I r. ! I ' . - lit 1 "?..K.:3ta I ,i a to--'-': 1 4 ' ' ' ' r- ' ' ' f t t Si ii i WW . 5 . 1 VOL. VIL, NO. 2021. WILMINGTON, Ni Cs, FRIDAY , EVE JANUARY 25, 1861. VIIOLE TST0. 2.121. !- '...'.( KM 4J . - ft : V . ..." ; ...... n I : - - i. a . a -JJL t f r.W - .. , . .- - .- .' .... .. . r i . ... - ': ,.i : : - - .. i r ' .; ,i - i.l . t ,r , J - - . . ' - .-:.' -! - , -'.:". "-i " t , -':' ;i'' ' '.'. ? . j; - - - f ' 1 - ' ' - it E RMS: l)ail I'hjkr, S-COO Week Weekly, .OQ, piT- l.V ADVANCE. f TIip Pa;Hiif ti d! wjs topped, unlesi's remitUoce ; made to ctimue it. Timelr sot'.ce is eiren. bo that pa riti. ni can be made before the expiration of .a ynbcrirt.irff Monej miVi wailed at our rik, when the let- 1 1 91. A ApDELXL, Editor and Protor, T TOIVT PRUfTEB. ' NOSTII CAIIOLIXA. i Tr-rileraldJob Office i - - - J now tymj.lely fitted op with the finest a- " ortmcntf Joat Txrn to be found in the Kvry.spctiv' of Job work can now be speed ily, aliJ band nmely printed at this office from I bixk, Iom i io a risiting card. Handbills, tirculars, blftulwj ic, 4c, neatly and promptij i rimed at sboxt notice, and on reasonable terms. . E.pmal at'.cntton will bc giren to the Job . -tlepftrtment hT4.if ier, . and w'c fed " assured that all wot cnlrufkd to our Job hand, who U ex- i jrienced in'tfV buainess, will be execnted aat- ! isfartorilv ia cxr respect. Give him a trial at . uny rate, and if it is not done well, no complaint . j; will te-made of a withdrawal of patronage. :V( " 1 ' ' . in i The Canada Extradition Case. - ! TLe-Londoni -"times, and w believe the Eng Lsh f-rem "geberfc.lly, ia jast now profoundlj ex rrcijed ( with ti extraditiop case respecting the -!ave, named ..nderson, wbn, nfter killing a . j man who attested to arrest htm while running I a war from leU jiiaater in IUourtf'jfled to Can ada," proliaUy ?-by . the aid of some of the nn ncrous, "l,indel,ground rtjlroads," leading to that frozen 't!iam for the runaway negroes from the CnitcStAtes. Anderson, by the laws of Missouri, 3 guiltj of murder, ancTa requi sition wxj thetjtbre made, under the extradition. ( treaty with GnXA Britain, for hi3 surrender and 'rrtyrn" to Miisftri for trial and punishment. The Canadian Courts have decided that he most, tie returned, bui pending some leal ..proceeding in connection m mU the case, the whole of the ' British and American Abolition vengeance b - ; breathed oat, jrainst the outrage of returning a " uiuruercc lor pununment. iiaa he been a white juian no sympathy would have been aroused in 'hU behalf; but being & negro, the doctrine held ,by Gefrit Smith, and other Abolitionists, that a 'slave L? justified lii murdering all who resist 'their-escape frjm bondage, la brought promK 'uently out, aafl uppealst both in Europe and . America, are rhade to the passions and sympa l (thie3 of the AbHtionistsi ' . 1 ! ,J " The Londonnimes is borritied with the idea ' lliat the fugiti?j froia justice is to be burned, im- jneliately, on IJs return to Missouri. It begins leading artic;, devoted to this suhject,with tlie following ominou3 language :. ' , According to a decision just given by the Judge )f the; CtAirl of Queen's Bench, in Canada, We are about, to deliver .p a black man to be lurat alive, bythe slaveholders of Missouri." ; ' Further onVn the same article, thef Times ia:Uccs-se.veral Lllnsions to the dreadful idea of surrendering ftijcA, man to be turned, and we are bound. in oiganty to believe, that our London rotemporary actually supposes negroes are used for fuel.in Mifiouri, the same as roal and peat -are thu3 used in the Unitel Kingdom. ! It is. signiScant that'-the London' Times, - throughout it? i whole article", , admits that the "'decision of ,t!iu jCanadianCourt is according to tholaw And,tl; .L-eaty between the two coun tries, but it nevertheless throws out some broad hints that the. fugitive is not to be surrendered, " notwithstaadinV the legality of , the decision. We quote a p.rpgraph on this point : 15 . "Kat.are we; therefore to surrender this man , to the cruel which awaits him in the neigh boring Mate: l be "suggestion iri preposterous. That we who tevk with sdeh scorn upon the little " ' State of S;ixori0 for delivering up a Hungarian noblemen whtf bad trusted tofher hospitality, , - should, in our '.strength and our grandeur, de liver up a wretthed slave who had run for our soil, as to the fork of freedom, mar be argued as a logical hecescHty in a Court of Law," but is an obvious Impossibility as a fact. How it will be we' do not prcnd to foretell. How the logical . necessity ' will shown to be a practical impos- sibilily we ar 0y no mean j prepared to explain ; but very confident we are that this negro is at this moment ni. safe. in the prison of Toronto from ever .bei sent before a Missouri jury of slave owners, os le would be if he were in the r vrilds of Centt-ai Africa.' .' . . Does the sympathy of the Times extend to all criminals wjite as'well as black? Or does it , concentrate all upon the Africans, whom it thinks it "monstroua". to surrender, when they are on- ly guilty of.fciaing a white man? In this case the Times assumes two points 1, that although Anderson' killed his man with a -knife, he is an innocent person)" aud 2," that when returned to -' Missouri ni?3dr.jhe Treaty of the United States, : he is sure to" b lurticcf. iheretore it exclaims, "It is nottbccau5o wt? have heedlessly gone, into an engagement which involves an unsuspected obligation to 'Liim un innocent man that we are . thetefore to b'yrri him. 7 Or in other swords which it mightjust as well employ for they are implied in its Jtinguage-i-"it is not because we have entered jtato a treaty to return criminals, that we are therefore to return black criminals j' Such equivocation mighi be deemed allowable . in a Mexican , rhieftain or a Chinese mandarin; .but it is hardly A orthy, of fhe British govern ment, or of "respectable a journal as the Lon ! don Times. t- i - f , ' ' i The Manchester GuartHautak'es much the same . tiew of British honor' as the? Times, and also protests agaibst tie i 'deplorable" thought that i. we ''were bolnd in any way to recognize for ' the benefit of the slaveholding States that prop ' erty in hnma,n beings '.which we Lave long ago venonhced fctr"purselves." ' f ;. 