. li : : . : ., -.r. . ... . , . ? . I - ' . , . , - ; i i : ; - .- '-- . i -. " .... - - I I-. ... .J" -';.'..' '- :,: . . ""......,.;;',--'...; -..V. , . - , , ' ' - , .," ' ' - ' a ' '. '; r h ;mU f -- -lii i f fWTfriif inn ft! li'-i HJn ilTiiilii''' ':' VOL VII., NO. 2012 WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JVNUAEY 15, 1861; WIIOLIi NO. 2.112. : X T 1 v TERMS: Daily Paper, COO; Weekly, 2.00, iL5-IX ADVANCE. -tESj. j Tlu rajH- i alwavi stopped, unless a remittance ; m.il ti fintinue it. Tinu-lr notice in iriTen, bo that pavmeit can tw ma.le IxTore the expiration of . ; Money ine.v le mailed at oar risk, when th let ter U n gutjred. , " A. 31. .wivDDELL., Editor and Proctor. I TOWN PRINTER. 1 ' ' Tuesday Evening, January 15, lSpl.? ; l!L - friie Herald Job Offlce- . J-j now coiiSi'li-tclr nitel u with the finest as- ,irf!tn ntii Jon Typk to be found in the Slate. K-ry sH-eies of Job work can now bei?iced- ' ii . ami luifidoomelj printed nt this office from :t lHRk don .to a visiting card. Handbills, 4 firrulani'ljauks. itc.'ic, ncatljr and ironMtIv 1 r'uitttl ar.-.ort notiet. and on reasonable tefins. H'jut ial pttention (will be given to, tlie-Job ,lrjuirtn.cutl.ircjAer, ; and we feel a&su red tliat :A work erft rusted to our Job hand, who is cx- eru'iieei in .uc. uusiucss, w in ue .ccuicu rat need in the. business, will . 1 1 1 A 1 ' 4 if.irtorily every respect. Give him a trial at any mtr.hitl if it'i.- riot done well, no complaint will in:ii: ut niuiuniniu ui luuviuf. j .1- r The Navy of the United States. The "' nuifierical force and tonnapre, with tlic iiunilK-r ilff.nri?, of the vessels of tlio navy, is .foIIoW.-! J " Of l!u' lop receiving ships the, tonnnge ia. 31,- i.sl. nuiiili r, of giiusSi'J; ten frigates, 17,202 U.n zMiiiinvf of guns 5uo. .Twenty-one sloops nfwar ha a tonnage of 10,201, with 41C guns Three 1r"4 l(iive tounnge TC3 f numlxr of guns 10. TIirHstore-shii bivca tonnage of 1,. 112, :uvl rt-xeniguns. Five jermancnt store ships h.iw .VMj unip, with no guns. reven screw fripiUs h iti'Ja toiuuige of 2 ",,000, and 2G2"gimg. Nitu In n ."i'lianVloop. of first and second class, "n!e w hii l itid -rev, ii:ive a tonnage of 27,5 10, with I!"". 'j tiiH.' Ten third class steamers have a toniiiige lojOli tons, and 10 guns, and 2 screw tenders luuei.V.O tons, and 1 guns. Ijastly come Stevi'iis vr.ste:ti:ier of 10S.'. tons, ami sixgiins. . TJie tot ii uninber of vtsels in Jhe United States n iv.il furviec is 91 which have a tonnage " of 110.791.1 aiM 2,319 guns. . There art hine navy yards and two store sta tions. Th4navv vnnlsarcatrortsmouta,.N.Jl., . lloston, la3.: IJrooklvn, New York; Thiladcl- phia, I'a.; iHiiiimoT. Jia.; sis in ng con, u. Norfolk, Vl.; Tensiicola, Florida; San Francisco, California; land Sackctt's Harbor, X. C. The store ship stations are at Valparaiso and Panama. Last ycafr the navy cost $14,078,529 04 for its support. ."bcrcare"in the navy 93 captains, loo eoinniandrs, 3Co lieutenants, 143 surveyors C4 parson. 2i! chaplains, ILprofessors of mathema tics, 45 meters, 2 passed midshipmen, 50 nud shimen, 4'i boatswains, 40 gunner1?, 40 carpe n- ters42 saijroakcrs, 175 engieers, " 238 pupiLi at the Annajxjlis Academy, and about 7,500 seamen. "The marine corns includes one colonel, w?th hrevct rhn;of brigadier-general an adjutant, Iaymater4anTl two quartermasters. There are also, one lieutenant colonel, four .majors, thir teen captaihs, twenty first lieutenants, and twen ty second officers am dred ' men icn tenants. " The non-commissioned privates number about twelve hun- 1- Spiking j Cannon. There is no method j of , spiking a- cjitmon which will forever prevent its use. If tlie spike is inadeot iron or oi-unuard-ened steel,-? t may le removed by the drill. If it is loosely fiisertetl, or without much force,' it ma bc'blftwiv out by "firing a charge of gun lovder pl-ed in thc."lottom of the Ijore. Cut if the spikj i made of hardened steel, to fit the -vent clbselj-,' and is "driven in, with great force; and' if iisilower end is made soft, and riveted within theiore, then neither the drill nor gn " jowder ca4 remove it ; the-vent remains perfect ly closed. The remedy in such cases is to dj-ill a new vent 1 which may, be done witho"ut im piiring tJr ser iceableness of the gun. A new , "vent may be drilled in any cannon, by a skillful niachinijstjfn two or three hours. i ' In cxicrtaiental firing, "when a vent.lecomc3 lob much Vorn and enlarged, we drill a new one, r and sometnaes as many as three or four vents are made m tlte'jsaine gun, and many hundred tires are made illerwards. - f During tfii recent Crimean wnr, an article rela tive to the wskiBg of cannon waspublished in the London Times, in : which it was asserted that the us.e of a ''patent spike" wohld destroy the " serviceabh ess of the irun. The spike was descriled p j a piece of finely tempered sltel tlnrned to St the vent, hut to move Ireely in it, -and turnifi; out in a forked spring in the bore. This smkeir it was alleged, could not be removed, as it wouLl turn readily with the drill, but it seems thadie possibility of cutting or breaking off the totrS or forks of the spring inside tue bar rel was nfonsidered.Thetrommunication given above, frola high authority, may be looked upon as conclusive that I be worst effect of spiking would le p. few hours' delay in the use' of J the gun oftc! vcryi important matter. Piiutnirg ,( An IntItJesting 1)icoveey. The buried !rel it-3 of-anient nations are yielding themselves one bv oifc 'to the teal and industry of modern discovereifej -A correspondent . of the Boston . Transcrii-f (inHounces the recent discovery oCthc M.