"A if ' ' ' i - ; - Jmm - pMsMqMjMMMsMlMsSSMMsMg 4. THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 24. 1861. l 1. H. WAD DELL, - - Eilter M PrtprietoT. TOWlf PROCTER. If ILMlNGTON, If. C.,. APRIL 84. Hon. "Thos. Bragg has been elected Cap- tAin'of Compoj t BAleigb. Wear requested to gire notice that nercing service 'is held in St. Pacl's Chcich every morning at 8 J o'clock. Tb Hornet s Kest BiSes, who hare been stationed at Fort Caswell for some dajs, hare . been ordered, we learn, to Raleigh. . . f- Whi taker has ,lid on ' cur table a pain J phlst entitled' 1 The Battle of Fort" Sumter and first victory of the Southern Troops, April 13th, " 1S6L" It is a Terr neat affair compiled bj the enterprising Charleston publishers, Erans. A , Cogswell and bears the flag and coat of arms of South Carolina. For sale at Whit titer's Book Store price twenty-fire cents. Liberal Appropriations. . We learn that a majority of the Justices of the Count assembled at the Court House yesterday afternoon and determined to appropriate $20, 000 foe the public defence. We also learn that the Pt)Vf of this placa hare determined to loan $100,000 to the Commissioners of the town of Wilmington to be , used for the same purpose, and that the Commissioners hare accepted the proposition. It is 'gratifying to be able to an nounce these facts. They furnish indisputable evidence of the liberality and patriotism of oar " people who bare everywhere responded cheer fully, and quickly to the calls which have leen made upon them. ' Koaa MiiiTAST. Brig: Gen'rl Bonham and staff and Col: Maxcy Gregg's regiment of "Pal mettoes" passed through this place on. the way to Virginia yesterday afternoon. They were met by a large concourse of citizens and after a short res t and some refreshments, were formally welcomed bf ! Adjutant General Hoke in a few remarksto wbich replies were made by Gea. - Boaham; Col , Gregg, and Maj. Aldridge all of whom epbkeftelingly and eloquently of the man ner of their Reception. At the conclusion of Mr. Aldridge's speech, Geo: Davis, Esq,, wa-s railed out and made one of his stirring addresses, bid ding the Palmetto boys God-speed on their glo rious journey, and pledging the boy of North Carolina tote close on their heels in the approach to Washington. ; The depot shed ef the Wilmington and Wel doa Rail Road has become quite a grand recer : tioa room for the last few days. ' Hurrr uo tout organizations. Itismor- i drying to bare Southern troops passing through North Carolina on their way to aid Virginia and not be able to see them joined by Companies from our own State. The Gorernor is doing his best to accomplish the military organization of the State. Let erery man help him in the good work. Organize and arm, and let us send two or three regiments to Virginia as quickly as possible. . There is a rumor in town that one of tie up trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road containing troops for Virginia in crossing a bridge near Wilson, produced such an effect that the engineer and passengers were induced to make an examination, when it was discovered thai some cold blooded scoundrel had sawed one of the timbers of the trestle-work nearly or en tirely through, and that it was barely sustained by. the iron bolts on each side. Tracks were discovered at the spot and dogs being procured were traced to a house in the neighbor- : hood, and a:man the report says, being found ' guilty was hanged l&3t night. Hanging is al- most too good i for a man that would, thus de liberately and in cold blood, endearor to des troy hundreds of human lives. . Important Order The follewiag order has been issued by the Adjutant-General in regard to the elections of .Major Generals, and Brigadier-Generals. Of course the elections of inferior Officers are not hereby interfered with. t ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, i- Raliiqh, April 20th 1861. GuzaiL Oaozas ' o.l.- : - The elections ordered for Major and Brigadier Generals in the several Dirisions and Brigades in the State jre hereby suspended, and no elec ,tion will be held by the officers receiving such orders. f By order of the Commander-in-Chief, J J. F. HOKE, . - i ; Adjutant-General. The Committee of Safety take pleasure in ack ' newledgingjthe receipt of $10 from Mr. John T. Moore and $ 10 from Mr. B. F. Keith as donations to the fund for charitable and patriotic purposes. April 23d,4861. S.D.WALLACE. Per the Herald. -"Every cloud has a silver lining." Even in this period op natinal gloom there is cause for re joicing. The dross of our nature is consumed and wa are coming forth from the furnace, as re- fined gold. The selfishness of the heart is gir ; iag way to pure feelings of patriotism. Fathers ! are sending their sons forth to battle with the enemy; mothers, forgetful oself, are bidding .their noble boys to' contend manfully for their country and; their rights ; deroted sisters are ur ging their brothers to buckle on the armor in defence of home and liberty. The wlr-crr resounds from every Talley and i hill top, and nobly are our young men respond- j ing to the call. They are Jearing the classic ; hails of college, and the pleasant scenes of school life to endure the toils and pri rations of a sol j ditr. Aye I j they are sacrificing home, friends, fortune and even life itself, upon the altar of lib . arty. Brers, noble hearted youth I hopes of ; your country ! stand up dauntless at the can non's mouth', filled with the same spirit whieh ' : now animates you, resolve to conquer or die 1 ' If you must fall a rictim to death on the bloody i b At tie field, 'die at your post gloriously in the ; thickest of the fight. You bare erery thing to ' encourage you your cause is just, aad God will dtfend the rTght. May the ancient promise made 1 to Israel by i the God of Sabbath, be verified to ' you. "One shall chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight." A WARSAW LADY. Fivali . Yotcxnsas.' The Holly ) Springs Herald learns that the county of Chickasaw, Miss., has ten companies of volunteer soldiers ready to be mustered into the service ef the State. It adds that, in addition to these the county has a regular officered and drilled company of young ladiesV who bate pledged themselTes in : the event the men are called into service, to pro tect their homes and families during their ab sence, and see that the farms are properly culti . vated, and full crops raised not only for the sup port of the county, but of the army of Mississippi. - . , Patriotic Basx.