J! . 1 !' I. ' ! f . '.- .' . : - ;. ' - . . 'r i t v r?- v" c-.-'' .!.-' !,:; - r j. - ; -. ; I .j; . ; ' r. fff&f (111 fjlj ' " In (-llillliT-' H ! -::M ' v4-1- llJi; . va '(IPS) . VOI VII., NO. 254. WILMINGTON; N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH .1861. AVIIOLE NO. 2.1") 1. v.. TERMS: hailr ;'aper, SC-OO; Weekly, S2.0O, V'jfSr-IJf ADVANCE. "tE. The P-sr l itopped, unless remittitur mi'd t continne it. Timelj notice is pvm, o tht pynfent cn be mde before the expiration of jioner aif be mailed,! Tar risk, wKen the let ter is registered. r'S i i - ' I 1VADDELL, Editor and Proctor. i TO"N PRINTER. JfORTII CAROLINA, i rrhe Herald Job Office U now corricteijr! fitW up 'with the finest as .ortraent oSjloB Ttpk to'le found in the State. EtVtj s Wcies of Job work can now le speed VJr and Udsomtijr printed at this office from book' don to a Tisiting card. .Handbills, rircnUrs, Manksic, M neatly and promptly I rinted at piort notice, and on reasonable terms. Especial Attention wijl be given to the Job deiArtmrof Wreafter, aqd.we feel assured that l work eni3ted to our Job hand, who is ex Krienocd xh tha lmsina. will be executed sat ifintorily In every ie5icct. Cireliim a trial at any rate, aid if itis done well, no complaint will be made of a. withdrawal of patronage. -. l: SUNDRIES. !; . DOXrfS'Colgate's No 1, andPale Soap, 10 Raisins la jer and bunch, lOhV.lf-bxs 'V ! ' " ' . . o: .) 0 b.?xes Concentrated Lye, '19 , ' S . . fr Potash, j 10 " 4 Prepared i ;,0 JrsRock ; - V -f t . - 20 Rfvxcs Starch, ' - " ! , 20 i Bi-Carb. Soda. ; , Prpper, Splee, Cigars, Ink. Tacks, Matches, Tea, . Cnnceiltratea Soft 8oap, -Mustard, Ac, Ac, b. ,ides masv otherrticlea too numerous to mention, which wilTbewaAas , for cash, as by any other hf.nse in tOWfl. ' r- L".J, nvcre jin 23 V . - (X.r-W II. uivr.r..ii. IN TIMEpF PEACE. PREPARE FOR ' - ' ! WAR. ;! . , i4a a BAliSof Fathom. Patent Fmuh, from "the lagest-Buck, to the smalleM Drftp -i j 25'kegi Kentucky Ritte Powder, 10 or. lift KentnckV RiHe powder, a case :0,000 G. I). Caps For sale bv 4 . Z EX O II. "GREENE. Jan " r flour. i ..." : nAiOLY.! and Super t lour f ajexievine ami M 'Witmtnnrtnin inspection, ror ue", o - r i I i." i.' 000 llushs II vle County corn, . J0aHsh. Perqnimans County L-rn. la store I R.r fale bv ! "dec I .f- ; .ELLIS & MITCUKLL. BLAJfK WINTER SEED OATS. -OA A BUSHELS HeaTJy Canada Oat-a vei 5IESS PORKi BBL'S. Kew CitylMess Pork, in store, and WW ta arrive, for sale, at lowest ca?u i .-:, M. MclXMS. MACKEREL.! JOS. 2 itid 3 Mackere in storp. t or sale by 1 M. JUcIXMt. SUGARS. ' ' ' 0 R. SCGAR,-in hid4. and bbb-, 1 A. B..anS C. Sugar, inbbls, powdered anil OrushedSSngar, for saleby jan 22 ; i . c- '!," rCANDLES AND CANDY. AA BOXES Adamantine Candles, ' fzr.,,, . ., s. . - -;?: . i FOR 1861. ! 1 W O'U NT IN G-IIOUSE CALEND ERS. The iy greatest Tarietyof bizes and styles. -Every-thTn? neces';arv to furnish a Counting-Room, at . . ,WniTAKEftS New Rook Store, i of hot jr- Dawson s anT UKiirson s. Iaw Rlf TRUNKS. I 0 i vv i ea Tr1cin7.!Leather Folioa. "Bra33 and - m - o r- , lijd Vrns.. 1 V 1 . ., Valises.. v .. Sole feather Boston, Enamelled' Leather, Ac., ftnbraclng thirteen differjentatyles. - . ':!. Baps.: y X? .J T.ollinrr StiLfh&tf. Duck. Gothic, Enameled. Venetian, Felt, BrusseLv Pilliser, Wil ton, embracing-eleveq styles. - .J - . . . . ' -: i-adles'. Hat Boxes. . Xew it vie French! Hat Boxei, new tyle St. Louis, iron' and brass bound edging. For sale at unpreceaemtaiowprice. WILS0X'S j., W'.ii 'I 7 ;. i No. 5 Market Street. II AY. BALES Prime N. q. Hay, ex fener, xor OU.salB bT I " ELLIS A MITCHELL. t Jan 23 ! sri-nftATS. i "Vf 0RTH? ;RJYER andj Eastern Hay, Wheet 1 Bfan,' Cow Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, andHommcftyjforsaleby . . J Jan 23 f f ; . LLIS j MITCHELL. " iTf! hUNNYiBAGS. T OAAA JUNNY BAGS, just received per brg ZUUU.'Shajbelctb. For sale by .. Jan 28 i "i ' ! T, C. A B. G. WORTn. -i A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, . 1U 5 f N- C. ; " " For sahy in lots to iurW; br I -'rr9 i WORTH A DANIEL, jan 23 JjA . " Granite Row; .Front street. l-i .i inv OPiS F IOR SALEi in quantities to suit, by . ma. y ; r .AT -CAPPLE BRANDY, 2 years old. 2 bar- . reU vrv choice 2 i rears old. Apple BrindT tnr 4kli WX)RTH A DANIEU GHOICBCountry Smoked Sausages, at , Jan2S WORTH AIJANIEL'S. DO $U."SIIAYE YOURSELF 1 DD jefc Appreciate a good Razor? Fine Shar ing SUpa?. Son Shaving JJrushea? A Good MrapT Caltat . - . I' -j BALDWIN'S. ::P0CKETKNIYES. , 1?IXE Erzlish Cutlerrj Prices low. Qualities excellent, at : f- '1 . ;BAJDWIN'S. EASTERN HAY. -very superior Eastern Hay, for low frAm wharf, b 'T dwT. STOKLEY OLDHAM. WESTRTtTV SIDES At SHOULDERS. f( CASK.3 Superior Western Sides and Shoul tU ders, in store, ' and to arrive. For sale, at i . 1 . . ... . .twin - owest easa prices, dt ; jan 22 . -A V . ': M.MacINNIS. J NEW CROP MOLASSES, I fN IIHLTy. and bbls. For sale by jan 22--;. M. MacINNIS, f HOOP IRON, li i and VA inch Hoop Iron. ?-- For sale by M. MacINNIS. lOty ENGLISH i AND GERMAN IIALF ; --.-. UU3L. . V ize-,"selling low, at XU JintS '' r BALDWIN'S. ' wiuats can nn VX of Uader Wear, at Jan 28 v' .. - can had toe largest assortment BALDWJX'S. TRA-iiUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, for Buck i axei rne oest article in martet. m. 61 A. Si. m. nu 23 U 1 1 . jan. Iron bound, Gents. Dress Trunks, Souare and . , .-.1 t Ql. T.alh.r Kino OtsI Iron Sajjea, ri. - Sole , iiatSe? 4 d Stub pring. all the latest pat- el y; I ftEO. MYEES. Special lSrbtices. 