-iusoleuciJ one of the seven wonders of the ancient wrld : ; j Eierv liidv has read the- story of Artemtris, Uiati inconsolable ;of widows, who. when 'her husband liti-r own brother, by the way, ) Mau solus," Kit ' ofS Halicamassus, died, drank j his - ashes, in tier irrief, and erected to his memory a monumciiS'.' which' for its grandeur and magni- , fieence. wiu called one of the seven wonders of the worldi f s- : ' Cnidetl?Jlv Plinv and' other writers. Mr. New ton nitchL unon'a miserable hamlet in Asia Minor as he site of this ancient wonder. Hav ing obbini! tho-conscnt of the Turkish Govern ment, theiieit thinrr was to purchase the rights of the k-.KU3 occunants of the soil, a matter of no small ifficiiltvj " One old woman loaded her t musket-afcd declared by the Holy Sepulchre tliat she wouI neither 3eU nor Duage. -iioweverj on lie'm? offered enoucrh money to pay the expenses ' ofa iilrCwiaore to Mecca, she came down. "Re- b. movincr lha huts, ilrj Newton commenced his ; : exeavAtiifVu. and soon had the satisfaction of ' r handling jortions of the famed Mausoleum ex-? ; quisite friezes in .alto-relief, fragments of colos- sal lions, 3and of beautiful statues, some of which . he was enabled to reconstruct. '. He ascertained that the great tomb was, a ' i quadranglilar building of 412 feet circuit, 1 00 ' feet in height, surmounted by a pyramid, on the ' top of wpch stood a beautiful four 'horse cha riot, in winch was the statue of JIausolus This agrees wtju the ancient account of this magnifi . cent totl; It was erected more than two thou- '. sand year .ago, about the year 353 before Christ, and Mr. jtewto is of "Opinion that it was cast ' down by nn earthquake. That the fragments of 1 this proni monument of human affection should ' now be dMg up beneath "the site of a miserable . Turkish pillage, i3 a striking commentary on . the changes and vicissitudes of the world's his tory. , . r . . '.: : - i ' A JODT HlXIC OF WASnTNGTOS AND IiATAYXTTK. A gentlefaan in Louisville has in his possession a gold wch of the olden time, which is of great "" value asv! memento ; of an v important event in America ;j. history. ',The watch 'was a -present from Gen.l AVashington to Gen." Lafayette, and bears the following inscription on the back of the . inner caslf : , ' G. Washington, to Gilbert Mortier de ' Lafayette. : Lord Cornwallis' capitulationj Yorktow-h; December 17, 1T81." The watch is of Londofi manufacture, and was made in 1769. It is saidthat the watch was taken W San Fran " Cisco frouiParis by a Frenchman, who became embarrassed there, 'and 'sold it'tothe present owner fo the sua of fifty dollars. - 4 i i - ' " ' ' Special- USTotices. ; ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. J3T- THE UNDERSIGNED, having been duly qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the j late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, Av D., 18C0, of the.Court of Pleas and Quarter Seu ciona, of the county of New Hanover, hereby noti fies all persona having account or demands of any kind against eald Estate,' to present the tame to ; th undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. , JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec. 15, l8C0-w. ' MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teethingby softening the gams,' reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it Will give rest to your selves, and reuei and health to your inlant. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column. ' feb 25-ly " WALKER MEARES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary and Dealer in Select Medi cines', EnglUh, French and German Cheuiical.v Swedish Leeches, Ac., abjo, . - . PA1XTS, OILS, Window Glaas, Perfunicry,' Fanej- Articles, Jbc, Ac. 1 - aii'' 14, I860 W. A. RATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! This splendid Hair Dyehas no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Ulack or natural Drown no staining the skin or injuring tlio Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Ratehelor.". Sold evervwhefe. CHAS. DATCIIELOR, Propi ietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay street, X. V. LANDRETIPS SEED. JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- retU's isew Crop UAUHh.. tJj.u, uean, I e.as; Asparacru3. Leets, uiue urass. lieuana v nite-c lo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 28 ' "W. X3I. LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemis ?t, ' X. E. Corner front and Market S't., Wilhixutox, N. C. JSX- ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS,. FAINTS, OILS AXI GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. ' - Prescriptions accurately, compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. i "q. On and after this day, all prescriptions will be Cash. oct 30 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY", RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dve. . " .H Wm. A. BatcheIora nairDye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long jt nay be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the nair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the-United States, by Druggists and r aney Goods Dealers. TjThc Genuine has the name and addrccs, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of e?ch box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear I Howl Jy one week's use of the Mnnnolin Halm. A perfectly harmless; but elegant and effectual pre paration. ! . ' Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere -See advertisement, W. .E. HAG AN A CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaphtaliEzekiel, inftrmel us that he had prepare ed a hair restorer, with which he wa experiment ing upon his own head, whose top- was entirely bald. We saw him ; two days since, and on ths place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it " THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manuiacrore oi an article. which is destined to prove of anxious interest to I our bald pated friends. UU-Kmond, Enquirer, Dec 12,1850. ' ; This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord- in