..- w- 1 P ' -r- z:rs"ry-zz ' . . ' I i i - . " - : ' i I I V - I- . - f ' ' " .- ' ! i I 1 : . . -i. - M ; i ; :- -i . -m -- -- - -f :;-r . ' . x-: ; r - - ; ": : If Vri U ' ! i i ; , voi:iMn., ip; 257. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 8. 1861 1 WHOLE NO. 2.1"7 : rm i I - x -il "V FIT rftV io.. f .! ill II ; ill ill iir I ijc-ii n II i ill in - Tf: V j jYlX ADVANCE.- ; . i .ii,rl". stofl''. nnl" a remittance , iuicriptw. ; K.,Mr.ffll4W our rift, "when-ihe let- JJW" . . '".ItfTrAPPE Editor and Proctor. - f OWN PRINTEXt lMI NO- TON 1 JVQJlS.'Xa yJJt.jvwm-.i.. The; Herald Job Office j fifti! un with the finest aa- ortoenVof IobiTtf. toWfod inStaU. rTery fpea !of Job work can now be speed Mr and HaniWielj printed at i this ofice from .b'ook'doVt jine card. IlandbJlhi, rirculariPWk, &c, &4 neaUj and prompay rrrntl hort Notice, and on reasonable terms. Siie. AtenUon will biren to the Job ari..iVhriftor. a4l we feel ssu red that ,.v,.rk entiitcd to o.u Job band, who H ex- 1 iniiie wiu.uo cacvuicu - vrvrr resict. GiTe him a trial at -!'!rtiriT v i Tr.i. . . . i ..,..!. nn mmidiunt ,t raic. nnu:irt ' "v" 1 w iU 1 mm j 'f a. withdrawal of ltronago. ; HlXErolgatc' 'f. 1, rle Soap. IV Kain4 layer and bunen,. l(ha)bxi' . ! M U lirepiriNl j ; oJasiHock 1 : Jl!o Starch, " 0 .) "pn 2" T l "jcKNO 11. GIIEKXE. is tTm5:uV I'EaIceT IMIEPARE FOR , - war. . . ')) ' il.,iir".-w Buck, to the smallest lr..p -'L'm ' ." ' ' K, k. iKi nliiLk UUIe IN.wder, li iMuket P.w.ler, 1U .iiv t-s:- Keutnek j Uirt. Powder. ..otM) G. C?V Kr l-aie v .KXO 11. GRKKN K. fit - .i.,..p Honr t avettevii ille a!i d ! " 1 "111. . f , " . . . 1 vvnimiiVtm in.MH-tsAi. rorale l.v jan TS ......... , - . . 1T . . , v . . . r xi. ...... L t - c 2-ijH)bio,bs. Perdiiuuans t-'ouniy irmo'do Wciteru mixed In -tore ,JhJ -,-i:ll.- y ELLIS A MITCHELL. .!.-1 - -. t , . : ; HLaI'IC WINTER SEED-OATS. ; :.oo BUHHELS llcavv t;anw ui- iw j zWr,..rin- 3"irl tor seed. For Btue. py . t f ' ELLIS A LIIT'TTET J.. sviEaS FORK. Ul;l" vw City Mess Pd;, ia BUix-t, iao. ii 'ril, fir saX Ijwest ca v,.!;- . Hf.(.'a.a 21) ci-' !?; -vMACKERELi " ' j 2 arit3 Mackerel, n store. Jorsaleby y- ! il. Jl AClil .1-. t : : 1" n .R. SnrR. in hhds. ana uois. . I x it v.Ti.l IV Surrar. in bbls. ; Sll-VK. PoVdereil'ajid Cru-heUingar, for sale by jan 2 .- M. M acINMS. . oan d!lesa n d candy. i ff ROXflS Adamantine Candles, IUI t2, ' Assisted Candy. For sale bv . 'lM ZEXO H. GREENE, j , f '1 f ' FOR 1861. ' '. ( lOUXi N G-UOUSK CALEXDERS The j greatesf varietv of siies andtyles. Every ttune nicessaTT to furnish a Counting-Room, at , j j jtniTAKElt'S New Book Store, Market St.. biL Ja. Dawson's and Wilkinson'?, j ian 1 " 1 i . ' r . i ' t i. - - - - " ! " TRUNKS. .-; 'At . - Valises- .ole Leather, Bostoi. Enamelled Leather Ac;, tubracing thirteen different styles. j ' .' " , Baifs. !""'.. j Enameled: Travelling, Stitched Duck. Gothic Enameled, Venetian, lelt, Brussels, Pill.ser. Wd etnnracmg eleven siyies. "!r . ... i .fil st; ! .. tvl?" French list Boxes, ow atvie . , L.mis. iron aed braJ-bound edging. ! For ab? at nv tne.vi ai ' JAMES WILSON'S,. Jut 'Ii No. 5 Market Stree : -f- -r II AY.- 1. N. C. Hav. ex Schioner. tor ELLIS' A MITCHELL 50 Y BALES. Pr.im Jan 2 i x S. SEED OATSJ AT0RTH RIVER and Eastern Hay, heet i Bran, Cw Peas, als Fresh Ground Meal. .nd Homm.on;S for sale bv ; ITrnrl r i Jin V- tLULZS a a if -1 5 " .lAAn ti;:V BAUJs jusireci -UUU Sboletb. For. sale by J !8 ' i i. T.CUB. O. UVXNY BAGS, just received per brg WORTH. ; lard. BARRELS-Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 10 N. C- K1.-.. . .1 . lstf. Ia anit- bv . . T WO'RTH A DANIEL, j '.jn 2S ;1 'i Granite Row, Front street, f U t,ADY I'EAS, T ? f I70R'SALiquajitiUestosuit,by i i Jan23f J WORTH A DANIEL, j TTfTAPFLEBR ANDT, 2 years bldJ 2 ba a. . rels verv choice 2 rears old; N-C. AfP Brandv for safe by A DANIEL. j. ' - i : I r C1H0ICE Country Sraokea Sausages. ' ; Jan 23 WORTH A DANIEL'S. -'-'! - Lt i . i : - ' vim iau siiAti iuuiw"',;. r(l taii nnrnrlat omod RazOT? iFweMiar DO YOU SHAVE' YOURSELF! azorl inner' Brushes? A f I ) inr SoaK? Soft Shavin? Brushes? A Good Mrap?tCall at-' IBALDWIN'S ' DOCKET KNIVES.; FINE English Cutlery, prices lowi - Qualities . exceUenli at ' ' J ! BALDWIN'S. . 1 1 : ' -v E ASTERN HAY. ; ' 1 (l 1 B ALESJ ; very superior Eastern Hay, for AlAJ iaJe low from wharf, by ' l.i... f -J -X i I" m mm decT aiUALtl tX UL.UriA.il. : WCSTrnx sinFJSI A SHOULDERS. i CASKS yauperior Western Sides and Shoul JJ ders, -in Rtore, and to arrive. For sale, at lVi.iH-r.:SH-', Cigir,Ink, Tacks Jlaich-. ij a, ciiU. oaP, Mu,ard. Ac , Ac .,t". maiX o,iu article, t4o nuwerouj to mention . ;..) wifthoia "W, lor cash, why anyotlierl t1 VNVAS3Tacking,Leather k olios, Airass ana Iron bound, Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and ' Oral Iron Edged. St. Louis Sole Leather, j in SJe Leatber'and Stub' Spring, all the latest pat- . "wesi cash ptlce, br " jn22. -?U ; : . M. MacINNIS. f NET CROP MOLASSES, I I 111DS. and bbl. For sale by i s it y M. MacINNIS, - "It L ' H hoop iRONT r- 10 TOXSl,.IW and VA inch Hoop Iron. jan 22 , j For sale by V ; M. MacINNIS. LNGLISH., AND GERMAN HALF E.ii' ' HOSE. ERT irtze. selling lowi. at Jan 24 i i . 75 i BALDWIN'S. -1- '-'--. -i- O.ENTLJ MEN. can findj the largest assortment w inuor near, at BALDWIN'S.! Jan 2 CXTRa. AfGAR HOUSE SYRUP, for Back AJ wheSt Cakes the besc article in market, a deel GEO. MYERS'.! Special lEya tices- I MRS. WI2fSIOW, - 55U An experienced norso and female ph jei- cian, ha .Soothing Sjrap fur chiiaren teething, which grotlv facilitates the procet of teething bj softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will r all pain, . and ia rare to regulate, the bowels. Depend upon) il, mothers, it will give rest to yoar sclres, and relief and health to jonr infanta. Per fcctljsafe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er. column. 