VOli. VIL, NOi; 262. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING,! MARCH 14.1861. WHOLE NO. 2.1G2. S TERMS-: rj.ijy Paper, $6.00 Weekly, 2.00,j . g- IX ADVANCE i Th&Paperjs always stopped, unless a remittancb u made t continue It. Timely notice it given, so U5 parent can be mads e fore, tha expiration of Money may be mailed atjour risk, when the letj ter is registered. f j i A. M. WAPDELL, Editor and Protorf - TOWA PRINTER. ; NORTH CAROLINA. 1 - The'IIerald 'Job Office ' Isnow compietel fitted jup with the. finest &s': , sortment of ob TrPB to e found in the State ; fer spedes of Job wqrk can now be speed j ilv .and -lianasomely printed at tins office frond Abo3kioWQ to s visiting card. . Handbills '."VirculatSjiblanks, Ae, Ac neatly and promptly j rinted a short notice, ani on reasonable terms " Eial attention wilt be given to the Job " tlepJirtnient llereafter, an we feel assured thai jill wo entrusted to our Job hand, who is ex ; jtrienc4J in the business, will bo executed sat-f V ufactorilT in every respec. Give him a trial &i y aiiT rale, and if it is not done well, no compiaint - will be knade 6f a withdrawal of patronage. j 1 SUNDRIES. 50 BOXES Colgate's Not 1, and Pale Soap, fO ' Kaisin3 layer and puncu, kit holf-hi-a . "I I : 0 boxes Concentrated Lye, jui s " J Potash, , JO " Prepared j " AO Jars Bock "20 Boxes Starch, I t 20 Bi-Carb. Sbda, t . pnf cr. Soice. Clears. Ink, Tacks, Matches, Tea ..ncen(raed Soft Soap, Mustard, Ac, Ac, be aides many-other arrtlcles top numerous to mention j bich willbesold as low, ftircash, as by any other house ia'toiral " ' S ' t j jan nv I ' ESO H. GREENE, j IN TIME OF PEACE PREPARE FOR ' . - .WAR. j A f BAGS of Fathom'i Patent Finish, fruia "ZUU '-the largest Buckl to the smallest Drop biiot. t f i 25 kegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, ' If irusket Powdit-r, -10 qri kegs Ktntuekv Rifle Powder, 5 -cases 50,000 O." D. Caps, jan 23 For sale by ENO II. GREENE. i u v r FLOUR. iMlLV. and Super Flour Fayette ville and I1 Wilminsrton mnpection. l"or saieby Wilmington inspection. jan 23 i ZEXO H. GREENE. i : . CORN: 5000 Bushs Ilyda County Corn, . ? 2000 busbs. Perqiuimans County Corn, t. 1000 do Western mixed " In store and for sale bv 1 1 dec-l ELLIS A MITCHELL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. 300 0 BUSHELS Heavy Canada uts a very superior article for seed. For sale, by 11 f ELLIS & MITCHELL. i :-: , , ; jan " i MESS PORK, r OCi( BBLS- New City Mess Pork, in store, and ZUU to arrive, for saleiat lowest cash prices, by r(jan2i) 1 M. MclNNIS. , .. MACKEREL. , v ATOS. 2 and 3 Mackerel, in store. For sale by jan 22 . J M. MacINNIS. SUGARS. R. SCGAR, in hhds. and bbls, A., and C. Sugar, m bbls, oV wderl and Crushed Sugar, tor sale Dy ' jan 22 a ' j ' I jaiACii io. CANDLES AND CANDY. 1AA BOXES Adamantiqe.Candles, " 1U U - !25 ' Assorted Candy. For sale by ian 25 & i ZENO IL GREENE. X . . , ! " i 1 FOR 161. OOUTlX G-HOUSE CALENDERS. The greatest Tariety of sizes and styles. Every tninsr neCessary to furnish a; Counting-Room, at WHITAKER'S; New Book Store, " Market st.f bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson's. jan 1. i- r : jf ' : TRUNKS. ' i - CANVAS3 PackingJLeather Folioa, Brass and Iron bound. Genu. Dress Trunks, Square and OTal Iron Edge4. St. Loijis Sole Leather, Fine Sole Leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns. 1 r ,'' ' -' vaiise. - ', Sole Leather, Bbatony' Enamelled Leather, Ac, embracing thirteen different styles. ; ci ; ; ' t Bafrs: . . ' Enaiited, Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, laameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, pilliser, Wil ton, embracing elevem styles. ) Ladies Hat! Boxes. New style French Hat Boxes, new style St. Louis, iron 'and brass bound edging For sale at anprecedented loV prices ati Jan 28 1 No. 5 Market Street. . HAY. ' RALES riIne N. C. Hay, ex Schooner, 50 for ELLIS" A MITCHELL sale by i Jan!J3. "- SEED OATS. "f0RTH RIYER and pastern x Bran,-Cow Pea3i also'Fresh Hay, ' Wheet Ground Meal, Jan 23l ' ELLIS A MITCHELL. , ; 1 4 ( 1 GUNNY BAGS, i GUNNY BAGS,! just received per brg Shibboleth. For sale bv i ' T. c. a b. g. worth. 2000 ' Jan 28 4'- ' ' LARD.: 1 : -1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, J.U 5 S N. G. f " Forakvin lots to suit, by . . ; WOITH A DANIEL, jan 28 f; i Granitd Row, Front street. ! LADY PEAS, "pOR SALE, in quantities to suit, by WORTH A DANIEL, C. APPLE BRANDY, 2 yeara old. rela vert- choice 2 venra old. H.G 2 bar Apple Brandy for sale by WRTU DANIEL. 4. : CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages: at Jan23 i , WORTH A DANIEL'S.. D DO YOU SHAVE YOURSELF! O you appreciate a good Razor T 'Jine Shav inr SoaDS ? Soft Shavinff Brushes T A Good cirapi (jallat BALDWIN'S. POCKET KNIVES. E English Cutlery. Price low Qualities X ej excellent, at . - BALDWIN'S. EASTERN HAY. if BALES very superior Eastern nay", for vw8asiow fromwnarr. Dy dec 7 v ..- STOKLEY A OLDHAM. western sides St shoulders. CASKS superior Western Sides and Shoul- aers, Itfstore, ana to amve. For sale, at lowest caeh prices, by jan22 ) f M. MAcINNIS. -NEW CROP MOLASSES, I -i mii:j. and bblsJ For sale b jan 22 MacINNIS, Hnno rnnv 1 A TOfs, .IlH and IX inch Hoop Iron.-. V jaa22 For sale byi M. MacINNL GLisn AND GERMAN HALF Evt,' HOSE. l VERY size, selling low, At : !' . J28 ' ' J j BALDWIN'S. nEXJLEMEN can find the largest assortment . r . . -J t iaaer Wear, at i Jan 23 f .. .t, ; , ' .' 