I - THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERALD, MONDAY EVENING, MAR.CII 11. 1861. 1 i 1 - ( UADDELL. - - Edlfr PrtprleUr. 4 TOWN PRINTER- 1- r Monday Ercnlnfr March 11,1801. 5 trti. Th WirctT Hk&au may be bad at the tqie j-bce every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 oclofk. 'i I . ' I ; '' 1.' ' ZSr. We have, froth Wbi taker, Peterson' t jftjaztnc for April, a freat'favorte,' and deser vedly iio, with the ladjes. . " ' ft IS - r- ; ' " ' jpdr The "New Orleans. Zfa says: "We IcrWn 4hat J. J.- Wheat, Secretary of the Con vc jvtioti, ha3 been appointed by the Governor a C.ikaiin " ia !the. Infantry of Louisiana." We nri t?$l to -see this promotion of a Tery clever j'ei lert.ian.ai we werejglad to see him announo-t-dltts .ticretarj- of the (Convention which passed . tlijj ordinance of seceision. Capt. "Wheat has n tery target number o ' friends and acquaintan- e-r mlNorth Carolina, who willjie pleased to . li-ij- 07" Jin success. ' I j Serious Shooting Affray. . Vj tvlearn that on Saturday night last, about ! eitxk, a very unfirtunatedifficulty occurr ed lirb'froDt of the iWug -Storelof Mr. L. p. KrMnlujt, under the City Hotel, jn this place, whtehyreflted 'very seriously to Mr. A. J. Cos tiii:ind,Mr;' Eraml-erd but to the latter partic I'larYvi They were l.ojth shot by a man named Pild helley, with a (jolt's pistol.; Asthe mat t.rjiil undergo judicial investigation, we fbr-T.t-i ' airv- statement of the facts as we heard . tliefii.-j Mr.. Cos i in was shot in the side or hip, tU1lill ranging around the backand making a ffw-te. lai not dangerous wound. It was ex tr&i'tcd yeierday. Mr. Erambertj was shot in . t& ttirgh, .the ball ? haltering the bone and nuik in nery ' painful abd serious wound. We h-arn'Vha the. ball kAs not been found. The wifini w ill, un.ler th0 most favorable ciccuoi--ti-t'ir". confine- Mr. $rrfnilert to his led for u?irii. we are informed. The whole matter is ;ij:.uljt t.tbe deplored j j I ' An Ac t 'bf Justi e.; 'ttVjjave nothing to jlo with any'private mat teUjWeu the Raleigh Standard, audthe Gov- iiiof f this State, nor, indeed, with any puh lii n tervf that.-kind, but when an attempt !is made &o use the IhraLl as a witness, either for ; the gTAtitlca'tum of iersonal malice, or to estaj . lish a".K tof public importance we shall see that jut'tU'.U done, and that the evidence is not dis tfitu.li' Attdjnst her, we may say," without nnittii'ti be the v'jauipiou of tJov. Ellis ht alff tlf we think the attempt of certain papers t.ioa- i-Mpital. out "of-tliat gentleman's visits to WilnJig any pfnt ton. i- an exceedingly sm:yl aflair froni ofiiew". I n'vornmentinj on the Gov ernor" r.vent jiit t.ttlii; place the l.imliird -IV.j': C ! ! " V-The nt-.ti'd n ports vou assaying "that if thfjoplie had defatet"l the Convention they vift?S be driven, to'tlie necessity f recorisider in Oeir con.lm t 1-' circumstances about to traaspre, ver whi. h they had no control.''-- tJreau-'retH-t.lbr .th- lxonle. indeed, ha3 the tJove&K.r I TIk v must -'wojisidtr their conduct" ,lhex fn thev must do as J6hn W. Ellis .!,. ' Vh .--era'nt ha become the :iua..tHy-."grV - ; Th :iat. t ii not in the Jit mil's ac -iihi- l "S.eei hit will be observed. It is ai ac- i an intfrikimt intrt-tat j.n ol tl)e waiKUtni s. jOV. r.iiis uiu n..j,r8 tti'x oplc r.;nt reconsider tlieir conduct. TJ--3lLiH 1o- not sav that (iov: Ellis said .... ..." F f- Tll 11 -.15 (i;Ui',hi'mi-v tli. vitv noxtf sentence .of ,t'T''a' :rll''r : luntaticn, h 'they -on' Y'ln'", ""':! ,,,e I'nion.iw the policy vhf -j.tfiu,", ,t.t,:ih.trju:n. finis poucy I Kd'iniiiisnation, the inatter over . - he-1 ixvi.l- of 'North Carolina "would li:Sje i'itrnl.". of. w hich Gov. Ellis spoke, as-js i'tji. tl v ft.itvny the lfrntkl. 'We can- uotr ".-'bjvlthe report of (!uv. Ellis' remarks, x.rti.'ipji J in'eiiher of the ;iper.4 here, could l.f eoritr4ed into th slightest disrespect for the p."l!tf.orth t."arol"iH:. by any jKr?on disjKte- d t Ti- Cu-t toward-? that tenth-man. lie cer- TaiTv"it!'l t;e of ik such expression in hi3 -;e hjlt.l if he, had he would not' have recei.v- i ttlK Jfiu.ljt - of a Wilmington audience. We i". lii-M-jtl Jt u hat he did sav will Ik? verifietl." We d.r uo;,riiMiS the people of North. Carolina are di.-pc' to aliow things to remain yi their pres- . i)l coji.iijaoa. We have little'doubt but that ih-.'V j'!5 if'iHhhr Uii-ir conduct' and save- thtjn-iiis"iro!i t'n aneipatioii and i)egro iipiali- " if.-" -' t i ! '-". ? : -J r ' " "" ' ! t'oUvr tin;; the Revenue in the Seceded 4 S4.ates--lfow Can it be Done 1 i lf t?je lion of the revenue in;ports in Uie ' -bfl-. (AJ-- will. e opine, sayf the Petefs-. ' ci'i S--. I ' no easy inatter, a fact of w hich Trf !i !oit Ijim-oln w'ijl tloitbtless Ue convinced u licui "'J itu io a critical examination of the ei ii'iiii 'p:--rtaii.in; thereto. ;lt shouldjbe f-ti. Jt';! f rtl ii i he 1; resident liasjleen clothed rn by the Republican i n (41 1'Uil m.iioritv. -lie cannot add -to the r it IjitU.VvjuH , and he. cannot call otft oluntceV3. jii.fihfi"h. ji.ii-ai m.iMv ' eniori-e ' tiie laws as fi-t. tldi will to all; intents and i'l ''Ti .i ti' -ally d.-feat all attempts to tpl-r-t j"etS"4 l''.r -t ample of jobstacles l in Ul- v.'iiyjiii i tli .t-vv; i ork pier.tld puts i . I i . ... . a.. . , . i ,) tii-. i. r-'i'i ii av: e that the hii Allhinre arrives1 at . itarFe ten fVoiii ll.Wre, with a cargo of silks, ; .-. -.3 itiiicT f. ods. nvinuf.ictured artich-s. etc., ii'a'ljviiv live huu.lrf-d packages, -fonsignedi to ,!; -fiuie pcrsi'iif. in euionng tae narpor :;.t' -.A- i-i w.l'. :i ,1'Uijn In i.v i-riiiinli-'t bv a'ship-ot-jr, I i i w i I , a ii- oni i...:um i ne. mazier nn.s i.ij'Ii'iiH; to .-hokV but! his manifest,' which dixs ..u "p iS utuize the Quality of the articles ship- i it. ? is t 'r the cmsigntes to priluce tli-ir i.r.i.-iki ahA bill-; i.f I.idin.' iav the duties and- .4, . .,Ulie j.H.J-. V li-ii theconsigUce f.lil toip- a. - t i. l & a At. ...i.i...; ro sent tii the iuiilic tr.r.',ad m case lufj u-maiii unclaimed during, .i itiafifitf period, tfcev are sold at auction bn , M2 ., . "t J&T'.Tbk Daur HriULD can- be obtained, at 1 ulbtk eiiib day, at VHiTAKa'a Book Stork, tulJ .fcic, at Kixliy'i Book Store, Market J . j'of the iro ven!nent. Aecoijding to mar- j torts and collect the Revenue,, he will have a warm .ji'i .e;i.