1 " i j : feb 2S-1 j WALKER MEARES, WHOLESALE A JfD RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medn cinea, English,' French and German Chemicals, is wedLsh Leech cj, Ac, also, , I v' ; l Taixts, oils, r Window Glas, PcrfumcrT, Fancr Article', Ac.', kc. ' I : ' :V: !: " ang U, 1860 bV. W. A. BATCHELOR'S hair dyei This splendid Hair D re has no equal instantaneous in effect beautifal Black or natural Brownno staining the skin or injuring the Hair-r-reinedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor.". Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, s pt 23-ly ! 81 Barclay street, N. Y. LANDRETH'S SEED. JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Tea, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortemcnt of small seed. For Kale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, .V. K. Corner I'rOHt ad Market St., T WlLillNOXONj C. i. ALWAYS ON HAD, n lull and fresh as M.rtment of DRUGS rXrXTS, OILS AXI ;lass. run fumkr r,Kxn faxcv auti- CLES. I I ' ' I - PrecrIptiMH accurately jtoiopounded. Medicine can be ohtaiiH-d at any hour of the night. The niht Wll js at tin; .i-cuul lMr (on front street.) from th corner. i ' . X-a, On afier tlii- dav. all jre.scTiptini wKlbeCAoH. i i . : octOO HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A- BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best iulie World. All oihers are more imitation, and bhould .be avoided if yon wish to escapo ridicule. ("RAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyied instant i lv, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, I without injury ta Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplma have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1330, and over 80,000 ap plications hare been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. ! ' 4 Wiii. A. Batchelor s Hair Dye produces a color' not to be distinguished ffoni nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and .the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates. -for Life by this splen did Dye. .,- ; Sofd in all eiLlei and tOTrna of the Unit-o ?ats. v rrvggfets ficd F?.acy Gnod-r D3alfT3: xjuThc f'f'wice Lm llei mt.itiC aisd afid.is., un r sJ.el pKl linjiavLi if) t'9' "id-1 .. a . vTi'.iui. A. Batctheld:.- ! s pt 29-'ly 31 Barclay Street, N. Y . Pimples Banished! Faces Made Clear! How? By one week's- use of the Jfagnolin Dalei. A perfectly harmless, hut elegant and effectual pre paration. Priee 50 cents per Ixit'tle. Sold everywhere. See advertisement. W. E. HAG AN A CO., Proprietors, apllD-lydAw ' Troy, New Y'ork. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since fcwr excellent townsman, Naputali Ezekikl, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, -whos top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a line crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald patcd friends. Rlehmowd Enquirer. Der. 12, 1850. , : - : . This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have onlv to use the restorer aecord- -5 ing to printed directions oil . the bottle. Those who uave anv uouois oi us emcacv can nave mem removed in a short time, by using the Virginia t 1 Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it U claimed to be. ! . Wholesale depot-for orders, 65 Main et. ; R. EZEKIEL. Richmond,' Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have teen bald for the past 12 years and hare restored my bsir by using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekiel. Thi dav sworn t before ine, by Naphtali Eze kiel. -," Joi:. Mato, - t Mayor of Richmond. W. H. LlPPlTT.Sole Ag't., jan 14 ; Wilmington, N. C. GLUEGLUE.: CARD. We beg leave to inform the trad., that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na Tal Store Br er of Wilmington, N. C., SoleAg't for our Glue. ! Boston, apl 3, I860. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured In the United States, and is warran ted tqgive satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand samples of which can be seen at my office. . . i apl9-ly. W. C.: HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3.000 just re ceived, for sale br - ' ' dec 5 VlllJl ia:iil.u. CHEESE. T?NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at Ta dee 11 - GEO. MYER'S. LACK AYinter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dec 6 ELLIS. A MITCHJiLl. BLACK WINTER. SEED OATS. QA A BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats,-for seed, OUU in. store, for sale'by i ' - - . dee 27 r , ELLIS A MITCHELL. POWDER. - , -QFZ KEGS Kentucky Rifie Powder, j ( , t iCO lOqr.kegt'f'-. -"j " 10 Musketi T ' ! . , dec 27 " For sale by ZENO n. GREENE. . : i' - 7iwr-n tr-. '- i - BBLSv N. Y. City Bless. 1n store, for sale by dec 27 i ZENO II. GRENE. CONSTANTLY maaufactnriiig, at my Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunk. Every variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac.; manufactured to erder, tad repaired r JAMES WILSON, . dec ' ' i Ne. Market etreat. D I RbE OT ORY J STATE GOTERNBIEJf T. : I - j I ' i , !