'-. I.i- ; i ... :' ;:.- . i. ...... ,wa,"VtewBa ;-l-i f ,: . O V '0L. VII., -XO. 284. AvnoiE-No;iJi84 WILMINGTON N. CiTUESDAY EVENING, APRIL ; 0. 1861;:; it fr- f. a " . ""''"''''"W"'MM"MaMaaaa!la T 1. I . TERMS: :( nanr lVaper, 6.00; Weekljr, 2.0O, . IS ADVANCE. "tS The it:f isalwavs flopped, unless a remittance U made tX continue U Timehr noUce i gen, so (jjjtpaviBfat can'be laade Wfire tha expiratitn of Money inaj be mailed at ar risk, when the let tcr i f egwierca TOWM'UIXTEU. tS'OKTII CAROLINA. . . . The Herald Job Office i- omCDlclulr. fitU-'J up with the finest as- jortment.of Jon Ttpb to be found in the State. very -specie 'f Job work can now besieed ilt unl handsomely printed at this office from i book: down to -a visiting card. Ilandbills, .Ircalars, Wanks, ic, fcc.neaU and promptly ( nn'. t !lrt notice, and on reasonable terms. special at tuition will bo gireu t the Job j,--.artiacnt hereafter:, and we feci assured that IMr.jrk entruttd to oar Job hand, who is ex . neacedia Hie business, will be executed sat- toril v Ta every respect.; Uire him a trial at ..n v raiv, and " il " not. do w'ell, no complaint will be in.tde of a withdrawal of patronage. SUNDRIES. BOX EH Oolite's No. 1, and Pale Soap, . lo llaiiiii layer and bunh, .Al..irl,.aM - A ' :o 2D bo.e Concentrated Lye, I,) . ; Potash, 10 'Prepared . " JiJaMliock " DfTM Starch, -0 UT-Carb. Soda, tVact-'ntraCw! Soft Snap, Mu-ClTtlf Ac, Ac.,.bo'' i'-'i.'-i inanv otnr aniens no uuivruus i mcmiuu, which will be'soid as low, forcah, a3 by any other h.u-in town. jn2i ' ZENO II, GUEENL. I N TIME OF PEACE. PREPARE FOR , . WAR. h f:; of VValiiim' Patrat tinin, troci '(JU th-.'lail'J'it Buck, to the smallest Drop hot. ''5 kT? Kentackv Ritlo Powder, 15'. Musket Powder,1 10 qr. kei hT.'ntackv Rifl? Powder, i' 3 cases 4 . " " rwlftOO r 1). rnf or sale tr jan21 - ZENO' II. OREENE. FLOUR. FAMILY and Super t lour raveiievnH- anil Wiluiinit..a kiwection. Forle hr i.n 2 ZENO II. CiKKENE. tf)P.V.'-.VjOJ i;a?! Hvii- County Corn, ' t-OJ bitIij. Pei-uiinans County Crn. ? -1U0U - Western mixed , " Irfstirc and for V'.'.e- by ELLIS A MITCHELL, HLVCK WINTER SEED OATS. Olli BL'SHELeS Heavy Cnada OatM very f)UJ furrit.r article S.r feed. For Pale, bv J1U 31ESS PORK. URL?. New City IeiS Port, in store, and 200 U' fi arrive, for sali?, at lowest cash price?, . " " -, yAn 2 1 ) M. .Mrl N N . l.v . MACKEREL. 4 v.- - ...... , . ,, , M.'MrlXNlS. SUGARS. It: SUGAR. ii hhds. and hbl?. A. Bland C Suar, iu bbl, - owdered.nn.l C-uhed .Sugar. iMi- saU by jan r'VVnLHS AND CANDY". t "BOXES Adamantine Candles, Hi I J 25 " Aort.-d Candy. For sale by Jui r, - : zeno n. ;rkf.Ve. jan FOR 18U1. . Y IOUNTIN G-1IOLSE CALENDERS. The j .greatest varietv of izes and styles. Every thing neeessarv to furnish a Counting-Room, at WHlTAKEiVS New Book Store, , Market bet. J.n-.Dawson's and Wilkinson's., jan 1 " ..' ; TRUNKS. i v- wo p.ftinc H.pather Folios, Brass and I , Iron bound. Gent's. Dress Trunks, Square and oTal iron.'Edgi'd, St. Louis Sole Leather, tine Sole Leather and Stub Spring, all the latext pat urns. ... Valises. Sole Leather, Boston, Enamelled ' Leather, &.C., embracing thirteen difterent stylesv i: Bajrs. Enameled. Travelling. StRchcd, Duck. Gothic, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brasfyhs PiUr, Wil t n, embracing eleven styles. Ladies' Hat Boxes. New style French Hal Boxes, new style St. Lotiis, iron and Va- bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low pnees Jan 23 No. 5 Market Street. Jan 23 ' 11 - - SEED OATS. - -ti.tii Pirii .an.l KutrD Hay. neet l Bran, Cow Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal,- .nd Hommon7, ftr aal. bLIS & MITCHELL r7, GUNNY BAGS. 'OAAH GUNNY BAGS, just received per brg 2000 Shlbbeth sale " " LARD. " " 1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 10.5 " n a 4 " For sate, in lots to uit hv jan 2S :rauite Row, Front street.; " LADY PEAS, ' . I70RSALE ia quantities tosuitrbr -i Jan 23. .WORTH k DANIEL, AX "V'iPPI.K. BRANDY, i years old z bar- i . rels very choice i Brandv for sale by : N. O Anole WORTn 4 DANIEL- CU0ICE Country Smoked Sausages, at . Jan,2S I ..WORTH. 4, DANIELS. Soap: Good trap? Call at BALDWINS. POCKET KNIVES. ' FINE English ( e.xcellent,"at, Cutterv. Prices low. wu:iiuies "EASTERN II AY. . in n T.Fi -rnrr suTierior eastern Iiav, ir ?S verr sureriov 1 sale low fromwharf.bv dec 7 STOKLEY A OLDnAMT "WESTERN SIDES fe SHOULDERS. 50 v cjL'L!'k.A.!. Wovf rrn Sid.S and Shoul rvf VAOIVO mift-iw " . , t lioN in store, and 10 arrive. ir ""-". lowest cash prices; by jan 28 NEW tKUr fliuuivoiJi3 nnDS. and bbls. For sale by 31.MacINNIS, - jan 22 HOOP IRON. 1 A TONS, 1, IK and 1M inch goMro. lVioan22- For sale by . M. MscINMS. ENGLISH IAND GERMAN HALF -- HOSE. " ' EYERYsize.8eUinglow,at T,:j Jan 29 - ; - BALDWIN S.t GENTLEMEN can find the largest assortment of Under Wear, at .BALDWIN'S.. Jan 2S . - '. -, .' - "7"' NOTICE. ; ' ; .. -LL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, -AA; Provisions, &c, either bynote or account '"the late firm of Wilson A Williams, and whose rnnts are long since due, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, or such ac counts will be placed in officer's hand fpr collec tion. ; . - ; JAMES WILSON. ; J2i : : 1 No. 5 Market street. ' . CHEESE. T -? f BOXES New York State Chee splendid Just received per schr. D. C. Hnlse. l. M.' WADDELLi Editor and ProIor. DO YO U SI I A V E YOURSELF! . vs. rw rrood Razor ? Fine b ha v . inf SoaVst Soft Shaving Prus hes ? A J&alO Special ISTotices. WALKER 3IEARES, ; a-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apethecarj, and Dealer in iledi cioea, Enjlhb, French and. German Ckeaiicalz, SwwlLik Lecaes, Ac, als PAINTS, OILS, ' V Windew Glaii, Ferfamerj, Fanqy Articles, Ac, Ac. !