I p. J, "' P '" ' i" 1 ' '.. .' ';'"': r-:' . 1 , . , . ' . ! I'l ' ' i THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERAITO 20, 1861. jjlSE VALUABLE THAN GOLD .1 )r. J.0. L. LTOX'S CO a 0 O 1 rt;i tmlv valuauie meuicine, dw iw uiv unt r i i - .1 - . iv. A a . n th American Public, his been ez- jj que c ' : JUi- and" successfully used on tbeLCpntinent f . . ' J 1;.L i- twelve years, wua oupreceaeniea succeij, j Yi nerer known it to fail In a single-instancy. 'Jiyr16 7 : , -... OBSTRUCTION OP MENSES, Monthly Sickness,) from whatever cause, is remove. It is impossible to enjoy the jfsi're rejular as to tbe time, tbe quantity i oIitJ- Wen tne7 re obstructed, nature AlU ber efforU to obtain for it some other outlet, Pri uileas thee efforts of nature are assisted, tbe 3ient usually experiences Despondency, Ner- asneis. and finally Consumption assVmes its Tf iw n'd prematurely terminates a miserable life. 'V'DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ' Rr'thOJe who hare not the least claim to Medical Science, and, hare even stolen the title of Dr. or Mi "they well know the sick grasp at eyery gleam ff hole and they scruple not to tempt them with Vbwiiz' advertisements. Many can testify of hay ' $ derrred more benefit from reading of their nos iosi than from taking them. 7 Bear In Mind that I Guarantee DROPS TO COKE Suppression of the Menses frrfn ihateTer caue, though cafe should be taken -taKrtain if pregnancy te the cause, as these n.Owould be sure to produce miscarriage ; they S sLo cerUinly PREVENT conception, if taken twi ofthree days before the monthly period ; tJLfcre I wish it distinctly understood that I do hpld myself responsible if it should produce iJKrwn when used under such circumstances.' foif 'Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, it Jcti 1 jke magic, producing the full and natural M '80 Jnarantee mJ roPs to cure speedily iiiolrhagia; pr to profuse menstruation so weak ejgjto the sufferer.. I could produce hundreds ftbbest Toluntary testimonials, but the practice 0f Wading bought and fictitious ones before the pa&lifl is prevalent, I do not deem it advisable. KtioBfect is to place my medicine before the pub bpo alone to make money, but to do good; It iiwofrerbially true of the American ladies that nitt$ perfectly healtby ones can be found in an csfrfcinity. I t ' 11 . BE WISE IN TIME, ' Lrnot disease destror your constitution. Send fof. s'bottle of my PERIODICAL' DROPS, and' ni wall be satisfied that I am no impostor. . Tell itflr afflicted friend what restored the bloom of ; iiitB to your cheeks, and thereby confer a favor s,ift fraluaoieinangoia.. 7- -; j REMEMBER I GUARANTEE ; Ltropa to cure Irregularity of the Menses, .frdp rhatever cause, if taken accordingto direc iMt Wrhich accompany each bottle. They wil L.ik aleviate and permanently cure all the various iiricspf disease arising from such Irregularity, fcr.br:removing the cause nature will herself re- - iBte fee effects. f jSy jDrdps are prepared solely by myself, 1 fid - MSt (Secure from observation) to any addret" la ih4 1 sited States and Canadas, on receipt of $5,t0. AT can rely upon their communications being ftrttlj confidential, k One trial will convince the mit tffeptical, and never after will you be induced lojiry ny other. All orders addressed to jf 'f Doct. JNO. L. LYON, "ICnqi. 63 Church St., New Haven, Ct." wiJ meet with prompt attention, f ; 5 - jJaHig practiced in the Paris Hospital, under' 'xjBiitions of the renowned Ricord of Paris; and Acinpf London, and after twelve years' practice in mis country, I think it not egotistical to say I icjr.owiedge no superior in this country, in the t:tmtnt of any disease flesh i$ heir to. r My j.rjR'ticif having led me to pay more particular at 'iioiv to-distases of a private nature, such as Xvfturnal Emissions, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Gieet, viictuVes, Ac, I wonld say I am prepared to riirantee a cure in all cases without the use of l(rcuiiy or other injurious minerals: yon wish to consult by letter, state fully your .T3i or its symptoms, your age, and whether nmed or single. No charge for consultation. r: Address J)oct. JNO. Li LYON, i 1 (53 Church-street, New Haven, Conn. ir Jf2-6m i . JAMES PIRSSON T) lSPECTPL'LLY informs the pnabUc, that he Il'ss moved his Piano Forte ana Music Store, wo. ,26 Market btreet, where he; will keep con itlaiven hand, an elegant assortment of PIANO .FORTES, of an entire new and greatly improved hjaving the iron frame, ana overstrung Bass,' iwithlotfer improvements, far surpassing any Piano Fortes haw manufactured in the United States. Tlst Piano Forts are manufactured for Mr. P., . fcr Leight A Bradbury, whose immense advantages M ftrtect machinery and large capital, give them lpt advantage over other makers. J Tie bublic are respectfully invited to call and . fiiaine for themselves, Residence, corner o Froat iiid Orange streets, where he also has an as- wrtneat of Piano Fortes. Pianos toned and repairedand taken in exchange orneWi . . dee21-tf TiCGns of numbers. Canal Barrows, ; Shovels, Spades, Rice, Weed and Grubbing Ho. prindstones, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, ij 4c., in warehouse, and for sale low at Eirtieis, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Estab- niiient, o. 5 Jlarsret street. . mar i ; I hayhay; DA A BALES pjime North River Hay, in store, For sale bv ELLIS k MITCHELL. GENTL.EMENS' DRESS HATS, TO f THE SPRING AND SUMMER OF 186L . dETERAL NEW SHAPES now open,' and "will U receive by steamship Parkersburg, tj I SIX CASES, 1 . s 1 SIX CASES, jsniOXABLE MOLESKIN HATS. ititated on an entif ely new and successful plan, M tiding to the comiort in wearing, from the of the Hat renting asier on the head. fs'o binding of the forehead the sweat leather Vr?. perfect cushion. . i. JkeXew Styles are W, i f r .GRACEFUL, and ; $ I ELEGANT. ; iJow readv at the Hat and Cap Emporium, :k ' ' MYERS A MOORE, Lg ! ' 34 Market street. W3 CASH. . . W3 CASH. ' ' . mar 21 PAPERS ' EIVEri t K El-T-E-Y'Sl !f ew Book Store, (this mnrnincr t . v lhRalirh Stand arrl . i iNewYork Ledger, t Welcome Gnest, i f o t Union, il Hper's Weekly Containing Major Anderson's .