1 1 THE WILMINGTON , PAILY HERAllDV WEDNESDAY 1 EVENING, - JANUARY 23, 1861. UMfa Aaift.i Htoaft. A. It WAD DELL, Editor and Pro'tor. TOVfX PRINTER. Tna Sxctmsg Stated. The Washington Constitution gives the population of tbe four States trucn iiave already-seceded from the Union, a follows,' as ascertained ,bv the recent census i . -, ' ''' 4 ; p ! Free. -Slaves. South Carolina... 308,180 '-407,185 Mississippi......... 407,351. 479,C07 I 4' Hates of J.dvertifiae tlALT JTMEE. . f 1 O" 1 day. ....... $25 ' ddr,...., 2 da jt, ................ ij'f.'l day.....- 3 da ys, ...... W 13 flaya.................. , da ys, j . 4. da ja, - - aajF, ...... 1 w. H 2 weeks,. 37i 1 month,... 00 2 months-....- . 0 3 roonthj .......... w 5idars,M., it week- 2 weeks,.......;.....,. 1 month, 2 months. ...... $ 60 ?5 1 00 1 25 1 60 1 75 2 7S 2 00 7 00 TELEGRAPHIC SEWS. For the Daily Herald. COMERCIAL H .Latest Dates. Florida ......... Alabama ....... ... i 81,885 ... 1520,444 03, BOO 435,473 Total. 715,371 837,158 145,C94 955,917 1,318,066 1,386,074 2,703,140 The population . (I860) of three other - States which are likely to secede in the course of a few days, is as follows: . Free. Georgia 615,336 Louisiana , 354,245 Texa 415,999 J months...... 10 00 j G months 8 00 (6 months, .. 18 00 . ' r5 I year...., 15 00 11 year ....ZQ 0 i Add four States 184,956 1,385,580 964,j503 Slaves. Total. 467,461 '1.082,797 312,186 66,431 600,955 r ArriTal of the Arago. - "'''"'' Szw Yottx, Jan. 23d. Tbe steamship. Arago, from Southampton, with Liverpool dates to the 9th inst. has ar- 7. OF ser- " .1: . . . Cotton -sales of three days previous to steam ers' sailing 23,000 bales. Other article un changed. .Consols advanced $d. : 1 LIVERPOOL,.. HAVRE .... HAVANA J...... J 1 ..AJ-Jan. 2 .....Jan. 7 r 1 1LMINGrTON Wliolesalc Prices , CuiTent. THE ..'.aT Contracts . by the year made on faTorable ; t.erras. - ; - ' ( ; . Tea lines arc counted a square, aj.d fire lincy or Icsj, half square. Longer adTertwment'in pro . t- oortioa. ' . .. ."PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. TCT No publication made without a -responsible -aame.) 22J Pally paper, ?C : Wee klj ? 2 per annuin. iSJSicKle copies of tbe 'V1tKJXGtc3rDALT HztAtD may be bad erery daT, as soon as bued, tt WHrriKEs' New Book Storey iUrkot street Jjo, at Kelley's Book Store. j abore. 1,318,066 1,386,1W4 2,350.183 2,704,140 Total of 7 States.2, 703646 2,350,677 5,054,323 Sis other States which are meditating secession- but concerning wbicb there is more or le3 doubt are the following ; j , j Free. Slate. Arkansas.... I 331.710 109.065 Total. Arrival of the Marathon. . . Niw Yoar, Jan. 23. The steamship Mxirathon from Lirerpool, with dates to the 8th arrired yesterday!, , Cotton was depressed in consequence of the advance ni Bank mtes to T per cent. Closed steady. Flour declined 6d. Wh4it fllihtly lower. Corn declined 6J. Consols 91v North Carolina... Missouri ............ Kentucky Tenne&se Virginia 679,965 328,377 ,085,590 115,619 933,707 225,i902 859,528 287.012 1,097,373 495,826.1,593,199 1,088,342 1,201,209 1,159,609 1,146,540 Wednesday Erenlnc:, January 23, 18G1. S-SEE FIRST PAGE. From Florida. Psssacola,: Jan. 23d, 1861. Two Columbiads hare been : mounted at Fort Barrancas. The lone star - flag was saluted by Forts Pickens and McRee being invested by the allied (Louisiana and Florida) troop. Wlll 'orth Carolina be Represented? ; The appointment of five Aislinguisbed gentle men, j the'LegisIature of Virgiaii, as Commis sioners to procded to Washington City, oa 'the 4th February, to meet such Commissioners as may ie.appointtvl by otht? Statc-3, and- coiJer Twithh em for tbe ruriose of effecting, if possi ble, some satisfactory settlemen t of exisung diili cultivs, is the best practical movement towards the atuinmeirt of that -m-Ut desirable object, I whicU has yct been mad. Therd has been speaking . aa4 manoEUvcrin' tnougb. alreiijdy, to show tbe utter bojele5ne5 cf anything from ; Congtess, and iUs time tiiat Legislatures cf 4 the Sutcs thai hare not seceded, should j do . sometiiing.to avert'the calamity that overhangs r the country. . The Conventions which La Ye been called in tbe .Southern States, rjd which have j acted, have, in no inslanc:, mad ? any ratempt . .to remedy existing evils, but br.ve ni&dc immc diate fecesdon the primary bueictrs. Tiiis move ment of Virginia, id n pleaisicg evidence of kbe i desire of the people of th.it State to tr an hn- :. orabl adjustment of diGculties nr?t, u'nd allow the resnlt of their effort to ri:M.t!r "ct:ofwf the Convention afterwards. . j We 'are " ansiocs 'that KortL ''-arsiina ;-should be rejiresented at that Confj-renca. Her voicp 13 potent for good, and will be heard with respect. Let her send four wise mcr.!to AVashjasrlon Yfc. isuggesthe names of Jcdgs Krm:.v, IIox. Vv". A. . Goahav, Has. Jessz G. Shcpherd and Hex. Ei wi 0. Rkade. That commissicn would, iajrur opinion, meet' the approbation of nine-tenths of the !pgople of the State. ' Neither of them is in Total of 6States..4,987,873 l,56f,801 6.549.674 7Statesabore 2,703,646 2,350.677 5.054,323 Total of 13States7,691,519 3,912478 li;603,997 "e wmie popuiauon ot tneiwnoie united . rotn Louisiana - States in 1815, fiTe years after the close of the ? Bato Eocgb. Jan 22. last war witn Kngland. was 7,861,937; or only -ri . 170,418 more thai the presentVhlte population The Governor - message to, the Legislature is of the above mentioned States.j And yet, to r uncompromising in favor of secession. subjugate these States,, is poken pf by manr j Vera Crur dates to the 10th hare been recei-r-ersons and newspapers at the North as it At ved. It ij4 said lhit yiranion and some -of his were an easy task,- pleasant little pafume for . . . . ... . viii 1 ' is 1 : . BEVUETW WIlillXGTOX MARKET, F0 THE WXEK ESDnfO; JAX. 23Ll TURPENTINE. -The market has been unset tled during the weeJc. At the. close of oar last report, on Wednesday 'Yellow Dip was . quo ted at $2, 10 ; on Friday, jit declined to $2 ; sales at thaf was also made on Saturday, as will be seen below. - On 'Monday, $2,10 was? ha!; for Yellow Dip, which, however, was abre the poar ket, other sales being made that day, at $2,05 for Yellow Dip. ; The market closesLnominal tc day, at 2 for Yellow Dip. The arrivals during the week hare been quite large. We i note the sale of 7282 bbls., as follows : : f f f I bbla.! Yel. Dip, Virgin" HardJ ..588 at....i.2,10.......1.6S,..i..Ul,lO 480 at....2,0O.......l,60...:..Ul,OO 1470 at 2,00 ..l,60L:..Ul,00 1934at......2,10...;...l,68..;...:U,10 ..710 at......2,05....J..I.64.i.;.il.05 1200 at......2,00 1,60. 