.aw-w " "'"" ! 1 IWp."nnBP"''"W 11 WWW"Wli IIMnneMMMMi " ' " " C'W l,.,,.-.rrMr . -,. r " " " U", i "" "I1"1"''1 ' """ "S '"HT "'1 'I" 1 llH I1 1 muf III ill II -riHW'TW; II ln.lnl lliilK 1 1I 1 1 1 f I III J yn in m I. ,... . .--:.,i-,. .,. v. . i i . . .. ...... -BiwmmwMMPIIWM1'IBII.MI1W I"'1 '"l I"'1"-1"" ;; - ' 1 ; : i . - . , . . .. . - . 1 . - !.. ! : yy , i v .;.. , .. .- :; . . .- .. I . '" ' . ;.- , . . - . .;.-; i - ;::: v-- , -, ' ' t.v'"- . - ' I. VOL. VII., NO. 276. WILMINGTON N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCII :50. 1861. WHOLE NO 2.176 ; TERMS: nallr Paper, e.00; Weekly, .0, Th. PPr U lwyt itopp. remitUnc Tbrr It. TimriT notice if eirea, to K . TOWN PRINTER. I -NORTH CAROLINA. L The Herald Job Office .nmDletelr fitted up with the finest wtmint of Job Trra to be found in th SUU . vrVf ipecies of Job work can now b speed- - . - . . - T T ilv : and handsomeljt priniea ai uuomwirom ,'book down to a visiting card. Handbill, irculars, blanks, &c, 4c, neatlr and promptlj f rinted at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Sipecia.1 attention will be given t the Job - department hereafter, and we fed assured that .'1 work entrusted to our Job hand, who lsex- wrienced in the business, will be executed sat- isfactorilj in evCrj respeci. uire nun a. ri i an j rat, and if it is not done well, no complaint wiH be made of a withdrawal of patronagp. . " , SUNDRIES. ! ' r A BOXES Colgate's No 1, and Pale Seep, )U 10 " Bauina layer and fcanck, ' T 10 Ijalf-bx. " " 20 boxes Concentrated Lye, 20 . " . Potash, ; 10 " Prepared ! " . JO Jars Rock " 20 Boxes Starch, 20 " Bi-Carb. Soda, repper, Spice, Cigars, Ink, Tackt, Hatches, Tea, 'Concentrated Soft Soap, Mustard, 4c, Ac., be lides nrenr other articles too nuneroua to mention, which will be sold as lew, for cash, as by any other house in town. - jaa 23 ZENO H. 0REE5E. I TIME OF PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR. OAA BAGS of Fathom's Patent Finish, from JL)J the largest Back, to the smallest Drop .Shet. 1 25 kegs Kentucky Rifle Powdor, j 1& " MusWet Powder, . j 10 qr. kegs Kefttucky Rifle Powder, . i & cases " ' " 60,000 O, D. Caps. For sale by jan23 ; ZENO U. GREENE. . FLOUR. LT- and Super Flour Fayettevttle and ilmington inspection. For sale by n2 C10RX. 5000 Bunhs Hyde County Corn, I 2000 bushs. Perquimans County Corn. , 1000 do; Western mixed " In store and for sale by . deel ELLIS A MITCHELL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. . QAA BUSHELS Heary Canada Oats a very OUv superior article for seed. For sale, by janll" ' ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. MESS FORK.. BBLS. New City Mess Pork, in store, and to arrive, for sale, at lowest cash prices, (jan21) I M.McINXIS. 200 i MACKEREL. T"OS. 2 and 3 Mackerel, in store. For sale by jah 22 Al. MAC lit n 13. SUGARS. R- SUGAR, in hhda. and bbls, Jrf m A. B. and C. Sugar, in bbls, Powdered and Crushed Sugar, for sale br jan22:. M. MacINNIS. CANDIuES AND CANDY. BOXES Adamantine Candles, 25 " Assorted Candy For sale by 100 an 25 i rw f i ZENO H. GREENE. Aou: FOR 1861. . NT1N G-HOUSE CALENDERS. The irreatest variety of' sizes and styles. .Every thing necessary to furnish a Counting-Room, at . lifrriT i vrta v. TL- c-. Market St., bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson's, jan 1 v " TRUNKS. C" ANVASS PackingJLeather Folios, Brass and Iroh bound, Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and Oval Iron Edged, St. Louis Sole Leather, Fine Bole Leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns., - - V , Valises. . . ' 8ole Leather, Boston, Enamelled Leather, 4c, embracing thirteen different styles. . v ? . Bans. Enameled, Travelline, Stitched, Duck, Gothie, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil ten, embracing eleven styles. , lAdies Hat Boxes. New style French Hat Boxes, new style St. Louis; iron, and brass bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low prices at , Jan 21 No. 5 Market Street. HAT. . CT' BALES Prime N. C. Hay, ex Schooner, f OU sale by ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. for Jan-J8 SEED OATS. ,"VTORTH RIVER and Eastern Hay, Wheet XV" Bran, Cow Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, and Hommonr, for sale by Jan 23 . ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. - T . GUNNY BAGS. OA An GUNNY BAGS, just received per brg A U U U Shibboleth. For sale by Jan 28. . T. C. 4 B. G. WORTH. LARD. i A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, lU 5 " " N. C. " " Fer sale, in lots to suit, by , . WORTH 4 DANIEL, jan IS . . Granite Row, Front street. LADY PEAS, "C10R SALE, in quantities to suit, by l Jan 28 . WORTH 4 DANIEL, "VT C. APPLE BRANDY, 2 years old. 2 bar- . rels very choice 2 years old. .N. C Apple Brandy for sale by WORTH 4 DANIEL. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at' Jan 23 J WORTH 4 DAJOEL'S. DO YOU SHAVE YOURSELF 1 T0 you appreciate a good Razor? Fine Shav- J 9 ing Soaps T Soft Shaving Brushes T ' A Good Strap T Call at . . - BALDWIN'S. , . POCKET KNIVES. FINE English Cutlery. Prices low. Qualities excellent, at J BALDWLVS. EASTERN HAY. lf"l BALES very superior Eastern Hay, for s. j j sale low dee 7 ' -. i STOKLEY 4 OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES & SHOULDERS K( CASKS superior Western Sides and Shoul JJ ders, in store, and to -arrive. For sale, at lowest cash prices, by jan 22 . -. ;" " M. MacINNIS. ' NEW CROP MOLASSES, I HUUb. and bbls. For sale ty jan 22 M. MacINNIS, . ' HOOP IRON. - ' 1 A TONS, 1, IK and lfc inch Hoop Iron. 1 IV jan 22 . For sale by - M. MacINNIS. ENGLISH AND ' GERMAN - HALF . HOSE. ; TjITERY siie, selling low, at XU Jan 23 . BALDWIN'S, -T1ENTLEMEN can. find the largest assortment VX of Under Wear, at Jan 28 " UALUWIK a. 