: :i I -- -- " - ,' .; i . - ' i 5s-':- '' " '-' ' J : 1j , !t i-i ' t::11 '' -:f -V. H;ss ; - :' v, . .. , -; ..-, .,,.Mt,,J ,, -. -vou NO. 2031. AVILMINGTON, N. Ci, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY C, 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.131. - - ; ' : . - ' ; .- - - - ..., . , i . ' . ' . I . v ! Vll., jnu. ; 1 T TERMS: ruilf tper, .6-00; Weekly, $2.00, irtr IX ADVANCE, -ffi. . i "'.-r ' f ... i-k . I'.vtr is anrs atonpod, nuless a remittance . i., t.i it.ntinue it. liint-lr notice Li crivea. bo 't i-aviiitist ":n be made In-fore the expiration of i nbcrip on. I.ni'.r n jr.b iii.iilHl at our riik, when the let- f t.-r regi-yi?-"- ! . . . , VI) DELL., Editor and Protor, PRINTER. V7" nvr INQTON, SlORTII CAROLINA. trhe IleraldJob Office Ij now cotPpleJely,"' fitted up Vith the finest as- gOrtment Of Job xyra io oe iouou in me otaie EvtTV sjpeics of Job work can now be speed- ;rv and-lundsoinc(r printed at this office from J ' z - ;book Jofrn-to a - visiting card. Handbills, .Vircalar. Hanks, kc, kc, ticatlj and promptlj : . i-mii-l at tliort notice, am on reasonable terms : f!v-ci:U-atttntion will j be given to the Job ' dei:irtnii.iifr hereafter,, and ;we feel assured that all work eicuittd to our Tob hand, who is ei- K-rk-nceil'ifl the; business, will be executed sat ufjrtorUr n eterr respect; GiTe him a trial at r.nr rate.'ciid if iiis'nU done well, no complaint tii3fe (f a withdrawal.of patronage. 'it SUNDRIES. l;tXfS Colgate 'o .1, and Pale Soap, 10 llaL-ina lavef and bunch, in k jf.i.Tj . " , ; 50 Jo btxea Concentrated Lve, . , -VJJ - f. V'otash, 10 9 Prepared " .v Jiv Urtc-k j " j ' : 20 UfxH Starch, . JO Bi-Carb. Soda," TV ppT, Sl ice, Cizar?, Ink, Tack. XIatches, Tea, i" i:cutrat M Soft Soap, Mustard, &c, tc, bei -iilcs manr 6t!u?r articles too nuineroiw to mention, which w ill lt' ?o!d low, for cash, as bj any" other ''iii," 23 ' ' i ' ZK-XO IL OREEXE. - I TIMKC1F PEACE, PREPARE FOR r..J r- WAR. 'OAA H.Vr of Fathom to the smallest Drop -hot. S ' koji Kentucky Kifto Powder, li '1- Muiket Powder. 10 qrCtkef Kentucky Uifl? Powder, ; . 5 " " i :.ti.(nii i.-Cal(-t. For ?ale bv , ijn.23 1 ZEXO' II. GUEENE. FLOUR. Snper Flour Farettoville and nd r or alo bv ZEXO II. GKtEXE. -oJ)0a UushH llydvs Couuty Coin, . 2IHH) bu-h?. l'erquimans County Corn. li'OO A . Western mixed ". ! In i"..irc and f r s;ile bv ! . . "ELLIS k MITCHELL. i ' - i ' : : BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. OA A BUSHELS Heavy Canada Oats a very ) UU -tuierior article for "seed. For salt-, bv jan 11 . , J . ELLIS k MITCHELL1. '. "-!. MESS PORK. I !;)n BBLS. Xcw City Mess Pork, in store, and rtJJ to arri ve, for fml. at lowost cash rtricos. 1 (jan 21) M. MclXNIS. T "MACKEREL. X OS. 2 id 3 Mackerel, in store. For sale by MacINXIS. jan. 22 , ! M. i 44 . : j SUGARS. I K: SC(; Ali. in hhtU ami bbb, . V. IU and C. Sugar, in bbls, t ..u J,TtH4 and Crushed Sugar, for pale bv J.IU 11 CANDLES AND CANDY. H05f.ES Adamantine Candles, A ii t -J Pindr For gale bv 100 jan - J ZEXO II. CUEEXE.. '4 FOR 1$G1. GO U X T.l X G-IIOL'SE C.LEXDERS. The greatest variety of tlzvs and styles. Every thing necfcssarv to furnish a Connting-Room, at : IWIIITAKER'S Xew Book Store, Market jt, bet. Ja?. I)aws.ns and Wilkinson's, jan 1 . ' 3 : ' . . 1 - TRUNKS. lANVASH. Packingjjleather Folios, Brass and l J Iron bound. Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and lival Iron Kdsrvd. St: Louis Sole Leather, Fint SiL Leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat- ,f . . J Valise?. Sole Lciatfier, Boston Enamelled Leather, Ac, j l Uifjracmg.uiirteen ainereni siyies. ( j liags Enameletli Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, l-Inanieled; Venetian, Felt, Ilrusscls, Pilliser, Wil : a, embic)ng eleven styles. . , jLadies' Hat. Boxes. New Vtyle French Hat Boxes, new style St. jiub. iriin sand bra?.? bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low prices at JAMES WILSON'S, No. 5 Market Street. lan ! ' HAY. BALBS Prime N. C. Hav, ex Schooner, for JyJ salelA- " ELLIS" A MITCIIELI.. Jan 2r f T SEED OATS. I VTORTI'I RIVER and Eastern Hayi Wheet L i BranCow I'ea., "alsd Fresh Ground Meal, md Honjmonv, for sale bv ; Jan2S ' . ELLIS k MITCHELL. GUNNY BAGS. iUXXY BAGS just received per brg 000 Jan 2$. Shibboleth. For j sale by : T. CA II. U. WUKTll. . LARD. 10 B VRRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 5" . ' X. p. " r For Mle.iin lots to Suit, tjv 1 m 11rjin1.Tr . . ft vtrT y l 1 11 S 1J.Y. 1 bil, Granite Row, Front streeL jan 2: LwlDY PEAS. r?0R"KALE, io quantities to suit, by ? J4:.-3 WORTH A DAXIEL, T rJ-iPLlT BRAXDY. 2 vears old. 2 bar- A tcU i crv choica: 2 vears old. N. C Apple iraudy)r9ale by , WORTH k DANIEl niiWECountry Smokeil Sausages, at yjaniSSl WORTH k DANIEL'S. - U nrnrvniT shave: YO URS ELF 1 DO ytiu appreciate a good Razor? Fine Shav ing SdapsT Soft Shaving Brushes? A Good trap? CaUif' BALDWIN'S. I POCKET KNIVES. ' : !?IXE English Cutlerv. Prices low. Qualities P exAllent.at I BALDWIN'S. t "EASTERN II AY. 00 ALES verv superior Eastern Hav, for salo'low from wharf, bv dec 7 :. j- STOKLEY k OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES Sc SHOULDERS. K( CASSIS superior Western Sides and Shoul JJ d?r. in 'store, and to arrive. For sale, at "west ejsh; prices, by jaa 21 m f . M. JIacIXNIS. I- JfiEWXJROP MOLASSES, ; X HljU and bbli For sale by . jn 52 J , j 3I. MacIXNI3, "fj h6opiron. 1 A TOSi.4. 