-. vaand at Fort'Simter; Surrender of General ' ltzb Iate of the U. S. Army, to the Texan : in the Grand Plaia San Antonio: Forts , and Lancaster, Texas ; The Alamo San An- ; puofTexas, late Headquarters of Ex-Gen. Twiggs ;'ttf2o j : .; - , I CURTAINS. ,1 1 ' KAHNWEILER & BRO., f I-1 E NOW OFFERING a large and well-as-riU. sorted stock of . -i . i'' '. TO MUSLIN AND CHOTTlKGHAM CUR ,? TAINS, DRAPERY, MOUSLIN" AND " t . VESTIBULE LACE, i chich they will dispose of at very, low . : fs 2d door from Exchange Corner. "1. !,ttwl9 . . . .. . . T OATSOATS. .BUSHELS prime Maryland Oata, per ut'ltor 1 inn i .v.i- v w ' V o.. ri. i' ' Foraalebyt - ' ' - , . - 1 ( ffitr20 - j v ttttc t, fTTmnrrT. , &ELLUJ G rapidly at the reducedprices, at nr20 BALDWIN'S. !. t" " loon m ft t ! 1 . I FOUND, A SUM OF MONEY, which the ewner caa have by proving property, mar 16-tf j JJo. L CANT WELL. Cw, TS, A. LAMONT. OMMISSION MERCHANT. No. S8 North Water street -mar-tf WiLMMtra- JT. O. AUCTION o BOOKS, STATIONERY, AO AC. THE stock of Books,' Stationery and Artist Ma terials in the store UNDER THE HERALD OFFICE will be offered at auction, commencing at half past seven o'clock to-night, and will be continued until the stock is closed out. mar 11-tf , ' NOTICE. Orrici or Wihii6tos Gas Liaar Co., - March!, 1881. g AKUhUhi) by the Board of Directors, that from and after this date the price of Gas shall be four dollars, per 1000 feet, if paid for on or before the 15th day ef each month ; if not paid for by that time', ten per cent, will be added, mar l&-lw WM. HYDE, Sec. and Treas. HPHE FOLLOWING wm received by us this 1 meraing: JTaw Toar, March 16th, 1861. TO WnOM IT MAY CONCERN. - " - - fj ' F1V w MMW A A vVVUIUIvUU MA. I Jamea McCormick, now in the employ ef O. S. Baldwin, Wilmington, If. C, as a gentleman of artistic taste, and first rate mechanical ability. Gentlemen deairinsj a first rate suit of Clothes, Will not be diaaDDOmtMl is thir Tmutitinni hr giving Mr. MeC. a trial. , ! TJ. ULKN CROSS, Publisher of Fashions, and Author f " Guide to Practical Cuttinr," 112 Broadway, New York. In connection with the above, we beg most re spectfully to announce that Mr. Baldwin is now in Sew York, aelectin from newfat mtmrUtinm nf Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings, which are daily being received at 33 Market street, purchased ex pressly for Custom Work. . . Workmen ef the highest skill are employed, so that we are new prepared to execute all orders hi best style, latest fashion, at mar 20-dAw 20 REWARD. LETT, on Thursday morning last, (to go to Fadgen's, on Cape Fear river. with Mo horse, Franklin R. Roberts. Said Roberts is about ray o leet mcnes nign, dark .complexion and dark eyes. 1 be horse ia about 14 hands high, bay color, and bind legs scarred by kicking. i ne atove rewara wm be paid for the delivery of the horse to me. i , marl8-6t - r E. WERCOTT. Guitars & Cxuitar Strings. Avjjju assortment on nana ana lor sale at mar 2 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. ENGLISH CREAM CHEESE just to hand . very extra at marl6 . ; . GEO. MYERS'. OATS. 1AAA BUSHELS Prime Maryland Oata, now luvv laildingfrom schr. Minehaha. mar 16 For sale by ELLIS k MITCHELL. TO TEACHERS AND EMPLOYERS. rriHE Southern Teachers' Agency is prepared to X" furnish SOUTHERN" TEACHERS to fami lies or institutions in any part of the South. ill TV TTTTTT 'V- t IIH w i T si i . M Auuress ur. dj iuiAjrA.3xz, o 3. v;oaries St., inarl8-3t ;! Baltimore, Md. AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY! For the cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS A-ll COLDS. TBI MAKORA ARABICA, DISCOVEEKD BV A WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA. All who are suSferingfrom Consumption should use the MAKORA ARABICA, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All wno are tnreatenea witn consumption snouia use the MAKORA ARABICA, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All wno are sunermgirom lironcmus snouia use the MAKORA ARABICA, discovered by a mis sionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, should use the MAKORA ARABICA, discovered by a raissionary-in Arabia. All who are suffering from Asthma, Scrofula and Impurities of the Blood, should use the MAKORA ARABICA, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. It cures Consumption. It cures Bronchitis . ' ' It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. It cures Asthma, Scrofula, and Impurities of the Blood. - This unequalled remedy is now for the first time introduced to the public ' . . It was providentially discovered by a missionary while traveling in Arabia. He was cured of Con sumption by its use, after his case was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in Europe. He has lorwardedrto us in writing, a full account of his own extraordinary cure, and of a number of other cures which have come under his observa tion, and also a full account of the medicine. At his request, and impelled by a desire to ex tend a knowledge of this remedy to the public, we have had his communication printed in. pamphlet form for free distribution. Its interest ianhanced by an account which he gives of some of the scenes of the Syrian massacres, which he obtained from those who were sufferers in that awful trag edy. ' This pamphlet may be obtained at our office, or it will be sent free bv mail to all who apply for it. We imubrt the MAKORA ARABICA direct from Smyrna, through the heuse of Cleon k Gv- lippus, ana we nave always on nana a iuii suppiy put up ia bottles ready for use with full directions. Price one dollar per bottle. Sent by mail, on receipt of price, and 24 cents for postage. For sale wholesale' and retail by LEEDS, GILMORE 4 CO., Imps, af Drugs and Medicines, 61 Liberty street, N. Y. Alse by Druggists generally .t mar 16-ly DE BOWS REVIEW. AS AUTHORIZED Agents, we should be pleased to receive subscriptions for this trul v valuable periodical. A lew copies oi me aiarcn No. on hand and for sale at mar 