t THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERiUtD FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1861. V y Mt Math Wwiitil H A. U. WADDELL, i Editor and. Pro'tor. TOWN PRINTER. f ILate of A.drertJInjr, OKX (QCJltX. t I . ft UT,....,. 50 75 00 25 50 75 75 00 00 J.i.10 00 ...i.-M 00 .300 KXUf SQtAES t 1 dar ' a S ! 1 dri. .. i. . 37K 3 davs,. 3 days, W 3 days, ;. 1 4. days, ......-.,.. days................ -'. 5 days, .... 5. ! daya, ...i... 1 week, I , 87K;l week. . : 3 weekir,....-! sliil weeks, ....... 1 Dontiv.. -...2 00. ji month,.......;..., 3 nioiths,..,..L.....S 50 3 month. 3 montag,.... 5 00 j J month,... c months,............8 00 t months,... ... 1 rear. .......15 00 1l year........ 31 Contracts by tb rear made on favorable terna;! .m . . U. i " Te? 1,inea e counted i tqnare, and fire lines or less, naif square. Longer advertisement in pro portion. ' f . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. No publication made without a responsible name. I - j , .3 "Daily paper, $G j Weekly $2 per annum. Single copies of the WimuroTos Daiit ' Herald may be had evejy daT, as soon as issued, ilWimni' New Book Store, Market' street. Alao, at Relief 'b Book Store. "W" i x- m i jsr a- a? o isr . iJ3ST SEE FIRST PAGE. ' , .( aM j M 1- Friday Etc n in ;r,; January 18, iSCl. We hare receited the first number of the Carolina Flay, a neat looking Weekly pa pcrnjcentl7established 1 in- Concord. X. C. by Mr. JjW, Gorman. j ; " Srocxa. On Tuesday last $22,000 of North Carolina 6'g sold in New York atf4.!bcinga decline of teince latest previous sales, j On the. same day Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri C's advanced from to lc: ! United .States b's, pay able ia 18C3,.sold at being a decliiie of .'.V. , neglected to notice sooner 'that the late TisitorVto Fort Caiwcll had returned. We learn the were politeljj treated by the Sergeant stationed there, who surrendered at discretion, and did all n lii3 powr to render their stay agreeable. ; We see, hf the Journal of yester day, that at, a meeting of some of the Minute Letter from Hon. Z. B. Vance. The Raleigh Register publishes the following letter from Mr. Vance, to a member of the legis lature: i IIorsE or RspRxaexTATircs. Washington City, Jan. 0, 18G1. j Dzxb. m: The rapidity and magnitude of passing eTcnte, pregnant with the issues, of rev olution and civil war. make me, of course, pain fully interested in the action of your lody. Such haa been my devotion to the Union, and so deep my appreciation of the blessings it haa showered upon the American people, that I can not bring myself to look upon the possibility of its destruction, without the extremest sorrow. But we are swallowed op and hurried along in the rushing tide of the time?, and, having reached a point where we can no-longer steer it, it now becomes us to prepare, if possible, for our safety and honor, by steering with, and not against, the rushing volume. Unable to do as we wish, we must do as we can. Whether wise ly . or unwisely, our Southern neighbors are everywhere in motion, taking such steps as their safety and interests seem to require, in -the fear ful condition of the times. Ought Xorth Caro-. Una alone to stand still ? Whether she decides to remain in the Union, to join a Southern Con federacy, a Central Confederacy, or to set up for herself, involves a great and perilous responsi bility. And I hold that issues such as these, embracing such extraordinary and fundamental changes,, in her national committed directly to the -people, in whom, all political power is vested. As thev, after mature uciiDcranon, see proper to make their political led, so they mu3t lie on it; if they sec fit; and think it bet to destrov our nnsent fnrma nnA substitute others battling.' in the meantime. u. uu me siern ana desolating consequences I tend in" downward attendant on such-change, 'then the responsibil- ii resu, as uocs tne suBenng-, with the people. ' I do not regard the call of a Convention as a disunion movement I regard it rather as tin conducting steel to the lightning-freighted cloud. Firm, temperate ' and decided action may save our rights, and the Union, too; non-action will i'icvjiLaic us iuiu uwunion. e want a ton TELEGRAPHIC SEWS. Rep.orted Expressly for the Herald. Virginia Legislature. : RiCHJioxD,jan. 18. In ilse Senate, the Committee on Federal Re lations, reported in favor of Prior's propositions. In the House, the same Committee reported in favor of a National Convention at Washington, on the 4th February, and approving Pryor's propositions. ' The Georgia Convention'. MlLLEDS K ville, Jan. 18th. It U reported (boehl) that a test vote on the ordinance of secession, will be taken to-lay. From Washington. WashiXctos, Jan. 18th. Sexate. The Deficiency bill passed, and the Pacific Rail Road Bill was discussed.' IIocse. The Army bill was debated. Holt's nomination as Secretary of War, was sent to the Senate yesterday, and will be confirmed to-day. MARRIED, At St. Bartholomew's church, PitUborough, on' the morning of Toewiay, the 15th inst-v by Iev. ! air. rnnon, air. tun AKUJ. HAt.rJ, Jr., ot lav etteviUe, to Miss MARIA RHETTIIILL; daughter of Thomas Hill, Esq.,! of IUibron, neari Iitts-i borough. j !-:..);- i , j At Asherilie, on Uie 9th inst, by Rev. Mr. 3Ior rison, BUFUH BARRIXGER, Esq., of Concord, to Misa ROSALIE A., daughter of Maj. A. B. Chunn. of Asheville. i ! , Spcial Notices." COMERCIAL' Latest Dates. j OLD - :'-':..uO.'..- -SACnEM BITTERS, and Wigwam Tonic. See advertisement. For sale by ? WALKER MEARES. jan I IAJKG DIS- LIVERPOOL. HAVRE........... HAVAXA........ ..Jan. 1 ..T...,Iec. 29 jJan. 7 Arrival of the Canadian. The Canadian has arrived at Portland, Me., from Liverpool with dates to the'3rd. News .un important. ' Cotton Sales for 3 davs 23.000 bales, closing I at 1-lCd lower. Flour firm. ; Wheat dull. Corn Provisions quiet. WILMINGTON MARKET. : " j : WitjfixGTOX Dailt Herald Office, . .i January 18th, 18G0. Tcbpestise. Further sales yes'terday j of 123' bbl3 at 2,10 for yellow dip, 1,08 for virgin and 1, 10 for Hard per 280 lbs. This - morning! no' sales have taken place.a decline is demanded ,; by: buyers. ; A j , : Spirits TcEPEXTiXE--Sales after yesterdays re-; port of 360 bbls straight, at 34 cts pef gal. ' Xo . sales this morning. if:' Tab. Has advanced 5 cts per bbl", with sales this morning of 170 bbls at 1,G0 per bbl,! i Cottox. Xo sales, market depressed, ! buyers demand a decline, which sellers to accede to at present. seem iunivl Ming Men, held the night before, it wa3 rcfcolved to prcsenttllem with "sme tangible evidence of their regard,?' We are. informed tliat, the pro ceedings of fhc meeting! would hare apii-ared in mo j-itTUif, if copy noma n:ire icen prep.ire.t m time . ., 3r The remains of tlie late General Cowan, were interred, Yesterday afternoon, with milita ry . hdhors, by the battalion composed of the . Light Infantry, and German Voluntcei?, under command of Col. Canftwell, and the Brigade Staff, who accompanied' the hearse as mourners. Minute guna were firedi during the march to the- I depart in jcace. vention for other purposes lhan secession alone, though others. I know, desire it for no otlier object. We want it for the puqoe of demand ing terms of the Xorthern i-eople ; if they are refused, then for making our voice lieard "with the Southern States, which arc rapidly innocu lating the jn-ople with many iIogni:t.of which Xorth Carolina, -docs not approve. Above all we want a Contention for the puqiose of con sultation concin-ningthecomnioii rood. Though some of our Southern sifters hiive con temp t uously refused to -consult the wishes of the 100;000 fighting men, over whose dead bodies an invading horde, treading through ihe ashes of their homes, must read! them, vet there are others who anxiously seek general and fraternal counsel, and their desire we should regard. In short, in my opinion, no better method could be devised to promote the peace, the ma terial interests and the honor of our St:it.- tl. .n j the calling of an oien and unrestrained Convr-n- i tion of the people to consider of our national iuiuii, gmng as much , time as tlie urgency of the case w ill permit. The, whole Southern peo ple, assembled through their freshly elected del egates, unitedly and simultaneous!";- demanding a moderate and reasonable ultimatum of the Xorth, would, in my opinion, get it: and t ho.se oiaies mat aesiret tr remain in New York Market. Xew York, Janj 18th. Cotton easier. Sales of 2800 bales ; Middling Uplands 12J a 12 . Flour declined .Vets, per bbl. ; Southern 5 80 to 0 lu. Wheat dull; red 34 a 35 ; Avhite 30 a 32 cts. per busheil. Corn declining ; mixed 0J a Sew bests, Jan 17. Cotton Sales jeterdav of 40 bales at 11.54c. V bbl. Market 'firm with but lit tle inquiry. ' ;',. ' j; : l.ii . "' Turpebtine--We have to quote sales -of 130 Jbbl.s at $1 50 foa Scrape and $2 50 for. Dip. A1jo: safes of about 400 bbls. t $2 60 for Dip and 1 CO foi;Scifape, ; being an advance ot lUc. i' 1 j Spirits Xo sales. Offers are being -made of! ' gallon. j No transactions in other firm at 3." a 37A cts. Si 2j. Rice ouiot at "pints Turjientine 71. per gal. --Rosin finii at 1 a lie. i j articles. - I . 1 i 7 i j Charlestox, Jan 16. Cotton Theiewai? a mmV ' inquiry for this article to-day, which resulted' i the i sale of 763 bales, at full prices. The particulaii!n-e as follows: 2S balesat8; 31 at 9; 16 K: 2l at U, :: I 6 at 10; 57 at 10; 5 at 10: 35 at lb: 221- at f 105": 16 at 11: 25 at 11U: 7 at 11?': 14 stt ill '.Ul at 11 ?i, and 131 bales at 12c. ; MoBfi.E, Jan 16. Cotton The sales to-ilav 14.KXI balos, at llgllMc were Metiiiff at White Oak, Bladen Coun ty, N. C. According to rejuest a large number of the ili-ciu rS 1 1,. L- liitf!..' ,i...n,.,I.l.J- ;,t .1... Puiii . " January, joii j r ATETTfiy if. i.k, Jan 17. Bacon, 1KR12M; Coffee On motion, Capt. Josqih S. Dunn, wad called j Rio 151C; Laguira 1718; Java I8(20i Cotton io inc. . nair, ana James Jessup, ivsu., .Secretary r air to gooa llni; Urdin. to mid. with J. v . huge, Assistant.; The Chairman ex- i t'tur rannly 7 7a; The market isjdulf. . i -: i.i. . i - . i' . i . - p:;uueu me oi.jeei oi me liieetnig, when it moved and se -ondtHt.that ed of seven to draft resolutions ; Super. 7 oOfrO 0: Fine 7 25(f?0 j ou; ftcratciied 7 00U UU: Corn 75: Wheat 1 401 5(); live 1 00; Oats 50: Peas 1 00(1 15: Slolksses Cuba 2S30: X. Orleans 5000: 8alt-iLir. Sack .llTTO on. . V-.li i L.it.i I 1 28; Hard '15 (ft' 00: Soirits 30ff?31. j ' St) far as we can ascertain, good Cotton j at 11 to 11; ordinary 10 to 10. -o cnange in f lour. Turpentine and Spirits have adyanced. s filing; i ' the I'nion tion t those that ImnA f , . iiuiiuiiiuii- leriUS COIIHl UO so. w I think it accursed and d;nnn:il.1 -m,! i,r,,r t ! meet in i go out rather than stay in on sun- t.-n-.w ,,ul.l i bad always was i committee beaioint- ions : Wiiereimnn ! J. Loguw, uni. uggs, 1). L. ( ogdill,- Amos Sikt-s, Josejdi W. Davis, Edward Sikes and Jno. McClee, Ksqrs., ere appointed, and retired. In the absence of tin- conimittee- (.'. Lewis, Esf.. of Rladcn, addressed the meeting. He spoke? at some length, advocating thei-tuse of Xorth Car olina and the kSouth was opposed to anv com promise with the Xorth declared ih.-itT Xnnh Carolina, could not stay in the Union with credit j PORTOF WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 18 to herself and honor to her citizens. Oh ' that all i " I j !-...