...-Lr - p lilt , 'v . ' ' T-' ' ''" ' ' V;- - ' :i-T' - :- 'f b f - ! f tS'.t:--v-1 -: . r'- :- ' ,' "' ' i'-;, ':; - , ; . . ' t S . - V ;.'.:! ' - ! . - ' :. -. - : ,! - :' ; r -' i ' ' " .t' '-l ? ' HT: hfc : - . . I ' i-' . .::.); . , ' V : - " ' i " ' - T ' ' tl. I . M II iir Jiff lillltTfflilll ifllllf lllllilillT ' ) dtffr 1YS) IN n ' -.: i: 1 j ! ; -fj ....... jy. - ry- l!JrlL'4i' J-Ay 4 . J' WW. r WlE4$ ; ! t I ; vol: TO., NO-242- WILJIINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19.1861. WHOLE NO. 2.142. --I - ? t i i t : n Po I jan 1 1 f t . xirano i a i i i'.. -. r i 'I- 1i?TERMS: nallr Paper, COO; Weekly, 2.00, ' .r,: . 1" ThI Pawr'li Ji ttopped, remittance inn it. Timelr notice U riren. bo laltpjmt rtn te mede before the expiration of ? ' wJffir mailed at o.r ruk, when th.Ut- tr regiterc4. A. BI. W.Jtt ;DELLj- Editor and Protor 1 ypWN PRIffTEB. riMlNGTON: TUe Herald Job Office iipVelely fitted up with the finest aa- now co - lortment oi w03.nr. w c . ' ETerT Pic of Job-worn, caa now uc apecu- hook dowiiito a Tiaiting cara. iianaDiiu, Mrcnlars' bliliks, Ac, Ac, neatly and promptly rrinted t B0Tt notice, na on reusonauio cim. 1 EaneciaU aVtnUon will pe giTen 10 . ii ,1' will Ka irirn tl ' a the Job! departoie'nt iweafia, and we feel assured that I all work entrusted to oar Jod nana, wnu is :. ;n Ae business, will be executed i&t I isfactorUy in Jj.ery respect. Gire him a trial at J . rate and'it iliJ not done well, no complaint wiU be made If withdrawal of patronage. f f ; onwrtnire :-)0 BOXSS-Colgate's No. 1, and Pale Soap, 10 " Rauins layer and bunch, mVidf-fcxa": " .20 txel Concentrated Lye, 20 i"? f " Potash, J 10 f" I prepared SO JjiBjllock- 2iV V Star en. W i HLPirh. Soda. , r;o-r Ink. Tacks. Matches, Tea, "1: M'n.tard. Ac." Ac. be- t .ides man WA articles too numerous 10 menuon, :rt k-j,i a i,ir farcaih. as br anvother ' . ' . : . . UUVVMM r-m . knr-ui r a, si am m m r m w wpicu " i" p," - 7 ' -. 7 house in iownt.: L -jan" i VI ZENO H. GREENE. IX TIME UP PEACE, PREPARE FOR il AA BKGS of Fathom's Patent Finish, from ' 2UU the largest Buck, to the smallest Drop Shot.' i - ' , i JSkegs KentuckT Rifle Powder, r 3 15 i usket Powder, ; 10 or. iegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, v 5 casasl . . . ' 50.000 O; 1: Cap.' t or saie uj ZENO H. GREENE. lAJflLY !ina Super Flour-FayetteTille and fi- Vimintln insuection. roric uj: Jlim a " J ZENO II. GREENE. GORN. 51XMJ Bushs Hyde County crn, . 200Q bushs. Perquimans County Corn. - 1000 do Western mixed " In store and for sale by ,f , 4- nT.riri!wiNTER SEED dATS. inAA B URIELS Heary Canada-Oata a Tery 1. 11 It I nnrtor article ior seea. r or j " v . rt jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL. -t 7 nmo; v c:tr X(n Pnrlr. in store, and iSOOW to'arfire, for sle, at, lowest cash prices, i- ; i V tan 21 ) ' M. MclN .S IS. ? MACKEREL. - ! . j XT OS. i ahJt j Mackerel, JN jan. r. . ! 1 f . " ' 1 . in store, r or saie uy M. MacINNIS. SUGARS. . i Tl R. SUGAn. in hhds. and bbls, . I-' . ft r C.nr in hhlD. . ' r J a-;4- jy- -- ' wdered and Crushed Sugar, for ale by jan 22 t T i -: ; CANDLES AND CANDY. - A A BOXES Adamantine Cantiles, i2& gim.-a.gfe OUTiKG-HOUSE CALENDERSThe 1 I " o-rottnat. virictr of sixes and styles. liTery- f . thlnir necessaf t to furnish a Counting-Room, at ' WfllTAKER'S New Book Store, ! ; Market si, betiJaa. Dawson' and Wilkinson's. i i v ; t TRUNKS. CANVASS Pcking,Leather Folio, Brass and Iron3pftd, Gents. Dress Trunks, Souare and Oval IrohLdfed, St. Louis So le Leather Fine SoULeathAtad Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns. jJH i'Wi Valises. Sole Leatfierf Boston, Enamelled Leather, Ac, embracing thirteen different styles, i: f 1 1 Baps. Enamerfdi .TtaveUing, Stitched, Duck. Gothic, Enameled, YenjtianV Felt, Brussels, Pilhser, Wil ton, embracing-eleTen styles. j - jUdles' Hat Boxes. New" stvle French Hat Boxes, new style St, Loui, rra i and 6ras bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low price, at Jan 23! ot " ; I I v No. 5 Market Street. E . t i HAY. - TM BALES Prime N. C Hay, ex Schooner, f OW safe br-- J . ELLIS A MITCHELL. for Jan 2$ ; j j " " i t- i SEED OATS. t "VTORTM RIVER and Eastern Hay, Wheet Xl Br,J1 Cor Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, s and Horn monyi f6r sale br . I Jan 29;- , , ELLIS A MITCHELL. GUNNY BAGS. OAAf ;OU'XY BAGS, just received per org -. 5UUi;:Shibt Jan 28 .ft j . VV Shibboleth. For ale oy T. C. A B. O. WORTH. -., ' ! - iA tAJ. - A BAJRRBI3 Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, tt'ORTHADANIEL, jaa 23 j . ' Granite Row, Front street, I LADY PEAS, F OR SALE Jin quantities to suit, Dy i Jan' 28 28 f , "JpTE Terr chi WORTH A DANIEL, C. APPLE BRANDY, 2 year old 2 bar-Apple 7 l irre rhoiee 1 rear old. N.C randy c t alf ,bj- worth a DANIEL. CHOICi: Coentry Smoked Saasages, at -JanSS, K . WORTH A DANIEL'S DO YOU SHAVE YOURSELP1 1AX-XUV OAXAT . r "T0 yba appreciate a good Razor? JLf in"Soap? Soft Shaving Brmshe1 i?trapT CU - BALD x me in it w- ? A Good BALDWIN'S. POCKET KNIVES. ! EIXEi Sngliah Cutlery. Price low.' Qualitie exee lentt BALDWIN'S. . -r EASTERN HAY. -f npiIJ$J.very uperior Eastern Hay, AwLsaLiIoW fromwharf.br 1 for dee 7 -- i - STOKLEY A OLDHAM. WESTERN 5.IDES tc SHOULDERS. fZ( CJSKSi uperior Western Sides and Shoul J V. dire, W atore, . and to arrive. For ale. at lowest ,ih price; by . . M. MacINNIS. ian22.' ! . " ' fEW CROP WUbASStiS, X HBJ 3. and bbls,' For ale oy jan 3 M. MacINNIS, ; i i flOHP IRON. -I A TO jShl W nd IM Inch Hoop Jron IV, jaii Ti l. For sale by M. MacINNIS. ENGLr.SH. AND GERMAN HALF i ; hose: . sire, selling low, at ' - 28 r BALDWIN'S. N can . find the largest assortment of Wear; at BALDWIN'S. JaH2S pORAl:CO 100 boxes, various irrades. X Fpr salabyi WORTH A DANIEL. Xeb 2 f t . Oranif Sow, Front treet. OeniIeme VjT of Fnder Special IN'otices, MRS. WtXSLOW, experienced curse and female phjii clan, baa a Soothing Sjmp for children feething. which greatlj facUitatea the process of teething by aoftening the gnmat redacmg all inflamation- will allaj all pain, and ia anre to regulate the bowel. Depend npon it, mothers, it will gire rest to your aelrea. and relief and health to your infanta. Per . . ' . .. ' . J.. fectly safe in all cases. See adrertiaement in anoth er column. feb 25-ly WALKER MEASES, "fca. WHOLESALE AJfD RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, Epgliah, French and . German Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, Ac, also, j PAIXTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumerf, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac I - ' 1 auzli. 1860 ".W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DTE I in effect beautiful Blackf or natural Brown no iUinijl the .via or in;armir the Hair remedi remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dres. and inrieo- 1 ratea the Hair. for life. Sone are genuine unless 1 signed "W. A. Batchelor.f Sold every wHbre." wiao. u.nv;ipiiuiv, rupneiur, sept29-ly 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LAND RETII'S SEED. par JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land reth'a New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White do rer, and ageneral aaaorteient of small seed. F aleby . WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. tlAV I or Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemut, .V, E. CorcrFron and Market S'., WiLHuraToix, N. C. 5sn ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS. P,AINTS. OILS AND GLASS. PERFUMERY, CLES a yb FA fTC Y A R TI coinpounded. Medicine Prescriptions accurately can be obtained at any Hour of the nisrht. The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. "igv. On and after thisl day, all prescriptions will be Cash. oct 30 f HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A.BATCIIELtjR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED; OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and .atural itrown or JJiacK, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas hare been awarded IT' ! 4 Tli 1 -1 knn J on wn - fa. a. iia(cueior, since ipov, auu uvur ov,wy np- i or olicationa hare been made to the Hair of his ra- I fc , - trons. of his famous Dve. 1 ' Wm. A Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished frouj nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the leat, however long it may be continued, and the ill ejfects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates ior Life by this splen did Dye. J Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy doods. Dealers. gf,The Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batche)or. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear! How? Br one week's use of the Mannolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. Price 50 cents per bottle. " Sold everywhere See advertisement. W- E. HAGAN A CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA . DISCOVERY. Some four months since ur excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two lavs since, and on the place so bald four months Since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named i "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTpRER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. 1 'ichmond Enquirer, Dee. 12, 1850. This fatmous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those pe sons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of it i efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, 6Q Main st, ' . R. EZEKIEL. Richmond, Nor. 14, 1859. - 1. N: Ezekiel, take oath' on the Holy Bible, that 1 have baen bald for- the ipa.t 12. years and have restored my hair bv Hair Restorer.- - using Ezekiel's Virginia 1 Naphtali Ezekiel. This' day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. ' I Jok. Mato, "' f flavor of Richmond. V. II. LiPPlTT,SoleAg't., jan 14 , Wilmington, N. C. ; glue glue" CARD. We beg leave to inform he tradj. that we hare appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. i i Boston, apl 3, I860. GEO. B. ROGERS 4 CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the eale of their Gluea in this market, respect fully solicits orders from jthe trade. Their glazed Glue ia warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured In the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction Or the monoywillbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my Office. ! ; aplMy. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. C1EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS.4-3,0OO just re ceived, for sale by pANJKL. CHEESE. E NGLISH, PINE APPlLEAND STATE, at AMf 11'- ijrev. i x . T)LACK Winter Seed Oata in store, tor sale, by K decs ELLIS A MITCHELL. -n x nr -wrTijrriT' r ? 1, r OATS. Qfifs BUSHELS beary Canada Oats, for seed, OUU in store, for sale by dec 27 ELLIS A MITCHELL " POWDER. OpC KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, CO 10 or. kegs .. " . 10 ' . ' Mnsket " ' 10 Musket dec 27 For sale br 1 ZENO H, GREENE. t ' - PORK. - ypZ BBLS. N. Y. City Mess, in store, for sale by ID dec Tl ZENO H. GRENE. . ... CONSTANTLY- manufacturing, at my Es-. tablishment, every, description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,' Whips and Trunks. , Every variety of Saddles, Harness Trunks, Ac, manUUCtorea IQ oraer, una repmireu JAMES WILSON, No. 6 Market ttreet. 