4 Our EnglifH friends may as well dismiss all " noOrchensionsitbout the burning of negroes who " mar be delivered up for ' crime. Notwithstand ing" the many sensation hoaxes which our Abolr """tion. prints scad abroad, we assure the London prc-sS and thc!nglish people, that we do not in- dulge in sue J expensive! amusement as building bonfires withtfull rrowa negroes, or even adop- tinf that tedE ius and disgusting mode of execu- ting them ioc.ppiiii cri.iuc. . - "I Xr- Journal of Commerce,' Jr. War TxxtU is Socth Caeolixa. A legisla- tWf rommittato whera was referred the subject : of raising supplies for the present fiscal year re- i - ! - Ot PIT (ft? 4n too V;rh porx a uenciency oi i,nti,w, nuxvu sura they havf submitted a bill of taxation which will producejU is estimated, Sl.724,000. Among t theitemsof4JLationareasioJlows: ' - Upon evcrtbne hundred dollars of the value oi ail lanos i ua . vaireui , unu slaves a' tax ci S1.C5 per head ; $3.25 da each free negro, ;inulatto, "or mestizo, , between the ages of frftetnand fifty yearsr except such as are incapable of procuring : a livelihood ; twenty- seven cents ad valorem : on every one hundred dollars on alii lots, lands, and buildings within any city, town, or village: 'one hundred cents j per $100 on factorage, and all professions and the same on," c&mmissions, &c. forty-five cents per 5100 on capital stock of all incorporated gas companies, and one and half per centum on all T.remlum-s i taken bv insurance companies : twenty-eight Cents on every $100 of the sales of merchandise, i tc, made between toe ist oi iui uary, i860,' 4d January1 1st, 1 861 ; (the pro ducts of the &4te and the unmanufactured pro ducts of any the United States are excepted from this proi3:on ; $100 per day for all cir cus exhibitions, and $20 per day for aH theatri- eal or other shows ; $1.50 on every, $100 of in terest received during the past year on all bond and notes j $?.S0 on every private carriage, (tiot kept for sale. jnnd $1.50 on each buggy provi ded that nbt .more than one .tax of this kind shall be charged againft any one individual ; $1 upon every fold watch and fifty cent npoa . Special ZNTotices, ADSflTTISTllATORfS IfOXICE. ST- THE CND ERSl Q NED, having been duly qualified as thaAdminiatrator of the Estate of the late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, A. D., 1860, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sec tions, of the county of New Hanover, hereby noti fies all persons having accounts or demands pf any kind against said Estate, to present the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; and all peraosa indebted to aaid Es tate, are requested to maks payment to th under signed, without delay. JOHN DAWSON. - Wilmiugtou, Dec 15, 18C0-6W. ! MRS. WIWSIXW, experienced nurse and female .physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to jour infants. Per fectly safe in all caaes. See advertisement in anoth er column. ." i : feb 25-1 r WALKER MEARES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, English, French and German Chemical, Swediah Leeches, Ac., also, . . f PJLIXTS, OILS, I Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac' t ausr U. 1860 w. a: batcheor's hair dye i This splendid Hair Dye has no equal instantaneous in effectrt-beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining th skin or injuring the Hah- remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates v the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CH AS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly ", 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETIIS SEED. JDST RECE1VFD, a fuU supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo- -s. sale by WAI&ER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 28 - "W. H. IaIDPJPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, , 2f. E. Corner Front and lfarket St., WlUf IXQTOM, N. C. S. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PJUNTS, j OILS. AND 0LAS3, PERFUMER T, JLND FANCY ARTI CLES. ; ' ' ' i . - i Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at anv hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door (onlfront street,) from the corner. ' j ! j On and after this .day, ail: prescriptions will be Cajb. . " oct 30 II AIR DYE II AIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. ' Tne Original and best In the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. . . GRAY, BED, OR RUSTY HAIR,' dyed instant ly, to bo beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. ; j ' Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications hare been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. ' . . ; . V Wm. A. Batchelor' Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died : the Hair invigorates for Life bv this splen did Dye. ! Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealers. .The Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four aides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. : . CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. ' Pimples Banished ! j Facet Made Clear I Howl ! By one week's use of the Magnolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. , Price 50 cent per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. L : ' W. E. HAGAN A CO., Proprietora, ap!19-lydAw 3 aTroy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four' months since our excellent townsman, Napbtali Eibeibl, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon hi own head, whose top j was entirely bald. ' We saw him two days since, and On the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair ha aprunir up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Eiekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR" RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Emqairer, Dee, 12,1850. " : 1 ' ' : i This famous article can now be had of the princi pal ' Druggists. Those persons who; desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to minted directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubt of it efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using; the Virginia" Hair Restorer Infallible,' proving that it is all it. is claimed to be. "f '- j Wholesale dpot for ordejf 69 Main st, R-jEZEKlEL. Ricnuosro, Nv. 14, 1859. 