fir 1111 ft HttnajBWHMBHBBBsMBBBBB VOL. VII., NO. 264. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 16. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2.164 TERMS: ' ' n.ilV Paper, $6-00; Weekly, S2.00, ;f ' IN ADVANCE.4 - ThL Pptf'r alwavs stopped, unless a remittance I Jde to continue 'it. Timely notice is given, so , bS pVjraera made before the expiration of ' Jgjtfay I be .nailfal our risk, when the let'- laily 25irat& - fjJwADDELL, Editor and Proctor. TOWN PRINTER. 'ILMINGTOI,: . ' . NORTH CAROLINA. . The Herald Job Office l3Liw completely fitted up .with thc.fmt as artit of Job Tte to be found in the State. Ewrv specks of Job work can now be speed , ,v an,j andsocitly- printed at this office from hok iwn-tu a visiting .card; Handbills, MrHiT. -iljckd, ,&r, &c, neatly and promptly : tied -at short notice, and on reasonable terms. E--:ial attention will he given to the Job j..part3ient 'hVfcifter, .and wo. feel assured that A' -,.rk entrusted to our tub hand, who is ex- "rienrbd in the buLues, a ill bo executed sat- irfjetorify in every respect. Give him a trial at 'lur rate; and. if it is wof-done well, no complaint ; vt ill i e ii aILp of withdrawal of patronage. . '" SUNDRIES. - h RONES' Colgate's No 1, and Tale Soap, n) 10 41 -Raisin laver and bunch. lobaif-bx JO boxoii. Concentrated Lye, 'V'. ; ' Potash, i 10 Prepared 44 ; . t ; Til) Jara Rock ) Doxe-s Starch, tin ; : "TtKnarb. Soda. l'Vprer, Spice, Cigars, Ink; Tack-, Matches, iV Cmcentratea "-"v "- n,,nlnr articles too numerous to mention, .which will bk sold a low, forc.-h, as haxy other . ZEXO II. GREENE. l TIME OF PEACE, PREPARE FOR T-N - . WAR. : ' . . ' 200 RAGS of Fathom's Patent I uiiali, from 1 jlie 'largest Buek, to riie ma;ii-si wrnp s-'t. . 41 - , ., flvlt, , 2"j ke"'KentiickT Hiue t owd. r, 1J- 1 Musket Powder, 10 qr. kJn Kentarky Ui'.l- J'owd. leases " ' ;0,000 (1 jan-23 H Fur Siili? bv v 'i ZENp H. GREENE. 1 FAMILY sandpaper Flour Fayetteri 'V' i!Oiiigton iaipection. For sale bv ill e ami jas 23 ZENO H. GREENE. lOKN.- DCTp Duihs Hvde County Corn, j - '20Q0busl'. Perquimans County Corn. 1 looo d. Western mixed Io fore anil for ?ik by i . 1 ELLIS A MITCHELL. iiec i BLACK! WINTER SEED OATS. OA A BLsbHELS Heavy Canada Oats a very )UU suT)(!tior article for-seed, tor sale, by iaoll Jii ELLIS MITCHELL. '-w-v ' rr- I 111 MESS 1'UUJv. f i:RLSJNew City Mcks,Pork, in store, and 200 hi.arrive, for sale, at lowest cash prices, bv l(jan2lo I MACKEREL. S1 TOS. 2 and 3 Mackerel, m store. For sale lv MacINNIS". y"M: r SUGARS. Ifc i II. Sl.lliR.'in hhds. and bbls, m s 'ati.l C Snrar. in Lbls. V?wdercyad Crud.ed Sugar, for sale by an 22 ' M. M.vcIXNIi CANDLES "ANDXJANpY -i A A BOXKS Adamantine vanuira, HHJ 2 ; t Assorted Candy For sale by -k11 . . .. ZENO H. GREENE. ' - s-.i rnn ini lOUNTlN U-IIOCSE CALENDERS. The (i greatefCtarietv of sizes and styles. Every- J thin necessary to furnish a Counting-Room, at i . WIIITAKER'S New Book Store, ' Market at.. bt. Ja. Daw son' and llkmson s. Jan 1 . ', ' : f i' TRUNKS. CANVAS Packing4Leather FoliosBrass and Iron" bound, Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and Oval Iron Edged, St. Louis Sole Leather, i ine Sole Leather nd Stub Spring, all the latest pat- ' tern. ! 5." . : Valises, Sole.Leaihlr, Boston, Enamelled Leather, Ac. embracing tjrteen different styles. ' - ' .Bass. " tnameled.tTi avelling, Stitched Duck, Gothic, Enameled. Venetian, F,4t, Brussels. Pilliser, V il toa, embracing eleven styles. . Ladies' Hat Boxes. New st vie French Hat Boxes, new style SL Loots,-iron land brass bound edging. For sale at .nPrecedentd low prices at, .. ' Jan 23 t ; No. 5 Market Street. - , 4'i 4 . :. 'HAY. ) 50 Frr' sEiS!r Jan 28 ' . ' n SEED OATS. - NORTH fRIVER and Eastern Hay, W heet .Bran; Cow Peas, alo Fresh Ground Meal, .Hommocsalel. & :f GUNNY BAGS. OHAH .UNNY BAGS, just rec Shibboleth. For sale by Jan.23. H ' T. C. Sc. B. Q. UN NY BAGS, just received per Drg WORTH. I 4 T T" 1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati leat iara, 11) 5 j - " N. C. " " For sale, fn loU to suit, by ,.TT,T WORTH A DANIEL, jan23 f Granite Row, Front street. T.ATW PEAS. E 70R SALE, in quantities to suit, by 1-Jan23 WORTH A D.AMEL, T CAMPLE BRAND 2 years old. 2 bar 1 . rels strr choice 2 vears old. X. C Apple Brin'dy fosaleby , WORTH A, DANIEL 1 s. CHOICE bountry Smoked Sausages, at Jan2p WORTH i T)ANIEL S. jDO YOU SHAVE YOURSELF! " DO youf ipp'reciate a good Razor? Fine ShaT .ingSqaps? Soft Shaving Brushes? A Good ttrip? (CalTat ' i BALDWIN'S. - x4- : ' : '- ' it POCKET KNIVES. FXE EoglUh Cutlery exceljlnt, at . . ' I'rices low, Qualities BALDWIN'8. EASTERN HAY 10"V BALES very superior Eastern Hay, for aafelow from wharf, by dec 7 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES & SHOULDERS. CASKS superior Western Sides and Shonl JU ders iff store, . and to arrive. For aale, at lowest cash-oriees.'bT M. MacINNIS. NEW fJROP MOLASSES, I X.HHDi and bbla. For aale by - jan 22 1 M. MacINNIS, ' f HOOP IRON. 10 TONSvl, IX nd IK inch Hoop Iron. jan 41 . tor sale Dy M. MacINNIS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN 'HALF ; r . HOSE. EYERf siie selling low, at V " Jai28 BALDWIN'S. O ENTfcEMEN can . find the largest assortment " unoer wear, at JAiaVlA'S. X'lKA SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, for Buck ui vacet tn Dost article in market,- a 1 ' . . OBO. UT-Eaa Special jSTotices. WALKER MEARES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in SeUct Medi cines, English, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, Ac, alo, PAINTS, OILS, - Window -Gla, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, 4f., Ac. . auK 14( i860 Q. W. A. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE! This splendid Hair Dye has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining; the skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and inTi4 rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unlejss Mgned " V . A, Batchclor." Solerery where. CHAS. BATCHELOH, Proprietor, sept 23-1 j si Barclay street, N. Y GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaphtaliEzfeiel, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he wa experiment- Ling upon his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, and on ttie place so bald four month? since, a fine crop of har has sprung up with a vigorou-T growth. Socoa rincedis Mr. Ezekiel of the ellicacy of his didcoic ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTOIIEK." Mr. E. i?abolt going ' into an extensive manufacture of an article which isdestined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Hcli 'vonr? Enquirer, Dc, 12, 1S30. Thi famous article can now be had of the priucfi ;J pal Druggist-. 'I hose persons who desire a tine head of hair, have only to usa the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of it3 ctficacy can have them removed in a j-hort time, by: using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it i" all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot lr m :-i 0'J Mainst. U. EZEKIEL. Uli HMOXI., Nov. H. lS.'jDi 1. N. Ezekiel, take ath on the Holy Bible, til it 1 have boen bald for the: past 12. yea and hare restored mj hair . using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. Xapht.'.li Ezekiel 'This tAy vvo!ii tn'- me, by Naphtali Ezje k'ul. j. Joe. Mato, I Mavor of Richmond. W. 11. LIPPlTTjSole Ag't.," janll Wilmington, N. C HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should ho avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beantiful and Natural Brown or Elaci, without injurs- to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diploma" have Leeu awarded Wm. A. Batchclor, since 18S:, and over 80,000 a I plication? have been made to the Hair of hipi j trons, of his famous Dye. j Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of "bad Dyes remje- died ; the Hair invigorates for Lift by this sple did Dye. -' . Sold in all cities arid townVof the United Stat by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "i3g,The Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four Hides of each box, of William"A. Batchelor, CHARLES BATCIIELUli, Proprietor, sept 23-ly ' 81 Barclay Street, N. Y laWretii's seed: j JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Larid- ; reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, .Beans, Pels, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White C! Ter, and a general assortemcnt of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market t nor 2 . MRS. WINSLOW. An -experienced nurse and female phy si- cian, lias a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of tecthingjby softening thegums, reducing all infiamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bo web. "Depend upon it, mothersit will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all caep. See advertisement in anoth er column, fob 23-1 1 "W. 131. LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist A". 77. Corner front ciud Market St., WiLMISGTOS,f 'N.. C. ALWAlS OA 11A.M, a lull and iresii as sortment of DRUGS, PRISTS, OILS AXD GLASS, PERFUMER Y, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicane can be obtained at anr hour of the nisht. The l night bell Ls at the second door ( on front street.) from the corner. j On and after this day,? all prescriptipns will be Cas h. oct 30 GLUEGLUE. . CARD. We beg leave to inform the trada, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Br er of Wilmington, N. C. SoleAg't for our Glue. : i? Boston, apl 3, 18K0. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED," having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS ACQ, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from th0 trade. ' Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to nr manufactured in the United States, and is wan an ted to give satisfaction," or the monay wiDbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades f -onj other parties kept constantly on hand : samples of which can be seen at my office.; r 1 apID-ly W. C. HOWARD, Broker. lEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAG S.3,000 just re- j ceived, lor sale by ' lec 5 . WORTH A DANIE CHEESE. TNGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, ak I 'j oec XI GEO. MYER'S B LACK Winter Seed Oats in store, forsaH ..y dec 6 ELLIS & MITCHELL. TtT.AniT WINTER SEED OATS, OA A BUSHELS heavy Canada 0at3, for seed, WUU in store, for sale oy, L dec 27 t:UlilS Sill , POWDER O PC KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, . CO lOqr. kegs " " " : j " 10 " Mnsket " ' dec 27 For sale by ZENO II. GREEN yfZ BBLS. N Y. City Mess, in store, for sale by D dec 27 . ' ZENO II. GRENE. CONSTANTLY manufacturing, fat my Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles,1 Collars, Whips and Trunks: Every variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, 'Ac; manufactured to order,' and repaired. i ,. JAMES WTLSONj dec -' . , No. S Market atraat. O. G. JAVA COFFEE. , I 5 BAGS Old Government Java Coffee r 10 Mats ditto, now landing from ecbr-A. J. DeRosset