. I " j. . , . . , . - . " -- . i , .1 ... . ..j.... ... ii, ..i..,i , L, , ii..jM. miiiii............. inn. w. , . ... ... . " ' v " '' - - . ! - '' ' ' "' , '.!'" Y'- I" '' ' -' ' " " " t '''' ' " " ' ' ' '"'''' j ' ' w ft ' tQHl OTlf tlFilllf fill ; Wttt 111! 1 ' In if B i ' . '--j VOL. VII., NO. 294. WILMINGTON X. C.,. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 20. 1861. WHOLE NO. 2,22 TERMS: Daily !lji!ler SO-OO; Weekly, S'2.00, ;v; j'apt-r m always stopped, unless a remittance 'u -ii i l'- t'roitin!i'it. Timely notice is given, so !v .t r.itvhii iit can be made before the expiration of ;,r is r.:if(itJred.. t v M. U .VDDHLL, Editor and Irotor. WI L MINGTON, ".NORTH CAROLINA. J fThe Herald Job Office . ,-.v .";,!n;'I' ti 1-.-' httel up with the finest aj-,-tr..' ut'ot" Jon TVrr. -to be found in the State. K ry ies of Job work jean now be speed , ;t.vi l:ti'liOui'-Iy irintaliit this office from ";,,,,,k. l-wu to a visiting card. Handbilli, ' - iiH'rj;'.'! tnk Al ic, ne4tly and promptly . atj-gnort aoti e, and oa reasonable terms. ;.-. ...;i.f-att-ntion will bo given to the J.ob mr'.Sf'iK h rt;Lft r. and vk feel assnreil that ;,:'i er'ist.il to our Jot haad, wb is ex--! $h ill';-business, will be executed sat . ii;nrilJ.Jii vvery resiK? t- (live him a trial at .i.r r '.:-i. Ha JL ii it i dine well, no complaint A j - In Lie of a withdrawal, of. patronage. " .SUNDRIES. i UPKS folate's No. 1, land I'alj Soap, )U 10 s " ' HaL-ins laver and bunch, Iiiatfss" i b .f (Concentrated Lye, ill f , 1'otash, l lj"' Prepared ' ' ji.JJdr Hock i -- f lJ 'tos Starch, ! Mi-Carb. S.xiaL -'l,..p!if'j!Siee. riars Ink, 'facts, Matches, Tea, r.,:..-. :tr. 'd Soft Soap, Mustard, Ac, Ac, be . ... i-'..fli..r i-tirl.- too iiiinitTOUs to mention. .,4-' 111 i'l . " - ' h:rh be sold as low,fo'r caih, as by any other h .u-.- in twn. i mQ 23; ZEXO II. CiltEEXE. IN TlJlh OF I K AC lREirA KE FOR i t . WAR; a ; U.V(S of Fathom's Patent Fini.h, from -UvJ he-largest Buck, to the smallest lrip J W-ms Kentucky liiile I'owder, usket Powder j U kegs Kentucky Rifle Powder, ; i') : 1). Taps. Tor sale by : ZENO H. GREENE. j FLOUR. IMLY and Super Flour Fayctteville and 1 1 I.U.IUk l' s-i' w - j . ZENO IK GREENE. 101. N".-"' liu.-liTUvdo County Corn, 1 f ' . ; " ... v . i c ". ') lmjsiis. I erquimans viaiii va. . i it i- : iuu: , uo esiern mneu In stiri5 and for sale bv "ELLIS A . MITCH ELL. ... i in VU' VITKR SKKD OATS ,) ' UL'SlI-ELS Heavr Canada Oats a very ,)UU superior article for seetl For sale, by MESSPORK. " ;) IJHbS. New Citv Mess Pork, in store, and LJJ It. . arrive, for sale, at lowest cash prices, bv . . .j21) --. M. McINNIS.. f - . MACKEREL. OS- and Z Mackerel, in store. For sale by t hJ- M. MacINNIS. SUtiARS. T) K. 4UGAR. in hhds. and bbls, I A H. and C Sugar, in bbls, : l',wder Uaiid Crushed Sugar, brsale bv ; .,, ' - M. .M.vcIN N I j'V C-CVIH-ES AND CANDY. 100 IJO.VES A!amantine anuies, . -. ..i-t..1 C.AnAr . For sale bv , f " ZENO II. GREEN'E. jan -4- riOL'TlN G-HOUSE CALENDERS. The j '. greatest variety of sites and styles. Every-ti-iri'r neiii'-arr to furnish a Counting-Room, at s WHITAKER'S New Book Store, . . Markets?., bet. J. Dawson's and Wilkinson's. i ' r TRUNKS. tUVS Packing41-eather Folios, Brass and Iroi bound, Gents. Dress Troaks, Souare and Oval Irm Pld'd, St. Louis Sole Leather, Fine S-Ie leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat-t-rns. i ' r Valises. . SMe Leather, Boston, .Enamelled Leather Ac, finliraciiig thirteen diQerenl styles. i BafrsJ. Kna'nefe.1. Travelling. Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Ka imeled. Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilliser, Wil : a, (,'uihraciiig eleven"Styles. t Ladies' Hat Boxes. New 4 vie French. Hat Boxes, new style St. L .ui- irvn- and .bra-w bound edging. For sale at 8preeeJ7tei low prices a . ln -V ' Ko. 5 Market Street. . ' ' "--I IIA!. : 7 Z( BALES Prime N. C. dlar ex Schooner, for 01) safe by KLLIS MITCHELL Jn 2S ' -f SEED OATS. TORTH RIVEir and Eastern nay, beet Dran, Cow Peas, alsd Fresh Ground 3eal, ind Uommonv, for sale bv f ,,. j.la s, . , LLIS A MITCHELL. 5 (JU.NXY BAGS. )AAM5UN.VY BAGS, just re -U U U Shibboleth. Fof sale by received per brg Jani C. A B. G. WORTH. Ii LARD. 1 it VRUELS Extra:Cincinnati Leaf Lard, 10 ir Ac. in lots to snit. by VORTH A DANIEL,- jau iranite Row, Front street. t TA" UPAS. AOii 5 ALE, Ln ouantities ta suit, by -!iJar s WORTH A DANIEL, V" U APPLE BRANDY, 2 A rAi verv choice 2 vears liraady Tor sal- by . WOR1 vears old. 2 bar v C. AnDle ORTII A DANIEL c iilOWB Countrv Smoked Sausages, at WORTH A'bANIEL'S. Jarfc.-! ..1 1 Tvr"vhtni sr.bP ! D ; appreciate a good Razor ? I me Shav in S.u (Vt Soft Shaving Brushes?; A Good VripT.Callat BAI-Ui.a 1 POCKET KNIVES. i;iNFi Englis!i Cutk-rr. .Prices low. Qualities T vs vUent. at ' - I BALDWIN'S. -..I i HAY. !()(), jlJALES very superior Eastern Hay, lor .ale ow Irom wnan, uy W lis-TERN SIDES & SHOULDERS. i. ASKS superior Western Sides and Shoal-AJ- Xi. iu store, and to arrive. For sale, at : "wii-ftsh prices, bv . M. MacIM&- vpm rurkt MflT.A SST5. I N liaiand bbls. For sale bv wvTCi -.1 ' . M. MacINNIS, HOOI' IRON. 1, Vi and 1? inch Iloon I". For sale by M. MacINMS. 10 ijan 2 ENGLISH AND GERMAN HALF ' - - HOSE. 1 4 VERY iize, ellinz low, at Ian2s ; BALDWIN'S. ( ..i - '1 PVf ? i-'frv r..,.i .. Iirrr-t assortment T 2f l ndr Wear, at BALDWIN.?). . H NOTICE I . PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, .V."'l'r. visions. Ac. either bv note or account, i.ii... nrin oi vt iism a, t u-iiii, uu i fonnis are long since due, are requested to make I Irnmiwt; i .. - .v a.