M)& VII., NO. 2013 WILMINGTON, N, C, AVE AY EVENING!,; JANUARY (6, 186h WHOLE NO. 2.113. 1 I. i; l- 1 . ! I TERMS- lailIaier, sCOO; Weekly, 2.00, I . JLi3- I X A I) V A X C E. ' Tli- rir m always stopped, unless a remittance i made aite. Continue it. Trnlelv notice is given, ro that pav$int can b? made b.More the expiration of a subscription. . Meuievr.iiriy bt mailed at our risk, when the let ter u rey-tcrro. - . . - A. 31. HVADDELL, Editor and Protor. TOWN PULNTEIL -"TO ILMI 2STGJ- T ON. . 1 1 Wedilaj- ETentng," January 1C, 1RG1 -v - j , - ' ! I .The Herald Job Office is now aoiiipletely fitted up with the finest as sortment olf Joii Type to be found in the State I'vNTysjif-iics of Job work can now be siecd' j I y, rMi'lifi-Mi'lsomdy printed at- this office from a book Jown to- a visit'mg card. Handbills, (in iiiar4 blanks,' Ac, Ac, neatly and promptly I rinti-d hi short notice, and on reasonable terms 'K-ihh Jil attention will Ire given to the Job dcptrtmlntdKreafler" and wo foci assured that .ill vVrk cal rusted t4 our 'Job hand, who is ex iM-rh-iicrtl id the business, will be executed snt- irfac,torcy in every rtspect. Give him a trial at .any rat I aid.ifit.isje done well, no complaint w ill o adje of a withdrawal of patronage I . ' 1 1 in . . The Xjvv;"ork authorities, it is said, have al lowed a lotupany" to lay pipes through nil the Mrects i convey 'hydrogenatcd fuel," or other -heating Hgeabj, to every hou.?, just as gas and water conveyed. So we move onward. - SoineFony has Ixjautifully said, "The water th.tt.Jk from 'a spring does, not congeal in Hinttr. rid', those sentiments of friendship, which tl.iw Froij the heart cannot. ? iH , . l.rf 1 1 I"mtk. -The tijnes .demand unity or action the pirt of the South. The bickerings of SputRerncrs aumiw theiy.elves, only aiford :iid nod gonifort to our rtorthcru wieuiies. "While tin- inni r'uig thunder of the storm is heard in : tht! laud-vvbtfe'tho. wild clamor of hostile, sec-"- tiuual f.iioti grows- luinlcr and more threaten ' ing wl'e the vefy pillars ol" the sacml temple of--lil-cr .axej en by one giving away while .the old filiij ft" State is dashing helmless amid - the sprgpig billoyva of the m1 t tit iil deep, ns the itoniM-litU of civil war gather in hideous folds around, ftixl (he fat a I .breakers of disunion en cunijms -4 us 011 every side let the people of the South Lf their party prejudices upon the altar' of theinuiinrry. and join band in hand in the . slnigglevhKb is to divide the fate id" the Union, Ife wltofJ ill limes;liki these, will allow party lecliugs jo hi!bu mv liis conduct, is unirvrthy of ctJiUiii, tti'l i- Hf'J'rit iiif to the i&ufi. A com mon dc4iuy;aivaits ie jp,. of the South, and they mnlft uttite. or ruin and disaster will jver take tlieij iOrfunl Ltixurt Hourt. i! J Ti I I'll. i r the storv of the child that .went fo'ifi bitothe mountain ravines While the ciiihl " vUndert'd there, Ik' cried to break the loneliuev, and heard a voice which called to him in the s;ftne tone. He called again, and, ns he thoughtjjthe-:vbice again mocked him. Flushed with aner, he richcd to find no one." lie then called oi to him in auger, and w ith all abusive epithets.jidl i( '.which were faithfully returned to him. (i.)king with iage the child Van to his mother, llnd complained that a boy in the woods had insisted Jiim with words.' Iut the mother took hei-chihl by the ha inland said: "My child, those napies jwcrej-ut the echoes of thine own voice. Scud' forth snndnriefrom thy spirit, and thou shajt never have a clouded day. - Carry a vindictiv sjtirit, amieven iu the ' 1Iowts wiM lurk cur!vsj ' Thou shall receive even what thou givest, sid tliat alone.'' ""Always," said the peaktr,;-,;i3 tli.it child iii the mountain pn&scs, , and evetjf man and woman is that child." I "Ah, M)oCtof-, how is1 mj' wife to-day?" - The dx-tbr $ hook his liead, and said: ."Y Oil ujnst jriFiare 1br the worst. ; " h:5 !'? exclaimed the alarmed husband, -Is she lakes v fc recover ' f : The amount of gold minted at the branch mint in Geiflbta, i during November, was $12,727; $12,457ifrqnij Pike's Peak, the lalance from Georgia f . : The getcSt pleasure of life is love; the greatest treasimt i4ntentment; the greatest possession, health; fiid greatest case, sleep; thcbest medicine, a friend 1 J i ' -r !- - ' Secox $ic.nj. An American, Dr. S. T Dly, is astouiling the Parisians by his power of read ing anvdetter or other writing enclosed in any writing he is convulsive shudder, turnsuS-tie w hites of his eyes, becomes capatel- riged'aiid-preads the hidden writing to the stu pefactiofi tf the most incredulous. He bids fair (o sufcceihli Jo the throne left yacant by the retire ment; of JJjf.llome. He was in Newport last I -.'I- mm mm ; Charlis iKean has announced his purpose to visit the? Fnited States next autumn, preparato- f v to taking a unal leave ot uie stage. The ottuERX Paofic JIailrqad. There are now 27$ hands employed in grading the road "west Vf Sliprshali; TexAS, and it is expected that, by the f?t of January, there willbe a force of 500 ' employ Jj Pesides," a consideriTole number in additioStbl this force are engaged in getting out crossrtis, jbuihling bridges,. ic. The. sub-con-tractorihkveoblisated themselves to complete 25 nrilea oil rfoad 'ready for the iron by the 1st of A StoVC. Case. At a recent term of the Su- it in-eme dbiir in Eansror. the caeof Newcomb vs. iiihabitfhtsW Newburir. for damages ofalleg- ', ed defe the highway; came up for trial, when the defendants vut in the following sjeci ficationil defence.: , I. NstiHi town 03 Newlfurg; i 'J.'Ncsiiph nmn as Newcomb; , 3. Si rpnd ; ,4. N lole in the road ; 5. N11qrse ever injured; G. IhjHe; injured did not lclong to plaintiff, 7. Fliiatirs finger not hurt; 8. PifltifTs finger injured two years before ; 9. rjiiitilT injured fcia own finger by jound ing it Titt a rock two years previous to the al leged, crtiA of action against town, in anticipa- T tion cfilnll preparation for the same. It Is 3nte unnecessary to add that the venlict was lor: defendants. '- ! iL . GovTliiker, of Pensvlvania, Cliief Justice Lewis,!