A B. YTADDELL, - EilUr ud Proprietor. - TOWN PRINTER ' - WttMDrGTOX, 'ZrC., APRIL 26. Tbe mails are bo irregular that a failure on th part of subscriber to receive their news papers must be rery common. We think we can MX for both the Herald Journal that they are regularly mailed and any failure will not be attributable' to the, neglect of their rejpective proprietors, j f-: 'V V J fS The ladies of :Wuaungton are working like men in behalf of our gallant oldieri, and, though neither asking not expecting any' thing, they deserve the thanks of the community for their patriotic labors. ' - a a fa. The Howard Fire Company paraded our atreetii yesterday; afternoon," with ' full ranks, . bearing a handsome Confederate flag and accom panied by the Band attached to Bailey's Varie ties which, by the way, has acted most patri otically in tendering its servieesto our troops. pgf We learn from the Journal that Captain Thomas T. Hunter, of the U. S, Nary who bas been stationed here as Light House Inspector has resigned his position in the service. He is a na tive of Virginia, and had been in tbe service over thirty three years. Sf The news from Delaware is rather a sur prise. Think of the saucy little State with her back un against ,the Bail-Splitter 1 , We are be- ' coming alarmed for fear Pennsylvania andNew York win be wanting to join tne ooutn. fa We received a copy of the N . Y. Expreti ef the 19th this morning, and also Baltimore pa pers of the-20th giving a full description ot me scenes in the latter city. . fa The oflcers Elected in the Lower Division Wilmington Militia are as follows. Jos. J.Sintap, Capt; H. MiMason IstLieot; J.-F". Williams 2nd Lieut: B. M. Lane, 3d Lieut. ; a fa We received a letter this morning from a gentleman in Sussex Co: Delaware expressing a desire to take the Herald, provided we were a Union man, and stating that he could get a good many subscribers. The writer closes bis inter esting letter by saying "If you are not a Union TPnt jou need not send it as 1 wm noi xaae any other." The writer has lost a prise ; likewise "a good many subscribers." Resignation of Major Winder. Brevet Lt: Col: John H. Winder, of Maryland, an old and distinguished artillery officer, has re signed his positidn, in the service. Major Win der is well known throughout this part of North Carolina and his friends will rejoice to hear of his resignation. ' If Maryland secedes, of which there seems now to be no doubt, his services will be required and will, we are sure, be cheerfully given. Tbe South certainly has the advantage of the North In possessing the flower of the late U. S. Army, and she feels strengthened by every such acquisition as the one we now have tbe pleasure to record. To the Citizens or Wilmington and the . Cape Fear. - The U. S. Arsenal at Fayetteville, with tbe property therein, has been' transferred to the State authorities, happily without bloodshed, upon the demand of Governor Ellis, backed by a sufficient force. The following are among the terms of capitulation entered into between Bre vet Major Anderson, commanding the troops who were stationed there as a guard, at tbe re" quest of the citizens of the Town .and .Hon. Warren Winelow, aid-de-camp of the Governor, to wit: . - 1st. The U. S. troops now composing the guard at the V. S. arsenal, shall be permitted to inarch out with their arms and all their personal and company property of every description what ever. . 5th. A safe conduct shall be given (pledging therefor the good faith and honor of the State of North Carolina. ) to the United States troops now evacuating the U. S. arsenal, through tbe State of North Carolina, to the coast ; nor shall they be molested in their proj erty or persons while within the limits of tbe State, or tbe wa ters thereof. 6th. Every facility for leaving the borders of North Carolina, shall be afforded to tbe with drawn command ; nor shall any impediment be thrown in the way to prevent the accomplish ment of this object. Tbe honor of the State demands the strict ex-, cutioa on her part of these terms, and all per sons are required to see that her good faith is sa credly kept. It is believed that the simple an nouncement of these conditions will secure to Major Anderson's command kind and respectful treatment. j W. H. C. WHITING, . Acting Inspector General. Pleasures of being a Witness. It Is a pleasant thing to be a witness on an important trial. : If we knew that a murder was about to be committed across the way, we are inclined to tbe opinion that we should put our boots through a course of rapid locomotion round tbe corner, beyond the range of sight and bearinr. to avoid the consequences of being a witness. Ten are called to the stand and place your hand'on a copy of Scriptures in sheepskin binding, . with a cross on one side and none on the -other, to accommodate either variety of Christian faith. . You are then arranged between two legal, gentlemen, one of whom smiles at you blandly, because yoa are on his side, the other eyeing you savagely for tbe opposite reason. Tbe gentleman ' who smiles proceeds to pump you of all you know, and having squeezed all he wants out of you, relentlessly bands you over to tbe other, who. proceeds,, to show you that you are entirely mistaken in your suppositions; that you . never saw any thing . that you have sworn to in vour life; in short that you have committed direct perjury. He wants to know if you have ever been in tbe State prison, and takes your denial with tbe air of a, man who thinks you ought to have been there. Asks you all the questions over again in different ways, and, tells you, with an awe-inspiring severity, to be careful what you aay. lie wants to know if he, understood you to say so and so, and wants to, know whether you meant something else. Having bullied yon and scared you out or your wits, and convicted