21 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. OUR LIST of these is now so extended.that we have not advertising space to enumerate them. Recollect, any Newspaper or Magazine published, can be had at ' mar 21 vrmiA&J.a 9 new uooa oiore. ATTENTION, TVTim-n-n-tr flnmrnTlifiS ! THE NORTH CAROLINA PINE BURR POM- PQON, -TYTELL MOUNTED on brass wire, neatly fin IV ih(vt and varnished. " They can be easily adjusted to -any style of Mili tarv Hat or Cap. tVe will furnish them to Military Companies at Eight. Dollars a hundred. Send for specimens, to ' MYERS k MOORE, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C: Terms cash. - "mar 21 MILITARY BOOKS A T WHITAKER'S New Book Store : Gilham's Manual, Hardee's Rifle and Light Iniantry Tactics, Cooper's Macomb's Tactics, V ol unteers Hand Book. Scott's Infantry Tactics, Cav alry Tactics, printed by order of the War Depart ment; Tactics for Officers of Infantry, Cavalry pared for the use of the Army of the U. S.; Evo- lutions oi tne xane, y - i cjui nf tha flmdM. Tnstrnction-for laiantrv, tjt"w " ,. , Arms with Percussion Locks and Bayonets with Clasps: The Art ot war, Dy voimui, " ; and how to use it; Ordnance Memoranda, Naval Percussion Locks and Primers, Instruction for Field Artillery, Gibbon's Artillerist's Manual, Hand Book of Artillery, Notes on Sea-Coast De fence, by' Barnard; Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Naval Gunnery, by Jeff'ers. .-mar 22- . jl . : " ' ' : WANTED, ' ' T.ABTIES who owe us bills, to settle them iin Yf' mediately. We have got FOUR THOU BAND DOLLARS outstanding in small accounts of from one dollar upwards, some of which have been standing SIX YEARS. Do us the favor of settling them, at 34 Market street, ma, 22 : ' ' . MYERS k MOORE. , ; GARDENING ' FOR TOESOUTH, or the Kitchen and Fruit ' Garden, with the best methods for their cul . - i..(iv ?"K hints onAn Tnriarina and FlowerGardenihg. By Wm. Jf . White, of Athens, "mar M ' V KELLERS Book SWe. YTPOSIERY, Ties, Hdkfs, Gloves, Shirts and ESTABLISHED, 1839. S. T. SUIT, KENTUCKY SALT RIVER BOURBON WHISKY DISTILLERIES. ADDRESS, S. T. SUIT, DISTILLER, JEFFERSON- Co, Ky. Sept 14, 1860-d6m FLOUTt. . 1 KC BARRELS Super and Family Flour, for LfJJ sale, in lots to uit, bv . ' ; WORTH k DANIEL, jan 28 - Granite Row, Front street. EVERETT'S LIFEOP WASHINGTON OX COPIES more received this morning, at ' j" 0 WHITAKER'S New Book Store, NOTICE. CONSTANTLY manufac turing, at my Establish-, mjnt, every variety ot Har- ness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks. fcvery description oi baddies, Harness, Bridles, Whips and Trunks, manufactured to order and re paired. JAMES WILSON, i jan It - No 5 Market street. OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND, 1 Wigwam Tonic. i THESE delicious and far-famed Bitters are re commended by the first physicians of the country, on account of their Purity and Medicinal Virtue. They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the best Tonic and Stimulant erer of fered to the public. , Their curative powers, in cases of General De bility, ' Loss of Appetite, Constipation, etc., are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we fuel war ranted in claiming what we do, we beg leave -to state that our assertions are endorsed by Prof. Silliman, of Yale Cellege, Prof. Hayes, of Massachusetts, . and hundreds of others. Sold only by, dec 18-ly WALKER MEARES. LOOK AT THIS. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to in form his friends, and the public, in gen eral, that he has at last trot his new Sta bles about completed,' and will be ready, on the 1st of October, to receive Horses, by "the day, week or month, on the most accommodating terms. The best accommodations for drovers. It has been the impression abroad, for many years, that there was but one LIVERY STABLE in Wilmington ; the subscriber begs leave to informHhe travelers of stock dealers, that such is no longer the case, and that his new STABLE, on the corner of Princess and Second streets, is at least the best in the State of North Carolina, and will compare favorably, with any in the United States ; fitted up in the most modern style, with secret and patent Racks, so that no dust can fall in the horse's eyes, or on his mane, which often blinds a good horse. Large and roomy stalls, both floored and dirt, and the proprietor alweys on hand, to attend to the wishes of those who may give him a call. Horses, Buggies and Hacks always on hand for hire, by the dav, week or month.' JOHN K. CURRIE. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 10, 18G0-ly WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION. THE MEMBERS of the Wilmington Library Association are hereby notified that the Li brary and Reading Rooms, will be open every da y, frem the hours of 10 to 12 A. M., anu from G P. M., to' 10 P. M., after 3rd inst. By order of Directors. August 2, 1860-tf W. C. HOWARD, BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, Office on South Water street, (Old Store, &-,Having received the appointment of Auc tioneer, respectfully offers his services for the pur chase and sale of Real Estate, Stocks Negroes, Produce and general Merchandize. Special attention will b given to the Naval Store business, as heretofore. REFERENCES : O. G. Parsley, Esq., President Commercial Bank of Wilmington. John Dawson, President Bank of North Caro lina. Messrs. Kidder k Martin, E. Murray & Co., 1 , T. C. Mcllhenny, Esq., I " Dollner, Potter & Co., of New York, " Watson & Meares, " " " April 6-tf NOTICE. ? THE SUBSCRIBER having qualified as the Ex ecutor of the late Robert W; Gibbs, at the March term, 1861, of the Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions for the county of New Hanover, here by notifies all persons indebted to' his testator, to come forward and make payment ; and those hav ing claims against said testator, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pl(ad in bar ot their recovery. U. AI. UiUUSi, J-.x'r. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS yhom it may concern, are in formed that M. A. Empe Gibbs is duly au thorized to act in my j absence as my agent in set tling no the estate of R. W. Gibbs, dee'd. He may De lound in our otnee, over tne Auction crore. IBU 1J-OIUIU1YT . VT. JJJ.. VJTXiJJJOj O-i-V 1. WINDOW SHADES. A NEW SUPPLY for the Spring trade, con f sisting of many new and beautiful patterns. Will be sold low for cash, and no- charge for put ting up, C. POLVOGT, mar 19 Corner Front and Princess sts. ' KAHNWEILER & BRO'S AVj OPENED this day, their entire Spring Importation ot IENCH. GERMAN AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, Viz: Silks,. Bareges! Organdies, Jaconets, Bril liants, Calicoes, &c. j These goods have) been selected for our trade, and for novelty and extent cannot be surpassed. 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front st. mar 21 i . . COX. KENDALL & CO., G ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHCLESALE GROCERS, leb 12-tf Nos. 11 and 12 North Water at. NOTICE, MR. CYRUS. S VANAMRINGE U this day i admitted a partner with me. We shall con tinue to carry on the General Commission Busi ness, and Manufacture of Naval Stores, in the name of Joseph R. Blossom k Co. '''. febl8-3m ' J. R. BLOSSOM. JOSSPH E. BLOSSOM. CYRUS S. VAXAMEISGB. J. R. BLOSSOM & CO. t GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Wilmington N. C. Cash advances on consignments for sale of for shipment, to B. Blossom k Son, New York. Feb 18th, 1861 tf ' ATTENTION, WILMINGTON HORSE ARTILLERY! YOU are hereby commanded to attend the fol lowing Regular Drills: Officers' Drill Monday Evening. Company Drill Wednesday and Friday Eve nings. - - The .Roll will be called at 8 o'clock, precisely, and absentees will be rigidly dealt with, according to the" rules and regulations cf the troop. . By order of the Captain. mar 2-tf R. IL GRANT, 0. S. PLATED WARE. T.LATED Tea Table and Desert Forks. J . Plated Tea,Table and. Desert Spoons. "TPlated Soup, Gravy and Cream Ladles. Plated Water Dippers and Candlesticks. Plated Custards ana u ine oeis, ai mar 18 PERRIN'S.. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. nnHE LATEST dates of the most popular month I lies, weeklies and dailies always on hand, and foTsaleat ' WJTAKER. GLASS. LASS GLOBES, Glass Torches, at mar 13 PERRIN'S. SOUTHERN LIT. MESSENGER. TE BOW'S Review, Southern Field and ftre II side, and other Southern" publications, for sale bv the single copy, and subscriptions ree d at mar 18 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. Office TaAssroaxArjoa, W. A M. R. R. Ce. Wilminirton. N. C March 15. 18l. j T?R0M and after this date no goods will be re-: JL ceived at Uua Depot without receipts lor me ame. I . ' 1 '-. -:: -: . ?i Goods must be distinctly marked ; with the eon-: signee's name, (or mark,) and place of destination. mar 16-lw R. B. McRAE, Agent. WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ! CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GJf AND AFTER OCTOBER 31st, the .Trains I will run on this Road as follows : EXPRESS TRAINS NORTH. J V j Leave Wilmington, .....2,30 A. M. and 2,10 Pi Mil Arrive at Goldiboro,......6.26 A M.,and6,36 Pi -Mi ! u WuMnn. 10.40 A. M. and 10.45 PI M. EXPRESS TRAINS SOUTH. H Leave Welden,........... ll,00 A. M. and 8,45 Pj M. Arrive at Goldsboro,....2,43 P. M. and 12,30 Pi MI " " Wilmington,...5.00 A. M. and 1,05 Pi M. ACCOMMODATION AND EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS.' ; . H Leave Wilmington,.... ..r.6,00 A, M; Arrive at Goldsboro',. .............2,40 p M Leave Goldsboro',.. .:....i,.5f?0 Ai Ui Arrive at Wilmington, ..3,00 p M Through freight trains will leave WilmingtoU on Mondays and Thursdays. t Leave Weldon on Mondays and Thursdays as usual. j i j Note. Oiriv one train each way on Sundays, viz: 2 o'clock'P. M., North, and 8,45 P. M. SoTithj as heretofore. Mhe 2,30 A. M. Express train con4 nects with the N. C. R. R. Express train going West, and the two Express trains. 1XA A. M. from Wilmington, and 11 A. M. from Weldon, connects with the Newbern trains. The 2,00 P, M. fraini North, and 8,43 South, connect with the N. C. A R. R. Mail trains at 5,30 A. M. daily, except Sun (is vs. '""'--! ' ' S. L. FREMONT, Engineer arid Supt ;' Office Eng. & Supt. Wilmington, Oct. 28,1859, fc 3 Goldsboro' Tribune and Weldon Patriot copy 6 times. . ; jan 12. J WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD CO. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of this Company is appointed to be held in? the town of Wilmington, on the 28th day of March,! 1861, to pass upon theproposed amendments to! the; charter, and for other purposes. j j The transfer books will be closed for thirty; days from and after this date. By order. ,;-j ' y ROBERT H. COWAN, Sec'y. i Wilmington, N. C, March-4, 1861.' ; tm A NOTICE. Oftice or TRiNSPOEtAT'x, W. k M. R. R. Co.',' : Wilmington, N. C., Jan 26, I860.' Ij ' ALL COTTON remaining on the wharf of! this Company, over two days, will be stored at; the expense of the owner. ; , : 1 ; Consignees are requested to remove their Coiton immediately on its deliverv froin the cars. i jan 26-tf ! R. B. McRAE, Agent. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS, f Office Gex. Sup'x Wil. k Man. R. R. Co. J. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 28. 