1 BALDWIN'S. . i RiT?L1R HOUSk" SYRfjP, for Bud 1 . , - - u , MU . unci ijwheat Cakas the best article in market, r Special Jotices. WALKEti MEARES, -vs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary; and Dealer in Select Medi- J cines, English, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, Ac, also, t PAINTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy- Articles, Ac, Ac. aug 14, 18C0 ISBO- W. A BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE I This splendid Hair D ye has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining the skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo- rates the Hair' for life. .None are genuine unless signed " W. A.; Batchelor'." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 23-ly i 81 ;Barclay street, N. T. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaphtaliEzekiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on the place so bald four monthi since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. So con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his disepve- ry, that he has named .it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. isabout going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. ' , This fauioos article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists, s Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed " direction on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of it3 efficacy can have them removed in a short time; by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallibleproving that it is all it is claimed to be. I Wholesale depot for orders, 69 Main st. i ' R. EZEK1EL. Uu'iihoxd, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N, . Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for the past 12 years and have restored my hair by Using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiol. i ' . Joe. Mayo, Mayor of Richmond. :-W. II. LlPPlTT,Sole Ag't., jan 14 Wilmington, Nv C. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S nAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others kre mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. f r 4 -v urn nn n I'onv ti i id j 1 : l a ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1639, arid over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, andi3 warran ted not to injure in the least, however longit may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. . ' '.'. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "iyrThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. LANlRTTl'SrSEEDl ' " ' JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop" GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov 28 ... MRS. WINSLOW," j,. An experienced nurse and femalo physi cian,.has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates tho process of teethingby softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infant. Pcr- ifectly safe'in all cases. See advertisement in anoth ier column. : feb 25-lv f "W. X3I. LIPPITT, I Wholesale and Retail Druggist and -'Chemist, t -V. 7. Corner Front'.and Market- St., I WlLMINGTOK, N. C. i ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXTS, OILS AND GLA SS, PER FUMER ya ND FA NC V A 11 TI TLES. - ' . i Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The jnight bell is at the second door (on front street.) from the corner. , f On and after this. da'y, all prescriptions I will be Cash. j, oct 30 ' ' -.'; GLUEGLUE. 4' CARD. We beg leave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na- ival Store Br r of Wilmington, X. C, Sole Ag't for out Glue. j Boston, apl 3, I860. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, Having been appointed py GEO. R. ROGERS A COt of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed fcf lue is warranted equal to, it not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from Other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. apl9-ly. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re- j ceived, for sale by Pdec5 . . WORTH A DANIEL. , CHEESE. NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dec 11 utu. jM.ir.ivj. B LACK! Winter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dec 6 ELLIS A MITCHELL. I BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. Qaa BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, OUU in store, for sale"bv dec 27 ' ELLIS A MITCHELL. I . ... POWDER. QPZ "KEGS Kentueky Rifle Powder, , CO 10qr.ke" " 10 - " Musket 1 " dec 27 For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. i- ' PORK. YpC BBLS. N. Y. City Mess. In store, for sale by I D dee 27 V ZENO H. GRENE. CON ST ANTLY. manufacturing, at ray Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whip and Trunks. Hvery variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac, manufactured to order, and repaired, f JAMES WILSON, j de . K. f Market street. i - O. G. JAVA COFFEE. T BAGS Old Government Java Coffee ,10 Mats J ditto, bow landing from schr. A. J. DeRosset, and for sale low "for cash, by 4 mar 11 ' ..