-The Marine Bank of Geor-J , gia has m4fi a loan to the State of fifty tbousand : dollars, without interest, until December next. ' Two comets are now looked tot by astronomers -fhe De Yico comet, which appeared in 1855, the celebrated corns t ef Charles V . . 4 Massachusetts True to Her Instinots. , "Uassachusetts is. the first State to respond to the requisition of the President. Withou t wait ing for the official requisition for troops. (lor. Andrews to-day telegraphed to the President : .'.The quota of troops required of Massachu setts is ready ; how will you hare them to pro ceed?' " y. Y. Herald of l&th inst. Commenting on the above, the Washington Slate remarks " that in the but war with Great Britain, when our -shores were inTaded, our cities laid in ashes, our women 'insulted and de graded by heartless foreign troops, the President mads a lawful and constitutional call on the Governor of Massachusetts (sraoxo, ) for a small quota of troops to defend our homes and fami lies, and it was refused I "Now that the blood of Southern brethren is to be, spilled, the unconstitutional call of the President is anticipated, and Massachusetts shows her craren spirit. "How distinct is the contrast between Massa chusetts and North Carolina. While the citi zens of North Carolina, under the lead of their bra re Forsythe, were watering the Northern frontier in 1812 with their life-blood the citi zens of Massachusetts refused to obey , the call of President Madison, declaring "it immoral and unbecoming a free people to rejoice at our rictorits orer a foreign foe." The blood is still the same. While Gorernor Andrews" an ticipates in the supply of men for intestine strife, the patriotic Gorernor Ellis telegraphs to the Secretary of War, I can be no party to this, wicked violation of the laws of the country, and to this war upon the liberties of a free people. You: can get no troops from North Carolina.' "Massachusetts bad no troops to fight Great Britain in a national war, but it has ready co horts' to precipitate and carry on civil war to coerce Americans out of the principles of per sonal and State indeiendcnce which were gua ranteed by the Constitution. On the other hand, North Carolina, which fought a foreign foe, can not and will not End powder and ball to immo late its brethren. "Look cn this picture and on that." Rich mond Dispatch. The New York Express. This sheet which we all thought so true to the South and her rights has joined the Black Re publicans and justifies their war upon the South We call upon every patron of that paper in the South to stop It at once. , Every dollar we keep from the Yankees will weaken their ability to contend. with us on the field. . The Express of the 15th says : "Not another mail sthould be sent to South Car olina. Twice has our Flag been fired upon there, without direct, immediate, orerwhclmlng necessity, and South Carolinians, by their own act, cease to be our countrymen. Not another gun, canon, rerolver, or pound of powder should be permitted to go to the Sece ding States. The Picsident of the United States through his Rerenue officers, should instantly estop their exportation, and States should stop j tLieir inter-transit trade The Port of Charleston ought to be instantly blockaded. There may be no law for it, South Carolina has put herself out of the protection of any law of ours, i She does not resect us. and we cannot be expected te respect her." There it is. The Express is against us and we ask if that paper or any of similar sentiments should be allowed to circulate in the South? Xeicbern Progress. Who is Responsible. The Toronto (Canada) Leader justly holds theGovernmehtat Washing ton responsible for; the war which has just be gun. It says: "The Cabinet at Washington, in the calm judgment of the werld, committed a serious er ror in appealing to the arbitrament of the sword; but it is now too late to adopt the only states manlike policy to recognize secession to be done is for the two Confederacies to do each other as much harm as possible, in the least possible time; to kill as many men, to sink fas many ships, to cripple a3 much as possible one another's resour ces. It will be a war of brothers, and of broth ers enraged against one another with an inten sity of hatred: that only brothers. can feel. A less edifying spectacle could hardly be presented to the world, and while the general sympathy of mankind has been with . the North, the Gov ernment at Washington will ' generally be res ponsible for the issue of blood. And such will be the impartial judgment of the whole cirilized world. , The Louisville Journal has the following com ment on Abraham Lincoln's proclamation : We are struck with mingled amazement and indignation. The policy announced in the pro clamation deserves the unqualified condemnation :of erery American citizen. It is unworthy not merely of a statesman, but of a man. It is a poli- cr utterir nair-orainea ana ruinous. 11 Lin coln contemplated this policy in the inaugural address, be is a guilty dissembler; if he has con- ceired it under the excitement raised by the sei zure of Fort Sumter, he is a guilty hotspur. Jri either case, he is miserablr unfit for the exalted position in which the enemies of the country have placed him. Let the people instantly take him into their own hands, if they would rescue '.the land from bloodshed and the Union from sudden and irretrievable destruction. PBEPAaiyo roa Immediate Action is Ken tucky. The Louisville Courier states that a volunteer regiment of Kentuckians is rery near- lv formed fr the purpose of immediate action. as soon'as hostilities commence. . It is under the command of an army officer of distinction. The Courier presumes there will be sereral oth ers soon formed. The term of service will be for twelve months after they "are regularly mus tered in." The Courier gives also the names of the recruiting officers throughout the btate. The New Orleans Picayune savs : "We have been put in possession of a letter from a relative of the Hon, John A. Campbell, of the Supreme Court of the United States, dated the 7th inst., to a citizen of New Orleans, stating that the only intercourse that the Southern Commissioners hare had with the Administration at Washington has been carried on through Judge Campbell. and, he has had the emphatic assurance and promises of the Administration that the peace should be preserred. At the same time, Judge Campbell received assurances, and was authori zed