-l Governor J no. W. Ellis,, of Rowan. Private Secretary-MJraham Daves, of Craven. , Treasurer D.W. Courts, of Wake. i Sec'y of Statei-RufasH. Page, of Wake. , Comptroller C. IL Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate--H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " I. House of Commons W, T. Dortch, of Wayne. i ! . i i i State Librarian O. H. Terry, of Wake. Public Printeij Jno Spelman, -4 1 j " covsci&loss or state, i ' i i . i i i ; Council Wooten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; I W.f A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surry ;! David Murphy, of Cumber land:' J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. iiiuard, oi iJuncomoe. D STATB COCKTS. t : The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annual It atRaleisrh. on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No vember. 1 1 1 1 j ri Judges Hon. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia ; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, $2000. 1 i . : ! Robert P. Dick. District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. I ; i, The United States District Courts are held at Eden ton. 3d Mondarin Anril and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk : Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown; Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st' Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Oantwell, Clerk. TUB Sb'PRH Jf E COCET. The Supreme ourt of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second ilonday in June, and the 2d ilonday in December. It is also held once a year at Morganton. Burke county J on the firfit Monday in August,! J. R. P(Mge, Clerks The officers are is follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin j Justices, M. E. Manly' of Craven, and William II. Battle, of Or ange," salary of each, 2,."00 per annum. William A Jenkins, ofj Warrenton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter :f Edmund IJ. Freeman, of Wake. Clerk: OIhtcJ- H.I.IVrrv. of ate, wetutr I i"i K : .amei j.irum rd. of Wake, .Marshal. PP1CEI0R COUU I S i The Superior Courts are held 'in seven Circuits, bv the following iofheers: Judges. Ill Ii. Heath, of j Chowan ; Geo. Howard, of Wilson : Jas. W. )s- born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. Frqnch..of Robe son, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, qr V ake. so licitors Elias Ci Hines, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J; Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit : Thos. Uuffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Straage, of NewIIaiiovcr, rides the fifth Circuit; David Coleman lot" Buncombe, 'rkleB the Seventh Circuit. I'UULIC 'VYOr.KS IN NOKTH (Ali OLINA. i The Branch Mint of the United Stites is Ideated at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The jofficers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Trcasureir ; John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, jChief Coiner ; Wra. F. S. Strange, Clerk. it. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the Countv of Orangei twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Rafeigh. . The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. - Fortiffc&tions.-U-Fert Macon, Beaufort Harbor. Cartsrat court v Or- :3-3r3!,-?JP't0Vill. jjvunt ' vriak ccr.nty. Unit Stai". ! vjlle. Insane Asylu- ..il. Lo 'ri,! . ..! VjtltJ- ft o.t C.i'. K.ial-.-3-l.'i- aieigii, w liz cor.iiiu .' .-.isj..s : in it. Dr E. C. Either, Superia-.- l-o patients najv tenaent : Dr. x. i ulter, Assistant rhysician Mr. R. K. Terrell. Steward: Mrs. Hill. "Matron Dr. Charles K. Johnson, Kemp P. Rattle, W. W, II olden, Edward Cantwell A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. t Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills,'! Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston;, President of the Board; William jE. Anderson.) Treasurer. ; Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. T I i l All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care ot at the puouc charge. Paving patients!. are also received from this and other States. Fpr proper forin to bjp observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum see Revised Code, chapter oil Asylums, I : o- T O W N GOVERNMENT. . COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mavor John Dawson. I S J) Wallace. O G Parslev, Samuel R Bunting. II a TIT- . i m L H'tt j a l P. 1 ilf . : A Hnjni, l aj Miner anu jviTreiuHariin. 1 . ! F3RE DEPARTMENT.' Chief Encineef James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W BeerrH Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann : Fire Wardena-1 O-eorse Mvers, B W Beerv. C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Elli. to superintend Mowing up buildings p , .. ! Lamp Lighter- Dcinpsey Martin. HOWARD: RELIEF FIRK COMPANV. (Re-organized June fi. 139.) foreman YV x urlong, i 1 st' Assistant 4-J MeLarkev. 2d "; P Curren. Secretary G P Wade. Treasurer C iQuiglev. i Oiiainuan D Driscoli. : HOOK ASD LADDER IOVPASV Foreman John Wright, 1st Assistant J Kizer. ; . U i. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION ( Office 18 Water street J ) George Harriss, T C Worth, W H Flanner. Wra-M Harris. , O Fergns. Jos i u SCHOOLS; tijijtt px-. .SUpbSlAfENDBSTti ok roMiiOif si aoOf . Chairman S D Wallace. Wra S Larkins, James McDuni,j James Kerr, David Mclntvre, Robert H Tate. Samual Player. and Joseph M Foy. i f, , , W'tLMlNUTON lisriTPTKi L Meginney, jPrincipal. ,. WILMINGTON MALE AND FF.MALI SEMINAR T. G W Jewitt. Principal. I'"- ! . I 0AKDALB CEMITKRT COMPANY. c President Donald McRae. ' j Directors Wm A Wright, G 1c French, Ed I ward Kidder, Jno A Tavlor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. ! " i Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to Ban!. Wilmington. ; ' . ' COLSTT OFriCERS, cojrRTS. Ac. Sheriff TT Tf J Vann. ' j . ' , i ; Clerk Countr;Conrt Samuel R Bunting, j Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. ! - Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. . .