iv.- .-Mi-: It.- ? ' i ' -j i ' i It i r ; -m ; I ' " - i i j i- . . 1 1 I : : IVV .W:! - ! Hv V"";:j vv.y . ; ; j- ' ' - ! ' . ' ' J ... j'.'. -.!," : '.-"V." ...V ; "..V;- - :" ' :'V ' ,"! i , v VOLlhVII., x0. 245. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING,.i FEBRUARY 23. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.1i.r,. 4 r .1- s I ; 1 i 4 t I p 1 1 il; 1 i 1 ;t i i i j ft . V i j 1 I i i 4 I i 1 . 1 ' i iAier, SO.OO; Weeklj, S2.00, ?irl ADVANCE.- ilel at our -rUk, when the fet- ,er ii.rit"k l 111. WjgPELL, Editor and Proctor. DWy PRINTER. MIN&TON-, NQfeTlI CAROLINA. 11c Ilemld Job Office i , ...iir fomtjl'tely fitted up with the finest as- . r.t 4Y,n Ttpe to be found ' in me oiaie. rrprr oedtJS of Job work can now be speed- - - ... . i - tc r ...n...n. :imp v inntea ai xnis owwb irum iHU ia..Ht . l.W-.fks. Ac. Ac, neatly and promptly ,ir.-ular r rintel at slit)t notice, and on reasonable terms. Kw-cja. a'Maiuoii t r , , .'".' iiiiarier. and We feel assured that . . . . . ...ii n mvon Til iiih .i 1 1 1 1 M nrk cntrtfrtod to our Job hand, who is ex- . .. i; tie l.nslnesi. will ho executed sat- I !"! 11- ,A r ' If ictorilr inj ery respect. 1 Give him a trial at Jftr ntL aid 5f it is not done well, no complaint will 1 iiue!r a wfthdrawal of patronage. - - U SUNDRIES. ItOXlls Colgate's N 1 and Pale Soap, 10 Rauins layer and bunch, l.il.Alhiiis" " ! 0 .') : '!) bi Concentrated Lye, ,) Ht.t . Potash, i 10 J! j prepared " ; ;."Joca- i 20 Boxes-Starch, .. . i -S lli.f!arb. Soda. . : Ink. Tacks. Matches, Tea, . loft Soap. MuiUrd, Ac, Acr-be- man v i tlitr articles too numerous to mention, "hich wilXVeild a low, for cash, as by any other Un?n ' : ZEO II. GREENE. IN TIME bft'PEACE, PREPARE FOR ; If..- ab. 200 ILViJ.Sfof Fathom's Patent Finish, from tlii" largest Uuct, to the smallest Drop Jj kt s -ifentucty Kiue rowuor. t "r-iistt fu.-iket I'owUer I0qf. j cas Kentucky Iliflo Powder. ;o.oooi. j a 23 ;V JJ.'taps. For sale by ZEXO" II. GREENE. " " . M! FLOUR.' . ... . FAMILY a!f Sapor Flour Fayettaville ana Wiln.3ts.n n.Pection, r or sa.e or jan '23 . ;- I J u QORN. Ia store UtC 1 -o5iw?Kushs Hyde County Corn, 2'XWbashs. "Perquimans County Corn. J0(l( do I Western mixed ' , anirfor shU by . i (J ELLIS A MITCHELL. B LA C K.I AV INTER SEED OATS. 1( f BCScLS Heavy Canada Oats a very MM su lora.r anicie ior swu. ryr'"'-r"j'. jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL. H3IESS PORK. irV in store, and 201) t VIM ' to arrive, for sale, a lowesi casu pric, hyj : i Ifjan 21) M. McINXIS. i liMACKEREL. JOS. 2 ar otii: Mackerel, in store. For sale by MacINNIS. jan l:t i jl. SUGARS. , p 1 i3 alwar stopped, unless a remittance . j ftic5inf it Timely notice is pren, w niVBicw . I P. i lt K. SUtiiiK. m hhds. and bbls, , ' A It ht ?. Sns-ar. in bbls. r.l red 'mL Crushed Sugrfr, for sale by jan ZZ i is : . ; : ' CANDLES AND CANDY. -i A As BDXKSLdamantine Lanaies, ... lUVt : t - jan.21' v: 'Assorted Candy. For sale by 'P? ZEN() II. GREEN E. CQUN grea T G IIOUSE CALENDERS. The ff-reate.'tt'farietv of sizes and styles. Every- Ihinsr neces.lr H iurnmu a (juuuiiug-Huuiu, v I VH1TAKEK'S New Book Store. Market st.,'1 tf Jas,-D vjanl Dawson s and V llkinson s. : TRUNKS. PI N'VAS: il'ackingJLeather Folios, Brasa and . TVnn Kft ri.1.;Oentii. Dress Trunks. Square and ivaKrron- J$cfed, St. Louis Sole Leather, Fine 5olc LeatheiuL Stub Spring, all the latest pat- tem.-. 'i 1 ;;! Valises. Sole Leather Boston, Enamelled Leather,' Ac, finbracing tfiten different style? . . 1 1 BajfS. 1 ' Enameled.i Travelling. Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Kaameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, l'iU?er, W 11 ,ton. embracilig; eleven style. ; ?Ladies;IIat Boxes. - E7vt'Jf lwtich' Hat Boxes, new style St. Louis, iron aid brass bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low prices at ,TC!rkV.,a Jan 28 No. 5 Market Street. HAY. XVBALEMVime N.-C. Hay, ex cnooner, ior AS VV7saleby Vt ELLIS A Mliwitiju j an i 4- ccrn o A TS "T0RTn RiVER and Eastern Hay, Wheet i Bran, C" Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, ana uommot t; ior saie oy i JanW . i . ELLIS A MITCHELL. i ..hiTVXY BAGS. OA Af GVrXJNY.,BAGS, just received per brg For sale by Jan 2S. : ! T..C. A B. G. WORTH. VJ 1 LARD'. i: 1 A BARRifiS; Extra "Cincinnati Lear Lard, lU 5 " N.C. j " r For sale, i 4 lots to suit, by . . : . WORTH A DANIEL, ijan 23 Granite Row, Front street. s f ? v I. A II i'iuAS, I On R AT3f.ii naantities to suit, by " w-r nnWTl . TV I V'TPf aa 23 -V 1 " f niii s. iAiii, 5. lj- . ' r t fii'I P. TtRAXDY. 2 years old. z par- " W . . BLdy rels varif thoice v. - ' . 2 years old. N. C Apple andy for ifoy WORTH A DANIEL. a, CHOICFJJoiintrr Smoked Sausages, at ; r Jan 23 ? " WORTH A DANIEL S. "15crY7)t shaveTyouiiselpi . DO you aS-ociat6 a good Razor? Fine Shav incr So;tpt Soft Shaving" Brushes? A Good Strap rRCana7 !. - ' BALDWIN'S, POCKET KNIVES.. . Prices low. Qualities t BALDWIN'S. T7UNE" Eollh Cutlery. X'- xcelieit,t i i EASTERN. II AY. ! inn BALES rery superior. Eastern Hay, for 1VJVJ aW?i from wharf, by r dee 7 STOKLEY A OLDnAM. lowest cash irUesi by jan 22 I ?r s M. MacINNIS.- l.. Ntrvv; crop molasses, I -MlIIDS;aCdbbla, For sale by A J jan 22;ft j M. MacINNIS, 1 A TONS . lilK and Y inch Hoop Iron. . IU jan 27 Tprsaleby 1 M. MacINNIS. GLISJIpAND GERMAN. HALF EJ HOSE. f... - r ; VERY i:it telling low, at ! V Jn '2 A ' . I BALDWIN'S.' WESTERS SIDES &. SHOULDERS. CASKS'siperior Western Sides and Shoul 'JJ dersJin- ktore.