'., I, I . J ; i i A '4 1 VOL.? yil., INTO. 261. WILMINGTON, N0., WEDNESDAY EVENING; MARCH 13. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.1 01. I PpyjBSSBSESnunSBSSSnUSaSBSSSSMBnBUUUUSBSSSSBBBBn J TERMS: iftiif paper, $0.00;' Weekly, $3.00, fg" IN ADVANCE, ; i ' The Papu always stp, unless a remittance - a m continue it. - Tiraelv notice is elven, so' Hat paymeat can be made before the expiration of .nbacriDtian.' . - j 1 ' Money miy mailed at vox rule, when the let iter ii registered. - j iA.'M.' VjlDDELL., Editor and Proctor. i- tovx. printer: rLMiicraTON JTOKXII . UAKULhTIA. - jThe Ilerald ob Office' now.cJiinpMMr fitUtl op with the finest as sortment of, Job Ttpb to lp found in the State. Ererr sieties of Job, wofk can now be speed Mr And ha&Jsomelr rrinljed at thia office from ftrcuiara, bjanks, &c,' Wcatlj: and promptly . , , , pec4l lattention will I be giren to the Job MopartcientsnfTWUT, anawe ieci assured inat work efll rusted to our Job hand, who Li ei veriencQd in' the business, kvil bo executed sat i,factoril y in every reapectj Give lain a trial at nay rate, aad if it ii not dope well, no complaint .will be madie of a withdrawal of patronage.,1 . I ' .SUNDRIES. ' IlOXKS Colgate' No-1, and Pale Soap. 10 ) Raisins layer and banch, " Dilalf-bx. j V '20Jxe ConcentratW Lre, " j Votaob, It) rroparcd i . irtJarsRrtck 4" 2J) Boxes' Starch. j 0 .) ; i'O h Ui-t'arb. Soda; , Pepper, Spice, ( iars, Infe, Tacks, Matches, l-a, i.'.!iceutratcl Soft Soap, Mustard, A. c, Ac, be j.k's manr 'rjther article. toj numeroM to mention, which will n?.old a low, for cash, a by any other 1 4 5iENO II. GREENE. i Ti3ii;k)F peace; prepare for AVAR. 200 Shot.- RAGS of Fathetn'i patent Fin "uh, from tfiji largest Buckj to the smallest Drop 5 lh Musket Powder, lO-JjrJkt'jfs Kentucky Rifle Powder. 5 ca s " " '1 " : 50,000 jl). Caps. For bv jan23 j SjEXO'Il. GREENE. : "7 r- FLOUR. ITAMILY) and SujMjr Four Fay Wihuinton' in.pectio. For st Uu23 r . 2EXOII. etterillt? and sale br GREENE. - J - 10RN'. $iM iuhi Hytltj County Corn, buhs. Perrjnmans I County Corn. ;J)(K cLj WesJ&n mixed " i fn store ajid fr sale bV S . : ' ,leol - : ; EIJ.IS & JIITCHELJ.. i . d -. i 1 . : ULACnfC WINTER SEED OATS. ''AA BtJSlIKLS IlearvjCanada Oats a very OUU .4eru)r article fof seel. For sale, by MESSPdRK. nn A BBLS. New City Mess Pork, k, in store, and aJJ) . to arrive, for salejat lowest cash prices, ! i (jan2I). I M. McIXNIS. f T 1 l UlAOHtili N'OS. 2 ad 3 Mackerel, ia j2j MACKEREL store. M. For sale bv MacINNIS: S SUGARS. I) 41. SUiTiAR. in hhds, and bbls, I . A B. and C. Sugar. n' bbb, "Powderetl and Crushed Sugar, for sale bv Ijan 22 1.1 . j M. MacINNIS. X ' CANDLES AND CANDY. iC( BOXES Adamantine Candles, lllll 2ji'" Assorted Cindv. For sale bv janSj - ZEX'O IE GREENE. FOR 1861. i "lOfXTlX G HOUSE ICALENDERS. The grealei'l variety oi sue mu u im. tliine necessary to furnish a Jounting-Koom, at i 11 H 1 T k 1' 1 1 1 til fx" T - t?--.. ? . i llll.rui j.ew owk inuir, Market gf.,'bet..Jas. Dawsorj's and Wilkinson's. ::ri 1- i -!i ; V'- TRUNKS. eANVAS3 Packing4Leather Folios. .Brass and Iron bound, Gents. Dress Trunks, Souare and Oral Iron Edged. St. Louis Sole Leather, Fine ole Leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat tern. :-:.' i i ' ' Valises. Sole Leather, Boston. Enamelled Leather, Ac, embracing hirteeh different styles . . . Baffsi ' KnamekHi; .Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gotiuc, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, "W ll toa, embracing eleven stylef. " Ladies' Ha, Boxes. ;Ncw siyle French IlatjBoxes, new style St. Louis, iron and brass bound edging. For sale. at aprecedented low prices at n y: . JAMES WILSON'S, .Jan, 23 : : No. 5 Market Street. - ; " IIAYi ! BALES Prime N. C. Jlav, ex Schooner, for sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. I ! 50 Jan 28 ; SEED OATS. .. kTORTH KIVER and Eastern , Hay, "heet 15 ran. tow reas, aisoirresn (round Meal, tad Hommonv, for sale bv J Jan 28 ' ELLIS A MITCHELU " GUNNY BAGS. OA An GJNXY BAGS J just received per ,brg JLJJJ Shibboleth. For pale by Jan28: .j . T. a k B. G. WORTH. . r " LARD. 1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, . ) 5 N. C. " For sale, hi lots to suit, Dy, ' . WORTH A DANIEL, jan 28 Granitj? Row, Front street. 3 . i LADY PEAS, F OR SALE, in quantities to suit, by Jan 28 v will ii C. APPLE BRAND V, 2 years old. 2 bar rels very choice 2 years qld. N. C Apple nlnd Brandy for sale by ; WORTH A UAlbi. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at , Jan 28 i - " WORTH ATUMEL'S. iYOU SHAVE YOURSELF! ' DO vou appreciate a good RaxorT line Shav ing Soaps? Soft Shaving Brashes? A Good Strap ?CalI at i BALDWIN'S. . I PdCKET KNIVES. F INE Enelish Cutlery. Prices low. Qualities excellent, ai BALDWIN'S. i ' EASTERN HAY BALES very superior Eastern Hav, 100 dec 7 for sale JOW irom w nari, oy STOKLEY A OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDESAt SHOULDERS. rX( CASKS 4 superior Western Sides and Shotd JJ ' ert,' in store, and to arrive. For sale, at lowest cash price?, br M. MacINNIS. ; n22 ?: ' r :l . . ' 1 ; NEW. CROP MOLASSES, I A nilDS. and bbls. Fo sale dj jan 22 S M. MacINNIS, i IIOUH lKU. 1 A "TONS. 1, VA and 1U inch Iloop Iron V jan 22 . ; For sale by M. MacINNIS. ENGLISH AND i GERMAN HALF J. ; HOSE. Tjt VERY aiie, selling low, at -Lj Jan 28 J BALDWIN'S. ENTMEN can find the lar crest assortment 7. 