- angl4, 1S60 W. A. BATCHELOR'S II AIR DYB 1 This splendid Hair Drehas a equal instantaneous in effect beautiful Black' t natural Brown no staining the skin r injuring the II air remedies the ' absurd and ill effect f Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W.'A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. . CUXi. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-lyf- 9t Barclay street, N. Y. GRAND TIRGINIA DISCOVERY. - Some four months sine our excellent townsman, Naphtau Ezkkizi., informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own head, who? top was entirely bald. We saw hiia two days since, and on the place c bald four months since, a fine crop of hair ha sprung' np with a vigorous growth. 'c con vinced is Mb. Ezekiel of tha cfticaey of his discove-" rv, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA' HAIR' RESTORER." llr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of. an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated fi iends. Riekm4 Eq'iirtr, Dc. 12,1350. :- ;'; " ' .. , j Thu famous article aa now be had of the princi pal iJruggiaU. Those persons who lesire.a tiuo head of hair, hare pnlyto nj the restorer acct.rd ingrtd pplntM "directions on the bottlo. Th-)e who have any doubts of its eificacy can have them removed in a thort time, by nsing the irginia Hair Restorer lniallPole, proviughat it 'u a!! it is claimed to be. - . Wholesale det lr -ordr jf Main st. ' " . . R. EZ F.KIEL. Itic'irv imj, Nm. 14, fi''.K 1. N. E.ekiel. takoath on the Holy Bible, that 1 h4veboenla!d far the pat 12. years aiid Lave restored my ; hair by u.Mug K.vkicl'd Virginia HairReotorer. Napiitali Ezekiel. . Thi dav worn to bjfre me, by NaphtdH Ee kiel. Jo- Mayo, .Mayor of Rich unhid. ' Y. H. Lll'PlTT.Sola Ag't., jaull Wiluijngton, N.'C. rlLURDYE-irAIR DYE. W3I. A. BATCH 15LO It'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. A1V others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to pca;e ridicule. - GRAY, It ED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant- fly, to be ! .without i to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, injury to Hair or Skin. . Fifteen Medals and Di;luuia h ve Leii awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, sine- 183'J, and over 9.000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa tron?, of hi? famous Dye. . Wm, A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces n 'color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted not to injure in the least, however long itmay be continued, and the ill effect of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. I feoia in ail cuies ana towns oi inc iuium .iai-, j by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. suThe Genuine has the name and addrer.. np ! on a steel plats engraving, on four sides of each i box, of William A. Batchelor. - ' . CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, ' sept 29-ly.s 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. LANDRETII'S SEED. J3 JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply -ofLan'd-reth?s New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general ussortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES. 45 Market st. nov 23 . . : MRS. WINS LOW, j - An experienced nurse and tenia le physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of tcethingby softening the guniF, reducing all inflamation will allay all lain, and i sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selveSf a,nd relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all ca-es. See advertisement' in anoth- er column. feb 25-1 y "W". LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist. X. E. Corner Front and Market St"., Wilmington, N. C. Nj.. ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXTS, OILS AXD GLASS, PERFUMER Y, AXD FANCY Alt TI CLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can hi obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. "TQ, On and after this day. all prescriptions will be Cash. oct 30 GLUEGLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Br r of Wilmington, N." C. SoleAg't for our Glue. . . Boston, apl 3, 1SC0. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. jnE UNDERSIGNED, having. been appointed by GEO. IL ROGERS & CO. of Boston, sole agent for the aaia f their 'Glue in thi market, rcsjiect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glared Glue Is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United State, and is wan an ted to give satisfaction, or the monay willbo re fundel. A well selecteil stock of low grades Ti ow other parties kept consUntry tn lmnd ; s-anM'l e.rf which can be sen at my olTice. aplD-ly. ' W. C. HOWARD, Broker. "1EDAR JALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3.00'j-t re l ceived, for Rale bv -lecS r WORTH A DANIEL.. '.-. CHEESE. E NGLISH, PINE APPLE AND ST A IE, at deoll GEO. MYElf BLACK Winter Seed Oata in stnr. for pale, by dec 6 j j'". - ELLIS, A MITCHELL, j tit rtr WTVTPR SEED OATS. . I JLJ AjLM- a T m,a - 7 " . , . i Hi II I - ' ' ! !tOJMfbyjs Ml. J S dec POWDER. O KEGS Kentnek llitl i Powder, . f &0 10 or. keirs "."j " '-'" ' . . 10- -' - Musket ; . . dec 27 '- For sale bv Z EN O II. G R E EN E. ... i PORK. yr-' BBLS. N. Y. City Mes, in store, for sale by O decl!7 '-.' . r ZENO II. GRENE. CONSTANTLY manufacturing, at my Es--' tabllshmentr every description of-IIarness, Saddles, 13ridles, Collarsi, Whips and Trunks. Every.rarietv of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Ac, manufactured to vtrder, and i-epaired.