- and to arrive. For sale, at : I .tNTLB IfpN can find the largest assortment - VT of CwrlWear. at - i BALDWIN'S. . TOBACCy.-t-lOO boxes, various grades, i . i Filial by WORTH A DANIEL,". ' 2 ? . i & ? - Sranita Row. Frott street. Spociall Jptices: 7" " MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nure and female phrii- cian, has a Soothing S jrop for children teething, V : K .1 . r it ..i.!.v softening the gums, reducing alHnflamation will allaj all pain, and is tare to regulate the bowel. Depend upon it, mother it will giro rest to your- selres, and relief and health to your, infant. , Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column. Ml feb 23-1 t WALKER MEABCS, j WHOLESALE AXD I RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary,' and Dealer in &Jeci Medi cines, English, rrencq and (Jerman Cbefnicals, Sweduh Leeches, Ac, aluo, i -. PAINTS, OILS, Vindow Glass, rerfumery, Fancr Articles, Ac." Ac aug 14,' 1860 W. A. BATCnELOR'S HAIR DYE 1- This splendid Hair D re has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining the skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. :fsone are genuine unless signed " W . A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept2!-ly 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETH'S SEED. j J!r JUST RECEIVED, a full supply of Land- reth'a New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nor 23 t : ' V I V I ; "WV LIPPITT, j Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, A". B. Comer Front and Market St., WlLMIJ(QTOX, N. C. 51 ALWAYS ON nAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS. PAINTS. V1LSANV GLASS, PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTI CLES. I .. . . ! i Prescriptions accurate!! "compounded, iledicine can be obtained at anv Bour of tho nhrht. The night bell is at the sscond door (on front street,) from the corner.! "31, On and after thi' day, all prescriptions will be Cash. oct 30 II AIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELQRS HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. i GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautitul and Natural Brown or Black, without injury td Hair or Skin. ! i Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been madj to the nair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. j 1 Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not .to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the nair invigorates; for Life by this splen didDyc j ; i: " j Sold in all cities and towns of the United States by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "&5The Genuine has th name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on tour sides ot 1 each box, of William A. Batchclbr. i . CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly . 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. 1 i 1 11 ' Pimples Banished! Faces Made Clear! Howl By one week's use of the Magnolia Bah. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. " . i ! Price 50 cents per bottlew Sold, every where See advertisement. ; j W. E. IIAOAN A, CO., Proprietors, J apl 19-lydAw ! Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezbkiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with whtch he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. Wo saw him two dkys since, and on the place-so bald four months since, a tine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So'con rinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named lit-"THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. L " ! This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists, Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions' on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. j Wholesale depot for orders, 69 Main st. . R. EZEKIEL. .RichmoxdNov. 14,.1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for tlie past 12 years and have restored my hair by using- Ezckiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. j Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. i j 1 Joe. Mato, ; I Mayor of Richmond. W. H. L!PPlTT,Sole Ag't., jan H : H Wilmington, N. C. GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the tradd, that we have appointed WM. CJ HOWARD, Esq.Na ral Store Broker of Wilmington, N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. ' ' t Boston, apl 3, 1860. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A C0, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glued in this market, respect fully solicits orders from 'the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to,iif not superior, to ;any manufactured in the United States,' and is warran ted to give satisfaction, oi the ,monay will be re funded. A well selected stock; of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. j . ap!9-ly. W; C.S HOWARD, Broker. -OIEDAR FALLS GRALN BAGS. 3,000 just re- t eeived, for sale Dy ' iee 5 WORTH A DANIEL. CHEESE. T T ENGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at j dee 11 t l GEO. MYER'S. BLACK Winter Seed Oat in store, for sale, by dec 6 ' ELLIS A MITCHELL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS QAA BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, OUv in store, for sale by dec 27 ELLIS A MITCHELL. QfiC KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, - (6w 10 or. ken " "si " ' 10 " Musket " i dec 27 For tale by ZENO H. GREENE. PORK. ; I ycr BBLS. Jf. Y. City Mess.1 in store, for sale by ID dec 27 t ZENO H. GRENE. rIONSTANTLY manufacturing, at ray Es i tablishment. every description of Harness, Saddle. Bridles. Collars, Whipa and Trunks. , Every variety of Saddles. Harness, Trunks, Ac, I manufactured to order, ana repaired. - - I JAMES WILSOJI, ' - , dec2 S ' I Nof ltarkit ptreet. 