1 of Cider Wear, at BALDWIN'S. an 28 - ' t iTRA SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP,, ibr Buck I whsst Caka tha beat articls in marrat. a . i. Special Notices. MRS. WIXSLOW, i A experienced, nvu and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrnp for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will giye rest to your sel tcs, and relief and health to your infapts. Per fectly safe in all cases. Seeadrertuemenftin anoth er column. - i feb25-lr . , : WALKER ME ARES, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi cines, English, French" and German Chemicals, Swedish Leechpf, Ac, also, PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac. v uar ii i860 .W. A. BATCIIELOR'S IIA1R DYE ! This oplendid Hair Dye has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black r natural Brown no staining the skin or injuring the Ilair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. Xone are genuine unless signed 'W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCIIELOK, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay, street, X. Y, GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman. Naphtali Ezekikl, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. ' Wc saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a' vigorous growth. So con vinced ia Mr. Ezekiel of the eflvca'cv of his discove ry, that he has named it f-THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pa ted friends. Itichuemd Kuqnirrr, l)f. 12,180. ; : i ins lamous article can now be had ot the princi pal Druggists. Those ueions who desire a tine khead of hair, have .onlv to use the restorer accord- ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its. efficacy can have them removed in a ehort time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is. all it is claimed to be. Wholeale depot for orders, fiSJ Main st. R. EZEKIEL. Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. . 1. X. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have bden bald for the past 12 years and have Krestored my hair by uslnjr Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekieti. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Joe. Mato, 1 Mayor of Richmond. W. 11. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., jan 14 Wilmington, X. C. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. j The Original and best In the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be ;a voided if you wish to escape ridicule. . . ' GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed in3tant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Slcin, " ! Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded iWni. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa- 'trons, of his famous Dye. Win. A. Batchelor's Hair I) ve produces a color i not to be distinguished from nature,, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may jbe continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen ididDye. j Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, j S.The Genuine has tho name and address, up ion a steel plate engraving,! on four sides of each box. of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay-Street, X. Y. Pimples Banished! Faces Made Clear! Howl By one week's use of the Magnolia Jiahn. A jrfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration. . Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywhere Jee advertisement. v j W. E. HAG AN i CO., Proprietors, t ap!19-lydAw- Troy, New York. i LANDRETH'S SEED. ! Jp3- JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land Dili's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Gross, Red and White Clo jver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale bv WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 2S . -W- H. LlPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemirt, y. K, Comer Front and Market St., - WlLMIXOTOX, X". C. ! ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND G LASS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. Prescriptions accurately. compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the-night. The jnight bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. i On and after this dav, all will be Cash. t I . ; 1 : prescriptions oct 30 i GLUE-rGLUE. i CARD. We beg leave Jp inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na ival Store Br -r of Wilmington. N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. I Boston, apl 3, I860. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. ! TtlE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent ifor the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed : Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay willbe re Ifunded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. apl9-ly. W. C.5 HOWARD, Broker. i-OEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re- Reived, for sa.e oy & CHEESE. TJ1NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE at I 'j dee 11 GEO. MYER'S. BLACK Winter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dec JJ - - ELLIS A. MITCHELL , "BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. QA A BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, OU J in store, for sale br dec 27 ; ELLIS A' MITCHELL. POWDER. OK KEGS Kentucky Rifle.Powder, CO 10 qr. kegs " 10 ' " Musket " dec 27 .' For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. PORK. 75 BBLS. N. T. City Mess, in store", for sale by dec 27 ZENO H. GRENE. CONSTANTLY manufacturing, at my Es tablishmentf every -description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks. Every variety of Saddles. Harness, Trunks, Ac, manufactured to rder, and repaired. ' s JAMES WILSON, dec ' ; No. 6 Market street. D IRE CTO R3T . STATE GOVERNMENT : f r j . Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretary--Giahani Daves, of Craren. Treasurer D, w. Courts, of Wake. . Secy of SUte Rufus BL Page, of Wake. , Comptroller C II. Broaden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. - Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe." House of Commons W. T. Dortch, or Wayne. j ' ,v State Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelmaa, " " s ; . conxciLLoas or itats. Council Wooten. of Lenoir; John W. Cunning ham, of Person j" n. A. Jrurguson, of Bertie; J. F. Graves, of Surry j David Murphy, of Cumber land ; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe. j ; FEDKBAL- A 5D STATE COCETS. ! " t l The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annually at Raleieh, on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No vember. ' f-.' Judees--non. J. M. Wayne, of Georsria : Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, $2000. j L Robert P. Dick. District Attorney : Wesley Jones, Marshal. ! ' I he United States District Courts are held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk $ Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cantwell, Clerk. ' T1IK SUPKEHB COUBT. The Supreme Conrt of North Carolina is held at Kaleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also he'd once a vear at Moranton, Burke county, on the first Monday, in August, J. U. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of 1 adkin : Justices, M. K. Manly of Craven, and William n. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William .x. v t ii v hi n ii aiiLUiuu, Aibui urj -ui;uci ai . Hamilton C. Jones, ;of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of Wake, Marshal. i SUPERIOR COURTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges, R. It. Heath, of Chowan : Geo. Howard, ot Wilson ; Jas. W. Os born, of Mecklenburg:, Roberts. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of orange, ana itomulus si. baunders. ot Y ake. so- licitors Elias C. Hincs, of Edenton. rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin. rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. RufSn, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit; Bobt. Strange, of New Hanover, ride9 the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman;, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PL'BLIC WORKS IS NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenbure county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835.' The officers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer; John H. Gibbens, Assayer, -Melter and Kenner ; John ii. Xtolton, Lhiet Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Stranse, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eiffht miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. .Palmer, Principal, Fortifications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. -Located at Fayette ville. " ( Insane Asvlum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent ; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board; llham t. Anderson, Treasurer, Messrs. Holden, Johnstqn, and Battle, Executive Committee. .', All indigent insane persona entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form' to be observed in sending indigent, insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. i i o - TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIOXERS OF WILMIXGTOX. Mayor John Dawson. S 1) Wallace. O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright. T C Miller and Alfred Martin. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer WT J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Warden3 George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward" Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRE COHPANT. (Re-organized June G, 1859.) Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkey, 2d P Curren, Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer V (Jniglev, ! CJiairraan D Driscoll. HOOK AM) LADDER COMPAXT NO. 1. Foreman- John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary arwl Treasurer- -J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OK NAVIGATION. ( Olhce 18 Water street. ) George Harriss. T C Worth, Flanner. Wm M'Harriji. W C Fergus, Jos II SCHOOLS. BOAUP OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. Wm S Larkins, James McDuflie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II Tate, Samual Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON INSTITFTE. L Meginney, Principal. WII.MINfiTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. G W Jowitt, Principal, j . OAKDALE CEMETERY COMPANY, President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Filly aw, S D Wallace, j ) Secretary and Treasurer-; Asa A Brown. Office next door to Ban!. Wilmington. COCNTT OFFICERS, COPRTS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. j Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal IT S District N C Weslev Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wifmington Jno J Conolev. ! j ' - Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County CourtJames T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlar, Wil liam II Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringeld, J J Moore. i ' j INSPECTORS, i Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. i .. ."