to write South, to say that before his letter reached there the order would be telegraphed for the eracuation of Fort bumter." Tubes Cueebs tor tsm Widows ! The first two subscribers to the Confederate loan, offered yesterday, were widows, in, the respectire sums of J300 and $200 one of then a Catholic in SDirit as well as religion, God bless her 1 sent us word to put her name on our list of subscri bers to the $200 fund, to be paid during the war, savim: she had no sons to send, but would con tribute her means. There is the true spirit for you. Who can doubt that this fund will be I raised ? Saeannah Republican. Rktkkci Flag or thi-Coxtedkrats States. We learn from the Montgomery :Adrertiser. that the rerenue flag of the Confederate States wa3 adopted on the 2d. The design was fur nished by Dr. H. D. Capers, of South Carolina. It is described as follows i Three broad bars, arranged perpendicularly instead of horizontally as in the national flag. The colors are, j consequently, - blue, wbiteand ted. In the blue bar there era seven stars, ran ged in a circle., j The flag, with the exception of the arrangement of the colors, very much resem bles that of the French nation. Secissiox Recognized. We have receired by telegraph the quota of troops which Lincoln has called for from eacn . Bute, it is singular, mat he does not call) for a man from any one of the Confederate States. Secession recognized ! " No use in trTinr to ignore it! The fact is too palpable, and Old Abe feels it! He might as well shut his eves and swear the sun does not shine ! And though he does not openly ack now ledge our independence, this silent, unintentional but unavoidable recognition of our existence as a distinct nationality, shows the solemn convic tions of that old nigger-Republican reprobate on this matter, which he has not the manhood or honesty to utter 1 Southern Confederacy. 1 The Empress ( Eugenie is said to be in a state of perpetual terror about the condition of her soul. - Her mind is tottering. At one moment she is for setting out on a pilgrimage to the Ho ly' Land, at another she is absarbed -in all the mysteries of spirit rapping ; then the Emperor finds her in a state of nervous affection, as if life was an absolute burden to her.' The priests have told her that Providence .has assigned to her a grand rol. '. It is for this she lires at the present hour. It is said that sht seriously doubts whether it is 'not her duty to tears her husband and child and go into A coavtat. From the Richmond Whig. J -,- Glorious Rebels t Since old Virginia has severed her connexion with the Yankee States and unfurled her glo rious banner of "Sie Semper Tyrannis," the rot ten and blackguard Government at Washington has lost a large number of the brightest names on the rolls of the army and nary. . We hare not a list of the names of all these higb-souled patriots. We recollect only at this present Forrest, Fairfax, Robb, Pegram, Maury, S potts wood, . Henderson, Hunter, Page, of the nary ; and of the army Anderson, Kuggles, Lay, Cooper, Carr, Jordon, linger, Johnston, Garnett, and last though not least, Robert Lee, the worthy son of Light-horse Harry of immortal memory. These are not a fourth of the gallant sons, who, at the call of their glorious old moth er, are gathering around her. But in the small number we have mentioned, may be found evi dences of past and - elements of future glory. Capt. Forrest, a glorious Old Tar wbp has borne his country's flag through many a battle and breeze, and always rictorious ; one has only to look upon him to be convinced that he has twen ty rictories in him yet. Fairfax is a name dear to, all the votaries of freedom: Maury is a sound familiar to all the roices of Fame. Lee was the confessed hero of the Mexican war.' These constitute only the beginning of the glorions defection. They have felt that, as gentlemen, it was degrading to associate with the blackguard set in Washington. As the news spreads over the continent and to distant seas, that Old Virginia has resumed her position among the sovereign and independent powers of the earth, her gallant sons, whererer they may be, upholding a degraded fag, will abandon it at once, and march to the rescue of the renerated mother. In looking over the list ef noble patriots who hare indignantly spurned the livery of despotjsm and pledged their all to the freedom of their native State, the heart of every Virginian will feel oppressed with humiliation and shame, at the absence of one name. The Romans marked with emphasis, as denoting the downfall of the Re public, the absence in a procession of the insignia of the house of Brutus. The absence of the name to which we refer denotes a far more melancholy downfall the downfall of the rirtue of a great man. One of the saddest spectacles in nature is the beholding such a character liring too long, both for his own glory and the welfare of his country. We will not trust ourselves to say more on so painful a theme, except .to express the hoe that he still retains enough of honorable sensibility to return the sword, which Virginia gave, and which he is no longer worthy to wear. Bloody Work In Maryland. Mayor Townes of this city, yesterday received from His Excellency, Gor. Letcher, the follow ing telegram : Richmond, April 22, 1861. "I hare received f information from a reliable source at Alexandria, stating that a special mes senger had reached there from Marlboro,' Md., with tidings to the effect, that an engagement bad taken place on Aunopolis Heights between the Baltimore Military and the .New Y'ork city Seventh Regiment. The conflict was terrific and the latter were literallr cut to pieces." j The desnatch SDread like electricitr all over I the city, and was every where received with shouts and cheers. The Home Guards, which were on parade, 167 strong, at Poplar Lawn, greeted the tidings with the wildest joy, lified their hats, and cheering again and again. The New York Serenth Regiment is the crack military body of the State of New York, and has heretofore been considered invincible. They came down to Virginia some three or four years since with the remains of President Monroe, and were greeted at Richmond with a perfect, ova tion. They are composed of the very flower and pride of New York city. From the Raleigh Standard. ' 1 A Card. To my felloic-citizenx of the Vlh Congressional District ! Since I have received a number of let ters soliciting me to permit my name to bo pre sented as a candidate for a seat in