900 at. 2,00.......1,60.!.:;'.:;il.00 Thursday, .Friday....... v.- Saturday,-....... Monday, Tuesday,.. ...... raon escaped, killing thw. 1 the cnpitol on the 5th. Juarez .started to Rhode Island Legislature. Pbovidkscr, Jan. 23. The 8enitf rebc-u.'ed theDersonal liberty- bill. j v r The subject wb warmly Wide Awakes and citizen soldiers. Tbey are blind leaders of the blind. Tu Fosmoir or Majob Akdersox. Lieut. R. JC. Meade, of the Engineer Corps at Fort Sum ter, has been in our city, on a Visit home, for several days past. Several gentlemen, with whom he has conversed, inform ub that he sneaks in the highest terras of Maj. Anderson, not only ! by a vote of 29 to S and true Southern man, .his position in the pre ach-xHd ,n ,he Uou-- i J ' cnt state of affairs, however, rendering it inijKjs- ,. ' Tnn siblefor him to Ukeanyotherpenition before the .rrosn aenneasce.- people of the South-and of the Ijuion. lledot-s ' Mbmfhis, Jan. 23. not feel in the slightest tomplimented br the fi- -V battery of iitn 22 f-ounders is being riatical cannon firing In hi? honor at the North, i rrr-rtf.1 h rIa t.Wir-tirinU M .v;nn. r,.- and it is with pain, not fear nor even embarrass- ,i e - 1 ' i u j ment, that he realizes tbe presei.i attitude of the ' "hhhnt aunon and sheU foundry Son th towards him. That he Itivcs the South. ; I- that he prefers it every social tie gives ample , "i uig. testimony. , He is bound bv the bolv ties of wtHl- .AiiUiDKViLL, Jan 23. ; Si di'Ieatfi en tt-nvi -their protest againjt the ordinance of seci-sio:j, but pledged their live3. i fortunes, find sseid liohr. ugaiti-st coercion or i invasiou. An ordinance wu intn-ducvd making citizens i all wlnle jhtsoih who' wcrej in the State at .' tho time of t!ie rloption cf tbje seccs-sion ordi j nanci?. Another ivus i.'itroduct-d to continue Wednesday.. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Up to Saturday, the market for this article remained firm, at our last week's quotations. On Mondar, . 4al.es. .were' made of straight lots, at 33J ct's. per' gsj..- lc ing a J ct. decline. I We understand th.it sales m f?-t. should be asderstood that our quota tions generally represent the wholesale price, in tiling email orders, higher rates hare to be paid. Beeswax, V lb 2728Xiq,ra,, gaL (domestic. ) Beef Cattle, ; IWltiskey, J...2835 Bricks, M.6 00 12 OOj .3540 sr-r CrJ, m k. Bbb.,.Spta. Turn., each.1 2nd hand........l 001 65! New;..i.:4i.......l S52 00 VAKSIXS, , id. . j Tallow.-i..........1618 Adamantine .....;..20 24, 8permvi...........3550!i Coffee. V lb. , i Jara,.;..L... ,..1720t Laguayra,.!.. 1415! JlK,,...;....13i15Js! St lomingo,.'....1415 Uotton, & To. ord. to mid'g.l0KllKi strict mid'g......00llV! good mid'g.....,.00HJi! Cotton Bagging, yard.U....i:..13KU Corn Meal, -1 buhel.. .. ....... . .8085 Domestics, fheetm Yarn tggs doz......00.2Q j- do boiled,... 1 151 25 Feathers! '0 lb...50 55 Peanuts, bash.l 001 20 jrisn, t BUi., i.rotatocs, -Mullets ..! .;... 6 00 3! 7 00; Sweet, p busb 70 - 75 Mk'rdN6l, lH W18 (K; Irish do do 001 00 do No 2....13 005? It 00! do fT bbl...l 752 00 do No 3.... 6 50 H 50' Provisions, lb., nr'ns:sEa.-t...3 WtasO-fN C Bacon, -Irv Cdg- ' . JiHams, .14 IS fcwt....g...;...4O05f5Ojpiiddlingsf...O0 tg 13 00 ft) 13 s-r . NE Rum Gin. pBrandy, .40 50 ao Apple;..- a3yu do Peach 1 001 60 Naral Stores. ? (Turpentine, j 280 B. r rga Owls' 6 (Yellow dip.:.0 00 2 00 Umr-A ft nAffil M jTar, y ' bbL.Q 00 1 60 do in order-. 0 00(91 75 iPitch do......000l 55 Rosin, pale,...2 00 2 75 do Nol, .1 251 50 do No 2, ...0 850 90 dd No 3, 1..0 000 80 Spirits Turpt. V rallon, ... 33K 35 iVarmsh, ? gal, 2630 Cut, ............ ...3K' 4 fWrought,. j,1012K Oils, ft gallon, ting f) yd... 8- 9 Sperm, ......... 2" 002 25 1920ijLiBseed, raw,.115l 20 Special ilSrotices. janl7-tf I t; OLD ; L- - SACHEM BITTERS, and Wigwaia Tonic. See adrertisement. For sale by WALKER MEARES. r tr t t t. i i i i : t-i oi iora. ouis. rave aiso wen-niaac at aiiae t f Jour, N Cbr'nds. bbfi 'Shoulders, ...12 decline. The receipts have been lights ind ve i'arailv, ... . 0 008 25Hog Round,... Vli therefore have but small sales to note, as follow r Pr- -u ft ? WM??- Ucon, ' J ' .f' i-" v .!;.. . nn.; Wednesdav. ... '50.,.bbl....r...Wc. for ."trai-vht.: Tro.--: .. ' '. 75...bbN...at...3j fbr NiY.bbU Thnrsday. Friday, .... Saturday,. Mondavi... ! (r UP. A Ontiav i the Legislature,-. ai places. are : - t; The Legislature. Mr 4 Clark's substitute paped its 2d readiag in . r the House of Commons cn jdon-lar and will-, it ; is thought; pass both houejs to-day. The Sente . ' bill, as it nowistands, rt-stribts tlie Convention to u the Consideration ofFederaj relations. A bill to : - incorporate the Greensboro? and Danville E. R. Company, was made the special order for io-nor-t" rev (Thursday) at 12o' clock. ;A ijill to alcr the time oj" ocnin the polls in . W ilmlngton. passed its ?ond reading in the its ?ond tn he senate, onMqnday. (n the iamo day, in tbe same ibody, ilr, Hall introduced a'Hll to 2r. thori2e limite co-partnerships. ' . Roite' Agxt. Mr. Tlihd'lons W. 'Jones, i appointed Route Agent; between Wi!ming:on - and KingsTille, S. C, rice p. II. Blake. r H . ; ' . We have the sermon proacheu by DL!iop Atkinson,- ''f()n the Causes of our National Troubles," .Tast Day, ; Jan. -ith, prinfed in pamphlet form, for sale o grftfihors ditrilu- " tio'n. Tad sermoni have 4 1 jappeareA xnucli sooner, except for f:iu.-e3 over'-Jrhich W( h.iu no control. " Wc :i tain a copy lentil some d.-vs at't.-s- i: ered. " f ' t i-.a-.nr.ry. jZ-ff- The vjeMthr to-day. would ta!ini raving distract!, if" that thougli re:tl character -was tt den'zen of this dis maj, drenched, and u!toctljr drowned rut -coi-1 iag t'iwn.", ; , . Raigu MijMciPAt Elk-ttion. At an cecuou held in RaIeig!iron Mond.iv. i Vr.i. Wm. II. Har rison Vra3 r4M-ected Mj-rr -without opposition- : lne following voners : ' I lock to one of the fairest of the f;r of Gconria m .1 ... r?. C : fn:,.U II.. Ii .1 . - umiuiu Ul ucu., U1IIIU1. MJV lUtS iOUr UCVOlCU brothers, every one of whom, it is said, is a strong Secessionist. Add to this that be is a Southerner by birth, and a desoend.