1, ii and 14 inch Hoop Iron. U rru22 For sale bv M. MacIXNIS. ANDGER3IAN HALF HOSE. . size, selling IqW, at BALDWINS. PlEXTLEMEX can find the largest assortment ot If nder Wear, at - BALDWIN'S, ' Jan 28 1 . -CANES. f i01 Heads, fvory Heads, Silver Reads, at lweuv -Tau 23 . i BALDWIN'S. Special jN"otices. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J& Tnfc UNDERSIGNED, having been duly qualified as the Administrator of the; Estate of the late Andre (rMaclen, at the December Term, A. D., 1860, ol the Coart of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, of the county of New Hanover,; hereby noti fies all persons having accounts or demands of any kind against said Estate, to present the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec. 15, 18C(MJw. MRS. WINSLOW,1 An J experienced nurse and female physi cian, Has a booming Syrup for children teething which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening tie gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will trive rest to vour- selves, and relief and health to your infants. . Per- irciiy Baie ui au cases, see advertisement in anotn er column. , ; feb 25-ly WALKER MEARES, "fca. WriOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer iri Select Medi cines, English, . French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, kc, also, ' PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. auer 14. 1860 Sa- W. (A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE I This splendid II air Dye has no equal instantaneous in enect beau til ul Black or natural Brown no staining the skin or injuring- the Hair remedies the absurd and ill efiect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates ; the Ilair for life. None are genuine unless signed " WJ A. Batcheior." Sold eviervwhere. ' CHAS. BATCIIELOR, Proprietor, 8upt29-lyj l isl Barclay street, N. Y LANDRETII'S SEED. giT- JL T RECElVFDa full supply of Land reth'a New Crop GARDEN' SEED, jBeans, Peas, tVsparagua, IJeets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general aortement of small seed. For sale by. WALKER ME ARES, 45 Market st. nov 23 Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist A. E. Corner Front and Market St., Wilmisotos, N. C. $531, ALWAYS ON HAND, a fu)l and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXTS, - OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. 1 - Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night.- The night bell is at the socond door (on front street,) from the corner. S On and after this day, all prescriptions willbeCAsk. oct30 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S 1 1 AIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All otheri are mere imitation, and should be avoided if j-bu wish to escape ridicule. GRAY", RED, OR RUSTY" IIAlR,1dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Balchelor, since.lS3D, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his! famous Dye. '. Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran- a i . - .1 1 . j. leu dui 10 lrjjuru m lue icusi, iioeer loug 11 uitxy be continued,, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; tha Ilair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dve. : I- Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "jjThe Genuine has the name, and address, up- on a steel pdate engraving, on lour siaes 01 eacn box, of Wiljiam A. Batcheior. i . " . CHARLES BATCIIELOR, Proprietor,, sept 23-l 81 Barclay Street, N. Y". Pimples Banished ! : Faces Made Clear! How? ' By one week's U3e of the MannoTia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement W, E. IlAGAN & CO. , Proprietors, Troy, New Y"oi k. apl 19-lydA w GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaphtaliEIzkkiki., informed us that, he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon lus own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw lain two days since, and on the place so' bald four months since,, a fine crop of hair has sprung- up with a vigorous" growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that hd has named it " THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. This famous article can now ba had Of the princi- pal Drugg sts.' Those persons who desire a fine head of hait-, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed irj a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesal e depot for orders, G9 Main st. R. EZEKIEL. Rh"Hmond, Nov. 14, 1859. . 1. X. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have bacto bald for the past 12 years iMid have restored my hair by using Ezekiel's Virginia, nair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by X'aphtali Eze- kiel. Joe. Mayo, Mavor of Richmond. W. n. L1PP1TT, Sole Agt., Wilmington, X. C. jan 14 GLUEGLUE. CARD. r-We beg leave to jnform the trad, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Xa val Store Broker 'of Wilmington, N. a, SoleAgt for our Glue. Boston, apl 3, I860., GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R: ROGERS k CO, of Boston, sola agent for the sale' of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trad. Their glazed Glue is wart-anted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the mondy will be re funded. A- well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office "aP19-ly. p W. C. HOWARD, Broker. EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS.-3,000 just re- j ceivedj for sale by dec 5 1 1 - WORTH A DANIEL. T CHEESE. -T-ivnT.TG!IT. PINEAPPLE AND STATE, at hdell . GEO. MYER'S. , . : . HAY. . BALES New "York,; In store.. For It II 1.7 ma vprv low. DV mr - DIBEOTOBY.'' . . STATE GOVERNMENT. " Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretarv--Graham Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D.'W. Courts, of Wake. i Sec'y of State Rufus II. Page, of Wake. ' ! " Comptroller C. H. Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. , State Librarian O. n. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " COUKCILLOKS OF STATE. Council Wooten. of Lenoir J John W. Cunning ham, of Person : W. A. Furguson, of Bertie : J. F. Graves, of Surry ; David Murphy, of Cumber land; j. j. Aiong, 01 aortnampton, and VY.'L. Uillard, of Buncombe. . ' FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS. ! The United States Circuit Court, for the District of IS orth Carolina, is held semt-annuall v at Raleisrh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in So- veraoer. . Judges Hon. J. M. Wayn, of Georiria ; Hon Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, $2000. . j Robert P. Dick, District Attorney ; Wesley Jones, siarsnal. - : The United States District Courts are held at Edenton, 3d Mondav io April and October. J. M, Jones, Clerk : Newbern4th Mondav in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday atter the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cantwell, Clerk. -i THE SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Ualeigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Mondav in December; It is also held once a vear at Moraranton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II. Battle, of Or ange, salarv of each, 2,500 per annum. W llham v v. aj iviijiT'p ui ft ai 1 1. aj iuu. jr. u v v , us Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake. Clerk : Oliver II. Perrv. of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of ake, Marshal. SUPERIOR COURTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan; Geo. Howard, 01 Wilson ; Jas. VV. Os- born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, ot V ake. So licitors Elias C. Ilines, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit; Thos. liulun, 01 Orange, rides the fourth Circuit; liobt. Strange, of Xew Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman,of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. h' PUBLIC WORKS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United .States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. Tho'oflicers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Countv of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. X". W. from Rafeigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. h ortihcations. Fort Macon, Ueaulort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick countv. United States Arsenal. Located at Favette- ville. Insane Asvluni of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher; Superin tendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward ; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, -W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. w. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. ;- AU indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the p ublic charge. Paying patients are also received from this and othertetates. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMTNGTOX. Mavor John "Dawson. S D Wallace. O G Parslev, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer-1 James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvers. B W Beerv, C D Ellis, W T J Vanh, Edward Kidder. ! E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up building. Lamp Lighter Dempscy Martin. HOWARD ' RELIEF FIRE COMPANY. (Re-organized June 6, 1859.) Foreman Walter Furlong. 1st Assistant John Sheppard. 2d Assistant William Dowling. Secretary E P Wade. Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. ( Office 18 Water street. ) George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos H Planner, Wm M Harris. SCHOOLS. BOARD OK SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. Wm S Larkins. James McDulfie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II Tate, Samuel Player, and Joseph M Foy. j i WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. L Meginney, Principal. , ' WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. OAKDALE CEMETERY COMPANY. President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to Bank Wilmington. 1 COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, Ac. , Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright, t Judge U S District Court Aea Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones, Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conolev. ' Clerk t" S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DiiBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jee Nichols. .Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. Constables Levis M Williams, Jno Utlay, Wil liam II Riddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. , : i inspectors. 1 Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Buntiug, Hiram R Nixon. ' ' ' ' Naval Store Inspectoral-Alfred Alderman,- Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Plaver, John M Henderson, B Southeriand, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor- Timber and Lumber -Inspectors James Alder man, fc H Bowden, James S Mel Yin, Henry W Groves, J W Munroe, N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington. " i v WILMINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY. ! (Office in ' Savings Bank ; Building.). President-Col John McRae. - . Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. -Superintendent Oliver Mcllhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES, ST. JOHN'S J.0D4E K0. 1 HASOSIC. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John's llall.) t O L Fnivaw, Master. M NewholT. S W. Oliver Mcllhenny, J W. . JnoL Cantwell, Treas. 1 31 Uardner, Sec y. Henry Spalding, s 1), A A Hartsfield J D. J O Bowden, Tyler, coscoan chapter so. 1 x asoxic. H yr (Meets 1st Monday evening in each' month at St. V John's HalL) v-. Vj Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Ex O L Filly aw, King. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com P W Fanning, Capt Host, r Com A Martin, PS. " M NewhoiT, R A Capt. Com L C Turner, GM 3d V. Com I Northrop, G M 2d - v. : -u, - Com W J Price, G M 1st V Com Jno A' Taylor,Trf a " E Turlington, Tyler. CAPE FEAR LODGE NO. 2 1. O. O. V. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall. ; Asa J Murray, SO, W L Smith. Secretary James EJxea, V G. T II Howev, Treasurer, CAMPBELL ENCAMPMENT NO. 1 1:0. O. F. i: (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d ' Friday in each month. : f. J D Gardner, C P. Thos Mi Gardner, J Wc l,Rev A P Repiton, II P. R J Johes jScribe.l . 1 ; John J Conoley S W . Ihos II Howev, Ireas., ' - ' " - ! I K CAPE FEAR MARINE TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOdETY.' (Meets.at the Seamen's Bethel, ou: Dock -.Street, every. Monday evening, immediately after ths close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen.) f Chas D-Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Alec V llham M 1 oisson, Sec- .President. ; J ? rotary. ' Jas Fleet, As't Sect'.; SEAM ENS' FRIEND 80CIETY. ! - -1 Charles D Ellis, Presi- B F Mitchell, Sec'v A- dent. ' " ' Treasurer. - : C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John: McRea, A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Board, j Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor J- ront and Dock Streets. t.r. LADIES BENEVOLENT. SOCIETY. 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Directfess.Mrs I al nedv - lett. . : Secretary, Sickle. - lett. . : i 2d Directress,' Mrs Har riss. 3d Directress, Mrs De Rossett. Mrs V an- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- ton. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. (Organized June, 1855.) DrJ H Dikson.Presidept. ' Donald McRae, Trefas. i'latt Cowan, treasurer. . . f Rev R B Drane, R II Cowan, E I) Hall. S I). Wallace, John A Taylor, G JMcRaeJ G Wright, Directors. , ; j MILITARY. 4 WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY.. j j (Org. May 20th, 1853. jj Wm L DeRosset,-Capt. 1 C Wins-low, Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. - - Master. II Savage, 3d " CD Myers, Orderly, 1 GERMAN VOLUNTEERS. V , (Organized February 22d, 1853.) C Cornehlsen, Capt. H G Hashcgan, 3d Lieut. II Von -Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ertsign. II Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, OrderlV. BANKS. ; . ;.;; BANK OK CAPE FEAR. J T II Wright, President. II R Savage;, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. JD Gardnei.As't Teller. J McLaurin, B"k-keeper- T II Ilardinj Dis. Clerk. Discount Day, cdnesday. - BANK OF WILMINGTON, N, C. ; j : John MacRae. President. S'Jewett", Cashier. : W L Smith, Teller. v William Larkins,Book-- T- M Gardner, Dis Clerk. .kecpeii.-' i Discount Day; luesday. BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. , John Dawson, Prps Wm Reston Cashier. Wm I) Smith. Teller. J H W right, ; B k-keepfer. . f rr 1.-1 . i ' COMMERCIAL JlANK OF WILM I N'GTON. O G I'arsley, Pres. Tim'v Sat age, Cash r. Jno MeRae. Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, J 1) Barrv,' Dis. 'Clerk. keeperi- I ' Book- Discount Day,.Mondiiy'i" J WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. John" A Taylor, President. Win ilyde, Cash r. RAIL ROADS, f j WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE 4 RUTHERFORD . R. RO(AP. ( Ofhce cor Market and S V atef street. ); ,f II W Guion, President, ft H Cowan.,' Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. . ! 1 WILMINCTON MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD.- Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, See'v. J P Robertson, Gen'l Sup. Jos J Ling, Treas. R B McRae, Gen 1 freight 'Agent. WILMINGTON WET.DO.V RAT ti ROAD. Hon W S Ashe, I'resi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. Freight Agent.' S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G G reen, j Yard Master ; ' . P H Langdon, Aud'r A Suptfs Clerk t William Smith, Ticket . : Agept. f & Sup. James IS Green, Sec'y k ! Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec & I Gen Ticket Agent. ' CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle. Rev J li Wheeler, rastor. i ; Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev AjPaul Repiton, Pastor. . sr ; Baptist, Front bt Ann and Xunn, Rev J L rrich- ard, 1'astor. I ? j : . Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Adron Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev- Thoinas Murphv, Pastor, ' -i - : i Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector. . . Episcopal, (St. John's.)' cor 3a and Red . Cross. f. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop mi ft -n x t l nos iviiiuisoii, ivecior. i Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th 'and 8th, Rev M Queen, Pastor. i ' . Mc- Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and, Orange, Hev M IS liner,- 1'astor. ? 