the next Con gress to meet in Washington City, under the call of Abraham Lincoln, President of the black Re publican party, allow ine to say, through the medium' of this card, to my friends who have kindly mentioned my name in connection with a Deal m vuiigiraOj iua c 03 iuuvu 1 uuiu pleased to serve' my country, especially in so honorable a position as that of a representative in Congress,. I must say that under no circum stances could I be induced to accept the position since the proclamation of Abe Lincoln to sub jugate the South my native land. : With sentiments of high regard, : I am rery respectfullr, l u J. Vf. THOMAS. Thomasville, N. C, April 18, 1861. Other papers of the State please copy. Cuba akd tub Southern Confederacy. The following is translated from the Independent Beige, of March 14th : The attention of our politicians is being di rected ' towards the island of Cuba, in conse quence of the nomination of Mr. Jefferson Davis to the functions of President of the ! provisional gorernment of the seceded States. The ex. Sen ator has always shown a marked predilection 'for nlhbuster expeditions, and at one time made great efforts to get the United States to support the unfortunate attempt of Narcisso Lopez against Cuba. It was" he who supported the policy adopted by Mr. Soule in Spain a policy the aim of which was to provoke a, war for the conquest of Cuba. ! Fayette ville Arsenal Surrendered ! The stage of Tuesday morning brings the in telligence that the Fayetteville Arsenal was peaceably surrendered by the garrison to 2,200 men, under command of General Uraughon, who had assembled' to take it if necessary by force. The arms' and munitions taken were 37,0u0 stand of arms, 6,000 pistols, 3,000 kegs of powder, and any quantity of cannon balls and shells. With this armament the Old worth State is ready to engage in the contest either to preserve her liberties on her own soil, or to go to the aid Of any of her Southern sisters who may need it. It is obvious now that the battle may be decided in the District of Columbia. The Forts in thi6 State are no doubt by this time prepared to resist any attack upon them by the Black Re publicans, and company after company should be sent from nere to aid in the capture of w ash- mgton. With what was once the National Cap ital in their hands, the Confederate States will soon be recognized as a sovereign and indepen dent Nation. -Ral. Register A Sell. The New York Post recently got up a bogus letter, ' addressed to J. Singleton Craw ford, a Charleston banker, by Messrs Slope & Co.. of London the Charleston banker having proposed to the London house to take the fifteen million Confederate States loan. In order to show the ghastly character of this Black Repub lican joke, we give the following extract from the letter of Messrs. Slope & Co : i As to any success for your Confederate - loan you please to term it in the London mon ey market, we advise you to abandon all hope or expectation on tbat point. The -people here have already suffered losses enough in the taking of the bonus of Florida, .Mississippi, Ecuador, Pernambuco, Patagonia, Arkansas, and other of your Ltuipn estates, ana mey ao not, a present, feel inclined to renew tneir acquaintance with you again in money matters on the generous terms nerstorore proposea even 11 you were not, as you now are, in open reoeiiion against me legi timately constituted Government ot the United States. . v ... i The Louisville Journal takes all this for M 1 . 1 1 1.11 l genuine, ana repuDusnes tne wnoie icuer, wixa an editorial commendation. : ine journal is easily sold. Ktw Orleans Delta. ' Fort Picxixs cajj xot Stakd BoMBAaDMnrT. The New York Times, of the 13th inst., speak ing of the bombardment of rorts Sumter and Pickens, says rery appropriately, especially as regards Fort Sumter : , The forts In question .were not constructed to sustain a siege, but to defend harbors against hostile fleets. For the latter purpose they are admirably adapted ; no "wooden walls" could withstand the fire from their batteries, or do themselTes harm : but a will sustained fire from different points on the adjacent shores, it is main tained, will ,redue: them both in time unless they have men enough and guns, enough to de molish the assailing forts. . . j The Chicago Tribune calls the Southern Con federacy "New Dahomey." The editor of the Tribune prores, by his paper, that he isn't fit even to live in A-shanty. The New York Day Book sAjs : . ; Uiuv uic uoni 14.1aaa v -una ivu. va tuu y ut hours of fighting and nobody kilted the Repub licans of this city are, prodiglouslr full of fight, all eager for battlt." Telegraphic News. From Baltimore. - - Alexandria,. April 33d.Raltimore ii quiet. It has been decided by the President that the troops shall pass through. Annapolis instead of Baltimore. ; Gor. Hicks objects strongly to their passing through Maryland, and proposes the me diation of Lord Lyons.! Seward will not accept the mediation, and insists on passing the troops. The Potomac is open and sereral Gorernment ressels hare passed up to-day with troops. There aro now about eight thousand troops in Wash ington. ' A TrBstxsoocsAKMT IThe telegraph informs us that Got. Curtin,-of Pennsylrania, has stated that he can send to the aid of the U. S. Gorern ment a force of 300,000 men in forty-eight hours ! This is, of course, all gammon, and intended to intimidate us. Such a force could not be rai sed in Pennsylrania for any purpose within . -ii iri i;i. l rv. year, u ki au. lue wartixr, t aiuiuus turuu io terribly afflicted with Munchansenism, the inev itable accompaniment of Abolitionism. I N. O. Bulletin. A Sogoetiox TO OCHj WlALTHT.ClTZjrs Our wealthy citizens ought to improve this opportuni ty to render themselves immortal, by contribu ting arms and mean 3 to those who are willing to aid in defence of the State, but who are n6t able to do so because of their inability to put them selves on a war footing. You can do so wihoutthe least inconvenience to yourselres or friends, and in thus doing you would feel like beetter men, and would leare a more Taluable legacy to your children and your friends, than all your wealth can bestw. Act then at once. Petersburg Ex prett. ' . ' -j Drafting. We learn that the first instance of drafting occurred in the "Buckhead Guards," a fine company under the command of Capt. E. Means. As it was necessary , that some should stay at home, and no Volunteers offering; it be came necessary to draft thirteen men for