to nrinted directions on the bottle. Those j who have any doubts of its ellicacy can have them removed m a short time, by using the V lrginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. I V Wholesale depot for orders, G9 Main sL R. EZEKIEL. : RicnMONOj Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for the past 12 years and have. restored niv hair bv using Ezekiel's Virginia nair Restorer. Napiitali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Mavo, . ; 5Iayor of Richmond. W. II. L1PPITT, Sole Ag't., jan It Wilmington, N. C. . GLUE GLUE. . ; 1 CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that we have appointed WM. C.1 HOWARD, Esq., Na oi stni-o Tlrnker of Wilmington. N. C Sole Ag't Ul v - , . for our Glue.. ' : -.., Boston, apl 3, 1SC0. !GE0. B. ROGERS & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having bpen appointed by GEO. B, ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues m uns marKet, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monaywrillbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades irom other parties kept constantly on nana j samples o. which can be seen at my office.;.-; . . I iplD-ly. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIN. BAGS-3,000 just re ceived, for sale by,.'. - , - f dec a - v .w4Ai. ai. i CHEESE. ENGLISH; PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dee II- ' : GEO. MYER'S. HAY. . - .... ,i in store.. 1069 BALES New York, or- sale very low,jbyjEa wiu m dec 20 DIEEOT O R Y. STATE GOVERNMENT. -Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Prirate Secretarv-MJraham Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. See'y of State Bafus II. Page, of Wake. - Comptroller C. U. IJrojrden. of Wavnc. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. . 5peater offenate1 11. T. Clark-, of Msecomoe. . tt ..... . Hoojieof Commons W. T. Dortch, or ayne. . , State Librarian O. IL Perry, of Wake. Public Printer-r Jno Spclman, : ; ' v 4i " ... -: ; ; C0CNCILLOB3 OF STATE. Council Wofjten. of 'Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of 1'erson: vv. A. Furcnsoii. of Uertie: J. F. Grave?, of Surry ; David Marjihy, of -Cumber land: J. J. lDir. ot rortnauipton, and W . I. Hillard, f Huneouibe. FK lt KA L AND STAtK COCUT3. Tl United States Circuit Court, ir the District oi ,;rlli uaroiina, m lield semt-aniiually atlkaieign, on the W .Morula v in June and last .Monday in .o- vember. ' . j Judges Hon. J. M. Wavnc, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Hijrg., of M.irtin, District Judge salarv, 2000. , . ; : Robert' P. Dick, District Attorner; Wesley Jones, Marshal. The United Mates District Courts arc held at Eden-ton, 3d Monday in April and October, -J. M. Jones, Clerk'; Nevvberd, 4th Monday in Ajiril and lctiii)fr. -Henianiin lnwn,. Clerk ; v iliuinsrion. let Mo'ndav.nfter the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John' L. Cnntwell, Clerk. rm: SlrKKME COX'KT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the -second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in Deceiifbef. It is also held once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in Auyrust, J. R. Dode, Clerk. The.oilicers are as .filtows : Chief Justice,. Rich .inond M. Pearson, Of Yadkin: Justices, -M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II. Battle, of. Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General ; Hamilton C. Jorws, of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman; of Wake; Clerk : Oliver II. Perry, of Wake; Deputy Clerk ; James. Litchford, of W ake, .Marshal. SI-PERIOft COUKTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the follow inr ollici'rs : Judares, R. R. Heath, of Chowan; Geo. Howavd, of Wilson; das. W. Os born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. Frcnch,of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and liomulus M.. bannders, ot ake. So licitors 'Elias C. Ilines, of'Edcntoa. rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit; Thos. Rufiin, of Oraiire, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit ;- David Coleman, or Buncombe, rules the seventh Circuit. PUBLIC WOUKS IN NOUTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in thi&State. This establishment was authorized by. Act of Con- crmaa rnf5-f! fill Affirrh i 1 N.?.V Tlir ollinfra nro as Follows : Green W. Caldw ell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer : John n. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. . The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, V . J. Falmer, Principal. i ortihcations. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at tavette- ville. Insane Asvlum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 12o patients now m it: Dr. lv C. t isner, tuperm-; fendent; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician : Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kenip P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lcwts, Dr. W. J Blow. John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus aiills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston," President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Ilolden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. . . T All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care or at the public charge Paying patients are also .received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asvluni, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. V o- TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. ! S D Wallace, O G ParsleySamuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. FIRE PEPARTMENT. f Cliief Enginper James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vnnn. - !, Cliief Fire Warden B W Beery. . Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vnnn. lire Wardens George Myers, BV-Beery, C D EHui, W T J Vann. Edward Kidder. E Kidder. and C D Ellis, to superinfend blowing up buildings; " lamp Lighter- Dempsey JMartni. HOWARD RELIEF FIUB . COMPANY. (Re-organized J une I, 1850. ) Foreman "Walter Furlong". 1st Assistant John Sheppard. 2l"Assistant William Dowling. Secretary E P Wade. Treasurer Daniel Dish row. . i HOOK ANI LADbEU COMPANY NO. 1 Foreman John Wright. ' 1 st Assistant .VKizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishoj COMMISSIONKHS OF NAVKIATTON. (Oiliee 18 Water street.) . ' George Harris. T C Wirth,",W C Fergus, Jos II Flanner, vt m M Harris. SCHOOLS. BOARD OF SCPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace Wm S Larkins," James MeDuflie, James Kerr, David Mclntvre, Robert II Tate, Sainual Player, and Joseph M I oy. WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. L Meginney, I'rincipal. , .' WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMAJ.E SEMINARY. G W Jcwitt,. Principal. oakdale cemetery' company. President Donald McRac. , Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Efl- ward Kidder, Jno A Ta'vlor, Owen L Fillvaw, S D Wallace. : ; . Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Drown. Office next door to Banh Wilmington. ' COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. , Clerk Countv Court Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. . Judge U S District Court Asa isiggs. Marshal C o District i C-2 v esley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno Conolev. ' - -;: ',-.'" . - . Clerk U S Diitrict Court John L CantwelL ' Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlav, Chairman Count' Courts-James T Miller. Register of Deeds," & c Jere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. -Constables Lewis M Williams." Jno Utlav, Wil liam II Biddle, A Wilder, Jarac3 P Stringfield, J J Moore. INSPECTORS. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wnr Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. "'v.. . - . -fcT- 1 D A " 1 nnAAAAn: -Alfred Alderman, J as M gteTengon jamef, 0 Bowden, John S James, George Alderman. John , C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M " Hewlerson, 15- Southcrland, " V ll- liam J Irice, Robert U Johnson, A athan Jior- deaux. i : Timber and Lumber inspectors James Alder- . . . ... i x c- - , i it iir man, At Al uowuen, aines o jjieivin, : neury i Groves, J W Munroe, N, Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington.' ' , , . . ' " . . WILMISCT0S OAS XianT COMPANT." f ii (Office in Savings Bank 'Building!.) President--Col John McRae. - i Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent- Oliver Mcllbenny. SECRET SOCIETIES. . ST. JOHN'S L0D6K NO. 1 MASONIC. . (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in f J i ' St.. John's Hall.) ' i each month at O L Fillvaw. Master. M' Xewhoff, S W; OHTerMcllhenny,J W. Jno I Cantwell, Treas. a M uardner, Sec y.. A A Hartsfield J D. Henry Spalding, H U. Jj O Bowden, Tyler. . CONCOmD CHAPTER SO. 1 MASONIC. (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. ; Johns Hall.). Most Ex R G Rankin, II P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Fillvaw, King; V, Ex T B Carr, Scribe, i Cfm Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning, Capt V. Host. Com W J Price, G Mist, Com A.Martin, P S. " M Newhoff, It ; Capt. . A Com Jno A TaylorTreai " K Turlington. Tyler; CAPE FEAR L0D08 NO, 21.' O. oj F. - (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J 'Murray, N G ,W L Smith, Secretarvv James h Kea, Y l T II How ey Treasurer. CAHCBELL ENCAMPMENT NO. 1-t, O4 O. P, . (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear LinlgeJ 1st and 3d -'. Friday in each month. : ; J D Gardner, C P. i i Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Rcpiton, II If. 11 J Jones, Scribe. John J Conolev i i W. Thos II Howev. Trea : .' . .J.v. -!!"-' . i CAPE FEAR MARINE TOTAL ABSTINENCE , SOCIETY. (Meets at the Seamens Bt thel, on Dock Street) everv Monday evenmg. immediately after the close of the Pray-i; Meeting for seamen. ) i Chas D Ellis, President. Gx'o Wr Wjlliams, Vice AVilliam M Poisson, Sec- ' President, v lilary. Jas 'Fleet, As.'t Seet'y. SEAMENS f-R i EN D SOCIETY. : " Cliarles D Ellis, Presi- : B F Mitchell, Sec'y dent.i. . Treasurer. . C D: Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRca, A J Defiosset. O G Parsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper of the 'Seamens Home, cor rront antl Dock streets. - "i LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. '4 1st Directress, Mrs - nedy. ren- IthDirectressMrs Hal- , ' lett. -.. ,- 2d Directress, Mrs ar- secretary, iirs an- riss. Sickle. - 3d Directress,' Mrs De- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- Rossctt. ton. ; WILMINGTON L3BRARY ASSOCIATION. 1 ' (Organized Jane, 1855.) j Dr JII Dikson.Presidiinf Donald- MeRae, Treas (Jeo Davis Vice Pres'i Wmvlt'Utlyy,' See'y. Piatt Cow an. Treasurer. I Rev R B Drane, R.H Cowan, E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G JMcRae, J G Wright, jireciors. MILITARY. ! .WII.MINOTON LIOHT INFANTRY. ' , 't- (Org. May 20th, 1853.) Wm Ii DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslow, Ensign. R B McRac, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Jucllhenny, 2d Lieut, Master. tl Savage, 3d C D Myers, Orderly. GERMAN VOLUNTEERS., j . j (Organized February "22d, 1853.) :; 4, C Cornehlsen, Capt. J II G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. H'Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. V Deinstbatch, Ensign. 