.1 - ' . . , .: .rny':. -,Ui vv o..y : ; v-' . --j ? V- - ' . '- . : .. i .. r, . '. t v. , ; . 1 jj . r ' " - !"' ' ; .- ' ' j :u : -: -:. ! - --.' Y . . : - ". - .- j . ..- j ' ' B . . j . ' ; , j J " ' : . VV . " , - ' -- - , 'i . ' . ! ; s ..- ; i. 1 ;. ' " " - i - j , sf v. " ,:: .. . v . -. - '.----"-'.-; -'-' ., ."....-. v. ' if ' 1' O L fiiiT it l t 1Mfft;ililllff1fi'!;-'Mi M ' 'r illi--'.v' II.. NO. 2018. ( i WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY EVENING, 'JANUARY 22, 1801. ; WHOLE NO .2.11 . 'f I A Venn's .fi.cr. :.oO; Weekly, S2.00, .i.lVAXCll-TS il - -r- - jj "iiir.i x - m.jvwhI, imleMU remittance ?r k it. Tiniflv iitice U piren, so M- ' ij,'h!.' b, !'..re the expiration of . o (;:..:. -3 at. our rUi. when the let . m. ,. UKLI, "Editor and Pro'lor. . - -. .. . ; . . tOW.V l'UIXTER. vtr i It MINGTO T jm !. Irenlnsr, January -2,1801. l ite Herald Job Office ) y ' fmeil up I with the finest as- 3 Tvi'C to le fonnd in thfc State, fc: t.f.fiil work! can now be speed- : - V-" ! y printeitnt this office from . : a vi.4tinj card. Handbills, . . Ac, &c, cc-iiflj and promptlj . rl iuti-?, nnd ok reasonable trtns. ! ,! .4 on:!ou will le given to. the Job i.iit !;.ri';iftiT,' and we . feel assured that our Job hand, xClto U ex- t ! i!-'-.e bu?incs3, will be executed sat- ! f fvcrj- rerpect. : Give him a trial at r. it' it 'n r.t done well, no complaint ! -.: 1 .f a'wklulrawal of patronage. !f. i:ardla?s of the present dlstur- tininiiati int t!ie present time doin u-lri than was cur .done 1-efore atthri - " t oil Itt'.e Sou! hern Suites, and i!;i- illiiKils (Viitnil and other siin . h i;rn.:iniji!iil. It is inferred ? ti ai i!n- Vv'f-t will be able to buy i . y i iftr: Tin j'roFpect is considered ' by Hi:iny ; lcadinpj houses. j W t.-t ha not had the means i and that its population has i f late years that pa-t expe n i.ii.Nile ifcide in guessing at i hi- s i ' ri i j ;r. According to l.u - !'ar l ti eivttl, the States . e ih i ly r.oubleil in popula- '..sLrLtl'' l- I V ..1 .'.V --o. .".'! ii'"; -!. fTp !:;. 2 1 I ':T ;..::!.! Ti:.. 571 2.:W.1l,f82 bS47i)0 ' l,780,4fM; 7G.433 777,771 V 72i:c.-3 - , i: k r a t: v . Tlu Jl'ol 1 uv i ng ; ilu'wllWaiown private N ..;.oivuii, is taken from. the ". ::ona'orary Biogniphy :' : i va-; 1 k;ii t Bordeaux, in . -. lie stmuctk at I ans with con- o, . !!.;. liiiing honors." In 1812 . : . w ith General Mon v i i L -gat ion, and in 1813 i.i'i- tl .ir.iii-;. Towards the ..r lit- a- re-esilled to Paris, -4: vtf':' ,'! legal studies, and was r'.' n He ineame closely connected jf ' h'-.ll. i:'.rty on the restoration of the . : ..i .. l ..e- : in ni'if iiivuHii ui euus-ju-i'liling he was routrained The revolution of 1630 :.H!it. and he was appointed -i-.i 'ih-Bignorr.ee, but re ( , fvritihg triendlv relations ,rtt - i t- iutii'ly. Louis Xapoleon le- o-': d ti Afcr aying it !'.', in -Loudon, he rc :.,:! a- u-1 as editor of the Com .! - o-.i to Napoleonic iden3. :'. i!i f.iuse of the Prince, B-;'ubgiK' nll'air rendered ; - :.; i t? at llani,-and also in . . I e J Artisan. . : was cheted President of .! ! a: d whs named Chief of l i'l iatiiiiated some of ' the p .- -. il'tlii'. he assisted in J: . f - i. :'.-ol .-hu e 1 hat event has con . - psl'jue sci retarv to the Emper !";: i.r' i h'ufof the Cabinet. He - 'V i;: uoiTvS. niuong which are J -.N'r.tl of ;,een liojtense," a r.;-nei!'vs Causes Celebrex," and 1 1 : : ; i s . 'u ;w. : d eiiuiir minister in tne Uist :i- v. a !1 known from his quaint ; in iiiii. tie.il comments which he ;is rttuMng of Scripture : as, for . i .I: r front the IlUth TsiUm, "I . : men are liars. ' he. quietly ; s. I avid, an" luid ye been i" . a have said it at vour leisure.' i " ...ip . l.as.vt n writing to theErnpe- r 1 1 . : i -r ltiri most solemnly aga '. ' i'o is'pursuing towards tha Lie oiu.-e of his h?tter, ''Uam i.v milliuus of men: and lam civilized world. This is no .i'.v.iot restore ll.e Poie to his '. - "j I can lcvoud all doubt raise i.(t : tn' a .iinst the robber. i-n letters to California by the 1 r. v i prr ii.ilf ounce, and that it ; .. ll i;,-t;i. : -.re-paid. Ixtterspnclosing ; . I ..--,"(.';.:":,--. -:', to the Agent of the Pony V.j .t h '.!":.!'., Si. Joseph. Jlissojuri, Mill T. .ji.l the Utters Will be forwar . st ni 'h Iv-arcs 'senii-wecklv. . I - 'y tlse arrival at New "York, t y.pfuiu Mclntyre, . we have to Peivmbcr 3d. The i - ..t to convene. Several mat ! t .j-t-i taaie were under considera . !i .eh w as t he negotiating of a trea- niip Jl ivti ; Ki-.' rvc.ipt used African question; I t! i-r. ' lii id" the .Government with the ;.erii.i:i ..'( r.'ua'.Hiii Society : t!ie alteration : .i: :;.:! ichti'tiagofall vessels engaged o'.-.t I-ii i r . to ports of entry. There is a '.i-'-'i--.!! itioie ?u:ir mills on the St. ,!'(;., ai-eomii id" the increased amount v.!.Mt'-d. "Mi? crop bids; bur to be dou :! of anv jrcvius j-caK The coming ii j.iit-hr.-1 ifii excites considerable interest. . :. . 1 1 fo.r.' frf lias neon expnsseu uy muuj hi. Otis ox-PresiUent Kooeris, to re- t . . n..O,1.1r !. lwn l.llii ilK CO! 11 CM " III Jliuvnuil -v a Liiii v.i' the present incumbent, the Hon. ' tiv iiminn PrpnArations are leinir : aI; i.r it j!!';!;.- the National l'air this year at C'M B;iidv. Hied in Alleghenv county, ana beins lowit iti (the citv, some one said to hira moaiilaiiious counirv von me oi. Mff. Lodv. is it not'?"' aid theoldman. "it ain't exactly . W'hv. fi ..,. rea. pni its rat her a hultancons counirv ii. . .... Iu ijhafAir Ii'l the man ride who wa3 '-driven nti.jr J ' - " ' , - - . Whjst filar: !i. of a linens requisite to take the 'e.iii!jt,j;-;,:,a-"iiclioiuiry why is beneath con- Kr.ii.f . 