and for sale low for cash, bv mar 11 ZENOTI. GREENE. SPRING OVERCOATSi , i r - L -FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, I 1 " i .. - - . . ;- TRAVELING SHIRTS, DIEECTOEY. STATE GOVERNMENT. OovernorJno. W. EUii, of Rowan. Private Secretary--Graham Dares, of Crirefl. Treaaurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufua Ii. Pae, of Wake, Comptroller C. H. Broeden. of Warne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkinj of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons Vf. T. IJortch, ot v ayne. j State Librarian O.. H. Perry, of Wake. ruonc rnnier J no speiman, COUNCILLORS OP STATE. Council Wooten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cnnnlng ham, of Person ; W. A. Furguaon, of Bertie ; J. r . Graves, of surry ; Uavid Murphy, of CumDer land; J. J. Long,; of Northampton," and W. L. Hillard, of Buncombe. : . f; FEDEBAL AND STATE C07BT3, The United States Circuit Courf, for tbe District ot . ortb Carolina, is held semi-annually at Kaleign, on the 1st Monday in Jane and last Monday in No vember. S - jj Judges non. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary, 52000. I ' . - Robert P. Dickj District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. The United States District Courts are held at Edenton. 3d Monday in Aoril and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and uctooer, Uenjamin; iirown, ciera:;, Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April ana Oc tober, John I.. Cantwell, Clerk. TBi: SCPEFMK COUBT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December.1' It is also he'd once a year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers are as follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson,; of Yadkin; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, i and William If. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General: Hamilton C. Jones' of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, of Wake, .Marshal. atPEBIOR COURTS. i The Suoerior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following officers: Judges, R. R. Heath, of i rr 1 titti t "nr i unowan : u-eo. iiowara, 01 y nson ; as. t . va born. of Mecklenburc. Robert S. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Komulus Ju. baunders, 01 ate. 00 licitors Elias - C. Hines, of Edenton,. rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston,j of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit: Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; Dayid Coleman , of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. f rCBLIC WOP.KS 131 NORTH CAEOLISA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorised by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as follows : Green Wi CaldwelL Superintendent and Acting Treasurer ; Jobn H. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm F.S. Strange, Clerk. J The University of North Carolina situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. I The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal, i i Fortincations.-7-Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Brans wick county. . j United States Arsenal! Located fat Fayette ville. ) ; Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent ; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holdeu, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston,-President of the Board: William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee, i . j ' . j -i All indigent insane persons entitled to be recelred, and treatedand taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other btates. For proper form to bo observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. I - TOWN GOVERNMENT.' ' COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. i - t S I) Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. FIRE DEPARTMENT." Chief Engineer i-James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. i Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Beery, G D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend .blowing up buildings. i ; . Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIBS I COMFAST. 1 (.Re-organized June 6, 1859.) ! Foreman W I urlong, j 1st Assistant J MeLarkey, 1 1 ' : 2d " ; P Curren, i Secretary G P Wade. ) Treasurer C Quigley, i Giiairman D I)riscoll. i4 ; '"'.-! HOOK AND LADDER COMFAST Kt. i. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer.. ; ; Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishoy. j COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. I i (Office 18 Water street.) ' Georgo Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fprgas, Jos n Flanner, Wm M Harris. j i i i . . ; ! j : j SCHOOLS. : BOARD OF SCPEEINTEJf DENTS OF COMMOS SCHOOLS, i Chairman S D Wallace. ; WmS Larkins, James McDnffie, f James Kerr, David Mclntvre, Robert H Tate, Samusl Player j and Joseph M Foy. ! i i 1 WILMINOTOK INSTTTina, j 1 . -:Lj Meginney, Principal. . j j i ' WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALI SIMIKABT, G W Jewitt, Principal. OAKDALE.CEMETEBT COMPANT. j . j President Donald McRae. ! " ,' ! Directors--Wm A Wright, O R Freneh, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen LTfllyaw, S D 'Wallace. ' J Secretary and Treaaurer Aaa A Brown. Office next door to BanL Wilmington. j . ! : . ! I COCNTT OFFICERS COCBTS, AC Sheriff W T J Vann. 1 . "j Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright, , ; -j Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. : i s Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. ; Deputy Marshal U Sr District Wifmington--Ja e Clerk U S District Court John h CantwelL Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutx Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. ! " Roo-iater of Deeds. Ac Jere Nichols. '. , Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlay, WU HamH Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringneld, J J Moore. ' i j . h '-i-c'-"f . j-r.'