you la the eyes varkation,' he lets you go.' the jury of pre- By and by, every body you out with is put on the. stand I bave ever fallen swear you are the largest Scoundrel they ever (new, and not to be believed under oath. Theiithe opposition counsel in summing up. paints your moral photograph to the jury as a character fit to be , banded down to all time as the ty pe of infamy : -as a man who has conspired " against innocence and virtue and stood convicted ' of tbe attempt. The judge, in his charge, .tells tbe jury if they ' believe your testimony, Ac, Ac, indicating that there is a judicial doubt of your veracity, and you go home to your wife, family, neighbors and acquaintances, a suspected man, ail because of your accidental presence on an unfortunate occasion. . Who would be a witness T . Taa Lettxrs or Marque. A Montgomery i correspondent says : Tbe Attorney-General, Mr. Benjamin, author izes me to say 'that the commissions for priva teers are being prepared, and will be issued as soon as Congress shall declare war, which it will undoubtedly do. Those intending to ap ply for them bad better be preparing their bonds, Ac. The instructions will contain a prohibition on tbe seizure of Cotton from Southern - ports, whether in British or American bottoms.- The application for letters of marque are numerous at New Orleans. I understand tbe blockade of our Southern ports, ordered by President Lin cola, does net include Cotton vessels. THE i , From Washington. WasHnraTOS, April 23d.- Capt. Elzey, of tbe Army, has resigned. It will be recollected that he commanded at Augusta Ga. Arsenal at tbe .f r r. j - ti. - i UN CI 113 SuITCXlucr. vu U13 SIIliAl iu iuis - ty he was ordered to Fort. Monroe, whither he went. He is a native or Maryland. ,ine current rumor is, and seems to be true that Col. May, of tbt same State, resigned yesterday. Uur neignoor, AKusoru, is m cvuuuvuwu to-day. The Confederate and State flag3 are flying in every direction, and every preparation is being made for war. Recruiting is progres sing actively. Three persons, whose feelings are antagonistic to tne secession -movement, were required to leave the citr. The Government here strengthening the troops at the public buildings to-night. The Capitol is surrounded with hastily thrown bp defences, while workmen, last night and to-day, have been barricading the Treasury Department. : In fact, precautionary movements are visible in every direction. I - A number of Washingtonians, who earnestly sympathize with the secessionists, have left the city for Virginia. One of the l river boats, the George Page, was employed by the Virginians last night on a secret service ;o me say for tbe transportation of troops and munitions of war. - Several prominent secessionists from Virginia yesterday paid a hurried visit" tq Washington. The Government has received a message from the Governor of Tennessee, in reply to a quota of troops from that'State. lie emphatically says he will not comply, but would rather furnish fifty thousand men against the North. . Troops from the North were all day expected to arrive here. Much solicitude is expressed con cerning thtn.' But it is generally believed that they will be successful in their journey hither. Whatever. truth there may be in the report of the concentration of troops about twelve miles from Washington, or six from Alexandria, it is certain that, the secessionists are earnestly at work, but there i3 no public knowledge of their plans and purposes. AsrOTHza Brutal Mcrder. We learned yes trdT from a reliable source that -the notorious Ben Soon, a negro belonging to a gentleman of ', . . , i .1 ..t- J Pitt county, whojias been advertised in this and Other newspapers and posted at every cross road in the county, for the last 10 or 12 months for shooting and killing young Chapman ofthi3 county, on the 9th inst., shot and killed Mr. Bo en Edwards Of Beaufort County. The particulars as we get- them from our in formant are the following : Mr. Ed wards learned by some meaiis thU the larking place of said nt gro was in a swamp on tbe plantation of Gene ral Blount, and' taking three other men with him, he penetrated the swamp in search of him, and rn hearing noise in the bushes be and one other man stepped upon a log to listen and try to discover from whence it proceeded, and while standing there the negro shot Mr. Edwards in the breast with a heavy charge killing him in stantly, and made his escape. Several persons then went in and found his camp and remained until late at night, when he or some one else came, and was fi-ed at, but not killed. -Subsequently a hat was found with two or three buck shot holes through the crown, also a shoe which wms lost in the mud, but the vil lian escaped. Mr. Edwards is said to have been a very worthy citizen about 42 years old. There has been a standing reward of some two or three thousand dollars offered for the arrest of this boy ever since be so brutally killed .Mr. Chapman, and we understand another thousand has been offered since tLe last occurrence. lt seems a little strange that some one-don' t get a pack of dogs and take him. It can easily be done at a cost of from one to two hundred dollars. Progress. Raise Corn and Meat. War is upon us and it is likely to be a long and bloody i contest, for theBlack Republican minions of Lincoln must be whippedinto submis sion. Soldiers must have, bread and meat, and as avenues through which we have received much of ourj provisions heretofore will be now closed against us we must produce enough for our wants. ; We must eschew tinsel and luxu ries and come down to a rigid economy. Every man in the South that can grow a barrel of corn or raise a pig the present year should do it. Let cotton go, only enough for home use, for we be lieve that it will strengthen our. position not to raise much cotton this