1 dec 27 I5IEEOTOEY. STATE GOTEBIfaiEXT. Ooyernoa Jno. W. EUia, of Rowan. - ' Prlrate Secretary-Oraham Darea, of Craren. Treasurer D. W. Court. 0 Wake. 8ecj of State Bufua H. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C. H. Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. AV Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. I , . of Wayne.. uooae 01 commons w T. Doner, state L.ibranan o H. Perrr. of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " cocvciLLoaa or STATB. Council Woo ten, of Lenoir : John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; W. A. Fureuson, of Bertie ; J. F. Grares. of Surrr : "Darid Murohr. of Cumber land; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W- L. Hillard, of Buncombe. j rjDKRAL AXD STATB COURTS. , The United Stales Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Mondavin June and last Maaidar in No- Judges Hon. J M. Wavne, of Georgia : IIin. j Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, Robert P. Dick. District Attorney: Wlev Jones, Marshal. Ibe United States District Court- are; held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brwwn, Clerk; Wilmington, 1st Aionaay auer uie 4in .uonqayin April ani:ue tober, John L. Cantwcll, Clerk." i THE SUPRKJiE COCRT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held-at Raleigh semi-annuallr. on the second Mondat in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also held once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the firstMonday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, .Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, Mj El Manly of Craven,-and William II. Battle, of ange salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General : Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver II. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clrk : Janus Litchfurd, of Wake, Marshal. srrERioa coirts. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the followinsr officers : Juderes, li. R. Heath, of vuvn nil v v' iiutiaiu. i it aairis t. va.ii v .vo born, of Mecklenburfir, Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hines, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit t Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, ride3 the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, of Buncombe,'- rides the Seventh Circuit. PUBLIC W0P.K3 IN NORTH CAROLINA. V The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg countv in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con- ress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as ollows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer ; John H. Gibbens, Assayer, Alelter and Kenner ; John K. Jiolton, Claet Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. . . ; : Ihe UniTersitr oi Aorth Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Countv of Orange, twentr-eigk miles V. A. W. from Kaleierh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick countv. United States Arsenal. Located at Favette- ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 Aatients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher. SuDerin- tendent: Dr.' F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K; Ferrell, Steward ; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M.Lewis, Dr. Wi J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directocs. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of tuc uviiu miaul j. nituciaviif av.7.v.. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. - . j All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, anq taken care of ai the p ubiic cnarge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form tp be observed in Bending: indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. . o TOWN GOVERNMENT. I , COMMISSIONERS OP WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. . S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. , ' . . I FIRE DEPARTMENT. j Chief Engineer James Mitchell. j Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann.j i Chief Fire Warden B W Beerv. - j Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. : Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery. C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C 1) Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRK COMPANY. (Re-Organized June 6, 1859. ) Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkey, 2d " P Curren, Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer CQuiglev,. Chairman D Driscoll. HOOK AND LADDEB COMPANY x. 1. Foreman John Wright. " 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. S ' rOWVISSIOVERS OF NAVIGATION". '(Office 18 Water street. V -George Harris, T C Worth, W C Fergus,; Jos II planner, Wm M Harris. SCHOOLS. ; BOARD OT 8CPERINTEXDKXTS OK COWMOX SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. . ' Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II Tate, Sama .l Player, and Joseph M Foy. : ; WILMINOTON-'INSTITl'TE. L Meginney, Principal. ', WII.MIOTO. If ALE AXD FEU ALU SEMFVART. G.W Jewift, Principal.' OAKDAI.E CKMETERT COStPANT. President Donald McRae. Directors Win A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder. Jno A Tavlor, Owen L Fillvaw, S D Wallace. - Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to UanL Wilmington. COl'STT PSFICKRS. COURTS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James 'A Wright. ' -Judge U S DKrict Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Welev Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wifmington Jb o J Conoler. . Clerk Xj S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller.- Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town John J Coriolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlay, Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder James P Sti ingfield, J J Moore. . 1 . . i "- . : l INSPECTORS. j . Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. : ProTision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. ;T. .',-;-' ; -t -., 4 - r - i ' - I Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas it Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland,' Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor- Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W. Munroe, N Clark, Robert Max ell, E Turlington. " : i . . : WILMISOTON OAS XI8HT COMRAST. (Office In Savings Bank Building.) President Col John McRae. . , Secretary JJJr" B' ' Superintendent- pUverMclUtennr. . SECRET SOCIETIES. . ST. JOH3r8 VODQZ HO. 1 MASONIC! " (Meets the last Tuesday Erening in each month at j St. John's 11 alL) O L FillTaw, Master, M Newhoff. S W. Olirer McUhenny, J W. Jno L Cantwell, Treai. T l Gardner, SeCy. Henry Spalding, S V. ; A A Hartsfield J D. JO Bowden, Tyler. COXCOaD CBAPTES XO. l4-MASOSIC. : Meets 1st Mondar erening in each month at St. 1 "John's Hall.) f - Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d UUJi FUIyaw, King. V. ; ! Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, GtfZd Com f W Jr annins;, Uapt . . 1 ! I HosU Cora W J Price, GM 1st Com A Martin. P i. . . f M M Npwhofr. U A fnnvJnn A Tttliif.TrM. Capt. " K Turlington, Tyler. CAPB FEAR LODGE SO. 2 I. O. O. F. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall.)! Asa J Murray, SO WL Smith, Secretary. ' James E Kea, V (r. - . T H Howey, Treasurer. fAMPBELL EXCAMPMENT NO. 1 1, 0. Oi F. j ( Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, lit and 3d Fridav in each month. , J I) (!ardner, C P. 1 Thos M Gardner, J W. liev A P Ilepiton, II P, U J Jones, Scribe.! J.hn J Conolv S V. Thos II Hower, Treas. . CAFKU'EAU UARI.NE rOTAI. APSTIXENCK SOCIEft- Meets lit the Seamen' Bethel,, on Dock Street, evrj Monday evening, immediately-after the cp& of the Pra ver Meeting fot" seamen. Chaa IK Ellis. President. Williati M 1'ois.son, Sec- (ieo W Williams,; Vice President. H t Ja.s Fleet, As't Sector. reti v. t SEAMEXa FRIEND SOCIETY. ; j. t. CharUs I) FAU, Presi- 11 F Mitchell, See'y di'it. Treasurer. . - i: - C I) lillw, Gilbert Potter, Col John McReavV J OeRosset, O G Parslev, Executive Board.' Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens Home, cor r rant and Dock Streets. :' ES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. ; j j 1st Directress, ney. . 2d Directress, ria. 3il Dinectress Robet Mrs Ken- 4th Directrcss,Mrs Hal- lett. - ! Mrs liar- Secretary, Mrs.: iVan- Sickle. : t - Mrs. De- Treasurer, Miss Lijling- ton.' - WII.Mlc LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ((jrtranized June, 1855. ) Dr J II Dikson,PresidtMit. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Donald McRae, Treas. Wm R Utley, SeC'y. s flatt Cowan, treasurer. i Rev R B Drane, R II Cowan, E D Hall.rS D. Wallace, John A Tavlr,G J McRae J G Wright, "Tk ! a ' r ;:-'. MILITARY. , WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. ; (Org, May 20thy 1853.) i I Wm L Dellossot. Capt. I C-Winslow, ' Enigu. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D. Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhennv, 2d Lieut. II Savage, 3d" " Master. - C(D Myers, Orderly,! r: GERMAN VOLCNTEERS. j ( Organized February 22d, 1853. ) : C Cornehlsen, Capt. II G Hasheeran, 3d Lieut. II Von Glahn, lcsf Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. 11 ollftrs, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. BANKS. , ;:' ! BANK OF CAPE FEAR. : j T il Wright, President. II R Savage, Cashier. JG Burr, Teller. ' .) D Gardner,As't Teller. .1 McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk. Discount Day," Wednesday. ji BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. ' John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. WL Smith, Teller. William Larkins,Rook- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. keeper. .' ' Discount Day, Tuesday. ; v ; BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. - ! John Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm.D Smith, Teller. J H Wright; B'k-keeper. Discount Day, luesday. ; i't COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. ' O G Parsley, Pres. Tim!v Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K-Walker, 'Boofc- J I liarry, Dis. L'lerk. 'Keeper. ; Discount Day, Mondav. I j -. i WILMISOTON SAVIN0S BANK. I John A Tavlorx, President. Win Hyde, Cajshier. RAIL ROADS. ! . wiLMixoroN, charlotte ruVherford r. Iroad. Office cor Market and S Water street. V II W Gnion, President. R II Cowan. Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished, h P j WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker jSec'y .I P Robertson, Gen'l Sup. Joa J Ling, Treasi R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent, j ' - ' .. - ". :,M ;- WILMIXOTOS WELDON RAIL ROAD. Hon W S Ajshe,-'Presi- .1 W Thompson j Gen dent. freight Agent. S L Fremont. Chief Engi James G Greenl Yard steri I A Sup. ! Master James S Green, Sec'y Jt P H Langdon, Aud'r A Treasurer. L Supt's Clerk. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A William Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. Agent. j CHURCHES. : f Metliodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church arid Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler, Pastor. Baptist, cor Orange and Cth, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. : i . 