-" . ! Naral Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Sterecn, James O Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, Wu liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. I ':-.'! . " Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Alder man, L II Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W Monroe, N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington, 'j j ; - -; i WILMINGTON AS LIGHT COMPANY. i Office in; Savings IBank Building.) President Col John McRae. Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent Oliw McBhey. i SECRET SOCIETIES. it. tour's Loxxa so. 1 majosic. i j " (Meeti the last Tuesday Evening ia each month at au joturaiiau.) O L Fillvaw. Master. M Jfewhoft S W. Oliver Mcllhenny, J W. Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. Henry Spalding, S D. A A Hartsfield J I); '. JO Bowden, Tyler, coscoab CHAma ao. 1 kasohic (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. Most Ex RG Rankin, HP. Com L C Turner, G M 3d u O L Fillvaw. Kin sr. V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Cora I Northrop, O H 3d Com P W Fanninr. Cant V. ;; Host. Com W J Price, G M 1st Com A Martin. PS." V. " M ; Newhoff, R A Com Jno ATaylor.Trea. Capt. " K Turlington, yier. CAPS VBAR LODOB &0. 2 I. O. O. F. ,.. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Halt) Asa J Murray. NO. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V G. T II Howey, Treasurer. CAMPBELL EJTCAKPIIEST XO. 1 1. ;0 O. Ti '. i ( Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d r riday in eacn month. - J D Gardner, CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rey A P Repiton, HP. R J Jones, Scrib& John J Conoley S W. Thos H Howey, Trea. CAPE FEAR M ARISE TOTAL ABSTIXEKCE SOCIETT. (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately alter tne close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. ) Chas D Ellis, President. GeTW William; Vice llham M Poisson, Sec- 1 President. retary. Jas Fleet, As'tSect'y. SEASTKXS VRIEtfD SOCIETT. Charles D Ellis; Presi- B F Mitchell, SeeV A denti Treasurer. C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J LeKosset, u u rarsIeT. JSxecutiye Hoard. Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens Home, cor r ront and Uoek Streets. LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY :j "i 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th DirectressjMrs Hal nedy. . i lett. ;: ' ,; 2d Directress, Mrs Har- Secretary, j Mrs , Van riss. i ' SickleJ 3d Directress Mrs De- Treasurer, lia Lilling- Kosset . ton. 1 wrT.siisaTos library association. ! (Organized June, 1855.) Dr J H Dikson,President. , Donald McRae, Treas. Geo Davis VicePres't. Wm K Utley, Sec'y. Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian. , j Rey R B Drane, R H Cowan, E D Hall, S D. "Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae, J O Wright, Uirectors. . : LI MILITARY; ; g WILMIXQTOX LIGHT INFANTRY. V. I (Org. May 20th, 1853.) Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslbw, Ensign, R B McRae, 1st Lieut. AD Cazaux, .Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. Master; " I H Savage, 3d " CD Myers, Orderly. GERMAN VOLUNTEERS, j ;' . ;j f (Organized February 22d, 1853. I C Cbrnehlsen, Capt. H G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vpllers, 2d Lieut, J Meier Orderly. BANKS. ' . BANK OF CAPE FEAR. .; '. T H Wright, President II R Savage, Cashier. ' G Burr. Teller. J D Gardner, As" t Teller. J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk. Discount Day, Y ednesday. f BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C ' V John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. Wli Smith, Teller. William Larkins,Book T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. keeper. j j Discount Dav, Tuesday. i I ' c- BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. John Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B;k-keeper. Discount Day, Tuesday. : I COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. I OH Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier Jno McRae, Jr, Teller, j Asa K Walker, Book- J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. ' keeper, j ' Discount Day, Monday. : ; ! WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK, j ' John A- Taylor, President. Wm Hyde, Cashier. 1 . . RAIL ROADS. '. .'' J ; WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTHERFORD R. ROAD, .( Office cor Market and S Water street. V- j H W Guion, President. R H Cowan, Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. i WILMINGTON MANCHESTER BAIL BOAD. ThosD Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P RQbertson.Gen'l Sup. Jos J Ling, Treas; -f R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent. ; ' ' WILMINGTON A WELDON BAIL BOAD. Honf W S Ashe, Presi dent, i S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. Jmes S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A : Gen Ticket Agent. J W Thompson, Gen. Freight Agent. James G Green, Yard : Master. V . II Langdon, Aud'r A SupPs Clerk.' I William Smth, Ticket Agent. : CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. ; Methodist .Episcopal, (S)5th bt Church and Cas- tie, Rev J II Wheeler, Pastor. j i l. Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. K ' l-- Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich- ard, Pastor. Baptist, (O S) Cattle bt 5th and 6th,. Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. A Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. - ' Episcopal, (St James,) cOr Market and 3,tRev. R B Drane, Rector. . ' ' i t Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. , . Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc Queen, Pastor. ; ; -i : f j Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. ' , -Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Pnchard, Pastor, i. ; Lutheran; (now building) cor Market and 5th , Rev J II Mengert, Pastor, i . ' Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. ! POST OFFICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson., Assistants Joseph L, Jacobs, and Office hours from V4 AM to 1 P M. 2PM to aundownJ Sundays,7 A M to 9. A M. ; - Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7 P M and 5 A M. Closes s"hd 9 P M, changing on Sunday from 1J P M to 10 A M. Southern Mail, by W A M R R, arrives daily at iy$ AM.! Closes daily at 7 P M. Smithville, N C, (horse,) arrives ' Monday and Friday at 5 P M. - Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7AM. j':..: I :;'; ': " Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon-I day at 9 AM. Closes Thursday at 9 P M. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, i! :j ' " CrSTOM HOUSE. j '.:"'.' A Jas T Miller, Collector, DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price,' Deputy Col- i A Guager. i . lector. T M Burnett, flnsp'r. A J Galloway. Surveyori W F Burch and Uriah W N PedenNaval Offl- j Sullivan, Inspector A cer. f :' Measurer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. 1 '' . CONSULS. i :,i '. ' 'p' "; 4s British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water. Brazilian Yice-Consul-O G Parsley, jr., ccr n v Water and Mulbery, (np stairs.) . ? ! ; Danish; Vice-Consul-rP K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut.' ? ,; ; , . ' : v ; ' -. : INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDSr-$26,000 of the above Bonds redeemable in 1891 with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable in: the city of New York, 1st March and- 1st September For sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. dec 11 . . 'i i I ; i:J ,, ; -k COFFEE - BAGS RIO COFFEE, i J 20 bagsXaguayra Coffee, J :i f- J 50 20 mats best Java': " - V ' -i dee 1 4- -ZENO GREENE, f S BLACK SEED OATS. BUSHELS daily expected. For sale by i 500 fe2l BLLI8 A MITOHBLL. City I Busiiiess Cards. ERRANT A WILSON, HOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Do- esthQ Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing Boots. Shoes. Ac i Noa. 14 sad 15 North Water Street, oct3 . Wilmington, N. C JAS. T. PETTEWAY St CO. T?ACT0R3 AND COMMISSION Merchants. X; o 8 North Water Street. I- WlLMISSTOK. A. V Solicit consignments of all kinds of Prodnce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Kope, Uuano, c.,' c oci eiOKSB ASRISS. A. J. HOWELL. K. W. W. ABBJSS. ! IIARRISS A HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Oct 2,11858 WiLMiseT, N. C. ! j r WORTH St DANIEL, G ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mebchaxts, TT I No. 1. Granite Row. Wilmintrton. N.C. XT Solicit consignments of Flour. Dried Fruity Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country rroaoce generally. Agents lor Howe s ccleorated scale.- i i f D. G. WORTH. sept 26,ly N. G. DANIEL. JAMES AXDES80K, EDWARD SATAGR. ! I ANDERSON A SAVAGE, (Tf ENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J"j July 18, '60-ly. Wilmington, N. C. C. H. ROBINSON St CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Omce oyer Mr. J. A. Willard store. ST" Entrance Coi ner Princess and Water st. mar 9, 50-tf L. VV ERRANT, 0E0. WISOX. ij ERRANT & WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! - -if Nos. 14 axd 15 North Water et., ocjtz, 'GO-ly Wilmington, J. V. ; WILLIAM H..LIPPITT, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and y etau Dealer in raints, Uiis, Dye feiuna, Window Glass. Putty. Secrars. Old Brandies, and Winies. Perfumery and Fancy Articles. N. E. cor ner Front and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. mar zo, 68 s , ! EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, J j Wilmington, N. C. aSQ Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to he business. His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 cts. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New. York at 10 ctaper bale. oct 4-1860 -ly ! ; O. G. PARSLEY St CO. r PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Wilmington, N. C. ' zcar- aii orders or inquiries for LiUMliKK, will receive prompt attention. mch 21' '59 v SMITH St McLAURIN," COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, ! J i Wilminston. N. C. Refer to : ,' John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. Pi Hall, Esq.. President Branch Bank State N. CM T. M. SMITH. 