-. V9 i t r . m V a - 1 r. . - ..... .' .. . ii will beidaced in orneer's nanas lor collec tion,. - ' - t a ufq wii.sov. jl N'o. 5 Market street. )Q4iOXES New York State Cheese splendid V". Jast received per schr. D. C. Hulse. ZENO ii. UKtwt. SpeciaSjotices. "ItaLker meares,T O. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRl'G G1ST and AjKithecary, and Dealer in .Szlect Medi cines, Englb.li, French -and German Chemicals, Swedish Leechf-s, Ac, also, ' 'AXTX, OILS, Window Gla-s, Perfumery,' Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac so- 14, lrC0 . , . . liil- W. A. BATCIIELOIi S HAIR DYRl 4'his splendid Hair D ve has no epual instantaneous in effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no staining the- skin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and-invigo- rates the Hail for life. None are genuine unless signed 44 W. A. Batchelor." isold everywhere. CHAS. BATCIIELOR, Proprietor, sept2r-ly 81 Barclay street, N. Y. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, NaruTALi Ezekiel, informed us that he bad prepar ed a hair restorer,, with which he wag experiment ing upon-his own head, whose top was entirely bald. We saw him two 'days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop ef hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. Sc con vinced is Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it " THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA, HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E'. is about going into an extensive manufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends. Ilichmnnd Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. This famous, article can how be had of the prince pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a line head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any 'doubts of its ellicacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it U all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for order.-, G'J Main st. R. EZEKIEL. Rkhmoxp, Nor. 11, 1S59. I. N. -EzekieJ, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have b.jen bald for the pa.-t 12 years and have restored my hair by using -Ezekiel. Virginia Hair Restorer. Naputali Ezkkieu This day sworn t before nle, by Naphtali Eze kiel. . Joe. Mato, . Mayor of Richmond. . W. II. LlPPlTT,Solo Ag't., jan It ' ' Wilmington, N. C. t HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. . WM. A.sBATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and, best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or-Skin. v Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Win. A. Batchelor, since 1S3D, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of bis pa trons, of his famous Dye. - Wm. A. Batch'clor's Hair Dye produces' a color not to be distinguishedfrom nature, and is warran ted not to injure-in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; t"he nair invigorates for Life by this .splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "igQThe Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. CHARLES BATCIIELOR, Proprietor, sept 23-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. Y. LANDRETIPS SEED. , JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land reth's New Crop GARDEN" SEED, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Beets, Bluo Grass, Red and "White Clo ver, and a'general assortcment of small seed. For sale by WALKER MEARES, 43 Market st. nov 23 ' . "W. "KC. LIP5ITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemist, A". E. Comer Front and Jlarket 6., yViLMiaoTOX," X. C. - ; ii3 ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAIXTS, OILS AND GLASS, PKRFUJTEItr,.Ayr FAXCy ARTI CLES. , Prescriptions accurately, compounded. "Medicine can be obtained at arty hour of the night. The night belPis at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. ' -'On and after thisday, all prescriptions will be Cash. V oct 30 : j GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the t-rada, that we have appointed WiL C. HOWARD. Esq., Na val Store Br' r of Wilmington, N. C., Sole Ag't for our Glue. . - . Boston, apl 3, ISG0. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, of Boston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this market, respect fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if n;t superior, to any manufactnred in the UnUed States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the nionor willbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from other parties kept constantly n hand; samples of which can be seen at my office. , apl9-ly. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. We would call the attention of those suffcr jng from Consumption, Bronchitis, Ac, to an ad vertisement in another column of this paper, of an important discovery for the cure of those diseases now introduced for the first time to the American public, by Messrs. Leed s Gil more A Co., of -New york; mar lC-lm Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear 1 Howl ftno wk' use of the Maiauiia JJulm. . A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration.. ' , Price 50 cents per bottle, bold evcrywhr r See advertisement. W. K. II AG AN A U., iroprierurs, apl 19-lydA w ; Troy, Now - nrk. MRS. WINSLOW, t. An experienced nurse.and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup px clHldren teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teethingby softening the gums, reducing all inflamatiou-pwill allay all pain, and is sure .to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers", it will give rest to your selves, and relief and, health to your infanU Per fectly safe in all cases. See adrertiscmentJn anoth er column. feb'25-ly C1EDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re j ceived, for sale by " dec 5 WORTH A DANIEL. - . . - "CIIEESE. "Rsr-pxE ArFLE A.o-". n-r A W TTT ! T. I". 