- . . '. ' - ' ' " I i " ; ; i ;- -- ': i "'!.. ' . " . ' : - - VOL'. VII,, NO. 295. WILMINGTON N. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 22. 1861. WHOLE NO, 2,2:! f TERMS: r nailF Taper, S-00; Weekly, 53.O0, irl-N ADVANCE.-, !ir Ta'ur is always stopped, utile a remittance , Lt.b? continue it. iimely notice, is given, so tli-jt parm-'ut con bo made before the expiration of atwor,uuu fjn-V D mailed at oar risk, when the li:t- t,;r U rVgntcred. . A. M- WADDKLL., Kilitor and Pro'tor. 7 TOWN PRINTER. -W' ILM GTON, r 1 N01I.TII CAROLINA. The Herald Job Office Jj noii c03i'pl"tc!jr fitted up with the finest aa- i jrlrant of Jon Tvte to be found in the State. !iverv sjKvia of Job work can now le speed- haii'l-oaivljr .printed at this office from s Uti .'dawn ta a visiting card. IIandbill3, ex'tut irs, M.mks, Sec, &c, neatly and promitl r:nt--l at short notk-e, and on reasonable terms. Kri'wciAl aU.ntioa will be given to the Job -trtiiKiit lu-reafur,. and we feel assured that i A n-ork" entrusted to our Job hand, wh iei' n,rieiice l i: the business, will bo executed sat- trfictorily i:i every respect. Give him a trial at mv niie, :m 1 if i t not done well, no complaint will bo m wle of a withdrawal of. patronage. " SUNDRIES. " i BONCES Colgate's No 1, and Pala Snap, ")l),i: " Uaidiru lar and bunch, Hfhalf bxs" " " . ; 1v.-s Concentrated Lje, " " Potash, li) ' . Prepared i 50 Jars liock ' JO i;'xes Starch, - !) Ui-Carb. Soda, P.-t.iH-r. Si'ice. Cigars, Ink, Tacks, Matches, Tea, "'('.(DCentraUtl Soil Soap, Mustard, Ac Ac, be- .iJ.j wanv other articles to nirinerous to inenUon, bttj will be sold as l-.vf for;aih, as by any other . houJe in t'wn. . . x- Jin n , ZEXO 11. GREENE.;. 'IS TI3IEOF PEACE, PREPARE FOR -WAR. .-kAA HAGS of Fathom's Patent Finish, front the largest IJack, to the smallest Drop hL ' - " '4' kj Kcatuckv lliilo Powder, l.'i Musket Powder, , . ID nr. k's Kentucky liitfe Powder, 5 cas. a ' " -SO.O-H) U. 1 .. Caps. For sale by pa 23 ZCXO II. GREENE. 77 FLOUR " "ASIIiY and Super Flour t ayetteville ana Vil:n"ui.rt :i m.pection. I or sale by '"lOiiN. ."UOO jiushs Hyde County Corn, biutlis. I'erquimana Uonnty torn In store and for jjale br drcl j iELLIS & MITCUELU 11LACK WINTER SEED OATS. OAA BUSHELS Heavy Canada Oats a very OUU superior article for seed.' For sale, by jan 11 - ELLIS A MITCHELL.. M-HSS PORK. 200 by BBLS. Njw City Mess Pork, in store, and to arrived for sale, at lowest casa pricey, I jan 21) M MclNNlS.j MACKEREL. - i n; O.S..2 and 3 Mackerel, in store. ForsalOby jan 22 j M. macu la. " iSUGARS. R. SUGAR,an hhds. and bbls, A. B. and C Sugar, in bbls, owdere4and Crushed Sugar, for sale by - jan 22 aL JIAH.niri.. CANDLES AND CANDY. 1 Afi BOXES Adamantine Candles, 1UU 25 Assorted Candy For sale by ;Yn 23 ZENO II. GREENE. mil 18G1. flOUNTIN G-HOUSE CALENDERS. The i greatest variety of sizes and styles. Every- frin necessary to! furnish. Coantmg-Hoom, at WIIITAKER'S New Book Store Market sL, bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson's: i1 : - r. ' ; Ttrunks. . CANVASS Pack'ing4Leather Folios, Brass and Iron bound. Gents. Dress Trunks, Square and Oval Iron Edged, St. Louis Sole Leather, Fine Sole Leather and Stub Spring, all the latest pat terns, i i Valises. . Sole Leather, Boston, Enamelled Leather, &c embracing thirte"en diffijrent styles. -. j ' . j Bajjs. Enameled, Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Enameled, Venetian, Felt, Brussels, Pilhser, WU ton, embracing eleven styles. . . j Ladies' Hat Boxes. New'style French Hat Boxes, new style St. Louis iron and brass bound edging. For sale at unprecedented low pricejat " Jan 23 No. 5 Market Street. ; t . HAY. BALES Prime N. C. Hay, ex Schooner,! 01) iiti hr ELLIS' A MITCHELL. for Jan 23 ; SEED OATS. ' NORTH RIVER and Eastern Hay, AVheet Bran, Cow Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, .na Uommony, for sale bg. & yjQ 1 GUNNY BAGS. : GUNNY BAGS, just received per brg Shibboleth. For saleby ,TXTT T. C A B. GJ WORTH. 2000 Jan 28. LARD. i w i 1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati Lear Lard, j lUr 5 " N. C. " " ; Fof sale, in lots to suit, by VTvr- ' WORTH A DANIEL, . jan 23 . ' ' Granite Row, Front street. LADY PEAS. IOR SALE, in quantities to suit, by : j Jan 28 j - WORTH A DANIEL, AT C. APPLE URANDY, 2 years old. 2 bar- l i rels very choice Z vears oia. N. C Apple Erami irandy for sale by WORTH A DANIEL. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at Jan 23 WORTH A jDANIEL S. kTvnriTv fTyodrself 1 rv 0 you appreciate a good Razor T Fine Shav ing Soaps? Soft Shaving Bashes? A Good II" ing Soap btrap? Call at "POCKET KNIVES. 4 YliF. Eno-lish Cntlerv. Prices low. Qualities V "excellent, at BALDWIN "Tl EASTERN HAY. lt( BALES Tery superior Eastern 1UVJ gale low from wharf, br Hay, i for dec! STOKLEY A OLDHAM. WESTERN SIDES & SIHJULDERS. r( CASKS superior Western Sides and Snoul OU ders, in store, and to arrive. For sale, lowest cash prices, by , M.MacINNI. jan 22 - : NEW CROP MOLASSES, N llnDS. and bbls. For sate ov jan 22 M. MacINNIS, HOOP IRON. 1A TONS, 1, IH and VA inch Hoop Iron. ian22 For sale by M. maciio. ENGLISH AND GERMAN . ' HOSE. HALF EVERY size, selling low, at Jan 28 BALDWIN'S. GENTLEMEN can find the largest assortment . of Under Wear, at - BALDWIN'S. NOTICE.' ALL PERSONS who are indebted for Groceries, . . XX. Provisions, Ac, either by note or account, ' to the late firm of Wilson A Wkliams, and whose ! accounts are long since- due, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, or such ac - counts will be placed in officer's hands forcollec- Coiu JAMES WILSON. ;, jvx I j . " No. S Market street. . : CHEESE. - . , BOXES New York SUte Cheese splendi r'O Just received per schr. D. C. Hulse. jaalO Fr eale by ZENO II. UREENE. Sjocial 3STotices. WALKER ME A RES, O. WUULUSALE AND RETAIL DRUG GIST and Apothecary, and Dealer in Select Medi- j cines, Ehglish, French and German Chemicals, Swedish Leeches, ic, also,. PAIXTS, OILS, Window Gla., Perfumery, Fancy Articles, ic, 4c. , .ncr 11. Iftco A. UATCIIELOR-S IIA1U DYE I ThU splendid Hair Dye has no equal instantaneous rn effect beautiful Black or natural Brown no j staining the tkin or injuring the Hair remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bid Dyes, and invigo rates the Hair for life. N one are genuine unless I signed " . A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 2i-ly . . 