'XTRA SUGAR HOUSE SYRTJP for Back ' aestake-the best article in market, a ' ' GEO. irmRr .fTSTAPDELL,, Editor and Proor. Special ISToticos. i WALKER MEARES, ra- WHOLESALH AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apethecary, and Dealer ia Medi cines, Baglish, French and German keesieals, Swedish Leeeaee, 4c, alse, PAIXTS, OILS, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fane Artielee, 4c, 4c. ; aegis, I860 fcm. W. A. BATCHSLOR'S HAIR DTB t This splendid Hair D re has no equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black er natural Brown no staining the skin er injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect efBad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere, i CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-Iy . 81 Barclay street, X. Y. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Borne four months since oar excellent townsman, Nap btali Bxssiii., informed as that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his ewa head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him twe days since, and oa the place so bald four months since, a fiae erop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. Sc con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel ef the efficaey of his discove ry, that he has named it "THB INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture ef an article which is destined if prove ef anxious interest to our bald patea frieads. J?imitcf Enquirer, Dee. 12, 18S0. ' This famous article caa aow be had ef the princi pal Druggists. Those persons whe desire a fine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed v directions oa the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy oaa have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia j Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. - ' Wholesale depot fer orders, 69 Msin st. r ' R. EZEKIEL. RiCBuesD, Nor. 14, 1859. 1. N. Rsekiel, take oath en the Holy Bible, that have been bald fer the past 12 years and have restored' my hair by using Eiekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. ' ' Nafbtali Ezbkibl. This day swera te before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Jon. Mato, ! - Mayor ef Richmond. W. H. L1PP1TT, Sole Agt., jaa Is " Wilmington, N. C. : HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown er Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made te the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye. Wm; A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran- j ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; .the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and. towns ef the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. .The Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plaie engraving, on four sides ef each box, of William A. Batchelor. . CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. T. ? LAN DRETH'S SEED. atT- JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply ef Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seett. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market it. nor 28 ' '; j , MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the boweU. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column.", feb 25-ly j -W. KC. LTPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, X. . Cbrner Frent and Market St:, WixiWiflxeir, N. C att. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMER T, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second doer (en front street,) from the corner. 3. On and after this day, all prescriptions will be Casb. oct 30 : GLUE--GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trade, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq.,Na- val Store Br r ef Wilmington, N. C, Sole Agt for our Glue. Boston, apl t, If 69. GEO. B. ROGBRS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGBRS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market,, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted . to give satisfaction, er the money will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my office. apl-ly. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. CEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 1,000 just re- j ceived, for sale by ' dec ft WORTH A DANIEL. CHEESE. Ed GLISH, FINE APPLE AND STATE, at dec 11 GEO. MYER'S. B LACK Winter Seed Oats in store, for sale, by dee 6 ? 'ELLdS St, M1aUI1LiAi. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. 300 BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, in store, for sale Dy dec 27 " ELLIS & MITCHELL. POWDER. O rX KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, ' CO 10 or. kegs " " i - 10 " Musket " dec 17 For sale by ZENO H. GRBBNE. PORK.. YrX BBLS. If. Y. City Mess, in store, for sale by I tl - dec 27 ZENO H. GRENE. CONSTANTLY manufacturing, at my Es tablishment, every description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks. Every variety of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac, manufactured te order, and repaired. JAMES WILSON, deo Nn. 5 Market street. O. O.'JATA COFFEE. 