-. the submissionists could have heard thiVad ire?, ARRIVED YESTERDAY. J ! cn r,t lying hcud, Carman, 4 davs fin Havana, Ho T 0 & B G Worth, fruit. " f tmr orth Carolina, Barber, fin Favetteyille, A E Hall. . ., ' " ' COUGHS, COLDS, AND Bl'l' ):' EASES. ' , Coughs, Colds, BroBcbitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Diseases of th Throat, Chest, and Langs, however long standing and severe in character, are quickly cured bv that long tried, efficient and faithful remedy U - ! WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The universal opinion folly accords with hat latelj expressed by the " Saratogian," which says : "Wistar-s Balsam has achieved many remarkable I cures 6fPulmonary disorders -itajsilfccess being so great 'that taken in timeilt 13 deetned a secitic." The tiousand.i of Certificates in the hands of the proprtprs from those who rora long -suffering diseasp havy been "redeemed, regenerated, di&en thrallsjd" and now by this remedy enjoy immuni ty froln pain and suil'ccing.are still bett?r evidence of t !:" fact. - ' :J i . i i StHLMore Testinifiiy. j ' J j AsrDov'iR, X, H.,j0ct. 15,1850. Messrs. S. W. Fotile; A Co., Boston, Gentle-men:j-I have an earnest desire , that all persons suffering from pulmonarr-complaints, should know the wonderful virtues of Br. Wistaria Balaam of .YihlCJierry, and make the following statement with itlie hope that some skeptical person may be induced to give him a trial : i ' ' Si.v years since I was attacked with a violent cough, jmd resorted to physicians, first at home, and niat abroad, of acknowledged skill and repu tationU jind niade use of many patent medicines, without: the slightest benefit.-;" 'y ' ; TlRi-djseas augmentinir to soon a decree - as to defy the skill of the DhvsiCians: and the hones of ikIss. I was induced, as a last resort, to make a trial of. vour popular Balsam, w ithout anv confi- d. ncd irt its merits, as that had been destroyed by mi m heirless trials of advertised nostrums. Rut the elll-ct .was magically My friends were again hone- i uu aim i was asionisned at tne rapid change, uie racking cough, the Severe pain in itoy side, and de luging night sweats, -which had reduced me almost to a skeleton, abated, and I was soon in a fair way ftf reeoyery,i-and by .a-co'ntinucd use of the, reme dy was restored to good health. I : ' Vfcurs, very truly. GEO W. CHASE. ' rS(-lCaution to "Purchasers, the only genuine Wistar's Balsam has the written signature of 1. Butts,": and the printed. one of the Proprietors on the outer wrapper ; all other isjvile and .worth less ')&"!' - i- ji 1 ' ' ' - Prepared bySETII W. FOWftE & CO., Bos t on j a nd sold by - r i. jan 1 ; '-'- 17ILMINGT0N HERALD , STEAM 1 ESTABLISHMENT. iTakJ FOR SALE. at jon.v cn;i;i r. s few fine NORTH Kl N "mni , lorgan and Mes.-viigrr ' I A i;i lawk, Alstil One of the tincM n, BLACK HAWK STAf .j,,N. ever brought toithi mm k-( - anting KI.KIhKl.x totxive tck. take, in f'iYil. r turpftiiihf. .r t.i i The Job Department oi this fcstabliahment, havinr been recently in- j creased by the addition of thirty new fonts of tyje, is now prepared to execute 1 every style of ' r ' All, persons w call atid see the 5grrr. win Horses, luinbcn jan 10-tf 4J- ESTAliLISIIl:;i). in; iese at short notice, and on reasonable terms. T additions, including the latest styles of I fot- CIRCULARS. DRAFTS. BILLHEADS, Ae. render this! Establishment one of the most complete in the Southern rountry, x comprising Over I'M Fonts ol" Tvpc, with which, in the hands of eompetvit workmen. EVERY DESCKI1TIOX of PHIXTIXC. froiii the SMALLEST VISITING CARD., to the LARGEST POSTEK, can be gotten . in supt iior style, and at the ' shortest notice. Sj -T. sun;. KEN'I'l icy SALT BOURBON OLD S ACHE H BITTERS AND Wigwam Tonic. r I ulksh deJiciou.-l and far-fatuei Jotters arere- I commended bv the first 'physicians of the country, on account of their Pui itv and Medicinal Virtue. p : They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and ire pronounced the best Tonic and Stimulant, evorinf- fered to the public. Their curative powers, in cases of General le- Dinty, joss ot --Appetite, lnstipation etc., are unparalleled, and; as a guarantee that we feel war ranted in clainrmg what w do, M e bejr leavd to state that oux 'assertions are endorsed bv Prof. Sillhnani of Yale College, Prof. Hayes, of Massaehusens. - and hunh-eds of.others. '' .'-' ooia on i v i dec 1-1 v " 1 -, WALKER MEAREH W II ltS K V DISTILLERIES, r ,AI)!)HHSS. S. T.sili DISTILLER. TrprPDonivr n ir Sept It, IWtJHlthn C 10NSTANTLV mD..i. t, , taoiixiiment, every de( i ii.ij,,,. Saddles. Bridles. Collars. Whii Every varieiv of llarii. SHIP NEWS. tmetcr7V The Odd Fellows, and a very large conconr3e of citizens, also paiil the last sad tri- . bate to his memory. I ! frf'in . The Substitute. ' : Clark, of !Xew Hampshire, offered tho' follow ; fng substitute for Crittenden's compromise, and it tcas adopted by the enate, on Wednesday. i Uor long will Xorth Carolina postpone her Conn - rentionT - ' . " . Ral&d,' Th2Lt the pinisions of the Constitu : tion are ample for the preservation of the Union and protectipn of all the national interests of the country? that ft needs to be obeyed rather than amended, atid that an extrication from oyr pres ent danger is to be looked for in strenuous' efforts to preserve the peace, protect the public projerly, -and enforce the laws, rather than in new guaraii- tecs for particular interests, compromises for paructilar difficulties, or concessions to tinrcaso nable demands. j V RealcedfJThat all attempts to dislblvc the . present Union, or overthrow or abandon the present Constitution, with the hope or expecta tion of constructing a new one, are dangerous, illusory, and destructive ; that in th opinion of the Senate of the United States no such recon jStrnctiop is practicably and, thereforcj to the maintenance of the existing Union, and. Consti tution should be directed all tho energies of all the departments of the Government, and the ef forts of all god citizens. j ! 1 should ? clad to hear ! intcrehan?e advice often. i Most truly vours. : ''.. j (.. X. Folk, Member of the Hon , Raleigh, X. C. i i.. . l'evaiui, rii., or Cumberland, m answer I to loud calls came- forward. He addressed the in an able way, showing that the South ays been the loser by the Xorth. and secession was the only available means to snve von. and to j tiiJ State from utter ruin and eternal disgrace . wa3 opposed to any compromise,, and declared : for X. C. and Southern rights. Whereupon, at ' THE HARNETT HOUSE RESTAURANT i XO.