1 , Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J LlPrich- ard, Pastor. ; : i ' Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, RevjAarpn : Oavis, Pastor. .: . i ; Rinnan Catholic, Dock.bt 2d' and Sd, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. .- I h Episcopal, (St James ,) cor Market. and .3d,. Rev. R B Drane, Rector. ' ! , Eoisconal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and O range,. BUhopJ 1 hos AtKinson, Jtector. , - . i ! Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th. RevjM Mc- i Oueen. Pastor. - . 1; ; , Presbvterian. (now building, V cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. , . ; i -' Baptist, (now building.) cor Marfcet and ottr, Key J L Pricha; a.'Pastor. ! J Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5 th, Rev , II .lieiiiiei x ..nun. eamens Bethel, Dock bt Fraut and S Water; 1 POST OFFICE. r ; i WILMIVOTO, XORTH CAKOLISA. '. ,. j ,; Postmaster Daniel Dickson. . , , ' Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and 4- Office hours from 7-A M to 1 P M.; 2 P M; t Fundown. undavSii J-2 A M to A M. i - j Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5 A M. "Closesl and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from i P M to 10 A M. j; f Southern Mail, by W A M R R, arrives daily at ili A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. h j Smithville. N C. (horse,): arrives Monday and Friday at a P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A M. "':'- rii ! . : Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 P.M. !j ; ; U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. CUSTOM HOrSE. ' ti I Jas T Miller, Collector. W J Price, Deputy Col lector. A J Galloway. Surveyor, W N PedenNaval Ora- ! D M Foyles, Weigher T M Burnett, Insp'r. W FBurch and Uriah Sullivan, Inspector A cer. aieasurer. t Thomas W.' Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. ' ' i :.-::! '. ! -iv - ,. CONSULS. -.' ii - j! . British A'ice-Consul Don McRae, n Water, f Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water.- . Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr.p ccr n Water and Mulbery. (up stairs. ) ; ; -i t. Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut. . :. f. -i ' " ' INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. ELORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of tbe above Bonds redeemable in IS91 -ivith coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable ; in; the city of New York, 1st March and 1st September For sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A -CD. dec 1 - .- - '-. -'-' ": ; j :-rh ' COFFEE. ' 1. '::':" H rfl BAGS RIO COFFEE. fJU 2C 20 bags Laguaysa Coffee, ; -a " H I 20 mats best Java " S ! i dec 1 . t ZENO IL GREENE. : ERRANT&WILSON. ! t' 'i ARE CONSTANTLY receiving fine CLO TH COATS, City make. Cassimere Suits at the lowest possibh) rates, i : " 4 v v i5if decj 10 Cjty Business Cards. ERRANT & WILSON, TTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in t T ' mestic: lry UooL), Groceries, Clothing, Boot, a Shoea, Ac, 4! Nosi 14 and 15Cprthi Water Street, oct 2 Wilmington, N C. r JAS.T. PETTEWAY Ac CO. 1 ACTORS fAND COMMISSION MerchanU. ; j p J No 8 North Water Street. . " - . WiLMixoTojf, N. C. . Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, lftpe, Guano, CEOBGE HAHEISS. A. J. HOWELL. I. W. W. HAKKISS. IIARRISS & HOWELL, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct 2, 1838 IWiLiuxoTox, N- C. WORTH fc DANIEL, , GROCERS AND COMMISSION MkkchAn ts. I No. 2r Granite Row Wilmington, N.C. aStr boltcit consignments1 of ilour. Dried Fruitj Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Countrv t roauice generally Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale. D. N. WORTH. sept 26,Iy DANIEL. JAMES ANDERSON", - EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDERSON Si SAVAGE, c 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT July 18 'CO-ly Wilmington, N. C. .- j C. II. ROBINSON & CO., GOMMISSIOX AND" FORWARDING MER CHANTS, I Wilmington. N. C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. ; eSt Entrance Coi ner Princes and Water st. mar 9, C0-tf T.. W. ERHAXT, GEO. WlSuX. ! ERRANT Sc WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i Nos. 14 axd i: North Water st., ' oct2, '60-ly Wilmington, N. C. W. A. OWTEU, LOVKT PEACOCK, S. B. JENXfVXH. G1VYER, PEACOCK A CO., ' . I- f WlLMIN'OTONi N; C lOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale (iro- j cers and dealers in NAVAL STORES, COTTON.-and Southern Produce generally. Prompt . personal attention siven to all umsigiiineuis oi prouuee. leD i(i-ly i i : WILLIAM Hi L1PPITT, 'iHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. Wholesale and V, Retail Dealer in Paints,' Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty. Seirars, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market sts... Wilmington, N. C. mar 25, 58 j ; i EDWIN A. KEITII7 (COMMISSION MERCHANT. j : . 1 Wilmington, N. C. Offers his services to Planters as i actor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the' business. ' His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional chargewill be made.i Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 cts per bale. : ! oct 4-18 -ly ; - j- ; O. G. PARSLEV Ac CO. PROPRIETORS 6f the ititTON Steam Saw and Plani"no Mills, Wilmington, N. C. , ;zaGr All orders or inquiries tor uj MurAi, will receive prompt attention, i : men li SMITH & MCLAURIN, LIOMMISSION AND Forwarpino Mkrch Vy ..