-in'l both Knited" Shites senators from ' that $tfte lion. AV.m. Pigler and Honi Simon . Cameiinwe all raised printers, " receiving their lejucition in a printing establishment, the ." two fo j mr in the same office. A PAstKTToFLAoBcBXED. At Nichohisville, .Ky., JjlSist Day, a national flag, presented by the la.Les.to a military company, was hoisted on theioirt-house. .Whilst the community were at chnTihl a Palmetto flag was hoisted above it, (iuliiuerpi; c:ucu umiupra. in receitiiii:i.iiacket contiining the to read. Hstseizing w ith a w uiciiwaeseii greui iduiuuuuu, n mu ; ken dvn.,deliveretl to the ladies, and burned in thudic square, - . ToiaUSEKEEPEUS. . ' J PAtent Knife Cleaners, i 1 1 JTable and Doors Mats, " ! - , To hf had at the original Crockery Store. deegTi -t t IL 11. PEBRIN. . U ' ARldAGEDDOX, OK Tit Overthrow f Komaniara and Monarchy. The! Existence of the United States Foretold in the illo. by S- D- Baldwin, at 1 vrr.i.ii'V'M v iiaaV am Special GSTo'tjLces, AD3IINISTRATOR'S IS'OTICB.. Z3T- THE UNDEUSIGXED, having been- iul v qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, A. D., 1SC0, of Uie Conrt of Plea? and Quarter Ses sion, of the connty of New Hanover, herdby nbti- nes an persons having accounts or demand of any kind against naid Estate, to present the tame to the undersigned for payment, within the time pros cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. JOIIXT DAWSOX. "Wilmington, Dee. 15, 18C0-Cw. MRS. WINSLOW, "JU An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syftap for children teething, which greatly facilitates the procefw of teething by softening the gum., reducing all inflamation wiil allay all paih, and is sore to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your eelve, and relief nd health to your infant. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er colnmn. fct 25-ly WALKER MEARES, Ssa- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select 'Medi cine?, bnglisn, trench and German Chemicals, SwedLih leeches, Ac, also, ' , , .. PALVfS, OILS, Window Glxis, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, fce., &C. ausr 14. ISfiO W. A DATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE ! This splendid Hair Dye has no equal instantaneous in' effect beautiful THack or natural Drown no plaining the fkin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life, j Xone are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor." . Sold everywhere.. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor,. . sept 29-ly 'up Barclay street, X.. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. . &33T JUST KECEIVFD, a full supply of Land- reth'a New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, lilne Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER M l-:AKKS.4." Market st. nov 2H- ' "W". LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, A'. K. Cttrqer Front niiri Jfarkct SV., -WlLMIJiflTOX, X. C. ; Q- ALWAYS OX HAND, a full and fresh as sortment ol -I)i:miS,.l'ALTS, OILS AND (1LASS, I'KHFITMEit V, AX .FAXCr ARTI CLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded Medicine can be obtained at any hour ol the nignt. the night bell is at the'sfeond door (on front street,) from the corner. !T, On and after this d:iy all prescriptions will be Cah. oet 30 1IA1RDYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. DATCIIELOR'S' HAIR DYE, The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY nAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Win. A. Batchelor, since 1830, and over $0,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. Wm. A. Batchelor'a Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. - Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. - "aThe Genuine has the name and address, up- on a steel plate engravmcr, on lour siues or cacn box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, scpt29-ly " "81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear I How? By one week's use of the 3ftyiolin Uahn. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration, Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. .. W. E. HAG AX 4 CO., Proprietors, . apl 19-lydAvv' Troy, Xew York. GRAND VIRGINIA. DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Xaphtali Ezekiel, informed us that ie had prepar ed a hair restorer, 'n il'1 which hrwas pxperiment ing upon his own head,' whose top vyas entirely bald. We saw him two days since, Lmd on the place so bald four months since, 'a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the ellicacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious intercut to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dcr. i2, 1850, This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. - i Wholesale depot for orders, CJ) Main st." R. EZEKIEL. . Richmond, Xov. It, 1859. 1. X. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have'toen bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hajf by using Ezekiel's Virginia Ilair Restorer. '-'" Xaphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, "by Xaphtali Eze kiel. Joe. Mayo, . r ' " i Mayor of Richmond. 'W. H. LIPPITT, Sole Agt., v jan 14 Wilmington, X. C. GLUEGLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trad,?, that we have appointed W'M.' C. HOWARD, Esq.. Xa val Store Broker of Wilmington, N. C, Sole Agt for our Glue. - . - '. -. ' Boston, apl 3, I860. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO, THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS t CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, resPectT fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured iu the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monaywill be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties keptconstantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. aplMy.V ; ' W. C. HOWARD, Broker. ; lEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS 3,000 just re- j ceived, for sale oy dec 5 !-', -'-.,-'.;" -. WORT1I A.DAXIEL. .r . CHEESE. "... IXGLISn, PIXE APPLE AXD STATE, at dec 1 1 G EO. M YER'S 1 rRCl BALES New York, -' in store. For 1 1 IJ.V sale Terr low, d j : JAME3 WILLAA. RD. 3 DIRECTORY. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor JB6. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretarr-Crahani Daves, of Craven. v Treasurer D. Wi Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufhji JI. I'ae, of Wake. Comptroller C. M. llrngden, of Wayne. Attorney (Jenera-W A. JerAins. of Warren. Speaker of Senat IIT. Clark, of Elgecombe. ' House! of Commons W. T. Dortcb, of Wayne. ' State Librarian 'O. H. JVrfy, of Wake. .' - Public Printer Jno Spflnian, corscUxoEs or-STATlf. 1 Council Wbotcn. of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; A. Furgason.' of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surry ; David Murphy, of Cumber land ; J. J. Long of Xorthampto'11, and W. I I! ill. ml, of Buncombe. . , . , .FEDERAL A STATE COCiLTS. . The United StateL Circuit Court, for the District of Xorth Carolina, i.f held semi-annuaHy at Uali iyfi, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monuavin No vember, "j Juderes Hon. J, rM. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Bigs, of Martin, District Judge dalarv, $200.-' . . . j " Robert P. Dickj-DLjirkt 'Attorney ; Wesl y, JoneSjilarhal. - ; t The United States District Courts are livid at Edenton. 3d Monday in :April and October, J. M. Jones, Clerk; .New born, 4th Monday in Ail and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk j ' Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th 'Monday in April ami Oc tober, John L. Cantwl, Clerk.' .THE SITRHMB COCIit. - The Supreme Court of Xorth Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-iiunually, on "the second .Monday in Jnne, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also held once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August. Jl H. Dodge, Clei k. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson; of Yadkin,; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General ; Hamilton C. Jones, "of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver H. Perry, of WakeDeputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of Wake, Marshal. SCPERlOll COURTS. . The Superior Courts are held in seven. Circuits, by the following officers : 'Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan ; (!eo. IIoward,".of .Wilson ; Jas; W. Os born, of Alecklenburg, RoIert S. French, of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, of Guilford ; JohnL. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hincs, of Edeuton, rides : the First Circuit;. William , I. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; WiUiani A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Rufhn, of Orange, rides the Fourt h Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New .Hanover rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman, of! Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. .. ri-cr.ic wouks ix south cahoi.ina. i .' -The Branch Minfc of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of. Con gress, passed 3d March, 183.'). .-The officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting "Treasurer; John II. -Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner John R. Bcflton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. 7 -The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Cotirity of Orange., twenty-eight miles iW. N. .W. from Raleigh. 1 The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J.- Palmer, Principal. : Fortifications J Fort Macori, Beaufrt Harbor. Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. " ' United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette ville. j "Insane. Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 230 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Supei in tendent ; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. Kl Ferrell,' Steward; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. CharUSs E, Johnston. Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Ilolden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. V. J. Blow, John. A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors.1 Dr.'Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Ilolden,. Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. j - All Indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients arc also received from this and otlier States." Fori proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. P - TOWN 'GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS'' OF Wl LMIXUTOXJ Mayor John Dawson.- ' i S li Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R' Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller anil Alfred Martin. FIRE DEPARTMENT. : Chief Engineer James-Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer WT J Vann. Chief Fire Warden if W Beery. : Assistant' Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvcrs, B W -Beery, C I) Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D'EUis, to superintend blowing up buildings.' Lamp Lighter Denjpse'y Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRE COMPANY. (Re-organized June G, 1830. ) ; Foreman Walter Furlong. ' 1st Assistant John Shoppard. 