(i. "all duti.-s Wist lie collected within time of it. But, really, toe should like to know i .i7.yiic haopfi.f theirt. and -bulk cannot ourselves, what next? What next? We shall 5: .fn until tlw' vs el has lieen regularly en- ' know very soon. Rough Notes. t;-r l $irhui the iiaror. Should the Executive i M M'' fi1 aH these Tro.visioiis, and declare that! in j xne feeling of caste is so strong in India, that .je-t-TiVi duties ar.- u;ot pa hi according to the , A sojJier lying wounded on a battle-field has .'Tt-'iVulalion. t ::r;;H s w ill U- forfeiteil, a fresh i Vku known to die rather than drink water of Ma.j ilse-. The machinery for the collec- ' fere iun i,v one 0f "a lower caste. A sick sol-" '"""f revenue not alone executive. T.he ; djer jn tie hospital at Agra suffered two hours ii.iici.tA ls something to do .with, it. The Sec- rati,er than receive water from an English lady.; the Treasury cannot forfeit a pair of jj wor,j3 xrere, "tltoughno man see me drink," l-Uh t.s without h-gal ronsit) be,'halJefore a ' God will see me."' .! . di-ti,juie and jvit y nf citizens to be enipan- ( m "! ! t,nf tJ,c At VI X xv Ure thc ons"'Sners j"- Skcessios Among the Tvtos. At a late mcet- Wlitre w ould tl... Kuvernmeiit imd a juflge j - f the Typographical Union of Jackson, Miss. 4r nry'.ui f h rle t..l. vmcih. Mobile or New ja (.omrnittee was appointed to draft an Ordi- ' 5' f ( ' . ' ' nance of Secession from the "National Typo- 'if li.ii : NdUs mis 1 p.riirx. We hear thatithe ' m i i ( . j.i.detor of Northern race coursv.3 wjU lie Irm ll.Je i;ireHint ani" it ry attractive programmes ,iinf the jomiiii sjiriitg and summer season The .4,'ti - n louses whiMi are chiefly relieil upon will .CI it te'ta liud a 1 1 1 . ii ie, a n. 1 our races will be very taiih"vffa'utrThi;s we see that the effects ofj the t lion ntovenirat xtnd themselves to tlie most i . ji:i . r.r mtiittf an apparcniiy reiini iiruuis m ajui ft r . 1 r t Ilin. R. K.jMeade; United States Minis-, URfti. II, has fo rwarded his resignation to TrefBadt. Lincoln. Thi Caszks or a Rich Mas. We have seen it stated lately,-upon what appeared to be reliable authority, that the wealth of William B. Astor of Hew York, amounts to at least forty millions of dollars. It is curious to trace this broad yel low stream to its first little beginnings in the early career of John Jacob Astor, father of the present millionaire. From a sketch of this remarkable man, which appears in a work entitled " Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres.' ! by Yinceat Nolte, we learn that John Jacob Astor was born at Heidelberg, where the original name of his familr Is said to have been Aichter, and that he came to New York si a furrier's apprentice.; He was at that time as poor as any other apprentice boy; then or now m Hew York. The wages ne goi in ine peury warehouse for beating out and preparing various kins, he invested in the purchase of all kinds of peltry bear, mint, ana raoDii stuns wnicn ne got from the Indians; who at that time wander ed about the streets of New York, and as soon as- he had collected a certain quantity he sent them to Europe, particularly to tne Leipsic fair. There, it is stated, he traded them off for Nu remberg wares, cheap knives, class beads, acd other articles adapted to trade with the Indians on the Canadian frontiers, and took them him self to the hitter points, where he again exchan ged them tor furs of various kinds. He had of- 4en told Mr. Nolte that he carried on this work untiringly for twelve long years,: going in per son, alternately, to the Canadian frontiers and then to Leipsic fair, and lived all the while as he had been accustomed : to do, humbly and spar ingly. After he had thus managed to bring to gether a considerable capital, he gradually be came a freighter of ships, and fitted out expedi tions to the .Northwest coast to trade with the Indians of Nootka Sound for furs. Another and very considerable round up to the ladder of fortune was taken by Astor in land speculation. Some tf bis countrymen owned land in New York by virtue of being relations and heirs of German oldiers who had fought in the American Army ;jn the Revolution, and to whom Congress had voted land 'in consequence. Many of the soldiers died;-without converting ytheir property into money, and Astor, after a visit to Heidelberg, made arrangements with the heirs which was mutually agreeable ; they think ing it better to have a little ready c?sh than to own a great deal of land, the value-of which was very slow in increasing, and he having foresight to anticipate, and patience to await the result. So the heirsget their money, and Astor ob tained their land, some of which. is now among the most important in the city of New York. In this way a fortune of twelve .millions of dol lars was accumulated This vast increase under the management of his son Wm. B. Astor, Esq., shows that he inherits the energy and business habits of his father, but affords no such demon- stration of money making genins as the career of John Jacob. Indeed, toe latter is reported to have said that it cost him more trouble to make the first thousand dollars than all the remainder of his fortune. Bolt. 'American. Lost his Mule. A Paris paper. tells tlie fol lowing very Frenchy story of "a worthy gen tleman," who,- unfortunately having married a termagant, resolved to becomes widower in a way not to expose himself to the penalties of the law. Without expressing an opinion as to the moral of the husband's conduct, we copy the anecdote, trusting that his experience will n.ot find imitators in this region : "He owned a beautiful country seat, situated on the bank of a delightful river, to which his lady was much attached, and which she visited regularly every Sunday morning. She had for this purpose a charming little mule, with .splen did trappings, and of which great care w as ta ken. For three days previous to the lady's ac customed visit, the husland had deprived . the animal of all drink so that, it was almost fam ished. Sunday morning came; the lady set out on her mule, accompanied by- her husband, w ho was to see the sport. The; poor: beast sought water on all sides, and