1 OATS. QA A BUSHELS heavy Canada Oats, for. seed, JU in store, for sal. bv & MITCH ELI-- POWDER. QC KEGS Kentucky Riflo Powdet, i . l - -i - tr .dec27 , Fogaaleby ZENO H. GKfc. " TORE LIGHT. Kerosene Lamps and Oil I Freeh supplies received by every steamer, t tfc Reodezraus. Pnl 10 DIBECTOEY. STATE GOVERNMENT,' Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of 'Rowan. Private Secretarv--Graham Daves,;of Craven Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. Sec'y of Stater-Rufus H. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C. H. Brozden. of Wavne. Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren, Speaker of Senate II. T. Clark, of Edgecombe House of Commons W. T. Dortch, oi ayne. State Librarian O. n. Perry, of Wak o. , Public I'rint.r Jno Spelman', " " C0C5CILL0RS OV STATB. Council Wootpn. of Lenoir; John W. Cunning- bam, ot Person i . A. I nrguson, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of S)urry ; David llurphy, of Cumber land ; J. . J. Long, of Northampton, and W L, liiiiard, ot Buncombe. . , : FBDEHAL A5D 8TATK CCrS. The United States Circuit Court, fof the District ot . ortnCarouha, is held semi-annuallv at lialeieru on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No- vemDer. ' . , . Judires -Hon. J. M. Wavne. of Georiria : Hon. Asa Biggs, of!. Martin, District Judge salary, Robert P. Dick, District Attorney ; Wesley Jones, Jlarsnal. i ! The United States District Courts held at Edenton. 3d Mondav in April and Octor. J. 31 Jones, Clerk;, Newbern, 4 th Monday in April and uctooer, Benjamin Brown, Clerk; Wilmington, 1st Monday after the 4th Mopday in April and Oc tqber, John L. Cantwell, Clerk. T3B SCPEHMB CdTJRT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Kaieign semi-annually, on the. second .Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is "also he'd once a year at Morgjtnton, Burke county, on tkp first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. Tiie officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond AL Pearson, of Yadkin; Justices, M. . Manly , of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary ,r each, z.bW per annum, vv i, lam A. Jenkins,, of Warrenton, Attorney-General: Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter : Edmand B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk; Oliver II. Pr-y, of W ake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchtord, or T ake, Marsnal. aCFBRMUt COCBl'S. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judges, R; R. Heath, of Chowan: Geo. Howard, of Wilson; J as. V . Us born. of Mecklenburc. Robert s. French, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot Guilford ; John L. Bailey, of Urange, and Konrulug AI. baunders, ot axe. fco licitors Elias C. Ilines. of Edenton. rides the First Circuit; William J, dTouston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; "William A; JenVins, the Attorney-General, rides tne ltiira Uircuit; 'inos. Kuffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Robt. Stranjre. of New Jlanover, rides the Fifth Circuit: DavitT Coleman,, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PCBLIC WORKS IX NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States, is .ocated at Charlotte, in Mecklenborcr countv in this State. This. establishment, was authorized by Act ot Con- 0.wuw, " " ' , w . -' - I it s . ..r, il l! n J . J rrpoaa nsacAH Art Mnrrh IX.t.-i. I hA ftttippra nrA as ioiiows reen v. uaiaweii, ouperinienaenv anu Acting Treasurer i John 11. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner j John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner ; Wm. F. S. Stranere, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, : twenty-eight miles W . IS. VV. irom llaleisn. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Iialcigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortihcations. Fort Macon, lieautort uaroor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick countv. United States Arsenal. Located at Sayette- ville. J A Insane Asvluni of Xorth Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr. E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent: Dr. F. T. Fuller,. Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, Steward; Mrs. -Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle,.W. W. Holdeu, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow. John A. Taylor, and. Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board; William E: Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. nolden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the Public charsre. Paying patients are also received from this and other tates. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. 0 ' ! ! TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS 09 WILltIXaT9X. Mayor John Dawson. S D Wallace. O-G Parslev. Samuel R Bunting, W A' Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. i FIRE DEPARTMENT, j Chief Engineer Jam Mitchell, . ; Assistant Chief Engineer--W T J Vann. Chief Fire Warden--B W Beery. Assistant Fire Waraen--W, T J Vann. Hre Wardens George Myers, B W Besry, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Ed wrd Kidder. E Kidder and C,D Elllvto superintend blowing up buildings. . ; Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRB COMPAKT. (Re-organized June 6, 1859. ) Foreman W Furlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d " P Curren. Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman D Driscoll. HOOK AND LADDER CdJirANT NO. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. , Secretary andTreasurcr J. F. Bishp. C4VMIS3I0SERS OF NAVIOA,TIOX. (Ofnpe 18 Water street.) George Ilarrissi, T C W'orth, W C Fergus, Jos II Flanner, Wm M Harris. i schools! .'-.! BOARD Of hCFEapJTENDESTS OF SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. ' " WmS Larkins, James McDnffie, "James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert II Tate, Sarouol Player, and Joseph M For. " ' : WltMISOJOX INSTTTCrE. L .Meuinney. Principal. WltMIXUTO, MALE AJD FEM ALB SEMIXART 0 W Jewitt.' Principal. OAKDALB CEMETER-OMPANT. President Donald McRae. . Directors Wm A Wright. G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. i Li Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. Unice next door to Bank Wilmington. ' . J COnSTT OFFICERS, COURTS AC. Sheriff W T J Vann. ' . "! r. Clerk Countv Conrt Sainue- it Bunt.ing. Clerk Superior Court James A Wright, j Judge U S District CourtAsa figgs. Marshal U S District N C eslev Jones. '! Deputy Marshal U S, District Vifinington Jeo J ConoJev. ; : . ' , Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register ofJeeds, Ae Jere Nichols. ." -Special 31 agistrate of Town John l Oonolev. Constables evis M. Williams; ! Jno Utlay, Wil liam H Biddle, J W Hawkins, James 1' Strmgfield. J J-Moore. INSPECTORS Wr.n.1 1 nsnictiirs Joscuh- Smitif. Wm llolden. Provision Inspectors David E -Ivan ting. Hiram B Naval Store Inspectors Alfred Al Jer.oar ! Chas. W Ilawes. James O Dowt'-n. John S James, George Alderman, John C l.o.vden, Thomas Player, John M Henderson, B feoutheriand Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, N-ath.m r lJor- 4eaux. . - r ; - " . T Timber and, Lumber Inspectors James Alder man, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Grovesl W Mnnroe, N Clark, Robert Mx ell, E Turlington ; - ' WliKraGTOS OAS-UGHT COJlfAST. . - (J0 ffice in ' Sayings' Bank Building. ')-Presidents-Col John McRae. Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent-' Oliver Mcllhenny. T ; SECRET -SOCIETIES. . ST. iOSS'i LODSB 0. 1 MASOXIC. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in eacb mouth at - . St. John's llalL) f O L Fillyaw, 31 aster. M Newhoff, S W. ! Oliver McIlhenny,J W. Jno L Cantwell, Treas. T M Gardner, Sec'y. Henrv Spalding, S D. A A Hartsfield J I. J O ijowden, Tykr. COXCORO CHAPTER 50. 1 MXSOJIIC: ' j' (Meets 1st Monday evening inf each month ait St. John's Baity ' I f j Most Ex R G Rankin, II P. Com L C Turper, C M 3d ExOLFillyaw, King. V. I i 1 Ex T B Carr, Scribe. CotnI NorthfopvG(M2d Com-P W Fanning, Capt IV. ' f i Host. Com W.J Price, G Mist Com A Martin, P S. V. : i '. I ! ; " M Newhoff, It A Com Jno A Tayior.Trea. Capt. . E Turlington, Tyler. CAPF EAR LOPGE K0.;2-Hti'oCf. . ( Meets I day night, at Odd Fellow's Hall.) Asa J Murray, N G- W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kea, V G. ; T H Howey,f Treasurer. " ' '.':' t ' I i ' i CAMPBELL EKCAMPME5T tD. 1 I. . O. P.; ( Meets in nail of Cape Fear Lodge, 1st and 3d Friday in each month. I j J D Gardner CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. 'l Rev A P Repiton, n P. It J Jones, Scribe.; John J Conoley S W. Thos II Howeji Treas. : !' !" .-v!4"f' i CAPB FEAR MARI5B TOTAL. ABTtrtSCB SOCIET (Meets at the Seamen's Bet on Dock Street, everv Y lay evening, ia -idiately after the close the Prayer Mettitg for seamen.) Chas D Ellis, President. Geo W Williams,' Vice William H Poisson, Sec- 1 President, j . , retary. . Jas Fleet, A8 Sect y, SEAMEXS PBIESD SOCIETY. Charles D Ellis, Preei- 1 B F Mitchell, Sec-j A aent.. , ..Treasurer.: . C D El Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeRt oet, O G Parsley, Executive; Board. 'ieo W Williams, keeper of . 'Seamens' Home, Front and Dock Streets, f : . I : - t' 1 ! - 1. j LASIHS' BBXBVOLEXT SOCIBTT. : I i 1st Directress, Mrs Ken- 4th Directress,Mrs Hal nedy. . . lett. i V f 2d Directress jlrs Har- Secretary,! Mrs Van- riss. - bickle. 3d Directress . Mrs De- Treasurer, Mias Lilling-j Kosset ; ton. j i j WILMIXOTOX LIB? ASSOClATtOS. j (Organized june, 1855.) " j Dr J II Dikson,President, Dc Id McRae, Treas, Geo I- vis Vice J. res t. Wm ii Utley,; Sec y. Piatt Cowan. Librarian. ! . i .' ' Rev R B Drane. R H Cowan, E D Hall, S D; Wallace. John A Tavlor, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. , . I MILITARY. ' A - ) WILMINOTOK LIGHT IMPAKTRT. Org. M ay 20th, 1853. ) . : f Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslaw.i Ensign R B McRae, 1st Lieut. A D Cazaux; Ouartef J C Mcllhenny,2d Lieut. Master H Savage, 3d . . " C D Myers, Oraerl. GEUMAS VOLUNTBERS. i'.' ! " ! (Organized February 22d, 1853.) - ' C Cbrnehlsen. CaDt. IISG Hashean.3d Lieut. II Von Glahn, lst,Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Ensign. II Vollers, 2d Lieut. J Meier, Orderly. BANKS. , ' i .;L . BANK. OF CAPS FEAR. , I j , j T II Wright, President. H R SavageL Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner, As't Teller. J McLaurin, B'k-keeper- T H Hardinj Di3. Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesdays, ; . ; BANK OP WILMIXdTOX, N. C. John MacRae, President. S Jewett, Cashier. W L Smith, Teller. William Lajrkins,Book- T M Gardner, Dis Clerk. keeper. Discount Day, Tuesday. : , BANK OF NORTH CAROLIXa ji i John Dawson, Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm D Smith, Teller. J II Wright,i B'kdceeper. Discount Day, iuesday.; ; COMMERCIAL BANK OP WILMINTOX. t O G Parslev, Pres. Tim'y Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller. Asa K Walker, Book- J D Iarry, Dis. Clerk." -keeper. . ; j Discount Day, Monday. . . j WILMINGTON SAVfiiGS B A N K j John-A Taylor, President. - Wm Hyde, Cashier. RAIL ROADS. ; . ! WILMINGTON. CHARLOTTE- J RUTHERP0RD t R. ROADi. ( Otiice cor Market and Water street.! i H W Guion, President. R It Cowan,' Sec. Treas. J C McRae, Chiet lng. Koad unhmshed. . ; WILMINGTON MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. , Wm A Walker, Sec'yi J P Robertson, Gen I up. Jos J liing, lreas R B McRae, Gen 1 freight Agent. ; ; WILMINGTON WELD0N RAIL ROAP. 