1. N. Eiekiel, take oath on $he Holy.Bible, that 1 have baen bald for the past 12 years and have restored mv" hair br :usinz Exekiel'a Vireinia HairRestorer, j - NapbtauEzskiku This day sworn to before me, by pfaphtali Eze- kieL ; ; ' j J Mato . : ' - , Mayor of Richmond. W. H. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., jan 14 . ' . . w - Wilmington, N. C. . , GLUE--GLUE.! CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that r we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, J C, Sole Ag t for our Glue. 1 Boston, aplS, 1860. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed bv GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully, solicit orders from the trade, j Their glased Glue is warranted equal to, If not superior, to any manufactured ia be United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the money will be re fnnded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hanid; samples of which can be seen at my office. f - -ap!9-ly. - W. C. HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS.-r3,000 just re ceived, for sale by J . .tt-t dec5-r . . - WORTH A DANIEL. ---CHEESE. TvntTcrf-frrVE APPT.T3 AVT1 5TATIIat i dea 11. GEO. MYER S. . . s JIAY. i t irGf BALES -New - Xora, store. ; for 1U U iJ aala Terr low, bi STATE COTERNMEXT j Governor Jnb. W. Ellis; of Rowan Private Secretary --Graham Daves, of Craven. " Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. SeCyofSUte RnfnsH. Page, of Wake, j . Comptroller-. IL Broeden, of Wayne. . j . Attorney General W; A, Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. ' House of Commons W T. Dortch of Wayne. ) ' : . ' ' SUte Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. " Public Printer JnoSpelroan, " " ''? corscittoas ot stitk.'. -: Council Wooten. ef Lenoir j John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; ' W; A Fnrguson, of- Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surrr : David Alarthv.of Cumber land ; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe. . ' . , - - . .., j I fEDSKAL ASD 8TATE COCBTS. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annuallv at Raleigh. on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No- vemoer. Judges Hon. J. M. Wame, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, 2000. .- t Robert P. Dick. District' Attornev: Wealev Jones, Aiarsnal. The United States District Courts are held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and October, J. M. Jones, Clerk; Newborn, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk.' jths suraKni; cotai. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held -at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also held once a tear at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J: R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers ' are as follows: Chief Justice, Rich- Sond M. Pearson, of Yadkin Justices, M. E. anly. of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange. salary of each, 2,500 per annum. Wi'liairf A. -Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton Cv Jones, of Rowan, IUp rt-: Ednjund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Lit.chford. of W ake, Marenal. i . scPERror. coL-nrs. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, I 7 th following omcers : Judges, ii. ii. Heath, ol Dorn 0f Mecklenburg. Robert S. French, of Robe- son, John M. Dick, of Guilford : John L. Bailey, of Oran&re. and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. " So licitors Elias C. nines, of Edenton, rides ; the First Circuit: William J. Houston, of Duplin, krides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. ivupn, ot Urange, rides tne rourtn circuit; iodi. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman, ot uuneoiuDf. i-m:s tne roventn Circuit. PUBLIC WORKS IS N0IITH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located ' at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con-i vrrui linscu iuaii:iiv iqiij, a iiv uuat ia m c ax ? l V a nr iii ii; n ! .1 . it- J I iouows: ureen vr. uaiowcii, ouperinicnoent ami Acting Treasurer; John II. Gibbens, Assayer? Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Qoinor; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. ' . The Universitv of JTorth Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Count v of Orange, twenty-eight I miles W. 3. W. Irom Kaleigb. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, ia located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, 1'rincipal. Fortihcations. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret dountv ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at Favette- ville. Insane Asvlum of North' Carolina, situated in the vicinity of .Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent? Dr, F. T. Fuller, Assistant Phvsician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E.jJohnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. ; W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors.' Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board: William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. ' " ' ' " - H-i AH indi?ent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum. so Revised Lode, chapter on Asylums. ' 0 ' : TOWN GOYERN3IENT. COMMISSIONERS OF M ILillJieTOH. : Mavor John Dawson. S D Wallace. O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C-Miller and Alfred Martin. : FIBK DEPARTMENT, Chief Engineer James. Mitchell. , Assistant Chief Engineer WT J Vaon. - Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W.TJ'Vann. Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis, W T J" Vann, Edvard Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. .HOWAJin BELIEF .FIRE COJIPANV. (Re-organized Juie tf, 1359. ) ! Foreman Walter Furlong. , , 1st Assistant John Sheppard. 2d Assistant William Dowling. Secretary E P Wade. , i Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. HOOK AND LADDER. filJ!IMXf !0. 