- 20 MARKET STREET, BEEX put in good 11 rtMoni 1a t- ', T lift V VltJ A UU VUVlIVUi H i FORJIIIRE, A iUU), abk-bodied Boy, years" experience in tlie ( jaul5-::t Ajrplyt ) FRED. J. MOORE ' t : who has several 'ooper'n trade: Collars", Wliins and repaired. : Jarf 14 ;ttr I ! .Mi nii'i i rituK iHiimit.H i'ih , , j , , . .TAMI s- A s n- HAS order, and onened. bv SIIiP'MAX. JSZ Families supplifrd with OVSTERS. GAME. L " -1 .,. ...... - ' ' ait'., as snori notice lan 17-tf . ' SII1PMAX. So REWARD. L9ST, last night, a Gold-headed Walking Cane, i The above reward will be paid for its deliv- to B. VAXCE. ;e ofCpmmors ET Thcj Washington correspondent for the Petersburg -jEipress, under date 10th jins'tanf, says: "I have tit, from ai vcrr good, vet Private source, that,' Mr. Trumbull, f Illinois, has in . his possession a series of resolutions which have been agreed fnpon by the Republican., in secret conclave, which he: intends soon to bring to the nttention of the Senate jpf the United States, and .which, it is declared will give satisfaction entire ly to the South. I cannot pi ve more of the par ticulars, a3 it might b considered a betrayal of connaence. in me iutnreyou win Know nil. -I r Forxt.vstS of the BrfTERXEss. Of the Boston Boot a'ud Shoe Market, jthe Reporter says : We codtinue to note a gloomy feeling. Col lections costinue almost impossible, .'and or . ders.for goods-are among the things hat were. Scarcely any steps are bifctn to increare the stocks on hand. The total shipments of boots and riiocsrbyrail and sea for the week, was 1,478 cases. The clearances of boots and shoes were as follows - Baltimore; 230 cases ; Norfolk, Va., at; Philadelphia! CO; Xew Orleans. 50 Wilmington, C, G. I , . 'Major Axdeesox's Famhy. It was recently stated, in some of the papers, that Major Ander son, had a son at school with Mr. Lincoln's J son. This i a. mistake, as Major Anderson has only one little bey, who is only two years old. He is now, or was recently, in" Xew York citv. with his mother: Two of Major Anderson's daugh- ! ters have been for the ?iast two years pupils of . Madame Clement's French School, in Beverlv. near Philadelphia. Exchange. Mad. Clement, and Jier accomplished daugh ter, are well known im this city, having kept a Female High School hero for several years. Eo. llr.RALD. j j Worth. Thinking About. 1 An old officer of the French army, who -:saw the fall of the Empire in 1814, ' and who ' wears i the St. Helena medal," has addressed a commu nication to the trench organ in this country the Courier ihs Flats Unit in which he predict the following res'iil'. from tho dismombermenf of the Union : 1 The United Stah, as thev now stand, aic respected by all the nations of the earth : but if they were to divide themselves info two or three confederations, then would becin reclanntions I from all the Powers which miht thinl- ti,! selves entitled to make them. " t "As I saw the fall of the French empire in 1814 and -181-5, and that each power regained' ouen more man a nau lost, f can tell von what would hapien in America, if the United States should separate and find themselves reduced to civil war. In tlie first ulace. Fr.inei n-nni,i r. take Louisiana, according to ancient treaties Spain would reclaim Florida ; England would appropriate Oregon and several other Stitcs : Mexico, under English protection, would retake the territory of Xew Mexico. Texas and Califor nia ; and England might perhaps keep California as an indemnity for the subsidies furnished to the Mexican government ip thi? war against the former United States L "N "Xdw you will ask me how all these Imna iiAnt,t 1 - . . T , 11 ... l w.. wmu mac piute, uuu ty wnat riut that is very easy to explain. If is Louis Napoleon who would begin by a very simple and logical process of reasoning: for every one knowsthat Xapoleon IIL aims at consolidating nil that-Napoleon I had in view, with regard to foreign Ilicy. Xow, Xapoleon i; in 180,-. ixcd Imu lswna to the United State? for the sum of five millions of dollars, which tho P"OVernnirnt rf the United States engaged to ifeiv to the Ameri can merchants whose goods and ships had been seized during the wars of the French republic from 1792 to 1801. But as the United State's have not paid the aforesaid five millions, and as for more than forty years, we have seen brought before Congress, session after session, a French spoliation bill, which has never lieen paed therefore, 03 soon as the Union shall be dissolv ed, those who claim this sum will address them selves to Louis Xapoleon, and I have no donbt considering his character, that he will pav their demands and retake Louisiana.' England who suspects some such thing, has already ordered several ships-of-war to the Gulf f Mexico. See uo x roviuence, naving such an instrument as Louis Xapoleon to work with, can hrin- every body back to harmony.'' me conclusion ot his remarks. Bev. .Tosenh s j Dunn, of Randolph, in answer to calls came for I ward, lie congratulated his fellow-citizens for I the honor, they had bestowed upon him, that he i should be permitted to address them on this great and important occasion declared that tot a number of years with sorrow, he had watched the progress of the enemies of the State. He showed the corruptness of the Xorth, their dis orderly behaviour, and theiracconiplishcd effort in putting false constructions on the scriptures, their violation of the laws of God--declared that the day would reveal it when the Union of these States would be no more ; for as much as we are commanded to withdraw ourselves from'.' every one that walkcth disorderly. He said he could not fellow-ship no: people, who with Hnlv Ui'hlo A French Story of as English Ueiuess M. Lnrchcr supplies this anecdote for the infor n a'ion" of the lovers of truth: "Some years since a i n n citizen of London died w xr; who did not at all know h tune amounting up to several millions. Xo one Arrival or Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson arrived in this city, and stopped at the Brevoort Houso, Fifth avenue, j last Thursday. , She is suffering mucu from the fatigue of her long jour ney fo much so as to confined to her room. " Her reptioji irt Charleston, of which city she is a native, : was very coirteous not the slightest unkindly act having la-en experienced by her. Her visit to the gallant Majorat Fort Sumter, was very brief, ami nothing of what - occurred during it has h yet transpired. -V. Y. JVorUt. i would I e able to imagine the motive of this un epc tcu munincence. f beg he wrote, 'Miss R to accept th gift of my entire, fortune, too small to express the inexpressible sensations which, for three years, the contemplation of her adorable, nose has given me.' Fearing some error of mystificatbn, Miss B inquired of the lawyers who Clime to fTCt hr Ritmahiro fU - - 3-.UMkWAl, llll Hon. Roctr A. Pryor i. at present on a visit to this city.' ille left Washington ! Tuesday evening; and wc are jrlul to hear tliat he" docs cesjKur pi RiiauiK-aweanu proper aujustment -ent national dlfficnlties. Pety. B ret ,- . I 4 1-. 