.' T- :.-v,;.,.V, M::".'v'-r- v)'-.'' ."!." . -V;.,: .- : "' MiI .- -. . .. ; ., - ,3 ... -. , ,. . .,,( . r. . :'---- 'V r,. ' . ' ' ' 1 ' - ' . . ' -..-. ..y-.-- V" i--.v-J' :'-:: . . - -:' I : " . ; . " ; .. ; !'' .i; II "''..' L - : ' ' v : ' I i v. - y I ; , '. ' , 1 i ' : ' Is r V()t.; VII., NO. 2011. AVIL3IINGrTOX, Nir 0. -MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY (i J861. whole no: 2.1U. 'I TERMS: D.iitv Paper, SC.OO; eeK-if, 2.oo, ! xr IX ADVANCE. -155f fl.- !. r 5 always stoppt-d. unfes a remittance lh;"t ,:avlneni can be ma J Ik fore the eviration in.iiKd at oar ri-t, wlien the let- t r i- r'i-tor ' . . T r . " . " A. M. U'ADDGtL, Editor and Pro'tor. TC)WJV l'RI.NTCR. "wr i m i isr. g- a? o jt 4 "tlondity Eveniiii;, January 14, 1SCI. Thl llpr.il1 Ann nfllro fit ly fitk-d up 'with the finest as-' ..trimetiilnf Jo-j TvrK to be foand ia the State. . V' l r;. !( i-s of Job work can now ?e speed ! , . ;ui.ukiriktoniely iirintetl at thi3 office from 1r...ik down to n vidting card. ITand bills, -(-ii npj' U.!!k. 4:c, &c,' neatly arid promptly. ; mid :r t-liprt notice; and on reasonable tcnn3. 'i!.-iec!il ft;tcnt'on ' will I-c'givcu lo the Job ....Kim.. -ui .niv.t.ivr, .uuu e icei a.3ureu tnat '.. i .. i . I or fntrustcu to our Job hand, who is ex t I-u-r- in i the tJttsincss, will be executed sat- i-:'. ctoi Hy i.i every refcect. . Give Lira a trial at .'m r.uc, una ii n is uorte.w etl, no complaint iw'l bcr.w.de of a Avitbdrawal of patronage. - A IJIack Man's Funeral at the South. j . . J Ik- Augusta japrs aunonnced, some days tite demise of Klly Low, a pious, veneni ole, and int-Jiigent folpred clergyman of the i'tpii-t 1iiirch, in that city. What Andrew Mar-h ill fivas to Sitvannah, Kelly Low was A'igiit:tJ Wc: copv Jhe following account Ui !:! fain ril. Iq which a hirge iortion of the white iouatiiA'p:iriuip:itQi, from the True. Vemocrut latii jTi' j iod4Y : Circuit uiees l.eyond-our control have pre- -1 hidetl ari .irljer .notice of the death of Kelly Low. j-".'" ifttor ofjtripgfield Baptist Church; Tills t veist tir.decply feretfed by a.ll classes and f oiiditioi'.of "j4-rj.ons4 ".. jur comniimity, took place on the d inrt.. uiria residence, in this -;!y. In-I8:i5 he was'ordflirKtl a Minister of the (h.-h I, ni;d froni tha time to his death, he has Ikhii couant, iealouaad efheient in his labors. flii t'a.i-ral ti Sunday altefiioon was very largely ::en.lei Jjy both; black and white. The luunU r f the Inlttr ii procession luis been csti liiatcd ffHia l.triiU to f,obO, and the nnmbcr in attetidiuicerrit tlio jrrjve; in the Church yard, y:is iift Jl js than 1, Oik) persons. W e JorK-ar Inv cotaments of our own, upon . . i. ..;.-- . i. i i . . the haraK'vr cC the dtk'eased, anl give place the following tnbute from his former owner, o to one I f our iaus iattlhgeut and prominent citizens. It rellecU the sentiment ot onr cntire com umnity ; j . ; ' , ''From, my own knowledge uf Kelly Low, I can trulyjsay, tltat hq was no ordinary man in intelligence, and in all that constitutes an hon est, trat hful and relLjble man. He was raised in my family from eajly boyhood, and was my property for oyer twei;tyfivc years, and I knew mm to nave been as icar a perfect man as any other I hive ever known of any cotorl . Indeed ! have always viewed him to Le without spot or Nmii Lnj cnaraeter and disirosrition, beginniilg even iu ins vuuyi ami continuing up to ine aay - r i.:. .!... i. -. KJl ins uiau. If tin evidence were requ ir-, that Kentucky was loyal to the Union sentiment it was efTord- ed la-st Saturday everting-, when 3Hs. Varian James sang the Slar Swingled Banner, at- the l.-.rwi.rt iH ty,a .Alien,;.. Tf.rv, rvl n Fi-n.. ii.nceri in ine t-uasomc iemote. Jbvery- verse was n-et fioevl mi k amidst a torrent ofappLii'se and the wildest demon? traaons of satisfaction. "StoUt-he;irtd men, wi.h glistening eyes spark liug with .the dijes" of", patriotism, raised their loud huzzas, and the women our wives, moth ers, an.lhiug'uers God Uess them joined the acclaim, while Uieir white handkercliiefs seem .i I to ns, rs they were so raptuously waved, like a fiock of snowy doves encircling the vast au dience, aud I'leeniing an emblem ' of peace. "Three cheers far t!ie Union!'' . was "the cry: Again V' -'Again !" and the vollied peal of nfne went up. let ns luje, like grateful incense t the a-lini- aty Throne, around which evermore luster the guardian angels, of cur country, and from whence the-calm, serene, and Avell-known t'.ice of the sainted Washington is looking dow n r..ii the madness of the hour, and sorrowing to ihink that his parting legacy gf attachment to I.H U loved coHmrv is so little valued and regar- tl'.'l.fL'jiihctfle Journal. Oi ' lTAJlbX OF TIIK ClIATTAnOOCniK "AeSESAL. -a i rivalte letter receive! yesterday from Ba"in ' iiigi iidornis ns that the. ocxnipatton of the t"l::ittdviicJiie Arsenal, situatctl in Gadsden t'oiii'.iy. Horida. at the junction of thelFlint and Uianah'ooche rivers, by the " Quincy Guards." The arsenni contains .IiOo.000 rouyds of musket t mridge-t 33,000 rifie cartridges, and 50,000 i'onnds of gunpowder.: There axe no arnis, cx- pt such.hs are.necessiry to defend the property ; 'jMfnst ordinary contingencies. StivaunaJi -Re- COUG HS, . COLDS, AND LUNG DIS V EASES. Coii-hs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Wh.M.ping Cough, Diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, however long standing and severe in uMiacter, are quickly cured by that long tried, theient aud faithful remedy " WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. lbe universal opinion fully accords with that btt-Iy eiprosedby the 4Saratogian," which says: ''Wi-tar'rt Balsam has achieved many remarkable -cures of Pulmonary disorders its success being so gret that taken in tiniu it i deemed a isDeciCc." The thoaandj Of Cert jticatea in the hands of