5 BAGS Old Government Java Cofleej, 10 Mats ditto, now landing from schr. A. J. DeRosset, and for sain low for cash, bv ' - ' mar 11 - ENO H. GREENE.' sprinq otercoats, - French yoke shirts, . TRAVJSLLNa SHIRTS, TIES', nOSIST Jcn Aa., new opening at - . mar lMt. y WA9lviW9. DIKECTOEY. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretary -Graham Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufus II. Page, of Wake. . Comptroller C. H. Brogden, of Wayne. j Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker ef Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. State Librarian O. H. Perry, f Wake.! Publie Printer Jno Spelman, " " j r COSXCILLORS Or 8IATE. Council Woo ten, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning ham, of Person ; . W. A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surry : David ilurphv, ef Cumber land; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. L. Hillard, ef Buncombe. FSSBKAL AND STATE COVBTS. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of orth Carolina, is held semi-annually at Kaleign, on the 1st Mondarin June and last Mondav in No vember. Judges Hon. J. M. Wavne. of Georeia ; Hon. Asa Bierirs, of Martin, District Jud&e salary, $2000. Robert P." Dick, District Attorney; Wesley Jones, Marshal. ihe United States District Courts are held at Edenton. 3d Mondav in April and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday ia April and Oc tober, Joan l. uantweii, UlerK. THB 8DPREMK COURT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Mondav in December. It is also he'd once a vear at Moreanton. Burke county, on the first Monday in August, Ji R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chier Justice, Kicn mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin: Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of eafch, 2,500 per annum. William A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General: Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan. Reporter : Edmund R PVoorrmn nfWU. fMprk : Olivftr H. PerTV. of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchford, ef Wake, Alarsnai. BOPBRIOR COURTS. The Sunerior Courts are held in seven Circuits, bv the following officers : Juderes. R. R. Heath, of n . TT . J TTTTl rides the Second Circuit ; William A. Jenkins; the Attornev-General. rides tne lnird Uircmt : 'lnos. Ruffin, of Oranore, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Stransre. of .New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit; David Coleman, ef Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PffBLIC WORKS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d Marcn, ibjd. ine.omcers are as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer : John II. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Kenner ; John K. JJolton, Utuei (Joiner ; Wm. Jb. S. Strange, UlerK. , The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles VV. iN. W. from Kaleign. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. i? ortincations. rort Macon, iieamort JttarDor, Carteret county : Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette- ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the1 vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent : Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. l errell, Steward ; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston. Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Bolden. Edward Cantwell. A. M. Lewis, Dr. W.J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle. Executive Committee. ' ,. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asvlum, see Revised Code, cnapter on Asylums. o " I TOWN GOVERNMENT, j COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. C T IXTll 1 1 n D.-.l--. Cnnd T? "Runt inn. W A Wrignt, 1 U Miller and Aitred Jiartin. FIBB DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vanu. Chief Fire Warden B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden W'T J Vann T: tXT J lf... T TTT T. jire i arueua ucui iu ci b. u it wcli i , CD E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. .Lamp Aiignter Uempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF F1RB COMPAlf T. (Re-organized June 6, 18&9.) Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkey, '2d " P Curren, Secretary- G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman DDriscoll.' 1 HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY se. 1. Foreman John Wright. j 1st Assistant J Kizer. j Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION (Office 18 Water street. ) - George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos U r lanner,. w m M uarris. SCHOOLS. B0AR9 OF SOFERINTEXDBNTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. Wm-S Larkins. James McDuffie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert Ii Tate, banausl Player, and Jesepn M roy. ; WILHIXOTOJT INSTITSTK. L Megihney, Principal. I. WILMINGTON MAJ.B ANB FBMALB 8E1UNART G W Jewitt, Principal. . j ' OAKSALB CEMETKRT COMPANY. President Donald McRae. 1 Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brewn. Office next door to Bank Wilmington. COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, AC. Sheriff W T J Vann. ' Clerk County Court Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington -Jso Conolev. Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. . Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. ' ' Special Magistrate of Town -John J Conolev. Constables Jjewis M Williams, Jno Utlay, Wil liam H Kiddie, A Wilder, James P Stringneld, J J Moore. INSf ECIOR3. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden, Provision Inspectoral-David E Bunting, Ilirani R Nixon. , Nayal Store, Inspectors Alfred Alderman, Jas M Stevenson, -James O Uowr en,- John b James, George Alderman, John C bowden, 1 nomas Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C JohnsOn, Nathan F Bor deaux. Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Aiaer- ti 1 -r r 1 TT ' IV man. Ii tl Jjowaen, ames d aieivin, lieui " Groves, J W Alunroe, uiaric, uooeri Aiaxwcn, E Turlington. WlLMISOTOS OAS LIGHT COMPANY. (Office in Savings Bank Building.) President Col John McRae. SwTof orT and Treasnrer Wm Hvde. Suporiatendent Oliver Mclllieimy. i i r r ii i T-u'i a -p u f d ..u ui u uiuuii.r reuueuu vttui, v w. uvt .i.v., vr. . l n- TTrr:i T : a i . t t. i nn. 'Tnhn M. nick, of huilford : John L. Bailev. of ?eo Hayis Vice Pres t. ' a t c nfw.v. "e riatt v. uowan, t.iDrarian. liminr. P.Uoa f! TTinca of EHontnii. ridpa tha " " xiauc. i u ViT ?T rcn"' t tT JI" ' ; ' . Wallace. John A Tavlor.G rirsi circuit: vmiam j. uuuswu. ui uuunu, ' J - SECRET SOCIETIES. i - it. johh's toaoa ho. 1 uAsosre. (Meets ihe last Tuesday Evening ia each month at St. zona's xtau.; s O L FUlyaw, Master. MNewhoflr,S W. ! Oliver Mellhenny, J W. Jno L CaatweU, Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. Henry Spalding, S S. A A Harufield J D. J O Bowden, Tyler, j texcoa CHArraa so. 1 kasoxjc. , (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. John's HalL) , Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com ttJ Turner, Oil 8d Ex O L Fillyaw, King. . T. v j - . Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning. CaDt V. ! .Host . Com W J Price, G Mist Com A Martin, P S. V. " M Newhoff, R A Com Jno A TayiorjTrea. Capt. ! " B Turlington, Tyler. CAPS FBAB I.OSOB 50. Z L. O. O. F. (Meets Tuesday night, at Odd Fellow's HalL) Asa J Murray. N G. W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, TO. T H Howey, Treasurer. cIhFBELL BXCAMrMBICT SO. 1 I. 0. 0. F. ( Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d Friday in each month. .: ! . J I Gardner, CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. Rev A P Repiton, HP. R J Jones, Scribe. John J Conoley S W. Thos H Howey, Treas. CAPE FEAR KABINB TOTAL M8TIKBXCB SOCIETY. (Meets at the Seamen's Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening, -immediately after the close of the Prayer Meeting for seamen. ) :' Cha3 D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams, Vice William M Poisson, Sec- President. 1 retary. Jas Fleet, As't Secfy. 1 . y- i SBAMBNS' FRIBSB 80CIHTT. ' . Charles D Ellis, Presi- B P MitcheU, Sec'y 4 dent. Treasurer. C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRosset, O G Parsley, Executive Board, i Geo W Williams, keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. ' - j ; Ladies' benevolebt societt. 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Directres3,Mr3 Hal-. i i i.ii 2d Directress, Mrs flar Secretary, Mrs Van iieuF. ieiu a riss. bickle. 3d Directress Mrs De- Treasurer, Mies Liilinj- Kosset ' ton. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASS0CIATISS. ( Organized June, 1855. ) Donald McRae, Treas Wm R Utley, Sec'y; Cowan, E D Hall, S D; JMcRae, J U Wright, MILITARY.) ; WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. (Org. May 20th, 1853.) : Wm T. rioCnsont Pont T f! Winglnir Tt.nfinTTl R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J C McIlhenny, 2d Lieut. Master. H Savage, 3d " CD Myers, Orderly GERMAN VOLCNTEBR8. ; (Organized February. 22d, 1853.) C Cornehlsen. Capt. , H G Hashegan, 3d Lieut H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. , W Deinstbatch, Ensign. Ji Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Urderly. banks! ' ; ! BANK OFCAPB FEAR. T II Wright, President. H R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner.As't Teller, J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis. Clerk, Discount Day, Wednesday.; BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. W L Smith, Teller. William Larkins,Book- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. keeper.: Discount Day, Tuesday. , BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA, - John Dawson, Pres. 1 Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. , J H Wright, B'k-keeper. Discount Day, Tuesday. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McKae, Jr, Teller.' Asa is. waiter, isooje J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. " keeper. ! liiscount way, jnonaay. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. ; John A Taylor, President. Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD B. BOAD. ( Office cor Market and W ater street. ) H W Guion, President. R H Cowan, Sec. Treas. J C McKae, Cnief Eng. Koad unnnisned. WILMINGTON k MANCHESTER BAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. - Wm A Walker, Sec'y. J P Robertson,Gen'l Sup. ' Jos J Ling, Treas. j R B McRae, Gen I i reight Agent. ; WILMINGTON k WEIDON RAIL. BOAD. 3 Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. I Freight Agent. 5 S L Fremont, Chief Eng. James G ;Green, Yard & Snp. : master. ; James S Green, Sec'y A P H Langdoh, Aud'r: A Treasurer. ! &upt s uierK. ; S D Wallace, Asst Sec A WUham Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. Agent. j CHTJRCHElS. 