1 ' A. I A aim uie sacred suiuu. are irvin? to makp rnr upon peaceable and law-abiding citizens. Whereupon, the conimittee reported through their chairman, the following preamble and res olutions, which were read, and adopted one by one : ' . i Whereas, In tlie history of nations as well as parties there are times of danger, w hich test the intelligence, integrity and power of the people for self-government . When their patriotism and Mncerny greatly promote, or retard the progress of civil and national security, when ever such times occur they serve to arouse every patriotic energy to renewed devotion for the general good. Sueh a time has? arrived, such an appalling cri cis in its most formable view is upon us, carry ing our beloved country: to ruin, bv division and distraction. 'The old Democratic party of progress, truth and iustice. under ivhnw -vvic a rv ; r. ; o -1 : . t " www. .-w Muwiuiou-auiiia T4ue country has risen to renown, prosperity and power, without a parallel in the world. His tory, the party of all parties, true to the consti tutional Union and States rights, has divided , distracted and defeated, by leading politicians in their unhallowed .ambition for nersnnnl in terest, or private hatred, and the hopes of the Republic is tottering on its base; from centre to circumference, the whole of our present calami ties and difficulties, are chargable to self-constituted leaders, who have proven to be weak, ig norant and corrupt men. Therefore, tlie ques tion now is, are the people capable of self-gov-i erhment, have they got sufficient energy and mmuLM, iu mKe uie management ot their politi cal affairs in their own hands from trixters, gam blers, sharpers and petifogging Attorneys", whose business is to stir up contention and Strife through this once glorious country. 1 Therefore, be it Resolved, .1. Resolved, Tliat we sympathize with our Southern brethren in their determined effort to resist . Xorthern agression, and sustain thctr rights. 2. Resolved, Thatwc hereby tender our hearts and hands, with-lasting gratitude, to such of uur.-onnern Dretnren as have so nobly and fearlessly advocated our rights. 3. Resolved, That this meeting approve of the wise and patriotic course pursued by our Chief .uagisiraie oi uie otate, and we will sustain him irom to A. 4. Jtesolced, That we want a Convention of the ieople called, for the purpose of susHinihf uie nonor ana dignity of the State 5. Resolved, That the Militia should be reor ganized, ,and volunteers enrolled - fullv nrmpd and equipped, as recommended by our Executive ueparimeni, mat we may be prepared to defend ourselves in our own way. 6. Resolved, ' That we are opposed to submit ting to the rule of the Black Republican party, and will resist it to the last. CLEARED. TO-DAY. I X i Brig Geo E Prescott, (Br) Pendleton, lor. Bos ton, by J & D McRae & co. 33.500 ft bales cotton, 425 bbls tar, 1.84 do rosin, -.(U0bush Str Xorth Carolina, Barber, for Fayetteyille, by' A E Hall, : : ; Stmr A P Hurt, Hurt, for Favettevijlej-by T C . i t n ortn. pry it; this Office. jan 17-tf Mc- MEMORAXDA. BOSTON, Jan 15 Arr schr S B Whether .aughlui, V ilmmgton, XC Schr David Faust, Moslander, fui Wilmington, XC, was in Delaware Bay, 15th. ..f i SEAMENS' BETHEL,: I f There will be preaching in the Seamens' Bethel, every Sabbath, at 10K unlock, A. M., 3 P. M., and 7 P. M., and Prayer and Temperance Meetings every Monday evening, at 7 P. M. Jan. 17, 1801 . r j. ATTENTION Jvlilitary Companies ! rpiIEUXDERSIGXED being the most extensive A SOUTHERN Importer and; Manufacturer of Musical Instruments, fcalls the attention of Military Cowipanies to the large stock of DRUMS; FIFES and INSTRUMENTS for Brass Rands, of his own 'manufacture.; Eg Drums finished with any de Vice, Or. ornament, according to order. I If i ' ' W. BOUCHEIl, Jit., I. 33 East Baltimore street, .- jan It.f- Baltimore, Md. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. OR FEBRUARY, received, and for sale .it V lllTAKKU'S Xew Book Sfnv rket i't , bet. Jas.-DaWson's acid Wiltinsnn' jan 1 IIILL.SHORO' MII.ITAKY ACA1EM. rpHIS I.NS-TITUTIOX, of a thoroughly sci I titic apd military character, - is uiider i conduct ot Col. C. C. TEW, formerly -Superin tendent pi the Mate Military Academy, at Colum- Dia, C. e,. third Ae.idenuc year begins Feb. oiii, xooi. iul eiiargc is lieivannum, lncliv- firr a, Circular, address the Su- jan 8-lnid 4t I lie ding clothing. perintenilertt. M1JS. IjOEB r ullii resjiectmlly ask her friends, in town t.T THE IN19I1TAHI.E NAVi:it. ClAMObl , the mnaikal.lv dului: est man, ovecaiiie hi-i luutu coining forward and thiowiini , i. on the Crittenden Aiin ndiii. i,i " i! at the Theatre,' the other ii'i'l,; tinned and umveai ied i i Im i.- ..!' i1.. to enlighten the community on ill. u, ics of the day, who would it l.u Ki and Oiled him? He, has lit l'MN USI.25 ier hundred, and the h-i I.L in town, at the 'REXDEZVOCS. .1 i and in the country accounts. Journal coj v. to call 'and settle ian H- J.ui 1 ir WANTED TO HI H fv arj ol(l..i..i til -cWi'lt. .i ii. vi; i .v i: I1Y it. i,., ' : I'.., t f i t l, M I.I, 4 GIIiL, 15 or li year l ' the veai'i to do Imii I i V eiki;ss. NEW CROP CCIJ A MOLASSES. RECEIVED this day, !.-;.' bbls. new crop Cuba Molasses, lir.Vt. tbr-'sa-le for cah. bv I jan 16-2 w i KIDDEli A MA RTFxl ' A BOY, of If Housework, j jan l(i-2t TO HIRE. Wars of a (re, accusfoinel M. SWA XX 5larket Receipts per W. fe W. R. R., Jan. 17. 