-mt of revo lutionary sires, we need hardly hiore to give us assurance that he not onlr loves his native South but will at the proier time, and in an honora ble manner, draw the sword in her defence. These are, simple inferences jfr'om facti. as' known. Not a syllabi? hi' frMen from the lija of Lieut. Meade. b lend t ili- r-niot.- t dt-dnc-tion that 'Mnj. Audersoiij will' ijot j- rl' rf!i lis whole duty to the Govtrnmci of the Cniud States. But that he will -be barAliuhand with the South a' soon as be may lie, iwiih ln.nor. re lieved from his position, lye haveinule toloub. Forts axi. Vessels." rAn'otboii o.'.t'.n- m.tnv . examples of the inhbllity: of f-li(- i.i roi'upe-te i wun ions is meniionea by a .x-w i ork .journal .in some reminiscence: of I'orl .Morsim. wbich has been latt-h- occupied bv tl;e. tnois of Ala bama. This j'ort is located on Mobile Point, on the site of Fort IJoycr, oflSU mi-iaorv a lon-, low, sandy peninsula, between the Gulf of Mex ico on the South, the Bonscconrjs Bay and Na ry Cove on t he North . On Sep t v mbc r" 1 4, 1314. ajCritish fleet of four vessels, ciirrving ninetv fourguns. attacked Fort Borer. 4 sni.il 1 redoubt. This redoubt wasgJtrrisoued Vr onry one hun dred and twenty Americans--tlllicers included under the command cf M:1jor Lawrence, and its armament was: but twenty jsmall pi.-e-s f cannon, some of wlik-h wc-re aim-?! entirelj- use less, and most of thcia poorly niountwt in hatte ries hastily thrown up, hnd leaving -the guns uncovered from the knee upward;, whilo the en emy's land force, aetind in cancer i with tlm ships, consisted of twenty nriillcrjts, witli n.l.at- tery ot two guns, and seven huojln d ami ihirlv ; matinpt Indians and negroes. His shios mi- rteeifive nununei ana tli rtynu h m.ftU. TJii immenso disiarity' of numbt'es aijd 'strength did not allow .to the British, military jand naval com manders the slightece appro hi sioa that i'our British ships," carrying n'uic-fv-iKvo timts and a : land force somewhat rxce cding! seven hiifideed combatants, could, fail in reducing asmall work", mounting only twpntr short carionndes an.l d. - i fendc-d br a little more lh,nn on hnndre-d men. unprovide-l alike with furtiacr-s fjr heating j-hut, i or Cilsements toccver tleni?. lv.s irorn rocket? ' and shell. Nevertheless Ulic cutcm;- was mm- t pieii wa. led f tw or n:ne Such examples ss theseX-and titory i full of them. show bow tasilv .mid cliejti-iv a Sfatt- nnr j defend itself, if it W sotiispisiit. ' A ,m aii;.. k'i ; of rebels. DityxU h . j ...no...bbls...at...34c. stiaightj: ...2O0...bbls...at...34c. ' . . 1 00. . . bbl a . . . a t . . .:.ac. -V. V. bbl i. .. 400...bbls...t...33i-;c. for-straiffht .' (i- ,'...50...bblst..a...3-tc. lor N; Y. bid-. Tuesdav.. ......20l. ,hbi'...at...3:,.e. lur fctr'aight.- ' " ! ''."' i '-.! . TAR. Has advanced 5 cts. per bbl;" jj-incb last report. The market is firm .a our vjuot i tions, and all that is offered on mai-ket. ti net -il j ready sale. We note' the sale of TCm lblU..:turJ ing the week, at-SI, 60 'per 'bbl. 'j ; 'r I ROSIN. The market for all grades!, -has It-en unusually quiet, .during the jast week, caused, we presume, fiwni the high rates' .of freight. "in-l ... . ' " ; i - t fit. ,'LtO! lne onlv sales wet have tnnote.- tJ t of. il ?;? --r.v 1200 Idila V 1 rk 1 no , 1 .o - ! ' Jt. iu j COTTON .' Thursday liner our rep.. rt on ' Welnesday, undcf ft.dviees frinu abroad, the market for this :Hiicie j. resented a dull find de clining feature, whi' h holders seemed ; unwilling to accede to. No sales were made ort;AV'diiesda after our. rertort, or on Tliursdav. On Friday,' Srf bales were Sold, at 11 2 .cts'"f.if-ftrict. mid dling; being 2 ct. (decline.'. On Satui-day, ! 5.1 bales changed hands, fit loi for low. and Hi for , good middling. On Monday a littlw bet ter teel4 mg existed, and sales were made at a basis of 111 oaies were 1 soia,iiJit,l0 0 ijn .r)rt;Sriddhn?.......12Ke?13 .0 OOiffT 2.y;Shoulders, .......1011 . ...... ,2v I'Oi'N C Lard..,....13l3M kgs.... 1 HI Western do ;...J2K13 i'uaiK. Peruvian, Butter, 2027 under 1 &n, V '.'..-... -.31- Chwse ..... .....1212K 1 :tn ann -upward.-, ' (il'ork, Northern,1 bbl, ;A . ?..P-r ton. 60 00'jCity Mcss,i4.22 6023 00 .Super. Bame... .(550 00 'Ulear do: I Land Mitr.r, ? bl l.l 2' Per'iui,. .;:..;:& 0010 M itT.tii, 'jiibiisli-!, : ! Curu.;. ..V.. .60? C2K;: j Oats..'..:.-,........42f 45. ' IVas, Cof -'rv Nr) i d blaif-'!ve 0 35;1 00. Wheat, Hu- no. W7:it. 00 oosoo 00 ICutt, ,.......-.17 00??'18 00 ;Be,- Mess... i I 50i?10 00 : do Full-.n I M it k( f.,..,lt 005'20 00 iPouitrv, iCniekcu-.- h v 0 ..... 1 5 '5. 2ft do d.;ad 00100 .0 00-0 OOjiTurkeys, li've....75Q,l,00 0 WfO 00:i Io dead, tJ 17),. ,.15(g 1G per ncad, for. Middling. the federal laws in relation to slavery. Oiuj i isi irtacep, I -Lambs ..1 505 2 25 l.-i-??4!LMutfor. r.i 50:2 2 '25 m..:S J Salt. ' - , -: 1 I C,;;reea X(4:...:.....nK5?;!AIum, Wh;f.V.00-g 2S j l!ry . .....73;grvjLiverpool, sack, I Hav, IvO ihj j ground, eargo..i75(3,SQ j.Iui!-tVri;.jj.......O &."'- 1 0f ido'from store,.! 101 15 I N. Riv. 1 M.3f,o.h'nS 1 501 75 Ey-glinlt, aos'd ...4J OOjji'oito Rico, Vmojirj.t, rei....L!2.(00ipew Orlean?,.. Ctorx AKOCTKTooTHAcaxDmor8. Thiaiimpid and efficaciouj remedy acta instantly upon the nerre of the tooth, and immediate relief it given. It will not unpleasantly .affect the breath, like Kreoeote, injure the gums, or destroy the enamel of the teeth ; the numerous cares - it has aecom plished are well attested, and it has only to become generally known to be as highly appreciated by the public,-as it has long been by Dentists. for sale by W. H. LIPPITT, Wilmington, N. C. jan 18-6t , ; ' The Subscriber offers himself as candidate for the office of SPECIAL MAGISTRATE of Wilmjge-ton. and resDectfsllr solicits tUe rote of theitizenis, at the election to be held on Lhefirst Monday in February nert. jan ld-tf I JOIlj J. CONOLEY. 