maiDPHMtBBiiBM '"'"''i;MB,MM'4 .V OL. 'VII., iNO. 287. WILMINGTON. N. C, Fill DAY EVENING, APRIL 12. 1861. WHOLE NO;' 2)187 t rrrrtt: , .TEEMS: Daily Paper,.SC.od; Weekly, 2.6o, l . IN i ADVANCE:- : The Paper is always io.ped, i in jnide tij.contim it. l unely nnlesa a renilttanee notice' id eiTcn, so tii:if irment tm Da mane inaflt bcTof 5 the expiration of ,ney way b? mailed Hi our trf n-giatcriAl,. ' risk, when the lot A. l. WADDELL, tklitor and Prd'tor. TOWN iUIXTJ3U.- t i rW I X-rlVL INGTON 1; s ; noiitii cauoLixa. or ! The HcraldJob Oflce 1 il coiiipl . '.i-Iy lrtu-l u vnii tnc iincst as- " ;,irtlit.-nt Oi .'OH MI'S miwiuunu 111 iuc ouue. j-'-'rv 5jv,fj'.-s of Job iork cifti -uqw bo spctd j v ii'l li;tT!-'o;ni ly irilcd at this oillce from .. a -Itijk nI.w" .to" a vUitiug .card. Handbills, aUr, M.i:ik.j, ic, &c, n6.itly and promptly ;-;:ii-dAt --hcrt n'otiro. ami on reasonable terms. li' att.-tition will be gWen t the Job 4l,.Jctr.u-:it hereafter, aid wo feel assured that ,. f,rk -ntiiisltd to o;lf- Job hand, who is ex-jM-riiced in the tu.iiusfe, will bo, .xecHted sat- f.. trilv in cvciy respect. Giro him a trial at uivVate, and if it! is n-t done well, .no complaint T'lln-Jiiide ofaAvithlrawal of patronage.. .SUNDRIES. i:t)XI'.S C.Jate's No. 1, andl'ale Son; 10 Uai-iins layer and bunch, bxs'- " " . T bx (i.tiseeiiti at eil , -I ! "m It) ' Jr-J:ired 1 'f. "y0 Jaw IToek i 20 Hoxea Starch, I 20 IlifUaib. l'ota; h. Sod: J, i ep-?r, :e;i(i;atit r, Shc.'. t'iars, Ink, Taek-s Matche, Tea, Ac. Ac., be- nuit)ei'ius to mention, vri::,iaUJo!.l a.-!ru.-i in town.. jai2 i-ea J, a by -any other ZKNO IL. GiiKEXE fx T-IMEV iEACE, LilEl VRE 1"R . -s , W A II. j i V p,;S of J-'atli m' rsstent Finish, from JJ tilt; !;n;it iUiek,- to tlie siualle.-t Dmp Sf.-H, ' . .;?.' k.-i;. Kfiiitsiekv UiilC JN.wder, l.t Ml :-K.t I ilV.'u'T, U) iv: krg Uv-iitiifcky lUih I'ow.V 4 a eass -o.oou ; D.-Ca-j.,n2:J ; For sale by 7 I ZKXO' ll. GREENE. I'LOIIR. Sapor Flour Fa vett ville and ;i in nection. Foi'jsalobv ZE.NO 11. GI4EEXE. 1 VMILVi -.uvl IWilmhiTto -.1o0' Bit-hi Hyde Cvumty Horn. 2010 buih . I'enjuiuianS County Corn. pn:l ti t Western mixed " aa 1 n.i- s.iL- bv "ELLIS MITCHELL. H, Inttoie .-' -ltitl IS LACK' WINTER SEED OATS. llTS!f ilLS M-Trv-Canada ats a very ' jyjyj s.up..T,io ivueif! tor seti. riira'". uv Eb LIS & MITCHELL. 31 ESS PORK. NeW (,'itv Mess Pork, in store, and ci xr BBLS. .-I.V to arrive, for ale at lowest cash pruvs, M. MclXMS. Ijan 21) .MACKEREL, :i Mackerel, in. store. Forsait by ym 22 .- - M. 5lACt ,sUCjTA1Is. All, in hluK .and bbls, .nd C. Sugar, iu Lbls, - , Jri.'-v- ItfUyUereAl a ami Ji u.-neu ,-ugar, im- jap 22 M. M.vclX.MS. CANDLES AND CANDY. A"A .lJOXES Adamantine Candles, HI 11 : Asi'tJ Candy. For sale by oi'tJ Candy. For sale by . ! ZEN O .11. GREEN E. : 3 'FOR 1SGI. - - 'fi 9 U X T 1 X (l-HOL'SE CALENDEliS. The - .. . greatest variety oj siaes ana styles. riery tliiB''- ne'eesarv to ttn iiuli a iounung-uoom, ai t - ' WH IT A K HR'S New Book Store, ' .M:ct st,, bet. da.;. Dawson's and Wilkinson's, iln 1 . T T R'lTN KS. jjAX V'A.S'Packfng.JLeather Folios, Brass and f Iron bound; (tents. Dress Trunks, Suuare and uir imn F,l n..l. S. Louis Sol( Iieatfier, Fine -.Leather an id Stab, Spring, all the latest pat- Valiscs. Leather. Boston; Enamelled JiCatucr, x.c, emhracin" thirteen different styles. n ' Bass. ., , . Enameled, .trar'eH'mir, Stitched, Duck, (Jothic, Eiiinieled, Venetian, lt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil too embracing cleveri style?. . : t -j, Ladies' Hat Boxes. style French Hat Boxes, new style St. LoktifS iron iand brass bound edging. For sale at unroiecedented fnv prices at - I . - JAMES WILSON'S, Ixn . Xo. 5 Market Street. ."11? " HAY. X. C. Hay, ex Schooner, for ELLIS' & MITCHELL. RALES Ti sale bv . Jan 23 OATS. tTOIlTH RIVER anil Eastern Hay, Whcet Bran, Cow Pas, also Fresh Ground Meal, nilillommony, for sale by ...,tt jin23 ELLIS & MITCHELL Tj ; r Cl UN NYBAGS. . Ckrt GUXXY BAGS, just received per brg IjlUV Shibboleth. For sale by J,m 23. T. C. 4 B. G. WORTH. LAltl). BAUKEIjS Extra Cincinnati Leaf Lard, . " X. C. Mr sale, in Jot? to Fuit; by ,.r 1 i ' WOUT1L& DANIEL, js . vrraniie , r "r. - fr- LADY PEAS, IQR SALE, in quantities to suit, by 11 Jan 23 .. ; WORTH & DAN IEL, Vf C. APPLE BRANDY, 2 years old. 2 bar- 4 rols very caoi loice 1 vfi.irs ohL. N. V -Apple irimlv for'sitle by WORTH A DANIEL. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at ijiJan .'S " WORTH A DANIEL S. - 1H1CKET TjINE English Cutlery. X,1, excellent, at KNIVES. l'rices low. Qualities BALDWIN'S. EASTERN HAY. BALES very superior Eastern ILv, for LKJKJ sale low from wharf, bv idee 7 : STOKLEYA OLDHAM WESTERN SIDES SHOULDERS. Z.t CASKS superior Western Sides and Shoul mkJ dis, in store, and to arrive. For aaV, at kfi;est cash prices, by M. MacINXIS. .IJan-l NEW CROP MOLASSES, XK HHDS. and bbls. Fr sale bv : jau 22 j M. MacINXIS, t . II OOP IRON. - to TOJS, 1, V4 and V,i inch Hoop Iron.- -jai 22 For sale by, M. MacINXIS. ENGLISH AND GER3IAN HALF E!!e''"in" PAtb.Wl.V8- T1ENTLEMEX"can find the largest assortment TJ of Under Wear; at BALDWIN'S. ,X LL PER Sf Provisi "fqthelato fin NOTICE. .- SONS who are indebted for Groceries, suns. &c, eitner dv note or account, "Jqthe lahi firm of Wilson & Williams, and whose .ftiCcnnnta nrc lonr alnce due. are rwinstd tiVmako VfClS. 