THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 19. 1861. i i , . ; xowy printer. HEAD OTTARTERS CAPE FEAR LIGHT ARTILLEKX t'uafAfli Ji ORDER NO. 1. F4 Jomrso. . U April 17, isoi. Umh-it of this Company not on active duty, are berth commanded to report themselve and appear for drill evenr night (Saturday excepted) at 8 o'clock, at J. M. Stevenson's office. .Mem bers whose business ngagenjents are such as to preclude, the possibility of immediate active ser Tice, ar earnestly requested - so to arrange their affairs sj to report for garrison dutr within one week from date. . YourXompany has been en rolled as a part of the artillery regiment of the state of North ; Carolina n1 Joar officers are commissioned.- The laws will be rigidly enforc ed. Br order of the Captain, W. A. Finci O. S. . v J. J. ITEDRrCK. jj ! 1 ORDER NO. 2. A mail tag will Uleft at the store, of lied rick Ryan,' far: the reception of letters and papers for memtjprs of the Company ; also, a depot will be established there, for the purpose of forward ing packages and parcels. Privates, T. II. Ilow- y, was. ii. Jijan, ana w . a. w uson, arc detailed for the above purpose. By order ,: ! , Captain J. W. A. FujrcH, O. 8. J. HEDRICK, .1 The Surgeon of the Regiment at the For U win m irrkteful to the ladies of Wilmington, if they will make bandages and lint for the use of the Regime.; The bandages should be from 21 to 3 inches wide and yards long. iti - . All 'packages or communications for members of the Cape Fear Riflemen must be left with Mr 4 Wax M. Poisaon, at the office ut Wb. B. Flanner k Co., aesx the corner of Market and Water street J P .V We are requested by the Quarter - Master of the 30th Regiment of North Carolina Militia, now stationed at the mouth of Cape Fear River, to inform the patriotic citizens of North Caroli na, that the garrisons at these point are in need of erery fhing necessary to the corolortand con venience pf the soldiers, and the casualties to which they may be subject. All donations of provisions, fuel, labor, can dles, clothing; groceries, Ac, will be thankfully received and promptly acknowledged. The ladies especially are appealed to. Let them fumisU him with bandages, lint, LUnketa, bedding; etd, for the hospital department. All packages intended for our patriotic sol diers can b'e sent from any rjc of the State. Address to Rj O. Banking Quarter Master 30th Regiment INI C. Militia, deleft marked in the am manner at the office of Rankin & Martin. Those left" at the office of Messrs. Anderson & Savsgt, Oral the store of Messrs. Myers Si Moore, will reach their destination safely. Letters can be addressed in the same way. We are requested to ask that the above notice may be extensively copied and circulated. The" Quarter Master acknowledges the receipt of the folio wis articles, contributed to the service of the State'ana use ef the Garrison at the mouth of the river, by! the following named .person respee-. lively: " Act. Adjt (QenL Cantwell, 1 box Wine for Hos pital. ' I H '' - Capt. W.'L-'DeBosset, a complete, setof Draw ing uutrumtnt for Engineers Department. R. Q. RASKIN, Quarter Master. : r ( 1 i -.t rw JL MEMBERS or the WILMINGTON LIGHT O INFANTRY net on dutr, will report at Hemd li Quarters, t Fort Caswell, by or before Friday renin? next By order W. L. DsROSSET, Csp't W. L. I. UratsO. S. 4 P 19 ' The gentlemen comprising the Company to be armed with the Maynard Rifle and smal! sword, are requested to meet. THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock,! at the Court House, for the pur pose of effecting their organization. April 13, j ' We are -requested to give notice that there will be a meeting of (he ladies of Wilming ton at SoaitT Hill te-morrow at 10 o'clock, A. M.,- to make preparations for furnishing the troops at the Forts with such necessaries as may be required. ? All the ladies who are interested in this matter are requested to" be present, prompt sctida is absolutely necessary. i i t - .. . a.-? SJT We notice the arrival in our town of Walter A. (Thompson of Orangey one of the gal lant soldiers who fought atBunea YistA, under Jeff. Davis. (He had started-to join his old Company th,e Holly Springs (Miss) Rifles at Pensacol,. but stopped here in the hope that he might serve his native State. , ' Certain and Sure. A correspondent of the New York Day Bvok, in alluding to the proposed coercion of the Sou thern Suites, Speaks the following truthful words in regard! to :the Southern people. Old Abe will appreciate taeir force before this war is ended. "A people brave and chivalrous, accustomed from childhood to the use of arms, fighting for their honor as equals to any other people, fight ing for their) firesides aud altars, can never be conquered, and might defy the world in arms." E it wet Me sure our friends in other Coun ties who have held Southern Rights meetings, the proceedijlgs pf which are directed to appear. in the Herald, ill readily excuse us for not publish ing them, when we state that the force left in our office is' hardly sufficient to enable us to get - out the paper at all. We hare but three hands left and tiese may be ordered on active duty, at any mordent . We would not ask them to re main if We had the power to retain them, so long as they can Serve the State of Nurth. Carolina. It would, be better that no paper was issued from this offic than that one man, whose services might ba required, should be wanting to the State, Sfiojij bless her. " -QMiVtrginny Nerer Tire." The news from Richmond, announcing the ; assage 'ofithe ordinance of secession by the t"onventi6n, was received here yesterday after boon abuht 5 o'clock, and created great enthu siasm. Cheers went up from our streets, and cannon boomed along our wharves, in joyful response-1 to the welcome tidings. Happiness was depicted; on, every countenance, and men , shook hands over the final realization of a hope ; long defic-rei, and until Lincoln's proclama tion almjoqtjdespaired of. Old Yirginia, the mother f States and states . men. has gathered up the robes of her sovereign ty, and is in the days of old has declared herself free and independent. From every val ley and iilljtop of her wide domain, will be heard thahaut of defiance to the bloody man ifesto of the abolition de-pot irho, in violation of all lawj and merely to gratify a spirit of re vetge, makes, war upon a free people. Abe Liqcela has roused the lion in his den, and u, no doubt now trembling at his roar. Let bim not wait foe, his Scotch cap and cloak, but if he values his precious carcass, let hira take to his Lewis and depjtrfspecdily for a safer neighborhood. If we are not woefully mistaken, W.