'!'': ; ". ''"'V. '.':'".. :! "V-." ' -.1 : i ' : : .;! ; 7r,i ' ; : i i. " ; " " '"-"i"" ."7 ' .-I -: . " 't. : ; ; ' ' .' : :- I. ; i -7 7- :: ,1.:,'7' , ;":77 - i ' ' t't' - ' "' 1 . ; 1 -. . i 'l'ltf i) $ 7 rji - feT:7 -''((J : QTT . (fl K f 7 ; T " MWIjW I 7 !; .;.7.-: -j -7 : 4': .7C'--: 7.. ;.7.;;7v '7 7:7 . S " 7i7V 7:, -7 ;L7Vj..;:. 7 7 ., 7 7. 7 -.j.- , mt '" 'T ' ' . ...... - , , ' ' '. ' " : : T" ; ... ... i'. - ; ! . " I T : " VO Hr, NO. 250. WILMINGTON, N. C.L THURSDAY EYENING, 7FEBRUARY 28, 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.150 I I i V V TERMS: nailT;iaper, $6.00; Weekly, 2.00, . I j&t-lS ADVANCE. -tE. Tbe Tf C i 'lwJ atopped, nnlesi remitUnc that pajBSsht can be made before the erpiraUon of maud t.-Cpn5inno it. iiuicij uuu jiwcu, ur n.ar Dd mauea avoar roi. wnen me tr re'gi te'red; j A. M M'ADDELL, Editor and Pronor. f TOVN PRINTER. ro-lLMHTGTON, ' -jyORTII CAKUUJA. "' ' " " ' - - . The Herald Job Office . -V-rfinletetV fitted np -vrith the finest ortmnt of Job Ttp to .be found in the State :Ftit eci of Job work can now be speed- If aildlan!0"1! .P"?tc1 at thia office from liook dowi to a. Tisiting card. Handbills, . '..;nilar3 -:'iUoks, 4c, &c, neaUj and prompUj . rinti-d ai iiiort notice, and on reasonable terms. Esnerial attention will be given to the Job lurfafter. and we feel assured that urj-n y ' .ill worlV fclrusted to our Job hand, who is ex- jH.riehce.yfc the business, will be executed sat- .....rVi.n everr resneCt. Gire him a trial at unr rae,fivl Uitia not done well,' no complaint , will be nuule ot wimurnwai y8"""'- j. SUNDRIES. A "BOPS Colgate's Xo 1, and Pale Soap, Till " Rawing larer and bunch, iXJ lahaif-bis.-" - ' . " 20 tioxef Coocentra,ted lre, 0i ' v " Pota: jtah, " 10 fV .Prepared f "50 Jfars Hock , . . 20 boxes Starch, i . i15 Ki-r!rb. Hoda. it Tacks. Matches, Tea, C-mcentrtiC Soft Soap, lastard, Ike., Ac., be- si.Ks want 'fhrarticles too numerous w uicunuu, which will lie ohl as liff, 4,rcsuh a3 b-f anJ other. lii.use in twn. . L 7, nI-rvi' J11 v tim e n P PEACE, PREPARE i'OK T-i,T- WAR. -li i'rtw: f Pathnm'i Patent Finish, from (ill titti lareest Duck, to the smalloet Drop .shot M V V -I 2 25-kVgs Kentucky Kjtle Powder, 15 ' Mu-'ket Powder, ;0 qrJ kegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, 5 caios 50,000 Ca'pa. For sale by . ZEXO U. GREENE. i. Jr. " l.-T.OITn. 7 AMI Li? ami Super Flour Fayetteville and. Wilhfgtun inpecti6n For dale br -a. ZEXO U. GREENE,. mi UiwIij Hvde Countr Corn, bushs. Peruiuiana County Corn. a.-kiPQ ' do Western mixed " In siore'si-fid for salo br - dec I i . ' "ELLIS A MITCHELL. BEAi?K WINTER SEED OATS. OAfl JJUSHELS Heavy Canada Oatsa very MESS PORK Cifl l UliS. Xe City Mess Pork, in store,and ZUU t.rrire, for ale, at lowest cash; prices, f b (jan 21). i M. MclNMfr. ? MACKEREL, JOS'. 2 Bad 3 Mackerel, in store. orsaie uy jan ?v - ; i j " T) R- SUGAR, in hhds. and bbls, I " A. PI and C. Sugar1, in bbls, . PowdereUtond Crushed bugar, Jor aale br ian 22 : - " ' M. MacIXXIS. .1 " i.e. CANDLES AND CANDY. ioo; BOXES Adamantine C'anaies, 7- . , l J et la Vt v i . fZEN'O H. GREENE. it' r ' FOR 1861. 00 U f"Tl N tJ-UUUSE CALENDERS. The greaHt Variety of sUes and styles. Erery ttunr noceisjirvto furnish a Counting-lloom, at T. : -1sVH1TAKER'S New Book Store, Market sLf Bet. Jos. Dawflon's and Wilkinson's. jan I TUITXKS. GiN3pS PackingJLeather Folios, Brass and IrofS nd, Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and Lbuis Solo Leather, Fine Sole LeatJr and Stub Spring, all the latest pat- fh Valises, j Sole LeVer, Boston, Enamelled Leather, Ac, embracing" fairen different styles. Enameled5 Travelling; Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Enameled,. .Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil ton, embracing eleven styles. " -jj Ladies' Hat Boxes. : 'New styfi .French Hat Boxes, new style S. Louis,- iron land brass bound edging. For sale at unDrecedenied low prices at ' ' unpreceoenv v JXMEg WILS0N'S, ' ah 23 ' v', - ! No. 5 Market Street. HAY. BALES Prime A. C. Hay, ex Schooner. lor OU leb:- I ELLIS A MITCHELL. San 23 4 ' SEED OATS. "VTORTH DRIVER and! Eastern Hay, heet isran. Uow reas, aiso resu wuuuu mcsi, and J Honrmdiny, for sale by Jan 28 ELLIS A MITCHELL. 5 GUNNY !B AGS. OAAh IJUNNY BAGS, just received per brg Jt)J) tihibboleth. For sale by Jan28T . T. C A B. O. WORTH. lT" T V A TT -t f B ARIKILS-Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 1U 6"-f " Nf C. " " For sale, in lots to suit j by i;or saie, ."aowi . WORTH A DANIEL, ; 7 jan 28 ? f , ' Granite Row, Front street. U - LADY PEAS, ,T10R SHE, in quantity to suit, by A." Jafl28 ; ' - WORTH A DANIEL, ARPLE BRANDY, 2 years old. 2bar- rels rcry choice 2 years old. A. U Apple Brandy f ranuy ior gaie oy WORTH A DANIEL. CHOICE SCountry Smoked Sausages, at . Jan28rV WORTH A DANIEL'S. , - a tm Vnrr snAVB YOURSELF 1 i- BO you appreciate a good Raor? Fine Shav .ingSwpsT Soft Shaving Brushes? A Good pT Caljit r BALDWIN'S. POCKET KNIVES. TTtlNE Efiglish Cutlery. Prices low. Qualities BALDWIN'S. f i EASTERN HAY. " r( BALES Tery superior Eastern- Hay, for JLUVsalftlow from wharf, by dec 7 -r: STQKLEY A OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES At SHOULDERS. r( CASKS superior Western Sides and Shoul JJ ders. in store, and to arrive. For sale, at lowest cash prices, by r M. MacINNIS. jan 22 ! NEW CROP ftlOLASSES, INTmnsTand bbls. Frr sale by ' jan 22 f i ;.