1 ' ' JOHN m'lACRIN. July 1 1859-tf y ! MALCOM MclNNIS, " GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water street. ' oct 1 Wilmington. N. C. Chas. D. Myers, Fred. J JlOORE. MYERS St MOORE. "TTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, '.Tfr traw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Acv 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 1859 T. C. St B. G. WORTH, C COMMISSION AND CHANTS, FORWARDING MER Wibnington, N. C. UNION DISTILLERY, - i M- Wilmington, N. C. ; : ' A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, J manufactured, and sold. Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage done at fair rates, jan 2 1860. ? 1 ;; G. POLVOGT7 TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, U " 5 Corner Front and Princess Streets, j -" . -. M Wilmington, N. C. " Keeps consta on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, W indow Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every, description. Pictures framed to order. t Prompt j attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, ana Private Dwellings, jt may 31 , ; J. L. HATHAWAY. WM. iHATHAWAY St CO. E. ITTLEY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i dec 16, '58 - Wilmingt on, N. C. 1 j J." M. ROBINSON & SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and I Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac., No. 8, Front st., Wilmington, N C. jan 9, '58 - I i j HENRY NUTT, TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, JL1 t Wilmington, N. C. gB.Will give his personal attention to business JAME3 STOKLEY . ALEX. OLDHAM. I ..STOKLEY St OLDHAM, TSEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. Wilmineton, N. C. ipromDt attention riven to the sale of Cotton, Floury Bacon, and otner Lwuntry rroauce. JUTE ROPE. 30 COLLS best Jute Rope, for sale by nov 28 ZENO H. GREEN. f ALMANACS FOR 1861. TURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STORE., j t dec 11 1 , I TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Apply to nov .27 STOKLEY A OLDHAM, 500 -1- flour "TlAMlLY. Super and Fayetteville and n Wilminsrton inspection, in store, and for sale ly ? tuec x 1 ZENO H. GREEJiE. OUESTION FOR MATHEMATI ?CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. fF i860 feet of gas is consumed throngs eight I burners, in 8 nights, at a ost of ti per thou sand feet, how mnch is consumed by each burner per hour t at r what cost, and what would be the cost Ot an equal amuuui 01 ugu uuuuueu irmp KArnapnA Oil? Answer: There is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet; per hour, at.acostof 6 cents per Hour per Durner. four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as 8 gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, which, at $1,29 per gallon, is $4,80 per month, or a cost of one eent per hour ner lamn : therefore, by burning r as, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn " , 1 1 ! T . t J A. Kerosene UU, wnicn, wun Ajamps, can oe uiu ai the RENDEZVOUS of the lmnuUble jan 12 CASSIDET. iVTEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of l 1 choice. For sale by dec zl 14 l u&inAHAi s uu. j . i . ! ri i " I HOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by dec 2.1 I HATHAWAY A CO. NTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as Lessons for the Present Time, in the form ofExt xtrscts of Letters from an Enelish Resident in the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870, With an Appendix on the Causes an4 Consequences of the Independence of th South. ! Just published. Received and for sale feb20 " WHITASER'S New Book Store.a i WHITE AND BLACK SEED- OATS. Just arrived per schr. Alba. . 1000 bushels prime White Oats, -l 1 500 do;. .do Black Seed Oats. ' j eb23 for sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. rflRUNKS and Valises, Hat Cases, Ac, in large I quantities, embracing Sole Leather. Eng lish, Ashland, and all other styles. ; very low, at ! A -i --r - 38 Market street. ! :fb2l. AAA'A.A . O. l. BALBWlrT. NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. jn i irr jaif . HTMAN. r. M. MTMA. Uteof I Iste bf late of Tarboro N. C. Scotland Neck, Warrenton, X. C. DANCY, IIYMAN A CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION Msic5iTm 124 IVarstret, New York. HYMAN, DANCY St CO., ROCERS AND COMMISSION MaacnAsrs, VJJ 1 Norfolk, i The New York house will be conducted br Jno. 8. Dancy, aided by R, W, Hvman. T The N orfUk House will be " conducted by John IL Hvman and F. M. Ilraiii. Particulars attention riven to the sale'of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Naval Stores 1 September 13-tf I860 LONDON St BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 India street Boston - Consignments of Naval Stores. Cot to ' Lumber, and other Southern Prods ee solicited. Jxo. R, Loxdox, J. Jl. Brvak, Jr. Hot 2l-tf ! i WM. M. eaEINES, W. W. HAEESE'S. GREINER St HARKNESS, QOTTOX AND GENERAL COMMISSION HorsE.f Philapelphi. or 15. 