that purpose, which was accordingly done, and the draf.ed men, much against their wishes, remain ed at home, while the balance of the company went with their regiment to Charleston. Co lumbia South Carolinian. , .' The CoJi'fbderate Loan. We understand that the amount of the Confederate Loan taken in this city, up to the time of the closing of the books yesterday, was three hundred. and fifty thousand dollars. Augusta Chronicle. The collectors in the rarious ports of the Con-" federate States, ' state as their belief that there will be bo difficulty in collecting from twenty fire to thirty millions of dollars in duties on imports the first year. There will thus be an abundance of means to carry on the Govern ment, even with a war on our hands. ' NEW TICKET For Commissioners of Nurigation and Pilotage. M. MacINNIS, , WM. B. FLANNER WM. L DeROSSET, ' E. W. HALL, A. LAMONT. The above named gentlemen will serre, if elected. It is hoped the patriotic citizens of Wilmington will vote for them the first Monday in May next, april ll-tmr f OLD BOARD. FOR COMMISSIONERS OF NAT1GATION. T. C. WORTH, ! GEORGE HARRISS, J: H. FLANNER, DAN'L M. FOYLES, WM. M. HABRISS. W. C. Fergus, one of the Old Board, having re moved to Mobile, Mr. Foylcs' name has been sub stituted. . ap 19 tfe jSTew .clvertis eiiieiits CORN AFLOAT. JUSHELS Prime White, now land j a aah B j t.UUv in ing per schr". Crinoline. Fr sale by ap ELLIS x MITUHKLL. PREPARE FOR WAR ! TrALUABLE MILITARY WORKS V At KELLEY'S Book Store. Gillhain's Manual for Volunteers and Militia ; Cavalry Tactics, by order of the War Depart-' ment ; Scott's Infantry Tactics ; Hardee's Rifle and Infantry Tactics ; The Volunteer's Hand Book. ap22 i ' FOR CASH ONLY. Li- 4 S we have to pay the Cash for everything il we get now. we are compelled to require it ot our customers. We require all the money we can get to enable us to supply such things in our line as are needed. Our friends will greatly ob lige us br handing in the few small amounts due at WHITAKEU'S New Book Store. ap 23 OIL OIL. r "TVfEATS FOOT, Machinery, Lard, Train, Tan- J ners ana Bark Uil. SKINS SKINS. CtHEEP, Shark, Hog, French and American 3 Calf, Lining, Binding, Seal and Chamois skins. LEATHER LEATHER. TT ARM ESS, Bridle, Skirting, Band, Oak and f Hemlock sole, Fancy Patent Enameled, VV ax and latent Leather, at WILSON'S Harness, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, OVERSEER AVANTED. 1 MAN well acquainted with the cultivation r of Rice and the. 'management of negroes', is wanted immediately, to take charge; of a Rice Plantation, near Wilmington, N. C. The force employed is about 35 hands. Liberal wages will be paid. . Apply t D bROSSET, BROWN A. Co. Wilmington, N. C. April 22, 1861. ap 22-tf . BANK OF CAPE FEAR. V . i April 17th. 1861. f TVIVIDEND 103. " A semi-annual Dividend of I iFire per cent, has been declared, payable at tne Jf rincipal JJanK and li rancnes, on and alter 1st May. - x: aP22" IL R. SAVAGE, Cash'r. BANK OF CAPE FEAR. 1 April 17th, 1861. STOCKHOLDERS M E E TIN G. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be neld at tneir Uanting Mouse, in. Wilmington, on Thursday, tue id aay ot May. ap 22 Hi R. SAVAGE, Cash'r. A LL persons indebted to us previous to April - 1st, will conter a great favor on us by coming torward and settling their bills.. We are in spe cial need of money and must haye it. We trust all will respond. ' ap 22' WORTH A DANIEL. ATTENTION! -"T"TE are forced, by the state of the times, to " wj decline selling any goods, except for cash. We intend carrying out this rule strictly, ap 22 - . . : -WORTH A DANIEL. NOTICE. i'S and after this date, n goods will be deliy- ered, unless paid for in advance. Mt business will be conducted strictly on the Cash principle in future. . , . I have reduced prices to suit the times ; and be ing compelled to pay cash, cannot sell except for cash, under inr circumstances. ap 20 . C. PDLYOGHJ-d EASTERN HAY. : - , a- ' i 150 jan 9 BALES Eastern Hay, ez achr, for sale, low, from- wnarf, br ELLIS A MITCHELL. . J LAMPS TO HIRE. XLLU1IIN AT1N G APPARATUS,; for Balls, Par- ties, Public Meetngs, c, can be hired on very reasonable terms, of the Inimitable jan 8 . VAiLfcX. CANDLES. BOXES Adamantine Candles, 20 half boxes ' ' . , 60 For sale br april 12 " " ZENO H. GREENE. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. -I GENUINE Schiedam Schnapps, Very Pure Brandy. - " nnerry : w ine. . " Madeira " ' " ' Port " For sale br dec 18 WORTH A DANIEL. CHARLES DICKENS ATEW WORK A Message from tbe Seas, aa the Uncommercial Traveller. By. Charles Dickens, (Box,) author; of the Pickwick Papers, etc., complete in one large duodecimo volume, cloth, at $1,25, or a cheap edition, in paper 50 cents per rob, at aprfi 2 KELLBT'B New aak. tar. CITIZENS HORSE GTJABBV WxLkurosr,-X. a, April 23d, 1861, Ukdsso. IV--. j----. " t.;-,.. The members composing the Citizens flnrft J aro krilir nrdcrma to aDMST.. On Horse Horse Back, on Wednesday erening, 24th Insti, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at the Brick Yard of Edward Sad der. I- j i The Punctual attends ace of all the members hirhlr imDortant. ! . Persons ' desirous of becoming members maka aDnlication iia mediate! r. - ' t 1 L. JU. nnt;ui., y S. Br order of j W. 'C Howaap, Captala g M Ml '! Volunteer Wanted I nroDOM to raise a comnanr of one hundred men to be tendered to the State or Confede rate Gorernment for service during the war of the Black Republican administration upon the South. Persons wishing to join will please leave their names at my onice on North Wa ter street, tear the' corner of Market This will be a irood chance for young men from the coun- a j try want to see service. :.l t - qnk icci r want to see service. w m. u. r aa. -j tit April 20th, 1861. HEAD QUARTERS 39th RGT N CM. v. ... ..... . SMITHTU.LE, AprU Ilia, lOi. - OaDra No. Z. The Companies composing the 39th Regiment C Militia, are nereoy ordered to boia tnem- th in; rAxamesa. arm ana eouiDDea. 10 march te the relief of Forts Caswell and Johnston, obi -J, when required. iv i or order ot ! ! Col. H. N. HOWARD- Thos. Hill, Adj't. p 20 HEAD QUARTERS CAPE PEAR ! 