- r " t " JAMES WILSON, dec I No. 5 Market street. O. G4 JAVA COFFEtL . 5. BAGS Did Government Java Coffee 10 Mats ditto, now landing from schr. A. J. DeRosset, and for said low for carfi, b marlj , '; . ' . ZENO, H. GREENE. s PRING OVERCOATS. FRENCH iuKti siiiitis, TRAVELiNU SnlK'is, TIES, HOSIERY, Aa., Ac, bow opening at mar ll-lt ' . JilW''S. DIKE CT tm Y . . STATE GOVERN3IENT. Governor-i-Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. Private Secretary-Graham Daves, of Cravea. ' Treasurer D. W. Courts, ol"Wake. . ' Sec of State Rufus 1L Page, of Wakei Comptroller C. IL Brogden, of Wayne. . Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. - - House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. ' , State Librarian O. II. Perry, of Wake. ' - Public Printer Jn.o Spelman, " ' , cocxcillohs ov rtatx. ' Council WooUn. of Lenoir: Jq1iqY. Cnnninsr- ham, of Person ; W-v A. Fnrguson, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surrv': David Murt.hr. of Cumber land; J. J. Lbns. of Xorthamitoin, nd W L. Uillard, cf Buncombe. ' j The United States Circuit Court, for the Difetrict of North Carolina:, is held semi-annually at Raleigh, on the 1st Mondavin Juu; and' but Monday in No vember. Judjres Horn J. M. Wayne, of "Georsria: Hon.' Asa "Biiira, of Martin, District Jnde jal;:rv. $2000. . - Robert P. Dick, Di-trict Llttornv : Wc.-I v Jones, Marshal. The United States Distr ict Courts at e h -I I at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and Octob'-r, J. M. i Jones, Clerk ; Nowbcrn, 4th' Monday in April and ! October, Bc-rijainin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, j lrt Moridav after the 4th Monday in Ain'Ilnnd Oc- tober, John L. CantwcU. Clerk- ths srpr.r.MK cocttT. The Supreme Court of North CarHua is held .it" taleirrh seini-anuuallv, on t'he decond .Muutiav i:i Juire, and the 2d Momlav in December. It is ai-o it'd once a rear at Morgan top, Burk'i 'county, oy he iirst Monday in August, J.I'R. Dodire. Cl.-i .k. j. lie omcers areas ruiiowa: . .ni Justice, UiHi- mond M. Pearson, of-Yadkin: Justice? -M. K. Manly of Craven, and William H. B:itile. or' Oi auge, salary of: each, 2,500 per .annum. A. Jenkins, of Warren ton,? Attorney Hamilton C. Jons, of Rowan,; Unhvi -r : B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk :i Oliver 11. Wake, Deputr CI ik : .ls!!:-.--.'Litf'tio!l. Mars-hal. ' William (ler-eyali l-'dmncd iVrrv. jSt'PKHIOR I'Ol The Superior Court? are held in .s--veii t.-ircuius. by the following oilicers.: -Judges, U. II. Hath, of Chowan; Geo." Howard, of Wllsou : .Tas. W.-l).- born, of Mecklenburg. Robert; S. French, of Tlober rg. itooei't . r. xrencn. oi Jioue- . of Guilford.-; John L. Bailey, of us M. Saunder?. of Wake. So- ! lilacs, of i Edenton, rides th.! son, John M. Dick, t G nil ford-; Orange, and -Romulus Iicitors J-.Ii as 1 . 1 First Circuit: William J. Houston, of Dunlin. rides the Second Circuit : William A. Jenkins, tin Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit : Thos. Ruflin, of Orange, riles the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Stra.ige, of New Hanover, rid' the Fifth Circuit: David Coleman of 1$ tin comb. rtd.- t!f S-entlt Circuit-. ri'BLic wor.K.s in S' t s ii The Branch Mint of the United Statt?s is, located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in IhU State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The'oflicers arc as follows: Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent ami Acting Treasurer; John H. Gibbens, Assay r, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton. Chief Coiner ; Wm. r. S. Strange, Cleric. I The University of North Carolina, situated at i Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight ! miles W. N. W. from Raleigh.' " ! The North Carolina Institution for the education ! of the Deaf and Dumb, uml ef the Blind, is located J at lialciah, W. J.-Palmer, Priucipal. Fortiiications. Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, j Carteret county : Fort Caswell. Smithville, Brims- wick county. - j j United States Arsenal. -J-L-ocafM uf Fayette-. j ville. ' i Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in j the vicinity 6f Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; j 125patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Snpcrin- tendent; Dr. Jj. T. Jruller, Assistant i'livsician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, .'Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp Ps Battle, V". Y H olden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Tavlor and Dr.. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. CfiarlesE. Johnston. President of the Board: William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden. Johnston,! and Battle, Executive Committee. i All indigent insane persons entitled to boVecpived, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also receivt ct from, this:" and other States. For proper form to be observed in" sending indigent insane to Atrium, jfee Kevised Code, chapter on Asylums. o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS' OF WrLMIJfGTOX. Mayor John Dawson. S D Wallace. O G Parsley, Samuel R'Bui.ting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. , FIRE llEP-AETMEST. - - Cliief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Yann. Chief Fire Warden B W Beerv. Assistant Fire Warden W T J Yann. Fire Wardens George Myers, B W Be'-rv, D Ellis, W T J Vann. Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. . . Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FI!:K COMfANT. ( Re-cwganized June ti. IHM, ) Foreman W i urlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d P Curren. Secretary ( P Wade, " Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman D Driscoll. ' UOOK AND LADDER COMPANV V N. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Sucrvtarv and Treasurer F. Hi.' !)&. coMMi"sio"!:ns of" N.vvifi.Tiov. (Oliice 13 Water stree t. ) George Harriss. T C Worth, W O Fergt... .s II Flanner, Wm M Harris. ' scnooLS. BOAP.D Or SCPER1XTEXDENTS OF COMMON' SrnOOf.S. Chairman S D Wallace Wm S Larkins, James McDuflie. James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert IlJ Tate, Sama.d Pf yjj; and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON" XSTITSTK. L'Meginney,' Principal, i WILMINGTON MALE ASt) FEMVf.K SEMINARY G W Jewitt, Principal. OAK DALE CKMETERT C0MPANT. . President Donald McRae. Directors Win A Wright, G R French, Ed ward Kidder. Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, SD Wallace. - Secretaiy and Treasurer Asa A Brown. O.iico next door to Bank. Wilmington. county orriCLTts. fot-Rrs. Ac Sherid W T J Yann. ' Clerk County Conrt Samuel H Bunting. Clerk .Superior Court James A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Biggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. 1 Deputy Marshal U S, D-Ntrict Wilmington Jr. 0 T rft 1 " tlerk IT S District Court-Job L Cantwell Clerk and Master Enuity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ao Jero Nichols. . Special Magistrate of Town John J Conoley. Constables Levis M Williams, Jno Utly, Wil liam H Riddle. J Wnawkins. James P Smngfleld. J J Moore. 1 - -INFFff IO Wood lnsnectnr Joseph Sm th. Wm Hoideu. . Ilitam Provision.In5pe?ttr: -David E Buntinc R Nixon. ' 1 Naval Stone Inspector? Alfred Alderman, thas. W Hawes. James O Bowtn, John nS James, George Alderman. JoKn C i.owden. Tlunnas W Player, John M Henderson, B.Southcrland. Wil ijam J Price, Robert C; Johnson. Nathan F Bor deaux. . ,r ; , , ; -. Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Al T. TT ' Tinwden." James S Mel v in. Henry W Groves.." 1 W MunrK', N Clark. Robevl Max .veil. E Turlington WILUIXGTON CAS. LIOIIT COHPANT. ('6ce in Savings' "Bank Building. President Col John McRae. Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Bup wiatendc nOMrer Hellaenjir. ' SECRET SOCTETIEs" T (Meets tke last Tuesday Evening ia each month at ;? bt John's liall.) f i '. -i. OLFillyaw, Master. '' -M.NewhoflF, S W.i - uuver Mcllhenny, J V . Jno L CantwcU, TreAs. T M Gardner, See'y. Henry Spalding S D. A A HarLdkid J D. J O Bowden, Tyler. ; t . j co.vcoaD CHArrxa so. 1 xasoxic.- jj Lr (Mts 1st Monday evening in each month at iL . i." "John's IlalL) -. ' ;.'' ,h Most Ex R G Rankin,nj'. Com L C burner; G M 3d E O L Fill vaw, King. . V.k r -Ex TBCarr, Scribe. Com I Northrop G 51 2d Com P W Fanning, Cart V. H Host. ' Com W J Pi Ice. G MUt Com A Martin, PP. . V.. V j, i M NewhofT, It A Com Jfso ATav'ior.Treair 1 a Capt. f E '-Turlington. Tvh'f . i CAPE Alt Loi!!C XO. 2 -. 0 O; t., . (Meet? Tuesday night, at OddFellow's IIaiLi Asa J Murray, N G J ames E Kea, V.G. V L Smith, Secretary. T II Hpwey, ,Trea-nrr. ; CAVPHEI.L KVI'AMPMEVT XO. I I. O. . V, ' -'Me", -t.- in the Hall of Cape FearLwIr-.' 14 a4l'..3d Fri-.ay iij eiych month.. j J D Gardner, C 1'.- i Thos 5t (laiiheri, J W. Hey A-i' Re-pitoa. ll J'; K J-,'.liinej.f- Serine. . ' John J C.-:.o!kv S Wi- TIkm ft Howe'r, Treii.' '' (.it!- f ea:;: jSARtsE rrr'AL AiisriXi.Nj;:; sGTr ; .Mcet-s ut ilitjjeiauicn's Bethel,' ion l)ock,'Stree;t. every Monday ''.evening, umueuiateiy after ihe eloae of the Prayer "-Meetin for Seamen. ), Cha- D I V'i:li:ltn vt. fl'nt W Wiliiam-1. -Vice .' ? PresMenr. "' J:is FJekt'As'fc S-ct'vs. s la Mr. ,s C!;ai;fr li -EHi',. i'r,.;;i- u F ilitciiulj,. Seelv , ! .Tt t. ; - Treaiuxr. ' A C U Mils Gilbert" P.)tt'-r, Col John-Mc-Uon. V J DeUosset, O (J parley, Executive Hoard.: j (jeo W Williams, k'jeper ot the Sen nenS' Iloiiii cr Front and Dock Street'. ' - 'J '. ?. . i : . LAniK.s r:i:xKvor.Er soetKTYw; 1st Direct re-s, Mrs Ken- Jth Directress. Mr Hai- Tif'ty. -! Direct:-. 1 : kit. ;. . "S-i'cr'i'ta! l 2d Ilia r- Sickle. i Directi-e.j Mi eaj a i-..4ri M i - I. il iiri r- ' tr .J' !: i'- .;- . ! v. :f.Vi:vUTO.V LIBTtUiT A-SS'H vS-i ( Organ izml June, U:55.'ri' 'I; yf P'f '- . T . a-. Such". ! tt 1). Cowan, Librarian. ' j tey li 1 Orano. ii, 11 Cowan. 1. V Had. f I), lit. WallaceJohn A Tailor.G-J MciJae; .1 G Wii i Mi tor ' MILITARY. . i' J WII.Mt VGTON LIRIIT .I.VF V t !. V. I - ' : Org..May.21):h,;lj.:l.;j.': .; j.'. Wis h l;.'i;o-r-ot:. C?tpi.' ! C-WinsloU', Enignt !t B McRae. 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux, Quarter J V Mellh.'niiv.'id LK-us' piaster. ' If Savnge, ::-t' ' CI) Mvt-ri Or.l.-rlv.! i t,i:nii:N voll".vtki:k. .; : , Oi-gaaizcl Febi uaiy 2 "2d, la5p.;): C Co; ii'tilseii, Cai.t. :. II G HaIieg:k. I;d Ll ut. j H '0n tilahn. 1st Lieut W Deinstba'ch. En -i n. j If Yollers,;2d Lieut J Meier, Order ly. B A X KS. '(: :: : K or CAI'E FEAR, if' f 11 Wri-ht. iVeVid -nt.' H R.Sayag..'.!: Ck-lu.-J G Burr. 'Teller. - J 1) Gardner, As't i'.-i J McLauiiR. iiK-keeper- T It Hardin. l)i", C! ep : Diaeount Day.-Wednesday.! " :.A :c .;- .V. i'L.:rflNOTON'j X. ''. : cKfte. President.- S Jevire'tt, Cashier .John M W L Smith T M Gav.bjt Teller. '" William L:;i?i;:;ns,Bo.Vk . l)i.s Clerk. keeper. i ' Discount Davi Tinlsdav; : ; : !'u : i:n:.! v . : ; Win ReHoii. :( iii. i-. John i). n. Pre-.; Wm I) SmiihTelloK J HWrighr. If k-k ?. Di.