1857 Wm. L. Hill. N. M. Nor lef.t. of North Carolina, of North Carolina. HILL St NORFLEET G' "1 EN ERA L COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shockoe Slip. I ' ' . Richmond, Va., Solicit consignments of Cotton. Lumbt, Fidi. and all kinds. of Merchandize and Produce. I ALSO Aeents for the purchase of Susrars, Coffees, Molas ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac. Jarge cargoes of, the above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, andjwo shall be pleaaed to oxrate.for psr tiesorderinsr, promising faithfulness in our en deavors to representthem. Jan 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON St CO. IRUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 ' 89 Barclay street, N. Y Particular attention given toconsignments and purchase of Merchandise, all kinds. Liberal cash advsnces through WILKINSON a CO., Wilmington, N. C August V 18C0-lv "TTT" EROSENE LAMPS. A large supply, l suitable fcr stores, for sale very cheap with DilTat T dec 7 C4SS1I,Y,8 I EASTERN HAY. BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. . for sale, low, from wharf, by . ELLIS A MITCHELL. 150 jan 9 ! LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable jan 8 1 CASSIDEY. CHOICE ! BACON. 22 hhds. ; choice Western Bacon Sides and Shouldeas. For sale bv dec 21 j HATHAWAY A C(. NC. FLOUR. . brands. -50 boxes 50 bbls of good HATHAWAY t CO. dec 21 USCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prihie to choice Muscovado Sugar1.' For sale by ec21 HATHAWAY A CO. ! LARD. "VTOW LANDING from Schx Sea Bird, bbls. l Western Lard a splendid article. IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages; dec 4 Western Aaru, in small package. For sale by Z. H. GREENE. N EW FLOUR I In bags and bbls. For sale by deel STOKLEY A OLDHAM T7NGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En- TJ glish Cheese, just receivad at ; "Tedi j WORTH A DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE II A VAN AS have come, st dec 6 j WORTH A DANIEL'S. LARD. -20 Kegs use. . j Extra Jeaf lard for family WORTH A DANIEL. XsURNING FLUID.- -Fluid and Oil tin cans, CA-SIDEY'S. J3 for sale very cheap, at dec 7 TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERSBUBG. c ONCENTRATED. LEAVEN-omethng new, New Reef longues, 1 east Powders, Smn1r1 Kif ltuWwhat. Rye Flour, Butter,; 60 bbls. Cj Sugars, Raisinsi , 10 " A- " 10 bblslB. Sugars, 10 ' Crushed, Granulated an Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. S WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row Front street. t FAMILY FLOUR. have the best Family Flotur in town, and we Warrent each and every oarrei ann packacre, if not eoml, to be returned. dec 12 ; WORTH; A DANIEL. TH1 ASTERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Eestern T2i Hay in market. For sale by t dec ii ! ? HATHA WAY A CO. 1 VENirVIDI, VICI. SUCH was the announcement of a very treat victory, by a Roman General. The plopTc of this day, in. speaking of the Inimitable CASSI DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 j 26 a 28 South Front st. JT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has seceded I This they would not have en prepared to do, if some of her citizens hsd not bought ! KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, . as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candv, Nuts, c. ,c, of the patriotic CASSlPEY. " dec 21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Bagging Twine i For sale by dec 1 j ZENO H. GREENE. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. FINE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot, some very pretty just opened, and for sale at dec 19 1 I PERRIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES?" " Tier parkersburg. Fresh Raisins, " Prunes, Citron, "1 Nutmegs, Mace, Fresh Batter, Segars.' Tobacco, 1 Ale, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. Eleirant Hams.' . ; " ; it ABCSugar," Crushed ' " dec 19 WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. C ENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, JT Very Pure Urandy Sherry Wine. Madeira " . Port , " For sale by WORTH A DANIEL. dee 18 PORK. dee7 56 bbil!r. y City Mess Pork, for sale ZENO H.GREENE. 7 fflHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war- "I " rante in all cases, to be had of be bad of WORTH A DANIEL. dec 2D SUGARS SUGARS I BARRELS C Coffeei and C Yellow Sugars, ii bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 15 35 " Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, 6 hhds. " " For sale by WORTH A DANIEL, jan 8 j Granite Row. . T PORK-PQRK. ypr BBLS, New York City Mess, just received I U and for sale low, far sh, bv dee 11 I - ZENO 11. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. KEGS just to hand,: from 20 to 28 cents, a 25 dec 11 GEO. MICKS'. I TO ARRIVE. BBLS. Flour different grade, jan 15 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. 250 I PIATTO FORTES. THESE TIMES When we oujrht to look at home, whv not purchase of a Southern Man- ufact actorv? Such is Wm. Knabes A Co., Baltimore. Md., whoe Pianos have not been surpassed by any sold in this market, of Northern make, and have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac. Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to quite a large number of fami lies that use them, in this city. - aUlLiliKi a Book Store, fen 2 r Ag't for Wm. Knabe A Co. t- r-V v "VW V KfeO MAQIC CS I"- roit the cntE or ! mrseEPsr&j Firs, FEVER AND AGUE. ! DRO. PHELPS BROWN wa!f.r ..T(ra! L , o badly afflicted by J'vprot.i. that i i part of the time h n ivtiLncd to l i t ,'. ii was eventuallv cured bv a t-re-'!' t,..