- . . it MacIXNIS, . " h-i JIOOP" I RON. ' i A TONS, 1, VA nd 1 inch Hoop Iron. . IJJ jan 22 i For sale by tM. MacINNIS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HALF E. 3 1 ' " HOSE. .. . VERYixe, selling low, at " - Jau 28 V " ... BALDWIN'S. HI 4 4- vfriENTLSMEN V"-VX of Uder W can find the largest assortment Wear, at BALDWIN'S. Jan 28.1 3 XTRAHUGAR HOUBE. SYRUP, for Buck uf at takes the best article in market, a 1' S.i OFO. MYF.Rl'. Special Notices tsa- An experienced butm and female phjii cUn, hu a Soothing Sjrup for children teething. which greatl j facilitates the process of teething bj Oening tU guma, reducing ail inflamation-will allay all pain, and is sore to regulate the bowels. Depend- upon it, mothers, it will gire rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants, j Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column i-. ; . feb 2S-lv .. WALKER MEASES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG- ! GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, English, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leech, Ac, also. PAINTS,1 OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles,; Ac, Ac! ; aur 14. 1860 W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DTE I This splendid Hair D re has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or. natural Brown no staining' the skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed W A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CIIAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor sept 29-ly j i 81 Barclay street, N. Y. ! I LANDRETII'S SEED. ; JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- retUs New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market sL npv28 ,: ' I 7 - - : ' "W. "KC- TjTPPITT , Wholesale ' and Retail Druggist and Chemist, ' N. E. Corner Front and Market St., 1 !! WlUHHOTOX. N. C. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRIHJS. PAINTS, ' OILS AA V GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. , ; ! Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can De obtaintnl at anv nour ol tne niffni. ine night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner.; '!" . ' i "S3 On and after this day, all prescriptions willbeCASH. ; ; i oct30 7 II AIR DYE HAIR DYE. ;WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. j The Original and best in the World. All others are' mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY,. RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap- plications havo been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. Wm. A. Batctelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. j Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Qoods Dealers. "fcThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly j 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. Pimples Banished ! 'Faces Made Clear! ! ! Howl By one week's use of the Magnolia Balm A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. . Price 50 cents per bottle. , Sold everywhere -See advertisement. j W. E. HAGAN A CO., Proprietors, ! apl 19-lydAw j Troy, New York. GR AND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezekibl, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment- j ing upoa his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him Iwo days since, and on ' the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going -into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850: ' ' This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a tine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by' using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. : ' j Wholesale depot for orders, 69 Main st. 'j I R.-EZEKIEL. j Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, tak;e oath on the noly Bible, that 1 have been bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hair by using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. .;! i . Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze- I kiel. ; ! . ' Joe. MAvo, ' Mayor of Richmond, j W. H. LIPPITT, Sole Ag't., jan 14 ' j Wilmington, N. C GLUE-GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker! of Wilmington, X. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. " J ( . ; Boston, apl 3, 18S0. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. U- I : THE UNDERSIGNED i having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their:Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to j any manufactured in the) Unitei States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand samples of which can be seen at ray omce. . , j ap!9-ly. i W. C HOWARD, Broker. (EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re . &t',d'f0r,Te(': WORTH 4 DANIEL. 1 CHEESE. E NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dee 11 GEO. MYER'S. BLACK. Winter dec o i Seed Oats in store, for sale, by ELLIS A MITCHELL. tit. a r it Wivtp.r sp.r.n oats. T QA A BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, OUvl in store, for sale bv ' . -. dee 27 j ELLIS A MITCHELL. ? POWDER. C)rX KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, CO 10 qr. kegs ' - , " 10 s " i Musket " . . ! dee 27 For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. f PORK. N. YJ City Mess, in store, for salo by : i . ZENO H. GRENE. 75 BBLS. dec 27 CONSTANTLY manufacturing, at ray Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks. Every variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac, mannfietnrea to oruer. ana repsireu, ' f . T JAMES WILSON, ; No. ft Market street. dec 27 DIRE OjTO EYj . 