'I I Hon W S A.she, Presi- J W Thompspn, Gen.i dent. Freight Agent, j S L Fremont, Chief Eng.' James G ,Gren; Yard A Sup. Master, t i , James S Green, Sec'y A P H Langdon And'r A Treasurer. ! isupt s Cterki S D Wallace, Asst Sec A William Smith, Ticket Gen Ticket Agent. j Agent J ! CHURCHES. i I i , : ' Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist .Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church; and Cas- tie. Rev J II Wheeler, Pastor. Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. :i f Baptist J'ront bt Ann and Nnnn, Rev Ji L Prich- ard. Pastor. hi Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev Aaron Davis, rastor. ! ! Roman Catholic,' Dock bt 2d and 3dj Eev Thsmas Mnmhv. Pastor. . Episcopal, St James ,) eor Market and 3d, Rev. R B Drane.. Kector. . n ! t Episcopal, (St John's,) cor 3a and Red Gross. j Episcopal, (St PaulSj) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector. j Presbyfcrian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev M Mc- Queen, Pastor. 1 ' ! I. Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Uev 31 ii Urier, rastor. ; i ! aptist, (now building,) cor Market. and 5th, Rev J L Prichard. Pastor. H i I r Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5t,h, Rev J 11 Menert. 1'astor. Seamens' Bethej, Dock bt Frant and S Water. POST OFFICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Postmaster Daniel Dickson. AsnKtnnts Josebh L Jacobs, and Office hours frbni 7' A M to 1PM. j 2 P M tb sundown. " Sundays,7 X A M to 9 A M. I Northern Mail,bv W A W :K It, arrives daily at P M and 5 AM. "Closes IK and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from IK P M to 10 A M. 1 . Sjouthern Maa, by w & i ,k u, arrives aany ai i f ri 7 P u .1 JX. vyiuaTTa vti , a. w a Smithville," N C, (horse,) arrives Monday and Fridav at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at All. i' i: ' Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrivts Mon dav at 9 A M. Closes Thursday at 9 P M. j U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. I r CCSTOM HOCSB. , j i! 1 Jas T MUler, Collector. liM FoylesJ Weigher W J Price, Deputv Col- A.Guager. . 1 I lector. - " T M Burnett, Insn'r. i A J Gallowav.-urvevor. W F Burh and Uriah! W N Peden,' Naval Omv fSullivari, Inspector As cer. - - i ' Aieasurer. -f i . i Thomas W. Brown, Jr., EL SJ Comjmissioner. ) ' v' ; ' coNscis. i i-i British ViceConsuI Don McRae: n Waiter. H Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water. . ! Brazillian Vice-Consul 0 G Parsley,;jf. ccr n Water and Mulbery, (ujstairs.)i i - . ; Danish Yice-ConsalP K; Dickinson, jepr Front and Chestnut. jr- ' ' t ; ! ,' ; 1 INTERN A L 131 P HO V EM EN T. . 1 nrmiTni it ATT.TiOAU i ROXDS S26.O00 of the above Bonds redeemable in 1891 with: isi'nnnni at T ner cent tier annum, pavable in the; citv of New-York. 1st March and 1st September. ' For sale by DkROSSET, BROWN A CO. dec 1 .-'!:-. COFFEE. pZfX BAGS RIO COFFEE, j UJ 20 bags LagUayra Coffee, . j 9ft mnt4 hent. Java v " ' deel ; : ! ZENOILl GREENE. ' - -'.il . . fj j-j -7- 1VTEW ORLEANS MOLA-SES.A- superior: l article New Orleans' Molasses no5v in store, J aaa k- ! if. rfl II? , M. MacINNIS. J I- I Gity 33u.siiiesh Cards. I ERRANT Sc. WILSON; "TTrHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do ; mestic Dry GoocU, jGrocerk's "Clothing. Boots, & noes, Ac. ; j - t i i Nos. 14 au .15 North Water Street; oct 2 iWilmington, I.!0. "TRACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. X No 8 North Water Strttet. j ; Wilmixstos, N.;C i Solicit consignment of al kindji of Prodaoe, al so orders for Groceries, Bargingj Rope, Giano, Ac, Ac. ! pet 3 CEOaOE HABRISS. A. 1. HOWELL. DR. W. W. U AiCKlSS. HARRISS Si. HOWELL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Oct 2, 1858 , Wilmisoto5, N. C. WORTH Sc DANIEL. v. a v w a.j 4a w-UA it a ia mj, ua. i IT No. 2s Granite Kowi AVilminirton, NC, ! 3f Solicit consignments of Flour. Dried t'B-ri ri ap 1mi v T. .Ijv w ' a yA lttilntf i1""' "ium, j,ciIj oucaco anu vouiurv .VU.VVCVU..;. ..... I 1 Agents for Howe's celebrated Scale, i !. ! i ! D. G. WORTH, sept 26,ly N.G.DANIEL. f AMES AXDERSOy, i EDWARB SAVAGE. I ANDERSON St SAVAGE, j GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS July 18, '60-ly. j Wilmington, N. C. C. II. ROBINSON St CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- j CHANTS, ! Wilminffton. N. C. )i Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. Jpst' Entrance Coiner Princess and Water ist. mar 9, '60-tf i i jLi W. ERRANT, , GEO. WSON. ERRANT Si WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Nos. 14 a.sd 15 North Water st., oct 2, '60-1 y : JV'ilmingtori, N.l C. WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, j CHEMIST ANO DRUGGIST, Wholesale and j. Retail Dealer Paints, Oils,. Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Segafs, Old Brandies:, and wines, renumeiy and i-anev Articles, iS. K. cor ner x ront and Market sts., Wilmington,; N. C- mar zu, os - I . EDWIN A. KEITH COMMISSION MERCHANT, rxee i. ? . ... . " .1 A ? ; Wilmington. i 4 (J, vuers uis services loi-ianiers as t actor or Agent for the sale of COTTON: will cive his ner- I . .. . . . . ' i I sonai aitenaanee to tne business, llis commission for selling Cotton, will be 50! cts. per bale, no addi- tionalcharge will be made. ! Cotton fofwarded to New YorkttlOctsperba.lel - oct. 4-1860 -ly- : . . 