THE WILffiNGTON DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY EVENING, i JANUARY ' 8, 1861. A. IT. WAD JELL, Editor and Pro'tor. Xlates'of Advertising : Excltlner Meeting at PhUadelDhla The Republicans Oppose the Non-Coercion w w PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 5. An adinnrned tnwt. intr'of citizens to consider the state of the Union. took place at the Board of Trade Rooms to-day ALAB AMA CONVENTION. ah uuga. TELEGRAPHIC KEWS. ' Reported Expressly for the ' Herald. ' HALF SQCAiA. I 'j 0 SQ0AE. 1 dir. 2$ 1 dyt . ,1 days,... U-,.: . 37Jij dajs-.- 7 ......... 60 75 1 00 - -:J .ti. : .LO - J MTV. ........ ' Vdaja, C2K4days, 1 25 ' ,". ft day. ,-.,.1 75 $ days,. 1 60 - ' .2 weeks, i eks, 2 75 . V i iontii..: . 00 I month-. 3 00 a months, i months,, 7 00 3 moBtlu, -5 00 -3 monthsrt ..'..10 00 , . C month, . 00 6 months,.... ....16 00 1 rrr ........ .!. w ii year- . ... 3U uu 27" Con tracts by the year made on favorable terms. ' :"" f If s - . - Ten lines are counted a sqnare, and fire lines or less half square.! Longer adTertisements. in pro portion, i ; i . ! -PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. '.-'.- 5T No publication made without'a responsible nam. . . ,4 j - : 31 Daily paper, $G ; Weekly, $2 f? annnnu " 3?Sb3gl copies of the WiuasBiox .DAitr .Hxald may be had erery day, as soon as issued, at WHmxxa's New Book Store, Market Street. The committee to whom the resolutions at the prcTious meeting were referred, made no report. and there being an erident determination on the I part of many present, who did not participate m ine xasi meeting, to force the passage of Judge Lewis,' non-coercive resolutions, which was re- SLStea ty prominent republicans, an exciting scene of disorder occurred, during which Dis- . . k ii ir . 1 . .... . intk jxiwruej Aiauo snowea a willingness 10 fight on the spot.- On motion of a republican the meeting ad journed, but another was immediately called at tne same place, when , Judge Lewis . was placed in the chair.' Resolutions were then offered de nouncing personal liberty bills, etc., and approv ing Air. Crittenden a resolutions, were adopted unanimously. I ; The republicans, refused to participate in the second meeting, and manifested much ill-feeling at the conductor their political opponents in inns orendmg mem. : ' . . "W ILMINQTON. . ; ,1., .. ; - Tuesday ETenlns;, January 8, 1801. SEE FIRST PAGE. . i - We see there Is a general outcry all orer ; ine 'couniTy jagainsi. ine exaggeraxea,' ana ire " " I queritly entirely false rumar?, which are brought " J the telegraph from day! to day. It it highly criminal Jo play; upon the passions of the people . in thi3 way, but the newspapers " which' are snp--;.' , j plied ly the Associated Press from Washingtoh, ' J hire to pay for all the , dispatches that are sent 1 ,." 1 1 to them, andof cbursc. they know nothing about ' , : the truth, or f.ilsity of the pport3. We sincere ! " 1 - j ly wisktheitj was some way to put a stop to it, ' ' J for,- besides- being deccired as to news, we hare i j . to pay,for thercheat. We do not btlierc half - " that is publuheLJjut tliere is no., way to ascer x ; tain the torretess of the reports We received yesterday, for instance, a report, and as our pa- :, perwa3 being printed we received a contrndio ' tion of It. I . I . ' ' Hare we a Poet Among U 1 " - - It will be seen by the adrext.isemcnt in anoth er column, jthat Mr. Tbeo. H. Hill, of Ral eigh, has now ia press, a volnrae of poems bear- - ; ing the title "nespcr.'and other poerns' He ' - has written a gpod many fugitive pieces ibr the V" f v press at diflercnj timcs--anii we awnit with con . ) siderable interest the' appearanccof this volume, in order t j ascertain if we really hare a poet V i i among us. H.'D. Turner,! Raleigh, is f lishcr. We call) the attention of our Book pel- le to advertisement. 1" How. Fort Sumter is to be Taken. A Charleston correspondent of the Xew York World gives a sketch of one of the plans di cussed mere lor tatlng t ort Kumter : The entrance to the hotels are blocked up by beries of moist gentlemen discussing the news and talking orer plans for the future.- One of the moist gentlemen, who is of an inrentirc turn, nas an idea which, if acted upon, he i3ccr tain w ui resuu in xne capture 01 tne redoubtable Fort Sumter; and -his plan is a r&y plausible one. It is thi3 : Fort Johnson is the nearest land ders are probably rery well aware, stands in the middle of the channel. Above Fort Johnson the shore sweeps inward, retreating, a3 it were, from Sumter. Very well. Now at a point a mile and a half above Fort Johnson commence a long series of log rafts. Continue thi3serie3, chaining the rafts securely together until it reach es Fort Johnson. The upper extremity of this raft should be well "guarded with a wall of cot ton bales bound with, and fastened iintnovably to the logs by iron bands. . ".Now, having "secured the lower end of the raft at Fort Johnson, cut loose the upper ex tremity. The ebb tide will now carry the raft slowly and surely around. When it extends in a straight line across the channel from Fort Johnson, its uppeF extremity will .be immedi ately beneath the wall3 of Fort Sumter. Now, . men protected by the cotton bales and standing rr-ndr with heavy anchors, will drop them, and the raft will thus be safely moored. Now the soldiers mar spring from behind their cotton bales and escalade the fort. Reinforcements can pour down to their aid on' the bridge that the rait makes from the mainland to the fortJ and with the loss of some five hundred men the lat tor may be taken, j The inventive gentleman grows enthusiastic over his plan, and rashes off to submit it, through one of the Governors aids, to the Governor. That it will be favorably considered,! though perhaps in a. slightly altered shape, there can be no doubt. If there be an attack made on Fort Sumter, it can onlybe done by means of rafts. A sailing vessel would ba blown-out of the wa ter in less "than fifteen minutes. Preamble and Resolution Passed. , Atgcsta, January, 7th, 18C1. j The Montgomery ConTention, after considera ble discussion and consultation, offered Pream ble and Resolution on secession, which was put in such a form astojeommand the unanimous iKj VI tuc tiUreullOD. 