-2ENO H. GREENE. SPRING OVERCOATS, v- . j FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, I t- . TRAVELING SHIRTS," TIES, HOSIERY, Ac, Ac, now opening at tmarll-lt s BALDWIN'S. DIRECTORY.! ! : i . . ! . STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellia, of Rowan. Private SecreUry-Graham Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, c Wake. Sec'y of State Rufus IL Page; of Wake. Comptroller C. H. Brogden, of Wayne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. House of Commons-i-W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. i 1 Mate Librarian O. H. Perry, Of Wake. PublicPrinter Jno Spelman, " " . i ; CO0XCII.LOBS OF STATE. Council WoOten. of Lenoir : John W. Connirjg- nam, oi rerson ; v . a. xnrguson, oi ijerue; . F. G raves, of Surry ; D avid Murphy, of Cumber land; j. j. Lione, of Northampton, and t . u Uiilard, of Uuncombc. FEDERAL AND STATE C0VBT3. The United States Circuit Court, for the District oi iortn Carolina, is held semi-annually at lialeign, on the 1st Monday in June and last "Monday in No vember, i ' , I Judges nori. J. M. Wayne, of iGeoreia : Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Uudge salary, ooo. - Robert P. Dick, District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. "J The United States District Courts are held at Eden ton, 3d Monday in April and October, J. M Jones, Clerk ; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and uctooer, Benjamin iJrown, Ulers: ; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tooer, John L. Cant well, Clerk. THE SUPREME COffE The Suprcmej Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also he'd once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clefk.-i The officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Peai-Bon, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly' of Cravenr and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton,- Attorney-General: Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake. Clerk: Oliver II. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk : James Litchford, of Wake, Marshal. BCPERI0K COURTS. The 'Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following officers : Judges, li. It. Heath, of Chowan : Geo. ; Howard, of Wilson ; JaS. W. Os- born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Robe son, JohnM. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders of Wake. So licitors Elias C. Hines, of Edenton, I rides the First Circuit: William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Th'os. uumn, oi urange, riqes i.ue rguriu circuit; iwuu Straage, of yeyt Hanover, rides theifth Circuit; David Coleman.J of Buncombe,, rideg the Seventh Circuit. . : i ; PUBLIC W0P.KS IN NORTH CAEOLINA. j The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d (March, 1835. The officers are as lollowa : Green W. CaldwelL Superintendent and Acting Treasurer; John H. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton j Chief Coiner ; Wrm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. 1 The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. j The North Carolina Institution for the education of the "Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. ortmcations.-t Fort JVlacon, Beautort iiaroor Carteret county j Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. i I , United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette- ville. ' 1 I - lnsahe Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; LZb patients now in it, JJr. tu. C. Kisner, ftuperm tendent : Dr. P. T. Fuller. Assistant Physician Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs.) Hill, Matron Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle. W. Wi Holden, Edward Can twell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board: William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. ' , I i All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge Pavinsr patients; are abo received ifrom this and other States. For proper form to be oteerved in sending indigent insane to Asyfum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. j : o : j TOWN GOVERNMENT. ! - : . "I - - COMMISSIONERS OF WILHIKOTON". Mayor John Dawson. i S I) Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright. T.C Miller and Alfred Martin. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Enjrineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T "J Vann. Cmetrire Warden li w lieery.) Fire Wardens-i-George Myers, B jW Beery, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. j Lamp Lighterr-Dempsey Martin. HOWARD j RELIEF FIRE : (Re-organized June 6, Foreman W Je urlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d . " P Cnrren, . Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman D Driscoll. COSIPANT. 1859.) UOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. I. Foreman John Wright. ' i ; - 1st Assistant J Kizer. ! Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. rOMMISSIOXEKS OF.SAVIGATI0X. (Office 18 Water street.) George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos 11 Manner, vm n iiarns. , schools: BOARD OF SCFERlSTENDENTS OF COMMON 8CR00LS. Chairman 3D Wallace. j I Wm S Larkins, James McDuflie, James Kerr David Mclntvre, Robert II Tate, Saniual Player, and Joseph M i ay. '''. ? r WIUUXSTON INSTITPTK ' : I .i- : : I- i i i L Meginnev, Principal. ,. ; i WILSIIXGTON MALE AXD FEMALS SEMINARY. G W Jewitt, Principal. v j- . -I , COMEAN'T. OAKDALK E METER Y President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wrieht, G R l French. Ed ward Kidder, Jno A. Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace.- r " : , "- Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Office next door to Bani Wilmington. - COtrSTY OFFICERS, COUmTS, Ao. . Sheriff W T J Vann. ) j Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A" Wright. 1 Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. D eputy Marshal OS,D istrict Wilmington' J a J Conoley. 1 i . j " Clerk ti S District Court John L 'Cant well. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James Ti Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac-ere Nichols. ' -Special Magistrate of Town John J Coaolev. Constables Levis M Williams, Jno Utfey, Wil liam H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. . r '.'Mi'- I ,. . . IXSPICTORS. Wood Inspectors- Joseph Smith," Wm-1 Holden. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. - -' - i - " ' " ' I -':. -i ' ...... .... , V Nayal Store Inspectors Aureu Aioennaa, J as M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John s James, George Alderman, John c wowaen, i nomas vv Player, John M Henderson, B Sontherland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor deaux. "...!'""'. ! .. Timber and Lumber ! Inspectors James Alder man, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W Munroe, ;N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington. ' j- . i - l.ij f ? ' ' WILmNflTON OiS llflHT COMPART. (Office in Savings Bank Building.) President Col John McRae. . I ' ' SecreUry and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superistsndont Oliver McHhenny. L SECRET SOCIETIES, h '. ST. JO&S'l IBfiB XO. 1 KASOXIC J (MeeU the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John'iHalL) 1 1 1 O L Ffllyaw; Master. 1 if NewhoflT, SW, ' ' -Olirer ilcllhenny,-J W. Jno L Cantwell Treas. T II Gardner, Sec'y. . Henry Spalding, S D. A A Hartsfield J D. J O Bowden, Tyler. COSC0BD CHAPTKK SO. 1 JfASOSIC (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month; at St. John'afiall.) - . -j Most EzRG Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, G M 3d Ex O L FillvaW. Kini?. V. f I ! ' Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, O M 2d Com Pi W Fanning, Capt V. " Hort. 1 Com WJ Price, GMlat Com A Martin, P S- 1 . : V.- . ' . I ' " it Newhoff, R A Com JnoATyior,Trea- Capt. & Turlington, lyier. I CAPE FEAa LODGE NO. 2 I. O. O. T. -A (MeeU Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow' Hatt.) Asa J Murray, N G. , W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V G. i T H Howey, Treasurer. CAMPBELL EXCAMPMENT SO. 1 U O. O. J. (Meet In the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d . J 1 riday in each month. j J D Gardner, C P. ; Thoa M Gardner Jj W. Rev A P Eepiton, HP. R J Jones, Scribe, John J Conoley S W i Thos H Howey, Treas CAPE EEAE MARINE TOTAL AB8TINEKCK IsOCIETT. f (Meets at the Seamensj Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, immediately alter the . close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. ) : Cha D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice William M Poisson. Sec- President. retarr. i Jas Fleet; As 't beefy. ,. SKAMKNS' FRIEND SOCIETY, h ; i Charles D Ellis. Presi- B F Jlitchelli Sec'y A dent. Treasurers ! ; ij C Dj Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Board. . Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. ! ; LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. i 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Directress,Mrs Ilal- nedy. lett. ! 2d Directress, Mrs Har Secretary. Mrs ; Van- rise. Sickle. - - 3d. .Directress Mrs De Treasurer Miss Lilling- Rosset : , ton. t i ,1 t !' WlLMINOTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. j (Organized June, 1855.) Dr J H Dikson,Presidenti Donald McRae, Treas. Geo Davis Vice Pres't. i Wm R Utley.'SeC'y Piatt D.i Cowan, Librarian. ; Key K li Drane, 11 11 Cowan. El) llalL S D. Wallace. John A Taylor ; G J McRae. J G Wrieht. Directors. ; ; i i - ! MILITARY. WILMIXQTON LIGHT rXFASTRT. j r ! (Org. May 20th, 1853. V j Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winalow, "Ensirn. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. ; AD Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. Master. H Savage, 3d" ; C D Myers, Orderly. Hi- i '. ,.: '.ti 'tiv; j GERMAN VOLUNTEERS. (Organized February 22d, 1B5S.) C Cornehlsen. Capt. HGHashegan. Sd Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. I W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, th-derly. j BANKS. ! ;j BANK OF CAPE FEAR. j 1 T H Wright, President. II R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. i J D Gardner,As't Teller. JMcLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis, Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. ; j .. , BAKK 0F WILMINGTON, K. 0..." , ' John MacRae3 President. S Jewett, Cashier; W L Smith, Teller. William Larkins,Book- T M uardner, D is Clerk. keeper.. ,s,i. : Discount D.ay, luesday. . ,. .i I ' ' BANK of John Dawson, Pres. Wm D Smith, Teller. north Carolina , j ' Wm Reston, Cashier. J II Wright, B'k-keeper. t Day, Tuesday. ' , t '! Discoun COMMERCIAL BANK OP WILMINGTON. O G Parsley, Pres. Jno McRrfe, Jr, Teller. Tim'yJSavage, Cashier. Asa K WafkeV: Book- J D Barrv, Dis. Clerk. ! keeper. i Discount Day, Mondays I -f WILMISSTON SAVINUS BANS. John A Taylor, President.' Wm Hyde Cashier. ; j RAIL ROADS. ,",, WILMIN6T0X, CHARLOTTK i A RUTHERFORD R. ROAD. Office cor Market and S Water street. ) n H W Guion, President. ,RH Cowan, Sec. Ti Lreas. J C McRae, Chief Eng. i Road unfinished. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTEB. RAIL ROAD, Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker Sec'y. J03 J Ling, Treas. i J P Robertson,Gen'l Supi R B McRae, Geik'I Freight Agent. ! WILMINGTON ft WELD0N RAIL ROAD; Hon W S Ashe, PreeiP J W Thompson, 4 Gen. dent. i S L Fremont, Chief Engi. , A Sup. . i James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. i Freieht Asent. James G Green, Yard Master. - P H Langdon Aud'r A O Dl.1r . I S D Wallace, Asst Sec A ' William Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. ! : Agent; CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnuts i Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 6th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J II Wheeler,! Pastor. - j ' 1 Baptist, cor Orange and Cth, Rey A Paul Repitop, Pastor. i :' Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Retr. J L Prich- ard,' Pastor. ' ...:'.. ,.;!..