1 Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, jRev J L Prichard, Pastor. 1. , .v Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J II Mengert, Pastor. 'I ' - ' - . Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Fr.mt and S Water. POST OFFICE. 1- f WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. f Postmaster Daniel Dickson. . .. Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and ; ; . Office hours from 7K A M to 1 P M. 2 P M to sundown. Snndavs, 7 A M td-9 A M. X'orthern Mail.bv.W k W R R, AKt ives daily at 7 P M and 5 A M. "Closes Vyi and 9 PM, changing on Sunday from 1 P M to 10 A M. - Southern Mail, bv W A M R R, arrives daily at A M. Closes dailv at 7 P M. ' 4 H ' ?, Smithville, N C. (hdrse,) arrives Mondavi; and Fridav at 5 P M. Closes Tuesdavand Saturday at 7 AM. f - ,f ;'".-' :" ! - ". r .. Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon dav at 9 A M. Closes Thursdav at 9 P M. .'r t- - f' : " I U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. CUSTOM HOUSE. : Jas T Miller, Collector. W J Price, Deputy Col lector. H R Xixon SurveVor. W X Peden, Naval Offi D M Foyles, Weigher .5; liuasrer. i T M Burnett, Insp'r. W F Burch and Uriah l tivan, Inspector k ! SuU cer, ' Measurer." Thomas W. Brown. Jr'.s U. S. Commissionor, I .-. consi ls. . :-. British Vice-Consul Don MjRae,.n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord. 0n.Wate.rj Brazilian Vice-Consul O G ParsleV, jr.; ; Ccr n Water and Mulberv, tin stairs. I ' ' ; Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson Cor Front and Chestnut.- ; i: "', '- i f f. ; ?i. INTERNAL IMPROVE3IENTJ Tmr.oRini ailroati bonds S2G.000 of! JP the above Bond redeemable in 1S91 Jwith coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable i the citvoivew l otk, isi 3iarcn anu isi oepicifiuci, Por snlahv rUtltOSSET. BROWN A CO. dec 1 ' COFFEE. 50 BAGS RIO COFFEE, v .20 bags Laguavra Coffee, ? , ; i 20 mats best Java -dec 1 - . J ZENO IL GREENE. " ERRANT&WILSON. I A -UE CONSTANTLY receiving fine GL0 TO COATS, City make. ' Cassimre Suits at the rrpt vtnssibfe rates. . dec 10 . City jIBusijiess Cards. . ERRANT & WILSON", YTTHOLEHALE AXD RETAIL Dealer iu Do y l mestie Dry Goods, G roceries, Clot hing . Boots, a Shoes, Ac ; i i i Nos. 1 4 and 15 Noi th Water Street, . oct v 1 Wilmington, N. C. JAS.iT. PETTEWAY A CO. ACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. I . - i Nb 8 North Water J?treet. I Solicit" consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders foe Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac. 1 V, oct 3 GEORGE HARRLSS. A. JS HOWELL. DR. W. W. HARRISS. ; HARRIS Jt HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct 1853 j Wilmington, N. C. 1 WORTH & DANIEL, jTi RACERS AND COMMISSION Mebchants, VX : No.'2. Grante Row, Wilmington, N.C. Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers', Beelwax, Tcbcaco and Country Produce generally. i Agents for-Howe's celebrated Scale. I ' i I . D. G. WORTH, sept 26,lyS N. G. DAXIEL. a ; - - JAMES ANDEKSON", EDWARD' SAVAGE. I j ANDERSON &. SAVAGE, jn EXERAL COM5lSSlOX MERCHANTS, JT July 18, '60-lyi : WilmingtonX. C. i C. II. ROBINSON St CO., COMMISSION- AfCD : FORWARDING 3 CIIAXTS, . Wilmington, X. MER- C. I Office over Mr. J. Ulard s-store. ; g-f; Entrance Corner Princes3 and Water st mar 9, '00-tf L W. Bryant, i GEO. r IS0N. s I j ERRANT & WILSON, COMMISSION-MERCHANTS. j I No8. s14 axd 15 North Water st.. oct 2, 'GO-Iv Wilmington, N. C. W. A. CiWYER, LOVEiT PEACOCK, S. B. JENNINGS. jr 5 GYV'ER, IfEACOCK & CO., if." ' ;-'- ' ' I Wilmington. X. C, lOMMISSION MltRCH AXTS, Wholesale Gro Jf ceban4 dealers Sn X AVAL STORES, COT TON, and Southern j'roduce generally. 1 T Probipt personal attention given to all consignments of produce, fob 1G-Iy. - - ; -. WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, TfllEMIST-AND - 'DRUGGIST. Wholesale and J Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, -and Wines1; Perfumery aild Fancv- Articles, X". E. cor ner Frfont and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. .mar 25, 53' '-.- -" ; j i EliWli" A . KEITH, " 10MMISSIOX MRCIIAXT. i -. lhnington. X. ('. gti: Offers his seiSrices to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale ofsCOTTON; will- give his per sonal attendance to the bu'?ihcP8. His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50. cts. per bale, no addi tional fcharge will bemade. j Cotton forwarded to Sew Y"ork at 10'cts er baleT ; oct 4-1869 fly f - 1 . O. G. PARSLEY fe CO. T)R0PRIET0RS.ff the Hilton Stevm Saw and J": . 'Pi-ANifa. Mills, Wilhiington, X. C. !. , All orders orj inquiries for LUM BER. will receive pVoimpt attention. inch 21 V. i SMITH jfe McLAURlN, j COMMISSION-AXD Forwarding Merchants, ! i I i j Wilmington, X.-C, I Refer to : ' -r - j - - -.'" I f John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. : ; ' Ei P. Hall, Esq., President, Branch Bank! .State -N. C. j w i Tl M. S3fTTH : JOHN M LAURIN. Julv 1 lS59-tf r i' J MALCOM McINNIS, i . RbCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, X North Water street. -oct I s. Wilmington, jN. C. Cfi.i. D. Myers, I Fred. J. Moore.' i l MYERS' & MOORE. TlIOLESALEahd retail dealers in Hats, Caps, )' ! Straw GoodsJFurs, Umbrellas, Canes, &f Ac, 3t M",arket street, Wilmington, X. C. June 21,. 