-.cous,t Dav, Tne'sdav. ; '.o;j:.::';:erAi.; ;- w: O U Va:; v. P:..;. Jno McHae. J r. Teller. .1 D B;ii-i v. Dis. Clerk. or vij.m;.v Tim'r. Sara j . Ci.-ln -r. r. B.v-k- Asa K W II; keeper. Discount Dav. Monday, Wfl.MTXC.TOM SAVIN'GS r..VN'lw - - John A Taylor. President. Wm Hytle, Ca.dn'er. j RAIL ROAIJS. , j WTT.M1XOTOX, CHAKLOTTE i T! (7 TIIKii FOR 0 I:. ( Oliice-cor Market and S Water street. ! II W Gnion, President. R H Cowan, Sec. TrOas. 1 C McRae, Chief Eng. Road unlinished. WILSUNC.rOX it MAN'ClILSTElt KAIL eo v:. - Thos D Walker. Pres. , Win A. Walker, See' .1 P Robertson.GenM Sup. ' Jos J Ling, Treas., R B McRae. Cen'l Freight Agent. wiLMi"OTONf WKi.no.v hail i;ftAD. Hon W S Ashe, Presi dent. S L Fremont, Chief Eng.. fc Sup. James 8 Green, Sec'y & Treasurer. " S D Wallace, Asst Sec & (Jen Ticket Arent. J W Thompson1, Gen. Jjrcight Agent. James G Green, Yard Master. ' P II Laagdon, Aun'r & Supt's Clerk. William Smith,' Ticket Ajrert. : CHURCHES. ; " Methodist Episcopal, cor .Front and Walnut. ' Methodist 'Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J II Wheeler, Pastor. I Baptist, cor Orange and (TtTi.Rev A Paul itej-iton, Pastor. Baptist. Front ot Ana'amt ,1 X u'- n, R( L Pric-h- arc!, l'astor. l Baptist, (O S) Catl. bt 5ih and Ctli, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and ?,, Rev Thomas Murphv, Pastor. ' j - Episcopal, ISt JamiV!.') cor Markffi find 3d,- Rev. . R B Drane. Hector. : 111 : Episcopal, fSt .lohii's.) vr 3a and Red Cross. Episcipal, St Paul's, t cor 4 th and Ouange l is hop Thos Atkiufion, Rector. I. if. Presbvteriau, Priuu.- bt 7th and Sth Jiev M Mc Queen, Pnstor. t . ...,... !! : ; Presbyterian, (now building, cor ;!i.i and Oi-ajnge, Rev M U Grier. Pastor, f-' ' ' f f ": J ; Haotist. fr.ow bnildiiiifvVpoi' Market nd !lth.1TirT; J L Prichard, Pastor.. Lutheran,, ( now building ) cor M arke OJtd 5th(ltV S Water- , .1 11 Menert. raston Seam ens Bethel. jDoskbt Fran t and POST OFFICE. ' WILMlN'fiTON, 071TH CAKoi Postmaster Daniel ITickson. 5 Assistant JoScnh I? Jacobs, andi- if A Office hours from A M to 1 P M. -2.P M m sundown. Sundaya.T A M tb 0 A ?I. Northern Mail, by W A "W R K, aii; iv 7 P M and o AM, . iTJoeeslJi aiklJt P J . daily at; rhangingl on ?5un.iy irom ii; fc 1- ji 10 iwa iH4,; Southern .Mail, Dv v & 21 is u.-are ves dail v at: 4H A M. Cloffc-s dally at 7 T M. Smithville, X V. Miors v. l f rrivej Monday1 nd Friday at 5 P Mj CJocs T iu'sdaT a uit Saturday at 7 A M. . OnsIow'Ctiurt House N C. ho!?e1 iirrives Mtn- dav at 9 A M. Cb es Tbr1kv st-q.PM LCs.'COVERNMENTf OFFICERSJ Jas T Miller, Collector.- D M Fpyles, W-irher W .J -Price, Deputv Cd- &, Guager, .; : '. - . leclor. , Til Burnett, ?lni'r.v A J Gallov. a'--S'.ii-Vi-.yo;-. W -F Bupch -Ad Uriah VT.'H- Pedttn, Naval Off!; cer. -." : " S ull ivan, Inspe'cf or A Mcaureri- U ;'.L.' Thomas W. Brown, Jr.,' U; S CotrtnisMoner. ' -' i - rossTLs. ; . i British Viue-Cuui Dn McRaey'Ti Water. ; ' Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, C n Water i j Braztllian Vire-Consul O G Parsjey, jr.,ccr n Water and Muibery, (np stairs. ; . j i Danish A'jce-'Consut P K Dickinson, cor Front j and Chestnut. - -; : 1 . "' - " j j- INTERNAL" IMPROVEMENT, - ; . 4f fcxtmcts of Letters from p Epglffh Resident ILOltlDA" RAILROAD BONUS $25,QpOti n the V.nited.-Mates-, to the jnuoa-iinee from 41 the above Bonds redeemable hx, ; ,11 with iI8'to 1370. With an Appendix ottthe Cause coupons at 7 iufr-Pcnt reranxmmJ ' paVable- iu- tfcr and Conseqcthcs?s of the , Independerjco M th 'citv of New Ycirk, l?t 'March and it"; K;c5tfmbr ..For sale rnj- ; DhUOSSEPi liKOWO. A-UL dec I 1 j : ,; ;?-' . -"'' i l COFFEJE. -'Zf BAGS JM COFFEE. " ; yli, '!() bag.'f Laguayra Cog'ee, i 2i) .mats best Java. ' c 1 ; - r ' ZEN'O IL GliENli, .TEW ORLEANS M U i j ASS hS,H-A -, sup trior; -A Article New Orleans Molase?J nosy in 'tiv a.ud for alc b . , april M.MacINNI.. 1 City 33ttgirLesg Cards, ERRANT & WILSON, - .1 "YTTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL x Dealers In Do-: J - f f 1 ae-tic Iry Good? GTOcertes,;CIohing; jMtj, snow, ac. ; ' . - ; : '. -i- Not.. 14 and 15 North Water Street, ; Oct 2 i - : - :i: t-i. ?- t ; i WUnragtoa, N. C. MAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. ; TpACTOKS AND COMMISSION MerchauU. A.v ' -' No 8 NoTth Water Streets i! x: i: ,f ; VTilSlISTOl.-Ki C- . : Solicit cco-dgwnenti of all kinds of Produoe, al- sa oraers for ; lrocercs, Baggiug, itope, Uuano, fiKOROR KAKaiSSi ' A. J. HOWELL. Hi. Mi. W. UAjiaiSS. ' v IIARRISS Jk HOWELL, . COMMISSIONERCrLVNTSl s : , . Oct 2, 1838 J -Wi&xtxoToy; N C. WORTRA DANIEL, ROGERS AND COMMISSION MaacHAirrs, r 1 No. 2, Granite Row- Wilmington, N.C. - Jri?" Solicit s consignments of Flour, i Dried I Fruit, Feathers, Beesvjf ax, Tobcaco and Cutaatry ' Produc'e generally. i ' ; " , ''4i Agents tor Her e's celebrated Scale. i t ' P " .D. G. WORtil. ; t . N. G. DANIEL. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, - i f F.NERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; J: July 18, 6My! Wdmingtong X. C. r C. II. ROiHNSON Ai co. a Old MISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, Wiliaington, N. C. Oitire over Mr. J. A. WiUard's f tore. , .-P Entrance Coiiier "Princess and Water st mar9, ';o-tf . r - i ' v iiitiiAXT, ; - -,.;.-. . -r ' i Old. wmx, ERRANT & WILSQN, G tQMMlSSION MERCHANTS. ! ,N'oj t:4 nsd IS North Water st., i Wilmington,- N. C I wet J V WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, C1HEMIST AND DRUGGIST, ! Wholesale" and Retail Dealer in; Paints; Oil.