1 ; - '"AlJJ A Oi i . x ua.niv janiA, liniinffion. . J. . 1) . . . -rrr:i ' . , . i receive prompt attention, j mbh 21 '59 jpm j.. iucidu luuuiuraiur u.OCli, will I , COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, ' -r . i Wilmington, N. C. Refer to i . :. I ! j oohn awson, sq., jiavor. I iB . T H.rr c ' - j rj i. : i Ktt V f? - ' 1 - i "11,-1 -J-.au.. A I UUii L rHllCIl 41I1IIK ,; ' .. ...,.! 1 1859-tf MALCOM MCINNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCliANT, North Water street. ect 1 ; Wilmington, N. C. I- : 4 i - !: Fred. Ji Moore. & MOORE.) : Chas. D. JIyers, , MYERS ITTHOLESALEand retail doalpr in ITaM c T T-lrrT18' VInDeI1;LVanr,' &c- vBw-wv,. wunungion, A.jU. ; T. C. Sc B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AN D FORWARDING ;MER- , 'Wilmington, N. V. 1 ' ! ISTILLERY, ! j CHANTS, TTTVTO V TITTTT.T. T Wilmington, N. C A II. VANBOKLELEN,P,opnetcr C1NDS OF NAVAL STORES' purdhased, .ufactured, and sold. t ' rr. e j ' - '.. . - Wharfage and storage furnislied, and coop- A LL KIN f manu: vvnanage ana storage I urnisiied. and coon- e,B8B .uu"c " llr 1 i ! . jan li&OU.- i ... . T ' G. PQLVOGT, TTXPirOT-STF.R A VT PAPflR TI A Vncn jLJ Corner Front and Princess Streets, 1 Wilmington,; N. C. Keeps consta - on hand Mattra.ses. Loanes. Cushions, Feathers, Cuiled Hair, Moss, and all Upholstery Materials. Als, .Paper Hanging?, Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description, j j .Pictures framed to order. ; Prompt attention given to fittincr Iid Railroad uars, csceamDoats, ana j'rivate liwelutigs. mar 31 i J. t. HATH A WAT. j Wt. II. UfrLEV. HATHAWAY Si CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f dec 16, '58 " I Wilmington, N'J C. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, TMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and I Domestic Hardware, Agricultural; Implements, Ac., No. 8, Front st., Wilmington, N. C. I jan y, '. i f HENRY NUTT, TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT. J : ' Wilmington, N. C tivg ? V attention to business sept 10, .-tf. sag., v in give ms personal entrusted to his care. JAKES 8T0KLET ALEX, OI.TjnAU. STOKLEY Si OLDHAM, j TTVEALERS IN GRAIN, i & COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS, j Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention given o the sale of Cotton, x tour, Bacon, anu otner Country Produce. TURPENTINE STILLS. XrlVE TURPENTINE STILLS, j from 15 to 28 1 barrels capacity, slightly damaged by l the tire on our wharf, in October last;, are offered for sale on accomodating terms. j Also, a small steam ngme, used lor the pur- pose of Steaminr Turpentine Barrels, and pumn-I ingj water into tne tubs. ! I I The Wharf, one of the most eligible m trie Town offiNaval Stores, will, if desired,! be rented or leased for one or more vears. An Iron Chest of convenient size. is also for isale by march 28 JOHN WOOSTER,! thos." Hi Wright. VV - B. M- JLM J1Z3L i OAAA BUSHELS for Fale bv ' WHEAT BRAN. OVKIU april 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. -1500 bushels prime Maryland Oats 2000 bushels prime N. Y. State Oats, boo bushels prime Klack Oats. I april 10 For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. HOWRD ASSOC IT ION, ; PHILADELPHIA. j A Benevolent institution established by special f Endowment, for the Relief of the sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the ture of diseases of the Sexual Organs I j j Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting: Sur geon.. ' j . j- - Valuahje Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and pther Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Sand on the! New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two oj three Stamps for postage, ' acceptable. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Aocia, tion, I'biiadelphiayiPa. - j march '11 NEW BUTTER. PER Steamer Parkersborg, Ihi s dar. at ' . GEORGE MYERS, april 9 Nos. ill. A 13 Front t treet. . COVERS TJRITANNIA Plate andjDiih Covers, all iizes, XJ dec 3. at -; PEBU1X ; PORTER. OASICS firR4 T.AnHon Porter. ! i ' ' a genuine iarti- O. cle, direct from the importer. Just received and for sale bv ii ivirv'A u- f:nrrT BUlili 11. W 1 X. L 1 . . ( 1 BROOMS AND BUCKETS. 1 f DOZ. BROOMS U 6 nests Flonr Buckets, - 0 dozen Painted Backits. Instore,fosfcale by april 11 . "- Z 4 ZENO H. GREENE. yj TTHITE BEAN to, for Eale by ! V 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. of Wilmington fora large Turpentine and Distille- f -t'y L ft SchNxlam ctinaj-ps, ry business, having.a frontof about 400 feet oni the VT er7 1 re brandy i River, with two convenient Docks for the landins '" . ' '.. nc.rr.y " lnc". NORTHERN BUSINESS CARDS. .!. s. PAX.r'v. jons riv.- ' i-. n. in IaU of late of iat- -! Tafb-ro N. Scotland Nek. )Vrr-itHi. . ' DAM!T. 11VMAN JL CO.. 1KOCERS AND C"tMIS."l. Mwrni,j 111 iVatl .otr.t t. Nkw "kfi'V. ) i IIV3IAX, DANtV A CO., fi "ROVERS AND 'COMMISSION Mtn'inx. JC Nom-oi k, . - fhe New York boos' w ill b eonductid b Jno. S. Dancy, aidid by 1J. W. llvnmn. The Norfolk Housy mil be cor.dui t' d J hn II. Hynun and F. M. Hyir-mi. jtT iarticiil.