had no sooner discovered the river than with the rapidity of lightn" lg he started off, and stopped not till he had plunged himself head and ears into the river. The bank was steep, and the stream w as both rapid and deep at this placer and lady and mule were soon buried beneath the waves. The husband re gretted the loss of the mule ; but reasoned like a philosopher, that to accomplish one's purpose sacrifices must be made.' War. A fewjveeks since and war wa3 the word. But now the cry of blood and bloodshed is hushed. Still the question often arises, will there lewar? We answer : there may lie and there may not. Americans1 are too highly civ ilized to be bloodthirsty. More, the interests of both North and South inter-ene and forbid such a calamity. ' It is likely Fort Sumter will be surrendered withoutjthe spilling of blood. A bankrupt treasury cannot sustain an army. Black Republicans are unwilling to fight for nothing. They must have good pay. Scott will not enter a campaign without some strong security for .his monthly wages and rations. Patriotism has no place ia the bosoms of such foul aad polluted reprobates and moral cowards as the Black Republicans. They would fight for spoils not country. The free born sons of the South have the principles of diberty at stake. They arc s' cur ing -them in a- Southern Confederacy. Black Republicans can't shake it, and knowing it they will not attempt it. The combined .mnies of all the world beside cannot niove one stone of the great temple of Southern liberty. Our Ieople have justice od their side and God is al ways with the just arid brave. Let Gen. Scott go to Halifax. We can whip him and all his host.; But take our word for it there'll be no war if. so, but a short struggle, and then the Confederate States of America will assume her place among the nations of the earth. Rock Jfdl Chronicle,. The Carthage (Illino's) Republican, a strong Douglas paper, indulges in the following, to wards a negro-worslripping cotemporary : it is rich, rare, racy, and to the point : "Again, while our, hand is in, we will give a little, more plain talk. If party; by its obstina cy in rejecting all proposition of compromise,' force the border slave States out, a strong at tempt will be made to divide the State bf Illi nois, by running a line paralej with the North line of the" State of Missouri, near the 41st de gree, with a view of uniting with the Southern Confederacy.' When the Union is broken up, each part is justified in seeking- its own interests and making the best arrangement for the future. The interest of southern Illinois is certainly with that of the great outlet, the Gulf stream.- Now, howl over that, if you like." Distressing Casualty. On Thursday after noon last, Thomas H.Xurant, a lad of fourteen, the son of Mr. George Durant, was killed by the' accidental discharge of a gun, the muzzle of which wa3 resting against his stomach. Reclin-1 ing at his ease, in the woods, ai"ter the morning's hunt, conversing cheerfully, with his companion, not dreaming of danger, he allowed himself to handle his gun Carelessly but his foot lifted the hammer of the lock, which falling upon the cap caused the entire load of large shot to enter his stomach and the upper viscera. He survived s onlv a few moments. Pee Dee Times. .What t Nkxt. Everybody, after reading Lin Inaugural Address, inquires. "What coin's nextT ' inev seem; to expect sometning, ana well they may because, if "Old Ale attempts to do as he says, that is, hold ami possess the rrptil.ol I ninn " Ti-!fh v5ar n lhi fnrm:ltinn ' . i , i ii . n f , . t , i j oi anomergrana uoujin ine u-onieueraieoiaies. Punch says and who would want better au thority that the reason editors are so apt to have their manners, spoiled, is because they re ceive such a vast number nf "evil communica tions." : An ice machine, i Harrison's invention, is at work in London, producing, with a ten-horse steam engine, eight' thousand pounds of ice in twenty-four hours, at a total expense of $2.50 -er ton, which is said to be fifty per cent, cheap er than imported ice. ! ' ! ' j- . ! . . .; r '' Cot SAGE OF THE1 NlW OeLEAKS MlSTv The Director of the United i States Mint, in a' letter to" the Secretary of the Treasury, which has been recently laid before Congress, recommends that the coinage of tne lirancn Mint at Kew Or leans should be discredited and declared not "to be a legal fender in payment of debt, in con sequence of its being now not conducted upon au thority of law. Upon this point he says : "The institution in auction is not conduct ing it' operations JnVfiawful manner, and fal t hough it is1 still a Branch of the Mint of the United States, (for no action of the State tf Louisiana can legally alter it3 relation to me General .Government, ) yet as its coinage from the close of the month of January will not: be subject tp the testa required by. law, itj has prac tically ceased to be a branch of the mint. The coinage of that branch is designated by the let 0. on the reverse side of ccb piece.; - The coins struck in January are legal coins or tne Unit d States ; but as these coins cannot be dis tinguished from others coined since that; time, having the date of 1801, the Whole coinage ought to be discredited by the Grovernment.- The announcement should be made feitner Dy the proclamation of the President, orby:act pf Congress, if the former should not' be deemed proper, that, the coins of the Branch Mint at New Orleans of the year 1861 are not of the coinage of the United j btates, and are therefore not a, legal tender in the payment of debt3." It appears from this.letter that the building ofl tne orancn mini ai isew unean3, inciuuing ine rendering of it fire-proof, cost the United States the sum of $391, 514 j The amount 6f bullUm in that institution at the present timej the prop erty of the United State", i3 $389,267,j to which must be added the balance to tne credit ot tne United States on the coinage charge' 'and ! for purchases of silver 512,413. Second Seizure of the SlaYer Cora. The bark Cora, lying at pier 49 East River, was again seized on the serious charge of being eneaeed in the slave trade. ' She was! taken on last Wednesday evening by order of the Collec tor of the port. She hasTGeen loading tor Hava