3 1 ' y The Preamble and Resolution were as fol lows : " . ' ' " 1 " ' . , . Whereas, The only bond of Union between the several States is the Constitution, and whereas that Constitution has been yiolated by a majori-H ty of the Northern States in their separate Leg islative action, by denying to people of Southern States their constitutional rights; and, whereas, sectional party, known a3 the Black Republi can party, has in recent election, elected Lincoln to the office of President, and Hamlin, Vice- President of these United States, upon the avow ed principle that the Constitution of the United States does not recognize property in slaves, and that the Government should prevent.its exten sion into common territories of the United States, and that the power of the Government should be so exercised that slavery should in time be exter minated; therefore, be it" Eetolved, By the people of Alabama,-in Con vention assembled, that the State of Alabama will not submit to the administration of Lincoln and Hamlin, as President and Vice-President of these United States,, upon the principles referred to in the foregoing preamble. ., MARRIED, In Orange Street Baptist Church, on the 2d inst., by Iter; A. Paal Kepiton. Mr. JABEZ W.' QUINN, to Miss MARY ANN BELL. Latest Dates. LTVERPOOL.............. Dec. 22 HIISy MM'M irlCCf 19 HAVANA; ....J,.....A.:.,. ............ ..J iDee. 31 j. I WIEMEYGTOJr MARKET. , WrtMCroTOX Daily Herald OrncE, I January 8th, 18C0. . TcEPssronE. No sales reported. ' I Spirtts TcEPEjrmz Has advanced 2 cts. per gallon on New York bbls., with sales yesterday of .75 bbl3., at 35 ct3. nd 90 bbls straight, at 33 J eta. per gaL . "f: r;: X Tab, Further sales yesterday of 50 bbls., and this morning of 78 do. at 1,55 perbbl. . Rosix. We note sales of 332 bbls. inferior No. 2 at 90 cts., 50 bblsl No. 2 at $1, -and 125 do. Low No 1, at $1,25 per bbl. i f Cottox. Further sales yesterday of 109 bales at Jet. advance; llc for Middling, 12c for strict aonna uic tor good uo. . .Market verv firm. Salt of 400 cash, Corn. 1800 bushels has been received, from Hyde County, which is on market .un.solhU Special JSTotices. v ' ATTEJf TIO Jf t CAVALRY. ALL persona who are desirous- of join ing a Teoqp op Cavalit, to be ; equip at the expense of the State to leave their names at Lip ped (horses excepted are hereby requested pitt's Drug Store. j jan7-4t WIEMOfGTON SATINCS BANK. rfrS9 DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Direct or of the aboire institution hare declared a diridend of fi ve per jeent on the capital stock, out of the, profits of the jlast six months, parable on and after the 10th inst. WM.. HYDJB Cash'r. JE3 Journal copy 3 times. jan 7-3t." WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. Statement of the Condition of the Wilminirton Sarlnsrs Uank. un ih ... ascertaioecl by the undersigned Committee, apmWiiff .i cember. i860, as ucr iuc ttu owf.Avu ui iuc ah 01 lncqrporaiiou : To Certificates issued, .. ; Amount dne 383 depositors,. j " Profit and Loss, ..7... II - Suspense, :4c,... ...... .... ..$20,010 00 .. 59,678 45 .. 2,593 8s .. j 10 54 Wiliiiixiton; Gas -Light Go., - f DIVIDEND KOTTCK. "A DIVIDEND of four per cent., or two dollars J , per share, has been declared on the capital stock in the above Qompanv, parable to share holders on and fter tbe loth "inpt I- Jan. 7, lS61-3t j WM..HYDE, Treasurer. 535, Journal copy 3 times. . TVOTICE. i - ALL PERSONS indebted to the sub scriber, are hereby notified that their bills are made oat to the lt inst,, and must be set- tled,itlier by ra?h orj negotiable notes ; and here after; all account must be closed once a vear. i $2,292 Br Bonds "and 'Mortgages 20 boml. of n .f Wilmin ' .. p'ar-2,fXH,; ; i , 25 shares ; tf Ilank of Wilunnrt..,, I valued at i:''. zf r l. .!!.' 1.. ' I ' - -' i aiui,......(t : j - " V,WU receivable, !i.M-iimj-l.' , E. E. Wmtngtun. X. C.. iLe. 31. "KOHEkT ii HAN K IN. I H.IUJ PEKR1X. i , A. i lA'MO.Ti J'. Wl KAXVIVi: tVV.N.I'IKU(rK. ' - j Ui.. f - "1 1 The Directors of 'this Institution have allowed to depoitprs uton-t t!ie vi.- sddudi, on all deposits of 5j w, and upward.-, were mauej onji mn.iin,! months previous to 1st day of January, lftil,' payable on and at'ler yln imii tailed for. will be placed on the footins of deposit . ' ' ! Jan. 7, 3t , , M.I.1 AM n t! (, 1 j , - - ' Journal copy 3 tiroes. I ,1 . ' ..f .. .fi -1i,t r l) M:lt k.' rw' tllr All juti r, -,'f PORT WARDEN'S SALE. BN WEDNESDAY next, &th inst., at 113a f o'clock. A. M. I will sell. in front of mi- oltiee, p. We note the sale resterdav from wharf nii lnr cn'tiit-than twelve months can pnasihtr-rf under Inspection of the Port " Wardens', anallr, sacks Liverpool Ground., at 7.V h- sack j Mgiven i T j JOHN DAWSO.V. j 1 acuH f " ' ; 1" j, ilmingt..nj January 3,1, ISfil. , Uv j SIAILs RIGGIXO,,-ANCHORS. AMD CHAINS, ; , Coastwise Exports. J'er steamship Parkersburir. cll for Work. 3th inst 291 bales cotton, 3'9 bbls fpts tin t. 7 1 1 do rosin, 1185 bushew peanuts. 1 2 pkgs iivize. tlit eniivin"'.;r t?of i i: s'-au.l !i 't !';' Ak vat ion of o T Foreign Exports--Jan. 8th. New Orleans, Jan. 7th. Jrexican advices sav tliat Miramon- was ofim- pletely routed on the 22d, br the Constitution alists. ' ' - ; - The Constitutional a rmv occupied the capitol. On Christmas Pueblo capitulated. Theeitvof Mexico was tranrmil. . New York Market. New York, Jan. 8th. Cotton firm, with sales , of "5500 bales at 12 a 13c. Flour depressed. Wheat dull. Corn, down ward .tendency. Naval Stores firm. Stocks lower. -Schr D S Williams, 97.309 fei t ini):- T Knight,.! 57.006 U-k liiniber. ber. ' Cardenas Brig L Havana Brig Saijali Starr, 170,000 fl-tjt . lu-mbor Citahi.esto.v, Jan j5. Cotton Tho- transactions to-day in the articlerached ".3 bales, at ujhehanged prices the particuldrs are as follows: 7 baler at H, 32 t 8, 19 atfr."12 at H. -11 at 10. li! ;lt 10K. -r0 at! ro, 49 at 105. 59 at fl. 7-t-jjt H i;. 5 5 at 1 14, and 3 bales1 at 12c. ; i Newbe&x, Jan 7.-t-Cotton Sales on Kftiiruavof- 107 bales cotton at lie. ,-3E8It."i.