-. Marshal U S. District N C Wesley Jones. r Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington- Jso J Conoley.. 1: i i J- - ? ';' Clerk U S District Conrt John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master. Equity DuBrutz Cntlar. fl f i' ' Chairman County Court James T Miller f 4 Reeister of Deeds, Ac Jere Niehols. ; K ? Snpeial Mao-istrate of Town John J Oonolev. ConsUbles Lewis M Williams, Jtto Utley, Wil liam II BidtJleA Wilder, James r, MtnngheM, J J Moore.. j i ; j ixBriciORi.' : Wood insDecfcore Josebh Smith, Wm Holden Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. i i I . ; Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, : Jas George Alderman. John C Bowdeni Thomas WJ Player, John Ju jttenaerson, x oumuertanu, ivii Ham J Price, Robert C Johnson, .Nathan F Bor deaux. i . ; J I- - , -Timber and Lumber Inspectors si antes Alder man. L H Bowden, James S Mel vin, Henry W Groves, J W Munroe, N Clfk, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington, - "if -;- " -' " ! . .;'' ;.''" WILMINSTOX GAS HlflHT COMrAXr.. (Office in Saving I Bank rBpildip . President Col John McRae. . '"" SecreUry and Treaanrer Wm Hjfde. Superintendent OliytrMeBJiennjr. ' SECRET SOCIETIES. ' . sr. iokx'm Lonaa o. 1 masomc I (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at -' St. Joan s uau.) j r O L Fillvaw. Master. M Newhoff. S W. I OliTer Mellbenny, J WJ Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. - Henry Spalding, 8 A A Hartsfield J D. '- JO Bowdea, Tyler. t COKCOK9 CHArTEa SO. I JtlSOSIC , . (Meets lit Monday evening in each month at St. jonn suaiu; , " Most Ex R G Rankin, U P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Ffllyaw, King. ! V. t - i Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning, Capt V. k r Host. 1 Com WJ Price, O Mist Com A Martin, P S. V. : ' M Newhoff, R A Com Jno A Taylor.Trea. Capt. " E Turlington, Tyler. ora FSAJt 1.0 doe ko. 2 1. 0. o r. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's HaU. Asa J Murray. SO. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Eea, V O. T B Howey, Treasurer. i. ... I CAMroXU, MNCAK7MKHT WO. 1 V 6. h. 9 f (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d J D Gardner, C P. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton, H P. John J Conoley S W. R J Jones, Scribe. Thos H Howey, Treas. CITE rAK MAKlfiB TOTAL ABSTISEKCB 80CISTT. ' ( Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, everv Monday evening, immediately alter me close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. ) , ; Chas D Ellis. President. Geo W Williams, Vice William M Poisson, Sec- President. " . retarv. J as Fleet, Ast Sect'jjr. . SEAMEXS IKIKXD SOC1EIX. ( ? ' . Charles D EUis, Presi- B F Mitchell, Sec'y A - dent. Treasurer. C I) Elli, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRopset, O G Parsley, Executive Board.- j Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamen?' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. - J LADIKs' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. ' j! 1st Directress, Mr? Ken- 4th Directress. Mrs Hal nddy. '' lett. ' ; ; 2d Directress. Mrs liar- Secretary, ! Mrs - Vin riss. ' Sickle. 3d Directress Mi s De- Treasurer, Sf iLilliiig Uosset . ton. ; , il WILHUiGToX LIBttABT ASSOCIATION. ' ij (Organized June, 1."5.) ; : ! DrJ H Dikson,President. Donald Mcttac, Treas. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. Wiu 11 Utiey, See'y. r Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian. U Rev R B Draue. R II Cowan. ED Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G.J M,ol!ae, J (i WtiglVt, Directors. ' 1 ii MILITARY. i WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANT It YU (Org. May' 20th, 185S.) j Wm L DeRosset. Capt. : R B McRae, 1st Lieut. J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. H Savage, 3d I C-Winslow, Ensign, i A I) Cazaux, Ouarter Master. '. C I) Myers; Orderly QEKMAN VOLUNTKEKS. : Mi- (Organized February 22d, 1653) ' j j C CornehLsen, Capt. HO Hashegan, 3d Lieut. 11 Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. ; W Deinstbateh. Ensign. II Vollers, 2d'Lieut. . J Meier, Orderly. 11 A N K S . . . ; i .. BANK OI' CAVE ; ; T 11 AVright, President.' Hit Savage, Cashier j J G Burry Teller. ; J D GardnerAs't Teller. J McLaurin, B'k-kecpcr- T II Hardin, Dis. Clerk. r . ' f r ,- K f f f ! Pre: i." t;. .Lfe.-. '.!.. J':Vhli Cii-iii-v. W L SmV.h, Teller. T V O. i--.v'-, Dh CleriJ. E .2. K '.CAROM ' : ' .'. John Dawson Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier.! ' Win D, Smith, Teller. ; J 11 Wright, B'k-keeper. " " Discount Day, Tuesday. !-. j OMMERCI At. BANK OF WTL-MTNOTON. ' ' ' Tim' v Savage, Cashier O G Parsley, Pres. Jno McRae, Jry Teller. I Asa K Walker, Book .1 D Barry. Dis. Clerk, i keeper. - fy.fj Discount Day, Monday. f if i WILMINOTON SAVINGS BANK. , j 1 John A Tavlor, President. : jWni Hvde, ahier. RAIL ROADS. ;. i ?li WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTHEKF0EO E. ROAD. (Office cr Market and S Water street. ; ) t II W Guioh, President. R II Cowan, Sec. Trerts. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. r: WILMINGTON - MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. ! i Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P Robertson.Gen'l Sup. Jos J Ling, Treas.1 T T ' m , : r. R B McRae. Gen I t reiffht Agent. f ! : WILMINGTON t WELDON RAIL ROAD. 