtiuii. t Ut of l.unf- Scotland Neck, Warreaum. 'sSc D.1NCY, IIV3IAN . CO.. , for" ROCERS AND COMMISSION" u... 124 Pearl rtr- ' r5" Yoa. ' IIYMAN, DANCY A CO., V (2JROCERS AND COMMISSION MtafB1T T -' I - " Nortc, Y. The New York houe will Lv cond acted bv Jno. & Daney, anird by K, W, Hymin. The Norfolk I loom? willi cond acted br Joha IL Hvman'and F. M. Hyman. .r, Particular attention given o tb sale of Ci'tton, Corn, Wheat; and Naval Stor. ' September 13tf lft0 . - . Geo. p. VAsAai9tjJa.; C. S. V4xAHaiaa, VANA3IRINGE UR OTHERS, NAVAL STORE AlND GENERAL Com.mioi MencHAXTs - i '. irbVatcr Street, New York. Bcr ta TO Mr. J. R. Blossom -I Mew. T. ( A B,-U. Wotb, ' HAtnAWAT A Co., J. a D. McRab Co., Mr. J; H. Flaxmr, ;Augnt 21. 'Cflttf I iWilmlngtoa, K.C, i ' -' - '4 t T 7 " M)N DON ftkl IRY'AN, ) lOMWISSrox MERCHANTS, No. 32 ludia atrret lloatan. iT- imi-ignment of Naval H lore. Coltoa, LuinbtT, and other Southern . Prodae m,UcitL t J no.- U. London. J. II. Ha tar, Jr. Nov 21 tf G REINER A IIARKNESS, i lOTTOt AND ijKXERAt COMMISSION V . , f 1 HILADM TBI. . ot" I.i, 4.u Wm. L. Hill, . N. M. NoartiET. of Not th Carolina., .f" North, Carol hiaj HILL A NOUrLnET . G ENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Tf; t Merchants, Shoi kix Slip, ,1 i KtcJiniontLj Va.,f . SobVif configuieht of Cotton. Lumber, Flij and all kiads of Merchnndixeand Pmluce., ' j . AI-SO .... ' Agents for the'purchaiv of Sugar, Coffee, Molaa- ses. aii. Mine, tninnoi.Ao. Larirn rtrmiM of. th above at tides are offered for lo in our market an nually,, and wv- chilli lx pleamnl to opernte fr ar tiesordering," proinbing ftt7thfalmaN iii our en- deavora to roprescnttliem. . . . JQ 2i-lT ' G. W. AVI LK IN SON Sc CO. LIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 8J lia.flar Ptreet. X. Y- LL. Pirticiilar!niten'ioii ciri-ii to envirnincnU and )iurcliase of ATei eli.'dixe, all kind. L,ierni cli adrpcex through WILKINSON CO., Wihiiin'jrUm. N. C. - , . ' Aii2itf 2. isCO-1 v ! . t J-tAoTER.V.HAY.-j Hay in market. -20Q l)nle of the lK-t Eeatem For al bv 1 , ' ' , ' HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. Sycn wni tl viHory, by the bnnjouneciiient ofarcrr rrrat a Roman Gvnrral. Th reiiiT .of. this day, in Kpenking! of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, iiKHlifv the H.iiiig of tin noble Roman, thoi: ;.iine, I saw, I bought" oftho giyt va.lety 'of at-t'ieles offered for Tiftle ntfh .RmdciTOu, dec '21 j - 2 JH South F.-onl at. IT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro ' J Ima has receded I Thit tllev wonld nut hxr l-e n prepared to do, lif ttome o'f "her citiicn had not b"iivht .1. I i -.1 . KEROSENE I01L AND LAMPS. j as well as a treat variety of Faucv avtielr. nlta- Hf for the Holidnj Candv, Nuts, c, c, of tho IUUIH.- V.lp.TIIFI.l,. . J i UPC l . JVTK ROPE AND fTWJ.N E.-25Coihi brat J fj Rope, Bagging Twine. For tabi by s n.i ZtM II. OREENK. ; I JEST HAMS IN TOWN at v f JdeelV ; WO It Til A DANIEL'S. 1 llvi; lfi.'M 1'iwni- ui'Tk! i i ii i.ww,. new 101, puuiv iec 1! . . ; I'LKHIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. 