1 1 j" COUGHS, COLDS, AND LUNG DIS- : bases; - Coughs, i Colds, .Broncaitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Diseases f the Throat, Chest, and Lungs,! however longjnding and severe in character are quickly cured by that lorr tried, efficient and faithful remedy f -j T WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRV. The universal opinion fully accords with that lately expressed by the "Saratogian," which says : "Wistar's Balsam has achieved many remarkable cures of Pulmonary disorders-t-ita success being so great that taken in time it id deemed a Fpecinc." The thousand of Cdrtificatcalin the hands of the propretors from those who from long suffering disease have been "redeemed, regenerated, disen thralled," and now by this remedy enjoy immn ci ty from pain and suffering, are still better evidence of the factJ .--; Still More Testimony. Ahuovsr, N. II., Oct, 15, 1853. Mesars. S. W, Towle, & Co., Boston, Gentle men : I have an earnest desire that all persons suilerirgfrom-pulmonary complaints, should know th wonderful virtues of Dr.i Wiilar's Bmliam vf Wild Cherry, and make the; following statement w ith the hope that some skeptical person tmty be induced to give him a trial : ' : - "- - Six ycrs since I ws? attacked with a violent cough, and resorted to physicians, first at-home, and-next abroad, of acknowledged skill and repu tation, and made use of many patent medicines, without the slightest benefit,; -. it. .'(..i.. .' . l '. i . : ESTABLISHED, m T. SUIT, KENTUCIiY SALT RIVE BOURBON ! H I 8 K DISTILLERIES. ADDKESS, s! f.SUli; DISTILLER, JEFFERSON Co.. kv. Sept 14, 166(MCm - -i V TO CLOSE THE STOCK PRICES REDUCEh aroisainr cooui. Trunks, -Umbrellas,1 Youth Clothier, ijmidrens' Clotliitr. ' Negro Clothing, f N'fjjro bin. , Take 'advantage of the rc-Juc J rr!. . '; v tire stock mast be sold. ,'!'"' f h. i:ai !v,;fv jan J4 THE QUAKER CITV IS1 C03IPAM'. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,.... CHARTERED CAPITAL.., INSURES AGAINST Iom or dr.ti. the, perils of the-Sea, Inlaid y . n ? ibeaisease augmentirg to such a degree aj to pit- We.are prpsred to , m ""F" v. i uiiks in. x,ne roovx i;ompatsv ...69 ...Sfl-9' do. hoop, ton 5 W.3&77 50 IMuscovado, , 79 nnrcilc of00;j.Loat Lime. ! 75.80! do ' rm fttorD...S0!l?l 001 Lumber, .M., (River. V Ki'r B.oaBds.Oti 0012 50 Tlic n.ns from ii!i!tnj'Oriri!i!. .1. lih iiad Richmond in '..Hi. 11 .lull. r '"w Vork rark'fs. Nrw !Yobk, Jdu. i'3. .dt s of !09bales; Middling t j.J:uifi. ij cr-. ivi lo. tbvif declined 5 ct. per bbl. ; Southern' un biint Wheat declin j ed 1 cent, (.-urn dull; mixed 68i a 71 cts. ; ; choice Southern 'white 75 . H :ts. ; new yellow I y a i-'i cr-. small paml-- have been bold at 70 7:? ct--. per by:he'. .Spirits Turpentine dull at : 351 ct.s.'-per gallon. Ro.-in firm. Rice teadr. cts cts. for ordinary. 11 cts. for middling, and h H CtS. ' for CTOiKt niidillimr. VSt-rdnvi -TnaetavS ! .Vi,l. di - nnftTTlfiO j 720 bales changed hand, at adrancei 101 tW- I 'Scantlinj 0 007 60J I ordinary, 11. for middling, 1 for strict, nnd I 1" team sawed) ' ll?c. for good middling; The market do-dav is ll,KT liuardi'' i : a little easier. : ! ' - ' ' ' 1 rougn ,...;f..,; 10 w&ivw wanted, tha stock in pft.alr BEEF CATTLE Are wanted, thao.k butchers' bands having i prime article wo 1'roui tVashinfrtpn. WAaHINGTON, J;n. Z'i. . in ilf Snati f'ri ctr-cd'.-n'f .. (irpsolittlon.s were iiliuiod. i Tlie Hciikc .ii-cu-.l tUo Natlonul ri-i-. become reduced. A vtd bring good figuix-s. M We fTo- cents tht nound. accord! ncr I to qualitv. r I EMPTY SPIRITS TURPT. BARRELS We have nothing new to report. There is a very, large Btock in dealers' hands, with but ;t limited demand. - Our prices in tabic are as near a cor rect quotation as it i3 possible to give. COFFEE. There is o (rood 'stock of Rio in store, winch i selling 10 14? cts..H?r;lo. CORN MEAL Is selling cents iKT bushel i ' 1 - lutH rc t iol . JIhij r Wide b'rds.f 14 0015 00 Scantling ..il2 0015 00 S4Up S3 tUH, j rough edge.14 0015 00 ro-sawed.;...a6 00 17 00 Molasses, ,?f- gallon.' Cuba, hhd?.L.......2325 ; do. newv .....2527 dor BblsJ 3032 N. Orleans.;... 5055l 1 -j 1 in Jots to uit. tt irom - lots to suit, at 85 d 00 c : FISII.-'-jrullets.UXo i from store at froiiijSO to -S7 iK-r bbl.r FEATHERS. A verv "liUf jtotl from " ( 1 i n nor 5 cn, i n rufih'd, 103 12 IC Yellow, 9)4 10 jGranulated ...... 1 1 11 Soap, .lb, ...45i7 IShingleg, V M, Contract 4 50 5 00 Common, 2 002 50 Staves, ft M, W O Bbl,... 16 0013 00 R O Hhd,... 12 5020 00 Ash IIead'g;14 0015 00 Timber, per M, " Shipping,...;.. 0 00 0.00 Mill, prime,... 7 509 00 do, interior to , ordinary,... 3i 506 00 Tallow, V ib,...10 00 lobacco, f) lb, Common, ..... Medium, , Fine, Wool, t? lb,... j I NoTE.-Rirer Lumber,; Tar, and Turpentine, oUr iri tho .water, are subject to the expense of landincr. . insnectioii. coooerae: Ac: sav on lum- th; hkill of the rhveicians fri'.n.lr, I wa3 inducea, as a last resort, to make a trial of your popular Balsam, without anv confi dence in it merits, as that had been destroved bv J . numberless trials of advertised nostrums. But the Transportation. OE0P.0E II. ,11 ART," Prr-IJi ct. Vice President; II. 11. Cv M. S S. II. Biitlcr, At Sec. 0 tUo i. BtliO.ssl.i. ::::,' Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 1 1 JANUARY 1ST, 1 in. aue at . )o:. rct1uilr re 3ur t Jo 2 Oi j rit.ai;.!, i;..: 14 -20 25(g) 30 45 f.O 17Q 20 efll-ct v2$ magical? My friends were again, hopes iui, aiiu x was tusiooionea ai ine rapiaenange. ine AIR ACCOUVT4 racking cough, the severe pain in my side, and dc- I 1 nn, . VT . ' of rninrprr onrJ hv a rnrtinii,-l n.n r.f thiv .m,'. J . 7T" All. V J .1 J .1. 1 dy was restored to, good health. Youra, very truly. GEO. W; ClASE. Caution to Purchaaers. The only genuine Wistar's Balsam has the written signature of "I. Ucris," and the printed one of thojRrejjrietors on the outer wrapper; all other .is vilelSd worth less' - Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE A CO., Bos ton, and sold by : '' ; - IIENRY McLIN. Siil; New -Advertisemerits. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 4 FULL ASSORTMENT of PLOUGHS land Jt flough Castings all sizes, l-nnilTHnia Legitjlatnr?. lAKKisBrno, Jan The pre.-.rnt indicutions ir tlwt (1j i!I reperl 'be personal liberty bi!. with little or no denian.l . to 55 cents per lb. j FLOUR. There1 brands in store. w1 in store. Wejjuote :)S from 50 . 23.!. ilonso. NrwoouK. J.-n. 21 Thiriy-i iyht c.irt',, and boxes of arms, and liiuuiiioiis li.