" l - i ; '1 ' . ""'.!;; .',:'!- I L ! : .'-'' , - - - ! . - j . t . . i . i ... , i i - - 'if ;!- .'..' I ' ' l ' ' " f r 1 f ' i- !'' H '-.-..;.'" r - . . . . .. ..;...Ui- . , i... .."-."..I -.Mi- .-, . - i 7 f I1 t V 7t vqlJ yir., no. 235. . VIIiMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.135. 11 Li H i ST" ' i i l : H ft i i: i j , t ! ii t . ! j f 1 s ' It !! 1 f r TERMS: Daily Paper, COOj Weklj, 2.00, The Ppef " always toppeflilja a remittance tbit pay me flt c-m be made bfure the expiration of a iubscnptin. Mode J mar ha mailed at our risk, when the let ter i3 rgiatrtyi.. , C$4 ;pivi ' 3)$i;at&. rA. 5I WADDELL, Editor and Pro'tor, jTOWN PRIN.TEB. -grj-.I1 Iji M 1 1ST C3-T O 3ST . v XORTII CAROLINA. Thc Herald Job Office It now completclj fitted np; with the finest as- iortment Jcb Ttt to b found in the State-. ; Etctt ipfcis of Job work, can now be speed i ;i "nd haBdaomely printed at this office from 5 J f I r i.hoftk doWn I to a Tisitine card. Handbills .' circulars, Maiiks, 4c, 4c, neatlj and promptly , trinted t sgiof t notice, and on reasonable terms ' " Especial fatVentioh will be giren to the Job ! department hereafter, and we feel assured that t T.i. i .! all wort cmrusicu io our uauu, nuu is ex perienced il the busines3; will be executed sat isfactorily VP cyery respect.' Gire him a, trial at any rat, aid "jf it a,not donewcll, no complaint will be madiS of a withdrawal of patronage. - ' 3 SUNDRIES. 50 BOXES Colgate's 'o. 1, and Pale Soap, 10 " ? Raisins layef and bunch, 20 bxcf Concentrated jLye, 20 , " l'otfuh, - 10 f' Prppared - ' SOJarsJlock ' " , 20 Bjxqp SUfch, ' 20 ? J Bi-Carb. Soda, .Pepper, Spice, Cigars, Ink, Tacki, Matches, Tea, Concentrates! SofTtfoap, MujUrd, 4c., 4c, be tides many othfcr articles too nkimerous to mention, which -wifi lesjld as low, forc&ab, as by any other nnuse in loijrn.t jan 23 i ZEyO II. GREEXE. MEfof' IN TIM P PEACE, PREPARE FOR i'AAA BAJQH of Fathom's Patent Finish, from ' -UU thb largest Buck, to the smallest Drop : ,. .25 kefs Kentucky Rifle Powder, 15 ? usket Powder, I , ; 10 qr4kot3 Kentucky Rifle Powder, . Sca.T " "1 " ' 50.000" G. 1). fcaps. For sal by t,; 'jSa ft ZEXO II- GREEXE. I FAMILY; and Super Flour Fayetteville and WiluQinarton inspection, f For sale by Si I- LAI U IV. j -- i:in 'J it' "'- v -It I0RX soUv iiusud Jiyue vouuij vru, . . "it j ... ..... ;:l i 200 buihs. Perquimans County Corn. 200 buihs. 00p do Western mixed " i la store and I"or' sale bv i S .lee 1 -f : ! .ELUS 4 MITCHELL. . BLACxUyINTER SEED OATS. OA A BUSHELS Heavy Canada Oats a very O U U superior article for seed. For sale, by . jan 11 -jf I . r.i.L.13 iillllltLlj. i MESS PORK. OHM Cit7 Me3 Pork, in store, and CJJ tftart-ivc, for sale, at lowest cash prices, by - M. McIXXlS. (jan2U - MACKEREL. 3 Mackerel, in! store. Forsale by I M. MacINNIS. 1 jan SUGARS. PR. SU04U, in hhds. and bbls, . A. II. ajid C. Sugar, in bbls, 'iiwd.roA and Crushed Suarar. for sale by jan 22 I i ' T M. MacINNIS. CANDLES AND CANDY, -j ff lHfS.hH Adamantine Candles, 1UU 25; ! Assorted Candy. For sale by jan 25 . j; J .ZKXO H. UREEN'E. r I I FOR 1861. COUNtlJJ G-HOUSE CALENDERS. The greatest jvariety of sizes and styles. Every thing necessary to furnish a Counting-Room, at "vtniTAKEU'S New Boofc Store, Market St., txe. Jas. Dawsorfs and Wilkinson's. -. jan 1 i.F .. . I j. j . TRUNKS. CANVASS PackingJLeather Folios, Brass and Iron b3und, Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and Oval Iron 4Eged. St. Iouis Sole Leather, Fine Sole Leathejr sad Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns. I j . ' Yalises. Sola Learner. Boston, Enamelled Leather, Ac, ifher, tmbracinglhirteen different, styles. I Rags. . Enameled Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil ton, embracing eleven styles! . I ladies' llat: Boxes. New stye i French Hat Boxes, new style St. Louis, iron' and brass bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low prices Jan 23 , -i No. 5 Market Stteet. -r iiay; fl BALE3 Prime N'c. hay, ex Schooner, fdr tJJ sale by ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. Jan 23 ' 1 1 -; f SEED OATS. XT0RTli RIVER andEastern Hay, Wheet Brarf, Cow Peas, als Fresh Ground Meal, and Hommonv, for sale by I ' . ... Jan 28 . . ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. , f GUNNY BAGS. f) AAftlGDm BAGS, just received per Drg tShibboleth. ioi sale by Jan 23. '- " . T. Cj. 4 B. G. WORTH. ; ' f :-. ' LARD. i A JJ ARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, IU 5 i ' ' " n. a " Forsalej-iij lots to snit, by - j WOUTH 4 DANIEL, jan 29 f I ' Granite Row, Front street. i i LADY lEAS, I70R SALj, in quantities to suit, 1 Jan 28 s WORTH 4 by DANIEL, "Vf: C. .EPLE BRANDY, 2 years old. 1 1 relsivry choice 2 vears old. N. C. Brandy fof sale by WORTH 4 DANI 2 bar Apple KL. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at Jan2 f WORTH 4 DANIEL'S. DO YOU SHATE YOURSELPI T0 you appreciate a eood Razor? Fine Shav- JingSospsT Soft Shaving Brushes ? A Good ?irsp f vuai - iaul it 1.1 o. r POCKET KNIVES T?rNE English Cutlery. Prices low. Qualities X? excellent, at BALDWIN'S. -i r f i EASTERN II AY. . BALES . very superior Eastern 100 dec 7 ny, for sale lW from wharf, by STOKLEY 4 OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES & SHOULDERS. " K CASKfJ superior Western Side and Shoul y v dets, ;ia store, and to arrive. For sale, at owestea4hprices,br" .M..MacINNIS. J jan 22r i wmr rnnn nrrkT A s rLS- I N HHDS.and bbls. For sale by jan 22 M. MacINNIS, HOOP IRON. j Z and inch Hoop Iron. For sale by M. MacINNIS. lATpssn, 3J laa 'l"g ENGLISH ANDGEUM AN " HALF j'VRy pizet selling low, at -ti Jan 24 BALDWIN'S. GENTLEMEN can find the largest assortment . oPUnder Wear, at . BALDWIN'S. Jan23 CANES. GOLD Kesds, Ivory Heads, Silrer Heads, at Jan 23 ' -i ... BALDWIN'S. - i Special USTotices. AD3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. jar- THE UNDERSIGNED, haying been dulj qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of the -late Andrew Maclean, at the December Term, Al D., 18C0, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, of the county of New Ilanoyer, hereby noti- nes all persons haying accounts or demands of any kind against said Estate, to present the same to the undersigned for payment, within the time pres cribed by law; and all persons indebted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment to the under signed, without delay. i JOIIN DAWSON. Wilmington, Dec 15, lSCOCw. MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the' process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate ' the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will giye rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column. ' . ' feb 25-1 y WALKER MEARES, Uao- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, knghsh, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leechrs, 4c, also, . I PAINTS, OILS. Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, 4c, 4 c. r I auc 14.18C0 1 tt r A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE ! This splendid flair Dyehas ncrequal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural .Brown no Staining the skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absnrd and ill effect of Bad Djes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor.": Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 2-ly - 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. pSr- JUST RECE1YFD; a full' supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortment of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES. 45 Market st. nov 28 ( W". H. LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, X. E. Corner Front and Market Sit., WlLMISGTONj N. C. "iaa- ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMER Y, AND FANCY ARTI CL ES. j Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The bight bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner, ! On and after thi3 day, all prescriptions will be Cash. ; oct 30 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. DATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY,. RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor; since 1839, and over S0,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. 1 Wm. A. Batehelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the lea?t, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the nair invigorates for Life by this splen didDye. , I Sold in all cities ant towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ."".The Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each" box, of William A, Batchelor. r CHARLES BATCHELOR,' Proprietor, . sept 29-ly ' . 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear! How 1 By one week's use of the Magnolia L'alm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. ; W. E. HAGAN 4 CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw ; j Troy, New Y'ork. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. - So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. JHchmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. j ! " This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who; desire a fine head of hair, Jiave' only to Use the restorer accord ing to printed directions; on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time,by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, 69 Main st. j R. EZEK1EL. Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. r 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald! for the 'pa3t 12 years and have restored my hair by using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. i Naphtali Ezekiel. This day .sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Job. Mato, Mayor of Richmond. W. H. LIPPITT, Sole Ag't., jan 14 Wilmington, N. C. GLUEGLUE. CARD. We beg feave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, N. C., Sole Ag't for our Glue. ! i. ' Boston, apl 3, 18G0. GEO. B. ROGERS 4:0. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS 4 CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to,' if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office, j ; j apl9-ly. W. a HOWARD, Broker. EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 jnst re- 1 ceived, tor sale by dec 5 WORTH 4 DANIEL. f, , . CHEESE. . ... ; , i.; T"NGLISn,tlNE APPLE AND STATE, at i dec 11 - .1 GEO. MYER'S. . HAY. - . .. ..- v. irf!( BALES Newr York, In Btore.t,For 1J)J sale very low, by ,, , dec 20 . I JAMES WILLAA. RD. f D IEEOTOEY. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. i Private Secretary-MSraham leaves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Secy of State Rufua IL Page, of Wake. Comptroller -C. IL Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate II. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of i Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. State Librarian O. II. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " " COCXCIX.LOES OP STATE. Council Woolen, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person 1 W. A. Furguson,of Bertie; J. F. Graves, of Sorry j David Murphy, of Cumber land; J. J. Long, of; Northampton, lind W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe, i FEDERAL AXD STAT B COCBTS. '- The United States Circuit Court, for the District ofXorth Carolina, is held semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Mondayin June and last Monday in No vember. Judges Hon. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, $2000 Robert P. Dick. District Attorney : Wesley Jones, Marshal. : ' ine united States District Courts are held at FA Jones, Clerk ; Newbern, 4th ilonday in April and UUVUkUUi WU UlILia Y III llll II lt:UlUTTI . mM m JA . October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk. TIIK SCPEEME COCRT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually; on the second Mondayin June, and the 2d Monday in December. It isals) held once a year at Morganton, Burke county, pn the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk.! The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II, Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum, j William A. Jenkin, of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver II. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of W ake, Marshal. 8CPEEI0R COURTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following officers: "Judges, R. Ri Heath, of Chowan ; Geo. Howard, of Wilson ; Jas. W. Os born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias, C. Ilincs, of Edenton, j rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit; -Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PUBLIC WOF.KS IN NORTH CAROLINA. ; The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con- follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Countv of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Kafeigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind,, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. U United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situ;tted in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. Iv. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E; Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the p ublic charge Paving patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to bs observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. . o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF-WILMINGTON. Mavor John Dawson. S 1) Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. j FIBB UnPARTMENT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer "V T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beerv. Assistant Fire Warden W T J" Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvers, B W Beery, C I) E11U, W T J Vann. Edward'Kidder. E Kidder and ,C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. ''. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRB COMPANV. ( Re-organized J une C, 1859. ) Foreman Walter Fnrlong. 1st Assistant John.Sheppard. 2d Assistant William Dowling. Secretary E P Wade., : Treasurer Daniel Disbrow. . HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. (Office 18 Water street.) George Harriss. T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos II Flanner, WniM Harris. SCHOOLS. - - BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OP COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II Tate, Sarouol Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. L Meginney, Principal. WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. OAKDALE CEMETERY COMPANY. J President Donald McRae. Hil l - : ' - H Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. ' ' . Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to BanL Wilmington. COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, 4C. Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk Countv Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Cierk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conolev. Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, 4c J ere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlav, Wil liam II Biddje, A Wilder James P Stringfield, J J Moore. - ; INSPECTORS. 4 Jt ' Wood InspectorsJoseph Smith, Wm Holden, Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. 1 uh';,:;J . , T Naval Store. Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden 4ohn S Jamed, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thoma3 V Player, John 31 Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam J Price, RobertC Johnson, Nathan F Bor- Trmberand Lumber Inspectors James Alder man, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W Munroe, N; Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington. ' , -.'J' ? " . WILMINGTON OAS LIGHT COKFAHY. : , (Office in Savings Bank . Building.) ' . Presidents-Col John McRae. f j j " Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. : Superintendent-Oliver Mcllhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES. . ? ST. JOHX'S LODGE SO. 1 MAS05IC. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John's liall.) O L Fill yaw, Master.' M Newhoff, S W. Oliver Mcllhenny, J W. " Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T ii Gardner, Sec'y. Henry Spalding, S X). A A Rartsfield J D. JO Bowden, Tyler, i coxcoan chipth so. 1 hasosic -) (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. Jonn's uau.) . . - i MostExRl Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Fillyaw, King. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning, Capt V. "f Host. Com A Martin, PS. " M Newhoff, R A Capt. Com W J Price, G M 1st V. Com Jno A Taylor,Trea. " E Turlington, Tyler CAPS FEAR LOD3B KO. 2 I. O. O. ri , j 3 ( Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall. ) Asa J Murray, NO. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V G. T H Howey, Treasurer, CAMPBELL 5 CAM PMKNT KO, 1 U O. O. F j (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d i rulay in each month. , J D Gardner, CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton, n P. R J Jones, Scribe, i ; . John J Conoley S W. Thos H HoWey, Treai. CAPE FBAR MARINE TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETTj (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately after the close of the Prayer Meeting for-seamen. ). Chas D Ellis. President. Geo W Williams, Vice Wuham M Poisson, Sec- ' President, . retary. Jas Fleet, As't Sect'y.! SEAMK.VS' FRIEND SOCTBTT, ; ! , Charles D Ellis, Presi- B F Mitchell, Sec;y 4 dent. Treasurer. C I) Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive. Board- V Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. i '' LADIES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. I; 1st Directress, Sirs Ken- 4th Directress,Mrs Hal nedy. lett. - i 2d Directress, Mrs nar- Secretary, Mrs Van rjss. Sickle. -, -. 3d Directress, Mrs De- Treasurer, Miss Lilling Rossett. - ton. j. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. , ' ! 4 ( Organized J une, 1855. ) Dr J H Dikson,President. Donald MeRae, Treks. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Wm R Utley, Sec'yi Piatt Cowan, Treasurer. Rev R B Drane, R II Cowan, ED nail, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. ; MILITARY. - : WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. , (Org. May 20th, 1853.) i. ' Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslow, Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. AD Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut" Master. II Savage, 3d " , C D Myers, Orderly. GERMAN VOLUNTEERS. (Organized February 22d, 1853.) C Cornehlsen, Capt. H G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. II Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. j I: . BANKS. . . ' A l BANK OF CAPK FEAR. . t II Wright,- President. II R Savage, Cashierij J G Burr, Teller. - J D Gardner,As't Teller, j McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T II Hardin, Dis. Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday, i y BANK OF WILMINGTON, . C. , John MacUae, President; S Jewett, Cashier, f W L Smith, Teller. William Larkins,Bo6k- T M Gardner, D13 Cerk. , keeper. I . Discount Day, Tuesday. ' BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. ML John Dawson, Pres. Wm Restoni Cashier". :! Wm 1) Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-keeper. Discount Day, luesday.. ; ; COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. O G Parsley) Pres. Tim'v Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, Book J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. -keeper. ) . discount Lay, iionuay. if . - ' i ; i i- WILMINGTON SAYINGS BANK, j : . j . John A Taylor, President. Wm Hyde, Cashier. . RAIL ROADS. ' WILMINGTON. CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD R. ROAD. ! ( Office cor Market and S Water street, V n W Guion, President. R H Cowan Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. - j- WISINGTON as MANCHESTER BAIL R0AP. ; j Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P Robertson, Gen'l Sup." Jos J Ling, ;Treas. : R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent. i ! WILMINGTON A WELDON RAIL ROAD. I; Hon W S Ashe, I'rcsi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. 4 Sup. James S Green, Se,c'y 4 Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec 4 Gen Ticket Agent. Freight Aerent ti James G Green, Ykrd Master. ' jj P H Langdon, Aud'r 4 Supt's Clerk. ; s William Smith, Ticket Agent; i i i- CHURCHES. i r i Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut, jj . Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler, Pastor. ' ; Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. 'f' ' i Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Ref J L Prjch .. ard, Pastor. j Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. - i ,v Episeepal, (St James',) cor Market and' 3d, He v. K JJ Lrane, uector. Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross Episcopal, (St Paul'B.) cor 4th and Orange, Bis hop Mc- 1 bos Atkinson, Kector. Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8tb, Rev M Queen, Pastor. ' Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier. Pastor. - . Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard, Pastor. i, Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J 11 Mengert, rastor. Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water! POST OFFICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, Postmaster Daniel Dickson. i Assistants Joseph L J acobs, and ' Office hours from 714 A M to 1 P M.- 2PM to; : i . ! sundown. Sundays, 7 14 A M to 9AM Northern Mail, by W 4 W R R, arrives daily at1 7PM and 5 A M. Closes 1J and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from i P M to 10 A M.i ' , Southern Mail, by W 4 M R R, arrives daily at 4K A M. Closes daily, at 7 P M. ' - . Smithville; N C, (horse,) arrives Monday Jand Friday at 5 V M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. j : . .. ..."..lif.-f; : , ..if I Onslow Court House, ''X C, (horse) arrives Moh dav at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 P M. : j U S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS- I fMTSTOV HOIT8K. -ft-'i . .. i " Jas T Miller, Collector. D M Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col lector, n R Nixon Surveyor. W X' Peden, Naval" Offl- & Guager. ! T M Burnett, Insp'r. W F Burch and Uriah Sullivan, Inspector 4 "r Measurer. .-' ii) cer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. ill. ' CONSULS. . i ,: ' t - r i f i " . British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water.!; i Spanish' Vice-Consul F J Lord, ,6 n Water. Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ccr n Water and Mulbery, (up stairs.) t -: j . , I Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut. ' ' ' . ' 'if ' INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT.' rT?LORIDA RAILROAD BONDS 26,0Q0 of -Jj the above Bonds redeemable in 1891 -jwitb. coupons at 7jber cent per annum,- payable iuj the city of New York, 1st March and 1st September. Forsale by, . DeROSSET, BROWN 4 GO. dec 1 COFFEE. -' ' :s prY BAGS RIO COFFEE, . . eJv 20 bags Lagusyra Coffee, n f . zo mau nest j ava . - - dec! . i . ZENO H. GREENE. ERRANT AsWILSON. ' ; A BE CONSTANTLY receiving fine CLO TH J COATS, City make. Cassimere Suits at the lowest possible rates. dec 10 City Bmsiness Cards. ERRANT & WILSON, TYTROLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- lf mesue Dry Goods, uroceries, loiuing, Boots, a Shoes, 4c. i Nos. 14 and 15 North Water Street, oct 2 . Wilmington, N. C, JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. I No 8 North Water Street. - ' J : . - Wilmington. N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Iwope, uuaono, s.c, AC. j t oct j GEORGE HARRISS. A. J. HOWELL. DR. W. W. HARRISS HARRISS fc HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ? Oct 2, 1858 Wilmington, N. C. I . WORTH 6c, DANIEL, C"1 ROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, T No. 2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. fi"' Solicit : xoaisignmenti of ' Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers. Beeswax; Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale. : i r D. G. WORTH. sept 26,lyJ 1 : N. G. DANIEL. JAMES ANDERSON, EDWARD SAVAGE. ; ANDERSON &. SAVAGE, ("G ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18 '60-ly. Wilmington, NC. C. II. ROBINSON & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, i- Wilmington, N. C. Omce over Jlr J. A. Willard s store. JZSF" Entrance Coiner Princess and Water st. mar 9, '60-tf l. w. ERRANT, . r ! j GEO. WlSON ERRANT & WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Noi. 14 aNd 15 North Water st., oct 2, 60-ly. i . Wilmington, i. u- W. A. GWYElt, i LO VET PEACOCK, 8. B. JENNINGS. GWYER, PEACOCK & CO., ' WrT iri-woTfiv. V. C C10MMISSldN MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro wers and dealers in NAVAL STORES, COT TON, and Southern Produce generally. aasr Prompt personal attention given to ail consignments of produce. , feb 16-ly i - . WILLIAM-H. LIPPITT, rlHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and i Retail Dealer in Paints. Oils. Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. E. cor ner.Front andfMarket sts., Wilmington, N. C. mar 25, 58 U ' EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' , Wilmington, N. C. Mgra Oners his services to if lanters as r actor or Agent for thesalo of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton, will be, 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge. will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 cts per bale. oct 4-18G0 -Ivl .., O. O. PARSLEY & CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing.Mills, Wilmington, N. Cl aer All orders or inquiries lor lumbb, wm receive prompt attention. ! mjfh 21 "59 SMITH & McLAURIN, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, i Wilmingtob, N. C. Refer to : ! John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. i , M. SMITH, ! - JOHN M LAURIN. Julyll859-tf mAlcom McINNIS, j GROCER AND COMMISSJON MERCHANT, North Water street." . oct 1 Wilmington, u. Chas. D. Myers, Fred. J MYERS & MOORE. Moore. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, Canes, &c. 4c, 34 Market street, w ilmmgton, IS. P. June 21, 1859 . T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER : CIIANTS, Wilmington, N. C UNION DISTILLERY, . ; Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. ;LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold, i gg Wharfa'ge and storage furnished, and coop erage aone at iair raies. , j JUU C lOW. ! : G. POLVOGT, TTPIIOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, I J Corner Front and Princess Streets, ; . , M; - Wilmington, . j. Keens constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all TTnhnlstprv Materials. Also. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. Pictures learned to oruer. Prompt attention given' to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. may 31 ) HATHAWAY. j WM. R. UTLEY. HATHAWAY fc CO. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j dec 16, '58 Wilmington, N. C. J. Mi! ROBINSON & SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and J Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Sc.; No. 8, Frdnt St., Wrilmington, N. C. jan 9, '08 i; j : i JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Prompt Personal attention given to Con signments, for Sale or Shipment. 5fcQLiberai Cash advancements, made on Con signments to my New York friends. nov 2 '57 r 'HENRY NUTT, ACTOR-AND FORWARDING AGENT, Jji s j Wilmington, N. C. "feaWill give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10, 57-tf. JAMES 8T0KLE Y , ALEX. OLDHAM. T STOKLEY & OLDHAM, ipvEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION JJ .MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. "Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon and other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE. Qf YCOILSrbest Jute Rope, for sale by OU nov 28 ZENO H. GREEN. ALMANACS FOR 1861. TURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at K EL LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 TO ARRIVE. Ann BBLS FLOUR. Apply to OUU no 27 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. BACON. 12 HHDS.j SIDES, and 4 arrived; For sale by hhds. shoulders, just J. A. WILLARD. A t : FLOUR. ', Qfifl SACKS just landed. For sale at $1,10 per ' sack. 1 nov 10 J. A. WILLARD. : : FLOUR. "C1AM1LYJ Super and Fine, Fayetteville and Wrilmington inspection, in store, and for sale by ; (dec 11) ZENO II. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. ' IF 1860 .feet of gas is consumed through;eight ; burners,! in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hour ? at what cost, and what would be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil? - Answer: There is consumed by each burner,! 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost of 4 cents jer hour per burner.. Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as 8 gas burners j 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 peri month, or a cost of one cent.per hour per lamp ; therefore, by burninggas, the expense is Only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12 J CASSIDEY. NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. JNO. S. DANCY, . JOMS B. HTMiS, T. M. HTMS late of 1 late of lat of Tarboro X C. SM.tlWnd Neck. Warrenton, N. C. DANCY, ikYJIAN & CO.i " rS ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mercuami, SJC I 124 Pearl trcct, I . New Vi.kK. IIYJIAN, )A.CY A CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION! Mkehhsth, X ! X (is FOLK. Va The New York house will ho condct-d br Jno. S. Daacv. aided by RJ W. Hvman The Norfolk House kill be conducted bv John n. Hvman and F. M. Hvman. Particulars attention crivn to the sale of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Naval Stores. September 13-tf 1 SCO Gko.,0. VaxAmrinobJ J., CVS. VajkAmrinuk vtviMinvr!r iiikTiui)(i V X.. Ai'l " M S-.C7, AVAL STORE AND GENERAL Comm KIN EBCH ASTS, I 140 W ater Street. Nw ork U REFETl TO ; Mr. J. R. Iklossom i Mess. T. C. 4 B. G. Worth, " Hathaway Co., " J. a D. McRae Co., Mr. J. II. Flannkr, August 21, 'CO-tf Wilininitmi. N.C. '' LONDON ii. BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 India street Bwtcn X&3- Consignments! of X'aval Stores, Cotto Lumber, and other Southern Produce mdioittd. Jno. R. London, j J. H. Buyan, Jr. Xov 21-tf WM. M. GREINER, , W. W, II Ak'k.XKa.4. HARKNESS, G REINER At "10TTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION PHILADEt.rniA." j Hocse. .Nov 15, 18o Wm, Li. UILL, i. M. OKH.EET. of X'orth Carolinal of North Car.hna. HILL & NOR FLEET,, ENERAL COMMISSION 4 FORWARDING Merchant?, Shockoe Slip. . i I Richmond, Vs., Solicit consisnments of Cotton, Lumber., , FL-li, and all kinds of Merchandize; and Produce, i 1 ALSO Aaents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffo". Mila-- ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, 4c. Large cargoes of the above articles are onered tor sale in our nnuKj i an nually, and we shall be pleased to'opcrat- for par titsorderine. promising faithfulness in our n- deavors to reprcsentthem. Jan 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON & CO. I7RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j 89 Barclay street. X. Y- S- Particular attention given to conr-igumcnts' and purchase of Merchandise, all kinds. Liberal cash advances througn wihivi.hu. a CO., Wilmington X, C. August 2. 