-f- :;.,:) t. -':-.. r, -: j INSPECTORS. "- f , ' ' " I..''-' . Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holdei. Provision Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon.' - t "' ' t ' .'- "? - -: i - M Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman, J as M Stevenson, James O Bowden, John S James. r, iMonnm. John C Bowdeu. Thomas W Plarer, John M Henderson, B Sontherland, WU- Iiam t X JJWi Xuuci v , j - - - 't, timher Tnimeerora James Alder man, L H Bowden James 8 Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W Monroe, N Clark, Robert Maxwell, E Turlington, j !, v wtLKINOTOS OAS MOST COM? AST, , ; (Office iaf Savings. Baidc'Bnildia.) Secretary and TreasurerWnl Hyde. pejnjeBOeav-UTiir'Mw SECRET S0CIETTE3. i ST. 0KMS LOSOa HO. 1 XASOXTO. i (Meets ike last Tmesdav Evening ia eaca aoatk at ! 1 St. 4oba'suaU.) -O L Ffflraw. Haster. ' U NewhoSl S W. ' OUyer Mcllhenny,J W. JaoL Cantwell, Treas, T M Gardner, SeCy, Henry 'sjpaldinr, S U. A A HartsfieldJ D. J O Bowden, Tyler. ' ', ' COMCOBS CHA.FTE8 SO. I KASOUC I I (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. ; zona's U1L) i Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, O M 3d Ex O L Fillraw. Kin. V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. . Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanninr. Cant H V. Host. : - Uom W J rnce, U M 1st Com A Martin, PS. " M Newhoff, R A Com JnoATayiorTrea. Capt, " H Turlington, Tyler, CAPS FEAE LODOI SO, 2 t. O. O. T. (MeeU Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J Murray, NO. 'W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V O. ; T H Howey, Treasurer, CAMPBELL kXeAMPMBXT SO. 1 f. O. O. F (Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and Sd Friday in each month. J D Gardner, C P. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton. H P. R J Jones. Scribe. John J Conoley S W. Thos H Howey, TrCas. CAPS FEAE MARtNB TOTAL ABSTINENCE 80CIETT. (Meets at the Seamen's .Bethel, on Dock, Street, every .Monday evening, immediately alter tne close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen.) Chaa D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice William M Powson. Sec- President. retary. ! Jas Fleet, As' t Sect'y;; SBAMEXS FRIEND SOCIBTT. 1 1 1 Charles D j Ellis j Presi- B F MitcheU, Sec'y dent. ' ' Treasurer. i C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter. Col John MeRea, A J DeRosaet, O G Parsley, Executive BoardT Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home. cor Front and Dock Streets. ; 1 LADIES BENEVOLENT SOCIBTT. L '' 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 1th Directres9,Mral Hal- nedy. leu. Directress, Mrs Har- Secretary, Mrs Van- riss. . ' ! . Sickle: Directre1 Mrs ; De- Treasurer, Mis Lilling- 2d 3d Koaset . ton. WILMINGTON LI8RABT AS300IATIN. ! ) 1 (Organized June, 1855.) 1 DrJH Dikaon,President. Donald McRae, Trees. Geo Davia Vice Prea't. Wm R Utley, See'y. Piatt D. Cowan, Librarian. Rev R B Drane, R H Cowan, K I) Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. ' . I . : MILITARY. y ;i WILMINOTON LIOHT INFANTRY. ? ; (Org. May 20th, 1853.) 1 j Wm LDeRosset, Capt. I C Winslow, Ensign. R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. Master. H Savage, 3d " C D Myers, Orderly. ! ! OEUMAN VOLCNTEERS. j d i (Organised February 22d, 1853.) ! j C Cornehlsen, Capt. H G Hashegan, 3d lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. H Vollers. 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. ; i . i ; BANKS. .--V .'"'! : bane: of caps fkar. r i T H Wright, President. H R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. JD Gardner, As't Teller. J McLauriniB'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk. . Discount Day, Wednesday. ; j "! BANK OF WILMINOTON, . C. . I .: j John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. ' WL Smith, Teller. William Larkias,Bopk- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. i keeper. ; 1 1 1 ; ; Discount Day, Tuesday. ; 1 " ' . ' i '.' I ; BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. . John Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-keeper. Discount Day, Tuesday. ;r ,: COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINOTON. , O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, Book J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. Discount Day, Monday. r ; " WILMINOTON 8AVIN08 BANK. John A Taylor, President. ; Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS, i ' WILMINOTON, CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD R. ROAD. (Office cer Market and S Water street.) H W Guion, President. R H Cowan, Sec. Tt ireas. J C McKae, Chief ling. Koad unfinished. WILMINOTON 4 MANCHESTER RAIL KOAD. , Thos D Walker, Pres. . ' Wm A Walker, See'y. J P Robertson, Gen'ISup. Jos J Ling, Treas. , ; R B McRae, Gen I Freight Agent, j -. WILMINOTON WELDON RAIL ROAD. ! Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. Freight Agent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G Green, Yard A Sup. 1 Master. James S Green, See'y A P H Langdon, Aud'r A Treasurer, i ' ; Supts Clerk. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A WUliam Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. Agent. , j CHURCHES. ! i Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist .Episcopal, (8) 6th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler. Pastor. ' ,V ! I Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. 1 . Baptist, Front bt Ann and i Nunn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor. 1 :.;'-!: ,v-;.j Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron ' Davis, Pastor. v 1 Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor.: ! j- Episcopal (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector. Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Cross. ; Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange,Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. i i r Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc Queen, Pastor. ;- ':- .''"::'-!r Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Gner, Pastor. Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard, Pastor. J Lutheran, (now building) cor Market aad ftth, Rev J H Mengert, Pastor, s I j Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. POST OFFICE. : '; ::i WILMINOTON, NORTH CAROLINA. - Postmaster Daniel Dickson. I x -. Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 7Vf A M to 1PM. 2 P M to sundown. Sundays,7 A M to 8 A M. 1 Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at; 7PM and 5 AM. Closes IK and 9 PM, changing on Sunday from IK P M to 10 A M. r ; . Southern Mail, by W A M R R, arrives daily at iyS A M. Closes daily at 7 PM. i u -j Smithville, N C, (horse,) arrives Monday j and Friday at 5 PM. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7AM. . P - ,; '; . -. -.,i;'.rJ-H'.-i,l -3 Onslow Court House, N.C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. .Closes Thursday at 9 P M. j , ; - t- - ;t j. : U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. r CUSTOM HOUSB. J .: 'I'. Jas T Miller, Collector. DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- Gaager. ' j r ; lector, I j T M Burnett,! Insp'r. ; A J Galloway. Surveyor. W F Burch aad Uriat W N Peden, Naval Offi-! i. ;. Sullivan, Inspector A cer. - i . ! ' -.Measurer. . .:. .j Thomas W. Brown, Jr., TJ. S. Commiraioner. ;! ;. .coKsuxa. - : ! ... British Tiee-Consnl Don MeRae, n Water, i Spanish. Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 a Water, ;, if BrasiUian Vice-Consul O G Parsley, jr., cer Water and Mulbery, (up sUirs.) . f 1? ' Danish Yice-ConsulP K Dickinson, cor Froat and Chestnut.'! '..-P- J VI: :Z P I '; TT1LORIDA RAILROAD BONDS 426,000 of Jj - the above Bonds redeemable in 1891--witb; coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable ia the) city of New, York, 1st March and 1st Septembers jror saie oy ; UBnuasisi, xv w .w. ! dec 1 1 ; j . : ;.; : ir-,, y.-:4'-::-i i COFFEE. BAGS RIO COFFEE, ; 30 bags Lagnayra Coffee, ' 50 - j mats uesa Java t - dee I. v., -J ' r SA ZENO H. GREENE. !500 BUSHELS daily expected.- For salefcy I City Business Cards. J ERRANT A WILSON, "YYTHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers ia Do- f V mestie . Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoe. Ac. ' Noe.:14 and 15 North Water Street, ctl ' ) Wilmington, N. C JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. -No 8 North Water Street. Wilmixoton, N. C. ; Solicit consignments' of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ae Ac ; ' - oct 3 OROBtf E HABBISS. A. J. HOWELL. DB. W. W. BAREISS. HARRISS A HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct 2, 1858 ; WiLMisaTpK, N. C. . TsQRTn & DANIEL, j -0 ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mbbchaxts, VT No. 2,i Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. Solicit consignments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally.- ' Agents lor liowe s oeieoratea scaie. . . . D. G. WORTH, sept 2G,ly N. G. DANIEL. 1AMES ANDERSON, BDWABD SiVAOS. L ANDERSON 4c SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, '60-ly. f Wilmington, N. C. C. H. ROBINSON St CO., T10MMISSI0N AND FORWARDING MKI XJ CHANTS Wilmington, N. C. umce over Mr. J. A. w uiaro s store. f&T" Entrance Corner Princess and Water at. mar 9, '60-tf . U W. ERRANT, j 0S0. WISON. ; ERRANT Sc WILSON, ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 14 aNd 15 North Water at., oct 2, '60-Jy Wilmington, V. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, TIHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and V RetalP Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dy Stuffs, Window Glass! Putty, Segars, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market sta., Wilmington, N. C- mar 25; 58 t ? EDWIN A. KEITH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, J Wilmington, N. C. S iHft- Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 ets. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to it ew 1 orit at 10 cu per. Date. oct4-180-ly O. G. PARSLEY A CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Wilmington, N. C. sasr" All orders or inquiries tor L, will receive prompt attention. mch 21 59 SMITH & McLAURIN, GOMMISSIiON AND Forwarding Merchants, I Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : - - John Dattson, Esq., Mayor. E. P. HIll, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. Cv M. SMITH, . JOHN M'LAORIN. July 1 1859Ttf ! J 1 i MALCOM McINNIS, ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJT North Water street, I oct 1 i) , : . Wilmington, N. C. I Chas. D; Mtbr8, Fred. J. Moore. ! MYERS & MOORE. fXTrHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, ! f f Straw.Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. j June 21, 1859 r j i T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. jP UNION DISTILLERY, j-'-:- - ' b Wilmington, N. C. 1 A.' H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. I A LLS KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased. V f manufactured, and sold. Wharfage and storage turnisned, and coop erage done at fair rates, jan 2 1860. ' w ! G. POLVOGT, T TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, : j corner Jront and rrincess aireew, - Wilmington, N. C. Keepfl eonsta on hand Mattresses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Also, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. Pictures framed to order. Prompt attention given to fitting up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, and Private D wellings. ' may 31 i j ; ' t, l. HATH A WAT. WM. B. OTLET. I HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dee 16, '58 Wilmington, N. C. - :J. M. ROBINSON A SON, XMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and J Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, .sc., No. 8, Front at, Wilmington, N. C. jan 0, '58 i. . ' . ' r HENRY NUTT, P ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, i? Wilminirton. N. C ";Will give his personal attention to business entrusted to Ms care. sept 10, &7-4f. JAMBS STOKLpT a . ALEX. OLDHAM. STOKLEY & OLDHAM, T"EALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION J MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. "HPromt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Baeon, and other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE. Ql COILS best Juto Rope, for sale by OU I nor ?8 ZENO H. GREEN, r ALMANACS FOR 1861. mURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL fJL LEY'S: BOOK STORE. dee 11 i i . T. . r .: , I TO ARRIVE, j BBLS FLOUR. Apply to i nov 27 STOKLEY 4 OLDHAM. 500 . ' FLOUR T7AM1LY, : Super and Fayetteville and Wilmington inspection, in store, and for sale by (dee 11) ZENO Ii. UKKKXiZ. A dUESTION FOR MATHEMATI IdANS AND ECONOMISTS. TF 1860 feet of gas is consumed through eight X burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hour ? St what cost, and what would be the cost ' Of an (equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil T Answer : There is consumed by each burned, 25 feet per night, or 6feetper hour, at a cost of cents jer hour per burner. . Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as 8 gas burners: 4 gallons of Kerosene OR will supply 4 lamps one month, which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per month, or - a cost of one cent per hour per lamp; therefore, by burning gas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, which,' with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS ? the Inimitable' ' janll If! CASSIDEY. TsaTEW ORLEANS SYRUP -2 barrels of j choice. For sale by , - f dec 21 git J HATHAWAY A CO. ""1HOICE BACON. 22 hhda: choice West f 3 ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by de21 r 1" - HATHAWAY A CO. A NTICIPATI0N8 of theFaturf . - Te serve as .V Lessons for the Present Tinse. in the form of "Extracts of Letters from an English Resident in the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to WOw - With, an Appendixj,o the Causes and Consequences of the Independence of th Sonth. Just published. Received and for sale " feb 28 H t WHITAKER'S New Book Stores 4 WI11TK AND BLA s KT?n OATS.; Jast arrived per i lOAA hn.Kcla nnmM Whit tJata. feJ f-oro by IELLIS MITCHELL. fTlRUNKS and Valises, Hat Cases, Ac., in large Xl quantitiea mbracinSole! Leather." Eng IlAshlaade, aadafl othertrlea,.Tery low, at . - 99 Mirut street, j 0. 01 SAL3W-C4?.: ' scnjLAioa. K fe&-.; : NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. o. a. daxctJ JOHN . HTMAN. r.M. HYBAS. J late of latoaf late of TarborV N. Q. SeoUand Neck, Warrenton. N. i DANCY, HYMAN At CO., O ROCERS! AND COMMISSION Mebchmi. 14 Pearl atreyt. HYMAN, DANCY t CO., ROCERS AND COMMISSION Mucha!, Nobfolk, A. he New York house will be conducted by Jno. S, Dancy, aided by R.; W. Hymaa. The Norfolk" Houae will be conducted bj John H. Hymaa and F M. Hyman. Sttf Particulars attention riven to the tafe of Cotton, Corn, I Wheat, and Naval tore., September 13-tf 1860 LONDON Ac BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 32 India street Btxton, 3&B Consixnments of Natal Stores. Cotto Lumber, and other Southera Produce aolicitcd. Jno. R. LondoK, J. II. Bbtax, Jr. Nov 21-tf . ; ' WM. M. CBEISEl, : . W. W. HillVK". GRElNER a. harkness, -COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION Philapelthi l. Vj Horst. Nov 15, 185 rm. I. Hill, N. M. N oar lei r. aroliLa. of North Carolina. of North i HILL A NOR FLEET,. GENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shockoe Slip, Richmond. Vs., Solicit consignment of Cotton, Lumber, Fih, and all kinds of Merchandise and Prodnce. j ALSO Agents foi .the purchase of Sugars, Coffees, Molas ses, Salt, Lime1, Guano, Ac. Large cargoes of the above articles are offered for sale in our market an nually, and wej shall bo pleased to operate for par tiesordering, promLsing faithfulness In onr en deavors to representthera. Jan 25-ly G. WL WILKINSON At CO. T7RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, p I 89 Barclay street, N. Y- "g,, Pai ticjilar attention given to consignments and purchase of Merchandise, all kind-. Liberal cash! advance through W1LKIXSOX CO., Wilminglon, N. (?. August 2, 1860-1 y KEROSENE LAMPS. A large supply, suitable for stores, for sale very cheap with Oil, at dec CASSIDEY'S. 1ASTERN HAY. 150 BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. for sale,o w, from wharf, by jan 9 ELLIS & MllUlir, LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac., can be hired on verr reasonable terms, ot the Inimitable ian8 . I i ' - CASSIDEY. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shouldeas. For sale by dec 21 i HATHAWAY A CO. - N C. FLOUR. 50 boxes 50 bbls HATHAWAY of good A CO- -brands. dec 21 USC0VADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prime to choice Muscovado Susrar. For sale by ec ec21 HATHAWAY A CO. LARD. N OW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, bbls. Western! Lard a splendid article. . ' IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, .. . ' . J rj VI 1 W estern liarn, in numi; dec 4 Fbr sale by Z. II. GREENE. N EW FLOUR ! In bags and bbls. For sale by dec 1 ! .STOKLEY OLUUAM I ENGLISH (CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En V glish Cheese, just rccei vd at ! ded4 T HOSE CHOICE nAVANAS have come, at dec 6 WORTH A DANIEL'S. T ARD jjj use. 20 Kees Extra Leaf Lar d lor lamily VYUKU1 S UA.UIVli. BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, for sale very cheap, at CASIDE 1 'S. dec 7 j TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. 8TR. PARKERSBURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, a flew ueei xpniruee, em. uttuci Smoked Beef Buckwheat, Rye Flour, 60 bbls. C. Sugars, in A ! Butter, Raisins, 10 bbls. H. bugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. I WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 I 2 Granite Row, Front street. j ! PAMII.V PIaIIIR: irE have; the best Family Flour in town, and W we warrebt each and every barrel and package, ir npt gooa, to w rur?. dec 1Z WORTH. A DANIEL -j f 1 IA STERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Eeetern Hay in market. For sale by ec 21 ! HATHAWAY 4 CO. jVENI, VIDI, VICI. SUCH was the announcement ofavei j aicat yictorv, by a Roman General. The people of this day, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSI- Dky modiiy tne saying oi ine nuuienuunu, iuuo "I came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 I ' 26 28 South Front st of T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has seceded I This they would not have en prepared to do, if some of her citizens bad not bought I KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a gToat vsriety of Fsncy srticles, suita ble for the Holidays Candv, Nuts, c. sc., of the patriotic CASSIDEY. dec 21 JrUTE ROPE AND TWINE 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Bigging Twine. For sal by dec 1 ZE0 H. GREKNh. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec I I WORTH A DAMiL'S. IINE BED ROOM SETS. A new lot, some very prfctty just opened, and ior saic mi ;ec 19 riani.i n. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. TIER PARKERSBURG. 1 Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, ; Cheese, Segars. Tobacco. Ale, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. Pri 'runes, " Citron, ' Nutmegs, " " Mace, " Buckwheat " " A B C Sugar," Crashed it Sweet Cider, Elegant Hams, dec 19 WORTHA DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapp, Very poire Brandy. nerry r me. " Madeira " Port " For sale by dee 18 . WORTH A DANIEL. lORK. 60 bbls. X. Y. City Met Pork, for sale dec 7 by ZENO IL GREENE. rriHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in . town, war- I ranted n ail cases, to be hsd or . 'w ee 29 w uk in a wa.ip.jl. SUGARSSUGARS! yT BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, I O 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 35 1 MuscoTsdo Sugars, light and dry, SJhhds. " " " ' Forsaloby WORTH A DANIEL, -, jan .m J : . Granite Row; i. I PORK PORK. , ' ayT BBLS, New York City Messy just received I O and for sale low, for cash, by decll v if : ZENO 11. GREENE. EXtTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. CifZ KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2 cents, a ' dec 11 ! 4 GEO. MYERS. Tn A TITJTVXT. ; 250 BBIA Flour different grade, jan 15 : STOKLEY A OLDHAM. : PIANO FORTES. ' - TN fHEE TIMES when we ought to look at . I home, why not purchase of a Southern Man- 1KMKJ 4 hj tm -. wv., I ML, whose; Pianos hsve not been surpassed by anyJ . .V : : lr-a, nf M,Va .anil Ka., I never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac - Persons wishing to pnrchase, can bo referred to quite, a large number of fami- It mi n tM ri)r " . Ud MUto mww r - V feb 2t f- -' Aj ftx'tWat. Kaaba A f a.- wmm VBRVAII tiAoic rPzK for Tin: cm or j FEVER AND AGUE. DR O. rilKLfS BROWN waafes several U ao badly atlliclcd br Dyapepa, that fyr a part of the ti L was eoancd to hU bod. Us was ercatdallr cured by a orMcrintioa faraiah4 by a young clairvoyant girl. Thu prescripUoa. given bim by a mere child, while ia a state ei trance, haarurederrrybody who has takeoK, avar ' haying failed once. It is equally sure ia csms s Fits sa of DrspirsiA sod Fivaa aad Asrs. j To those persons who have tried an any aosdieUo until they i haTs become diacoaraged, 'and do net feel willing to expend more moaev upoa an certs la tics, I will aend toe preacvlptloa for preparing Sad . auccraafully using the Vtrrain Ma Atnmtlmm, upon receipt of their address, with atana fo retara -postage. All of the logredieaU are to be hvni at the Drug Store of rienrr MrLio. Addrres Dr. 0. ' Phelps Brown. No. 21 (Jrand fttreetj Jersey Clt; N. J. 1 . i - DR. O. PHELPS BROVfN'S. I ARCADIAN BALSA1I. I j For the cure of Cotwumption, Broacbltis, Aati . ms, Cough, Colds sod ' Nervous Debility. Cou poned principally of foreign hvrbs and hcaliag bal aama, it ia the only cure ever discovered for Dis eases of the Lungs, Stomach and Nerve. It rota bines all the qualities embodied in the thousands of drugs Tended to theaick: it is a bealiof balsam foe all the Internal Sores, LI cer a, TubtYdrs sod Inca rnations; an unsurpassable Tonic, ao aaseptlra able Nervine, a Purifier of all lbs Fluids, sa la til arant, a Stimulant which produces no rvactkaa, and a builder up of waited Fibre and MaaoW. 