1 MRS. WIXSLOW, B- An experienced" nurse and female phjsi- cian, has a Soothing Sjmp for children teethings which greatly facilitates the process of teething bj .softening the gtnns,' reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate .the bowel. iDepend opon it, mothers, it will gireest to roar clres, and relief and health to your infanU. Pcr- "fectljsafe in all eases, feeeadrertisement in anoth er column. ,1 ftb 25-1 t WALKER MEARES, ! B. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cine", English, French and German Chemical. pwedish Leeches, Ac, also, PAINTS, OILS, Window Glan, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac. ' angl4, 1860 1 W. A. BATCnELOR'S HAIR DYE ! his splendid Hair D ye has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no Staining the skin or injuring the Hair remedies ihe. absurd and HI effect of Bad Dyee, and invigo rates the Hair for life. 5None are genuine unless Mgned " W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywllere. j . CnAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, . sept 2!-ly j 81 Barclay street, . Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. JZST JUST RECE1YFD, a full supply of Land- Teth's Ncvr Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, lieets, JJlue Urass, Ilea and Y bite Clo-Ver,-and a general aisortement of small seed. For pale by . WALKER MEARES?, 45 Mai ket st. i nov 23 i . ' ... , , , h . : , s -t Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, I X. Corner Front and JIarlet St., WrunjfGTOK, N. C - . i ALWAYS ON nAND, a full and fresh as sortment, of DHUGS, PAIXTS, OILS AND GLASS, PER FIT ME !i Y, A XD FANCY ARTI CLES. j ' t Prescriptions accurately compounded. Melicine an be obtainou at jany liour oi tue nignr. ine hight bell is at; the second. door (on front street, rora the corner. ; jQ,On and afior this day, all prescriptions wL"l be Cash. v oct 30 f HAIR DYE II AIR DYE. I ; WM. A. JJATQIIELOR'S nAIR DYE. F The Original and best in the World. r AU others are imere imitation, and should be avoided If you wish to escape ridicule. ( GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, vithout injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1S39, and oyer 80,000 ab dications have beeii made to the Hairof his pa rous, of his famous Dye. Wm'. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure ia the least, however long it may Je continued, a$d the ill effects of bad Dyes reme lied; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. t Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, y Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, j lXgTh Genuirie'ihas the name and address, up tn a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELVR, Proprietor, sept20-ly ) 81 Barclay Street; N. Y. i Pimples Banished ! i Faces Made Clear f I How? j By one week's use of the Magnolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, bnt elegant and effectual pre- f J ; . - parauon. . t ' j Price 3J cent3 per bottle. Sold evervwhero f - -1 See advertisement. ; ! j W. E. HAGAX A CO., Proprietors, ! ap!19-lydAw ', . . Troy, New York. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. f Some four months since our excellent townsman, ;XArHTALi Ezekiel, informed us that hehad prepar ed a hair restorer with which he was experiment ing upon, his own liead, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the .place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with' a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR llESTORER"" Mr. E. is about jroinsr into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined: to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends." Richmond Enqnirer, Dec. J12, ISoO. H - This famoiLj article cau now be had pf the princi pal Drtfggists. Those persons who desire a line Lhead of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. ; ' . Wholesale depot for orders, C9 Main at. . J ; R- EZEKIEL.. 1 Richmond, Nov. 11. 185y. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 hare baen bald far the past 12 years ana have restored mv hair by usin Ezekiel's Virginia . HairRestorer. Naphtai:i Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. ' Joe. Mato, . Mayor of Richmond. W:UI. L1PP1TT, Sole Agt., , jan 14 Wilmington, N. C. GLUEGLUE. j ; CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. ! f 1 - i . - ' Boston, apl 3, I860. ; 1E0. B. ROOE"RS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED; having been appointed by GEO. R; ROGERS & CO, of Boston', sole agent for the sale of "their Glues, in this market, respect fully solicits orders fjjom the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal toif not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction; or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on han3 ; samples of which can be seen at my onice. -apl-ly. W. C. j HOWARD Broker. f aMEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS-3,000 just re- j ceived, for sale Dy .. - . :'. dec 5 ' . ! WORTH A DANIEL. CHEESE, r ENGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dec 11 .. - j - - GEO. MYER'S. LACK Winter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dee6 - 1 ELLIS MITCUKLL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. Qrvrv BUSHELS' heavy Canada Oats, forseed, OUU in Btore, for sale'by - dee 27 v ELLIS A MITCHELL. " , POWDER. -. , .' - ; QC KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, &fJ. 10qr. kegs " " . - .. . '." --10 : Musket - dee 27 ' For sale by ZENO n. 'GREENE.' . ., - V - t -.- ; ' PORK. ; . ' "J ' BBLS. N. Y. City Mess, in store, for sale by dec 27 i - ;ZENOH. GRENE. - 75 CONSTANTLY manufacturing, at my Ea j tablishment, every -description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks... : Every variety of Saddles, Harness. Trunks, Ac manufactured to order, and repaired. ' . . JAMES WILSON, " -dao '''! N Na. Market itreat. - DIEEG T OE.Y. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. : Private Secretarv--Graham Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. " ? Bec'y of State--Rufus IL Page, of Wake. , Comptroller C. H.i Brogdcn, of Wayne. ; j ; Attorney General jW. A. Jenkins, of Warren. , Speaker of Senate H. T, Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne.1 j. ' State Librarian O, H. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " ; COCXCILtORS OF STATE. Council Wooten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; W. A. Furgjison, of Bertie ; : J. F. Graves.1 of Surrv ; David ilurnhv. of Cumber land J. ,J. Long, of Northampton', and W.IL. Hillard, of Buncombe j FEDERAL AND STATE C0CBT!. The United States Circuit Court! for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annual! r at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in November.-, r ) !"! Jndffes-4Hon. J. MJ Wavne. of Georffia ; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin. District Judge salary. $2000.. I ! f . Robert P. Dick, District Attorney : Wesley Jones, Marshal, i ! ; The Lnited States! District Courts are held at: Edenton, 3d Mbndav in April and October; J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newborn, 4th Monday in April and October, iienjamiu crown Olerlv; Wilmington, 1st ilonday alter the 4th Mondav in April and Oc- toD?r. Jonn Ii. t'antwell, Clerk. i r r ' ! . . , I; TME Ul'BEiftJ COCKT. . The Supreme Court of North Carolina id lield at Raleigh 6jini-annnally, on the second Monday in June, and .the 2d Monday iii December. It is also he'd once a year at Morgauton, Burke connty, on the lirst .Monday: in August, J. 11. Dodge, Clerk.: TheofBcers areas follows:5 Chief Justice,! Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, .and William II. Battle. ol Or ange, salary of each 2,500 per annuln. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wakej Clerk; OHrec 11. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk :j James Litcht"rd. of Wake, Marshal, i ' ' ; ' i ' i gCPSRIOR COt' UTS. j The Superior Courtf are hcUI in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges R. R. Heathi of Chowan; .Geo. Howard,, of Wilson ; Jo?. W. Os born, of Mecklenburg Robe.rt S. French, of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, ot Guilford; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wakc So-; licitors Eli as C. Hines, of Edenton, ridep the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Djiplin, ride3 the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third, Circuit ; Thos. liuffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Straae, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PUBLIC WOr.KS j IX XORTU CAROLIN'A. 1 I -. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county jn this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as tollows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer ; John H. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S., Strange, Clerk. ; 1 j I The University of Nortb Carolina, situated at Chapel HilJ, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. i ." I The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh W. J. Palmer, Principal.. Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. i I i United States Arsenal. -Located at Favette ville. - .1 -I '':' Insane Asylum of North; Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients; 125 patients now in it.i Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Terrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holdeu, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. Wi J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Andecson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee; j ! . i All indigent insane persons entitled t6 be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Reyised Code, chapter on Asylums. I : ! TOWN GOVERNMENT. rpMMISSIOXERS OF WILMIXGTOX.." Mavor (John Dawson. " S I) Wallace. O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright. T C Miller and Alfred Martin. i naE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W. T J Vann, Chief Fire Warden-B W Beery. Assistant Fire. Warden -W T J" Vanm Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beerv,! T, 1 TIT m .T X- T- 1 f .T , I I C D .ius,. o ann, awara n.iaaer. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. j -Lamp Ligiiter-i-Dempsev Martin. i ! .. . i HOWARD BELIEF FIRB COMPANY. (Re-organized Jttne"f, IS50.) : j. Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkev. i 2d P Curren. Secretary G P Wade, ! Treasurer C Quiglev, ! j . Chairman D Driscoil. . UbOK AND LADDER COMrASY 1 Foreman John Wright.; 1st Assistant J Kizer. ' j Secretatj" and Treasurer--J. F. BLshov KOMMISSIOXEBS OP NAVIGATION'. Office 18 Water street. ) j Georeo Harris, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos n Flanner, Wm; M Harris. 1 ! SCHOOLS. I BOARD OF SCTEBINTENDENTS OP COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. i Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert H Tate, Saroual Plater, and Joseph M Fov. -f ! . j : " i I- ! WILMIXOrON IXSTITCTB. L Meginney, Principal. j, : . WILMINGTON HALE AXO FEMALE SEMINARY. ; G W Hewitt, Principal. jOAKDALH CEMETERY COMPANY. , President Donald McRae. " ; ' . ' : i ' Directors Wm A Wright, G ; R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L FiUyaw, S D Wallace. ! j - '.'. ii ;; ' Secretary and Treasmrer Asa A Brown. Office next door to BanL Wilmington. ; 'COCXTY OPFICERS, COCBTS,Ac. j j - .. .. I -xt-r m r -vrJ 1 i fnerin-- a , j ann. . Clerk-Chunty Conrt Samuel R Bunting.' Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge u S District Court-! Asa liiggs. - . i ; Marshal U S District N,0 Wesley Jones. Ml Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington-!-Jii J Conolev. ' " -! .