-ir atleiitiou i.ven to the ' sle of Cotton, Corn. Wheat, and Nav al M'r - Sptemler 13-tf lfc'C0 . LONDON Ai BUY AN C10MM1SSION MKUCHANTS. No. -ii Inula Mreet Ii.j-ton jTfT Consij. anient o!" Naval Stores, Cotfo" Lumler. and other Sviuthern Produce Mlicited. jv0 ; LuSI,IN, . l;hVt. jr. AOV 21-tt ' GREINER Sc II ARK NESS, CtOTTOV AN l GENERAL ('OMMISSIOX Horsi.. H PiML.mut.fifM. Nov 15. IH57 . wm. L. IIii.l. N. M. Xoumiit. of North Carolina, ot N.rth tiobua. ENEl EKAL. COMMISSION A FORWAKDINtH Merchants. Sh..cko, si:.. Solicit consipnmeuu of Cott-n. Luml. .. Fid. G. W. W'ftaKINSON Si CO. TMiUIT AND COMMISSION M MUCH A.MS, 8; Barelav mp i t.... V ISa; Particular attention given to e.uigtiii'o-i.t and purchase ot Merclmmli.. rail ktiul. Liberal cah advances t hrouuhMV 1 1.K IN SON CO., W ilniington. N. C. August 2. l.sCO-I v TTEnoSRVB LAMPS,, l.,r..-e n.i.lv. I IA . ... . i suitable fcr store, lor jiale verv eheat with OirTat dec 7 CASSIDK'W. v . T JV! T,7Wu. , i. , 1 C) fc4-'t0,n 1X '.'"f hr ' sale, low, from wharj. bv Jan 9 . l.LI.I A M 1 1 1 1 1 1.I.I.. f Aiiiiii! to mni' Eas'.erS hay. Tfll'VIYITIV' A1MHI.MTI W I. . ..!.!!. I ' " . ' - " . ' " tir-t! & 1... 1. :...l .... vwir rnnsnwih i Icni. ..I I i .. I,.:.it . -j-nr;, V. v;v ..I...,' . - liin O t ) I-. 1. j m liiun. I. y.' .1 . - mm., v : ni-e ' -m ct ii J Bacon Mdes and Mionl.le.is. J-or .-:ile lv... ec,1 . 1IA1II-UV ' A 1VT C. FLOUR. ..".( b.-Ves -.() bbN of good 1 .brands.- HATHAWAY A CO; . dee ii I . I -r d . T ..... ... , ... MX li.K I M"'" ior-.-aie v f . urii m - kllis MiT-in:i.i COFFEE. RIO. LAGI AYKA. Java and St. DomSa , storey RimI for ?ale by "nan 10 zi:.o n. ;ui;i.;k tOKA, AFLOAT T OA A BUSHELS' I'i inn- White New Crop Z.!UU Corn, now landing. Co, t.il- bv jan 10 . ELLIS A mIT''HV.L. WHITE OATS. OAAA BUSHELS.' Heav New York SJat.- ! jZJVJJ Oats. For ale bv jan 11 ' ELLIS A M I'i CIH.LL. : : stjgarsT-r 1 95 , S o I Formal e bv WOUTII A DA .N I l!i., ' , . , . . i- - -; - front, tp-ct. THE CONDUCT OP LITE. ft this morninif bv Exures,. at "HTpril 2' WIUTaKEU'S Ne Rook Mo.-.. . livr op Tlll'M ' UJJn til' IJII.TI. TTY' CH ARLE LEY III. author of In - 0M;.- ttv fiuiiii,'. i Pvi i !. nvr..i Lf -."' '.'.. " i '-i ' -.. i, -i- ,.v. ete: :A w more r,.i, i:-., ivr-,1 tl,i- lnornfhir, at april t WHITAKEU'S N w Bv,k Store. roFPi'P.rrr ' CO LL-I L-L. 11A(JS Rio Coffee 20 do Laguavra do ."iOC- tj-. l . .1 - o,, .... i i , . K( BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laguavra do'ioc- uU St. Domincro do 20 mat Java'do in tol and for sale low for ca.h, by dec 11. - ZENO IL (iliEENE . . ... lT Af, rrlw JjLAtK AA -BUSHELS heavy lilack Oat.-, ju I i . c !. UVO l or sale bv npr.il 4 ELLIS A MITCHELL WHITE IJEANS. SMALL LOT, for sale bv april 4 ELLIS A MITCHELL. ONE VERY HANDSOME -IV u l.-TT I L 1-:... i i.'jv oi. i a, xi.iwo.-n rui, ii-ioiiii.. . a nn if I Cuffs. The !ito-t fashionable I'u" now worn. wilioe sold at ManufactureM' whole.iali! price.-, at the Emporium. Children' nettsi of.Fjir.-i, a i i : . AT COST-: AT COST At 3-1 Market Street. 31 Market Street,', dec 31 MYERS A MOORE. STEAM HO AT FOR SALE, N ACCOMMODATING terms, , () a sterD.h,el Steam' Boat USW iVfeet Iong-C4 to,,,. Engine. R0 --3 horse-power good speed, and about i yearn old. april 4-lm Apply to fc.LL.lK A .'.III CM ELL. j CANDY. -t BOXES Aborted Candv, in 2.'. lb: boxe, JO 5 " " " . "0 " " i Just received and for sale bv i april 12 Zl'.VO If. GllEENE. CANDLES. f BOXES Adamantine Candles, OU 20 half boxes 10 boxes . "perm " For sale bv april 12. ' ZENO H. GUEENE. WOLFE'S LIQUORS.. Madeira " Pont " For salp bv . WORTH A DA N'l EL. dec 18 CHARLES DICKENS' "VTEW WORK A Mesf-age from the Sea.-, ai, the Uncommercial Traveller. Bv Charles Dickens, (Boz,) author of the Pickwick Paper. etc.. complete in one large Uuodieirno volauiiv clotn, at $1,25, or a cheap edition in paper '' cents per vol., at april 2 JvkLiifc. i n New Book t.-re- FOR WIIOLESALE BU V E US : OA UQZEX Palm Leaf Hat.-, t)J 300 dozen Lhorn li.ifi. '50 dozen Panama lfat.. 100 dozen Canton Braid IlaU, 100 dozen Stnett, Maracaibo. Dui.fUhie and .Fancy Straw. ; 200 dozen Black Soft Hat -, high and low Crowm'. 200 dozen Light Colored Soft Hats, hieli and low Crowns, 200 dozen Cloth and Glazed Cap. ! 100 dozen Umbrellas 1 200 Trftnks, a5Fcrted. Bonnet?, . T,r.n:itr, - Plats, Canr?, Military Good, Ale. , Ac. Ac. Ac. At very low price.?, by the eai-J or dozen, at i .Market ftrw. april 4 Myers A: .mimri:.- -j GROSS Clark's Friction Mutch-.-, in .,::.u t.-r 1U grebes, for nab' by ' aorU12 7FVO 'f j.'PFi-VF - .h-.O .1. (o,l.,.M.. j C i SVfiXVMrS A vn 1 riT'n w ! GRAHAM'S English SvKoi:. i n : Crabb's " ' fiOomid' Alar' brn. at dec & KELLE Y'S New Book Mt,.SC; CINCINNATi PORK. Jl II I -'-m ' ii a n aw metnnuti Kun.p r- rt TI I .11,1' . . !i ... , . I: For sale low for ca?h" bv 't ' I april 4 ' HATHA WAY A C'o. r CINCINNATI BACON. C y IIIUS. choice Bacon Sidis anl Sfion'. l-.-is i W now laninc For ale low for cash bv april 4 HATHAWAY A CO. Agents for the purchase ksur, fl-,. JI,!. i'T, f ' V" -V'"''!' ses Salt. Lime, Guano. Ac Urge the : Ln tl,,- 1 , V , , : V V' " U?U 1 aI'w above articles are .ttl red torale in oin iiih i krt an- ,,, , - ,. . . ' ' ' ' nuallv. and we shall be pleased to ti r..l I ; i nr- i t.. . . ,. i . .. . . . ' tiesordeniiix. proniisiu .itthunie in -ui n - ur ., , . ... i i rmi. p. an i.io. deavors u!nUu . . .W-Vly. ; a' ' , " .VV'.'jV". i . I . II 4llaira - j .. f. 0' ) Ml Mil L5VBRVAIKO.' ron Tins cntE or ors?EFsrA, FITS, FEVER AND AGUE. , PliO. niKLPS l:;:t .fwr itraU. ar J so badly u;if.-.! 1, V !v-.., , I'.jj'm .A part it the ttln- h . t i)'m(ln tii K-d. wa evt ntui t m: rti I,, a pi r t i ;ir turnovd by a yitij: rl.uiM.yj.i' ti i. .11,,. jH.Miij tu i . giTen liiKj bra tr, fh,J.f. fui.