-shington City willsob becom? an exceedingly unhealthy and unplrasaat abiding place for the illustrious railplittirland his illustrious cabinet. He holds hi! court nbw too near the grave of Wash- i iutoa. lie must remove his household nearer to the resjiig place of his lamented friend John Brown. It will be better for .his health' and more suiuhlttjbr the reflections of his moral phi losopher SeAjd-. Abraham will be under the. painful nee yj. of departing he must secede, "vamose, abia tula te and utterly clean up. He must biearewell to the happy land of Ca naan. We.lltry to be present and witness the grandx6dus. i rf t. . 41 - r. W .tr ! W. R. R., who passed through this place this morning, reported that a bloody fight had ta ken place at Harper's Ferry, in which the Vir ginians were victdrious. There is, however, at the time we write, no. telegraphic confirmation of the' report.' V s e We learn from the Hillsboro' PlaindeaU er, that Gov. Ellis has called on Col. C. C. Tew, of the Hillsboro' Military Academy, to instruct the State troops in Artillery practice, and that he has reported himself to the Governor for du ty. The Plaindtaltr understands that Col. Tew will be ordered to Fort Macon, (Beaufort Har bor). ' ' ' 2&r We see that our friends of the Goldsboro Rough Xotet, like ourself, have sent most of their printers to the tented field to serve the good old State. We hope . their services will not be re quired very long, and that they may soon be able to lay aside the real shooting sticks and re tarn to the more harmless ones. SSlSSSSSSSSSSSSVeBSSSS9MMHMaiMwaM The Orange Guards, Capt. Pride Jones, will leave Hillsboro', for this place, to-morrow morning, being under orders to report here to Adjutant General Hoke, on or before Tuesday, the 23d inst. W hi taker has laid on our table Harper's Magazine for ilay. It is' profusely illustrated, and appears to be a very interestiog number. The New York Herald. We are not at all surprised, says the Richmond Dupatch, that the New York Herald cheers on the Administration to civil war, with all its liv er and lungs. It predicts that the South will soon be demolished, and winds up its reflections on the subject with the philosophic conclusion : "It i fortunate for us of the Empire City that we will be removed from the horrors of war; and although we will be obliged to bear its ex penses, the result will be on the whole pecunia rily beneficial to the commercial metropolis." And again: ' It is true that an expensive war will necessarily entail a heavy debt upon the country, but that is a matter which the next generation must take care of," &c. Can human selfishness make a more disgusting exhibition ? Let us hope that this miserable Herald, which was originally planted in the manure heap of the Helen Jewett tragedy, which was, built up by black raai!, whose proprietor has been publicly charged with conniving at the infamy of his own family, and which daily publishes advertise ments of assignations in its columns, will never more, in peace or war, whether conquer or are c-ortquere!, be permitted to enter the South. Southern Rights Meeting at Lillington, New Hanorer County. According to previous notice a portion of the citizens of Long Creek District met at Lillington on the 13th. inst., for the purpose of appointing delegates to the county Convention to be held in Wilmington. ' . ' On motion of S. H. Bell, Joel Hi nee, Esq., was called to the Chair, aad W. H. Thompson reauested to' act as Secretary. The Chairman then appointed the following gentlemen to draft resolutions, rix: W. J. Cornwall, S. II . Bell, J. W. Grice, I.tJ. Moore, P.Montague, Owen Fen .nell, Jr., and Dr. W. D. Somers, who then with drew'; j - ' During the absence of the Committee, W. W. Larkins, F. H. Bell and J. S. Hines being called upon responded in a few eloquent and ap propriate remarks, all recommending Immediate secceesion, or that we, as a portion of the people of Cape Feat are willing and ready to go into a revolution. . The Committee then returned, and reported' through their Chairman, Dr. W. D. Somers, the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Wotrkas, The coercive policy of the Lincoln and Seward Administration towards the Con federate States, after the expressions of pacific intentions towards that Government, are such as to arouse our fears for our safety in such an alliance, and whereas we deem it the duty of every patriotic son of North Carolina to espouse the cause of the Southern Confederacy as his own cause; and, whereas, we feel it to be our duty to use every exertion in our power to throw off the shackles of Northern fanaticism, and to struggle for the maintenance of our liberties, as un derstood by those States which have feelings and interests in common with our own; and whereas we believe that the cause of secession was not properly presented to the voters' of North Caro lina iu the late election whereby the call for a State Convention was defeated, for which reason ouf noble Old State still remains subject to Black lie publican despotism; Therefore, be it. t(. Retolved, That we heartily approve of the action of the States Rights Convention which assembled at Goldsboro on the 22nd and ,23rd of March last, and earnestly hope that the people will endorse the same by sending good and true men to the Convention which is to assemble in Charlotte on the 20th of May, and as that was the place, and that the Birthday of Independence in North Carolina in 1775, may a spirit be roused there on the day in-1861.- which shall ultimately result in our freedom from the dominion of Black Republicanism. . 2nd. JiesolvtJ, That in view of the present aspect of political affairs, we deem it the duty of North Carolina to respectfully solicit Gor. Ellis to call an extra session of the State Legislature immediately, believing that the time has come when every Southern man should assert his rights and maintain them. 3rd. Resolved, That we heartily sympathise with South Carolina and the Confederate States in their struggles to maintain their dearest and most cherished rights; and that we will use every honorable exertion to place North Carolina side by side with her sister States of the South. 