-. .. "' - r Clerk tT S District Court John L Cantwell, Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutx Cutlar.! f Chairman County Court James T Miller."; , Register of Deeds, Ae Jere Nichols. : i Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. ' Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Uttay; Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. ; I XS PECTOR S. j .! Wood Inspectors Joseph femith, m Hoklen. ' Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. : : , i ,: - t. - ' ' ' L r Naval Store -Inspectors Alfred Alderman,. Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman. John, ; C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John J Henderson, B Southertand, Wil liam J Price, Robert; Q Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. -:'.;!. ;! ; h - : .''-. ""'' -Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Aider- - . Sr ci ir.i: tt : "XT man, L 11 uowaen james o jueiviu, iicur ; Grorea. J W- Munroe, N Clark; Robert Ma'xw;dl," ETarlington. . ? : r ; 1 '...""'.. '. " , w"lLMIXTOS OAS XIOHT COMPANY. ": - !; : ( Office in Savings: Ban.k3nilding.- " Presidentr-Col John McRae. 1 , Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. SaperinUndaa Oliver McHhenny. ! . SECRET SOCIETIES, sr. jons'i lodub ko. 1 Aasonic. (3Ieets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at ; ; St. John's Hall. O L Fulyaw, Master. . M NewhofT, S W. Oliver ilcllhennr,:j W. Jno L Cantwcll, Treas. T:M Gardner, Sec'y- Henry Spalding, S D.' A A Hartsfield J D. J O Bowden, Tyler, ! ' r-C0XCOR CHAPTER SO. 1 MASOXf. " (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at it. - ; John's Hall.) , . . Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Ex O L FiUyaw, King. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com P W Fanning, Capt Host. ,. - i " i Com A Martin, P S " M Newhnff. i II A Capt. ' . ComLCTurnerGM 3d V. Com I Northrop, G JI 2d V. Com W J Pricp. G M 1st V. Com Jno A Tarlor,Trea. " E TarlinjrtV'n.Tvler, CAPE FEAK JlODGK 0- 2 I. O. O.' F. ' (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow Hail. ) Asa J Murray, N G, ' W L Smith, Secretary. ": James E Kea". V G, T II Howcr, Treasurer. CAXFBELL EJ(aMPJ1EST X0. 1 I. O.I O. - (Meets in the nail of Cape Fear Lodge, jlst and 3d irriday in each month. j J D Gardner, C P.1 Thos M Gardner. J W. Key A P Ileniton. II P. K J Jone?, Scribe, j ; John J Conoley--?i W. Thos II Howey, Treas, , 'CAPE FEAR MAKtXE TOTAL ABSTINENCE $0CIKTV (Meets at the Seanien's Bethel, on Dock Street, , every Monday evening, immediately after the ;Iose of the Prayer Meeting for seamen.) i Chas D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice. William M Poisson, Sec- President. retary. '' J as Fleet, Asi't Kct'y. SEAHr.Sn' FKlEVU society.;'; ! Charles 1) Ellis' Prersi- li F Mitchell Sec y & dent. I Treasureir.; ;i C D EIHs, Gilbert; Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRossot, O GjParsley, Executive Board. :: , Geo W Williamst keeper of the Seavrjep.' I lmo, cor Front and Dock Street. ) M LADIES pEXEVOLENT SOCIETY.; i 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4.tb Directre:r3,Mrs Hal- lett. . liar Secretary, jIrs Yap Sickle. ; I j ; .Do- Treasurer, MissLilling : 1 - ton. .. : j; ' . ; ; ' . neay. 2d Directress. MH riss. 3d Directress M R asset WILMIXOTOj.' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ! If j - (Organized J une, Iboj.) : j j i Dr J II Dikson,President. Donald Mcllae, Treasi Geo Davis Vice Pres'r. Wm R Utley, Sec'v.r j Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian. I 1 ' Rev R B DraneJ R II Cowan, E 1) -Hall, S'Di WaUace, John A Taylor, G J .McRae, J G Wright; directors. - . MILITARY. : ;i ' " p. : j. WJLM1XCTOX LIGHT I.VFAXf k Yl! J ; ; OrgJ May 20th, 1853.) U ': Wm L DeRosset. cjapt. : I C Winslow Ensigii;: R B McRae, -1st Lient. AD Cazaux, Quarter .J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. Master.;:' HSavaie."3d I C D Mv.ers. Orderhj CKKHAX VOLUXTEKKS. !j (Organized February 22d, 1853.) . - C Cornehlsen, Capt. i 11 G Hashegan. 1!1 Limil. 11 Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W'Deinst batch. Ens&nl H Vollers. 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. " i I BAN K S BANK OF CAPF. PEAK T II Wright, President. J G Burr, Teller. H R Savage,. CashieiK L J D Gardner, As t Teller. J McLaimn, U t-kfleper- T H LIardin, Di. (.lerk Discoutt Day, Wednesday.; f BAXK Of WILMINGTON, X. C.pi ' John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier, i; ;j W L Smith, Teller. William Lail;in?,Bo;ok- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. keeper.q ' j' Discount Dav, Tuesday. 1! BANK OF XOBTIi CAROLINA, i f ' . , ,: John Da'wson, Pres. Wm Rcston, Cashier. Fi i Wm D Smith, Teller." ' J H Wright. B'k-keepier, Discount Day, Tuesday, j ! II; ; C OMMERCIAL HANK OF . WILMING TOXi O G 'Parsley, Prcs.i Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Tim' v Savage, Calner. Asa K Walker, Book- J 1) Barry,; Dis. 'Clerk. Discount Dav. Keeper. Monday. fi .WILMIKCTOX SAVINGS BANK. . III A Taylor. President. ' Wm Hvdo, Cashift. Jonn - RAIL ROADS. l WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE & RCTHEBFOSi? E. (Office cor Market and S Water street. II W Guion, President. R II Cowan, Sec. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. noAi). v n Trehk WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER RAIL KOAD. i. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walfcer, Secfy. R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent; WILMINGTON & WELDON BAIL B0AP. Hon W S Ahe, ' Presi- J W Thompson, Geh. . dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. James S Green, Sec'y A " Treasurer. I S D Wallace, AsstSec A Qen Ticket Agent. Freiarht Aaent.; V James G Green, Yard ' Master. ! ; P H Langdon, Aud'r? A Supt's Clerk. s William Smith; Ticket Agent. CHURCHES. -Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut, i j Methodist Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas . tie, Rev J H Wheeler, Pastor. ! Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A PaHRepiton, Pastor. I '.' "' I i ': Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich- ard, Pastor. I ' ,! S Baptist, (O S) Castle bt, 5th and 6th, Rev Aaipn Davis, Pastor. '-' ; I I I- f Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d apd 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, .Pastor; . . j i I : Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector. j ! Episcopal, (St John's,) cof 3a and Red, Cross. i j Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishbp Thos Atkinson, Rector, f ; : L Presbyterian, Princess bt f7th and 8th, Rev M Mc : Queen, Pastor. ' ' . . ' ; ' ! . - '; :'-j ' -; ' ii"' Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor, j . : f . i n Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev ,JL Prichard, Pastor.. !" I Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5thfRev J II Mengert, Pastor. I Tj ; ' . Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant. and S Water. : ! POST OFFICE. I f WILMIXJTOX, NORTH . CA10L1XA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. i Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and -Office hours from lr4 A M to 1PM. : 2 P M to , ';jjfJ' : sundown. Sundats,7 A M to 9 A 11 Northern Mail.by W A W R R, arrives dilrat 7PM and 5 AM. i Closes 1J and 9 PM, changing on Surlday from i P M to 10 A M. I - Southern Mail, by W AMR R, arrives dailyat kxA A M. Closes daily at 7 PM. ' Ij Smithville, N C; (horse,) arrives Monday land Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A M. ' . "4- . ; . . -:'.- : '.. !:'. Onslow Court House, N C, ( horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. . Closes Thursday at 9 P M. u U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS.; ccstom notrsE. j-- 'fr' . ,: J as IT Miller, Collector. D M Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- ! A Guager. . h:l '-- lector. ' - !" T M Burnett, Inp!r. A JGallowaV.-T-SBrveyor. ; W F Burch and L rial iaL W N Peden; Naval Offi i Sullivan, Inspector A cer. -.,. -Thomas W. Brown j . ! . :'-'' V.., ,.- .ti Jr., li. S. CommissioncI . . . ' j COXSPLS. ' British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water. -. Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water, j l j ; Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ccr n 'Water and Mulbery,"(up stairs.) ; v X f ; t ; Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut, f, : j s -. ! - : rr 4 ifl-il:?' l;.;pi " INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT, j 1 FLORIDA- RAILROAD BONDS 26,000 jof the above Bonds redeemable in : '1891 with' coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable in I tbe city of New x ork. 1st March and 1st' September. For sale br .DeROSSET. BROWS 4 CO dec 1 - J.-;..i r:'U.:.,'i.Cft'i COFFEE. Z A BAGS RIG COFFEE, 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, Vn mats l-ipst Java dec 1 r y ZVSO 11. GREENE. X ' ' 4 BLACK SEED OATS. .1 ; C A A BUSHELS daily expected. For sale by ilUU ftb 21 I , " ELLIS 4 MITCHELL! . City Business Cards. ERRANT & WILSON, j "TTHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- : If! mesuc Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, a Shoes, Ac, " f Nos. 14 and 15 North Water Street, oct 2 . Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY At CO. I I7ACTOKS AX D COMMISSION Merchants. ; P No 8 North Water Street.: r t: : ! - WlLIXCTOS, N. C. Solicit ctQsijrnments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac j v. i!H.'. oct 3 GE'IRHE BA&UISS. A,; 1. HOWELL.. DB. W. W. H ABB13S. IIARRISS & HOWELL, eOJf MISSION MERCHANTS, ! Get 2 1858 - j ' i Wilmixctos, N. C. VORTII fe DANIEL, j G1 UVCERS AND COMMISSION Meechaxts, T No. 2. Granite Row, Wilminirton, N.C. JtSST" Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruity Feathers, Beeswax, Tohcaco and Country Produce generally. - i Agents lor Howe's celebrated Scale. " i -K.. . ' I). G. WOUT sept 25,1 ' N. G. DANIEL. JAMrSyVXDEESOS, - ' EDWABB 8 AVASK. ' : .1 ANDERSON At SAVAGE, ENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, 'GO-ly. Wilmington, N. C. r C. II. ROfJINSON At CO., ; j MMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, i Wilmington. N. C Onice ovcr Mr. J. A. Wiuard s store. i f Entrance Coiner PrinccB? and Water jt. mar ft, 'C0-tf ; - .: i:hi: vxr., : , 'A : Geo. wtsov. ERRANT &i WILSON, ; JOM! EMISSION MERCHANTS, ; .NosJ It axd-15 orth W ater sL, oct 2,!?CO-3y - Wilmington, N. C. ;T ; WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, j GnEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ih Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Bra'ndie,;and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N, E. :por ner Front and Market st?., Wilmington, N. V. ' i EDWIN A. KEITH, i CioMmissiox MERCHANT,! ' Wilmington, X. C. f Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent lor the sale of : COTTON.;, will give his per sonal attendance to the business.' Hig' commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 ct. per bale, no addi tional charge w.ill be. made. Potion forwarded fo Xew York at 10 cts per bale. '. " oct 4 lsfi0 -ly "T; O. G. PARSLEY &TD0v TT TlRdPRIETORS of the Hilton- Steau Saw and 1 Planing Mills, Wilmington N. C. .LUMBER; will mch 21 y . yfi-'i." -ah oraers or inquiries lor eceiveproiiipt attention. SMITH & McLAURIN, FORWARDIXa Mf.kciiaxts, Wilmington, N. C 1()MMlSSrOX AN D Refer to : 1 i Jox Dawsox, Esq.' Mayor. President H. 1. Halt, State N. C: T. it. S-SIITII,!,. ; July 1 1859-tf Branch Bank JOHN' M LAURIX. r : i MALCOM McINNIS, i ROCETj AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, JC '' North Water street, ; oct 1 i ' ; Wilmington, X. C. Chas. D. Myebs. MYERS Frep. J. Moore. &, MOORE. IT Y 7TH 0 LES ALE and retail dealers in Hats, Can?, I f f ! btraw txoods, Furs, Umbrellas, (Janes, &c Ac, 34sMarket street, Wilmington, N. C. :.' June 21, 1850 ; T. C. At IS. G. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER 7 CHANTS, ' ; Wilmington, N. C. 7 UNION DISTILLERY, v : t Wilmington, N". C. A. IE VANBOKKELEN; Proprietor. ;. LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased. manufactured, and 6old. Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage done at fair rates. jan I 180U. G. POLVOGT, TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER j : t; Corner Front and Princess Streets, ! :';,. '! ; Wilmington, X. C. Keeps consta on hand Mattrasses, Lounges Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair,; Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. I Pictures framed to order. Prompt attention giyen to fitting up Railroad Cars, &teambpats, and Private Dwellings. : may 31 i: - '.: J. L. iHATHAWAY. WM. R. PTLEY. I i HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, y dec 16, '58 : Wilmington, N. C. I -' ; ' J. M. ROBINSON & SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and I Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc., 4o. o, r rout iiuiuigiuu, x. j. i janj Q.,'58;' '! . ' ' - T HENRY NUTT,' T7ACT0R AND FORWARDING AGENT, f r Wilmington, N. C. I, gg, Will give his personal attention to busihess entrusteu to nis care, i sept iw, iw-ti. JAMES STOKLEY I - ALEX. OLBilAM j - ! STOKLEY & OLDHAM, j TTEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. -t ! Wilmington, N. C. i Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Hour, Uacon, ana other Country rroauce. . r JUTE ROPE. ... j. . COILS best Jute Rope, for sale by ; - i nov 28 i I j ZENO IL . GREEN. ! ALMANACS FOR 18C1. i rpURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STOKU. dec 11 ' Hi!' TO ARRIVE. - h ' f";' BBLS FLOUR. Apply to r - H -nov 27 STOKLEY & OLDHAM. 500 - t -: .:?" ; FLOUR ;--- ' -r: TAMILY,: Super and Fayetteville and itj Wilmington inspection, in store, and for sale by i (dec 11) ZENO H. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. , IF i860 feet of gas is consumed through eight burnetii, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hour ? at what cost, j and what would be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil t Answer: There is consumed by each burner, 2,5 feet per night, or 6 feet per boar, at a cost of 6 cents per hour per burner. - Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much lieht, as: 8 era burners ; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will sppply 4 lamps one month,' which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $t,80' per month', or a cost of one cent per hour per lamp; therefore, by burninggas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, whieb, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable y fallal I-:-.-'-, : - I ; CASSIDEY.;, nVTEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of 1 choice. For sale by. i OHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by ' f dec 21 I : HATHAWAY A CO. . A NTICIPATIONS of the Future., To aerve aa j Lessons for the jPresent .Time, in the form of Extracts of Letters from an English ; Resident in the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870.. With an Appendix, ort the Causes and Consequences, of the Independence 'of the South. i Just published. -Received and for sale at 1 feb20; ' - WHITAKER'S New Book Store. t -' ' '; I "WHITE, AND BLACK -4 SEED OATS, f Just arrived per schr. Alba 1 , 1000 bushels prime White Oats. . ..,-iJ : 500 r.do do .Black Seed Oats. ; ,v ,.J feb 23; - For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL; J fTlRUNKS and Valiies, Hat CaisesV Ac,', in large ; I quantities, embracing Sole Ieathcr, Eng lisTi.'Ashlands. ani all other styles, -very low, at I-'ij i , i-'f' ,.': . ,v - :: ... ( 3S Martot strAot : : '. T. ! ftb 2 Ij O. 8. BALDWIN. J NORTI1E11N BUSINESS CARDS. rr- f jxo. a. DAscy lORTR. SVHAir, lat of F. N, BTHAIf late of : late of Tarboro'NJc. Scotlaud Netrlr WmTrenton N. C. ' DANCY, IIYMAN & CO. , f( ROCER3 AND COMMISSION Mcajit, 124 Pearl atreet. New Ycaa. IIYMAN. DANCY A CO., fi ROCEBS AND COMMISSION MtacHAXTS, VJ , XtjaroLK. VA. The X'ew York Lou will h. mndnrtiKl bv Jnd. S. Dancy, aided by R. W. Uy man. The Norfolk House will be conducted bv John n. Hvman and F. M. IT v man Xif Particulars attention rlrea to the sale of voi ion, atu, neat, ana atal btoren. September I J-tf lb60 . - . , LONDON At DHYTn, " " " COMMISSION MERCHAN TS, j . ; ..Jfo. 32 India street Botoa Consignments bf Naval Stores, Cottoi Lumber, and1 other Southern Produce ruliciu-d. ; Jxo. R. LoxixJx, , I J. H. IUtam, Jr. Nor.21-tf i - ' " -. . WM. V, GBEIXEB, GREINER it W. W. BAB KM KM. IIARKNESS, COTTON HOC8E. AND GENERAL COMMISSION PniLAPlLPHlA. l v 15, 1857 wm. L. HrLt,, i -t-- - N. M. Noari.KKT. of North, Carolina, i of North Carolina. HILL At NORFLEET GENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shockoe Jip. m i J' Richmond, Va., Solicit consignments of Cotton. Lumber h! Fbh, and all kinds! of Merchandize and Produce. ; ' - ALSO ' : " - Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffees, Molas- ses Malt, Lime, Uuano, Ac. Large cargoes of the above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, and we shall be pleased to operate tor par tiesorderrng,; promising faithfulness in our en deavors to represenfthem. Jan 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON & CO. T7RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J; j .