-!. Baptist, (OS) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. 1 ' Roman Catholic,' Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rey Thomas Murphy, Pastor. I - r- Episcopal, (St James',) jcor Market? and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector. " . Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. ; ( k Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M- Mc Queen, Pastor. : ' ' fi Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. . " , Baptist, (now building, V oor Market and 5th, Rev J LPrichard, Pastor, i - "- w , Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J H Mengert, Pastor, i . Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Waters, j 1 POST OFFICE." . , . , WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ; ; .i,f . Postmaster Daniel Dickson. Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and - Office hours from 7l A M to 1 P M: 2 P M to sundown. ! Sundavs,7 A M to 9 A M. Northern Mail,bv W A W R R arrives daily at 7PM and 5 AM. Closes Wi and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from IK P M to 10 A M. t , Southern Mail, Dy W & M. Jtv K, arrives daily st l4 A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. j , ( Smithville, - A V, ( horse) arrives si onday ana Friday at 5 PM. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at AM. . r, Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 AM. Cloees Thursday at 0 P M. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. - - rcsroM HorsK. -: ?r - t r Jas T Miller, Collector, h W J Price, DeputyJCal D M Foyles, Weigher ...A Guager. T M Burnett, Insp'n W F Burch and Uriah Sullivan, Inspector A - Measurer. ' ;'' ' lector. . , t A J Galloway. Surveyor. W N PedenNaval Offi cer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner.' 1 consCls. . " c, . . i - l r.4 British Yice-Consul Don McRae, n Water h Spanish Yice-Consul F J Lord, G n Water ,t 4-. Brazillian Vice-Consul 0 G Parsley, jr., ccf n . Water and Mulbery, (upstairs.) , . j Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut. " ' , ' I INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. J . r TLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000! of P the above Bonds redeemable in 1891-wlth' coupons at 1 per cent per annum, payaoie in uie city of New York," 1st March and 1st September. rur Bate ur utuvooiii) biwh f vw deel i -" " " ' -t1'- COFFEE. f DAGS RIO -COFFEE, v , , . tvX 20 basr3 Laguayra Coffaf V ? - -1 2U mats Dest jaya ....-. . deel . ZENO IT." GREENE.. BLACK SEED OATS; . BUSHELS daily expected. For safe by feb 21 BLLTS A MITCHELL.! 500 City 1 Business; Cards. :i 1 . , ERRANT A WILSON, "TTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers U Do Y asestie Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boota,Shoe . . - ; , i rtos. i4 ana 12 Aortn water street, oct 2 ' . , Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY St CO TMCTORS AND. COMMISSION Merchant. JC , - . . ;... No8 North Water StreeU t Solicit consignment of all kinds of Produce, al so; orders for Groceries," Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ae., Ac ' -: oct S 6E0B61 fujtaisa. a. i. aowau pa. w. w. suajuas. ; HARRISS St HOWELL, e COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " j - Oct 2, 18&8 - ' r WiuinrgToir, N. C. i WORTH St DANIEL, R0CERS AND COMMISSION Mxa chants, VJT i Nor 2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C ? .&. Solicit consiirnments of Flour, Dried Fruit; Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. i 'Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale. sept 26,1 j ..N.G.DANIEL. AMES ANDEHSOy, ' EDWARD 8&VA6K. : j i ANDERSON Sti SAVAGE, 71 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, '60-ly. u . Wilmington, A. C. , C, H. ROBINSON St CO., iTIOMMISSION- AND FORWARDING MER- Vj CHANTS, :. -Wilmington, N. C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. -pS Entrance Coi ner Princess and Water st. mar 9, fCO-tf L. tBASr,' " SK0. WISOlf. 1 ERRANT & WILSON, Commission merchants, j Nosy 14 axd 15 North Water at., Oct 2, ?60-ly - ' t - Wilmington, N. C. '. I WILLIAM II. LIPPITT' fHEMISTAND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and l Retail Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window! Glass; Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fanev Articles, N. II cor net Front and Market sts.r Wilmington, N. C mar 25, 68 . . . 1 ; . , i 4 EDWIN A. KEITH, OOMMISSION MERCHANT, . ,n f. e. -; Wilmington, N. C. ig. Offer, his services to Planters as Factor or Agent tor the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton, .will be 150 ctsi per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 cts per bale. Oct 4-IB60 s-ly V j; I '. iO. G, PARSLEY St CO. ! "PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Stkau Saw and . 1 Plao Mills, Wibaington, N..C. i jPfrr, au orders or inquiries lor L.UM libit, will receive prompt attention. . . mch 21 '59 'SMITH-& McLAURIN, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, l i ' ; Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : i f JoH3f Dawbon, EBq., Mayor. E. P,. Hall, Esq., president Branch Bank State N., C. - j; r . . T. Jf. SMITH, ; JOHN m'LACRIS. July 1 ,1859-tf : ' j ' MALCOM MclNNIS, ' " ROGER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, It North Water street. oct 1 . Wilmington, N. C ; Ohas. D. Mters, -f Fred. J. Moore. i ! MYERS St MOORE. "TTTnOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, y y straw woods, r'urs, umbrellas; Canes, Ac c. Jars:et street: Wilmington, JV. C. - June 21, 1859 v . ; . T. C. St B. G WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. ;. UNION DISTILLERY, . i,t-t ',.'