the proprctPrs from those jwho froui long sufll-ring disease -have been 'redeemed, regenerated, disen thraSled, and now. by his remedy eBjoj immuni ty frin pain and sufferipg,:are still better evidence 'ofth Tact. j ' " '' Still More Testimony. ! " Axdoeb, Nfc.IL, Oct. 15, 185?. Messrs. S. W. Fowle, A Co., Boston. Gentle-u-n: I have an earnest desire that all persons -atTeriugfrom pnlmonarr complaints, should know t!ie wonderful rirtuea olf Dr. UwfarV liaUain of H .7. Cherry, and make the following atatemcnt "with the hope that some skeptical persoa. may be imlncfHl to o-iv him a tidal : - Six v.irs sinr I was attacked wilh a violent cou!rh. and resorted to Dhvsicians, hrsTat home, sad next abroad, of acknowledged pkil! and repu- . tation, and made use at many patent mecucmes, without the slightest benefit- 'The di vxaA nrmntln to such a deCTee as to defy the skill of the physicians, and the bopea of friends, I was induced, as a last resort, to mate a trial of ydur popular Balsam, without any conn donee in iu meriu,s' that had been destroyed by numberless trials of advertised nostrums, i Bat the tSVct was magical! My friends weri again hope ful, and I was astonished at the rapid change. The racking cough, the severe pain in my sidej and de- laguig nirht sweats, wnicn naa reciucea meaimosi t' a skeleton, abated, and I was soon in a fair way "f recovery, and by' a continued use of the reme dy was restored to good health. : I Yours, very truly. GEO. W. CHASE. . Caution to Purchasers The only genuine Wistar"s Balsam has the written signature of "I. i:cirs. and the printed on of the Proprietors on Si-puter wrapper; all other is vile and worth- Prepared bv SETII W: FOWLE A CO., Bos '-'U, and sold by . . s . I jan 1. - - " . - i ' ... j v - ' ' ' r iSTrnw YT"ir 1 BALES Eastera Hay, ex echr. for tJ i sale, row, irom wharf, by jan 9 ' w r t ELLIS A MITCHELL: I ' LAMPS TO HIRE. LLUMIXATIXG APPARAIJS, for Balls, Par ' ties; Public Meetings, Ac.; can be hired on Ttry reagonable teTmst)f the Inimitable jaa8 ; CASSIDEY. Special ZN"otices. AD3IIN IXTRATOR'S AOTICE. jt?r TIIE c JXllERS )ERS1GXED, harinp been dalj qualified as the AdminNtrator of the Estate of the of Jte Andrew Maclean, at the DeceiK? Term, A D., 1C0, of the Courv-of Pleai and Quarter ries sion, of the county of New Hanover, h?rxby noti- ne ai peron having accounU or dcuiam of any kind a jauist eaid Etate, to .reeent the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; and all persons indebted to.said Es tate, are requestedto make payment to the nnder isrned, witlipnt delay. JOHN DAWSON".' Wilmington, Dec. 15, lsC0-Gw. MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, baa a Soothin? Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teethinhy softening the giua.-, reducing all infiamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regr.late the bowels. Depend npont, mothers, it will give ret to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly cafe in all cases. SeeadvertUem'-ut in anot h ercolamn. f feb 2"-ly WALKER MEARES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - I)?UG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Meui cines. Enfflish. French and (lermjn C.bfm'if-3 ' Swedish Leeclie?, Ac., aW PAINTS, OIfS Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles. &c, Ac.---" . an;? 14. lsf.O ".W.-A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DVE ! This splendid Hair Dye has noequcl iniantaneous in effect beautiful Black o? nature! Brown n staining the skin or injuring ihe Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair " for life; None are genuine unless signed -' W. A..Batchelor.'" Sold evervwhere. CHAS. BATCIIELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-.Iy 81 Barclay street. N. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. M? JUST RECE1VFD, a fuU supply of Land reth's New Crop GARDEN" SEED, Beans, Peas. Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assorteinent of small s-ed. For sale by WALKER MEARESj 4. Market s.t. . nor 2S W. ilj:jpjpii"j?, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemi.-t, A". E. Corner Front and Jfcrket Sts., Wilmington, N. C. "ijgj. ALWAYS ON nAN'D, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMER r,sftP FANCY AI! Tl CLES. ' -'' .! Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door (on front street, ) from the corner. ; r . SS- On and. after this day, all prescriptions will be Cash. " oct 30 ' HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WiL A. BATCHELOR'S nAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor". since 1839, and over 80,000 ap- plications have been made to the-Hair of his pa- trons, of his famous Dye. Wia. A. Batchelor's nair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may -be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. ' Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ;STbe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Ratcbelor. CHARLES BATCH ELOR Proprietor, sept 29-ly ' 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear! How!. By one week's use of t ho Jf'tgnolia L'alitt. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold' everywhere- See advertisement. I W. E. II AG AN" A CO., Proprietors, apt HMydAw Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman. Naphtali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was -entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a line crop of hair has sprung np with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his disco ve ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enqirircr, Dec. 12, 1850. This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists Those persons who desire a line head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia nair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is. claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, CO Main st. 1 R. EZEKIEL. Richmond, Nov. 11, 1850. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hair by ' using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. ' ; NAPUTAtt Ezekiel. This day. sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. , Joe- Mato, Mayor of Richmond. W. II. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., j;Ln 14 . j Wilmuigton, X". C. GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, X". C Side Ag't for our Glue -: ; ' ' " Bostdn; apl 3, JSG0. GEO. B. ROGERS A UO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, ofBoston sole agent for the sale of their. Glues in this market, i cspect- fully solicits orders from the trade. k Their giazed Clue is warranted equal to, if not-superior, to" any manufactured in the United States, and is warrafc- tl to rive satisfaction, or the nionay wul De re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from othr nartfes kept constantly on hand : samples of which can be seen at my office. ..... i apl My.". I.-' - W.; C. HDWARD, Broker.. -OEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS.,000 just re ly ceived, for sale by dec 5 WORTH & DANIEI. r- CHEESE. . . TTNGLISn, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at Kdecll - ' GEO. MYER'S. . .HAY. -trCi( .BALL5 Aew- ao, in store. For JJiJ sale rery" low, dy JAMES WILLAA. BD. dec 20 BIEECTOEY. STATE GOVERNMENT. 1 Governor Jno. V. Glii, ff Rowan. Private Secrotarv--Griahara Davea. of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. See'y of State Itafii. II. Fasre. of Wake. Warren. vmhi II u? of CVjirifion' W. T.Dortch, of Wavne, State Libra: iau O. JI. I'l iiy. ..f Wake Public rint'-r Jno Spvlnriii, " - r? ! i'A T E. Lf'ur ."bn W. Cunning- Council Wo.'.t liam. of Pjtr-on : ji. "1 i V" . A rufgi!.-;iij. of lUrrie: J. F. Graws. of Hm in Dn id ?-iurphy, of Cnmber- land; J. J. Lo4? of Nrthantpton, iid W. L. IliJlara, oi JJuncOHib The United State.- Circuit Cam t, for the District of North Carolina, is L Ki-mi-annnally at Raleigh, on the 1st M' ni!av m Junc anf L-t Mondav in- .- veniber, Ju.I-.v Hon. J. 51. Wavne Asa Bij--. of M.-n-ti'), li'i.-ti o. Georgia;.' II(n. Judge -alary, Robert 1'. Dick, him ictrAttoi :iev Weslev Jones-, Marshal. , " : The Uniful S!,tt- Diriet'.Co.n t? arelK-ld at Eden ton! 3d; Mondv. in April and Oct.:!ir, J. M. Jones. Clerk: Nevb.-ru. 1th Monday in April and Oct fcer, BeiiJSrsii BroM', . Cli k-; ' Wilmington, l?t M'jikI.iv alt:-r the 4lh Momlav in April atd c tober. JuhM L. Car.twrM. Clerk..- ' f The M'preinf fonrt 'f S'orth Carolina'is hold at Kalc-ijh .pTni-atni.i'lyf on the second Monday inj June, and tJie 'M ?lonilay in December. It is'aLso' held once, ft u-ar ac MorgantQit, Burke county, on the first Monday- in Augu-tt, J, R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: 'Chief Justice, Rich mond, M. Pea'rsony ot Vadkm ; Justices, M. h. Mamy of Craven, and William H- Battle, f Or ange. ?alar- of each. 2,500 pvr annum. William A. jMikih, ' of Warren ton, . Attorney-General ; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reup'ter : Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk: Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James, Litchford, of Wake, Marshal. : 1 . . frPKKio.H coihr.-;.. j . The Superior Court-; are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan ; G eo. Howard of Wilson ; Jas. W. Os borii. of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe . .ii, John M. D ick, of C uillVn-i ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Ronndus M. Saiuiders, of Wake. So licitors Elias. C. Hines, of Edenton, tidas tlte First Circuit; William J.. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Supond.Circuit ; Williani A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, ride the Third: Circuit ; Thos, Rufhn, of Orange, rides the'Fourth Circuit; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover,. rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman,' of Buncombe, rules the Seventh Circuit. , ' . I'.'ni.ic WORKS. I. Nor. CAr.nr.i.N . The. 'Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county iu this State. This establishment was authorized-by Act of Con gress, passed ad-Iarch, 1835.; The officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, jSuperintendent and Acting Treasurer; John II.- Gibbens, Assay er, Mclter and Refiner ; John 11, Bolton. Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange,. Clerk. The L'niyersity of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of tiie Deaf :nd Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon. Beaufort Harbor, h Carteret couutv ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns- wick'countyj. l nited States Arseiitst. Located at ravin ville. " " Situated i Insane Asylum ot-North Carolina, s the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients"; 1 rn i i,n t t ri. n- in ir lr lv . r,-VinAr .'-Ilir.j'l.w fendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant. Physician-: Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; . Mrs. Hill. Matron. Dr. Charles L. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle. W . W . iimuen, jjuwiiiu vjfiimai, -v. ji.jut'nu.. ui. ' . Blow. John A. Ta'v lor, and Dr. Columbus M ills. Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson. Treasurer. Jlessrs. Iloldcn, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. - . : All indigent insane persons entitled to be recuved, and treated, and taken care of at the j) ublic charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper. t'oi tn to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. ' I I I I r - i . ii i . ; . . v . ii T O W N GOV 13 R N M'E N T . COMJTISSIOXERS Or WILMINO T'oW ' ' .Mayor John Dawsou. " S 1 Wallace. O G Pan-lev, Samuel R Bunting, ' A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred 3IartiiV 1.Y nns prr-An-TXiKN r. - Chief Engineer Jaine's Mitchell.; Assistant Chief Engineer WT Jj Vami. Chief Fire Warden B W Berry. Assistant Fire Warden W T J" Vann. Fin- Wardens George Myers. B W Beerv, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward" Kidder. K Kidder and C 1) Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey MaV'iin. UO'.VATIK RELIEF FICE TOMPANY. 