year. Raise corn and meat these iwe .must have, and every man should do all be can in that way. To our own people here in North Carolina we say, plant corn plant all you can cultivate and make all you can ! mt I - l . mere win oe more money in u man in coi ton nextyear 'this time, and we must have bread or we cannot carry on the war. Progrest. m I N. C. Legislature. It will be seen by Gov. Ellis' proclamation that the Legislature is sum- ! moned to assemble on the 1st day of May. Tbe ! Governor's course, in acting thus promptly, is ! approved by all. ,; We hope the Legislature will . remain in session but a few days, and that it ' will adjourn, as soon as it passes a bill cal ling a Convention. A protracted session will cost tbe State a considerable sum, and it is well known the State has no money to pay for use less debates now. , The time for talking has pas sed let us act, and act promptly. And we hope tbe Convention will assemble by the 15th of May and that tbe Ordinance of Secession will be im mediately passed.. Tbe action ot tbe Convention should be final. There is no necessity for sub mitting it to the people. The State does not ac knowledge tne jurisdiction of Lincoln's Govern ment, and the sooner she is placed in the South ern Gavernoiet t he better it will be for the peo ple and their interests. Char. Democrat. Cowardly Conduct of the Massachusetts - . Troons. a '-.i-.J- , r f " r .ia . : r - if i ... uiuru us wmi uiaiporuua u. u.c aiaasacuus.s , Regiment which was unarmed, was permitted to pass through the city merely with such expres sions of public opinion as kicking them a pro cess which was performed all through the streets without their attempting to resist it I Another gentleman, also present, says that nothing could have been more sneaking and cowardly than the conduct of the retreating de tachment ofi the Massachusetts troops. They ran at the top of their speed, and whan compel led by the officers to fire, they, crouched upon their knees to avoid tbe rocks, and fired so high that the balls struck the second story windows of tbe houses. Richmond Dispatch. Resignation of Commodore Maury.' The resignation . of such an officer as Maury will carry moral weighs in favor of the South ern cause throughout tbe civilized world. There is bo American a3 widely known in Europe. Wherever science has shed a ray of light on tbe globe, there the came of Maury is as familiar as a household word. Kings and Courts, philoso-? phers and statesmen, have vied with each other in showering - honors upon his head. Tne, ex traordinary and beneficent labors of Maury, fcr the commerce of the. world, have associated his i associaicu nis came in the minds of mankind wi un an mat is truly great and good. The adhesion of such n man to the Southern Cause will cause men abroad to reflect, and will exert infinitely more influence than would that of Scott. . Europe is crowded with military men, far more eminent than Scott, who is scarcely known outside the limits of our own country, iand even then only as a soldier ; but wherever the sea rolls a wave, Maury is known and reverenced as a great, light, and a benefactor of his race; 1 j Business is almost entirely suspended in this city communication even with Washington has ceased and. we hear nothing scarcely from the North the mail boats on the Potomac have all been seized by the government at Washington vessels comiuz up the river are frequently stop ped at Fort Washington, and. tbe heavy sound of cannon from that quarter, every now and then as h signal to vessels, to stop, is beard in our streets. There has been nothing like this here since tbe last ,war with Great Britain; and, we question if there waahen greater prostration of trade, and more excitement, than there is at present. The oldeV citizens say these are "war times indeed." There is tmentxx of sentiment, and a union of feeling and ' action in this whole community .Alex Gazette. The Rage of New York. The insane fury of New York arises from pure ly mercenary, motives. She is concerned about tbe golden eggs which are laid for her by; tbe Southern goose with the sword. - Let us assure her we have more fear of her smiles than of her, frowns. New .York will be remembered with especial hatred by tbe South to the end of time. Boston we have always known where to find, but this New York, which has never turned against us till the hour of trial, and is now mov ing heaven and earth for oar destruction, shall be a marked city to the end of Ixmt.-Riehmond Dtrpeich, WILMINGTON DAILY Privateering and Piracy. '. That chief of Pirates, Abraham Lincoln, has issued a crazy Proclamation declaring that it is his purpose to treat armed vessels, sailing under letters of marque from the Confederate . States, as pirates, and to hold them; if captured, sub ject to the laws of piracy .-r-Tbis, observes tbe Enquirer, 3 an absurdity, which could only emanate from a miserable Black Republican lawyer. All the world knows that the law of nations recognizes the "militia of tbe seas" as a legitimate arm of effensive service. For hun dreds of years the policy of every nation has been to cripple, by.all available means, the commerce of an enemy. ; In the last war with Great Brit ain our privateers swarmed upon the ocean. .Mr. Marcy, Secretary of State under Pierce, in able paper, maintained the right and the policy of privateering, and refused to enter into a con vention with the Europea Powers to abolish it. . .