I . . i J ..- - f -' ill i)t: tfi'Mi W iUf V; 4VOl VOL; VII;,! NO. 2019. ml ' WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1861. WHOLE NO. 2filJ. .L, f i i h. ir i iiallv Puper, S6.0G; Weekly, '2.00, berl.N" ADVANCE. -U2S. 'trf Tapr alw'av stonfed, unkst remittance .i &4Uft to ontinuf! it. 1 iTUflr notice is pren, o "lat pa tn "nt. a-n he mi' L.-4Vjre the expiration of ubjriptun. - Mosf jr way b mail. ! rur rikk when the let or i5 fpi-tt-rfMl. I r 1. f. )VADDELL Editor and Prolor. 4 I TOWN PRINTER. W I X, M 1 2T G- O? O N . .. ! : - v.. Veclnesdaj' Eveniqg, January 23, 18IJ1. j The Herald Job Office j r.o.i' coinieteJjr fitctl up with the finest as V rtniat.of Job Tvpk- to he fonnd in th? State. t Kvrrv ?;cvi. of Job work can now le spetd .iv, t-ri l hanA-onu-ly printttl at thu olUce from ".. h" .i.wn toa vsitin card. Handbills, i.rca! ir, blanks, Ac, :c, n.etitly and promptly j.rint-d at short nothreand on re-.v5n.ille" ternu. ., Eipcisl attention will he pireji to tho Job Jtparuncat hereafter, nd we fed a.ssurul that work entrusted t cftr Job hand, who is ex 'erienrtd ia th& businea. will be executed sat ' iidci-KUy in every ref peet. (ive him a trial at. ;r.j ra1, and if it Is n'f done well, no complaint vin f ciade of a withdrawal of patronage. A Wife's Revenue. lhat "truth is stranger than .fiction' i au liage that commenda itself with incre.isl forT , 'iiy, 'and almost hourly, to ol-scrratiou. The Ut3t Illustration of this remark is to bo firund in the jfollowinjj o'er tru tab: Son? eighUyeara ao a lmnl-!.rao youn I'o Unioj woteil and wonj a damel from his own ..atlveilanil. Everrboly In-ing v. iiiinj, the nup rije va3 perforineil, and the happy couple sook tip their abode in this t it1, whe re ilr. -arne -1 a comfortable subsistence. Matters jessed ,3 as ksual for nciirly eight years, two children teiag )jorh in the iiicsintirue. Some three months i ro Mi. P jtold his wife that he h.id a splendid or- ortu:iity ;to enpaye iua very luf-raUvc bn-iness I r.i Ltucago, .proyiaet ie starteit mimeaiateiy. " In compliance with her husband's request, .mdJike 4 dutiful wife. Mr. I, packet! up the wearing apparel of her li i;e lord, find nlktluugs Were En readiness for Mr. I' a. departure. A fevr Eours I fore Mc. 1. wa? t.- start, n lady ' friend (!) called on Mrs. P., -and. communicated to her ihe sUrtlinj; iutelligtnx that the bui t.esi taat ijr. P. was goinjj to tn?ajo in at Chi- " taeo was neither rnon nor les-s than a raatrimo jiiiil eagement with it voting lady to whom he hai biie attache!, ftud engaged -'W months before in this city. Though it'irtled by the in telligence, Mrs. P. kept her own counsel, and determined upon revenue. Mr. P.-took his de parture with every.indicntion of intense affection .n both side-. i - Thq train next to the one iu which-Mr. P. . v. as seated, contained Mrs. P. and the two chil dren. I lu thj course of time all the iartie3 ar-'f rived at Chicago, Mr. P. arriving on the morn - ice ci ifie uav tnai ner iiuso:iui w as 10 oe mar- h L-L.- .A.-, i .j i -ii : ut .rkd. She attired herself and children in hoi iday faiment, and. went to the, honstof the oriie a few moments before the ceremony took place. I The porter at tho door rtuppccd her to le an invited guest aud Ushered' her into the par- :or. A3 soon as tue t iniuren saw .Mr. r. iney tireil saw -ir. l. liiev 1 ntbrai ed him anl ilel him paM. 'AnwrW- -w iVe-folIow-etl ; tlie bmlc t:iinlei ; the mam- i QtifAAr.l f f i irfiu n '!- ivJi'iJa hriY. ! tiicr of the bride administered a -ou'n.l chatise- tuent to thf would-lelbrideroiij. Stung by the prxf of her hnbaii d's falthless :.cs?', Ilr'. P. l-ecame so ex;ited that, in a fit of passioh, sho rii'hed into the kireheu- wliere the hridiiTi f t was beinr iirenared. and si'izinc a I - - r i i . - i .tK.illw.nl .ini.ir. lu .' i til.-.! inlr i!u luir. i r, and betore a Hand eowM oe raise.i 10 uis-1 .-uade her from her pnriH'se. the?ntire contents xirir mi nu 11 im ri u . 1 .. .1111111'' inui uiLtii- 1 rjlly. ATlihl shrieks-; of wm. Mr. P. wa taken 1 , . ..-.-. , 1 to the) Hospital, his jskm utterly peeling off ou,. be wiv. About two week, aft.r his admission I into tic hppital, he die.1 in great agony. An ! . inVesiigaTlon was had, but owinsr to the2 difficul ty of procuring witnesses, Mr-. P. wa released, and returned to the city :i widow, and a sadder; f not' a 'wiser' woman. -V. I'. Hsre. .Ion. 14. Every effort now niadt y? the Alexandria ' ,a:is.e, 10 prevent lurun-r m-ii.s-ivii, uy us-.. :acto?y aljustment or uiiijciuiie. ani uy a mag- nanirnoiis "and honorable rendition of iustice. ' ..4 o, r. lU i.rinru.lK tliA rnnetitn. : tioa, is so much gained for the cause of a resto- ration of tlie Union at it was, and as it was in- I Tended to be bv the 'illustrious iatriot? who es- Ublidtied pur government. The South only asks :"jr sight and j rsr ice these obtained, up would jo again, we believe, after a short interval, float ing high in the breeze, the glorious old flag, without a Sjar blotted out, or ii" stir cra.ed. Thos4 who. desire Disunion, , Jr e irrespective f justice being done or future guarantees given, -wej believe, ure iii a minority in-every Slate it the South, except South Carolina. I'AtustAX 1mpcien:e. The l'aris correspon dent cf tho "New York "-Ex press, relates the to! - 'owing incident : ' - 4. I think I once wrote vou a brief chapter on the I'aria'si Mislnm amonf Wfll dressed black- I puards. of folllowing nnd annoying ladies; alone in the streets. The pnu tier i.4 as common now ai ever ; but the Parisian woman follower is not by any means so gallant, as in the days when f Dalzit wrote his ' Prince of Btdiemia.' Acer ta lii lady, w ho is often out shopping,' and has : be&iicso used to lciDg doggevl by impudent strangers, that she is perfectly hardened to the - nuisance, relates that she was lietrayed tlieoth- - er day, into an exchange of phrases, with an in dividual twhose. impertinence reachoi' snblime r proportions. i - She had amused herself by leading her tormen ? tor for more than two hours, up and down dif- ferent streets, aud at last cutered a shop, on the boulevards,. to make a purchase. Upon leaving ; . i ti chnn.