? -i i ! ; I II i VOll yiI.,!NO. 20M.. - . WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING, - JANUARY 17, 1861. wnoLE no; 2.11 1. . -,N t & I M I 5 1 I ! , I;! - , fi ll' V i ! f : i. i - - I' f e i i.!! : ? : i i 'a !- - n. t f. ' i : IV -ft :f i TERMS: . Daily aper, SC.OO; Weekly, $2.00, ; !iirX AlVANCFL -5t4 The P-q-tT is always stepped, unleas a remittance IS ma(l torT.iitmn it: 1 unt-lr notice is eiren, so j ; that ajiwat can Iw nifi ite't w the expiration of 4 a 8nbpcri'ton. f i j Mncv jiar hviaaiLd at ur rislc. when the let- y lev is n:jri4ercd.i : i i r ! . X A. 31. MADDELL,lEditorand Proctor. T i TO "W IX MINGTON . . ir ThnrulT rirrnlnff'. Jannnrr 17. ISAf ' fviThe'IIeralclJob Ofllce r ' - v t 3 j " I la nr.ct!?pletey fittt-d up with the finest aa- ; sortment Job Tvpe tp lc found in the State Evtfj pjifi iif Job rork can now Se spocd ,f ilr, and i.ndsoiiitIj printed at this office from ' a 1-ook iuvn a voting card. Ilandtilla, I ) rircularsj (danti &c, A.v? neatly and promptly i rinled at Short police, and on reasonable terms. Epeciljatfjikion will be given to the Job deiwirtiiwijj hmiifter, and w,c fetl assured tlat hI I work t lrn.tjd to our Job hand, who isex- f -. rit nced ill the .Lus'uutm, will be executed sat- sractoriiy every resist, uive him a trial at inr rateiapd if His not done well, no complaint will Ik raae of a 'withdrawal of patronage -4 ' j ' Cahjiit pi ins Owx ,Tbap. A pirl, j'oiing, pretty, Uiaibov "all, pifttd with an air of can dor, 'htelr presented h-rwlf lefore cerUin Ia rUian lawyer. . . j "Monnk-Hr, I citr:e toonsnltyou upon a-gravc "affair, I w$nt to oUijre t man I love to marry ineln sjtuefol ntfjs-ii. -llow shall I proceed? 'Tlie endemart of theljir had ofcoursc(t sufli jipnt elaitif consi-ienw. j He reflected a in omen t. then UniisB-ure that iioj third person overhead liim. repliej nnhesitatiiIy: , , ' . ''Minien-iDUeH. :wcfrpin lo our law you' al ways po-tF-s thej means jr f torcm' a man to mar rv vu. i Yu mt:st reiniin on thrw wca.sions alone u i rum.; ismi vm inn go liefore a Judge ami swear tat In- va. vonr iver. . '"And tit'wirj sufliri. Mon-sieur?" "Yes, MdemiHe'Ie", UU one farther condi tion." I f V ' - - 4 We!lf 0 I ' ! . That ,y(?n wljl prdijre witnesses whn will rruke .in:a.th ti:t!n ir havitig seen you remain a good rjuart.r of an hocrjwith theinilividual said to have trii ed wiiliyoujrnftcctious." "YiTylw'Il. Mm.iea. I will retain you as coiiose in AV iiinn.i'.i-ijirnt of the affair." (!ool y."j I f s i hA fevv.diys a4tTwardahe vonngirl returned. hhe U nw-Pterioiflv received by the lawyer! who. scarcely Jpii'ing her time to se-at herself, questions her with tlte nioit I1VI till tlU II 1 1.' ft, 111 Vllj VUI ItKJltJ . "Well; Miulciiioiwllei how do i "Capital; camtal. - l lively! curiosity. - j mattery pros- "I'crseve in your design, Mademoiselle but mind th3 ntxt time you f-ounel me, you must I "tell me the )iamaof iheyVmug. man we are going w lo render s happyi;t snjte of hiiusclf."- "You iBh.ill live it without fail." " ' .A fortniglit afterward the young person, more : naict and cn'l!l tliaa ever, knocked discreetly at the door of ber counsel's room. No sooner r was sherwithin than jjc flung herself, into a chair saying, that she had mounted tho steps too rapidly, uo th.M thr eruotion matle her breath j less.' -Her counsel c:uU: voured to re-assure her, and made' lev inhale &ilis, and even proposed to L release her garments. - 1 - t '."It is 1 ujc!es, Monieur,' said she; ."lam mucli beitef-.". 1 " "Well, nf)v tt!l me the name of the fortunate mortal yonSarc foing U expose."' ; - "Well, t$en the fortunate mortal, Ie it known ' to you, issf-yuarself,".' said the young li'antj-, ". bursting .in jo a laugh. "I love 3"ou, I have been three tiniesetc-jeto'witli you, and ray four wt-. nesses are Iielovi ready and willing toacconipa- . jj'i ny me to uie niagistrate's,' gravely continued i.' the narrator. . ;' The lawyer, thn faii'jy caught, had the good ' sense not bj.gct angry.- The most singular fact . j j of all is th;it he'aVJores his young wife, who, by -, the wavi nijkke.s'an excellent house-keener. ius ASTXE3s of lioxDox. i tic more 1 oe come' acVjivaintol wiih llxndon the more l am amazed an loi?t in wo:jder and astonishment at " the vastness-of .its wealth, its joverty, and its crimes, j The city, of London is a very small place'.. It tSJTer aa nrjn of only 870 acres; not as large,' I foliete, as tl? new parkin New i ork. This 13 the fxtetit 'of thd jurisdiction of the Lord . Mavorof London. Kitt tlie whole metropolis covers' an afea of j?ot le&s than 50,000 acres, and contains a fopujalion of nearly or quite 8,000, 000. The I-an.i of one! single "banking-house iu London exeed $13o,0p0,000 per nnnuni and twenty-nint b:inkers rjow clear, through the clearing-house, per annfim, inore than 1,000, 000,000" (a ihbiisand millions of pound sterling) or 80,jOjLooi,OGO! atum so great that I con fess it is, utterly, leyond my comprehension.' I only know.it is. a vast sum. The value of real ' proeriy lie iouuuu nisurvu uuiui urv, iiiouyu (; irobably n-t fifty x r cent, is- actually insured, . amounU toS sum of at Jeast $29,000,000,000. I made a recent visit ngairto tue London uocksj, .icconipahii,l by. the missionary "who labors most ly, in one cf the docks and there' I saw cranes .creaking wfthrvches, the extenof which I could Jiot grasp, j I saw warehouses stored with goods, the-yalue of .which couhl lc measured only by ingoU fef iftitold goltL Piles of trcasnrcs were There, ftlof e and beneath the ground, which seemed to lf almost as boundless as the seas over which they piad-trft versed. There were literally acres nion "wre of treasures enough, it would seem, to- supply jlhe whole world. Indeed, it was suflieieM to make the brain ache to attempt to comprelwnd j the aniount of riches there col lecfbd. t-C$TexjntInt of S.-S. Tims.