-. Dve Staffs. ; indow Glass, Putty; Segarsj Old Brandie, and ( Wihes. Perfamciy and Fancy Articles, N. E. cor rneii Front and Market st3., V"ilmiBgton, N. CC"' C litar 2:,, . i ... i ... - EDWIN A. KEITH, C 10MMISSTON MItCnANT. '.- f Wilmington, N. C. Onvrs hi? services to Planters as Factorfor : Agent for the wile of COTTON; will gite his per sonal attendatiee to the buwiness. -Hi core mission for gelling Cotton, will 'be 5(1 et. per bale, no addi tional charge will be jna!?. Cotton forwardod to ; New York at 10. cts per bale. . j :: oct l-isyy -ly O. G. PARSLEY fc CO; I PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steas ."Saw axd i i.wfxii iliLL8, iVY uminsfton, N. C- .?4?- All orders oriinouirie for LUMBER, will receive prompt atteniion. i mch 21 59 SMITH A McLAURIN, . MMISSTON AND Fouwakpiso. Mebchaxts, ; V litmngton, N. L. Refer to i Joiix Dav. ho.v E. P. Hall, State N. C. - T. M..&SIITH, . 'July 1 lboD-tf . lsq. Hsq.. Mayor. 1 President Branch Bank -KUI.V ML AlTRlIf. MALCOM McINNIS, ROGER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, X North Water street, i - oct 1 vvilaungton, N. C "Of D. Mtbrs,"'! " Fred. J. Mooke. MYERS & MOORE. ITTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, y 7 Jtraw tjoods,; lrur3, Umbrellas, Uaneg, &c. &c, 31 Market street, Wilmington, N, C. ' ' June 21, 1859 j - ' T. C. & B G. WORTH, C10MMISSI0N AND FORWARDING MER- CHANTS, , Wilmington, N. C UNION DISTILLERY, iv Wilmington, N. C. li. VA NB OKKELE N,. Proprietor. A. ALL' KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manufactured, and sold. ; jg. Wharfage and stoiage furnished, and coop-. erage Uone at lair rates. jan t iboo. G. POLVOGT, u TPIIOLSTEU AND PAPER HA NGflR, Corhirr F-ont and Princess S.tree'ts, Wilmington, N. C. KeejjS cohsta :' on hand Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, -Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, anoTall Upholstery -Mafieriais. Also. Paper ' HaninffS, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description.', Pictures framed to brdev. - Prompt attention given to titling up Railroad Cars, Steamboats, aiidPi'ivate Dwellings. may 31 i ' . ... : -- j. ,h. HATSAW Ar. I W. R. WTf.ET. HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS,'. dee 1G, .S i Wilmington, N. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, ; c IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Agricultural Implements, JiC, No. S, Front st, Wilmington, K." C. - " . j:jn a, y,s ' .r-: I S:: ' . HENRY NUTtT "T IACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, -.' ' , WiliniBgton, N, C. , S,Will give hi? personal attention to business entrusted to his care. sept 10, j7-tf. JAHKS SfOKtBY 'j. ' ALEX." Of.DHAV. STOKLEY & OLDHAM, DEALEKS IN GRAIN, & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, Nj C . Prompt attention iven to the Sale vf Cotton, Fhrar, Bacon, and other Country PVodaee. " ' JUTE ROPE: COILS best Jute Ropei fir sal by- " 30 nv '2s -- ' ZENO H. jGHEEN. ALMANACS FOR 1861. , . T lURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at K EL- LEY'S -BOOK STORE. ... . . dec 11 j ' ' TO ARRIVE. 'I" Kr m-AX Fj&vn. Apply to;.;,''" X'-- DkJU nov 27 ; J STOKLFJY & OLDHA3t , FLOUR i TAMlLi . Surr and , ... Favetteville ad if , Jj . Wilmington inspeotiuu, i storey and Jbr sale bv tdec 11 j ZENO H.. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI TF ISbO feet bf-'lsrae is consumed thraffheiht X buvuors in U nights, at a cost of $5 per thon- sand iett, kovvmucu is consumed; by each burner per hour? at what cost, and wh&fc would be the cost 01 an cquai i amoimi, 01 ngiu ouuuBeuirom Kerosene Oil? ' Answer : There is consumed hy each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, , . . - X. . ' t ' ' T7 ' at ft rose Oi o cents per uour yt-r ouriier. iuur Kerosene laraps ianord as much lLznt as o gas 1 1jurners ; I gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, wlucu, at 91,2V peraiion, is $4,S0 per month; ou a eo t of one cent; per hoar per lampj therefore, by buruinggaa, the expense ia only six; hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene 00, which, with Lamps, can be .had at the RENDEZVOUS of the. Inimitable-. .U, . jan 12 "VfEW ORLEANS SYRUP.-20 barrels of 1 cnoice. rwEKic bv dec 21 , Hathaway a co.' . . .-j; - '-, . : i.i GtllOlCE 1$ A CON. 22 hhda, eleice WeW ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders", for sale by dec 21 . HATHAWAY A CO.. ANTICiPATIONS-of theFoture. Toaerve as Lessons Ibr the Present Time. in the form fe'b20 WHITAKER'S New Book5tore.at n jiici iifw: iiirii. iiiitivi tru muu its eaic f -; WHITE AND BLACK T 1 i QEED OATS- HJust arrived per schr. Alba. i'JO 1000 bushels prime White Oats.' ' ; " .500 U j j do Black Seed Oats, -i . :;'. ft-b 23 ; ForiSiio by ELLIS A MITCHELL- ; j KllRUNKS and Yalises, Hat Cases. Ac., itflarge ; quantities 'poibracirig Sjole Leather," Eng Jih. AshlaucU. ana ail siher styles, very low, at . feb J Market street. O. S. BaLD WKT. NORTUERN UUSLNES3 CARDS. xo, a. aaxcTr f .mu sc. tkaji, kuW Tarbwo N. G. Sootland Neckr, WarreaUu, 3. C danct, nrxf an ca; : f ROCXRg AND COMMISSION MsaCBaara, VT V ) 114 Pearl atrt, u-.y - . ., ,5ir Yfax. ' - - HTMAN, DANCT A. Ca, KOCSR8 AND COMMISSION Msaciiara, T ;-!'. -.;-. .r ... Noarour, Va. Tke Now Tark sabm wUI Iwt Mavdaetod kv Jao. S, Dancy. aided by K. W. Hyaiaa. r ' ! The Norfolk Hosm will b. Madieui v Jaha rr t a . Particulars alteitioa rive, to Ike sal of r.i., r- u.-...... a v-" .i Ssptember 13-tfl60 LONDON A UttYAN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J XL 31 Iaiia sant BmUk i S1"' Consignsaeuta of Naval Stores, Cotto Lumber, and other Southern Produeo suliciud. Jjro. IL Loirbos. J. IL Bavaa. Jr. NorSl-tf : " - .. wm. a. aaaiaaa. t ,..