- mrfii! to. be fegrettetl; --.that while in so little attention is paid inestimable a i.aX'Ui-iwii iivinc naoits n indolence. n!.l. a changes of temperature,-and ;-fo;onito-v svmptonis. of disease, "i iyt '.i: ;i-. oi'inany fatal maladies. Taki n ''i' :;i f ;irAlic.itiin of an attack, if anything ij n :'i.' ;r(t'.TeV, purify the blood! restore '.iu- circulation, anrl thoroughly renovate tr-!ij it? S-md'sSafsaparilla. .. i - b.v; t V. H, LTPIMT T. -' inany ; n4gli-r.t h ' are t.!, "i 1 I ; 1 '".tij-'-'t-.v- ' inf'' i.3LT' A G !)"' AfiTicf.E is a lwavs Chj-: r. This pooa isn two senses, with. reference to tliA j Cie.i-kee IJilHHly. the arreat Indian .'specific for i Gi)iii)ri hea. Gleet,- i &.C. :'.lst, thfee who use it, are cure!, ana save -the ''ill m some vile .jjuack 2nd, Turpentine Last sales, were eiltl ;t SI IV,4 tilarejipt disappniuted, as by lower .priced, but r scrape and 2 tor Jip. 'Mai'M-t iu-ni' at.j.wku-.tjdess sn;c.flled ' cure-.aHs.'' -v . ; .ill) is iiiuuiciiit.-; uufs wuai ic claims ro do no 1 ni'V-e no Rfs.' Tt is a pleasaiitjsvrup, has nonau- fo i . . - . . Spirits Held at 3.1c without buyers.-1 Rosin Is quoted firm at SOc. witiif;ut sait-s Tar Sales of 60 bbls. at $1 52ic 't'bl., iSr We direct attention to the advertisement of Col.- .few's Military Ayademy at nillsboro' N. C, to be found, in another column. No School of any tind has ever attained ! such a reputation as this, in - so short a time, in North Colina,- We most heartily commend ;it to eTery parent! who has a boy 12 years old, more ttpeciaHy f he is delicctfe, or threatened with pulmonary disease. We know ' what we write, and write it -, with sincere- pleasure. - We wish eTery boy in the State could be educated at such a school as Col. Tew's. How a Party "of Abolitionists Were Outwitted by aa Honest Old Darkey. A short time ago a widow lady living n car the northern line of Missouri sent her negro man with a load of wheat to a mill in Iowa to have it manufactured into flour. The mil was much crowded on his arrival there,, and the pros pect was that he wpuld have to wait several days for "his turn.'? While waiting, some -of tne-'ireeuom suneKers ' in that latitude got aronna tne aarKey ana proposed aiding him in securing his freedom. Tbe nesrro seemed to Iks I We find the following jeu T tfjyrit in the FayetteTillo " Obiarter oi Xq-Aay, We "trust" 'the 06m-er wili not continue to make "fun' of . the little pecuhUry embarrassments of the Gen eral Government : : The? Effects of Sympathy. First with Sambo, next with Cuffee, we still bother our brairo, -.'.(' Till a Toice froin public plunderers responds: And we find out, whiLjtwe're weepingorer ,Hgro rttnint," i ... There'a a fellow feeling, too, for "Indian hond" struct with the idea but did not havany mon ey to par his expenses. "Well," said ther, "sell your mules." "Don't know about dat : fCOMMUXlCATED.J MB. JITOK : rl sup "Mechanic "lDlunteer, and I hare bef n waiting toj hear a response from some of our citizens more sible to gire it encour- Editok : Tl suppose the communication of f wsi made in rood faith. agement,. than myself: I : heartily applaud the ism the communication mdicates ; and if missus couldn't get along without dem," said Cuff. "Well, then rejoined ther. "rou vn crl I 1 n WflTnn that in 1 1 hnnrr lha minair " ' "Well, I believe missus needs de wasron too,' answered the black. "But if I had de wheat ground, I could, sell de flour dat would fetch de money." "Oh, well, said the negro equal- is, "wc win swap von nour for the wheat to accommodate you,. So the trade was made. The wheat was exchanged for the proper portion of flour, and the colored man wa3 loaded already . 1 - nf- , , it . , . io umc ou aim seu nis nour, tsut wnen ne was about ready to start he said: "Massa, I's been studying bout freedom, but I don't believe missus can spare de flour either," and drove off witn a broad grin, displaying two rows of ivo ry, much to the mortification and vexation of our negro loving Iowaians, Democratic Star, lIoUi Springs, Mississippi. ' . ArfU'STA, Jan. 8. Seventy counties of Georgia are for secession, twenty-nine for co-operf.tion, and Are divided. Richmond, January 8th. " Gov. Letcher's Message is considered conser vative. It adopts some of . Mr. Crittenden's iew,3, nnd demands the best guarantees before farther alliance Lctwcjn the Noah and South. He disa pjiroves of South Carolina" snreeinitancv: - ' . - X ' 7 is against State, but favors ireneral Convention." Loth Houses reported anti-coercion bills. The House unarimeusly adopted resolutions ap pointing a commiltcTto report bills for a State Convention. The bill to arm the State, comes up to-day. The Convention bill is made the special order for Wednesday, and will probably pass! The pnrpose i? firm to resist coercion. Mississippi. Jacksox Jan. 7. The Contention organized to-dy. A com- ! mittee of fifteen were instructed to nreoare a special ordinance of immediate secessions Mosrr.E, J an 4. Sales of Cotton to-lav,00 bales, f";,cnu-'-' Jimerai at ll5lljc. Sales! of the week 22.000 baliisi. R.- f which is a treatise onvenorea ceipts, 18,5.10 against 34,500 last season.';; Hi crease fin' receipts, 144,285.1 Lxports of the .week" 22.500, UStock, 148.500. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool ' 21-32ll-lCd ; to Havi-e, lc. Sterling Exchange,' iliav ofenfaUed, .but. this has never, im one single 2 per cent prenniuin. Exchange 'on New:-'York, 1 instance been known to fail. Drnn-trist !! it seous taste, contains no Copabia, or (death's best 'tfr'icn'd. ) Poisonous Mineral (let a vnmrMot ; , diseases; free from any mug store. ;Kead it, try the medicine, and be i cured. Th( nauseous prepa rations heretofore used, 2 per cent prennuiii. Exchange on New- York, J4 discount r New Orleans, Jan-4. Sales of Cotton to-dav 10,000 bales, at U&124c Sales of the week 7J 000 bales Receipts; 00,500, - against 08.500 last season Decrease in! receipts, 22,500 'Decrease in all . the ports 543.000 Exports of the-week, 48,000 Total exports, 71 7,f.00 Stock,' 85,400 bales Freights on Cotton to Liverpool, d Sterling ijx.change, 12 cent premium Exchange on New York, 141 discount I r I j .!-.