340 bales cotton, lbbls flour, 58 bags do, .59 bbls spirits turpentine,C bxs tobacco, and simdries,' To E II Robinson, ElMurrayAco, W H Allen, Fetteway & co, J R Blossom, Hathaway '& co, E McPherson, DeRosset, Brown & co, Aridtrson & Savage, J B Southerland, W H McRary & c, J & D McRae, SUM, Errant & Wilson, Dbllntr & Potter, Clark & Turlington, Dancv, Hyman & co, J S Lutterloh, LBHuggins, WWPeirce, Worths Gwyer, Peacock & co. ; I j. LIFE OF GEO. WASHINGTON. T) ; EDWARD EVERETT. One handsome 12 . JLJ- mo. vol. rrice SI. KeceiYexI, and for sale I-at WHITAKER'S XWRnnlrKw. Market St., bet. Jas. Dawson's arid Wilkinson's. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. fTlHIJ; SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the .X public, that he has rented the brick ware house of E. P. Hall, Esq., and has it now stored with PLOUGHS and PLOUGH PASTrY:v LOST, to Cliurcl ISTew .dvertisemdiit. Clove Anodyxe Toothache Drops. This simple and efficacious remedy acts instantly;; upon the nerve of the tooth, and immediate relief is given. It will not unpleasantly affect the breathy like Kreosote, injure the gums; or destroy th enamel of the teeth ; the numerous cures it hag accom plished are well attested, and it has only to beconle generally known to be as highly appreciated bv the public, as it has long been by Dentists f ' I r "v- lj ii i ' i t Trci k ' rr n n t- n-m-w v"iviitjji,r,n, pikau A. Injurs, VAS Ab BARROWS, TURPENTINE AXES, GltlXD STONES. SHOVELS SPADES. iroKs Jm r 'i wiucli we are gelling at lower prices than thev can pe purchased elsewhere. j -: We are. receiving, ' weekly, lafge supplies of Floughs, stamped with the names 'of the best ma kers, and our arrangements for procuring them from the manufacturers, enable tis to sell them at priees that will defy competition, f 4m ' JAMES, WILSON'S Harness, Trunk;. Saddle-, Leather and Oil Estab lishment, Xf). 5 3larket street. i jan 17 For -sale by W. H. jan!8-6t LIPPITT, Wilmington, X. C rpiIERE NOTICE. will, be an election held at the Court LIFE INSURANCE." j! rpHE GREEXSBORO LIFE AND TRUST COM- VKS has declared a dividend for 18G0 of une J .the acceptance of the legacy, if the testator wa3 . ? "ley. -men conduct 7. Mm n9t t?uvi, .u. o.... Sydney Smith says : ' It i3 ?3 a sort of inexplicable visi- ,anu goes with the rapidity M quae &3 unattainable on. I am so much of tliat I am convinc- ;tcmatically and as he might .would, an- Aoars a Ori ermg tne tace ot the deceased. It is the man who for three years pursneil mcw ith his compli ments and his verses in honor of my nose ! At Hyde-park, at Coven t garden, he was always before me, and incessantlr staring !' Mk B deigned to accept the minions."" Oxb was Smart axd thk Otiiee "Smibti-h " A gentleman of Montgomery came to the con clusion the other day that a litfbthrashino would do one of his negro men cood: and w?te a note to the police officer, requesting thai thirty-nine lashes be administered tlie hear er, and gave the note, to the victim for dclivefy saying nothing of its purport. But some how or other the boy did not like the errand, and on iiis way nice ling a coiorea mend he requested him to leave the note at the guardhouse, as he was in a hurry to go in another direction. The too amiable unfortunate duly delivered the note pregnant with painful fate, and was dulv triced np and treated to " what it called for." mneh t his consternation and miscrv. There is a fellow in Vermont who has a bule . "Uiu u nuiui UIC BO eei. Ill HI Whpn ho s. -"-"- v.i 'uuuhiuuu caiciies mem to sugar. i II ungary is,trying to get itself IT rising. It is only to b succeed in rising early. ri uisiuromg merest -vuulJ i uatiurr. we enirpAt nnr ri nns Captains in the districts throughout the State, to meet, consult, and express their fi-cemen dare do. ' 8. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be sent to the W dmington Herald, Journal, and Xorth Carolinian, for publication'with a request that all the State papers copy. .m uiuuon, me meeung adjourned. Capt. JOSEPH f. DUNN, Ch'm. James Jesscp, Sec'y; ' . J. W. Edge, Ass't. ; " PAXY has c Hundred and Sixtv-Six ver cent. ' Thai u say, every one holding a Life Policy who paid one hundred dollars in premium for tha't year,! has one hundred and sixty-six credited back: and in Ram a proportion for less sums paid.- i . , r...- A. A. BR0WX, s Jfni2t i ' H Agent Wilmington. Journarcopy 2 t. ! : NOTE AND LETTER PAPER, i MORE of that fashionable Note and Letter Paper, with Envelopes to match, received per steamer Parkersburg, at ' i ! ' WHITAKER'S Xew Boot SfU ' Market St., bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkirison' jan 18 i ; - i.. Houses in the town of Wilmington, on the ist -jiegmay in J; ebruary next, for the purpose electing a Special Magistrate for said town. f . jan irJt r ;W. T. J. VAXX, Sherifr. SlTO l'J AKh TRiIX'G to make arrangements to JLt ! i fill Hill orders, at BALDWIX'S riASHIOXABLE SUITS, to measure. ' !,: Fine Black Doeskins ,Fm? Cro""n Olive Brown, and Olive (Jrecn CJoths, Vestings, &c, at . RALDWIX'f?. CHEAPER than the Cheapest Balance of the j Stock on hand, at ) ; jao 7 r BALDWIX S. IIELP US TO PAY OUR DEBTS. rpiIOSE who owe bills, will greatly oblige us by handing in the amount, or,jif presented, by paying at sight; ; O. S. UALDWIX, " j- J I City Clothing & Furnishing Store. i TL;ESUA AFTERXOOX. a plain HAIR V BRACELET, with a Gold Clasp. Anv In formation gladly received at Kahnweiler t Ilia; or at the Office of Adams' Express. jan bMf KEROSENE LAMPS, REDLCEI) PRICES. A beautiful assort ,inenU suitable for I'ai-Ior.a. Ifs,Ha. UntaU urches, Oflices and Stores in 'short, inst. t!Jm ,thing for any place where a superior, cheap, ami safe Light' is wanted , . ' -; i. Also, a good supply of the lightest colored and best KEROSEXE OIL ever offered in this, or anv other market. I have been in this business, ex clusively, for nearly three years, and while 1 feel constrained to offer my grateful acknowledge ments tor the patronage I have received. I Would i-eininu ine puouc tUat it they want a Light that will eclipse any other for superiority, cheapness oiikx naieo, o. 4i jiiarKet street, opposite tl v.diowiiu nowi, is tne piaee to get it.. janlo-3t DAVID J. GREER. Agt.. Journal copy. ' ' TO CLOSE; THE STOCK! PRICES rJEDTJCEl) ! ! $20,000 S Furnishing Goods, I Trunks, Umbrellas, " I ' Youths' Clothing, Childrcns Clothing. X'egro Clothing, )' Xegro Blankets, , I Shawls, lake advantage of the reduced prices 1 tire stock must bo sold. 14 1"XSTKCCTIO.S tor Field Aniii. , I Bavonet Ejver'cisfn for the A run MeClenilan. C;Mt. l-t Reg't C.n.tlM. I Cavalry factucs. hcott s InCiuiiv den 'i -Rifle and Infantry TaHii--..;ii ' i ; .WHITAKER'S M.