1859 f I T. C. As li. G. WORTH, C10MMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- CHARTS, ' '; ' AVilmington, N. C. ( UNION DISTILLERY, . (' ! I Wilmington, N. C, A. li VAXROKKELEX, Proprietor. L KtXDS OF iXAVAL STORES, jiurchased, inaniifacturcd. hnd sold. f5- liartage ana storage iitrnisneu. ana coop erage jdonf at fair riites. . jan '2 1K00. 1- G. POLVOGT, TTPpOllSTER AND' PAPER HANGER, I ' J ' 'Corner? Front and Princess Streets, - ; -i m i j w umiugion, .v. Keeps constantly-on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions,- Feathers; Curled. Hair, ' Moss, and all Unholsterv Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, j Window Shades, Fy-e Screens, and Decorations of! every fiesqi-ipiiou. . Pictures framed to order. Prompt ' attentiori p-iven to fitting up Railroad , Cars, .fteainboats, aibd Private Dwellings, mai:il,f . : ; " t T i i j. L. HATHAWAY. WM. tTTLEY. II ATI! A YV AY & CO. (10X1 MISSION MERCHANTS, j dec IG, '58 Wilmington, X C. Ji M- ROBINSON & SON, IMPORTERS AXDDEALERS in Foreign and Dopiesiic Hardware, Agricultural Implements,. Ac., Mo. 8 Front st., Wilmington, N. C. ; jan f , '58 - ! JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, EXERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARD- GiMERCHAXT, Wilmingtim, N. C. ' Pcompt Personal attention given to Con signments! for Sale or Shipment. .Lilieral Cash advancements, made on Con-, signuientsito mv X'ew Y'ork friends. nov 2, '57 -----J ' '- -' -- - HENRY NUTT, " : I7ACTUR AND lOR WARDING AGENT, I j , Wilmington, N. C. .WUl give hi personal attention to business, entrusted jto his caife. . sept 10, '57-tf. JAMES STOKLEY - . ALEX.. OLDBA.M. I STOKLEY & OLDHAM, BEALERS IN! GRAIN, & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, X. C. ' Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour; Bapon, and other Country Produce. ' JUTE ROPE. LS best j ute Rope, for sale by 28 ZEXO H. GREEX. 3 ALMANACS FOR 18G1. URXltR'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL-LEYTS-BOOK STORE. ' , - dec 11 T 1 TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. ' Apply to jnov 27 i STOKLEY' k -t . . 1 500 OLDHAM. BACON. " O Iin)S. SIDES, and - J & arrired.- For sale by 4 hhds. shouhiers. jast J. A. WILLARD. I - ' :"l FLOUR. - : Qnfl SACKS just landed. For sale at Sl,10 per AJUW s sek. nov 10. J. A. WILLARD. . ! ':. i. FLOUR. - AM1LY', Super and Fine, Fayetteville and V itifaington inspeetion, in store, and lor sale (dec 11) ZEXO n. GREENE. -f A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI- IF lSGOi-feefc of gas is coasumed through eight j burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of 5 per thou- ' ' 3 1. .. -1 . Z . .1 , Kv flflr-ll K,tfTftftf j.sand keth how m per hour t at wh what cost," and what would be tha cost f an equal amount of light ootaineq irom Kero3en3 Oil? Answer: Itiere is consumed or each ouroen leet per night, or 6 feet per hou, lamp one month which, : at $1,"20 : per gallon ; S4,S0 per? month,! or a cost of one cent per hou r per lamp therefore, '"by burning gas, the expense ,m mlv six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, which with Lamps, can be had t the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12,, , - ; : CASSIDEYV- 30 no at a cost pf 6 cents per Hour per burner. our Kfrosansp Lamps afford as much light as 8 gs s burnei:'-! salions of Kerosene Oil. will supply 4 NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS." JSO. S. BAStCY,- JOBS H. HYMtX. r.f8YllA late of lat of lite of Tarboro' X. C. Scotland .Neck, Warren ton, X. C. DANCY, IIYMAN CO., Gr1'' OCERS .VXD COMMISSI OX MMchasw 124 Pearl strr.t. New Y'p'tit. IIYJIAN, DANCY & CO., . j GROCERS AXD COMMISSION MbbchashJ The New York hou will b cvnducted .by. Jno. Dancv. aidol bv IU:W. Ilvtuan. The Xcrfolk House will be conducted hy John II. Hrman and F. M, Hyman. ? ' ! J3" Particulars at tontinn given to the t e of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and XstsI Stores. Sfptember 13-tf I860 i. Geo. O. YasAmrixse, Jr., ('. S. VasAhiunji. VANAMRLNGE BROTHERS, "VTAVAL STORE AXD GENERAL Combumo! I Merchants. 140 Water Street, Xew Yoik. refer to : Mr. J. R. Blossom Mess. T. C. A B. i. Worth, 41 Hathaway a Co., " J. D. McRAt'a Co., Mr. J. H. Flaxxer, WilmingUm, N.C. August 21, '00-tf LONDON & BRYAN, "10MMISSIOX MERCHANTS. , Ao. 32 India stiv t BfKn . 3ar Consignments oh Naval Store. .Col to Lumber, and other Southern Produce solicit fd. Jno. R. London, ' , J. H. Bhtak, Jr. Xov il-tf - . . WM. U. GUEINElt, W. W. IMtKMKSi GREINER A: II ARK. NESS, lOTTOX AXD GENERAL "COMMISSION Vy IIUISE. i pHU-AfELPIlIA Nov 15. 1857 wm.-L. Hill, X. M. .XonriFT rj of North Carolina, of North Carolhia. i HILL Sc NORFLEET,. j ( 1 EXERAL COMMISSION A FORWARD! NGj Tf" Merch:iHt.-, Slioeko-Sliji. KicliiiK'uo', 'a.. Stli it consign nkents of (t tori. I.un,b r. Fi-h., and all kimls of Merchandize and Pnlin- . ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugar. Co tf-'?", M- !.i sea. Salt. Lime, Gaafio, AcJ Large mi-goes it th above articles are offered t'r salo iu our umi ki t sin nually, and we shall be pla. l to opera t!;? for par tiesoi'dering. promisiiTg faithfuin'vs i:i our en deavors t.- representthem. Jan 25 ly G. YV. WILKINSON Ai CO. FRUIT AXD COMMISSION" MERCHANTS, H9 Bardjy strtvl.',V. Y Particular attention given to consignment and purchase of Merchandise, all kind, r Liberal jcah advances tbrongh WILKINSON i CO., Wilmington. X. C. August 2. lSOf.