1S51.1 (Re-organi7fd Jnn-"- C. . Foretl; n Wa 1 ter Furlong". 1st .Assistant John Slieppard. 2d Assistant Wifliata DowliDg Secretary E P Wade. Treasurer D an iel D isb r o w .. ' HOOk AXDJ.Al'DEP. WllTA! V xo. 1". Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. - , Seaixtarv and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. .OMMlSSrOXF.RS Of.NAV.Ii.A TION. . . - (Ofiice 14 Water street.) George Harris?." T C Worlli. W C Fergus II Flanner, Wm. M Harris, ; Joa SCHOOLS- Bo uiy of sltep.i:; rcxpEXTS oe co: N SCHOOLS. . Chairman S D Wallacv - ; i Wm S La r kins. Jatnes M Dnilie. James Kerr, David Melntyr, Ut berf II Tate, Saniuol Player, and JosepL) i or ir-I!IN0T')N IXSTir! Prineipal. i L Meffinnev, wiLMixfjrox male .ixurfij'. sr.'.ris AltY. ( W Jewitt, Principal. OAKD VLE I'EMETESV C:MP 1SY. ' President Donald McRae. - Directors Wm". A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno AfTaylor, Owen L Filly aw, S D Wallace . ! .' Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door taBanL Wilmington. ' COCSTY OFriCSKS, .cbURTS," Ac. - Sheriff W T J Vann. - t ' Clerk County. Court Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District X" C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conoley. '.'' i Clerk U S District Court John L Cautweil. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Outlay Chairman County Court James T Miller. Recistor of Deeds, Ac Jeras Nichols. , Special Magistrate of Town John, J Conoley. Constables-Lewis M Williams. Jno Utby, Wil liam II Biddlo, A Wilder. .Limrs P Stringlield, J J 'Moore. - .. ; 1 i n s r e o inns. - Wool Inspector? Joseph Smith, Wni Holden. I'rovlsion Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Xixon. :. . . .... ... ;. "r jas ii,r..r. Jf.hn XI Henderson, ii soutnerianu, v u liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor- - Timber and Lumber Inspectors James 'Aldw- j man, L H' Bowden, James ,ueivin, ueury yr Groves, J W Mnhroe, N Claik, Robert Makwell, E Turlington. t- i - v. , . "'XrtltXSilt6s, GAS LIGHT 'COVPASY. .- tl - I V Office"; in , Savings -' BaTik "Building. ) v ' President Col John McRae. " - - . . . Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. , Saperinteadentr-0liyer3Icllhenny. comptroller v. LI. Uroiru en. o Wayne. mm Attorney General W, A. Jenkins, of Sneaker of Senat,wff-. T riirt- fVA-r.- - "Viivnl Ktoro Inspectors Aitred. Alderman, 31 Stevenson, James O Bowden, . John S Jamos, Georo-e Alderman. John (J Howden Thomas Y' SECRET SOfclETIES. ohs's'lodije ko. 1 has ' ST. JOH SOKIC. (Meets the last Tnebdav Evening in eajch month ai .1 St. John's HalL I O L Fillvaw. 3Iatdr. s w. Oliver 3IcIlhfcnn'y,J W. JnO L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner. Sec'i. . Henry ;SpalAibgL S D. A A Hartsfiel'd J Dj ' J O "Jtovslet , Tyler. COi'COEDCjiiPlia'sO.T HASOfilC. i:- (Meets 1st Mondav ievening bi each iit3nt& at St. "'J.iLa's Hail.) , i :ry 'yr Most Ex R G Ranking H Coin L C Turner,' G M 3d Ex O L Fillvaw, Kiing. V. . - " I Ex T If Cam Scritxf. . Com I N"drtlfropG M 2d Com P W Fanning j Capt ' i Host. . j Com W J PHcejGMlst Com A Martin, P Si V. - ; j i - ; - 31 'Newhoff,- .jit A Com Jno A Taylor. Tre'a. Papt. E Turlingjton;, Tyler. I . c tr. tzjl a ijoooB o. 2 u o, r.l ( Meets Tuesday mgiit, at Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J Murray. N Gu-. W L Smith. Secretary. James E Kea, V .Gi.,""C H Howeyi Treasurer. r-AHPBELL EXC. irruEXT Jfo. 1 I. o. 0.r. (Meets in the Hall qf Cape Fear Lodg, 1st and 3d Friday in each month, j. J D Gardner, C P. ThosM Gardner; J W. Rev A P Repiton, H P. John J Conoley SiW, R J J ones, Scribe. Tlww H Howey, Treas. CAPE 1-EA'd MAiliNl TOTAL AtSTIKEJjC OuXEIV.' (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel,' on' Dock Street, .every Monday evemng.'immjtliatelvt after the clo.se or tfie I'ryer Jilting tor seaman. ). Chas D Ellis.' President. Geo W Williams, 'ice William M- Pois-sonjbec- r . Presidents retarv. ' Jas. Fleet, As't Seet'y. ' VStAMEXhj FBIEXD S0CIETT, Charles I) Ellis, Pjesi- B F Mitchell, Sec'y' Jc uent. i . treasurer. 1 C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRjea, A J Deltosset, O G Parsley, txecutive. Board. Geo W Wyiiams. keeper of the Seamens Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. . ; LADIES BItN-EVOrEXT SOCIETY, 1st Directress, Mrs vcn- .4th Directress, rs nal -nedy.1' lett. 2d Directress, Mrs liar Secretary, i! Sickle, Mri Van- riss. 3d Directress.: Mrs Der Treasurer, Miss dlling Rossett. ; - ton. wfiLMixatos jLIBRAEY ASSOCIAT: ox- : ( Organ rzed June; 1853.) W J It DiksQii,Presidentv f Donald 31 cRac,!' Treas, Geo Davis Vice Pres't- . Wm R-Ctldy, S'ec'y. iriatt Juowan. Treasurer Rev R B Drane, R H Cowan, E I) Hall. S D, Wallace, John A. Tail lor, G J McRae, j; 0 Wright, Directors, 31ILITARY ; WILMIKGTOK X.I5UT ISPAXTRY. (Org. 3fay 20th, 1853.) AVm L DeRosset, Cant. ' I C Winslow, Ensign. . KB McRae, 1st Lieut.1 AD Ca2aiix, Quarter J C ilcllhenny, 2d Lieut. ' . MasterJ II Savage, 3d C D MyersJ Orderi v. OEKSAN VOLrSTEEBS. .