1'ricen, SI and 92 per largs bottles; saaapi bottlsa 25 cents. ; For aals by Henry McLia. . s j DR. O. PHELPS BROW.VS RENOVATING PILLS.! Thia Pill will regulate. the bowels when allo4bet . preparations will fail. It will, la a vsrr sboct time, eradicate what is termed chronic oat tl rests or constipation, Sick Headache, Livac aad BUUoas Complaints: and it will cure, at sure as there Is a sun. that shines upon as, all the sufferings aad aa noyances that hays their rise ia th want of proper stools. It does not act as merely a temporary af . fair; it keeps the human system ia a state of oad and vigoroua health, by aaaUv and almost percep tibly cleansing it of all imparities Each tot rsa tsins about 60 pills. Price 50 cents per bot . ) J ' . i ; DR. O. PHELPS BROWN'S Etherial Ointment. Among the'many aJSIctions for which as a rasa edy it has no equal, nor ever will have, is Rhesus tism. Fever Sores, Fistuls, Cramps, Dstsn4sry, Cholera, heavy Colds in the Chest aod Head, Sors Eyes, Croup, Pleurisy, Quinsy, .Enlarged ToasUa, Glandular twellln, Ear Aehs, Ear UlcaraTad kinds of Colics, doers and Tumors, Barns, Be. Stings, Bruises, Chilblains. Cuts, Cores. Spralus, Scalds, Sore Lips, Sore Nipples, Swelled Vaea, Palsy, Numbness, Blotches. Boils, rcald llad Mumps, 1 White Swelling, Gravel, Stone Wees. Kidneys, Muscular Disturbances, Scrofuar, Sai Rheum, M urcu rial Sores, A e. 4 Prlee iOceetspey pot. Descriptive psmpLlets gir an to all who ap ply to my Agent. ' . 4 i Addres Dr, O. Phelr-i Brown, No. 21 Oread Street, Jorsey'Clty, N J. . ! For sale bv ill embt McLiy. sole Agent la Wil mlngtonf N. C. j. jan 23 U , TO ARMS1 TO ARMS! THOSE who are opposed to the FWsl ' A - LL j coercion of a sovereign State, ! and who are opposed to tne passage or abolition soklisrstarouf a North Carolina, for the purnoasof aubjugatiag a sister State, will buy their OroccHes, ProrUio small stores and accoutrements of the patriot, j jan 1 ; CABdlDET.1 , COFFEE. " T BIO; LAOUAYRA.JavaandSt,Domis ' j . store, and for sal by ' I i 1 jan 101 ZENO H. GREEN sj r ' NEW CORN, AFLOAT. ' f 2 OA A BUSHELS Prime White New Craa JJ Corn, now landing, for aals by . , jan 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. i ! WHITE OATS, i "ri 2000I,,.,li,Si7.','lT'il-' jan It KLLl'S A MITCHELL, Mil EAT BRAN. ! 1 ! 1 1000 "i BAGS in litore. For salei by M anil ELLIS A MIT'CUELlJ RAISINS. 1 WHOLE boxes large bunch Raiiiaa, i jnn 1 1 1 For aale4by ZENO H.i GREE.VK C lANAL FAlGtlnVS. 100 Canal Bsrrowr, wsrt hone. and for asle, in lots to suit, at 1 nov.TO WILSON'S." i HOOP IRON. Tl I "k TONS 1 , 1 M to 1 H inch Hoop Iron, foe sal AW jan 8 , U. MaelNNIS. N. C. FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED rer RsUroad, rsnuy snJ Super, celebrated Wstehovia Mills brsnd.- rorialeby DeROSHLT, BROWN A CO. HOT 17 , , ! . CEMENT A PLASTER, Qnfi RCLS: Cement, 60 bbls. Plastsri Pairs, CKJyj per brig Water tVRch. For sale by r dec 13 ELLIS A MITCHELL. BOOKS FOR ALL. THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK, Cast well's Justice, r Swsnn's Reriaed Fredlr' Legal Adviser, at er, st cor: 5 Rio l Kminr KELLEY'S. 1 dec 11 Book Store. rExr-rEET m a m. s BAOS Rio Coffee 20 do la uonee zo oo Lara syrs do 5 do bt. Domingo do 20 mats Java do In store. and for sale low for csth.-by' dec 11. 2ENO H. GREENE. "Vf AILS- 150 keg. assorted Nail, from 3 to 04. 1 "t 1 - For sal by i ' ! ZENO U. GREENE. ! MALllirLL LJktKLlSL, U long snd happy life. Let the wt Hoops the boys small axe, and take plenty of exercle thee r I I LALllir LL EXERCISE, isnecaary tea ciru iey iruo- bar ofCASSlDEY. cool mornings. dee I LEAVEN--LEAVEN LEA VEX. LEAYEN, LEANEN, LEAVEN, LLAVE.V Try it-Try it-Try It Try it, at ;an H WO RTH A DA N I CL'H. NOTICE.' ' . : " j 4 LLPERSONsVhosrcisdebUd for Groceries, Jt Proviaions, Ac, either by note or account, to The late firm of Wilson A Williams, sad whoa accounts are long since due, are requested to make immediate payment U the subscriber, or such as counts will ho plae.l in oflicrr's bands for coU- tion.. - JAMES WILSON.; f jn i , No, 5 Msrkct street. 5 ' CHEESE. ! ' ! O A BOXES New York State Chees-Pledt w nirTO'iirq pr war u. i, liaise. ' 1 jan 10 For sale by ZENO IL GREEX T" EXTRA FAMILY Finf?Ti er" A BARRELS in store, and for asl Kir, . " ! ' WORTH A DANIEL Ja Graniu Row, Front street. COFFEE.-125 bags Rio Cbftes id store anTTr.r aale by' ' , : . 1 1 feb 20 - ; WORTH A DANlEl ' .CPICE BUTTER, . 1 . II tms day, st AX ' - WORTH A DANIEL'S, msr 4 ' . ' 1 Grsnite Row SUGARS. . 1 s-) r BBLS. A. B. snd C. Sugar, . . i 1-CO 5 hhd.. V. O.. j , ' . j For aale bv , WORTH A DANIEL msr 6 Front nreri. ' Toil A rrn : 'T'"4. llin BOXES, vsriotis grsde, for sale bv lW ' WORTH A DANIEL. ; mar . ....'..;,' Front street. LL the UtesFWeeklirs and DaU, rrclv4 and for talc at . i . . marl3 , WHITAXER'S-iUsk Stot ' J CM

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