... i Wilmington, N. C. i A. Hi VANB OKKELEN, Proprietor. A" f N V STORES, purchased, ' Sg. Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage uone at iair rates, jan & low. I 1 J , G. POLVOGT, TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, jj - Corner Front and Princess Streets, ! I . Wilmington, N. C. Cushions, I Feathers," Curled Hair, Moss, and all Uoholsterr Materials.- Also. Paner Hanffinw, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. .... i i Pictures framed to order. Prompts attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. . . may 31 ; " ;:.; , J. Lv HATHAVAT. WM. R. UTLKT M s HATHA WAY & CO. OMMIS$ION MERCHANTS, Vj'-dec 16 "5S " 1 Wilmington, N. C. , J.! M. ROBINSON St SON, TMFORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, -&c.,;Jo. H,iront at., Wilmington, JN. c. ' jah 9, '58 ' : .M ' I -, HENRY. NUTT, T?ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, P rt. Wilmlnirtoa. N. C. $3- W ul give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept io, 'si-u. JAMES STOKXSt ALEX. OLDHAM. STOKLEY St OLDHAM, -PiEALEES IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. Wilminarton. N. C. Mprompt attention 'given to the sale of Cotton, Jt lour, liacoq, and other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE., .Qi COltS best Jute Rope, for sale by ' OU. nov 28, : ZENO H. GEEEN. " , i ALMANACS FOR 1861. . rpURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEIi- J LEY'S BOOK STORK . dec 11 , TO ARRIVE. . BBLS FLOUR. Apply to '.. '--.J nor rr STOKLEY A-OLDHAM. 500 . ' FLOUR "TjlAMlLY, j Super and ; . Fayetteville and -P Wilmington inspection, in store, and for sale -Dy (decll) ZENO H. GREENE. A QUESTION 'FOR MATHEMATI I t CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. . - IF I860 j feet, of gas is consumed through eight . burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, bow much is consumed by each burner per hour? at, 'what cost, and what weuld be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene ' OUU:' " Answer : There is consumed by eacn purner, z ieet per nignt or leet.per hour, a t a eost of 10 cents Jer hoar per bimeri : Four Kerosene Lamps aflord as much light as 8 gas burners:' i erallona. of Kerosene Oil will suddIv 4 tamps one, month, which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per month,' JQJLJI cost .of, ojaexent per hour per lamp ; therefore, by bnrninggas, the expense is only, six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, -which,' with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable L" ; jan 12 ' :!;: " ;CA8SIDEY. TEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of - .choice. f For sale by ,( dec 21,,; ,. , 'U,. . HATHAWAY A CO. ; " J- - ' 1 CHOICE BACON;-22 hhds. ' choice West- ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by 21 i . HATHAWAY A CO. dec 1 NTICIPATI0NS.f 4hFtwr-T serve as J Lessons for tha Present Time; - in the form of Extracts Of Lettera from an English, Resident in the United State to the London Times, from 1864 tolSTO. With ai Appendix on the Causes and Consequences of the Independence of th South'. Just published, Received and for sale f , feb 20 . 1: fWHlTAKER'S New BookStorca WHITE AND BLACK ' ' a SEED OATS, - Just arrived per schr. Alba. 1 J000 bushels prime White Oats. - j . 500 - ddi !do Black Seed Oats. X: feb 23 ; Foil sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. rpBUNKS. and Valises, Hat Cases Ac;, in large I , quantities, embracing, Sole Leather,, Eng- ilsTi, Ashlands,i and all other styles very low At -I 1 58 Market street, feb 28 ' I O. . BALDWIN. " NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. JBO. S. iCT, iMX WU mTMAS, . 9, swam ax. laUof 1, Tw w rL. HMtUnd Kpk. . WarreatoB K. C. "bAlfCT, HYMAJT A CX., aPlKOCEES AND COMMISSION MsacnAXT, IT I 124 Pearl itreet. ' ' New Y. - HTM AN, DANCY A CO., r ROCERS AND COMMISSION. Mtacmxr. IT I ' !ii Nosroii. . The New York boase will be eoadaHed S. Dancv, aided by R. W. II yuan. by Jao. The Norfolk Homse will.be conducted H. Ilyman and F. M. Uvman. bv John SSf Particulars attention riven to the sale of uuiwu, uuru, n ueai. ana aval stores. September 13-tf 1SC0 C I LONDON 6t BRYAN, 0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, ! No. 32 India street Boton Consignments of Naval Store, Cottoi Lumber, and other Southern Produce solicited. ! J so. R, London, J. H. Bbvan, Jr. iOV zi-tf WM. M. GKEIN'ER, W. W. HASKXhKH. GREINER St HARKNESS, COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION Horsi: Nov 15,l857 PniLADELPIil A. wm . L. Hill, of North C km N. M. NOBFLKKT. Carolina, of North Carolina. IILL St NORFLEET G' ENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shockoe Slip. ' Richmond, Va., Solicit consiirnments of Cotton, Lumber, Fi-h. and all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. ! : ALSO - Agents for! the" purchase of Sugars, Coffees, Molas ses, Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac. Large cargooa of the aoove articles are onerea lor mio is our marat-i an nually, and we shall be pleased to operate for par- tiesorderiRg. promising taitlitulnees in our en deavors td rcpresentthem. Jan 25-l v u. v. vir.Ji.jui at vu. RUIT AND COMMISSIOBT MERCHANTS, 89 Barclay tret, N. Y 3i PaKicular attention civen tocoiniiiranietiU and purchase or Merchandise, all Kinds. Liberal cash advances tnrouah VV1LKIU a CO., Wilmington, N. C. August a, 1860-ly EROSENE LAMPS. A large supply, IV suitanie tcr stores, lor sale very cheap with Oil, at dec 7 CASSIDKY S. t j EASTERN HAY. BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. 