2 and IV- TlOrY O US HAVE YOURSELF! i Ho vou appreciate a good Razor ? Fine :?hav I 7 in" Soaps? Soft Shaving Brushes? A inod !f Call It. ' BALDWIN'S. Nmljate payment to the subscriber,.or such ap- - Mont sill h'. nl.imt in oflifcVn hand for folIi"C- ants JAMES AVILSON. " . No. 5 Alar ket street. CHEESE. jQA BDXI X -- f ' J Just tecei few Y ork State Cheese splendic. ved per schr;i). C Jlulse. fnt, 1 1 w F.r sale bv ZEXO H. GREENE. ' Special ZN"otices. WALKER SFEARES, CSj.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Sdcct Medi cines EnglLh, French and Gerinaa OhemicaU. Swedish Leeches, Ac, als, PAINTS, OILS, Window Cla.3, Perfuhiery, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac. ! aug U, IS GO li, W. A. BATCIIELOli'S IIA1K DYB I ThU splendid Hair D r ha n equal insUntaneous in effect beantiful lilac k ot natural Brown no staining; the skin or injuring- the Hair nremediea the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed " W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CIIAS., BATCHELOR, Proprietor,. sept23-ly 81 Barclay street, N. Y. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. "Some four months since our. excellent townsman, N aphtali E-EKIEL, informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, witk which he was experiment ing upon, Ms own head, whose top was entirely bald. . Wo saw him two days since,, and on the place so bald four moatha since, a fine crop of. hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. Sc con vinced Is Mr. Eiekiel of the efficacy of his' discove- ry, tnat be nas namea u inn inriVWiiuiiE) VIRGINIA II AIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which isdestined to prove of , anxious interest to our bald pa ted friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12,1850. , This famous article can now be lracrofthe princi pal l)ru'L'ists. . Those ucrsons who desire a nne i - - head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord- incr to iii ihtea directions on iuu oome. auuhu . i . , ,. . ii . i. -i.i.. rri who have any doubts of its ellicacy can have them . . ... i - .1. . it - : - removed in a snort lime, oy using mu n-mm Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. ' ' Wholesale depot for .orders, CO Main st. R. EZEK1EL. ItirnMM, Nov. If, 1850. 1. N . Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible; that I have baen bald for the past 12 years and have restored mv hair hr using Ezekicl's .Virginia Hair UestoK'i:. Naputali Ezekiel. .This dav sworn to before' me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. " " ' Jok. Mayo, ' Mayor of Richmond. W. II. LIPPlTTjSole Ag't., jnn 11 Wilmington, N. C. II AIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCH ELORS HA1R DYE. The Orlsinal and best in the World. All others are mere-imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly to be beautiful and Natural Brown o Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, since 1S30, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the nair of his pa-! trons, of his famous Dye. ' ' Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is .Warran ted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme- j died; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. Sold In all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. JrjThe Genuine has the name and address, up- on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. . " - - CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 2'J-ly ' 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. LANDRETIFS SEED. ST- JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reins acw- vruw vi.titjii aijiiu, ucaur, a Asparagus, Beets, Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a reneral assortement of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market st. nov2S -W". JEJlu XiljPJPITO?, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, N. E. Corner Front and Jfarket St., WlLMIXGTSNj N. C. , "Sa- ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. PERFUMER Y, AND PA NO Y A U 11- GLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can bo obtained at anv hour of the night." The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the coi ner. fei.'On and after this day, all prescriptions willbcCASir. ' oct 30 GLUE GLUE. CARb. We beg leave to inform the tradd,4hat .-.bri nnnointed AVM. C. HOWARD, Esn., Na- " I i ! val Store Br -r of AVilmington, Nt C, Sole Ag't for our. Glue. . ,' Boston, apl 3, ISG0. GEO. B. ROGERS & CO. i' ' . ' ' THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appoin ted bv GEO.R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent j for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is'warranted equal toif not superior, to any manufactured in the Unite States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction; or the nion.iy will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can be seen at my omce. apl9-ly: AV. C. HOAyARD, Broker- . TiT We would call the attention f those suffer ing Jfm Consumption, Bronchitis, Ac, to an ad vertisement in another cidumn of this paper, of an Important discovery for the cure of those diseases now introduced for the first time to the American public, by Messrs. York.!. Ivceds, Gilmore A Co., of New mar lG-lm Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear I Howl By one week's use of the Magnolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre- n.iration. Price 50 cents per 'bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. , - AV. E. HAGAN & CO., Proprietors, apl 19-lydAw J Troy, New A' ork. MRS. WINSLOAV, An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Stiothing Syrup for chddren teething, which greatly facilitates the process of tecthingby softening the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bow-els. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth- er col'gpn. . feb 25-ly c '1EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re ceived, for sale by dec 5 , - . WORTH & DANIEL. CHEESE. ENGLISH, PINE APPLE AND STATE, at dec 11 GEO. MYER'S. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. OAA BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for seed, fJXjyj in store, for sale by dec 27 - ELLIS A MITCHELL. POAVDER. - CCZ KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, ZD 10 or. kegs " " ..... 10 " Musket " dec 27 For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. O it. MEAL 50 bushels iustreceived, for sale by amillO ELLIS A MlTCHELli. DIRECTORY. .STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. PriTate Secretary--Graham Daves, of Craven Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of State Rufus H. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C IL Brosden, of Wavne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. bpeaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Cummiiu-W. T. Dortch. i v ayne. JState Librariaa O. U. Perry, of Wake. Public Printer Jno Spelman, " " C0C.VCILL0KS OF STATE. Council WflfitpTl nf Ijtrtnir If.l.n W PnnTiiri. ham, of Person ; W. A. Farenson. of Bertie : J. P. Graves, of Surry ; David ilurphy, of Cumber- iana; j. j. ixng, ot ortnanipton, and W. L, Uillard, of Buncombe. FEDESAL 1SD STATS COURTS. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-annuallvatRaleurh. on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No- vemDer. Judges Hon. J. M. Wavne. of Georeria: Hon. Asa Bips, of Martin. District Juda-e salary. 52000. Robert P. Dick. District Attornev : Weslev Jones, Marshal. i. , " lne United btates District Courts . held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and Octo r, J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjamin Brown, Clerk ; Wilmington, 1st Mondav after the 4th Monday in April and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk. THE SUPKEXH CetUT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Mondav in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also ne'd once a vear at Morjranton, liurke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The ofheers are as follows.: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin; .Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500 per annum. Wil iam A. Jenkins, of Warren ton, Attorney-General; Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter ; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; . Oliver II. P.' -y, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchfonl. of ,ake, Marshal? . StfPERIOtt COUUTS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges, R. R. Heath, of Chowan : Geo. Howard, of Wilson : Jas. W. Os- born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French, of Iiobe srin, John M. Dick, of Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Urange, and Romulus Jl. Saunders, ot V ake. So licitors Elias C. 'Hines, of Edenton, rides the First Circuit; William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A- Jenkins, the Attorney-General, rides the Third Circuit; ! Thos. Ruflin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit; Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Filth Circuit ; David Coleman., of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. rwuhia works in rorth cahomsa. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in thistate. This establishment was.authorized by Act of Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The officers are as follows i Groen W CaldwelL Superintendent and Acting: Treasurer ; John H. Gibbons, Assaycr, Melter and Refiner ; -John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of A orth Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twentyrcight miles W, N. W. from Raleigh. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications, Fort Macon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at Fayctte- ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent : Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston. Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E.' Johnston, President of the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. v All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from thi3 and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. o . TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mavor -John Dawson. H D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, ,W A Wright, T O Miller and Alfred Martin. KIRK DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer- James Mitchell. Assistant Chiet Engineer W I J ann. Chief Fire Warden-B AV Beery- Assistant Fire Warden W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George. Myers. B W Beer v. C D Ellis, AV TJ Vann,' Edward" Kidder. . E Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. .' . Lamp Lighter Oempsey Martin. HOWARD - RELIEF IFIRH - COMPANY. (Re-organized June 6, 1859. ) Foreman AV: i urlong, : 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d " P Curren, ; " Secretary G P Wade, ' Treasurer C Quiglev, Chairman D Driscoll. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1. Foreman; John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. i Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. ' (Ollice 18 Water street. ) George Harris?, T C AVorth, W C Fergus, Jos II Flanner, Wm M Harris. SCHOOLS. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. AVm S Lark ins, James -McDuMie, James Kerr, David Mclntvre. Robert II Tate, Plaver, 'and Joseph M Foy. , WILMTNOTON .INSTITUTE. L Meginney, PrincipaL WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALK SEMINARY G W Jewitt, Principal. AKDALE .CEMETERY COMPANY. President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright, G R French, .Ed- ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillvaw, S D Wallace. Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Otlice next door to Bank AVilmington. COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, Ac. f Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk County Conrt Samuel R Banting. ' Clerk Superior Court James A Wright Judo-e U S District Court Asa Biggs.f Marshal U S District N C Weslev Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jco J Conolev. - Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwon. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register ot Deeds, Ac--Jere JNichots.i Special Magistrate of Town John J Conole v. Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlov. Wil liam H Biddle, J W Hawkins, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. . t INSPECTORS. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision -Inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. I '- Naval Store Inspectors Alu ed Alderman, cnas. W. Hawes, James O 15ow"n, John James. George Alderman. ' John C Bowden, Thomas W C . ar T 1 Y L"' i 1. , I -1 AVM Plaver,-Jonn m iienaerson, u guuipiwihi, ? i- Ham J Price, Uotxert u Johnson, Hainan r ikp deaux. ' ' ' " " . ' Timber and Lumber Inspectors James Aiier- . i , c , r 1 - I r V man. i. ii itowaen. dames a isieiviu. muii OroTes. I W Monroe. N Clark. Robort MaxACU, r E Turlington. WILMINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY. (Office 'in Savings Bank Building. ) President Col John ilcRae. Secretary and Treaurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent Oliver Mcllhenny. i SECRET' SOCIETIES. . ; j SI. JOHJi'S X.ODB SO. 1 lilSOXIC. ; Mects the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John's llall.) O L Fillvaw, Slaster. M Newnoff, S W. Oliver McDihenny. J W Jno L CantwelL Treas. 1 M Gardner, bee y. Henry Spalding, b D jA A Uartsfield J p- J O Bowden, Tyler. ! CO.VCORI) CHAPTER NO. 1 MAS051C. (Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. j - Jonn s u&u.; ;j . Most Ex U G Rankio, II P. Com LC Turner, G M 3d Ex O L Fillvaw. King. V. Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W i anmng, Capt . r;.- Host, Com J Price, G Mist Com A Martin, PS. V. " MINewhoff, R A Com Jno A Tavror,Trea. Capt. E Ttrlington, Tyler. CA.rF EAK I.OUGE NO. 2 r. o. o. r. (Meets 1 ... day night, at Odd Fellow's tlall.) Asa J Murrav, N G ' W L Smith Secretary. James E Kea, V G. ; T H Howey, Treasurer. CAMPBELL eXCAMPJlENT NO. X' O. O. K. (Meets in t Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d r riday ui each month. 1 J D Gal diicr, C 1. ; Thos M Gardner, J W. Ikcv A V Kepiton, II P. II J Jones, Scribe. John J Conoley S W. Thos II Hower. Treas. .1 t CAPE rtAU K.VE1.NE TOTAL ABST1 'SXCX SOCIETY (Meets at the Seamen's1 Bet on Dock Street, every .V lay evening, in.n diately a,uer the close -i the Prayer Metthg for seamen.) Chas D Ellis, President: Geo W WUliams, Vice William. M 1 otsson, Sec- President. 'rotary.' Jas Fjeet, As't Sect'y SEAIIE.VS' FEIESD SOcjlpTY. Charles D Ellis, Presif B F Mitchell, Stc r & dent. j , Treasurer. C D El Gilbert Potter.1 Col John McRea, A J DeR..Jt-et, O G Parsley, E: Executive Board. 'eo W Williams, keeper of Seamens' Home, cw Front and lock Streets. Li VIES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY 1st Directress,' Mrs Ken- 4th Directress,Mrs nal- nedy. ' Directress Mrs Har- riss. - j Directress Mrs De- Rosaet Iett. Secretary, Atrs V an- Sjipkle. Treasurer, Miss Lilling ton. WILMINGTOX LtBH , ASSOCIATION (Organized june, 1855.) )r J II Diks6n,President. Dua Id McRae, Treas. reo L.. vis v ice Pres t. I Wm- t Ltley, Sec y .rlatt L.. Uowan, liibrarian.i' Rev R B Drane, R H Cowari, E Di Hall, S D Wallace, John A I'aylor, G J McRae, J G Wright, JJirectors. . i MILITARY WILMINGTON LIGHT INtf ANTRY. (Org. May 20th, 1853.) Wm L DeRosset, Capt.-i I C Winslow, Ensign It ii Mcliae, 1st Lieut, j AD Cazaux, Ouarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d Lieut. ' i aster.'. -' II Savage, 3d ! C D Myers,; Oroerly, OEKMAN -yOLDNTEHS. ,. ; (Organized February 22d, 1853.) C Cornehlscn, Capt. ; II G Hashegan, 3d Lieut. II V on Glahn, 1st Lieut.. W Depistbateh, Ensign. II Vollers, 2d, Lieut. ! J Meir, Orderly, j ' ' -' ' ii': : ;' j BANKS, j : - . . : f BANK OF ' CAPE FEAR. - ! Thl Wright, President IT R Savagej Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. ! J 1) Gardner, As't Teller. J McLaUi in, B'k-keeperl TTI Hardin, Di3. Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. BANK OF WILMINGTON i N. C. . John Macllae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. W L Smith, Teller. Williftm Lkrkins,Book- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. Keeper. , Diseonnt Day Tuesday. BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. John Dawson, Pres. Wm 1). Smith, Teller. Wm Boston, Cashier. J 11 Wright ,'B'k-kQeper. Discount Day, Tuef da tay.. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINflTOJl O G Parsley, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, Hook- J D Barry. Dis. Clerk. ked per. .-Discount Day, Monklay WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. J John A Taylor, President. Win Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. j WILMINGTON, CIIARLOTTE Si RUTtlERFORD R. OAD. (Office cor Market and S Abater street. ) II W Guion, President, tt JI UOwan, Kec. T reas. J C MeRae, Chief Eng. Road unfinished. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER .RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. j Wm!A Walker, Sec'y. J P Robertson .Gen'l Sup. Jos J: Ling, Treas. R 11 McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent. Wilmington t weldon !bail road. Hon WS Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gen. dent. freight Agent. James Gf Green, Yard ' Master. P H Langdon, Aud'r & upt7s Clerki William Smith, Ticket Agent. . S L Fremont It, Villi I .Al. & up. James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D AVallaeef Asst SecAt Gen Ticket Agent. CHURCHES Jfethodist Episcopal, Cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 5th b ; Church and Casr tie, Rev J II AVheeleryi Pastor. Baptist, cor Orange arid .6th, Rtv A Paul Repitonj Pastor. " ' ': Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich'- Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th i; id 6th Rcy Aaron Davis, Pastor. . ! ' Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d arid 3d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. f, . j ; Episcopal, (St James',) cor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane, Rector, lil ' ; Episcopal, (St John's,) jcor 3a and Bed Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop i Thos Atkinson, Rector. l Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc Queen, Pastor. i ..." Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier. Pastor. in. Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev J L Prichard, Pastor, .. -1 Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5tli Rev J II Merigert, Pastorv j Seamen.' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Watvr. POST OFFICE WILMINGTON',' NORTH dAnquxA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. Assistants Josepht L Jacobs i and ' Office hours from lx4 A M to 1 P M 2 P 51 to Rundown. Strndars,7 14' A M to 9 A M. N orthern Mail, by W: A W R R, arrives daily at 7PM and 5AM Closes 1 i anjd 9 P, M, changing on Sunday from 1 P M to 10A M.i Stiuthern Mail, by AV A M RiR, arrives daily at 4iAM. Closes daily at 7 I' M. - ; ' Smithville, N C, (horsey) aijrives' Monday and Friday at 5 P M. .Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A M. - ' ' j;h ! - Onslow Cffurt House, N C, (horse)! arrives Mon day at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 r M. U, S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. Jas T Miller, Collector. D Ml Foyles. Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col- ! A lector. l T M Goager. Burnett, Insp r. A .1 Gallowav. Surveyor. W X Peden,' Naval Offi AV F Burch and Uriah Stillivah, Inspector A cer. Thomas AV, Measu' Brown, Jr., U. S Commissioner. ; t CONSULS. British Aice-Consul-i-Don McRae, n Water. Spanish A'ice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n AVater. Bi azillian A'ice-Consul O GjParsley, jr., ccr n .W ater and Mulbery, (upstairs.) Danish A'ice-Consul P K Di ickinson, cof Front and Chestnut. INTERNAL IiAIPROVEiilENT. JLORIDA RAILROAD : BONDS $26,000 of 2 the above Bonds-4-fedeemaple in 1891 with coupons at.7 per cent per annum,, payable in. the city-ot New lorfc, JsUMareh arid 1st September. Ftir sale by DeUOSSET, BRO WN A CG. . dec 1 s. COFFEEJ so "a BAGS RIO COFFEE, 20 bags Laguayra Coflc ' i .' 20 mats best Java I " dec I - - ZliNOH. GREEN E. Ji article New Orleans Molasses, now in store, am tor sale bv april M. MacIXXIS. City JBilsiness Cards. , . ERRANT& WILSON, . ' . "TYrilOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Dt ff mestio Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, 4 Shoes, Ac. Nos. 14 au 15 North Water Street, oct t ; Wilmington, X. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY Ac CO. F ACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. No 8. North Water Street. WlLMISCTOX. N.C Solicit conaignmonU f all kinds of Produce, al so orders lor tiroceries. Katririnsr. Khm. uuano. OEOJtUK HAKR1SS. A. J. HOWELL. W. W. HAKK1SS. IIARR1SS St HOWELL, GOMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, Oct 2, 1858 WlLieiNCTOX, N. C. WORTH & DANIEL. G1 ROCERS -A.ND COMMISSION MWhasts, No. 2. Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. 3r Solicit consignments, at Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, To'bcaco and Country i rouuee generally. Agents tor Jtow s ceiebratcu Scale. 1). G. WORTH. ept26;ly N. G. DANIEL. JAKES AXDKESOJT, : EDWAED SAVAOK. ANDERSON St SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, '60-lv. Wilmington, N. C. C. II. ROBINSON Si CO. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- y CHANTS, AVilmington, N. C. Ofhce over Mr. J. A. AV inard s store. jr- Entrance Coi ner Prineess' and Water st. mar 9, '60-tf L. W, ERRANT, 0SO. WISON. ERRANT & AVILSON, COMMISSION AIERCHAXTS, : ' Nos. 14 aNd 15 North Water st., oct 2, '60-ly A'ilmington, N. C. ' WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, CHEMIST AND, DRUGGIST, AYholesale and j Retail Dealer ! , i Paints, Oils," Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Segars, Old Brandk, and AVines, Perfumery and Fancv Articles, N. E. cor ner Front and Market sts., Wilmington, N. C. . mar .25, 58 EDAVIN A. KEITH COMMISSION MERCHANT, AVilmington, N. C. Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent tor the sale ot-COTTOX; will give his per sonal attendance to tne business, ilia commission for selling Cotton, will be 60 cts. per bale, no addi tional cnarge wiu De made, (jotlon torwaraed to N cw Y ork at 10 cts per bale, oct 4-1860 -ly j ' O. 6. PARSLEY Az. CO. lBuriiUiiuus oi tne Hilton ?steam saw and I Plahig Millsj Wilmington, X. C. SerAI' rders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. . mdi 21 o!) SMITH St McLAURIN, COMMISSION AND Fouwardixu Mbrcuants, J .. Wunungton. J. C. Refer to : !; John Dawson, Esq., Maror. , E. P. Hall, Esq., Pres. dent Branch Bank State N. (. . T. M. SMITH, 1 JOHN?M'LAtTRIN. Juij 1 1859-tf j- ' , C ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, w v, u Tir -i. a. A iunu imiifr niri'ov. oct 1 AVilmington, N. C. Chas. D. Myers, MYERS Frkt. J. Moork. St MOORE. XTTHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, ff Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas,' Canes, Ac. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N C June zi, itsoa T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND .FORWARDING MER- J- CHANTS, . . AVilmington, N. C. UNION DISTILLERY, ! , : Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. L KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, ptu chasud, manulactureu, and sold. i. AVharfage and storage furnished, and coop- erage done at fair rates. jan iou. G. POLVOGT, L UPHOLSTER AND PAPER HA XG ER, Corner Fmnt and Princess Streets, "Z ' Wilmington, J. c. Keeps consta : on hand'Mattrasses, Lounges, Cushions, Feathers,' Curled Hair, Moss, and all Uphoisterr Materials. Also, Paper -.Hangings, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of I every description.! (1 - Pictures framed to order. fi m yi o tfnT-ifwin rr i run I fitttnn. 11 r I ? '1 1 1 1 -i 11 il Cars, Steamboats, and Private Dwellings., may 31 , ' J. L. nATIIAWAY. ! WM. R. UTLEY. HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, y dec 16, '58 ; AVilmington, N. C. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, MPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Agricultural implements, Ac-.S No. 8, Front st., AVilmington, N. C. jan 9, '58 . . . : TI HENRY NUTT, ' FACTOR AND1 FORWARDING AGENT, i ' Wilmington, N. C. a-VVill give his personal attention to business entrusted to hi3 care. sept 10, '57-tf. JAMES 8T0KXET ALKX. OLDHAM. . STOKLEY Sl OLDHAM, TTkEALERS IN GRAIN, A COMMISSION 17 MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. . Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour; Bacon, and other Country Produce. JUTE ROPE. OH COILS best Jute Rope, for sale by OU nov 28 . I i ZEXO II. GREEN. ALMANACS FOR 1861. 1 BURNER'S North Carolina Almanacs, at K EL LEY'S BOOK STORE, dec 11 TO ARRIVE. 500 BBLS FLOUR. Applv to nov27 STOKLEY A OLDHAM. t FLOUR TAMILY',' SupCr and Fayetteville and Wj Wilmington inspection, in store, and for sale by; (dec 11) ZENO II. GREEN Ei A QUESTION FOR MATIIEMATL CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. IF 1800 feet Of gas is consumed through eight burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $aper thou sand feet, how much is consumed by eaclrburner per hour ? at what cost,' and what would be the cost of an equal i amount of : light obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer : There is consumed by each Irarner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet Tier hour. at a cost of 6 cents per hour per burner.' Four-i Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as 8 gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, which, 'at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per month,; or a cost of one cent per hour per lamp; therefore, by burninggas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greatel than to burn Kerosene Oil, which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12 . CASSIDEY EAV ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrolTof choice. For sale by dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice West ern Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by dec 21 j HATHA W A A" A CO.. ANTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as Lessons fori the Present Time, in the form oi extracts of-Letters from an English Resident in the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870. With an Appendix on the Cause and Consequences , of the Independence of ths South. Just published. Received and for sale e I feb 20 WHlTAKEIfS New Book Store. at WHITE AND BLACK SEED OATS. ; Just arrived per schr. Alba. . 1000 bushels prime AVhSte Oats. 500 do ' do Ittack Seed Oats, feb 23 For sale by ELLIS A MITCH EL L. RUXKS and ! A'alises, Hat Cases, Ac, in large quantities, ; embracing Sole: Jeather, Lng AshlaOds, and all other gtvles, very Jow, a.t 1 38 Market street. llsTi, feb 23 O. S. BALDWIN". busiSes cards. jxo. s. pacv, jonx n. nvMtx. imi.hiiiu. late of lau? 4 , UUjoT Tarbvro N.'C. JkKtUud N k, WanuiWB, N. V. Gr'" OCEIIS A.l COMMISSION IfuutuM l"?t IV.irl !trc t,. New Y HYMAN, D.VXrV CO., aROt'El . . - x- EUS AND COMMISSION SrurHsra, Tlie'N'fw York lioTie will liu cuzxl ! Jno, S. Dancv, aided. bv Ii. W. LfMnan. The Norfolk ouc will I.e' eon-Inct-d hr John II. lit mi a anil F. ij. 11 v man. ' .A 3" 1'artictilars attention .givvii to the rale of Cotton. Corn. W lieat. and N'a k! St..ri -Stptemljer 13-tf lsa LONDON At II It VAN (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J , J , No. 32 lnua trevt Butn UonsitnTncnts or .NavJtl Store?, t otUi Lumber, and other SouthiTn Prliic- mvlicited. Jko. R. Loxuon. J. II. Bmyan. Jr. Nov 21-tf WM. M. GRfclNKli, i M. . 1IUKMH. G.REINER Si HARKNESS, (OTTOX A X D G EX ER A L COMMISSION j HorsK. I'mLAnrLrMii. AoV 15, 157 Win.