-iio stn?cd by th police on the -i. ;uiM-r Montirol!o destined foriS.J.vanjisu. j landing, Inspection, cooperage, &c; say on lum- er, f i0. dents to $1 ? M.; Tar 'and Turpentine j jibodt 10 (J 11 cents bbl. and on naval stores, j vrhen brought per': Railroad, about the same ex- j.enses aro incurred.: -For virgin or mixed i . Tarpenlilie, a deduction of one-fifth, or more, ia .made on!; the price of yellow dip, according to quality. ; , ) j FREIGHTS: TO NEW YORK, On deck. Under deck. Hid :iv- ?iv rcpujsc-a : tlie Brifirh -olumodore? .bir "" wt-i.emru . uauiuy oi . ,..o, : entirely destroved. Thocmhiv s los in kiJ- i Z an '" o; a-,o.o oaics fed woundM was ivro bnndr,-,! nnd ihtni. I . '"7- aure excess Has been omen. wlul.. t!..i X, .,.,1 ..t.i.. omcr couuuies rurnii . ? v -" ; iuun tne sam Cotton, Naval .Stores and Rice. From Maclean, Man's & Co. a Liverpool Review. fr tit :r y-ar 160, which w.- bindM to us bv a friend, yo.trday, gafc-r lh' foilo-wing dtatL tie of tho Cotton frndo.' which' will bp perused with intorct: . j . iwo:.T Ihe luvjm t ol the past year, reached 636 bales. upon that of lrom the ng pretty ouautities as usual. ExroiiT. The increase in 5hinat:nts to th fJnn- iisi. ur. na ix-t n verv waritea; unr neighbors hav gc-alimfn were. eItedyommis-' Wm. 11 Tfckcr, Thomas II. liriggs. W. R. RIchardsoaR. W .'Hay wood, R. II. Battle, Pe ter Francisco jTescud, L. T. Clarion, W. ('. Up- churtja and M. II. Brown.' - . V j 4 -i : . MtTriciPii. EtscTio.v ix CaAnLOTTS. Ths elec tion-Ipst-wjeck-for Mayor and Commissioners re sulted ia tbe choice of a new Board as follows Fy-sKiox Order on Corv. f fn ..!" ..n r im-r-j chan' ia now tmrPgid in io.oliii-- t- f tli this Lj going on here, he has twij more up Juiacs River, wbich are being fdled with Corn also. All this Corn !w!en pnrchasl to fill foreign or-lers, nnd wiIUe jhastenr-d to Europe. ' " . .Norfolk Day 2W.-.' iui lau-u ;.",.-." naics .nericani against 142,200 lat year, and 315.820 bales Eat India, aaint 2. -.2.0. fivinv a total inirr-a-o hr,ip1: .... c 172.000 bah-s. It mav bo ttoi th vol notir.v iWnf W. A. Oven?, Mayor; J.. L. Brown, SpriugSj'S. M. Wriston, S. V". Dav; Spridgs, Oommissionors. " ; J. XI. M. G. In allidlng to a .visit to Lincoln ton last the .Editor of the Charlotte Democrat says; The Witt Cliar. i Ruth,. Railroad i? now--com- pleted to. within 7 miles ot Linrojnton, and wen iiaiamuM ii uuii, iowd, ice citizens CTpefT. ri in- creus In lAisiaess cf all kinds. I . " Frm tlii- bend of tho Railroad 4 hor?? uaches run to Lir.cilnton. TSe proprietor. Mr S,uther ". lind.exerts himself to afford safe and corifcrtabie acccuimoijHSoas. lie contemplates running fine , cpaches West by the time the summer trpJT4lrom me nets'. ; An ea?r and pleasant .rent"-' fro '.he i iouqtiuns. will thus le aftorded. " ; " 4 "- ' i q icara that a ptrsoncl rencontre took place . i ttVeen Col. J. W. Alspaueh, Chief q!erk of - t!:3 n&Q and Dr. King. oft'Azh Poiut at the ., lattsrf piaoc oa Saturday night ,L ?t, in which ,-i-VL -A. was shot,- but not dangerously injured. The difficulty was the result of a' former ciisun teirtinding in relation to personal "Matters. Col. X. may be prevented for. several !ays from attending to Jhis dutic in the Senate. " Ills 03 - crpe from (leath was a vt-ry narrow one. . '.','( Stanford. ! . . I'"' . A Poos lni:CE or luKjaTcas. The ciealdii ; fi-u!ty with, tpe Bureau of Indian Affairs, was t lat it had too many Drawers in it! j ; - ; Gce NEw&iroa Abolitionlsts. ThRcrid' rf . tin Indian tave fallcir. rft.iy Fir ' The Bey of Tuni. has grantitl a contitu tion v uj j-u.iyt-ti5, h aii-ji iiuii is sani 10 nave ihh.ii voluntarily taken' on bis own ih- iinl imvM.rt f Surats into Liverpool, about CO : per cent, hm betn re-exported, i i i r.N.srii-TioN. Notwithstanding onr large finp- j-ly of American Cottons from the lat crop, as , Compared with previous .ao.i.-, ntarlv the whole has been taken by eoaiuuieri, our .to"ck on hand i being little heavier than at this jtiuo? lat rear 2,032,717 bale?, or 5O.C20 bales per1 wAek, ha re been . consumed, against 2,3,63.: -or! 44,115 bales in ivw u is estiinatea tnat Dinners is a unxlcmtc stock of Sfcite th but n retail demand,, ' We j quote 8,25 for .Family, and 8.00 'for .Super at j which, sales hare been nmde. , GUANO. No. I Peiiivutn. $t0 ; Reeee'ri Man- ipulated, $52; 'AiiH-rican, il0, aiid: Sombrero, at 35 per ton. ofh.OoO lbs. Superphosphate of . Limc.50, and Lnd Plaster. S.10 per ton.' CO K V. We notv i he am val of 2. 800 bushelc. j from Pasquotank) and 2.I580 frou'r Hvdo 'Co-. ! which" is on mnrktit unsold. DRIED FIU-ITJ None arriving, and no -dfs , to report. Last sulos were at 3 i'oi Apples, and ,r S a 10 cents per lb. for Peaches ihhIc-.I. i j OATS. There s: ligbtstock in htoie, with but a moderate! demand. We quote from -.(ore ! at 45 a 50 contf ptr ImsheL . i PEAS. There U a very light .stock in store, of all kinds. There is a good demand existing, and Cot" find ireridv ?alc. at- 80 "a ?5 crnts i.i-r bushel. j .-'.; RICE. There: &s a good "slock in s(orc; with but a limited demand from the retail; trade. Wo quotftat 4 a 4 -cent3 per lb. ' IIAV. Thoi-ifi l.-i a rmoil fiinL- ot nit .,m. !;.:.... . - ' . ' - , . I , ,,uiun,J I, , . , -. in store, with .but a very modern n d-Moaud "T i w '. i; uuiiivtr,- ff jl ...u Straw Cutters, Ac, &c. jan ZS OLD SACHEM BITTERS Wigwam Tonic. fTMILSE delieioui and tr f.i'. .1 comoicnam oy J"jc:.r.t pv country, on account of tln ir IV.i.u .."; l- Virtue. ' the r-are rlcasaot aa nectir t . t!... t i.i pronounced the best Tonio and Stiii.u! . t fered to the rwdic. Their curative powers, in c- i : n'.. , bility, Loss ol) Appetite, Con.tir nnnarallnl aA . I m . v. . Corn fenders, rantd in cUimln-r what we do, wo hit . . :t J 4.' For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. CANAL BARROWS. I fill U.AVAL R ARROW.-- in store. For sale by aj.aie inn our aisscriionrarc c naorCw Pi-or. SHliman, of Yale Coiles.'," Prof. IIave. of Masiachoittt. uu uuuurtus oi oincrs i jan 23 ZENO II. GREENE. For store prices, see table. MOLASSES.! At the close of our 1 t-t i oo t, we, nolod the arrival of n cargo of AT.', --fi.li.5s., nejc crop, of which T.0 hhds have been sold. ai a 4 cts. per. as in quality. We note the sale of 50 hb.b-. Surinam, at 20 . ; turpeRtine and Tar, 1? bbl.,...S 00 Ro."in,.... ....'; ............do....'...;. 00; Spirit? Turpentine,.;. -.do 00 FloUr-...-.'ii.i..... ......do.. ...... 00 Rice, ,10ft lbs, gross, ......... 00 Cotton, -j b4le;.. 0 00 Cotton poods, foot 00 Flaxseed, ? Ibn?hel 10 Wheat, "jbUhel, 00 ' Lumber, jif? iM ............ 