- ! The Proclamation will have no effect in stop ping privateers. Men who go upon, such enter prises go with their lives in their hands, and, if the laws of civilized warfare and the whole usage of the United States are to be disregarded, by hanging privateers men -when taken as pirates, the South will most assuredly bang all their Re publican prisoners in like manner. The insane threat of tbe piratical Government shows what is their weak spot, and we shall strike home at it with all our force. Richmond Ditpatch. Ths Rc&siax Cojtsci. Killed. About nine o'clock on Thursday morning, Mr. John deNa treck, the Russian" Consul, and his wife, were enjoying a ride on horseback in tbe Central Park, New York, when the animal which Mr. De Nattreck was riding took fright and became wholly unmanageable- The horse ran from the Pirk to the Bloomingdale road, and thence down Broadway at a furious rate, Mr, Dc Natreck having relinquished the rein, and clung to the neck of tbe animal. At 40th st. Mr. De Nattreck was thrown from bis saddle, and fell head fore most to the pavement. . Death ensued within an hour after the accident' occurred. His lady fol lowed the run-away horse, and reached the spot where her husband was thrown a few minutes after be had been taken to the station , .1- - -3 a- Thebody was subsequently conveyed to the late residence ol deceased, No. 47 L.atayette place. Return of Massachusetts Regiment. Philadelphia, April 20.-Col. Small's regi ment returned last night. ' Six men there of were wounded by the stones thrown at Baltimore. A large number are missing. ' i ! I I ': ; A ' other Response. According to a Memphis paper, the following is reported to be theanswer of Governor Rector, of Arkansas, to Lincoln's requisition for volunteers: "Yours received calling for a regiment of vol unteers from Arkansas,. Xary o e see you dma first!'" The SoirrnERN Commissioners to Ecrope. We learn by private advices from Havana that the Commissioners of the Confederate States to the States of Europe had arrived in that city, where they were received with distinguished courtesy by the Captain General, during their stay on the Island they visited, in company with him, all the magnificent fortifications which guard the harbor of Havana. Uhor. Mercury. Woeth Knowing. As "fly time" is marly upon us. we mav remind our readers that it is said that if three or four onions arc boiled in pint of water, and the liquid is brushed over glasses or frames, the flics will not light upon the articles washed. Thi3 may be used withou apprehension, as it will not do the least injury to the frames. ' Delaware for Secession Philadelphia, April 20. The Government has taken jossession of the Baltimore roud.'The Delaware State arms are in possession of the Secessionists. The Governor of Delaware has not responded to the requisition of the President and will not. From Fort Moultrie. A gentleman ofBal timore, who has a son ia Fort Moultrie, has received a; letter from bim stating Ui at not one of the soldiers in that fortress was injured during the engagement. This is stated as a positive fact and true beyond doubt. Charlemagne's Boxes. An inspection of the bones of Charlemagne - took place at Aix-la Chapelle t 1 ? the other day. ihe remains were found in excellent preservation. Careful pho tographs were taken of the wrappers irr which the remains of Charlemagne bad rested for so many centuries; they were of a beautiful silken tissue. , Georgia Volunteer Force The whole num berof volunteer military companies in the State of Georgia is 218, in which some 15,000 men are enrolled. Lincoln does'nt think much of the size of Ma ryland it took him so short a time to get through it. ISTe w .dvertiseraents St. John's JjOdge No. 1. XEGULAK MEETING this evening. at 7K ri o'clock. apr 25 T. M. GARDNER, Sec'y. TISTOL HOLDERS, Gun and Body Belts, I Cartridge Boxes and Knapsacks, manufac tured to order at apr 25 WILSON'S. CI WORDS, Pistols, Sashes, Epauletts and other Military Trappings, furnished to order at it ILoU ?l o Harncs. Tent, Saddlery, Leather and apr 25 Oil Establishment. CARTRIDGE PAPER. SMOOTH, hard, light paper, suitable for making Cartridges, can be had at , apr 25 v uiiAKtiK o.; i e w liooa store. The Battle of Fort Sumter, A ND. First Victory of the Scut hern Troops, r April 13th, lebl. r ull accounts ot the liom bard m en t, with sketches of thecenea. incidents, Ac. Just published. r sale at apr 25 WHISKER'S New Book Store. Books for the Times. rilHE greatest assortment Of Military worke,in- clading lactics lor Intantry, Uavalry and Ar tiTTery, for sale at apr 25 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. ! r ' ' Heary Artillery. TNSTRUCTIONS for neavy Artillery, prepared A by a Board of Umcers tor the use ot the Army ol the united states, just re-puJDiisnea. For eale at apr 25 WHITAKER'S Nfew Book Store. Mattrasses and -Pillows. . COMPANIES can be furnished with th s above at TerT low priet.g br caiiing at . - C POLVOGT'S apr 25 UphoLstering and Papering Store. M ILITARY RIDING BRIDLES, BITS and Spurs, furnished to order at S 4 -' apr , - - i- viijau' 1 TILITARY Riding Saddles for sale at 1VL apr 25 1 WILSON'S. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES. , PARKERSBURG. ' f f ' Fresh Raisins, Fresh Butter, " Figs, Cheese, Segars. Prunes, " Citron, " ' "Nutmegs, ' " Mace, " " Buckwheat ' A B a C Sugar, r Crashed " f " Tobacco. ' Ale, - f. Porter, Raisins, Loaf Sugar. Granulated do. Elegant Hams, dec 10 WORTH A DANIEL. ORK 50 bbla. S. Y. City Mess Pork, for sale dee 7 bv ZENOH. GREENE. SIO REWARD. 