-...:, Fatetteville, Ja;n 7. Bacon, 1112K; Coffee. Kio Id&HG; Jiaguira 1718: Java 18(20; Cotton Fair to good WA; Ordin. to mid. 8(f?9; Flour Family 7 750 00; Super. 7 500 00; Fine 7 25(f?0 00; Scratched 7 000 00; Corn 75; Wheat 1 401 50; Rye 1 00; Oats 50; Peas 1 001 15: Molasses Cuba 2830; N. Orleans 5000; Salt Liv. Sack 1 500 00; Turpentine Yellow din 1 GO; Virgin, 1 20; Hard000; Spirits 27 28. j Owing to light receipts of produce verj little has been done in the wav of trade since last review. No change to note in prices with the exception of Cot- . 1 . 1 i 1 j l . i r . ,, ! utu, wiiitu nas aui iiiiuuu auout y cent per id. thi-oughouf the couutrv. 'See l another ctdumn of this paper "W'sr.v 1 Druists sell it advertisement in jan 5-0 t Alabama. Montgomery, Jan. 8th. The Montgomery Convention organized to-day, A Resolution 'ha3 bedn adopted in the Alaba ma Convention not io submit to the administra tion of Lincoln, upon: a .Republican construc tion of the .Constitution. - . patriotism the proposition .'means to place the Companr. when formed under the regulations of the State, . as other volunteer companies, I will equip one member ; and I &m authorized by a distinguish .ed and inflnenti&l-citiaCa. o sar that he will do . the same. .I hopo 'fMechanic Volunteer,' and those who may be concerned with him, will put his proposition in prcper form, and place it be fore the i citizens. I ibeliere it will meet with nromnt and lieartr cncourfl.'fTpmpnt. ; - f j f Respectfullr, ; We are mformed that there are already a num . :. tier of iWieSjSigned'tcjrt subscription list, circu ' lated i pursuance of the notice referred to "in the $ abovtfnote. 1 1 W6 havef every reason for believing -that the proposition wai made in crodd faith, and with a pajnjtic desire on he part of those con cerned, to sere the Ste in an effective way. .We do not kow; whetHer . the papers, in circula " tion, state how the arms and equipments are to be .held by jne Companr, or not, but-wesup--. : POse a matter of course, that ther will not be .'j . .luuiouuin jirupcri. a uts vxjiujttiny, u orgun- Jed, onght Jo be a permanent one, aid would 1" ho doobt bejUiike, an oriament, and a'safegnard to our townul . As a jcitpen of Wilmington, we thank Dr. Thoma3 rorjhe ibcral proposal made on behalf of hLmseJf, Hud another, apd,we ask, Who will doIikewjseH ' Correspondence of the Petersburg Expres.- ' - Horrible jilurder A Gentleman Bntch- ered byi 'Five of his own Slaves--Con- , fession rhe Wretehes., . - r i-Wa-DOK. N. C.,' Jan. 5, I8C1. Dear Express ; On last Monday night, Mr. Luc ' - iu3 Woodruff, Avas takei from his bed, athisres- idence in Northampton! county, by five of his t ownnegroei nnd brufally murdered. His body ' 'washen taken and deposited in the woods, near f mfresmenirj .ur. . i . oiepnenson. r . - From ill I I can learn the negroes have leen 1. under arrest for serejral davs, but would tell nothing; until this morning, when ther made a full confection and riiarchel deliberately with the ol5cers ijid showed, thra where they lmd de-' ! , posited the liody. It twas in a horriblr man- gled condition. ; An inquest will be held to-day. luch excite t ment prerails, and I .ra i unable to say what i " will be Jhelresult. (Yours, " B. - -- General jScott and Army Movements. W Asntxirrox, Jan. !5. Lieut. General Scott w.isengaged until fJur o'clock thb mornin'r. on business connected with movements in his department jin connedtion with the present na- iionai trouq!C3. - t The arrivhl of seventeen recruits from Phila delphia fof 'the purpose of being drilled at the .aruic iiarmchj. oi vasnmgxon, nas oeen mag nified intq; undue importance having created mucu cxcirameni. t . '. Military Movements. - Wasbisctox, Jan. i. The enrollment'of the 1istnct of .LoIumbia military will probably com mence to-morrow. ' Tjie iJan'for their reorgani- i xauon Tvaspauircamorc uian six months ago, s but f all Jh'e officers were t appointed until recently jjue moTc-tncnt nw is to so concen- -trte the railitui as to, be. efficient for serrice i-; should it be, necessary ht any time to call them ; . out to preserre the peace.. ' : -"ox more tnan one company of Marines was ' out i yesterday to -garrison .Fort Washington, which is oa the Potomac ''river, about fourteen miles from-Washington; Tbe fort has had no garrisoa fot some years, and the object in supply ing it with one now, U to aToid the possibilitrof ita being occupied by lawless persons as ft rally ing point Tor mischief. .. ; - The trOofs ordered j from Fort Learenworth to Fort McJIenry are not to be sent South as wrongiy tuj'puseu vj fuany genuemcn from that section. . i From the New York Express. '". The Parallels of History. . Less than a century ago, England had certain loyal colonies jn that portion of the American continent where the Stars and Stripes hare float ed for many years past. Had the British Gor ernment of that day listened to wise counsels, and conducted itself, with forbearance, kindness and justice towards those colonies, it' might hare had them loyal and faithful to her even to this day. But it did not. That gorernment attempt ed to inflict ft grossly unjust policy upon its Colonies in America, and madly persisted in continuing these wrongs. The Colonies peti tioned, supplicated, protested, andfinallrtnreit- ened ; but all was unavailing to turn the parent country towards what was right and just. Some wise - men in her own councils whispered in her unwilling ear some words she might better have listened to, i You are foolish. Change .your course. - Be Just. You are every day alienating the hearts of a loyal people, and driving them to revolution." But those who ' thus advised were comparatively lew in number, and their voice was scarcely allowed to be raised, and it was not at all heeded. The same unwise and unjust .policy was per sisted in. and it did drire the colonies to declare their independence. A. few-wiae men in Eng land then,-r-a still smaller minority than before whispered in England's ear, "The mischief s done. You have at last succeeded in thorough ly alienating the hearts of those people from you and in puttijg into their minds the desire and the detern" nation to be free. That is the evil ; and it is