1)EIt l'ARKERSl .Fresh Raisins, BURG. VrVwh Butler, (Iteew, Seirara. Prunei, Citron, ( Tobacco, . ,1, ' Ale. " ' :' Nutmeg M ace. " IWtef, . , t Raivini, liutkw hefit AIliC Sugar, " Iaf Sugar. Tunliel. I" tiranuiaieu. an. Sweet Cider dec 19 1 Worth a da.nik e 10LD WEATHER GtODS.Orer Coat. Blankets, Shawl.i Under wtvar. Ae.. dec 17. !' BALDWIN'S. G 1HOICE BACOVJ 22 hluU rhoire We. tern 1 Lacon jsjoeii ana Mioujiiejw. hor Mle by 1 dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. C. FLOUR. 150 boxi-ife 50 bbli of irodd j HATHAWAY A CO. lll-.Uldn. dee 21 ' TUSC dec 21 OVA DO SCOAR. 20 hhdi. iVlm to choice Muitcovado Sugar. , For aala br 1 HATIIAWAV A CO. LAIM). ,1 . ' IN TOW LANDING from Schr Sea.Bird, 6 bhls. Weetern Lard ia nt lendid article. ' . f. . ' IN STORE 1 ' 15 Krga NVC. Lard, ingood packages, . i 5 " Wetdern Lard, in umall packsgei, doc 4 Forealoby Z. 11. GREEN K. NEWFLO'LU I lu bags and bbl. For sale by d.e 1 , I STOKLEA OLDHAM. I ENGLISH CHEESI j glihh Cheee, just 1 ESE. 25 Boxes selected E received at ded4 WORTH A DANIEL. liniv'L' .iilimj Tt m' a k iTTi . . liiw.TJc muivij ha a Ar nave come, mi deco t WORTH A DANIEL'S. ' I" ARD ij use. 20 Kegs Extra lea hard for family . I WORTH A DANIEL, P ORK.50 bhlH. N. Y. Citr Mew pork, for Zk.VOIL GREENE. dec 7 ; by rpiIE llEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war- 1 ranted in'all cam;, to be had of dec.'9 I WORTH A DANIEL. JORN. 5CM) Bnhs Hydo County CJohn,"-. 2000 bushs. Perquimans County Corn. io no n caicrn tnurn . .In store and for 'ale br I lec lj - f ELLIS A MITCHELL. , ARMAGKDDO.V, . OR THE Overthrow of Romanism and Monarchy, j ! Till. Krlati-lir... I.r tl.r, t'nil.wi Sl.l. LV.P'..t,l.l - in the Bibb?, by S. Di Baldwin; at oct ii KKLLEY'S New lWk Store. CO F F E E-- CO FFEE. T BAGS Rio Cofl'. c 20 do Laguayra do-5do 'JkJ St. Domingo do 20 mats Java do store, and for sale low lor cindi, by .1 declL I 1 ZENO IL GREENE. . PORKPOliKt T" BBLH, New York City Mss, just received V andfor ale low, for cah, by '. dec 11 ZENO 71. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN II UTTER, 2r KEGS just to Iiand, from 20 to 2 cent.' 'J dec 11 j GEO. MYERS , , 4 T'THE BUTTER STORI-50 firkins mono the sameiort, jBat.receired. i ' dect-tf . i ;-f7-' '. -1 ' POTTS.- N A ILS. 150 kegs assorted Naif, from 3 to 40d. nor 1 For sale by ZENO IL GREENE. THE QUAKER CITY INSURAXC : COMPANY. I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.......L.....$30L281 35 CHARTERED CAPITAL MXJ.000 00 ' J NSLRES AGAINST loss or damage by fire and .the perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and ranjiortation. 1 . , , " , ' . GEORGE n. IURt, President. E. P. ROSS, Vice President, II. R. Cogohall, Sec. and Tress. S. II, B.ntler, Ass't Sec. ' ,' ' We are prepared to take Fire and Marino RL-k io the above Company. Ml'. ' y . DtROSStT, BROWN 4 CO. Wilmington, N. C9 Jan 14 1 ; Agents. " . , Ipf stols. j T : THE "NORTH PATENT," made by the Savage" R. F. A. Co.. C Shooters, a splendid Fire an, ia now On exhibition at tho Clothing and Furnish. ' ing Store, The Agent, who pasaed through here last week, informs uj that he sold tOOOf the above to the Stateof Georgia. 4 Call and eeethom at dcll ; X : BALDWIN'S. '"" TURNINGFLUID.-Floidand Oil tlne.ns, 1 1 for sale very cheap, at CASSIDEYH. wee f it- -. : t ' r t ';' i i. ( i ' '! - iv. 1 : "I ' ,1 .' J. , , 1

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