4 005 00 TO PHILADELPHIA, S Tiirpentihc and Tar H bbl...... j- 00 Rosin. .-..vi'....i..; do..:.-....:. 00 .Spirit? Tuvpentine.-.:.do 00 around t'ea?, -J buphel, 0 Cotton, bale......'.... 1 00 ! Cot ton good. 'il cubic foot, .... 0 j Rice ' J00 5Gjs.. Ct liunifeer,? M-, as to ue.O 00S4 CO TO BOSTON: - Turpectijue af.d Tar, 7 bbl........ 00 Rosift,....,.,..i...; do.: oo Spirits Tu'lknuric- ..do ......... 00 CottOn, lr.i..... o 00 Jooo 00S 00 00 00 00 10 o 50 45 90 20 12 00 1 6 8 ' 7 9 10 00 8 00 00 45 :00 35 00 70 6 10 0 00 150 . 0 10 CO 10 5 O06 60 00 CO ' 50 55 00 90 0 00 lc 8 700 8 Kfi BOXES Colgate's No 1, and Pale Soap, UJ : 10 " Raisins layer and bunch, ' lOhalf-bxs " " j a 20 boxes Concentrated Lye, ' 20 " ; Potash, ' 10 " Prenared 50 Jars Rock " : K 20 Boxes Starch, -. ; ' " ' 20 Bi-Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Cigkris, Ink, Tacks, Matched Tea, Concentrated Soft Soap, Mustard, Ac., Ac., bo sides many other articles too numerous to mention, which wih be sold as low, for cash, as by any other house in town. . i jan 23 ZENO H. Sold only by uec is-iy IIEREB1 ' "'WALKER MLa:.I j. notici: , I to incorporate the Capo i'ear'Jtit!-, ;n winuary lztn, iboi. ' , i - . I WAXTK1) TO HIKE. ' Av GIRL, 15ior 10 vtari old, for tl- ii:. r jun 12 the yearL to do 1ioutewoi k. 1 Aj llARJ" A. jJCDOi: M.MALhKl I AS PERMITTED tho A: JL.a. ))rateil . 1 GREENE. IN TIME OF PEACE, PREPARE FOR OA A BAGS of Fathom's Patent Finish, from v v vu i6v uti,. 10 ifie smallest irop CARTRIDGE IMtfTOf.S. to send us a full sunplv. ! : ai.o, ipwv UA1J1-K1DGEK, ...r. t'i t uta.'...! 25 kegs Kentuckr Rifle Powder, 15 " Musket Powder, ). 10 qr. kegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, 5 cases " 41 : . ' Pi'tob. ; The assortment will be received ' lv ;m" . ti- morrow morniuff, at " BALlOV-- ., i Alarket trect. Sduth Hid-i i, x. Z t,r w 2&-CCCW, I ; i-'iSV. 50,000 G D. Caps, jan 23- For pale by. ZENO II. tho Herald OCicc. B'UTTKR atl5ccut; Call and bee it, ht WORTH A GREENE jan 22 DAMU'5.. Granite Row, Majk. t f 'rtt: SHE? 3STEWS. also pel - n . i ganou. - j ;. , LIME-.-! herejs a goo-1 .stock in ton-. ' which is-sellin, in lots' j at SI ky ea-k. j PEA NL'TS. Have arrived - quite: spjiniiIv during'ithe past j week! Wo note tin- tale "of about fiOO bnshelf. at from SI to SI, 20' per bush el. hlllll 111 --TAr.wtf of stock over last year of about 100.000 b!-- , - J n--rveet w'" :.iK.a Gianni., i t MTOCKS ine.tOt.1l etnok hld Sn Uroat ItrUain -r ' . "V T"11 " ,1' J """r-1 '"''UU. iffi - j on 31st of December. m 5U4.500 bales ao-aint i a,e ,n ta,r o-kj and are Mlinv' Jivm vt..n M lORr)F kMIN GTON, X . C. Jan. 23 ) : (I ARRIVED YESTERDAY. 1 T 'J j S;.hr Edward and Samuel, Nixon, fm Hyde Co, to TeKos?ft, Brown A co, 13S0buh corn. 1 cfr Sally Ann, Rose, fm Hyde Co, to DeRos srt. Brown A co, 1000 bushels corn. I Schr Ontario. Darii?. fm'New River. ' to 'master peanut.f , - riSthir Wnv.y LnHorl.-h, ; Elder, fm Faretterille, I ' -1 14 1 All. '. FLOUR. FAMILY and Super ! Flour Fayettevilie and Wilmington inspection. For sale by J&a 23J ZENO IL GREENE. "TTTHICII, TheXorth or the South? Those t i wbo are not for the South, her righto and her interests, are against the South. "Then let WESTER1V SIDEM Ai Mini I tit Its CASKS jsuperior Western Sid. j t.vu!- dersj iu store, and to arrive. Ji. f -.' ,v. t lowest cajmpneos, by :l. .M.. ;;N ail who lova C3, love the- land that we live in," and buy Groceries Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Cr.ina, Glass, Earthenware, Kerosene Lamps and P( ) f ATOKS.-4Sweet come to n.a i k, I ARKIVED-TO-DAY. : . St lor I'lora .Mpn.iii.it.l TWSvn-. "v.-.i..,..:.n. ' lP.l ?, V'll1-. Il31" ! 470,499 in 1S59, and 371.W0, ia lj8wberef are ! 1 7 ' to 2 oV l c febl. ' f C A G orth.; wr;ti ihu turn i.ouMiui- . i,old ,a IJreroool. 543.675 Gainst 4JI 7JO i l'i: ISIONS . r. IiArcV--U : it.i i ; 1 r dote seciiritr tor tbe'per- lho9, and 348,900 in 1S58, or about sixteen weeks j demand, with lit a wry li-hl g.torfi in dealers" i sions, a? stated in a let Gonnel. comprise comi sons nna property ot all the. inhabitant ever their religion,, nation or r.W e. . i Advaxck Wages to dk Paii,o tue Sailor ix Peesox. It being found impossible to overcome the combined influence of the tailor loariliDg h'onse keepers, in abolish ihg the pernicious cus tom of paying advance wage li tramen. Judge Eoar, of the SuniT-me Court in fliis Stat ha decided that the wages mast k? faid directly to the seaman, and not at his order, thus establish- nominal control over his Lentz's picture of the Landinirof the Cavaliers. at St. Mary's, in 'Maryland, has been Dlaced. since its completion, in.the gallery tf Mr. Derby's uifuiuirtufine.vnson uroaaway. ew ork, for exhibition. . 1 ' ' CLEARED -YES5TEIU) V what- supply on the average consumption of the year ! hands W,, uoi Hie .a'le. durmg ihc wkj of i h il1)nllev A ro ' RlCO' UJ ... " " "i "p .4T. V " ""V" '"- r- -J -m"i r.uiii.i. ai i . cent-;,- and - rt"j vu,lua ora me u nuu Mateft j l'JOO lbs. do., jit I lunmjurui ujuu luf ticiira J.M,UilCul CVISM DOW -ents oer lb. iVst- t "iv.""' r .T'V1 no.- ao in lijfht sunplv. with bnt'aHimii de- -.. u u . i. TTxr.. .in, ii.j,, .-,111. , ti vi .ri'dor ti-.... , v ... - ct . - -v, . ,.v , niiin.i ing in him at least a own tnoncr. V! S-hr Tor YaU-aels" Sr M'ooxs. The ia:cnN .riLc DL- cocsijCoinpan-; say inz they woa.'d iftke"XlO,0C'O and 2U3-'anpther''l0,0,K", az f;gaia a tea- ctnb were here read. 5ir. Lawrence ,- A tea ?coni! What la that? : Paukrnnt: XS.O-.O. ..?r. liawrencei hat is a divert voii, then? ..iiankiapt:, 10,000.. Mr. Iwrencc: " V.'hat ia a t:-.bIe.jpoon?. Bankrupt:. 15,000. Mr- Law rtr.ctf And a gravy spoon? Bankrupt: 20,000. Laughter. JExamination cominucd:. Mr. Mar shall sed to send the same ir.eaee. Sf nd me dvvn a tea"--Uugbter mcanias a tennooD, 'or 5tCjO.-r-TAe Leather F.i7rr. Oi.-cin the Lcn- din lh.Jmiptw Covrt. . "' ' . ' '. '" - ' . ' - ' . ; " " 1 . .. . i i - t f The New Vork correspondent of the Charleston. cVvr?Vr says 14 John Brougham, the well-known uctor.'who is row in London has determined so: io return to this country.. He has sent OTer fc-r his fkmil to join him in England, his sue- was greater trail he himself antici- The Roston L&ttrier savs theit- on Tlnrad Governor Andrew received from some unknown person in Baltimoie, a packagd containing one hundred Minie rifle bullets. j The Southern Bank of New Orleans has ideed at the command of the Governor of the State thn sum of $50 000, should it be required by the exi gencies of tlie public service the GoTernor "to accept the loan ort snch terms for it reimburse- f ment a be mar deem equitAblel" !'