1. Foreman John -Wright. 1st Assistant J Ki2er. : Secretary and Treasurer j. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OK NAVIGATION. ! (Office 18 Water etreet. ) George Harriss, T C Worth. W C Fergus. Jos H Flanner, Wm M Harris. : scnooLs. ! BOARS or SCfSaiXIEXPESTS OK CuMMOS SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. ; . Wm S Larkins, James McDume, James Kerr, David Mclntvre, Robert It Tate, Samual Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMISQTOS IYSTirrT,E. ' . L Meginney, Principal. WILKIXQTO.N MALE ASn 1 KMU SEMIVART. G W Jewitt, Principal. ' . - OAKDALB CEMETEBT COMPASr President Donald McRae. . Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor,, Owen L Fillvaw, S D WaUace, ' , " Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to BanL Wilmington. cotxty officers, corars, Ac. s ! Sheriff W Y J Vann. ; Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court -J axue-s A Wright. Judge U S District Courts Asa Biggs. , , .: i , Marshal U S District N C--Wesler Jones." i Deputy Marshal U S, District WiImrigtoni-Jno J Conolev. ' Clerk U S District Court John L CantwelU Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court Jaiaes T MiRer; Register of Deeds, Ac Jore Nichols. . . Special Magistrato-of Towiv?-Jolin J Conolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utter Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. . . - ;-'' -, ' ' : t - ' " .- : A -f ISSfECIOKS. Wood Inspectors Josph -Sraith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspector Davit! E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. . :.-..-..'- '. , . , , - ''$', Naval Store- Inspectors Alfred Alderman, . Jas II Stevenson,. James G Bowden, John S; J&mfJ; George Alderman, John C. Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B. Southerland. Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johuaon, atban F Bor deauz. , - . - r .- " ' ' ' ... ! Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man. L H Bowden, James S Melvin, nenry W Groves, JW Munroe. N Clark. Robert MaxweU, . i ' ' '"'' ' : J j-V. . -'" WIL-MIKOTON SAl T.IGHT TOHPAST. r;-'- !i ' Office in Savings : Ban Pwid.aiit-i-Cnl John-McRa?." Building. RjOTctare and Treasurer Wm Hyde. i 1 x.' fiaiwiatendant-Oliver McDhermy. ' ; SECRET SOCIETIES. ?; M ST. JOSS'S LOBOfe SO. 1 KASO-TIO. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at . St. John's lialL) ! r ;t!J O L FUlvaw, Master, j MNewhofLS W. ' , Oliver ilcHhenn v.J W.l JnoL Cant well. Treas. T M Gardner, Secly. nenry Spalding, SD. ,, A. A. Jiartsneia j v. .. . j uuowaen, yier. cosoorb csLarisa so. 1 xasoxiCi ' (Meets 1st Monday evening in each, month at St. - John's Han.) Most Ex RG Rankin, HP- Com LC Turner, Ex O L FUIvaw. Kine. f ; V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. . Com I Ndrthrop, Com P W Fanninar. Capt V. Host. - ! Com W J Price. GM 1st M Newhoff, R A Com JnoATaylorjTrea.1 Capt-v K Turlington, Tyler. CAPB FKAB LOOOK SO. 21. 0. O. T. t " j : (Meets Tuesday nlght at Odd FeUWS Hafl. )! ! Asa J Murray, N G ' W L Smith, Secretary.! ' James E Kea, V G. ;T H Uowey, .Treasurerj CA1TPBBLI. SSCAMPaENr NO. 1 I. O. "tj." K'" ' ' J f (Meet in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, ljt and 3d Friday in each month. j j J I) Gardner. CP. ! Thos M Gardner. J W. i Rev A P Repiton, HP. i RJ Jones, Scribe. j ! I John J Cimolev S W. ' Thos II Howeyi TreaaJ ! ! CAPti FEiR SARIN'S fOlij. ABSriNEKCK SOCIBIT. (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately alter tqc close of the Prayr Meeting for seamen.) 1 Chas D EH. President. Geo W Williams, ;yice Williaei M Poisson, Sec4 . r resident, i-1 r Ja Fleet, As't; Sect'yi : r tarV. SBAliBJfs' FRIEND SOCIBTT. j r j Charles D Ellis, Presi -j B F MitcheU, Sec'y A dent. ii Treasurer. ! C D Ellis1, GUbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J 'DcRoBset, O G Parsley, Executive Board. . , Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Honie, cor Front and Dock Streets. j ; 1 r. A OIKS' BENKYOLEST SOCIKTV. . lit Directress, Mrs Ken- 4thDirectress,MrsIIal'" Ui-dy. Directii'ss, rLs3. Directress, Rossett. " let-t. . M; I. f. 2d 3d Mrs Ilar-f Secretary, Mrs Van- Mrs me- Treasurer, Miss Lilling.- ton. i . . WILMINOTON LIBBiBY ASSOi'IAriOXl. , (Organized J une, 1S55.) r:''" " H .Donald McRae,--Troasi Wm R Utley, .Sec'y.' ;.- Dr J H Dikson.President. Geo Davis Vice Pros' t. Piatt Cowan, Treasurer. Rev R B Diane. 11 II (Cowan, ED Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, Q J-McRae, J G, Vriglfr, Uirectors. MILITARY; ' WILMIHTBTON LIOHT INFAXTR V ' (Org. May 20th, 1S53.; Wm L DeRosset, Capt. ! I C Winalow, R B McRae, 1st Lieut.- ' A D Cazaux, J C Mcllhenhy, 2d Lieut.'. ; Master. ! lEhsigH. (Quarter H Savagt-, 3d ' CD Myers, Orderly.- I GEHUAN V0TCrttTBEBS.: ; ( Organized February 22d, 1853. )! C Coi nehlseuCapt. H GHashegan, 3d Lieut. U Von Glahri, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. II Vollers, 2d Lieut. . J Meier, Orderly. i BANKS. HAMC OP CAPB FEAR. T II Wright, President. II R Savage, Cashier. ' J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner, A4't Teller. J McLaurin. B'k-keener- T U Hardinl Dis. Clerk. Discount Day, V ednesdayl 1 BANK OP WILSttbiOTON, K. ifC . John MacRae, President. W L Smith, Teller. William Larkin8,Boc!li;- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. - keeper. !- ; '(;' Discount Day, Tuesday s ' ; , it i 'a 1 RAN'K OP NOr.TH CAftOtlN'A. Johu Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-keeptt Discount Day, Tuesday. i ; ; r l fi lOMMKRCIAT. BASK OP WILMINGTON'. O G Parsley, Pres. Tiin'yavage Cashief Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walk or, Bori- J D Barry, J)i3 Clerk.. ! keeper. THsconnt Dayl Monday. WILMINGTON SATISCiS SAN'IC. - , "John A 'Tii lor, President. ; Win Ilydej Cashil i HAIL ROADS. '' H f R(J.ai. WII.MISUTOX, CHARLOTTK Ai RtJTHEHrOP.n It. ( Oflice cor market and S Water street;) H W Guion, President. R II Cowan, Sec. Tr J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished eai: TvILMIXCirON A MAXCHESTEB RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A! Walker,. See'y J r Kobertson,lien toup. 