1 l.j si a i.wi Fivolves much iu his mind, docs . saiie hiifi feci dizzy? f if r.U thiitlungs are for the best," wherd do the 'iiTioiifc of tj.e fivond lest come from? Wbht is fie exact width of a broad grin? r , ... ;- - ( ' Jitiny.f aaks a Dnmfcrlino minister of the -"tie geiltrtiiion, stoopingfrom b'i3 pnlpitj'-have i e . otj" a pmn (pin ) alout ye ?'' "Yes, min bt r: 'Then t-tick it into that sleeping brute by yocr siLe."' Such. instant punishment must J-Ave rtadvit dangerous work to trifle with the draper, oreveu attract overmuch the notice, of ,tU-:e keen4ihted.0bserver3. . - - .. . Special IN'otice. . ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. TIIE U'DERS1GXPD, bTing been duly qualified as the AdmiDUtrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term A I)., 18C5, of the Court or Pleaa and Quarter Ses sion?, of the county of New IlanOTer, hereby noti fies all persons haTing accounts or demands of any kind "against said Estate, to preseni the tame to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; Jind all person indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make paymenUto the nnder- eigned, without delay. JOHN' DAWSON., Wilmington, Dec. 15, 18CO-4JW. j . j MRS. WINSLO W, An experienced nurse and female physic cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teethingby softening the gums, reducing all in flam at ion will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will gj e rest in your sdres, and relief and health to your infant. Per fectly safe in all cases. Seeadrertisement in anoth er column. I ' . i " - feb 25-1 v ' 1 WALKER MEARES, Sa- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select iledi cines, English, French and German CUiemicals, Swedish Leeches, Ac, also, r i PAIXTS, OILS, j Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac. , " , : ' aug 14. 18fi0 I JSSW. A. j BATCIIELOR'S II AIR DYE !-f This splendid Ilair Dye has no equal iastantaneous in effect beautiful Klack or natural Drown bo staining the f kin or injuring the I Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and inTigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unhs? Fignitt " . A. jtatcneior. rolu cvervwhH f. ; C1IAS. ;ATCIIELOR, Propricior, j ept 2Wr fty Barclay 'street, X. Y.'i LANDRETII-S SEED. ! iZST JUST RECE1YFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, BeanPeas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For .sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 2S -w. ia;. lippitt, .r ' ' Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, A". Ei Corner Front and' 3Farkt St.. WlLJtlSGTOX, N. C. "U ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and .fresh as sortment of DlirOS, PALVTS, OILS A A GLASS, PER FILM ER V. A NDFA SO Y A II TT 9 t CLES. i ' Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at "any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door (n front street,) from the cornerJ . "iJa-On and :after this day, all prescriptions will be Cash. ' ; oct 30 . IIAIRDVE-IIAIRlDYE. . VM. A. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. AH others ares mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, vvitbout injury to nair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Win. A. Batchelo'r, since S?.0, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. ' ' ,; Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure n the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Ilarir invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. ' ! I Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. 5TThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. i '! CHARLES BATCIIELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly f 81 Barclay Street, X. Y. Pimples Banished ! L Faces Made Clear! How 1 1 By one week's! use of the 3fatjHolia Bo Int. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre- j paration. ' - Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. W, E. HAG AN A CO., Proprietors, . apl I9-lydAw Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. i 'ome four months since our excellent townsman, nLipittali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on. the place so bald fourlmonths since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discovers-, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE Virginia hair restorer." Mr. e. l about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined! to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated freends'. Mch mom? Enquirer, Dc. 12, 1850. i ' ' This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists, those persons who desire a tine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its etfieaey can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed tu be. ; Wholesale depot for orders, GO Main .st. ' ' R. EZEKIEL. : i i ! Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have b.xn bald for the past li years and have restored my hair by using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. il'' Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Joe. Mayo. . , . Mayor of Richmond. W. II. LIPPITT, Sole Ag't.J jan It Wilmington, X". C. " GLUE-GLUE, CARD. We beg leave to inform the trad-), that ( we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., a val Store Broker of Wilmington,1 N. C, Sole Ag't for bur Glue. Bostonipl 3, 1SC0. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, pf Boston, sole agent fJr the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monv will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand j samples of which can be seen at my office. apl9-ly. ' j W. .C. HOWARD, Broker. GEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re ceived, for sale bv , -dee 5 : WORTH A DANIEL. -" . - " . CHEESE, t I ENGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at jjdecH v QEO. MYER'S. : HAY. : ! BALES New - .York, 1069 dec 20 in at ore.' For ale rary law, br jAttES WILLAA. RD. ' DIEBCTORY. - - i 1 - r STATE GOVERNMENT.