1 Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and WainuL r Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 6th bt Church and Cas tle. Rev J 11 Wheeler, Pastor. Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. -. Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J LPricb- ard. Pastor. ?-, Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron JJavis. rastor. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d ' and 3dj Rev Thomas Episcopal, (St James,) cor Market and 8d, Rev. KB Drane. Kector. i Episcopal. (St John's.) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's, ) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. ' . Pre"sbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc- yueen. fas tor. s Presbyterian, (now btiilding. J cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Gner, Pastor. ; Baptist, now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard, Pastor, ' ' Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J H Mengert, Pastor. : Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. , POST OFFICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAR0LLSA. ' Postmaster Daniel Dickson. . i . , Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 7 U A M to IP M. 2 P M to sundown. Sundays, 4 A M to 9 A M. ' Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5 A M. Closes VA and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from 114 P M to 10 A M. Southern Mail, oy W sju UK. arrives dauy at" 4K A M. Closes daily at 7 Pi Mi Smithville, N CjJ horse, ) arrives Monday arid Friday at 5 P M.' Closes Tuesday and SaturSay at 7 AM. " y ' ; r ;.- i Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 P M. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. CUSTOM HOUSE. Jas T Miller. Collector. D M Foyles, Weigher W J Price. Deputy Col- k Guger. T M Burnettj Insp'ri W F Burch nd Uriah . Sullivan, Inspector A lector. A J Gallowav. Surveyor, W N PedenNaval Ofl9- cer. JHeasurer. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commissioner. . t COXSCLS. 1 British Vice-Consul Don McRae, a Water. . Spanish Vice-Consul E J Lord, n Water. " .1 Brazillian Vice-Consul O. G Parsley, jr. , ccr n water and Muloerv, (up stairs.! Danish Vise-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front and Chestnut. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. I FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $2C,000 of ; the above Bond redeemable in 1891 with coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable in the city of New Tork, 1st March and 1st September. For sale by DbROSSET, BROWN A CO; dee 1 i. . -, : COFFEE. . . . i Kf BAGS RIO COFFEE,; .. ; I eJJ 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, - . ' 20 mats best Java " - ' . J dec 1 ' ZENO IL GREENE. - ALL the latest Weeklies. antDaites received, and for sale at "- . . mar It WHTPArRS Bok StoTf. 1 .ISUCVtVlP jCity Business Cards. I '. ' ERRANT &z WII-SON, 11 J HOLES ALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do YY mestic Dry! Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, a Shoes, Ac ! Noa. 14 and 15 North Water Street. iect l ' "i Wilmington, N. C. i JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. 7 XJUCTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. J2 i No 8 North Water Street. i i WlLMISOTOS, N. C. j Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Guano,, 4e.,. 4c .. . i : ' T , : oct 3 BE0B6B HABBISS. A. HOWELlj - W- W- HARBfSS. t IIARRISS & HOWELL, OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct 2, 1858 WitaissTOS, X. C. WORTH 4 DANIEL, STi ROGERS AND COMMISSION Mkrch Airs, PT No. 2, Granite Row,. Wilmington, N.C. Solicit consiffnmenta of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce eenerallv. : Agents tor Howe's celebrated Scale. D. O. WORTH. Sept 26,ly N. O. DANIEL. JAKES ASDERSOS, EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDERSON 6c SAVAGE, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. July 18, '60-ly, Wilmington, N. C. C. II. ROUINSON At CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER y CHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. umce over Air. J. A. w.iuarcrs store. IJgS' Entrance Corner Priricees and Water t. mar 9, '60-tt L.iW. BREAST. I GEO. WISOX. . ERRANT 4 WILSON, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Nob. 14 asd 15 North Water st., oct 2, '60-ly j Wilmington, JN. U. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, THEMIST AND DRUGGjST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Painti, Oils, Dye btuns, indow Glass. Putty. SegarS. Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. . ?nar 25, 58 ) 7 EDWIN A. KEITH, C MISSION MERCHANT, - Wilmington. N. C. Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON; will give his per sonal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 etj. per bale, no addi tional charge will be made. IJution forwarded to New York at 10 eta per bale. bet 4-18GQ -ly j O. G. PARSLEY Sc CO. PROPRIETORS of the llitTON Steam Saw and Planiko Mills, Wilmington, N. C. :JSS All orders or inquiries for LUMIlEIt, will receive prompt attention. j ' men 21 '59 SMITH & Mc JLAI P.WARI ATJRIN, T1OMMISSI0N AMD Fop. Dixe Mebcu. LXTS, c. Wilmington, X. Refer to : I " .InHV Dawso't- Ksn.. Mavor. i E. P. Hai.l, State N. 0. t.Im. smith, July 118o9-tf i Esq., I President Branch Dank JOHN M LAURIN. i MALCOM 3ICINNIS, N ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, JJT N orth Water street, oct 1 Wilmington, N. C. ClIAS. D. MVERS,. I I FliED. J. Mookk. MYERS Sc MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Cap?, Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street!, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 1859 i T. C. Sc B. G. WORTH, GOMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, . : Wilmington, N. C. UNION DISTILLERY, j i j ; jWilmington, N. C. j - A. H. VANROKKELEN, Proprietor. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL fel'ORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. . i, Wharfage and storage furnished, and coop erage done at iair rates. j jan 2 1860. I G. POLVOGT, ' '. UPHOLSTER AN'D PAPER HANGER, Corner Front arid Princess Streets, i . Wilmington, N. C. "BTeeps consta ! on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all TJpholsterr Materials. Alsoj, Paper Hangings, Window Shades. Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. ' Pictures iramea 10 oraer. Prompt attention given to fittinij up Railroad Cars. Steamboats, and Private Dwellings. "may 31 J. h. HATHAWAY. WM. R. VTLT.Y. HATHAWAY CO. itlOMMISSION MERCHANTS, jy dec 16, '58 jWilmington. N I J.M. ROBINSON Sc SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and ' : Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, AC., No. 8, Front st., Wilmington, N. C. jan U, '58 i HENRY NUTT, TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT P t Wilmington, N. C. Will cive his personal attention to business entrusted tonis care. sept 10, '57-tf. JAKES 8T0KLBT 1 - ALEX. OLDHAH, STOkLEY Sc OLDHAM, TPvEALERS IN GRAIN & COMMISSION XJ MERCHANTS, jWilmington, N, C. Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and otner Country iToauce. JUTE ROPE. COILS best Jute Ropel for sale by nov 28 ZENO H. GREEN. 30 ALMANACS FOR 1861.. TURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL LEY'S BOOK STORE! . dec 11 TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Apply to 500 nov 27 STOKLEY & OLDHAM. -FLOUR TAMILY, Super and j. Fayetieville and y Wilmington inspection, in f tore, and for sale bv" (dec 11) ZENO n. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR j MATHEMATI CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. I F 1860 feet of gas is consumed. through eight I burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of; $5 per. thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hoUr? at what cost, and what would be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer: There is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or feet per hour, at a cost of 6 cents Ver hour "per" burner.! Four Kerosene Lamps afiord as much light as 8 gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, .which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per month, or & costiof one cent per hour per lamp; therefore, bjf burnjinggas, the expense is only six. hundred per centum; greater than to burn Kerosene Oil, which, iwith Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of; the Inimitable jan 12 I CASSIDEY. EW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of choice. For sale by ' dec 21 ! HATHAWAY A CO. GHOICE BACON. 2J hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for Sale by . dec 21 ; HATHAWAY A CO. jotx NTICIPATIONS of theFature. To serve as Lessons for the Present Time, in the form xtracts of Letters from an English Resident Sn the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870. With an Appendix on the Causes and Consequences ef the Independence of tb South. Just published. Received and for sale WHITAKER'S New Book Store, a t feb 20 WHITE ANO BLACK EED OATS. Jnst arrived per schr. Alba. 1000 bushels prime White Oats. : i 500 do do IJIack Seed Osts. ! feb 23 For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. . i-- f rpRUNKS and Yalisesr Hat Cases, Ac., in large lUE, Ashlands, and all other styles, very low, at 38 Market street, . feb 1 0. 13. BALDWIN. NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. JSO. S. DAXCT, JOHN h. nvA", 'r..HTv late of late of late f Tarbor' N. C. Scotland Neck, Wanenton, N. C. DAXCV, II YUAN CO., G' ROCERS AND COMMISSION' MitriiAr. 124 lxl utrrr. KW YoKK. IIYMAN, DANCYli CO., a ROCEli The New Yi S AND COMMlS.SilOX MtmuNti. - ;" Norfolk, a. urlk hous' will be r inducted by, Ji". S. Dancj-, aidtd by It. W. Ilvman. The Norfvdk Huuse will W'ciiduct- tl by Ji hn II. livman and F. M. II rcan. jja Particnlars attention pi von to the !f of Cotton, Corn. Wheat, and Naval Stor.-. S'ptembfir 13-tf 1; JLON DO" Ai U II Y' A N COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j' No. 32 lnlia .'troct 15; I Consignujents nf avnl stortp, of Naval StortP, ("otto ininter. ana otner J5rt. R. IjOnpov, Nov 21-tf Sontht-rn l'rdnc wlicitrd. H. llTf. Jr. WW. if. GREINL'K, : W. V . II "HIvM.". GREINER Ai HARKNESS, ClOTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION llorsE. 1'iiJi- v'wi.riin. Nov 15, 1n."7 win. Ii. Hill, . N. M. NoIikh. of-.Vorth Carolina, of North i'hrr.lini. HILL Si. XORP LEET .. G' 1 IINKRAL COMMISSION A FORWAUllNJ Merchant., Shockoip, Kichmond, V., Solicit cn."ijrninrnts of Cotton.-Lumbrr, Fih, and all kinds of Merchandize and ''rodnce. ALSO Aprt nts for the purch.uie of Sugars, Coft'oci, Mobi. es. Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac Large curgixf .of the above articles are ofl'ercl for sale in our market an nually, and we shall be pleased to operate for par tiesofdering, promising faithfulno.