- she walked some" distance toiward the ! .hnrchofthe Madeline, then suddenly turned and retraced her footsteps, fihe was Jhns brought j face to face with the fellow who was pursuing ; her. j Hereupon, without the slightest provoca-, nnj be aaaressea iier as ionowar . t.TT'-H V A Av0rt t.-v Iiz tll:l(T.t -aiej if you are going back' to that shop ?' "You are an impertinent jackanapes !" retoi . td the lady. ' It is noneof your business where j . I arm going." '; . ; "The truth ia," ! returneld the stranger, witit nerfcet rnnlnr,; :T have been followins vou for 1 III VUU V3 UUIW tuvuiiti - nearly three hours', in order to ascertain your address ; - and if you don on't intend to go home, j , asjil is npir my dinner pray tell me so at once, final" - " - 1 1 ' ; 4 Tbs Reigx or Asaucht, The reigu of anar- j laf and revolutionary proceedings a3 are now invoked in the name of :"the people'" of the South, has receiyed its appropriate denomination and classification in theloljowing weighty words of Daniel Webster : ( ' . -3 it not obvious enonghi .that men cannot get togetner and count themselves and $ay they are 3o many hundreds and so- many thousands, , and ! judge of their own qualifications, and call i themselves the people, and setup a government? " Why another set of men, forty miles off, on the aame day, 'with the same propriety, with a? ; good qualifications, and in as large numbers, may meet and set tfp another government, and both may call 'themselves 'the people,. .What ; is this but anarch? ? What liberty is there here '; but a tumultaarT.'iempestuoris, rlolent, torrny liberty a sort of South Ainerican libertA', with out power "except in its spasms a liUrty up- fiorted by arm tojia crtthtJ ly arat Umor . l That is a crraphic and startlincr picture of the direful resulta pf anarchy as drawn by a -great statesman and patriot. Let the people look at, .i.d, meditate npon it, I Special Notices.. AD3IINISTRATORS KOTICJL TIIE UNDEKS1GKEO, baring been duly qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, A. V., Ifi0. of the Court of Plea? and' Quarter Ses rinnB, of the ronnty of Kew IlanoTer, hereby noti fies all persona having accounts or demands of any kind against said Estate, to preseht the simo to, the underHim-d for payment, withii the time prea cribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are request to make psyiaeat to the under- signed, without delay. V J0II?f DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec. 15, 1660-Cw. i MRS. WINSLOW, "An experienced nurse and female phrsi- eiau, Urn a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teethingbj softening the gum, reducing all iaBamation will allay all pain, and is rare to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will gire rest to your selte. and relief and health to youj infanti. Per fectly sff in all c--s.r Sieadrertidment In anoth er column. . feb 2"-ly - WALKER ME ARES, X-H, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, . English, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leecb-3, Ac., abo, PAINTS, OILS, I . Window Glii-y, Perfamery, Fancy i Articles, Ac., Ac. j ''' ', J ' jaug-14. 1560 3S-W. A. BATCH ELUR'S IIAir. DYE! This splendid Hair Dye has no equal-rin$tantane?us in effect beautiful Black or natural Hrown-no staining thet-Jkin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and iH etToct of Had Dyci, and invigo rates lli Hair f"'f life. None are genuine unless Miiei . a. i;aivnelor. clil eVerv where. f H.S. ItAT(:HELOH, pjrup'rietor. s. ,t?H-lT M Barclay" street. .V. Y. ' LANDRETII'S :ED. ?Ji:.ST RECE1VFD, a full iij-ply ot Laud reth'd New C'n.p (JARDF.X SEEI) lleans, Peas, Asparagus, Beet, Blue Gra?, lied and White Clo ver, and a general assorternent of su.ill seed. For 5ale br WA I.KER MEAUES, 4.r Market st. nov 2s Wholesale' and Retail Druggist and Chemist, .V." F.. irer Front and Jlatiet St., Wilmington, N. C. iU' ALWAYS ON HAND, a fuli and freh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXTS; OILS1 A&D GLASS, PERFUMER Y. A XD FANC Y ARTI CLES. : Prescription? accurately compounded. Medicine can he obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door Con front street,) - i from the corner. ', j "iSa- On and after this diy, alii prescriptions willbeCasa. oct 30 IIAIR DYX-IIAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S IIAIR DTE. The Original and best In the World. A11 otheriJ are mere imitation, and should be avoid avoided it you wi.-u to escape nuacuie. GRAY, ItED, OR RUSTY HA1R, dyed instantly,- to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. j. Fifteen .Medals find Diplomas havejbeen awarded ii ill i i r 'uir. vnp Hiiu iivit nn-wuj Jill- tr. . i.. lain i . on f.nn . . t.. 'i iK.:. Ari.: .... 1 , . fl' of his iamous D v. Wm. A. Jlatehelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be di-Hnn-uislied from nature, find is warran ted nt to injure in the least, however long it may K4e cntinii-'t. arid 'the ill cflect3 of bad Dv.es reme dial : th Hair iniigorate for Life lv thi splen- I'll,- Ulu I'V I mhu 111 ;ui t un'i nu mwni in 111c i unca oimw, by Dru'ists and Fanrr.Gds.Dealers. ' 1 t-kv 1 : ..mi, ineha? ihe name aqd address, up- vi 1 in: viriiuiu'; iia.' iiiv uu4v; -uu auui voi - . . . . MrnvXn f.,J ne .-h I . . , , thlf 1 hateheh.r. j CHARLT1S; BATCHELOR, If op - i -r j , rietor. sept 20-ly ?1 Barclav Street, N. Y. 1 1 -- I Pimples nauished! l'aocsMadc Clear How J j ne oeek's use ofi the Magnolia Ualui. A' jv ,.0, ,Vctlv harmlea4. but . h-ant nndJeir-etnal pre- i . i I,:,"lt,""- Priev 50 felits pel" b.Utb-. Sold f v.-i vwhera See advertisement, W. E. J I AG AN A i'AK. I'm aplliJ-lyd&w C;'RAND VIRGINIA Troyj New ork. DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman. NiFirrAi.iEzKKiM., informed us thatihehad prcpar- . ed a" hair restorer, with which he'was- experiment ing nm his own head, who... toj Was entirely bald. We saw him two days ine.