-' GoTernor Jno. W. EII13, of Rowan. Prirate SecTetarr--GrahaniDaTes, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Secy of State Rufus II. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C. II. Brogden, of Wame. , Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortcb, of Wayne. State Librarian O. If. Perrv, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spetmaij, - ' I . :-; r IV' ' " , " - COCXCILLORS OF STATE. Council Wooten, of Lenoir i John W. Canning ham, of Person ; W. A, Furguson, of Bertie ; j J. F. Graves, of Surry ; David Murpjavof Cumber land; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and L. Hillard. of Buncombe. . ' . - ...... j TEDEItAL AXI STATS COCUTS. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, isheld semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Mondav in No vember. " i Judges Hon. J. M. Wayne of (ieorgiw ; ' Hon. Asa Bigg!", of Martin. Distrjct Judije salarvy '$2000.-.' Robert P. Dick, DL-tMct .Attorned: W-eMey Jone, Marshal. The United States District Court are held -at Edenton, Sd Monday in April and October, J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newborn, 4tlf Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Cleric ; Wilmington. 1st Moridav after the 4th Monday i:i April ami Oc tober, .Toh'n'I,. Cantivtll, Clerk. THE SIPEEME CUI P.T. The Supreme Court of .North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the; second Monday in June, and thp 2d Monday in December. It is also held once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Mondav in-Ausafct, J. U. Dodare, Clerk. The oflicers are a follows : Chief Justice," Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin : Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II. Battle, of Or ange," salarv of each, 2,50ft peif annum. ! William . Jfnkui?, of arrenton, Attornev-General ; Hamilton C Jones, of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk: Oliver II. Perrv, of Wake, Deputy Clei k ; Janus Ljtchford. of Wake, Marshal. srri-:nio-E corurs. The Suj.erior Courts are hold. iu seven Circuits, by the following oflicers : . Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan: Ceo." Howard, of Wilson ; Jas. W. 0s born, of Mecklenburg Robert S, Frenc h, of Robe son, JobnM. Dick, r ifjf i uilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hines, of Edenton, liJes the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, 4 rides the Second Circuit ; ilham A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; -Thos. Rut&n, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange,, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. ruuLH.' wouks in Nonrii, caegi.ina. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county, iu this State. gress, passed 3d' March, 1835. The oflicers are as j' follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer"; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and.Kenner ; .lonn ll. uolton, cniet Loiner ; m. t. S. Strange, Clerk. The Universitv of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight iiiiles-W. N. W. fronj. Raleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifacations. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick countv. . ' United States Arsenal. - Located at Fayette ville. . : i Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Phvsician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell,' Steward; Mr3. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. JohnstonKemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnstom, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston and Battle, Executive Committee. . ' All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the p ublic charge.. Payine patients are also received from this and other States. For proper, formi to be observed in sending indigent insane ' to A avium, see Revised ('ode, chapter on Asylums, T O W N tl O V E R N M E N Tj. f t'OMVISSIOXERS OF WILMINiJTOX." Mavor John Dawson. S D Wallace, O G Parslev, Samuel R Bunting, ' A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin, FltE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineeri-rJames Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W.T.J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beerv.. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvers, B W Beerv. C D Ellis. W T J Vann. Edward' Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up 'buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin.- HOWARD UFI.IEF KICK COMPANY. ( Re-tM-ganized June.fi, lS5a. ) Foreman Walter Furlong. 1st Assistant John Sheppard. ''d Assistant Wiiliam Dowlinjj.. Secretary EP Wade. ' Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. HOOK AXD LADDER COUP ANY 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. . Secretary am 1 Treasurer J, F. Bishop. ( OMMTSSIOVEUS OK NAVIGATION! (Office IS Water street.) Oeorge Harriss. T C Worth. W C Kerajus II Khumi r. Wm M Harris. SCHOOLS. DOAltD OF SfPERIXrEXDEXTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS., Chairman S D Wallace. Wan S Larkins. James McDuflie. James Kerr, Dayid Mclntyre, Robert II Tate. Samuel Mayer, and Joseph M Foy. Wl LMlStlTON IXTI I I'TK. Meginnev, Principal. ; I. WILMIXUTOX MALE AXD KMALK SE.MIX AK : (I W Jewitt, Principal. OAK DALE eEMET.F.ItY eoAIPAXY. President Donald McRae. ! Directors Wm A Wright, G.R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. : ! Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown! Office next door to Ban!. Wilmington. 4 COCXTY OFFICEItS. COIRTS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. i . Clerk County Court Samuel, R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. 1 Judge U S DUtrictBCourt-i-Asa Biggs-r Marshal If S District X C-r Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno Conolev. Clerk U S DLstiict Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity- DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev.' Cnstables Lewis M Williams. Jno. Utlav, Wib liamH BMdle. J Moore. A Wilder, James P St ringhVhl. J - INSPECTORS, Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. ; Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas i W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, il liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nalhan F Bor deaux. " ' ' . , . Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man. L II Bowden. James S Melvin, Henry vv Groves, J W Munroe. N Clark. Jiobert Maxwell, E Turlington. ; " ,' .. WIU-ISGTO-N OAS LIGHf COMPANY. ,? I (Office in Savings Bank Buildin2.)v President Col John McRae. ' . Secretary and Treasurer vv m Hyde. SapariBUndtn-t-OUrer Mcllhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES. ST. JoHV'SiODflE SO. 1 XASOXI. ;fi ;:'- i; i Meet the la.it Tuefdav Evening in. earn month at St. John's Hall. J -O L Fillyaw, Mater. h M Newho& S Wi Oliver ilcllherwiy, J W,! Jno L Cant well Trea. T JI Gardner, See'r. 1 Ilenrv Spalding S i. A A Hart-'fielvl J I). J O Bowd n, 'lyler. !. COKCOKW CHAPria SO. 1 MSOXi?. ? 1! ---. 1 '. ( Meets 1st Mondav evening in each month tat SM ' -. . ' John's Hail.) . '.:j:f :f d ' ! Most Ex R G Rankin, II P. Com LC Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Fillyaw, King. i.x L Jj Carr, tcribe.- Com I Northrop, G 31 2d Cpm P W Fanning, Cartt Y. Host. Com WJ Price, GM 1st Com A Martin, P S. 'il M Xewhofl, R Capt. V - -- I;'.-'.-? ...V-. -..' : A Cam Jno A Tayldr.Trea. E TurUngtonTyler. I CAPE TEAK LOM3E .NO. 2 J-O. O. F. : Meets Tuesday nighi, at Odd Fellow's Hill.) Aia J Murray, N G, James E Kea, V G. W L Smith, Secretary. T 11 Howey, Treasureii rAMPEELL.E5CAMPMEXT XO. J I, O. 0. K. .. (Meets in the Hall of Cipe Fear Lodge,! 1st and 3d 1-ridav in leach month. - i p J I) (Jardner, C P. Rev A P Repiton. II I John J Conolev S,V Thos Xf GardiuiJ W.I 11 J Jones, Scribe. Thos II Howeyrj Treasj CAPE THAU MARINE TO A I, AISSffjSEXCE SOi:iliTT. . Bethel; on Dock Street, ( Meet at the Seamen's! every Monday evening, immediately after! the j close of the leaver Meeting for seanien. ) v ('has' I) Ellis, Presient Geo W.fWiiliaiasi.Vicifc William M l'ois.son, SeC- President.! retarv. Jas Fleet, Asr'tjSect'y.j SEAMfiSS FklE.VD HvCIZTt. j Charles D Ellis, Press- B'F Mitchell, jSec'y A dent. j Treasurer, i j. I C I) Ellis, G'dbeufc-PoUer, Col John McRea, A j Deltossst. O G Parsley, ExecuHve BiiarcL Ceo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. : ; ! ''-"--- ; f 'i '. ' ' ; ' r.llli:s' BEXEOLRXT SOCIETY. ' j i: J l. t Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Direct ress,Mis Hal- nedv. lett. 2d Directress, Mrs Har ries. Id Directress, Mrs Djj- Rossett. ' 1 Secretarv, Un, Yari Sickle.. ; :j ;i -. j. Treasurer, Mixb If illingj- -: ton. ' ;. ! - : WII.MIX-QFOX LIBRARY. ASSOClATfOX, P (Organized June, 1S55.) i i il M Dr J II DiksonfPiesidenjt. Donald McRae, jTreas. Oeo Davis Yiee Pres't. Wm R Utley," Sec'y. Piatt Cowan. Treasurer. -- I Rev R B lTrane, R II Cowan. D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylojr, G J McKae, J ii Wright, Directors. 1- v ; Mjf LtTAR Y. ;"".: WILMINGTON LlfiUT INFAXTI'.V. - ' " (Org. Mai-"20th, 1853.) i; ; Wm L Deltosset, Captl 10 Winslow; Ensign.; R B McRae, l?t Lieut.!. A D Ca?aux, Quarter J C Mclhunnv2d Lieut. Master.' t. II S.t vaee, 3d ' C D' Myers, 'Orderly; 'i. OERMAA VOLVXTEEllS. (.Organized February 22d1853) f ?: C Cornehlsen, Capt. I' II G nashegan 3d Lieut. 11 Von Glahn, 1st Lieu. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H oilers, 'M L.iut. J JVleier, Orderlvj - B A N K S . v - vr v B AKK 0 CAPE FEAR.- I i'" ! T H Wright-, President. 11 R Savage, Cashier. ! J G Burr, Teller. j J D Gardner, As't Teller. J Mcl.aurin. B'k-keepefr.: T H Hardin, Dis.; Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. 4 '.. i : BAXK OF WLVIXGTOX,- X. C John MacRae. President. S Jewett, Cashier; W L Smith, Teller. 1 William Larlins.Book- T M fiardner. Dis Clerk.' keeper Discount iDav, Tuesdav. 1 n.iXK Nt'RfJl CAUOLI.N'A. i I ; ! f John Dawson, Pres. Wm 0-Smith. Teller, j Discount ii' - Wm Reston, Cashier. , J. J II Wright, B'k-keeper. Da v. 1 uosdar. J "OMMP.RCIAI. P l.VK OP WILMlXUTW'Xi' 1 , , O ( Parslev" Pres. Jno MeRae, Jr, Teller TiiWv Savage, Cashlet. Asa "K Walker, j Book J 1) Rarrv. Dis. Clerk.! keeper. DNeount I.ay,. Monday. i , . WIT.MTX'OTO SAVIX0S BASK.; ' j John Ai'fav lor, President. Wm Hyde, X'a shier. RAIL' ROADS. 1 WILMI SGTOX, CHARLOTTE & RCTHERFOllO ttj ROAp. (Omce cor Markejt and S ater street. ) . H W Guion. President, J C McRae, Chief Eug K ix l;owan, free, l reas. Road unfinished.; WILMIXGT0X k Mi IXCHESTEH T( AIL BO A P. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm i A" Walker J- S J Ling, '1 rea-. See'v. .1 P Hobertson.Gen'l Sup. Jos U B McRae, ften'l Freight Agent.;; AVII.MIN'OTOX A WELDOX RAIL ROAD. ' Hon W S Ashe, Presi-1 dent. j . S L Fremont, Chief Eng.' A Sup. -j James S Green, See'yj A . Treasurer. ! S D Wallace, Asst Serf A (ien Ticket Agentj, J W Thompson, Gen, Freight Agent. . James G Green, Yard Master. : ; : ; P II Langdon, Aud'r'A Supt's Clerk. ? William Smith; jTicket Ajrent. ' CHURCHES. ! Methodist Episcopal cor Front and Walnut. Methodist, Episcopal. iSVSth bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler, Pastor. i i Baptist, cor Orange and Oth, Rev A Paul Repiton, j Pastor. . ' ! ' H ' " '-;. Baptist, Front bt Ann'and Xunn, Rev J L Prich - I ard. Pastor. I ' V I Baptist, ( O S", Castle bt I Davis. Pastor. ith and Cth Rev Aaron Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev, Thomas I Murphy, Pastor. j f ' i . 