18C0-ly I TT'EROSENE LAMPS. A large bUppl V , I suitable for stores, for sale verv chi-aj) wi Oil, at dec 7 CASSIDEY'S. tl. EASTERN HAY. -4 f f BALES Eastern Hay, ox sclu-. . for J.)V' sale, low, from wharf, bv jan 9 AMITCIIhLl - LXMPS TO HIRE. IL L U M I X A T I X G' A P llAR A T 1' S , for Balls, I'iir ties, Public Meetings, kc, can be hin d on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable . jan 8 , CASSIDEY. C1H0ICE BACOX.-J-22; hlnls. choice' Western Bacon Sides and Sluwlde.itf. For 'hale bv dec 21 j HATHAWAY 4'CO. C. FLOUR. 50 boxes Ml bbls of pood . brands. j HATHAWAY & CO. dec 21 I MUSCOVADO St'GAR. 20 hhds. prime -t.. choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale bv ir.ri- n i ir i v i. i u dec 21 a- i ii .-v i v v w. LARD. 1VTOW -LANDING from Schr Sea l!i i-d, 5 MJd. i Western Lai d a snlendid a ticie. IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packagi-p, 5 " Western! Laid, in smalLpackagee", dec 4 For sale bv Z. H. GREbS N EW FLOL'li ! In bag and bbls. For gale bv dec 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM ENGLISH CHEESE. -25 Boxvs- selected En jrlih Cheese, jnst receivod at ded4 I WORTH 4 DANIEL. MIOSE CHOICE II A VAN AS have come, at dec 6 I WORTH A DANIEL'S. L ARD. 'JO Keps Extra ijeathard for tanulv use. I w wiun TYURNING FLUID. 11 for sale very cheap, at -Fluid and Oil tin can.-, CA-SIDEY'S. deC 7 : j '; -- . ; TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. STR. PA K K ERS-Ij U JiG. ONCEXTRATED LEAVEN something,. New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powderc. . " Smoked Beef Buckwheat, c Rye Flour, CO bbls. C. Sugars, Butter", Raisins, 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " A- 10 " Crushed, Granulated and I'owdered, 25 boxes choice Y ellow ChcM-se. i WORTH 4 DANIEL, jan 3 . ' 2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. E have the best Family Flour in town, and tV we warren t each and every barrel ana package, if not good, dec 12 IASTETTNTIAY.- Hav in market, dec 2f j to be returned. -WORTH DANIEL. -"200 bales of the best Eesterri For sale bv HATHAWAY 4 COV YEN I, VIDI, VIC I. CJUCH was the announcement of a very great k5 victory, by a Roman General. The people of this day, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 26 2W South ' Front id. T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has seceded ! TJiis tliev would not have een prepared to"do; ;if some of her citizens fiad not bought ! KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, 'lika ble for the ifolidays-r-Candv, Nuts, Ac. c, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. dec 21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale by dec 1 . i ZENO H. GREENE. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH, A DANIEL'S. 17IINE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot. some very prettv just opened, and for sale at dec 19' j - PERRIX'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TVER PARKERSB U RG. Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, " Cheese, " Segars. Tobacco. " Ale, " , Porter. "i1 Raim'ns, ! Loaf Sugar. " Granulated do. " Prunes, Citron, " Nutmegs, " Mace, ' " Buckwheat ". A B k C Sugar Crushed ! " Sweet Cider, Elegant Ham. dec 19 I WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. " Sherry Wine. " " Madeira " n a Port ' For sale by idee 18 ' j WORTH,, 4 - DANIEL.- ORKT 50 bbU. N. Y. City Mess Pork, for sale dec7 , by ZENO IL GREENE. rpHE BEST FAMILY' FLOUR, in town, war I ranted in all cases, to be had of -ec29 WORTH 4 DANIEL.. SUGARSSUGARS! BARRELS Cj Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, J , 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 35 " Muscovado Sugars, light and dry. For sale by WORTn 4 DANIEL, Granite Row. jan 8 PORK PORK. 75 BBLS, New. Y'ork City Mess, just received and for sale low, for cash, by dee 11 ZENO n. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. iC KEGS just td hand, from 20 to 28 cents, t X0 dec 11 GEO. MYERS'. TO ARRIVE. 250 BBLS. Flour- different grades. jan 15 STOKLEY 4 OLDHAM. . ' r - f . . ' ! RIAQICJSy .jrni FOR IB CTTtB CF &-ZS&Bl& PITS, : FEVER AND AGUE. DUO. ri'lCLi? lUiOWX frt?.rsl rnn fo badly, atlhited 'by !Ti-p pU. tht 'f..r part of the tiiu. he wit ciiUnv-d to kia bi. . IL' was eventually turcd by a prcM-ripttua by a young clairvoyant cii 1. .Tin r.irtiption, given him by. a nnrc fluid. hiie in attif trance. Lcurrl ever IxiJr m ho h4 lki n tt. bp r living I'aih d once. It i equally cure in rt-( f tin tt or Dvsrkisn ami rirR ia Aon. , To tlux1 in i n who have triid mu fidii-in' nntil they have become UL-coursged, and Ho t fel willing tocxiK-nd more money uin uu-rruin lieji, I will wild tlit prescript ion ir rrrparinff and UCTfCyfull V Okllig the- IVr ii' Mtt'jie A'i tnnt. upm i eeeit t lli ir idre, w itn tiiti for rlr u - pot.te. All i ili iiiTioii nt sre to le found at the Dnt Store of Hnrr McLinl ' Ad.lrtM Dr. i I'liflpm Id'omn,' No. 21 GrandStrut t, Jcrcv Ct n y. ' ' : ' I ' "l)B. PlIllLP.s' IUtO N !H ' ARCADIAN BALSAM. For the cure (.1 ContuuiiUion, Bronchitu. Aall ma. 1'oui.h. (Jrld-i ntid Ntirvou DiLilitr. ('utii pofcil pruii'ipitlly of ll t tgij licrb and liValn b.-,l .ai!j.s. it is th(j only cure ever .dMl-ovrri-d lr Di- tw ot the Luiiirn, Mini ach and Xer. Jl roia l.im.s nil the unlitit 'iAboilii ii in the thousand of ' drug vi-ndi-d to the . k: it i a healing balnanf lr u!l il.e lnteiii.il ririi, I; icera, l uuercif and liitlj nr.it iuie-; .in mi-iu pii iiLle Tunic, an uumi l lli'i. able Nervine, a I'uj iti-T of all the !uid, an K.t il at.uit. a SiiiNtiiai which produce no rrartit n, aiiiil a I'liil'ili j Uj if wu.