si I ' : ' -"n ; I . . c; , .-: : ,tK;.:::.-J. -. 4,. : -."--! .. .j .:..., 4" 4,:b 1,.L . ,44 . f , ' ; ; , , - ; 4 ; , , j , t . , ' , j: : r . . r ; 1 ' VOL.yilir NO. 255. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY KVENING, ; MARCH 6. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.1.m. 4 i 1 ! TERMS: OailT I?tfpert-S SO.OO; Weekly, V'.(o, 4i0-lS' ADVANCE. -G2t ' The Pper iMlvraj stopped, unless a remittance - ntinue it. TLmelv notice is iriTen, o thit pjniepi ca bs maJibefore the expiration of .r mir mailed at oar riak, when the let JUUU. . - ter ii regutfcrcd. . . ; M. WADDELL, Editor and Proctor, A. 'TOWN PBIXTER. ilii min a- t oasr , The Herald Job Office Vftmnlitel v fitted up with the finest as- .ortment ofjjoi Ttje found-i in the Sute Every sps of Job work cRn now ue speen ;k- and hfttiomely: printeu ai this office from book dowft -to a visiting card. Handbills, , &ci neatly and prompt! rlnttd at Aort gtice, aad on reasonable torm. EjKMial.iattentiOU will be iriven to tne joo '...rtlT t-P an.1 we fel assured that .hi.artraent al! work cntrujud tu-our; Job hand, who is ex ' "...,...1 i.fthfl i.usinesi will be executed sat- ;i. k frr ri-siHct. Give him a. trial at ,r r ite ait 1 if it i not done well, no complaint IIY be made of a - withdrawal of Iatronage I' t SITN'DRIKS. - rv UOXljS Colgate's So. 1, and Pale Soap, J 10 i K4UII la Kauin layer anu uunni, ' . . i i i. t 10 laU-Dxs 20 box Wuncentrated Ly.e, 0 " . ' I Potash, 10 ' 4 .frepared i n 20 IWxes Starch, remJr. Hrlcr. Cigars, Ink, Tacks, Matches, Tea, foucontr W Soft Soap, Mustard, Ac, Ac, be sides manr Other articles too numerous to mentie-n, vr.L i.n,nM i low fir cash, as bv any other !0 V t Ui-CarO, otia. WUICU Will in TlMEbP PEACE, PREPARE FOR T ' WAR. : ... .,r lithvi rtf Vaihom'i Patent Finish, from Zl M F t'h lirirest! Unck. to the smallest Drop v.. r illl.t. 25 r Kentucky Uiue Powder, . 15 .iTMuskety Powder, i- 10 ir.; kegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, 5 cases ' i . ; . 0 nno ii It, -fans, i I oi ?ale by IZEXO IL GREENE. HI- FLOUR. l VMIbYiand Suiwr Flour rayettevine ana I1 W i ilmihgti... '-j'-'fNOn; GREENE. . L ' : . . jan il CORN". 5000 Rusln Hyde Uouniy orn, - 2003 bnsbi Perquimans j County Corn. " I0OO . do; Western mixed In store atid for sale by dec 1 4 ELLIS A MITCHELL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. yff UUSUELSj Heavy Canada Oats a very ;iHf sunerior article for seed. For sale, by jan si MESS PORK. r RRf.SXew Cltr Mess Pork, in store, and ZUU to arrive, for sale, at lowest cash prices, bv i v(jan21) M. MclNNIS.. - silACKEREL. "VT0S 2 arid 3 Mackerel; in store. - For sale by jan-fy M.MacLNNIS. t . SUGARS. ' ' T R. St'OAR. in hhdi and bbls, ; ' I . H.and C. Saga, in bbls, lWdered and Crushed Hugar, for sale by jan 22 I M. MaCINNI.. CANDLES AND CANDY. 1AA RtXES Adamantine Candles, lUVi 23 ! ,4i Assorted Candy. For sale bt jVn2j ' ; i IZEXO H- GREENE. . 4 FOR 1861. , COUXTlXi G-HOUSE CALEXDERS. The greatest Variety of sizes and styles. Every thing neceisarV to fjrnish a Counting-Room, at . VHiTAKER'S New Book Store, . Market St., bet.; Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson's. jpj."jj j ' ' ; : ' i "trunks. AXVAS'S JPackingJLeather Folios, Brass and j Iron bound, Gents. Iress l runss, square anu OTal Iron Eged, St. Louis Sole. Leather, Fine Sole Leatherand Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns. . - jf-- . ; t i " f p . Valises'. Sole Leather, BosWn, Enamelled Leather. Ac, embracing thirteen different styles.' -'. ' BaffS. Enameled.' Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil ton, embracing eleven styles. ;La.diei' Hat Boxes. New style French Halt Boxes, new style Sfer Louis, jron and brass boind edging. For sale at unprecedented low prices ' Jaa2i t . ! j Xo. 5 Market Street. HAY. BALES Prime N. C. Hay, ex Sehooner, for JU sale bV ELLIS A MITCHELL. Jan 23 ' SEED OATS. ' "VTORTH RIVER and Eastern Hay, ,heet X Bran, Cor Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, and Hommony, for sale bv- . ' ' ' Jan2S . ELLIS A MITCHELL. 4 OUNNY BAGS. kOAfln .GUNNY BAGS, just received per brg JJJ-Shibboleth. For sale by Jan2S. , j jC. C. A B. G. WORTH. .. ,4 LARD. . BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 10 ,5 Si C. For,sale, in lots to suit, by WORTH A DAXIEL, jan 23 Granite Row, Front street. LADY PEAS, i I?0R SALE; in quantities to suit; by ; Jan 28'.. j WORTH A DAXIEL, AT : C. APPLE BRAXDY. 2 years old 2bar AoBle . VM rrr clioicj 2 ivears old. N. C orandy for sale; by V0RTH A DANIEL. i CHOICE Country) Smoked Sausages, at Jan 28 i WORTH AANIEL'S. DO Y.OU SHAVE YOURSELF 1 T0 von aniireciate a rood Razor? ' Fine bhav-s I inSAArT Soft Shsvinsr Brushes? A Good Strap? Call at ( . BALDT BALDWIX'S. vrf PtJ'CKET KNIVES. I7IXE English Cutlery. J excellent; at . Prices low. Qualitiesu BALDWIN'S. EASTERN IIAYj i for irrM BALES very superior Eastern Hay, ' sale tow from wharf, bv -dec 7 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. AVESTP.TfV JHtfiFS fe SHOULDERS r CASKS superior-Western Sides and ShouW ' 0J . ders. in Btor:'. and to arrive. For sale, at lowestcasfc priceiiby. ' M. MacIXXIS. jaa22..f;.; ;4f " . .'. ' i .! " I : - NEW CROP MOLASSES, I --iiUllS.juid bbls.' For sale by A.. janVKj- !