.; . : i 1 I.viiK-ss Isflc. of Specie. jhe .Vsia brou ght out a million and; a half of specie, makinup about ten millions receired from Europe since the panic set in. sTlie consequence of tliia drain has been that the Rank of England has been oblkrod to raise it rate of discclint to six pet ct. and the Rank of France to fire and a half. Thc3e rates Are far from iiarin? reached the maximnm Notwithstandinir that The conclusion of peace wim tiuna na3 sioppcu ine-arain eastward, it will be more than counterbalanced in the spring by the commencement of hostilities against Aus tria and a general arming of the European gor cniuicnt?. As regards its flow n this direction, -there do not appear to be any probabilities of its proximate cessation. Altogether the position of the European governments . and populations, is. no more re-assuring than our own. The infatu ation: of political theorists and anarchists promi ses to plunge both the Old, and New Worlds into a state of distressand confnsion which it win wee years to remedy. A, Y. DrraM, CLEARED '-TO-DAY.- cht-Jofceph : Marsh,1 Mathaip, foe West Point k litvfer. a. bv Harriss A If Att-c'l rTer, Tluihes, for N York, by T C & I G V orth. for Favettc-ville. lor lV.vettvilb, by T C I; Stmr A P Hurt, Hurt i R 'G. Worth, rnnHiir ant nr5-n inn of alt a w.. .KhMa M. ivai 9 kj A A-M MWMM.M i t .ii a-i i ri l A l lir- T TIC0 All Ikl' I 1 applicable to a crop of four million' com in-lor- i- ' totIii . ( . and esterii juc ta..-yert waru in tne ordinary cntuf.f pM M'-on, nd J 1"'"' wkk, w iin a goon, fiema int. ! :W e be;r ot f. ,. Stmr J-'annr Lnit.drloh.' Elder coupled with the pre.M-nt tfcitioa-uf our uiamifac- 1-no iate SHlf l:iit were st 13?v for. N.-'CJi Wnd lbv. AE Hall.".: n tnnng interests, entirely M-lef and onlv calcula- , 12 a 13 for Werii. . j v S t?d, under existing circuamancesj to misf.-ad: f-uf- j 'l'ORK.- Therj.' is onlr a niouerat htot li in bee it to ?ay that there appear but little prospect j store. We tuoif at 'froiu Si 8." to $23 as in .vul l for the first six months of th year, at Any rate), itrl Fres.ii conies to market aparinMv and i4 offupply keeping pace with demand.. and that ju oood demind I "t from A to it' wii, , chances seem to be in favor f a high rsn-eof ITr T!l i 9f "J, ' ' value. Let it not, however, be l-.;t ,tht of, tUaf SALT. ThercJ is a very good stock of Aiuui our specie reserve? mav be tert 1-w bv pHv ments on maret- which is selling from store- at 23 ts. requisite to adjust the battnw of - trd-i distrb.-d per u&nel- Livjerpool ground is alio in good oy wie large import ot i.ren.o:luOt dtiil nece.-.-ai v aW.v. " u i semiig ironi, store. M in tots to Oil, of the North Carolinian,; , Jan -3 CAS3IDEY. TURPENTINE DISTILLERTAND" cooper. A-S$: , -VEGR0 MAX-a good Cooper and Distiller, for hire, until tho 1st Jan. next, j" 2"g-3.t Apply to ZE.VO II. GREENE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ,".'BUV Mayer Rosenback, et, . 1 p. Equity, to , r- Spring Term,' Samuel Goodman, ft. a:. J ltgi. , XT APPEARING, to .the isatisfaction of 'the voun, m win cj.-.; tfiat 'Ihurman Mayer, Isaac flayer and Charles Ma Very Jacob Langsdofi, Abrara Dreytoos and JoepL Drerfoss, Jacob K. Kohn, AbracjKohn and S-.ilomon 'lianas, Kirk-J. Price, lieni vGuttennan, WiSKaaj Agardaad Isaac V ou, LouisSachobach, lsaaciSdiwarz, EliasWolf, Abraham Wolf, Levy Maytr, Nathan Havs, John U&zhxr.' Lawru3.Sch.lo.,.s. : Herman R. "Schlosa, Charles D. Elia.s, Mosca YVi.l and Janob jan ' NEr CROP MOLASSi:, I nulls, and 1W. I or tihi hv JL 3 jan 22 HOOP IRON. i.; -j A TONS, l,j 1. and VA Inch II., . . U . . , IV jan 22 For rale by .M. "VTOS. 2 a'nd JL jan 22., T) LG. I A. II. i lNvdered a MACKEREL. p Mackerel, in tr,re. ! M. M jan 22 sua Aits J AR, in hLds. ar.d IV.-. and C. Sugar, Iu bV.J , ind Crushed .Sucr, f . r .-.ii . I M. Mi EXTRA FAMILY FI.OI'I'. ( DARK ELS in store.' and frr ' , I WORTH A HA 1:.I Granite Row, 1 r :ti t'.rz in 72 Coastwise: Exports Jan, 23.,; J WEsrilfoiyr. -V.-Lpp r fichr Josco-h Marsh SG, tlfi ft luiiibcr. j . : !- NSW Yoi'.K-Ppr 'Kchn Srnrnr TOO I- v -y v a - 'v S70 do fph 'turpt, forour requirements, leading to n uusottledand U"'t, at Si per j-iek. ' p . -;1 -i fluctuating monev - market, and rendering high pri-; TLMRER. Common is dull of sale. ? while Cea of Cotton doubly. fraught with danger. . ... j prime mill timber is wanted.-MW which .ood utuote tin sale of 'd rafts, i?4: 3 at S5; 1 at S7: 2 at s in quamy. ; The following i a uieuwnt ff the receipts of j pricti can be hadl Naval Stores : : j as follows: 2 iit r-rL - .. I . . 1 $150, aud 1 at .9 icr M United States. 10.019 barrels, atramat 17.00 h,rV . l'' '-! Vre 3 ome aemaud toy, ship- rels in 1859, with no stoek on hand, at pre-eiit. I T " - ,U"C -no,ci sales ,H j Commoii. Sriam TrarssTise. The import for 1.K60, was I ?f . ;"-00- f-,n L"0,0O0Cutractj at f; jfr it H i.. ' : ; FREIGHTS. K;o.twise freiirht haire advanc ed,, caused by the frcan-itv of vessels! and ! the tM.s ro.in, e, 025 bales cot- I,MKi tonj, cgauift 2,oQQ tons in lfi5f. Stock in hand, 31st Dec, 300 ton.-. Rosis. Amount of import not given. Stock on nana, estimated agloirowc. Coiftn,500barreb Medium to Good, 20,000 barrel, and little, A'.. I Tjlb. Full statistics not given We subjoin statement of the imports of naval stores and rice into th pott of Loudon, s follow uauftial' ble. aiiioun of prod nee arriving. See ta.- Turpentine. rough. lbls...... Spirit. , . . ' ton-,.... RoMn. '' bW,.... I860. 57,420 3,550 tjl,300 Rice. Imports have been much in excels of !v eral former -years, and. nearly 4000 against 1700 tierce in the previous one. At times, the demand has been fairly active, and rather dearer than at present, ordinary to superior being rateable at 21?. CnABLEsros, J4n 21. CottonThere Was a goki inquiry tor the article to-day. which resulted in the ealo of 801 bales, 'at unchanged prices. The par ticulars are as follows.