2d Assistant William Dowling. .Secretary E:P-Wade. Treasurer Daniel pisbrow.. HOlfK AND LAmER COMPANY NO. 1. V Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant. .1 Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. (Office 18 Water street.) George Harris?, T C Worth. W C.Fergus, Jos H Flanner, Wm M Harris. SCHOOLS. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. ' Chairman S D Wallace,- Vm S Lark ins, James McDufii.?. James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert . II Tate, Samuol Player, and Joseph M Foy. f j. . WILMINGTON INSTITCTF. L Mcginney, Principal. . WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINAR V. G W Jewitt, P rincipal. OAKD.j.E CEMETERY COMPANY. President Donald McRae. ' Directors ward Kidde Wallace. W'nk A Wright. G R French, Ed- r, .in A lavior, uwen u r uivaw, n Secretary and Treasnrer Asa. : Brown. Office next door to Ban !. Wilmington. COCXTYj OFFICERS, COURTS, il". Sheriff WT J Vann. , Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior1 Court James A V right. Judo-e U S District Court Asa Biggs. : Marshal TJ S District X C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S District Wifmington Jno J Couolev. " -) '!.'.:' '"'" I. Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master,Equity DuBrutz Cntlar. Chairman County Court James T Wilier. Register of Deed's, &c Jere Nichols, sirolal ifao-Mtvate rif Titvvn John J Conolev. - C4nstables Lewis M Williams, Jno U.tloy, Vil- l.i.n II Kiddle '-A Wilder. James P Stringfield, J J Mooro. INSPECTORS. 1 Wool Inspectors Joseph Smith," Wm nolden. Provision Insjeet'r,s David E Bunting, Hiram RNison., I .,, , T Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson," James O Bowden, John S James. George Alderman, John C Uowden Thomas W Plaver, Jdin Mi Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam. J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. . '. . ' . v r Timber and LumDer, inspectors James aiui-r-man. L II Bowden, James .'Melvin, Henry W E Turlington, ..... - , . . - WILMINOTON OAS LIGHT C0MPAST. ( Office in Savings : Rank Building. ) President Col John McRae. and Treasurer V m Ilvde. Superintendent Oliver Mcjlhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES.! j ST. JOBX'g LODOK SO. 1 MASONIC. ( Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month t St. John's HalL) ! 1 J O L Fill raw. Master. M Xewhoff. S W. 1 j Oliver JlcllhennyiJ W. Jnq L Can t well, Trea. T M Gardner, Seo'v. i Ilerrrv : .'Spalding. S D. A A Harbfield. J D". JO Bowdn, Tyler. COSCORD tHAPTEa KO. 1 MASOXIC-tf ' ! (Meets 1st 3Ionday evenin? in each month at St. John's HaU. Most ExRG Rankin, HP. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Kx O L Fillvaw, King. Ex T B Car f. Scribe, i Com I Xor throp, G M 2d V. ' '' I. j - '.::-' ''-!: Com W J rrijce G M 1st Com P W Fanning. Caj.t V. I ? Host. Com A Jfartin, PS. . - V . -! : : f f R 'A Com JnoATavBor.Trca. E Turlington, Tvler. " M NewhofTJ Capt. 1 I CAPE FEAR; LODGE SO. I I. 0. Oi t"t ; (Meets Tuesday! night, at Odd FellowfsjnaU.) i Asa J"Murrav, X fG. W L SmithL Secretary, j James E Kea,A' (?. T HHowey, Treasurer. - CArBr.LyitAPMEST NO. 1- ft o. o, F. ¬ (Meets in the Ilall of Cape Fear Lodge,; lit and 34 Friday in each nronth.l . i 1 J D Gardner, C P. Thoa M Gajdnelr, j'wi j Rev A P Rei.itonJH P. R J JonesL Scribe; John J Cono'.ev R W. Thos II HoweyiTreas.i CATK FEAR MARINE TOTAL ABS FISEXlCE SOCIETY ( Meets at the Seamen's BethcL on Dock Street, Iv after, the every Monday frening, immediate close of the Prayer. Meeting forseauien. ) t-i Chas'D Ellis. President. Geo W W'ilHajuis; Vicfj William M I.'oisson, Sec- PresidentJ ; j j retarv. Jas Fleet; As t Sect vj. ( ' . - :l - . I ? SEU0S' FRIEND SOCIETY.' j j ; Charles D dent. Ellis, jProsi- B F Mitchell, jSec'y & I . Treasurer. 1 C 1) Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John MeRca, A DeRosset. O G Parsley, E-vecutiye Biardj Geo W Williams, keeper of. the Searaeris' Hon cor tront and JioCk Mreets. i j LADIES j BENEVOLENT SOCIETY; f 1st Directress, Mrs Ken-. 4thDirectressiMrs Hab . hedy. . . IetU' ! t . j 2d Directress, Mrs liar- Secretary, Mfrs i Vain 3d Directress, Rossett. Mrs I)e- Treasure, MidsLilling ton. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (Organized June, IS55.h DrJ II Dikson, President. 'Donald McRae, Trca Geo Divis Vice Pies t. Wm R Utley, Secjy J latt uowan, Jreasnrer. -i Rev R B Drane, R II Cowan, E D Hall. S D Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae' J U Wrialil,; Jiirectors. 1 1 , (Military. WILMINSJON LIGHT INFANTS Y. j .' (Org. May 20th, 1853. i j v m li OeUosset, Cant. 1 C V inslow, h,nsigni. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazau.x, Quarter I C Mcllhenny. 2q Lieut. , Master, II Savage, nd . CD Myers; Orderly.! GERM.VN VOLUNTEERS. (Organized Febritary22d, 185:.,) C Cornehlsen, Capt, it Gillashegan. 3d Lieut. 11 Von Glahn, lst,-Lieut. "W Deinsthatch, Ensign" 11 Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly ; ; - M B A N K S . '( BANK OF CApi j'EAR.' T H Wiisrht. President. H!R'Savae. Cashier J G Bum Teller. I J D Gardner, As't'lVUe J McLaurin, B'k-keeper-' Tjll Hardin, Dis. CJerfd Discount Day, Wednesday, U ! BANK OF Wlt.MINGTOX, .K John MacRae, President. S Jewett Cashier. ! W L Smith, Teller. T M-Gardner, Dis Clerk. William Larkins,Book- . keeper, t; ! I ; "? Discount Day, Tuesday RANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. John Dawson, Pres. W m Reston Cashier. Win I) Smith, Teller. J H Wrighjt, B'k-keeper. Discount' Uay, luesdav COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMlkUTON. i : O G Paisley, Pres.. Jno Mcliae, Jr, Teller. . J I) Barry, Dis. Clerk. Tim'y Sayae, Cashier. Asa K. Wa.lker, Rook- keeper -Discount Dav, Monday WILMINGTON SAVINGS BA?SK John A Taylor, President. Win -ItvdJH Cashier. - ! I - 1 RAIL ROADS. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD; R. ROAD. ( Office cor Market and S Water street. ) i II W Guion, President. R II Cowan Seer Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. ; ; WILMINGTON i "MANCHESTER RAilt ROAD. !. . i i . ; - . Thos D Walker, pres. ,Wm A Walter,: Sec'y. 'J P- Robertson rGen'l Sup. J03 J Ling, Treas. , R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent., i , WILMINGTON WELDON. RAIL; ROAD. '' IloniW S-Ashe Prcsi- J W" T.hpmpson, Gen. dent. ! Freight vAgent. ' S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G Green, Yard & Sup. ! . Master".': James S Green, Sec'- & Treasurer, t S D Wallace, Asst Sec &, Gen Ticket Agent. P II Langdon, Au J'r & 1 Supt'a Clerk. - William Smith, Ticket : Agent, r -' ' - "' ' ;CHUBCHES.'V-.Hr: I h- Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist .Episcopal, (S 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J II Wheeler, Pastor. ; 5 Baptist, cor Orange and Gth, Rev A Paul Repitoh, Pastor. t ; 4,-' '' ' i - i , Baptist, Front tt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor. 'I . i . Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. ! i '-1 N? Roman (Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor,- ' i ' I; Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector, v . ! ' '; I . . Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. : !j ' - -i ' 1 i Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc Queen, Pastor. . '-.-.': II 1 ;. f -I" Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. 1 i : ! Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5thj Rev J Jj rncharo, i astor. ' - . ;! -i I Lutheran, (now building) cor 'Market and 5th, Rev J H .Menffcrt, Paistor. . i jj ' i'; ' i i, J Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water, j L ' ' i ! ! POST OFFICE. . i; , WILMINGljoN, NORTH CAROtksA Postmaster Daniel Dickson. .. j: Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and I i Office hours from 1 A M to 1 Fi jM. j 2;PlM to sundown. Son lav j, 114 A M to 9 A!;M.-1 1 : 1 ; Northern Mail, by W & W R R, arrives daily at, 7PM and o A M. Closes 1)4 and 9 P M changing on Sunday from l f P M to 10 A M. - i : rj I Southern Mail, bv W & M R Ri arrives daily at A M. Closes daftly at 7 PI. jr ! -'M I Smithville, X C;!( horse,) arrives Mdndav arid Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at . 7.4 i - S;- 4i; '.r ;U -i: ' 1 Onslow Court House, N C, (horse!) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 1' M. - i ' ! -i- -i 1.3. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. . -. custom house, ---jr '!' I ': ' Jas T Miller, Colleetor.J D M Foyles,! Weigher W J Price.. Deputv;Col- ! & Guager.S ..-,.! lector. T M Burnett;;; Insp'r. 4 II R Xixon Surveyor. W F Durch dnd UMah ; Snllivaii, Inspector & Measurer.-; : j . ; j W X Peden, Naval OtHi cer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. CONSULS. - .15 --- t ; British Vice-Consut Don McRaei'n Water; Soanisb Viee-(7onsikl F J Lord. 6 n Water. "Brazillian i Viee-Cohstil O G ParSleyjrlccr n Water and lulberv, (up stairs) . Danish Vice-Consid P K Dickinson; ieor Front and Chestnut. i. :.'."-j'.'.;bU"' WH INTERNAL! IMPROVEMENT. ! t I FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS 26,00Q of . the above Bond4 redeemable in isoi-rwith 'coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable in (the city of New ork, 1st March and 1st September.. For sale by DtROSSET, BROWN CO. dec 1 " i . : .' . ' : ; fs ;; - -: COFFEE, ' i i ' ' . v BAGS RIO COFFEE, f 20 bags Laguavra Coffee, ' 1 1 50 20 mats best Uava li 1 deCl : i I, ZEXO II. GREENE. ERRANT&WILSON. RE CONSTANTLY receiving tine ULU Til COATS. Citr nsake. Cassimere Suits at the lowest fewest possible rates. ' . ' ii 1 1 aec iv -4 ?r Business Carcls. . n r n A vm m. xscr t cv "ITfHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- Y : mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiag. Boots-, Shoes. 4 c. ; yoa. 14 and 15 Noh water street. oct 2 Wilmington, X. C, JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. j T-Vctorh AND commsssiox Jj-'i-f -. ... i No 8 North W Merchants, ater Street. Wilmi.votos, X. C; Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, l so ohUrs for? Groceries, Bakging, Rope, Guano, JtC AC. - -.-" I i - , , . OCt a " 3 - J r .1 - - I' :: -, , i- GEt.RfJE IIARRISS. A. i, HOWKiL. DR. W. W. 1IAB8IWS. I 1IARRISS Si IIOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J I Oct 2, 1858i , WiLMixcros, N. CL WORTH Si DANIEL, OCERS AND COM MISSIOX Merchants,' No. 2, Granite Roto ilmington, h.C. Solicit consiirninents of Flour, Dried Friiit,;Feathers, Beeswax,- Tobeaco and Country I roquce generally, Agents lor Howe s coieunateu j"cale. J: D. G. WORTH. i Sept2fl,ly N. G. DANIEL. JAMBS ANDERSON, . j! j ;AN'DERSON ' EDWARD SAVAtlB. SAVAGE, ENER A L COMMISS ION MERCHANTS. July 13, 'CO-ly. Wilmington, N. C J I C. II. ROBINSON fc CO., OMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS. ; Wilmington, N. C- t)ffice)ver MrL J &; Wil lard's store. : i JZfp Entrance Corner Pr mar'9, 'CO-tf ( ncess and Water st. L. M't ERRANT, j I 'i UEO. WISON, i f f ERRANT J WILSON, """COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jt t ! Nos; 14 asd a 5 North Water st. Oct 2, 'C0-ly ! aVilmington, N. C. Wit AS.. OWYER, LOVET PEACdCK, 8. B. JENNIES. j j GWVER, PEACOCK Sc CO., "" I . Wilmington. N. C. COMMISSION MERCHAPITS, Wholesale Gro- jf teers and dealers in N AVAL tSTOKKiS COT TON; and Southern. Product generally. I I :7j Prompt personal attention given to all -consignments o produce. ; feb lG-lyi i i 1 WILLIAM II. !LI I'PITT, j' ""I HEM I ST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer fin Paints, Oils, Dye iStufts. VV iridow .Glass,' Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, pud Wines, Perfumery and