150 for sale, low, trom wharr, Dy ELLIS A MITCHELL. jan 9 LAMPS TO HIRE. TLLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Par-' X ties, l"tablic Meetings, Ac., Scan be hired on very reasonable terms, ot the Inimitable jan 8 UAHSlDEi . CHOICEj BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shdulde-is. For sale by dec 21 1 HATHA WAV CD. NC. FLOUIi. . brands. -50 boxes 50 bbls of good HATHAWAY A CO. dec 21 USCtJVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prime to choicb Muscovado Suear. For sale by ec21 HATHAWAY A CO. LARD. N OW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 5 bbls. Western Lard a splendid article, i IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in eood packages, Western Lard, m small package,. XI 11 rr T l I T. 1' dec 4 c or eaie uy Z. H. GREENE. NEW FLOUR ! In bags and b dec 1 ! STOKLEY bbls. For sale by 4 OLDHAM ENGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En glish Cheese, just receivad at ded4 r WOK Hi & VAfilrAi. L THOSE dec 6 IIOICE HAVANAS have come, at WORTH A DANIEL'S. ARD.-420 Kegs Extra iieat lard for family use. W OKTH A DAJSifcJj. XURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, U for sale! very cheap, at CAS1DEY S. dec 7 I 1 TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. I STR. PARKERSBURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, j Hew Beef Tongues, 1 east Powders, " Smoked Beef Buckwheat, , - r Rye Flour, Butter, 60 bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, 10 " A- " 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. I WORTH A DANIEL, 2 Granite Row, Front street. jan FAMILY FLOUR. "TTyTE hate the best Family Flour In town, and y we warrent each and every barrel and package, if jnot good, to be returned, dec 12 I WORTH A DANIEL. "O ASTERN HAY, 200 bales of the best Eestern Wi Hay in,' market. For sale by dec 21 . HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. LiUCH was the announcement or a verv rreat victory,! by a Roman General. The people of this day, in ( speaking of the Inimitable CASol DEY, modify the saying" of the noble Roman, thus I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles ottered lor sale at the rendezvous, dec 21- 26 k 28 South Front st. JT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has seceded I This they would not have en prepared to do, if some of her citizens had not bought ! KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as ajn-eat variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, Ac. c, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. dec 21 JUTE ROpEAND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale by dec 1 1 11. UKEiCNK. ntlEST HAMS IN TOWN at JjVdecl 'f. WORTH A DANIEL'S. T7INE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot, some P very pretty just opened, and for sale at iee!9 i PERRIVS. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TIER PARKERSBURG, JL ,i resh Raisins, Fresh Batter, Figs, Prunes, Citron, . Nutmegs, Mace, Buckwheat It II II Segars. ( Tobacco, , Ale, ,' Portpr, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. A B k C Sugar. ". urusneo II Swejct Cider, It Elegant Hams, idee 19 WORTH A DANIEL. . WOLFE'S LTOIIOB8. Ti ENtHNE Schiedam Schnapps, VDT Very Fnre Brandy. T 44 I " Sherry Wine. I , " -Madeira 1 4 Port ' ' For sale by 'dec 18 WORTH A DANIEL. uc ORK.-i50 bbls. N. Y. City Meet Pork, for tale deeli.: , i. by ZENO H. GREENE. mHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, wsr- I ranted in all cases, to be had or - - ' dee 29 hi i WORTH A DANIEL. SUGARS SUGARS I nrr BARRELS C CoflTee, and C Yellow Sugars, 4, 25 bbls Crushed, uranalated and Powdered, 35 I Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, f 6.hhds. 11 A 41 : For sale by ; WORTH A DANIEL, jan 8- Granite Row. f , PORK PORK.. . JK BBLS, jNew York City Mess, just received I t and forjsale low, for cash, by idee 11 ZENOll. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. 25 KEGS just to tiand, &on zo to 2 cents, a 11 r -- - civn iivvds dee I 1 Mf4? -4' TO ARRIVE. -Cr BBLS. Flour different grades. :jan5 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. t - ' PIANO FORTESf. , ' THESE TIMES when we ought to look at I home, why not purchase of a Southern Man- ntaetoryT bach is Wm. KnaDes s Co., Baltimore, M5d., wfamt Pianos have not been surpassed by any sold in this market, of Northern make, and have never failed 0 take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs,! Ac. Persons wishing to purchase, ean be referred to quite a large-jiumber of fami lies that use them, in this city. . -. KELlLEY S Book Store, feb 20 Ag for 'tWm. Knabe A Co. ifc)Nttfl.QIC lOK TILS COtX OF FEVER ANDIAOUE.! DR . PHELPS BROWN wWor wvrI so badly aftlictwj by Dwprpwa, that Ut a part of the tine he waa mnhnK tn hi, b4. Il was eventaallv cured b by a young cfalrvovaBt girl. ThU. rccripOou, J'ren htm by a nrre child, whlluia tu t ranee, has cured everybody w ho hat takMi It. nt t aving failed once. It U 'equally ture In racs vi its as or DrsrrrsiA and Fsvrs and Asti. I To thoM iwraoaa who hav trtfd ninf niHi.i autilthey havt become diMotHrafed, ad d t feel irillinc to riMDd uon boht utum nMti....' tie, I wilfsend the rretcription lor PreDarlasr u i ucceenfally wing the lrriN My Jimtiw, pon receipt of their address, with tamp for rtt ar a postage. All of the (ngrcdienUi are t be fnund at th Drr Store of Henry Mr Lin. Address Mr. rbflpt linmn, ,. 