-ted 1'ibie and MuIe I'liei Sl-aiid f '.' p4 i l!'e bttih ; anple lt'l. i . "J' cc iit.-i. Foi .ih- by Henry Mrl.in. "DR. O. PHELPS ilRCiWN'M RENOVATING PILLS. Thin Pill viil regulate the tyiwt-U Iv n allolho jrVj aiiiti..n-4 Mill inil. It will, in h wrv hor tiime er:i'tiente v liat inti iuiid clironie rott'iter.e ' or coiiftipatinii, hjfk IfeinUrhe, I.iver and ltdli u Coin luint.s ; ;ijid it w i!l ure, ji.n nurt o llii-r ! a sun that t-t'nu uj on bs, all the full'. dn ir.d an novnnces lliat ti:i ve tie ir i if" in thr want of proper t.lol.s. It d, rot act s.i merely a temporary af fair ; it ket j tie- Inuiiaii njt iu in a statcof aoand . and ii;oroir henlth. by a.il ami almont rrcep tiblv cJe,'iiiin it of alt impiii (ti u. Lat h ! roit tail:., uin'iit ;u j iil.-i. 1'iivv 50 cent r Ixn. DR. O. PIIHLPS llllOWX'S Etherial Ointment. Antony i lie. m.riiN aliliitium fiirwiirli a a rem edy it ha- no ei,ii.il, nor ei.er will hae, i Uhrunia tism. Yvtr Sori-i. l i-tnla, Crani , Dvt'Utry, (Jholeia. Jirjivv Cohli in the Che'! atnl llekd. Soft Eyes, CrOuji, 'U uriy, Quinxy, Eiilaiii' lou.iU, (laiiilular v !Iii.-, Ivor .el.r, L;u- l!c-ii, all kind of ti'oliep, I ici r and Tumor, l'.nrno, Itn--Stii:". lli insi'f.i Chilblaina, Cut, C'ornn, Sirain, SesiliN, Soj-e l.i1))-, Sole N ijij lf", Sw elled Kar, Palsy, iiml.ni Iilotclir. RoiN, S'c nld Head , Mump-, W'bite Swilling, iirmv. Stone, Wei Kidneys. AI ii.--c.iiLi r iistnib:iiice., ScriJular, Sai RlieuM, Mureiiii.il Sore, Ac. I'l ice 50 rent i'i po(. Iliserij'tive piimphlet given to all who J- ll v I" iii v A g mt. . Ad.lre; Dr. O. Thel, Brown. Street. Jerni-y City. N. .1. , For -ale by Hh.nuv Mi Lis, ! miugtiui, N. tl. No. 21 Graii'l AfTt-ut in Wil jtrn TJ jtl ' TOARJINI TO JA It MM! , VLL THOSE w ho are oppoo! to the Fed' ral v ie t ion of h n,) ereig;i Stat and w h are oppo-i .1 to lle'pas.-ngj: (C abolition noMiei through Noi ili t'riieliiia, for (Ijie piirpii-e of njlj'uga tin(( sister Stnt". will lot r t le ir OrocfHr, 'Pr'Vl',in, small sf or.- s and u conli eineiit of thr patriot, Ji"'Lw' ' - 'ASS1D1.Y. C rorri:i:. . I) 1. LAfJf'A YHA. Jna and St. Domir Mori-, and 1 r tal" by . . 10 ZENO II. OIU.LNl. Nj;U' (ll.N, AI I.OAT ) )A.M I'l il'i'1 White St W Crop . .J,VM" Corn. iilow landing, for aal bv jau lo - 1LL1S A MITCnLLI. wimti: OATS. YW l lUiTlMILS H. aw Nvw York Stat. iUWV O.tH. For rale bv jii n 1 1 hl.LIS A MITCHELL j Will: AT II RAN. i BAOS in ft. ire. For fab, by j mll i LLLS A MITCIM LL. 1000 RAISINS. 1 WHOLE bore l.irge bilnch Kaiin, J J 10 lj .. .. jnnll For Kile bv ZENO H. ORLENE. c f AN A L IJAKUOWS. 100-Canal Lairown, in warchoiiff , nnd for mle, lot to nuit. at nov 30 WI1UN'S. ; IJIUUI' IKtA. TONS l,lj; to Iji irMhIlM.pIn.n, for h;t.y jan f M. MarlNNlS. mackiiri:ij. OS. 2 and int'store, nnd for pa bv jai. X V M. Marl.N'.NlM N. C. I' LOUR. JUST RLCEIVED wer Railroad, Family and Super, celebrated WutHtovia MilU brand.-. 1'ort.aleby D.ROSSIT, BROWN A CO! : nov 27 j CEMENT Ac Pl7ASTKlt. , BBLS. Cement 50 l.bin. VWr Pari. CJJ per bri Water Witfh. For ial" by dec 13 ELLIS A MITCHELL. , v IJOOKN FOR A LI I i riHK NORTH CAKOLIVA FORM BOOK, Canf- 1 w e ll'" .liivtier, or Sw.inrw Brviied Frfdlv'a Lcfral Advi.er. at dec 11 KKLLF.Y'H. ! Botk Ktorf. J) KM I JOHNS, 14, I, 23, 4, and "5Tjndb.v, dec 12 PEKKI.Vf.' i ' corrni:--cori;Ei ---(-- X BAOS Lio Court 20 do Lauavr do y d jVJ rtt. Domingo 1; 2' n:at Java do intVTr, and for cale low fr'rah, bv h do? II. . J ZE.N1) lf..QRKEXFJ "VTAILS. I V k'- irf nf orted .N'ifl, rom 3 to 40l. Ill nov I - .-, - ror ale tiir ZhNOtlL- GREENE. HEAtTHf I L LXLLCLSE, i netiary to long' and hapily life. Let tl. pirU buy'Trr.n dung Hmoj the Lovn rtnall rf CASSIDEY, and ul j I- ntv o) eAjci' tlo ke cooi niorninfa. 1 dec I : " 1 1 LEA V EN--LEA "KN LEA V EN. I LAV K.N. LEAN EN, LEA Yl.N, LEAVES. j Trv i?-Trv If Trv'H-Trv It.' n,tc janH i Worth A dameih. , . . ' ' ; f .NOTIClI ' 4 LL PERSONS' ho are indebted fr.r OrcccrSen, l'ioviionj, Ac, fitln r by iK.te or arcoont, . to the late firm of Wil-on' A Williarof, and whor acco'untu are lotig rine'j dur, are rtoofflrd tomak immediate i.ayinent to the ubcriU-.r, r urh ac counts w ill be ylnMrd in oflicer'a bandit for roller- tion. JAMES WILSON. jan 1 No. 5 Market (trci L ROOKS FOR A LI ' rpHE .yorlh Carolina Form Rmk tant w I Ju-'tic. or Swan'a Uevivd Fr"llev' I.gI Adviwi-r. at , Kt-ller' Book Store. ' 'dee 1 1 ' WESTERN IJACON. 1 , CASKS Fupeiior Cintinnati Snh and Shoid j 15 J ders, in More, and for ule v . s jan 8 r . ! ! M. MacINNIS. CHEESE. OA BOXES New Y tk Stat Cheer nd.d OU JuM rcctived .r hr D. C. IluUr. jan 10 For sale tyZENO II. GREEN K. . extE rAMLY rixiuit. , Cf A BAUKELS in ttar, afnd for iah, by OU i t 'OKTH A DANIEL, jan 22 f' Granite Row, Front trn-t. AGRICU LT URAL IMPLE5I KN T.N. 4 FULL 'ASSORTMENT of I'LOLOHS Un.i J Plouph CastinjTK 'all iea. Coin SUgU-ra, Straw Cntteri, 4c.J 4c, Forsale by. 1." jan 23 v ! ZENO II. (JHIIENL. j CANAL HARROWS. I A A CANAL BARROWS. In ttore. Forsale by IUU jan 2i . ZENO 11.1 UREENE. j I " : ' :i ' . ' ' i. d f 'i ( .

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