4th. Resolved, That we this day form a South ern Rights Association for the purpose of pro moting the object of beccssion. - Zth. Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing resolutions we do now form ourselves into a Southern Rights Association,- and that we appoint a permanent Chairman and Secretary, and that we will hold a regular meeting every fortnight, and that every man in the District be requested to join. CM. Resshed, That a Committee of five be appointed by the Chairmaa for the purpose of procuring a suitable flag, (staff and flag of the Southern Confederacy,) and' that the same be elevated . at a suitable place in Lillington, on Siturdar, April 27th, and that the same com mittee be requested to invite speakers to address the people on'the occasion. llh, Resored, That the Chairman of this meet ing appoint twenty delegates to represent this District ut the Couuty Convention to be held in Wilmington on the 25th of this month. In accordance with the sixth resolucion the fallowing gentleusen were appointed committee, viz: Jauies.Garrason, I J Moore, K Miller and 1' Montague. I "nder the seventh resolution the following gen tlemen were ajpointel delegates to the County Convention, viz: James Garrason, I J Moore, U Feniitll, jr., V II Dobb, J S Hines, F H Bell, K L Miller, John Jones; W S Larkina. Dr AO Brad lev. S II Bell. W T Newell, Dr W 1 Som ers, J A Fhine, W J Cornwall, P Montague, J W Grice, John Larkins, O U Scott, and W W Larkins. On motion, the Chairman and Secretary were ad. led to the list of delegates. Jaine (Jamison was then elected permanent Chairman, and Dr. W-1) Somers Secretary . of the Association. On motion of J. S. Iliues, the proceedings were to be sent to the Wilmington Journal and Herald, with the request that the papers through out the State favorable t the cause of Southern Rights copy. The meeting then adjourned with three cheers fr the Southern Confederacy. JOEL HINES, Chm'n. W. H. Thomsos, Sec'y. Bad roa Clevklasd Whisksy. In a liquor suit recently tried in a western county of Penn sylvania, the defendant's attorney urged that a consignment of whiskey had been made to his client from Cleveland, , "for sale. The judge, in delivering the charge of the court, remarked that "it was notorious that Cleveland whiskey was bad whiskey, and to deal in that kind of an article could not command tb clemency of th couri. PRESIDENT ;' DAVIS. . i ; i, r; Movtcoxxbty April 17. The following ia the Proclamation of the President of the Confede rate Sta tes of America issued this day : PROCLAMATION BY THS rEXSIDKJT Of TUB COBTKDXBAXB . STATES Of AXI&ICA. Whereas, Abbaham LureoLX, the President of the United States, has by Proclamation announ ced the intention of invading this Confederacy with an armed force for the purpose of capturing its fortresses, and thereby subverting its inde pendence, and subjecting the free people thereof to the deminion of a foreign power ; and where as, it has thus become the duty ofthis Govern ment to repel the threatened invasion, and to de fend the rights and liberties of the people by all the means which the laws of nations and the usages of civilized warfare place at its disposal : Now, therefore, I, JEFFERSON DAVIS, Pres ident of the Confederate States of America, do issue this my Proclamation, inviting all those who may desire, by service in private armed ves sels on the high seas, to aid this Government in resisting so wanton and wicked an aggression, to make application for Commissions or Letters of Marque and Reprisal, to be issued under the seal of these Confederate States : And I do fur ther notify all persons applying for Letters of Marque, to make a statement in writing, giving the name and a suitable description of the char acter, tonnage and force of the vessel, and the name and place of residence of each owner con cerned therein, and the intended number of the crew, and to sign such statement and to deliver the same to the Secretary of State, or to the Col lector of any port of entry of these Confederate States, to be by him transmitted to the Secreta ry of State ; and 1 do further notify all appli cants aforesaid that before any Commission or Letter of Marque or Reprisal is issued to any vessel-, the owner or owners thereof, and the commander for the time being, will be required to give bond to the Confederate States with at least two responsible' sureties not interested in such vessel, in the penal sum of five thousand, dollars; or if such vessel be provided with more than one hundred and fifty men, then in the pe nal sum of ten thousand dollars, with conditions that the owners, officers and crew, who shall be employed on board of such commissioned ves sel, shall observe the laws of these Confederate States and the instructions given to them for the regulation of their conduct ; that they shall sat isfy all damages done contrary to the tenor there of by such vessel during her commission, and deliver up the same when revoked by the Presi dent of the Confederate States. And I do further enjoin on all persons hold ing' offices civil and military, under the author ity of the Confederate States that they be vigil ant and zealous in discharging the duties inci dent thereto; and I do, moreover, solemnly ex hort the good people of these Confederate States as they love their country, as they prize the bles sings of free government, as they feel the wrongs of the past and these now threatened in an aggra vated form by those whose enmity is more impla cable, because unprovoked, that they exert them selves in preserving order,, in promoting concord in maintaining the authority and efficacy of the laws, and in supporting and inaugurating all the measures which may be adopted for the com mon defence, and by which, under the - blessing of Divine Providence, we may hope for a speedy just aad honorable peace: In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Seal of the Confederate l. s.I States to be affixed this seventeenth day of April, 1861. (Signed) j JEFFERSON DAVIS. By the President: R. Toombs, Secretary of State. Capt. Docbledat. 