FancK' Articles, N.'E. tor- ner t ront and Market srs., umington, A.; t;. J H j EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, J) ' ! Wilminirton. X. C. 1 iSSagU-Offer? Ins services to Planters as Fdctor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to tho business, ills commission for, yelling Cotton, will be 5(cts. per bale, no addi tional charge, vyill be made. I Cotton forwarded to Nevy York at 10 cts per balii . ; qt 4-tSiiU -ly ! ! O. G. PARSLEY At CO. I lliUl'KltiTUKS Ol the IllLTON" MEAM n.HV A N I) IT iPlaning Mills, Wilmington, X. C. ; J!?..?? All orders or inquires for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. men zi a ! : ; SMITH 6c M'cjL A UR IN , COMMISSION AXD FoHwarding Mehchams, Wilmington, X. C. Refer to : ; j" John Dawson, Esq., i E. V. Hall, Esq. State ..X. C. t. m. smith, July 1 1859-tf Mayor. . President Branch Bank JOHN M LAClIN. MALCOM MlcINNIS C ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, V"T ; Xorth Water street Oct 1 Wilmington, X. C. Chas. D. Myers, Fred. J. -Moot-E, M l i MYERS fc MOORE. "TTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, f f i Straw Goods, r urs, IJmbrellas, Cane, &c &c. 34 Alarket street, Wilunngton, iN. C -June 21, 1859 ! . .. j ! T. C. & B. G.j WORTH, t0MMISSIOX AND FORWARDING MER . C. j CHANTS, . i - Wilmington, N is ,-- --1 UNION DISTILLERY WilmingtoVi, X. C. JA. II. VANBOKKEEEN, Proprietor. A! LLTilDS OF NAVAL STORES," purchased, j manufactured, and soli . Wharfage and storage furnished, and eoop- cragre done at fair rates. jan 2 1SG0. ! h G. POLVSOGT, TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, I J I a ' Corner Front and Princess Streets, . j ' " j Wilmington, X. C. Keebs constantly on.hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions. Feathers. Curled Hair, Moss, I and all Utiholstery '''Materials. Alsb, - Paper Hangings, indOw Shades, Fire Scret ns, and Decorations of every juescription. i Pictures framed to order. ' 1 " Prompt attention given to fitting upJlailroad Cars. Steamboats, and rrivate Uwelwngs. may 31 r. L. HATHAWAY.. i WM. UTLEY. HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, L? dec 16, '58 : ' Wilmington,' N. C J. M. ROBINSON St SON "pfBPRTERS AND DEALERS iin Foreign and Domestic tiiTrdware, Agificultural Implements, Kc.j, N;0. 8, t ront St., Wilmington, JS, C. an 9, '58 f. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, ; ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. ii Pronipt Personal attention given to Con- sigTiments, tor haie pr Hnipiient. . i . ; .giLiberal Cash advancsments, made on, Con si"gnments to my New Vork friends. nov 2, '57 HENRY NUTT, ! - IAfjTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, . I Wilmington, N, C.4 SalWill give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10,!'57-tf. JAMES ST0KLEY i 1 I STOKLEY ALEX. OLDHAM. Sz bLDHAM,' j kEALERS 'IN GRAIN & COMMISSION I MERCHANTS, Wilmingtoni N. C Prompt attention given to the Sale of Cotton, Flpur,-Bacon, and other Country Producef Jll' " : JUTE - ROPE. 6Jf COILS best Jute Ropk for sale by I " ' " OU hoy 23 i KENO H. GREEN. Jr r j ALMANACS FOR 18C1. ii :.. . . - - TIURXER'S North Carolina lAlmanacs, atKEL LEY'S BOOK STORK, Idee 11 TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Alpply to 500 nov 27 ST01 & OLDHAM. BACOJ ir) hhds. XCf arrived. SIDES and hhds. shoulders, just For sale by J. A. WlLliAKl). FLOU C?nri SACKS just landed For sale at $1,10 per V V V e&cvu novjlO J, A. .WJLLARD. FLOU MAM1LY. Super and Fibe, Fayetteville and I ! rimino,Ir.n inanffinnl in Ktor n,;l fur sale Wilmington inspection (dec 11) NO H. GREENE. OLD S CHEM BITTERS ANI WIG- rpHESE delicionr and far -famed Bitters iare re I commended' by ; the n -st phj-sicians of the country, ton account of theii Purity and Medicinal Virtue! . ; - i ''' ' lj: '-'-' I': ; . I They :are pleasant as nects r to-the taste and are pronounced the-best Tonic and Stimulant ever of fered. to the public. . j . . ' . .? 'I; ' ' 7 f. . Their curative powers, in cases of General De bility,- Logs of. Appetite, Constipation, etc.-, are unparaueled, and as a guarajntee tnat we leei war rented ii claiming what w e do, we beg state that our assertions are endorsed by fi Prof. Siiliinan; of YaleCc Ilege, " i Prof. Hayes, of Massachus etts, and hundreds of others. Ivave to i For sale by Grocers Winj Merchants audi Drug gists, generally. M dee 18-ly NORTHERN BUSINES-S CARDS. jrso. a. axct, late of Tarbiro,N. C. JOn IT. Ht.WA, V. UTMIH. latejof - .' ' lteof - Scotland Neck, . Wi rcnton, N. C DANCY, 1IY3IAN Si CO,, COMMISSION Mtitcii ast i JKOCERS AND 12 1 Pearl treet. Nsw Youk. IIY3IAN, DANCY S CO.,' fi BOCr.RS AXD VoilM ISSIOX Mfrcii i tv VX ' , - Nosroi.K. Va. i"he New Yoik house v, ill bv condncd-! by Jo. S. Dancv, aidtl by R. . Ilruian. . j j ne AoriotK iioujW will oe conquctt u ov wonn IL llvman and F. M. lis man. i 1 Particulars atti iijtioti given .to tle; kilo f Cotton, lm. VTiM at, mM .aynl stores. ; September lMf Geo. O. VANAMRiNir. J i I C. S. VAiAv!i.Nfr. U V A N AM R I N" lit JBUOTIIEItR; t T AVAL STORE AND JEN" ERA L tV.sn.v 1 WEKCIIANTS, H0 WJcr Street. UEKEii TO : York, Mr. J. R. Blossqm Mess. T. C. A B. O. Wotii. Hatuawat t Co., Wilmingtoni N.C. " J. a D. McRak a Co Mr. J. n. Planner August2l,.'G0-tl LONDON & BRYAN, "COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J No. 152 liidi.t Mm t Jt.'sten ft- 71ZG Consignments o Naval St. .res. C..tt. Lumber, and other Sou rhern Produce solicitt-il. J. 11. Bi;van. Jr. Jno. R. London,, Nov 21-tf WM. M.'UEEINKR, (2 REINER St w. w. il ark s . DARKNESS, j t COTTON AND i EX ERA L COMMISSION PlIlt. AliKITM l A. j House. ' ov 15, isr7 N. M. Noitj Ll HT. 