'JosJ Ling, ireas, R B McRae, Gen'I Freight Agont. t ; . ; WILMIHOTON A WEI.DOX HAIL ROAD.;' Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gab dent r reicht Asrenti. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. & Snp. - James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Gen Ticket Agent. James G Green, Yard ! ' Master.--'-'' :-'' P H Langdon, Aud'r lfz SuptTs Clerk. -. I ' William Smith, Ticket Agent. . r .,! : ; ' CHURCHES. ! Methodist EoiscoDal. cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, (S) Sth bt Church; and Cas- ' tie. Rev J H Wheeler. Pastor, i i 1 ' j Baptistj'cqr Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repltoh, : pastor. ? . Baptist, Front bt Ann and.Nunn, Rev.Jj L Prich ; ' ard, Pastor. ... r ' j -; J 'u' i ! Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron: ! Davis, Pastor. f ' .AJ ' Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and Sd, Rev Thomas Murphv, Pastor. ; ' 1 ! t . .Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market, and 3d, Rev. j R B Diane, Rector. r j ? J j Episcopal, (St John'Sj) cor; 3a and Red Cross.-: , j Episcopal, (St Paul's, ) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop j Thos Atkinson, Rector. ' ! Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rey M Mc ; Queer!, Pastor. i - 1 j . . '; ": Presbyterian, (now building.) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor, j V Baptistr (fiow building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev JL Prichatd. Pastor. ! j . , Lutheran, ( now building) cor Market ami Sth, Rev J II Mengevt, Pastor. ; i i - - 1 ' ' Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water, ii POST OFFICE. v; f ; WILMINGTON, XORfH CAROLfX.ii Postmaster Daniel Dickson, f '".- Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and 4 ; Office hours from 114 A M to I P M. ; . : h 2:P M to i sundown. Sundays, 1 A M to 9 A TA.l : " ;ii Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7 P M and 5 AM. Closes IX and,9 P 51 changing , on Sunday from lii P M to 10 A. it. 1 Southern Mail, by W A M R R, arrives dailyiatL 4 A .M. . Closes rtailv at 7; f iU : , i . T .f ; Smithville, N C, (horse,) arrives Monday' and Fridav at S P 31. ' Closes Tuesday and Saturday at ; 7 A M. ' '.. "!.!:,- M'c- - ''' :i Onslow Court nous?, N Cj (horse) arrives Mou- day at 9 A M. Cloaes Thursday at 9 P ?l. Ai 1 U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS v '. '. .-. CUSTOM HOCSK ' t j i i " ' -T7 ( I Jas T Miller, Collector. D Mi Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- . A Guager.: : r "lector. ..TM Burnett," Insp-; H R Nixon Survevor. V -W F Burch and Uriah W N Peden, Naval Oill- . Sullivan, Inspector A cer. : Measurer. . ; . i Thomas W, Brown, Jr, U. S.'jCommissioneri " ';' .- coxscl. ),f . n-- i ; British Vipe-Consul-Doh McRae, n Water ; v I Spanish V ice-Consul F J Lord, C n Watep, Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley; jr:; Ccr n i Water and MnlberyV (up stairs.) v - : i i Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson,' cor Front I ' , ...... ; : - '!:"- auo. v-uenui.. : ,v, i '.-.-f- v.., -y INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT.! If? FLORIDA RAILROAD: ; BDNDS-t-Szb.uOw. " ot the above Bonds redeemable in 1881- kh. ctmpons at 7 per cent per annum, payable ia the citv of New York. 1st March arid 1st September. For sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A C decl. ' '.Ti. -v -v t . ' COFFEE. bagVrio. coffee, -t to .' 50 20 bags Laguayra conee, ; ( $ '- i : 28 mats best Java -A-. " UA: AjA idee If. V ZJu n. uuw ; ERRANT At WILSON, ;;::'! r A RE' CONSTANTLY receiving fine . CLO .TH COATS. City mate. tCassimere fctuw ax jne lowest possible rates. r - - - f. V'def W fJ, 0iT2d City, EBusiness Cai'ds. : ! i . ERRANT & WILSON,! YTrnOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- Y- .mestic Dry Goods, ' Groceries, Clothing, Boots, a Shoes, Ac ; . ? j i i Nos. lljand 15 North Water Street, bet 2- - Wilmington, N. C. r-t JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. E ACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants, i I. , No 8 North Wate Street. h.:i---;iin :...:..' WlLMlNOTOJf, N. C. ii Solicjtf conaigniaents of all kinds of Produce, al-; so i orde'rt for. Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ad, iej.- '- -: - j ct 3 . OKOEQK.nitRISSr. A. J. HOWSlt. DS. W. W UABRIS?. I ' TIARRISS Sc IIO WELL; OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Oct 2, 1S5S -; V. WlLMINOTO!f, N. C. ! 1 -j , WORTH & DANIEL, i nOGERSAND COMMISSION Mkbfhants, JT 3Jo..2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. Solicit ' consignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcacn and. Country Producp generally. ! Agents for Howe's Celebrated Scale. i.Jf I D. G. WORTH sept 2Gly n. g. Daniel. EDWAEp SAVAOR. j ANDERSON & SAVAGE, Tt ENlERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . 'jT y July -1,8; 'CO-ly. Wilmington, N. C. 1 i C. II. ROBINSON & CO.,' C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MF.P. SCIIANTS. . . Wilmington N. Vi pflico,over Mr. J. A. Willards store. f .lKiEntrance Corner Princess and Water et. niar 9,'?C0-tf f I.. jW. EaaAXT, ' OKOj. MHOS. ERRANT & WILSON, ! tlOMMISSJON MERCHANTS, ! y l I t ' Nos. 14 axd 15 North Water st., pet 2,j '30-ly V ' Wilmington, X. C. A. WTBa,4 r.OVKT PBACOCK, S. B.'J)iSSIXG. (fWYER, PEACOCK & CO., ?; i '!: -'.'.- : WiLifisorosj N. C. -j lOMMlSSiO.V MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gr'r;--j cers and dealers in NAVAL STORES, COT 1 M-N , and southern Produce generally. ;r: Prompt personal attention given to. a!! cqnsignpientaof produce. . WILLIAM II. LIP PITT. tl'HEMfsT AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and ReHau Dealer in Paints. Oils, Dve' Stuffs. indo.vf Glass, Puttv. Seirars. Old Brandies, and lines, aieriuniery and t ancv Articles. , e ndr Front and ilai ket sts.