-L. Hill, N. M. Xoatuki. of Xorth Carolii.a, of Xorth Carolina. HILL Sc NORFLEET,. GEXERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING Merchants, Shock-Slip, UK'Jiiuouu, a., SfOiri in .Vnru fi ( 1M011 . I'llnHi-r 11 Jl and all kinds ofM orchandlze and 'wlnee. ... ALSO Agents for the purchase of Sugars, Coffees, M.Ja- ses, Salt, Lime, (Juano. &c. J.arg;' cargiv of tu above article are ottered for e in oar biarkctau-' nually, and we shall be phased to optt'tv for f-sr-tiesordering, promising faithfulness 1V1 our.rn. aeavors to represent them. Jn. z.vjy G. AV. AV I LK I N SO N Sl CO. u 'RUIT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT.", SK Barclay st. t, X. , ' Particular attention given'to -r.n.dgnmnits and purchase of Morchandiiw, all kindi. Liberal cash advances tlwoueh W 1LK1XSON a CO., Wilmington, N. C. August 2, IHfiO-Iy T7"E-ROSE'K LAMPS. large supply, JV suitable fcr stores, for -eah' vi rv henn with OiCat dec 7j CASSiDKYV. EASTERN II AY. BALES Eastern Ilav, ux thr, 150 --. lor sale, low, from wharf, bv ELIJS A MITCH ELL jan 'J LAMPS TO HIRE. ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, lo ties, Public ' Meetings, Ac.,' run Or liilllF i AS w . 4 Ik; l.U'cl. ou very, reasonable terms, of the lnimitabh. jan s caiifm. CHOICE BACON'. B A COX. -22 hlids. -.:h..ioe West.n, 'ides ami Slionlde.i. For 5.'ile by V J Bacon Sit .dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. NC. FLO UK. 50 ljoui-i(i bbls ut" g I .brands. HATHAWAY A CO.. dec 21 COVADO SUGAR. 20 hhd. prltrit to oico Muscovado Sugar.' For sab. bv n HATHAWAY A CO. LAR1). LANDING from Sohr Sea 'Bird, 5 M.U- Western Lar I -A. d-ii stIndid ;iri ii !e. IX STORE 15 Kegs N. C Lard, in goo.l packages', 5 Western'di in .ni.d! packag'i(, dec 4 For sale bv ." Z. II. GKKENK. N hW rJiULu: ii) rings : m i dijh. i ; ,nc mr dec! STOKL'EY.A Old til AM E TLXftliSn CHEFS E. B 'fr I t,.l En lish Cheos's just rereiv.'id nt ded4 AVOiiTH A DANIEL. T AHOSE CHOICE HA VAN AS liaroi,w, ,i dec 6 WORTH AD.V .VIE LS. ARD. 20 Kegs -Extra ln l for family use. Y t f i t-l II .V ' ' . . I I J B URN ING FLUID. Huidaud Oil (in r.iie, tor sale very cheap, at CA-SIDEY dec 7 TO-DAY-NEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKEKSIJUKG. c ONCENTRATED LEA VEX something n -w New Beef Tongues, A'ea?t Powders, SJmolrod Itfi.f l!nrkuli:il. ' Rye Flour, I ' Butter, CO bbls. C Sugai4 Raisins, 10 " A- " 10 bbls. B. Sugar", 10 " Crushed, 'i anulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Chee-sc. WORTH A OANiEL, jan 3 ' 2 Granite Row, Frtmt Htri t t. FAMILY FLO'UKV "TT7"E have the best Family Flour iii tovyn, an Y we warrent each and" every .barrel and package, if not good, to ! refnmed. dec 12- WORTH A DANIEL. 17ASTEI Ha u dec2l ASTERN rfiY. 200 bales of the best Kcftc! in market. For cale by HATHAWAY A CO. VENI, VIDI, A'ICI. OUCH was the announcement ol a very great n vietorv, bv a Roman General. Ihe people o this dav, in speaking of the Inimitable CASSI DEY", modify the saving of the noble. Roman, thun: "I came, I saw, I bought" of tho great, variety of articles offered for sale at the Rendezvous, dec 21 26 A 28 South - Front ft. JTl lit en "T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro- ina has seceded ! This thrv wonhl not have prepared to do, if some of. her citizens. . had not bought " KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPHi as well as a great -variety of Fauev artit lef . suita ble for the Holidays Ciuidv , N ut, c. Ac, of the patriotic CASSIDEY". ' : , di-c'21 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coil.-tbest Jut Rope, Bagging Twine. Fo,r Mb bv deel- ZEXO II, GREEN I' BEST HAMS. IN dec 1 TOWN' at WORTH A DANIEL'S. EBED ROOM SETS.-A new lot, pome ry pretty lust openetl. and for fh at dec, 19 PERRIN'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. PARKERSBURO. iER Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, Cheese, r Prunes, Segars. Tobacco, Ale, Porter, i Raismns, Ixmf Sngar. (granulated tlo. t. Citron, Nutmegs, Mace, Buckwheat A B C Su ti rar Crushed, 44 Sweet Cider, Elegant Ham. dec 19 WORTH A DANIEL. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, ( . i Very Pure Brandy I 4 - t Sherrn VVino. , :t " " Aladeira " -. - a port , . For sale by dec 18 - WORTH A DANIEL. T0RK, 50 bbls. X. V, ; City Mi-mi Pork, for Mtle ZENO II. GREENE. dec 7 bv THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, la ranted in all casex. to bi had of , town, uar- ec 29 WORTH A DANIEL. SUGARSSUGARS! BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugaa. 25 bbls Crushed, Grarfnlat"d and Powder.-d, 35 Muscovado Sugars, light and l v, 75 6 hhds. " 4? ' For sale bv WOKTH A DANIEL, (Ornnito Uov. jan PORK-PORK. 75 BBLS, Now Y'ork City .Mess, and for sale low, for. cash hv just received GREENE. . dec 11 ZENO H. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. Cr KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2S cents, a dec 11 GEO.. MYERS. TO ARRIVE. OAvfTI BBLS. Fhur difierentirrajh p. iCOXJ jan 15 i STOKLEY A OLDHAM. , PIANOFORTES, I THESE TIMES when we onght to li,k at F home, why not purchase of a Southern Man- NORTHERN 17 uinufcory i ruen is hi. iiihimii ja.f Baltimore; Afd.; whoe Piaaos have not been surpassed bv any sold in tbiss market, of Northern make,- nnd'l).vo never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, Ac. Persons wishing to purchase, can be referred to tjuite a large number of fami lies that no them, ib this citv. KELLEY'S Bfk Store, fob 20 Ag for tWm. Knabe A Co '-, : -. - a. a f 1 s 11' t - l . .. . . job rm reii m FEVER AIMPiAOUE. Du o. iHLxrs mio$Uftmxrr') to badly aPdictnl ly lM ; ia. tbl f part of the time he ri cotnlnl tn hH hd. wu vrtullv crt bt m ttmn i&m ftwi -J by " you mg c lair tvj at K'rk ,Ttn, fcrtf U. given hiHi bv a otv rlnU. iin in a im i trance, ban ruff d rrervWIy wlliMUklt,acr liai ing faih'l oner. It is nually rf i fa tl ht m4 mmm iii Aal . until (her liave Ucutu di.couriii J, andflo fexl witling to rTTHod more tnoner r"Hn tie. 1 will aend the pre aril tiua tor hrt-artacand uccoanfuJIr tuiinif Lb IVrtutV Jiaic J mtimii"t. uiKn recoipl f their addrHw, wifh Ti"p for Mar ( wifv Alt of th lritrNtlttaart? I tmd, at . the Drug Ml ore vf !Unv alcMa,, AU4tXif. u. , Phelpvi llrown, Xu; SktSranr Strct I. Jr J Ci , DR. O. IMIeLpS 'l!KoVl' ARCACIAN BALSAM. , For the cur7rTonsflrT tTuoi, TfrojJ? Tiitin, Aa , Cvngh. (Vlds and XvIvtit Irfc.lir. C-in ptMMfprinipally of fortiari tirU avtd mklg ' n ms, it. ij tli(Miv'i4re cTc.r .'",k'"Od J. ! am- or the Lunga, stinh ami Tofvem. II r. hirx all the qualirlet eiirJ.C im the tl.eaMMd. drug veudod tutUtiivkiiil UakrmliBa: lalajai fir all the Interna! Sort J Wr, I'Mlt rtlea and Infla mationi ; an unarp;il,!i Tonlr, an rnirttvptton abM Ntrvine, a PuritW oi Uth. Flails. gm KxhJ- rant, a .iMiulabl ntbiclt irMiucny rvAtHii, nd a builder-'up of wt. d Kibrt and Alu.,l. 'rieea, fl and2 per lirrvlMilt)i m,, VfJil. 5 cent. For sab by Ib tiry Mcldn. i - This Pill ml) ri galate Ike b, h. vk w. i preparations willfail. Ilwitl,.a w rd".it ,ttme erndicato whf Ii If rrnrtf t nrorirvwitini-f-or conipafitw, Stc k 1 feadach iJt mmi MUtU-u Coinplmiiu : and U iU ii ef aa. iu; f jLLaqra ia sun that uhln.a npon u4. kit ii fuft. rihgTaift an noyaaeea that hmr it IrrWhi ttt wtWp,.r j yln. It d.H ii4aoL,j,M,et lUnu? at ( fair; it koojthe human iTtomja atalefiin.l i tl vf.rou' hoalth, hrAwrat.d 4hufrHc.p- ' tiblv dtainitiir Htf all iiaMiM..l'i . II...... tdili- nb H.ut Wi jrtlU. ;!JHccJ 10 lU,boi,nr JJK.O. P1IEIJII IinOWM v Etherial pintmetitf Ani.,ng the many ami ('fohriV'sTaVn.. edy it hnofiiual. Aiitr 4ll i. tisin, Fovois Sti v. ; oreK, iHtL4Vcmm9 DyMMcrv- lU-avv CoIdlUhiut-hctand Head. SoJ 'holera. I I r;-ws. v iyup, 1 luriay. .kindsi.f CvJitw, tuv,, Tft , iLLm VI.1IK1UI.4I . n OlilllL'. a.u StuiA-yBi uia, Cb.lbUdna, 4Vut Ut, Scalds, Sore Lips. Soro SiptUt Jiaeil.dJ.f Mampv V.t,' SwrUing, Ori.JtV'Wl Rheum. MiirciirturfW, Ac, Trhy ' $1 o hi ... , Iianipnirr- girptr rn an ,fit,. fr'.V -o my AKvllb .., :,.,.- J . .Atninss nr. u. TUelp BrvWUi N. il Giuhd L. . .1.1 . I ' ' . For f-alehy IIlvhv Irh Ltx, MAAn ,. !:t."udh.x. . '. if .' , . . .. X9.AMJ TO ABMfI i.i. iiiij.whu aieop;.w.lai f4M, J,,H. ; - " .iai. ami m u ar.. "I'pujei. io wie tawua Vl mlrfau.4a1hTith uou(h ;ioi-ia Mjoitiitf. si.'ter Slafe. u Til it, 1 1 ..I .............. . , . - . . small Mnrt , ,,UJ tnn ria.J'jrat ' V"' W'"rii-lt oiLe palrLZ - -P- i nuj tron riay.l'jra jnn 1 COF PEE mi Aa fit K''. l,t.l AY It A. Java. d Sl,D.A - l ore, a nd fop n I,. T ' vTT jan' 10 .o.. , . . ,ENU JLjORIClCK 1 . NEAvVonNrAFTT4 nO li1VilJU', Lme MmstmV,t. J J t o ft, iov Uu'Utgt U,r mle 1 juu lO . txf.TS A'MltCTIEi.L. ."wrHAW nnrt 1;ir,n Vrwf TVV'siat, mJtvJ Uito. Foi i.i In r.;t" 't mAw yf BflLH. A. .Sia4 f Kt&rtii 3 a .it ntiOA a. . TItl -.iit.M.tii 1'or Kale WORTH AD A.MH... Front "Irp-t. mar m" THE CONDUCT OF Lil'Jtt ' W. Emmm" lhlrd Suppfy t'Xnv Ji Ju morning by anraa at .ru1 "l"''-1 - WfilTAK tR hpr lU.r,; BONE OP Til EMf nil Mf' C114RLE LEV EU, AutlMr.wClCL 0'Mnl ; ley, t ic. A f. T more -Si.iea r ei iP tl.i morning, at ' . . a r kmu a.- COFFKE-FKII .T'l K ba;k Uhj.Caiw Jt St:- Dii(ing h t, and for ah low hir caih. a a Ii 'O Mala I.,. .1.. ;.. .1 .. in- dec 11. " " CtNCfS'.V fiTI pSttkT77 "11 A BARREIH ttU hevt Ciefufi Ku,t, mUU' utl lloi Poak wj'h4i:i,.ri i For n:lu low for carh by ' ' -1 , ' - ' i 1 . i y. ja ' 'if' ( CINCINNATI MACO-V.7 O ) HIII. choit-t: Bacon Sid. and Sl.old. ri Li L laridir. For ah loWHif i-ah; b . aprll 4 , ilATHAUaV.'AI O. BLACK 'OATsi'v' . ' GOO BLSHELM hi avr Hlark !--. Mn. t. i Fr Je by april I EY.LIi WlTCrtti.L WIIITJS .BEAKIfj i, ii JiALL i.u i , lor aaie or Y J april 4 ttA.F A MITCHKLL. . , .... : ; FOR WllOLEMALE 111 Yi: Its - or:ri0Zli.N faim AcW4iW i m,0J 300 Loghorn 1IM. , 50 dorcn Panama lUt, ' 4 100 dozen 4'aftUilt Braid flala, ' i'v . I00tlo4. u Scucit UtuM il', , Vupi laLle Farn v Straw -7 Mild 200 !z-n Black .-Koft Hatp. Mjfh a awl low Vi.nup, IWilovu I.ixbKxJvrdSwU m Crow ii", , . It.O Cloth aadHITiiefl -''' ' -100 dozen UmbrHla,,-; -j'.t. ....; 4: , I 200Tiu.ik.,asrUd,, y , ., ' , , . ivomtT. 'Flati i CTrf; Military G.k. AA.r(L An A l vi y low prices, Joy the ae or J.eii, at t 31 ATarkft Vtr."' v' april 4 MYERH A'M4H:E. CIIARLFflrDICKENl't :t "Vf EVV W ORK A -mk- from tba Sea, and 1 the Lnwnierelil TrYtller- Br.fJiaile. Dukens, (lUn,) aufrne of Urn PkkJck l'Hra; etc., . Comphti ia o4Iarg duoJiCAno oluinr. Cloth, at $1,2. or a cheap cdilioa in t.aiM-r t '.o cents per vol.. at april 2 KELLEVS New Brtr.k u,r,: UHllllllMiu . a. I.... ..a, rm . ' supply oi UilU iadi.g, Ik.uh.I atel in shertji, at , 1 . 1 I ... a ....... 7 ....... . o.or.12 KELLEY 'S New Book hloic. IIAY..IIAY. in A ,,A,'K I'Jimc Noilh RirvrlLiv, in rto,e UU v . For sale bv inarl20- I-XUS A MITCHELL. V ItOOKK. ' VTEAy.and. friVh bv ctiainer. Xorth- Carolina at KELL-EY"S New B.K.k Suirt Mandvi!h''T New Primarv Reader, ew American incaw jsook. Thy Funny A4.IL CBook, . X. C. Oti 1 I rawing Rooka, ' Queen of Society,"" t . i.'" I'car Culture, .1 ( The Home Garden,- The French Revolution, bv AlJw,( A fresh supply of thoae ciU in Gutta percha cae. tpr4 1 : . ! . . ' Elue A erner, by G W. Ilolnjea,. , , , What will ho do wiUi ill by Bulwir. ' Widddield'a New CookcryBook, " Chas. O'Alallev. the IrhhYlr.., ' - ' f t i i. r (J c -a ' r ; .-