- f..t- 1 ' by a young dairvoyanl rirl. 1 hi- pr ,-NT lu n. given him by a iu-re rliiM, . ,.. ,n ,u. trance, haicured evcrv body who has takrfTit . tjpv t r navipgiailPHi once, it ouallT uto iir. tiT as of Dyspepsia and Trvm ir.d Ac? Tfli tbope persons who have tridl iar r in.ri :i.k... I L. - . i , . u u I ii inn a i c Lrniiue u.i ijiii. i.i i I . . feel willing to expend met e iru j ujo nr i ties. I will send the prrMTlplion fir ft . i -. racvTMiuiir utinr me trrrniM .in,r .ljttr uot upon, receipt of their addit, v.ith mu.; :o: iiui J . ' a a . a . r..li - . i I ' . . . l postage, au oi i lie ingreiiei:t are t i ? i .i.nJ ; the Drug Stor of Henry MfLln. A(H:.cm ! .t. Jrr I I 'help Brow n, No.'21 Grand Mj X. Jf , DR. O. PHELPS IlllOtVN ARCADIAN BltSAK. r or me cure oi: toiintnj lum, Jlror.i Id:., t. ma, Cough. Col. U and Nrrou, IKbi'itr. ir. pott principally of forrigu I;t h ar.il beul.EC Ul samait i the only euro cvrr dter.i cr .4! j. , rases of the LnnrsStoiiinch nnl;Xrvr. .f'.'f: bines all the qualities embodied in (!( tho.'.!!v t drug vended t.o the sick; it it a 1 jhr- i.x.-i . , 11 the Interna! Sorm, riccr. 1n)i nUir.:l It .' nition; an nniirpawatl Toi n nnrtm able IN er vine, a Puritier of all th- i.iui., i 4.. , arant, SliinnUnt yliich prix!ut r.. p , r. ., and a builder np of w,tr,I KiVr r J V.v r!! -Price,?! and f 2 p-r Urgeboule - l 2"i cejiits. For sale ly Henry Mclrtr. j DR. O. PHELPS IIKO U'Vs ! RFl NOV A TTTMO. PI T .1 sL This Pill will rcgnlale the Kw! v. preparation)! will fiil. liill. i, a cr t-r time radicate what ii leruird thnnii if-t'-rrr or copstipatiou, Sick Headar he, l,iei ai d Jiii Lr Complaint, j and it w ill cure, n. mu at :J fct e h sun Mini nioa upon u, all the uRiin'. a noVances that h.rve tlieir rie In t!jt nsi.i . j stools. It does not act as inert 1 ' a ti-r..j: fair ; it keeps the human vtfni"im n it f.: and vigorous health, by easily !il n'rrA't j tiblylcleanflng it of ull impun'tiH l.s- h tains about ;n jilN. Price 50-cMU pr b-. 1 J r DR. O. PHELPS BROU .N S Etherial Ointmcni. .v. . .in- . mu u;aiiv BJIIICIIOnA U'F Whioll i ei ir iias no equal, iM)r ever will Lav c, i, i; unm.i rever ore. r itula, Crar ps 1 v vwHfra. neavv t old in the t'hp.f sr.! IJ t "' EyeaJ Ci oup, I'huri-) , Quinsy, Liilir-.-.! J 'oty. , , CTn rvenP' K.r Ache; i;.;i.iu.: kmdsf Colic, l.leer and Tum,i . lui:i j:. Stings, BruiiiCH, Chilblain. Cota, Corns Stt p.. V. i ' S I',l"f ("-u Aq j.los. Svv.:i I'al.sv. Nnmbneii. Itlnir-l.r.. l".,:i t la 1 J: ' V!, MumSts, (-White Swellirig, tlrar,!. Su ri iviuueys, .Muscular Dutuibani utiirbanrr-, Scr.j'uJvr. S e".Ar. J'i;.s VfM.rLii.. phlrls- pirt-n 4 1'! y ! i Kheti ii, Murcurial Sore pot. DoK-ripfiie. painj piy to my Agent. At(Ires Dr. It. Plulp 1 I ird Mreet, Jerxev Cilv. X. J. ror nan' ov m:r.v l, l i . . ! , nurj;t on, X. ('. ' TO ARMS! TO A TIM i I Li iiiwr. niiu are .i.t..,.i ! t. ., f rt-1 . . . . . . - - Jl coercion of u sovereign St.it . uad n i ijpofl4l to tlir pa.He nloJiti(,n -!,!;, .t . N)rtli Carolina, for the purpo.- .f m .;.. V sister State, will buy their Gi ., 1 !.... r,i;! r 1 . Hi . -( small More nr.d aefoiifrcinruf . t.'i. 1 vs.- jan ll c'offi:i:. EIO. L AtJIJAYItA. . ntore, and for 'cale jan 10 Java mi'l 1-1. , ZE.Vf) 11. c;;;u . NEW CORN. AVlAH'v 9 onn lius,,i:,"s ,,,iu"- whitx.i. wU t f Corn, now landing, (, t- ...; i,. J"n V . hLLIS ,t:iri l WHITE OATS. BlTSllf.l.S Heavy Nrw V.,ii Oat-. For nklc by ELLIS A MIJ(JU:.J. 20()0 jan ljl , WHEAT BRAN. For ule. I, A BAGS in htoie. Jn 11 ELLIS A; .Mi iV III RAISINS. uui.K roxc larce Lun. I OX 1 .u. 1 1 ZENO II. For cale bv gi::j a; i 1 ANAL BA K it dvsZ"i fTT. :: . 1 ' v uario. Vy wieiiuue, ann ior sale 'ti to nut tt ; f; W1L0N'4. nov 30 HOOP Iliov i 10 TPy v-v in .v i,ci, i!,;,i i.on. ..,-.,;; XJEnJR M. M a . I N I I N. C. FLOUR. 1 Ti;sT iti.:ri.ivifi ti.h . , . hi. -('-'I'. x or aaic y nor 27 DeROSSET, UROW.V I CEMENT Ai PLASTER. 0()0 BBLS. Cement, CO hbli. ll;t. 1- '? Z KLLISA AlltciihU " BOOKS FOR AI T. !t per oriir air iv iirh r... ..ii. I fr t J ? CAROL! X A FORM :O0K, i 1 KEI.LLV dec 1 'f : Book S'-'-it coffee; FEE. f)( ) 514A?:S Bio Coffee 20 do Laua-. ra do C J and forlsslo low for rah, bv dec i ZENo n. ci::;n.M; i.1 nov 1 - rnu. hv r zkxo n. r;Ki:::vi.. 11 r I. F.l r I.I lil -. ... - -MrJL.""1 ana nspny ure. lt Ihc i-irj, I.i v Iff aling Hoops the boys smsM oir. . CASlDj. V and take plenty of cxerti-iC tUt o'.J liK.i i.ui k dec 1 x.Ar..-, i.ftA.ir.., LLAVU. I LArA . .... ... T W.. Ti-y it fry it Trv it Trr it 11 jan NORTH d D.VMI. .I NOTICI!: PERSON'S who are iiwL l.t. ,! tnr n-.. j . . Provuion. Ac. cither Lvmi-.. to the Ii late firm of Wibon t Will account are louar since diie. rr .t.,i.,i'i,. -.-v. immediate tiarni.nt in !, ...1. I . ' count tioa. jan 1 Will t p 1 . , . IUIJII I 1 Irt I nt to 11 acid in bfrcrittr. cr iucla a-. ofHct-t'n bjl:. l- r JAMES WILSON. No. .1 Mmk. t ir('l ciikhsi:. BOXES New York StattlicoNeltTl! JJ Jut received per chr D; C Hube. I Jor rale by ZISO, II. GRLEN EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. WORTH A i DAN fJ"! jan 22 (ranite Row, Fnt str- C10FFEE.-12-, bag, io ,f n ,tfirc ..,,(. sale by . t . i leb 20 1. WORTII A IAN1! t wrnitSHP.E IiCTTJ:K, I-c .1 r'' 'U's uav, si Worth A DAXILL'o, mar I! h ar.iie Row. 1 SUGARS. 125 BBLS. A. B. and c. Si.-mi i SbluU. X. o. .; For sjille bv WORT1 A IAX1L. I mar C ij'iont trt.l. TOBACCO. I JOXKS. variotM fradcf, f,i ,al bv WORTH AIUANILL. I'leCt Itli; 100 mar 6 TVTOSJ . . MACKEREL. V I raJobv I .M.MAtlXXli. a and 3. instore. and tor 11 j 100 jan; " i - 1 j i 1 I I i t , 1 1 . 5 'I . it : "" 1 1 . -