-s in our n deavors to representthem. Jan 25-ly G. W. WILKINSON Sc CO. 17'RCIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V -, (3 Barclay street, N. Y 'iS- Particular at tent ion given" tri consignment and purchase of Merchiindise, all kinds. Liberal cash advance? through WILKINSON s CO., Wilmington, N. ('. August 2, IhCO-l v KEROSENE LAJ.IPS. A large supply, suitable lcr stores, for sale verv cheap with Oil, at dec 7 CASSIDKY'S. EASTERN HAY. RALES Eastern Hay, ex sclir. . lor sale, low, from wharf, bv 150 Ji T jan 9 ELLIS Ml 1 C II l.l.l.. . fjjjj psfolilRE. LLiTMINATINO APPARATUS, for Hall?, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired on verv reasonable terms, of the Inimitable ja"n 8 JlJ1 C CHOICE RACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shonldejs. For fale bv dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. 1-LOl. II. 5J boxes 50 bbls of (food boxes 50 bbls audi. HATHAWAY Ait'O. dec 21 jrUSCOVAL0 S J I choice .Mu.covii SLCAU. 20 hlids. prime to iHirnr. For sale )v dec 21 HATHA W Y A CO. LA HI). "VfOW LANDING from Schr Sea HirL i Western Laid a splendid article. IN STOKE.: I.l.ls. Keg3 N. C. Lard, in pood package. " Western Lard, in small yackat dec 4 For sale by Z. 11. GKKKNK. N EW FLO UH ! In ha p.. and bbls. For sale v dec 1 STOKLEY A OLI )HAM ' E NGLISH CHEESE. 25 Bo.v-s elected I!n- erlish Cheese, iust receivod at ded 4 WORTH A DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE HA VAN AS have come, at dec 6 . WORTH A DANIEL'S TT AK1). 20 Kee-s Extra i.-ai l.;i d for lamilv j Hge. WORTH A DANIEL. TURNING FLUID. Flu' fl for sale verv eheai, at ii and Oil tin cang. CA'SIDEY'S. dec 7 ' TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERS R L'RG. r CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powder?, " "Smoked Beef Buckwheat, Rve Flour, ; Butter, CO bbls. C. Sugar,. Raisin.-, 10 " A- ' 10 bbl.. B. Sugars. 10 " Crushed. Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. WORTH A DANIEL, jan 3 2 Granite Row, Front Ftreet. ' vam1i7ylo1jr." TE have the bestFamilv Flour in town, and J i. 1. --".I 1 I ....A V we warrent each and everv band we warreni tuen uiiu n n t u.niri .him packaje, if not jrood. to 1a returned. dec 12 WORTH A DANIEL. E EASTERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Eestern Hav in market. For sale bv HATHAWAY A CO. dec 21 VENI,VIDI, VICI. , SUCH was the announcement of a very great , victory, by a Roman General. The people of : this day, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSI- DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thus: j ''1 came,' I paw, I bought" of the great variety of : articles offered lor sale at tn-e Hendezvous, dec 21 26 a 28 South Front st. T IS A HIST bTdCAL FACT that Soiith7iaro lina haa seceded ! This they would not have en prepared to do, if muh; of her citixenx had not boupht KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS', as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candv, Nuts, c. at., of the patriotic CASSI DEY. .d2l JUTE ROPE AND TWIN E. 25 Coibi best J ute Rope, Baerginc Twine. For sale by dec 1 ZENO II. GREENE. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. INE BED ROOM SETS.-rA new Jot, some very prettv just opened, and for sale at decl& PEKRIN'S. CHRIST3IAS SUPPLIES. V ER PAKKERSBURG. . Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, Fis Cheese, Seears. Prunes, Citron, Nutmegs, . Mace, Buckwheat Tobacco, Ale, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. n it " AB.ACSugar Cruihed " Sweet Cider, " Elegant Hams. WORTH A DANIEL. dec 19 WOLFE'S LIQUORS. EN CINE Schiedam Schnapps, Jf Very x'ure li randy. Sherry Wine. " Madeira " ' " Port " For sale bv dec 18 WORTH A DANIEL. "iORKT o9 1 bbls. NT Y. Cltv Mess Pork. fT.r ale dec 7 by ZENO II. GREENE. rflHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, i in town, war- I ranted in all cases, to be had of "ec 29 WORTH A DANIEL. SUGARS SUGARS! 75 BARRELS C Lottee, and t; 1 ellow urars, ' 25 bbls Cru.-hed, Granulated and Powdered, ,35 4 Muscovado rUarf, liht and ai.y, C hhds. ' , v V . " For ale by WORTH A DA-MEL, jan 8 " Granite Row. p-Qjg 1ORK; " "YfC BBLS, New York City Mess, jut received I eJ and fnr sale low, for cash, bv dec 11 ZENO H. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. KEGS "just to hand, from 20 to 2H cents, a dec 11 GEO. MYERS. 25 - TO ARRIVE. OAH BBLS. Flour different erades. jan 15 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. PIANO FORTES. IN THESE TIME when we ought to look at home, why not purchase of a Southern Man ufactory? Such is Wm. Knabes A Co., Baltimore, Md., whoie Pianos have not been surpassed by any sold in this market, of Northern make, Snd have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac. Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to quite a large number of fami lies that use them, in this citr. - KELLEY'S Book Store, feb 20 Ag for HWro. Knabe A Co. L9VERVAIII L1AQ1C roK Tirji emu or I FEVER AND AOUE. DH O. NlELPS 1IROVTX wsstWsvveral trar badly attlctMi bt Drpptpais, thai for a part of the time he was c"iliod to hi bed. lie was eventually cwrl l-y a pTcTipHn fiimihd bv m younjr rUirroot jr.rL Thia f rrrirUo, KiTtn hiiu by a xirre ctuld, whiU U iriilf trance, ha cured ever vtody who has talBit,MYi having failed once. It is (nily tr In rr 4 Fit of lTrtrm snd farrs and At r. To those pcron who hate tried milt mrdtoa- until they have bocom- tlitooursg-rd, and da mv feel willing forspend more money upon ancrrtaw . tie, I will end the pwrlptioa hr prerarinf asd surcei.fullr nuinr the IVrri JVogie Aimttmi, upon receipt of their addroM, with ntanp for rHwa hxUc All of the injrrediefita ar td U foaad n the Drup Store r Uenrv MrLin. A.lrrM Dr. II.' I'heSps Brown, No. 21 0 rand btrrrt, Jaxi i'Uf,' N J. t ' DR. O. PHELPS JJBOWN S ARCACIAN BALSAll. Kr theevreof Conramptin, nronrhitU, .KmI ma, Cough. Colds and Nervow DeMlltv. IV ponrtl principally of foreign herb andbesliac l. mm, it is the only fure ever dicovrrtd for Vm raw of the Lunrn, Stotnarh and NrrVe. It mn. bints all the qualities embodied in U tsv4dif dm vended to t lie nrk; it. U a healing baUsmfar all the Internal Sore, l'ef m, 1 berrlw and laOa iuti,)us; an unsurpaaaNe Tonic, an pnerpikMi. able Nervine, a Purifier of all the Fluid, a Ksk. arant, a Stimulant which rrodam o rrtiu. and a builder p of waaUxl Fibre and M.eJ I'i-iccd, f I and $J per Urjcc bold j wtA bold' 25 rents. For tale by Henry VIcLia. j . i)R. O. PHELPS nnowN RENOVATING PILLS! Tbu Pill will regulate th bow.U nhtn allati... preparations will fail. It will, in a varyaawl time eradicate what ii termed chronis ctl rcM or constipation. Sick Neadacbf , Live and lidlion. Complaints; and it will rqre, a sure as thare U sun that shines upon ua, all the snfftrinrt and an noyances that have ihcir ri in lb want nf nruir utools. It doea not act as inertly a temporary a fair ; it keeps the human trttrta in a itata of sonnd and vigorous health, bv and almost pe tiblr cleansing it of all impurfth-a. Each lZ tern tains a boat CO pills. Price flfOU par bos. DR. O. PHELPS BHOWN'M . Etherial Ointmont. Among the manv afllictlons Tor whjeh as a reia t dy.it has no equal, nor ever will Lars, it Itaauma tism FeveT Sores, Fistula, Cranipa,! DyatenUrt. Cholera, heavv Cohls in the Chet and ifrad, Sora Lye, Croup, Pleuruy, Quinay, EnUrged Towsib, Glandular fjwcllings. Ear Ache, Ear Clears, a 1 kind., of Colin, Lleers asd TnmortJ Ilurn, Uk Slings Urn i.ei. Chilblain.. Cms, Vrns. Snraiua. Scalds, Sore Li.iSort Nipples, h welled, Faer. Palsy, .N nmbneM, Jllotcl.e, Iloils, I hcahl llmd Mumps, V hite Hwfllinr, travel, $tone, Wrsk jvidne.x, Muscular DUlurbann i, Scrofular, Sari Itheuni. Murcurial SoreS, Ac. i'ricn I,W prt pot. Descriptive Pamphlet given to all wha an - ' ill K, 111, I Addreis Dr. O. Phel Hi own. X. 21 Grsnd Street, Jernev City, N For sale by Ila-itf McLt.v, sols Af ent iiiiiijttoii, N. C I j jiB In WU- 79 tf TO ARMS! 'TO AT?MM ' 4 LL THOSE who are opposed to the Federal 23L coercion of a sovereign Slate, sad mho ara opposed to the passage of abolition soldiers thron. AortU Carolina, for the purpose of ubiaralina a sister State, will buy their Oroorrie, PfN small stores and accoutrements of Lhq patriot, -Jan 1 CiSSlDKY COFFEE. T " IIO, LAGUAYRA, Java snd SL Doinla k utore, and for sal br f Jan 10 i ZENO H. UUklJtK. NEW CORN. AFLOAT V Villi "Jr""4,1'8 rt,m NawOa. -A'UU Corn, now landinir. for U bv jan 10 - EI.LIs A MJTCIIfcLL. WHITE OATS. BUSHELS Heavy Ni Out. ForMleby 200D jan 11, York )klal ELLIS A MITCHELL. WHEAT D RAN 1000 I J 1 1 U f . .. I . hi pinrr. ror saie; ij jan M ELLIS A M TCHELL. RAISINS. 10 wn'LK ,,rffB buncb ,a j-'"' jan 11 For sale by ZENO II. CItEKNL'. IX "1AXAL BAIUIOWS. 100 Canal I Barrows, : ia lots I auit. t narrnwu-H-, inn ior saie, in lots to suit, at nov 30 wimiVM i 1 ' m HOOl7iu)N. -IY TONS 1, yA to )i Inch U.,y, Iron, fr sale ur J jan 8 M. MflN.MS. N.C. FLO tT For ej M Kht;KlVin per Railroad. FimJr uper, celt bra tel Watrhovia Mills brand.-i- sale by DROSSET, BROWN A CO. nnr 27 CEMENT 4t PLASTER. 200 ; BBLS. Cement. 60 bbls. PluUr Pik. er brig Water Witch. For sal by dec 1J ELLIS A MITCHELL. ROOKS FOR ALLi fllHE NORTH CAROLIN A FORM BOOt, Cant I well's Justice, or hiwann's lUviaed l"rdlr T j.fffl I AHrisar at c iP ' KhLLEY'H. Book Store. COFFEE-FEE. 50 BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do La sgusyrs do &Un Java do la store, St. Dominro do 20 mats and for sale low lor cash, bv dec 11. ZENO H GREENE. TAILS. 1W) kegs natiorted Nalla, from 3 tn U4. nor 1 For sal bv ZENO II, GREENE. TTEALTI TIIFUL EXERCISE, is nemaary to. il long and happy life dlinar Hoops the boys sn Let the air la bnr Trnn- the boys small axes, of CASSIDEY, . and take i lentv of evercisn thean cool mornings. dec 1 LEAVENI EAVEN LIJAVEN. LEAVEN, LEAN EN, LEAYN, LEAVEN. Try it Try it Try it Try It, at ' jan 8 WORTH A DANIEL'S. NOTICE. 4 LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, A Provisions, Ac, either bv not or account, . tha late firm of WiUo A William, and wboae accounta are long since dae, are requested to Make immediate payment to tne subscriber, or such ac count! will be placed in officer's hands for collee tion. JAMES WILSON. . jan 1 No. 5 Market street. CHEESE.' I OA BOXES New York Bute Cheese aplrnd.V OU Juet received per schr D. C. Hulae." jan 10 For sale by ; ZENO Hj OREENK. , EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. ( BARRELS in store, and for sale, by DU - WORTH A DANIEL. , jan 22 Granite Row, Front streets C10FFEE. 125 bags Rio Coffee In store and for Tale by I i feb 20 - WORTH A DANIEL. CHOICE BUTTER, . RECEHlDthisxlav, st .1 WORTH A DANIEL'S, mar Granite Row. SUGARS. r BBLS. A. B. and C. Sn .gars, IZJ 5 hhds. N. O. For sale bv AYORTU A DANIEL, Front ntrnet. mar C BRITANNIA COVERS. Plate and DUh Cov. er all sizes, at I ior29 PERRIN'S. 4 i n (i Q o (I

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