- M. MacIXXIS, I , U HOOP IRON, t : ."f A TQNS, 1, Inland l4 inch Hoop Iron. -1 U f jojidl ; V r pr sale by 31. M acIXXIS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN i IfOSTV - HALF E i t i- rue, .riiniji iynt ai . ; r JanSS; . BALDWIN S. GENTLEMEN can Cad the largest assortment of Under Wear, at i BALDWIX'S. Jan 28' 1 aTRa SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, for Buck wtett Cakes the best articl.ln market, a. ec 1 : ' . v GEO. MYERS'. I Special ZN"otices. S MRS. win slow, l "ia- An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children .teething, Which greatlyj facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure' to regulate, the bowel. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest toyour ielves, and relief and health to your infants. ; Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er coluntn. f . , . feb 25-ly r- "walker meares, " f ISS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST 'and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, English, French and German' Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, Ac, also, ; PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac. J" - aueU. 18C0 W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DTE ! Th is splendid Hair D ye has no equal instantaneous n effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining the skin or injuring the. Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life, jone are genuine unless eigned " W. A. Batcheloiv Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 2:-ly 81 Barclay street! N. Y. , LANDRETIPS SEED, i m?3r, JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. Tor sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 28 : j 'x i r r -r -r . i I titi i i i i 1 . VV XI. OXLJCX-X -I. JL. , " Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, X..E. Corner Front and Market St:, Wilmington, N. C. j-51- ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI- , cles. : ' ' Prescriptions accurately compounded.! Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The! night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. i "a- n ' anl after this day, all prescriptions will be Cash. oct 30 I AIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR', dyed instant-' y, to be beautitul and .natural Brown or Biaca, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over $0,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa- rons, of his famqus Dye. . Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, andis warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued,' and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the nair invigorates fov Life by this splen did Dve. ... ! Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.! iS'The Genuine has the name and address, up- bn a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor: CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, X. Y. It Pimples Banished ! i Faces Made Clear! Howl ; Byone week's use of the Magnolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration, -i . , i I Price 60 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere.. bee advertisement. ' . j ; . W. E. HAOAN & CO., Proprietors, I apl 19-lydAw Troy, New York. j "GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. 1 Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaphtaliEzeeiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon nis own head, wnose top was entirely .bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth! So con vinced is Mr; Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it " THE INFALLIBLE IviRGlXIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E.isabout going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dee. 12, 1850. ' . This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, prof ing that it is all it is j claimed to be. I Wholesale depot for orders, C9 Main stL . R. EZEKIEL; Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. X. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have been bald for the past 12 years, and have, restored my hair by using Ezekiel'a Virginia Hair Restorer. Xaphtali Ezektkl. This day sworn to before me, by Xaphtali Eze kiel. Jor Mayo, . Mayor of Richmond. W. n. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., jan 14 m Wilmington, N. C. GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that we have appointed WM. C. H0WART)J Esq., Na val Store Broker of Wilmington, X. C-i Sole Ag't for our Glue. . . ' 1 Boston, apl 3, 1860. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UXDERS1GXED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, ofBostonsole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glased Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United Statesr and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay willbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; 'samples of which can. be seen at my office. ap'19-ly. f W. C. HOWARD,' Broker. "1EDAR FALLS GRAIX BAGS. 3,000 just re- 1 ceived, for sale Dv ! ec 5 4 WORTH A DANIEL. : "4 CHEESE. '. EXGLISH, PlXE APPLE AND STATE, at dec 11 . GEO. MYER'S. LACK Winter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dec 6 : . ELLIS A tolTVtl&liU. BT.AC1C WINTER SEED OATS. QAA BUSHELS neavy Canada Oats, for seed, OlHI in store, for sale bv' 1! ' i dec 27 : ELLIS A MITCHELL. POWDER. i 2pC KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, O 10 or. kegs " " . 10 , " . Musket ' " dee 27 ForTaleby. ZEXO H. GREENE. - PORK. ; BBLS. X. Y. City Mess, in store, for sale bjr j dec 21- - ctty j ii. UKijj-i. CONSTANTLY manufacturing, j at my Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks. Every variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac, manulactnred to order, and repaired, i JAMES WILSON, " dec Xo. I Market street. rt DIEEOT.OB.Yi STATE government. ! ji. ; Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. , Private Secretary---Graham Daves, of Cray en. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. J Sec'y of 8ute Rufus H. Page, of Wake. I Comptroller C. H. Broeden. of Wavne. . Attorney General W, A. Jenkins, of Warren. apeaicer or Senate it. T. Clark, of JfidgeeomDe, I " Uouse of Commons W. T. Dortcn, of Wayne. State Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer-AJno Spelman, " " couxciLLoas or statx. L Council Woo ten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning- nam, of .Person : Yi . A. i uriruaon. of Bertie ; t. F. Graves, of Surry : David Murohy. of Cumber. land:: J. J. Lone, of Northampton, and W. L, uuiard, or Buneomoe. 1 rXDESAI, AND 8TAT1 COCBTSj The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday in June and but Monday in No vember. Judges Hon. J. M. Wavne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, I District Judge salary, $2000. ; i Robert P. Dick, District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. i M The United States District Courts are held at Edenton. 3d Monday in April and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk; Xewbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; i Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John I.. Cant well, Clerk. ; TUB SUPREME COURT, i The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Kaleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is aUo he'd once a year at Moreanton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge Clerk. lneomcers areas follows: Chief Justice, Kicn- mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. L. Manly of Craven, and William n. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter : Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver II. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchtord, of Wake, Marshal. ' SUPERIOR COURTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : - Judges, R. R. Heath, of unowan : ueo. nowara, oi yt lison j j as. vy . us born, of Mecklenburg, Robert, S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hincs, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston; of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides theFifth Circuit ; David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PCBLIO ..WORKS IX NORTH CAROLINA. i . , - i The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March,. 1835. The officers are as follows : Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and a a? m t tt -t t t" a ; Acung a reasurer ; joqd ii. uiDoens, Assayer, Aieiter and Kenner ; J onn it. Bolton, uniet uoiner ; Wm. f. S. Strange, Clerk. The Universitv of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County ot Orange, twenty-eight miles VV. N. V. from Kaleierh. ; t ' The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Kaleierh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. : Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns- wick county. i United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette- ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in tne vicinity of Kaleign, will contain z50 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. J. C. if isher, superin tendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell. Steward; Mrs. Hfll,-ilatron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. H olden. Edward Cantwell. A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J Blow. John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mill3, Directors, Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William JS. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, .Executive Committee ' All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charere. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised yode, cnapter on Asylums. . . -o ' ' ; TOWN GOVERNMENT. j COMMISSIONERS 0 WILMINGTON. Mavor John Dawson. S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, vtt a v i.r m rn t i 1 J If x w A. w ngnt, a j siiuer ana Aiirea juariin. I N j FIRE DEPARTMENT. ; j Chief Engineer James MitchelL ! Assistant Chief Engineer W T JVann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery, i Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Myers, B.W Beery, C D E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. . ; Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. : HOWARD RELIEF FIRS COMPANY. ! (Re-organized June 6, 1859.) j Foreman W Furlong," 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d " P Curren, Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Ghairman- j D DriscolL HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY N. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant -J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. j COMMISSIONERS OF NAVI8ATI0N. (Office 18 Water street.) George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos H Flanner, Wm M Harris. ; . j SCHOOLS. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS, Chairman S D Wallace. . . I - ; - Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie, J ames Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert H Tate, Wamual Player, and Joseph 'M Foy. i WILMINGTON INSTTTCTB. L Meginney, Principal. WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. OAKDALK CEMETERY COMPANY. President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Filly aw, S D Wallace. ! Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to Bank Wilmington. i COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, AC Sheriff W T J Vann: V Clerk County Conrt--Samuel R Bunting. - Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District X C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jao J Conoley. I ' i Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlaf. Chairman County Court James T"Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. j 1 f nonntratji of Tmrn John J Conoler, Constables Lewis M Williams, JnO Utlay, Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringtieid, J J Moore. i 1 INSPECTORS. CTvul lnsnectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. I , !' T Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson,; Nathan F Bor deaux.' ' -4 J : !... f Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man. L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves. J W Munroe, ClarK, Kobert Maxweu, E Turlington. 4 WIUHS8T0S OAS LIGHT COMPANY, j (Office iii Savings Bank Building, President Col John McRae. 1 Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. SuperintsadeaW OUytr Molihenny. SECRET SOCIETIES, i IT. jour's LOOOB MO. 1 MASONIC (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at i au jonn s nau.; i O L FiHyaw, Master. Oliver licRhennT, J W. T M Gardner, "Sec'y. ; A A Hartsfield J D. MNewhofllSW. JnoL Cantwell, Treas. Henry Spalding, S D. J O Bowden, Tyler. ; C0SCOX9 CEirm 0. 1 MASONIC. (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. Jons'sxiau.) Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, GM 3d Ex O L FOlyaw, King. V. is Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning. Capt V. i Host. Com W i Price, G M 1st Com A Martin, P S. V. ! j , M NewhoO, K A Com Jno A 'lay lor, Trea. Capt. E Turlington, Tyler, CAPS FKAR L0D6S SO. 2 V 0. 0.' T. ( Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's HalL) Asa J Murray. NQ. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, TO. T H Howey, Treasurer. . CAMPBELL ENCAMPMENT NO. 1 1. Ci O. P.'.'r (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d r riday in each month. . , : J D Gardner, C P. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton, HP. R J Jones, Scribe. John J Conoley S W. Thos H Howey, Treas. CAPE FEAR MARINE TOTAL ABSTINENCE S0CIETT. (Meets at the Seamen's. Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately after the close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen.) j, Chas D Ellis, President Geo. W Williams, Vice William M Poisson, Sec- President. retary. J as Fleet, As't Sect'y. SEAMKNS' FRIEND SOCIETY. Ellis, Presi- B F Mitchell, Sec'y A Charles D dent. Treasurer C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Board. Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. R LADIES BENEVOLENT S0CIKTT. ' 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Directress,MrS Rai ned v. lett. v 2d Directress, Mrs Har- Secretary, Mrs Van-- riss. Sickle. 3d Directress Mrs De- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- Rosset , ton. ji I WltMINQTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.' ( Organized June, 1855. ) Dr J II Dikson,President. Donald McRac, Treas. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Wm R Utley, Sec'y, Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian.- . ' Rev R B Drane, R H Cowan. E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. MILITARY. WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. (Org. May 20th, 1853.) ,r Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslow; Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C McUhenny, 2d Lieut. Master f 1 Savage, 3d ' " C D slyers, y rderiy. - . ' GERMAN VOLUNTEERS. v;'j. (Organized February 22d, 1853.) ; C Cornehlsen, Capt. H G Hashegan, 3d Lieut, 11 Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Demstbatch, Ensign H Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. BANKS, . BANK OF CAPE FEAR. ? I ' TH Wright, President. Ii R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner, As't Teller, J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk l) iscount D ay, W ednesday. - BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. . : W L Smith, Teller. j William Larkins,Book T M Gardner, D13 Clerk. keeper. ; Discount Day, Tuesday. ' BANK OF NORTHS CAROLINA." John Dawson. Pres. : Wm Reston. Cashier, Wm D Smith, Teller. j; II Wright, B'k-keeper, Discount Day, luesday.: ji COMMERCIAL BANK ; OF WILMINGTON. O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae. Jr. Teller. Asa K Walker, Book- J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. ! Discount Day, Monday. : WILMINGTON 8AVING3 BANK.: John A Taylor, President. Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. t WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE k RUTHERFORD R. ROAD (Office car Market and S Water street.) H W Guion, President. R H Cowan, Sec Treas J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P Kobertson,Gen I Sup. Jos J Ling, Treas, R B McRae, Gen'I Freight Agent. WILMINGTON WELD0N SAIL ROAD. Hon W S Ashe, Presi dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup.; James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst See A Gen Ticket Agent, J W Thompson, Gen. Freight Agent. James G Green, Yard Master. ; P H Langdon, Aud'r A Supt's Clerk. I - William Smith, Ticket Agent: . CHURCHES. - " Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler. Pastor. Baptist, cer Orange and 6th, Rer A Paul Repiton, Pastor. Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rer J L Prich ard. Pastor. i ; ' Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron DaviSiPastor. ' Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rer Thomas Murphy, Pastor. : ! ' Episcopal, (St James',) 00 r Market' and 3d, Rev. js, B Drane, ttector. Episcopal, f St John's.) cor 3a and Red Cross." Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop mi . liL! T X . . X uub auuuuO) ncviur. - Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc Queen. Pastor. Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Gner, Pastor. Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard. Pastor. Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev j a Jttengert, castor. , Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. POST OFFICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 714 AM to 1PM. 2PM to sundown. Sundays.7 K A M to 9 A M. Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5 AM. Closes IK and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from 1 P M to 10 A M. : 1 ' Houtnern Man, oy w sa ft k, arrives aaiiy 44 A at. mioses aaiiy si 7 r 11. r ! ; Smithville, ii j, (norse, 1 arnres sionaay. ana Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. . ! ' .. -4 -A Onslow Court House, a C, (horse); arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 P to. U. S. GOVERN2HENT tPPICERS. CUSTOM HOUSE. s! ' Jas T Miller, Collector. DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- A Guager. , , ! lector. T M Burnett. Insp'r. A J Galloway. Surveyor. W F Burch and Uriat W N Peden, Naval Offl- . ; Sullivan, Inspector A cer. Jtteasurer. ii ; Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. CONSULS. ' 4 ' ' ; H I . British Vice-Consul Den McRae, n Water:' Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water, ( Brazillian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., ! cer n Water and Mulbery, (upstairs.); Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor front and Chestnut. . '..!;- 4 , 1 4 : 144' i INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of the above Bonds redeemable ,ih 1891-j-with coupons at 7 per cent per annim, payable in, the city or .Hew xorx, 1st aiarcn ana isi oepiemoer. nor saie oy uinussfii, j)nu 11 a. vv. dec 1 COFFEE. ! I ; ' BAGS RIO COFFEE, J tU 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, . 20 mats best Java . " I : dec 1 ' . 4 ; ZENO BJ GREENE. 4 BLACK SEED OATR4 Cf A A BUSHELS daily expected. For sale by 5UU fb 21 SUM MITCJJLELL. Oityl JBrosiness Oaxds. i ERRANT A WILSON, fj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do-; mestie Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, a Shoes, Ac ' f Noa. 14 and 15 North Water Street, octl 4 Wilmington, X. C. 1 JAS T. PETTEWAY A CO. FLCTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants.! I I I No 8 North Water Street.? i Wilmington. N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano,; c, ac . i oct 3 6EOR0B HARRI8S. aJ J.' HOWELL. DR. W. W. KABKIS3V HARRISS St HOWELL, ' i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j j Oct 2, 1858 . Wilmington, N. C. I WORTH & DANIEL, GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchaitts,1 1 Noj 2r Granite Row, Wdmington, N.C.; Solicit consignments of Flour. Dried Fruit Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally.; Agents lor Howe s oelebra ted Scale. I i i 1 ; D. O. WORTH, sept 26,lyi 4 1 X. G. DANIEL.! JAMES ANDERSON, s . EDWARD SAVAGE. ' I ANDERSON Sc SAVAGE, 4 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! ! July 18, '60-ly. WUmington, X. C. C. II. ROBINSON A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, J , Wilmington, N. C. Uthce over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. JlF Entrance Coiner Princess and Water St.! mar 9, '60-tf J ! j L. W.; ERRANT, GEO. WIS0N. f ERRANT Sl WILSON, GQMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, 1 i , Noa. 14 aNd 15 North Water st.. -oct 2, '60-1 y WUmington, X. C. f WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, TlHEMIST AXD S DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Vj Retail Dealer in Pamts1, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass. Puttv. Secars. Old Brandies, and Wines. Perfumery and Fancv Articles. N. E. eor-i ner Front and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. mar zo, 09 , i EDWIN A. KEITH. I GOMMISSIOX MERCIIAXT, t 1 4 ; .-I Wihnington, N. CJ J ei. Offers his services to Planters as Factor or; Agent for the sale of COTTOX; will give his per-j sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton. H11 be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made.. Cotton forwarded toi NewiYork at 10 ctsSper bale. I oct 4-l60 -ly I O. G. PARSLEY Si CO. , , T : PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Wilmington, X. C. ! i : ftS?" All orders or inauiries for LUMBER. wUl receive prompt attention. mch 21 '59 j SMITH Sc. McLAURIN, ! COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, U l Wilmineton. N. C. ! Refer to : .;; ; , .1 ! 4 John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. ; ! E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. ; T. M; SMITH, ' I ! July 1 1859-tf I JOHN M LAURIN MALCOM McINNIS, ! OR0CER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT North Water street, 1 oct 1 r : Wilmington, N. a ' Chas. D. Myers, ; MYERS Fred. J. Moore. I St MOORE. T H0LESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps; i W Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. ! June 21, 1859 ' ' ! 