11V oilers, zd 1-iieut. j J Meier, Orderly BANK'S. '--r- ' BANK OF CAPE FEAR. i 1 T II Wright, Presidcjnt. II R Savage, Cashier; J G Burr, Tellei J D Gardner, As't Teller. ,7 McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dia Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. BASK OF " VILMIN(frON, Jf. ,0. j J ohn MacRae, President. S Jewett j Cashier. W L Smith, Teller. " William Larkins.Book- 1 i.M Uardner, His Cerk. keeper.. - i Discount Day, luesday. If . - - ...... . L,-':', f.jfv: NORTH CAROLINA. j j Wm Restonl Cashier. HANK OF John Dawson, Pres Wm D Smith, Telle. J II Wright,. B'k-keeper. Discouht Day, Tuesday1. COMMERCIAL O G Parslev. Pres. BANK OF WILMINGTON, j Tim'y Savage, Cashi Jno McRae, J r, Teller. Asa K Walker, j Book- J D Barry, D is. Clerk.- keeper. Discount Da', Monday. WILMINQTON SAVING'S BANK. John A Taylor, I'resident. Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. I 'WILMINQTON, CHARLOTTE & RUTHEUFOUD (IJj ROAD. '(Oflice cor Maf ket and S Water street! ) II W Guibn, President... R II Cowan, Sec. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. Treas. WILMINGTON 4 MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, l'res. Win A Walker,; Sec'y; J P Ro"bertson,Gen'j l&up. JosjJ Ling, Treas R B McRa Gen'l Freight Agent, - i.-, & WELDON RAIL 110AD. WILMINGTOS Hon W S Ashe,, Presi- J iW Thompson, Gem dent. j . S L Fremont, Chief Eng. Freight Agent.; James G Greed, Yard Al aster. James S Green, Sfc'y & P II Langdoh, Aud'r & Treasurer. S I) Wallace, Asst.; Sec & Gen Ticket Agent. hupt s Clerk. William Smith, Ticket Agent. CHURCHES. Metliodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church Jand Cas tle, Rev J II Wheeler i'astor. Baptist, cor Orange and Cth, Rev A Paul Repiton, I'astor. j . i '!.., I -:;';;. - -t, ' -Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor. "r. 1 ; : -' Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. : J '. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastorj, ! ' ' Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev, . U 11 Drane, liettor. , f ; " ; T Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. - Episcopal, (St Paul's, ) cor 4th and -Orangc'-Bishop Thos Atkmson, Rector. i, :r ) ' !i Presbyterian, Princess bt ith and bth, Rev M Mc4 Queen. Pastor. I :- ; .':; ' -. - : 'l 1 Presbyterian, (nqw building,) cor 3d and Orangey Rev M B Grierj Pastor. " - f , - s " f ii Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J Li Piichard, pastor. ., 1 J Lutheran, (now building) cor Marketand 5th, Rev J 11 Mengert, Pastor. '' f Seamens' Bethel.iDock bt Frant aiid S Water, . ; l , .'l ; -;. ;i ; ; " i POST OFFICE. : - . WILMlNtJTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Postmasters-Daniel Dickson. :. 1 Assistants Joqeph L Jacobs, and J -Office hours from 7 A M to 1 P-M. sundown. Sundays. 7 A M to 0 A M. 2 P M to Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7 P JN1 and a A lu Closes l4 and 'J 11 M, cnanging on Sunday Irom 1 P Al to W A M. t i t. f Southern Mail j by W A M- R R, arrives dailj' at I 414 A M. Closed daily, at 7 P. M. j . t ' 1 Smithville. NIC. ( horse. arrives: Mondav and Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A -&1. -- - Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at D P M. 1 - U S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. ; I CCSTOM DOUSE. Jas T Miller, Collector. W J Price, Deputy Col D M Foyles, Weigher I & Uuager. TM Burnett, Insp'r. lector, i . J 1 H R Nixon Surveyor WF Burch and Udah W N Peden, NaVaf Ofll ' Sullivan, Inspector & I ' cer. ' . Measurer, i . sAi- - ' i.i l. -"'-'" ' j CONSCL8. - fi'ir--' British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water Ji Spanish Vice-onsid F J Lord, C ta Water.1; Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ccrn Water and Mulbery, (up stairs. ) ; j r : ii Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut, i " -: - ; -- ' :.,-;.'' "'' '' INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. TLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of Jj the above Bonds -redeemable fin 1891--with coupons at 7 per cent per annum," payable in the City of New Y ork, 1st March and " 1st September. For sale by DeUUSSIuT, vhv wis a, to. i dec 1 ! .,- COFFEE. , . , . - . BAGS RIO COFFE13, . i 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, i , . -.. 50 . 20 mats best Java " ..-...-...-.i dec 1 ' , ZENO H. GREENE, ERRANT As WILSON. 1 A RE CONSTANTLY receiving fane CLO TH A COATS. City make. Cassimere Suits at the lowest possible rates. dec 10 s Card. ERRANT At W LSON, "TTTTIOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- 1 V mestic Dry Goods. G; roceries, Clothing, Boots, k Shoes, Ac. Nos. 14 and 15 NortH Water Street, ! oct 2-. WUmiilgton, X. O! JAS". T. PETTEWAY A. CO. TRACTORS AND COMMISSION jMerchant. ; 1 . C No 9. Nofth Water Street, f- -K't -f-;h t'- WitMisaTos, N. C. Solicit consignments of all Kinds of Produce, al so orders lor Uroceries, Jiaggmg, Iwoim?, uuano. Ac, &Ci ' ' ' ..- .. '."?. oct 3 UEOkUEII.UtniS. A. J. 1IOW ELL, DO. TV. W. II.VER1SS. - - ! COMMISSION MERC1IANTS, 1 I I XJ Oct 2, 1858 ? Wilmisgtos, N. C. ; t WORTH Si. DANIEL, 1 UUUIUWAAU CUM511IU. MERCHANTS, VT i qNd. 2, Granite Row, Wiliningtoh, N.C, 'arr Solicit , eonsignmentJ of hlour. Dried t rmtf r eatfierii, Beewax, T eaeo; and Country Produce generally. p : Agents tor Howe s eeieuraw- 1 Scale. ! D. G. WORTH. N. G. DANIEL. sept2,ly J AMES ANDERSON, ' EDWARD SAVAliK. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, G1 H ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Julv18, '00-1 y. Wilmington, N. C. ( ICII, ROG1NSON fe CO 103IMLSS10NUXD FORWARDING MER j CHANTS, j r ! Wilmington, N. C- .Office 'over Mr. y. A. vv lllaifd s store. jf3" Entrance por'ner Prineess and Water st. mar ou-ti - L. W. EHRAST, , I GEO. VVISON f ERRANT & WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Nos 11 .uJ UYa UrU.Ma oct.2, 'Gp-ly W. A. 0 Wi YER, "LOVEflPEACOCt. .8. B. JUNSINOS, CiSYYER, PEACOCK & CO., :! ; " ' ; i i Wilmington. N. C, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro- y cers and dealers in NAVU STORES, COT- ION, and southern Produce generally. TfifS I'rompt personal attention given -to alt consignments of produce. leu H-iy WILLIAM II. IiIllITT, G HEM 1ST. AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in' Paints! Oils, Dve Stuffs, Window! Glass, Putty, Segarsi Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy I Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market-sts;, Wflmington, N. C. mar 2,, 5S j I I r 1 EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANlr, j . , ' ' Wilmington, N. C i Oners his services to lllanters as factor or Agent for the sale. Of COTTON; will give his iter sonal attendance to the pusindss. His commission for selling potton. will be 50 cit. per bale, no addi-. tipnai charge wift be nurde. Cotton forw arded to New ork at 10 cts per bale, oct 4-18G0 -ly ' - ! .