'The telegram thatDouble- Lday is "a maniac and in . irons," is interpreted by some to mean, that Doubleday resisted the surrender of Fort Sumter by ' Major Anderson, and was put in irons as a mutineer. Doubleday was formerly stationed at Fort Johnson, near Wilmington, N. C. It is all a mistake about Doubleday.- We saw him on the Isabel last Sunday. The man who was a "maniac and in irons" was a drun ken soldier, who being a Southern man and hav ing enlisted long before. the present troubles, did not wish to be carried North. Ed. Hebald. The Military Force in Washington. The Washington correspondent ef the Peters burg Express says : "Certain it is, that there are ; over 10,000 se cretly well-equipped gentlemen in the city, and the surrounding cities and country, ready, at a moment's call, to nock to tne standard of a cer tain military man whose name I had rather not mention. .This is no surmise, but certain know ledge. "When to; expect the call , to be made, or what will be deemed sufficient cause for making it, I do not know. But should this secret force be called out, there is danger of there not being much bloodshed,' for the city force will make scarcely a decent resistance. The oath required previous to the enlistment of volunteers has oc casioned much difficulty. Not only have two of the finest companies in the District been com pletely broken up, but there is scarcely a com pany whose number has not been greatly redu ced by this requirement. - Besides this fact there is great dissatisfaction manifested in the ranks of the Federal troops. Scarcely a day passes without an instance of desertion. Over 200 men from tne 900 that nave been stationed in the city since the inauguration of the revolution, have deserted. A day or two since 20 marines left at once for the South, and the officers privately as sure the citizens of their real intentions and de termination as to carrying out Lincoln's policy.' ' Charlotth, April IT, 1861. In order to make the necessary preparation for the Mass Convention of the friends of Southern Rights to be held in this place on the 20th, 21st and zza may proximo, a meeting of tne citizens of the county was held in the Court House on Saturday the 13 iaat., by which the undersigned were appointed a Committee of Invitation. We deem it proper to publish this card in ordsr to inform our friends in the State of North Carolina that as the object of the Convention is to council for the future welfare of the State, : no special invitations will be given to our citizens, but all may be assured of s cordial welcome, and to add that it is expected that tne Convention will or ganize on the night of Monday the 20th and con tinue in session through Tuesday and Wednesday succeeding. The importance or prompt and decisive action on the part of our State sow being apparent to every citizen, we take the occasion to express the hope that its appreciation will be manifested by l the presence or our fellow-citizens. ' . J. A. YOUNG. J. WALKER, H. L. ALEXANDER, S. J. LOWRIE. W. J. YATES, r. Committee. major AXDMSos i KMioxATiox. A corres pondent, "J. A. S." of the South Carolinian, in reporting the reconquest of Fort Sumter, says : i "':'-.. ' A gentleman who visited Fort Sumter, on Sunday, by invitation from Gen. Beauregard, gives us the following information, which he received from Capt. Foster and other officers : Major Anderson, Capt. F. says, was placed under peculiar circumstances, and has, no doubt, been highly censured by the Southerners. He has twice sent his resignation to Washington. The first was sent just before the Buchanan Ad ministration . went out, and the second after the Lincoln Administration came in neither ef which received any attention. : Haclisg Dowk thb Gridirons. On" Saturday afternoon, shortly after the arrival of the news irom Charleston of the surrender or r ort Sumter, several vessels in our harbor raised their flags the old stars and stripes under ' the au thority, we Jeara, of the Harbor ! Master. The immense crowd which had gathered in front of our office, noticing the fact, went immediately under the Bluff and ordered the flags down. The order was. promptly obeyed.: One of the vessels, the Brig BlaekfisK, Captain Fairchild, pulled down the United States flag immediately and raised instead the Palmetto colors, when the large crowd gave three cheers. Savannah A ews Watbr Taxis for Battirixs A correspon det of the New York Times on the Brooklyn, off Pensacola, writes that the Southern tacticians are not idle; telescopes show they have hit upon the really splendid idea of converting water tanks into formidable batteries. Sand is packed firm ly, tightly and "danced on" in them, and they literally line the road from Fort McRae to the Warrinirton Navy Yard. They have evidently been arranged by a practical engineer. Fort Barrancas if now in genuine fighting trim. PROCLAMATION OP Tolegrrapliio News. ' ' . Wa&bxsqtos, April 18. From Virginia. . " The Alexandria Gazette extra," con firms , the j-rumor of a body of Virginia troops marching upon Harper's Ferry. ; About four hundred Pennsylvania troops and Sherman's battery jarrived to-day. Frotq Kentucky. LoTiSTiLL, April 18. Gov. MagofEn has issued his proclamation, convening the Legislature on the 27th inst. . Liverpool Market Cotton. estimated sales on Saturday 20,000 bales, market buoyant, with an advancing tendency, partially advanced Jth Breadstuffs quiet aad steady, provisions steady, Consols 81 f a91. 1 Contimental advices are warlike. At Paris the army was drilling for war. All the mar shals of France had been summoned to attend a council of war on the 8th inst. Military operations were about commencirg in Italy. , The Niagara took 35,000 . . From Virginia. v Washikctos, April 18th. It is rumored and generally believed, that a considerable force was en route from' central Virginia to seize Harper's Ferry. Th CoxrsDKBATi LoAX. The quota of the Confederate loan which it was deemed proper and fair to expect, and which it was desired to procure from South Carolina wa3 $1,230,000,. The persistent slanderers of the South will say of ceurse, that 'a forced loan" to that amount was raised or ordered. The books opened . on Wednesday, however, for the first day4 showed in aad for this city alone, the acceptance of the loan to the amount of OSOjOOO, or well nigh double the whole amount expected; from the whole Sate. We have no ! doubt other towi.s and cities in the State will respond in equal pi t portion to population and resources. The books will coatinueopen this dy o:;!t. Char. Courier. Letters or Marqus axd Reprisal.