-, Wilmington, X, C. Tniar '25'58' j: - ,. W'il EDWIN A. keith, 'jTiOMMSSiON MERCHANT, ' VL 1 ;' ! ' . Wilmington. -V. (V 'i"5sssu iOSVrs-his services to Planters as Factor ; Agent tpihe;salc of COTTON;; will give, h" 1" r soiial'atx'e'n'd.i nco" to the business: His coniniisftoii foj seliihg Cotton, will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi- Liunai cnarge win ne mace, uonon iorwaruuu-iu New York at 10 cts per bale. oct 4-1 -jy.. Oi G. PARSLEY & CO. Pi.iiiw Mills, Wilmington, N". C j adt. j.ll oraers or inquiries (or LI.MUK1J, w ill receive 'ompt attention. tuch '1 '5D S SMITH &. McLAUUIN, i GOMMiSSiON AND Fobwardiho Mkkchamts. ' 1 ! f Wilmington, X. C. liefer i '. - .'';. : . Joii Dawson, Esq., Mayor. ' . E. dl Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank. State .C. ; , - - T. M. SMflll, .- jOHX M'l.APfclN. July J85-tf '' a .. i - - . . . I MALCOM MCINNIS, Si EOCKR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, XT I I North Water street oct li I Wilmington, N. C. JL CuasJ D. Mters, Fred. J. Mf)0RE. MYERS & MOORE. 1 1 ' "TYpif OLESALE and i-etaU dealers in Hatsj Caps. ' W .Straw -Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canee, Ac. Aci, 3 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. -Junrf 511850 " y . j : ; 'r:":;1rc." &, n. o: worth, G COMMISSION ANDkFORWARDING "MER- C1LNTS, k Wilmington, X. C. : I union bistillery, ' j I Wilmington, N. C. . A. in. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. 'Jit 1 -i! '-fc- ! 4 LIZ KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. ,. ' ' r i - J j. i 1 .1 :.v nanage ana storage lurni-neu, aim eoo -ige dpn at fair rates. jan 2 ISfiO. era ' .'i'.'ii' If- I G. POLVOGT, . T TPlIOLS'f R AND PAPER HANGER, t j i I i Corner Front and Princess Streets, ; - -' i - r.rw; :' Wilminffton, N. C. Keeps Constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, ! Cushionsf Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all j Upholstery -Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of j every description. ! j Pictures framed to order. ! . 1 Prompt attention givento fitting up Railroad j Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. j may 31u. j - . . -- , : j J. L. HlTliAWAY. -'' WM. R. 'lit LBV. j HATHAWAY & CO. -OOMMJSSION JIERCH'ANTS, Wilminffton. N.: (' J, M. ROBINSON & SON, j IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and DometieHardWarej Agricultural Impleuieuts, AcrOj S, rront St., n ummgton,. k.. i jan Sv'fs , j - 1 JTOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, EXERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD- JT INC MERCHANT, Wilmington, N..Ci p '-'.. TI'V.ATt.). f ' TrkT-aT a I o f fr.n f in nrivfin frtf.-rv. ! !'Z?7-ii.E ft.ie.i.'i.ci,:.; ! LiJjeriarCash advancements, made on : Con signmeits toj mv New York friends. nov 2, '57 r-r--f HENRY NUTT, . " ! I7IACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT,1 !" - i 3..- Wilmington. N, C. 5.Wall give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10, '57,-tf. JAMBS SfOKLET ' " ALEX. OLDHAM. i i - - I ' '' " i r niuaLitii t uiaJiiaiu, i 'f DEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION A Aia.ij.AiA ia, t iiiuiusion, v., j Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, t tour, iJyoE, andotner c;onarv rroauce. ; i , JUTE ROPE. ' . .-i.tp Ol I GiMLcibest Jnte Rope, for sale bv fJJ nqv2 : ZENO H. GREEN. ? ! JALMANACS FOR 1861. riiURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs X. LEY'S BOOK. STOREv , atKEL decli TO ARRIVE. znr BBLS FLOUR. pply to noy 2T . STOKLEY A OLDHAM. '-iiiE. BACON. "I Q HlbsJjSIDES, and 4 hhds. shoulder, just XZ arrftretL For sale by J. A. WILLARD. ..a- ' : : t t FLOUR. ' Onfl1? ACKSjustlandedf For sale at $l.iOpor VJVVfisacit.! nov 10 J. A. WILLARD. FLOUR. '"1'AM 1LY I Sup and 'iae, ; Wiliiiingtoa inspection, in ai by f ;.deqllX i .ZEXO Faycttc-viil and store, and for sale IL (I.LLL. A QUESTION FOR M ATHE3I ATI -uCIANS AND ECONOMISTS. TF Lib&t feet f gas is consumed throughi eight i ; i burners. in 9 nisrhts, at a Cost of J5 er ilttrU- , gaud 6?et hdw much is consumed by each baruer ' per iiour.7 at what cost, ana wnai wouia ut ioe i . . cost-o.f 4n equal amount m light obtained lroia KerOserief Oil 2 Answer t There is consumled by eachbni&er 25 feet per night, or 6 feefperi hour, : ' ' t 'I'ORK-PORKi' j'.i.- ?v at a dttnihf 6;Ce'nts oer hour per burner: ' Four "yK BRLS, New A or k .City Mess, -just rcceivid f KerosartoLacipa afford as much light aa8 ffas t.burtlers ;f4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 bxmpc oae tnonth, wtucn, at A,U : per gauon, w 34,80 pe3f month,, or a cost of one, cent pf. hour per lamp; thereforerby bnrniaggas, (he expense ia mv six aunarea per cenium greater man ia Durn Kerosene Oil, which," with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable " I -5 janlZ! s CASSlDiiY.si ;f ' a NORTirERX BUSINESS CARDS. j.vo. s. pascy, "lomf n. hthan, ; i. hta. lattfof ' latrof . , ' i tateof' Tarboro' N. C. Scotland Neck, ,Warrenton, N. C DANCY, IIYMAN A. CO., Gi ROGERS AND COMMISSION Msbcuaxis, T . - , 12 Pearl street, ; - I " - Ntw.Yoiaa. , IIY3IAN, DANCY; & CO., ( f U0CER3 AND COMMISSION MaciArs, KJT . ,. , . Noarotx, Va. T heNew York hu will te conducted by Jno. S?. Dancy, aided by R. W. Hyroan. The Norfolk Hou-.? will he conducted W John II. Hrnian and F. M. Hrman. j , JUST Particulars attention given to the sal of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Naral Store. ' September 13-tf 18G0 - j, - ;, --4 " - . i Geo ! 4 O. V"AMAHi.sep, Jt., ! S. VAiAms'.. V A N A M RING E BROTHERS.' I TAVAL STORE AND GENERAL Cnjiisio' ,ltu Water Street, ew York. . Ecrrlt to : ' ' - v Mr. J. R. BtossAM " Mes. T, O. k li. G. Wosrir,. i ' " Uathawat Co.. . Wilmington. N.C Mr. J.1 II. VUAtTifA. , ' Augut.1 21. 'tifl-tf '1 i LONDON 6c 11 RYAN,, ' " C10MMTSSTON MERCHANTS, - Jfo. 32 India' Street Bosom. jfiJT' Consignments' of Xnval Storetv CotU Lumber, ar.d other .Soutiiru 'Produe sulicitel. J;o. IL I.OMus. . . J. H. KiitA. Ji. Nov I'i'U' 'j "ii. u. oafeixaa, ! w. w. it Assets. GRELNEn & IIARKNESS, CTT0.V AND GENERAL' I COMMISSfOV HofjT. ' jPnii.ADrrrniv Nov 15, lff7 1 w m . L. Ilirx. " N. M. Nourtr-Kr. f Vorth t Sir.lina. of North Carolina. HILL -t NORFLEET,. 