1 i ' -" i . - '. i DI BECT O E"5T. ! STATE GOTERIfMENT. " 1 j ' Gorernor no. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretary-Graham Dares, of Crarev. TreasurerD. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufus II. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C, 11. Broeden. of Warne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. . Speaker of Senate II. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. v- " , House of Commons W. T. Dortch. oi ayne. . . ' htate Librarian O. II. Perry, of Wake. Public Prtnter-;-Jno Spelman, " " COCKCILLOaS OP BTATl. Council Wooten. of. Lenoir : John W. Canninc- ham, of Person ; W.- A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. urares. or uitt z Dand Murohr. or Cumber land; J. J. Long, 6f Northampton, and W. L. IliUard, of Bancombe. ; V : FEDKR1L AND STATK COCBTS. ' The'United States Circuit Court, for the District of a orth Carolina, is held semi-ahnuallv at Raleieh, on the 1st -Monday in June and last Monday in No- veraDer. J udees Hon.-J.: JI. Warne. of Georgia : Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin; District Judge salary, $2000. !;.-.: . Robert P. Dick. District Attornev . Wesler Jones, Marshal. j ". k ' : The United States District Courts are held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and October. J. M. Jones, Cleric; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and Uctober, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday alter the 4th Monday in April ana Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk. - j THE SCPRBMB COt'BT.' The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second. Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also the first Monday in August, J. K. Dodge, Clerk. lneomcers areas follows: Umet Justice, Kicn- mond M. Pearson.! of Yadkin : Justices. M. E. Manly of Craven, ; and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,600 per annum. William A. Jenkins., of Warrenton, Attorney-General: Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter: Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk : Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford. of Wake, .Marshal. .1 SUPKEIOa COURTS. ; v ! ! The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits. bv the following officers : Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan : Geo. Howard, of Wilson : Jas. W. Os- born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford : John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So-J Iicitors Ehas C. limes, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston,-of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit : William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit : Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt, Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit : David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. . i PCBLIC WORKS IX NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed ad March, 18 Jo. l he onicers are as follows : Green W. 'Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Ireasurer; John 11. uibbens, Assayer, Melter and Kehner ; John K. Bolton, Chiet Coiner ; Wm. t. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles V. N. W. from Kaleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Kaleigh, W. J. .Palmer, 1'rincipal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. I i United States ArsenaL Located at Fayette- ville. - I ' Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. IS. V. r isher, tsuperin- tendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward : Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston,, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. II olden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow. John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board : William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. AU indieent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised uoae, cnaptcr on Aayituns. o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINOTOH. Mayor John Dawson- , ' S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred.Martin. FIRE DEPARTMHHT Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden--W T J Vann. -r J n ac. t Ttr i.... Ell is W T J Vann , Ed ward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Rllis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. ' i HOWARD RKLIEF PIRB COMPANV. (Re-organized Juno 6, 1859. ) . Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkey. 2d " P Curren, . Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman D Driscoll. f lie , m utr vrcwitc iu i n s, 3 i ucci j , CD HOOK AND LADDER CpMPAST NO. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. ; Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bbhop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. (Office 18 Water street. ) George Harriss, T AZ Worth, W C Fergus, Jos II Flanner, Wm M llarris. SCHOOLS. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. h Wm S Larkins, James McDufiie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert H Tate, Samual Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON IN8TITDTB. L Meginney, Principal. WILMINGTON MALB AND FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. . OAKDALE CEMETERY COMPANY. President Donald McRae. V . Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. 1 Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to BanL Wilmington. j ; : COUNTY OFFICBRS, COCRTS, AC. ' - Sheriff W T J Yann. ! . Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge US District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal TJ S, D istrict Wilmington Jao J Conoley. Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and XIaster Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. . Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Ctlay, Wil liam II Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. , J v ; : li j ' i j INSPECTORS. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Prdvision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James U iiowaen, joms Jmt!i Georffe Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player. John M Henderson, u aoutneriana, w u liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. .- I - ... Timber and Lumber mspeciore James Aider- man, jLH Bowden, James S Melvm, ilenry w Groves, J W Monroe,, N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington. ;.''.' ' WILMINGTON OAS XTOHT COMPANY. (Office In Sayings . Bank Building.) President-rCol John McRae, Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. SuperiotwdBt-OUver HcUheanf. ! . SECRET SOCIETIES. U j IT. JOHS'S LODOB XO. L MASOSte. ! (Meeta the last Tuesday Evening in each month at i St. John' ilali.) i 1 4 j ; O' L FiUyaw, Master. M Newhoff, S; W. Oliver McHhenny, J W. Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. Henry Spalding, S D. ? A A Hartafield J D. JO Bowden, Tyler. j cbscoao CBAFTSE vo. 1 masosiic. (Meets 1st Monday evening in each; mopth at St. V j . ' . ' John's HaU.) y- Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com LC Tamer, G M 3d Ex O L FiUyaw, King. V. H i il 1 Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, O il 2d , Com P W Fanning, Capt V. t i HosL Com W J.Price, G Mist Com A Martin, P S. V. V U ' " i M Newhoff, R A Com J no A Tayiorl rea. Capt. . " E Turlingtpn, Tyler. CAFl 7XAK LODOa HO. 2 I. O. O. f. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall. ) Asa J Murray, N G W L Smith; Secretary. James E Kea", V G. T H Howey Treasurer. . i CAXPBBLL EXCAMPXKXT HO. 1 L A O. F. ; (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d Friday in each month, i j J D Gardner, C P. Thos M Gardner, JtW. Rev A P Repiton, IIP. R J Jones. Scribe.? John J Conolev S W. - Thos II HawevUTreas. 1 , . . v simv:v ' ' CAPE rKAR MAKISH TOTAL ABSTISBXCB SOCIKTT. (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately alter tne close ot the rrayer fleeting ior seamen, j Chas D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice President. . ' -Jaa Fleet, lAs'tSeCt'y. V illiam M Poisson, Sec retary. SRAMH.NS' FRIEND SOCIET. Charles dent. D Ellis, Presi- B F Mitclieil, Secy 1 reasurer, D Ellis, GUbert Potter, Col Johnj McRea,; A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. I n ladies' bbsbvolkht sociEir. ; ! . st Directress, Mrs . Ken nedy. 4th Directres,Mra Hal lett. . ;J Secretary Mrs Van Sickle:, i! ; . ; Treasurer,' Miss Lilling , ton.' 1 i t ! ii 2d Directress, Mrs Har- riss. 3d Directress Mrs De Rosset WILMIKOTOH LIBRART ASSOCIATION (Organized . lune, 1855.)! Dr JH Dikson,President. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Donald McRae, Treas. Wm R-Utljey,Setfy.' Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian, Rer R B Drane, R H Cowan, E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRaeJ J ft Wright, Directors. MILITARY. ; li; WILlflNQTOX LIGHT INFAHTRT. (Org. May 20th, 1853.) . Wm L DeRosset, Capt. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. I J C McHhenny, 2d Lieut. H Savage, 3d . " I C WinslowJ Ensign. . A D Cazauxi Quarter Master, S ; C D MyersJ Orderly. OBRSCAH VOtUNTESRS. (Organized February 22d, 1853. . C Cornehlsen, Capt. n G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. I . BANKS.. ! :J i .j ' BANK OF CAPH FHAR. j i. j p T H Wright, President. H R Savage! Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. J D GardnerAs't Teller. J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin J Djs. Clerk. tv- t nr J : i .'-". 1 " BANK OF WILMINOTOH, H. C4 John MacRae. President. WL Smith, Teller. S Jewett, Cashier.; Williapi Larking, Book- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. eeper.' ' j . ! . Discount Day, Tuesday BANK OR NORTH CAROLINA.- i; John Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-kecper. j- Discount Day, Tuesday. i, ! :'"?'',. ! COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa X Walker, Book J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. . Discount Day, Monday. : J . WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK, f John A Taylor, President. Wm Hyde Cashier. RAIL ROADS. ! i WILMINOTOH, CHARLOTTE A RUTHERFORD R ROAD. (Office cor Market and S Water street.) H W Guion, President. R H Cowan, Sec. T reas. J C McRae, Chiet Eng. Koad unnnishea WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P Robertson,Gen'l Sup. Jos J Ling; Treas. j R B McRae, (Jen'I Freight Agent. J WILMIKGTOH WELDON KAIL ROAD, i Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. Freight Agent.) " S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G Green, Yard A Sup. Master. . j . j James S Green, Sec'y A P H Langdon, Aud'r A m o.. ri-w . S D Wallace, Asst Sec A William Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. Agent. v I Hi CHURCHES. Mp Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle. Rev J H Wheeler. Fastor. f Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, .Pastor. 'H. Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J, L Prich- ard. rastor. . . . Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron. Davis, Pastor. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Munhv. Pastor. M Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and, 3d, Rer. . R B Drane, Rector. I ; V LEpiscooal. fSt John's.) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (st ram s,; cortn ana urange, iiisnop ; rrtl k iL! 1 . I 1UU9 AI&.1USUU, nctiui. 1 . i Presbyterian, Princess bt7th and 8th,!Rev M Mc Queen, Pastor. " j Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rer M B Grier, Pastor. t i Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard, Pastor. "i Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J ii Mengert, rastor. ' ! ? ! Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. POST OFFICE. Hi WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA.' Postmaster Daniel Dickson. ' H Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 1 A M to IP M. 2 P M to sundown. Sundays,7 A M to 9 A MJ f1 . Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5 A M. Closes i and 9 P M, cnanging on Sunday from i P M to 10 A M. i I j Southern MaU, by W A M R R, arrives daily at 4K A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. I , Smithville, N C, (horse,) arrives Monday and Friday at & P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. '-: 3 i H --.t Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 PM. ; U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, CUSTOM HOUSE, i Jas T Miller, Collector. D M -Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col lector. A J Galloway. Surveyor. W N Peden, Naval Offi cer. ft Uuager. T M Burnett; Insp'r. WP Burch andUria Sullivan, Inspector A Measurer.' I Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner .6 , CONSULS. 'British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 Water. Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ecr n Water and Mulbery, (upstairs.) ; ' ' i Danish Vice-Consul P k Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut.- ' .; S INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. ' I' f OLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 jof the above Bonda redeemable in 1891 with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable in the city ot JHew lore, 1st Marcn ana 1st .aepiemoer. For sale by DeROSSET, BROWNA CG. ; dec 1 " COFFEE. i. : i f r TtAfja RTO COFFEF. ' Ov 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, ' - 20 mats best Java " 1 J de,cl - - ? ZENO H. GREENE.! . -... CEMENT. t ';-k BARRELS for sale low, by "1 ' 1 IO feb 21 i ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. City Business Cards. , ERRANT & WILSON, j "T7'H0LESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- f V 'mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing,' Boots, a Shoes, Ac. i I No. 14 aid 15 North Water Street, oct 2 t Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. EACTOKS: AND COMMISSION Merchants, j No 8 North' Water Street. I " i WlLMIKOTOH.-N. C. Solvit consignments of all kinds of l'roduce, al- j so orders tor juroceries, liagging, Kope, uaano, Ac., Aa : . oct 3 OBOBGK HARRISS. A. . HOWELL. DR. W. W..HARRUS. HARRISS Sc HOWELL, ! GOMMISSlON MERCHANTS i Oct 2, 1858 I ' i WiLMiseTOH, N. C. , 3 WPRTII As DANIEL, ! ROCERSAND COMMISSION Mirchasts, T NoJ 2. Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. TS Solicit consignment of Flour, (Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country l'roduce generally. ; Asrents t'ot Howe's celebrated Scale. V j D. G. WORTH, sept 2g,jyl j N. G. DANIEL. JA1C8 ANDBESqX, BDWAKD SATAOB. 1 ANDERSON & SAVAGE, c ENEKALiCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT July 18j 'CO-ly. Wilmington, N. C. C. II. ROBINSON & CO., COMMISSldN AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS! Wilmington, N C. r Office over Mr, J. A. Willard's store. J3 Entrance Coiner Princess and Water st. : mar 9. 'CO-tf: A h- w- ERRANT, j 6E6wWI80X. f ERRANT Ac WILSON, aOOMMISS'IQN MERCHANTS 1 Nos. 14 a.vd 15 North Water st., oct 2, 'CO-ly i Wilmington, N. C. t W. A, OWTBK, f' LO VET PEACOCK, 8. B. JENXIXfli. V GWYER, PEACOCK & CO., ; ' . 1' WiLMixaTOH, N. C. GOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Gro cers and dealers in NAVAL STORES, COT TON, and Southern Produce generally. j Ef Prompt personal attention given to all consignments cjf produce. feb lG-ly j WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, rlHEMIST AiND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Deiler in' Paints. Oils. Dye Stuffs, h Window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and wines, I'ertumjery ana I'ancv Articles, s. r.. cor oner Front and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. I mar 25, 58 j i ; . ! I EDWIN A. "KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, i i- :) Wilmington, N. C. 3- Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to ,New York at 10 cts per bale; ; oct 4-1860 Iy V O. G. PARSLEY & CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw; and Planing Mills, Wilmington, N. C. ; flSt" All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. , mch 21 '59 f ; SMITH & McLAURIN, C COMMISSION AND Forwardino Mbrcbants, j : i'i J Wilmington, N. C. Refer tot' ' ; j John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. P.! Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State NfC . ' " . i. m.