- The Mont gomery Mail says : "Owners of vessels who de- . sire to embark in the privateering j business, ought to begin their preparations for it at once, i Our Government will no doubt be ready to issue j commissions in a few weeks. Indeed this will be a necessity, if the United Staees Government , ; persist in blockading our perts or otherwise har- ; rassing our commerce."' Those who think the,South is powerless; do j not understrnd ; her. In the Mexicrn war the j Southern States contributed twice ts many men jj as the Northern. The South, with:her;fieldscul- : tivated, and nearly all her work done by negroes j can place almost her entire white population un- i-j der arms. In a great emergency, tne Southern ; States could place in the field a million of sol- j j diers the greater part of them such as won the battles of Buena Vista and New Orleans." It is said that there are now in Washington between sixty and seventy men, mostly from the West, who have informed Lincoln that he must either "give them ah office, or lend". them money to get home with. OLD BOARD. I FOR COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. T. C. WORTH, I GEORGE HARR1SS, J. H. FLANNER, DAN'L M. FOYLES, WM. M. IIARRISS.. M W. C. Fergus, one of the Old Board, having re moved to Mobile, Mr. Foyles panie has;been sub stituted, i ' ap 19-te ' DIED,. ' ; In tfiis place, april 18th, Fbancis L; infant s-n of James and Ellen Deans, aged 18 months. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this af ternoon, at 3 o'clock P M., from the residence of the parents, earner of Ann and Seconistreet. CO JVLJVEEICIX. Latest Dates.1 LITERPOOL,. HAVRE, hayaNa;...... .:..April 3 .March 29 ....April 6 WILMINGTON MARKET. WlUlSOTIN SAILT HbRAT.B OFPICk'. April 19, 1861. ' TcRPfiSTiHS. Further Balesjvesterday of 2,300 bbls at 1,55 for Yellow dip, 1,24 for Yirginj and 7tJ cts for Hard, per 280 lbs. No sales this morning. Spirits Tcrpestixs. Sales after yesterday's report of 15 bbls, at 34 cts per gallon for straight. ' Tar. 200 bbls sold yesterday, at bbi. ;. H , 1,35 per Cotton. About 100 bales changed hands on yesterday at 12 J cts for middling. j . 4 . Receipts per W. A W. R. R., April 17. 1 box Saws, 189 Shels, 28 bbl. Flour, 2 boxes Fur, 6 boxes Mdse., 4 Gun Carriages, 2 Cannon, 145 bbls. Spirits, 25 bags Potatoes, 50 pes Bacon. To O. G. Parsley A Co., E. Manigault, Hathaway 4 Co., Wvll. McBary A Co., II. Smith A Town send, Holt, J. R. Blossom, Anderson & Savage, E. McPherson, DeRosset, Brown k Co., D. A. Lamont, J. T. Petteway 4 Co., Ellis 4 Mitchell, B. Southerland, J. Barker. SHIP 2SI Jbl W S. PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. P., April 19. ARRIVED. ;i 18 Steamship North Carolina, Powell, fm Nv Y. te B A Keith, mdie. ' ! Br Brig Robert Bruce, Muir, frem Bristol, Eng land ,to J 4 D McRae 4 Co, with 250 tons iron for WCAMR. - i , Schr W H Howard, Brown, from Sloop Point, to Rankin 4 Martin, n s. Schr Julia Grace, Tay'ler, from Charleston, S. C, for" Boston, with less of rudder, to J H Flan ner. ' ' - : Str North Carolina, Barber, from Faretteyille, to A E HalL . CLEARED; 'Mi 19 Schr S B Bailey, Robinson, for N. Y br Harrisa 4 Howell, with 1100 bbls rosin, 550 do taf. Schr Maggie YanDusen, Ireland, for N. Y. by Harris 4 Howell, with 1400 bbls tar, Schr Mary Langdon, Hicks; for N. YJ by Har risa 4 Howell, with 872 bbls rosin.' Schr Mary Brewer, Wood, for N. Y. by Harriss 4 Howell, 'with 946 bbls rosin. i Stmr Flora McDonald. Driver, for Fayetteville, by.TC ABGWorth. i j Str North Carolina, Barber, for Favetteyille, br A E Hall. . , t ; ISew A'dvertisenients Head Quarters Upper DiviCMIlitia: April ISth 18(51. You are hereby ordered to- appear at the Court full attendance u requested. ; ' By Order of the Captain. HARPER'S MONTHLY j V T70R MAY, received and for sale at J april 19 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. T7NICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE for May, re IXcei ipl 19 ceived and for sale. at WHITAKER'S New Book Store. SOUTHERN PUBLICATIONS ; De-Bbw's Re view, Southern Literary Measentrer. North Carolina University Magazine, Southern Cultiva tor, boutnern Janulr Journal, southern .Field A Fireside, and daily papers frem various points South, at . WHITAKER'S New Book Store. N. C. CORN WHISKEY. ! A SUPERIOR article for sale bv v , aprUlT WORTH 4 DANIEL. '-. CASH.- i. h- "TTTi: shall be obliged to resort to the exclusive I T Cash principle for Groceries. We adverti sed manthly settlements, but failing to have a com pliance to the same, and. having to send funds in advance for our goods, renders it necessary to re sort to the Cash system, i . j Very respectfully, an 18, 1M1. tfEO, MYERS. CHEAP FOR CASH. Ladies' Kid Boots, B kins and Slippers, Gaiters, Lasting and Frin-Wt-1-Ld without heel, of the best quality. -tTlvK '.0,t Lce nd Congress Boots, heel dWat; 1 Also Children's Kid and Goat pegged and sewed' Boots, Lasting, Batton, SS nd Foxd Kid d Patent Leathe and Fancy Boots, ankle-ties, Ac. Mens' fine Calf, fair sitch, and pegged! boots. Calf. Congress' fltT iS??1?!,' 8ewed Pegged-Lastinp pat ZlJS 'l8? Calf Babilrala-sewea and f8$?6ri1 d?V BJ8! Md Youths' Calf and SdPafcTAl "J" Glove, Calf, Oxford Leterdo- Calf and Goat, sewed and f35L "P h.os-fim class goods. Mens kin . i!LmedVclf' welts, and pump km boots. Boys and Tenths' Boots. Browns of u :. . . r-&-vv. iuu cupper naweu S-!Llv' l?&er.w goods suitable to she thy the attention of a discerning public, atthe ; North Carolina Hoot and Shoe store, j Se MARKET STRETTi j J WILMINOTOX, X. C. j - I '-apriljlT-St f 1 A. M. CARTE ni. WANTED. ! LBS. BLACK MOSS, ftir wh:eh W e o,00() highest price will be i aid at o. l'liT.vonx'sj ' L'phoJstry and Paper-haninp: Establishment, Corner Front and Princess ;Sts. ap IS ! AX OVERSEER WAITED. ' X f ,to -employ" 'a competent man to. take X i charge of mr Plantation and Nei'rfKs j Kapril 18-2tdj2tw .ipj lr to A. J. HILL. , j ' J - 1 CRITICAL : "! ! V ND Mfecjellaneous Eays, coU'ect-tl and j rc UTa published. revi!ed. e'nlard and annotated j by the author. 