na via Elizabethport, N. J. Mr. Schell received" information that led him to order Capi. Faunce, of the Harriet Lane, to take possession of and hold her until an investigation could be had. Lieut, Duggan was despatched with he proper complements of men arid took possession: of her on Wednesday evening. j j 1 . ' - The Cora was built in the city of Baltimore in 1851. ' She is 431 tons burthen, and is generally looked upon as a very fast sailer and suitable for the traffic in! which it is charged she is engaged. She w.33 disposed of a few weeks ago to Mr. I. J. Barns, a resident of Brooklyn,! who was about despatching her to Mobile for a freight of cotton, but owing to the national troubles her. destination was changed to Havana, j 1 She took on board some 4,Q00 feet of lumber, several water casks, much more than would have sufficed for an ordinary .voyage, . a large boiler or cauldron of iron, forty barrels of salt provis ions, about' thirty barrels bf potaoes, a large amount of jeas, beans, samp, and other things too numerous to mention. I wo large sun or whale boats were also found on board. Her .former bad character, and the very suspicious nature of her cargo and provisions, led to the information being given to the Collector, apd t) tho con sequent seizure of the vessel. I ; Mr. Barns appeared vesterdav at the Collector s office and offered bail to he amount of fruO,000, but it was not accepted.. More Resignations. WAsnixGTp.w Mch.S.r-The -President ha3 ac cepted the resignations of Adjutant General Cooper and Assistant Adjutant deneraJ Withers A report is prevalent that Quarter .Master uen eral Johnston, from. Virginia, is about to resign but he said tins morning that the occasion for such a course had not vet arrived. I The resignation of Col. Cooper is generally' rc- grett 1. He was appointed irom, and is a na tive of. New i ork.. ' Southerners here are making overtures to ?pm of the bfst officers in the service. , T( is known that certain officers, in the armv, - located here. have, leen; tendered lucrative npifointmcnts under the government ot the Confederate States. Charles Jones, late Register' of the Treasurer's office, 'h:is left for Montgomery, io t: a plan under the Southern Government Who's to Rule. No sane man expects Abe Lincoln to conduct' affairs at Washington. That is an impossibility. Why. thei truth is. the man is nbt.acquaintod with the commonest civilities of qveiy day hie, much Iss the delicate and intricate affairs of a government; Vhothenis to be the presiding genius at Washington? Sew ard or Greely? Played upon by every dema gogue and trickster who may chance to gain his ear or Ins tavor, the man with tne narp ot a thousand strings"! wan't be anywhere beside Old Abe ! Who s to rule 7 Charlotte (A. C. ) Whig. I. Trade and Commerce of Chari.estiOX The Charleston Courier says; ' I .We rejoice to sec our street's again becoming alive with trade find commerce. From the large number of boxes which line the sidewalks in front of our wholesale stores, it is evident that a large business has already opened. The spring trade is opening witlr a fresh deniand, and we - ..rn that supplies by heavy importations have arrived in greater quantities than usual at such periods. Our wharves are- also assuming a crowded appearance. Cotton is coming in fast, and meets with a good and fair demand.: Ves sels are also in demand for loading cotton; ready to be shipped. The draymen are busy, and like ly to reap a irich harvest. . Lnc;s do Vocr DfTr, Lincoln said in Phila delphia, Independence Hall, that he would rath er be assassinated than abandon the principles of Ihe Declaration of Independence, but within one week he ran from the first whisierings of dan ger as fleetly as ever a-naked legged Highlander pursued a deer on Scotia's hills. . - The mep who made the Declaration bf Independence did not make it good in that way., Theyfouyhi for their rights Abraham runs for his. The inference is, they could bst maintain its principles by fighting Abraham his by running.-j-djet all men use the talent that is given them. l'c(. Ex. A Tbmptiko Offer Sternly Rejected:. An English paper says that when the Rey. Henry Grattan Guinness was lately in Philadelphia, a yonng lady of "wealth and position" made him" an offer of her heart, hand and pitrse. The min ister replied; "I came fo America notlto srek a wife, but to preach tho gospel. Your not" strikes me as much out: of place; and my advice to you is, that you give; your money, which you seem willing to bestow on. me, to the poor, ypur heart to. the Lord, and -your hand to the first! one that asks for it.' ' ; i . j : j Appointscex'k. The Montgomery Conks lera tion says Messrs. '.II. D. Capers, of South Caro lina, and Edward B. Randolph, of Charleston, have been appointed to positions in t he j Treasury Department Mr. Memniinger will soon con eratulate himself on i having made two such capital selections. , '. i Dr. Barton, on being told that Mr. owel was dead, - exclaimed, f ' W liat ! Vowel deiad ? Iet us be .thankful it was neither u nor i Mr - RjTri5nnr : of North Carolirta. has been confirmed by the Senate as an assistmltSargron m thes United States Army. , r WIOIINGTON DISTRICTS -- , i SEC0XD ROUSD. March 23, 2t, North East,. ....... " i 30, 31, Whiteviile, ... ..Macedonia. ..Fair Bluff. .. Friendship. April - . May i. . June 6, 7, Duplin,. i.;.... ....... 13, 14, Magnolia,.... 20, 21, Sampson,. 27, 23, Topsail, .. 4, 5, Wilmington,. ...v.. 11, 12, Elizabeth, ... lrf, 19, Smithrille, ... 25, 2C, Bladen,: ...... 