- j Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : - ' ; ! ; ' I John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. EJ P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank Mate .. u, ; . i -t4m. smith, JOHN M LAL'KIN. Julyll859-tf MALCOM MCINNIS, "1ROCERAND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJI ' North W ater street. oct 1 Wilmington, N. C. Chas. D. Mtkhs, i Fred. J. Moore. MYERS A MOORE. "TTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in 'Hats, Cap?, . YY'i Straw; Goods, Furs,' Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. sc, J4 Marfcet street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 185? i ; . t- . - - T.!C. & B. G WORTH, lOMMISS 0MM1SSI0N AND FORWARDiXG' MER- j CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmingtjon, N. C. '; A. H. iVANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, manufactured, and sold. Wharfage and stor'ag-e furnished, and 'coop erage done at fair rates, j ' jan 2 18G0. i '16. POLVOGT, 1 UPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, 'Corner Front and Princess Streets, i ;. . i j t VVilmington, A. I'. Keeps constantly on hand , Mat trasses, Lounges, Cushions, ; Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Also, Paper; Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. . I. : fictures iramea to oraer. , Prompt attention given to fitting iip Railroad CarsJ Steamooats, ana Private-Dwellings. J. L.i HATHAWAY. i WM. H. fTI 1 ! HATHAWAY Ac CO. C10MMISSION MERCHANTS, tdec 16,'-'58 . . j Wihnington, N..C. T J. M. ROBINSON& SON, J MPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware,' Agricultural Implements, c., No. 8, Front;st., Wilminarton, N. C. jan 9, 08 . ; i ) JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD JT ING MERCHANT, fi .'Wilmington N. C. Prompt Personal attention given to Con signment's for Sale or Shipment. j !X3aLiberal Cash advancements, made on Con signments to my New York frienda. : nov 2, '57 HENRY In utt, TRACTOR? AND FORWARDING AGENT, I1; !' !','l ' i ' Wilmington, N. Will give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10,'57-tf, JAMES STOKLEY i ALEX. OLDHAM. STOKLEY Ac OLDHAM, TaKALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION J MERCHANTS, j Wilmington, N. C. "HPrompt attention given to the sale1 of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and other Country Produce. !.'J JUTE ROPE. 30 COILS best Jute Rope, for sale! by nov 28 ZENO' Hi. GREEN. ALMANACS FOR 1861. fTVURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- X LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 TO ARRIVE. I Find BBLS FLOUR. I Apply to I OKJyJ noy 27 STOKLL'Y 4 "OLDHAM. . FLOUR EAMlLi , Super and i Fayetteville and Wilmington inspection, in store and for sale Dyr (dec 11) ZENO IL j GREENE. L QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI ' f CIANS AND ECONOMISTS.- FRISCO feet of gas is ;consumed througb'eight "I '? burners, in 9 nights,! at a cost oi $5 per thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hour ?i at J what cost, and what would be the cost of an equal amount of ligh t obtained from Kerosene Oil? .Answer!: There is 'consumed, by each burner, 25, feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost oi t cents per .hour per Durner roar Kerosene Lampsr afford as much lisrht aa 8 earl burners; 4 gallons- of Kerosene Uu j wili:suppiy 4 lamps one mqnth, which,' -at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per ' mopth, or a cost of one cent per hour per lamp ; therefore, by burning gas, ftne expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil. which, with Lamp, can be had at the KKMUKXVOUH of tbe Inimitable jan 12 CASSIDEY "VTEW ORLEANS S YRUP.-20 barrels of IA cboicei For sale by 1 j , deczi , t i i . uAitiA nil j a, uu. - ?fHOICE: BACON 22 hhds.! choice West- V ern itacon Sides ana bnouioers, ior sale bv deo 21 HATHAWAY A CO. NORTHERN BUSEVESS CARDS. ISO. s. oasct, late of JOHX H. HTMAV, late of r. M. BTHAX Do - late of Tarboro' N. C. Scotland Neck.' Warrentori, X. DANCY, HYMAN & CO-. G ROCERS AND COMMISSION .M c(fii a VJT I 124 Pearl itrw t, , i J New Yr e. ' HYMAN, DANCY Ac CO., 1 ROCEKS AND COM The New York bousv wi COMMISSION Msadii 4 s rs. NoaroiK, v a. ill be condartetl br Jno. S. Dancy, aded by R. W. Hrman. ( j The Norfolk House will be condoctetl b John H. Hrman and F. M. Hrman. I "l Jr Particulars attention given to the sale ff Cotton, Com. W heat, and Naval Stores. September I3-tf 1S60 . - , Geo. O. VaxAurixgk. Jb,. C S. VaxAmsixve. VANAMRINOE ! BROTHERS, 'VTAVAL STORE AND GENERAL' CouMisaiojf J.1 Meri CRASTS, 140 Water Street r.r.FKH f o : w Y..rk. Mr. J. R. Blossom ) Mess. T. C. A li. G. Woara, " Hathawat a CoM 44 J. a 1. McRae C ., Mr. J. II. Flannks, j August 21, 'CO tf I WiTniin;1tn. N.C LONDON At JJRYAN COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 32 India str ei iti((tin. JZ& Coosighineuts M jNaval Stores. C'ott.i Lumber, and other Southern Produce solkiited. J.vo. R. Lonpos. ! , J. It. I!kv. Jr. Nov 21 tf . WM. M. ORKINM, " W. V. I4itjit-. GREINER A IIARK.NESsJ C COTTON AND GENERAL ' COMMISSION j HorsE. I I'imI, ik: I'm . Nov 15, 1K57 j i . ! . J Wm. L.. Hill, N. .nK Nohilfm. of North Carolina. of North 'ai "litii4. HILL At NOR FLEET,. i G' ENERAL COMMISSION A-FOWAIiDlNG Merchants, Shockoe rlif. l(ii-liii!'ti.I. .i.. Solicit consiifninents of ( 'utton,5 l.tttubi'i'; -Ej-h. ana an Kinus oi .lercnaiKiize ana rrniiuci ALSO Agents for the. purchase of Sugars, (' ses, Salt Lime, Ouano. JLc. La rife' e tf'.'i'H, Moljs. in irnc 1. 