- in' .1 .f.i : tranct. laeiir. d m-t l-..J m L.t U ukr"i; it. tw-vif hai iHK Udtd unci . i i. f-tjuiilv uii iiii,.u; Fi t a- of 1t- i i i f r:! Ft i h Li I A- : . Til)iiieiM.ii ttlioKttte iril nir n-i ririrt until Ou lnt c tex'tuv dt-tMire d, ni d .. t feel willing lrt- p, pd iunT'' lr. nr ur i.TH.rln i te, I w ill vriiil lio- r ti ij! nii . . j..i m u sueesf(ill r u ing iLe IVri.nf .t,.7,. ;1 ..t'.j.;.., , upon rccvii't ll.i-.r tl-.'-d-i-, miiIi ta" ft it-tn-n potag... Ail tl.- iLrctio i t ai. . Lo l.-ui U l the rnf S: ,r. of lb m , I u,. ..!d i. In. 1 he,p. Itr. .nr. o. 2 t'. i.id-i ,-rt"ti. J.tm ( I'itt i 1 ', i - DR. ). PIIKM'N llROWS v' ' ""r" .'4t VJ.Tai JI . " ".'"l ' ' " ; - . ' Wl ;,rr" '"''V ''1 l""U: l" , !' ,N lid . r l.irc;-1,. Ml. ; .( 1 ,-t-1.-. , - '.:-. F. . .-..Ii bj J,iM Vi.l.u,. - ! ' O. I'llELI'N JlftOWN'S r r.lMl IV A' 11 Nii nlT T D I -"tT . 7. x JUaUkJ Hii- PiH will regidaltli I t, f.et. !! . ' , 1-r. i:ia:i..K, i,,,;. j, ,lj-'in a iryliott t.m.e cm;!.. !.. ,1;..d .f,..,.i( o..,,,,.,. I 1 '",-.M,l ;"""- " k H'-nd.M-lw. I.!, ,-a, ft:, ,,,. i ,.tn I ... i . - , ,,. 1 ; i .. ., !' .. .; . , 1 " "",") nr,. n, ,,irc i a .-mi ih..it ,1...,. ). u-. ,,u .j,,. ,,,;.,.,. a, i,,.,,. i.o ,m.. t!;.if )iy.. i! i,-,-;:,.; ,., . ' f "' "h,i,I, ii,,,.,,.,,,, ,, 'a!r : ." ki 1 U n u. a ii, ol , i ; v.e -HI. . b. . , ih .m..I , . tibly . I.:a...,i-tr-it of all iiiiP,ifiii. la.M'xfi, ' l.iiii- .i'.oi.t mi t.'.i'.. ' I'i ii I- y I t ii j . !.,..' Il .' ..... . . . I . I j... mm i ...i i,:,,i, ri ,i ,. ( i , . .. j .,. dr. o. i'iii:li's itnou s Ka " . - I f A " A . a imuiiiti umm gut, , , . - v-. ', -T.'" '""",k r"' " '" J - t ? ' 1 1 l .. 1 1 . i (, ii A . In 11 . , , 1 1 . , . . . ... . ti-i. I . v . S i . . ' J ,. ', ulli, .. iM ,,.-, . :,., llt ,! ( . .,, ,, ,, . a, V( ; ' i ! Vi': Jii.-y. Fi.ln, f ,,11 . ,!. I; i . m L r t Htntr-. I:r Arhe, I..,, l'JVJ KllMt- ill li.lu- ( lei-i . uu.l 'I'iiim, ,r ,. t: ' . cal.!-.v,1(, 1.,,.. ?,,. .i,,,r hu.,;...,' , j,.,., ,Tr-r. . nfHl.D. I .Jf,,, v, 'jf, ;Mum,y. Wlm S.il.ii. (it a 1. 1, S.t .... V,l Kl.hM-y-. M,:, ,,:.,, I (11 , , , . v, , , " '"M.vl Ae. I if. M .l ,, i I"''- " '.i,in, ,.M..:!, ; t.. r, ..,; i j 1 !" ' 1"'. Au'i l.t. .i.!r-Dr. O. p(, . Si I -et. Ji j ... .,l,v l. V, v V I ' . U' s,'v " 1 ! , ' , 'it). N .1. M 1. nt in U if. Mil 2 - It piiuN.--r.il i.i,:-. .v. v.t,. r,,. iv.r l.. irM;0 .I'I- 4 ll ZEvoir. i:iti:i:,"i: IMAMS. 1. 1 BBL. Plum.', lr. e.,1 rt..n.-. ju-t . i . ,-. iv.-d uul i 1 'vr.;al" ,( : r.. ' il.M A CO. TZ"W ti'' 1' I , 1. "I 'l l.'.lf In In- Ii.i.I i, i d,,..,:, - -; WORTH a d VI rr. RlTlCAL i A ul i ' ' "T" r'""' "..1 r. , i,.v ,, , i Z 1 t T; '" 'il " )L ' ; V, i i 3' " ""' 1-1 ' It r:,l-.l Hi I'MI. llid'-.X. m?d Vl-W .e ll nl I,. M I, , ; .u I;. !.-, ,n.d ii.r ra-' m ' ' " ' 1 iv.,i- i.. , : - a..i i! I UMIT vkT: i: .k Si n , . - ! .... V UKWAIll) ' i !A 'N. A ;-'" ."' ,! " sui.-.-ti;,. r, ..t, ti e 1 l- .MCK. u l.ii! I,f ,e,i.,tw b... I x.'trkb-i. on I.;- f.i,.,., ,UM. ,(.., 'i.L : .A I ....... II ' - ' ' Ja.frtrkl.-i. ..... J i, .. j chei-k, ca'u-.-.l , mm,,.. The bov i- b ou.d to 1 1 'I e; , fli.d 1 Kiion n alu.ut Irrwn. I I 1 1 ii I (l , I'.. i .,, u f.i vt I II 1 ... . . 1 a I 1 ft . . - V t . ,l ,M i't mfl( irfr ! tt tut nt I.lJw A ,!!. . x':'!",J K i f' wi:-COTT.'. -;astj:i:x ha y.-of,;,,,., ., llay in market. For mil h k; k,:1 " IIA'UAWAY A CO. ' WANTED TO HIRE, f . . ".IJ !!'" 'v''""-;;d tie Mm.'h.ijr or Me .ahlr bod f.-d .Nr-n. M-n. o. p. rsi i v r ii ,H!'!-'.' H 1 j'Uid''1 copvrii'tf. FRESH HEAT "V . Life, in ea,kH and hl,fs ,w( ,v x. april 12 . O. G. pAKS LEY A CO CHRISTMAS SL'PPMES.v . ER PARKERsnritG.. , I l rc-li Kaoiin,'. r-A I ! ti t I l uncc,: Citron.s " Nutmegs " Mae,., . " Ituek wheat I :- I'oLar-d. Al... . t.-s Ikajwln. Loaf.Siiar. Giaiiulatd :,. r ' A B A C SlIL'ill Crushed . v VI. II l.leirj,,,. , JUllll. c l'J AVOUTHA DANIEJ I.Jei;tr,' llr(i. lowi:r d i vision '" -a. t t e nti on, Toi:ic polls; will .. op. , , r,,iW j ,ltll;j s. I. o'cliKk on th '2d of April, (.r th -Ii-hioii of ofIic rf. By order. April 17 J. J. SIXTAS. 0 S. Vr?,fV:i,A!:.' H.SK ARTILLERY llili l.hAE tl.fir Ms.iir. Ur )). day, at , MYERS A MOORE'S. aprillT vt Mf i fcvt ov, t. SIO UKIVAIU). .4 REWARD OF TEN Du.LALS v ill! l. ..ia th". appr.hen.ion find .J.-livei i,,,r ,..( MAK 1 , a jiegio iiJahoiir 1 m nr .f 7,'.( ,,r ppare figure. jHthi-i -harp ft atuiiit, .,. utt.-i. badlv in Inline-. . Wh-n Mid j, uly 1111.11.1,,, much airit.ite I. i-f-.e run n-nrr-i r p. k!at nil. She had on hen'rli.. It-it a b!u -ii ij cd IK ;t,. n-d rlia I. Any jier-oti cor.viet. ,J ,nr ,,. ,. ,,;,(!,, , raid nero. rhall receive lli 1 Ji.il p. tilii.- u i.u ), th( law infiietn on too h cr iriiei( p"1 Nll d. r..4itv;r.i.u SUGARS-.SLGARS: " I J j uoiA Ct iiiihi (I, G 1 .1 n 11 14 '1 . 0 11 j , j,f ..V. MuMMvad.,.sUiu-, Ii;rlaaIf..!M, ' . 0 hfid-. ... .. F-r iale by. WOLTH'A DANIEL. jan h in anile Ritvr . - ... . .t'ORK-PORK. ""lA.Viv link t'itv M. fir . t r , '. v and for I'll f low. f.,r ewl,. :' W , s ZENO II i.'i-l i v i - - "-Xil A GOSHEN HI I I EH. Ji'w,.MiS:TAK'"l'--''' nOUr,,:n;1,.n,,;n';l7,,;,..i,;; ; rivt I. of ,it,. up: il :i JOS. I;. , )l :,y y x ,,., ;... . ,.A d wti , V" 1 1 ON H M.i.X .. Hi ' ,M !-"' ' r-'- J I i-prilti .Jos. . ,;L(M.. !..., 1 t k.m.x; ri.uiD.-M,,. .in, i 1.;: .. J tor cale verv'i !i-..'.. .( C 1 1 1 r d-e 7 , " ' PIANO FORTES.?, IN-'iHESE TIMES i.. w -.,.,. tJ home, u l.y hot pun h.i- ., , , ul j. 'sn ,,,7 ulact .rv? Snt h U W.11. Kn.sb i c i Md., mIi ie Pifi.ioii have not b .-' n u i,',V "u ' ' sold in Una inarkej, f So: l: n u .i,:- lt;- I I. - "' never faded to take th,- pr.-i.iu,,, , h ,. . . ,", ited at fait-.-, Ac. lVn.U!i' .!, rt) , caabe-reftfi-i-ed to i'nito a Luc - i.u ; ..: .: he3 tint i:i . them, irt tbi. it v. ' . kelLi:y's Ii ok t . 1 1 , febiO Afror'tWm. Knab-A Co. 1 'V 1 iTi . Fr iaU bv n ; -