- and on the. place so bald four months since, a tipe eroji of hair j has . Mprung p w ti a vigorous" growth. So con- vinced i Mr. Ezekiel of the efheaey l-,f hi- dL-cove-! ry, that he has 'named t "THE 5NFALL1BLE Virginia hair restorer.'" Mr. i:. is about : going into an rxteiisive manufacture of an artiele ; which i destined to prove of anxins interest to j our bald pat-l fi ieiids. Rrhmol jLV.vo er. j 12. l.soo. j ; ' - 1 i This famous artich? can now be hajd of the princi pal Druggist. Thse persons who desire a tine head of hair, have only to u.se the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of it? erUcacvjcan have them removed in a short time, by psing the Virginia Hair Restorer lnfallilde, proving that it is all it is claimed to bo. j : " j ' " -Wholesale depot for orders, (!9 Main' At. Ri EZEKIEL. RiciiMONb, Nov. 14, 1859.. I 1. N. Ezekiel,; take oath on the Holy Bible, that i IniveKien bald for the pat 12 j-cars and have re,torej mv hair br ii-ing Ezeiel's Virginia 1IairI:ror;.r. ! Nafuta'li Ezekiel. ... i-iir. .' ht Vmliuli Ef. I I H "... k ei- j.,n W j 40E. MATO, Mayor of Richmond. W. H. LlPPlTT.jSole Ag't., ! Wilmjington, N.C GLULV.GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inforn) the trad, that that Na- waJiavc arnointid WM. C. HOWjARD, Esq, Na- pf Wilmington. jV. C. Sole Ag't r n... Rostnn. ar.i .t, M. GEO. B, RiOGERS A CO. 1 ! THE UNDERSIGNED, havingbecn appointed) br GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent i . J ' - ... f a.!.. for the sale of their Glues in this Market, respect fully solicits-orders from the trade. - Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if hot supe rior, to any manufactured in' the United Statei and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the rnonay will be re funded. " A well E lected tock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. .'. - : apl D-ly. . I- W. C. HOWARD Broker. EDAR FALLS GXV1N BAGS. 3,000 just re ceived, foTsaleby! dee 5 WORTH A DANIEL -..' , , CHEESE. I ENGLISH. PINE APPLE AND STATE, at lidoc It ; r;-GEO. HYER'S. .. - - ! - HAY, i ..: : 1 fnf BALES New York! in ftore. For 1UUJ sale rarr law, bv i dec 20 JAEB TT1LLAA. R. X) IRE CTORY. ST ATE GOVERNMENT. GoTernor-lJno.W. EULi, of Rowan. Private Secretarr---Graham Dares, of Craren. Treasurer DvW. Courts, of Wake. Secy of State Rufus H. Page, of Wake. Comptroller. H. Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T.'Dortch, of Wayne. . State Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " " cocyaiLOES or staif. Council Woo ten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; ,. 7. A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. F. O raves, of Surry ; David JIurphy, of Cumber land ; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe. I FEDEIlAL AJfD STXTE C0CRTS. ' The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is hld pemi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in So rember. Judges Hon. "J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District. Judge salary, $2000. f Robert P. Dick, ""District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. i The United States Diitrict Courli are held at Eden ton, 3d Mondav Li April and October, J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newborn, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday alter th? 4th Monday ia April and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk. Tiis; aver.nyiz corxr. The Supreme Coutt ofiNorth Carolina: is held at Raleigh semi-annually, ria the second Monday inn June, and tne ax Mur.ua r in uecemDer. it n auo ield once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in AuguM, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William If. Battle, of Or anrc, salarv of each, i.fiOO ta:t annum. William : ., .lensm-;, i warrenioii, Auorue -vxeuerai ; Hamiltun C. Jon., oflfowar:, Kcp'ortcr; Edmund , B. Freeman, of Wakj, (HWik ; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake," Deputy Clerk ; Jauies Litchtonl. of Wake, Marshal. i Sl-TSBIOa COURTS. The Superior Courts are held in sevs'n Circuits, I 1 . V. . 1 1 . n? i T 1 I I T7 J; iL C I Y iue lotion ing oiucers j uues, ji. n. ueaiu, ui Chowan: Gp. Howard, of Wilson ; Ja3. W. 03 born,'of MecRenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son. John M. Dick, oi Guilford 5 John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. fSaunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. nines,! of Edcnton, rides the First Circuit; "William jj. Houston, of Duplin, ride3 the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides th? Fourth Circuit; Robt. Strange, of New Ilanove?, rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman, of Buncomb?.-rides the Seventh Circuit. PCBLIC WOEK3 IS KOP.TH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the TJnited States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwelb Superintendent and Acting Treasurer ; John It. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at 'Raleigh. W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort narbor, J Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithydle, Bruns wick county. I j United States Arsenal Located at Fayette ville. I Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent ; Dr. F. T." Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward ; Mr?. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E? Johnston,) Kemp P. Battle, W. Wi Holden, Edward CantweW, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E- Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. i All indigent insane person entitled to be received, and treated, and taken caj-e of at the publicchargc Pavinsr patients are also received from thi3 and other State?. For proper f.irmtobe observed in sending indiffent iusauo ! to Aivlum. sne Revised " , - Ctnie. chapt-r on Asylunis. ; . T O W N d O V E R N M EN T COMVTSSJeN'E pr . wilmisoton. Mayor John "Dawson.! S I) Wallace, O G Pa-lpv, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright. X C Mill- riand Alfrod Martin. t Chief Engineer Jansei Mitehell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vaau. Chief Fire Warden ii W Beery. ' Assistant Fire W ardor. W T J" Vann. Fire Warden. Georgei Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis. W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C 1) F.ilil, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempspy Martiij. ' iiowAitn hkt.ief) fire -.cosPAsr. ( Re-organized: Ju G. I8f9. ' l oreman alien l uriong. 