4 vols, on tine tinted paper.! It baa a copious index and new portrait, bv Thomas j Carlylej ami for sale at' I : aprillS WHITAKFK'S -Vew IJ.v.k Stoiv. $5 REWARD. KL'.N'AWAY from; the Subscriber, dnj tli 1st inst., JACK, a brirht mulatto bov. Mvilh freckles, on his face, '-"aad a scar on "his; It ft ;clifek, caused by a rising, j ; ! The boy is bound to thej 'subscriber, and is iveil knotvn about town. j j Tln aho-ve reward will je pai l fsr his d; lic: to roe at' Ellis A Mitchell'sj npril 10-2w ElfflllAIM WESCOTf. ITJASTERN'HAY. 200 bales of the best Eesiern j Ilay in market. Fer sale bv ! ut;e 21 HATlUWAY & CO. WANTED TO HIRE, j rulithe balance of th year, tour orfiTe able bodied Xegro 5fen. : ; O. O.I. PARSLEY &, CO. april Z Jgfr- Journal c opy dAti. FRESH BEAT r C. Rice, in casks and bbls, tor sal6 bv N. april 12 OJ Q. PARSLEY & CO. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES HiER PA R KERS 11 U K (. ! iresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, Cheese,- Separs.4 Tobacco. Ale, Porter, .." Prunes, j " Citron, ; ' Nutmegs, f " Mace, - '". Itaisins, Loaf Sug-ar. Granulated do. " A.BiCSugir," Crushed ; " Sweet Cider, Elecrant Hams'.! dec 19 ! WORTH i DANIEL. LOWER DIVISION, ATTE2STTION.: ( Yj TOUR POLLS will be opened from 11 until 3 o'clock ' on the 22d of April, for th 'Irdion of officers. By order, i E april 17 J. J. SINTAS, O. B. MEMBERS OP WILL LEAVE day, at april 17 HORSE ARTILLERY their measures for hats, this MYERS & MOORE S,i 34 Market street. i $10 REWARD. - V.l' REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS will be baid A for the apprehension and delivering- to mo of IjMA-ltY, a negro girl about 14 years of age, of i spare ngure, rainer snarp ieatures, ana stutters badhr in talking. When suddenly surprised or ! much agitated, she can scarcely speak at all. She ;had on when she left a blue striped dress and red shawl. . " l Any person convicted; of harboring or aiding isaid negro, shall receive the full penalties which - v i i . r. tn( law inflicts on such crimes. april 9-dlw. D. CASHWELL. SUGARSSUGARS! BARRELS C Coffee, and C Yellow Sugars, 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 75 35 ; Muscovado Sugars, light and dry, i 6 hhds. " . - " '' ' ; For sale by WORTH & DANIEL,; jan 8 ; y Granite Row. , PORKPORK. rl BBLS, New Yorkr City Mess, just f ecdiived and for sale low, for cash, bv 75 dec 11 . f ZENO II. GREENE. ! EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. KEGS just tc hand, from 20 to 28 cents, a , J dec 11 . : I GEO. MYERS' PASQUOTANK CORN. Bushels Corn, ion board Schooner d II., Culpepper, from Elizabeth Citr, iustiar- 1136 rived. ; For sale bv i ; j april !) J JQg. R. BLOSSOM & Cjj. COTTON BAGGING. Bales in store. ' For sale by april 9 JOS. R. BLOSSOM C0-K 10 BURNING FLUID. Fluid and Oil tincan for sale very cheap, at CASSIDEY'S. 1 dec 7 ; ; - j . . . T PIANO FORTES. TN THESE TIMES when we ought to look at ; home, why not purchase of a Southern Man- hutactory ? Such is Wm. Knabes 4 Co., Baltimoi . Md., whose Pianos have not been surpassed by any ; sold in this market, of Northern make, and havc never failed to take the premium wherever exhib ited at fairs, 4c. Persons: wishiner to - Durcha.e. can be referred to quite; a large number of fami lies mat use tnem, in tnis city. !'" KELLEY'S Book'Storej : f b 20 , Ag for 'tWm. Knabe 4 Co. STEAM BOAT FOR SALE, ,d y ACCOMMODATING terms, . - fpifa . J a : stern-wheel Steam Boat, 108 feet long 64 tons. Engine, 80 horse-power good speed, and about 5 years: old. . april 4-lm . Apply to ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. CANDY.. i f zi uuAto Assorieci uanay, in o k.v T I k V I'll 1 i 1 Si ) t em lb. boxes J' ii itt 5 " " f 50 a i ji Just received and for sale by . april 12 ZENO-H. GREENE. . ! CANDLES. . !I60 BOXES Adamantine Candles, 20 half boxes " ; lw boxes perm . I : ; For sale by i april 12 LZENQ H. GREENE. ! ' WOLFE'S LIQUORS. Gi ENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, - . ' r Yery Pure Brandy. " Sherry ;Wine. : . Madeira, " " Port ; " For sale by WORTH fe DANIEL: doc 18; CHARLES DICKENS' l1 Dicki EW WORK i-A Mesas-e from the Seas. ! the Uncommercial Travdl -r. liv Charles lickensy (Boz.) author of the P.ickw ick'Paners. etc., complete in one large .duodec imo volume, cloth, at' $1,25, or a cheai edition in paper L0 cents per vol., at . 1 1 i april i . . KELLEY' New Book tore. FOR WHOLESALE BUYERS : Or A DOZEN Palm Leaf Haft, j ; ' jhJJJ j 300 dozen Leghorn Hat., ' j " 50 dozen l'anama ilat 100 dozen Canton Braid illat.. 100 dozen Senelt, Maracaibo, Dunstable and Fancy Straws, . ' 200 doien Black Soft Hats, high and low Crowns, 200 dozen Light Colored Soft llat, high and low Crowns, ; 200 dozen Cloth and Glazed Caps, iuo dozen umbrellas, 200 Trhnks, assorted, -sonnets, : , Bloomerp, flats, ! , Canes, i Military Goods, tc. Ac. Ac. &c. At very low prices, by the case or dozen, at j T t'i -ri.j. ... x ' 1 i . Jim Krt sireei, P''14r MYERS & MOORE. MATCHES. 1 A CROSS Clark's Friction Matches, in quarter 1 J grosses, for sale by . . i I pr" I? s J ZENO II. GREENE. SYNONYMES AND ALGEBRAS. fi RAHAM'S English Synonymes, JT Crabb's " : f " J ' , j Loomis' Algebra, at: ; -dec 9 KELLEY'S New B ook Store. CINCINNATI PORK. T" OA A BARRELS extra heavy Cincinnati Rnmp j)J and Mess Pork now landing. , For sale low for cash by ' aPriU " HATHAWAY & CO. 1 CLNCINNATt BACON. T jQ 1 HHDS. choice Bacon Sides and Shoulders d U now landing. t i i f . . april 4 c or eaie low ior casn, Dy HATHAWAY & CO.! EW ORLEANS SYRUI'.- barr.-ls of choice, r or sale fcy . dec 21 , 1 - IIATIIA v A 1 I ". CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western-Bacon Sides and Shoulders, for sale by dec 211 HATHAWAY A CO. ANTICIPATIONS or the r uture. i o serve as I .Hmm for the Present Time, in the form NTICIPATIONS of the Future. ol jtxtracU of Letters from an English Resident in the United States, to the unoon limes, irom 1S64 to 1870. ith an Appendix on the Cause and Consequences of the Independence oi me South. Just published. Received and f.r sal t feb 20 WIHTAKER'S New Book H tore. a WHITE ASD BLACK SEED OATS. Just arrived per schr, Alb.. 1000 bushels prime White Oats. . 500 do do Black Seed Oats, ft I 23 For eale bv ELLIS A MITCHELL. JUTE ROPE. 30 COILS best Jute Rope, for jale by nov 28 - II. li AL3IA-V ACS FOR rni'SVKH'S North Carolina Almanacs, at KEL- ' LEY'S BOOK. STOKE. " "- t " TO AliltIV E. doc 11 500 BBLS FLOTR. Apply t nor STOKLEY A OLDHAM. FLOUR I7IAM1LY, Sun'r and Fayotteville and Wilmington irispction, in stor'e and for sale by ( dccli) ZE.NO H. GREENE. . A QUfTsTION FOR MATIIEMATI- - cia.ns And economists.