1, 2, Wilmington....... ......Providence. ..Clinton. .,..! tl'i'a-jpeQt. ....tFr.jintStreeJ. ; Bladen Springs.' ....j.....L...;..Zion. u.Soule Chapel. ...T.Fiah;Street. " 8, 9, Onslow,... . CHARLES F. DEEMS, P. E. : - , ; ;! ; ; Playing a Practical Joke ox a eciIslatxre . A Madison Wisconsin )'paer relates jtha-t some wag entered the Assenbly chamber the other morning and set the clock ahead about forty minutes. It was the intention to hold aisession of about one hour, but as tlie members entered they glanced at the clock, and instead of ta,king their seats broke for the depot, leaving the As sembly in a short time without a qjuoruriu j The St. "Louis Democrat, the. Organ; of the Blairs, favors the enabling act" to take in . New Mexico as a Stat$. Its reasoning i4, that no sla very can go there, and that the Mexicans there SIC lCIUljr BgUUIl BMTUJ . i TELEGRAPHIC SEWS. For the Daily Herald, t ; From Washington. . : Washixotos, March tl, 1SCJ. A cabinet meeting' was held) late (Saturday. Itwas understood to have been for the 'conside ration of affairs in Charleston, - and : Pensacola Harbors. Current rumor says it 'was t decided to withdraw' the troops from Fort 'Sumter. ? The Commissioners from the Confederate States express the hope that their mission hertl ill le a satisfactory one. i They have not yet iheld an official communication with the i administration. Advices from the frontiers represent the rank. and' file of the army in a state of great 'dissatis faction many refusing to commit any act of hostility, against their brethren. j An official letter from Maj. Anderson was re ceived on Saturday. He says he had only fifteen days subsistence and wood. The question has therefore risen with the administration, whether; reinforcements shall be attempted, ;or jthe post abandoned. The latter course it is though i, will pie adopt ed from inevitable necessity, by the advice of Geiu Scott. There is, .however,.". a eotafliet-.'jof opinion between i Republicans pa the question, but no conclusion in the Cabinet Council. The Cumberland and Pocahontas have, according, to official advices, left Vera Cruz for Nifu!k j The Powhattan is on the way to New Yoik. The Macedonian is the only vessel' If ftj at Vera Cruz. ..' I . -' From Itichnioiul. , i;icn.Mo,i Aiaicis 1 1 tii.. On Saturday the Committee made a neport;f- The majority recommend a conference ot tl Border States, recojmize the right of cession acd protest against .-coercion. . V t. HP Sli.iM mitted a minority report demanding'' gii aranti)e repudiating hostilities by the govern ;H lit l.l" i States, and requiring the gownjirienf t M evacu- ate the forts. There are only three .si i i , inatim-s s feared to a report in favor of secession J that the majority report iwiil not !( pa'iit.ibh' to the I'niontsts as it recognizes tht Hht i - f ,Si-ce.- sion. From Motitgoiuery-, MoxT(;oiiKi:v, M;Uvhj 11 It is understood thai a permanent. 183..; const it li tion will be reported- to-d.'iy. nn ?1 - s gnfs w ill then take a recess i From Texas. ? : New Okckans, Maix-lj 11 Hi.:!1 Galveston dates to the 8th, state that the ma jority for secession, as fnjr as hoard fiiom, is 2S,r 000'. out of 51.000 votes. 1" . y From Rnleigli. : r- t Ralek;u, riarch 11." ' The returnsare all in. Convention-ii! lost by; 1000. There will probably be no eitra session of the Legislature, unless there is some new "phase in federal affairs, i. i . .; ' ' . New York Markets. I Ne w ' York, Marjch 11. land middlirig 111 Flour Cotton firm: u vv. Wlwat ! ui. t orn cniiet. -JiOsui ijrni 5 1 Mb. ErDi iijui : The friends' oil; Captain JAMES: D.i RADCLIFFE- would an nounce him as a candidate for' tlie ddlibe ht' Lieut. Colonel of the :50th Regiment North Carolina Mi litia. Capt RadcliU'e i; known to be a ihnrouch' tactician and able oilioei'. f i . March i " ' . 1 '' NEWS. PORT OF AVIL,MINGTONN,C.lot rh 1 1 ARRIVED SATURDAY. "' ' Schr Bella Peck, Granny", fin Chas, t.i'G (' i: LJ Munro, rice. ' ;j Stnir Douglass, Bank?, fin Prosdect- Mall, to..!' t p & Co. - . : . if .; ' Stmr Chatham. Johnson, fm Point Ca.fwcH. to C II Robinson &, Co. ' ! i Stmr A P Hurt, Hurt, fm FarefterilU?. t,. T C & b a Worth. . ' :. I CLEARED TO-DAVj 1 f Schr A C Heave?, Somers, fori N- by llarriss & Howell. - ' j ' : - Barque Ephraim Williams, Perry; for Jiivorpool by W C Howard. .'.'v., s ' !j 'Brig Rolerson, Crowell-jfor" Y, by T p & B G Worth. .:'':!:';: Schr Wc?tWind, Burnett; for X V, by Kankih & Martin. '1 . i . MEMORANDA.; LIVERPOOL, Feb, 17 Arr ship Ariel,, man, fm Wilmington. X C. Teniplej- BRISTOL, EN G., Feb. 17 In port, shi Uruce, Idg for Wilmington, N C. ' , p Uober. NEW YORK, March 7 Cld brig' A. Eaton, for Wilmington, N C. ' ' .' BOSTON, March 7 Arr schr Richard Wilmington, N C. j; j Thaxteii ;;.'; "j'aux, fm GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY: Some four months since our excellent tow nsman, Naphtali Ezekiel, informed uathaf he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which hewaf exiijeriment ing upon his own head, whose top I was f entirely, bald. We saw him. two' days sihCei. anijt on the place so bald four months since, a tine crop of hair has' sprung up with a vigorous gijoVth. t S( con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of thj- elhcacy qf his discove ry, 'tnat lie uas name-u it mivit AliJ-ilJJib VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER.' Mr. Ej isaboiit going into-an extensive manufacture of ain article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald jiateil friends. Ilifhmmul Ilnqvirt r, JJrr.- 12, isr.0. ; ;i. : . : ". I This, famous article can now be had; of the. priinci-; pal i Druggists. Thiise persons who! desijro a tine! head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord-! ing to printed directions on the bottki Those who have any doubts of its etficacy can haxe-the'm'' removed in a short time, by using: th.e Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, provingjthat it b: all i ex claimed to be. ';.:.? ': '; Wholesale depot for orders, GO Main st. : :- ; ' R. EZEKIEL. : Richmond, Nov. 14, lny.). ; L N. Ezekiel, take oath oh the Holy Ribfe, that have b,-en bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hair by using Lzekiers ; Virginia Hair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekiei.. . This day sworn to be fx re me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. , Jop.i M.VTO, : i ; M'ayOtvof R chimimt j W.l II. LIPI'ITT, Sole AgV jan 14 . , i Wilmingtim,- N. V. ; I LANDRETH'S SEED. J25:JCST RECE1VFD, ia full supply? of Lan.k reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED,Uieahs, Peas( Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general'assortement of-spiall sded. For sale by WALKER MEARES, flS Mafket st. ; nov 2S ' ' ' 1 I " Wholesale and Retail Druggisi and C Dhemist, . St:., I . -." I A". E. Corner Front and Jfarket Wilmington, X. Ct I iSHS- ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and frerh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXtSy Ols Atfh GLASS, PERFUMERY, ANliFAXCVAnTk CLES. .; - .;' f ;. M Prescriptions accurately compoUndedIedicihe can be obtained at any hour ofj tho night. The night bell is at the second door jjn frond street, from the coi ner. , ; .':..'