4 T,' C. Ski B. G. WORTH, i COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, I . Wilmington, N. C. j UNION DISTILLERY, "H j i I Wilmington, N. C. ! ; A. H.j YANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. I . LL .KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, ,J manufactured and sold. j : Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage done at fair rates. jan 2 1860. j 4 G. POLVOGT, M TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, f J Corner Front and Princess Streets, ! i i ifj.. ;f ; Wilmington, N. C. Keeps cojosta f on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, ana all TTnholsterv-1 Materials. Also. Paoer Hansinirs. Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. I Pictures framed to order. 1 ; Prompt attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. ; i may 31 ; I f J. L. HATHAWAY. I WM. a. UTLEY. HATHAWAY St CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; dec 16, '58 j ! Wilmington, N. C. 5 J. jf . ROBINSON St SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in. Foreign and I Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac., No. 8, Front st, Wilmington, N. C. 4 j jan 9, '58 4 - .' . V ' ' i ! ! HENRY NUTT, j T7ACT0R AND FORWARDING AGENT, 1 Wilmington, N. C. Will rive his personal attention to business entrusted to nis cafe. sent 10. '57-tf. 1 U . ; : U JAME8 8T0XLEY I ALEX. OLDHAM. STOKLEY St OLDHAM, i ! TSeALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION Jj MERCHANTS, ! Wilmington, N. C. "Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and other Country Produce. L i ?; ; - JtTTE, ROPE. Qi COILS best Jute Rope, for sale by ' OU nor 28 t ZENO H. GREEN. i ALMANACS FOR 1861. fTiTJRNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- X LEY'S BOOK STOKE. dec H 4 TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Apply toi not 27 I STOKLEY A OLDHAM. 500 FLOUR "F7VAM1LY, Super and FayettevUle and Jj ; Wilmington inspection, in store, and for sale j by t (dec ii) j ? 6&xu a. GUiwifi. i QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI i CIA1T8 AND ECONOMISTS. ! TF 1860 feet of gas is consumed through eight -1 , burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, how mucn is consumed Dy eacn ourner per hour ? at what cost, and what would be the 1 1 j. a t . 1 . e cost. 01 an equal amount 01 11 gut ouuuneu irom Kerosene Oil ? Answer : There is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost 01 6 centsyjer nour per burner, r our Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as 8 gas burners: 4 gauons ioi Kerosene un will supply 4 a , l1 s 1 ; A. mttt A A - 11 . mvts in a wnrxn v ri wnim -; t via- naw rra 1 nn ma 1 $4,80 per month, Or a cost of one cent per nour I per lamp; therefore, by burning gas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, whitjh, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 13 h- 1 CASSIDEY. EW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of choice. For sale by dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. GIIOICE BACON.-T-22 hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by dec 21 : ; HATHAWAY A CO. A NTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as il!? V!811 Tf K iTZJXlS .Extracts of Letters from an English Resident I !..v.TT.!..jai...i . t '"it: c I 111 uie uiuieu DiAieu, . VO me ixtnuuii Alines, uuui 1864 to 1870. With an Appendix on the Causes and Consequences Jof the Independence of th. South. Just published. Received and for sale 1 futn ! Trrrrrf 1 rrDU v.HaaV fiiM " ICM v Tr 1 1 I I n " ' ic wen awA u .v. v-. WHITE AND BLACK - SEED OATS. Just arrived per schr. Alba. 1000 bushels prime White Oats. , . bou do do itiacs: seea uats. i feb 23 For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. rsnurrwo IT. n.. i. 1.1.... JL - quantities, embracing Sole Leather Eng llah, Ashlands, and all other sty lea, vefy low, at .' st aiarKet street r 1 feb 21 i ' O. g. BALDWIN. NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. I iSO. S. DASCT, JOII H. HYMAN. P.M. MIMAS late of late of I late of Tarboro N. Cj Scotland Neck, Warrenton, X, C DANCY, HYMAN A CO., sO R0CERS AND COMMISSION Msaciuxrs, 124 Pearl street, New Yoa. ft R0CERS 'AND COMMISSION MErisT, V T Norfolk. a The New York house will be conducted bv Jno. S. Dancy, aided by R. W. Hvman. The Norfolk House will be 'conducted by John IL Hyman and F. M. Hvmaa. JPST' Particalars attention given to the sale of motion, iorn, w neat, and aval Stores. September 13-tf I860 LONDON ic BRYAN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I , No. 32 India street Boston 33f Consiirnments of Naval Stores. 'Cot to Lumber, and other Southern Produce solicited. Jno. R. London, . J. H. Butan, Jr. Nov21-tf I WM. M. GREISSa, W. W. HAKKNKKt. G REINER Ac HARRIS ESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION J House. Philadk: tr i a. Nov 15, 1857 Wm. L. Hill, of North ( X. M. Xoari KFT. afolika, of North Carolina. HILL St NORFLEET,. ENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARD I XU j Merchants, Shockoe Slip, I Richmond, Vs.. Solicit consignments of Cotton, Lumber, Fidi, and all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. J : j .. ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffees. Molas ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac. ; Large cargoes of the above articles are offered for ale in our market an nually, and we shall be pleased to operate for par tiesorderinjr, promising faithfulness in our tn- deavors to representthem. Jan 25-1 v G. Wi WILKINSON JSt CO. T?RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JC I 89 Barclay street, X. Y Particular attention given to consignment. and purchase of Merchandise, all kind. Liberal cash advances through WILKINSON a CO., Wilmington, N. C. August 2, 1860-ly T7" EROSENE LAMPS. A iarge supply, suitable fcr stores, for sale very cheap with mi7"at i dec 7 CASSIDEY'S. EASTERN HAY. BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. 