- IF I860 feet' of gas is consumed through eight burners, in 9 nights, at a cost of $5 per.thou sand feet, bow much is consumed by each burner per hour ? at what cost, and what would be the cost of an equal amount of light obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer: There is consumed by each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a coatof C cents per 'hour per burner Four Kerosene Lamps aflord as . much ' light ..,. gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will'supply 4 lamps.' one month', which, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4.80 per month, or a cost of one cent per hour per lamp therefore, by burninggas, the expense is Only six hundred per centum greater than to bVtrn Kerosene OH. which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS f the Inimitable jan 12; ' CASSlDEY. TT IS A III I Una has s been prepare A HISTORICAL. FACT that South Carot- seetded ! This thev vtould not hav'e . . - . " i ' . ; 1.1 prepared to uo, n some or net vnifeiis nu not boujlit KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candv, Nuts c. c, of the patriotic CASS1DEY. 2 JUTE ROPE AND TWINE. 25 Coils best Jute Rope, Ilacrrinj Twine. For sale bv dec ! ZEXO II. (JlJEEXE. GRANDE EDITION IES M j lour MODES FRAXCAISES, Journal des lad- rs, just received. Also, one case newlv imported Colored Cassimorcs for Business Suits. We have a Sample Rook in adr.lAco of iniportu .tions to arrive. Having one of the best New York Cutters, ;ve can turn out garments equal in every i'espeet to anv in, the Xorthern cities. Crehtlemen of Wilmington, of New Hanover countyi Bladen, Samson, Duplin, Brunswick, Cum berland, ;Wake, Anson, add elsewhere, arert spect fullv requested to call and leave their measure at BALDWIN'S. : 3SMarket street, Wilmington, X. C. april lO-d&w 9 ... HO MYERS & JO 20 20 20 MOORE.' 20 TWENTY NEW STYLES SPRING O-IR S For Gents,, Youths, Boys and Children; New Shapes Handsome assortment at 34 Market street. 34 31 '4 '5 1 april 10 . -MYERS.4 MOOKE. M. E. I) Y ESCOT. " ' B' OOKSKLLERS AND STATIONERS, -Keop constantn on hand all kindd of .School Hooks, Bibles, Testaments, Standard .Religious Works, Poetical and Biographical Works, Com mentaries, Sunday School Libraries, Blank f$ioks, Scrap Books, Pens, Ink1; Paper, PencilsEnvclr opes, &c. Also, a variety of light reading. Presbyterian Building, april 12-1 vav Fayetteville, N C. ""north" daroli nA all rightT- rfflHE invincible and unterrified of both Divis I ions Wilmington Militia are out,- to-day, in all the pomp and circumstance of glorious war (in a horn. ) Now woe bo to the enemv that shall be so unfortunate as to stand1 before the valiant troops, for there certainly will be, e'er the sun goes down, "Duch no knnrd gib." The Inimitable continues to sell Kerosene Lamps and Oil, at the Rendezvous. feb 2 Stewart's O. Sugar. NOW LANDING, from sehr L. P. Smith 25 bbls. STEWART'S C. SUGAR, 5 " " A. Sugar, 10 Crushed Sugar. For gale by feb 2 ZENO H.L GREENE. MYERS & MOORE . HAVE the largest and best assortment of TRUNKS. MYERS 4 MOORE Have th best made TRUNKS. MYERS 4 MOORE Sell Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Ac, ut lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. Look at our Trunks at 34 Market street, april 12 SALE OF FLORIDA BONDS. 0N the 29th inst., will be offered for sale at the Court House, in tiro tnwn nf Wilminirtnn Internal Improvement Bonds of the State of Flor ida, to the amount of fifty-h've thousand dollar. Terms made known at time of sale. By order of President. " JAMES S. GREEN, april 13-t29 Tieas'r Wil 4 Wei. R. R. Co. the undersigned TEGS leave to inform his old customers. an D- the public generally, that he will onen out in a row aavs. an entirely .new stock: ot Fasti ion able Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hosiery and No tions. A.lso, Mattings and Oil Cloths, all width? which he will sell very low for cash, at the OEd Stand, next door to the Commercial Bank. ' april 12-lw DA YIP AARON. MOLASSES. "TEW CROP Cuba Molawei, in bbl.-. and hhds J.1 For ?ale bv - , april 12 ZENO H. GREENE. LADl1'NbGENTS' DRESSING and Travelling Trunks for sale at WILSON'S. NGMMl hole Leather' 1 runks for .ale at r 'WILSON'S. A TEST Stvle of French Trunks for sale at WILSON'S. j -vvi.ii. o Ji unKs, o; everv ue-cnpiion, lor fala at WILSON'S. NGLIhll Sole Leathf-r and Boston Valises for sale at WILSON'S Harness, lruiiK, Saddlery, Ivath'T and Oil Ewt;.b- . lishment. No. a Market street. apiUPJ O"; M KAL, 50buheb just received, for sale bv april 10 ELLIS & MITCHELL. " LARD. pI UVV LANDING irom Schr Sea Bird, 5 bbls. 11 "Ktern Urrt a splendid article. IN STORE : 15 Kegs N. C. Lai d, in good packages, extern. Lard, in suimII packaeo,' For sale by Z. II. GREENE. dci 4 rVJ LV rLULU ! In and bbls. For sale bv IVltcI - STOKLEY & OLDHAM 171 N GLISH CI tEES E. '.T 2i gbsh Clieese, jut rceeiv. Box?s .-elected Eh' lat aeti 4 WORTH & DANIEL. ryiiiosK cnoi CE HAVANA S have come, at WORTirA DANIEL'S. jvrLcho dec 21 COVADO SUGAR. 20 hhs. nrim to ice Muscovado Suq:ar. For sale bv ' liATHAWAY A CO. TO SHIPPERS. LARGE supply of Bills. Lading, bound and in sheets, at " ' A april 2 KELLEY'S New Book Store., TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERS BURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, New Beef Tongues, ' Yeast Powders, i 5Srnokeu Jeet . isucicwheat, Rye Flour,. ' Butter, CO bbls. C. Sugar-, Raisins, 10 " .A- " 10 bbls. B. Sugar..,. 10 " Crushed. Granulated and Powdered, 2.1 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. . WORTH & DANIEL, jan -2 Granite Row, Front street. FAMILY FLOUR. AL have the best Family Flour in town, and t warrent each and every barrel and package, it not good, to be returned. dec 12 j WORTH & DANIEL. FOR SALE. riHE. Subscriber, offers for sale arack'of land X lying in the lower part of Bladen County, containing one hundred and sixty-eight acres up land and swamp, lyjng on the south-wlest side of vv bite Oak Swamp, adjoining th&lands of Augus tus Millers and others, and further description is unnecessary. Apply tothe. subscriber at Wilmington. 1 pril . C. D. RUSS. Speciiil jSTot i( WE OPEN HO NEW. ACCOUNT And cannot afford Ut continue an, , , , prompt pat in (j cutotn.