-i . v. sajidiiw. , GREIAER A IIARKNESS, OTTny itn nvvrvii . rnuuiaamv m . v w ' a, b w as. . unlf wmat aa a w Vv Hoes. ' PaTtaoatmra. Not 15,1851 - wm. L. Hill, N. M. NomrtsiT. of North CaroKka, of North Carolina, ' HILL Jk NORFLEET GENERAL COMMISSION k FORWARDING , Merchants, Shockoe Slip, .f . Richmond, fa.. ! Solicit consign ments of Cottou. Lanber, Fish, and all sunds of alercbaaouo ana rod nee. ALSO . Agents for the purchase of Sarars, Coffbes, Molas-' above articles are offered for sale inoar market an- , wuk, viubu, .v- Mi-vv vantum ca nualTy, and we snail be pleased to operate for par - tieaortlenng, promising faithfulness in oar e- ueavors to represenimem. .vn " " xar wtt irtwanv .'r fr . . ... "... - A . IRCIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ? 89 BarcUy street, N. Y": JPB, l articular attention given to consigaaacnts and parchase-of Merchandise, all kinds. I Liberal cash advances thrnurh WILKIXSOX a I lU., VYiimington, ix.-v. August 3, i00-ly TTEROSENE LAMPS. A large supply , IV suitable fcr stores, for i ale very cheapwith Oil, at dec 7 CASSlDEY'n. EASTERN HAY. 1XA BALES Eastern Hay, ex schr. for lUv sale, low, froia wo art, by jan 9 ELLIS i MITCHELL. LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, ftr Balls, Par ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can be bired on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable jan 8 CASSIDEV. ' G CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Side and Shon Ideas. For sale br dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. . 1 . , . NC. FLO UK. -.brands. -M) boxes 50 bbln of rood . HATHAWAY A CO, dec 21 11 U8C0V ADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. prime to choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by HATHAWAY A CO. JOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 5 bbl. l m nesteru Jard a spieaoid article. IN STORE 1 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 " Western- Lard, in small packages. ! dec 4 For sale by Z. 11. GREENE. N EW FLOUR I Ia bags and bbl. For sale by dec 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM INGLISH CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En elish Cheese, just reeelvad at dedi WORTn A DANIEL. rpflOSElCHOICE IIAV ANAS have eome, at X decAl , WORTH A DANIEL'S. LARD. -20 Kegs Extra iat l.ard for family use. ,, ' WORTH A DANIKIj. ' BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin cans, for sale very dieap, at CA SIDET'S. ;: dec 7 -'. '.'''' : TO-DAYNEW, AND FRESH. STR. PARKERSBURG. c ONCENTRATED LEAVEN something aew, N ew Reef 1 ongues, r 1 east i'owqera, RmnlrMt Hn.f Tlnrt-tiet Rye Flour, . ' Butter, . 60 bbls. Cj Sugars, . Raisins, 10 " A.'. i 10 bbls. B. 8agar4, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 23 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. ! WORTH A DANIEL, . jan 3 j ; 2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR.' E have the best Family Flour in towa, and we warrent each and every barrel and package, ii not good, to be returned. i dec 12 Worth a daniel T7ASTERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Bestern fi Hay in market, i or sale by i dec HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, VICI. CI UGH wai the announcement of a verr rreat j5 vietory by a Roman General. : Tbo people of this day in speaking of the Inimitable CASSL DEY, modify the saying of the noble Roman, thaa: f'l came, I saw, I bought" of the great variety of articles offered lor sale at tne uendezvous, , dec 21 26 28 South Front sU IT IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro lina has seceded I This they would not bave t j- i ' 1 . : . v.J neen prepareu w uo, 1 1 wmroi orr cin.cn 11 aw not bought ' : r, KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble lor the Holidays Candy, Ants, c. c, 01 tn muainrv . 1. , it 11 pAL tlfl V . . . TUTE ROPE AND TWINE.--tCoiU best Jute o I Rone. Har-trinu- Twine. For sale bv dec J. Aiii. uuacjiK. B EST HAMS IN TOWN at dec 1 WORTH A DANIEL'S. X?INE ifEJ) ROOM SETS. A new lot, some 1 Tery pretty jnst opened, ana for sale at dec iv 1 rAAsu o. - CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. ll!,tV I'AKUHdauAU. . .' f Fresh Raisins, Fresh Batter, Cheese. u . it M ti --o-r Prunes, n .4 u l tt Segars. . Tobacco, Ale, , 1 Porter, Raisins, liOaf Sagar. Granulated do. Citron, Nutmegs, Mace, ; Buckwheat A B C Sua-ar, " Crushed " " Vwcet Order Elegant Hams, dec 19 WORTH A DANIEL - WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, Very P we Brandy. - ooerry Wrne. Madeira " ! ... Port " For sale by n ft (f it decl8 j WORTH A DANIEL. PORK. 50 bClsTTCYV City Mesa Pork, for sale dec 7 by - ZENOIL GREENE. milEBESX FAMILY FLO UK. in town, wrar- I ranted ii "dec 2!) , iu all cases, to be liad or - W UAlU a A) AA ULLj. SUGARSSUGARS! -BARIiElS C Co nee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, Graauiated aad Powdered, 35 " Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, ii hhds. " V " ) " For sale by r WORTH A DANIEL, 8 - Granite Row. 75 PORK-.PORK. I 7r BBLS, Jew York Citr Mess, Just received I J ad for sale low, for cash, by decU ZENO H. GREENE. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. QP KEGS just tc hand, from 20 to 28?ents, a dec 11 GEO. MYERS'. 