- i fO. G. PARSLEY & CO. I iKUpiiiiiroiiH oi the HiLfroN team saw ami - PlanIno Mills, Wilmingfton, N, C. , 5.3f AH orders or inquiriel for. LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. I ineh.21 '59 f SMITH &1 McLAURlN, 10MMLSSI0N'ANI) Forwarding Meiichaktm, J i i ..:; IVilmington, . C. liefer to : j .! i wqhs uawson, liJsa., Maypn JC. 1. Hall, Esq.. President Braneh Bank c?tate n. c. -- i ; T. M. SMIT0, - 1 I JOHN M LAURIN. JjUly 1 1859-tf j ; ! MALCOM McINNIS, fi ROGER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJ" t j iNorth Water strei oct 1 Willmingtbn,r N. CI CuAsi D. Myers, Fred. J. Moore, J-: ; ! MYERS & MOORE. "TTTHOLESALEand Retail lers in Hats, Caps, Ac.y 3AMarket street, Wilmington, N. C. June; 21, 1859 H -. C. & B. G. WORTH, i i i GOMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. j , . ; i UNION DISTILLERY, ' E . Wilmington, N A. II. yANBOKKELEN,! Proprietor. j LL KINDS OF NA VAL STORES, purchased, L manufactured, anil sold. i' ' ; gJ Wharfage and Storage furnished, and coop erage done at fair rate. jan I lisooi ! J -r- G. POLVOGT, TTPIIOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, IJ :-',;" Gorner Front arid Princess Streets, ii Wilmington, N. C Keeps constantly on hand Mattr asses. Lounges, Cushions 'Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Unholsterv Materials. Alsd. i Paper Hangings, Window Shades,. J? ire Jscreeiis, and uecorarmns oi pvery description. -: J'letures rramea to oruer. Prompt ! attention given tA fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, andsrrivate Dwellmgsi. may 31 j. i.. nATHAWAY. ,i 1 WM UTLEV. ,! H HATHAWAY A CO. GOMMISSION MERCHANTS, dec 16, '58 I Wilmington, N a -4- J. M. ROBLNSON & SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and . I Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, &k. , JN o. 9,-ront St., vy iiminKton,ii. u, jan y, of j ; JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMTSSIO -T- iAND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Prompt Personal atlention given to Con- signmenis, ior raie or ouipineni. , j r ctt. ?ii. I ti. .LiberaJL Cash advancdments, made on Con signmenta to my New A ork friends. nov 2, oT - .--I W - :! - :T ;:1; ;i HENRY NUTT, T?ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, i Jj l f . -i ; .. Wilmington, N. C. IV ill crrxra riia iOTarnn 1 attention to business entrusted to his care. ; r i sept 10, '57-tC - ". - JAMES STOKLEV , f j ALEX OLDHAM. 1 j STOKLEY Si. OtDlIAM, TPvEALERS IN GRAIN & COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. Wilmington, N. C, Prompt attention given io-the sale of Cotton, i lour, Jiacon, and otner couptry.Produoe. J! "". Vu ' , JUTE R HE. .. i--,-'! Dti COILS best Jute Rop for sale by ' ' I JJ nov 28 j I :eno ii. green; ALMANACS FOR 1861. irrtilRNER'S North Carolina LEY'S BOOK STOREj. Almanacs, at KEL- . dec 11 TO ARRIVE. 500 BBLS FLOUR. Ateplv to nov 27 : STOKLEY & OLDHAM. BACON, 12 HHDS. SIDES, and 4 hhds. shoulders, just arrived. r oraie or j. a. v iajjAIvl. FLOURi .: ;::!.----: :f Qnn SACKS just landed! Fo? sale at $1,10 per OUUsack. noV 10 J. A. WILLARD. n FLOURl "OAM1LY, Super and Fine, Fayetteville and Jj,i Wilmington inspection in store,' and for sale by S. (dec 11) . . ; rZENO IL UKJiJiillS. OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIG- i?MWAM, TONIC, irsjf-n-x mnESE delicious and faif-famed Bitters are re commended by the first physicians of" the country, on account of theii Purity and Medicinal Virtue. - -is r j Thev are nleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the. best Tonic and Stimulant ever of fered to the public. , . I 1 a s ; li; 1 Their curative powers, in cases oi uenerai Ae- bility, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we feel war ranted in claiming wliat we do, we beg leave to state that ourlssertions are endorsed by ---j Prof. SilUman,, of Y ale CiiUege, . " . 1 , Prof. Hayes, of Massachusetts, . r " " ' and hundreds of others. I ' -V r i For sale by Grocers, Winfe Merchants and. Drug gists generally. j . dec 18-ly City ; Btisined 1 NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS.. JNO, S. AXCV, JOHN U. IITMAN, F. k. tlUW laUfbf ' late of;; . T . late 'f Tarboro NC Scotland Neck, Warrentorf, S. V ' DANCY, IIY3IAN A, '., Si ROGERS' ANI COMMISSION JlnnilNTf VX I 124 Pearl street, '".,. . . Xtw YoKk, IIY3IAN, DANCY A. CO., S ROGERS AND Ct i'he New York hou.e DM MISSION Mfbchists Noiroi.x, V w ill le condurtrd tT Ji"k a v.. : i ,i i, i) w ii....... i ! The Norfolk House will be conducted! by Johtt II. Hyman and V. M. Hy wan. I TZjsT Particulars attention given to the sale .f Cotton, Corn, vV heat, and Naval Stores. SepU'iaber 13-tf lsQO ,' r .1. .'. t eo. 6. VanAmrino r, J"u. , C S.'VanAmeam;L VANAMRINGE IIROTIIERS, I "XT A VA L STORE AND GENERAL Commivi (?h jL i Mkrciiant, 110 Water Sire t. New Yotk. r Fll Tl : Mr. J. R, Blossom Mess. T, C. A B. G. Worth, '- Hathaway A. Co., ' J. a D. McRak a C..., Mr. J. H. Flasnkr, August 21, '00-tf Wilniinirton.. N.C i ; LONDON At C031MISSIOX MKIICII j .;- X. 3' . 