1.IG11T ARTILLERY COMPANY. ; j ORDER NO. 1. j I i Pobt Johxsojt, N C, April 17, 1361. I Members of this Company not on active duty, are hereby commanded to report themselves and appear for drill every night Saturday excepted) at 8 o'clock, at J. M. Stevenson's office. Mem Jbers whosej-business engagements are such as to preclude the possibility of immediate actjjve ser Tiee, are earnestly requested so to arrange their affairs as to report for garrison duty within one Week front date.. Your Company has bep en- toiled as a part of the artillery reguncnt of the state of North Carolina, and rour officers are Commissioned. The laws will be rigidly ed. Br order of the Captain, pnforc- Wl A. Frhxch. O. S.v J. J. "IIEHRICK. -f 1 kn llnrt at Vi t!t,ir r,f -It ml rivlf 4 Ryan, for the reception of letters and papers for members of the Company: also, a depot will be established there, for the purpose of forward ing packages and parcels.1 Privates, T. llj. IIow- ey, Jas..H.:Kyan, ana vy -4 A. v nson, are aauy detailed for the above ourDose. -Jfr oraerl ! i Captain J. J. jlEDRtCK, I W, A. Fbesch O. S. i ' jSfsT" All packages or letters for Capt E. D. s Clo- Hall's Company will be left at Baldwin thing. Store. ; CT The Surgeon of the Regiment at the Forts .will be grateful to the ladies of Wilmington, if they will make bandages and' lint for the, use of the Regiment.. The bandages should be from 2 J to 3 inches wide and 6 yards long. : : - - JS- All packages or i communications for members of the Cape FearRiflemen mustjbe left with Mr. Wm. MjPoissonj at the office off Wm. B. Flanner & Co., near the corner of Market and Water streets. I i - i R E V I B "W Wilmington! Market, j i FOR THl WHHK.BXDINO, APRIL 24. j During the week just ended the market: for all descriptions of country produce has been neglect, ed, the unsettled condition of the ceuntry having caused a withdrawal of buyers from the niarket. Prices of Nayal Stores have materially declined and for three or four days past it has been 5m pos sible to sell . even at the reduced figures. From present appearances this state of things must ex ist for 6ome time, and it would be the better pol icy for holders in tho country' to keep Naval Stores, Cotton, Ac, back from market, as such articles will have to be stored at their expense. jThos who have Provisions on hand, and wilf send the same to market, can readily realise good prices for them. or several days pasnothing of con- sequence has been selling, aad our report of the week's transactions will be founS meagre : i TrtiPKSTiNE. Since ourj review of Wednes day last, this article has been almost neglected, in consequence of the unsettled state of the country, and up to the close of Saturday J pri ces had declined 40 cents i on yellow dip, the sales on that day deing at $1.40 for yellow dip, and $1 12 for virgin, per! 280 lbs. No sales haye taken place since; buyers have, wholly withdrawn from the market, and the highest of fer that can now be obtained is $1.25 for yellow dip, and it is not wanted even at that prfce. Hard will not sell. We quote sales as follows : uuu. a ei. uip. . ? lrgin, Wednesday, 230 at. 1,70 ..1,36. Hard 83 Thursday...!. 3,300 at... ...1,55 ....1,24....L 77 Friday 1,140 aU....l,50.... 1,20.. .1. 75 Saturday......... 200 at 1,40 1,124.0 00 j Spirits Tcrpentixb. In 'the early part of the week there was some enquiry fo shipmentj and a few parcels changed hands at 34 to 35 Cents per gallon. Since Thursday, however, no Bales f have taken place that we know of, and the mar- new uioses inactive, aaies as loilows : Saturday,..,.. 800 : ",34 cts. for straight 50 at 100 " 1 CA it 35 35 34 cts for N Y bbls cts for "1 eta for straight and no sales re- Thursday.... Rosix. All grades are dull, ported for the week. Any quotation we mitrht offer would be merely nominal. j a AB. Has declined 15 cents and rules inac tive, no sales haying taken place since Friday. toales in the early part of the week of 1,050 bbls at .1.20 per Dbl. xJebf Cattlb. Are wanted ani triil1 i ..... dily command high prices None received or sold. CoTTOw.-This article-has also partaken of tha general dullness. There were sales on Wednes day and Thursday of only 135 bales at 12 cts tor miadiing. No sales hare been reported since. i Corn. Three cargoes, comprising 9. 100 bush els, have been received for the. week, of which 3, 000 bushela-'sold at 62 J cents per bushel, and the balance is going into store. There is a' fair supply on market, still we notice a moderate enquiry, and prime quality would sell readily. We quote at 62J a 65 cents per bushel: ; j Molassbs. Cuba is in fair request, and there is only a moderate supply on market. A cairrr of 351 hhds., 18 tcs and 46 bbls was received on Monday, and is going into store. ' It is selling at 30 cents, in tierces, and 25 to 26 cents in hhds.; as quality; ' . i i Frbights. -The market is! unsettled, and we cannot obtain a correct Quotation. Sereral Ves sels now in port have been taken ud at 52i a GO cents per bbl on Turpentine to New York, but these rates are above the market. i rK TB FOIIT Or WILHIXGIONi FOR HS, WEBK fiSD- 150 APRIL 24. I Coastwise. ! Foreign. Crude" turpt bhls. 438 Kpinta, V 1,145 Kosin,.... 13,664 4,443. ; CO 483 ; i - 59 , . ... 23 ai" 1,000 Pitch, it Pea Nuts,.. bushs. bales If. Hfeet Cotton, . ... Shingles,. I t 34T.00O Lumber, 34.002... .....248. 000 aiso, oasiwiser e,375 Dusbels rousrh riifee a 1 r . : ; 86 empty kegs; 1 pkge mdsej ! COFFEE ! rill I lairio prime two uonee, tor sale L v in iois oi a Dags ana over exciuitvelv for 1 cash o delivery, by ap 20 HATHAWAY A Co j N. C. CORN WHISKEY. A i SUPERIOR article for Ja bv Jl aprU 17 WORTH A DANIELJ SUGARS. 125 BBLS. A. B. and C. Sneare, .-. - 5 hhds. N. O.. " For sale by WORTH A DANIEij. mar 6 Front streetj 1 EXTRA GOSHEN ABUTTER. KEGS just ta hand, from 20 to 28 cents, dell jGtEO. MYBR8' I I kJEW OBXEA2f S SYitUP. 20 'barrels choice. For sale by dee 21 HATHAWAY x CO. 1TIOICE BACON.-22 hhds. cho :hoic Yi for le West- j era Bacon Sides and Shoulders dee 21 HATHAWAY A CO. ANTICIPATIONS of the Future. To serve as Lessons for the Present Time, in the form oi Extracts-of Letters from an English Resident in the United states, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870. With an Appendix 6n the Cause thf iniion4lt'nJ of the ill Unnth .Tit- mikiuhod RmviTed and far sale feb 10 WHlTAKER'rv New BookiStore. WHITE ASD BLACK s EED OATS. JWt arrived per schr. Alba. 1000 bushels prime V bite tuts. i aw ao uo itiaca oecu uau; f.L 23 For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. JUTE ROPE. TOILS bMt Jnte Rone, for sal" lr 30 n6r 23 ZEXO II. OR KEN. ALMANACS FOR 1801. npD BEER'S North Carolina Almanac, at KEL- X LEY'S ROOK SlOKfc. dec 11 TO ARRIVE. BBLS FLOUR. Arplv to 500 nor 27 STOKLEY & OLDHAM. FLOUR 1 T?AM1LY, Super and Fayctteville and Wilmington inspection, in store, anjl for sale Sy (dec 11) ZEXO II. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATHEMATI CIANS AND ECON03IISTS. IF 1860 feet of gas is consumed throiigh eijjlit burners, in-9 nights, at "a cost of $2 per thou sand feet, how much is consumed by each burner per hour? at what cost, and what would be the cost of an equal aniountjof light Obtained from Kerosene Oil? Answer: There is 'consumed 1t each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost of 6 cents per hour per burner. Four Kerosene Lamps afiord as much light as S gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will! supply 1 lamps one month, which,, at $1,20 per gallon, is $4,80 per month, or a cost of one centper hour per lamp; therefore, by burninggas, the expense is only six hundred per centum greater than to burn Kerosene. Oil, which, "t with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12 t . CASSIDEY. T IS A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro- ii wuui I. - JIU Una has seceded ! This ther would not have een prepared to do, if some of he . ; r citizens - i not bousrht KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPSj as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candv, Nuts, c. c, of the patriotic CASSIDEY. " idee 21 ROPE ANf) TWINE. 23 Coils bet Jute Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv dec 1 ZEXO II. GREENE. GRANDE EDITION ! LE3 MODES FRANCAISES, Journal dcs Tuil leurs, just received. Also, one case newly imported Colored Cassimeres for' Business Suit?. We have a Sample Book in advaHcc of importa tions to arrive. , . J Having one of the best New York Cutters, we can turn out garments equal, in every respect to anr in the Northern cities. j Gentlemen of Wilmington, of New j llano ver county, Bladen, Samson, Duplin, Brunswick, Cum berland, Wake, Anson, and elsewhere, are respect fully requested to call and leare their measurc.at BALDWIN'S. 38 Market street, Wilmington, N. C april 10-dtw. 20 MYERS & 20 20 J 20 20 MOORE. 20 TWENTY NEW STYLES S IP I UNTO CAPS For Gents, Youths, Boys and Children New Shapes rHandsome assortment at 34 Market wtree't. 34 i- 34 34 34 ' april 10 MYERS & MOORE. M. E. DYE & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS,' ' Keep constantly on hand all kinds of School Books, Bibles, Testaments, Standard Religious Works, Poetical and Biographical Works, Com mentaries, Sunday School Libraries, Blank Book.,' Scrap Books, Pens, Ink, Paper, .Pencils, Envel opes, Ac. Also, a variety of light reading. Presbyterian Building, april 12-lyw i Fayetteville, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA ALL. RIGHT!" THE invincible and unterrified of both Divis ions Wilmington Militia are out, to-day, in all the pomp and circumstance of glorious war (in a horn. ) Now woe be to the enemr that shall be so unfortunate as to stand before the valiant troops, for there certainly will be, e'er the sun goes down, " Duch no knurd gib." The Inimitable continues to sell Kerosene Lamps and Oil, at the Rendezvous. , ' feb 2 Stewart's O. Sugar. i ATOW LANDING, from schr L P. Smith j -L 1 25 bbls. STEWART'S C. SUGAR. 5 " " A. Sucar. 10 " Crushed Sugar. ' Foe sale h' fob 2 - ZENO II. GREENE. MYERS & MOORE HAVE the largest and best assortment of TRUNKS. MYERS & MOORE Have the best made TRUNKS. MYERS & MOORE Sell Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Ac, at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. Look at our Trunks at 34 Market street, april 12 SALE OF .FLORIDA BONDS. N the 29th inst.. will be offered for sale at the Court Housi". in th town of WilmJ Internal Improvement Bonds of the State of Flor ida, to tne amount of fifty-nve thousand dollars. Terms made known at time of sale. ( By order of President. JAMES S. GREEN, april 13-t29 Treas'r Wll & Wei. R. R. Co. THE UNDERSIGNED! BEGS leave to inform his old customer.", and the public generally, that he will open out, in a few-days, an entirely new stock of Fashion able Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hosiery and No tions. Also, Mattings and Oil Cloths, all widths, which he will sell very low. for cash, at the Old Stand, next door to the Commercial Hank, april 12-lw DAVID AARON. . V W . Ci . . IVfEW CROP Cuba Molasses, in bbls!. and hhds. -L i For sale by -v . aprillg ZENO II. GREENE. LADIES' Aivn rTifxrss DRESSING and Travelling Trunks for Pale at WILSON'S. ENGLISH Sole Leather Trunks for sale at i WILSON'S. ATEST Style of French Trunks for gale at 4 " , ! WILSON'S. TRACKING Trunks, of every defcription, for eale at WILSON'S. NGLISH Sole Leather and Bopton Valiwi for sale at . WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Estab- iiaument, po. a Market street. -april 12 " OIL MEAL, -r-50 bushels justreceived, for sale by april 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. v LARD. i NOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 5 bbls. Western Lard a splendid article. I . IN STORE: j 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in crood nackaces. 5 " Western Lard, in small naf lcarrea l de: 4 For sale by Z. H. GREENE. N- EW FLOUR I In baa-s and bbls. For hv deel STOKLEY & OLDHAM NGLISil CHEESE. 25 Boxes selected En glish Cheese! just receivad at ded4 WORTH & DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE HAVANAS have come, at dec 6 , WORTH A DANIEL'S. Ml dee 21 SCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. Drime to choice Muscovado Sugar. For sale by HATHAWAY & CO. TO SHIPPERS. A LARGE supply of Bills Lading, bound and in sheets, at april 2 KELLEY'S New Book Store. TO-DAYNEW AND FRESH. STR. PARKERS BURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, ! New Beef Tongues, Yeast Powders, i I Rye Flour, Butter, 60 bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, . 10 " A, " . 10 bbls. B. Sugars, 10 " Crushed, Granulated and P&wdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. " WORTH A DANIEL,. 2 Granite Row, FrOnt street. jan 3 T FOR SALE. f HE Subscriber offers for sale a track of land lying in the lower 'Dart of Bladen Countr. containing onehundred and sixty-eight acres up- i land and swamn. Iviner on the ' nnnth.n-nt mlAa f White Oak Swamp, adjoining the lands of Augus tus Millers and others, and further description is unnecessary. ' - Apply .to tha subscriber at Wilmington. april 8. . J. D. RUSS. PASQUOTANK CORN. 1 1 QJ Bushels Corn, on board Schooner C. H. JJ Cnlpepper, from Elizabeth City, just ar rived. For sale by . april 9 JOS. R. BLOSSOM A CO. Special IS'oi !