'ill' W S Ashe, 1'resi- J W Thompson, Geo. non dent, Freight Agent, s ! S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. James'S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Gen Ticket Agent. James G Green, Y'ard : . Master. . ; ii ; - P H Langdon, Aud'rIA SuDfs Clerk. 'Ii William Smith, Tickbt l ' Agert. ;'j ! CHURCHES. MethodLst EriseoDal. cor Front and Waltnut. it Methodist-Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and (fas- tie, Rev J Jl Wheeler, rastor. ; it j Baptist, cor'Oi ange and 6tb. Rev A Paul Repi6ot. i Pastor.' i ' ' ! ' t it.r.nl Vrn.,lhf Inn 4,.l Vunn Tf a .- A T Ppf.l.. I 1 1 , i ' - . . 1 : I : f aru, x iisior. , ,.; -,- ; Baptist, (O S) Cas.tle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. ' i :i ' Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. j f ; i Episcopal, (St James. cor Market and 3d, Rev.' R B Drane, Rector. M ;i l- Episcopal, St John's,) icor 3a and Red. Cross, f Episcopal, (St Paul's, ) eor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. l '?'?-' ' ' Presbyterian, Princes" bt 7th and Hth. Rev; M Mc Queen, Pastw. i i - i Presbyterian, (now building; , ewr-Ud and Orartge, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. 1 ' Baptist, (now building, ) cnr.Market'-ud 5th. Rev J L Frichard, Faster. ;; . Lutheran, (now building y cor Market and 5th. Rv J H Men gert, Pastor. i B j Seamen! Bethel, Dock bt Frabt and S Water.; 1 POST OFFICE. f WILMINGTON, XORXH .CAROLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson, y i Assistant Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 7 AM to IP M.I 2 P M to sundown. Snndays,7 14 A M to 9 A Mi :f Northern Mail,' by W A W R R, Arrives dailv at 7PM and 5 A M. Closes 1 and 9 PM, changing on Sunday lrom 14 f it to 10 A M. Southern Mail, bv W, A M R R. arrives daily at AM. Closes daily at 7 P M. . j '.; -; Smithyille, X C, '(horse,) arrives Alonday and Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. 'j;".;-; ? i ' P Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mori day at 9 A M. Closes Thursdar at ft P M. U. S. GOVERNMENT; OFFICERS. i- CUSTOM HOUSE.. -I -"--'i Jas T Miller, Collector. DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- A Guager. ; '.,. :i . i lector. ! T M Burnett, Insp'r. A J Gallowar. Surreror. W F Burch and L riah W N Peden.'Naral Offl- P Sulliran, Inspector A cer. '' . 1' Measurer-i i Thomas W. Brown, Jr.. L S. Oonimisipncr. r PO.NSCLS. British Vice-Consui-Don McRae. n Water Spanish Vice-Consnl F J Lord, 6 n Water; . craziuian ice-uonsui u i rarsieyrjr., ccr ix : Water and Mulberv, Tup "stairs.)..'.. Hfl! Danish Viee-Ootrartli-1 K DtrfrfnuoJi. cor Front! and Chestnut. ; ,,L r. i; r r H tl INTERNAL 13rPROVEIIOINT.:f f FLORIDA RAILROAD ;BONDS2,00(jl of the above Bonds redeemable irr 1 S91 Avith coupons at 7 per cent per annum payablein thej city oi iscw loriti 1st JViarctt and 1st September. - . For sale by s DsUUSSET, BROVYX A CM. i dec 1.. 5 ! ; i .'; j j j : .j :n y : r. ; M: . COFFEE. ? 'i.. . U .- xrn BAGS RIO" COFFEE. fJJ ; 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, M mats oest Java dec 1 ' ; ; ZENO R7 GREEN" E.' If npRUNKS and Valises, Hat Cases, Ac, in large 1 ; -- "J" ,! quantities, embracing Sole Leather. Eng 3EED "OATS.N - - lishAshlahds,! .'and all other st vies, very lowJat I BLACK S rA A BUSHELS daily expected. For sale by DU U feb 21 I ELLIS A MITCHELLi City EBusiness Cards. ; i ERRANT AWlXSOSr, TT7nOLE3ALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do- Boots, Shoes, Ac." I ! . h ; Noai It and 15 North Water Street. : oct 2 : i ?f i Wilmington, N tl JAS. T. PETTEWAY As CO. f IACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants ; - No 8 North Water Street. if t Wrmi5T0. N. Ci - Solicit, consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders tor itrocence. Bagging, nope, uuano, Ac, Ac oct 3 0BOR0B HAKSI5S. A. . HOWKLL. P. W. W. H AFRTS3. ILARRISS & HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Oct 2,1853 WiuusaiOK, N. Ci - WORTH &. DANIEL, . , . , I f pi RQCERS AND COMMISSION Mxachants, VpT-- h No. 2 Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C ' JES Solicit consignments' of Flour, Dried Fruit. Feathers.'- Beeswax. Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. A genu tor llowei ceieDratea acaie. ; 5 i r D. O. WORTH! sept26,ly i N. G. DANIEL! JAKES ASDZaSOKi '. : EDWAXO SATAOX. ANDERSON St SAVAGE, ; f ilENBBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KXl Jaly 18,!'60-ly. Wilmington, Ci C. II; ROBINSON sc co.r CIOMMISSIPN .VND FORWARDING J CHANTS, 1 Wilmington, X Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. M12t- CJ Jt-'S"' Entrance Corner PrinccKS and Water st. mar 9. '6Ktf ' r t. - 1 ' ' r- W, EBIMM, J f , . OEO. WISON ERRANT At WILSON, JMMISSIOX'MERCIIAXTS. ' I No. 14 aNd 15 North Water st K t 2, '60-lv : v' Wilmincrton. N. CJ WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, j CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and j Retail Dealdr in Paints. Oils. Dye htnljs, Hide idow Glass; Pnttv. Serrars. I Old 'Brandies: ahd Wines, Perfumetv and Fanev Articles, N. K. e?r- lier Front anl Market st.. Wiliniug'ton. N. C. mar 25, EDWIN A. KEITH, .1)MMISSI0X; MERCHANT. Vy M ; nniiugton. t . Offers lii services to Planters as Factor ;or Agent for the pate of COTTON; will give his pir- soaal attendaneefto the business. His commission for .."elling Cottif. will be 5(J cts. oer bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New; -Y'ork at 10 ct per bale. ; ! oct 4-18G0 -lyi j : ' p " b. g"p a iisLE y' Ai c 67 ' 1 TJROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Sa I Planing Mills, Wilmington. N. 0. W AiND JZ8 All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, receive prompt-attention. -mch 21 ' Will SMITH & 3ICLAURIN, ! . lOMMlSSION AND Fouwaudino Mku. ii.nts. ilmiiK'ton, N . (.. Refer to : : I John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. Pi H.if,L, Esq., President Branch Bxltik State N. C. T.M.SMITH, U Julv 1 1859-til .ions m i.Arnlv. MALCOM McINNIS, G OCERAND COMMISSION MERCHANT. ! North Water street et 1 i WiliniiiL't.