'of North Ca roll u. wm. li. Hill, f of North Carolina, imi x, vAnn.i'PT f m ii ii i. . i ... . . m G' C ENERAL COMMISSION A FORWAlj !! Merchants, Shorkoc Slip, HiilllK)l;d. Vil., Solicit consignments f Cotton, Luiidif-r, ' I'ih, and all kinds ot Merchant lize ami Product!. , ALSO - : :M "Agents for the purchase if Sugars, Coffees. MiLhis- ss, Salt. Lime, Uuano, j(c. ' liHrgo cargoes ol tli above articles are offered jfor sale in our intuit el an nually, and we shall be pletined to. -operate tor' pur1 tirsordering, promising, faithtulness iu out i o- deavors to represent them. !' Jaii'Vl G. W. WILKINSON Sz CO..! RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! S8 Barclay t-treet. N;. I CTi 1 articular attenuon given 10 coii-iguuii iu and ourchase of Merchandise, all kiiuls. I Liberal cash advances thtough WILKINSON I - i - ' 1 . ' i ! CO., Wilmington, N. C. : August 2. lSfiO-lv T7" EROS EN E LAMPS. A ho g jupplv. I suitable tor stores, lor sale yerv t lienp-- ith Oil, ay dec 7 CASSI DRY'S. 'EASTEItN II AY.- 150 BALLS Eastern ilbiy, ex m-hr. !'.r sale, low, from whai f, by ELLIS .1 MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIKE. TLLUMI'NATIXG APPARATUS, for B.-dls ties. Public Meetings, Jfcc., can be hir Far I on very reasonable term.--, of t lie I iiitnitable i jau 8 CASS1DKV. g: CHOICE B A CO V.-r 22' bhds. choiee AVicH eni Bacon Sides and Shoulde.w. ror sale lv "dec il. HATHAWAY l.(U N. C. FLOCK. "SO boxes -50 bbls i of goixl HATHAWAY A CO. brands. dec 21 " ! ; ii vrusco v ado si;; a r. 20 M.ds. p.iui. to lit I choice Muscovado Sugar, ror sale by dec 21 HATHAWAY .vU. lill 1VTOW LANDING froni Sel.i Sea lii.'d. bbl 1 Western Lard a splendid artiel IX STORE i, Kegs N. C. Lard, iu good package 5 ' " Western Laid, in small packages. dec 4 Forale by- Z. II. GREENE. NEW F dec! FLOUR In bags and bbls. For Vale by STOKLEY & OLDHAM T7NGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En- CJ gbsh C heese, jnst'rcceiv.id at j ded4 nilOSE CHOICE IIAVANASI.ave conic, ji. t dec G WORTH, A DANIEL'S. AR1). 20 Kegs Extra .tl b.ir d for fiuuily use. ' WORTH A DANIEL. BURNING FLUID.- Fluidai.l Oil tin cans, for sale very "cheap, at CA-SlDKY'S. ., dec 7 : ... i' 4- TO- DAYNEW AND FRESH. - STR. PARKERSIUJRG. S ; lONCENTRATED LEA V EN something new, Aew Ji.eet tongues, i east 1 owocis,, . ' Smoked Boef ''Buckwheat,' j i live Flour, Butter, . ' CO bbls. C. 'Sugars, '.Raisins, 10 '" ' A- "I 10 bbls. B. Sugar.', 10 " Crushed. Granulated and Powdered,. 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. 1 i WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 1.2 Granite Row, Front strtfct. FAMILY FLOUR. M WE have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrcnt each and every barrel ud package, if not good, to be returned. j ! dec 1 2 , . ' W O Vm & DA X 1 E L. JlASTEtiN IIAV20dbalV of the best iEeste n i Hay in market. For sale by dec 2i ...-; HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. OUCH was the announcement of a very great iTl victory, by a Roman Geneual. The people of this dav, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSl- DEY, modify the' saying of the noble Roman, tliu: "1 came, 1 saw, I bought f ot Hie great vai u ty articles offered for :ilc at (he Rendezvous,! dec 21 2C k 2H South Front f t 3T IS A Una ha: ecn prepi IIISTORICALFACT that Soulh'l!roi , ii- lina has seceded ! This thev .would not have orepared to do, if some of her citizen had not bought f r : , .-" KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy artieles, KuilA ble for the Holidays Calidv, Nuts, "AC. Ac., of the patriotic CASSI DEY. J , dec .21 TUTE ROPE AND TWIN E. 25 Oils bist Jute fj Rope, Bagging Twine, i For sale by i deci zeno ii. Greene TEST IIA.MS IN' TOWN at r- JL dec 1 Wr0RTH A IVAN I EL' IXE BED ROOM SETS.r A new lot, soihe rery prett-just opi ne J, and for sal it PER It IN .dec 1J S CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. kER PARKERSBURti.l i Fresh Raisins, " Figs, , ' " Prunes, Citron, '' Nutmegs, " Mace, Fresh Butter, ! C1MH-S4', ' Segars. , j Tobacco,' Ale, ' j Porter, ; j llaisius, - Loaf Sugar. " Buckwheat r" " Alii.C Sugar, " Crushed' " .' '. liranulateu iil Sweet Cider. Elegant Hams. dec 19 WORTlf A DANIEL WOLFE'S LIQUOItS, . Ci EXUI X E Schiedam Sc hi.a ps, j r Very Pure Brandy, i , j " Sherry W'wi-. - " -' Madeua ' - " "r " ". Port , " " Fors'alebv dec 18 , WORTH A DANTE 1" 10RK, 50 tys. n: dec 7 by Citv.Mevs Pork, for isale ZENOH.gr KEN V.. ri1HE BEST FAMILY FliOUR, in town, War- ranted m all cas!, to le bao ot d lec 29 WORTH A DANIEL. SUGARS SUGARS! i 75 BARRELS C Coffee, and C YtMoy. S"' 23 bblsCrusned, Grannlatcd and l'owdi-eo, Muscivado Sugars, light smt dry, " n 'i j'j 6 hhds. For sale by WORTH A DANIEL.) Granite Roy. jan 8 PORKPORK. BBLS, New York City Mc, 'uitTecelved I J and for sale low, for cash, br . dec 11 EXTR7l GOSHEN BlJTTEH O KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2: AJ dec 11 ' u i.u. AT 1 - dec 7-i THE BUTTER STORE- the same sort, just receh 7-U s.-c: II IMtlLIiMi D UllVA IMON I3UKNED VV. i ERRING A CIV bark ItB 1 4 if VauDting Ch.llenjrel w . .. Read the following: . . v i. . i "I'V1" 0,t. E. I . HorRixs, Ei-tp, Ag fur l.illit.' f !", Sjra cue. ' : . . ' - . DearSIr t We w anthotUol. Ir M .