- H9 Barclay street, N. V- Particular attention given to consignments and purchase of Merchandiic, all kinds. t -1 i , 4 .i i. ... , r fl "C i w . Aaoerai casu auvances turougu ii.a - CO., Wilmington, N. Cr August z, 1H60-1V KEROSENE LAMPS! A large supply, suitable fcr stores, for sale very cheap with Oil, at dec 7 EASTERN HAY. 150 jan BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. for sale, low, trom wharf, dy j I i i ELLIS It MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Par tie., Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired n yery reasonable terms, of the Inimitable ja'n H j CASSIDEY. : GH0ICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shoulde.i. For sale bv dec 21, I . HATHAWAY A CO. T"C. FLOUR. 50 I - brands. ! boxes 50 bbls HATHAWAY of good A CO. dec 21 USCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhda. prime to choice! Muscovado Sugars For sale by "loc ec 21 . j HATHAWAY A CO. I LARD. "fOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, S-bM.. I Western Lard a splendid article, j IN STORE : 15 Kega N. C. Lard, in good pac kages. 5 " I Western Lard, in small package.. . dec 4 For sale by Z. H. GREEN E. JS1 TEW FLOUR ! In bags and bbls. For sale by dec 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM T7INGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En- glish Cheese, just receivad at ded 4 WORTH A DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE HAVANA8 have come, at dec 6 j ; : . WORTH A DANIEL'S. ARD. 20 Kegs Extra Leal Laid for family WORTH A DANIKL. " use. j BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin can?, for sale very cheap, at CA-SIDK VV. I t,ec " I. ; ' ; ' ' . : " ' TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. C ONCENTRATED LEAVEN sometliing ntw. New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders. smnrsn IIaot Buckwheat, Butter, Raisins, Rye Flour, 60 bbls. C Sugars, 10 " A- 10 bbls. r. sugars. 10 Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Y'ellow Cheese. : WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. E have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrent eacn ana every Darrel and package, if not good, to be returned, dec 12 J - WORTH A DANIEL. EASTERN HAY. Hav in market. dec2l i -200 bales of the best Eester n For sale by HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, V IDI, VICI. SUCH was the announcement of a very great victory,: by a Roman General. The people of tnis day, In ! speaking of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came,' I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 -i.- ,'. i 26 a 28 South Front U TT 18 A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro I Una has Receded 1 Thii they would not have been prepared to do, if some o"f her citien had not bought! ' : n . , . KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great, variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, ic. ic, of the patriotic CASSIDEY.; ' ' dec 21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE 25 CoUsbest Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale by dec I i jj, , ZENO H. GREENE. TJEST IUMS IN TOWN at 4. dcl WORTH A DANIEL'S. INE BED ROOM SETS. A i new lot, tome .rerr pretty just opened, and for sale at dee 19 . 4 . -i, . PERRIN'S. . CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TIER PARKKRSBUROV J7 Fresh RaisinB, ', ' ' Fresh Butter, Cheese, ' " ' '" - Prunes,- ! " ' ' " Citron, iNutmegs, j 4 Mace, ( -" " Buckwheat A B a C Sugar, " Criwhed : " Segars. Tobacco, Ale, .. , Porter,' -Raiirins, Ixaf Sugar. ' Granulated do. Elegant Hams. dec 19 WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S. LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapfts, Very Pure Brandy bherry Wine. ' Madeira " - Port For sale br i.. WORTH A DANIEL. dee 18 -: . ORK. 50 bbls. S. Y. City Mess Pork; for Palo dee 7 v ZENO H. GREENE. riuIE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war- ranted in all cases, to be had of -rdee 29 i ' WORTH & DANIEL. , SUGARS SUGARS! . 'BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bljs Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 35 Muscovado Sugars,'Iight and dry, , . 75 For sale bv jan8 - '' ; U WORTH A DANIEL, ' - : Granite Row. j- PORK PORK. BBLS j New. York City Siesp, just received i rJt and for i dec 11 ; I sale low: for cash." bv f,-.Kit.c i ZENO H. GREENE, r 1- bAUlA UUSIIJWt UUXi.tU, OC KEGSt just to hand,, from 20 to 28 cents, a CO dec 11 -7s,OEO.-3IYES. TO Arrive.? ;-4, OBBLS. Flouriderenbgrades. A , ZOU jan , f STOKLEY A OLDHAM..' I PIANO PORTES.' : ':- YN THESB TIMES when we ought t loi.k at ! X home, wjiy.ot jnrchasC aoatherm Maiv atactory? Sack a-W aaKBabeaACo., Baltimore, ML, whose Pianos have not been surpassed bv aiy sold in this market, of Northern naakc,"" and have nefeir failed to take the premium wherever exhib- ited ar tairi c.j, reraons wisning to -purchase, can be referred to quite a large number of fami lies that use them, in this city "f tu : V i 1TTTT T V"VCJ T.. , 1- 3. KELL:Y'S Book Store, ftb20 Ag't for Wm. Knabe A Co. 15VERVAIIK roTrrcra or ' . 0YSSSlA, FITS, FEVER AND AGUE. DR O. P1IKL1S BKOWN was for aeveral rears. to badly afflicted hy DvpepU, that for a part of the time ho Was confined U bialxL H was eventually cured by a prescription fnndhd by a young clairvoyant riA. Tbfs prvacHptioa, given , nina py a mere ruin, tiu ta a slat or trance, has cured evervbodj who has taken it, nvr having faded once. . It 1 equally rare in rtaes e-C its a oi UriPirtiA and trta and Aara. To those persona who have tritd maav mediclae BDtil they have become discourarvtl, and da net feel willing to expend more money upon crt La ties, 1 will tend the prrrription Tor prerarinr and urcessfully" mior the JVrr Moj Anmlmmt, pon receiptor their addrey, with stamp for rrlarh piictage.: All of the ingredients art to be lond at the Drug More of Henry MrLia. AddreM Dr. O. Phelps lirown. No. 21 Grand Street, Jeraey Cttv, Dll. O. PHELPS DROVNS ARCADIAN BALSAH. Kor the cure of Consumption, BroarkUit, AU ma, Cough, Colds and Nervous, Debility. Com posed niH'i).a!ly of foreign herbs and beallng bal sams, it m the biily cur cer discovered fur Di cai of the Lunrt.'Stumarh anil Nrrvea. liaom bine all the qnalitxa embodictKia the tbontaada f drugs vended to the sickt it is a healiog baits in for all the Internal Surts, L'lcvr, Tubercles and Jnfla matiimi; an unsurpassable Tonic, an nncxerf tion al.lc'Nrrtin.