(Organized February 22d, IS5?.) C Cornehlsen, Capt. H G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. W Deinstbalcht En.sign. J 3feicr, Or (ferity. H Von Glahn, lstLiciit. JI V oilers, 2d Lieut. ' BANKS. BAJTK tF CAPE FEAE. T II Wright, President: H R Savage, J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner Cashier As'-tTellcr. Dis.i Clefrk. J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, , j Di3Count'Day, Wednesday liXSK. OP WILMIKCTOX, N. "; C John JIacRae, President. S Jewett', Cashier, -v L S ' T 31 G Smith, Teller. W llham Larkms Book- Gardner, Dis Clrk. . keeper, Discounjt Day, luesday. j - " bank of John Dawson, Pres. iKORTk CAROLINA. Wm Restori, Cashier. t i'ni D Smith, Tellerj J H Wrio-ht, B'k-keeper. . Discount Jay, luesday. . COMMERCIAL KANJ1 OF WIlMISOfrOJt. O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae. Jr, Teller. Asa' K Wa lker,Look- J D -Barry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. Discount Day, 31onday, WLMIXGT(N SAVrs'GS BANK John A Tavlor, President. Wm nj - -' i de, Cashier. t . I. RAIL ROADS. WILitlXGrOX, CHARLOTTE 4 RUTHEItFOlVD E.i ROAD I " ( Office cor Market and Water s reet. ) . Sec-jTreas. II WGuion, Preside. -R H Cowan, J. C 3IcRae, Chief En. Road unfinished. AVILMISGTOSf 4 HiSCHESTEB HAIL EOA0. Thos D Walker Pres Wm A Walker, j'See'y. J V Kobertson.Uen t crap. Jos J Ling ireas;.- ' R B McRae. Gen'l Freight Agent. ' ' WILMTXGTOX 4 WELDON KAIL TOAD. Hon W S Ashe, Pesi-I J W Thonipsoni Gen. dent. Freight Ageit". S L Fremont, Chief Eng. Jaines G Green j Yard A Sup. : ...... Master, - ' ' " "- James S Green, See'y A P II Langdpn, Aud'r A Treasurer. - i : ' Supfs ;Clerk S D Wallace, Asst Soc A ; Wilham Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agen. -; , Agent. CHURCHES. ' Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church, and Cas tie, Rev J II Wheeljer, Pastor. .1 f t Baptist, cor Orange and (jtb, Rev A.Paul Rfpiton " Pastor. 4 ! I Baptist, Front bt Ami and Nunn, Rev J L Prich- ard, Pastor. ' "''"(' ' ,. Baptist, (O S) Castld bt' 5th and 6th Rev Anrou Davis. Pastor. - , Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. ! :j ::. I '' Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, diev. K U Drane, Kector.j i .; fit Episcopal, (St John's;) cor 3a and Red Crossi-r Episcopal, (St Paul s, ) cor 4th and Urange, Jpisnop Thos Atkinson, Kecprw - i ! M Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and Stii, Rev jM Ic Que"en, Pastor. - ill Presby terian, (now bijiileang,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor; 1 jj Hi Baptist now, building,) cor Market and 5t'h,, Rev J L Prichard,1 Pastejr V :--t - ( - Lutheran, (how buildrng) cor Market and 5tn Rev J II Alengei't, astor. - J .1,1 Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Watery POST I OFFICE. WILKIXGTOXL JT0BTH "CAROLINA. " I'ostmasterDanieliDickspn. Assistants Joseph Jacobs, and Office hours from 7K A M to,' I P JL 2 r y. to snndown. Sundays. 1l A M to O A M. Northern Mail, by Vf A W R R, arrives daily at 7 P- M and 5 A M. Cldses' IK and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from 1M B M to 10 A M. Southern Mad, by' W & M R R, arrives daily at VAi A M. Closes daily, at 7 P M. r i -. v .Smithville, P U, norae,) arrives Juonaayrana Friday At 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday and Saturdayat 7 A JL . . . .' ,; - - -. -. i," ! ' Onslow Court House, N C, (horse ) arrives Mon dayjat9AM. Closes Thursday at 9 P Mi j , U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. , i- ' " custom-iiorsE. I . 'i :.". Jas T Miller, Collector. A D M Foyles, Weigher W J Price, -Deputy Col i' lector. i j II R "Nixon Surveyor.! W N Peden, Naval. Offi cer. ' : j A Guajrer. T If Burnett, Insp'r. s W F Burehand Uriah Sullivan Inspector A Measurer. " . i 'I . . ' " CONSULS. ' British Vice-Consul-i-Don McRae, n Water. -; Spanish Vice-Consul-j-F J Lord, 6 n Water. r Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jrl, xcr n : Water andMuIbery, (upstairs.) 1 f ir . ; Danish Vice-Coasul-'-P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut,; I INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT, I f 17L0RIDA RAILROAD BOXDS 320,000 of . the above Bonds -redeemable inllSOl--with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable ia the city of New York, 1st March and 1st September. J; For sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. - ' dec 1 I - ' , - I , ' ' COFFEE. ! f BAGS RIO COFFEE, j; fJJ 20 bags Laguayra CoSeer .... ; ' i . ' 20 mats best Java " deel - i ' : ZENO n. GREENE. ERRANT& WILSON t "" 4 RE CONSTANTLY receiving fine CLO TH JA COATS, City make. Cassimere Suits at the lowest possible rates. dec 10 CDity ZBusiiiess Cards . r ERRAXT& WILSOX, ! TTrHPLESALE AND RETAIL? Dealers in Do- f - mestic Dry ) Uvood, - Groceries, ! Clothing, uoots, tft-noes. 4c ,.-saj:..'.wv.i.! .--' i lSiXo 1 and 11 Vnrih W&tr Su-wt. oct 2 i i WilmingtonN; C. ; JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. IJlACiORS AND COMMISSION Merchant. ;f i J .' No a North Water Street. Ill "' , ' : WrtVISGTOS-, N. C. Soliciti consignments of all kinds of PrKluce, al so orderi for Groceries, - Baggicif Itope, - Gann. GEO'ii.; E H'XEISS. A..TIdWEL. DS. W. W. HARRtSS. i HARRISS Sl HOWELL, "OMMJSSIOX MERCHANTS, ! i VIA ' P 2, 1858 f WjtMWGTos N.. a WORTH DANIEL, I j ROCr.KS AND COMMISSION JlERcitAsre, Jdo. 2. Granite Row, llmincrton, N .C. Solicit consignments of Flour. Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaeo and Country t'roaucei generally. Agentii.rfor Howe's celebrated Scale. 1 tli f I). G. WORTH. septKjly ' ,.' X. G. DANIEL. JAJ4TS ASftERSOX, KDWABD SAVAGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE; eneialcommission MERCHANTS, JT Jnty IS, fGO-lyl Wilmington; X. C. ""P c. h. roiiinson&"coT, OMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- TCnANTS, ' Wilmington j N. C. UJlide-osr.er Mr. J. A. W Illarct's store, j . Entrance Corner Princess and- Water st. iriar.f), IllO-tf ' ' ; '' l. W. EKKAXr, GEO WISOJi , ERRANT tfe WILSON, j GOMMtSSlOX MERCIIAXTS, I Y jf Nos. 14 axd 15 North Water st., oct 2, 'GO-ly : ' WUmington, i X a W. A. GWlSER, LOVEt PEACOCK, S. B. JENNINGS. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO., . . ." t - WlLUINGTON,X. C. GpMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro Icers and dealers in NAVAL STORES, COJ TOX, and! Southern Produce generally, J Pfoinpt personal attention given to all consignments of produce. . feb Ift-ly v - : WILLIAM II. LIP PITT, "1IIEMIST AXD DRUGGIST, ..Wholesale and j Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, 'Dya Stuffs, W indow Glass, Putty, .Segars, Old Brandies, and .Wines,-.: Perfumery and "Fancy Articles, X. E. cor ner. Fronfiiand Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. mar 25 58 -.' ! . -. ' :y y EDWIN A. KEITH, - VTIOMMjSSION MERCHANT, ' Vy i -fi J.-' ' -" Wilmington; N. C. Ofiers nis services to 1'Ianters as b actor or Agent iorjtherjsale of COTTON; will givei.hij per sonal" attendaface to the business. His eonumission for selling: Cotton, will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be male. Cotton forwarded to New Yiork at 10 cts per bale. . . i oct 4-1 SCO -ly , : M : O. G. PARSLEY & 0. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and PEANiNG Mills, Wilmington, N. C. ', Xh-', All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. '- .. nich :21 '5!) : SMITH & McLAURIN, ; CQMMLSSION AND Fphwardino Merchants; WilmingtDn, X. C. Refer to :5 . ' . ; ' John "Dawsox, Esq., Mayor. ? -. j- r ;E.' Pi Hall, Esq,, President Brfinch Bank State X. C. .;. ' ! T. nL- SMIT, ! JOHN m'L'AFRIS. July 1 1650-tf i, 4 i MALCOM MclNNIS, : . GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ; 1 North Water street. i . oct 1 r W ilmington, JN. V. Cbas D. Myers, Fi:eo. J. Mooee. JJ i MYERS & MOORE. "YTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, y V Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas Canes, Ac. Ac.. 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. D. June 21 1859 ; T. C. & B. G. WORTH, G OMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CUANTS, " Wilmington, jN. (3. j, UNION DISTILLERY, .1 . ' Wilmington, -N. C. A. II- VANBOKKEEN, Proprietor. LL IvlXDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, mantif'aetured. and sold. i ' Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage dotte at fair rates. - jan 2j 18G0. r . - I 1 G, polvogt, : nPHOLSTER AXD PAPER HANGER, j I Corner Front and Princess Streets, j. 1 t . ' Wilmington, X. C. Keeps Constantly on haiid Mattrasses, Lounges, Culhions.f Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. Pictures framed to order. i , Prompt; attention given to- fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. may 31 ! i -' . . . i, J i i ; ' . J. L. HATHAWAY. WM. K. I'TI.F.Y. i! f HATHAWAY At CO. GOMMtSSION MERCHANTS, -dec6,'58 ' : Wilmington; N. C. it! M. ROBINSON &. SQN; IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and .Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac.; No. 8j 'Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 1 jan- 0, "5S 1 '". '. i " JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Prompt Personal attention given to Con signments, for Sale or Shipment. . y Liberal Cash advancements, made on Con eignments to my New York friends. nov 2, '57 , - - ' HENRY NUTT; ' " TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, 1 ;',..- Wilminrrton. N. C. .Wili giv4 his personal attention to bunness entrusted 'to nis care. sept 10, 57-tf. JAX.tS STOKLEY ALEi. OLDHAM. STOKLEY &. OLDHAM, j rEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION i MERCHANTS. Wilmington, N. C, Prompt, attention given to the feale of Cotton, i lour, Bacon, and ottier Country i'roduce.j . JUTE ROPE. 3 ft COILS best Jnte Rope, for sale by ! U i ioy 28 V I ": ' . .. ZENO H, GREEN. I f f ALMANACS FOR 1861. j HHERNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- : Aiiji'S cuuft.; niuftii. uec 11 " TO ARRIVE. - j 'l BBLS FLOUR. Apply "to " ! "V nov 27 f STOKLEY A OLDHAM. 500 . i'V 1 ; BACON. i- ! ' "I O HHDS. SIDES, and 4 hhds. .shoulders, just Xt-arrived. ; For sale by r J. A. WILL AUD. FLOJ&R. a i .vie r i J SACJvS justlandSL For sale at $1,10 per UKJJ sack. ; - nov 10 , i J. A. W lLLAliL)- ? WOLFE'S LIQUORS. 1ENTJNE Schiedam Schnapps, JT i i Very Pure Brandy, j ' , i . ; '1 " onerry ine. . I n . 'i ; . " Madeira " ' . i--- 4 voi ".Port i " For sale br . dec 18 1 - 1 WORTH A DANIEL.. IORK.50 bbls. N. Y. City Me Port; for sale ' dee 7l5,? HY'byH IIZENOH. GREENE. . rrUIE BEST FAMILY i FLOUR, in town, war- I ranted in all cases, to be bad of ; ! ' "cc 29 e WORTH A DANIEL. . - - i SUGARS SUGARS t "." ! F i ' 7 BARRELS ,C Coffee, and C v eUow gugars, I 25 "bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, ! 35' " Muscovado Sugars, ught and dry, :t T i r.i wntf tit r a VTurr. ; For 'Bale by JaU a 'Granite Row. 'r. npiIE WOMAN IN WHITE- Oae among 4 the best Novels out, at KELLEYTS.- Book&tore. NORTHERN UUSINESS CAJID. ISO. S. rjlVCT," .JOI?V IT. t:Tt. late, of If te of! r. v. ij y w v , lte of Tarioro N. Swdaad Neck. Waryenton :!f. C. DANCY, IIYMAN 6i CO, t GROCERS AND COXLMISSH1N Mttr.AST, -. ' ' "' .'. ' "":- . f ' XtW XCT.K. . IIY3IAN, DANCY Jc CO., (GROCERS AND COMMISSION Mecmst?, i he New Y'ork hocue will be eomi by Jno S. Dancy , ailcd by R. W. H v ua i.. ; The Norfolk House will W coiiductvd by H. Hvman and- h M. 'I!y man. ! oli n JtajT I arueuijn-s ai tt uiioa nen t the He of Cotton, Lorn, Wheat,, and .Naval More September 13-tri0 Oeo. O. VasAiikisoK. Jh.. C. S. VanA knfttlN'ar. ! VAN AM R IN GE RROTI IERS pVT AVAL STORE AXD GENERAL Cr-w r-sros :. 14 d w atertreet ' ' '' .. ' '' BXrF.fi TO r - X.h Yrk." 3Ir. J. R. Btossoit ) Mess. T. C. A B, GA orth, IIathawat a Co.. " J. a D. McRas Co., , Mr. J. II. FiWn vek, i August 21, '60-tf " f V"iIinington, X.C, f . ' :'- l .!.;!. LONDON & 12 RYAN. COMMISSION" MERCHANTS, ' - -No. 32 Indii strwt Btt.-in jJS" Consignments oi. Naval Mores,- totlo . Lumber, and other Southern Produce solicited. J.vo. R.London, ; J. II. HrVaxJ Jr. Xov 2l-tf -: ;-.. X MA ' WM. M. tiREINEli, : li W. IHtdfy G REINER A; HARKN ESK, ' i C10TTON" AND GENERAL, COMMISSION ; HorsE. , Philapi (.ru:.