-.,. SJ C. IIcrringrA Co.. to oiler joii. nr Mr' Lilbr. Sbt other jH-r-on, $UO0. to proi c tlmt llm lpt Chain piin .Afe wet 1ih-l to pcnkrv lt rmtmu i n aeeitlental tiie;i and ejll give nft. )Jr; l.iHie, tr any otlW-r rcHiible v,r.H, 5ou u mako m the fjme offer in regard lo Mr. Illn-'i Signe.1. . D. Sj A S. l GEI.R, . . Agent for S. C. ileiin A l'. Tli'n biter lining 1ecn forardel to lur, the fillow Ing reply was rcturnot :. " Taov, Nor. 10, h(. I'. P. Hornrxn. Fmj., Svr?cuie, s Dear Sir ; You arc Iht by AiiUHiled . arrepi. IkhIi pait4t0f the proxwltl..u tuade v.m bv D S. A S.' P. t'eiT, under date "of tb I. it, l4). .re mining that they mean, by Liljie' Safe," lb.; famcafe lu.inuUctuii d by nie. inc' I hare man" ufat tuml on luy owh aci-ouiit. My h ithiu' three vram last ia"t. ' The numcy to Ix d.'i-itl in the hand of Hon. Isaac llrCoiiihe, Jr., Maver of the city of Tij", within tiflvn Uy, aud to In? pletla' by him in the haN of iN.iue" competent )rn, who may, be m-Iet teil to receive the telimoHV in Hi is citr, and to (k- idc to w houi it fhall Ix paid. Truly your-. LEWIS LILL IE. The above avitanee of lite challenge wm or-warU-d to Mr. Hopkins, and by him fo Mcaer. GeT Agi;nH, Ac, t. wljh h no iecne La ln i ' made. ' t . ' '" . c 5 Maaoi'k Orri t, ). ; 1 . .. JTroy. Dccvtnber 4. Ir-Co. J I h.i foregoing letters have been handed to mbt Mr. LiMie, and the" content' of the Mmr bo.ni( been exiriiiim-d, 1 et.n-wntiil, at h"i rejuet. ti ie Ceive allid hold 5IIM) the. propoM it pledge, tl the pat t ot' rMr. Lillie, and up to thia date 11m e e snme. itod not hearing anvlldng from S. V, llei i hig A. Co., or from D. S. A S. p. UNT, Agents, and the time ha ing eioired, llinvrlhU day returned the luuds deptwiteti to l.tltje. ISAAC M'ONE, Ja. -j0l - G. II. KKLLKY, Agenjl. . TI IE FIR.SlrrTlHTrri4A HT.r ritJUS SAYING was xi lej.lili.d in the conrteof J North Carob'ua, a regarditl her net i 4 in the "days pf liie K'evobitiou. The tlerllenbiaric Declaiatiofl "of Indepcndiiicc. igned by EphrlaiMi liowanl, attd other'", vwim the lirft piiblie acrtion bf the right of n State or colony (it ln free -to ecl: ntil Ninth Carolina n'i the l.fl to lat it y the aiiieles of .confederal Ion m1 ween, and f.irmlng 'tli-j-e United 'Statml Thu, iitiii k hihI prompt to reel-it mid Npel aggrfsion, bc ma nt to tU li ,g:ite awiiv nnv ol the itower veMcd in brr, 'Tlie liduiitable ('ASSII)EV ha abojint reeeivtd III, DiXI Se t Oranges; which he U otleibig at theUn pfefedentedly low. prices of JrL2 a $!.. t Iiuii ilfd, nt the Beiidezvoua. jan H CtO.NSl GN EES of 0 hloU. Bacon and 20bbU. Pork.-marked di.iuiond H pir wbr Ioui iana, IVoiii Baltimore, m ill plea inuke themneUia known at. t li"lltv ol tin utidcrsigni'd. to-lay jan K ' ' T. C. A B. G. WORTH. (Jlbll AM'S MAMMU JV Major lMUiil -W illi. iin Oilliwni, iroini Military tUute. , COXTKKTM. ' , ' Allele l;t.--Ariiiy Oi ganiutioi.i-Oi ganiatlen f ttiifantry Organialioii of Cavalry nrcniza lion of Field Ai tillery-The Staff. Ayt'ule2d Arms aiid A munition ; . Article 3d. School of the Shlier ; Article 4tli Si h'il t,f the Compauv ; ' ' ' Artie Ic Mh Target I'ractice; Article filh ScIkhiI of the Battalion ; t Artic le 7th Schol f the Trootn-r 4 " Arliehi Sth School of the Trop ; i ' ' Article !H)i Seluud of the Siuudryi ; . Article loth Evolution ol I lie Regiment. Article lllh Light Arlilliry Tcti,; . Art ile Pith Honor paid by Troopn, trthr President, Governor, Generals, Ac. ; Article 13th Dutie of ( Captain. Coinpanh Duties In t'limps. Garrisons, Ac. " ' . Article Mill I he Milt! : -. .;.' T Article ISlh-Battle s - 1 Article KLli CotirU Marli.il ; . , .Article 17 th Music, Revilh. TaftM, Ac ; ApjenHv- The Article of S'r. ;. ' . The whole in one handsome volume of 71 i p . t'rice $2,r0. Book forw arded on receipt of price, j .r0 copies received this iinrrniug, per KxpnM, at i . WHITAKER'S New IbH.k Store, Market st., bet. Jas, Dawou' and Wilkinson'. . jnn8 - , ' .. I TO AHMS! ,'TO AIIMM! j VLL THOSE who arq opnwMI to the Federal' .'. coercion of a hovereign State; and m bo ar ojiposeI tothejiassage of abolition soldier through -j. North .Carolina, for the purpo vf nuhjagntlng a nistfer State, will buy their Groceries, Prov Uiouo, sin all stores. and accoutrciucuta of thn patriot. j:tn I CVSSIDKY. C'OFPEi-jT" )ID, LAGUAVRA, Java and St. Domingo, in! XV "'c and for sale by !. jau HI , ' a UNO If. UK KEN K. NEW C.'OUN, AI'LOAT. 2.200 BUSHELS Prime -White New Crop (ol n, now landing, for nitt by . ELLIS A MITCHELL. ' jan Id WHITE OATS. 2000 ... jan 11 BUSHELS Heavy New Yoik Swt 'J OrtU. For sale by . . .'ELM'S A MlfCllELI, WHEAT II RAN. 10'OQ BAtiS in Htore. For ab, by jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL. RAISINS. 1 WHOLE lwxes large hunch Rabin, rlJ 10 li jan II I orialeby7EN0 IL GREENE. C1ANAL BAirROVS. looCairarBTiTrora, warcluiuse, anl for rale, In lot t milt, n't nov 30 . , WILSON'S. . .; - - "llocip'lfitoN. .OTTT' in 1i TON S 1, V,i to li in. IH-H.p li on, for tale by J yJ jan H , SI. Mac I N X IS. . , MACK Ell EI ATds. and in store, and for al by Xy jan N M. Mvil.VXIS 1 N. C. FlaOUIL . ; I . ST RECEIVED per Railroad. Family ami Super, celebrated Uatrbovia MilN brand.-- Hirsaleby DtROSSET, BROWN A CO. nov 27 1 .. , CEME.NT At 1LASTEIL Ol ( BBLS. Ci-iuent, W bbls. Plater lik vUVJ per In ig ater v itch. - ror naif Irv dec 13 ' ELLIS A MITCHELL mnii ruiv , r pIIE NORTH CAROLIN A FOIM BOOK, Can). -.A. wcllVJiiidiee, or Swan ii'ii Rcvlwil Frredlj'ti Legal Adviser, at dec. 11 : DEMIJOHNS, d c 12 Kr.bbia M, - I Bk Store. 1 1 1 ! A it ' - " aud & gallon; at ' PERRI.N'S. COFFEI-COFFEIL BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Lagnayra do 5 do. St. Domingo d 2'1 mat Java do mrtoir, and for sale low for calt, by . dec fi. XENOJL (J REEVE. N TAILS. I. Vi keg assorted NaiU, frnn 3 to ' nov I . ror sale iy 7.E.NO IL GREEXI. ir EA LTD FU L ' KA" ERCIS E, i..riary to a long and haimv life. Let the girN buy Turn : uiite' II. nils (lie bivs cidrII axes, of CASSlDEV, ami take plenty of exercise thei cd moriiihgK. i dec 1 '- "i- ... : , lT:a v i:n mja'v eS lea v kkT JEAVE.V, LEAN EN, LEAVEN, LEAVEN. j Try it Ti v it Trv it Trvit. at . ijirnK V ' WORTH A DANIEL'S. ------t""" NOTICI1 l. 4 Ll, I'EirSONS who are indebted for Grocro. Provixuins. Ac., either bv note or to the late firm of Wihioh A Williar- uccounts arc lougfim-e due, are re1 Iiniui-diHte 1 a uient txt lite "iilC counts will e placed i'u llic . jan 1 - H(K Yj a4v MIE North' V. Justice, ii dec 20 j. ii . J - if