1 ENERAL COMMISSION A FORM T Mvt chAnU Shoekoe Sli A FORWARDING i.P. Richmond, Y- Solir it ctiiviirnnirritof i'ottori. I.itniler, I'hh. iir.d ill It i n f! ?t ot MiTehndis and Produce. . r. . . ,ALS) Agent's'for tlie purehnse "i'Sugarft, Coffees, Molas ses, Salt. Lime, (iuano, Ac. Larife cargoes ol the above ai tit lea anoffered for sale iuonr market an nually, and we shall ba pk'a.scd tof operate for par ticstudtrij'c. jaiiii.4uj4 ' faithfura In .our en-div-rs " b ivyescnttheiu. j ; Jan 25-1 y i Ci. V, . VILICIN.SON k CO.- TlRUir AM) COMMISSION MEUCH.VNTS. gj1' S3 Barclay it reet, N. V I'.ii tiei i.u "Mtlciition given to consignment. aiiii turchr.ie o!'.'.fei-chaiidia, all kiuds. Liiieral cadi advances t hrough! V,' 1 1. K I XS ,V- A CO...WnTsungtp.n, N. C. . . " .- nc-ust 2. ICo-l.y i lROMEE LAM'pS.riarg sujtly, .suitable for stores, for sale fery clie-ap vif!i On, at dec 7 CASSII)i;Y'.. EASTERN If AY. BALK.S-K'atern' Hay, ex:schr.. 150 t.i sate, ow, iroin vvhart, bv ELLIS i MITCIILLL. LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Ralls Par ties, i'uhlie Meeting?, Ac.," can be hired on verv reasonable terni, ol the Iniiiiitable jan CASSIDEV. rlHOICF.JJACO.V -22 hid?. 'choice Weften, Haeon fi1"? mvi Slion!d.iS!, i For cale hv dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. of V CO. l.Of"f br.ve SO bbh HATHAWAY j 'Jj , brandy j dec ll I MI ! Tdec 21 USt!0" ADO SUGAR. 20: JhhdB. priiftf to oier- Mvcovad" Sujrnr. For side br HATHAWAY & CO. LARI). OW LANDING fvam Sri Sea Birdr-. bbls. ; S West em Lard- a spienom ndid .11 -tide. TV STORK : j 15 KefjR N. Lrti d, in gooiJj -.'a-ckageM, 5 VVestern Lard, in ?niall packages, lec Vifr xh'i Zl II. UKKLNK. 'EW "h i " dec 1 I:: i and bbls. For snle bv St7jKLEY A OLD HAM ClIEESFS Boxes seleeted '.u- li glish IJ'he.1 e?e. liisL 1 e civao tiz ; doii 1 WORTH A DANIEL. T HA VAX AS have come, al WORTH i& DAXIEIS. j. . L ARD.- 0 K. Extra "IjAi d for family . WORTH A DANIEL. ' use. "RURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, JT) for salo very -hep, at CA-SJDEY'S. dee TO-DAY NEW AND UREST1. PARKEKKBURG..- .nvrTVTK't'ii'li i I- V VPVj-Bntnelhmo-now. -New Beef'Tnpc-ars. Yeat Powdu New Keerinpgers, east it'owaers,. ; ....... ..... . - Smoked litvi Buckwheat, i Rye blov. Butter, 6y hbis.- C. iiug:ii-.-. Raisins; -.10 A- ' - 10 hbM. B. 'Sugars, 10 Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 bux'eg eh(ie(; Yellow Cheese. WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front Mreet FAMILY FLOUR. t j ""T"T'E have the' .best Family Flour in town, and j i W we warrent "each and every barrel and ! paekae, if nfl.t -ond. to !x retni nd! j decjl2 WORTH 'A DANIEL. 1 nOASTEftN' HAY'.--2. baWof the best Eestei n j I JPi Hay in marker.. For wU bfr j de 1 1 "'llAlUAnAl S t II. f't v rvi vini. VTf i ' t SUCH na, th victory, by, a ie auJiiilxi cement of a very great I a i.Tjrrnan oenerai, ine peo)te oi this d;iv, in eoeakinc ot tlie Iiiimitabl. CASSI- f'DEY, njnHfy the saying of the noble Roman, thus: I "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety vf articles offered (nv sal at the Rendezvous,' . dec 21 r- - 16 a 28 South Front at. I I t A H IST RICA I. F.f that South Caro- j rtAti I Thi tnev, would not have j lina Ha een prepared t. . do ii some ol her ritiieni had I not bought . : . . .KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as'well a a great variety of-Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Caudv-, Nute, ac ac, of the pattiotic CASSIDEY. " dec 21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE.-i iUnla best Jute Ro;e, Bagging Tn ine. "For sale bv dec I T EST HAMS fx town at! "i . . ; WORTH A DANIEL'S. JLJdec I TINiTBED liOOM -SETS-A new "lot. gome f" ' verv iiettv just opened, and for sale at d2clir ' i ' PERRIN'S. . CnftlSTMAS SUPPLIES. T)ER PARKERSBDRO. ; i t Frefh Krjns. . Frefhj Butter. " - I'ig" Cheese, -Sogarir. Tobacco, Ale, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. V rnnwi. i Ciuon, ' .Nutaiegs, .. . .-."Mace, . ', Buckwheat, A B C Sugar, f.'iuihed ". Sweet Cider, Elegant Hams. dt lf WORTIfA DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. ENT I i r. Kcrdam Schnapjis, VT .fry Prtrc Brnndr . ' Sherry it-.e. .Madeira ' " ' - -; Port i ' - 1 ' For sale by . . dec is i . WORTH A DANlEI "TSoKrvi0W N. V. Citv Mies Pork,' for nale Jtdec r-j:v- by - ZfeS0 H.jRItKKXK.. Hn BEST' FAMILY FLOUR1.-in town, w'sr ritrrtrr' in all rs;v. to b hsd of :.t j ; WORTH A DANIEL . ' UC?ARS SUGARS! y,1T f!RRJL'LS 0 CofT-f.-nnd-O Yellow Ru-rar. I 'ihb frhi- J.'ifraiHstHtpd and Powdered. . 21V Mr.wado4iigaTi light and dry, it; 6 hhdi :.! j' ii"- hoe f alsi by f i WORTH A DANItU s )jau.t'.ii'-; h'-J tju u : ni:' ' f Granite Row. -J eiiSe aaie.4owKtor can. by - . dec 11 ..ZENO H. GREENK ?.'? EXTRA GOSHEN' BUTTER, i 0I KLGS sua: to han.d. c om; 20 b28 cent?, a CD d 11 r W iEO. MYERS'. rrrJrrRTtiTET rfcArn BRLS. FlonrJ-differet orade.: -: i COj' jab 15 ; - STOKLEY A OLDHAM. - ' ' .; lr..'A . C HERRING'S CHAM-: PIOX BURNED UP;'''1, HERRING A CO., bk out of Ibelr :f 1000 VauntiDgCballeip! I MUM, AND 0 MONET. 7 7 .Read the follow inf : . ... , ' i . SfBAcrss.Oet. 29,1W0... . E. P. Horxiss, Esq., Ag't for LiUU'a Safe, SjrS-; . CUM. . "' Dar Sir : We are authorized, by MMar. S, c. . Herring A Co., tu oCer you, or Ur'. LUlia, or any other persoQ, $l0OO,toproTe that a Ucrrbf Cktaa. pion Safe ever failed to preserve its eontU ia an I accidenul fire ; and wm will give rmt Mr. L Joe, or any othr rraponaible prum, v00 to an aa the a'mC our in regard to Mr. Lnii'aafe. ISigm-d.) I). S. A S. P. GEKU, . Agont for H. C H-rring A Co. This Utter having been fur warded to ms, the f.41owing reply wa returned s i I - ..." Taor, Nv. 10, 16CQ. , E, P. ilorii.V. Eaq., Svrsmse, " j Dear Sit : ou are hereby authotUM to secel br.th r.th j artA of thv proptsUiua made voubrD. a. S. P. Geer, under dats of OcU i XtO.fn- A uming- ti.at.tncy mean, oy "lMlf rre,T fne same ats manutactnreU hy me, ic l Um uk ulactured on my .own account, say wtthui Iir vear last rf. The money to be dpiud In tas Lauds if lion. Iaac McCoaih, Jr., ' Mayor rt the city of Troy, within fiftevn dy, and to l placed by Lin in the hanJ nf somf compctrnt pron,' Who may be elwrted to recelre ths testlntonr la thU citv, .and t decido to who in ll shall be pal1. Truly yours, 'LEWIS I.ILI.IK. . The ore nr"eVtance of the.clialUar was lor warded to Mr. Ilopkiua, and by him t Hoars. AgenUj Ac, to which r.e rrspon! lis beeu madel' ' . .