1st Assistant J-hn Sheppnrd. 2d Assistant William Dowling. Secretary E.P Wa le.; Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. hook asd i a: li.'h r.i.vr V -.v I. Foreman John Wright, ' 1st Assistant J Kizer.j Siertarv and Troasnror J. F. Bishop. .-IMHIS-IOXERS OF NAVI3 A.T10N. I Oilice li Water street. ) Gcoree nrri.s. T C Worth, W O Fergus, Jos H Planner. Wm M Harrij. SCHOOLS. ! BOARIrOF SVFKitl.VIEXPE STS Or eOMMON" SCHOOL-S. Chairman S D Wallad-. Wm S'Larkins, ' Jamesj McDuffie, James Kerr David Mclntyre, Robert ;H Tat-?, Samuel Player and Joeph M Foy. ' W I M IS'JION' .VJTfirTR. I. Meginnev.- Principal! WILMI.s'OTOX MALE AND FR'SAI K .SBMISARV. (i W Jewitt, Principal.!. : oakpalr rr.:-.;-r:iv v.rr.vNi. President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder. Jno A Taylor, Owen L FiMyaw, S D Wallace. Secretary and TeonrrrT next door to Ban!. Wil nun p Asa A. Brown. Office . ; corsry officeAs, cocais, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. ! . Clerk County Court Samuel R Rjunting. Clerk Superior Court-4James A Writrht. Judge IT S District Court Asa Biggs. H Marshal II S District N C Weslev Jones. ' . , l . - , ; . . - . r: . . T jl -M ! litpUi V .larsuai i. . , ifijiriei uuiiuj(iuu jnu Conolev. i . 1' i :. Clerk (J S District Coiiri John) L Cantwell. , Clerk and Master Lquity-DaKriftz Cutlar. ffifetfnJol - "constable - Levis MAVTiUiams, w w 131. a T''r,l J ! T t;nairman uiui v iuui:i-rf ,ihk-s a .'hik.i. icholfi. John J Conolev. JnoUtlar, Wil liam II Diddle." A Wilder, James P Stringlteld, J J Moore. r : tstsrsr tons, - Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm" Holden. Provision Inspectors-David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. . f ' - : Naval Store Inspector .Alfred Alderman, Jaa M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James. George Alderman. John- C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson B Sontherland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. . ' - '. lH- - ' n.l T.nn-.bpr Insbeetorf James Alaer- ! man, li 11 Bowden, James S Melvin, Ilenry W Groves, J W Mnnroe, N . Clark. Robert Maxwell, j K. Turlington. 4 ' . . 1 r . - TT ITT wilhikotox as ttaat compaht. . . , (Office in Savings Bank Baildinjr.y President Col John McRae' ly - Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyd. - -apriiilmt OUverilcnhanny. ... " SECRET SOCIETIES. i ST. J0HKl LODfi K0.1 HASOKIC J (Meets the hut Tuesday Evening in each month at - St. John's HalL) , O L FOlifew, Master. M Newhoff, S W. f Olirer McHhenny, J W. Jno L Cantwdt," Trea? T M Gardner, Sec'y. V Henry Spalding, S D. A A Hartsfield J D. JO Bow den, Tyler. , ' coscoan csarrxa so. 1 kxsosic. " (Meets 1st Monday evening in each montb at St. . John's HalL) Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d, Ex O L Fillyaw, King. " V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G al,, 2d Com P W Fanning, Capt V. . I Host. - . Com W J Price, G M 1st Com A Martin, P S. V- V. , " M Ncwhoff, R A ComJnoATaylor.Trea. CapL. Turlington, Tyler. C4.K FEAR LOSOX ScL 21. O. O. f. . (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd FeUow'g'Hail. Asa J Murray, N G.' h W L Smith, Secretary. James KKea, V G. T H Howey, Trea?urer. CAMPBELL KKCAUPHEXT SO. J 1. O. O. T. ( Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d : Friday in each month. , j J D Gardner, CP. M Thoa M Gardner, J V . n 1 . w wW 1 k w r 4 ; ' itev a i itepuon, n i . iv j Jones, rscrioe -. John J Cohoiev S W. Tho3,II Howey. Trbas. I- CAPn fKAE MAKJSE TOTAL ABSTISESCE S0CIKTr (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, - every Mondayevening, immediately after the close of the Prayer Meeting for seamenjy Cliai D Ellis, President. Geo W.Williams,1 Vice William 31 Poisson, Sec- ! President. I ' retary. ! Jas Fleet, As't Sect' v; , - - ' . SEAXSA'S fR IKAD SOCIETY. i: Charles D Ellis, Prei- B F Mitchell. Ser'y A dent. f Treasurer. . , ;s. C D Elli3, Gilbert Potter Col John McRea, A J DeRos3et, O G Parsley, Executive B(ard. Geo W Williams, keeper ofhe Scamens Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. , "I i-v- ',,'U'' ; ladies' brskvolkxt dOfir.tr. j 1st Direciress, Mrs Ken- 4th DircctreaMrs Ilal- nedy. ! lett. 2d Directrei.', Mrs Itar- Secretary, Mrs ;, Van- riss. ! Sickl. (3d Directress. Mrs De- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- Rossctt. ! ton. WILMINOTO.-i LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. " ' (Organized June, 1855. J h i I i Dr J II DiksonjPresident, D6nald MoRae, Treas. Geo Davis Vice Prea'tj. Wm 11 Utley, Sec'y. Pl&tt Cowan, Treasurer. ? . Rev R B Drane; It II Cowan, E D HaU, 3 D. Wallace, John A Taylkr, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. j . ; . j . , military. ' WII.MISOTON LIGHT IKPANTRT. i . j (Org., May 20th, 1953. ) : j H Wm L DeRosset, Capi I C Winslow, Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieuti A D Cazsr, t, Quarter J C McBhenny, 2d Lidut. Master. H havage, 4X C D Myers, Orderly. aBT-MAN VOLUSTEKSS. j : ;i (Organiied February 22d, 1853.): . C Cornehlsen, Capt. j HGHashegan, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatchi Ensign. H Toilers, 2d Lieut. ' J Meier, Orderly B A NKS. ; j- f- ' 1 OAKS CiP CAPS FEAR. ; T II Wright, President. HR Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner, As't Teller. J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, IK. Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. ., ; ' ' ". BANK OF W;iLMINQT0S, N. C. i ' John MslcRae, Presid ent. S Jewett, Cashier. William Larkihs,liook keeper. i V W I, Smith, Teller, T M Gardner, Dis Cldrk. Discoun Day, Tuesday. .; r r .1 it;.. BASK Of John Dawson, Pre3. Wm D Smith', Teller. Disconn NORTH C.VROLIKA'- ! i! Wm Reston Cashier. - J1I Wrighty B'fc-kf eper; Day, Tuesday, i j S0MMF.RC1 U. 1 ANK.Of WILMIXOTOX. f . O G Parley, Pro's. Tim'v Savage,? Cii-hicr. . Asa X Walker. jRoofc- Jno McRae. Jr.-Telle J D Barrv, Dip. ClerS Discount Day, Monday.;; j ! WILMINGTON S-VVINCS BANK. - John A Tsv lor, President. Wm HyJjt. t-'ii ihier. RAIL ROADS. cHARLoirru ri'th: wiLMisoros, (Office cor Market and S Water street, h 1 H W Guionj President. ll 11 Cowan,, hev 1 r' a?.. ! J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road uniinuhe4 WILitlSOTOX MANCHESTER KAU. KO-Vl i Thos D Walker, Prea. . Wm A Walker, feee'y J P Robertson,Gen'l ?up.' , Jos J Ling 'Ifrcm.' R B McRae', Gen'l Freight Aercat. WILMINGTON k WKI.DOS KAIL POAD. Hon W S Aahe, Presi J W Thompaort,: Gen. Freight Agent. ; . James G Green, .Yard Master, i '' P II Langdon, Aud'r A Supt?s Clerk. William Smith. Ticket ". Agenf. "E dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. James S.Green, Sec' Treasurer. j S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Or-n Ticket Agent. :. - CHURCHES. s Methodist Episcopal cor Front and Walnut i Methodist. Episcopal; (S) 5th bt Church, and Cas tle, Rev J 11 heeler, 1'astor. "i J ; ,.: Bantist. cor Orange and Cth, Rev A Paul Repiton Pastor. ; Baptist, Front bt Ann arid Nunu, Rev J; LPiich- j ard, raptor. Baptist, (O S) Ca?t Davis. Pastor.- e bt 5th and Cth, Rev -Aaron ; Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d Ret- Thomas j . rjoiscopai, li James , ror warsei anu; au, ivev.. i . f r.. r..J. ' .r J. l.oS; l- it is urane, uector. ; - I Episcopal, (St John's, i cor 3a and Red Cro.-s. j Episcopal, (St Paulls,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Ts Atkinson, Rdctor. . .- r f ' Prei;.eriftn. Prinefess bt 7th and 8th. llov M Mo Oueen. Pastor. ' i .nge, I Presbvterian. fnow Ibuilding. cor 3d and Ofan n,.'it t incfnn i ; ' Baptist, (now building,) cor Market, and; 5th, Rev jLPrichard, Pastor. ! ' j Lutheran, (noy building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J H Men.-rert. Pastor. . i '; I ' Scamens' Bethel, Dbck bt Frant and: Wafei t- - - POST OFFICE. t1 f W'lLHrXOTpX, NORTH CAIIOLIN; Postmaster Daniel Dicsson. ; I i Assistants Joseph L Jacobs," and " Office hours from A M to 1 P ML 2 P M to sundown. Sundays, 1XA A M to 9 A JL r n.' I VrvrtKnm AT51 w w R R. 7 P and 5 AM. Closes 1 i and 9PM, changing on San day from lJi P M to 10 A M. Southern Mail, by W A M, R R, arrives daily at A M. Closes didy at 7 P M. t ' Smithville, N Cj (horse,) arrives Monday and Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 1A n.. ff!.. v n k i .L Vnn. day at 9 A M. , Closes Thursday at 9 PM. vuaiun w..i. u.(uot, j, v v. v-w ....... i I . - "- . ' , 1 " '. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. . - CpSTOJt HOCSK , t t Jas T Miller, Collector. D M Foyles,r Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- & Guager. t lector. f -T M Burnett, Insp'r. H R Nixon Surveyor. W F Barch and Uriah W N Peden; Navaf Oui- Sullivan, Inspector A cer. -'" I Measurer. ; ' Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner, ; . - ' -i;. cosscls. ".-..--M-'" ' "" A British Vice-Conaul Don McRae, n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water. -Consul- and Chestnut, INTERN AL I3IPROVEMENT. ' . -Tr.ORin A RAILROAD BONDS $26-0CO of ' the above Bonds redeemable in -1S91 with coupons at 7 cer cent per annum, payable fin the i city of New Yorkj 1st March and 1st September. For sale by dec 1 - 4 COFFEE. . ,4 4 Zfl BAGS EIO COFFEE, , ,y r- J! : ' uU 20 bags Lagnayra Coffee, , - . ; ' ' . -.- 20 mat3 best Java " .;:r;r-;i.1 dec 1 .. , i ZENO IL GREENE. ERRANT&WILSON. ABE CONSTANTLY receiving- fine CLO TH rn a Ta. ctitv mak-i ? Cassimre-Sait at the i lowest possihla rate. ' , - - dac 10 Brazilian Vice-consul u u i-arsiey,; ir.i ccr n Water and Malbery, (lip stairs.) ;tf -Danish Viee-CotsnlP K Dickinson.' corj Front Oiiby 33iisixiess Cards. t f i I ERRANT & WILSON, " f H0LESALE AND RETAIL Dealers ia Do f . :metic Dry Goods, .Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ac. i Nos. 14 and n North Water Street, oct 2 ? f Wilmington, N C JAS. T. PETTEWAV fe CO. AQTOKS AND COMMISSION Merchants. , No f North Water Street. Sohdt consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for troceries Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, &C. : -;.;:.!;');." ' Oct 3 OEOEGSAURISS. A. I, HOWELL. DK. W. W. BABXISS. j, IIARRISS Jc HOWELU G1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : , Oe,t 2, 1853 Wilmisotos, N. C. WORTH At DANIEL, G 0CERS AND COMMISSION Mebchaxts, No. 2. Granite Row. W lMnmeton. N.C. s?i33 : ouuen . contaBiflfuu ji riour, L;riea Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. , . Agents for Howe's celebrate! Scale. I ' D. G. WORTH. ; seplt 25,ly N. O. DANIEL. ii.VDEUSO.V, EDWARD SAVAQS- 1 1 ANDERSON &. SAVAGE, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. G JC t Jaly,18,j'60-ly. Wilmington, N. C. j 'C. II. ROBINSON Ac; CO., iQMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER V UANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Office over Mr." J. A. Willard's store. 35? Entrance Corner Prineeis and Water at. ma 9. '60-tf L. VtS yjlRAKT, ' r S0. WIS0S . ERRANT A; WILJSON, G 10M MISSION MERCHANTS, . f f 03. 14 asd 15 North Water st.. octf2, '60dy WTilmington, N. C. w. Ajowrrtt, J.ovtf peacock, f s. b. jes.sinos. I OWVEIl. PEACOCK5 A: CO., f " WlLMISOTQX, N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro- cers and dealers In NAVAL STORES. COT 1 U.N't and Southern prod ace generally. ' feSf Prompt oeisonal attention e-iven to all j con9ignmentpof projuee. ' 1 fehjlGrly j .,' ' I;. WILLJAM II. J. IP PITT, IJEMIST AND DKUiGOIST; Wholesale )and -j Retail iDcaler in Ppiuts. 'Oils, Dye Stut3s, Window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and Wine4 Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. E. Cor ner Front and Market st? Wilmington, N. C. i mal 25, 54 .