1 Ipisetjal. t St James'L cor Market andi "m1, Rev. RBDrane, Rector. ' ! Episcopal, ( St John's;:) cor 3a and Red Crcs. V. js ! Episcopal. (St Pilul'sJ.cor 4th and Orango.jBisbop I Thos Atkinson. Rector. . i ! I presbvterian. Princes bt 7tb and 8th, Rev M Mc ! Oueen.-Pastor. : .1: ' i n ? ' Prcsbvterian. ( now building, ) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier. Pastor. v Baptist, (now building.) cor Market and' 5th." Rev J L Prichard. Pastor- ' : ; 1 ; t Lutheran,, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J II Mengert, Pastor". " i '-? ' i " -.'. Seamens Bethel. Dock bt Frant and S WAterl' t 4 POST OFFICE. WIL-MlXGTOXj NORTH CAROLIX'lJ Postmaster Daniel Dickspn. v j Assistants Joseph L Jacois', and Office hours from1 1 A M to" I P'M. 2 P M to rundown. Sundats, 1i A M to 9 A M. i ; X' Northern Mail.Bv W A W R R, arrives dailv at 7 P'M and o A M. ."Closes VA and P M, changing on Sundiiv from P M ,to 10 A M. '..I ! Southern Mail, br W A M H R, arrives daily at i)i A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. 1 f t ,-' r Smithville. X' C, ( horse, ) acrives Monday lawl I Fridav at " P M. Closes Tuesdavand Saturday at ' 7 A M. , i ;'.' ".- ' ", : i - :''' Onslow Court Housef. N C, (horse) arrives Mon- J day at 9 A M. ' Closes ;Thur.?Uay at l l'il.i; ; ? U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. crsT0?4' uorsE. . j y i: :V Jas T Miller, Collectoii ; DM Foy le?,s Weigher W J Price, Depntv Cob r . A Onager, i t ! i lector, T M Burnett; JiispV. II R Xixon Survey od W F Burch and TJjriah W X Peden, Xaval' Ofil- Sullivan, Inspector A 1 cer. -' , Measurer. ' ! . Thomas W. Brown, Jr.,! U. S. Coainisibnr. ; i 'i '' - 'X: ' i '-V .4- vil i . "0sXSl'LS. . - '! -: -. j . -. British Vice-Cousul-i-Don McRae, n Waterj J . ? ' Spanish Vice-Consul FJ Lord, On Water. Brazilian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, ji Ccr Water and Mulberv; tup stairs.j'L. '.ll - ' l-k w.:..K V;n. O.W. 11 LT Ili.l ma..n ' tvin Vr.n! . bv and Chestnut. : : f: ; INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT.' -' H 17LORIDA RAILROAD BONDJ 2'r,OiO ot the above Bondsi-jredeemabre ;in - IK91--with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable -ii tb4 citv of New Y'ork, 1st March and ilit September. For sale bv , DeROSS ET. BRO W X A CO.- ? - dee-1- '. " rh-.;-'vi;r"--:-H-:,-h--1 . r r- . ,; -- -j . COFFEE. rr BAGS RIO COFFEE, 20 bags Laguayra Ctll'ee, ; ' . Vll mats luisr .lava- - dec 1 ' I ZENO IL UREENE.t V.n ll A lVTAr. WILSON. --)-( - , 4 : R E CONSTANTLY receiving tine : CLO TU V COATS, City make. Cassimere r"uta at tne v,-. . v' 7,.f de 10 . lowest possible rates. -.-V -' - j - ;;Vl :'M City JBusiness Card?: i. ; : ERRANT St WILSON,. f-IIOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do i imstie Irv Ud. Groceries. Clothing, W. 14 and li Norlh Water Streti jci2 - - i -- -' Hmisgton. N. V. J AJS. T. P ETTEWAY & CO. mACTMHS AND COMMISSION Merchants. No S North Wter Street. - '! ' WltMlXOTOX. N. C. Solicit KaisiirnmenH of all kiuUs of Pronluce, al so- coders for troceries! Baggiug. Uojh, (inano. Ac,iAe.!r.i . J ott 1 i i ifARRiss si iiowell; G IQMMISIOX MERCHANTS. Oct2, IS58 i WiLkixsrox. U WORTH Ai. DANIEL, ; ROCIRSAND COMMISSION MtacnAsi; ox 2. Granite Row Wttmington. N.C. fsobcit fonignmnits of Flour. Driinl Fruit, Fe4thers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Couotrv Produce 'generally. m ! Agentfor Howe's celebrated Scale. "i ! . -. J. G; WORTH. - sept 2j,l r - y - - - . N. ;. DAX1EL. JAMES ivinKSOX, ' LCffASO SlVAllt.' ; ANDERSON Ac SAVAGE, I EN E k A L CO M MI S S ION MERCHANTS. Jttlfr 18, 'f0-ly. i Wilmington, N. C. I q. II. ROBINSON A CO., 1 0 M M S 1 0 .N AN I ) FORWARDING MER Vi CHANTS, T Wilmington, X. Cv Office oyer Mr.- J. A. Willard's store. JS?f Entrance Corner Princess and Water st.-, mar J. l;a-tf f ; ' . t - T... W ( UUU1NT, : ... . EO. WISOX. : 4 Arrant &. wilson, GOMMTSSIOX M EUCHAXTS, f 1 Nis.i4 asd 15 North Water st., Oct 3, '(SO-ly ! Wilminffton. X. ('. w.; a; .(IwrH, .; I.OVET PEACoeif, s. rt. Jicxyisos. 4" II 1 1 I 'TON,. . If. . : .. OMMfSSfON MERCHANTS, Wholesale Or o- ceis aiid dealers iniNAVA Li-STORES. COT TON. imUSouthern Produce renerai!v. Vt Pompt personal -attentjion given to nil consignmcnti- ol product. teb jTi-iy i i f VILLIA3I II. Llf'PITT, TlHEilfST AND DRUGGTST. Wholesale and V Retail Dealer in Paints, -Oils, Dye- Stuffs, Avjndiiw Glass, PuttySegars, Old Brandies, and Winesf Perfumery and Fane v Artieles, X, E. cor ner Fr6ntand Market -s.ts., Wiimjngton. N. V. ; niar25,58 . ; 'r;-"EDmNlfrKi2iTH,-' ' '" ClOMMlBSIONMEnCIfAXT. . ' " I Wilmington. X. ('.. Oeers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent YoFsthe sale of COTTON: will give his per sonal attelida'uce to the business. , His commission for seRingf Cotton, will be 50 ets. per bale, no addi tional change will be made. Cotton forwarded to New Yorlf at 10 cts per bale. oct 4-ltE0 -IV PARSLEY Ac CO. PROPlflETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw am. j PtAiqxG-Mills, Wilmington. X; C. Ajl orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. mch 21 '5! :;T'l . SMITH fe:"McL.AURIN,; ClOMMtSSION AND Fobwardi.vo- Merchaxts, ' .1 ; - Wilmington, X. C. Refyr to :1 '. ;. . Johx ;Dawsox, Esq., Mayor. E Pf Hall. Esq., President Branch Bank e n. c. - i - , State T. St. SMJTfr, ! July 1 1859-tf JOJIX M LAl'RIX. j MALCOJI McLVXIS, - : G ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, t ;f North Water street .octt, I i . Wilmington, -N..C. t -. CnAS. If. Myers. Fred. f ' Ml MYERS & MOORE I. Mi "TTTjliOiLESfAL-E and retail dealers in Hats, Ca'PT ". Stifaw Goods, Furs,' i Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, X. C. June 2 IL 1859' - -.