81 Barclay street, IN. Y. GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. Some four months since our excellent townsman, Xaphtali Ezekiki., informed us that he had prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon his own bead, whose top was entirely bald. We. 8ar him two days since, and on the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up with a vigorous growth. - Sc con vinced is 31 r. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discove ry, that he has named it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about going into an extensive manufacture of -an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald patcd friends. Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12, 1850. . .. - This famous article can now be had of the princi pal Druggists. Those persons who desire a' line head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord ing to printed directions . on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its cilicacy can have them removed in a short time, by using the Virginia Hair Restorer Infallible, proving that it is all it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, 09 Main st. , R. EZEKIEL. " Richmond, Nov. 14, 1859. 1. N. Ezekiel, take oath on the Holy Bible, that 1 have boen bald for the past 12 years and have restored my -hair by using Ezekiel's Virginia Hair Restorer. Naphtali Ezekikl. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Eze kiel. Joe. Mato, ' . Mayor of Richmond. W. II. L1PP1TT, Sole Ag't., , jan 14 Wilmington, N. C. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you wLh to escape ridicule. GRAY', RED, OR RUSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural- Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. , Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded Wm.:A. Batohelor, since 1839", and ovet 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of his famous Dye.-! Wm. A: Batchilor's Hair Dye produces' a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warran ted, not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Lite by this splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "jlThc Genuine has the name and address, up on a steel plate engraving, on four sides of each box, of William A. Batchelor. j CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-ly 81 Barclay Street, N. IV LANDRETIPS SEED. JUST RECE1VFD, a full supply of Land- reth's New Crop GARDEN SEED, Beans, Peas, AsDarairus: Beets. Blue Grass, Red and White Clo ver, and a general assortement of small seed. For saie oy vijr.ri. diQAnoj iii iua ow nov28 i "W. H. LTPPITT, ' Wholesale and Retail Druggist'andlChemist, X. E. Corner. Front and Market St., Wilmihgtox, N. C. fc31, ALWAYS ON HAND, a full and fresh as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. ; ' i Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of t-he mghV, The night bell is at the second door (on front street,) from the corner. "sa. On and after this day, all prescriptions will be Casu. " I oct 30 GLUE GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the trado, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Na val Store Br tr of Wilmington, N. C, Sole Ag't for our Glue. Boston, apl 3, 1860. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROGERS A CO, ofBoston, sole agent for the sale of their Glues in this marketrespect- fully solicits orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not superior, to any manufactured in the United States, and is warran ted to give satisfaction, or the monay will be re funded. A well selected stock of low grades trom other parties kept constantly on hand ; samples of which can he seen at my office. apl9-ly. W. C. HOWARD, Broker. jpW We would call the attenti6n of those suffer ing from Consumption, Bronchitis, Ac, to an ad vertisement in another column of this paper, of an important discovery for the cure of those diseases ' now introduced for the first time to the American public, by Messrs. Leeds, Gilmorc A Co., of New York. mar it-im Pimples Banished ! Faces Made Clear! Howl By one week's use of the Magnolia Balm. A perfectly harmless, but elegant and effectual pre paration, - - . . Price 50 -cents per bottle. Sold everywhere See advertisement. : W. E. HAOAN A CO., Proprietors, apllS-lydAw . Troy, New York. - MRS. WINSLOW, - "3- An experienced nurse and female physi cian, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which.gAatly facilitates the process of teethingby softening !the gums, reducing all inflamation will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants.. Per fectly safe in all cases. See advertisement in anoth er column. ' : . feb 25-ly GEDAR FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just re ceived, for sale by . dec5 WORTn A DANIEL. " CHEESE., v r7' ENGLISH, PINE APPLE'AND STATE, at dec 11 . GEO. MYER'S. -BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. QAA BUSHELS, heavy Canada Oatsfor seed OXjy) in store, for sale by " dec 27 ELLIS A MITCHELL. : POWDER. -...' - rid KEGS Kentucky Rifle Pqwder, ZD 10 or, kegs". V 10' " " Musket . . - - dec 27 For sale by ZENO H. QREENEV MORE LIGHT. Kerosene Lamps and JOil Fresh supplies received by every steamer, s Rendezvous. Pl 10 DIREOTOEY. ' STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Jno. W. Ellis, of Rowan. ; , Private Secretary-Mirabato Daves, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Courts, of Wake. ' Sec'y of State RufuslL. Page, of Wake. Comptroller C. H. Brogden, of Waynes Attorney General W. A. Jenkins, of Warren. apeaicer or Senate U. T. ClarS, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortch oi it ay ne. . i , State Librarian O. II. Perry, of Wake. , Public Printer Jno Spelman, " " COCSCILLORS OF STATK. . Council Wooten. of Lenoir : John W. Cnnninc- ham, of Person ; W. A. Furguson, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surrv : David Mnrohv. of Cnmber- 1 1 . -T T T fc- . . - , ... - lauu, v. w. jjodz. oi ortnamDion. ana vv. Lm. nuiara,, oi nuncomoe. ' i ; I FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS. ' ' The United SUtti Circuit Court, for the District ot A ortn Carolina, u held semi-annually at Kaleifh. on the 1st Monday in June and last Monday in No vember. J ud?es Hon. J. M. Warns, of Georgia : Hon. Asa Biggs, of Martin, District Judge salary. $ 2000. ; - Robert -P. Dick. District Attorney: Weslev Jones, Marshal. The United States District Courts held at Edenton, 3d Monday in April and Octor, J. M. Jones, Clerk ; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and October, Benjaniin Brown, Clerk; Wilmington, 1st Monday alter the 4th Monday in Aoril and Oc tober, John L. Cant well, Clerk, j ins 8CPEEM3 court. The Supreme Courtof North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also he'd once a. year at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in Ausust. J. R. Dod?e. Clerk. The officers areas follows: Chief Justice, Rich mond M. Pearson, of Yadkin j Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William II. Battle,' of Or ange, salary f each, 2,500 per annum. Wil jam A. Jenkins, of Warrenton, Attorney-General : Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter; Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk : Oliver II. IV "ry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk ; James Litchtord, of ake, SUPKEIOU cot a IS. The Superior Courts are held in seven Circuits, by the following officers : Judsres. R. R. Heath, of Chowan : Geo. Howard, ot Wilson ; Jas. W. Os born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S.i Fren6h, of Robe son, John M. Dick, ot uuniord : John L. Bailev. ot urange, ana liomulus JSl. oaunaers, ot W ate. oo- licitors-Elias C. Hincs, of I Edenton, rides the First Circuit;: William J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William A.-Jenkins, the Attorney-lieneral, rides the i hird Circuit ; l hos, Iiuffin, of Orange, ride9 the Fourth Circuit : Robt. Strange, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman, of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. ' PUBLIC WORKS IX NORTH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was authorized by Act of Con gress, passed aa .March, isaa. - me omcers are as follows : Green W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Ireasurer; John 11. liibbens, Assayer, JMeiter ana Kehner : John K. lioiton, Uhiet (Joiner ; Wm. F. S. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles VV. a. W. trom Kaieigh. Ihe North Carolina Institution tor the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, is located at Kaleigh, W. J. Palmer, Jfrincipal. k ortihcations. -l! ort Macon, lieautort llarbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located at Fayette- ville. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. . Dr. E. C- Fisher, Superin tendent ; Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Ferrell, StewaVd; Mrs. Hill, Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston,-Kemp P. Battle, W. W. 11 olden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow. John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles jB. Johnston, President ot the Board ; William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated, and taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see Revised Code, chapter on Asylums. o TOWN GOVERNMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor John Dawson. S D Wallace, O G Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. i i FIRE DEPAETKBNT. Chief Engineer James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer W T J Vann. Chipf Fire Warden B W Beerv. Assistant Fire WardeaW T JVamn. Fire Wardens Geortre Mvers. B W Beery. C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and U D EUis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp .Lighter Dempsey iiartin. HOWARD BELIEF FIRE COMPANY. ( Re-organized June C, 1859. ) Foreman W i urlong, 1st Assistant J MeLarkey, 2d" " P Curren, Secretary G P Wade, ' Treasurer-CQuigle'y, Chairman TJD riscoll. BOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1. Foreman John Wright. 1st Assistant J Kizer. Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. ( Office IS Water street. ) George HarrissT C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos n Flanner, W m M Harris. ' SCHOOLS. . BOABD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON 8CH00LS. Chairman-S D Wallace. Wm S Larkins, James McDuffie. James Kerr, David Mclntyrc, Robert II Tate, Samual Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMINGTON IXSTITCTE. L Meginney, Principal. i WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALK SEMINARY G W Jewitt, Principal. .' OAKDALE CSMETERY; COMPANY. ; President Donald Mcllae. Directors ffm A Wrisht G R French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Fillyaw, S D Wallace. ' Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brown. - Office next door to BanL Wilmington.' 1 i COUNTY OFFICERS, COURTS, Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. M . . Clerk County Conrt-Samuet !i Bunting. Clerk Superior Court-ames A Wright. Judge U S District Court Asa Piggs. Marshal U S District N C Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, District Wilmington Jno J Conolev. ' ; -.! Clerk U S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairman County Court James T Miller. Register of Deeds, Ac Jere Nichols. " Special Magistrate of Town John J Conolev. ' Constables Lewis M Williams, Jno Utlav, Wil liam HBiddle, J W Hawkins, James P Stringfield, J J Mooe. .1. -4 . ,: . IHIPICTOBS. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision inspectors David E Bunting, Hiram Naval'storelnspectorsAlrred Alderman, Chas. W. Hawes, James O Bowcsn, John. S James, George Alderman, John C bowden, Thomas W Player, John Mi Hsnderson, B Southerland, Wil liam J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bor- Timberand Lumber Inspectors J tines Alder man. L H' Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, I W Munroe, N Clark, Rohert Maxwell, E Turlington. ' : p. i yyitlllHBTOH GAS -UGHT COMPAMY. r . (Office hi Sayings Bank ' Building.) . . President Col John McRae. -i' Secretary and Treasurer Wm Hyde. Superintendent Oliver Mcllhenny. SECRET SOCIETIES. ST. josa's LODS so. 1 MASOXIC. (Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at - St. John's UaU.) O L Filly aw, Master 1 M Ne whoff. 8 W- Oliver Mcllhenny, J VT. Jno L CantweU,' Treas. i ai Uardner, Sec'y. Henry bpalding, a D. A A Hartsfield J D. J OrBowden, Tyler. COHCOED CHAPTKE 50. 1 MASOSJC j. (Meets 1st Monday evening in leach month at St. Joha'aflaU.) ( K Most Ex R G Rankin, H P. Com L C Turner, GM 3d Ex O L Fillyaw, King. . V. - i Ex T B Carr, Scribe. Com I .Northrop, G M 2d Cora IVW Fanning, Capt . V. ; f Most. Com W J Price, G Mist Com A Martin, PS. V.-,1 " M Newhoff, R A Com Jno-A Tayior,Trea. Capt. , ' E TiirUngton,!Tyler. CAPK "fEAft'LODGB SO. 2 i. O. O. K. (Meets 1 day night, at Odd FeUows Hall.) Asa J Murray, N G, W L Smith, Secretary. James E Kca, V G. T H Uowey, Treasurer. CAMPBELL EXCASPMIXT SO. l--I. 6. O. F. ' ( Meets in Hall of Cape Fear Lfclge, 1st and 3d Friday in each month. ' ! J D Gardner, CP. Thos M Gardner, J W. Kev A F Kepiton. H P. R J, Jones. Scribe. John J Conoley S W. Thos II Ilowey. Treas. CAPE FEA& MARI.NB TOTAL ABSTiykSCS 80CIETT (Meets at the Seamen's BeS f ! oil Dock Street, every A iay evening, itta diately after the close -the Prayer Metting for seamen.) Cha? D Ellis, President. Geo W WiHiams, Vice WiUiainM Poisson, Sec- .? President. retary. J as Meet, As t cect y. SEAHENS' FEIESD SOCIETT. Charles D EUis, Presi- B F Mitchell, S-c & uent. Treasurer.: C D El Gilbert Potter. Col John McRea. A J DeRt et, O G Parsley, Executive Boai 'rep W Williams,, keeper of 'Seamens' ard. ot .eamens iiome, t,,. rront ana Dock Streets.! 1 1 - LiIKS BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 1st Directresf, Mrs Ken- 4th Directress,Mr8 Hal- nedy. , lett. 2d Directress Mrs liar-- Secretary. Mrs Van- riss. .' ' i Sickle. 3d Directress Mrs I)e- Treasurer, Miss Lilling- Kosaet ton. - : WILMINGTON HB? i ASSOCIATION. ( Organized j une, 1855. ) ! Dr J H Dikson,President. Doi 1(1 McRae,) Treas.; Geo L. vis V ice Pres't. . W m tl Utley, Sec y. Piatt L. Cowan Librarian, i ft! Rev R B Drane, R H Cowan, ,E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae, J G Wright, Directors. ; MILITARY, j WILMINQTON LIGHT I.VFANTBY. . (Org. May 20th, 185. ) Wm L DeRosset, Capt. I C Winslow, Edsigu R B McRae, 1st Lieut. AD Cazaui, Ouarter J C Mcllhenny, 2d LieuU Master, i H Savage, 3d " CD Myers, Oroerly. . ! ' ' i w eBHMAN VOLUNTEERS. j (Organised February 22dj 1853 ) J C Cornehlsen, Capt. n G Hashegan;, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W: Oeinstbatch, Ensign. 11 V otters, 2d .Lieut. J ileier,i Uraerly.f ; ' j BANKS. : ; " BANK OF CAPS, FBAB. : T H Wright, President. H R Savage, Cashier. J G Burr, Teller. JD Gardner, As't Teller. J McLaurin, B k-keeper- T H Hardin, Dis-i Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C: John MacRae, President. . S Jewett, Cashier. W L Smith, Teller. William Larkins, Book- T M Gardner, D is Clerk. i keeper. discount uay, iiuesaay. j i BAiNK OF NQRTII CAROLINA. John Dawson, Pres. Wm Res ton, Cashier. Wm D Smith,. Teller. J H Wright, B'k-keeper. Uiscount uay, iuesaay. I i. i i i ;:!' 1 ' . COMMERCIAL. BANK OF j WILMINGTON. O G Parsley, Pres. - Tim'y Savage, .Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr, Teller, f Asa h. Walker, Book- J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. j keeper, J Discount Uay, Alonaay. ; ..s WILMINGTON TSAVINGS BANK. J ohn A Taylor, President. J.Wm Hyde, Cashier. ! RAIL ROADS. 1 WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD R.j ROAP. (Omce cer Market and S Water street.) n W Guion, President. tt it uowan, aeCj lreas. J C McKae, Chief ii.ng. Road Unfinished. WILMINGTON Ic MAXCHESTER BAIL ROAD. Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, jSec'y. r t t i i s i ,, ci T t T m . j i'iiODerison,u-en ioup. oos o iing, ireas. R li McRae, Oen'I freight; Agent. WILMINGTON A WELDON BAIL ROAD. Hon W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson! Gen. dent. i Freieht Atrunt. S L Fremont, Chief Eng. A Sup. James S Green, Sec'y A James G Greenb Yard i Master, i i P H Langdon, Aud'r A ! ' Supt's Clerk. William i Smith, Tickei lYeasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Gen Ticket Agent. i ! Agent. ; CHURCHES. i i Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. Methodist. Episcopal, (S) 5th bt Church and Cas tle, Kev J a W neeter, fastor. I j : Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A Paul Repiton, Pastor. ; ' J i- S Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev J L Prich- ara, rastor. - ' Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 6th and 6th, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor. I I ' i Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 2d, Rev Thomas Murphy, Pastor. i . Episcopal, (St James,) cor Market and 3d, Rev. iv x urane, nector. , ; i .- Episcopal, fSt John's.) cor 3a and Red Cross. Episcopal, (St Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bishop Thos Atkinson, Rector, i ; Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev;M JIc- tjueen, 1'astor. 1 ! I Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, ' Rev M B Grier, Pastor. ; I j ' ; Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, ReV J L Pnchard, Pastor, i S ! Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, ReV J 11 Mengert, 1'astor. ; ! it' Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. I POST. OFFICE, i I' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, j j : . Postmaster Daniel Dickson. : i ; Assistantsr-r-Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from, 7 A M to 1 M. 2 P M to sundown. Sundays,7 14 A M to 9 A M. Northern Mail, by W A W R R, arrives! daily at 7 P M and 5 A M. Closes IK and 9 P M, changing on Sunday from 1J4 P M to 10 A M. Southern Mail, uy w M n , arrives oauy at L6 A M. Closes daily at 7 P M. . 1 : ! Smithviue, iN borse, ) arrives Monaay ana Friday at 5 P M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 AM. ,' if - ' -f! ' ! ! . . i Onslow Court House, N C, (horse) arrives Mon- da.f at 9 AM. Closes Thursday at 9 P M. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. CUSTOM iHOUSTC. : f f i t ... Jas TMUIer, Collector. j DM Foyles, Weigher W J Price, Deputy Col-j! tiuager. . !, lector. jam AJurneti, i Ausp r. A J finllowav.- Surveyor. W F Burch audi Uriah W N Peden, Naval Offl- f Sulliyanj Inspector A cer.. . !i Measurer. . Thomas Wy Brown, Jr U. S. Comrnissioner. ! 7 i': H : I ! M ! ' p. , ' 4 ' ' i CONSULS. !' British Vice-Consul Don McRae, n Water. . . Spanish Vice-Consul F J Lord, n Water. Brazillian jVice-ConsulrO G Parsley, jr.,j cer n Water and Mulbery, (up stairs. ) if ... . I j ' ! DanishWice-Cohsul P K Dickinson,, cor Front and Chestnut.. .'."ri --;!;.. ' ''., .--.i Ml' j. INTERNATTTMIOEJJIEN t. TLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of P the above Bonds redeemable! in 1891- with coupons at 7 jper cent per annum, payable in the city of New. ,i or K, 1st Alarm ana - m oeptemoer, r orsaie oy u&nyjaarix, utw rr uu. deci 1 ;' if v-.l!--- ;! i : 'I .. i - COFFEE. ;. - fif BAGS RIO COFFEE, j i r. 0J 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, .! ' 20 mats best Java - ' d ; i dec I- I ZENO H.; GREENE. kTEW .ORLEANS MOLASSES. A superior - article New Orleans Molasses, now in store, and for salehy -' ! 1 ' april j rm uacuiio. City Busiiiess Cards. " ERRANT & -WILSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Do mestic Dry ! GoodL Grocerie. Clolliinc, Boots, a Shoes, Ac. ; j 4 I ! . Nos. 14 aw 15 North Water Street, oct 2 Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY & CO. ; 1 TRACTORS AND COMMISSION Merchants. : No 8 North Water Strw t. - i WiLMiseiros, N. C Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, al- AC, dC. . f I. ' OCt i 6E0EGK uAaUlSS. A. i. HOWELL. DR. W.l W. JI AttlllSS. IIARRISS & HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; . 1' Oct 2, 1858 Wllmisgtos, N. C. WORTH Ay DANIEL, GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchant?, No.. 2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. 3Cr" Solicit consignments ot t lour. Dried Fruit, Feathers, Beeswax, Tobcaco and Country Produce generally. : i Agents tor uowe s celebrated Scales , 1). G. WORTH. sepV26,ly N. G. DANIEL. AHES ANDERSON, EDWtKt SAVAGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, July 18, '60-ly. WUmington, N. C. C. II.' ROBINSON &, CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS,... ! Wilmington, N. C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's store. JIS?" Entrance Coiner Princess and: Water st. mar 9, '60-tf i j L. W. ERRANT, ' I ' - GKO. WISOX. , ERRANT Si WILSON,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J Nos. 14 asd 15 North Water st., oct 2, 'CO-Iy . i IVilmingtion, N. C. WILLIAM II. LIPPITTi "CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Wholesale and j Retail Dealer Paints, Oils, Dye Stutfo, Window Glass, Putty. Sesfars. Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. N. E. cor ner Fpont and Market sts., Wilmington, N. V. mar zo, oo EDWIN A. KEITH COMMISSION MERCHANT, J ' ' ' Wilmington,. N. C. teQ, Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON: will give' his per sonal attendance to the business. Hist commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 cts. per hale, no addi tional charge will be made. ; Cotton forwarded to N ew l ork at 10 cts per bale. Oct 4-1800 -ly O. G. PARSLEY As CO. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Wilmington, ,N. C. SSAr ' Tders or inquiries for LIJMBElt, will receive prompt attention.- j tnch 21 '59 SMITH & MCLAURIN, COMMISSION AND Forwarding iMeucdasts, j i Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : i John Dawson," Esq., Mayor. ', E. P. Hall, Esq., Pres. dent Branch Bank State N. C - ; T.M.SMITH, JOHN MCLAURIN. JuI 1 1859-tf - - r . : MALCOM McINNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water street, j oct 1 Wilmington, N. C. Chas. D. Myers, Fred. J. Moons, j MYERS & MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods. Furs, Umbrellas! Canes. &v. 4c, 34 Market street, Wilmington, Nj C. June 21, iH5y ; , T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, ! Wilmington, N. C. . UNION DISTILLERY, ) I j Wilmington, N. C. A. II. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, manufactured, and sold. . j sga VV nartage and storage iurniahad, and coop erage done at fair rates. jan 2 1800. r- ' j 1 ; j G. POLVOGT, - TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, ) ' Corner F-ont and Princess Streets, ' ' Wilmington, N. C Keeps consta" on hand Mattrasses, Lounses, Cushions, Feathers, Curled Hair, Moss, and all Uoholsterv Materials. Also PaDerl Hancinfrs. Window Shades, Fire Screens, and Decorations of every description. Pictures tramed to order, i , .i Prompt attention given to fitting iip Railroad Vara, bteamDoats, ana irivate uweinngs. may 31 ; ; i J. L. HATHAWAY. WM. Ri UTLEY. j. HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dec 16, '58 , Wilmington, N. C. . J. M. ROBINSON & SON, IMPORTERS. AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestie Hardware, "Agricultural Implements, &c, no. 8, front St., Wilmington, K. u. jan 9, '68 . - HENRY NUTT, TRACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT. P Wilmington. N. C. &"WiH'give his personal attention to business entrusted to nis care. sept ilO. 57-tf. JAMES STOKLEY ! ALEX. OLDHAM STOKLEY & OLDHAM, "TVEALERS IN GRAIN, i A COMMISSION I MERCHANTS. ; - ; Wilmlneton. N. C. "I'rompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, r lour, Macon, and other Country .Produce. TURPENTINE STILLS. FIVE. TURPENTINE STILLS, from 15 to 28 barrels capacity, slightly tlamaged by the tire on our wharf, in October last, are offered for sale on accomodating terms, i Also, a small Steam Engine, used pose of Steaming Turpentine Barrels, ing water into the tubs, j. for the pur and pump- The Wharf, one of the most eligible in the Town of Wilmington for a large Turpentine and Distille ry business, having a front ot about 400 teet on tho Kiver, with two convenient Docks lorithe landing off Naval Stores, will, if desired, bei rented or leased for one or more years. An Iron Chest of convenient size, islalso for sale by JOHN WOOSTER, march 28 ; Tiiuy. ii. vy ki u ii l . wheatjran7 QAA A BUSHELS for sale by I OUUU april 10 ; ELLIS A MITCHELL. ATs. 1500 bushels prime Maryland Oats, ! 2000 bushels prime N. l . State Oats, 600 bushels prime Black Oats. For salehy ELLIS A MITCHELL. april 10 HOWRD ASSOC ITION, PHILADELPHIA. I ! A " Benevblent Institution, establlfhed by special Endowment, for the Relief of .the sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the Sexual Orsrans. i I Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur geuD. , , ' ' i - I ' - Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes,, free of charge. Two oj three Stamps for postag, acceptable;. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa, tion, Philadelphia,. Pa. I -t (march 27 NEW BUTTER. PER Steamer Parkersburg, this day, at - i j george .Myers, april . . , i Nos. 11 at 13 rant Ftreet. - . .ji; COVERS. .' .' j ' BRITANNIA?5 Plate and Dish Covers, all sizes, dec3, . t I PERRIN'S. PORTER. - I 5 CASKS Byass London Porter a genuine arti cle, direct from the importer. Just received and for sale bv -4 7. april 11 f r ? ZENO IL GREENE. . I . , . . U 1 -i ' BROOMS AND BUCKETS. 6DOZ. BROOMS, : - 6 nests Floor Buckets, 20 dozen Painted Backets. In store, far sale by april XL fj s , . J!iJU41,4jKLJUI. nrTTHITE BEANS, for sale by VY april 10 ELUS A MITCHELL. NORTHERN BUSIN ESS C A UDS. J.n. .4. nurr. 11. i: Jiv. - r. V. Ill J '. late of , Ui.' .f l.ter.f Tarboro' N. C. Scotland N- k. AVj.r- rt n.' N. V DANCV, IIYMA.N CO., G1 1 ROGERS AND CH)11M1SSH.V, vMrMi:tt Ui i' a.Utret. IIY31AN, DA.M'Y 5i CO., f l UOCCIuS AM) jKUaMISSION :ijr. I he New York fti! : ill bj r.r..'nttt d 1' JtiO. S. Iiancv. axiiiLfiv li. W Ilin it. J The Norfik'II..ue will b t- i Jidin H. Ilvman and F. M. llymar.. jJtAJ" Particular! attention gii.,n, to tin- of Cotton, Com, Wlu-at. and .NavanSuTi SpU-mber 13 tf 1C0 LONDON. A; lilt VAN, COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. No.,32 Inuia'street R..Ktnn ' fSf Consignments ! Naval StortV. ' t'otto Lumber. ad other Southern Tunlnc. J so. R. Los don, ' .i. II. I'kvan, Jr. Nov 21-tf WM. K GKCI.SK.Ki GREINER fc W. V. IlI.UM.S. II A IS K NESS, ,. COTTON AND tl EN ERA j Horst. Tov 1, 1S57 L COMMISSION i'nii.Aio.i.riii . Win. Li. Hill, N. M. i r. of NorthCarolii.a,- of Nn th C. rid-no. HILL Ai NOR FLEET,. G' ENKRAL CtikMMISSlOX Jl l OUWAKDl.Mf Mei chilli t., Sho"ke SHj. UtrlinH'J:"', n., -Solicit consignment.' of. C' tttn. L'lTr.lx'r. 1 i !r. And all kinds ot' Merchandize and '''rotlecf. - -ALSO Agents fur the purchase' ot Sujarn. t'ofl'.'.-f.. Mi.i;i es. Salt, Lime, Guano, Ac. Large ca: :-s t th-- above" articles are otl'v-red lor ale in ur inai !vt l1 an nually, and wehli.ill be i h asi-d to ojn -r.it ti ;.r tiesordering, prou;.i;-ing fai-thfuln-'.