one which fl -ts and armies en never remedy or remove. The people of those colo nies once fully resolved to be iVee, -will be free, and you cannot help it. You may wste oceans of blood and trer-ure,-bnt you can never subdue those American colonies, never never ! Make the best, therefore, of ah unpleasant necessity and remember how unchristian it would be to coniMience what you know must be a fruitless, war. You wll sacrifice none of your dignity in allowing now of a peaceable sundering of the ties which bound those colonies to you j bu you will 1 obliged to sacrifice some of it. whpn. after having tried to Subdue them, you find that it, is a imng wnicn cannot be done, and even proud ana powerful England will be forced in the end, to back down : ' - Is it not: wiser and better every way to yield gracefully at once to a painful necessitv. than to saennce mousanas or precious lives and mil lions onpropertr, and to be forced to back down afteall?' Those, who counseled thus, however were in a rerV small minoritr. and-their voice was drovtoedin the almost universal cry to put down rebeSftm at every hazard and at erery wo.. - u n cu iouk; auu lusieti re ven years, and brought death to thousands suffering, and misery to millions. And what did England gam oy xnai war r ma sne add to her militarr or naval tame Did she gain honor or wealth ? uia sue suDaue,ine uojomes Did she put uunu nrueiuuu i .;.-.- j Now, then,' these facts, it seems to us, suggest some thoughts which it will do no harm for a certain school of j Republicans to rerolre in their minds. Ciril war," with all its inconcei- vauie norrors, may indeed ' be brought upon our country : but can it result in anything but cm, io enner section, ana to erery Individual that may come within the wide range of its deadly inflnence?,- There is a chance , that fre- ternai f relations, thougfc temporarily ruptured, may one day be restored if peace is preserved ; but if some of the.' people of one section madlv proposes to itielf the task of trrincr to whin thA kL.n. - . - uiuer section, xne; nope oi reconciiiauon is ex tinsmished forevpri ' - , Florida. Tallahsee, Jan. 8th. The ordinance of secession was adopted. Troops for Charleston. New York, Jan. f. The Steamer Star of the West.- with 250 troips an 1 a cargo of provisionsi for Maj! An derson, sailed for Charleston Saturday noon, by order of Gen. Scoti. She is due at Charleston this afternoon. . ! ! In the Mayor's message to the councils last night, he recommended secession of the city from the Ste and establishing a free port. From Washington., Washington, In the Senat3rr. Crittenden made a very af fecting conservative speech on his resolutions. Mr. Toombs' speech was" ardently for seces sion, but by inference admitted the possibilitr of a compromise. 1 The House adopted by a large majority, reso lutions approring of Major Anderson's more- ment, and sustaining the President in preserring the Constitution and Laws. Both Houses adjourned tiir Wednesday. The Stir of the W ?t has gone to Charleston, contrary. to the President's understanding, and tliere is consequently great exci. jment ;n Wash ington. Ed. PORT OF WILMINGTON, Jf. C. Jan. 8. 1 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. . Schr T A Wad, Iloff, fm NYork, to Ilarriss & uun eii. , . . : , Schr Louisiana, Mitchell, fm Baltimore, to T C & Ji Q Worth, mdze. ; f Ii' Schr Agnes H Ward, McKeethanj from Mttle River, to Anderson & Savas-e. i ji 1 Schr D C Hulse, CQnklin, Cazaux, mdze. . Schr Jenny. Lind, 'Gibbs, fm Hyde feounty, to DeRosSet, Brown & co, 1800 bushels corn. ; - Str North Carolina,' Barber, ' fm FaA-etteville, to A E Hall. ; V . J i ' fm NYork, to A D CLEARED TO-DAY Brig L T Knight, Parks, for Cardenas, bv Kid der & Martin. ' f .' . !: j Bri Sarah Starr, Eddy, for Havann, by Q C & W J Munro. . ! , Sehr Daniel Williams; Hopkins, for St Kltits: hv Harriss & Howell. Str North Carolina, Barber, for Fare fctevi lie. hv A. E Hall. . , . i ' y ' MEMORANDA. - A herm brig, from Wilmington. NC. with lum ber, undoubtedly the Angola, as she was in the Bay, resterear. was discovered to b& ashore on Winthrop's Beach, near Point Shirlejvthis (Tiiurs day) forenoon, strikina- heavilv. Kothino- was seen of the crew, on board. The sea was making a complete; breach orer hecfand if the storm con-' tinues, she will probably go to pieces. Bpston courier., i r , i . .-, - A dispatch dated New York. Janr4. Rav 'TtHo brig Ringold, of . Wilmington, NQ for Boston,' wilu h careo oi lumDer. nas i . . , " ' vy mtnrop Ueach j Balsam -of Wild Chkrhy So lono- as urease ire vails and it is the lot of humanity that it always will, -so Jong will the suffering seek for the bet remedy which science' and skill have discovered? for their relief. In our cli cially, coiiglis, colds, andTlung affections are all prevalent. Few, if any, 'are fortunate enough yvnouy to ecape their eliects, the slightest form of which, if neglected, is liable to lead to serious re suits. If, jthen, a remedy is to be had which is equal to cpte with the worst features of disease. iu(?n is stipay in action and permanent in effect, it should Ie known to all Such a remedy does exist in Dr,Wistar'3 Balsam of Wild Cherry, and we confidently recommend it as such. Bridgeport jiavernierrtna farmer, (Every wprd of the above is truth;, as all the annciea among u can be satisfied bf making a iriai oi me arucie, wnicii can be obtained of all the druggists.' , ; ; jan 5-Ct w... i e uave irequent occa sion to speak of this remarkable medicine, btv cause we hive full faith in its excellence, and knoW of many instances where it has perfprmed almofet miraculous-cures. It is principally designed as an antidote fo dyspepsia, indigestion, and numerous disorders j qf the stomach. It was discovered arid perfected jby a regular physician, after years of re search and lctical experience in medicine. It is entirely Unlike all other specifics ' with whieh we are acquainted, and extracts the disease by its very roots, leaving no restige behind." Sold r by all re spectable diuggists in the United States. tlagdf Our : Union; - i f ' I ' Confirming the abore in erery particular, we haye only to say that the remedy referred to is too. yelt known to render it necessary to add a word ii commendation, i. . j jan 56t Oxyqe.vated Bitters.