1859 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, October 31st the following Schedule for Passensrer Trains will be run upon the Road, viz : Leave Wilmington, .....6 A. M. and 8,15 P. Mi Arrive at Kingsville, 3,40 A. M. and 5,55 P. Mi Leave Kingsville, ..;.3,40 A. M. and 3,40 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, 12,45 PL M. and 1,00 A. M. Close connections are made through to Colum-i bia, and with the Greenville and Columbia Rail Road by the trains arriving at and leaving Kingsr ville in the afternoon. J. P. ROBERTSON, General Sup't. i nor 17-tf v " ! J TRANSPORTATION OFFICE IF W. C. & R- RAIL ROAD. Wilmington, N. C, March 16: 1861 O.N AN I) Ai TKK JMUDAI , the lbtn mst., a freight train will run on this road as follows :' Up Monday's and Thursday's ; down Tuesday's and Friday's. Freight for this train must be at the depot by one o'clock the day previous to de parture. . No freight will hereafter be carried 'by passenger trains, except at discretion of the agent, when double rates will be charged. ; T-. L. L6VE, mar 16-tf Master of Transportation. Qfjnn BAGS, good quality, now being land-; DJJJ ed ex-brig Union State, direct froniRio- Janeiro, for sale in lots of ten "bags, ai:d upwards, for cash or its equivalent. ' i O. G. PARSLEY k CO.; Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 10, 1860. . diwtf WALTON HOUSE AS THE LEASE of the present Proprietor will terminate on the 26th of May next, the sub-, scribers will rent, for a term of years, this popular; Hotel, to' a man who can give such references, (none other need apply,.) as will satisfy the owners that it will be so kept as not to detract from the reputation which it sustains as a first-class Hotel. The patronage of the house is large, and in-i creasing. From its central position, and estab-; lished character, it cannot fail of success, if pro--' perly conducted. Any further information, in detail, will be given, bv addressing - ; T. G. k W. M WALTON,- i jan 26-tmay26 Morganton, N. C. i FIVE YEARS IN CHINA, WITH some account of the great Rebellion, and a description of St. Helena, the isle' where tbe great Bonaparte breathed his last, by! Rev. Charles Taylor, M D.j formerly missionary: to' China, from the South Carolina Conference.' The author of the above work is well known by. many citizens in this city. The work is written in! a pleasing and fascinating stvle, for sale at ; fob 12 KELLEY'S Book Store". ; E NGLISH, Sole Leather, and every 6tyle of Valise, at WlliHU'. ; leb 14 : ; ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF TRUNKS manufac-, tured to of der, and repaired, at WILSON'S . j Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, LeatheT and Oil Estab-f lishment, No. 5 Market street. ! feb 14 i EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. JUST RECEIVED, per steamship North Caro j lina, 35 kegs, extra quality. ; - ,' feb 14 . GEO. MY'ERS. : FOR SALE. HPHREE beautiful OIL PAINTINGS, for sales I cheap, at C. POLVOGT'S Upholstery Es- tablishment. j A few more of those splendid oval Frames, .for Portraits, Photographs, 4e , for sale at cost, to close out, at - C. POLVOGTS, : . ! feb 14 Corner Front and Princess streets. ; CROCKERY, OF all kinds and all prices, to be had at No. "Market-street. " . i -i leb 26 B. R. PERRIN;. f PLANTING POTATOES. J CT A A BBLS EXTRA PLANTING Irish Potatoes JUU daily expected. For sale by Feb. 13th. T. C. k B. G. WORTH. CONVENTION OR NO :CON YENTION SECESSION OR UNION ? These will be the leading, important question to be asked and answered to-morrow, ana which are to decide that destiny of North Carolina. In the meantime let us continue to buy Wilmington made boot and shoe. Polish, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, those Improved Letter Presses, Kerosene Lamps nd Oil at CASSIDEY'S Rendezvous. . , feb 27 HAY I HAY! ; " - -j A f( BALES Clover Hay, per bark Flyidg tUU Cloud; 200 do. Prime Eastern, per scbr Aid, daily expected and for sale from wharf. ' feb 27 T. C. A G; B. WORTH; i NORTH CAROLINA ARMS BUTTON! THESE Buttons can be found only at 38 Market street. - -;j leb 27-lt G; S; BALDWIN. 1 FAULKNER'S TTISTORY of the Revolution in the, Southern il States including the ' Special Messages of ! President Buchanan The- Ordinances "of Seces-i sion of the-six withdrawing States Preiiminaryj steps taken therefor Seizure, of jFprts and Arse-1 nals Measures coercive and conciliatory on the part of the General Govertnneat--Messages of the1 Governors of States North arid S6uth Biograph-j ical Sketches of Leading i Men Calhoun s Be-; markable Dream President Jackson's Nullifica-.' tion Proclamation, etc., etc. Just publishedl, ; i Received and for sale at . -r ; ' 4 mar 2 . WHITAKER'S New, Book Store. SOUTHERN FAMILY JOURAi; 4 ! STERLING SoutUera literary raper, re- f ceived for March 31st, at . mar l ' WHITAKER'S New Seek! Stere. , XS OT feale anCl JrCeilt. , 4' FOR RENT. - C ROOjIa, in tne tenement next souui oi me U residence of O. O. Psrsler.itsq., cn Zna si. mar 1-tf Apply to HAT A BAILEY. FOR RENli. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, on Dock street, between 7th and 6th streeU, contain ine five Room and Kitchen, and a very good Well of Water ia the yard. Possession given immdUu4y. . i Alao, wanted to hire, a good stout Colored Boy, by the month. Apply to K. THORBL'RN, nov 10-tf Eagle Bakery. :.. TO RENT. ONE FINE COMMODIOUS OFFICE, irame diately 'fronting the river, formerly occu pied by Measrs. Kidder A Martin. Two large, convenient Ware Houses, on the Al iev, directly east of our office. Apply to oct 5 STOKLEYl A OLDHAM. Shipping, FOR PH ILADELPII 1 A. Sehr COEKNINE. WilletU, master, will hare dispatch asj above. For' freight or passage, applv to HARRIES & HOW ELL. mar FOR NEW YORK. Schr D M FRENCH, Sjtiles, master, will have dispatch as above. Jt or freight or passage applv t mar 21 HABRISSl A HOWELL. FOR BALTIMORE. Schr MINNEHAHjA, Cap t Young, will have dispatch asjabove. For freight or passage, applv to T C AiBGWO'BTn. . mar 21 OFFICE CAPE FEAR AND OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. WiLMixaTos, N. C. lloth May, 1SG0. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Compa nv. have made a contract fori the construction Ot an Iron Steam Ship, to be put fipon.the line be tween New.Vorkand this port, in the early part jof October. In the mean time, tle.lscrew Steam jghip Parkersburg, will make regular trips, com imencing about the 15th of Junr, and upon the completion of the Ship contracted for, will run in connection with her. i At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, it hasToeen ordered thatjthe fpllowine: in stallments be paid upon the subscriptions to the Capital Stock oi this Company : j 1st cash installment ot 15 per cent. 2d 25 per cent, pavable 25th June, i860. 3d 25 " " 5th Sept. 1360. Ath 25 " '"" 25th Oct. 18G0. 