- " E3? LV Belgian' family, from time-immortal, has presenW Instances of six fingered children at each' gijicration ; and, siiigularly enough, while the bovs have but five fingers, as most people, eferv" girl borp in the family presents the stran-rc? phenomenon of six fingers onreach hand, and Sit toes, on rach foot. In all cases, the sunnleicntarv finger or toe is a twin of the little one.jf a herfeet fehate, and acts quite in dependentl of the others. The hands and feet are Tery elegantly shaped, and no one could no tice at first si-rht that siranjre peculiarity. 'The young lady; examined by Doctor Broca, far from being ashataed of her dozen of fingers, displays them with r6 little degfee of pndc, lor tney are delicateJ slfender, tapering, rosy, and decidedly pretty. SUe has 'gloves made expressly for her, and, as she U an excellent .musician, she has in vented a fingering of her own, by which ordina ry hands cfculd inever realize. They keep fondly in that tintnlar: family, the portrait of one of the ancestors J," tliat young lady, painted by no. less a master Uin glorions Rubens. - 1 ue artist uas faithfully jrawn and painted the handsome and phenomenal hands, witii.six fingers, of his mod "el. Cltarttton'.Ett. Aw. ' - -j '" it. i r . - " CoTt0- lioviNG. Yesterday was a busy day at the Cusfbm-house. , By reference to our ma rine rolunitt, it Still be seen that a large nnmber of shipswefie cleared for foreign and domestic ports, having on freight 32,501 bales of cotton, and other iaerchandisc. The ship Ocean Mon arch, Cap t. Page, burthen 2145 tons, cleared for Liverpool by Messes. Meeker, Knox k Co., takrs oot T)12 bales ofi cotton, valued at $3C1,- t 191, Which is .the largest cargo that has ever ' V left our port. The receipts of the great staple were, op tfc 7 o'clock bst night, 18,346 Dates. . a, v. . . . The lifeliOftt upset, with part of the crew, be longing tof BreQton's Reef, R. I., on Monday. The three fcien trawled on her, bottom up, and, after drifting up hour, they were rescued, badly frozen. f . Special sTotice.s. t ADMINISTRATOIVS KOTICE. THE U5DEBS1GXED, harin been doly qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Terra, A. D., 18C0, of the Coort 4 Pleaj and Quarter Ses- iops, of the county of New Hanover; hereby noti-. fiea all persons having accounts or demand of any kind against said Estate, to present the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. ; JOIIX DAWSON." Wilmington, Dec: 15, 18G0-Cw. MRS. WINSIiOVr, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing' Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamatlon will allay all pain, and is sure io regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your vires, ana reiici ana neaitn to your inianU. Per fectly safe in all caen. feeiidvertLoeuieut in anoth er column. j . ffb 25-ly WALKER MEA RES, 331- WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. DliUG G1ST and Apothecarr, and Dealer in.&feef Medi cines, tnglin, frencu and Uerman t-hemicai., Swedish Leeches, Ac,, also VALVTSi OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancv Articlef, Ac. Ac. ! aug 14, 1860 ".'W. A. BATCH ELO It'S lIAlJt DYE ! This Fplendid Hair Dye has ho equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining the skin or Jnjuring lh? Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuina unless signed 7 A. IJatchelor. Nld everywhere. -. CHAS.-BATCHELOH, Proprietor, , sept 29-1 v . 81 Barclay etreet, N. Y. LANDRETIPS SEED. rT JUST RECHIYFD, a full supply of Land reth's New Crop UAUDEX SEED, Beans, Peas, I Asiara-us, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general asort-ment of small seed. For sale by WALK Ell MEABES, 45 Market st. nov2S j !.-' "W. IJPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and- Chemist, A". U.' .Corner Front' and Market SV., Wilmington,. X. C. "Tt-a. ALWAYS OX HAND, a full and fresii as sortment of IHtUGSi. PAlXTS? OILS AXD glass, rL'niujfuii i; a xd fa xcr a it ti CLE'S. ': I . i . Prescriptions accurately QmiM)unded. Medicine can be obtained at any fcour of the night. The niht bell is at the second door, (on front street,) from the corner. J ; ' 15. On and after this day, all" prescriptions will be Cass. ' i , ' i oct 30 HAIR DYE-HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the AVorltl. - All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Xatural Brown or Black, without injury to ILfir or Skin. "Fifteen Medals.and Diplomas have been awarded Win. A. Batchelor, since 1830, and over 80,000 ap plications have beeuj made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. Wiu. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be, distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to iujure iu the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for. Life by this splen did Dye. 1 " Sold in all cities and tow ns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "-QThe Genuine the name anJ address, up on a steel plate engraving, on foar sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 2'J-ly " 81 Barclay Street, X. Y. . Pimples Banished ! . - Paces Made Clear 1 J Howl By oue week tj-ii of the Jlagitolin ISa!i,t. A perfectly harmless but elegant and effectual pre paration, j - Price 50 cents per botfle. Sold everyw here See advertisement, ' - . W. E. IIAGAX Si CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw j Troy, Xew York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townSinau, Xaphtalt Ezekikl, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, -villi which hcnvaii experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a iinj crop of hair has sprung up withj a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the eflicacy of his discove ry, that he has named it f THE 1XFALLIBLI V1RG1XIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Hieliuioml Kmuirer, lvr, 12, 18o0. - , . ' i Thi.'j famous article can now be had of the princi nal Drusrffists. -Those persons who desire a line C c-r-i j head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord in to printed directions on the bottle. .-Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a-short time, by using the Virginia ITair Restorer Infallible, provine that it is all it is claimed to be. j . Wholesale depot for orders, CO Main st. . R. EZEK1EL. RicuMoxn, Xov 14, 18of. 1. X. Ezekiil. take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boon bald ffr the past 12 years and have rfvitm-.'d inr hair by - usinjr Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. - Thi- day sworn kid. Xaphtali Ezekiel. befort me, by Xaphtali Eze- Joe.-Mato, Mayor or Richmond. II. LlPPlTT, Sole Ag't., Wilmington, X. t. Wj jan 14 GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trade, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Xa wal tr Broker ott Wilminffton, X. C, Sole Ag't . , - for our Glue. t . i . Boston, apl 3, IStk GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. TTIE UXDERSlpXED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is, warran j .at wforf inn. or the monavwillbe re- ICU it r - . . . . j e funded. A well selected. stocK ot low graaes irom other oarties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. . ; apia-ly. . - - W-. & HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIX BAGS.-i-3,000 justre- ceived,forsale,by - ; . ' aec a t n uinu. w"1" - CHEESE. IXGLISn, PIXE APPLE AXD STATE, at jj dec 11 . GEO. MYER'S. HAY. inftQ RALE Xew York, in store. r tor 1UU sale very low, by- - 1" I DIRECTORY. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jco. W. Ell u, of Rowan. r Private Secretarv-Graham Dares; of Craven. Treasurer D. . Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of Stafe Rufus 11. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C. II. Brogden, of Wavne. Attorney Generals W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. S-ipeaSer of cnate U. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. ' House of Commons W. T. Dortch, or ayne. ; ' ; State Libraria n O. H. Perry, of Wake. , Public Printer Jno Spebnan, , " COFXCILLOB OF STAf E. Council Wooten. of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; .'W.A. Furguson of15ertie : J. r . Urav s, et ary ; David Murphy, of Cumber- iann; j. j. Long, or Aorthampton, and, . L, Hillard, of Buncombe. . . . . FEDEUAI. AXD KTATE COrarS. . The United States Circuit Court, for the District of Xorth Carolina, ish ; W stmi-annually at Raleigh, on the 14 Monday in Jnne and last Monday in i)o- vemner. , , . '-. Judges Hon. J. M. Waynj, of.Georgia 'Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin. District Judge salary, $2000. , - ' " ' i Robert P. Dick, Distiict; Attorney- .Wtiley Jones, Marshal. The United States Di.-trjct Courts are held at Edt-nton. 3d Monday in April and October! J. M.. Jones, Clerk ; Xewbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ;" Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April anil Oc tober, John !,. Cantwell, Clerk . .- THE SVPRVT COCUT. ': ' : The Supreiiii; Court of Xorth Carolina is held at Raleigh' semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also held once a year at Morganton,. Burke county, on the fu st Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich-i niond M. Pearson, of Yadkin; Justices, M. EJ Manly of Craven, and 'William II.-Battle, of Or- ange. salary ol each, per annum. V llliam A. Jenkins, of arrenton. Attorney-(eneral : Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund J. Freeman, of Wako, Clerk ;. Oliver II. Perry, of Wak, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of N ake, .Marsha!. . . ficreaioa courts. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following oflicers ; Judges, R. R.-IIeath. of Chowan ; Geo. Howard, of Wilson ; Jas. W. Os- born, of MeckK-uburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, of Guilford ; 'John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus 31." Saunders, of ake. So licitors Elias C. Dines, of Edent4m, rides the First Circuit; William J. 'Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit; Thosi Ruflln, of Oranire, rides the Fourth Circuit; Robtl Strange, of Xew Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, ot Buncombe, riih-s the Seventh. Circuit. PLEI.IC WOftKS IS NORTH C1ROUXA. , The B"aneh Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized bv Act of- Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Snperintendentind Acting Treasurer; John il. (iibbens, A'ssa3'er, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner; Wm, F. S. Strange, Clerk. - ; The University ot North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Count-of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. X. W. from Rafeisrh. The Xorth Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is locatod at icalcurh. J. Palmer. I'rincipalt Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smith vlii , Ib-uns-wick county. - V United States Arsenal. Located at Favi tte- ville. ' v . J H Insane Asvlnm of .Xorth Carolina, situated i the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 2."0 patient : 125 patients now in it. Dr. I. C. j i?li ?r. Su,:m in tendent; Dr. . T. Fuller, Assistant' Physician : Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill. Matron, Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. B;ittt, W. W 11 olden. Edward Cantwell, A. M.Lewis, Dr. W, J, Blow. John A. Tavlor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William ,E. Anderson,, Treasurer. Messrs. Holderi, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care ot at the public charge Paying patients are also received from this and other States, j For proper form to be observed in sendin indisrent insane to Asylum, see" Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. " . f , o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONEBS OF .WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. I ' S I) Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C-Miller and Aliied .Martin. FIUE DEPARTMENT. . . Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. - - , Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvera, B W Beery Ellis. W T J Vann. Edward' Kidder. CD E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp, Lighter Dempsey Mnrtin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRE ' COMPAN V. (Re-organized Jnne 6, ls.V). ) i Korcman Walter Furlong. 1st Assistant John Sheppard. 2d Assistant AVUliam Howling. Secretary E P Wade. Treasurer Daniel Disbrbw. " HOOK AND LA1IER COMPANY Nf) 1. Foreman John Wright , 1st Assistant J Kizer. i Secretary -and Treasurer J. F. Bishop, COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. ( Oftice 18 Water street. ) . ; George Harriss. T C Worth. W C Fergus, Jos Planner, Wm M Harris, i ' II -SCHOOLS. no.VKIl OF KLPEBISTENDENTS OF rOMMX SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. --. . 'i Wm S Larkins, James McDuflie James Kerr, Dav'ul Melntyre, Robert II Tate, Samunl Player, and Joseph M Foy.- ! " l . WILMINQTOS 1XSTITCTF. L Meginney, Principal. , . WlLJjiNOTOV MALE AND FEMALE SEMIN'AMT. G W Jewitt, Principal. OAKDAI.ECEMETE8T COMPANT; " President Donald McRae. . Directors Wm A Wright, G R. French, Ed- ward Kjdder, Jno A Tavlor, Owen L Fillyaw S D Wallace. : . " 1 Secretary and' Treasru-er Asa A Brown. Oflice next door to Bank Wilmington. , i corxTV officers, corcTs, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. : : ' Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. -Clerk Superior Court James A Wright, f Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. - .'"'1' Marshal U S District X C Wesley Jones, j - Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conolev. - :-''' - ' ; Clerk U S District Court John L' Cantwell., Clerk and Master Equity DuBriitz Cutlar. i ' Chairman County Court Jatnes T Miller. T Register of Deeds, A e Jere Xichols. ' - Snecial Macristrate of Town John J Conoler. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlay, Wil liam II Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stnngtield, J J.Moore. ; :'- '. '":.H ; rNSPEOTORS. t Wooi Inspectors -Joseph Smith,' Wm nolden. Provisidn InsiiectoT David E Bunting, Hiram R Nbcon. -" "'V . - ' t. Naval gtpre 1 nspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, Oeortro Alderman. 'John C Bowden, Thomas V Player, Uohn M Henderson, B boutherland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Xathan F Bor deaux. . . " ,r : ' ' .i, Timber and Lumber inspectors James Aiaer , i t , o iri: ITr,o- W man. Jj ll UUWUC o uriuu, " Groves, J W Maaroe, X.Clark, Robert, Maxwell, E Turlington. . i... ... " ) .. WILMIX0TOS OAS LIGHT-COMPASr.. . ' (Office" in .Savings Bank fiuilding . f President Col John McBaCj . ;jj ' fjv! Secretary and Treasurer W m. Hyde, i ; Spperintendent Oliver Mcllhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES. i , ST. JOHJi's LOPfiB SO. 1 MASOXIC. 1 (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John's II ail.) O L Fillyaw, Maater. i M Xewhoff; S W. Olirer Mcllhenny, J W. Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner, SecV. f Henrv Snaldine. S D, a A iiartsntia j v. J O Bowden, Tyler, COXCOBD CHAFTEB SO. 1 MAS0XIC. j ' i (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. John'aflalL) t . Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Fillvaw, King. V. ' I Ex T B Carf, Scribe, j i Com I Xorthrop, G M 2d Com P AY Fanning, Citpt V. Host. Com A Martin, P S.". : M Xewhoff, R . Capt, ' . ' - Com W J Price, OM Ut A Com J no A Tavlor .Trea. . " E Turlington, Tyler. CArE TEAR tOnGK NO. Z X. O. O. f. ; I (Meets Tuesday nigM. Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J Murray, X G. W L Smith, Secretary. T H Howey, Treasurer. James h. Kca, ti. CAMPBELL KSCAJLI PM EST NO. I- I.-O. O. F.i I Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d rriUay in each jnonth. ;i J D (Jardner, C P. : ! Thbs M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton, II P. R J Jones, Scribe, j John J Conoley S,W. Thoa H Howey, Treas. .."" CAPE TEAS MARINE TOTAL ABSTIXESCK SOCIETT. (Meets at the Seaments Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately after the; close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. );! i Chas D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice William M I'oisson, Sec- President ".-;! retary. i Jas Fleet, As't Sect'y.' SEAMBXS' !l"illEND SOCIETY. " H-.- .; j.-'. Charles D Ellis, Preki- B F Mitchellli Sec'r A dent. Treasurer. C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea. A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Boanl.; Geo W Williams, keeper of t he Seamens" Home cor r ront and Dock Streets., - t i LADIES' BE.-iKVOLENT SOCIETT. x .7' 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Dircctress,Mrs IIal- nedy. . t lett. s 1 ; 2d Directress, Mrs Har- Secretary, Mrs1 Van riss. y- Sickle. 3d Directress, Mrs De- Treasurer. Miss Lilling Kossett. . t i ton. f WILMINerON .UBRARY ASSOCIATrOS- ( Organised June, 1S55.) i. ' DrJnDikson,Presidant. Donald McRaei Treas Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Wm R Utleyi Secfy Piatt Cowan, Treasurtr. ! - ' ' Rev It, B Drane, R H Cowan, E D Hall. S D Wallace, JohnV Taylr, G J McRae, J ( Wrij-ht Directors. v . , : MILITARY."' f I j yVILMINOTONj LIGHT INfANTRV. ,j j (Org. Mar 0th, 1853. Wm L DeRosset, Capi. I C WinsloW, E R B McRae, 1st Lieut! A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhennj-. 2d Lieut. Master. It lavage, c it Myersy Uruerly. GERMA VOLUNTEERS. . j j (Organized February 22d 1833.) ' C Coruehlsen, Capt. I HGIIashegan, 3d Lieut II Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deiastbatch, Ensisn if t t - ii a "w - . ! w " r ' r t ill ii oners, 2n iieut. t j jsicier, urueri.y. B A X K S . - '"k ,f BANK dP CAPE FEAR. : ' t T II Wright, Preside t-- H R Savage, Cashier. G Burr, Teller. I . .ID Oardner.As't Teller J. McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk Discount Dav, Wednesday. ' BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. John MacRae, Presidfnt. S Jewett, Cashier.. W L Smith, Teller, t William Larkins.Book T M('ardner, Dis Clerk. keeper, j - 5 !I)iseounjDay, Tuesday. H ; - . BANK OF iOUTU CAROLINA. ' John Dawson, Pres. i Win Reston, Cashier, Wm D Smith, Teller.!: J H Wright, B'k-keeper I ! 