-ii. N. CI I Mter3, Fred. ct MYERS A MOOHr. rHOLSSALE and retail deaer-- h. j fa t Stravr Goods, ITftrf. iUiMbil:.-. Market fctr. ;W?iw.iTi!f.-, '. ' . .h-Tfh 21, 1859; T. Ci- A a. Cri W-O&Tli , ViijildtSSION AiviJ ORWARDIXi- i . .i i. : ci CHANTS, jl Wilmington, N. UNION DISTILLERY, ; .; j i Wilmington, N". Cj ( A. H. VANB OKKELEN, PropWetor. U XL KINDS OF NAVAL SI 0 RES j purchased, J manufactured, and sold, ; ' ; ' Wharfage and ?t'orage fiu nished, and coop- ; erage done at fair rates, j j&n 2 lWJOi G. POLVOGT, i i XJ TPHOLSTER" AND PAPER' HANGER, j ' Coi ner. Front; and Princess Street j - -ir:i ... x- ; i ; , lllillllgioit. . V . f i Keeps coueta; on haiid Mat trasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers. Curled Hair.' Moss,' and all j Upholstery Materials. Also, ' Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens,; and Decorations' of ' eVeily description. '; I Pictures framed to order. 1 Prompt attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings may o 1 i HATHAWATf. j WM. HATHAWAY &. CO. iTTT.f:v. c OMMISSIQN MERCHANTS, dec 16, 'i3 Wilmington, X". Ci. J. M. ROBINSON Sc. SON, TMPORTERS jAND DEALERS in Foreign nd Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, o -- 1 . ml ... i - t AC o. , x roni sr.. v limmgron, . v.. janO. T8 . . ' I ' ; - l '-i HENRY NUTT. " I FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, ! 1s ' Wilmington: N. tl. iS.WiIl give his personal attention to: business entrusted to his caret 'sept lt, '57-tf. JAMES STOKLEV f , ALliA.i OLD II 'All. i STOKLEY Si OLDHAM. I DEALERS i IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington. X: C. Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and other Country Produce. j I JUTE ROPE. ! Of V COILS best Jnte Rope, for sale by ;. j OU iiov 2ci ZEN O II. GREEN. V ALMANACS FOR im I. I BURNER'S North Carolina A Imanoc-. LEY'S BOOK STORE. at'K'KL 'lee ll -.r-i- j TO ARRIVE. 500 BBLS' FLOUR. : Apply to I nor 27 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. FLOUR T FAMILY', Sup rWilmington i er ana ravetteviiic - auu inspection, in store, and for aie bVr (dec 11) ZJSXU 11. UKKKXK. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI v CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. f j IF I860 feet of gas is consumed through eight i lurners, in 9 "nightS,'af a cosTof $5 per thou sand feet, howjmuch is consumed by each burner per hour? .at what cost, and what wonld bejtbe cost of an equal, amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil 2! Answer: There is consumed; by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a Cost of 6 cents per hour, per burner. Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as. gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil wjll snpply 4 lamps , one month, which, at $1,20 per sallori", Is $4,80 per month, or a cost of one cent per liowr per lamp; therefore, by burning gas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable 1 jan 12 :,; CASSIDEYt. kTEYV ORLEANS SYRUP.--20 barrels of choice. For sale bv ( dec 21 i I' HATHAWAY" A CO. Tt CHOICE B ACON.i-22 hhds. choice VTptV- l , i ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale bv dec21 i HATHAWAY A COl -- - . ... . . -t -4 NTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as i Lessons for the Present Time, 1 in tlits f'ii m 1 ot "Ex tracts of Letter rou-n EBglJ Keidcnt in the United States, to too, London Time, from 1864 to 1870. With; an Appendix on the Causes and Consetuences of the Independence of. 1 n. ' t a . t iv. ? t I r-. ...l J ust published. Received ana Ir axia feb 20 a ; . ..wmiAafclia Acw xooKiore,, i M WHITE AND BLACK SEED OATS-i Just arrived per schr. Alba jlOOO bushels prime White Oat. 1 , ' j ..; I 500 , i do i do .; Black Seed Oat. feb SS f For sale by: ELLIS A MITCHELL. 38 Market street, fb.2J Q. S. BALDWIN .NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. JNO. . DAX(3T, jwus a. UTXix, r. u. m than. late of lt f Scotland Xeck,- WarrentoB. X. C. late of TarWo XJ C, DANCY, II YM AN CO., (GROCERS AND COMMISSION-MmcnaM JT 124 Pearl street. IIYMAN, DANCY it CO. C ROCERS AND COMMISSION MrtcwASM, VJT I Xoarotx. The New York house will be conducted by Jno. S. Daney, aided by It. W. liyuan. The Norfolk House will be conducted by John n. llvuan and F. M. Hyraan. , Particulars attention given to the fjle of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Nat al .Stores. September I3-tf 18C0 LONDON At BR YA.V " GOMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' j No. 32 India street Boston. ConaiirnmentJ of Naval Stores, Cotto Lumber, and other Southern' Produce solicited. Jso. R. Londok, J. H. Btaw, Jr. oT2i-tf! '. X. eaaissa. w. w. baskneas. GREINER A IIARKNESS, ApOTTON! AND GENERAL COMMISSION yj Hocsx. : Pbilapbltila. Nov 15. 