-, a Puiificr of alltha Huldi.s EibU arant, a Slimnlaot which produce noreartloa, and a huildernp of waited Fibr and Made Pric?, $1 and $2 per Urge bottlr ; sample Itottlea 25 cent. For ml a by Henry McLin. DR. 6. PHELPS 'nnowNw- 1 RENOVATING PILLS. ThU Pill will regulate the bowtls when all othof nmillriiifii..1 u-MI r.il t Hit I. m .... . VArt I - . a- " i.a . . a i.ii. Taaa.- ,m m ,ai . .time eradicate what U termed rnronic costivene or constipation, M k. Headache, Uver and UIIuom . tJOmplaluii : and it will cure, ma turo aa there U a tun that t-hines upon us, all the offering and an- -novaiircs that have their rise in tho want of proper tKls. 1 1 doca not act. as merely a lemnorarf ai fair ; it keeps the human tyiteu ia a state of aouad and vigorous health, by eaily and almoat peroap- tiriy rieansing it of all imparities ; Lach bo ron t.tins shout Co pill. Price 50 ceoti ixr hot. DR. O. PHELPS DnO?VNS Etherial Ointment. Among the niany afllictiona for which as a rem edy it has no equal, nor ever will have, la Rheuma. tism, Fever Sor, Fistula,, Crampe, DrpteaUry, Cholera, heavv Colds in the Chest and Head, Sore Eyes, Croup, Pleurisy, Wuinay, Enlarged Toaaila, Glandular rwellingi, Ear Ache, Ear L'lcera, all kinds 61 Colics, Ulcere and Tnmors, Burns, Bee Stings, Bruises, Chilblains. Cuts, Corns. Sprains Scalds, Sore Lips, Soro Nipfles, Swelled .Face, Palsy, Numbness, Blotches, BoiU, i-caJd Ifead Mumps, .White Swelling, Gravel, Stone. Wee Kidnys, Muscular Dlsturbancee. Scrofular, Sar Rlienm, .Murcdrial Sores, Ac. Price 60 crati per ftot. Descrlptire pamphlets given to all whoap. Jly to my Agent. f Addreis lr. O. Phelps Brown,; No. 21 Uread Street, Jersey City, N J. , f For sale by HcNa,T McLik, sole Agtnt In Wil- ' mingtou, N. C. jan 29 tf ' TO ARMS I TO AR91S! VI.L THOSE who are ojpcaed to the Federal coercion of. a aoverelgn State, and who are opposed tojtbepanage of abolition soldiers through North Carolina, for the purpoae of subjugating a sister State, will buy their Groceries. Provision. . : small stores and accoutrement of the patriot, ! janl . ! 1 .v.- . CAH.S1DKV. . COFFEE. IO. LAGUAYUA. Java and St. Domla ... . store, and for sale by - jan 10 ZENO II. GREENE NEW CORN. AFLOAT. 2.200 BUSIILLS Prime WLlte New Crip Corn, nw landing, Tor sale by EI.LIS A MITCHELL. ' jan 10 WHITE OATS. BUSH ELM Heavy New York Htai . Oat. For sale by ' F.I.LIS A MITCHELL. ' 2000 - jan 11 WHEAT I) RAN. BAGS in atore. For sale, br jan II ELLIS A MITCHELL, r 1000 RAISINS. i 1 WHOLE boxen large bunch Ra.in, lKJ 10 , jan 1 1 For sale by ZENO IL G REE.N E. CtANAL BARROWg.lOO Canal Barrows, in warehouse, and for sale, in lots lo salt, at nov 30 . WILSON'S. HOOP IRON. 1 fi TQNtt 1, i to VA inch Hoonlron, f.rsale1y , 1VJ jan 8 t M. Mai INN IS. x MACKEREL N03. 2 and 3, in store, and for sale by jan 8, M. Mai I. VMS. N. C. FLOUR. " JUST RECEIVED nr liailroa.l, Family and Super, celebrated Watchovia Mills braad.--rorsaleby . DeKOSSET, BKOWN A CO, nv 27 v ' . ' CEMENT At PLASTER. Ol III BBLS. Cement, &0 bbl. Flakier Pari., per brig Water Witch, j For sal by dec U ELLLS Af MITCHLLIm a HOOKS FOR ALL rpiIL' N0R1JI CALOHNA FOKM BOOK, Cant I wcll'a Justice, or &w.idu's iJi-vined a'reedlr'e' Legal Adviser, at. KELLEVTS. i dec 11 Book Store -r COFElS FLrET CI BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laijuarra do 5U. i ' vJa v a' v iuii ui -f ana lor sale low, lor cash, bv I' dee 11. 2EN0 IL GREENE. "VfAlLS, 1 10 kegiaortcd Nait, from 3 to 40J nov 1 l or lale iy 4 ZENO JL GREEN I ,. H1 EALTHFl L EXERCISE, II neeetsarr l-i long and happy life Let the girl bty Tmw- Uiing IIo4,p tho boys small axes, ol CAS fsIDr.i , and take pl htt of exercise tbee cool mnrfiing.. ,d; 1 ; ' .-'.:''"''' ' :' LEAVEN LEAVEN LEA VEN."1" LEAVEN, LEAN EN, LEAVEN, LEAVEN.. Try it Trv it Try It Try it, at jan . JVORTH "A DANIEL'S. NOTICE. ; i LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceriei, j ry l'rovision!, Ac,, cither by note or accoanl, ) to the late firm of Wilson A Williams, and w boat account are long since due, are rtouenttd to make 1 immediate payment to tho snbacriDer, or such ac 1 eountt will te j-lartd In odiier'a hand for roller " tion.f . JAMES WILSON.' .. i janl No. 5 Market street. i, i CHEESE- " OA BOXES New Yoik Stat Cliee-e eplendi.' Ou I.J uft received Jer schr ' D C. )(ul. ' . jan l0 For sale by ZCNO H. GREENE. T EXTRA FAMILY FLO lltl p? f BARRELS in ctre, and for sale, l.y OX). V ' 'WORTH A DANIEL jan.22, i ... Granite Row, Front street. ', GOFFEE. 125 hags Rio Coffee in store and for eale by ."' -h70 . WORTH A DA.MKL , MILITARY TACTICS,. ; . . A T KELLEY'S New Rook .More: 2. '-.Gilham'a Manual for i olnnt-eri anil Militia. cott'a Intantry lacxice. '-: ' Hardee's RilJe and'LIifht Infantry Tflctic. . CavalrV Tartic, by the Wnr Department. Volunteer Hand Book." " " . feb 1 - .. BOOKS 1 OR ALL. nviIH North Carolina Firm BH)k Caotreu i I JuHtiee. or Stran'a Revijcd Fmdly'e Le a a , u. '.V I Adviser, at Ke!ley Book Store. -A dea j TpVEMIJOIINS, 1, 3, 3. 4. ai4 6 fallot, XJdct u . . , pciIrin's. v : ' i i s tl i i f i 4' r il

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