--To uch of our readers as are troubled with the debility incident to the approach of warm weather, we cordially recom mend the. ue of the Oxygenated Bitters, as an in vigorating jto'nic safe, efficacious, and 'highly pal- in Boats, and ail the furniture tackle, arid apparel of the British thip I - : i t, -air -m r a - ! OF LIVERPOOL And at the same time, 1 ! ' ' j. THE HULL OF SAID SIIII', s she nowr lies stranded, near new Inlet Bar jan 5, 1861 : - D. PIOOTT, AuctY. , PORT WARDEN'S SALE. D. PIGOTT, Auctioneer. - IN FRONT OF OFFICE, on WEDNESDAY next, 9th inst , at 11 o'clock, A. M ,.I will selU under inspection of the Tort Wardens and British Vice-Consul, Vfor and on account of liorn it mav concern, the entire Cargo if i ;! BRITISH SHIP EMMA. K 1 Consisting of " 9 bales Wool, 4000 bags Linseed. 2000 bags Mustard Seed, 1 1 L.V, - . uait-9 OCHllil. I said ship having stranded, near New' Inlet Bar, on her voyage from Bombay to New York. Wilmington, N. C , January 5, 18C1. I ts DR. DEEMS' SCHOOLS. ! Eastern Military Academy for Boys. 1 1 ' AND ' i " ... YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY. I THE EXERCISES of these Schools will be re-" o r.-r.A TIITlPOIl I V UAUVtV.II a ' ' 3d7 1861. f " - - ' Fof Circulars, ; containing lull particulars, ad dress : i i Rer. Dr. DEEJ1S, ' dec 22-2wd2tw ' Wilson, N. C. STAIiLTSHKI). .s:;FT , : i .i ! . v i t. suit; i IJLllill'l ti , K' ' A ' I- - - - . .. ' SAL T- RIVER BOURBON TTr TT I- U V' ninrii i rnirn - n B mm m-M m h. 1 UIO I ILLtniCO. DDKESS, ;S.T.SIMI. ' TVTfN fTITT f T-i-r- JLAO JL JLJUJjJliiX, A t . . . i . ' - -" I.- t JEFFERSOH Co,, Ky, Sept 14, lS0-Mm Sl7A US SUGARS ! nnd C Vlh. A WANTED. COOK, and Washerwoman. jan 5-tf W. II Apply tto 1 , LIITITIV T: BARRELS C.Cofl'.V I J 25 bbl Crushed, (Irjnulated and !.',. ,i - .- .Musci)valo .Sugars, Ax jin.r." C hhds. . " f- , . For sale by Wf)KTll A- Ii.M!.. Jjan-8 L- - I . . l; Mil! I. .1 1 1 . JANUARY 1ST, 1861 OUR ACCOUNTS, due at above date,, are made out. We respectfully request .our patrons to call and pay them. ' j i S. B. KAHNWE1LLER & CO.. jan 2 f Old Stand, Corner Store. LEA V UJV--LE A Vji;jv 1. 1 ; I ' . ' I J'l-A ' t.. r. , , 1,1, WIN -M W it-l ry ItTry t-Trvlu at J:,n " ! UKTIl i DANM I. WANTED TO HIRE. BY TriE MONTH, for the'dnsuing year, a Negro Girl, capable of taking card of small child- nd to do light house work. Apply' at the .vAit7TKiiT A j: r.JlECEl VA), thjA linoi niiiL', .a bill h i' diQ'eneiit Militarv ifublicatinii, I nil.i .inn ' ren, anc Herald Office. jan 7-tf full instructions for cver'v pected to-rooi'row morning f" ; W Jill AKKK Market .t., bet. Jas. Daw jan K :J" iraiu !i of Vi t' ici , i; hv Athuiif Kxj-r. - . .,) Sew Bonk Stun-. ind Wilkin-wiii'., jaP .. JAMEb S. QRELN. kwion of Faith, elegant bound; TlL IU k . TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Rtr!ffe a n THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the ' public, that he has opened a ' I TADLORING ESTABLISHMENT. at the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Pinsson, as a. Music Store, on Front street, near Lippitt's Drug Stored, where he will be pleased to receive orW for all work in his line. ; All garments made up in the mosbCislii siiyie, ana upon snort notice.- lie is solicited, jan 5-3t i ;e.- A call from the pub JOHN IIILZINGEli. HEADQUARTERS N. C. MILITIA, Wilmin-oton, N. C, Jan. 5, 18GQ. f j vii'jvmvo oi ims lvegmient are re- u.uesieu io meet ai my umce, on the 10th of this month, at 11 A. M. jan 5-tm J. L. CANTWELL. Col. Com. i ; Hie-1'refbyterian. Psalmodi-t. Pitt t. i , ... -Family Almanac, for 1H01, Ac., nt 1 " ; t WHITAKEIfS New B..k H..r.-, Market st.,: bet. Jan. DawxnV-itnd Wilkin '.. jn 8 - - . . . .j : THOSE SUPER loTt UjMBRELlUS i Scotch and American Oinigliaiiis, j y , ; . West make afid finih; ' . Ana the lowcnt prices, . prices. pricuti-T-f ' At the Einporiiint, i ir.. i. . .... j i . . A .'lillKl'l ill'll't. ! yl MUtKet Mreet, r1 I MVEUS &, MIMIKK. dec 31 aiu THE WILSON SCHOOLS: . WILSON, N. C. OR BOYS AND GIRLS in separate' Build- mgs-r-by Mr, and Mrs. Richardson aided b loth A Royal Riso. A remarkable ri no- bn. lntP- !y been fsicked up in the Champs-Elysees, Paris, and committed to the safe keeping of the police. This ring, which is quiti new and verr maornifi- cent, has a royal crown, in diamonds, with the cypher V. A., in diamonds. Under the bezel is a tiny stereoscope, the ere-glasses of which ar scarcely Iarger.than the head of a pin, the di- lueiision or me two tuoes being less than that of a rery small crow-feather. Holding this ring between the ere and the lis-ht. tfw the Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales be- smn rt - T ! I , T mi . - , . . . . IUUK; naiuic. ; xuis ring Deiongea to a box of jewelry destined for the English cofcrt, but was stolen from the house which had received the order.- ; CARD TO GENTLEMEN. WE ARE PREPARED to execute al orders, promptly, in the MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. NORTH CAROLINA CASSIMERE t i Coat, Pants and Vest, x diiii xuimmcu, ii,au where goods are furnished us If trimmings are furnished, we MAKE THE FULL SUIT for $8,50. Our Northern House, whose entire trade is in lrginia and ISorth Carolina, is fulby prepared, wiui - . - - - - - K TWELVE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN CUT ' TERS, " so lurnisn, made in superior style, 20 to 30 per cent, below usual figures, any article of GENT'S WEARING APPAREL. Otfr is Jbeen totallr lost on The crew were sared.' ! The abore is intended for the Angola, abore re ported, as:no brig named the Ringold, has cleared from this port. .: -. - ' j i p ISTe-yy Advoi-tisoiiioi tt w. WEEKLY- LINE ' OF STEAMERS, -" ' BETWEEN - ! New York !