-'' ;j i. ; 1 S3B On and after thia- day, j all prescriptions will be Cash. ! I i i iOCt-30" , -1 ! M i i ' . MACKEREL.' ! - : ? N OS. 2 and 3, in store, and for kale bv: jan o - .u. aiaci.io. ; ; I . . ; ... ; COMMEBCIAL . Latest Dates. LIVERPOOL ,..-..Feb. UAVKE,. .Feb.W WILMIIfCTOJf MARKET. v WiLinxeros Dailt Hekald OrriCE, 1 ! March 11, 1861. " jTTESTnrE.---SaIes tins morning of 385 bbls atT,80 for Yellow dip. 1,44 for Virgin and 5 ct3 "per bbl for hard, per 280 lbs. -SrnuTS Tcetestis. Sales on Saturday of 1 50 bbls straight at 33 J cts per gallon. f TAR.-Sale3 this morning of 595 bbls at 1,C0 per' bbl. - Cottox. Sales on Saturday of 203 bales at a basis of 11 J eta per lb for low grades, and 11 J ct per lb, for middling for good grades. " ?Chab;lstox, March 8. Cotton There was a gdd demand for the article to-day, which resulted islthe" iale ef 1G29 bales, at previous prices. The particulars are as follows: 5 bales at C; 22 at 8; 150 at 169 at 8: 57 at 9: 135 at 9X4; 137 at 9V; 7:1 at 9; 93 at 9; 24 at.10; 23 at 10; 96 at 10i; 74lat'l'0: 21 at 10; 81 at 10; lQat 10J5: '27 at 1K: 5 at UK; 33 at 11; 137 at UJi; 17 at ll?i, ad 133 bales at 12c. CHAJiLoriE, March 8. Cotton. Only 2 hales Cotton iwld to-dav, for which we quote SalOc.; Wheat. I0O bushels Wheat changed hands ti dtiv, commanding the prices ofroni $1.50a$l.S5 per bushel. ; i - ... N'KWBF.t:.. March f. Cotton No .ale., the demand remaining good at slight- reduction, say lOalOe. Superior article w ould command a little advance on these prices. ; I .ftrirpe.ntine.-US.aleso"fabout400 bbl. at $2:50Rir Dip and 51 f0 for Scraix. Market, firm. : fSjiirits. yui.tedat :;:Ia4c. gallon. iMfiaiK. March H. Cotton The sales to-dav verf 5.f0 bales at'lOallc. The sales of the! week foot'ep 11. TOO bales, and the receipts 700 bales, asrains.t 12, (M)0. in tlie corresponding period lat veai.- :The deerease.in tlie receipts at this port amounts to 2'23..").'50 bales. The exports of the week foot up, Si-U) bales. The stock on hand is 83.000 bales, i- j Freights on Cotton to Liverpool quoted at 5d.f. Sterling, exchange is emoted at 24l er cent, prenihim. - - i Receipts per W. Sc Y. 11. R., March t 40 Bbls tlour, .10 packs"-do,; IG bbls ore. 1 .11 bales cotton varn, 2 boxes and 7! pieces bacon, -H bales con, n.! bbls spirits, 2 mortars. ?C,0 hall., sundries, to J & -1) McKae, Mingo Collett.Thos 1), Meares, K Murrav & -Co, Worths, Clark & Turlington, W. Wiltla'ms, W -W Peirce, J .11 Planner, (iwver, Peacock A Co; DeKossef, Brown A Coj J II Blos som, ,P M Monk. - jSow V-dverti.soiiioiit.s. TRUNKS, BAGS AAD VALiSES. f T T.E will receive by the steamer of the 12th in V stantall themeu and varied styles of Trunks. Basrs and Valises, embracing the entire assortment of tw ojof the' largest' Trunk manufactories in the j country.. It includes Ladies' and Gentlemen s Uressinpr Trunks, English sole leather, steel ribbed, with and without covers; St. LouisVictorina Fo lios, irtm and brass bound ; Packing Trunks ; La dies' bf st Boxes, &.C., &c, apd all pf new and beau tiful designs and tho latest4 English and French styles, t ". ' ... Trunks of any description manufactured to-order and sutstantiallv.Jrepaired, at ' S i . WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Estab- lishnent, No. 5 Market-st. . mar 11 ; I ) j STUART'S SUGAR. ; O BBLS. Stuart's C. Yellow. Sugar JZ A- White' Sugar, now landingti ot i ill i do ni schr. A . J, DtUiosset, low for cash. mar 11 ZENO H. GREENE. IN STORE. 1 f liB.LS. Crushed Sugar ; 5 do Cut Loaf do.; Xj 2o do C. Yellow Sugar, for sale low for cash. mar 11 . . : . ZENO H. GRE EN E. - O. G. JAVA COFFEE. ft It AkiS Old Government Java Coflee, 10 Mats J ditto, now landing froui schr4 A. J. DeRosset, and t.)F sale low for cash, by inai-Jl 1 ZENO II. GREENE. SPRING OVERCOATS, . t ? FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, TRAVELING SHIRTS, TIES,. HOSIERY, ic, Ac, now opening at mar, II It . DA EDWIN'S. CHECKS. AN Rank of Cape Fear, Bank of Wilmington, Vi CpmmercialJiank, and Bank of North Caro-i lina, a most beautiful article, just finished, received and for sale at v . i marll WHITAKER'S New Book Store. I CASH TRADE. TT ATS AND CAPS, XX UMBRELLAS, TRl'NKS. "1- : cani:.- MILITARY GOODS. To cash buyers only? We are selling for CASH at' the Emporium, f34 Marfcet-st. mar; II ' ' MYERS &. MOORE. BUTTER, MORE BUTTER. V NOTIIER supply: of that supreme Butter just received this morning, at .tuar,'l ! CASSIDEY'S Rendezvous. NO. I EXTRA MESS MAO K ERE L. A NOTIIER fresh supply of those exquisitely J nice breakfast Mackerel just received at mar! II CASSIDEY'S Rendezvous j PURY'EAR'SJN..C. RYE WHISKEY f N BARRELS, X ;: " KEG Si. . iEMlJOHXS, f AND BOTTLES. WORTH & DANIEL, Sole Agts. Fir sale by . ' inarill TOBACCO. IDA 'OXES. I'heapest lace in town t l.uv ioijaeco. CiUl a and see our stock. WORTH fc DANIEL. GranitjeRow, Front-st. WANTED. iii'a i' 11 : 1 AAA -BUSH ELS -Pea Nuts. I UUU mai lt (fEO. MYERS. AUCTION j OK BOOKS, STATIONERY', &C, ScV. 1 111E stock oi Books, Stationery anI Artist Ma terials in the store ;' UNDER THE HERALD OFFICE will be ' oil'ered at a"uetion,.commencins: at half na.st seven o'clock to-night, aud will be continued until ! the:stock is. closed out. man lt-tf DAILY EXPECTED, )ER schr . A. J. DeRosset " 2. bbls. Stuart's C: Yellow Sugar, J ) ' " A. 5 bags Old Goverhinlent Java tJott'ee, '1 inatts " war. . ZENO H. GREEN K. ; BUTTER AXD CHEESE, O BOXES best New York State Chees. JLtJ '.'. kegs selected Goshen l'.uit.-i-, a cht.iee article. in srore, ana tor sait tv ; ZENO H. mar C, GREENE. SUGARS, i)ft BBLS. C. Yellow Sugar. 6iJ 10 bbls. Crushed In store, and' for sale by mar C ZENO 11. G UEEXE. 200 mar 4 BIJLS. Sugars, of all a;i ad s. just to hand, at exceedingly low' price, for cash, at GEO. MYERS. JUST RECEIVED, BOXES A. M. Candles, '2.' kegs Extra Goshen Butter, 50 boxes Candy, . , 50 bbls. Pork,' ' 10 " Fulton Market Beef. 50 bags Coffee. Very low for cash, at mar 4 : - ' GEO. MYERS'. : i SPRING STYLES. 