7 STATE GOVERNMENT. I ; ' 7 Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. - Private Secrets ry--Graham Daves, of Craven. ireunrer is. . vKuru, oi Waae. - Sec'y of State Rufus IL Page, of Wake. . Comptroller C. IL Broeden. of Wavne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " j House of Commons W-T. Dortch, oi vayne. SUte Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. jtuduc rnnier Jno spetman, " " I- : -1 - , 'r ! :C0PKCILL0ES 0F STATE. Council Woo ten, of Lenoir : John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; W A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. Jr. U raves, or urry ; David Murphy, of Cumber land ; J. i J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe. f ! FEDERAL ACT) STATE COt'ETS. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in .No vember. i. J'udges-r-Hon. J. M. Wayne, of "Georgia ; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary; $2000. j. i; . I Robert P. Dick, District Attorney; Wesley wones, itiarsnai. The United States District Courts are held at Edenton.3d Monday in April and October. JJ 31. Jones, Clerk; rewbern,-4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday alter the 4th 31onday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk." ' THE supreme court. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the zd Monday in December. It is also he'd once a veAr at Morganton, Burke countrj on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Rich mond bi. Pearson, of Yadkin; Justices, 31. b.. Manly of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Jleporter : Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver II, Perry, of Wake, Deputy Llerk ; James Litchtord, ot Wake, Marshal. ; scrPEuioa courts. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Jndges, R. R. Heath, of hnrn. nf Mif.klnhiirn- Unhurt S Vronoh r,FXlnho-- yuunau, ucut Jiun ai u. TT luuil , . .j tio, n. n Bon. John M. Itiok. nt liniltorrl . nhn I. Ii.11 PT.r.1 . . . w - - ' Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hines, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit: William J. Houston, of Duplin', rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman., of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Uircuit. ; PUBLIC WOP.KS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed Jd .March, 1835. the officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer ; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Kehner ; John 14. Bolton, LmetUoiner; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. i The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. i The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh,: w. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. ! United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette ville. t . I Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. i Dr. E. C. Fisher. Superin tendent! -Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward ; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. H olden, Edward Cantwell, A. M.Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board : W llham E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Hold en, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee, j i All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge.; Paying patients are also received fromthis and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. -o TOWN GOVERNMENT. !! COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. I j Mayor John Dawson. ! S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. ; FIRB DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer WT J Yann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Yann. Fire Wardens George Myers. B W Beery. C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Iiamp Lighter Dempsey .Martin. HOWARD BELIEF FIRB COMPANY. , (Re-organized June 6, 1859.) Foreman -W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d " ; P Curren, Secretary-pG P Wade, TreaSurer-j-C Quigley, Chairman D Driscoll. HOOK AHD LADDER COMPANY NO 1. Foreman iJohn Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. I ' COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. (Office 18 Water street.) George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos n Flannel-1, Wm M Harris. f SCHOOLS. .t . if BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCUOOL8. j Chairman S D Wallace. j Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie, James KerrL David Mclntyre, Robert H Tate, Samual Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. L Meginney, Principal. WILMINGTON MALB AND FEMALK SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. OACDALB CEMBTERT COMPANY. President Donald McRae. I Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. 1 Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to Bank Wilmington.. COPNTT OFFICERS, C0CETS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk County Conrt-7-Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge-U T District Court Asa Biggs. " Marshal U S District N C Weslev Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wifmington Jb 6 J Conolev. ' Clerk tT S District Court John L Cantwell Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutx Cutlar. , Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. - - Serial Magistrate bf Town John J ConoleV. - Constables-Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlay, Wil liam II Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. ' ' ; j 4 j 7 1 ntPECioig. 