1857 wm. u. hill. n. M. woarLBKT. of North Carolina. of North Carolina. HILL Ac NORFLEETv ENERAL COMMISSION A -FORWARDING G Merchants. ShiK-koe SMp. Richmond. Vs.. Solicit cokisignments of Cotton. Lumber. FUh, and all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. i ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffee. Molas ses, Salt. Lime, Guano, Ac. Large cargoet of the above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, and shall be pleased to operate for par tiesordering promising faithfulness in onr en deavors to rcprcscntthetn. Jn 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON A CO. I7RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' " j Hi) Barclay tre. t, N. Y- . Particular attention gireti toconsignmenry and purchase of Mcrclieutlise, all kfnd-. Liberal cah advance thiongb WILKINSON i CO., Wilmington. N. C. Ausrust; 2,il8tl-ly j T7" EROi ' 14: ujtaJ j 0il7at ! I EROSENE LAMPS. -A large Mipply, vei v cheat with CASSJDEYS. ll-( t'er stores, lor sah dee 7 I EASTERN HAY. BALES Eastern llav, ex achr. . br 150 j:in 9 sale, low, iroiu wnari, ov i ELLIS A MITCHELL i LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Ball-, Par j ties, Public Meetings, ice., ean be hired on verv reasonable terms, of -the Inimitable jans ( 'CASS2DEYr C CHOICE j BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western I j Baeon Sides and Shouldejs. For sale bv dee 21 ilAAJlAVk Ai d; Ctl. FLOUR. 50 boxes W bbls of gotl r aud HATHAWAY ' A CO. , dec dee di-c 21 1SCOVADO SUGAR. 2U hhds. prime to choiert Muscovado Suirar. For na bv dec 21 I jrATHAYTAY A('0. " I." LARIL " ' ATw l i West. TOW LAN DING from Schr Sea Bird. .'. M.J rn Liii tl a splendid article. IN STORE : 15 Kegt' N. U. Lard, in good packages, 5 " i Weatern Lard, in small package,' jl'or .-ale by T0KLEY A QLin: .') 17 "INGLI i .t - bo "iv.;'.). il I if J. I J rl,.. I ?J4 ; vN i ' i rrHG3i; til.rlt ii HaVaXAS have cme; T dec ; WORTH A DANIEL S. . L A ED. h20 Keg Extra lieatLsird for fa mil v WORTH A DANIEL. use. BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, for sale! very cheap, at CASSIDEY'S. dec 7 ! " t7-dynew and fresh. STR. PARKERSBL'RG. , CONCENTRATED LEA VEX something new. . Xew Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders, v Smoked Beef Buckwheat, Rye Flour, Butter, 60 bbls. Ci Sugars, Raisins, 111 A- 10 bbls. B. Sugar. . 10 'Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 2") boxes choice Yellow Cheese. WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 J 2 Granite Row, Front street. T I,rA mTlyHf lou r! t WE have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrent each and everv barrel and t package, it inot good, to be returned. dec Pi. I . , JVORTJI A DANIEL. I "7 ASTERN HAY 200 bales of the best EeVct n ! Ili Hav in market. For pale bv . Oec 2f HATH AWAY A -CO. I I VENI, VIDI, VICI. SL'CH was the announcement of a very .great victory'jj by a Roman GeneraL The pcoplo of this day, fn: speaking of the Inimitable CASSI j DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: 1 "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of ' articles offered for ?;1 at the Rendezvous, dec 21 ! 2J t 28 South Front st. - TTI T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caio ia has seceded ! This they would net h.ivc been prepared to !. if rome.of her eitiens lil not lxii'rhti - "KEROSENE OIL AXD LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, -nita ble for the lFolidavs Candr. X'uts. ac. c of the patriotic CjASSlDEY. . dec 21 UTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute ope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv dec 1 ZENO H. GREENE. BEST nAMP TOWN at dec I , WORTH A DANIEL S. TiTElRED R tio MSET S. A new lotTTouVe- I verv tij ci i v jn-it openet. tor sale ar ' " tie, l'i j I PERU IN S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. 1 ER PARKERSBrRG. i-i en uaisins. tre.n xiuiiei . Figs, Pruiies, Citron , Nutmeg, : Mace. Buckwheat Cheese. Sefear. Tobacc. Ah-, Porter. Raifins. Loaf Sunr. Granulated dc 1 ! A K X IT Suval'. (uished ' !weet Cidor. Elegant Hams, dec In WORTH A DANIEL. i WOLFE'S LIQUORS. 1K.M. ljir: nchieaam rtennapp". ery Cure Urandv, "A Sherry Wine, Madeira Port For sale l- WORTH A DANIEL. dec 18 ORK.-450 bbls. X. Y City Mess Pork, for ale ZEXOH. GREEN E. d oc 7 il bv rpHE BEST FAMILY' FLOUR, in town war- I rani?a in an cse, xo of utvt dec 29 i WORTH A DAN IEL. LSLTGARS--SUGARS! 7Z BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Suza i f J 25 lbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered. 35 f- Muscovado Sugars, light and drv. 6 bird-. ! For le br WORTH A IAN I KL, ! Granite Row. PORK PORK. 7pr BBLS. New York City Mess, jurt r eiv, d J and for sale low. for cash, bv dee 11 I ZEXO II. GREEN P. EXTRA GOSnEN BUTTER. 2Z KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2s cents. O dec )1 j - ; ' GEf. MYERS'. 1 TO ARRIVE. OA IHJLS. Flour different grades. XDU jan 15 I STOKLEY A OLDHAM. PIANO FORTES. TN THESE TIMES when we ought to look at X home, whv not purchase of a Southern 31 a n u factory T Such s Win. Knabes A Co., Baltimore, Md., whoaejPianoH liavc not been surpassed by any sold in this market, of X'orthcrn make, and'have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs,, AC Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to quite a large numner or Is mi lies that uejtberrt. m ttiis city. , KELLEY S Book Store. fb 20 Ag't for Wm. Knab A i' ' ' ' i j Q VERVA T TJoV iS IAQIC (ffcSS, roit nrr anv of FEVER AND AGUE, j DRO. P17ELPS BROWN waifor several vs so badly aluitted by Dyfpefia, that t t part of the time be; reutim d t hi bcJ. I JI. was eventually cured by; a prrrrlptlnn fnml ht! by a young clairvoyant girl. . T hi prcrttptton. given him by a mere ciild. whde yn a t u m trance, has cured evr body who Lm tk& u, net " having failed once, j It is aally turf ia caw 1 Fits as of DTSrxrslti and Fsvsa and A-ifi. To those persons whobavt trifJ many neliiii. uatil they have become discoursjrsd. 