1 the above: article arc oftVred tor sale m iiiir tnai kct an nuallv, and we shall be pleased to rate ior par- tiesordei ing, promiMng faithiuln.-: in (iur cn- deavors toreprescntthem G. W. WILKINSON At VO.- T?RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. rv ki u ... i iv htji-cet. N. Y-' "iS- Particular attention given toonsigjnnu-nt. j and purc hase of Merchandise, ..all kind-". ; Libwal cah advances tl rouiih WILKINSON x s CO., Wilmington, N. C. : i August 2, 1800-1 v ! ' I I KEROSENE LAMPS A large kupply. 'suitable for stores, for sale vervj cheap with Oil, at dec7! J L'ASSJj:Y'S- . ... . k a STERN HAY.i T -i T A BALEs Eastern Hay, ex .flir j : , i..r lf)f sale, low from w barf, bv jan 9 ELLIS A MltntLLL. LAMPS TO II I H if. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balb, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac,-can beliin d on very reasonable tefma, ot the Inimitable I jan 8 CLVSSIDK1 . C1H0ICE BACON. Tl hhU. ch j Bacon Sidi-s and ShohldcaM. Fi iii' Westo'iii r.ald liv dec 21 : HAT-HAW AY i CO. N" C, FLOUR: 50'"boTel-3r I brands. HATifvM'AY of good A CO. dec 21 - HTUSCOVADO SUGAR. bhd-. i XiA. choice Muscovado Sugar. Fo ale by dec 21 HATH AW VV A CO. LARD. VJ"OW LANDING from Schr. S.-a! V-A. . J Western Lard a splendid artiili'. i IN STOUi: : l. Reg.? N. C. hard, in gowd jiaekn,-? 5 dec 4 Western Laid, in snuilj package-r. For sale bv Z. 11 GRTENF. FLOli: Iir lui'r :nd bbl. . For i.nle I OLDHAM dec 1 STDKLKV ENGLISH CHKKSK; 2 B-x m glish t'hi-e-;e. just receiv.id at cited I n - ded4 WOKTH damfl: THOSE CHOICE II AVLN AS hat!.' come. :it dec; WOUTH Jt DANIEL'S. r -'ARD. 2 rik egs" l:tm i. -a? Mi d'f.r fami'l j uie. WORTH & DAN ILL. BURNING FLUID. -for sale very cheai, at dec 7 -Fluid arid Oil tin cans, CX MDF.YV. TO-DAY NEW AND FKESI!. STR. PAKKEUSlHJRf.. a ION CENTRA TED L E A V EN s.iiinet l.i New Beef I on trues j least Powdc Smoked I'.-c!' isnchnliJut. live Flour, linttcr. CO bbls. ('. Susrar. Raisins. 10 " A- 10 bbls. 'if. ).u. 1(1 a Crushi'd. Granulated' and Pnw dircd, 25 boxes 011010? Yilluw-Cheiw.' I ' woKTH &. Daniel. jan 3 2 Granite Row. Front ftivet. n FAMILY FLOUll. ! TTE have the l'st Family Flour in town, and W wei warrant each and j eveijy bain i-l and package, if not good, ti be rcturueil. I dec 12 , - WORTH V DANIEL: TjI ASTERN HA V. - 200 bales! of t lie hvi Er.-tcrn t Hay in market-. For cale P dec 2 1 ; HATHAWA VjA CO. V EN I y VI OI, VK'l. SUCH was the announcement o wctorV, by a-Roman (Jfiifial. this day, in speaking of the Iniiu DEY, inodifv the saying of the imbl f a it Tin ill of table V ASS I - e Hoiiiiin.Jlni-: "I came. Iaw, I iMjught" of the gieat variety articles offered for ? ale at the Remli'zvou, ' dec 21 2 a 2 South Front st of "TT IS A 1 I lina haa been prepa A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro- n seceded ! This thev fv(iu.ld not have prena rea to -do, it some ot lier eimeiK iiau not' bought ! ' - i i : KRoseNj: oil and Lamps! as well as a great variety of Fancy articli'.. uita ble for the Holidays Candy. Nuts.. Uc. aC. of,the patriotic CASSIDEV. j ' dee 21 TTUTE 'r6PE"a N D T W IN K -25 Coils best J ute 1 Row. BarerinGr Twine, rnr sale by ( deel ZENO 11. GREENE TYeST HAMS IN TOWN at JP dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. 11MNE BE very.r ED ROOM' SETS. A lot. new tome ettv lust opened, and tor sale at dec l'.t i pe; RR1N .Si I CII RISTMAS S UP 1 LI ES PER PARKERSBC RG. j Fresh Raisim. : Fresh Butter, Cheese, Segars. Tobacco. Ale, Prunes, " Citron, " Nutmegs, " " Mace, " " Buckwheat! ' " A B k C Sugar. " Crushed Porter, ; Raipin.4, Loif Sugar. (Jranulated do. Sweet .Cider, Elegant Hams. dec 1ft WORTH 4 DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. I EN LINE Schiedam cr.naprs. yjC Very Pure Brandy. ''" " Sherri' Wine, " Madeira " ' Port i " For sale bv dec 18 .1 WORTIIJA DANll EJ.. "rSORK.-T-oO bbla. N. V. Citv IMeos Pork, for sale dec 7 bv ZENO H.OItEENE. rilHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, m town, war- I ranted in all case, to be haJ of US liiU. l! ... WORTH A DANIEL. "cc 29 SUGARS SUGARS! i 7jfT BARRELS O Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, J 25 bbls Crushed Granulated and Powdered, 35 Muscovado Sugars, light and dry,. - hluk " I '"-.', i For sale by j WORTH A DANIEL, , jan 8 " j. Granite Row: , PORK PORK. H ' BBLS, New Ymk City Mef, just received I d and for eali low, for cash, hf I dec 11 I I ZENO II. GREENE. EXTRA GOSnEN BUTTER. KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 28 cents, a dec II I ; GEO. MYERS. TO ARRIVE.' CCZn BBLS. Flour different efade.l COJ jan 15 STOKLEY A OLDHAM C. MAQ1C rs, '.' ! roa the cvnx of ' - . ! FEVER AND AGUE.. . DR . PIIKI.PS I1ROWN wMi tet (1. 4 i s ba.lly; aniiolcd by. Iyr: a, t'itt . part of the tinm ho tV oi,'im J to Li- b .! 11 wa eventually cured bv a iitecri-ilon lait.il .vi by a young rUir t giit. 1 Lj- j r. . ri-iiion. given hifciby a mrrc c)mM. while in a t't - trance, hacur-d ft er v tun! v t h h 4 t ak' n it. irri liaviog failed ottce. It U'ruaM) -ur in el k i i l t m a or nvsrtrM i acj t s r and Ai i t. To tliofte prmns who have lri-d ninnC" n;"Jiir.ct until they haw become di-c.'urnjrt d, rd lo r ftfl willing toexrend nare mono im.. utccriaia tics, I will send tlie iriscrii'ti.n Tr i rrarirr and successfully using the I'ert oin Mn jt- A im.ni'oh, upon receipt of their addi oM, withnsir j lr nmrii M!tag. ' Allrif the injrridi( rJ i U !. tin J f he. Druir Sfo'rif l Id nr v Mc l.ui. A i -t Dr. O r I t, I.' 1)K. .! 'lli:i I'M UltOUN S ARCADIAff -BALSAM. Fii In euro of ".(. -u ti l'i Kr.