-u l: 4 j:in 11 - . . M.ok : A QUESTION .' " Wednesday ' V. lj'- It,, avumiiua l VH AY ' n Mll'lk, ' inoriiiiir l.i.-t. .in o,,. IsfJli abolnt da break, a St-n- -ii.l f, nl, .... . ... .i - . . .i I'l'iifi ! un- u.i.-i, riij'ioi v pa-..ji in 4 , ward hfitteit, flnd aftr a lew mom. ut..;J ,,! disaiieHrcd, going in an ea-iaii!h i!ii.ti, This took place bi hit. :'.' ' l's" ,'Xoiih, I 4 West. , The iufstion for AnlrojioiiH-H. i . W! (; the name of the, said Star, .when did ,,!!',! where did it c'to. where and !. appear? . j Any infornialio'n on the nlve t rl f. - thankfully received at the HK.V DEZVMl ,v . 2H South Frontistf-eet, by the I jan 11 - CASSII'IA 1VARL1KE! "ITT'E RECEIVED, this morning,! u UU r - : t V- different Military Publication., m lull instructions for every branch of peciea to-morrow morning. iv Ail ing he Ac., Ale. The cn- jan O. S. BALDWIN SCHOOL BOOKS, i j : A LARGE additional supply received per steam er Parkersburg.; Teachers are solicited to examine the stock, at ' ; WHITAKER'S Xew Book Store, - Market St., bet. Jas. Dawson's $nd Wilkinson's. MESS PORKi i ' PZ BBLS. New Citr Mesa, for U s jan 18 worth a Daniel. ltx.u.K.UiiA.lVA' 'Ali,ORIIVG UPON AN jn:r EXTENSIVE SCALE. It jL IIE TIMES warrant the undertaking, such I an establishment will bo nnenprt. i n Pfinnnf Iah 'Withjictar Clothing House in Wilminrton. in a few weeks . :' : - t H THE BEST CUTTER will bj employed, and the largest stock of Foreign 7 l THE WILSON SCHOOLS', WILSON, X. C. UU BO8 AXO GIRLS in senamtft llmlid. ings bvMr. and Mrs. Richardson hulotl hv a full and able corps of Assistant Teach efs in all uepartment.-. Departments; Four Irepar'atry. Aeademie, uonegiate, and L nivepsiiv, or Art, with a regular course oi study in each. ' the ensuing .session will.be re-oncned for the admission of Pupils, nn Thursday, the 10th of Jan uary , lOVl, I'l-omptness solicited. - ' For a Catalogue, address the-Principal. dfcl4-CwdA- D. S- RICHARDSON Market st. , jan 8 W bet I.'m.-' TURK'S IITAKER-'S Xew Book M las. Dawcon's arul M 1 1. i 1 OAA BUSH. Turk's Maud lijul ing, and for sal-', I ISLAMJ SA 11. jan, 10 M M.iVi- PICTURE rUAAICS. T HAVE on hand, a large avoiiin i. .; . i I FRAMES, ron.sbting of plain nil i iw. i gut, lose wool ftnd gilt,' t'bwfty mid fiit, ,v-,. A- t a ii QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CAPITAL AX1) SIIRPI.r.q mu oo. Ii CHARTERED ' C A PITA L . . . ' ' " ." " ' noo'ono .'SURES AGAIXST los the perils-of the Sea. Iul;nd Yurin, ,i I, transportation. " , . jan IT BALDWIX'S V 11. 1 NEW SUPPLIES. I f i KitrS Choice Butter, A J 10 bbls. extra Leaf L Leaf Lard. o " Pi. j. i 20. Half bbls. Fulton Market Beef and Pork. 2000 Pounds Extra New Hams, ? I i 3000 " N. C. Bacon Hog Rounds I ' For sale by ) WORTH & DANIEL. 1 jan 13 ' Granite Row, Fiont street, t HOWE'S TMPROVEn snit tio O A LBS. to 4 Tons, j on hand .Work on chilled iron balls Weigh correctly, when but of level. i WORTH A'DANIET, jan I8 ; : ; Sole Agents, j JUST REHEIVKTIJ i A LARGE LOT, of all sizes, Flower Jars', and fox sale at v PERRIN'S, JaiLg. iXo. 9 Market treet.n : ;: ?i PISTOLS ; ARE CASH. rijLEASE don't ask; us to .charge Pistols. We X bay them for cash make a very small per centage and must exact the casli t'or them, at jan 16 BALDWIX'S, 3$ Market street. THE INIMITABLE CASSIDEY. fVTW X. C. LARD, at the J-l T i REXDEZVOUS. r Xew Hams, at the i t f -V- ' 15 REXDEZVOUS. New Goshen JJutter, Fresh laid Eggs", Kerosene Lamp? and Oil, Xew Sweet Cider, at the Rendez vous, j The Inimitable Cassider, at the Rendezvous. iu aiiu io jjiarsei sireec. jan 17 , 0FFICEKS. GEORGE H. HART, .President. E. P. I """Went. II. R. Cogshall, Sec. and S. 11. Butler. Ass't See. VV e are ROSS, Treas. prepared to take Fire and .Marine Risks in the above Cora nan v. . DeROSSET, BROWX & nmmgton, JN. u'., Jan. 14 . CO. Agents. V Etiqcette of Advebtisixg'. A servant recent ly advertised tor a situation, and the wife of a v.vuaut.ovui. iu uoa&.6 inquiries aDout ner. The girl called at the house of the inquirer the next morning, and apologized for so doing, stating that ctiA -n-aa voo?n .V. nn - zl . . thought she would call. . "I sent for you," said tho housekeeper, ' and thought of course you "UU1U tuuir. --ao marm," repiiea the girl, "when a lady' advertises for a place, it is ex- iccieu mai me person wanting her service will can. inis is the etiquette o advertising !" i one man llr a coin lher to jin- LET US PAY EACH OTHER- EVERT account made previous to JANUARY 1st, 1861, with us, is made out, and past due, " We are sending out bills, and onr patrons will greatly oblige us by , f PAYING ON PRESENTATION. ' O.S. BALDWIN, Proprietor of the CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING STORE, 33 Market street.; " -jan 9-2wd ltw '- DECORATED DINlVKfi JBT'rs A FEW SETS, that are very bretty, and will be sold low, at the CROCKERY STtiRE, j w -u. JuarKei street. AT ALL PRICES, can jan 18 j TEA SETS, be had, at , PERRIN'S. mHE- INIMITABLE CASSIDEY, at the Ren- uTuus, uas jusi received a lew barrels fine fippm Annies, which ht ia aAlli'nrr f tt kki ' and 38 cento per peck. Also, a riot N. XL Dried , it;4Pplf8'Peache8' Peara and Plums! Also, a lot of Maple Sugar, in cakes and lumps very fine. Also, a few more those fine Sap Sago-Cheeses Also, - a lot new N. C. Tjird now TrnrL- t? w Butter London Porter and Scotch AleMiesidcs an endless variety of other things, too numerous to mention, with. Kero.n Lnmna ani nn . Rendezvous, 2a and 28 S JIarket st. , i jJan 18 . i nnim?8 -L .. SEND to the Rendezvous, and buy Orane-es of CASSIDEY, at $1,25 per hundred: f "g jan 18 - - -j . , I ir TO MT X ATTn-o ; i r TOUR, BILLS are now pastue, and unless TOH MT me. m V nntcn mnrt -I i , . " , , -r r J wuuuu Will have to go unpaid. Call at j- ju a ,,, lxVJSX.LEY'S BooKStorp POWDER" AND STTOT r KEGS Powder; 10 qr. kegs do., ,; jV - 29 D8gs Shot assorted sizes. -For sale by -Jy f.x 'i aU-U. GREENE. THE PARKERSBURG, UE this .morning, will bring us an additional XJ stock of-Stationetv, Sehool Books and Mu sic. We design supplying anything in our line of business that may be wanted, at j " WHITAKER'S Xew Book Store!, Market St., bet. Jas Dawson's and Wilkinson's. jan 13 . . - ij - .