(. WE OPEN NO NEW ACCOUNT.- And cannot afford to continue .nr. pro rompl pavlnjj nt..tn. t.. own u will c in! t x t . Those who pajinpronijitly j ap IV eod-lw (). Cash on Delivery at 1 t'r .j ji T vn nnv foati in i. ... .1 . w .11.- t II rWt, en ' in our t nirl We are compelled to a'lopt mit xdk4rl to it ttrietly. ' We haro a,Urge force of thv men einj.l.Tel and cu e.j.-cut-line. o. ? .Civic and Mi'itarv - HAI.I.U is Mr. ap Is, etwl-d Itw LARGE CONTRACTS FOR ( Ml C10MPAN1IJS wanting FWni., , ' plied promptly, if ther ei.utrat w( li.VI i,u!N - Mil . . aj H, lin--od Oilictf of MAJoi; S- f.,r the oth tsimi i.i' - ,,r.i , Militia, being now vacant, wo rc.f . , mend Dr. JAS. F. M- REE, Jr., , ,JA son to h'M ?a hi otlice. Election to take place th. 2"lU . m,t. aVril 13 to ' M N iVj i, A Hl Unity SOSTl S? is not is not iiou i'i.i , , , have we An Aki r Ai!ir " i. i', .. niKTroiuorT ran iw musw r i , ;ij ,, . , . i RVS A Tll0.Ml-OVS ;,!. l.l; . ' , ing tlro beautiful I'liotii ,u I., .u., , etc;, a't M j, y, april l-ftd . ) Tin: VOTKU of M r j Eli l ill'MT. I as a candidate ti lliCi"t Ld,T . i ' . i Court of New II.i.i i r ('.nintr. A i) , , - i rior t.'rturt ol f . . : 11 , ill .1UKU 1 1 1 1 had .. , t. and rc-i t i i!'n!v ... i , . trflge. - lupril S WM. . J f I, ' . ! - rrc T) THE yoii;i;s yv' iiTv-iZ Ur.Hlni .Ml.- I an; .i . .im for tlie'oflice uf Snpei inr.Com t CI.iL. ; . fully solicit vour votaLtlii,tJiKi;''n n, nevt. ;i.ril M SwLmT'S W. V;ii. vTi:iis" m f w VV . iO OVER CO Candidate fov tluy iili of SI TI lJlii!; CEERK, uud reHpKtfullv it ,.,t ,, t ensuing elVctiun in Aufu-t next. II. . it U.i njl .Vte , lO THE VOTEItS K hV u.v OVER (Oi:.STY.-II1.i!i,t!.,tls heretofore fis harged the diitii ! th. . Clerk of the County Court of thi. r. i,i,! j, ;, satisfaction of all concerned, and i niifan,- . . ,iiiv tttankd tor vour lormer Ii1m i.iI ,in ,,n t . Iectfully offer ln si lf ivs a eandii.it :; t . ; -tiini to that ollice, at the i ti.iiing el' tmn. n:i :i. first Thursday u August. mar 2I-f 'SAME EE K. l:l'-Mi. S E.VHEN.NELL. Jr., t- aa. ii . the o!ic6 of Count v Court Ch tk 11 at.t county, at tlic election ia August in-it. . March 12, 18C1. 1 Administrator's Notice, ALL PERSONS iml. lu. d u tlx I. !., ., Andrew Maclean, ary hereby kj'rill ti..u,. .; that if tJiey do not w ttle before that tm-r. t!,.,. will be sued or warranted, a the cah bmv i-". at Juno (Toui t, 1NG1. TLi-i Hwiihvut r r .it-. . or exception. 1 have- not the lime to mil : '.' -debtors sejiarately, and therefore unlit tli -m they; will be all treated alike, mar 21-1 in JOHN DAWSOV. A In. . OLD SACHEM HITTERS. Wi-w. Tonic. See advertinenierit. For 4! I WALKER MI.AKI v janl7-tf COUGHS COLDS, AND LUNG DIS EASES. Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, .AMlnn:t. Whooj-jing Cough, Diseased of -llif Throat, I !,-t and Lungs, however Ion etamling nmlnviM character, are quickly nrurcd y that lontr , eflicient and faithful remedy WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD rilKUKi . The universal opinion fully acroriN w'li t lately expressed by the "Saratogian," w hit h "Wifitar'g Balsam has achieved mairv i in.iik.i' pures f Pulnifiary lisorders its iu c.. I n..- great that taken in time it i deemed a The thousands of Certificates in the Ini- "f ti; propretors Ironic those who from hm cufl rn .' disease have been .''redeemed, regeneraU-'l, thralled," and now by this remedy enjot immiii.t ty from pain and bullei ing, are t. 1 1 i Of the fact. - ' X Still More Testimony. ' 'a ANW)VtK,N. IL, Oct. I'.. I Messis. S. W. Fowle. A Co.. Rottuti. - jmen: 1 Jiave an rarnent den ire that all sullbriilfrorii pulinnnary romplaiiit. houIl Li ine wonoirlul virtues of Dr. Hir ll-ii-m, Wild !herry, ami make the following -t it-n ' with the hope that Home fkeptiral pei-. fi in. 1 induced ft give him a trial : Six years since 1 wax attacked ith tii' cough, rtrjd rexorted to physician llrt at li"U apd next abroad, of acknowledged kkill t,l nj u tation, and mado use of man v patent uieihriin without the slightest ben-nt. 3'he disease amrinttntincr to mch a d. cf - ' defy the skill of the physicians, and the hej friends, I wa induced, aJ a last resort, to ti.lt' i ) trial of your popular Balsam, without nr.r r .:. debce in its merits, as lhat had hem irtlr"i t; bnmberlesstrials of Advertised noffi urn. Hut ' cfl'tct was inagical! My friend yifie pin 1" i ' fuf, and I was astonished at the rapid rhan". TU racking cough, the severe pain in mv hid'-, mi lugingnight sweats, which had reduced 'ii - ahi U ask eleton, abated, and I was roon in a'fjir.i' of recovery, and by a continued use of the-r'a.--dy was restored, to good health. Yours, very truly. . GEO. W. TIIA! "ai. Caution to Purchasers. The or.lv ir-'"'' ' Wistar's Balsam has the. written signature ef " I B.Ctts," and the printed one of the T'roprietvr ' ' the outer Wrapper; all other is vile an-l less " Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE A CO.. I: ton, and sold f y 11 L NU Y M J. I V jan 1 NOTICE . ITS' hereby given tl JL cliinistj" for th Rutherford; Rail Rc that tho til;iei of " Master Mi the .Wilmington, t'lurl-tt" ; oad Coin nan v. w ill l' I'''"1 ' the Board of Directors, at their regular " to be heldm Charlotte on the 2l.t.tavoi ' next. The salary will not exceed $1200 p'T " , num. Application, stating amount f fT' ''' quired, may be addressed to the PfesSdi nt, at -'h . colnton, or to the undersigned, -f KOBT. H. COWAN, Wilmington, N. C.r April ,( led. . FOR SALE. 100 CASKS Charleston Rice. momnt! pected by bark Chas. Smith. april 11 HARRISS A IIOVKI.b: SUGARS AND COVVIU- BBLS. C. hUGAR, : , T!0 bbls. Extra C. Sugar, 50 10 A. White Sugar, 10 " Crushed Sugar, 5 " Cut Loaf Sugar, .2 boxes Loaf Sugar, - 25 bags IUo Ceffee, 'Si ". Laguira Coffee, 20 mattsR). G. Java Co flee, 2 bags ' " "s . " For sale by . ' april 11 ' . ZEXO IL fl RKK STEAMSHIP 'PARKERSIJL'lKv TTAS ARRIVED, and brought Mi f fM JrL Oooda to KELLEY'S Book Store. Mitchell's School Geography and Atlm. Bullion's Greek Reader, Tower's Elementary Englirh Gramn'sry Stoddar's Mental and, Practical Arithun tf'.. Father Tom and tha Pope, Zaclias' New American Speaker, " Worcester's Pronouncing Speller, Porter's Chemistry,'. Comstock's " Testaments and Psalms Large prii i . Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, - Greenfield's Greek Testament, , Elsie Tenner, by O. W. Holuie. Field's Pear Culture, Fato.of Sir John Franklin,' . Arm Rests and Pen Racks, . TiBiber Beeks, As. aprtl 1 of it Mn : , u ! I self 1