4 REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS will be paid tor the apprehension and delivering to me of Y, a negro girl about 14 years of age, of spare figure, rather sharp features, and stutters badly in . talking. - When suddenly surprised or much agitated, the can scarcely speak at all. She had on when she left a blue striped dress and red shawl. - ' 'Iff " Any person -convicted of harboring or aiding said negro, shall, receive the full penalties, which tht law inflicts on such crimes. ' apri!9-dlw - ID. CASHWELL. GHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choice Western Bacon Sides and Sbouldejs. -For sale bv dec 21 : HATHA WAYA CO. COFFEE. ' BIO, LAGUAYRA, Java and St. Domis store, and for sale bv 1 janlO -. , - "ZENO H- GREENE. HERALD, THURSDAY Head Quarters Fort CaswelLl Order No. - - ' : . " : ' To the Officer t and Member i of Companiet Sta tioned at Fort Catxell : r f You are hereby1 ordered to report for duty at nead Quarters, Fort Caswell, on the 26th inst.; By order.Colonel Commanding, j T. Wj Baows, Adj' t. ,1 S. ALL PERSONS haying bills against the Quarter Master's Department, made previous to this date, will please hand them to the Quarter Master, or leave them ajt the office of Rankin A Martin to be audited. Bills are required in du plicate. : . ! . j April 25tb;l861. , St. Tolunteers Wanted.: ! a I nroDose to raise a com pan v of one hundred men to be tendered to tbe State or Confede rate Government for service during the war of the Black Republican administration upon the South. Persons wishing to join will please leave their names at my ollice on North Wa ter street. Eear the corner of Market. This will be a good chance lor young men irom tne coun try want to see service. WM. B. PLANNER.! - April 20th, 1861. j HEAD QUARTERS 39th RGT N. C. M. Smithville, April 17th, 1861. Order.No. 2. : i tThe Companies composing the 39th Regiment N.'C. Militia, are hereby ordered to hold them selves in readiness, armed and ' equipped, j to march o the relief of Forts Caswell and Johnston, when required. ' Bv order of j . " Col. II. N. HOWARD. Thos. Hill, Adj't. p 20 .... . -, - HEAD QUARTERS CAPE FEAR LIGHT ARTILLERY COMPANY, ORDER NO. 1. j I Fort Johnson, N. C, April 1, IBCl: Members of this Company not on active duity, are hereby commanded to report themselves a ud appear for drill every night (Saturday excepted) at 8 o'clock, at J. M, Stevenson's off.ee. Mem bers whose business engagements are such as to preclude tbe possibility of immediate active ser vice, are earnestly requested so to arrange their affairs as to report for garrison duty withm f tie uk from . Vour Comnanv has beta en rolled I as a part of tbe artillery regiment of the of North Carolina, and your officers nre lissioned. The la3 will be rigidly enfore- state ol 'commissioned, ed. By order of the Captain, W. A. Frexch, O. S. J. J- IIEDRICK ORDER NO. 2. ! . A mail bag will be left at the Store of Hedrk k & Ryan, for the reception of letters and papers for members of the Company ; also, a depot will be established there, for the'purposeof forward iug packages and parcels. Privates, T. H. IIow ey, Jas. II. Ryan, and W. A. Wilson, are daily detailed for the above purpose. By order I Captain J. J. HEDRICK. W. A. FaE.vcit O. S.- jCO-All packages or letters for Capt. E.;D. Hall's Company-will le left at Baldwin's Qlo thixg Stork. i T' The Surgeon of the Regiment at the Forts will be grateful to the ladies of Wilmington, if they will make bandages and lint for the use of the Regiment. The : bandages should be from 2 to 3 inches wide and 6 yards long. ; "All packages or communications for members of the Cape Fear Riflemen must be left with Mr. Wm, M. Poisson, at the office of Wm. B. Flanner & Co., near the corner of Market and Water streets. ' , "ANDERSON" "Eg, Tenders his services, free ofcharge, to the Military, for the transportation of Baggage to and from Railroads and" Steam Boats. Orders left on Slate at Messrs.- Hedrick & Ryan's store, shall have prompt attention. apr 25-lt NEW TICKET ! Commissioners' of Navigation and For Pilotage. M. MacINNIS, V : WM. B. FLANNER WM. L DeROSSET, . E. W. HALL, A, LAMONT. . ' ! The above named gentlemen will serve, if elected. It is hoped the patriotic citizens of: Wilmington will vote for them the first Monday in May next. april 11-tm OLD BOARD. FOR COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. T. C. WORTH, GEORGE HARRISS, i . J. H. FLANNER, , DAN'L M. FOYLES, -WM. M. HAPRISS. W. C. Fergus, one of the Old Board, having re moved to Mobile, Mr. Foyles' name has been sub stituted, ap 19 te FOR CASH ONLY. AS we have to pay the Cash for everything we get now, we are compelled to require it of .our customers. We require all the money we can get to enable us to supply such, things in our line as are needed Our friends will greatly ob lige us by handing in the few small amounts due at WHITAKER'S New Book Store, ap 23 OIL OIL. N EATS FOOT Machinery, Lard. Train, Tan ners and Bark Oil. Vt j SKINS --SKINS. SHEEP, Shark, Hog,.. French and American Calf, Lining, Binding, Seal and Chamois skins. LEATHER LEATHER. TTARNESS, Bridle, Skirting, Band, Oak and I 1 Hemlock sole, Fancy Patent Enameled, Wax and Patent Leather, at "WILSON'S Harness, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, OVERSEER WANTED. A MAN well acquainted with the cultivation of Rice and the management; of negroes,, is wauted immediately, to .take charge of a Rice Plantation, near Wilmington, N. C. i The force employed is .about 35 handy. Liberal wages will be paid, j Apply to i .. ' . 4- DsROET, BROWN A Co. Wilmington, N. C. April 22, 1861 ap 22-tf f BANK OF CAPE FEAR. V Apeie 17th, 1861. J DIVIDEND 103. A semi-annual Dividend pf Fire per cent, has been-declared, payable at the Principal Bank and Branches, on and after 1 May. 1 - v ' ap 22 H. R. SAVAGE, Cashr:j BANK OF CAPE FEAR.) i April 17tb, 1861. 1 STOCKHOLDERS M E E T 1 N G.-r The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Banking House, in Wilmington, on Thursday, tbe 2d day of May. , ap ii ; n tt. sa v AUfi, uasn r. ! A LL persons indebted to us previous to. April J 1st, will confer a.great favor on us by coming forward and settling their bills. We are in spe-i cial need of money and must have it. We trust all will respond. " ap 22 WORTH A DANIEL. ATTENTION! 