150 jan 9 for sale, low, from wharf; bv ELLIS A MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Ball?, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable jan 8 f CASSIDEY. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Wetern Bacon Sides and Shouldejs. For sale bv dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. FLOUR. 60 boxes 50 bbls HATHAWAY of good A CO. brands. dec 21 USCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prime to choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by ! HATHAWAY A CO. LARD. "XTOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, I 1 Western Lard a splendid article. 1 IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 " Western Lard, in small packages,"' dec 4 For sale by Z.H.GREENE. N EW FLOUR 1 In bags and bbls. For sale by deel 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM T7NGLISH j CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En trj glish Cheese, just receivod at "Ved4 j WORTH A DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE HA VAN AS have come, at dec 6 ! WORTH A DANIEL'S. . ih 1 LARD. -20 Kegs use. Vvta .A4 1 l fF fflTtli f I WORTH A DANIEL. ' BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, for sale very cheap, at CASSIDEY'S. dec 7 j ' TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERSBURG. C0XCEXTRATED LEA VEX something new, New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders, " Smoked Beef; Buckwheat, J Rye Flour, Butter, 60 bbls. C. Sugars, . Raisins, 10 " A- I " 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. j WORTn A DAXIEL, jan 3 ! 2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. "YTTE have the .best Family Flour in town, W we warrent each and every barrel and and package, if not good, to be retnrned. dec 12 . ' 1 WORTH A DAN I E L. TT1 ASTERN; HAY. 200 bales of the best Eestern Xli Hay in market. For sale by cfec21 j HATHAWAY A CO. i VENI, VIDI, VICI. OtJCH was j the announcement of a very creat k victory, by a Roman General. The people of this day, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 i 26 a 28 South Front st. TT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro 1 Una has seceded 1 This they would' not have Been prepared to do, if some of her citizens had not bought ! V; ! KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a crreat variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, Ac. Ac, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. ' dec 21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv dec 1 j ZENO II. GREENE. ' BEST HAMS IN TOWN at deel j WORTH A DANIEL'S. FINE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot, some very pretty just opened, and for sale at dec 19 j . ; PERRIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TIER PARKERSBURG. Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, " Pigs, " Cheese, a 14 Prunes, Citron, Nutmegs, Mace,, Buckwheat it tt tt tt Segars. Tobacco, Ale, ' Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. ABs'C Sugar, " Crushed " " Sweet Cider, Elegant Hams, dec 19 WORTH A DANIEL WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. Sherry wine. Madeira " iPort " For sale bv WORTH A DANIEL. tt tt dec 18 Citv Mess Pork. for salr dec 7 by ZENO H.GREENE. , . town, war- I : .0. M tn u .a - M ranted m all cases, to te naa 01 dec 29 I . WORTH A DAXIEL. SUGARSSUGARS ! BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 75 - 35 Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, 6 hhds. " " " ' For sale by WORTH A DAXIEL, jan 8 4 Granite Row. PORK--PORK. :" BBLS, New-York! City Mess, just received I fj and for sale low, for cash, bv dec 11 i ZENO IL GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. OrX KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2 cent, a V.i u f . ( ' ocn iivi-kc " ueu 11 1 i " TO ARRIVE. CiKCl BBLS. Flour different grades. jan 15 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. 1. r PIANO FORTES. TN THESE! TIMES when we ought to look at v- home, why not purchase of a Southern Man ufactory? Such is "W m. Knabcs A Co., Baltimore, Md.. wnose Pianos have not been surpassed bv any sold in this market, of Northern make, and have never .failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs,! Ac. Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to quite a large number of fnmi- .. .1 ,1 f .1 . lies mai use mem, in iuis eiiy. r4-f KELLET'S Book Store, feb 20 Ag't for Wm. Kasbe A Co. VERVAIN" , j ! fob. Tin. crnE or FEVER AND AGUE. 1'llLLI S lil.oWN nu ,.r Tral vir. DSitlr aljlict,-.! lr lirrv t ua. Ihst I. .r a j part of the time he w ron(in d his Uhli was crnitua.l t.i( J t,v a .: c-m i a lu.ti furfai'UU by a young Hair? oat.t irlrl.' Tlii j rMMTlption, given In ru bra n;t re bil.t. whilie in a slat ot trance, has cured r r l... v nlinbiu taktut, t ex t having failed once. It i iju-illv .sure in ra. -of riiasr DysrrPMA ami fr.vrr. and A h i. To thotHpcrrii rliohav trinl tnanv ihkIk is until thev have become iicuutdcld. Ua iol feel willing to expend more r.irrcv tjon tuierrtain ties, I will send the preprint ion for prronrinr aad successfully tli-t?lV rt o .V.iuU .ttoni'!, reipt of hvi ad.Irt , w illi tinjif.r nturu o't.igr. All of tli inrrfi'nti ari to be fonr.J st the Irnr Store of U.