'Discount. Way, luesday. i C'OMMEUCIAI. HANK OF. WILMINGTON.' O G Parsley. Pres. i Tim'v Savasre, Cashier, Jno Mejiao, .Tr, Tellei'. Asa K Walker,: Book- J D IJarry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. j DiscoJfnfe' Day, Monday. " WILMIXGTOiN S.VVISGS BANK-, John A Taylor, President.- Wm Ilvde, Cashier, , .- ' RAIL ROADS. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A UUTHERFOTID R:. RO-lD (Office cor Market and S Water street. V II W Guion, President. R II Cowan,! Seci 'Treas J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished, f. h , . i - ' ' i '" i ! I ' WILMINGTON MANCHESTER BAIL R0AI. 'Thos D Walker, Pres.,1 Wm A Walker, See'v J P Robertson. Gen 1 Slip. Jos J Ling, 1 reas. ' R B McRae, Qen'l Freight Agent.: WILMINGTON &! WELDON RAIL ROAD. ' '. Hon W S Ashe, Prrsi- J W Thompson,;! Gen dent. I Freight Agenti , S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G Green,; Yarcl & Sup. Master. James S Green.. Sec'jt & P II Langdon, AuiV'r & Treasurer. ,1 Supt's Clerk, S D Wallace, Asst Sc0 & iXflVilliam Smith, Ticket Agent. : I Gen Ticket Agent! - CHURCHES. : i Methodist Episcopal, Cor Front and Walnut. . Methodist .Episcopal, )(S 5th bt Church and Cas tip. Rev .1 II Wheelir. Pastor. -- V V i Baptist, cor Orange and Gth, Rev-A Paul Repiton, ' Pastor. . jj ' . ? . s : . Baptist. Front bt Annj and Xunn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor. - , ' ! S i Baptist, (OS) Castle bt 5th and Gth,tRev Aaron Davis. Pastor. ';' !' I ' Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas i Murphv, 1'astor. j; ' t " Episcopal, (St Jamcsi.) cor. Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector, jj- , - i l Enisconal. tSt John's) cof 3a and Red Cross. ; Episcopal. (St Paul's,!) cor 4th and Orange Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. ; r : Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th,-Rev MiMe- Uueen. f astor. Presbvterian, (now bailding,) cor 3d and Orange, I Rev M B Grier, Pastor. -- '. -: " Baptist, (now building,) cor .Market and 5th, flev J L Prich ard, Pastor. . . " i i-' i-; Lutheran, (now building) cor Market-arid 5th, Rev J ti Meiiffert, 1'astoc. .:. Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water POST-OFFICE. ! WILMINGTON NORTH CAKOLJSA. j Postmaster Daniel.Dickson. ; ; j Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and - Office hours from 7K A M to 1 P M. !2 P M to sundown. Sundays, 14 A M to 9 A;M Xortherri Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7" P M and 5 AM. 'Closes 1 i and 9 P M , chancing on Sunday trom ii J to to iu A 51. . . f f ? Southern Mad, by W & M U R, arrives daily at 4K A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. - ; SmithviIIe, A C. (horse.) arrives Monday 'and Friday at 5 1 M. Clopes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. -V'-:;. .- - '""f.V '"-T- -1;v.f,-i;, Onslow Court nouss, X C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M., Closesj Thursday at 9 P H. h f . U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. Jas T Miller Collector. -CUSTOM nOFSF. -(-:.! ..t,:!4-k:i v'1 -' D M t Foy les,: Weigher W J Priee, Deputy Col & liuager. . .- T M Burnett,- Insp'r. . W F Burch and Uriah ; , Sullivan t Inspector & -Measurer. ' i -Y. i 7 i lector. . . n R Xixon Survevon. ! W X Peden, Naval Offi cer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U,. S. Commissioner. ; - CONSULS. : - h --'-'- '. 'I Britisli Vice-Consul-Don McRae, nj Water;! I r Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Watery ; Brazilian ."Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ecr n - Water and Mulbety, ( up stairs. ); i - i i Danish- VicerConsul-P K.Dickinson cor Front and Chestnut.'., s ii - ' l'-r-? Y:- l :'; - INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. P FLORIDA .RAILROAD BOXDS-S26,000 of the above Bonds-f-redeemable in 1S91 ;witli coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable Sri the city of Xew York; 1st (March and 1st - September. .... For safe by DeKOSSET, BROWX A CO. ? - dec i , . ;' ;,' : ! :v. : vv j x' -r- hi u 1 , r - " -' COFFEE - :r?V.;r prrk BAGS RIO '.'COFFEE,-- " ; V 0J 20 bag-s Laguarra Cofiee, " ; - 20 mats best Java'-:.ir';.v -v; j . deel ' , I ZEXO H. GREENE. i RE; COXSTAXTLY, receiving fine CIA) TH COATS, City ma ke. Cassimere suits at the Lowest possible rates. ' v j dec 10 , City Business Cards. . U : ERRANT Sc WILSON, "TflI0LESALE AXD RETAIL Dealers in Do- ' 1 1 mestic Dry Good, Groceries, Clothing, Bootsj a hoes', ic. i i i ' Xtw. 14 and IS Xorth Water Street, ! oct 2 i f - Wilmington,. X. C. i JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. i I FACTORS AND COMMISSIOX MercbanU. 1 t Xd 8 Xorth Water Street. ' 'lr 1 - WiLMtsesax.Ji. C, : Solicit conKitrnwents of all kinds otWiguce; al so rderfor Gnecries, Bagging, Re-pe: iuano, Ac.,- Ac. - . oct 3 OEOaiiB HAKItTSS. A. J. HOWELL. DB. W. W. HA it KISS. HARRISS J HOWELL, f G10MMISSIOX MERCHAXTS, ' 1 ; U)ct 2,1858 . Wii.is6TOX, X. C. WORTH &, DANIEL, j G' 1 IIOCERSAXD COMMISSIOX Merchants, Xo. 2, Granite Row, ilmmgton, ;C. - Solicit conbignments of. Flour, I)ried rrutt, leathers. Beeswax, lobcaco and Country Produce generally. : 1 - i , ' j Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale.' i D. G. WORTH. sept 26,ly X. G. DAXIEL. JAMES ANDEBSOX, EDWARD SAVAGE. ; ANDERSON & SAVAGE, EX ERA L COMMISSIOX MERCHAXTS, vjr July 18, 'C0-ly. Wilmington, X. C. C. II ROUINSON Aj CO., 0 OMMISSIOX AXD FORWARDIXG MEIl- CHANTS. - Wilmington, X. C. umce over air. j. a. uiara s store. USsS" Entrance Corner Princess and Water st. mar 9, 'tiO-tf ' ! ' ! L. W. ERRANT, : i ; j. GEO, WISON. ERRANT A WILSON G1 OMMISSIOX MERCHAXTS, 1 ! Xos. 14 axd 15 Xorth Water st., .oct2, 'GQ-ly . ; j Wilmington X. C. w. a. owteh;: lovkt peacock, s. b. jENXisr.5. i GWYER, PEACOCK k CO., I i Wilmington, X.C C10MMISSIOX MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro wers and dealers in X AVAL, STORES, C0T TOX. and Southern Producnerally. Prompt personal attention; given to all consignments of produce. j '!' feb 16-1 v ' .'' . I i WILLIAM II. LIP PITT, IIIEMIST AXD DRUGGIST. Wholesale and V -Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Staffs, A indow Glass, Putty; Segars, Old Brandies, and WiPes, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, X. ,E. cor-: ner Front and Market sts. Wilmington, X. C. , ! mar 25, 58' . ( ' EDWIN A. KEITH, " G OMMISSIOX M KRCIIAXT, L Wilmington. 