-smitb:, "v - john m'laprih. ! July 1 1859-tf j MALCOM McINNIS, 0 ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water street. i I ' Wilmington, N. C. oct 1 i Chas. D. Mters, Fred. J. Moore. i MYERS & MOORE. T7H0LESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, J.fV Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 1859 j ' ." ; T. 6. & B. G. WORTUV r T COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. r- : f 1 UNION DISTILLERY, i . V Wilmington, N. C. A. H. YANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. V-rv. Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage done at lair rates. jan 2 1860. I . i jG. POLVOGT, TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, J ; Comer Front and Princess Streets, - f. - Wilmington, N. C. i Keeps constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions,! Feathers, Curled .Hair Moss, and all TTnhnlsterv Materials. Also. Paper Hangings,- Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every aesenpuuu. s. Pictures framed to order. ? Prompt: attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. ji may 31 J - - it. L. HATHAWAY. WM. R. CTLEY. 1 1 HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dec 6, '58. i Wilmington, N. . Ji M. ROBINSON & SON, XMPORTERS DEALERS in Foreign and I Domesticliardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac, hoi 8, Front st., WilmingtonN. V. jan 9, '58 ' ! ' ' H 'HENRY NUTT, TnACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, ?P ; M ii Wilmington, N. C. r,WtH ffiTe his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10, '57-tf. James stoklbT i a lex. oldbam. I STOKLEY Jl. OLDHAM, TaEALERS IN GRAIN. Ai COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. Wilmineton, N. C. ; Promptl attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flomv Bacon, and other Country; Produce, j i JUTE ROPE. Q "I COILS best Jute Rope, fori sale by OU nov 28 ; ZEN"0 H. GREEN. ALMANACS FOR 1861. fTIURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- ;fX LEY'S BOOK STORE. dee 11 ri r : ' ; ' TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Apply to 1500 tiov 27 STOKLEY & OLDHAM. I FLOUR TT1AM1LY. Super and Fayetteville and Wilminirton inspection, in store, and for sale (dec 11) ZENO II. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI CIANS AND ECONOMISTS.! IF 1860 ;feet. of gas is consumed through eight burners, in' 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per! thou sand feet, ;how much is consumed by each burner per hour l at What cost, and-what would be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil t j Answer : There is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost of 6 cents per! honr per burner. ! Four .Kerosene Lamps afford as much lieht as 8 gas fy4 : 4 gallons : of Kerosene Oil will supply lamps one: montn, which, at $1 ,20 per gallon, is 4,80 per month, or a cost of one eent per nour per lamp ; therefore, by bnminggas, the expense is only six nunarea per centum greater man vn ourn Kerosene Oil. which, with Lamps, can be bad at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12 i yp;: - -.-.V J CASSIDEY. EW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrela of choice, i For ha1 by i dec 21 i I , 1 HATHAWAY ft CO. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by j dec 21 j HATHAWAY A CO. I A NTICfPATIONS of the Future.- To serve as V Lessons for thp Present Time, tn the form ot"Extract of Letters from an English Resident in the United States; to tho London Time,l from 1864 to 1870. - With an Appendix on tho Caasea and Consequences of . the (Independence of the South. Just published. Received and for sale at r feb 20 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. 1 ! . : . - t i . r I- northern business cards. iXO. S. DA5CT. 90BH H. HVMA, late of ' " late of late of Tarboro N. C. Scotland Neck,! Warrenton, N. C. DANCY, HYMAN A co.i OCERS AND COMMISSION Mbkchaxts 124 Pearl street,'. ; ! ' ..Viw York. HY3IAN, DANCY At CO., fi ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mbbcmaxts, VAirnLf.Yl. he New Tork house will lw vi4ntMl hr Jno. S. Dancy, aided by R. W. II man. t I The Norfolk House will bo enmlaetd bv John H. 11 r man and F. M. IIvmn i T 29? Particulars attention rirrn ti ihm sale of voiion, vxtb, neat, and Naval Stores, i September 13-tf I860 W nVTUlV . nn'. 1.. 't" " " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j No. 32 India street Boston astT Consirnmenti of Aaval Store. Cotto Lumber, and other Southern Produce solicited. Jso. ILLoxnox. J. II. Bryan. Jr. ov zi-tf Wlf. M. ORBIKER. - f, W. !W. BABRSKSS. G REINER A IIARKNESS, -OOTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION j Hocsb. Philadelphia Nov 15, 1857 wm. li. Hill, N, M. AoBrLMT. of North Carolina, ! of North Carolina. HILL & NQRFLEET EN ERA L COMMISSION A FORWARDING IT Merchants, ShockoeiSlip, I uiciinionn, a.. finlimt mnalirnmnta nf Pitlnn I.Umhi-r Vi .ll and all kinds of Merchandize and t roduce. ALSO I Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffees Molas ses, salt, tiime,1 uuano, ac. AAijge cargoes oi.ine above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, and we shall be pleased to operate for par tiesofder'ing, promising faithfulness in our en deavors to represent them. Jan 25-1 v G. W. WILKINSON fc CO. 17RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, y 89 Barclay street, N. Y :5u Particular attention given toConsignmeuf and purchase of Merchandise, all kinds. Liberal cash advances through WILKINSON a CO., Wilmington, N. C. - i i August 2, 18C0-ly I ' . T7" EROSEN E LAMPS. A large supply, IX suitable ior stores, tor sale very cheap with OiCat dec 7 CASSIDEY'S. EASTERN HAY.! j BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. h 150 jan 9 for sale, low, from wharf, bv I ! ELLIS A MITCHELL LAMPS TO HIRE. I ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can bo hired on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable l ' jan 8 CASSIDEY. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shouldejs. For said bv dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. N. C. FLOUR. 50 brands. . boxes 50 bbls of 0d HATHAWAY A dec 21 "ItTUSCOYADO SUGAR 20 hhds. prime For sale by to If I choice Muscovado Sugar. dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. LARD. NOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 3 bbls. Western Lard a splendid article. IN STORE : j I 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 " Western Lard, in small packages, dec For sale by Z. II. GREENE. . , , , - I'i i N EW FLOUR ! In bags and bbls. For! sale bv dec 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM ' TT1NGLISH CHEESE.-25 Bozw selected En- glish Cheee, just receivad at i ded 4, WORTH A DANIEL THOSE CHOICE HAVANAS have come, at dec 6 WORTH A DANIEL'S. LARD. -20 Kegs use. Extra leat liar d forfamilv WORTH A DANIEL. BIIRNING FLUID. for sale very cheap, at dec 7 -Fluid and Oil tin cans, CASSIDEY'S.. TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERSBURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something now. New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders, " Smoked Beef Buckwheat, Rye Flour, Butter, j 60 bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, I 10 " A- " 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. I i WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. I E have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrent each and every barrel and pacaaire, 11 uoi kuuu, h uc kiuiu dec 12 WORTH A DAXIEL. TA"STRNT1AYV00 bales of the besTEestern r-i J l. 4 A- Pi Hay in market. For sale by dec 2i HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. was the announcement of a very great OUCH 0i victory, by a Roman General. The people of this day. in spcakim? of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "1 came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 i 26 a 28 South Front st. XT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro I lina has seceded 1 This they would not have been prepared to do, if some of ber j citizens bad not bought i KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, . as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, Ac. ic, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. j dec 21 TUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute fj ' Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale! bv dec 1 zeno 11J Greene. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. T7INE BED ROOM SETS A new lot, some X very pretty just opened, and for' sale at dec 10 j PERRIX'S. I CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES, i TIER PARKERSBURG. Fresh Raising, I- V'to-a Fresh Butter, Cheese, i r' Prunes, " Segars. Tooaeco, - Ale, i Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. Citron, w " Nutmegs, " " Mace, " " Buckwheat " " ABaCSugar," Crushed " " Elegant Hams, dee 19 WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. G ENU1NU scniedam schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. " . Shprrr Win. " ' Madeira " " Pert dec 18 " For sale bv WORTH A DANIEL. IORK. 50 bbls. N. Y. City Mess Pork, for sale dec 7 by ZENO HJ GREENE. rllHE BEST FAMILY FLUUK, in I ranted in all cases, to be had of Llli llbt.' X a a A mr v --y - town, - war DANIEL. dec 29 WORTH A SUGARS SUGARS ! BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, GrAnulated and Powdered, 75 35 Muscovado Sugars, ngni ana ary, 6 hhds. " " ": 1 " Foralebv WORTH A DANIEL, ian a " ' Granite Row. , j PORK PORK. I j 'yrr BBLS, New 1 York City Mesa, just received fj and for sale low, for cash, by j decll ZENO 11. UKbb.XK. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. CtZ KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 28 eenta, a !ZO decll GEO.f MYERS'. TO ARRIVE. I r rrt BBLS. Flour different erades. jan 15 . STOKLEY A OLDHAM, , PIANO FORTES, f TN THESE TIMES when we ought to look at I ' home. me, why not purchase of a Southern Man y ? Such is W m. Knabes A Co., Baltimore, uTactor fd.: whoae Pianos have not been surpassed by anv S )ld in this market, of Northern make, and have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited, at fairs, Ac Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to quite a large number of fami lies that use them, in this eitv. - . A , -, KELLY'S Book Store; feb 20 Ag't for Wm. Knabe A Co. YOB TUX CUM OF " FEVER AND AGUE. DU O. PHELPS BROWN was for Mreral years so badly aftiicted by Dyspepsia, that for a part of the time h was cunbsxMl Ui ku hd. lie was eventually cured by a rrewriptioa furoUhrd by a young tlairvoyaatirtrl. TbU preertpU, given nim oy a Caere cbUd, wnu la state of trance, hai cured every body who has taken it, never having failed once. It U equally sore ia caaes of Fm as of Dtspspsia and Favaa and Aeci. To those persons who have tried aav sndicinea until they nave become discouraged, 'and do Dot feel willing to expend more money unon ncrrtAin- ties, I willselid toe prescription for preparing and successfully Oaing the Vtrtmin Mmye A$rimlal, upon receipt of their address, with stamp for rvtara postage, i All of the ingredients are to be foMad at the Drug Store of Henry McLin. Address-Dr. O f helps Brown, .No, 21 Grand sitreft, Jorx CiH . J. DR. O. PHELPS BUOWN't ARCADIAN BALSAM. For the cure of Cwnnuniplin, Bronchitis, x. a. Cough, Colds and Nervous Debility, i