7"E are forced, by the state of the times, to f decline sellinir any eroods. except for eas-hJ e intend carrying out this rule strictly. i ap 22 WORTH A DANIEL. I . NOTICE. -. . '( ON and after this date, .no goods will be delir- ered, unless paid for in advance. My business will be conducted strictly on the Cash principle in future. ' ' , . . . i I have reduced prices to suit the times ; and be-1 ing compelled to pay casb, cannot sell except for cash, under any circumstances. ' . . . j ap 20 C. l'VL OG11T. I MATCHES. I ( GROSS Clark's Ftiction 31atches,'in quarteif 1 Vf grosses, for sale fey april 12 w ZENO D.-GREENE. LAMPS TO HIRE. I ILLUMINATING APPARATUS, for Balls, Part . ties, Public Meetings, Ac, can bb hired on very reasorapie terms, ot tne immitaDie jan 8 CASSIDEY'. T? ASTERN HAY. 200 bales of the best Eestern Jrj Hay in market. For sale by r . .. j "dec 21 HATHAWAY A CO. WANTED TO HIRE, FOR the balance of the year, four or five able bodied Negro Men. lJ ! O. O. PARSLEY A CO. ! april P "ST Journal copy dAtf. EASTERN HAY. BALE3 Eastern Hay, ex schr. 150 for sale, low, from wnarf, by jan 9 ELLIS i MITCHELL. EVENING, APRIL 25. r COFFEE 1 - r 650 SJ BAGS fair to prime Rio CoITee, lor saie lots of. 5 bags ana over ah on eUlivcrit. by L ap 20 JJATUAWAY Co. i S. C. CORN WHISKEY. A SUPERIOR article for sale by v. t apriltT i ! f WORTH A DAMEL. SUGARS. ! B. and C Sugars, -11 Ef BBLS. A. XJLO 5 hhds. N. For sale by mar 6 i WORTH A DA"ILi, . Front street. EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER. Ci PC KLUS just to hand, , from 20 to 23 cents, a ZD jdee 11 J j gQ. MYERS'. CHARLES DICKENS "XTEW WOKKt-A Message irom the Seas, aa lN the Uncommercial Traveller. By Charles Dickens, (Bor, author of the Pickwiek Papers, etc., complete in one large duodecimo rolmne, cloth, at' $1,25, or a cheap edition in paper 50 cents per voL, at 1 aprii2 KELLEY'S New Beok tore, ' PREPARE FOR WAR! VALUABLE MILITARY WORKS '.. !At KELLEY'S Boolq Store. Gillham's Manual for Volunteers and Militia; Caralry Tactics, by order of tire War Depart ment ; ' Scott's Infantry Tactics ; Hardee's Hifle and Infantry Tactics : The Volunteer's Hand Book, ap 22 ' ,- , CANDLES. BO.XES Adamantine Candle-, 20halfboxesj ,; " 60 10 boxes perm . : , For ?ale bv t april 12 i ZEXO II. GREENE. I ONE VERY HANDSOME MIXK SETT, I Ladies Furs, Victorine and Cufl. The most fashionable Fur now wont, witi e soli at .Manufacturers' wholesale prices, at tht- Ffnpr.i-iuin. Children's setts ot rura, AT COST! . HAT COST! v AT COST At 34 Mark, t StreMt, ! M Market Street, ., gec31 I MYERS & MOORE. FOR Wl k-w A uoZEJ r)) 300 do IIOLESALE BUYERS: OZEX Palm Lcat Hats, dozeni Leghorn Hats, , .... 50 dozen Panama Hats, 100 dozen Canton Braid Hats, 100; dozen Seneltj, Maracaibo, Dunstable and ,! Fancy Straws, i 200 dozen Black Soft Hats, high and low Crowns, 200: dozen Light Colored Soft Hats, high and low Crowns, J i 1 200 dozen Cloth and Glazed Caps, 100 dozen Umbrellas, j 200 Trunks, assorted, ; : Bonnets, ; Bloomers.. Flats, L Canes, I Military Goods, Ac. &c. Ac. &c AtN'er v low prices, bv the ease or do:eu, at i " ; 3'4 2farket street, apriU ; MYERS & MOORE. PLUMS. 1 BBL. Plums, for sale by feb 2 free of stones, hist received and J R. BLOSSOM & CO. rpHE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, in town, war I ranted in all cases, to be had of dec 29 WORTH & DANIEL. FAMILY FLOUR. WE have the best Family Flour in town, and we warrent each ancl every barrel and package, it cot good, to be returned, dec 12 j WORTH & DANIEL. CINCINNATI BACON. o 1 HHDS. choice Baeon Sides and Shoulders i i ' now landing, april t .- . For sale low for cash, by HATHAWAY & CO i THE CONDUCT OF LIFE. l3 1 R. W Emmerson. Third supply received r) this morning by Sxpress, at april WHITAKER'S New Rook Store. ONE OF THEM. CHARLES LEVER, author of Chas O'Mal ley, etc. A-few more copies received thin morning, at april 2 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. CRITICAL , A ND Miscellaneous Ejsays, collected and re XX. published, revised, enlarged and annotated by the author. 4 vols, on fine tinted paper; It has a copious index; and new portrait, by Thomas uariyie, ana ior saie at apHl 18 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. $5 REWARD. RUN An AY from the Subscriber, on the 1st inst., jah, a Drijrht mulatto boy. with freckles on his face, and a scar on his left cheek, caused by a rising. ;. The boy is bound to the subscriber, and is well known about town. . The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me at Ellis & Mitchell's." april 10-2w EPHRAIM WESCOTT. CASH. E shall be obliged to resort to the exclusive Cash principle for Groceries. We adverti sed monthly settlements, but failing to have a com pliance to the same; and havins- to send funds in advance for our goods, renders it necessary to re sort tcoe Cash System. ' i Very respectfully, ap 18, 1861. V GEO. MYERS. SYNONYMES AND ALGEBRAS. RAHAM'S English Synonymes, JLoomis' Algebra, at dec 9 KELLEY'S New Book Store. CINCINNATI PORK. OA A BARRELS extra heavy Cincinnati Rump d)J and Mess Pork now landing.: For sale low for cash by april i HATHAWAY & CO. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAY, received and. for sale at T?OR r1 april 19 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINEfor May, ctived and for sale at 1 re pl l9 WHITAKER'S New Book Store. SOUTHERN PUBLICATIONS : De Bow's Re view, .-outhern Literary Messenger, North Carolina University Magazine, Southern Cultiva tor, Southern Family Journal. Southern FiId Jh , Fireside, and daily paperssfrom various points ftoutnat w 111 TAKER a New Book Store. apl 19 - i 1 .j .- i NEW CORN, AFLOAT. 2 9 AH BUSHELS Prime White New Crop wUv Corn -now landing, for sale by jau 10 ? ELLIS & MITCHELL. CANDY. I BOXES Assorted Candy, in 25 lb. boxes, ll S " " !' ; 50 " " Just received and! for sale by april 12 S ZENO II. GREENE. STEAM BOAT FOR SALE, N ACCOMMODATING terms, t V a stem-wheel Steam Boat, U lu feet long4 tonsJ Engine. 