& Wilmington; THE NEW STEAMSHIP NORTH vjjjtx, a., uauu Hirra. -xoweu. wiu leave iew lorKior Wuminffton. on tpe 19tn mst., and run, m connection with the steamship Parkersburg, Capt. Stannard", forming a weekly bine between New York and Wilminje-tnn. one ship" leaving each port, every Saturday, i lam authorized tostateithat the Wilmington and Manchester, and- Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Co's will run Freia-ht Trains' in connec tion with the steamers, by j which arrangement, Freight will be transmitted to and from tne inte rior, without delay, f E. A. KEITH, Ag't, ! Wilmington.. II. B. Cromwell & Co., Ag'ts, NewYork! ! jan B-ii atable, when diluted according- to directions? co tainingnb alcohol in its composition, and possessing mop real merit than any preparation of the kind we have eyer known. Many leading; physicians .usef it in Iheir practice, and have spoken of it hi thejstrongest terms of praise over their own signaf tUl'es. Its reputation as a cure for . Dyspepsiais upiyersal. r Ogdenabvrg Republican, j j VI Tjhia peculiar and excellent remedy is worthy of all the numerous tributes which hare been paid to its rare qualities as a healing medium, j dec 17-4W COUGHS, COLDS, AND jLUNG DIS ! j .. A EASES. i j Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup Whooping Cough, Diseases of the Throat. Chest J and Lungs, howerer long, standing and serere in character', are quickly cured by that long tried, efficient and faithful remedy ! WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. hThe unirersal opinion fully accords with that' lately expressed by the "Saratosrian," which savs (Wistar's Balsam has achieved many remarkable! cures of Pulmonary disorders its success great tnat taten m time it is deemed a: specific." The thousands of Certificates In the hands of the propre.tors from those who from long suffering disease, have been "redeemed, regenerated, disen thralled," and now by this remedy enjoy immuni ty iron pain and suffering, are still better eridence of the fact, j J -' ; ; i J Still More Testimony, j t "f AxDorEK, N. H., Oct. 15,1859. Messrs. Si W. Fowle, & Co;, Boston, Gentle men?.' i-I hare an earnest desire that all . . r-- " ir ulland able corps of Assistant Teachers in all epartments. . Departments, Four Preparatory, Academic, Collegiate, and Unirersitr. or Art. u-ith ur course of study in each. 1 The ensuinar Session will h admission of Pupils, on Thursdar, the 10th of Jan- Promptness solicited. For a Catalogue, address the Principal. dec X4-fewd&w D. S. RICHARDSON. LLPERSONS who are !nd-btei f..r t.'n.fvi L Pronsions. Ac. eitlu-r hr rr .it, I elate firm of Wilson &. William nd ul.J accounts are long since due, are requested to mnU immediate payment to the subscriber, or such n counts will bo placed in officer's hands f..r roll.-i ' tlon- - j JAMES WILSON. Jan 1 1 i No. 5 Market ittrcct. H tinguished forerer; ilATRiMOjfT vs.-Sixgle-Blesssdxess. Matrimo ny is: Hot buckwheat cakes, warms beds, com fortable slippers.' smokinff coffee, round arms. ; reu iix, jLiHa woras, snirts exumng in buttons, redeemed stockinErs. boot-lacks, hanninwsa t Hurrah! r 1'. - - ir ' ' Single-blessedness is : Sheet iron oniltd hTn . a ' . - - nw,.irosiy rooms, ice in tne pitcher, unregen- Arrangements for Sprint; : : ' We shall be gorerned by the changes that may take place in the times generally. We hope to be able to open, : r j ! . . . UPON AN EXTENSIVE SCALE, ; with the most . accomplished corps of Workmen, superintended by a Cutter, whose skill has nerer been surpassed. If we are guaranteed a support, we will open, In Wilmington, a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, inferior to none in the United States, i ! v erated linen, heedless sockl coffee sweetened with icicles, gutta nercha biscuit. flabbT stealr I We respectfully solicit the patronage of the Dnb- uuu nuun, turns, cougns, cones, rnuDarb. mig- i uc, at - - i , ' BALDWIN'S. ery, etc. ugni-, ; . - - r jan7-: -3td ltw IIESPER, AND OTHER POEMS. BY THEO. II. HILL. j THE UNDERSIGNED has now in press, d rol- Hill is well known in this community, as the author suneringtrom pulmonary complaints, should know of many fugitire poms, which published anon- t-fl?nterful tues of Sr. Witar'a BaUam of jfiuuusiy jiave -gone tne rounds ot tne press .r, , r, . U"1M: L,iV oowing siatement P-i;ng, as pure gems, wnererei set. . J Harinsr now reclaimed these wanderlnor xralfa. he presents them to the public with others hith ertJ unpublished anL hisXpubhsher would bnlr thom o sw-i.s1;.f C 1. : ? . a- l ' - . tion impartial criti- asKpr mem a cordial r cism. j . The rolume, a-neat 12mo., will be sent by mail, free of postage. Price, $2 per copy. Orders should be forwarded at once, to the subscriber, as but a small edition will h nnhllahosi a nu.oi aiscount to tne iTade. N. C TURNER! Raleigh, Jan. 1, 1861. N. C. Book Store, jan 8-2t i -' .( , - - t. '!"-, HIIXSBORO' ! MIXaITARY ACADKMV 'pHIS INSTITUTION, of a thoroughly scien- conduct of Col. C. Ci. TEW? Zr. T Z oiaie -auuiary Acaaemv, at Colum- e third Academic year'begins Feb. 6tn, 1861. The Charge ia 31S tur unTmm ;i ding elottunar. For a Circular. AdAroaa th sn.' jiwiunruueui. . . . : ian 8-lmd 4tw LAMPS TO If TU IT' -. i F RUMINATING APPARATUS, ftr Balls " Par ties, Public Meetings, 4c., can be hired or, rery reasonable terms,! of the Inimitable n j jan o - j "j - CASSJDEY. I FLOUR "FT.OTTT 'I, CZr BARRETT Film it an4 nn- n JJ For sale bv iWORTTT Jr nivir For sale br Jan8 - -i WORTH & DANIEL. ' Granite Row. LOW GRADES BAG T'Trrti I inn BAS Fine and Cross Flour, in bags of 1UU 98 lbs. For sale, rery low. by , 0 - " I WORTH A DANIEL,! Jn8 Granite Row. with : the hope'thatssome skeptical person may be induced to gire him ta trial i t -oix a was attached with a riolent cough, and a resorted to physicians, finst at home, and next abi-oad, of acknowledged skill and repu tation, and made use of many patent medicines. Without the slightest benefit. , j The disease augmenting to' such a degree as to defy the skill of the physicians, and the hopes of ...vuuo ,,as muuucu, an n. utsv resort, io mas:e a toal of your popular Balsam, Without any conn- uc"w i,ta ;iuerii,s, as mac naa oeen destroyed or numberless trials of advertised nostrums.! But the effect was magical ! My friends were again hope tul, and I wis-astonished at the rapid change. The racking cough, the serere pain in my side, and de- luguiK uig Bweaps, wmcm nan reduced me almost to a skeleton, abated, and I was soon in 4 fai of recoreryi and by a continued use of the reme- ujr was reswrea to good nealtn. j .: r Yours, rery truly.