-s- in our is deavors to icpresentthcm. J . n ST 1 v iil W WILKINSON A CO. T7RU1T AND COMM ISSION MEKCIJANTS, - reiav tl - 1 1, . i SSV, l'articular attention giv n to ( i-ii-iiram" i.i- and -purchase of Merchandi.-'e, all kiid.-. Liberal ca?h advances tl-roug h V ILK IN SON a CO., Wilmington. N. V. August 2, lSWMv KEROSENE LA3I PS.,, lai ge .t urpK; suitable I'e.r stores, ti.r sale v-r clu ;i; iw'itli OilTat 150 doe 7 'CASSIDEY'S. EASTERN II A V. BALES Eatevu ilnv, x sehr . I'.n sale,' low, from wharf, bv ELLIS A- Ml rcilKLL. jan 'J lamps to hum:. ILLUMINATING APPAIiATL'S-.tor li.ilis, P ties, Public Meeting, ic, can b-e"liir d very reasonable term?:, of th Iniiiit:ible jan 8 CASSIDKV. CHOICE BACON -I'l hh.ds. '. hoiee Westei ii e bv v Bacon Side and Shor.lde.iii. For tiale hv dec 21 HATHAWAY boxes .')0 lilils "HATHA WAV .Vi CO. ol t;ood A CO.". AT c- FL . brands. LOUR. 50 dec 21 n: C LARD. 10 kegs for salt- bv ELLIS & MITCHELL. april 10 COFFEE RIO, LAGUAY.RA, Java ami St. l.i.,i.. storcj and f ir sale bv ' jan 10 " ZENO II. Gli-EENK NEW CORN, AFLOAT O QAA BUSHELS Prime White S' dmi JLJJ Coin, now landing, for s;i!.'b jan 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. 4- WHITE OATSJ. OAA A BUSHELS Heavy' Nov Yoi k State ZlUU Oats. For sale by' jan 11 ELLIS. A MITCIIKLI .set; a its. 125 BBLS. A, li. nnd C. Sugari, 5 hhds. N. O For sale by mar 6 WORTH M D A N 1 Hi.. HFrrt,t .-tre-t. THE. CONUUCT OF-'LIFE. R. W. Emmersoii. Third lijijpy reeeix, this l.'loriiiiiir by Express, at ' i. t april 2 . WHITAK ElI'S New Ihu.k SloM. ON E OF TIIHM. BY CHARLES LEVER, author of Clui- O-.M.il ley, etc. A few more copies received tlu morning, at x april l -WIIITAKER'S New Rook Sfore. COFFEE- FEE. pl BAGS Rio Cofl'ee 20 do Laguayra do- r.rt. St. Domingo do 20 n;at. .lava do in store and for sale low for cash, bv dec 11. ZENO II. ( KEEN E BLACK OATS. BUSHELS heavy Black Oats. jut n-cM. OUU Pgr sale bv' april 4 - ELLIS k MITCHELL. WHITE IJEANS. 1 s MALL LOT, for sale by. april 4 ELLISA MITCHELL. ON EVE R Y II AN D.S03I E INK SETT, Ladies Furs, Victorine and Culls. The most fashionable Fur now worn, willbe sold at Manufacturers' wholesale price, at the Emporium. Children's setts of Furs, AT COST.! AT COST I AT COST At 34 Market Street, - " 34 Market Street, dec 31 MYERS A MOORE. STEA3I BOAT FOR SALE, N ACCOMMODATING terms, , fym&- J " a fiterji-wheel Steam Boat, 108 feet long C4 tons. Engine, 80 r horse-power good speed, and about 5 yearn o 1(1. april il 4-lm Apply to ELLIS & M ITCH ELL. CANDY. Ir BOXES Assortvd Candv, in 25 lb. boxes, O 5 " ' " 50 " Just received and for sale bv april 12 ZENO II. GREENE. . CANDLES. , . , BOXES Adamantine Candles, 20 halfboxes " " 1 H Tin raa triorm 1 60 V V V- J SJrS For sale by april 12 . ZENO II. GREENE. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. I ENTJ1NE Schiedam Schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. nerry ine, ".'."' Madeira " " IVirt " '. For sal by 'dec 18 WORTH Jt DANIEL. CHARLES DICKENS' VTEW WORK A Message from the Seas, ar ij the Uncommercial Traveller. Bv Charles Dickens,. (Boz, ) author of the Pickwick Paper.",- tstc.,- complete in one large duodecimo volume, cloth, at $1,25, or a cheap edition in paper 50 cents per vol,, at april 2 KjELLEY'S New Boijc tort. FOR WHOLESALE BUYERS: Qr A DOZEN Plm LeafJIats, JJ 300 dozen Leghorn Hats, r '. 50 dozen Panama lists, 100 dozen Canton Braid Hata, 100 dozen Senctt, Maracajbo, Dunstable and Fancy Straws, 200 dozen Black Soft Hats, high and low Crowns, 200 dozen Light Colored Soft Hats, high and low Crowns, 200 dozen Cloth and Glazed C3ps, 100 dozen Umbrellas, 200 Trunks, assorted, Bonnets, Bloomers; lats, Canes, f Military Good-, &c. Ac, Ac. Ac. 'At very low prices, by the case or dozen, at i 34 Market street, TrpriU MYERS t MOORE. MATCHES. GROSS Clark's Friction Matches, in quarter 10 grosses, tor sale by april 12 ZEXO II. GREENE. SYNONYM ES AJfD ALGEBRAS. GRAHAM'S English Synonvmes, Crabb's ' ,;" Ijoomts Algebra, at , dee a KELLEY'S New Book Store; CINCINNATI PORK. v Onfi RA,4,iK1s -xtra heavy Cincinn iti Rump JUXJyJ , and Mess Pork now landings " For sale low for cash by ' april i HATHAWAY A CO. CINCINNATI BACON. . Q HHDS., choice Bacon Sides and Shoulders now landings For sale low for cash, by april 4 HATHAWAY A CO 1r gN uaqic : '-ton TIIK CCK.E C? BITS J?SPSrAv FITS, fev6r and Ague. DR O. PHELrs BROWN wan Tor several yctrt 'badly aClicwd hr lt'pi, thai hr a pai t ol ttie time In coniHi- 4 lo 1 U bed. a cvi Tituailv t urid I f a iiiet it titn fittnUbot by a outig cUirroj ni.t j;al. 1 1 irci) Holt, given Iiim Iit a, ft. re cli'd.- w!n.ln a t.ite of trance. Lanrured ei rry Ixnlt nli 1m taken it, ttw i t hai inir lailet nr. It i'uitalit urr Ij inoi el Pits m of lv.iiii l' u j -l Am T thoe i''riir b ha it h l tx nr mnlU-iti until lln-y li4 r l'-crin u-H-Mrc-l, tudilo t. t e-I m l.ln to '. i-it nit i iioi iiim i tan u I ill rntl t!ir iumi ii tdn fyr r.. "arirc m ' iUec-l'ullV II. Irig the I ti riw jUmmd'u' '. upn icec.iptot tb ir a. Mr. , mi.iU r-t.i 'j-lor itlu'ii l ..t.ice. All ot the h.i ill. 1 1 oi r..1.v f ip. th- Dtug Stole i f Ii iii v ItI.?ji. .'..IJit I'r. t. Phelps Hit rn, N -.l J.,t, Str-i t. Ji irev t'ii i i." ! . DU..O. iiu:lps hiiowns , ARCACIAN BALSAM. ' rr the run-nt l'nuruiipiiii, l.u.i.i.'l.itl, ACi irn, C.ugli,- V.kUU nnd Nirvun DtbditT. I i- L ....1 1,1 II . i . ... L. . I . - .1 I ':. . I . i V j "otr,-, ii ii tiit iiiv t uti' i- t r !i-. T. r j r.i..c. oftlio I.nng-, 'Stoirarh arid N cit- j loin s all lhv ijualif i. n en Wi d ia tb tii Vt Il i'l OBMOd- f , !rug elHleii totln- Mik; It in M lu aiij g I it i lu aiij g balr.init or t nil tlie Int.