1 LEG ANT Soft Felt Hats, received per steamer, ! li at the Hat and Cap Emporium,-34 Market st. , mar -MYERS 4 MOORE. MOLE SKIN. street MYERS A MOORE. , mar 4 - MILITARY TACTICS, ' U T KELLEY'S New Book Store i i V ' Gilham's Manual for Volunteers and Militia Scott's Infantry Tactics. Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. ' Cavalry Tactics, by the War Department.': Volunteer Hand Book. , feb !6 COFFEE. KA BAGS Rio Coffee. JJ S 10 bags Laguyra Coffee. in store, ana tor sate by inar 6 ZENO H. GJIIN 3 r.CLU ED, per steamer North Carolina, latent XV-' styles Gents.' Mole Skin Hats beautiful shape elegant linish, at the Emporium. 34 Market ; 73. A. LAMOXT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, v , o. 38 North Water utreet I mar 9-tf - WiLKisatox, N. C. CHARLESTON RICE. 25 CASKS prime Charleston Rice. For sale low bv marj 9 HATHAWAY CO, CORN AFIXJAT. ' QQAA BUSHELS Superior White Perquimans OOU U County Corn, now landing from schr Jaa P Whedbee, at Wilmington and and Manches ter Railroad depoi. For sale bv mar; 9 . ELLIS A MITCHELL. I OATS OATS. 1 BUSHELS Heavy New York State JLtJKJKJ Oat.. now landing from schr John, for sale bv ' . - mar 9 ELLIS & MITCHELL. ' I HAVE YOU SEEN THE STOCK of Cloths, Caasimeres and Vert , now opening at 33 Market street ? We liave facilities for putting these goods into unex ceptionable shape. ' ' Leave vour measures for a Dress or Business Suit, with ' i ' . I maris BALDWIN. S PHI NO OVERCOATS, SPRINU OVERCOATS. SPRING OVERCOATS, mar 8 ' At BALDWIN S. BEST THE SOUTH CAN AFFORD. tr? xr JCST RECEIVED A lot of the best rIS BEEP that Ashford ever fattened. For 'llJf i salebv T. II JOHNSON and J. J. KINO, in the; Market House. V mar 8-2t PERQUIMANS CO. CORN AFLOAT. OZrk BUSHELS a sunerior article land- OOlV in at Wilmington. and Manchester Railroad Depot, and 2,50tobashels landing on this side, for sale bv marjK, ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. N. C. BACON. A LOT prime North Carolina Hams and Shoul j iln-s just received and for sale at mart , tJASSlUfct BUTTER, NEW AND SWEET. AN ADDITIONAL supply of that superior ar I tide of Batter, received at uar 8 : , CASSIDEY'S. ; ' - FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER -rrv ' Schr 1NO, Emerson, master, of 140,. lfjnW0 f1' lumber capacity. Applvto Ik'V mar 7 HARRISS A HOWELL. j SPRING; AND SUMMER , Arrangements. Hat and Cap Emporium, ?.4 MARKET STREET. 1 f VERS & MOORE rare now receiving theiM i N EW STOCK of GOODS of all the new styles jof i - , i GENT'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S DRESS AND BUSINESS HATS AND CAPS, whiclij they are prepared to offer to wholesale anil retail buyers on the most favorable terms. Our assortment will be unusually large, and will embrace, everything new in our line. A very handsome assortment of FRENCH SOFT HATS, ( Our ,n,JIH,portti,i,.) raav be found among our stock. STRAW GOODS, . j STEAW GOODS, of CVf- !rv description. ' MYERS & MOORE, MYERS & MOORE, i :M Market street. "4 Market street. ILOLGirS of all descriptions Nob" fi, -8, 10, J I034". 11, ll4. 12, 14, 10, 18. 50, 55,MIO, 70 and 8jo Eagle A, B, C, D, E and F Hand and Garden Ploughs, Canal Barrows, Pitch Forks, Grindstones, Turpentine and other axes, Shovels, Spades, Field, Rice and Grubbing Hoes, Casting. JLc., &c, all stamped with the name of the best makers, and for sale at low prices, at WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Estab lishment, No. 5 Market street. mar 7 FOR HIRE, run t ue naiance oi ine year, a lively N.EGRO BOY. Apply to ' rch7 ELLIS & MITCHELL ma T VIOLINS. AlTEW HANDSOME and good Instruments just received.. Violin Bows, Strings, Screws, Bridges, Rosin, Aprons, &c, on hand and for sale at mar 7 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. BUDGET OF FUN,' for March l.'.th, '. Received and for sale at mar7 WHITAKER'S New Book Store, 4 LL THE YEAR ROUND. Edited by Charbs J Dickens. March No. received. For sale at marj 7 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. I OLDOX LANCET, for March. XJ Re ceived, and for sale at mar; 7 WJilTAKERS New Bookstore. ORTH' CAROLINA STANDARD W. W. -r- Holden. Editor aud Proprietor. Published n Raleigh. Received tri-weeklv. Subscriptions received, and single copies for sale at mar 7 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. TURPENTINE STILES FOR SALE. riWO 15 Barrel Stills and Fixtures one entire- 1 tv new, with Hart's Patent Gate the other second-hand,, in good order. Apply to DfROSSET, BROWN A CO. N. C. LARD. 20 KEGS, for sale by mar 7 ELLIS -St MITCHELL. NJ C. STATE ARMS BUTTONS, NEW DIP very low figures, at i . BALDWIN'S: BALDW IN is si-lecting Military Accoutrements in New York.- , , ' The;24 per cent. -Tariff is not the law of. North Carolina. We shall sell goods at reduced prices, at BALi)WIXS CLOTH I N't MANUFACTORY, i . S. BALDWIN. ProDrietoi. t Th.e' most skillful New - York Cutter eui- lloyec by - BALDWIN AlUcinds of Coats. Pants and Vests made' to order, at short notiet lat-st style, prices low as Northern citi. s. 'IU you patronize home ?, marji 'BALDWIN'S. PORK. 50 BBLS. N. Y. City Me Pork a heavy ar- : 1 1 1 -1 . kur saltt bv mar 6 - ZENO II. GRKEXK I XTA,IJS 'UURNAL OF HEALTH, for March. XX i Received, and for sale at j marj W HITAKER'S New Book Store. i 1 ''P ( )t )( ) BUSHELS CORN. " ' 1'J.yUU STOKLEY A OLDHAM. AA BUSHELS NEW OATS. 1 .JlU STOKLEY & OLDHAM. ;nAAl5AKKfcLSFLOUK. j -vU STOKLEY A OLDlU-M. I OAA BALES HAY. 'UU STOKLEY' A OLDHAM. QOW PEAS. QORN MEAL. rpABLE I10MIXY, STOKLEY & OLDHAM. STOKLEY Jt OLDHAM. ; STOKLEY A "OLDHAM. & OLDIIAM. Jt OLDHAM. HORSE HOMINY. 1 STOKLEY 1T77IEAT BRAN. j mar 6 i STOKLEY I CANDLES. !T BOXES Adamantine Candles I t) 10 half-boxes " ' 20 " Sterni " In store, and tor sale by mar 6 ZENO H. GREENE. ITO CLOSE TIIE BUS I VKMS. ! fllHE STOCK of Books, Stationery and Artist fX Materials, at No. 3G Market street, under me iieraio uiure, id ir.om mu date offered at cost .prices;. Call and get bargain. mar7-tf . Iv ,l.L ,t !IO!E BUTTER, ECEI V ED this day, at - i tj woRTn 4 dan: lELf?.r . mar G Granite Row. nn, , SUGARS. 1) BBLS. A. B. and CJ Sugars, rorgaleby Wv OR TII A hivin mar G 1 Front street. I TOH A frn 1 Of ) B0XES' arioua grades' for sale bv .