-' ' .' ' ' . " MatOs's Orrtcs, . Troj. Decrmber 4, lC0. TTu fort-eing letters have been handed to ntaby Mr. Lillie, and the contents of the same bakw( Wen examined, I consented, at Lis rcquctt. to r relvo aiid hold J10O0 as the pniosl pledge, on tl ran f Mr. L11li. and up to this date I hsvs -hirld tliv kudu, and i.ot hearing anything front 8. ('. Uetriug A (X, or fnun V. S. A f. P. Gcer, Apenffl,' ai.d the time having esplrrl, I hare this day r tut ::d tli lu '1 drpoMtrd to Lrwis l.iilie, ISAAC MrCON HIE, Jh. jau 1 G. II. KLLLKV, Agent. "THi: FIRST AND THE I-4ST. rw HiS ,s.Yl.U wasexemplihM In the coorteof J ' JL Norm ':fitAina, as regarded her aetifu in I lite uuv.. or ihe Ruvulution., The .Mecklenburg I Iin Iar.t i, ii ot In!( Tiei.deiice, hii;ued by Ft-hralui Howard n;d i.therx, iri the fimt public nsaertloo . .of ti e l u'l'i i '" a State or colony to lx fm to a icedejH:..! .Ni itli Carolina waa the la, t to ratify the ni tic I. . !' i nfelertlon betWM-n, and forming there I'nit-'I Si at Thu, auick and prompt tw reiiht and n pel aj'i ciwirn, ane u iUw to d le pate av. nv :m or ihepow.era vetd in her. Th Inimitnbfe CASSIDET ha alo jnt received ,. oi.'u Sweet Oraiige.H, which he is oilVring m ihua priced, nt, -ii!v loir price of (1,2a a l.j0 pr Lun- drod, nt the Rendezrous n 8 ( lONSKi.NEESof lOhhds. Rayn aud 20bLI. .y Pork, narked diamond II., per achr Loui ! iuioi, Jroirt Raittmore, will pleaic ntaks them trlraa j Jciiovvii at tiie i.J!iL of tho undersigned. tvdav t, h . -: T. C. A B. G. WORTH ' ; 1 1 1 1 A M 'S MAX f iA lT K Y Mi-.r- William Gilham. VlrHnln Military Infinite. ' . 1, ... j - ', CONTENTS...' ; ; A:ti l, L,i. Arint Orgaiii7.atloii0rcanizatlcn ; of Infantrv--Organization of Cavalry LrganUa- t ion .j n('U A i tilleryr The SUif. j , ' A tii '.'.! --Arms and A munition; - 1 , -Artie!. r: !-;SrbooI of the Soldier; At tide 4th School of the Company j Artide LfL- Target Practice; , ' Artiel- Oth Stliool of the Battalion ( ' .Article 7tlK-School of the Troopey ; 1 ' " AitihMl: Seliool of thu Trobpj i . , A 1 ti' !e !'t):- - School of the Squadron j ' . Article .Kith Evolutions nf tn Regiment; ' ' Article 11th Light Artillery Tartlet) Artiel 12th Honnra paid by Troops, tn tit !Yenidont, tJovernor, Generals, Ac. ; Article l"th Duties of Captains, Cora unit ' Duties in Camps, (iarrisons, Ac. i Article 14th The Staff; -.u',. Ai title If th Battles; ! -1 Arti l lr.th Courts Martial; . . . ArtifJdlTUi Muic,' RevjLle. Tattoo, Ac J ,' A p -ndix- The Articles of War. Th trbnle in one handsome volnm inf 743 pp. l'ric.t ii,rM. . Book forwarded en, receipt of price. :tn r,'wn rcc. ive'i'tliii ntoriiing, per ExpriM, ai WHTTAKER'S-New Bonk Stor. Ulrlnl .t .,. la llaain'. mlA TO ! fit.. . . ' . ..... ... '. ' . . v . m w. . . m T ARMS ! TO ARMS ! , j V.LL 1 1l O.-ji; -w ho are opposed, to the IVlyt aJ cof-tciim f h sovereign State, and who ro i ,y , t i ! I, ; u'.-Hk,' of abolition soldiers tbreegk Vorta Chi. ! -.ii. 1. 'i thj purpow ef aubjugattng sister Siaie. wt buy their Grbccrlca, Prt'TinUina, small Mures .in-l acciuti-iiiiuiuU of the patrUU ui jan 1 CASS1DEY.- COFFEE. ' ElO, LA , More. VG V A Y R A. J a v ar.d J? C Dpw i s V atel Jor sale nv 'ZE.VO n. ORF.E5!!. ' JKI1 10 , I NEW COKN, AFIXJAT ll 1 iv,Ilr.L? nm( Kite .If Crop V now landing, for sale br -; ELLIS A MITCHELL."' ! WHITE OATS. ' BUSHELS Heavy New Vrk, Stata Data. For sale by I ELLIS A MITCHELL. 2000 jan 11 . WHEAT BRAN. I tAAA BAGS in store. For aale, bv 1UUU jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL' RAISINS. ! I 1( WHOLE box.! large bnnch Rauln, Ivy io yt . . . , jan 11 For aala by ZE.VO IL GREENE. GtANAL BARROWS. 1W Canal Rarrowa, m warehouse,, and for sale, In lots to frsit. at nor 3') IIOOP IRON, i t-f 1( TONS 1, 14 to 1 X Inch Hoop Iron, for akla ty lJ jsnM if. MacIN'NLS.i MACKEREIii j j ."TTOS. 2 and 3, in store, and for ale by -a j , Hi . jan A X .M. Ma e 15 NTS TTST R f huper. For salo by RECEIVED rr Railroad, Family ami celebrated WatehovM UHla brand. , DEROSSET, BROWN' A CO. nov 27 CEMENT At PLANTER. Of ( BRLS. Cement, 50 bids. PJaaitr- ParU, CUVJ p; r brig Water Witch. For sale by r dee IT ELLIS A WITCHKU' ' 7 : ; '. ) r BOOKS FOR A LL. I -npiIF. NORTH CAROLINA FORM WpRrCant I W.cjl.' Justice; or Swann's RevimNi: Frewdly's Legal Adviei-r, at Kl.Li.Li J, dec 11 Book Store. D KMIJOHNS, Mi 1, 2. 3. 4, "d 5 rallona, st 4f-c 12 PERklN'S.' COFFEE--COFFEE. I " " 11 V RAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laguayr do Si t tU St. .Douiiugo'do -20 mats Java do ia store, aud for tale low lor Ckth. bv i ,' ,iiec II. . -.t.Xlt II. lUr.fc.f- A 1LH Lr kegH awirU'il Nail, from 5 to 4l. s inov l For sale by I ' -"f ZENO H. GREENE. EALi HFl'L EXERCISE, is nrsary to a louanuli.iiipv life. Ix t.tlie rirla bnv Trun- jiiif iiooi.x tne iovs maii axes. oiii;t.i , and take plenty of eerci.e these cord morning. " "lA:A VILV--LliAVEN--LEA Vi:N " I" LA VEX, LEAXKN, LEAVKN, LEAVEN. i Trv i!--'TrV it Try It Try It, at f jn h WORTH A DANIEL'S '.,'"' NOTICE. - ( ''I " -4 LL PEHSOXS whoaretndbU-dfWGrf,rerle. Xjl i'ro t?it:n, Ac, either by note or sreonnl, totFie !at firm of Wiln A William. nd ihot Recounts arc ir.c due are rtqucMcd to maki' immediatii ra titciit t the ubsct iber,'r tuch ac count will b' ptac in otticer's hand for eoller. ti-ii.- JAMES WILSON.' I jan V No. b Market atrtsri. " i BOOKS FOR ALU ' ' . rini: North Carolina Form R.v.k Cantwell a . -I 1 Justice, orwan'a Rpviscd Fm-dley'a Legal Adviser, at Kelley s ihv !ook;Store, dec 11 WESTERN"BACON. 1 T CASKS fiiperior Cincinnati Sides aoj lay drri. in n: e. atd for sale bv ' J ' iShonl- ,-Jn .'',?.! L-r-.x ,.. , ".. X. MAtlNXlS. "f.rm . cimtsli. . OA BOXES New York State Chee plendid. OU Just received per schr D. C. llu!. (jaa IO:,-: For sale by ZEN0 II. GREENE. t' .- . ... ! ''. .. ...... :' H. i A T177 surer vitch used in ui 5ute, c , daa 20 ! I A

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