'X. V. Offer's his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale Of COTTOX; will give .his per sonal attendance to the business. 1JU commission for selling Cdtton. will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to Xew York at 10 cts per bale. 1 oct 4-1860 -lv , s O. G. PARSLEY & CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hiltos Steam "Sav Planing MilSls, Wilmington, X. C. JEJ- All orders or inquiries for LUMBER will receive prompt attention. mch 21 '5! 0 SMITH & MCLAURIN, COMMISSION' AXD Forwarding Merchants f j ' Wilmington,' X. C. liefer to '. : .ioiix Dawson; Esq., Mayor. '! E. P. Hall. Esq.. President Branch Bank State X, C. ', . . ' .J 1 T. M. SMITH, I' . . ; ' JOHN M'LAFRTN; yulyl 1859f i i il MALCOM McINNIS, fi ROGER AsD C0MJ1ISSI0X MERCHANT1! J , -orth Water street, oct 1 .. . !i .!.'. Wilmington, X.C. Chas. D. Myers, MYERS Fred.! J. Mookk. & MOORE. "TTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps. W Straw Goods, 1 urs, Umbrellas, Canes, &c. Ac, 34 'Market street,; Wilmington, NC. June 21, .1859 ! . ' T. C. AViB. G. WORTH, OMMISSIOX AXD , FORWARDIXG MER- VyCHAXTS, . Wilmington, X. C. UNION DISTILLERY, . - Wilmington, X. C. H. VAXBOKKELEX, Proprietor. A. 4 LL KINDS OF XAVAL STORES; purchased, J- manufactured, and sold. . j 5J Wharfage and storage furnished, and coopj erare done at lair rates. jan 2 1b60... i G. POLVOGT, ; - pjlOLSTER AXD PAPER HANGER, ' Corner Front and Princess Streets, . ' -v . Wilmington, X. C. Keeps constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials.; Also, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. . !. '' " - Pictures framed to order. ' Prompt . attention given to titling up Railroad Cars, Steamboats,'1 and Private Dwellings. . j may 31 ; ' - ' ; , ' J. I.. HATH A WAV. WM. R. FTLEV. i ! HATHAWAY & CO. G OMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, dec 16, '58 - Wilmington, X. C. : J. M. ROBINSON &. SON, j TMPORTERS AXD DEALERS in ForcigU aw JL!Dojhestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ao. H, t ront St., Wilmington, ?t. u. ! jan j ; JOSEPII R. BLOSSOM, YTi EXERAL COMMISSIOX AND FORWARD- 1 T ING MERCHANT, Wilniingtonyk N. C. Itaai. Prompt Personal attention given to Con- I ; :TjT a- o . 1 u : j -. r - . ! I r signmenis, ior eaie or f?uijjmeiii"f . ! DtariiLiheral Cash advancemetits, made on Con signments tjjft my New York friends. : . nov 2, '57 HENRY NUTT, ' TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, ",.'' . 3 -; !!:: Wilmington, N. C. '"tealWilf give his personal attention to business euirusteu 1,0 ins tare. bi-jjv r, 57-tf. JAKES STOKIETT . r ALEX. OLDHAM. j - STOKLEY & OLDHAM, f .. TrEALERS , IX GRAINy A COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. . Wilminerton. N. C. "UPrpmpt attention given to the sale of Cotton, rlour, Bacon, and other Country i'roduce, ; 1 JUTE ROPE. h 30 COILS best Jute Rope, for sale by nov 28 ZENO IL GREEN. hi : ALMANACS FOR 1861. nnURNER'S. Xorth Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- X LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 ! ' TO ARRIVE. ' ' ; ' " - BBLS FLOUR. Apply to r'-' nov 27 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. 500 r'-Mi BACON. yyy'- 0 HHDS. SIDES, and 4 hhds. shoulders, just Xf arrived. -' For sale by J. A WILLARD i . FLOUR; -""J-T -': Y'YY ' Qft SACKS just landed. For sale at $1,10 per ' sack. ; noy 10 J. A. WILLARD, FLOUR. T?AM1LYSu r and r me, Fayetteville and W AVilmington inspection, in store, and for sale oy 1 1 uec iij ZEXO H. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR ' MATHEMATI- f CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. - F1860 leet -of gas is consumed through eight burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet. - how much is consumed . by each burner per.hour ? at what cost, and what would be the cost ot an equal amount oi iigflt ooiaineairom Kerosene. Oil? -Answer : There .is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 teetjper hour, a t a cost of 6 cets per nour per ourner." "rour Kerosene i Lamps aflord as much light :as 8 gas burners : 4 rrallons of Kerosene Oil -vill sapply 4 lamns one month,- which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per i month, or a cost of one cent per hear per lamp ; therefore, by bui-oinggastbeej-peirse is only sic hundred per centum greater than to barn, Kerosene Oil, wmcn,. wun iamps,cau oe jiau at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable A "'. "- jan 12 , -" ; CASSIDEY.r BUS IN ESS CARDS. iso. a. DASCT, oax ar. htm a. ' ' r. btmi. . late of . .. lt of ; ..) - lat of Tarbro' X. C Scotland Neck, Warnntn, X. C. , DANCY I11MAX Jk. CO., j ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mitr-CHANrs, VX'" i' 121 IVarlAtreet, :-r- - '';,::-' V I - 'New Your. HYMAN, DANCYAi CO., fi ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mkhuiastp, VjT "''': " ' ' -"t ' 'Y- .'.NoaroLBi, . The New York luu.-e will be ctoiductcd by Jbk S. Dancy, aid. d by Ii. W. II -man. , , The Norfolk Hoae will lecocduct.-I by John H. Ilvman and F. M. II t man. I Xr-Particulars attention civ en to the ?al"of Cotton, Corn, WheatJ and Naval Stores. ' Y September I3-tf 100 " M Geo. O. VanAmuixoe, J ar., (V S. VAxAv!Ucr. VAN AMRING E WROTH ERS N AVAL STORE AND GEN ERAL CiNVifnK Pif I.tll-IAIS, j - - 140 Water Strei t, New York. f ' -!,-f; arrsr to ; ' .' t . . : , i Mr. J. IL Blossom Mess. T..C. A B. G. Wost'h, Hathawat Co., WihningfAn, SA J. a- D. McRae (.. Mr. J. H. Flanneu August 21. 