- ) ( ; 4 EDWIN Ai KEITH. jjndMMISSIOX MERCHANT. V - 1 . . : ' Wilmington, N. C. Offers his services to Planters a3 Factor or Ageijifor the sale of COTTOT; will give- his per sonalj attendance to the business. Hi! commission for selling Cotton, "will be, 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be raade. Cotton forwarded to NewiYork ift 10 cts per bale. ; dc.4-18G0-lv ' O. G PARSLEY Jc CO. TiROPRIETORS of the Hilton- Steaw Sw and Pxanino Mills,; Wilmington, X. C." All orders or" inquiries tor LUMBER. wll receive prompt attention mch 21' '.'.!' . SMITH Sc McLAURIN; tldilMISSION AND Forwardiso Meecuakt-s, j ! : ':j ' WilmiagtonN. C. Refer to '' : .! . i . - ' John Dawson, Esq. Mayor. . E; P. Hau., Esq., ; President Branch Benk State; N. C. , t. k.: Smith.. ' I ' ' , ..oun .u'lacrik.. . July 1 lo59-tf T ' V MALC.OM McINNIS, :1R0CERAND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water street. OC 1 ; Wilmington, N. C. CriAs. D. Mters, i I Fried. J. Moore.' i ' . . 'MYERS & MOORE. -TTHOLESALEAid retail dealers in Hats. Caps, : V Straw GoodsJ Furs, Umbrella?, Cane?, 'Ae Ac, i t .Market street, Wil mington, X. -C- . 1 ' Juiie 21, 1353 ; ' ' j i I i T. C: Sc B. V. WORTH, ! C''idiMMissio.v- And forwarding mer-I CHANTS, f Wilmington, N. C. , I NION DISTIJLLERY, . f'V ' i Wilmington, '. '. i I A . if. V A N 1 i 0 KK EL E N, Proprietorf i i LL KINDS OFiNAVALSTORES, purchased, ; jsmanulactured, and sold. ; ; ' t.j&.-U nanage ana storage tuTmsnea, ana coop- r eras;!? uoiie iii i;tii lau-s.i, j'" i'j. i I G. jPOLVOGT, .X TPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, 'I '--; Corner Front and Princess Streets, ' :.! Wiloiinaton, N. C. KCtepSi consiantiyjon uanu anrtos, jiuungts, Cushion.4. i Feathers, ' Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery; Materials. Also, Papr r Hangings, ' Window $ hades', . Fire Sfroen.-.. and Decoj'ations of! every description. -Pictures fcamed to order. Prompt: attention given to litting up Railroad Car3i Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. may 1 ; L.i, iiiTSAwar. vv 31. CO. J.:. b'TI.Lr. HATHAWAY AV ClOMi I de 0MMISSION MERCHANTS. C l6, '58 Wilmington, N. JL 31. ROBINSON A; SON, T M FORTE JL Domc-tk Ac.', No, K, i MFORTERS A NT DEALERS in : Foreign and tic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, ..Front-ptl. Wilmincrton.'N. C. jan 9. ' -ii JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Gi ENEfeAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD niNG. MERCHANT, Wilmington,. N. C. Prompt Personal attention given to Con signments, lor hale; or Shipment. t "JSt).lPerat ua.a auvancemenis, uiaue oa jop i signjient.4 to my Nw York friends. nov 2, '57) t j . HENRY NUTT, 7ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, H if . j : r . ! .- Wilmington, N. C. i,WSH give his personal attention to business entrusted to his eare; 1 sept . 10, '57-tf. JAMKS 3TOKLKY J, ;'. ALEX. OLDHAM. j STOKLEY & OLDHAM, TEAtfeBS IN GRAIN. A COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS, ; Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour Bacon, and Other Country Produce. 'I .A , , JUTE ROPE. : COILS best jate Rope, for sale by OKJ nov 23 i . ZENO H. GREEN" ALMANACS FOR 1861. : ! rpURNER'S Nth Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- i I L-v-'v: KIXIK STOKhL flee 1 1 ; to Arrive. Kind BBLS FLOUR. Apply to OUU inov 27 I ; STOKLEY A OLDHAM. f ' Z., i BACON. '. " 0 HIIDS. SIDES, and 4 hhds. .shoulders, iust l;arrived.r For sale by, J. A. W1LLARD. ' FLOUR. Qnn SACKS just landed, Forsaleat $l,10per 'sack. nov 10 J. A. WILLARD. ! 1 FLOUR. "' '.'ii-.'' ' - "T7AM1LY, Super and Fine, ' Fayetteville and Wilmington inspection, in store and for sale by I (dee 11) ZENO H. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI- ; .Si-cians and economists. L.TFilSCft. leet .of eas, iaxonsumed .through eight I burners, in 9 nisrhts. at a cot of $5 per thou sand leeff, now muca is eonsumea oy eacn uurner ; per hourTat. what cost,, and what would oe tne cost, of an equal amount f light ' obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer r There "! conumed by eaebburner, 25 feet per nigbt. or 6 feetjer hoar, at a cost of 6 -cents per hour: per bnrner. Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light a 8 gaa burners) 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply .4 lamps one month,5 which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4-,0 per month, . or a costf one ; rent per hour per lamp j therefore,' by bununggas, the expense is only six hundr.ed per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, ' which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitabia f Jan 12. . i ' . CAS8IDEY. . NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. iSO. 8. BiSCT, - J'MS . HTM AX. r. . H t AV. late ofM. '"! 7 " late of - ' late of Tarboro y. C. ScotlaadN'5ck,-WarreBton. N. C. DANCY, IfYMAN & CO., HOCEBS AND COMMISSION MctCRaMi. 1 -I! IVarl street. P r ' NfW York. 1IYM AN, DANCY At CO., - I ROCERS AND COMMISSION MsacMxii, I oaroLK, a. The New York hone will bW coadurted by Jno. S. Dancr, aided by R. W. Hyman. The JSorfulk Hoiue ill be coulucteU bj . John n. II vm an and F. M. Ilrmin. j l'articnlars attention gireu' to the ale of '.Cotton, Corn.i Wheat, and Naval Store. . Septem her 13-tf ,1 SCO I Geo. O. vixAnaiktiK, J., cT S. VasAxix; VANAMRINGE BROTHERS. "VTAVAL STORfl AND GENERAL Comiiioi!j AS. P. deer, uodr dat of Oct. i Uq, rr J MracHAtiTS, nunilng that theit mean, bv 4'UUiVa Sal, the - .. . ; iwroirm, :ew i or . . 'aeraa. x : Mr. J. R. Blossox ; Mess. T. C. A B. G. Woeiu, " Hathaway Co., J. D. McRab k Co., - Mr. J. II. Flasher. August 21, '0-tf ; Wilmint.