- ' - i r ,1: T. C. fc Ii. ti WORTH, j, 0" COMMISSION AXD FOltWARDIXt, MEH- CHANTS. AVilmington, X. C. ; UTMOX DISTILLERY, JT. ii . ' , i ' . ! Wilmington, X c A. p. VAX BOKKELEN , Proprietor. A LliIXDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased. t manufactured, and sold r -30-1 Vharfage and. storage furnished, and ciop- ' eragedoie at. lair rates. , jan l 'j nfi-,lj; - 'G. POLVOGT, r "IT PlHKLSTEit AND PAPER HAXOEK, h jj e' Corner Front ami-Princess Streets, . J , Ji ; V) ItUIIUglOU, . ... - -Keeps fconstantly oil hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cihiooi? Feathers. f!urled. Ibiir iloss.- and all lipholsjterv - Materials. . Also, Paper Hanging, ! -Winuoiiv'jjr5hades, .Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. j i Pictures framed to order. Prompt attention' given to fitting up Kailroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private 1 wellings. mayjlj J 'J - .1. L. ltinlAWAY. .' ': ''- WM: !!. VTLKY. j HATHAWAY 4 CO. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , V j decfl6.'5S Wilmingtun, X'. ('. r!"' i. : - "''' -f JM. ROBINSON As SON, IMPORTERS AXD DJiALERS in. Foreign : Dometic Hardware, Agricultural Inlpleme AC, XO. Front st., Wilmington, X. C. and llts. jan!)S . SIOSEPH Ii. RJLOSSOM, "1 EXWIAL COMMISSION" AXD FOR WAR D ipf IXti MERCHANT,' -.- Wilmington', Xtt .xjaai lrompt Personal attention giyen to Con signment, for Sale or Shipment.' j ; Sg,Lijberal Cash 'advancements, made on Con signrnebljS to my New" Y:f,1'k fi;ien8s nov -tb '57 . "iENR Y N UTT, I7ACT0II AND FORWARDING! AGENT,: : l-ih .'.;- :!... Wilmington. N. C- VSgjWall give his personal attentin,to business entrusted tti his care. .'- :'sjep.t 10,'57-tf. JAMES STlSLBr ; ' j ALRxoLDHASf. fSTOKLEY A: OLJOtlABI, BEAlER i IN-'-.GRAIN, AY COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' '.'.'., Wirningtoh. N. C. PrOiiii jt attention "giVen to- tiie sale of Cftton,' Flour, Bicbn, tind other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE. l COILS best Jute: Rope, for sale bv OV'-i'-. ny.2S.' I ' ZENO IL (JREEN. ALMANACS FOR 1801. , T W:RXERS North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 TO ARRIVE. ' : 500 BBLS FLOUR. Applv to nov 27 STOKLEY" A OLDHAM. CACONi f 1 O I II EDS. SlDES,and 4 hhds shoulders, just arrived. For sale br J. A. WILLARD. FLOUR. Qfin SACKS just landed. For sab at Sl,10per iack. i nor 10 J. A, WILLARD. t . FLOUR." lAMlfcY', Super and Fine,' Fayetteville and ' limincrton in?oer"tiiin. in sforp. a.na frtr Kale ftdec 11) ZEXO IH. GREENE. QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI CIANS A N D . ECONOMISTS. - TF 1SW) feet of gas is' consumed through eighl X' burners, in 9 nights, at a cost oro per tuou feanxl feet, ' how! mucb is consumed, by each burner per hoiir;f at what cost, and wht would be the . cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer s There ji consumed by each burner, 25.feet per night, or 6 fcetper hour, at a costiof 6 tents per lu.ur eir burner.! Four Kerosene Lamns aftord aa much light as gas ! burners:; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one mouiu, uku, xw gutuu, u S4,Wi per r month, or ia cost of one cent per boar per lamp ; therefore, by burning gas, the expense ia only sir hundred per cent am greater than tburp Kerosene Oil, which,! with Lamps,: can be had at the RENDEZV OUS ut the Inimitable jan 12 CASIDJEY.' I: t NORTIIEIIN BUSINESS CARDS. . XO. S. PAXCY late of. o!M H. HTl. . I late of : -. I. .!UTMAK. latvof ' TarborV X. C. Scof land Neck, Warreatoa, X. C. DANCY, IIYMAN Jt CO., OCERS A X D COM MISSION .MuriAt ts, ! 124 IVarl street, ! Xrr Yo. IIYMAN DANCY A: CO., ( A U)T ERS AX Df COMMISSION Met IT ' " - .- Xotroti The New York- hfwne trill be conducted by J no. S. Dancv, aidrtl by R. W. II v wan. , : J The Xorfulk I Ion-sir will Lc " c.nductI br JoLa H. Hvman and F. M. ilvnuin. i ' ! Zsi" Particulars attention gifen j to the sale of Cotton, Corn, heat, and, Xaval Stores. I -September IS tf lr,t) ' , ' " - Geo. O. VaxAmaiscTk, J..' ' ( SVTxAli 1 1 t. VANABIRINGE BROTHERS, "VTA" V A L STt) 11 E ! A X I J E X ER A L CoWt tof l Mwu'flANTS. j I 110 Water Stret t, XeH York. KFFER TO : Mr. J. R. Bi.osou Mess. T. C. A B. G. W..RTH, - ' Hathaway C-. AVilminnton. X,C. J. a D. McRae Co., Mr. J. II. Ft n mcj: August 21, VMf "U)NDN k BRYAN, 10MMI TON MFRriTAVTS ... . . 4. HI India rect CoJn Consiatoiieni Lt" Xaval. Stoivs. it'otto- LumWr, and other Son Jxo. It. Losnos, Xov 21 -tf " Mii 1'n'xluee elicited. , J. II.' Bu v. Jr. WM. 'M. GKEJNKlt, : " W. . II -tlKufcrs; . GREINER Jc ITARKNESs "10TTOX AND ISliXEUAL COMMISSION .' IltirsE. - Ptin AprtftitA. Xov 15, ls.-,7 ! wnr. f.. Hir.r., oi" North Carolina. j X. .M. Xolltf I.KET. t if X or t h Ca rol ina. HILL. As NORl'LEET G EN Ell A L COMMllslOX A FORWARDING T, Mert-haht.-. Shoekw Slip, j ' RiehniomL Va., , f Solicit con--ignments;of Cotton, l.undx-r, Fi.-h, and all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. 4-ALSO A'srents for the purchase! of Sugars, Cofteer Molat- ses. Salt. Lime. Guaho,:Ae. J .urge cargoes of the above articles are ottered tor .