- . '. TLom who owe ut will cmU r -, A. pajing promptly. pi 3 eod-lw Cash on Delivery WK are obliged t .? ' J2. purchae Military Arc..m . , .! tve par casu to the vl. iu our emptor. We are tompelbsl t adopt t!; ' mutt adhere to it itrirty. .We have a large force of th b-t.Mi',: i i i men empioyou ana can etecute i lir,j line. S. HAI.liWis Civic and.Miliiarr Cl-.thit .,""' a p 1 eod-d ltw - M r k . T '. . LARGE CONTRACTS Fou ( . . POMPANIES wanting Vnif.rrn,. cttli ' "lpliel promptly, if they rontrait wit), RALItU aP is, lru 3, The Oflice of MA Jot: m .... - for the ' i i, 6lh Divi.icn i,f v., V- ; 1 1 - . i r i . l . . . .iiiiriin. lu-ing now aciin, w, rept-rtfu mend Dr. JAS. F. McREK. Jr . n on to fill saidpllice. r- Election to tako plart; tlio 27th iii.t. april 13-te ' MA.YuHiM jrHAV.EWK A Iiorunox amox fi-r2 ' 's wo "'w 0- .pi.,i,n v.- 1: I nave we an .rtist ahonwst r t t u iiiin i oil" i"r t jiii aiiwiTri hy r4;; , . KYS A THOMPStJN'S ilJAhl.KrHT. ,,,1 ing mere ueauuiui i notograpln an I etc., at . .Mo.AKi -.f april 10-3dx , . " r T THE VOTER 1! OYER (Mir.NTT. I self as a Candidate forth-t Clrklnp i t t), . idate for'th 'UI"Ut.i , rior Ceurt of N'ew Hinorc I'ounlr, at t!, ', , r, in August next, and respectful!? ..l..-,'i .,. '' l"Vrilf) . WM. 'M. II.Vi;ui TO THE VOTERS OK M.W fi ior ine omco vi superior uourt t lerk. n 1 i", , fully solicit joar votf at the lectin im next. fapril 8 JL'LIUs'w. ri;i,T f 7 a 1 l jf. Mm ... TO THE VOTEKS IHM.t OVER COr.NTY.-I ,.,,..; .- Candidate for llA otHeo of Sl'I'l IJIol; o CLERK, and respectfully olici( tui , tr. .,; ensuing election in A ugtut next. 11. a. apI5-tr; n"-i TO THE TOTKKS F MM OVER COU.fTT.-.ll.'j.irKi;.M II I !, .. heretofaro discharged lao dutic. f id- . t Clerk of the County Curt ef thir t 'ountV"".. tl satisfaetion ef all cencerned, and rotutnin,- t'p ,. my thanks 1'er jeur frimr liberal u . .' i.' . xpeetf'ullv offer inyarlf a cjn'didatp tr',-. tioii to that flice, at the ehiuijig vl ieM, . tirst Thursday iu August. mar 21-tf SAM CEL li. Ii0Tt, We are authrird i unii. in i'- ti EN FEN NELL, Jr., - ...!, . the olhee of Ceunty Court ('h'lk ! IIh,--countv, at th eltrtio ia Auiiht iiit. March 12, 1S6L. Administrator's Notice. 'pS3r ALL PERSONS indeht. d t ih- Y.u , Andrew Maclean, are hereby p. ciall ti.i a-,. : that If they drr not settle before that tiii--. th- ' will bcHued or warranted, a the ra.i-uuv iri,,,. at June Court, l8f,I."" Thii ii without n - r t ii -or e.tcetion. 1 have jot the lime t r i'l i -debtors separately, and tlerrferc notitr thei th' they will be all treated allk. marSMin . JOlIN DAWSON. Um'i, OLD ' SACHEM BITTERS, and Vfu ,f: T : - i j . . . i. mine. .lUBHSKTUKCmcni. fOfMU, janl7-tl' WALKER MI.AU I.AKI S Hi IMS- COUGHS, COLDS, AD HJN - - EASES. Coughs, Colds, Brenchili, Antlinm. t'l .in.. Whooping Cough, Diweaiea f the Throat, fl.t and Lungs, .however long standing and tir character, are quickly cared by that lanftnVi. eflicient and faithful remedy WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD ( 1IKU1: 1 . The universal opinion fully accord with S lately expressed by the "Saratsgian," whjrh "Wistar'a Balsam hat achieved inanvNreiu.irk;tf! cures f Pulmonary disorders iti ihtm I.i hi;' great that taken in time it ia d ein-J a j i!, .' The thousands f Certificates in the hand i' propretars from thoso who frtn long ull-m ; disease have been "redeemed, regrrn'rai-d, thralled," artd now by this remedy enjoy itnnum ty from pain and mi tiering, are till bnt.i r i'1't". of tbu tiict. Still More Testimony. AfDOVEIt,N. II., Oet. '. I v Me.-srs. S. W. Fowle, A Co., Bo.ttn. n' men: I have an earnest deciru that all i "i sttfleringfroin pulmonary comjilaints, honM U" ine wonaertui virtues ot Dr. iMr, Wild Cherry, and make the follow in; tt.ii n"f with the hope that some skeptical pet 0n i..i induced to give him a trial : Six years since I was attacked with a ! i ' . cough, and resorted to phyician, fir-t at and next abroad, of acknowledged kill ni"l rj i tation, and made of manv patent twl n 'without the slightest benefit. The diseaao augmenting to iuch idtH a- tr' defy the skill of the physicianx, and tie- l."K- ! triends, i wan induced, a a last revolt, to ii trial of 3'onr popular - Balmim, 'without any deuce in its merits, -an that had been Itr" ! r; numberless trials of idvl-rtiHe; n'orttrumx. ,h' effect was magical ! My friends were aain l; ful. and 1 wa atoiii,hed at the rapid liap;"-. 1 ' racking cough," the severe pa;in in mvitide, KhA ! luginnight Kweatf, which had redue. d n to a.vk eleton, abated, and I was sooii in a l i'r of recovery, and by a continued um- ut th- f dy was restored to good Ihealtb. Yours, very truly. UVJL W. TT tSl.. "i-B. Caution to Purchasers. The only w :( Wiotar's Balsam has the written m'trtfatup" f " ' Bltts," and the jointed one of the rlo ti' t- ' the outer wrapper; all other is vile atel Prepared br SETILW. FOWLK A .. 1; -! ton, and sold by . HENRY JI' !.! jan 1 " NOTICE T"S hereby given that Ihe place nf climist, fit- tho f'lmrl ilt-- ' Kutherfotd Rail Road Company, will be till--1 ' ' the Board of Directors, at their regular inert. r.'i to b- held in Charlotte on the 21ft davof ' next. The salary will not exceed 91200 pri i num. Applications, staling amount oi piat r quired, may be addressed to the President, f I. n colnton, or to the undersigned, u Wilmington, N. C, April 9, 186L n ' .. FOR SALE. j A A CASKS Charleston RiceJ moiniit ' 1UU pected by bark Cha. Smith. ' april 11 HARUISS A HOWKI.I- n SUGARS AND COFFEE BBLS. C. SUGAR, 20 bbls." Extra C. Sazar. 50 10 " A. White Sugar, 10 " Crushed Sugar, 5 " Cut Loaf Sugar, 2 bxes Loaf Sugar, 23 bags Rio Cflee, 20 Laguira Coffee, 20 matts O. G. Java Cpflee, 2 bags " ', ' " For sale by ' april 11 ' t ' ZENO II. (SUKK.NK. STEAMSHIP PA HKKRSIIl'K TTAS ARRIVED, and brought !! f V Jl Goods to KELLEY'S Book Store. Mitchell's School Geography and Atlan. Bullion's Greek Reader, Tower's Elementary English Grammar, Stoddar's Mental and Practical Arithmetic-. Father Tom and the "Pope, Zachas' New American Speaker, Worcester's Pronouncing Speller,' Porter's Chemistry, Comstock's 44 TestamenU and Psalms Large pi :t-. Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, Elsie Venner, by O. W. Holmes, J field s i'ear Culture, Fate of Sir John Franklin,' . Arm Rests and Pen Racks, Timber Bosks, Ac. . '1 ipril n ; .i i i. J V

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