1? "- TO ARRIVE.' GTZn BBL?. Flour different grades. jan 15 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. PIANO FORTES. IN THESE TIMES when we ought to look at j home, why not purchase of a Southern Man ufactory 7 ucu is v m. Knabes & Co., Baltimore, Md. : wnoe Pianos have not been surnassed bv an v sold in this market, of Northern make, and have never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac. Persons triahing to purchase! can be referred to quite a large number of fami lies that tua them, in this citr. - . KELLET'S Book Stare, fb29 - far 'tWm Bamba A f, . a tlAQlO VOX TTTX CTU OT FEVER ANLVAOUEl TR,-.P0E1'M CROWN WM farVveroJ a f Tt kT7V 1 , i '7F r". . : ML-r aa I r .iHqiissMwaaaM,' was treataailr eared bv a rrMrHntiaa LL - b7m .f'WTorsat rtrL Tki nreTlpuoa. ftvoa him by a traace, Has cured tverrbodr akeaas ttkaaiLaavrr v tat failed twee.- J U r Ueaaat of FitiuofDnnmi a ad Frvia ad Aotal To thoe periona mh baoa lia bmb aattl thty bare become ducourared, Uad do a4 fed wUllae toereead mirrr mnav wta aaeertaa tiea, I will sead Ike ptvoriptaaa IW pevyarfer sacceaafully asin U, r -f r poa receipt of their adJresa, hb ( tap Ut retara lac AatholagrelratsarebeToad at Pf Str of JItarr MeLia. - Addrras Drr O. Paelp. Browa, No. Jl fJrasM btrect Jfrf-fA3t, . ' ''." s . - f. : rioaU DR. O. PHELPS' nlQTTVtW ARCACIAN JBALSAlIi For tbo care of Cmmnmflic, JlraoeaMs.'M j g. aia, Congh, Colds . and .Nervous 1UJ poaad pnaelpally of forf 1 be, bs BJ LriJ it be b aau,It Is theoaly ears ever-oiseotrmf fijfi. eaaea of the Liars, Stonacb aa4 r rea. ft i bias all the qualitieaetnbndied in lbs Uomdfuf i ittuwmi; it ia ft hrxhtt tauaairor all i .WV ft iteraal Serosa tkTaberaiosaail Imt 1 naiHns j aa UDarpaaUe,Tclct,asi aasae4isa awe nervine, a rurlfief iralttb tlaids-aa Lihl- arsnl, a HUssalawf a wtHryvT. , ... ad a bilderapof-waau4ribrln4 MbcU. f$ eSu For lltKr UiSTf ' ' tor " b.T 'fTJ Mc. mi rH DR. (l Plirraa vvvwraaai RENOVATING PILLS: This Pill will rnrulate the brvVls whaalUfl i preparalMins will fmiL . I ii : . : . n cavil IT": 7; .75... s V.V""r"wT; m . w"a aa v m ww x aa setM Com pi tints 1 aim! tt trUlearaa W.tLa sun thatshiars upva a, all Ut tujferiaawaaaVaa-' aoranep that have Dorr M. t. 1 1 IV " y v " wwrrwr w Tcrirporary ar . lair ; it keeps tke bauaa syitemin a, stetaof aoaa4 aad vigorous be.lth, brra.ll and ahuEt r tlbly cleasuilng il f m tmruirftles - fc.ch Ut 'Hi tains about (Hi pills. Prtei $1,00 ftef bar. Etherial . Olntinent; Among the many aiBictioM for wkkrk aa a rai- Croup, rarisy, Quinsy. nlarx4 TaisUa. UUndular kinds of t SSl ttrt- ,. , ' . -'ore hippies,, owrlleq ,raor. Palsy. Nombr BtoUhJ. Wh, cild V 5 Muuips, , hite SwelliBg , Orav.4, Hum? Weaa Kidneys Muscular Dutaxbaacev Saroflr, faA Kheuu., Mureurlal Sores, A C. " Trice $15 ptr pt. Descriptive pamphlets glvea M all bo.a ply to my Agent. . . , Addrs Dr. O. Pheln. Brown, Xo. J Oraa4 ' Stwt, Jersey Citv,N J. - - lJtn'h 1L,,,' ai.AirakrfifirB. mlngton, N. C. . , . 2-U A II mwr11?81 TO ARMAl!. i Mj 1 HOSt who are oppose lo the Fdertl jtA. eoercion of a sever eign Statr, and who ara oi.pod to the passage f abelitiaaanltflmtarcttrb orth Carolina, for the purpose of auaiaraiiaa sister SUte. will buy flielr firocerie4, tt!3fiZ smalUtoresandaccwrtremeataoftbe patHot " J'il.l- jj ; . , CAtoUlVt R. . COFFEE.'- ht' 10 L AGUAYRA. Java ani tit Domiat ti store, and for sale bv 1 - jan 10 ,,,,, H. OKmt! NEW rORN.'AFLOAT. " 2 0( Y( SUKLS, Priaie Wblta' H,wDrtL &JJ Corn, now leading, for by 1 1 J"' 1 elllsTa mjtchell w- WIHTI5 OATS- : "XT- UUU Oau. Foraalebr d ' - j" 1 ELLIS A birTCUtXLva SUGARS. or BBLS. A, B. sad C. Surart; I ZD 6 hhu s. o. - n .? hut, For sale, by mar 6 WORTH A DAVUa. - Front street.,. THE CONDUCT OF LIFJCf, TY R. W. Emmerson Third suppTy rrrrired JD thUnioramjrbjrErpreaa.at Jy fTv'T PriL2 '. WilTAKER'Ja Nw Boa ttoer4 : ONE OF THEM. iTTTBf3a TT CHARLES LEVER, author ot Cbae 0U.b etc. A fow. mora jconiea raaaiva tala april y s WUITAKXEIi Xow Book tor.,T r,T,r. ' " " dresj? if irk. ' TjniENCn AND AMERICAN . , 1 . f r t J ir STEAMMlt, v MiTMrxAittirt HE VENTY.FI YE VASES ' -a.1 WILL RE OPENED , ? Le-,'"' mis DAY, I , J. Tint dx ry NEW STYLES, s ..,' 1 MKW THIMtilXOS1'! FOB GENTLEMEN, t aa a a . 9 A - . . m i r ; f j s . t on YyuTiiA) FOR HOYS, EVERY COLOJt, - E YElt Yt(A PE, A'l' Ettr.ot' alityJ TE CAN SUIT ALL" , w A T THE U A t AND CAP EMPOMVV, U MARKET STMEi n, TgaatCAim. ' MYERS A MOOlilw, TwasCusw. MYKRM A MOOT! at. 1 RAISINS. ' r,A WHOLE boxes large beach Rabin, IV 10 t k " " ,1 f . b Jan 11 For sale by ZENO H. GKtENK, Q r In. c..flo ( ' - '. ' i ' TCST RECE1 ED ier Railroad, Family and ft Buper, ceieoraieu tv airnoi trhovm Mill. braad.W t or sai bv DeKOSSET, BROWN A CO. hot 27 CEMENT St PLANTER. 0(T BBLS. Cement, 60 bbls. Plaster Pat la. eAJJ per brig Water Witch. For ! i ' dec 13 ELLIS A WITCH Lid.- ... t BOOKS FOR A LLt riMI'ElNORTil CAROLINA FOHM tHWH Cant . I well's Justice, er h wo no's Revised Frer4v LeVal Adtiser, at KELLEY'S. oec n ; hook Nlore. COFFEE-FEE.' " ' . C( BAG 9 Rio Coffee 2fl do Laguayra do-r-4dw, tJVJ St. Domingo do 20 mats Java do (a start, aad for sale low for cash, bv , 1 deall. ' ZENO II. G RELTNE. , NAILS. VoO kegs assorted Nails, from S to 4 04 . nov 1 For sale by itJU II. (iKKK.f - HEALTHFUL EXERCISE, im iteeemarr to a long and happy life. Let the rirW ktr'Tras- dling Hoops the boya small axrs,of CAlrHlDKt, ana taae pieoiy 01 exerriKO thesf rvol asararaira. arc 1 - -f-s LEAVEN I EAVENLEAVEN. " EAVEN, LEA X KN, LEAVEN, LEATEN. Try it Try it Trv it Try It, at ' - jan 8 WORTH A DANIKIH. ' EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. rf BARRKLM In store, and for sale, bv DV WORTH A DAi'ItL jan 22 . j . raolte Row, Front itre! ptOFFEE. 125 bags Rio Coflee ia store afiffer" j sale by leo zu WORTH A DAMKU " CHOICE BUTTER. T ECE1 VEf tkis day, at XV WORTH A DANIEL'S, rault Row, -4 L . j) 0 or taie oy v u. v.- . t