-le in our market an nually, and we shall )e pleasel to operate for pr tiesofdering, promising, faithfulness in ouren deavors to represent tlnfm. . Jan '25-ly j. G. W. WILKINSON -k CO. 1' 7RUIT AN D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, a. - "81 Barclay street. N. Y S?A- Particular attention giveu toconiignmi nt anil pure oust! oi .nei eiianuiM;, mi nmu. Liberal cash advances through WILKI.NStX a CO.t Wilmington. Ni. Cj. August '2. 1800-1 v I KEROSENE i'AMlS. A large supply, suitable for toesiTor nle very cheap with Oil, at ovc j 'AllJfcl EASTERN II AY. V 1! T V- l-'aalnrtt liar tf.d.r i ) . fiir ' 150 jan 0 sale, low, from wharf, bv I i 1 ELLIS A MITCHELL. IjAMPS to hire. ILLUMIXATIXG APPARATUS, for Balls, Par tie, Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired on verv reasonable terms, bt the Inimitable I jan 8 ; - CASSlDEY. C1UOIC.E- RACON.H22 hluL. choice Western Bacon Sides and Sh-ouldej:;. For sale bv .dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. -HVT .01 .'R.4-: boxes 50 this of goiHl HATHAWAY A CO. 11 . brands. dec ! . .;. j " ' ., TVTUSCOYADO SUGAR. ti hhds. ptimv to JfJ choice MUi-covad( hugar. Pvr a.'ili blf dee 21 iFatiiaway' A CO. LAUU. "T0W LANDING from Schr Sea Biid.j bl.fj. I Western Laid a splendid article. I IX STORE u ' v ! 15 Kegs X. Ci Lard, in good p.fi Lage, 5 Western Lard, in small package,-1, dec 4 For sale by N X. IL GREEN E. ' T EW FLOUR ! Iirbaar and bbls. For sale b jM dec 1 t .STOKLEY A OLDHAM ' 1 XCLISH ( ll EESE. 25 Boxes seld ted .1 r Eh. JUJ gbsh Cli. i ded 4 just ij eceivsd at I WORTH A DANIEL 1 MIOSE CHOICE IlAVAX'AS have come, at dec WORTH A DANIEL'S. "ARD. -'0 Ke j use. Litra ueat har d for family WORTH A DANIEL BURNING i'LCID. Fin id and Oil tin cans, for sale verv cheap, at CA-SIDEY'S. dec 7 j - ;.. J ' TO -DAY- - N E W AND FRESH. STR. P A R K E lis B I .'R G. i .: ! "lOXCEXTRATED LEA VEX something new, ! J New Beet Tongues, 1 east I owdert. " Smoked Beef -, Buckwheat;.- Rye Flour, Butter. t'A) bbls. C. Susrars. Kaisi-OK, 10 A- V ' lO.bbl. B. Sugar,- ' 10 -Crushed. Oranulated and Powdered, J5 boxes choice YellowCheese. ' WORTH A DA XI KL. jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front i-treet.: rAMI'f.V CLOIIIt. Tfc have the test Familv Flour in town, and we warrent eacn-ana everv oarrei ana package, it nor gooa, to e ret urnee:. dec 12 . ! WORTH A DANIEL. 1 .ASTERN" HA Y', ioO bales of the best "jEestei n Hav in market. ' For sale bv' .'i dee'ii HATHAWAY A CO. VENlyiDi;VICi " J "-"""""' SUCH was the announcement of a very grea t victory, by a Roman General. The people of tins day, in speaking ot the inimitable 'CASftl DEY, inodifv the savincr of .the holde Roman, thus: 'I came, I saw, I bought". .of the great variety of articles ottered-lor sate at tiie KeiuieT.rousj dec 'l , j 20 a 23 South Frjnt st. I T I S A I llSTOJt 1 CA LFACT' that SouU Caro lina ha ecedel ! This they would not have been prepared to do, if! .Home of- her jcitizetw had not bought .i ! . - i . KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS as well as a great variety of Fancv articles, snita- oie ior me iioimavs vanov, . uis. ac:. ic, oi me patriotic CASSJ DEY.i v ; dec 21 JUT E ROPE AX D T W I XE. 2j Ccllsljest Jute ' Roje, Bagging Twine. For sale by V, dec I ZEXO HUREEXE. BEST HAMS: IN TOWN at " 1 deel ; WORTH A DANIEL'S IIXE BED ROOM SETS. -i-A new 1ft, oine verv pretty just opened, and Xr sale at decta" : - PER BIN'S. vCTI RISTMA S S U f P LIES. 'T)EK PARKERSBURO. j r resir rttusiu. r. ' FigS, Prunes. Fresh Butter, i;neese, Segara. Tooacct. Ale, Porter, , Raisins, . Citron, , ' Nutmegs, Mace, j ' Buckwheat " Alii C Sugar, Crus?heI 1 Loaf Sagar. Oranalated do. Sweet I'ider, " Eleeaot Ham. dec lit i WORTH A DAN IEL WOLFE'S LIQUORS. G EX UlXtS Schiedam Schnapps, i T Very Pure Brandy. ' " " Sherry Wine. . j, ' ir Madeira l : Port For sale bv dec 18 ! WORTH A DANIEL. PORK. 50 bids. X. Y. CltvTles Pork ' fur sale dec 7 by ZEXO H. GREENE. ,' T AH EJ EST FAMILY FLOUR, in Uwn, war I ranted ire all casea, to be had if I : 7lec 2! j - WORTH A PAXIEL. SUGAltS'SUC'ARS ! 7 pi BARRETT C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, O 2-VLbls Crashed, Granulated and Powdered, . Mnscovado Sugars, light and dry,- t C hhdsi. i rrA 1 : I ":" i.. t... s r ' 'tl'rT"lIT . fiivli-r -i For sale: bv IIVUIIiaUA.OI.L, ' '. Granite Row. ' jan R PORK PORK. r-1 : YC BBLS, New Yrk ..'City Mess, -just received J ana tor sate low, lor cash, br dec 11 H .--.-- !-'!' 't '71VnT ZEXO IT. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. . OX KEGS just.to hand, from 20 to 2 cents, a 60 dec 11- , - ; . V GEO. 3IYERS C TOARHIVIL:ibivi BBLS. Flout; diflerent grades, f -jan 1; ju STOKLEY OU)IL,AL i,, JPION HUHXEP UP. !Hf" A.KKI3I1 A CO. trV t,l .f lir flf) aantinr ChItiu;t, ,. NLil. AMI n M'nviJv ' ' Read the ff4 lowing:' i ' ' ' ' j .-' " J - SttCl'; ft " "'t E. P. Iforitx, Eqi, A s't i,.r -i.isii. -A vra - case.. ;).'. ' Dear Sir f Wari auth.r .-.!. . r, (i Herring A Co., to oner yoa.fr St . 1 . ... fr 6r. other person, $ looo.io pf ox (Lit n l ,P. pion Safe ever failed to prcrtA il t.t r. . ; n'u accidental lire; and we will f;iTc.f,u. v.r. 1 .Ur or any othr rrponible pri.-, yM ii,...--',.' th same oflor in regard to Mr. l,;'b'. ' . . k SignKij D. S. A S. V. I. I I ' ' s Ajrer.l lor SJ C. lb n u.r A ' Thi letter Laving lHrn f.ri .ir.. J ; tf, , (tJlowing replr ra return.Hf . " I Tsot. N.. . I V l"T E. P. llopatr, K.. Srr. - ---- - Dear Sir t Vo art llweby i.th..t a d i .icr"i both part of the propiti '.u nm.;-,.t) bv Ji, . A S. I . Ger. under Jat l Oct. !, I, pr- suming that tucy moan, tv ..;.. j Sir- , i. same bafe nanuuetwred ly n... Vi t-. I j, ri.. u factum! on mv own arc'-unt. "f v I !.! i r ' ream last naL TUc mnno'in !. .1, . ".t i-i f t- . Linds of lion, liaae MclW.ih". J,i.. ;'b,(.r.i!... city of Tfny, within lilWn bi -s id L . '.