-n. N.C. LONDON At BRYAN, CI O M MI S S I Q X . M ER CHA NTS, P , ! .Niv 32 India street Biw ton SsT Consignments of Naval Store. Cot to Lumber, and other Southern - Produce solicited. I Jko. It. LosDoy. - J. H. Butax, Jr. ' , Nov 21-tf WX. M. GRElA'ER, W..W, M4IKN)Si. GREINER A: IIARKNESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION Hoes?. , : . ' Phil i.i.i.rni. Nov 15, 1S57 ' , wm. L. Hill, . of Vorth Carolina . N. M. NoarLBH. of' North Carolina. HILL. & NOR FLEET,., ENERAL COMMISSION' A .FORWARDING Merchajds. Shocko Slip, RL'hiiiond, Va.-, u hiiiond. a.. nlii'it ennsiirntnent 4 fif Cut tiVii. l uinhf r. I'i.li ana all kinds ot Merchandize and Produce. .4 JALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugars. Cofiees. Mol.i . ses, Salt, Lime,. Guano,! Ac. Large carg'oes of, th above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, and we shall be'pleased to operate for parJ . r j 1 r . I i . . iiesoruering, pruiiiisinj faithfulness in ur in- deavors to reprcsentthem. Jan 2.V1? G. W. WILKINSON Ai CO. TJRUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' P l i9 Barclay street, N. Y Particular attentvm giveti toconsignments and purchase of Merchandise, all kind. - ! -"- . -m. -. ": Liberal cash advances through WlLIINS()NtJ s ONSlONEESof I0.hhdi, Baconnd rOltla.' CO., Wilmington, N. C. . ! j i'orkv marked ' diamond II., per rhr Lcuii- Angust 2. iSGOly JrHnt. from Baltimore, will pteaw mak tbrmaelrci KEROSENE LAMPS.-A largs supj.ly,.! suitable for gtore3, for sale verv cheap with Oil, at dec7 C ASS IDE VS. : EASTERN II A Y. " ' 'r j 1 f( H-M'tt Eastern Hay, ex schr. .-, tr"' lfr sale. low. lrora wnan. ov i TCIlFII 'JLl'f- ianrt ELLIS A MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE I I.1.UMINAT1NG APPARATUS, f,.r lialN, Par- I lies, Public Meetings, &c, can be lnreil on 1 -iy reasonable term?, ot th Inimitable jan 8 CASS1DKY. IHOICE BACON, 22 hhd.-u choice Western .A,iJacon biJei amt snouiae.isi ror KJiie i.v' dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. "T C. FLOUR. . brands. 50 boxci 50 bbls of el'd HATHAWAY A CO dec 21 MUSCOVADO Sl'G Alt. -20 hhd. prime choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by . dec 21 llAlllA.Vt a. 1 w. -i - - 1 - - -a - 1 A IMi. ATOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird. I.1.I-. esrern i.arci st spienuiu arn v- I V MHIUI'. 15 Keir N. C. Laid, in rod paekiiueK. .' Western , Lanh in uniall paekag'e. dec 4 : Fot ;de bv 'A. U, 'GUEENK. TEW ViJH K Ii. ba and 111;. ' Fm' s;i!e l STOKLEY. 4v-Mir M I . dec I 'I'NGRISH CHEESE.--25 I'm.v i'li-eed, En Ilift'HskC lieese. jnt ireoeivad at U II .V . 11. 1.. 1HOSE CHOICE IIAVANAS have -..i.ie. m . dec i ' WORTH JL DANIEirs. J AKD. J use. 20 Kegs Extra ie:tt ljanCr family WOUiHA-DANIi:L. ; -"TJ-R?VING FLUID. -Fluidaiid Oil tin runs. I . j-or saiP vf.rv ..),, ok'., at A-MlM-.i ..lee TO-DAY-NEW AND TRIISII. STR. i'AUKERSIJi;ni. " jT 1 0-N CENTR ATED LhA EN-snethmg, m-w. i U . N'-w Beet Tongu,t, n-at-Powde,-, - . " . Kye Hour, l.uti-r 60itbls. .C. Sugars. Uai.-in.-. 10 ; A- 10 bbl.s. B.. Sug.ir.- 10 Ouflhed. GiauulaUd ami Powdered. ; 25 boves choice Yellow Cheese. WOlHil A I) AN 1 EE, jan 2 Granit'e Row, Font street. FAMILY. FIjOUU. TK have the bes't Family Flour in town, and we warren t each and every barrel and i packacre, if not jood, to be returned. i dec 12 " WORTH A DANIEL. TpASTERN BAY. - 2-Kibale oftlu' l-st Eehteln i liz Hav in marketJ For l-Htebv dec 21 HA'TllAWAY A CO. VEM, VIOI, VIClJ I OUCII was the announcement of a very great i victory, by a Roman General. 'I he people ot I this day, in sneakinjr of the ! Inimitable CASSI- DEY, modify the saying of tlie noble Roman, thust "I came, I taw, I bought' of the gret variety of articles offered for sale at the RendiV011". dec 21 ; 28 -k South Front M. V iTnnir. t."irr nt .,t, rv.r r seceded! This thev would not have prepared to do. if wui.' !' her citiena not bought . -, . " ! abtiOhAA uiua..u iiAHr., .. as well a3 a great variety of Fancy articles, auita- j ble for the L'oliday Candy, Nut, lc. ic, of the I patriotic UASS1DCY.. . , dec 21 TDTE ROPE AND TWINE 2j Coibj best Jnte fj Rope, Bagging Twine . lor sale bv zeno ii. Greece. dec 1 BEST HAMS IN TOWN at deel WORTH A DANIEL'S. E BED ROOM SET Si A new lotT ame " very pretty just opened, and for sale at dec 19 lv . , , , PERRIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TaER PARKERSBURO. 7 Fresh Raisina, Fresh Butter, Figs, Cheeje, i Sgari' ! Tobacc ''i Prunes, Citron. 'i Nutmeg. ' Mace, Buckwheat . " l ABaCSiigar,' Ale. Porter. lUi.in-i, Ijoaf Suear. urusuea Granulated do. Sweet Cider Elegant Hams. 1 WORTH A DANIEL i' ,,nrm,u 1 T dec 19 WOLFE'S LIQUORS GENUINE Schiedam Schnapp,. i Very Pure Brandy. : " " Sherry Wine. Madeira Port ' For sale by WORTH A DANIEL. ac IS 1juKK.-5QbbJs, N. due .7 y Y.'City Mew Pork, for ale ' ZENO IL GREENE. rHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town I ranted in all caw. to b had f war ec 29 j ' WORTH A DANIEL - SUGARS SUGARSI 7 BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbla Crushed, Granulated and Powdered. - -f 35 " - iiBtfcovado sugar, light and dry -a. 6 bbds. t ..--.- . ; For sale by : j WORTH A DANIEL, .. jan 8 -'i . fi A ... ':.... Granite Row. PORK PORK. yp BBLS, New Yprk City Mesa, just received -1 J and for sale low, for rah, bv dee 11 ; t -".,-' "y.- ZENO IL GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. , KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2 cents, a. dec 11 ? ; GEO. MYERS'. " 25 " V " ' ' ; ?-';--t r.TOARnivn1-. 250 BBLS. Flour ?; ; r-- ' ' jan 15 wTULLi & t i.l MM. C HEltRINa'S CHAM PION BURNED. UP. II LRKI.XU A CO. back out (S their SICW , VaBntSagChalUar! Afaa ine louowtng: i ;svcrr. kt. 25,lJW. , Ko.. AC' fMf Ultima ?fr8j r- 1 E, P. Horns., t cu-e. Lear ir : ve ar antiioriiM. by VI. tart' S. C Herring A Co., to loflVr ou, or Mr. LiUW, it' other person, f lO0, to prove tLat a IW rrlrf Cham pion Safe e-r failWl to preserve in ct.ctrt.ti ia aa' accidental firej and we will give tvu, Mr. UlUe, . or any other e-spons:bl prrnjn, l,0t(t-iWii the ,iu otTf in rk ganl to MK I.iUi, Safe. j'. (Mgnrdl j D. S. A S. V. OLI.r., J. Agent fr S.TC Herring A K. TLu htte? having been forwarded t tr, Ifc Hjliowicg replv wai retorn"l :' i - Taor, Nor. rtIW. E. P. Horn.. EM.pSTramc, - ' V.rJL'" I Sam afe manufactured by vr, since 1 bat nu i utactured on xnr lown artunt. ,ay wiihlaTart vears last rat. Th tni.nev to h. drv.yiitrtl la th bands of llou. Itate McConih-. Jr.. Maror of th j city of Troy, witWn nflecn days and toXt plawsl J Dy Mm ia tne haniU ot wm crapotrnt yrtor, , i who may b selcti! to recilve tb ttiaiony u - this eity, and to decide to hora it hall b p;.. ! Truly yours. LEWIS L1LLU . The above aHt.tance of ihe challeare waa for , warded' to Mr. Ilopkin. and bv him lo Meaara (itr, Agentn. 