-VV' '! --- WflPTir Mr n vit' WORTH 4 DANIEL, mar 6 in ail i i I Front ttrect. r - - - j CURE iervbusHeadache of Nervous or Sick Headache msy W pr,.r,Uj and if taken at the commencement of n a!u,k immediate relief from pain anJ sit kn -.j ,ji , t tained. ' " ' ' ' ' - -', ' They seldom fail in renirtring the Hadac ie to which fetnabes are s iubjtci. They act gently upon the b.wt-l.l r-n ,. t. Cost iven ess. ' "'("; For Iitertry Men, Ptudents, I)vbm(., ,.,,, v and all ' personi of sedentary habit, tlr ,. , t uableas a Laratlve, Improving the i(.( i,,, lag tone and vigor to the digcrtire orurn v' -toring the natural elasticity whole fvstem. i "' The Cephalic tills are ti.. r.;u:i . r : . investigation and carefully conducted - t,ii having been In nse many Year, dm inf h ,, ,, they liuve prevrnted.and relieved a ij i n,, pain and suflVi ing from Headache, w ,, th ,', ., natingtn the nervous system r ti..m , ,-,t.,'f . state of the stomach. "' x They are entirely Tcgctsble in tli. ir i i,, ,, ,. , and may be taken at all times with p. .., i !,,,,.., without making any change of dirt, ju(1 t.,r senceof any disagreeable Urt rt-n..t i: , x .. administer them to children. iHEW'ARE OF C01XTKKH:i'- Tho genuine hare lire, signatutr-fi II t,-,( Salding on each l!x. Soldiby Druggists snJ all other I .:! .t. ,,, , icines. I ! A Uix will he sent bv uisil, i ri isi. ,., .,. ' of the I , . PRICE, TWEXTY-FIVE CLNTS All orders shonld be addrewi-d to i ! HENRV C. S1ALI)IM., 4H Cedar Street !Srw ' ; tiik roi.i.oWis'i imkhim vi m .. ! SPAI.DI.NIits CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CON V IMf ALL WHO 111 til j i .v f HEA'DACM -U ' THAT A . ! SPEEDY ANDSURECUItn is WITH IN THEIR REACH.; A i thete Teliuoninl$ trt rr tuiftl'n -it, il ., I, , . ... i .1. ... .r . I . . ii I ' ' I (' r inrif r'i ihii.(. .,,), ejf'irarjf of thi Ii nly m-irntiir -i, . j , , , ; MAHOSyu.i.K, t'i.nn., l.-ll. ',. !-., Mr. Kpai.mnci, .,' , . ' i Si k : I have tried your Cephilie 1 1 . (t, i ; like them lo well, that I want you to f ii 1 1, dollars worth more.J ' j Part of these are fth neiirhbor-, t !, , gave a few out of the tifid bov I .it lioni ... Send the Pills by mail, and obli. I Your'olietlient'mi'vniii. JAMES ' ; II AVKRHl!t!. Pi. y h. .. i i Mb. SrAr.nrxo, Sir : il wish von to send me one ti., vour CJnhftlic Pills I have riCi-ivt-.l ii ' benefit from them. Yours respect Ml . MARVAXN" STOIMhm m I SrUL'CK ClLKKK, IIl'MTIMiTOS !.... I i , i January l-.-l"!. j C. Sl'AI.MMI, ' II. Sir : ou wilt please semi m- tw iMm- .i Cephalile Pills. Send them iuiiiiediat h . Respectfully vournj J0. U. SIMON- P. .S.-1 have 4ised one bos of jour Pill find thein excellent." Belli VebnA OImo, Jan, I l-t IlEVRr C. Spai.dim). Eu : Please lin.l i -. twenty-live cents, for which end me nn .i'i i f. of vourl Cephalic Pills. They a j.-li ul rt,,i . PirtM I l&ve erer tried. Direct . A. htovf.i;, P. Hello Vernon, Wyin.lM r..., II. C. Sf Ai.mxn, Eiii : I wish for soiii.m mcuI n . larire show bills, to bring your (Vihuli- Pill - particularly lefoie my cuitoiii r. It .n I . anything of the kind, pleae send to m-. I One of my cuatouiers. who is ul'j ct 1" f Sick lleadacliej (usually lasting Iwoibn i , cured of an attack in one hour bt tour IM which i seni ucr. iiespeciiunr vouid, W. It. WII KI ;i:VNoi.iMir, r uASKi.iN t . ). . January I'd i Hknrv tt SPAtnixu, No. 4J Cedar t. V . Dear Sik : Inclosed find twenty-five r.-ni . lVir Which send box f "Ceplnilic' PilH. . i. l ' address pf Rev. Wm. C. ! Fill.-i, ReHnol.l i.nt, Franklin'Co., Ohi4. : . 1 Your j'ills work like ch.it in run II i ll 1 almost irjtanter. Trulr vours. W M. C. Mi l l I. Mr. .srAini.Mi, Snt: Not lonir Kince 1 sent to iou ! ! f Cephalic Pills for the cure of .Nei-oii". Jl.-.i Lo l and Contjveness, and recehed tie- -uiu -. oi.) tl v had so g for more filoif an etl'ect (hat I a- iiili Il e. Please senil hy return iiihiI. DireCt to A. R. WIlKLI.r.U. V'iIji(i, Mi 1 :ro f' m the Etaiiiinor, Norfolk, a.) Cephalic Pilln accompliidi theobiiHt l..rl, thev wen made, t tire oi in'ii d i' U'- in i l form L From the Examiner, Not folk. Va. Tb!- have been tested in iiiof"- Hiiin .i !!nti e (asi's,witili entireucces5". , j- j f 11' " ' ' ' - 'Frcmi the Democrat, St. Cloud..M mi, , . II yu rf, or Hire isn inmuii'ii nun ui-ii'f. -i i' i i i. - . ii .i i. ache, lsenn for a imix, (l eplialic Pillc. it, it i may h an them in m ol an attack,. f From the Advertiser, Provld nci , K. I. The Cephalic Pills are said to 1,4 a W. va- i.1 etl'ect ive remedy for the headache, aiiiJ - r '! very hestjlor that very frequent enin m -has ever lvn duicovered. . From tlije Western R. U. Gazette, ('l. -"i W'e heartily endorse Mr. Spaldim'.'nii.'l l'; rivalled ('epHalic Pills. III 1 u ti r From tint Kanawha Valley Star, haiui'. l W'e artj sure that jH'rsons Mill iiru : ' headache, who try them, will ti k to tii-"'. 5 rrom t tile Southern Path t ind.-r. Ot,', .in ! -La.j ' I Trythemi! you that are aflliciid. A sure that 'your testimony run tie ndd. it it" ' ready numerous list tlist ha r.-oie.-d r-i. '' that no other medicine can p;-oiin-'. jFrom the St. Lonii I' tn"rat. The immense demand f.ir the ai ti'l'- 'C r '. Pills ) .is rapidly increasing.' i -JM A tingle bottle of Kl'ALDIN'V I'lH-VAl-' GLUE will save ten timea it cot-t anniislv - - l SPALDING'S PREPARED CSl.t I ' SPALDING'S PREPARED i.M ' SPALDING'S PREPARED Gj.l ECONOMY! , , UIl'A'n j?ay "A Stitch iji Tik Savii NiM ' A accident! will happen, even in will " M"-' famUiea, It U very desirable to have soii' ' J"' and convenient way for repairing I'urnitur-'. Crockery,1 Ac.- i t SPALDING'S PREPARED til-l b SAVK THE I'lKITF-SI meets all such emergencies, and no lion I""1 afford to be without it. 1 1 i alwat ' i i.1 up to the Sticking point. 1 . i i "L4SEFUL IN EVERY IIOl SK " N. H.-A Brush accompanies ' a.li . I! J'ric'e, "'i eents. Address t . V HENRY: C. SPAI.I)IN-' at ' No. 4S Cedar Stre t, N . CAUTION. , As certa n unprincipled persons ar to palm off on the unsuspertin i tr , ii I'll piil.br. ii.oti" "; ofmv PREPARED GLUE. 1 would cauti persona to examine before that the full name. pure l,iiii SPALDING'S PREFARED Gl.l L-' is on the outsida wnunar : all other arv t iu.ll''- unterfeit. . . 1- r , . . .oTlWJfwly. -! i A' r i; tr 1 ' ' i ' j' j i - IT

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