-. Nov-15, 1857: !:v . I ! ! Wm. Ii. itrxL, X. M. Xor.n iTr. of North Carolina, of Not th Carols na. I I HILL A NOR FLEET,. -..j EXERAL COMMISSION A' FORWARDING Jp' Merchant", Shook. Slip, j j . tticnmoTio). sn. , Solicit consignments' if Cotton, LumbeK I Vli. and all kinds of Merchandize and Produce.!- ; A I.St)- ; Aeents for the purchase of Suaars,. ( Vd..- si MHa- ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac, Large cargoes ot. the above articles are pff"rd for sale in our r.-a;:ket an nually, and wehall be f)lcaed to operate jfor pav- tiesordtJrin2r, primising laithtulnes in lour irii- deavors to representthem. Jan 25 -ly G. W. WILKINSON A CO, T7RUIT AXD COMMISSION MEUCITAXTS, ; J8: Barclay-t:eet, X. Y- ?SSa Particular atten'aou giv. n to consign ineiHVs and purcuase ot iUereiiandi.-e, all KHiov. Liberal cash advances through W LLISON CO., Wilmington, N. C. ! ! 1 ' August 21 lMi'ly i 1 EASTERN HAY Hav in market i dec 21 -'200 bales of the bet .Eejiifwh For wile bv I -. j! JIATHAWAY & ; V EN 1 V J D I V H ' I . "j SUCH was the announceHKnt of a cry grijat victory, by a Roman General. The p.icf le ' ; this day. in soeakinir of the Inimitable t'ASSJ- Dbi , momiy tiie saying oi ii.e noi,e non,; iuu.-. l came, i ran , i uougnt in tru-prcai. iii i, . i i-ii.i i . i.: .i . u - ' 'i ai iicies ouei eo tor Baie ui iiib iifmn-io.iiM I T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that. SpuLh "hi1.- , lina has-seceded ! This they ' would not. have, en prfepared to do, if some of her citizens hhd hot bouizhfe i KEROSENE OIL AX!) LAMPS. as well as a great variety 'of Fancy artirkf. fnjila blefor the Holiday Ci.ndy, Xius, ie.. c;, ot (Sic patriotic CASSlQEY- ' . dec 21 " J'UTE ROPE 'AND TW1 XE. 25 "Coils hesTj uV Rope, Bagging Twine. For sab- bv I i dec! ZENO II. (S REKXIv.i ; EST HAMS IX TOWN at d( dec 1 WORTH A DAX'I KL" TTjIXE BED ROOM SETS. A n- w lot, soiinei 1 ven ! dec 19 very pretty just opened, and lor ?Ao lit , CHRISTMAS 'SUPPLIED. kER PAltKEKSBURG.- Fresh Raisins. Fresh Butter, Cheese, f S"garF. j ' Tobacco, i Ale, . -Porter, ' -j Raisins, . 1 Loaf Sugar. ' t'ranul;i.t"d do.. Prunes, '." Citron, " " N'utmegs,-. " Mace, " Buckwheat ' " A B t C Sugar, " Crushed " Sweet Cider, Elganf Hams," dec 19 WORTH A OA CHOICE .BACON". 22 hhds. choice W'tem Bacon Sides a,nd Shouldc i-. I-'-or. falo-bv dec 21 " HATHAWAY A O. CFL0U ft. j0bnxi?s -ri ' bblT f,'f goio.! . brands. j HATHA W A V 4- Co.; j dec 21 ! OSCOV ADO SUGAR. 21 l.lids. prime Ito oice Muscovado Suirar. For sab' bv HATHAWAY A (ML LARD. TOW LANDING from Schr S-a Bird bids. " -1 IV STORE : " . '! 15 Kegs N. C. Lai !. in gooiLT-ackagei. 5 Western La: d, iu email pack ageri, Z. If. GREKN'R. dec 4 For sdle bv IS TEW-FLOUR ! In bags ami bbls. For sale bv S deel STOKLEY A OLDHAM TNGLISH CHEESE. 25 Bo.xcs t Keied Vm-J Aid glish Cheese, just recti rod at J ed4 WORTH A I) AX I F.I, nriHOSE CHOICE IIA VAXAS have come, nt I J dec4 AVORTH A DANIEL'S. ARD.. 20 Kegs Extra .. -;u i.ai d foi family use. - W Oliill A DAN JKL. BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil fm'cans for sale very cheap, at . : CA..-SI BEY'S. ; . dec i . TO-DAY--NEW AND FRESH. SIR. PAKKERSRURG. i c CONCENTRATED LEAVKX something i 1'W, New Beef Tongues, least Powders,1 it KmrilfA.1 Heoi' Itnpkirh.iit-. Rye Flour, y '., -Butter, CO bbli. C. Sugars, Raisins, 10' " A-. "j. 10 LUljJ. ii. SuglilSi,, 10 " -Crushed, Granulated and I owd. 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. - r WORTH A D AVI ed, v L. r jan 3 2 Granite Row. Front utreet;: FAMILY FLOUR. E have the best Family Ffotr in town, .iijid we warrent each and every barfel and packa fe, if not good, to bo returned. - . f i 2 ' . WORTH A DANIEL.! ' clec I FLOUR. 1 FAMILY, ' Super and ; Wilmington inspect d Fine, FayetteviM" a?iid ion, iif store, aniTl)r fah- by. (dec ll) : ZLNO 1L ;URIiKNK! f COTTON BAGGING. i ."1 V BALES heavy standard Cotton Bagging J-v store. For sale by ' ' i j.-n f -at.-v- tt fiprrvr in OLD SACHEM. BITTERS AND WIG WAM TONIC. THESE delicious and far-famed Bittei sjare riv , commended j the first physicians of - the Country, pn' account of their Purity and ."h uicinal Virtue.,..:.' . . !.'.. . - - i I - V- Thev are deasant as nectar to the taste, ind ar6 pronounced the bestTonic and Stimulant rer Of fered to the public. " ' ! --i i Their curative powers, in cass.oi ixencttai i'e- bilitv.- Loss of Appetite, Constipation, etc.. are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we ft el war ranted in claiming5 what we do, we beg have to State tliat our asssertions are endorsed bv . , m Prof. Sulunan, of x ale College, Prof. nave3, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. .' For sale br Grocer?, Wine Merchants and Drug gists, generally. i- nee "-ly nnO HOUSEKEEPERS.- : . j-1 , - - Patent Knife Cleaners , I laoieana iooraJiata. i To be had at the original Crockery Store " ' t dec 17 r ir. I'K.L' ARMAGEDDON 34 Market st. STHEOyertlirowofRomanjEKH A M0ORI. .The Existence of the CrKSat cost at 34 Mar- in the Bible, by SJ D. BaldwMYERS A MOORE. t rdct gr: ' "".,; ' KELLEYULES, ai cost, at ! 134 rrryERosENE laa t7Mi iffi.V- JV ndtable for stores, . lJ IKa a AIUUUK. tin npn - . -'--- "Jim MKHTAXnT -JL 'I Crh CartUna, mi fst' tie d2y (of thi Eevobitlon . ' "THE FIHST AvnTIfP 1.4HT led iw the rwttrte cf -rrd hT action In , , Jec!aratjtS of InJepnO?fie.. iiH hr Kr hrilm ' Inwnrrt. and others, wan tlio fir.t .Lhi of the rislttfif a SUte r.etlonr b. frir-tn h. ' red; and'. North Curotira wa't th Uat la fatify -4he ai tichj of confederation llwn, tnd forntar thei-e l"nitd Statea I Tha, quick and from rt to rit and' rtpel arrrcMQ(n, mm rUw in d.j. ' jsrate ava anv ot I tw iow.-r niwl in .-r, Tha N ImmiU' I ( AIHtl 14 alojtil i(o,iy4 10r V'JO Swecl ). ner. w hch Let U'r.tff at I ha a a- j prevH (h iitj-.U.v low prln f 5,2. a jl,.M wr j .'