- 21 bales at 8Kr 67 at ft; 13 at 9i; U7 at t 41 at 10; 21 at 10 5Sat lOU; 141 at 10; 117 at 11; 11 at lUff 132 at ll; 22 at UK; 27 at 12. and 25 bales at 12-6c. jj ' ' I.i Charlottk, Jan 21. Cotton There were 85 bales of Cotton sold to-dav. at prices ranrinc from los. In Augusta, Georgia.' on Thursdar last a man pursued by a sheriiTa deputy jumped" in to the nter and attemnted to rwim acmsa . bn he reached the middle of the rif er he sunk and as drowned. - - . - - i . LET US PAY EACH OTHER. ' EVER 1 account madeprerioiu to ..JANUARY 1st, l?ei. with us.' is made out, and past due. , . - V : We are sending out btlbt, and our patrons will j greatly oblige as by'. : . PAYING ON PRESENTATION. . -: -"'-- - . ; O. S. BALDWIN, . Proprietor of the CLOTHING AD FURNISH " ING STA1RE, S3 Market ctreat. ; EXPORTS - OV THE rony OF WILMISGTON, FOR THE WKEK. , KVDING, JAX. 22d. i 1 ' Castwise. m Koreiern"' 300 ' 1.020 325- ', 213 3.171 5.2S0 844 ;.; '. 1.452 ; v- : - H . , , . , 4 .13.500 - . Turpentine, bbls. Spirits Turpentine, bbls. itosin, bnLs. -Tar, bbls., Cotton, bales.' Wool, bales, Yarn, bales, . Sheetinsr. bales. Pea Nuts, busheli Lumber, M., l Shingles, 1L', on, I,21U; bush pea nun, 1 bx unht r, u , 4 i liriu Export?--Jan. 23d. M I'oivni Rico Per bark .bS,n l. iis n 100.000 ft lumber, -i 35.000 shingles. 25bbL tar. z do pitch. are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, it ia ordered that publication be mi.de for six "-T uomraaDamg toe saut Tiiurtoan Mayer, I.?aac Mayer, and others, above named, to be and appear at the Court of Equity, to be held for the county of New Hanover, at tha Court House in dmmgton, on tho 4th Monday after the 4th Mon day in March, 1SS1, then and thera to plead, an swer or demur to Plaintifi's V.i'A r.r w...,. :n bv , . . 7 1 ...v flauiu niu e neard tx-part. ard tkn r.m them. 7)uRKUT7rnfr n nu.V " WrfcsjBgtor., . C; Jan.. 22, IStiL , 2,taw6w J H SEAMENS' BETHEL J,"--. irNre will be preaching in the Seaniens UH ery Jabbath, at'. V)-C o'clock, A. M., 3 P. M., and 7 P. M., and Prayer an 1 Temperanc4 Meeti ngsjevery Mondaji evening, at 7 P. M ! Jan. 17, 1S61 r : 1 j".u 23 t .- FOR NEW YORK. "'" SSehr N W SMITH, Rovd, master, will have immediate dispatch as above. .For freight or passage, an ply to h tc & R g Worth. ; HILESBORO' M.tlITARY ACADEMY: I o 11 UTIO.V cf a thoroughly pcien- X , t-ac and military character, U under the conduct ot .Col. C. C. TEW, formerly Superin tendent ot the State Military Academy, at Colum bia, S. G. The third Acad 6th, 1861 The charge is 5(15 p"sr annum, bla ding clothing, lor a Circular, Address tMn- . jan S-lmd 4tw perintendent. THE WILSON SCHOOL-. WILSON, N. C. 6-1 fftif 1-OR ROYSl AND GinLS-la .- -:. JL1 ings by Mr. and Mr. Eicl.n J- ; a full and able corp of A-i-tjr.t T-t. '. Df-partmeiit. i , . Department; Four Preparatory, . Collegiate, and University, or Art, course of fctiidy-in each. TW .. ... . ' "' ( auk; -iisuini nevnon win ie rM' admission cf PupiU, on Thursday, the ! Promptnecs olicitcd. For a Catalogue addis the 1'j-inri i dec,14-6wdAwr ( I). S. RlCHAi l':' - Stop tho Tliiei ! 7 A MAN, calling' himself GraV.it tn, r.v.i times Harrixs, but whose riVht unibr er, or Fry7 stole frqm mr lot, on tie JCt'j in".. ' night, a sorrel Horse. nd took hiui to New Ifu over county, and twapped 1dm v i:ir.r. Mr. V."r Henr.v. I - j I will cive TWENTY I)OM.AI:S f..r . ery oi mm in Wuab;tbtown all. blj,lr. er -jz J1 I J. t. b'U 1 IV-' MRS. LORR XTrOULD respectfully ask her friends, in town ? T . ana in the coantWr to call ajid .tn Kt. XOTirp. VrFicp raFjos Oms SkaxNav. Co.,' I ."juiutujj-ioa i- v., an sj, ibul .-uiiti. w nerebr mren to all subscribers to stock'"! in tho fcy-Mmivaa company, mat the filth and Iat in. HI sUluient foa (their subscription is now due, and that1; prompt! and immediate payment will be re quired. : ffhe new Steamer of thf nmn.,. t- completell, and the moner due m eIapIt ;i. paKfia!tb meet the demands on the Company, i : I articular; attention of stockholders is railed to the above notice, athe stoqk will be held liable tor ail balances due on the samel ,. .: jano-xm - WM. HYDE, Treasurer. Journal -copy. ..--..:,. POAVnP.lt Awn iitrT- A-k Jtviua jrowder, 10 qr. kegs do.l 353,000 25,030 357,000 wt jan 200 bags Shot assorted sizes. For sale br 11 ',--'-' 1 . " zenx n. nnirpvf J - 1TTHE PARKERSBURGT" I UJ Mus morning, wiU bring m an additional I J stock of StationprT. School ntt u. AlSO COASTWISE lObxi md7. 9(t hnclAl J J . , W I - - I - 1; sic. v e design supplying anything in our line of tuu may De warned, sc - - , .. -' . '1 s - WHITAKER'S New Book Store, -Market st, bet. Jaa. Dawon'e and Wittiasoa'a. I JB -j '.' r , ' ... 1; ..' Journal copy jan 14-lm W. k W. R. R. OFFICE, Jan. 18, 1801. NOTICE I i7"T V ,r . " ireignwri oa tntf h g?od produce and property of all Mnda, that is designed for transportation, must be - c sgtni oi tne company, and recemta m the prescribed form, taken ther STi-iriK fw"1?18 ! bfiin? Preated, one will i?- T13 " necessary to prevent mistakes and misdirection to cotton, and other property. Rlank : reee'.pta wiUf be found .with the Station Agents, who are aone authorized to give receipt When crodnc U d.Uri . between stafaona, notice must be given to the near est Agency, and hands sunolied t htn lo.i ii L insure its prompt removal. . ' w J rr - - xftj.nu r, ing. Supt. , TOM"PjBf rn . '": :N3Svi JBAAD1ES A lot of White ana Ilea Smimrnimn tci ... ?.ech rd7" of natirt prodaUon. at th. ac- commodatlon Store of aora. - , OASSIDET. THE HARNETT HOUSE RESTAURANT, . NO. 20 MARKET STREET, HAS BEEN cut in iced . . f b. rrn ftp md A.nat K .SSSr Families snnr,Hf with 1) VSTERS. OAMt Ac, at short notice ' J Ian 17-tf j j i SJJIPMAV V REWA RI. r . T OST, last night, Oold-headed Walkie 0'r Li The above reward will be paid for --' ery at this Office. . , jan l? '-. TVTOTICE.Applicitlon will b '.r JLl present session 0 the Oeneral Ai"tt';.T; for aa Act concerning Steam Vesseli Dvij;i'.-f the Capo Fear river. d. c C, li j iTMnnrriAt- T AROEST STOCK in tha citv. ' Eu.s.1 d I J n town and countryurplied, on r1"1 terms, for cash, at I i BALIWI - fadiea' Trunks selling liw, at jan22-ltw I ' . BALDAVI 3HOSE wh6 have been waitlne for !!.'" Cr,ft. brated I'ISTOLS and CAUTUlIX'l ' pe to be able to supply ia the morninsr. st : an 22-ltw ...-. BALDWl a- ilsrrnv it v - liinBALE TerT nperior Eatcrn H lvL sale low from wharf, br 1 dce7 1 ,- ( STOKLEt 4 OLDIUM . C. AVPI.PS. ' 80 CTS. Per BUSHEL, at ; I WORTH DANIEB 9 ! feststt Eow, Troat itr- I r ' '