5th 10 " " " 20th Jan. 1861. -, ' . GILBER-T POTTER, ' may 10 , President. WEEKLY LINE OF STEAMERS, BETWlvEN New York & Wilmington. ! THE NEW STEAMSHIP NORTn CAROLINA.' Cart. Win. Powell. will leave New York for Wilmington, on the lath inst , and run, ia connection with the steamship Parkersburg, Capt Stannard, forming a weekly line between New York ind Wilmington, one ship leaving each port;, every Saturday. I l am authorized to state that the Wilmington and Manchester, and Wilmingl on and Weldon Railroad Co's will run Freight Trains, in connec tion with the steamers by whi ';h arrangement, freight will be transmitted to and from the inte rior, without delay. E. A KEITH, Ag't , Wilmington. H. B. Cromwell k Co , Ag'ts, New York., j jan 8-tf I FOR PHILADELPHIA. Schr. .CHAS. A. HECKSHER, j Stutts, will have dispatch as above. Applj iv to mar 11 IIARR1SS & HOWELL FOR QUEENSTOWN, IRELAND. ine iasi sauin orijj riv.-v, Capt. Walker, will sal tor Queebstown, Ireland, and other pdrts in Europe, on or about the 23d inst. Has splendid accommoda tions for' two passengers. Apply! to ' mar 16 HARRIS? k HOWELL. SWEET POTATOES. I A FEW BUSHELS, very fine j at J. 1 ' CASSIDEYS Rendezvous. ' fliAJS iLauF ana mating rotatoes a iew outs left, very fine, at mar 1 CASSIDEY S Rendezvous. f FANCY ARTICLES. f A GREAT variety of those Case Goods--Hair, 7 Cloth, Tooth and Flesh Brushes, Dressing Combs, Hosiery, Gloves, fec, for sale low at 3S Market-street. j mar Lit O. S;. BALDWIN. tr.iimr.T: wmv-rnnp mot-assrs. 290 HHDS. 19 Tierces choice New Crop Car denas Molasses, now landing from the brig S. P. -Brown, direct from Cardenas, for sale by if marl HATHAWAY & CO. EMPIRE DISTILLERY, ...Wilriungton, N. JOS; R. BLOSSOM &! CO., C. .: - ' Proprietor?. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, arid Turpentine put up in thi best manner, in quantities to suit purchasers. j ; i jZ5 Storage and Cooperage furnished. ;febl8-tf . : " - .:' j TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT! T)EACE Conference Adjourned! The Critten- - den Amendments Voted DoWn in the House Representatives! Election for Convention this day in North Carolina 1 Every (thing dark and Eloomy except the light afforded iv the Kerosene amps and Oil from CASSIDElt'S Rendezvous, where Planting and Eating Potatoes can be had. . BAR AND RESTAURANT. i , FRONT STREETJ North of the Bank of Cape Fear, .and opposite the Bank of Wilmington. The subscriber1 respectfully informs the public that he has opened as above a BAR ROOM AND RESTERAUNT, where he-will keep the CHOI CEST and BEST LIQUORS, and; serve up in the best manner everything that the' market will af ford. OYSTERS in every s.tyle; !' GAME when in season, etc., etc. MEALS at all hours. ' iHe has secured the serviee-bf MK WILLIAM H. CURTIS, well known to every admirer of FINE OYSTERS well served. HENRY WEBB. ; oct 9, 1860-tf , j -rii . : ! H iETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, If. ' OF HARTFORD) 'vl Incorporated in 1819 Charter Perpetual. I CASH CAPITAL $1, oi)0,000 INSURE AGAINST LOSS AND DAMAGE by Fire, on terms adapted to the hazard, andrcon sistent with the law of compensation : DsROSSET k BROWN, Aug 8 I Agents. : ; n 4- ' j: ntecni TTmmv HE CO-PARTNERSHIP hertetofere existin? under the firm ot VV . F. Kendall & Son, was dissc .issolved on the 11th inst. . ; Havine associated with us Mf. J. J. Cox, the business- will be continued under the name and style of COX, KENDALL k CO. I J.J. COX, jj W. P. KENDALL, ! feb 12-tf : J. S. KENDALL. THE HARNETT HOUSE RESTAUEAJSTT, NO, 20 MARKET STREET, HAS BEEN put in good ii., order, and openea. oy L- Families suppUed with OYiSTERS, GAME, kt-, at short notice. ' Ian 17-tf . SHIPMAN. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE OR MARCH, received and for sale at feb 15 WHIT4KER'S New Book Store. s OUTH CAROLINA MONEY, by WORTH k .DANIEL, leb 13 . Granite Row- Front st. Tft nnn bushels corn. XtiUUU STOKLEY CliA BUSHELS NEW OATS. OUU . STOKLEY O A A BARRELS, FLOUR. ZKjAJ STOKLEY OAA BALES HAY. JiJJ STOKLEY k OLDHAM. k. OLDHAM. k OLDHAM. k OLDHAM. OWPEAS. ' STOKLEY ORN MEAL. ' STOKLEY Lfc OLDHAM. OLDHAM. OLDHAM. rrnABLE HOMINY. . Jl STOKLEY ORSE HOMILY. STOKLEY OLDnAM. STOKLEY & OLDHAM; 1 aSSlllBnkBBBBlBllBilflaMB 21 .. PERSONS indebtod to J. .Murray, i are trvbv notitiod that hii note and ac- cvuau arc now fa my bauds. or collection, "and all t persons are rtqoeleU to come lorwara sua sevue with me, without UwUv, tu voi l the neeeiiity of suit, and to cnabU m-, proxupUt to accomf lih'the n,d, fiu.r,. " ' h i fu I obi 1' dfc U-tf . - V. J.' MOORE, Auiguee. CASH ADVANCES. " IE WILL make liberal alvac on Cutton. ; shirjKJ to cotiaifpment of our fiicndt at Liverpool, direct, or via New York, on. such terms as will be gati.fact"rv to holders desiring to realize. dee 15-tf ' O. G. PA US L Li k CO. 55 Tarboro' Sonthcrnr. Gdboro' Reugh Notts, Wilson Idgvr. st 1 Pet-nburg Rvprt-. py till forbid. MEN4ND PLACES " OF IMPORTANCE. AT 1 HIS TIME. The llvrder State Convention st WLiogton, the Congress of the Soth'rn su-ceded States st Montgonerr, Ahu, and the Patriotic CASSIDEY at tha RenvlezvoBi. n Front irert, w ho elU Gro ceries, Provisions, Wiru-j. Liijcorn. Cigars. China. Glaw, Earthenware, Kcroen' Innrs and Oil all at -the lowest prior. ' ' feb 6 SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME.) i FRKSH SUPPLY ot Kliod,s Sut-t Phos lJL phate; jut rcwivwl, ai d for sale tv , leU; E. A. K KITH . OIL j TriNTEll STRAINED POLAR OIL An in- I s voice ot thu tuperiur junt rrct-ived i direct from New Bedford and fur tale bv leb (i t. A. kLITII. MAYXA RI) RIFLE. ' - . . - ONE just receivvtl, fob 7 . . and for sale, for oa-h. O. S. BALI 'AVIV. WANTED, rpiIOE unpaid Bills, due Jar.u.irr 1 t, nttl.-d. I We are obliged to send the cash with t.ur op. aers for Groceries, and on r .patruns will se thr necossitr of this appeal.' fob 1 r , GKOKGK MYERS. TO OUR PATRONS. I T1 ' V V . k . j '.. . v .... . UilVS Our bills for Januarv are now read r. We ran buv nothin;? withou feb 2 t the niouev dow n.' i WORTH Jc DANIEL. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. the centre ot the Town, for particulars rn- 1 quu o at jan 2S C. POLVtXiTS. rner of Front k Princes ft. BUTTER AND CHEESE, consignment, at the Plait Everybody es. VliAl.SO. i CO.. jan 2'J 32. Market street. 'BAR LEAD. LBS. Bir LeaJ, iu store nn! for sale r, fc'o9 ZKXO II. GREENE.?? 500 WHO WANTS TO BUY? IF YOU .WANT small H;im, Ht Tongue?.. Smoked Beef. N Lsml. mapnirtent Huttrt," Coined or Pickled Pork. Fulton Market H !'. Mo cha, Java, Laguajra or Klo Coflee. fine Teas Block, Crushed, Gronnd, Refined or 1 aw Stigai s. Svrup,MolaMO, Buckwheat. Rye or i'auiilv FTmir. Catsups, Pickles"; Sauces and CondiMeut. Rnrnincr Fluid. Kerosene La;ns and Oil, vou .-liould cnil on the Inimitable, at the Kmk zvciis. P. S. Nota Bene. If you'want your Ketwene Lamps fitted with a bountiful rrrouild gliisn Globe, or Porcelain, or Taper ShaiK-, or ground Ohirnuev, or if you want a Kitchen. Bedroom or Parlor Lamp, call on the Patriotic feb 14 CASSIDEY. PRAYER FOR RULERS, Duty of Christian Patriot!. A iJi-eouire reached in tbe Madison Puuare I'r.L t. i i. 0R an Church, New York, on the day of the National Fast, by Rev. -William Adams. D. I). For aale nt feb 11 WIIITAKEK'S New "Ilook Storv. I LASTING POTATOES on Prime article.. Apples lor everybody. hnn.l. F lie - leb U ."52 Marke t tre. t. VALENTINES! 4 MOTBEAUTIFULa.ortnientbv llo -fcuiu- er orth Carolina, at 'leb 13, WHITAKKU'S New B.mk Store. LET ME KISS HIM ITOIt HIS MOTIIEU, and other new popular ieces of Music, received thiri morning bv steamer North'Carolina.'nt leb 13 , WHITA KEIt'S New Book Store. JpOTATOES, APPLES, POTATOES, POTATOES. POTATOES, APPLES, APPLES. APPLES, ; For Everybody. 1 WILKINSON 1 CO., .-52 Jfarkrt .treet. feb 13, HIDE, OIL. AND LEATHER STORE. D KIUKPATKICK k SONS. No. . 31 South' . Third Street, between Market and Che.'tnut Streets; Philadelphia, have tor kI, DRY AND SALTED SPANISH HIDES. Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tanner'a and Currier's Tool at the JoweJt price, and upon the beet trrm. j 2f AH kind9 of Leather in the rouph wanted, for which the highest market pricetwill be given in cash,: or taken in evchangc for hide. Leather stored free of charge and nAd on comniition. octl0-3m SWEETCIDER," 1 f BARRELS.'justtoJiand, at dec 12 GEO. MYERS'. SECOND HAND SPIRIT CASKS. 3000 1? btOrUi, and for sale in lot to nut, T. C. k U. . WORTH. nov 23 WOODWARE, AC. . rpUBS, Buckets, Can?, Kcclers, Wash-boardg, I Axe-helves, Meararf, in 'nests, Brooms and Brushes, at (jan 21) ' PERRIN'S. PERFECTLY REFRESHING. AFTER the illegal seizure ot arms in New York, by order of (iov-mor Morgan, of that State, ana when Governor. Br6tvn, of Georgia, tele graphed to that Black Republican villain, in re gard to them, bis reply was that he could tar nor! do nothing nntil he wan communicated with in writing, on the subject ; but it wa . perfectly re freshing to see the celerity with which ho let go the said arms, when he was telegraphed to that Governor Brown had soized all thw New York ves sels in. the .port of Savannah as reprisal! he did not even wait to receive an answer on the subject. The patriotic CASSIDEY will continue to post up his patrons, and enlighten the public, while he sells Kerosene Lamps and Oil, at the Rendezvous, 2G and 28 South Front street. feb 13 'ATTENTION. ii "TYfE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION of jthe Ladies of Wilmington, and surrounding country, to the handsomest assortment of Piano Covers, Door Mats, Ac, ever oflired in this mar ket. . - 1 : KAHNWEILEJi k BRO.'S, I 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front street. I nov 25 rpnosE UMBRELLA S, at MYERS k MOORE'S. All sizes--AU oualitit--. iiioe--Jj&reekt a.- sortment in the State. Retailers and small dealers supplied at 31 Market street. MYERS k MOORE. nov 27 : HORSE CLOTHING WF; HAVE now on hand, a magnificent awrt nient of HORSE BLANKETS, embracing' Petersham, Woolen and Engrish Ker sey, of a variety of colors, and of sizes to lit any hor?c in the State.. " Also, a few moreof tho coaifortabte comfortura, BUFFALO SKINS A ROBES, which we arc selling at prices to rait the times, ' ; ' JAMES.WILSON, dec J8 No. 5 Market street. BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. MM llai N HAND, a complete assortment of Mattr- ges Hair. Mo9 and Straw. lair Matrasses at New York retail p! ie. Matrasses of anv kind and size, made to ordr; at short notice. Sofas repaired and renovated. Soft bottoms pat on old cane bottom chalni all kwork done promptly, and with despatch. j. lew uuuurfu pvuuui 1J oi inoae A O. I Western Cured Feathers the best ever offered in the market. - ' A fall assortmento WaJlPapers, Bordprs, Win dow Shades, 4c, kc, erastantlv on hand, aaidfof sale low, at C.-l'OLVtnTS; r nov 14 Corner Front and Princess streets , i PEBRUAIIV 22, 1861. 77 npiJIS is the anniversary of the day oa which. I eur be!ove4 WASHINGTON, frasborn-ra day that shonld be dear and sacrt ta evey-lorer of "his country and his country's liberty 1 aad al though sectionalism, fanaticism and abolitioalsai has gpTit ajid. destroyed this once great aad happy iiation, let us look to a happier-enfnca in the time to eome, and bur Kerosene Campi ana (HI st the Rendezvous of tne patriotic ,anrWashincto nian s CASSIDEY. . I ftb 22 NOTICE.. ! rpiIE Copartnership heretofore taiatiag t4 I the Subscribers j is renewed iwriiLree- jtt (rZm January 1st 1(9, under the ntan sad Bras of nuuw.V, DaROSSET A CO., Ntw Jot k. j . i. i . hJ0SSri A CO ., WUabf U . 3 .Q, I and Mr. WILLIAM L. DiROSSET lsadssitu4 ta in itor.t ia th basioess for tne sane wss. . JOUN POTTS BR0W5, ; v A. J. DsROSSET, Jr., dt-C .Sl, IsiS WM. IL WIGGINS. i coiautm:hmhii notice. rpiIL SLBSCKllltKS have this dsy tofm4 a I co-partm-riLip sad will transact baalaaM o? the name and tym of M.TLK.S A MOORJi, at the old stand of the foriarr. . list and cap Emporium, Si Markvt tJ ' ' ' V . CHAS. D.! MTERak Junr ?0. !(: , i KL1. JJ MUOBK, WILMINGTON COPPER A.1U mof WORKS. L. A. HART AND JOHN C. Pronrltor. ; DAI LET, ' rxoxrsr.. below if Ait nr. t i iimiofioa. .1. 