.re;, at.ttie lvfndeuu,' ' f lONSlGN EESof io' iZT'aoviTaoa 2ot!J- : Pork, marked, U'anoaJi 11 ptp ubr Loata- i:ma, uom AaUwuete, wiit .Icate tuaku LUeiuauli known at lhe ofliee of th uniU-rat-iutt, t.vda? jan j ' T. V. A IJ. l W ORTH HILVi.THFUL.'EXUUClSK, i iUe,-arr to lonf aud happy lifv. Let il ajii U buy Trut- - tuiug ixkoa the Ooys :oall axeutl ASMDLl , fwl tLe jdenty f eirrci.-e thr rod mominga. dec l . I; ' ! . 1 - . " ' : "T.EA VENi.i:l vEN.-f.l! AVRV f EAVHV, F.EANKS, LEAVKX, LEAVEJT. ' Jj Trv it Trv it Trr itTrv it, at j inJ? j ' , WORTH A DANIEL'S. , ? - T ;- ' - NOTICE. - ":'' 4 I.L PERSONS who ar ioUbt4 fr Oroeerlea, . Jl.' I'rovifioiw., Ac-. TitliT hr note or account, ' to tin- latt'tirni of Wili.n A W'llia), and thuo nrouut are long nince due, are miae utrd Id make immediate payment to tin ulcriiHT, or uoh ac ' couatj will b'( placed 1n oBirtT hind fir roller- . fii-n. ' i . JAMES W1L80V. 3-int , . No. & Market strt el. f HOOKS TOR ALL WW. North Carolina Form' IWk Caat wxira '.Jnstiw, or Swan's Revised Frwdler'a Lrgal iwvier. it Jelley n Hook More. t dc II O lli.ld 1IALU.1. "I jCT CASKS hUpe-ior Ciueiniiati Sides amtShoui- ! dcr, ia itoi-'. and for sale lr jau.b M. Ma IX .VIS. ; aiBWr IORK. : btricllv Cttv )Um Pork, for tain by': ' . M. Mcl.VXIS. 100 COFFEE AND SUGAR. 'I I If I ''. IM-Ff iIU IMilT, y UU It'll 1)1 hl.i, Sugari dill'crvrt ffrudea. ' For ale i v . M. M At I XX IS. jau S IKM)P IRON. ; 1 A TONS 1, 1,' to'lj; Inch Hoop Iron, for pale , IV jan IN i j M. Ufl.N.MS. ' ; MACKEREL , ' TOS. 2 and 3, in utorr, and Ibrgalo by ! 1 : jan C M. M IXX1H. , i. U. r IAIUK. fl'ST RECEIVED ii.r lUiln.n.L F.ndU .n,l l Sii.m-: WaL lmnV -1J.1I. br.nJ. kFr wh-hy. DeROSSET, BROWN A CO ' A nov 27 1 . CEMENT Ai PLASTER. s Qn"K 1IBLS. tVmei.t. SO hbln. llaMPt Parli,' J V oef oriir W ater itch, ror nale by l-e. Ii ELLIS A iliTClILLL. ROOKS FOR ALL riMIE XOJJfTII CAROLINA FOKJI ROOKatt JL well a !! aid )ch. Htiann'ii Rt-vlntd prndlv'a ( j. AdviH.,.f llt Kl lXlii W,, . 4 . IhMik Store. Ji1e 1 1 i . V-Viiif tiinvu s i n m . ' i n !.. 1-1 . PI,' 111 ll'tl , ' . , 1 - - - , :.. ...; . . !tuin.i.iui-thu ? " ! BA'5S Rio Coffot 20 do Inrnarra Ho -5no f JVJ St. iKmiiuiro; uo JM mat Javauo in store, ' i .. ii ... i.. . I and ior i.iw ior ckmi.uv II. J ZENO II. GKEEXE. I POHK-.hlRK. ' ' ' lillLS. New Y.n-k City b an, jt rewited I J and or jlu low, tor canh, by ... : I , . . dec 11 1 7.KXO H. GKEENl EXTRA GOSH EN BUTTER. Kh'US just to hand, Jrom 2u ''to 2 '-nf doc II GEO. MYERS. -,- , ,.r.i i ,- 'J"? ' " '7' more o X "'e tame i 'dee 7-tf : . POTT.4", . "VtAlLsl--T:.'iVk"; a awii ti .1 Nail, li'otit 3 tJ l'd. For al lir; ' ZI-XO'IL GREENE. I r THE QUAKER CITY, INSURANC 1 CAPITA I. AX l'KI,I.UH I OH A RTKItfiD ; CAPITA L........,. .$304, 2h I 3& : 600. 000 )0 J I .NSL'RL.'S AGAINST lon or damage hy liran I the perils f the Sea, Inland Navigation an li aifS'M.rtationi. - - ' ' . and d ori' t. glorge ii. iiai;t, iv idi.d i:. 1 ROSS, Trcau. Vie.. Prewirb-nt. . it. C'.gd.all.l.S i-. and ; . il. iiji. iirj" n , i pr.epiu-i-d t t.ik- rire an Marmt ), r'. j- ;i',ia.- Coto.;nn . , ' i u:-k j OrRO.-SI.T. LiDW,N A CO. Wiliniiigkori, N". C, 'Ja.ii, 11 ,j Agetita. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. 300 BLSJll Lrt II. aw Canada Oul-r-a ciy nlpcrior artifli- lor ne.-ii (r ie, ir ELLIS A Mil ClifcKl" WHITE-OATS. 2000 jan 11 BCSULLH Henvv New .York Htata Oats. For-nale.bv ' .. WIlfcAT BRAN. A AV I) AGS. in Itore For Pale, br ' ' ' lUUU fjanll ELLIS A.. MI TCII ELI PORK: . ',!---. - 50 : New Yo;k City Mcoa-i-hcayvy and .For rale bt " ZENO IL GREeXE. RAISINS. "I ( WIIOLK large bunch UaMnt , IV ' ilM I - ' -. ian 11 For Kale by i' ZEXO'H. GREEN K. GREAT ATTRACTION A T Till OLD STAND, No. t kiarkct atrert, opeoing, the larg' at aud linit'tork of. ( 'ri key,. China nnd Jila Ware ever yet otTi-red i.. to the citizen of Wilmington. " L - . Having ii'verlyennejjK,rfenciin tbhi bualneaa, ju.-fifi niei'in ray inir that 1 can oBVf indacemeCit ' which t aniiot Ie ihsd i lsrwliere. Wc keep st.intly on hand, UiC beat of Cut and Whit Flint " Gi.t-s." lin (White and Silver and China' Ware; Terra ( 'ottra Lava and Parian Ware, with the b .st of I'Liied Ware, Table. Cutlerry and eTary thing us. d in the IIoukc FurnUhingLne. ,To wholesale cu"toliK'm, I take nloaatire in ay-' ihg that I an do better by then thia a-awn, than . heretofoii'. ; j ' ' , . Call and exAmineour well felect,d fo k. Look before Vxm I, Mv. II. R. PERR1N, . Wiimingin,sOct.''l, 1;00. If . - ; - I'ilt t N. i . , 4 FULL) ; - Reti a-rortinVnt of Cuba import Monnaiea. 1 iul Ladli-s Tra-rt-linglJag, Purmt etc KAllS WEILEK A BUG'S. oct .BUTTER. rt Goshen Button- selected ' 1 For wlebv ZENO IL GREENE.. KEGS b fj jm 11 POWDER AND SHOT. CZZ KEGS Powder. 10 nr. legsduk. "' i' 200 bags Shot asforted aize. For ale by " jan 11 j ZENO II. GUEENE. j , '" ' '"; NOTICE-" .'' IS HEREBY'-. GIVEN,' that application will ho . made tt the present aes.'ion of tt?e Legislature, to incorporate the Cape Fear Riflemen. .v January 12th, 48C1. ..K. A QUESTION. FOR MATH Wf)ttK' CIANS AND KCONOM n ;toro. fur IF lbt;o h)et of pas U contomtA. A U'LARO. -burner, in ! nights, at a-c ' ' ' - -. sand feet, lilow mutli ij convrrTot. '."T"""' per lur '. i,,.i m ' a k wu v . lit WORKS, jurt refirH cirt oi an equal am-. . , , tr , th -J""H Harlaud, r,X V' - Southern Lad v. . each hnn.ert Mr. K MIjit.f at a cortj(qj.B Uwa f r VUr;Amn iveiw- i... .- . i The Sociable 1001 Homo Amiieaiena', lor lb i TT . ir i XioiiuavB ery Mipuiir, . . - The Ladies' nbGent lemon .' mirror of Fortaa, The Works of Ixird Boerii, ; The work.? of Edgar A. Poe, . ; !' Life and letters of Emily C. Jntliton. .; I Life of Gen. Gtso. Wafhington, by Weemt, Life of (len. DraM Putnam, , ., Arabian Night Entertainment, finely Ulnatra- li.bins i Creew, illustrated. , .'' Fine BJ.Ie, Praver-Bookn, tr., all for tha Ho4- Idavs, at KELLEY'S New Book SUr. decZQ :" I