'j3" '.Consignments of BRYANr XTS, , India strevtilh trtlV Naval Store. Cot to Lumber, and other Southern Jno. R. Lonpon, Nov 21-tf Product! -solicited: ! J. II. Bryan. Jr. mi WM. M. GRKtNRU, W. W. HARkNKSS. v v G REINER A. 1 1 A R K N ESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION Hoi sk. i PuiLAiiKi.riii A J Nov 15, 1857 Wm. L.. Hill. N. M. .Noitn.r.Kr. . of North Carolina, of North -Canhnn.w HILL t NOR FLEET,. j ENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants;. ShiK-koe Slip, - : Uiclmiiul, j ; Solicit consignments of C-otton. Lumber, Fi. li, arid all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. ALSO . , Agents for .the purchase' of Sugars, CoffeesMolis- ses, Salt, ljime,-juano, tve. ljarpi" eargie oi tin- above articles are olfered lor sale in our luat Kct aifo- nually, and we shall be plen.-el to-'opi-rate for ).n - tiesordering, promising taithlulness in our em- deavors to representtheiiis Jan J.-I v G. W. WILKINSON Si CO. 17RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; - 8!l Barclay street, N. Y- 333- I articular attention given rocontFignineiiia and purchase of Merchandise, all kinds. I Liberal cash advances- througii vv I litxi . sii.n . CO., -Wilmington, "N. C..' ,j August 2. 1SU0-I v KEROSENE LAMPS.-L-A large mij.j.Iv , suitable for stores, for sale ve'rvcheap wiilli Oil, at .dec 7 CASSlDEY'S. ! EASTERN HAY. j 150 BALES Eastern Hay, ex sc-hr. sale, low, from w harf, by jan-T) ELLIS A MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE. TLLUMINATING APPARATUS, f.r Balls, ties. Public Meetings-, &.c,, can b hire Pat- (1 (ill I - very reasonable terms, o tue liiiitwtiinie- s jan 8 tA.NMHti CHOICE BACON. 22 hluls. choice e Un Bacon Sides and Shoulde.is.' For sale bv ) ... w a ram w a va- u J 1 1 I dec Zl ' JIA1HAUA1 l.OJ "XT C. FLOUR. 50 boTes 50 bbls of good y . brands. HATH AW A Y & CO. ! dec 21 , ; ; i j MUSCOVADO SUGAR. 20 ltlidsT prime jlo' choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by j dec 21 , HATHAWAY A "COij . LARD. "XTUW LANDING from Schr Western Lard a splendid Sea Bird, .' M article. IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packugrs,.' i) western ijaru. iu smaii paeKagei. dec 4 For sale by . Z. 1 1. ( J K E EN E. N EW FLOUR !- -In bfir and bbls. For sale-j y dec 1 . STOKLEY & OLDHAM T ENGLISH CHEESE. 25 Birxes i glish Cheese, iust receivod at selected. En- ded4 WORTH &. DAN1 ELJ. rrUIOSE CHOICEIIAVANAS have .come, at' X decG . WORTH A DANIEL'S, ARD. 20 Kegs Extra ieat Lard for faintly WORTH A DANIELl " use. iTURNIN. G FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans. i. I 1 for sale very cheap, at .1 CA-SIOrii . dec 7 - TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH, STR. PARlvERSBURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN soni. tliing n New Beef Tongue, Ypapt I'oivdei s, " . Smoked Beef Buckwheat, : Rye Flour, J Butter, CO bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, 10 " A- j 10 bblsBJ Sugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdfieil, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. i . . . Worth a Daniel, jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front' street. FAMILY FLOUR. have the best Family Hour in town, and warrent eacn and every barvel and pactage, if not good, to be returned. ' f " dec 12 WORTH A DANIEIi. E ASTERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Eestl lei n Hay in market. For sale by dee 21 HATHAWAY AC0J VENI, VIDI, V1CL CI UCH waj the announcement of a very great n victory.: by a Roman General. The peopM of this day, in speaking of the Inimitable CAHSI- DEVj modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus "l came, 1 saw, 1 bought ol the great variety articles ollered lor sale at the liehdezvous. dec 21 ; . 20 k 28 South Front sit TT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South C$ro- ' Jina has seceded I This they would rfot have been prepared to do,' if some of her citizen) ihad not bought KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suit a ble for the Holidays Candv-, Nuts, c AC, off the patriotic CASSIDEY. dec 51 TUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best. Jute fj Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale by dee l t i ZENO II. GREEN B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. TINE BED KOOM K1. A new lot, some "P very pretty just opened, and, for sale at dec 19 'l PERRIN'S. 1- CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. kKU PAKKKKSULUU. , f . i resh Raisins, Fresh Butter, i Figs, Cheese, " ' Segars. V Tobacco, " Ale, " -Porter, n it u . tt 44 Prunes, 1 Citron, Nutmegs,1 Mace, f, Buckwheat A B C Sugar, Ixaf Sugar, ' -Crushed Granulated ddi . Sweet Cider, dec 19 t . tt Elegant Hams-, WORTH A DAN IE L. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. ""I ENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, X Very Pure Brandy. ? . Mierry wine. : , " Madeira " . . Vnrt. I tl Vnrn.il hv it tt dec 18 WORTH A DAM EI TIORK. 50 bbls. N. . City Mem Pork, for! sale J7 dec7 t i by . ZENO II. GREENE. fTTHE BEST FAMILY, FLOUR, in town, tar I ranted in all cases, to be had of 1 ! ar- Tdec29 ii I WORTH A DANIEL. SUGARSf-SUGARS! BARRELS C Coffee,, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, .75 : 35 Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, - " fi hhria. : . I T. I V itPiOTII 1 niU7T jan 8 4 . GraniteJ rrillE WOMAN IN WIIITF the best Novels out, at ; "de 11 - t. ' :. ''Tf1 :vA , V . RAISiy "11 WHOLE boxes Jarge ijan 11 For sale by ANAL BAKROWSj) j warehouse, and Ton nov 3U : s - , . . tIIK FIRST AND THE LAST." f pills SA INU nrxet.n lijnl in the nwiriwof I N.th Carotins, a tpi-iJ.hI hr action in the days of the Revolution. . The M.llenJ0r Drchiraiioit of lnd p;t"i.ViTi, a ir KphraiiH Howard, snd th n, w x th Itrrt puMui artin of the riht f a Slat. or cjh.nr t lvtnv4an cede;aat North Carolina tl lt tur-4tit tlnri(l(rf .f coafv-tlei alion b.:tv i n, rJ r.rtaini( them I'nlt.tl Stat'l" Tim, quick and prMu)l to r-M and r pil ggrin. rr wa ! l- iUU f ate away any f tlie jwi-in ,viUm iu Iter. Thi nfmitahle CASSIDKY ha ali j?t receitrd In, HXI Swei t tlritni-s. wltitli he i oll'.