4-; , Wnnd Insnectors Joseoh Smith. Wm HoldenL " Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram K Nixon. j f ' I ' f Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James" O ; Bowflen, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. ' '''i-.-' " - 7 .Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J Wr Munroe, N C"ark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington. - ": : : ! ' ; ' --; '.:'- - : WlLMISaTOS SAS 1I0HT COJCPASt. , . (Office! in Savings Bank Building.) President-iCol John McBae. 7 Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent- Oliver Mcllhenny. j j SECRET SOCIETIES. : i ST. JOHS'8 L0D0B 50. 1 KAS0XIC. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at i St. jonn siiau.) -; O L Fillvaw. Master. M Newhoff. S W. Oliver Mcllhenny, J W. Jno L Cantweil Treas T M Gardner. Sec'v. Henrv Spalding S D. A A Hartsfield J D. 7 J O Bowden, Tyler. COXCOED CHAPTER SOl HA80XIC. i (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at Sti joun s iiaiu Most Ex R G Rankin, II P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d uOL Fillvaw, King. Ex T B arr, Scribe, j Com P W Fanning, Capt Host. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com W J Price, G M 1st Com A Martin, P S. V. - ! " M Newhoff. R A Com Jno A Tavlor.Trea. ; Capt. " E Turlington, Trier. CAPB FEAE LODGE SO. 2 1. Q. O. F. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hail.) Asa JSIurrav, N G- W L Smith, Secretary, i James E Kea", V G. T II Ilowey Treasurer.. CAMPBELL EXCAMPMEXT XO. 1 I. 0. O. F. ; 7 (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d Friday in each month. ' , J D Gardner,, C P. " Thos M Gardner, J W. 7 Rev A P Repiton. II P. It J Jones, iScribl'. John J Conoley S W. Thos H IIoweyt Treaf. 7 7 CAPE FEAR MA HIKE TOTAL ABSTIXEXCK 80CIETT. (lleets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street,: every Monday evening, immediately alter the close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. )- : Cli'as I) Ellis, PresidJnt. Geo W'WUliam's,' Yice; William M PoLsson, Sec- I'resident. ; ! . retary. j as Fleet; As't Sect'y. SE.VMKXS FKIEXD S0CIETT. Ellis, Presi- I F Mitchell, Sec'y & Charles D dent. - 7 Treasurer. C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John Mclieu, A J DeRosset, O G l'arsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper: of the jSeauiens' Home.; cor Front and Dock Streets. i ; , r r ' ; J LADIES BEXEVOLEXT SOCIETT. rU ifui 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4thl)irec i '7 - 7 j 'j 24 Directress, .Mrs Har- Secretary, Mrs Yn yan riss. DirectreM Rosset : . Sickle. 7 3d Mrs De- Treasurer, Mis LiliingJ ton. ; . i WILMIXGTOX Linn.UlY ASSOCIATION. (Organized June, 1855. 1 s UTJ It UlkSOn.l'rcsulent. UOnald jMCiCao Trei 1 1 : . 1 ' 1 74 JLiii leo J rc-s t, Wm ii Utlev, Sec'v; PLatt D. Cowan, Librarian, i Rev R B Diane, R II Cowan, EI) Hall, S i).. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J Mcltae; J G Wright," Directors. '.' . f ' MILITARY. ; , i WILMINGTON S.IKHT IXFAXTjiY. ; i : (Org. May 20th, 1853.); Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winsjow, Ivnsigii. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. Master. T t!.r.A. A H nil Mr.,1. !,- CER1IAX VOLUNTEERS, j ; (Organized February 22d, 1B53.) C Cornehlsen, Capt. II GHashoan, 3d Lieut. II Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. "W Deinstbatcli, Ensign. U Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. ; , '. BANKS.- i I ; BANK OF CAPB FEAR, i -i T II Wright, President. II R Savage, Cashier;. J G Burr, Teller. J I) Garun'er,As't Teller. J McLaurin, B'kkeeper- T II Hardin, Dis. Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. . . ; BANK OF WILMINGTON,. N. Ic. ij John MacRae, President. S Jewettj Cashier. v WJL Smith, Teller. William Larkinsk T M Gardner, Dis Clerk;. keeper. i; 'Discount Day, ;1 uesuayi BANK OF NORTIL CAROLINA. . ; i . jf . John Dawson, Pres. Win Iieston, Cashier. I; Wm D Smith, Teller." J II WrigliC, B;k-keejjer. ; Discount Day, Tuesday. : 7 ' COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON:. : ! O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, "Cashier.; Jno McRae", Jr, Teller. Asa K Waiker, Buok J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. " keeper. )''. i; Discount Day, Monday. j J ; ' i " WILMINGTON SAyiXGS BANK. ' j: John A Taylor, President.' Wm Hydd, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTH E R FO " D P.. ROAD. ( Office cor Market and S Water street. ) II W Guion, President, R II Cowan, Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished! . .j- : WILMINGTON 4 MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. ; Thos D Walker, Pres. : Wm A Walker, Sec'y. JP Robertson, Gen'l Sup. Jos .1 Ling, Treasl I R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent. . i WILMINGTON 4 WELDON RAIL KDAD. Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson,! Gen. dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec & Gen Ticket Agent. Freight Agent.' James G Green, Yard Master. : 1 ' P H Langdon, iAud'r & Supt's Clerk. William Smith, Ticket l Agent. t. CHURCHES. : ' j Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. 7 Methodist Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler, Pastor. ' Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repifon, Pastor. : '. .! I. Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Pi jch- ard, Pastor. - i Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th andth'vRev Aa;i-on Davis, Pastor. ! Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, ReyThom.ts Murphy, Pastor. . ; y Episcopal, (St James', ) cor Market and 3d, liev. R B Drane, Rector. j ; j- Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. I, Episcopal, (St Paul's, ) cor 4th and Oninge, Bishop t.oKfs Vv'tA u rrfi, an fitU' it vtL ni TrtDf r . . i i . Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, . Rev M B Grier, Pastor. j, ' . i'- Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th Rev J L Prichard,. Pastor. . 7 i Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev . J H Mengert, Pastor. 7: I Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water, i POST OFFICE. . j WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. ' 7 Assistants Joseph L J acohs, and -ii Office hours from lx4 A M to 1 P M. 2 P M Ux feundown. ' Sundays,7 Y A M to' 9 A M Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives dhilvi at !7 P M and 5 A M. Closes and 9 I' M, changing on Sunday from P M to 10 A M. i n , Southern Mailby W A 51 R R, arrives daily at 4K A M. Closes daily at 7 PM. 7 v:. rl ! 1 Smithville, N C, ( horse, ) arrives. Monday and Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and SatmHlay at 7 AM. " ., T .. v 7! M' Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) : iarriv.es' 3Ion day at 9 A M. . Closes Thursday at 9 T M. r w.;. i U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. H !' ' CCSTOM HOUSE.' : '".: '-: ' I' Iff Jas T Miller; Collector. DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- A Guager. 1 I 7 ! - lector. T M Burnett,: Insj.'r. A J Galloway. Surveyor. W F Burch and Uriah W X Peden, Naval OM- Sulliyan, Inspector A cer. ' Measurer. I-77; Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Com-missioijeri 1 !!' 'v1'- ' -""-i-. !! "H!:;' . CONSULS. ' ' .1' i I ;' j; A British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water. :j 7 Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water, h . Brazillian ; Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., I ccr n ; Water and Mulbery, (up stairs.) ' J !i .7 Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, corj Front and Chestnut. I INTERNA L IMPROVEMENT. ELORIDA RAILROAD BONDS 526.000 of the above Bonds redeemable in thVl- with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, parable.: in the. city 01 iien x or.,, xsi. aiarcn aau . xs oewiwuvi. For sale by DkROSSET, BRO NV a A CO. . dec 1 ' i . . ' i COFFEE. Cf BAGS RIO COFFEE, tJyJ 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, 20 mats best Java : " deel 7 v :ZEXOn. GREENE. BLACK SEED OATS. PAA BUSHELS daily expected. For sale by UUU feb 21 ELLIS A MITCHELL. City; Business Cards.: ERRANT & WILSON, "YTTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do Y mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, lioots, a Shoes, xc ;, ; ! Aos. 14 and 15 Aorta w iter Direei, oct2 Wilmington, Jf. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. TRACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. J No 8 North Water Street. 7 . - ' A ' - .WimrsGTOE, N. C I Solicit consignments of ail kinds of Produce, al so orders far Groceries,1 Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac. 1 .. oct3 : GEORGE ItAREISS. A.'j. HOWELL. DE. W. W. HARBISsJ IIARRISS Jk HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Oct 2, 1858 i WiLMixaTOX, X. C. i WORTH Si. DANIEL, i C Grocers and commission merchahts, X No; 2. Granite Row, Wilmirigton.N.C. JEs? Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Pro4ace generally. t Agecw tot liowe s celcbratea Scale. 7 f J). G. WORTH. sept 28,lyf N. G. DANIEL. JA3iES AXDE1S0X, EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, ( 1 ENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT July 18, 'C0-ly. ' Wilmington, N. C. C. II. ROBINSON At CO., itOMMIS$ION AND FORWARDING MER- J CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Oltice oye- Mr. J. A. Willard's store. 33" Entrance Coi ner Princess and Water st. niar1, 'C0tf l. w. E;iP.AXf, GEO. WISOX. . ERRANT & WILSON, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I ' Nos. Uaxd 15 North Water St., oct.2, 'CO-jv Wilmington, N. C. . WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, lIlEMIST AND DRUGGIST. Wholesale and M V Hetail j)ealer in Paints, i Oils, Dye Stuffs, V indpw Glss, Putty, Segars, i Old Brandies, and 7'" S..'1"' Wl VMnts, l'enpmerv and lancy Articles, i. h. cor- -ill EDWIN - -ft A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 7 j i Wilmington, N. C. Offefs his services to Planters as Factor or Agtjut for tlie sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. HU commission ("or selling Cotton, will bo 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New Yor k ai 10 cts per bale, oct 4T18G0;-ly . ' ; O.l G. PARSLEY' At CO. PIlOrRIllTORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and ;PLANixf Mills, Wilmington, N. C. Jf All orders or inquiries ior LuMULH, will receive proiipt attention. ." mch 21 '59 SMITH At McLAURIN, 10MMISSLOA AND r oh warding Merchants, j : Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : I .fniiv TViwcnv Per A f o rrr E. -P.; Mall," 'k.'J President Branch Bank State. A. (J.I T. M. fiMITII, I .luiv i is.iy-tf ! JOHN M LAURIX. . . . - l : : MALCOM McINNIS, ('1 ROCET AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, X North Water street. Oct 1 ! Wilmington, X. C. Chas. D. Myers, (MYERS : Fred. J. MOORE. Moore. At "TT1I0LISALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, YY Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. :Ac :34 iMarket street, Wilmington, N. C. ' . June 21, 1859 j . Ti C. At Ii. G. WORTH, C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CIIANtS, Wilmington, X. C. UNION DISTILLERY, i . Wilmington, N. C. A. H.1 VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. 4' LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. tQ W hai tage and storage iurnislieu, and coop- erage done lair rates jan 2 I860. I G. POLVOGT, in?'1 'HOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, f Corner Front and Princess Streets, ) Wilmington, N. C. ; Keeps constantly on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, ;CashiOnsr Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials.. ' Also, Paper "Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. 1 Pictures framed to order! 7 Prompt attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dweuings. : may 31 . ,' .; HATHAWAY. ; '; WM. R. CTLEY. HATHAWAY & CO. OMMIS.SION MERCHANTS, dec!6j'5S Wilmington, N. C. c 7 J. 31. ROBINSON At SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac, No. 8, Front st.. Wilmington, N. C. jan "9, '53 j'" , ' ; ' -1: j HENRY NUTT, T7ACTOrUnD FORWARDING AGENT, 1 7 - ; i. Wilmington, N. C. ; .Will 'give his personal attention to business entrusted tOfhis care. i sept 10, '57-tf. J.AJIES STOKLEY ,''.' i i . ALEX. OLDHAM. STOKLEY At OLDHAM, BEALElS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 5 Wilmington; N. C. . prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacoi, and other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE. O.i COILS best Jute Rope, for sale by fJJ noy JS EXO II, GREEX. V ALMANACS FOR 1861. TURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STORE. dec 11 TO ARRIVE. rnn bbls flour. Apply to t)UU noy 27 STOKLEY & A OLDnAM. FLOUR 7AM1LY) Super Wilmington ins and F ayetteville and spection, in store, and for sale (dec 11) ZENO -IL GREENE. )A QUESTION FOR MATHE3IATI CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. IF-.1SC0 feet of gas is eonsumed through eight burners1, .in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou j sand, feety'. how niuch is consumed by each burner ipiT hour .'at what cost, and wnat would be the S cost of an equal amount of light obtained from I Kjerdsene " Oil ? Answer : There is consumed by s eacn burner, Zo leet per nignt, or o teet per nour, i at a cost of 6 cents per .hour per burner. Four I Kerosene Lamps afford as' much light as 8 gas ; burners; 4 gallons ot Kerosene U11 will supply 4 lamps one month, which, at $1,20 per gallon, is ! 4,80 per month, or a cost of one centner hour per lamp; therefore, byburriinggas, the expense is oniy six nunarea per centum greater tnan to onrn Kerosene Oil. which", with Lamps, can be had at tne KK.x 1J La V ot S 01 tne inimitable jin!2 : .' CASSIDEY. TVTEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of lA choice. For sale bv . 7 dec 21 : . "HATHAWAY A CO. IVIIIOICE B ACON. 22 hhds. choice West I s . - . ti c 3 . 1 n V emu aeon jsiaes ana rnoniaers, ior saie oy dec 21' HATHAWAY A CO. : NTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as j XlJ icssms tor tbe I'resent lime, in neionn oi Extracts of Letters from; an English Resident ISG4 to 1870. With an Appendix on the Causes arid Consequences of the Independence of the South. Just published. Received and for sale Ub 20 i WHITAKER'S! New Book Store. at I WHITE AND BLACK Q EED OATS. Just arrived per schr. Alba. 1000 bushels primej White Oats. 500 do do Black Seed Oats. ELLIS A MITCHELL. ifeb 23 ; For sale by. inpRUNKS and Valises, Hat Cases, Ac, in large I quantities, embracing Sole Leather, Eng lish, Ashland?, and all other styles, very low, at ; ; 33 Market street, feb 23 ' ; O, S. BALDWIN. ! I i northern "business cards. no. S. SASCT. J0H H. HT1TXS, r. u. HJEAX. late of late of j lte of I Tarboro' S. C Scotland Keck, Warren ton, N. a DANCY, HYMAN i 4t CO., C BOCERS AND COMMISSION Mebchaets, VJI 124 Pearl street, ..New Ioee. HYMAN, DANCY At CO., 1 BOCERS AND COMMISSION Meechasts, Nobfole. a. ! York house will be conducted bv Jno. o. uancy, aided by K. W. llyman. . - . r a . 1 I a, ' 1 , , ,. . B. in tt 1 T' . i u WiUU UUUN UI M rODUOCKHl P T m OUU m Tm Tl t . . . .... , rtZ.i r iin . . . .;. . rarucDian aiienuon (riven tome ui w wa " " nu .avai stores. September 13-tf I860 LONDON A BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; I Noj. 32 India street Boston. Consignments lor aval Stores t otto' Jko. R. Londoh, J. II. IIbtax, Nov21-tf; . - WET. M. GBEI5EB, - W. W. H.U(N G REINER Ap II ARK ESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION V-H0C8E. ! Philadelphia. Nov 15, 1837 i " wm. L. Hil, N. M. Nohilekt. of North Carolina, of North Carolina. HILL At NORFLEET,. G EN ERA L COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shockoe Slip, Richmond, Va., Solicit consignments of Cotton. Lui Lumber, Ki.-h, and all kinds ot Merchandize and 1 rouueo I ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffees, Molas ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac. Large cargoes of the aoove ariicies are onereq ior saie in our maraei an nually, and we shall be pleased tp operate for par- tiesoraering, promising launioiness in our en deavors to representthem. Jan 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON At CO. "T7RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I i 89 Barclay street. N. Y- I p articular attention given to consignment and purchase of Merchandise, all kinxln. Liberal cash advances through WILKINSON a CO., Wilmington, N. C. August 2, 1860-ly : "TT" EROSENE LAMPS. A large supply, IV suitable for stores, for sale very cheap with Oilat j dec 7 CASSIPEY'S. " r ! EASTERN IIAY7 "f fi DALES Eastern! Hay, ex schr. -:, Ur xOU sale, low, from wharf, by jan 9 ELLIS A MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Ballrf, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can beliiridion very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable' jan 8 7 CASSIDEY. IIIOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western" j Bacon Sides and Shouldejs For sale by dec 21 HATHAWAY A C'O. YT C. FLOUR. 