4e. to which tio reapotutt. ha bc.-a ma.ii MaTok 4 Ortica. . Troy, Dec nibr 4, lC0. I I'htj toregoinc lettvra have been hand-d to rsr by.'' Mr. Lillie, and the contents of the' aame bavin; ben examined, I irc-ntHlk at hia requrM. n r ceive and hdd $lKjLaa the pronoaed pledge,. ' the part t( Mr. Lilli.-, and up to this date f htv held the same, arid uot hearing anything from .s. C Herring A Co., or fn-ni D. S. A S. P. Oft. Atrents, and to time Latin ext-in-d. 1 have th dar return! the fund denoaited to IewU l.i'.lir.' ISAAC MrCONIHE. Ja. jan 1j i. 11. Kt i.I.l V, Agent. TIIE FIRST AN, .J TUT. LAST. rzt'ihf.lifu d in tha court.' 1 a r.irardel tr action h. , flMil.S SA YI.Nti und I Vri). '..a;,.u it,; days of the Keoluth davs of the Ktolution. 1 The Mecklenburg i iseclaratiou of Independence, liincd bvl.thrai.u j Howard, and others, waa the first public aertl n the. tlbt'or a Mate or colony t 6e fre. 1. a.- . cede; and North Carolina waa the laVt to ratdr , the articles of confederation bet n een, and forming ' .1 l.... , n-i. . .t i . . i 1 wiete ijnin'u ciaieat . inuv, auiea ana prompt i-j ! rivbt and Tijpcl aggression, iuc was alew to oVU- gate awar anv olVthc rowers vceled in hf. TlK " ' IiiimitabU: CASSIDEY baa aho jut rrrfttrd HV (00 Sweet jOrangCav which he It ottering at thrui. . wLt.JI. I.. . T l 1 a A - ft . . i ,w" , " , f "TT " V' rTr known at the oULde of the underslrned. to-dar janb 1 . T. C. A U. Q. WOUlH LliAM'S'M ANl?A ll T 1V Ta:-. vviii;ur. e'i .n 1'u.ui. utt:!...)'. X9 inatitiite. J COSTKMS. . Article lit. Army Organisation OrgatUatiln of Infantry Organization of Cavalry Orrttlla ' tiun of Field Artilory-The SUIT. ' i Aytu-le 2d Arms and Araunitlonr: Article 3d Seiixl of tb Soldier ; Article 4th School of the Cotrpn. ; Article 6th Target Practice ; Article Cth School of tho Battalion ; Article 7lh-S4hmd of tho Trooper; ArtieieMii school or ths J roop ; f ArtidoOtb School of the Squadron ; Article 10th K volutions of tt Rfcinieut: . 1 J'. t.lmU 111). 1 trrlit Ivlllln.. T.lT... ' . Article 12th Honors, paid by Trdopa, to th I'resiuent, governor, ucnran, e. ; 1 ! Article 15th Duties of AJaptalr., Consparl-.l- , . Unties in vamps, Hiafrnor.s, Ac !' Article lltb-The Stall"; , a- Article 15th Battle ; Article Kith Courts Martial; : Arthlfl 17th Muj-if, Rcville, Tatt. Ac .! App.ndii Tlie' Article of War. . . j Th whole in me handoomn volume of ',4i i p l'rie $2,50. Book forward.! .on. receipt ol pric. . :.o e..pi.-. received thi momiing, tulr EaprcM, ii WUITAKER S N. w ..oL St. re, Mjrkvr t.. !i. t. Ja. D.tM,;i'ji an.i Wilkin.'. i'.ni ! ' i TO AIOIS1 TO A RMS I K I.L 1 JIOE . ho nroppod to thf Fdrral ex reion o a .vot ereiti State, and who ara ..,,.. -r-.l U, ti: j.ni--:i t;.- ot alx.litiiiiM.ldier through North Carolina. ..r f punof anl.jugating a ?itr State; v ill buy th"ir Groerief, Provitiac. j nina'd More and m roiitr'nienu of the patriot, n 1 rAMSlDKY. I C'Ol'PEIl j I) IIW-AOUAYRA, .lava and St. JxniiU '' "t..re, and'Cf.r al bv I . j:,H !i LL zi:xoi ii.CRr.fc.N,.. TiNEWi cornTaflot. 9(10 rfri .aV" orn BUSHELS Prime White New Cr . 'now landing, formal bv 1.1. LI S A Mil CU1 I.!.. I. H - t M-r- --, , WHITE OATS. J I I )AAA BUriUELS Heavy Newu.Vork S)l ror aie f.v ELMS A jan ) I MITCHELL. WJl EAT BRAN. BAGS in store. ForaaK b ' 1000 jan 11 - ELLIS A, MITCIU LI.. RAISINS. " ! 1 WHOLE Hxes larjje bunch RalaiiA, I J 1(1 i o " 10 . ll ', jan For fnalebv 7.ENtl II. GREENE. IAN AL BARROWS. IW Canal harro. it. j wareioiiM, and for rl in I iti to ""it, at uov 30 WILSON'.. .. . ...(.. HOOP I HON, ' , . ; 1( TONS 1. 1 to $ Inch Hoop Iron, foi-aleb jan H M. MacISNIS. MACKEIinL . , i .TOS. 2 and .1 in store, and lr nh Ity 1 tn M.AlAclNM i ' t- -i-- N CV FIX)UR i i TCST RECEIVED Tr Railroad. 'Faroilr aod hadjaj Super, eelehratfd WatrborU Mill brand.- For fjaje by nov 27 CEMENT Sc. PLASTER. . nrtn BBLS. Cement,' 50 bbbv Plaster d'ocii. ZKJKJ per briir Water Witrl.. For aal bv dec 1" EEL IS A MITCHELL. BOOKS FOR ALL rniiE jit I wells Legal Adi MIE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK, C.at- a Justice, or nwana Kevised treetiiy Adviser, at KELLEY'S. dee ll I ' Book Store. . . ! T7FXfTJOnV4 ' I 2. 3. i. and i r-allona. at IJdccn ' ' PERRl.H'S. COFFEE-COFFEE, f! C( BAGS RI Cpffee Wjdo La guar ra do ado I jyj St. Dominco do 20 mats Java do'ln atere, ' and for sale low ifor cah, br I dec 11. ZENO 1L GREENE. VTAlLS. ISO kegs aborted NaiU,from S to 40.1. i L nov J i For al br '' " ZLNO IL-GREENt TEALTHFUL E1ERCISE. )i aecr JLX hmg and happy life. .Let; the glrla Hoojpa the .Uya mall axes, ot CA Is aecevaary to a rirla bay Trun .r r-A u4iiii'' 1 I I .1 ' I I I dec 1' j j ' . 1 ' . LEA V EN LE"A YEN-- LEA V ENT ; T EAV EN, LEANENV LEAVEN, LEAVEN". Jj Try it Try It--l rv it Trr It. at jan H . WORTH "A DANIEL'S. NOTICE. ' 4 LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groccriea, 'J Provision, Ac., either by note or aceoaftt, to the late firm f Wilaon A Wilhami, and bo accounts are long since due, are reoucatcd to make immediate payment to the ubf riter. or inch ae count will be rliced in fflccr'a handa for folltc ' tlon. . j . JAMES WILSON. jan 1 No. 6 Market atrevU nonKw ron all. fIDE North Carolina Form Book CaotwtH'4 J Justice, or Swin'a Revised FrcHlIy' Lcral Adviser, at Kelley'a Book Store. dec ii , ' WESTERN BACON. "I pZ CASKS superior fibcinoati dr ami frL..nl it der, in ore, s nd for nle I'V jan b ! j MacINNI.-. ciii:i.' POXLS New Jut rt c. in ..! - ' i:. 30 : v. 10 I' " t . 1 v t -i 1 i " f- i V