-t iig at lliun prectdentt iil lf piiii . ol" f l,'2 A $l.5 wr him drj d. at the Rcnl.- i.n-. . .', .,. ) , Jab , tON.SlGNEllS.tf M hM Ucr,n mid ?l tU. Pork, markeil dLonond II.. jx f x In Itii tana, Iroiu "Italtini'o-, v til plear juk- tlwiuo le know!) at the fl'iv ! tlif omlrt l.idiv Jans , ,'T.CA UG. WORTH. II Ton-t L V I I T' I .J t i in-rarvvlii a .ug mid happy lii-'.l 111 1m- gitli lu Tinn'. dlmg iliHtiutr-lhe ly Miiall i, l 4'ASI DEV . jowl take ili iit'v mf rxoiticr.-th.w e4 inoi nines dee I lea v i:n li: a v en . -Li:VE?j. IK V EN. LEAM.V. IKAVIN. J.HA K.N. J Try it I rv it -Try it -Try it. at " , jitns . WORTH A DA.in.Nr. NOTICE I , I LI. PERSONS w -h. art ludn Id..!!; (Iroc. ru a. 'rriton.-, ,v-., eilhrr h uol'ir arcohnl, lilt.- In in ul iUou A WiiUa-uiV, and nU4 lo lluv aefiiunt are jong'iinci. dii.-, f re Teiel-d to iiaki iiuuicdiatt; paym nt ! lh. vidMcrifwr, 4r mrh a count it ,w ill i.I.(vh in I'lliti-r ImpiU ir rvllrc (ioir j.ui J MIS WILSON. . I j So. h MAsket alleer. HOOKS TOR ALlJ. T Mil'. Noilh i'arolina 1'oini Ittn.k'- CatiU.llV Ju-li-. r Swnn'a ie ied Fnelley'a fgal Al ii-i , al Kt IK v ' Il-M.k S,,"'a- ','. t di-0 II WESTHltN HA CON. 1 A. CASKS rtipi'iior Cim Innad hU mit bhinil- in hoi v. ami ir sine bv jan S !()() 100 jan K MuINNlS. '."' MESS POHK. Bl;lS Htrictlv City i .Me Polk, for i by H ' M. MuINNlS. ' ( OrrEI'ANI) NlHiAIlT . BAOS Ivst Uio Cotl'ee. 100 bbls, StiKr, dttli-reiit niu.l.'. . .. For nale by' . ' . M. M ai INN IS. , v HOOP IRON: t TONS 1, P, to 2 Inch Hoot. Iron. for al. b IU jan 8 ; M. II a I N.MS. MACKEREL ' IS T0S. 2 and .1, in tore, and (or aalf h ; ' jan Hi M, Mil.NMS. N. C. FLOl'R. . ( I , H IX" El V ED per Railroad, Family nrwl .TUS1 ff Sl! per, c ii oi iirel v aichrr ia wnw iiranil; I oi sal.-bv DoKOS.SET, BROWN CO. H..V '11 V i " - ' ' " ' . t- f'EMENT At I'LASTEIL ' OHM BHLS. Oo.ei.t. 50 bbN. -iMastiT PrH "wUU per In lg Water Wltrtt'. ' . Vorh' l.v dee 13 ELLIS & MITCHELL. HOOKS FOR ALL. f WE NORTH CAROLINA FOUM BOOK, C'atit J well's JumI ice, or hw annN Reyiel Prindlvti Iiitgal Ad iser. at KKIXKV'S. lec 11- i i , ' . llo.k MUira. . DITMIJOH'NS, 14, , 2, 3, Lnd gallon, at dee 12 . ! - -f PEURIAV. C()l,FEE:(iFFi:E 50 S BAGS Uio CollVe '2,0 do LayuaMa do -5ih St. Donnngo il -2U iinnta" Jara do In Aore, and for falelmv for caxh, bt -le 11. ZENO II. GREENE PORK --PORK. ' -t;l!LS, N w York City -M.-s anl for sale low, for rh. by , jiut i. ei it el .hc ii .-..!-. . zi:no ii. grkenr. EXTRA GOSHEN IH'TTI'R. KKW just tr haiid; from 20 to 2m rent, a dec 11 j ' I ! .GEO. MVKRSV. 25 T THE Bl;TTER S'l'1' R E--: tirk IniTmore.a : the fame i-oit, just reeciviil. ' dee7-tf " POTTS. N X A ILS. L"0 ki-gs ivs-.r trd Nnils, from 3 to 40d. nov I . I'or vulf hv ' . 7.ENO II. GRKE.VE. C.ILIIAM'S MANUAL. BY Major William , Gilliam. Virginia Military Inxtinite. ' ' . ( t-1 contents. ' ,. ' . Article lst.Arniv Oi ganizatioi -: Orgnnizjtion of Iiifantfv-Orgaiiizatioii of Calrv Orgsniata tioo of Field Artillery r-Thc putt'. r Ay tide 2d A run and Aiuuniiion : Article 3d1-i-Si hool of tin So,lli'r ; . " A rticle 4th School of the CoiuHiiy ! ' - Article ottirTarget PriictK-i ; Article t;th School if the IlaMalioii : Articlo Tth S hoJ of the 'l'nH ; Article 8th St hol of th Troop 5 ' '; Article Oth ScIhhI of the Si 1111 'I ton ; Arliclo 10th Evolution of tin-Repltncnl : Article 11th Light Artillery Tart un j Artk-h;il2th Honor paid by Tropf, to the President, Gorernor, General; Ac. i ' Article, I. 'Sth D 11 lie of Captain.", Couipaiihw Duties in Cainpsi Oarri-soti, Ae. ; , . ArtiHe 111 h The Stall; ., . f A rtich! 15th Battles ji , .'j : Article llh Court Martial j' Article 17th Music, Reville. Tattoo, Ac ; ' Apndix 'The Articles of 'ar. Tim w hole in one handsonieyoluinr of 713 pp. Pj-ice $2,50. I!ook forw arded on rer-fpl of prior. ' .10 copies rrr'-ivi-d this inoriiing,"x-r Epres, at ' WTIITA KLU'S New Ih-ik Store, J - .Mai. kct X.t bet.. .In. Dawson a and V ilkinsoii a jan 8 '. i , . 1 GREAT ATTIlAtTIO"f 1 ' 4 T THE OLD STAN D, N. Market street. J Now opening, the largt and linist stock tf ' Crockery, China and Glas Ware ercr ji t olUrrd to the citizen of Wilmirtgton. t . . .Having evei al year irxp iciice in lid bumneaa, . justifies me in saying th:it 1 rati fli-r iiMluceiaetiU . which cannot le had i-lscwln-re. We keep cn s'tantly on hand, the lct of Cut and Whit Flint Jhus, fine W hi to and Silver and China Ware, Terra Cotters, Lava and Parian Wrc, with the" bct of Plated Ware, Tiblo Cutlerv, and erery thing used in-the House FtirnLiingline. ! To whole-wile i nstomcrs, I take i.lcanure In aay ing tihat I can do belter by them hi awn, than heretotbre. . :'.'"" s Call and examine our jvell m lectrd stock. Ik In foro jou buy. II. IL PEKRIN. . , Wilmington, iicu I, I 00. 11 r , 4 CABAS. ad.-'ortnicfit of Cuba Port Monnaics, A.' FULL Rs-ticuhn', Ijtdion IrnTcling Ilaga, Purwa, KAIIN WEILER A BRO'S. etc. i oct 30 H BUTTER. 4 KEGS beet Gorhcn BulterHM-lccte!. j.in 11 For sale by ENO 11. GREEN E. 5 irwr. An shot. KEGS Powder, 10 qr. kegs do., . - ' ' O 200 bags Shot asioi1tel irrs, Forsahby i jan 11 I ifc.Mf JI. UKW-V. w aw mi i ii, i- - - - j - ; '.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai application will bo' made to the present sesvion of theLogiidature, to incorporate the Caj Fear Riflemen. - January 12.th, 4SG1. tf 1 QUESTION ; F CIANS AND FOR MATIIEMATI' ECONOMISTS. T V .Hi'Jt fiwt tif rr:ia i ronaurncd throw V" I , burners, in U mglif, at a cwt of sand feet, how much is consumed bv. per hour? ftt what cost, and wh cost oT an equal amount of Ii; Kerosene Oil? Answer: Tfv-' each burner, 25 feet per Tii"1 at a coist of 6 cents p- Kerosene Lamp i' Imrncm ; lamps' :-!. .1