50 boxes 50 bbls HATHAWAY of good A CO. T'' - brands. dec 21 SCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds, prime to choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by chTc 21 ! HATHA WAY" A CO. LARD. TVTOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 5 Lbls. X i " estern Lard a splendi ) IN STORE -a splendid article. 15 Kegs'N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 " !Western Lard, in small packages. dec 4 r ..!..! ' If IMHTVl' N EW FLOUR ! In bags and bbls. For sale by dec! ! STOKLEY A OLDHAM ENGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En glish Cheese, just receivod at ded4 j WORTH A DANIEL. rpHOSE CHOICE HAVANA S have come, at J dec 6 . WORTH A DANIEL'S. X'1 A.RD. 20 Kegs Extra lieat 1ard for family use. WORTH A DANIEL BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, for salo very cheap, at CASSIDEY'S. dec 7 ! , , i , TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. c ONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, New Beef Tongues, " east Powders, " Smoked Beef Buckwheat, Rye Flour, Butter, i , 60 bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, 10 " A- ' 10 bbls. B. Sugars, ,10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, ' 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. i. WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. 'E have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrent eacn ana every Darrei ana package, if not good, to be returned, dec 12 M I WORTH A DANIEL. T?ASTERN HA Y. 200 bales of the best Eesterri I a Hay in market. Jr or sale by dec 2f i- HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. d UCH was the announcement of a verv great was tne announcement 01 a very victory, by a Roman GeneraL The people of this day, m speaking 01 the Inimitable UASSI DEY, modify he saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles ouerca ior saie at uie ivenuezvous, dec 21 26 28 Sooth Front st. T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has acceded 1 This they would not have een prepared !to do, if some of her citizens had not bought 1 i I KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a grat variety of Fancy articles, snita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, Ac. Ac, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. ! dec 21 TUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute f Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale by deei 1 i zeno 11. Greene. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. ilUNE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot, some JJ very pretty just opened, and for sale at dec 19 f PERRIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. ,ER PARKERSBUKG. Fresh Raisins, . " Vi&m Freeh Butter, Cheese, .... ' Prunes, II .1 II II Segars. Citron, " Nutmegs, " Mace, " Buckwheat Tobacco, Ale, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. ABaCSugar," Crushed , " " dec 19 . . TT lW . . U , Elegant Hams, WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. f 1 it a f bnerry wine. j: Madeira Port " For sale by dec 18 WORTH A DANIEL. PORK. decj bis. N. Y. City Mesa Pork, for sale by ZENO IL GREENE. rTlHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war- X ranted in all cases, to be had of 1 -ec29 I ; WORTH A DANIEL SUGARS SUGARS! BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 75 ; 35 Muscovado sugars, Ijgnt and dry, 6hhds.i " "I " For sale by WORTH A DANIEL jan 8 ! Granite Row. Pork pork. BBLS, New York City Mess, just received and for sale lowj for cash, bv '; 75 dec 11 i ZENO n. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. KEGS just to hand, VQ dec 11 I front 20 to 28 eents, 1 GEO. MYERS'. TO ARRIVE, j 250 BBLSi Flour different grades. janlS STOKLEY A OLDHAM. ! PIANOFORTES.! ' 7 IN THESE TIMES when we oaght to look at home, why notj)urchase of Southern Man utactorrT Such is Win. Knabes A Co.; Baltimore, Md., whose Pianos have not been surpassed by any' sold in this market, of Northern make, and have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac -Persons wishing to purchase, can be - referred to quite a large number of fami lies that use them, in this city. . . JS.EL,LEY'S Book Store, feb 20 i Ag't for Wm. Knabe A Co. 9VBRVAIII roa tot ccna or FEVER AND AGUE. 1 .... i a .Mburiiinvnii nwivrivrrrti irn I K II PIITI I.J MmtVV t I . 01 trt nro..i ... k - -. : ... . . . I ' . ' v v. v j'iiilti.. it., . f . ... .....x, uc tvnun(u.u u ivu. in was eventually curtnl r i.rr-rtntin r.i.l.i by a young clairvoyant rirl. Thia rrneriMion. young ciairToyant rirl. s given him by a mcrt child, whil In iiUUci trance, ha cured ever b-nly w ho Las takrn It, ? r having failt-U once. It is equally fur in caw ol Fits a of DygrKPsi and Favta and Ar. To tbtme persons who have tried many medium until (hey have become duct urajfrd, sod do not fet-l willing to expend imre money uiMn enrrrtaiu. tie, I w ill fiend the rt-rriition for preparing ami surce!sfully u.ing the 'trtm Mnfte AimJt, uHn receipt of ttteiraddrrw, wilh tami'fr rtlxrii poctage. All of the ingrehopti are to be found ai. the Drug More or Henry Mol.in. AddrfM Dr. O. PJie'ps Briwii, No. 21 (Srand Street, Jerey Titj , DIL O. PHELPS HUOIVN .S , ARCADIAN BALSAM. For the care of Consumption, RronrbUi. Alt ma, CoupU, Cold and Ncrvou Icbilitv. t'nn posed principally if foreign luilm and hvaliug lal sains, it the only cure ever dinv'nU f.T Di eases of the Lung. Stomach and Nrrve.i It cooi bines all the qualiticiietHlMMlitil in the tbouan!a i.