80 J horsepower good speed, and about 5 yeais old. april 4-1 m Apply to ELLIS A.MITCHELL. PORK PORK. 1 BBLS, New York City Mess; just received I y and for bale low for cash, bv dec II ' i j ZEN O II. GREENE. KEROSENE LAMPS. A large supply, suitable fcr stores, for sale very cheap with Oil, at . dec 7 j CASSIDEY'S. WOLFE'S LIQUORS. ENUINE Schiidam Schnapj f, VjT j Very Pure Brandy. fcnerrv inc.- Madeira " Port; " For saie bv I j WORTH A DANIEL. dec IS CORNS AFLOAT. A f)(( BUSHELS prime White, now lan tf-VUV ingper sc,hr. Crinoline. For sale I n. OA ! I S 'T t ta . Tm . . by a'p 24 ELLIS A MITCHELL. MEMBERS OP HORSE ARTILLERY TILL LEAVEj their measures for1 hats, this MYERS A MOORE'S, jj 54 Market street. f dav, at april 17 COFFEE-FEE. FU V BAGS Rio Coffee 20 doLaguayra do 5 As tJXJ St. Domingo ido 20 mats Java do in store. and for sale low ior I casb. by dec II, f ZENO H. GREENE- BLACK OATS. 'AA BUSHELSj heavy Black Oatajust ree'd. OUl For sale by J . apriU w I .. I ELLIS A MITCHELL. WHTE BEANS. O MALL LOT, J6rsal by k j april 4 ELLIS, A MITCnELL. YYHITE OATS. Of! A A BUSHELS 1 Heavy New York State UUU Oata. ;Foc sale by - jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL. 1861. EW ORLEANS SYRUP. 20 barrels of dec 21 ? , lUluaitAi v" C CHOICE BACON. 22 hhds. choica West- ANTICIPATIONS of the Future, To serve as Lessons for the Present Time, in the form oi extracts of Letters from an English Resident in the United states, to the Lonuon Times, rroa 1864 to 1870. With an Appendix on the Cause and Consequences of the Independence of t tie South. Jmt published. Received and for sale at feb'20 VIIITAKER New Book tore. WHITE AND BLACK SEED OATS. Just arrived per schr. Alba. 1000 bushels prime White Oats. 500 do do Black Seed Oats, fel 23 Forfaleby ELLIS A M1TCIILI.L. JUTE ROPE. 30 COILS best Jute Rope, for sale bv ZEtVO II. liREEN. DOT 28 ALMANACS FOR 1801. mrnTRS Vnrth Carolina, Almanacs, at KEI- r m i asv ' I LEY'S BOOK SlUKt dec 11 TO ARRIVE. 500 TtTiLS FLOUR. Arplvto nor 27 STOKL1 STOKLL'Y & OLDHAM. FLOUR T7AM1LY, Super and ; Fayetteville and clnnv nYiil fur pale V ilmin'Tton losnection, in by. (dec 11) ZEXO II. GREENE. A QUESTION FOR MATIIEMATI i CIANS AND ECONOMISTS. IF I860 feet of gas is consumed throughi'ight burners, in 9 nigbU, at a cost of $5 per thou sand feet, bow much is consumed by each burner per hour? at what cost, and what would he the cost of an equal amount of light obtained frm Kerosene Oil? Answer: There is consumed by. each burner, 25 feet per night, or 6 feet per hour, at a cost of 6 cents jer hour per burni-r Four Kerosene Lamps afford as much light as h gas burners; 4 gallons of Kerosene Oil will supply 4 lamps one month, which, at S1.20 per gallon, is Si Rflnw month, or a cost of one cent vvr hour per lamp: therefore, by burninggas, the expense is; j only six nunarea per cenium grcaver ium . Kerosene Oil, which, with Lamps, can be had at the RENDEZVOUS of the Inimitable jan 12 CASSIDKY -TT1S A HISTORICAL FACT that South Caro-. je lina liaa Keceded! ' Tbisthev would not hive en prepared to do, if some of her citiiena had not bought Kerosene oil and. lamps. , as well as a great variety of Fancy articles, suita ble for the Holidays Candy, Nuts, c. e., of the patriotic CASSlfJEY. dec 21 YU'TL1 liOl'H AND TWINE. 2yCoils best'Jute I Rope, Bagging Twine. For sale bv eleel ZENO II. d RE EX n ' I GRANDE EDITION ; LES MODtiS FRAXCAISFS, Journal des Tail leurs. just received. Also, one case newly imported Colored Cassimeres for Business Suit.. We have a Sample Book in advance of importa tions to arrive. Having one of the best New York Cutters, tvo can turn out garments equal in every respect, to any in the Northern cities. Gentlemen. of Wilmington, of New Hanover county, Bladen, Samson, Duplin, Brunswick, Cum berland, Wake, Anson, and elsewhere, are respect fully requested to call and leave their measures at BALDWIN'S, 3S Market street, Wilmington, N. C. april 10-dtfcw 20 MYERS & SO 20 .20 20 MOORE. 20 TWENTY NEW STYLES For Gents, Youths, Boys and Children New Shapes Handsome assortment at 34 Market street. 34 34 34 34 april 10 ; MYERS A MOORE. M. E. DYE & CO., BOOKSELLEHS AND STATIONERS, Keep constantly on hand all kinds of School Books, Bibles, Testaments, Standard Religious Works, Poetical and Biographical Works, Com mentaries, Sunday School Libraries, Blank Books, Scrap Books, Pens, Ink, Paper, Pencils, Envel opes, &c. Also, a variety of light reading. Presbyterian Building, - april 12-lyw Fayetteville, N C. NORTH CAROLINA ALL. RIGHT. THE invincible and unterritied of both Divis ions Wilmington Militia are out, to-day, in all the pomp and circumstance of glorious war (in a horn. ) Now woe be to the enemy that shall be so unfortunate" as to stand before the valiant troops, for there certainly will be, e'er the sun goes down, " Duch no knurd gib." The Inimitable continues to sell Kerosene Lamps and Oil, at the Rendezvous. feb 2 Stewart's C. Sugar. NOW LANDING from schr L. P. Smith 25 bbls; STEWART'S C. SUGAR, 5 " ' " A. Sugar, 10 1 Crushed Sugar. For saTe bv ZENO H. GREENE. feb 2 MYERS fe MOORE " fV HAVE the largest and best assortment of TRUNKS. ? MYERS & MOORE Have the best made TRUNKS. MYERS A MOORE Sell Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Ac, at lower prices than you. can buy elsewhere. L.OOK at our trunks at ol Market street, april 12 . SALE OF FLORIDA BONDS. N the 29th inst., will be offered for sale at the Court House, in the town of Wilmington. internal improvement lionds of the State of Flor ida. to the amount of fifty-five thousand dollar?. lerms made known at time ot sale. By order of President. ! . JAMES S. GREEN, april 13-t29 Treasr Wil A Wei. R. R. Co. : THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS leave to inform bis old customers, and the public generally, that he will onen out. in a lew aays, an entirely new stock of Fashion able Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hosiery and No- uons. aiso, juaitings ana vil Cloths, all widths, which he will sell very low for cash, at the Old Stand, next door to the Commercial Bank; april 12-lw DAVID AARON. MOLASSES. 