-l v , " i K EROS EN E LAMPS. A Urge MippK,- uitabl: tor stores, tor sale very -hea-p - it o , I Oil, at dye 7 r.MHI.l EASTERN HAY. v BALES l-'astera Hay. vx. m-Uv r , Jwi It)' sal-j. I w. from whai'f. bv j jan ! ELLIS k MITCiii LL. LAMPS TO HIRE. r LLl MINATING APPARATUS, for 1! iil , Par-; ti Public M.e." ting.--. Ac., . can b In ..(1 o!i i ' . i a . II. ' very reasoDHijl,- terms, oi iii,. ii:iian-.oi.v jan s ' . .' C S -!IKY. rlHOICE 'BACON. 22' hhds. i Loire- Weist.-tit I Bacon Shies ;ind Shouhler?i. For s.-de lv . dec 21 ' HATHAWAY V I . , N." C. FLOCK. "0 b.fves 50 bbls of lfoi.d'j brands. . IIA'l If AN A V I . j ' I aee z.i . j USCOXA'lVo SUGAR.--20. -jdids. piifme td-i choice Mnsfoviido Sugar. For s:ile bv ' j dee 21 1 f A 'M I A W A V A-' CO . . j i v LARD. S 'jV'OW LAN DING from Sehr Sea l.i-d ! I Western Lard a splendid artii i . IN STOP. I-: ! 15 Kegs N. C. Lard; in good itu k.i 'I 1,1s." j 5 Western Lard, in .-iiuill ! dec 4 . For sale bv Z. II. pafifiiiieis, GRELXL EW FLOP dec 1 If 'I,, hxic- .tnd IMh STOKLEY A , P -v -;." bv OLDHAM 171NGLISH CJIKI-; gli:-h Cheese, jus ded4 i;SE. 25 l.xes seloxted Lu t received -at WORTH A DA ll I, T -MIOSE CHOICE HAVANAS hate com-.-, .s.t dec ij WORTH- c-DAN 1 EIV.".. JARD. 20 Ki-irs fjjrti-a -l! 1i i- d fdr f;Miii WORTH A DANIEL. 1YURMXG FLUIIX Flui i ani Oil tin cins ca si oriV v.- 1 f lor sa lo verv c!k dec 7 TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. tONCENTRATED LEAVEN sOUieti.ing; i: New Beef Tongues, l e:o t Pott d -i e-, ltiickvvh -ni, Butt.tr, Raisins, 11) bbls. 15. Si;?:!"". " SiMniveii lieel ' Rye Flour'; (JO bbls. C. Sugai-s. 10 " A- 10 Crushed. Granulated and Powde-.-ei), 25 boxes choice V el low Cheese. WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 .2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR., TE have the best Fannlv Flour in town, mi l we warren t jicii ami every oarrei hm i package, if not good, toj be retip ned. i dec 12 .WORTH A DANIEL. E ASTERN HAY. 2M)bal(.- of the tx t Eee:n Hav in market. For sale bv dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. V'ENI, VIDI, VIC I. . - - ' j SUCH w.i victory. iV.is tiie announimeut ot a vtrv atreat b-.- a luirnan uenei al. 1 lie peot le o this day. in speaking of the-1 Illimitable CASSI-i ( DEY", modify the saying f the niiblu lUnnan, thus: j ''I came, I saw, I bought" of the gnat variety o . articles offered for aie at the Rcndevoii, . dec 21 ' ' 2G. 2 South .Front ft XT IS A lUS'I I lina has ijtw been prepared t not boujrht UlMOiitl-AIi i Atl that olltlll . lio sjtM'tleil ! This the tvoul.d.liot hate to do, if some of her citi.:n-i -had- KEROSENE OIL AXD LAM PS. as well as a greati variety of Fancy.articles. suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Xuts, iAc. Ar., of the patriotic CASSI0EY. dec 21 , TUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coil Rope, Baffcrincr Twin''. For sal.bv s best Jute dee 1 " ZiCNO H. GREENE. BEST HAMS IX TOWN" at dec 1 WORTH . & DAN I EL'S. 17IXE BEDROOM. SETS:- m w lot. mi,- Xj very pretty just r.nr-ned. and for sale at dee c 11 5 , rKKKIS. CHRIST.irAS SUPPLIES. PARKERS IH' liG.- TIER JJ Freh Raisins, Fresh ButtT, Hgs, Cheese. Segars. TobaV-eo. Ah-, Porter. . Ilais'ii.-. Loaf Snpi". Granulated ' "Prunes, , ' Citron, " Xutuugs, " Mace, l': Bucktvluat " ABiCSuga Cmshe.1 't tb Sweet Cider. Elegant- Hum-. worth" dan ii-I dee 1 !) WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps. Verv Pure Brandv. ; . Sherrv W(in.. Madf-fra ' ' ' 1 ' 'i x " ' Port - . i For iah l.-vl ' dec IS WORTH A DAXIEU. I P1)RK. 50 bbls. N. V. Citr Mew Pork, for sale dee7 ' , b y Z-liXOlL OrtKKXK. j. X 1HB REST FAMILY 'FLOUR.. in' town, van- i ranted in all cav. to be. bad of ' lee 2i WORTH A DAX1EI SUGARS--S UGA RS" I "" 7 BARRELS GCoff.H., and C Yellr-V Siiia: n t I 25 bMs Crushed. Cramiht tl arid Piw ier. M ! 35 '' Muscovado Snsrars, liirht nnd "rv. ! '; -i. C hbls. i- " - - i For sab by : ; WORTH k DAXIEL, ; jan 8 , v- 1 - ; Granite Rvv PORK PORK. ' yC BBLS, New York City Mess, ini-t rec.'iv-crt .I i . i i . , i mm hit ftiw low , tor t asii, nr. ... dec 1 1 -j -' EXOjl t. GREEX E i EXTRAGOSIIEN B UTTER J7? S V l.'rf 1 ii.. 1 1 tf . . mth' iarS " iiano, ironi to Zf ?nlr. a dec II . y .. GEQ.; MYERS". ' -"' TO ARRIVE. 'T . OrXCl BBLS. Floyr different grades. COJ jan 15 : . STOKLEY k OLDHAM. mwmB S tlAQIC (fS ton xrn ccbx or FEVER'- AND AO U Ew DR O. PH1U.PS BROWN waifr wrsl yars o badly afl.icuM by Dyfirpia. that fov m part of the lime he at rontiu 4 to bt IxhL ' II was CTCQtuallv currd by prfS1rlptlMi frkhr4i bv a young rfairvoysnt giri. -Thw irwcTlptla, given him by .a mVre child, hilo la a at! of trance, has cured e verv body b kaa UkraU.MVt-v having faikHl Pncc. Jt: is rrjoiilljir sure in rarS f Fits a of DrsrtrsiA and F Rod Arr. To those persons nholsre trka naay nNsiirinr ui.til they hire become dLconrged, 4ind do not feel Uling totxprad moreinonei upon uncertain ties, 1 will send the prenrriptioti for prrparlnr ud ctt'mifuUy ainK the" lrr. Mmgt JtttmJmmi, ujKn receijl f their adlren, with ttamp fr return poiitare. All of tli ingredient are io Im loana at .. 1 1 , ..r 11.....- !. IftMr.a Iltr- Il I rhelp Brown. No. tl Grand Sttwt, Jeraej CUy X J. DR. O. PHELPS KROHN S ARCADIAN BALSAM. T For the cure of Consumption, SrronchlOa, AHa ma. Cough. Colds and .Nervosa DbUUy. Com posted principally of foreign ht-tbn and healing bal sams, it is tilt only euro et er discovered for I l eases of the Lunir. Stoma li and, Vertex It eom biius all the qualities cntbodied ir tlt lhouand of drugs vended to theick; it I lo aliog balnam fvr all the Internal Sorcn, I'lrera, Tulnrch-a tod Infla niationx; a A; un-iii pawnble Ionic; an nneacti'tior). able-Xi rvine, a Purifier of all tin l luiils. an Kihil ataut, a Stinulaut which iodicsn no reaction, ' and a builder up d watrd F iltiaaad Muttelo. 