- . !.v4 hr liim iu the Itand of oiui t :-, i, ,; who mar Ix-w-WtM toi c.je p 'l-mn i. tjii city, and to de5d to m It..m tf - . i Truly yrttirs. i.Y M ' I 1 1 . . The abovo accept a m of tl; t f.aiiiA i v i i.u . warded lo Mr. Hoi.lin. an.l bi I. . i .. yl t ter, Agen!4. lc. to Mi h t. -? I . - ! L. I M vi t '- i ' i: i ,. j I ' . T toy, "levMbvr I. I'- ' " The foregoing letter liaieb. i n tt t roj.wt t i too.,. Mr. I.illie, and lb rnteiit rt u.i- !,. bceB Ctauiinetl, I ci.nscnte.t. t I.i:i "-I .t irnc nmi iioki jiip a me 'l 11 . the i.i.l e pa art of Mr. LilJIe, and ii, tv tf.J.f ft VIM tuu miurk Id the tame, and not heartier niiv"i . t-Mu' V. Herring JL ( im lrtn.i 4b ..A . P. 4 . Agents, and the tiime having t 1 i.n.,i)ii day. returned the funds dcpoiu! ( !.. , ISAAC MrCO.MIl , .i t a. il. i: i:i i ky, a-,.... , jan 15 "TIIE FIRST AND THE- I .AS I r riAIUS SAYIXti wa ex. no li.i. 1 ii, I i . J North Carolina, n rcirri''-d f p ; the dava of the Reinbitii.ii. k'L.- Miii.K i.. , t Declaration of Independence, ij.,d t j : ., ' I fsxaa- aa t4 a tti I im u nj iI.a ! i' i .l I. ,. . of the right of a State or colon v to b- (, - in cede; and . North Carolina wn' tl j ?.! t 1 1 . H' the article of confederal iu bet.. . i.p I....I u ru K these United Stat-s!' Thin, ouii k ;n d ; r, ; i " reii riiu reiHi aerreion, fiie w ri l .- 5", ll- I gate awar arir ot Hip powi ( oi I . ) . l o. lniruitabl. CASS1DKY li alo jut i.,.1, 1 ! 00 Sweet Oranges, wlih h Le i r :r. , to-. ' is ,- nreeedentedlr low mrlcea otM a!..'! n.-' t ' dred, at the Rendczvouw. .,-i ; ClONSIGNEIlSof 10 hlK j,, ,- , ,r,.t yim . J Pork, marked diamond 11.. pi 'i r I.: m . itiuA, from Baltimore, uill pln, i,-(!. ' . r. .-.!.: known at the otlicf ft th nn t. ? .lr.'!. iln jao 1 I T. A i:. i. ;u 1H. : C;II.IIAMN M!SIMI. Major. William Oiiham. irv i Instiiute. , j iovri:vi, Article 1st! Artnv Org.ihb.iti.oi r of Infantry Orirsnlzation of Calrt- e- .!'.- t ion of Field ArtUleryTha S ta:T A) tlcla 2d Anna and A ujuniUon ; Article 3d ScluHil of the SolJi -r ; Article 4th School of the Codr u. ; Article 5th Target PraetW; Article Oth School of the B - Article 7th School of the Troop, r . Article 8th Schnd of the Troop ; Article Oth School of the SiiUAlroi ; .riicie luin cveiuiionLoi ih- im-rtt . i f Article Uth Light Artlllerr T. li Article 12th Honora paid )r Tie. President, Governor, General-, 'Ac. ! Article 13th Duties bf CaMli-v. t 4'. T 1- Dotieg in Camp's, OarrUon. A e ! .Article 14th The Stall ; i .trticie litti jtattba : ' . t ; Article ICth Coartf Martiul ; , Article 17th Muic, ReTill?. Tail , i ' Appendix The Articles of War."" The whole in one hsniIome i ftiuir.f of '. tt . j Price $2,50. . Book! lorwarded ori re.-- v f i t Mi copies reclred Uda moridng, it Jikpr '., : t 1 , . WIIITAKER'S Xw B.H.:. . I Market ft., bet. Jai Daason'i uu.l W .iJ.!;. ' TO ARMS! TO AlOlS ! VLL THOSE who are opn. d I. !. P. .i. .;. ;eoerclon of a hovereicn Slate, and 'vrho a- oj.pted tothepjsnuge of alilition .Jui.-i ,if.ici North Carolina, fof 1 1 j .- puriMM- u iilii.( ,inn . sister State, will buy their tJn.i tic , t'v..r " 1 small stori and aceoutrt nt of thpj.ttit, janl ; ! C-IM CO F V tit i. RIO, LAOUAYRA. Java idnl r D - ' store, and for sale bi v - jan lo . " , y "zio ir., ; i. , NEW Colt N ,Af L i 't' i1' O Oiln '"'"KLS Prime U !. . . i Jmt)l CoriiJ now landing. !'... ' jan 10 . ELLIS-A Ml H 111 1.1, WHITE OATK.1 ' 2000 BUSHELS Jlcarv XVii - -1. '' Oats. . jan 11 ELLIS A Hit'! 11.1 WHEAT im iNl UAGS in store. -'or:tU. ja'n-11 f ELLIS A Mill ''hi I 1000 . RAISINS. 4 WHOLE boxen large burn h b4 1 ,i , IJ U) Z " ' ' jan 11 For sale-by ZEVO III ;'S. "ANAL BARROWS. iwi Vu 4 j r, j warehouse, and for sal. tu 1 nov 30 ' ' !. ' 1 ' D" HOOF IltO.N if 1 iv.am I, I'i to iy2 inch iloo; .1 I. jan 8 f. i-. IWl. . MAlKKRllL TOS. 2 and 3, ir itore, ami for nle jan H .N. C. VlAiVH. TL'ST RECEIVED iM-r Ralbo.., . I Super, celebrated Wofchovi.i l-, . 1-Waalaby JJItROSSKT, BROU V A . - nov 27 . . ' r i ' . -,-4 -,-4 - - ' CEMENT A: l-LASTIIH. OlVl BBLS. Cement, 50 bb!. P m' I i CJJ per brig Water Witch. "1 ,.(, dee 13 ELLIS A IMTciH l. BOOKS FOG ALL. fnilE NORTH CAROLINA HR j:(o; wen a jiuiice, tir aim i.-t i- o i i . ?gal Adviser, at V f.KI.l.!A . dec II fEMIJOHXS. 14. 1. 2. 2. 4. a tit I : 5 , ,b. I J dec 12 i lllr.i i COFFEE CO F F K tl. BAOS Rio CbfTee 20 do I.s-iari .'. ' I . St, Doroioeb do JO mat , Jut. ilo U .). r 50 ind for sale low for cab, bv ' I ' . dee 11. fcE.NO IL tJI.LKSV, 1AIt.'llokexa aaMifted Nad j ffn Zs i I noV 1 , For ! bv I I AALllIf LL LALUl 14 t 4 mi .... : I jrl long and happy lilV. I-t lli iiU lm, ti dling Hoops th bova ouiall ae.oiCAhlILi and take plenty of exfrei.e ilif-e .. .I u i deel L '-- ' LEAVEN LIIAVEN l.l.'A V EN. LEAVEN, LEAN" EX, LEAV EX, .Z I. , Try It--Try it Trv It Trv it. jan ,8 . : . WORTH A DMl !.' . noticil"" "T A LL PERSONS who are ladvbf -.1 f rt;r . J Proviiioiu, Ac., either br note t.r ?e. ! I ' Ut the lata firm of Wilson A William", fd w h . -accounta are long since doe, are reouM.ud to t. .... . immediate payment tn the aaUcrlU-r, or n i a-: eonnta will be placed in orticer' lui .1i f.,r r a tion. I JAMES W'USUA. V. jan i .. . Xo. 5 Mailt, t .iu w 1 1 . -' BOOKS FOR ALL. fllHB Nrth Carolina Form Book" Cujtiiw t' ' Joatice, or Swan'a IUrted Freedk- Lr.'-.l Adiiaer, at Kelley'i Book Store. , . 'tb-e i I : "WESTERN BACON: ' " ' 1 fZ CASKS superior Clnelnnstl Sid. and r-f . -it 1.9J den, in store, and for sale bv JamS- M -. Jl. Jf4fIVls. " ' ci fiTiET-',. 'v' QA BOXE54 New York htat Che pUt,b.i. Q J mt received per schr D. C. HuV Ja.n0 ForlVy -EXO H. OKhrVU. J ' i ! 5"