21 Grsnd .Street, Jcrv '. DR. O. PHELPS BROWN - ARCADIAN BALSAM. for the cure of Consumption BronrhiUi ' Aii ma, Cough, CohU and Nervou Debility. Vutn pomrd principally offurfiiB herb and Lralinv bal. ams, it is the only cure rvcr i dico"rd fur lK easts of the Lung. Stomach and Nerves. It com hines all the qualities embodied ia the thouiibdi ta drug vender to the sick; it ii a healing baLsai (t all the Internal Sores, fleers, Tuberc fes and loo mationt ; an ufiiurravable Tonie. aa rniMnmt.An. able Nervin-, a Purifier f all the Fluid., an Labil arant, a Stimulant which irrlurn nn r.ni.ui and a builder up of acted Fibre and Mufb. Price, fl and $2 per Urge bottle.; iarapie.boi, 2o cents. For sale .by Henry MrLin. 1 DlC O. PIIKLPfl IWOWK'N RENOVATING PILLS. This Pill will regulate the bowW w l.rq all ither preparations will fail. It will. io a very short time eradicate what i U-rmed' chronic ecUveu. or constipation, Mck Headache, Liver and BilliuH Complaint ; ami it will cure, as turr as tliwe il a sun that shines Ubon us. all tha kun",,rin ..v.1 ... noyances that have their rie in the want of prop Stools. It does not act at in Crr I V a iMimnurr mt Uir; it keeps the human fytftnin a atattofaoun,! and vigorous health, by eatih and almost pi-rcap tibly cloansing it of all Impurftk-ii. Eac h br cvm is ids aoout o pilln. Price 50 cents i..er Iwv DR. O. PIICLPS BROWS'S Etherial Ointment. 4iwsiiic LUC Ul All Killiri Mini lit Wfklrtl am A fj.. - A m . . n m 4 . --. - 111 a j t . cdy it has no equal, nor ever will lay, U Uhebaa turn, ever Sores Fi-tula, Cramps Dratenltrt, Cholera, heavy Cold, ia th Chttt and Head, Hof Lyes, Croup. Pleurisy, Quinsy. Enlarged Toos.1., Glandular Swellings, Ear Acl.n Ear Ulcers, all kmdaof Colics, Ulcers and Tamom, Hums, IW Stings, Bruises, Chilblain. CuU, Corns Hpraina, Scalds, Sore Lips, .Sore ippl., Swelkd.i in, Palsy, Numbnc-M, Hlotchen, B.iiN, Hcald lliBf Mumps, AVhitc Swelling, Gravel, Stone, Weak Kidneys,, Muscular Disturbance, Scrofular, MaA Itheuin. Murcurial Sores, Ac.' Pries' 50 wnl per pot. Descriptive pauipLh u giian to all who aa ply to my Agent. , Addrcaa Dr. O. Phelon Brown, No. 21 OraoJ Street, Jersey City, N. J. i i I ' For sale by Henuy McLik, soi Agent ia Wll mington, N. C. , jsn 23rtf rr J.R-MN 1 TOARMSI T T1IUSE who are opposed to th Fedtrral ii. coercion of a sovereign State, and wbd ars opposed to the passage of aboUtionsoldlmthrougli North Carolina, for the purpose of lubjuffatiha-a sister State, will buy their Groceries ProThdo a small atores and accoutrements of tha patriot, I Jan 1 CASSIDEY. COFFEE ! X) IO, LAGUAYRA, Java ahd St Dom is X store, and lor sale by - i 1 J 10 ZENO II. GREEXL NEW CORN. AFLOAT. 1 2 OA A BUSHELS JdjJ Corn, now A riaie Whita Smw Cra. now landing, for sale bv I jail ..... in , i ELLIS A MITCHELL. WHITE OAW , 200Q 'BUSHELS Heavy New York Kt.. vats., or nab! by ELLIS A MITCH ELi . WHEAT BRAN. M. V V V jan 11 ELLIS' A MITCHELL. RAISI7VK. "I WHOLE boxes large bunch RaUi XJ 10 " ' 1 it ins jan 11 t or tale by ZE.VO H. GREENE, lANAL BARROWS. -100 Canal Barrows 10 V warehouse, and for sale, in lots to suit, at f ' to suit, at T WILSON'S. nov 30 I M TONS 1,1 to X inch Hoonlron, for iate nv -xyj J M. MacI.V.VIS. " N. C. FLOUR." I usi KtcniVED ner Railroad. Family and rF u.Kri,.cii:i;riifu n aicnoTia MUl$ brand.- lor sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. nov 27 CEMENT St PLASTER. (.)()() BBLS. OmcBt,,50 bblsl Plaster PaiL per brig Water Witch. For sale byi dec 13 ELLIS A MITCHEL ROOKS FOR ALL. rpiIE NORTH CAROLLNA FORM BOOK. Cant- well Justice, or Swann't Revined Fredlv wni aanwr, 11 KELLEY H, ( dc 11 Book Store. ' COFFEE-FEE. rXt BAGS Rio Coffee-20 do Lagaayrs do Sd H St' .Do.miDg0 do 20 mats Java do ia ib.rt, and for tale low for "cash, by 1 dfccll ZENO H. GREEXt. , . , l ; , 1 ; j NAILS. 150 kegs assorted Nails from 3 to 40J. ' nov 1 . For sale by I . ZE.VO II. GREEXL. iTTEALTHFUL EXERCISE, it necettary to a j-IM, long and happy life. Let the girl bav'Tma- dling Hoops the bovi small ases of CA&SIDE V . and take plenty of exercise these cool mornings deel ' j ' LEAVENLEAVEN LEA VE T EAVEN, LEAXE.V, LEAVEN, LEA VI.. V. J ry ,t-lry t-lry it-Try it, at ' I, jane "Uttllt IDA.MEL H. NOTICE. A toth LL PERSONS who are indebted fr GrooerUs. 1 rwiwium, or,, eiiflw ov note or account, e late firm of Wilson A- Williams, aad who. accounts are long since doe, are requeattd to make immediate payment to the subscriber, or inch ac count will be placed in officer's bands for collec t'on. JAMES WILSON, j jsn 1 No. 5 MSrket street. CIIEESK. ! OA BOXES New York State Chewe dnqi.' OU Just received per schr D. C.i Hnlse. I jan 10 ( For sale by ZENO IL GREENE. EXTRAAMILY FLOUR. Kf BARRELS in store, aad for sale, by . DV i WORTH A DANIEL. Ja2z Granite Row, Front stm t GOFFEE.-125 bags Rio Coffee ia store and ale by feb 20 ? "' WORTH A DANlELi ' CHOICE HITTTEIt. " RECEIVED this dav, at 4 . v ! , WORTH A DANIEL'S, mar 6 . Uraoits Uwh. . SUGARS. .., I . . v BBLS. A. B. a! C Sugary l&O 5hhdR V. o. . . 44 .r - WORTH A DANIEL, . 1 Front strfet. i or sale by mar 6 TOBACCO. ' "f Cl BOXES, various grade, f. ale by . IVU . .WORTli A DANIEL. mar 6 ! ' . Front stret. A 144 the latest Weeklies and Iail5, tecnivfd and for cam at , ' mar 1:1 WIIITAKEK S r3o..lc ?tf)r.. I '1

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