- j GEO.4 W. CHASE. . SBa- Caution to Purrhadpra TV, a -i : wirt. nolo, .- vrz...7. ' ""v nlZ,?JTZ? S"," gnaie or x. "fa. praniea one ot tne Proprietors on less r yapper other is ile and worth- Prepared jbr SETH W. iFOWLE & CO., Bos ton, and sole by : , , i " GILHAM'S MANUAL i X1 Major William Gilham, Virginia Military ' !.' ' CONTEXTS. ' ' . . . Article 1st. Afmy Organization Organization of Infantry Organization of .Caralrr Ortraniza- vijlfu ui r ieia Anuiery, rne otatt. !; Ayticle 2d Arms and Amunition : i ' . Article 3d-School of the Soldier : Article 4th School of the Companr : ' Article 5th-rTarget Practice ; j '' : .n.1 une urn ocuooi or ine uattalion i I Article 7th School of the Trooper ; Article 8th School of the Troop ; . ' ( Article 9th School of the S Article 10th-r-Evolutions of the Resriment ; Article 11th Light Artillerr Tactics ; ( Article 12th-Honors paid br Troops, to . the President, Governor, Generals, "Ac. ; . Article 13th Duties of Captains, Companies' ""c- iu vttiujin, urari isons, XC. j Article 14th-i-The Staff; -. Article 15th Battles ; Article 16th Courts Martial . Article 17th Music, Reville; Tattoo! &c : Appendix The Articles of Wrar. . - . -f The whole in pne handsome volume of 743 pp. Price $2,50.1 Book forwarded 'on mnnint 5(1 copies received this .morning, per Express, at JJ . i WnjTAKER'S New Book Store. laricet St., bet. J,as. Dawson's and Wilkinson's. - jan 8 i lAIn unir, ..ii nil k, u iiArm,iBri, is ncceKsarv i.i.i Ion? and liannr life. I -ft "ihn o-irlj l.nv'T..,, dlinirl Hoops t-the bovs small area. ;f (?AKttlil and take plenty of exerciso these cool imrnin--.'-dee 1 j . . ' : 1 van iKti :'t". TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC, 1 Millers' Planters' and Merchnnt" A . i. . . i . j Presbyterian Family Almanac, ' Metholist Almanac." J'unch's Almanac. Housekeepers' Almanac. Laugh and (Srow Fat Almanac, Ac., at v' . " WHlTAKEIfS New Book. Store. Market St., bet Jrts. Dawsori'j and Wilkin.c.1,'. ' .' FAMILY FLOUR. - . WE have the best Family Flour In: town, an.l j f v n 1 1 vi c warrx-nt each Mini i-n.rk- package, if not good, to be Vet 11 rneii: . ' dec 12 T WOliTll A niviir !T7AMILY, Suj I Wilmington by (dec 11) f THE FIRST AND THE LAST. " xt C ' ir w:as exemplified in the course of JVorthj Carolina, as regarded her action in days of the! Revolution. The Mecklenure Declarat onof Independence, signed by Ephraim Inward, land others, was the -first public assertion FIX) IT II. Super and Fine, Fari-ttet ille in. I inspection, in siore, .nnd for mi, ZE.VO II. (IRKE.N'E. . ROOKS FOIl A LI ' r rTlIIE North Carolina Form Book Cant w.JI I Justice, or'Swan'ii Revld Fncdlev's L ir J Adviser, at Rclley'a Book Store. 1 : ' d.-c j the woman liTWTiTrTi 0NBookSs hc tcstrNovtl out, at KiileN ioaRRiS3uA"iL r!RSSn' rowdc-ed ?nd Parified, just rec, i J ed, and for ale rery low. for mb.n r dec 11 ! , JAlV UARV71 GEO. MV Ells', 801. of the right of a State or colonf to be free-to sc cede: and North Carol; JLesfTltt1ern betn d forming KJIiUVCO ratify Thus, quick tand nromnt tn , she was slow to. dole- OUR ACCOUNTS are mVdo out. AUp. -.. due us, will please call and nettle, j . , - ' I k'AIIVlVl lf I'll titt.k i 1A A r .... a Jm , , , V ";WcnHnge vomer, Front jan 1 ! I - .- -.. , 1 tr el. ' resist and - repel aggression f 1 CY 5,n7,ot tne Powers rested in her. . The Infimitable CASSinrv h. ai h) Sweet Oranges, which he U nUi., ot prpcedentedlr low prices of SI 9 i Kn 1 Akui of li liA- " v.-.,wluuu. A VARU:TYof.lind;MerV tPv 7 ' 1 WHITAKEIPH Nw I .w,k Store. S6i $t" heU Da"'- Wilkin,., 1 Jan 1 j i r .. I - 1 WEET CIDER. A in ti m . & t nnv "7 1 i "; ' ! , j , ' - w-s . - t i 7tONSTfJTVIT!i?.cif in i,ua i j . .. I : ; 1 J 1 ork. marked diamont TT w..).. t ', t. v r, . V a iuc uuica or me undersigned, to-day. Frances " j a. v. A 'Li. U. WORTH. TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. iSXK. rAKKKJiSMllKl. : pONCENTRATED LEAVEN-something new, Xj A ew Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders, - csmoeaueer Buckwheat, - vSyeJlo,ur' Butter, ' , r . CO bbls. C.! Sugars, Raisins, N- 10 " Craahed Granulated and Powdered, 2a boxes choice Yellow Cheese. i - ! . - WORTH St DANIEL, . j ; . 2 Granite Ww, Front street. . j'an 3 if : ,1 i nKSTPn V ni nniu- 1 ft eAK? snperior Cincinnati Sides" and Shoul-J J-ft ders, ia store, and for sale by T ' i I ian 8 ! i ' . i?4"-r. tw,ri I MESS PORK. ! I Dl ) BB1 strictl7 City Mess Pork, for sale by XVU m 8 I ' M. MacINNIS. i few .bbls., for nale at CASSIDE'S. T SALT. iverpool (;ronn!, f.r wil.-, SatterlV. - J Vf jan 3 .... : -t-. , HARRISS Jk limvi.-! i. MONEY MONGY; re all ve ott - . . - i J'KItKIV No. 8 Market street. I V COFFEE AND SUGAR AXJKJ 100 bbls. Sue-ar. jan 8 iFor Sale byi. M. MacINNIS. 1 f) TXf lf VA to VA mcb H00? Iron, for saleby Ay jan 8 ; ,.::,.r . 4 ii. MacINNIS, MAmrpufT OS. 2 and 3. in store. nnH fl- maf u an 8 ! M. MacINNIS. Tst N. C. FLOUR. RECEIVED Per Railmnfl v:i' a UJ Super, celebrated W.tchoria IttlU 7tonZ ?fcb7 : DeR0SSET, BROWN. A CO. nor 27 IJiHT bare' money Yonr acconnts . made out. Come up and settle, and - Jan ' ' No. , r riirrrnAr nu uiasaware are now mAd eicee.! i mgly cheapr,in consequence of tho mm Irv wires at the Crockery Store, No. MwkJftfreS. " A SMAlTO . Cared Old ILjms. Ther ire choir. To I iJi ' K. f WORtH A DA VI EL. Jan z !. No. 2 Granite Row; Front it. 1 COaT, at 31 Market street. 7 JACKING TRUNKS atMatr. A . L 1 A MOOKF. - TRUNKS at cost at 34 Mar- C Kl ketst. 1 . MYERS. TLinnVr. P, ) 1 ETICULES-iRETICUJ.ES; at cot ' ' "V-KK-W-VV ' tU A II Mf 11 I 11 IK I. ALISES VALISES at cost, at 34 MarkW tV. Ju J '. MYERS A MOOItH a i II CEMENT & PLASTRn " 200 BBLkS: Cment bbl- Plaster Paris T) S13' W'1' 3 0d 6 pln,. y, b"g Water Witch. Forsale bV -ideo12 ' i - PEliUl X'S. iLLIS A MITCHELL., A' TtnnTr.vnn a-w-w : . ALZ aJI?1 r Sann'sRerised Freedly'a J2f AdTfaer'? '': " " ' KELLEY'SJ TTEnRt?MENE. LAMPS-r-A large aupplrV rf.rV.!ultable ior ,tore8. for aale verv chean-Vith dco7 , CASSIUErS. " , , - - ' . TCWAjf J& WlHTE.-One among KELLEY'S, 0Tt out, at dec H , . - i - ; H . BookStprc. -