1'; iocs 1 and $ I per Urge bottUfi ; saopU botlb-a 2! eciMi. J-ijH- jmlehy Henry Mc ,in. DUO. IIIELPS li RENOVATING ItOW.VS' FILLS; -la when all other in a Terr h"it ionic eowlUeneo This PiM will regulate the tew rr-eparnt ions' will ilail. It will. i tir.i-e ei p.. u. nl.; w Iiat i termoa c (r ooil i. hi. Si k liradai he, CompUints ; and it will en re, run that clrinrs ui on us, all the .iver and UiIImh r-wre a I here ia a aflerinsa and au- rovauo -' that have their riwitt t Lc w ant of nper ttoob 1 1 d,. s iiot act ax merel fahr ; i; kcrp th liiiman ivftem temporary, ai n a rtateof aMind mid Vigo-i on ' he-alth, bv enailV slid almort lt-rcri tlil.l.V el aii-iiii: it of all iuipuriti k. Kadi box elm- t llll about i;o oills. Price f0 eenta per bo. . -;' DR.o. PHELPS BROWN'S . Etherial Ointment. Among tlii innm aflli. tiniin f r which a a rem td v it-has lull njuul, nor ever will hate, U Klmtiai' t a." ill. - . vei i.-i Fistula, Crmp" Dvsti-iilerv, Cli. I. Ta. ti aw Cld in1he'he4 t ami Head. fWe J.Vs, Ci inn, rllirinr. Ouitu-y, (Lularced Tonrits, G!ai. hil.tr S IlinirM, Pur Aih-f !ai. (liil.tr tiu IlinirM, l.ar Lleem, all- ; kimls of (!ii-. V ecr and Tumi ior, llama, lire- tir,C. ' .''Mttllt.-', I'j' . Mint'.!-. Kid m t .- I l;,hi U I pot. I Bruises. Chi'blainf. Cut Coi no, Hpralnt, ; Swelled. Fare, Sor4 Lips, Sore Xiipll Xnil-ny, Blotches, Biln, cal l Head. AY frilf tiling, Grat . Mi K-ular Diturbaue k-l, Sune, Weak , Scrolidar, Silt lif t hi ial Sore.' Ac. , 'riee 5 rent per t l) tivi anipldet jrA i-eh to all who ap pl' I inv Advlle-S Ai-.nl Dr. - O l ii ip ip lirow d. .V. 21 Grand St . .-i t . .Ii l "t V Km5 by in in 'ii, Nj l ', ( it v. X. J. lima v Mi Li, Hle Agnl in Wil- jan 2' tf TO ARMS! TO ARMS! A' LI. THOSi; who are optKtfi'd to th Fi-tk-ral c.i.-;-( ion of a sovereign Slate, and ho are a. .a i .!! 1 ft. . a ie.iM.i- .i.i.iii'cpMKsage ot niMHiiion aouiieraniroagii North Carolinn. for the purt-omf of Mbjigtiin a hi.-ter State; will buy their Grof erica, f'rovlch'n, Mimll stoi'ec'aiid aeeiiutrenirnta rif the patriot, jaii 1 ' . "( -CASSIDKV. . s" : ' COFPEE.T ElO. LAGUAYRA, Jam and St. Domia. . t"ie, and for falc bv I . , jan 10 . ; ZHXP If. GREKXn N KW COHN, AFLC)AT. ' - i) i)A( IH SHLLS Prima White New Crop j.ti.Ul1 Ci! n, now Irtiidingl for ante bv j;inH KydJ,,Trin-'r'': WHITE OATS. . t ' OA A I I'l 'll !-.! S llearv New York Htata ftiUUU U.l. l or rale bv jan 1.1 LLL1S Ik MITCHELL. WHEAT BRAN. 1000 BAli in rtore lor.il A MITCHELL If j.-tn 11 i;llis RAISINS. 10 WHOLE boxi.lar'ge bunc i Rabins, i.n 11 -Foraatobv ZKXO II. GREEXki. tA.NAJi i;.KKOv.'-oo lnal iiarrowa. in j wai l loiixe, anil lor n.ile, V. ' . ft. ft ft.. nov ?,() - WILSO.f'H. HOOP IRON. 1 ( TOXS 1, li-to VA iiH lH4pIroa,foraUy IVJvjaiiS M. MflXMS. MACKEREL , . XTOS. 2 aiid .1. in rtore, a lid U r sale br ! M. MirlXMH. N. C. FIX)UR. . RECEIT:D per Railjond. Family aod T i .ST ff Sn; ier, eeerratei vvalchovia Miiu oraitrt.-- l or sale bv DeROSSET, BROWN A COi nov 27 CEMENT St PLASTER. 200 dee 13 DHLS. Cement. 50 UU. l'laater Pari. j't-a bi ig Water Witc-lt. For al lv KLI.IS A. MITCHELL. nnniru mtt a A I miun.i r r i y - . "MIE NORTH. CAROLINA I'OMM ROOK, Cati well' t Jusiiee. or' rwami I. '-. g.H Adviser, a i rifec'll KKf.LEY'K, Uook Htore. DEMIJt dec 12 )HNS, i 1, 2, 3, 4, and ft . gallons, a' 12 PER R I VS. t COFFEE COFFEE. : tl RAGS I5io Coffee 20 do Laraavra d. 5do JJ M. Douiingido 20 tnata Jat a do in store, aim lor hale iw lor rash, d-e 11. bt 9.t;SO If. GREENE. AILS. I'd kegs M..rt'-d NaiU), from 3 t.. tiov 1 For sal ir ) y.HSti II 'GREEN F i I I HAI.'i llH I. !Ki:i;( ISi;.(Li ureetMrv to' ! I I h ng and ha'pj'v life. Let l(ie jrirln buv Trun ! tllTng Iloopi-tlie L'm-s small axes. -f CAS.IDE V, I and take plentv .l exert i-e llie cool aoorninga. i k"c 1 " ' J 1 ' LE.-l V EN LEAVEN LEA V ES '" 7I.Ay.S. LEAN EN, LEAVEN, t j Trv it Try itTrv it Trr it. at LEA YEN. jilU . i umjii i..ir.i j. a a a a' at a a.f i NOTICIi j 4 I.L PERSONS w ho are iadepfed for Grocer i. a, ' V. Fiot i.-ions, Ae., either It n;te or account, I 't the fa to firm c,f W.I on A Williams, and whoee ' ai-countii are long mflcp due, are rt uuer U d to make iiujaediate i a vim rt to the ubHrriber. or aucb ac count 4 w ill b.. jd.tced in olici-r'ji hac!a for eollec (ion. - JAMES WJLSON. j-t n I No. I Market street. HOOKS FOR ALL. flMIE Xolth Carolina Form Book Caul wills I Justicil.or Swan'a Re vim.1 FrudU-y'a lApaP uviser. at -Atiiev inm ti StoreL dec 11 WESTERN BACO.N. j CASKS .ti-i .r Cintinn i Side and Slioul-1 YV n"rie' '"Vt j e, ar.d for f-a nv Jin M. MttlNXIS. ; ciiei:se i.O.T.S New oris StaiW 'heeM- aplt-r did. t)I Jut red ind r.er schr li C. Ilub jnn pi Fonr:deby ZENIO H. GREENE. I MENTHA FAMILY FMIUH. r sale, by A DAM Ei. w. Front street f- i i hAUKELS lii stiwe. aiwl fl ' WORTH . L.n 22 5rarit.. R AGHI CU LT I .' R AL IMP LE3I E. TS. I ITI.f, ASSORTMENT qf I'l.Ol GILS Una f Iint'h Citings all tiiir. Corn Shtleia, htraw tJulter. Ae. Ac. For rale.br. jau . a ZEND 11. CKEENK CANAL BARROWS. Isfiftfi CANAL BAKRO We", iatore. Forfait tr lUU jan M . ZENO II. GREENE. f t c dec 20 JAJU.0 IT ILUflrt. OA.'

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