'C0-tf ! LONDON A- 1IRYAN, Commission .merchants;. -No.' 32 India' street Boiftoni acr- Consignuient: .of '.Naval Stores, . totto Lumber, and other Sont horn pj-mluce solicited. Jxo. R. Lonpox, . Nov 21-tf J. M. l!tVAX, Jr. WM. M. OKEINER, -, - i Jw. w. HAKKSKH. GREINER Ad HARKNESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSI OX J HorsE. PiuLAUvn nil 'J Nov 15, 1K.7 Wm. Ii. Mil.!., ' N. M. N OBFI.ffT. of North Carol ins. ij , of Aorth; Carolina, HILL & NOR FLEET,, EX ERA L COMMISSION A FORWAHIllNO , Merchants', ShockoeSlip. . j ' I Richmond, -V.i.,; ,( Solicit consignments of Cotton, Lutnhcr, Fiili, and all kinds f Merchanuis' and Produce.. J ALSO- Agents for the purchase of Sugars, (fleos, Jlolis- ses, tait, Lime, iruano, ive. i.nrge cargoes oi uie above articles are ottered for Vale $n ouriiHikct an nually, and weshajl be pleased t operate for par tiesofderinir, promising faithfulnsi in our en deavors to representthem. ' Ja,n 25-lyt G. W. WILKINSON A- CO. IRUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! 9 Barclay street. N. Y- VJPQ- 1 articular attention giwn i.tconignnx uis and purchase ot 3lercfiilie, all kiiuis.. j Liberal cash advances through ll.KI.NMi.xi a CO., ilmington, N. C i August 2, lSGO-ly Vi T7"EROSENE LAMPS. A -large impplr, IV suitable lor e torus,; for sale Virv cheap with OilTat d-e 7 . CXKSlDKYVv EASTERN, If AY. BALEm Eastern Hay, ex scLr,. frr sale, low, from wharf, bv 7 . . I, ! ELLTS A MIT( ilKLL. 150 I jan l) LAMPS TO II I HE. XELUMINATING APPARATUS, f .r Balls Pnr- I ties.; Public Mwtinjfs, Ac, can We lured ion vei - reasonable tonus, of the lniriiijtabl- ian 8 I CASSTDE1 C17 IIOICE BACOxX-22 hhih. i-hoiie Wesltirli Bacon Sides and Shonhl.is. For sale bv j dee 21 ' ' HATHAWAY A CO iyr c. flouu.- I - brands. -"0 ..boxes 150 hlls HATHAWAY "of pto! & COj dec 21 USCOVADIP SI (JAK. JO h!i!s. prime to choice Muscovado Sri gar. For snlc bv f ; dec Iec21 HATHAWAY A : LARD. j OW LANDING from Schr S.-a Bird. 1 fi Western" Lard a splendid ni'ticle. ! : IN STOiiK : ! '15 Kegs X. C. Laid, in oo'd pack&ges, 5 " Western Lai d, in small package dee 4 For sale by. Z. 1L GREEN M EW FLOUR -InT.'i-s and bbls, For sale by I SToKLEY A OLDHAM " dec 1 E XGLISH CIIEKSE. 25 Boxes ?clectcl Eu- glish Cheesl". just receivod st d4 i WORTH A DAN de lEIi T HOSE CHOICE!! A. V A N A S have come, at dec 6 WORTH & DANIEL'S;. L ARD. 20 Kegs E.vtra ii.'iii i.ar ii for f.imily j WORTH & DANIEL. use. -r BURNING JFL'UID. for sale very cheap, at dec 7 f ; Fluidand Oil tin cans,. CA-SIDKY'S. i TO-DAY NEAV AND FRESH. f I . STR. 'PAUKEUSBURG.- CtONCENTRATED LEAVEN so metluDg n New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powdosa, " Smoked Beef Buckwheat', Rye Flour, Buttev, GO bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins.l 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " A- 10 " Crushed, Granulated and l'ow deied, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. ! WORTH AjDANlEI, jari 3 2 Granita Row,, a. Front stm -ef FAMILY FIA)UR. have the best Family Flour in town, and e warrent each and every barrel and package if not coodJ to be returned. I dec 12 i WORTH A DANIEL.- IASTERXIIAY. 200 bales of the 'best Ees'le: n i Hav in market, j For sale by dec2l ! HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, YICI. ' SUCH was the announcement of a very gfeat victory, by a Roman General. The peopl of this day, in speaking of the inimitable CAHSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came, I siw I bonght" of tlie great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, f dec 21 2G i 28 South Front t Hit. XT IS A I lina ha been prep HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro ms Beceded I , This they would not have prepared to do,-if sonu" of her citizens bad not bbuedit i i KEROSENE OIL AND LA: as well as a great variety- of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Ifolidars Candy, Xnts.'xc. c, of Uie. patriotic CASS ID EY. f -dec 21 TUTE ROPE AND TVlNE.-r-25 Coils best jute I Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv I dec ! r ZENO II. GREENE. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at ' -T dec 1 ' WORTlfA DANIEL'. T7INRBED ROOM, SETS. A new lot, aome 1 very pretty just opened, and for sale at "dec 19 i PERRIN'$. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. IfER PA R KE RS B I J R i . Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter,. . - ' 1 -rigs,.... , " Prunes, I - 'Citron, Nutmegs, " Cheese, " Spgars. Tobacco,, " 'Ale, , Porter, " Raisins, " Mace, f ' " Buckwheat ! " " A B C Sugar, 1' Crushed - " " Loaf Susrar, Granulated do, Elegant Hams;J dee 19 " '" ' r WORTH A DAN I El WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schmpps, , Very Pure Brandy. " " Sherry Win.-. ' 1" Madeira " : ' ' ' Port ' Fo'r sale br dec 18 ? WORTH A DANIEL "nORK,--56 bbls. N Y. City Mes7 por77or"saIe r'dec? " by Z EN OIL GREENE. rpHE BEST FAMILY FI.OUR, in . to-vnwar- I ranted in all cases, to be had of iO ne nan or i , dec 29 ': '. WORTH A DANIEL; SUGARS SUGARS! . yT BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yello J 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and! - 35 " Muscovado Sogars,- V't y - 6 hhds. - , Jr ir sou; wy jan 8 . y S i PORK yC BBLS, New Yo, I e and forsatff low. dec.ll'Vt'.-'.."- t EXTRA OPZ KEGS just ,t ZO idee 11- axn bbls. i NORTHERN r S. O. HKHlUXGVS GirAM- piox -buhxed UP. T-ThIi?INa t0- oat JT Ihrir $1(00 X-L . auntirur ChU.t ! ' ' "' ' r r.-, f!i i no money. , ; Ik ad the f.-llo Injj : . . it Sti(Tu n.. iwjt . E. P, Hopkins, E., Aft Ur ljl!r.,. vr. sm. cose. Dear Sir : We are ithoiixl, by Mctrs. S C Herring A C:, to c Clr )oa, or Mr. Llllie, tr any other perron, $HH. to pro r that a Ib rrlnijCliatB pion Safe ever failcl t prcierti lt r.n)ilM a an KcvideiiU! tire ; and r e nwl give ru, Mr.'LUlir, or any i her tejinlile piKi. jf.)H) to k n the Mine ofiV-r iu ngard l Mr. LiUu-' Su-. ' (Sigp.Hl.J 1). S. & S. P. KKK.' , .' .'