'and do et feel wfiliag to expend asore bomt a.poa uaoarUA ties, I wilfsead the preMriptioa tor crtrarta and successally uaior the rrV )fmf Amlmmt, upea reoeipt ec tatnr addresa, with stasap for retatB poetag. AH af the iagrtdieoU are to be fa4 at the Dreg Store of Heary McLia. AddrM Dr. 0 Phelps Brown, No. 21 Grand Street, Srtmj CMt. N. J. i, . i DR. O. PHELPS BROWN' ARCADIAN BALSAM. for the cure of Conniuptien, Bronchili. AmI iua Cough, Cold iand Ncrvoui Dcbtlitr. Cmt posed principally of foreign herM nd helling bl sauis.it m the only euro ever dicvrtcd toi ht. eafa of the Lungs, Stimuli iniLXtino. I: ..i: binis all the qn.nlitirn embodied in the thrnr.. . f "drugs vended to tho'sick: it h a hcatieg t'abarn f.u all the Internal SoijijA, I'lcerA. Tuberl and hi'.', mation: an iinutNr sisa'le Tonic, .iti ut!r?" t m ablw Nervine, a PutiuVr of tlJ the 1 luid. an 1 xUii arsnt, a Striuulant which pioluce i. . e(l.i.. land a bihlder uiif U..1 F(i . i ! ! n-f : . Piiee-". ?1 and 52 t large bottle: ;m-'.' , . 2" eiif. 1 .r H.ilcj;l llinrv Mvl.it . I h ' f . . ; Hit: o. PilEi.ps nitnu ! RENOVATING PILLS. Thi- Pill will rnb.1.- th. if, v. ! . i. i:?.,t';-!. . pit phi si ion. witlffiil. It will-. i( m wry -Mr j tiiav eradicate whit i Ivrmed '-hiotic ctia or f-011-til..jtion, L IK-J.iai l.iv l.iv I I u ! , t'oinpl.llnt-; iui'l i,l will rtirr. n im tl--.M- i Min that t-bincN uim m, all Oic u f -i in? rue n l uoyauces that hactheii liieiu ihi w . u, .. j s , j stooli. .It doe not ket .n'tui-reU : MiitA v s fair : it keeps the human svntf m'ln a ti el .m i and vigoroui health, by ei'.il wl nluni j..i. j tiMv rleaniiig it of all jtnj.uiuie, l'Ji 1 j ... tjpi- -iho'if ;o IK f'riee ,'i0 r-nM j.or W DIt.O. PHELPS IJHOW.Ws Etherial Ointment. t . .1. . - r ... .uiuu uic many auiiciions lor wmcli m i ri i ny aUl a I, nur lily il has HO euuaL nur ever n ill li.iv, i. IM.f.,.. tism, Fever Sore Si : 1 Pititla, Ciaii;n, Iivtvi.ti'M l Holers, 1 '" voius ill I UP l lir: nn.l JlVn.l. roi . h?' Crouji, Pleuci-y, ytuunv, EidarKed li u-ii.. ; (Jlandular Swellings, Lai A he, Em Ulni. .:i :!kindsol Colics, L'.lcers and Tmnt.r. Bet r. )'.- , Stims. Uru list tfiir t'oni. fMi-rsin.. ! Scalds. re Liisi 'oie Nii.i.h-. mmI!..! Palsy. Numbness,! Blotch. -. Boib. Si !.! If, . Muiiips. White Swelling, Gravel. 'Str-n. Kidneys, Museulat Di-.turl,iiic.'., rcrolnl.ir, rt5 Rh euin. .Murciiri.il Sores, Ac. Pi.'ce i i mi j..-. pot. Descriptive amplilet piren'tn '-!;'(, r plj to juy Agent. j' Address Dr. Oi! Pheir.i w-r-". n. 4t , Jr-r J. or r i i' T C I VO lit ft r A :..t . jr.:--...x,ty c . .' .Vortii ( 'urohnh, for the pijrpo' of -Hblnf tili-. sister State. wilMMiy their OMuvrji-, Pi ,., ,oi.. small stores and :Mr-eoni ,-rneiif i.'im. ( airj... j"" ' I i msjim!v 'C'll'l'EE 1)1. LAOf.'A YR., Ja 't 'u.A ! .. ' lore. aiel c(r uJo bv j ZLNti J. (iKI.J N . NEW COWNV ArLOAT. ' S )()() IH'SljLLS Prim.: Whifc AfHi ! j;m " " KM. I.' A MITCHr.l f .wiuTi: oats. i 111 Slll; l tuy ' s W Y.aU S: .' y I..r :ih- by. I PL I. IS' A M IT t II 1 I.I WHEAT BRAN. R.(S ju t-r, 1'or osle, h janai. - ELLIS A Mi ll 'It I 2000 ja n .11 ' ' ,' 1000 RAISINS. I IIOLK lxe larg bum !i Lfi . r 1U io ; jan II loi e'yle by ZEVO . tiUi.L SI'.. f 'i.S. L b.ri:ow 1 1") Cau-l, '.ir.w i wareho'txv. rel for 1 hi l''t.i t fn'ui, at wnMv nor "0 HOOP IKO.1. 1 Y TONS 1, VA to inch Hoop Ima, n.r ! u J jan 8 1 . M, MacINMS. MACK ERE I S. 2 an4 in tAr.-. pn.t f,,r t'l I,, N. t". I'LOI" It. I 1ST -RKCKIVFD i"": R'.;' "-! . - I Suiiei'v.eeli Kjfatfnl Vjltehorfs 'IHN ' ;v l or fHle r ii'ov 27 !Hej:tSET. lilMiM .t ' CE3fnNT4; PLASTER. )( 1(1 BBI. fVmcntv 50 bbl lU-vt I'm- I ! Hit'! bV JJ per btigf Water Witch dec 13 ELLIS A il ITCH LLP. BOOKS FOR ALL. I flMIE NORTH CAROLINA rHtU non, (; J '?eH" Jo'ict. '. r. . . v i -',' i -v.'' L-ii'al A !., II (oi4m:i:. i xi -a,;w Piy u 1 -I--. Jl-;, Dorniufro cv.--?0 it -. ami for fsb- bv ' tb c 1 1 . ZEN l tl: CfiiTNl r .rn ?. in I i-KMiM.. -VAILS. .y '"v - 1 ii'n led .ViK i ' -'tilt lt Zl II. 1 EAL'IHU'L J.XI i:CI-l is U i I 1 r JUJ long and l'r'j' E" -4 I' J"..,- dling Hoopf Ihf- r,t iuall a ,-,, CAr" .!!,',' V 1 Arid tal lrr 1 r LEA V EN-i-LHAVEN.-LlM V E V EA YEN .' LEAN EX. i.EA Y US. I 1 Vt, Tiy ii-- 'lrA it - Trv it Tl v jf, :it ' .NOTICE. i - A I.L PER J-V Provis to the late fir PERSONS who ariud-htii i... t,n,. (: ,( , ision. Ar., either l. :(nt. . itccsntit rm of Wilson A )Yi!lkint. and wbo.e accotmts are hng sinr dn, are r onc-ti d to ftis!.' immrdiste nsyment to tie- Milrribr, or pvrh coiint will I.,- j l.iri 'jxi i-lfieer'A hands for t'A'rc tion; j JAMES WlltiNj jm I ';"! No. 5 Mai krt trri-. 1 CHEESE. , ao BOXKS -wi ork State Ch--! I Jnt recciived per tchr D. ',. Hil-. jan m 1 or U U ZLXO II. Gi;Li.. ;, EXTRA rAMILY vijvil. BARRELS! in More and for (ah, : 50 i WORTH ... IA.II.j.. C.ranite R v. 1'ii.n' -h i ' 'iofii;e.-i2 ,' tsIc bv feb 20 husr Ri' C'-IT'-k I i' ar-i WORTH .A DAN II. L ! MILITARY TACTICS A T KI-'I I.KY'S New Book Stori : V. Cilhm'"5laitualor Y.J-ui' t.m. i.Mi eotl's Infantrv Tacti , ; Hardee'ii iye and IJcht Infantry Tni tie, i Cavalrv Tactics, by the War l-pj iiiit rr. ) Vol un t4 er IJand Hook. , I. !. J i COFFEE. . r A!AI'Ki'iWfi). . i : OU 10 bar Laguyra Cone.-. j la store, and for sal by mar 6 " ZE,VO 1C GREENE -4" 4 i . 1..; f' ' ' , i J... i il : 1 !