( drugs vended to the nil k; it Is A healing Ualam f. r all the Internal Sores. I'lck-n. Tuborch-s and InlU- mationt; an aiisiirpMciable Tonic, an unrarttin able Neniiie, a I'ui ilier of all the Fluid, an hiliil arnnt, a Sjiimulant lii h prixludes no react iuti. ind a builder un of walM Fibre and Marl. Prices. $1 and $2 per large bottle; saitnj Uultlr 25 cents.- Fof Male by IL nrv MeJ.in. ! ' DR. O. PIII'I.PS I1HOW.VN RENOVATING PlLS. Ihii Pill jv ill r gultc the bowrU when all u tier preparatn-Bs will fail. It will, in a vt-rv abort time eradicate w hat U termed rlironie cotivencha' or eonytinjlioii. Sick llendaehe, I.lver aixl Billiou Conilaiiit4 j aud it will curt', a ware liter is a sun that bhmes upon u.i, all the nutlet ing and au noyonci-s that have their rUc in the want if proH-r stools. It liM g not act as merely a temporary at fair ; it keeps the human vsteuiin a ttatr of kound and vigorous health, bv eattilv and aluiont i-eiWn tihl v cleaiiHing it of all Impurities. I Each txi coit tains about CO pill. Price bO real a prr bu. DR. O. PHELPS BROWN'S 7 Etherial Ointmcnti Among the many afflictions for which a 'rem edy it has jio equal, nor ever will have, IsRheuma tUui, Fever Sores, Fistula, Cramps, Dvletlerv, ('holera, hea v Colds in the Chert and llt ad, S'r. Eves, Croup, 1'Jeurisy, Quinsy, .Enlarged ToiuiU, (ilandulari SwVlliniri, Ear Ahe, Kar L'levra, all kinds. of Colics, Ulcers and Tumor. Bum, lte S tings, Bruises, Chilblain. Cut, Corn. Sprain. ScahU, Sore Lips, Sore Nipple, Swelled jFarr, Palsy, NiiiiibiuHH, Blotches, Boil, h't ald 1 1 rail Mumps, White Swelling, Gravel, Stone, Weak Kidneys, Muscular Disturbance, Serofular, Safl Rheum, Mm cui inl Sore. Ac Price 6(1 eent p r pot. Descriptive aiiiphlets given to all m ho ap j)ly to my Agent. Address j Dr.' O. P1mIis Brown, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City,' N. J. For1 sale bv IIkuv McI,i, o Agent in Wil minton, X?C. jan2'J-tr TO ARMS! TO AR3ISI 4 LL TIJOSE w 1 coercion 'f a lio areipoed to the Fedia! sovereign State, ami Hint are Hippoctl to the paHjtuge of abolitiouaoldiersthroajrn North Carolina, for the purine of uliugaliiig a sister State.: will buy their Groceries. ProtUion. small ton and accoutrements of the patriot, jan CA.SS1DKV. COFFEE. LAGI AYRA. Java and St. Domia . -IV store,' and for sale by jan 10 ;i ZENO II. GREENE. NEW CORN, AFLOAT. 2.200 BCSUDLS Prime Whito New Crop ! Corn, now landing, for ali by :L jan 10 v r.l-M.jt Mill llhl.l,.' ii WHITE OATS. OA A A lU'SIIELS- Heavy New Yotk Stat. i-VvVi vats. roraiiiy jan 11 ELLIS A MITCH hi. L. WHEAT BRAN. 1000 BAGS in store. For sale, by jan 41 ELLIS A MITCHELL. i RAISIN. : li WHOLE boxes large bunch Raisins, 1U 10 H " " n u jan 11 t For sale by ZENO II. GREENE. CANAL BARROWS. 100 Uanal Barrowa, warehouse, and for sale, in lota to suit, at 111 nov 30 WILSON'S. HOOP IRON. -1A TON$ 1, 1M to 1J4 inch I'ooplron for sale by av M. MaiINNIS. macki:ri:l mid 3, in store, and for ah bv b ; M. MacINNIS. . j N. C. FLOUR. tF UST RECEIVED per Railroad. Family and SuperJ cckbrnt'd Watf hovia Mill brand." For sale b DeKOSSET, BROWN A CO. nov 27 j . CEMENT &TLASTER. Of V 1 BBLS. Cement, M bblC Master Pari per brig Water Witch For aalt lr dec 13 ELLIS A MITCHELL. HOOKS FOR ALL.' rjlHE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK, Cant I well's Justice, or Swann's Revl4-d Frecdlr's Legal Advlcerat KELLEY'M, dec li t ! Book Sjore. i cof f eij- fee: : T BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laguayra do-5 do tU St. Domingo do 20 mail Java'do in tor, and for sal ''f low ior cau, bv ZE.VO II. GREENE. dec 11 NAlIS.i ISO keg aortod .VaiU, from 3 to 40d. noy 1 For ale by EALTHl-L'L EXERCISE, neewaary to long and happy life. Let the girls by Trun- ling Hoot'S-i-the loy mall axes, oft AhSIDLY." and take plenty of exercise tbese fool morning, deel . ? ! LEAVEN LKAVENLKA YEN. EAVEN, LEANEN, LEAVEN, LEAVEN. Try it Try it Try it Tnr it, at jan 8 WORTH A DANIEL'S. NOTICE. 4 LL PE J Proi u the late . LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, rovisuons, Ac, either by note or account, brni of w iloon A " illisms, and vN accounts are long since due, are requested to make ' counts will be placed in officer's hands for collec tion." jan 1 JAMES WILSON. No. 5 Market street. t CHEESE, i 1 " OA BOXES New York SUte CheeacpKiidi' O yJ Jast rectirwl per sthr D. C. Hulne. . jan 1U j tor sale by ZEN U 11. G REE.M EXTRA FABIILYJFLOUR. r A BARRELS in store, and tW ale, hv 9JJ I WORTH A DANIEL. jan n (Granite Row, Front street. . GOFFEE.125 bags Rio Coflef in tor and for sale by feb 20 1 . WORTH A DANlEU MILITARY TACTICS, AT KELLEY'S New Ilwk Store : Gilhain's Manual for Volunteer and Militia. Scott's lniantry lacuc. j , Hardee's Riflo and Light lufantry Tactics. Cavalry Xactics, by the WatJ. Department. Volunteer Hand Book. . feb 10 '? BOOKS FOR ALL. fTinE North Carolina Fotmi Book-rCantwcJI J Justice, or Swan's Ketir-cd lnnUey't lyga Adviser, at Kelley's Book SUrv. T dec 11 D'EMl JOHNS, Y, 2, "S, 4.' and b gallon, a dee 12 : r ! PERRIN'S. i t .1 . fr' : - ; 7r-' .; . i s '

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