- .: - - UMBRELLAS, XTMBRELLAS. I . r 11 "Under Wear jfor gentlemen, i 44 inch Shirts, i i 44 inch Drawers? and all the smaller sizes made. Youths' Under tWear at I ! i jan 15 j i BALDWIN'S. 'W. DOMESTIC ' ' TTTIXES AND BRANDIES. A lot of White y and Red Scuppernong Wine, remarkably fine articles;. - Also, $ pure old and, good Apple and reach Brandy all of native production, at the ac commodation Store of. I j CASSIDEY noy 5 .1. j . .. .- JANUARY 1ST, 1861. j OUR ACCOUNTS, due at above date, are made out. We re?pectfully reeiuest our patrons to Vttll tUU I I! fill. S. B. KAHXWE1LLER A CO. an 1 , - : Old Stand, Corner Store. -WORTH CAROLINA! Y A i sue always be right.; but, right or wrori .-i-'J-A me immitaOle CASSIDEY will still con- iiuuu lu swi iverosene lamps and Oil, at the Ren dezvous, where Sweet Oranges can bo had.iat -pt,-o per numired. Therefore, tho Bintiir.,mV..r suitable for Photographs and I'oituii lor any style, ot, pictures. I-now offer llie whole Mock at co-t. ! . ' close out. . I ", , Persons wishing Pictures framed, wi i.ld x to give me a call, before purchasing ! w1m (. 7"-3lT .souare IJ'icture frames made i.tn ! , short not icei' j, ' C. l'Ob0.T. jan 10 a Cor. Front antlri inT - iiosTrLtTiES nr.f;r l j A J.hl received at the Ibml' 7i. n i1 J3 morning, the Inimitable CASSIM.V 1 earned that on yesterday nn.i nitur. ih. t. : " Star of the West." with rciulore. n.. ntt fi..' b Anderson, attempted to pas into Cli;ul' -t.n Ii battery on .Mortis' Island, and i if on jud the 'harbor, in a inkin rondition. .o hn', particulars given. Tho I ll Lit) 1 1 able li.i 1 I' i' ' .U . X1 . 1 f tl . .i .1 . .... w . v,..-. v.alil flliu wifflll.-ifll. 11 I Ml' Ji - ' .c nai iivi-r, nave uren i:ik-ti u" - zensof Brunswick county. j CASSIDEY'H REM)I.Z HI . jan 10 ! 2G and 24 South FpiM -"-'' ' OREAT ATTRACTION . A T THE OLD STAND, Xo. Maity ' XA Xovr oncning, the largest ainl liii' l -.'" Crocken-j CLina and Glass Ware i v to the cftizens of Wilmington. Having several years cxpVriencv in llJ-1 ' ' justifies me in saying that 1 can oll'. r imln'- ! ' which cannot be had elsfwhcre.- , k i" ' stantly on hand, tho best of. Cut and Wl ft Glass, fino White and Silfer and fl'uS Terra Cotters, Lara and Parian V.ik . i " best of Plated Ware, Table Cutlet v, ;! thing used in the House Furnbhing lin-.- To wholesale jcnstoincrs, I take j-J. -nr- i H ing that I can do better bv tin in tlii .- ii. I' ' heretofore. - I . , Call and examine our u i ll K.J .i... L. I - ' before yqa buy.l '.. .i II. f:. I'l.KKl' ll 1iuijii.ou, WCI. 1, IPliU. tl I CABAS, assortment of Cabas Port M Ladies' Traveling Ba-'., h-" KAHNWEILER A ll i" A FULL Reticulum etc oct 30 fy"""ll?s generally, anu the I'atriot, CASI L , particularly, i-i. North Carolina first, Xorth Carolina last, X orth Carolina always. ! ' r. ine Dill lor arm incr X the passed li Legislature 1 ma! orth Carolina, baa Hurrah for Xorth Caro- jan 9 J 9,TGRADES BAG FLOUR. I III I fZ ah,d Uroa, Flour, in bag v v . v j iws, rur eaief Terr. lon bv Mliitl & OAMEL. . Granite Row. jan 8 of - ' ! FOR IRftl GO UN TIN G-HOUSE CALEXDERS. The s: greatest varietr of sires anH stT-iu thing; necessary to furnish a Counting-Room. at !-:: WHITAKER'S 'Vowr TJrt Stn Market st., bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson's. jan ir ; '.. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. -"T-:t" . ' : r Patent Knife Cleaners, i ' ', 1 able and Doors Mats, : , To be had at the original Crockery Store, fec 17 .y - H. l(. PERRIX. TCST RECEIVED.-Per Schi U I'orK, i ir. A. J. IieRosat neese, J ...... Rope, Butter, . Nails, . . . vracKers, : I or sale low: for cash, by dec2T ' ZEXOII. f Star jch, GREENEL i. 7er suPeor Eastern Hay, -i-VVpalfl low frnm n-k, k- V STOKLEY & OLDHAM jfor dec ARMAGEDDON, 0R EOTerthrow of Romanism and Monarchy ; l he Existence of the United Stats Foretob In the Bible, by S. D. Baldwin, at I T?toK in oct C! KELLEY'S New Bork Store. STfl? "ItteISh'of-Jokin' ; WZev Hopping; The Four Georges, ?A.f:rAackeraJ- " Received this mornLff ,VVHITAKER'S New.Book Store, --- ' ;-' -. - Market stre - jan 11 inn BAGS be7tdtio CeffeeT""- 1 lVJJ J 100 bblfl. RnVr. For sale by . . M. MacINXIS jan A TJHE BUTTER STORE-50 firk Jcyame sort, just received. ins mora o ...... ; - . POTTS". BUTTER. X KEGS best Coshen Butter fllecti-d J . ian 11 Knr !, h V.VKu it i:vA.V. VrOTICE.-i-Applicatinn Mill b'" Ii .r-tb- I"' ' I nrenont aoavinn nf (I... ! iiiwtr'i ! 1 - i '111 for -an Act concerhing Steam Vi-ci'i-lt (Tunn:''' the Cape' Fear river. ,- d.-c l-""- '. I ' NOTICE I H HIEUEBYI GnT.V, that appli. ,.Ji .n j maue 10 me present segMon ot l ii" l. to incorporate tho Cape Fear Riflemen. January 12fh, 48C1. GORN. 5000 Bushs Hyde County Cm . 2000 bushs. Perquimans' Cmifr ( , ' - 1000 do Western mixM I I " In store and for ealo bv ' ,. dec 1 I "ELLIS A MlTCHEJ-k. TlLAnir iwivTpn mrrn n AT OAA BUSHELS Heavy Canada Oat ""N 0JJ superior article for seel. For ui'. jan 11 u . ELLIS AM lit milP. wmriw v wiiirr line am" I the best Novel out. at . KEbLKV- ae lee 11 B'okSwru .1. t I IN STORE. S OAA BALES Superior Eastern lli', Ki UU 150 bales ' X. Y. j 5000 bushels mmo W lute ( "T, 1000 i" "liite OaU.fr S- , 500 I" Black " .. . ! 1000 I Wheat Bran, X. C '" 100 " Cow Tea. 20 boxes Tobacco Extra o1'!' i i ' lOO bbls. Flour, . X"cw crop Molasses, In hhdTnr bhN- .. , ,i jan 13 STOKLEY fc OllJ'. PUEVnif vnk'11 i'wM 1 -WT -JlkBr i,iur..wii Vive . . , ,ir i, , ,i rirt iv f A" IJI-.NI ' - ' i ."" ". .". .. el l. ! THE rKKr .' ' niuu uun uer eise in iinnnirion. ....? me perfect htting garment.! Intrmiun- - -louse in Virginia and North Carolina, m ineceiebraed FRENCH l VKfc j,LpUV

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