1;.. RACTICAL UL ILDUJSftf porUU i4iu tor try Strain EnriuM. of any rqatred Vw rr ao'l kind of loilr, saw sailla, fritt saiUs. rim GKA RINGS, A.ND any oth. r Vind i( macLinnrj tuade i mmj mimh- , liouieui South. Have oa Laud a Urjs variety pattern fur machinery, tirw to general ia tbe nurroundin j country.' Will apply drafts ef aQ kinds of machinery and mill work. TarpaaUsa stills and coppor wotk la all Its braacha. kind of Iron and brass castings, laUhed at 1 Pit uhrd, at short Botire. Old machinery vtbas4s4 and repaired. All works warraatrd t a be as rv rcsi'atea. . . In connection with tbe abova atabliakjmeait, we have on hand a larjr tock wf rabber sad Iatart h. Itinjr, lacing. ackins;, rivets, apd asUUL atti Sawiand Circular Saw of any and (ssgs, far'. nislird at brt notice. I j mir 19 i .-'! ' HOWL'S CE LK B R ATEOVC A LX2CL rpni: U.I)LK.SI(;neD L.ts received frooi tkt I M"ufacttirer, thlrracv (Istaly rtllaaaidb eul.v Mcrs. T. C. A, 11. G. Wotth.) ef I HOWE'S ( LEt nitaTtl) SCALR , W r now havs on tt titbit inn, at any atora, i.runne j.ovr, t ru&l iUkL t UU aor ttie-e Srales, and aliM 'alongvide of tatm. etkar Scal'.-s r (treat cvbiHr, for the (art4 kf shew, in; the diderrnrs in ronvtrucliivu and damoaslral in the ucriority of lluwt'i, in accaracy aad 4m rability. We claim tits following adyaatagas mi thw neale, over others i t lt.. Thr knife vdea are praaervtd traaa wmtmy j the interposition ul by lh improved isapaai kion Ioo, and by'tLa self adjusting aatart ml Cfca ; bearing. ronM(iuectly it is more durable. J 2nd. The Scale is much leaa liable Id tnaeewj-a 1 w hen -out of Uvel," than aav other Meal, ewlnr 11 1 ne uuiurwi l-etMiutoui property of las taasaai. si on ioo it, iLs uu, ana iu iImmd at "iiak nuis. 3rd. They have frequently beea tested wila elk. er Scale, itnd have, in vrry instance, khowa tWv superiority as to acc uracy. .'j 4th. They can be placed an laeiiaaUa aa4 weiu correctly. . There are many other advantages that wm14 enumerate, Out Laving th S' aU opaa, aad aU ride of other Scalev, wa only dram aa esaatiast ttUa nee-'scary. 1 1 We warrant each aad every Soaia, fW aaa year." it'rropcrly ued, and w sell thtn at alaa utacturer's prices here, withoat trBinotiiiM ( harmed added. ! Call and examine cates sent bv mail. .oct. 2 ' I hem. Circulars an. car UN WOKTU 4 1UMEL, NEW GOODS! Mis: W uomWit AT THE CASH STOKK J. M. M'CAUTKIl A Co. "ir'EK OllEAT BAHOAlNg ia New tttm J Ooodi, wnsb-tingof all the New 8tyl, amoag v. hich arw , .,,F.-V,N0.CX,ILAlN ASI t'OLOUKU' BlLKkL ! 1!L.U K SILK, of tha best make: Plaia and Fka- ined CASSIMKKKS AND EsLAINKtL FRENCH AND KNULIHI1 alEluVoW H()SlhIt Ctton, Wo.Iu and Silk, -1 j nr.ra sod Bleached Cotton Half tl ' t WhittndCoI'd Merino Half Ho, ' : Children's ljo of all kind. : ;lovi:. ! Alexandre's Kid and KUk, .. . , ... Cahniere and WarsUd.' I TABI.i; COVERS : t Linen and WorsUd, Casbmert and Warta4. Linen and WorsUd. . ! Piano Covers, Toilet Carsra. , Dumtifk Dovlics and Kapkiaa. Towels, Ac. ,r! Clothi and Caatimare. Cloaks and ShaWI.,- : "guaia a?s vv A large asHortuentor Kmbroidarlaa, I ' 1 V Nnbias, kTarartoaaa li HOOP SKIUTH. j I I' DRESS TRIMMINGS ' , j .. J Blcachtd and Brown ELeetiags aad fislrtJmjra, .. I ' L A N T ATI OnT k5 Of! T - fveraovi. T'lano. N egro and Bed BtankeU. Carpet Bags, Toilt Soap, , . Cologne, Extracts. I I , WORSTEDS roit workS? Z,STl""i Shetland, ke.l li -. Call at J. tf. MtCAKTEB A Ca'a., 1 . ir.a. r. , . iMarkaistraa. I JZZT Terms Exclusively CASH. act 16-tf, 1 "ira'n can attaauoa ta this astrn T T excellent pnhlicatloa devotad to taa lsa. - I provementor Southcrn AgrlcnlUra aad BetUemV '. i jtnre. Also, Plantatloa aad Domastis aZmounmri .Msnuractnrcs. uenorUorUis Market. la.Aa. - manufacturer, mechanic and merchant. t Tkara nal of Friday, says, " We say bat littls, b.i wm,- v , j f mm .ui,., muwm wm f axiure our reach-rs that the Cultivator ia deaarvtea a wide circulation la the Southern cottoa rrattiiT .u. T...it.i.j ..... . .a grw Uar wmi-3. 1 uuiiim-u moniniy, at ons UUar vmf j urvnuifu wuiuur vu txauoiuoa, $al saa senptions received at - . . 1 ; , , , t 1 jan 4 WHITAKER'S New 'Boat Store, THAT BTJTTXm JIAS COME! ' rpHAT INVOICE of No. fcxtFa ButtarViuraa J. from the dairy ta Ceptrai !few York, kaa come to hand this njrjrulnjj, bj Jlprea. Taosa who are in wsnt of and bay beea waiting for this "supreme" article, wfTt flnd'lt tt the fcaodaavoa. of the Iniroitabla C'ASaiDr,5o.2aa4 aiSts- rromsicaefc, , . r, . :. j fthl. 4- NORTII CAROLINA 4LL nfOUTa riiHK Invincible and onUrrified at bothbtvU. ions Wilmingtoa Militia are oat, to-dav, la ail the posnp- and cireamtaaca -af fWiaa wmr ' ( in a hoi n, ) Now woa ba to taa anaiay tksi shall I bo so unfortunate as to staad balWa tka vahaat I troops, for there ccrtalaly will U. s ax Laa mm . goes down, "Dacbaakaurd rib." i TV l.l- li.ll .. ...... 1 - . .. coBwaqef toswtl ATosssie sasspa . and On, at the Readeiious. U.I Stewart's O. Sugar TVTOW LANDINO, from schr L. P.iLk j 1 15 bbls. STEWART'S C, UGAXU " " . i-bagai, . 19 " Crnshed Eoesr. ForsaUbv 1 feb J ZSNPJLCJLKX5E.I LACTTYRA COFPEE, Wl liAii. wuv v-u 1 Ju., aawl J from sch L. p. Smith, sod for sals by fc2 ZOO IL GREENE. IN STORE, BAGS Bio Coffee, i . M matta Java Coffee,. 10 boxes Layer IUUlns. 30 lai1 U ' 20 boxes Cheese, , 20 A..ortedCadv, fob 2 2EN0 IL nut EN Dr . w HcCNTIUE at BROWN. , - , 1 EALERS in Staple and Faacj Dry fjoodl (next door to Brown A And mow's.) ."" No 33 Market street, WWmiartoa, N. C " octW, 1 KCMf - 11 J HEMCT It . 1 7 I1ABBSXS for salt low, by AtO ffeb21 ELLIS k illTCIIKLL A pLICATI0X to tbxs Board of Coxxunimlmm. JX. PM, for. permhuloa jto rtUH piritaoa Liquors, Ltrcr Blr, Ale, rter, or othar Mali. Lwuorv by-the small aeatore, ia the Iowa al Vftl mlngtoa, nruU be baaded in to lha aabaeribari gu ar before FridjTv. Lh kih Just. hv araVr lV llayor. . . , mar 4 n. A. BAGO. Tow a Clark. ' ' . . i ;i ;i a cj iucab, .;' nVTT , BBLS. YellewSejtr faaw lanulng foW SaJ lah B. Strong. "r-1 feb 25 . r puts n'teamtj . - CLOTHS -4-4- G1ASSIMERES and .YI.1 This wsak we , eliaJi open a Urge itock.of th aJbevf dm sisaMe goods. Oar CutUr Is ready ta tak raat measure-, at 39 if,akt straet. i ' mar 4' " - 1 8. B A. LI Win,. HI ,