-n.l .ii ma, (4iih, C.ddj and , V-rvnii l.l.i(ll (Vl. iumI p ii.i ipa'lt ol lor.-iv'ii l.i i i Mtinx, it i lli.li,iiiU I'Uiutvir i!iiuutcil I I'. j i-a.eK of tJ:e Luii1-. Sto!(vli an-l S 1 1 . . It . i. 1 li'm- nil the iin'.ilitif ( irl.'.iiiid in tit - tl- .inn ! Ir Mtr vend-.-d totli' it l; it i. a l.ejlu . '. i j all the 1 iit -rnaj cri t l'l !'.- n . r r :: tiaiien: mi lill"ui ;:!, mM'1 l.-liU-, unrtcr ;iMf v able . i in.-, m Pin iii.-7 f jiM tl.e I l.n.N, .n arant. ,a SiinutLint m L t V i-rr .. m . n i- -!:. I., and .i liuildet up .ii n i f.'.ii" ,i .1 Mu r'. -I'i ic-f. SI ntid i'J p. r I.iri,.'!.. ui , . t ' (.'! , 25 ! . K.r t il - i U .r '4. I .i . ' j . me. o. iiii:i.in nuoi .NM t RENOVATING IILLS. Tlii- Pill ii! i tu1.!'.- ' , 1. uK, :, i!l j pivpiir-41! wul i f.il. Iiuiii. hi . i ! liiue et.tdo ut. ill; it i. ( mil ! liioj . -1 1 v 4 fir coi. ti; .i.i.f j !,.!, II :,,14( -, j ,,. Liieui Conn l;iin4 : ui .! it .u .il etnii a 'n i v !i i t !w rii It u CUD that .-lu., if nova nee tint h.iv t'he-'.r i re ia M.i- u .u.t p!-,i i t'M!-. It .1 ni t art a. m. r. Iv a t--j r.i it" i l.iir ; it k.-i-i ',th-! Iinman o .i i,iii, ,v -inici.l - ind. . ami itoioii ; , liealth. Iv a:.iv nn.l .ilnnn.t .'- tibtv i lean-in. it of all I'l punln i 1 t-lin.- about !i'hll-. 1'iice .V: t. i t j- i , '! r. i, i ir. o; PHELPS Ritcnv.v.s. Ethorial Ointniciit. I .. ... . I : , . I vinous mc mauv Hi, ii..r n r in ri n u t ci.v 'dv it III- Do Ki !!.!, liorei r Will li He, is Lhil.l' ft ti-m, Fm-i s...iVn. l'i-tul, Ciamp-, 1 -ti nt. i , , Cholera, l,va vC. ! ! in : 'hut nr l! l.jS' i K cs. Cioup; Pf-iii i - v, Ji::i.m.. Ln.'argld luinil-, tilandiihu- ,-udlii-. Lnr A lie, L'.n I 1c -i!s a!i kiuU- ..I Colip?j I "lcern ai, .1 Tumor, lltii rJ L, -iln.j-i CJiilbtainn.'Cut, (' in-, !;fian... MtlllR' .-icaUN. ; i. re Iipi, Sf.re.Ni Palsy, N unil,nii ; Jilot-lii, pi'".' Lo.i ,v. i. t I . -fill I II fl Muinp mc? ;?wllin, (iny.. Str r.o Kiilucn -. 'Mu -riihu ' !ittiilinnrr v S' ti liii.T, Rheum, .Mur ti r a 1 Scri'.' Ac. 1'i i. o Ml rc jf t. J)(!.-ei i(,tii j ain;.hl ?s j: Vl" ' a" v. I I'lv to niv A x in t . . 'A.Mre.- Dr.. O. Fh. lj.., B.-.-v. .t. No. 511 Street, Jeiuey Citv, N .1. L'.... . 1 1 .. II.. ...... t . i . a I I r.-liel W,l -If rin ..ill'- in in ,ir nlrf.lv, Hi!,- .UMil d IlllUfntl, N. ('.: . pu'"J to ak.ms! to Aims: LL THOSK who are i'1'j.n-cil t-i tin-I' l ti,'. rneici.in of a Hi.ven-lgn State, in ! i ji nr. ri ixi-, it li. the j.ai-.-age of ab liti.n ! Jiei n ih. i.,-5 NorHi' t':iii'liiij. for the pun f Ail'.n.-iin.j. a si.-ter Slate. wWl biiv tliiir Oroeei ir-, Ptovirii i.. small tcrc1 aufl accuutictrii nt .f th. rati . A..-.litV C'OJ'.' PEli. ) IO. L Gtj.VK., Java uLd k tore aiml for s.-jIL bv t. ), i jan lf ZENO 11. Gl:Ll..i: Ni:U CORN, AJ'LtlAT. 11 ' )U HljSllKI.S. llitite While N.L'Ci. mmaff i.'l.riiU tni . . in,- ... v . ..iivr t'l'lisi;, f.r :i.. bv 1 I LIS A MITCIU LL. Jin 10 wiiiti: oath. )AAO il I Sill IS -Heavy Nrw Voik Sta't- -UlU .!- 1 or mi!" Ii Mil" llV 1.LL1S jan M I Ml Kill. WHEAT HAGS in tor. UIIA.N- For nlo. 1000 .v jan 1 1 ELLIS A .Mil fill RAISINS. If i WHOLE bntiw l.irrc bunr.h l.'-.iu,-., 1U lo - jaull For tab' bv 7.E.NO Jl. G!I.Lol.. i tANAL BARROWS. l(Mi I.' iiuil Rarrovl 1 j- warehouse, ai.d fir -nil', in !,( t i mil. m IIIIV 111) nooi i Hon. 1 TONS 1. Vt to 1.'.; iruh lloor.lt, .n, ,,.r , ii J V jnn 51. Mx1NlS. MACKEREL. TOS. 'i and 3. in tor', and tor . n. v. viAn n. in ii ?JST lrLCKIVLD per Kailn.ail, 1 auniy un i Su-'r, c h bratcd Wat( Jioia Mill. I,r4r.d. .'orsale b? DfR0,SLT. Ll.OW V A I O. nov CEMENT Ai PL ASTKI:. 200 dec lo niii.". i'iiwm, .) i.ii-i rii.tfr ii nr er b'ri Wnt-r W Itrl,. I or ml-iti-v KLLI A .Milt HI,Vl HOOKS IOR ALL. rpilK. .VOR'l II CAROLINA 1!AI LOOKJ Car.t JL wifll'-i Ju-ric-f-, f.r Jinn' : L' i I ti .j ( -Lezul Ailver.i at' KELLLif, doc 11 Kik T7VE5II JOHNS, 'j, 1. V, 1 C and. j,il!ir.. I dee 11 ' r .pF.i:kr corr EE--CO IT Ell1 ST BA(JS Lio Coffer- 20 do La'uai r ,M . tJJ St. Doiiiingo.dn 20 i,.bt' .l-Mi !o tr.tir. , mid for ihIi- low for c-b, by I ,. dec ll. ' ZENO H. ii!U:i:;vr.; TAILS.-1 ,ii liu- ;l .-ollld N.I.! '', tl' in 3 L','(?. f'.ii- imle dv 1 ZENO II. fililXNK. . II' KALI Hl l L I XI LCISE. n nmtix ton l.inir and ia;.p nf' ,! the jjhU 1 1 v Trrr - dlmg lloo" the ' i.aii svv. i; i Af aun. i . ami lake pl"iiH ! i veiji i-e th-e tool inoi Lire. , . dee 1 j ' LEA VEN--LEA V ENLEA V VIS, r LAV KN, LEAN EN, LLAV 1..V, LLAVJ.N. I i TiJ it Trv it Trv if Trv if. at WoiiTH A DANIEL'S NOTICE. J 4- LL PERSONS t ho areii.di bf'.d for Grotcrit r, J Proviietiii. Ae.. ( ith r Ly w.te or a'cotLt, to the late firm of Wd.-n A V'l!liaipi. trd whie j aecountn.are hng .ii'irc dur. sn- ri-jtut d nak- immeelialf pnvment to iha'mbrcr.rer, f r mb at- f Counts will be placed in oSicer's band for cUl r- i tion. ; JAM KB WILSON: j J jan 1 i No. 5 Msrk.ll tte. t. t , BOOKS FOR ALL. I nE Noith Carolina Turin proU Cjii,tH. :. Justice, or Swan' Revised I'ji.kii. V, L 1 i ir "t kellcv s Bonk Store. II WESTERN HACON. ! j 1 CASKS eupeiior Ciui.ii.i aft Si.!. - n.i f-A-nl-J J dL-if, in toi", and for ale bv 1 !' jao H M. Mi LK ciii:i:sr OA BOXES New Ymk Slate ClMe-i-.ii . ll I In.. U..-1 u.r 1,r I. C. IIllN. .di Jan 10 For sale b'y ZENO IL GREENT. EXTKA I'AMILV FLOUR.I rA 1IAUHKI.S In U"'i'. ami ir wmir, V K . . k t . M WORTH A DAN ILL. jan 22 Oranite Vs.yt. Fioot street. MILITARY TACTICS, A T 1TEELK Y'S New Uo ik Store (iilliaui .M.muai io; ... . i (JilhauiV ,M.inual lor V"lnntr.-rand Militi i. Hardee' Kill- and Liftht Infantry Tsctics .. it i ninnrrv inir. Cavalry Ta-tics. by Ui !,Wir Drsrtinent 'Volunteer Haud Buok. Ul 1C i li 1