-i.rv 'Addrer Dr. O. riu .i lin n, V ). ?l tirai d S Ii . t. J rri t.iti-. N . ..' d. . iii i:i.iN nnow.N s ARCADIAN BALSAM. For the cure of (Yntitrpt ion, Itrn hit Asit s. Coutrh. t'ii!,L ami N.tvcu N.IhIhj '.un- ma osed principally of fort iirn hctb Stid lieatma I 1 thn I'tilv rur evtr di-CiTt-t erf, fvr IM eases of the Liinc. Stoma li antl .Vine. 1 It cow bints all the iunlito s!icil in t;!ic lLuiir4t. L ... drug vended to the 1cW: il is a hraHrg bslam f.K alt the Interna! Sores, I'lrers, 1 u!rrl -) ard lufls1 niations; an ensurasaLk Toutc so untxci i ttott- ble .ervin. , h i'urilit r of all tie Fluid, an I.xhJ rsnt, n Stimulant which t.rodurr 1 no loartii u, and a builder id of wast.d Fibr and Muscle. Pricec, $l snd $2 per Im cc Ih ttli ; rvi. t t ItK 2.' eent. Krr falf bv !I t.rv M Lili. ir. . piii:lpn iniov.s ' RENOVATING PILLS. This I'ill w ill rrgulatt. the lm Is w hen all tthet prepsratioiM will fail. ltwill. ju a errLoit time eradicate wh'at i teriurd thr(nie rotirenes or cnti.tion. Sit k lb adache, Liter slid ltillious Complaint' j and Kjivill cure, as sure as. tLeie is a sun .that'shini s ujon u, all the miff. i ii;-. an l an noyanees that hare their rise in bn, trswt of projr stooln. It dins not act as merely a timjoraty al fair; it keeps the human system in u tat- of tuuiol" and icoroua health, by easily xpl alnioft p.iret j. tibly tieansing it of all am purities : Krh Lot ciu tains about Cu pills. Price 50 cents per DR. O. PHELPS BHOWN'.S ' . Etherial Ointment. Among the many afllictions fr which as n r:io cdy it hat no equal, nor ever'wiU Lave, Is Itl.un s tism, Fever Sores. Fii-tuls, Cramps, Dvstentrrt , Cholera, lx avv :ohls iu the Chitt and IIfl,Soi. . Eyes, Croup, t'lemisy, Quinsk-. Eiilarprd ToutU. Glandular tvellirlJrs, Ear At he, Esr Mrer. all kinds ot Colics, Ulcers and 1 uruurs, burns, Jo e Stings, BruUe, Chilblain, Cut,. Corn. Spi aii.s. Scolds, Sore. Lips, Soro Nipples, Stvrlj.-d Far", Palsy, Nurnbn. rf, Blotchts. Jh-ils. Scal J 'llrad Mumps, White Swelling, Gravel, Stone, 'We Kidnets, Muscular Disturbances, Srrofular, S"a Rheum, Murcurial Sores, Ae. Pr.ce fiOrentjpfr pot. Descriptive pamphlets ..given t ail wbo a ply to ray Agent. Address Dr. '. Phtlj.s Urotrn. n. ?1 f.rand Street, Jersey City, X J. For sale bv Ikxuy.Mtl.iv. vle Agnt in Wil mington, X. ('. jan t'J tf TO Altai S! TO A RMS! LL THOSE who"; arc oppomul to tha IVdeiai A coercion , a sovereign State, and whu-ar oj)pt)sei to the passage of abolition. soldit-rsthrour, h .orui i.aroiina, tor tue purpose ot . 11 1 tin rt a t in .r n sister State, will buy their Groceries. Prorlslorr. small stores antl accoutrements of the patriot, jan 1 CASSIDEY. 1)K), LAGUA . store, and tx is a i' ia. j AYUA, Java and St. Dtiinin for ss.le bv . ' jan 10 ZhNO II. uuELN r.. N EW CO R XV AFLOAT 2.200 BL'SIItLS Prime U bifj New T)r ('oin, now Isr.dini', for sale by ELLIS A MlTPIIlX jan JO WHITE OATS. BUSHLLS Heavy .Vr-w York StAt Oat. l or sale fir LLL1S & MITCIIEI.L. 2000 jan. II WHEAT II RAN. 1 1 AAA BAGS, in store, lor sale,' I. v 1UUU -jan ll . ELLIS A MIICUELI. RAISINS. boxes larye bunch Raisins WW jan. 1 1 For sale by ( tANAL BAUROU S.- ZKSO II. ORLLNK. IU0 t.' BarroWi., in j warehouse j and f i sale, in lots to suit, at WILSON'S. nov .50 ' . HOOP IRON, 1 1 TONS 1, )i Xolli inch 1!m. Inm, forsalou.t jan, 8 M. MsrlNMS MACKEREL. OS. 2 and 3, in store, ami lor sale bv ; jan H M..MLNNFS N. C. FLOUR. .. Js rer Ha.Irt a'l, I art 1.1 ly .ui-i W'atehovia Mill Itrnnd, r Hailrts'l, Super, celebrated For salo by D KOSLT, BROWN: A CO. nov ;7 ; ' ' k: f CEMENT Si. PLASTER; Q )( BBLS. Cement, .M bbls. Placer CKJKJ per brig Watt-r Witi.h. For sal.' r 1'- bv dec 13 LLLIS A. MITOIFLIi isuun.i 1 rpiIE NORTH CAKOLI? I well's Justice, or Sm; Legal Atlviser, a t HOOKS rORALI. IIE NORTHCAKOLINA FORM HOOK. n l 1 .nr.ti'rf Kevisnl 1 n rdh ' KI LLKV S, j Book Stor.t. dec 1 1 corFEl:- rji: , ' 505 BAfiS Rio Coffee 'A) do Laeuavra do ltlt go do M matt Java iatite, and for sale low dec 11. lor eah. trv ZENO II. OK LENT..' "VTAILS. 150 keg s-rtd N.iils, from .1 t I'M. t nov 1 For sal- bv " ! S ' 'Lfli'll lO't't k-l' 1. ZENO II. OliKLNE. V - -s -t H"1 EALTIIFCJ; EXTKCIsr. h tir-rwnr? tot.. g anu naj-ny 1 life. I. I tli" irii l bev Triin dlmL' Hotiri tfie-ljovi s small aM1-, of (A-.Mlt . and take plenty ef exercise lhee e, l n . dec 1 i lOMlif.J'l. LEA V EN-- LEA VEX LEA V EN. LEAVEN, LEAN EN, LEAVEN, LEAVEN, Trv it Try it Trv it 1 rv It, at Jan 8 ' .f ' WORTH A DA.M I'L'.S. J ALL PERSONS vt ho are inl lit.l lr i oterit .-, Provision.', AccitL-r hv note er at cosnf, to the late firm of Wilson l William:, and nHcn' account are lorg siuc" due, are fitsestcd to rt-al'e immediate nayn: r.t toth'r tnt "cri'ier. or stieh ar counts will be plaeel ii, e(!jrer'si hand for rclls". tion. JAM KS WILSON, r jan 1 '. N. U Msrkt t ttret t. CHEESE. : I BOXES New Yoik State f'hwc-'i b f : ,lu'-t received pt r srbr I C. IIuNe. ' 10 For rale bv ZENO" H. GIU.EN E. 30 jan EXTR A, FAMILY FLO IT It. BARRELS inftore, and f-r s.ile, ! WORTH i A IMN'IEI, ian 22 Gj ar.Ite Row , I joi.t str. 1 f 10FFEE. T25 l.'rRl.; C. ;t ; iw f'.r.- r.f f j sale bv feb 20 WOItTII A D N1EL. .... 11. -r. -. . MILITARY TACTICS. T K EL I. El r' -c" ( GilhamV .Mstirjl nt l Mllit's. w,.o'. IntfllltrV Jii('iii--t I . HartW Kill" f"d Lijrb IttfaMt y i H t: -. Cavahy Tactic, by tlo War Htj atUncnt. .-Volunteer Hand Book. ; ' !' 1. i 1 HOOKS FOR ALL. , fl'lIIE North Carolina I orc LY'ii-CaoiwoU I Justice, or Swan's Rti:ed J'rev Kiev's Ly:i Adviser, at Kllev' Cwk i: bf re. j f dc I I EMIJOHNS. . 1. !. 4. onl 5 rallon. i PER KIN'S. dee 12 4 u 1: . r 1 . r ! 1 1 . ' 1 ' i i 1 ! ! 1 ; i ft 1 ' f 4' : i .1 : -i I ! A ! p J

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