-i fiu! S..i i . ( e r.. Tn!4 I ! n.d Inflj I luatioim mi ii ii mi 1 1 n..i.U Ti nie, an.Yiori ri tl ,ai)ii- ;ll .11 .!ii;te. a I ui iii. i ! lt -.1., Hui!., nu f.il.i! a S'tiiiiidaf.t luih I'liMlu.-rA l..rjrt .i. and a HiUder n.icf d I'liirr BT..1 Mnxl 1 i ic. s. ; I nr. !2 p. r birjr h..ffc ; Fniiij ! I I'.'i w. i.ts. pur mlv hr. if nri McLir. I dr; o. i!ii:lpn nRow.N I RENOVATING PILLS JiTliis Pill iiill regiilnfr'the lu nil win n nllr . . preparati. nsi:i fail.- It will, in a ,V l i t time ei adu-ale w hat i I i im.l hu.uie o u.i r oi- con-tij.tfior.. iji k IL .1.1.1. 1.. , Lit. ui d UiW" j. l'ompl.liiil.; fiudtt witleiire.au rti'r hrrr I. it Un IllMtlliiir, UfOII 114, Mil Ihe IUUl'1 ICg- Slid Hi ftifi anei-H that have tin ii ii in thu- wai.t j i. j o Ktoolfi'.- It doen Md act rn.inli ii tt.tat j,' laii ; it ke m the human rvU i iti n ntatrloiM-.: and ig.iM.ux In ;ilth, bv Aiilv ai.d alm.l ; til! li-.-in". it g it (.f all im mi'tii . I ah . . , tniim nbout Mi piiU IViee l,W p r U. 1 o. phiTlps nnow.v.s 1 Ethcrial Ointnicnt. , ' Among the irah alWu tin fof w Iu' lJai - i i. edy it hr.. tin in.i), iina -v r w ill have, W Ithf 'nt. vi- . ti.-i.i. i'i-vi i- Su , l i.iula. Cinrii), IM rt. nl. r .. Ch. Iei.i, le av C.l.U in the CluM nnd lleii.l. S. I, Eye-. Croup, Pl"urUv, Cninr, Ki.Iaf d TiH-n!-. tilaiidular w eUit.gi.,. Ear Arh.., Earl'hvtP. nil kinds of Colitv, Llcl inai.d Tuti.on., liuri.. Stii gn, Ib-iiixfti, 'liill.;iiti. Cut,, C,.n... Spi :i i Sial.li, s,,. Lip S.ne Nij j l,, Hw. Ih.l, E.A . Pa by, Nu in hurt. Itlotehtf, UUt .-M I f c ...... Muijh, White Swilling, -Grate I, Siois W, 1. Kidney-. Miiiriilnr Di'tiuhnnrei'. Sc-rc;fitl.cr. h' if Kli.imi. Mum in in! Son', Ac. Prlfe .i p-.t. De.Miiplive ani hl.t limii (ft nil wN. i i ply to my Agent. . j ' . Ad.lric Dr. CI. pin 1 Ibown. No. ?M,Jii .1 Slut, Jemey City, S J. i , For Fale by IIkmiv J.M.j -., A lit inA ,1- I'lingfon, N,l. ian'?,i, f 1)OUK. d..c 7 -5tl lild.-.VS. . Citv Mrtj'nTk. for','. by.. .ENO It. GltLI-.N E I'UIMS. ' " , IlKol htolii , just r-iv. d jit. . ' 11. LLOystiH A Co. I!I!L. pliium, for Vale by tel. r I TH1-: It EST FAMILY ELoriJ. i t.w.,. w . j Kinl'-d in all (-HK.V, to Ih. had o ,u'r WOU1H A DA Ni EL. MUTICAL VM) .Mi-e. llatious- E-iath.' r-. l! i , , . , , published, re1i-d, i ii'l.irg. uu-l .iiiih.I 1 1 f by the author. 4 voi. uri line tir Ld ' . . It l.a.. a fopiouV index and new port i ait. bv TIk i' i C,ui e, mihI I'm- -ah at ' ,.i.'iil Ih WIIITAKEIl'S New llml Slot.. . r.EU AHI). IM N A W A tn. iii the hufr.riUi , . i, tl, l.-t inct. . JACK, a htLht tnulatlo I. m . will, treekles on hi. fie. and a -i at .;i hi l I'lufj and i w. ih caused by n i i-ii". 'I'll lx is liniiiid to ll.i Mil li k now ii about tow ii. The iihove rew ard w ill In a . f 'I m a-. pai l for l,'n l. In i io me in J.IH5 A .illlcli.1l K. "Jl'il'L'z. EI'IIUA IM WESCCilT. J EASTERN HA :'2WUa,.0 of the 'l,t .vt., n" A Hay in iwarki t.- I'oi ), by ; j nay le- 2i HATHA WAV A id. WANTED TO lilltf' FOR the balance of the year, lour oi t.. iite ijoiifi ,irro v.m. O. ii. PARMI.EV X t 1 Journal copy .IA II. FRESH HEAT . ' xx i? : l . . ... . . rv, u nn.j iioi, ior aie l.y A " april Li . O..G. PARSLEY X CO. CIIRISTMAN SUPPLIES 1EIi PARKERSBL ia;. ! a. I'lenh Ifcaisinf, l'reh Itutt.-r, I heem-; Kegarn. Tobacco, - Ah-, Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar, GraasUltt " l'rune, " ' Citron, . " Nutmeg;, ' " Mace, " Buc&vrheat " " 'A B k C Sugar, " Crushed ' Sweet CitU-r, El. ean. llmnr. dec I'J li WORTH A IIAMI I. LOWER DIVISION, ATTENTION." "VTOUU POLIS will bo opened from 11 ui.t.l L o'clock on tlw? 22d of April, for the tK ti of officers. By order. ' 7 april 17 J. J. WNTAS, O. S. MEMBERS OF WILL LEAVE day, at april 17 HORSE ARTILLERY their nu'itsurf .,r hut, tl.i -MYERS L MOORE'S, ri Mark' t In , t. SIO REWARD. REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS Mill be pi4 tor the apprehension and di lirei inir l i.,.- ..i XlAlt RY, a negro gill about 14 tvain d A-re. ot spare figure, rather harp f.ntuim, and luitii badly ia talkin?. When ruddei.ly rpi it. d oi mucn agitat'.-L ke cancarcel y rj.i-ak at ail. h., adn when flic left a blue trijcd dre and r d nhawl, Any jiorson convicted of diaiUn rng or aidl.i ' aid negro, shall n-ceive the full pemdti. whi I, the law inflicts on nuch crinuf. april 9-dlw, p. CASH WELL. SUGARS-SUGARS! 75 BARRELS C Cofl.-e, and C Yellow Sngai. . 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and Powderrd, 35 Muscovaiio Sngsr, liht ami dry, Chhds. . r .. .. , For sale by WORTH Jt DANIEL, jao 8 . ' ' GrautUi It4w. PORK POIlkr 7 A BBIS, New York City M J and for sale low, for e'U. I ew, junt rTfWc bv dec 11 ZENO R. GREENE EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. KEGS just to hand, from 20 to 2 c-r.f , dee 11 ' (JEO. MY EES'. PASQUOTANK CORN." 1 1 ,ni'1,,, '"rn. n In.ard Scho.ier f. II . ''"'P'Pr'trom HizalnU Citv, jib-t at rived. For alw by , Q Jo:. R. l!LOSOM A co: cotton iia;ging. I f liales in store. For at1fv f.jr m IDS. R. ipril 9 fH.OSStlXl A CO. "PUHXINO FLUlD.-rJluid and! lift in cai., SJ for sale very cheap7af CASSIDEY'S. dee 7 ' PIANO FORTES. IN THESE TIMES hen mipht to lM.k a home, why not jurcha5of a Southern .Man utactorvT Such is Win. KualxnA t'o., Baltimore, Md., ne Pi&Ttofl have not been imrpasaed by any' sold in this market, of Northern tna!v, and have never failed to Ukc the premium f hercvpr cxhib-, id st fairs, 4c Persona wishing to puiriiaac can be referred to quite a large number of lai ii' lies that esc them, in this citv. . - , - ' KELLEY'S Book Store, , eb 20 Ag for 'tWm Knaba A Co.. V ii'- . 4 J - J' - - ' . m

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