.- Agent far S. CL Ilerriart & CW This letter luivmjr U- ii fonrarui-ii to mr. th following rcplr was v rurn.d j - Tear. Nov. ll. ivcrt. EL'P.lIopKrs-; Ijl, Sv i acuse;' " Dear Sir t 1 on are I'wutaby atUlMtt Ii accept both parts of theiropiMtim made lou br D. S, A S. P, Oeer, under. datd of.Ort. lMi0, pre suming that tin y mean. by ."LiUitf's Saf''.'" thi same r-afe manuut-turcHl by luc, rincv 1 mao ULACtored ou my ow n atvmir.1. -ay ithba thrc years last Pat. . Th money lo be d poAiPd in Ui hsnds of Jlon. LaaciMrConihe, Jr.,l Mayof of thK city of. Troy, within tlftern day, aihl lo b placed bv him in the hnl of mm. tomivtrnt pvrmn, - nvho may b. selected to rwirt e-the Icrtimoav in this city, and - lii decide lo nhoin it 4iaU W pall. , ' . Truly yo-irs. LEWIS I.I L1.1 H The above arciptam-e of the chalb nge wiu fiir warded to . Mr. IlopkinV, and Iy him In Mrt-nu Gecr. A cent.', r.t which a fefponiM haa been made. , - i I. -' :- . , . I Matok Orririt, .,Tioy, Decynibcr4, IhCO. The foregoing b t tr Lave been handed to raa by Mr. Lillit-, and the coutrnt' of tha ainc haylnir been examined, conciit d, at Ida reUrit, to rr reive am! hod J1000 a the pronoxl UmK-k, on : the i at t ol Mr. Lillie. and no t.i thu data 1 have held tUt s,!!!!'1, iiLd r.ot hearing anything from S.' C. H. ilinc A. Ci., or from 1). A t. P. (l.r, AeoutJ aial Ihe timJ haritiir euire-l. 1 bav tbia dav j'i-401 rred I bo lnnU drpovif mf lo Lc i Llllfe. ISAAC MiCO.MHE. J. jan V, (1. H. KELLEY, Agt-nt. T 1 1 E V I It ST A n n Tn H LA ST. 1 1IIIS SAYING wjaafxeniplirb-d in.lh ft rf of ortli t aronna, aa rrgartleil her ar-Ui.rv In f the. Uays of the Resolution rTui Mp LleL'iur, Declaration of. Independence. -limed by Kthraii:i IIow ai d, arid othei-s. was the lirt pul.tfe aox-rlnwi tli right ol n Male or colony lu.b- Crc to w-v cede: a:;d North Carolina wa.i the lact to ratitV the artieb of confederation b MVv u.nod fonuing tlif stf ULit.d Stat- I Tliun, oqick auit proir-.t l n-t'ui and repel oggresiun, Je wai Vltiw tf di hj gate away any of the powtra vpad fa hr. TTae luimitabie C'ASSIDEY hw aU iut n-eeivt d 10.- iit)0 Sweet Oranges, which he ia olleiirig at Iheim preeedentwlly low prieea of $1,25 a '91, SO jwr hMii dred, at the Rendetvoua, ' JaiiM (CONSIGNEES of 10 bhda. Baeoa and 2nbbla. Pork, marked diamond JL per hr LouU iana. from Baltimore, will ploamvAuak tlii nix Ire' known at tli- office id' the nnderigned, to-rlay jan 8 i T. C. A D. il. WORTH. - GILHAM'S MAnIT,C; " , 1 VV Major Wiliinm UiltraiDr.YiruiA Military X) Iivt'itnte. . ' I-1. ' ''' ' coxtxts. '.- ' :' " Arti, b; lt. Army i rg.mitM tioa4-0rgi ba t Ion of'nfaiitrv--Orgaiiuatitiii of CavalrvOrgtuiia tiori o Fi'ld Artillery -The Stafl. " . Ayt(ele2tl Arms and A ui unit ion ; Article 3d School of lli Soldier, Y '' -A' ticle 4th Sc hool of lh' Company j - Article 5th Target Practice; ' ,' Article it hSVhooI of the Battalion Article 7lli St hool of the Troop'.r ;. ' Ai licU ht h School of the Troop I At tir-lc !lth- School of Ilia Snadron'j Article 10th Evolution of the Regiuicr.t j Article Ulh I.igbt Artillery Tarth-; ' , Article H'lti-ZlloiwiK l'uiJbv Troop. t l!i President, Governoi'.' 'General. Ac. I ' Artielo 13th Dutieii of Captains, t'oieparli Dntiea in Cahip. Gan isoiia, Ac. - Article ltth The Stall'; 1 Article l;,th Buttles; '" . ' Article lGlh Cturta Martial ; Article 17th Music, Revilhv Tat'too, Ac ; Appendix The Art hies of SYflr. . - The w hole in oiM hinnUotne vuhnv of 743 pp. Price $2,50. Rook (oilwaldt d on )c eipt o.' prr. . 50 copies ri-ceivid this : morning, p-r Hxprem, at WHITAKFR'S New Book Str.r. Market Kt., bet. Ja-i,j DairiMin'a mid Wilkinron's, jan H , 1 ,!,'. ....... ; TO ARMH1 TO ARMS! VLL THOSE who .are oppowd to Oi r"lernl j coercion of a"soer-iii State-, and t lio are oj)pos il to the piiswip'' of abolition roldieti Ihrotigli North Carolina, for tlie urroie of aubjupatiag-a sifter Slate, will buy thtir .Oroecries, 1'iot 1moij, small etorcs qml acciiut rtment!i of the patriot, jan 1 i j -CAHSiDEY. COFFliE. ' . LAGUAYKA, Java and SU Domiiiro, TV W, in X 'trc, and-for Ui by jan 10 ZEXO II. GREENE. NEW CORN, AFLOAT V 2.2no Bl.SHKLS Prime Whita Niw.Crop Corn, now landing, for aale by I x - ; ELMS A MJTCllEU . jan 10 WHITE OATS. t)AAA BUSHKIHJlavr . Aw .Yolk Stal ZJVJ Oats. Iorralbv jan 11 i ELLIS A .MITCIIF.LL. ' --r--- 1 ,1 J . WHEAT - BRAN. BAGS iu idon. For iale, by jan 11 1 1 ELLIS A MITCH EM 1000 k V V rv f . IIAI.lli-O. 1.4 .I! WHOLE boxe. large bunch l!aiMn, I IU 10 4' -.. i ' " ' " janll raatebZfcXCMI.JJREEXE. AN AL BARROWS. fo0( 'anal HarromC'in warehoBse, and for aale, In lta lo ruit, at nv 30 WILSON'S. i . HOOP IRON. 1 n TONS 1, 1 trt V,$ inch Uot,p Iron, for ab by J jan 8- lj M. MacIN.NIS. MACKEREL N OS. 2 nd 3, in c, and for sale Uy ' jan M . ll. iU'l.-.lM. N. C. F1A1VII. ?JU.ST RECIMVED r Railroad. Family and Super. Ch bra ted Walrhovfa Mill brand.--or sale by 1 DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. nov 27 ' ; ; CEMENT Ai PLASTER. Onn BBLS. Cement, t,0 bbla. Platter ParU, JJ per bj Ig Water Witi h. For wile by dec 13 I ELLIS A .MITCHELL. . BOOKS FOR ALL. rpiIE NORTH CAROLINA FOKM BOOK, Cant- ' well's Justice, or. HrannV l'cvlel 'Freed It 'a LTjral Adviser, f I " KELIJIY'S, " dec 11 ! . . - IkK-k Store. DEMI.H)IlSS ;, 1, 2, 3, 4, and .V ' gallon, at' dcl2 T PEURI.VS. . COFFEE COFFEE. r V BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Lajruayra lo 5d JJ Sr. .Domingo do 20 inats Java do lo Ure, and for sale low lor cath, bv . dec 11. . j ZENO IL GREENE. AILS. 150 ke? aswWd'NaiU, from 3 to 4(J. nov 1 tor sale bv ' j .. . ZEXO'II. GREENE- TTEALTHFUL 11 long and happy life Is-f the girl dling Hoops flie boj- amall axe,.o ops I lie ooya amaii axe, .o', plenty of ctercise theee tS and late dec 1 T EAVEN, LEANE.V, I I ilrr it TrV It T, jan 8 T T. Trncv .... 4 Jl Pry A 1 dec20- I JAMES W1L.L.AA. Kit.- t " ' . r V it fi