Com- m posed principally of foreign herbs and hod in ! sams, it is the only cure ever duebverrd Ii eases of the Lungs, Stomach and Nerves. It cur bines all the qualities embodied in the thousand c.f drugs vended to the sick: it is a healing babea for all the Internal Sores, L leers. Tubercles sud Infla mationt; an unsurpassable Tonic, an unna(vrliia able Nervine, a Purifier of all the Fluids, an ilahil rant, a Stimulant which produce bo rticlioa, and a . builder up of waatcd Fibre and Vlutrl Prices, $1 and $2 per large bottles: samnle boltlr 2jcenut ror saio or llenrv McLin. dr. o. PiiRLPs nnovs RENOVATING PILLS. This Pill will n gulate the bowcla whrn allothea preparations mill fail. It will, in a very abort time eradicate what ia termed chronie eoaUveneaa or conKtipation, Sitk Headache, Liver and Biilioau Complaiuts ; and it will cure, as sure as there is a sun that shines upon us, all the sufferings and aa-noyanci-s that h ave their riaein the want of projx-r utooli. j It does not act as mprrly a temporary ar fair ; it ke-ps the human system in a state of sound and vigorous health, by eaailv and almoat percep tibly cleansing it of all impurities. Each box rt ' tains about 60 pills. Price 60 conU per bos. dr. p. phelps nnowxs EtherlaK Ointment. nonsr the manir afflictiona fnr sklok Aiuimic in many aian-uona ior wiiirh r. . . euy u has no equal, nor ever will bare, is tism, Fever Sores FWitula, Cramps, Dvi Cholera, heavy Colds In the Chest and He Rbeuma- vsU-nU'ry, f .4 (!. fcves, Croup, Pleurisy, Quinsy. Enlarged Tonsils, Glandular .wellines. Ear Ache, Ear Ulcors. aJI kinds of Colics, Ulcers and Tumors. Burns, Bee Stings, Bruises, Chilblains. Cuts, Corns, Sprain, Scalds, Sore Lips, Sore Nipples, Sweljrd.Face, Palsy, Numbness, Blotches, Boils, Heald Ifred Mumps, White Swelling, Oravel, Stone, Weak Kidneys, Muscular Disturbances, Scrofular, Sart Rheum, Murcurisl Sorea, Ac. 'Price 10 cents per pot. Descriptive pamphlets given to all who au ply to my Agent. ' , Addreis Dr. O. Phelps Brown, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N.J. . , , For sale by lU.sar McLix, sole Agtat In Wii mington, N. C.- jao 29-tf - - - awwB W tw TO ARMS! TO ARMSf t. LL THOSE who are opposed to the Federal coercion of a sovereign State, and tthn r A opposea to tnepaasage of abolition soldiers throegh North Carolina, for the purtOM of subjugating a sister State, will buy their Groceries, Provlins. small stores and accoutrements of the patrioti 1 t CASSIDET. " COFFEE. " T IO, LAGUA YHA. Java and St. Dou.ii i XV' store, and for sale bv 1 j"10 j ZENO H. ORKKXFs. NEW CORN. AFW)AT f 9 OHO ,,U,SIIEL'S l rin,e Wblt Crop )J Corn, now landing, for sale by' jnl ELLIS A MITCHELL. WIIITR OATS. ir 9001 BUSHELS Heavy New York Stste JJJ OaU. For sale bv . . jnJJ ELLIS A MITCHELL. WHEAT 11 RAN. ' 1 A A A BAGS in store. For al. by 1UUU Jan II ELLIS A MITCHELL. r ' RAISINS. rr" 1 WHOLE boxes large bunch Raisins, 1XJ 10 4 . " " jan 11 Foraaleby ZEXO H. GREENE. P1A.VAL BARROWS.-100 Canal Barrow.; tn j warehouse, and for sale, In lots to suit, at nov 30 j WILSON'S. HOOP IRON. i. 1 TONS 1, i to lilnch Uooi. Iron, for saUby vJjan II. Mar IXXjS. MACKEREL. TOS. 2 and 3, in store, and for sale bv jan M. MidNNIM. N. C. FLOUR. . 1 ' Tt's; fj Su For sal ST RECEIVED per Railroad. Family and 1 per, celebrated Watchovia Mills brand.--- 7 .DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. ' nov 27 CEMENT V PLASTER. BBLS. Cement, M bbls. Plaster Paris. per brig Watef Witch. ror sale bv dec 13 ELLIS A MITCHELL. ROOKS FOR ALL. T rpHE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK, Cant weirs Justice, or. awanu s IU Icviacd Frelly's KELLEY'8, i L-gaI Adviser, at dec 11 Book Store. DEMIJOHNS, i, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 galloni,' a dee 12 PERRIVS.-, "nLFfEEt'OF P EETT j r BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laruavra do 5d JJ St. Domineo do 20 aiats Java do in store. and for sale low for cah, bv dec 11. 2ENO ll. GREENE. "TAIL8. 150 kegs aborted Naila, from 3 to 40d. i nov 1 For aale by l ZE0 II. GREENE. f EALTHFUL EXERCISE, ia nec-ary to a Ong and h ai py life.- Let the gifts bev Trn dllnK II ouns me 00 vs smau axes. 11 ja?m Dr. 1 . . f .. . .... and take plenty of exercise theae crnd mornings.' dec 1 i 1 LEAVEN LEAVEN LEAVEN. LEAVEN, LEANEN, LEAVEN, LEAVEN. Try it Try if Try it Try it, at I jan 8 Worth 'a Daniel's. NOTICE. a; to tin LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, Provisions, Ac, either by note or account. te late firm of Wilaon A Williams, and who accounts are long since due, are rrquested to wake immediate payment to the subscriber, or such ac count will be placed in officer's hands for collec tion. JAMES WILSON j i jn 1 . No. 5 Market street. CHEESE. ! BOXES New York Stat Cheee-spletUl. . Jut received per chr D. C. Hulaf. I 30 Jan 10 Foraaleby ZEXO H. GKEEN K. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, i BARRELS in store, and for sarc, bv 50 WORTH A DAM El..' Granite Row, Frnt street jan 22 COFFEE. sale by feb 20 -125 bag Rio Coffoe in store and for WORTH A DAXIEL MILITARY TACTICS, AT KELLEY'S New Book More: i Gilham's Manual fr Volunteer and Militia. rcott snianiry ibchct. , Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactic, i Cavalry Tactics, by the War Department, i ' Volunteer Hand Book. feb 36 BOOKS FOR ALL." I HE North Carolina Form - Book Cantwell'a T.i:- V.l.I IVvlav I trm AdvUer, at Kelley's Book Store. dee 11 I i " t . . ; ' - : . , ' . V '( 1 . 1 -:) ! .'I 'I IS s. " '

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