1VT E W CROP Cuba Molasses, in bbls. and hhds. -X. i For said by april 12 ZENO II. GREENE. LADIES' AND GENTS' DRESSING and "travelling Trunks for sale at WILSON'S. . NGLISn Sole Leather Trunks for sale at ' WILSON'S. ATEST Style of French Trunks for sale at WILSON'S. RACKING Trunks, of every description, for U sale at WILSON'S. ENGLISH Sole Leather and Boston Valises for sale at WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Estab- iiaument, no. a .Market strg jt. april 12 OIL MEAL. 50 bushels justreceived, forsaley april 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. LARD. NOW LANDING from Schr Sea Bird, 5 bbls. Western Lard a snlendid article. IN STORE . 15 Kegs N. C. Lard, in good packages, 5 " Western Lard, in small packaj ees.1 dec 4 For sale by Z. II. GREENE. NEW FLOUR 1 In bags and bbls. For sale by dec 1 STOKLEY A OLDHAM 17NGLISH , CHEESE. 25 Box s selected En- I J ghsh Cheese, just received at aeu 4 . WORTH A DANIEL. THOSE CHOICE HAVANA S have come, at dec 6 WORTH A DANIEL'S. 1 dec 21 USCOVADO SUGAR. 20 hhds. nrime to choice Muscovado Sugar. For sals by HATHAWAY A CO. TO SHIPPERS. r A LARGE supply or3ills Iiading, bound and in sheets, at april 2 KELLEY'S New Book Store : TO-DAY--NEW AND FRESH. " STR. PARKERSBURG. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN something new, ' New Beef Tongues, . Yeast Powders," '' Smoked Beef Buckwheat, ' Rye Flour, Butter, 60 bbls. C. Sugars, Raisins, 10 A- 10 bbls. B. Suirars. . 10 " Crushed, Granulated and Powdered, 25 boxes choice Yellow Cheese. WORTH A DANIEL, jn 3 ,2 Granite Row, Front street. a , . FOR SALE. rlIESubscriber oflers for sale a track of land J! lying in the lower part of Bladen County, containing one hundred and sixty-eight acres up land and swamp, lying on the south-west side of White Oak Swamp, adjoining the lands of Augus tus Millers and othcrs, and further description is unnecessary. Apply to the subscriber at Wilmington. april 8. - ; C. D. RUSS. : PASQUOTANK CORN. I j Oft Bushels Corn, on board Schooner C. II. AAeJLI CnrbeODer. from Elizabeth Citr.. inat ar. 1 rived. For sale by . f ' . zr j ' april f JOS. R. BLOSSOM A CO. j Special jsTot i,i,.s- WB OPEN NO NEW ACCOUNT: And cannot afford to continue any, ur. , 1 rumpi paring culm,-r. Those who owe us will ronf. r iT. paying promptly. ap 19 eod-lw , si I:.I.Uviv Cash on Deliverv r purchase Military Accoutre iim. We pay Cash to the Working In Our emplvr. . , , W e are compelled to adopt ih,. ft,'..' Mm! adker to it itrictly. T We have a Urge force of the bt t Mdit.rv , men employed aDd can eiiyut all i,r. ,i ,, lin. v . S. IIALIW, . Civic and Military nothing f, -spl8, eod dltw 3i Mirl,.,',. LARGE CONTRACTS FOR CAS COMPANIES wanting' Uniformi, etnb.. plied promptly, if th-y contract it!, ' 'V . ' ' ' UAI.DWlN P IS Im-Cod 3-Ma,krt SCSfor The Office of MA JOU toe ctn imuion of .North . of mend Dr. JAS. F. McREK, Jr.,. n Mu!,(l, ', son to till said ollice. j I.K'ction to take plsce the 27th ir.'t. april 13 U- MANY oyU y. Cr "AVE WE A HOI'KIION A M o , fiV- t7 I'S? is not now On- u vt it i hurt' ve An Aurwr A monut t ? i th, 1.,, , , r f A intt rrogatorr can rx-ai.sworoil bv c Jilhi RY'S A THOMPSON'S (iAI.La. ..,,.1 ... 1 ing there beautiful Pho(ngr h at.l h. t,t,', etc., at M'Z ALT II t ' april 10-Cd rT-cP TO T.IIE "TOT Kits OK NKW Un jCKSOVER COUNTY. I ,,.., ,, , j sel( as a candidate for the Cl-fkrnji ..( U." , nor Court of New HaiioYcr Count at th.-. ,N-,-t. in August next, and rcsprrtfullv .lint ,,u. frage. . april J WM. M. II Al;l;lv . TO THE VOTKUS K ir OVER COUNTY. 1 am , a.! , v. for the ollice of SuperiorTCourt CI01 kk aii, 1,., ,, fully solicit your votes at th. election ni Au.,, next. fai'.tilR JUMPS W. Wi;u;nV ' 1 : :- TO THE VtfrEUS OF M.W ,n OVER COENTY.-rl otl.-r Candidate for the ollire of Sri;KKln; t of 1,7 CLEKK, and respectfully wlicit ur , t. . ai fi,..' ensuing election ih Augut ti' xt. 11. A. Iii,, al 5-te TO THE VOTEUS OK U iv ' OVER COUNTY. II..pinS il,t (. heretofore di.xtbarged the lutiei of tli-o'l Clerk of the CoilntyCurt of thin Contitr () (... satisfaction of nil concerned, and r tui niu (,,; m- thanks for j-our former liheral nij. 1. 1 , sjjiectfully i.lfer myself as a candidate fi r-.; tion to tho office, at the enuinn ch rtion, ii. first Thursday in August. uiar21-f . SAMUEL K."i:t;.TINU. We are authorized to aniiMuncr 11W 4'E.yNELL, Jr., r rundi t.-!, the office of County Court Clurk ot Ha-.i county, at the election' in August nU March 12, 1SGJL'. Administrator's Notice. pST ALL PERSONS ind. ht.-d t the V.Ul Andrew .Maclean, are henby specially iidtili.-! that if -they do not setlle bof.ro that tinir, ih-r will be sued or warranted, as the cae may r-in! at June Court, 16C1. ThU 14 without rfiTi atiwi.' or exception. 1 havo not the time to call m t! debtors separately, and therefore' notify th-w t!.( they will be all treated alike. inar2Mm ! JOHN DAWSON, AJm'r. . old " ; . SACHEM HITTERS, and Wi,,,., Tonic. See ad rcr lineman t. ForalLt janlMf . WA lk er m ea h is. coughs, colds, Xxn lunc; div . EASES. r r , Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, .Asthma, Ci..u., Whooping Cough,1 Diseases of tke Throat, ( l,.-.t and Lungs, however long standing and m rrr 10 character, are quickly cured by that long tri.l efficient and faithful remedy Wl.STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD HI KICK I . The universal opinion fully acrorU with tt lately expressed by the " SaratogUn," Im l. Mw "Wistar's Balsam has achieved many rt-mat Ll.' cures f Pulmonary disorders it auccfin l ti grCat that taken in time it is deemed a Pnf..' The thousands of Certificatcrtn the hamfi ( propretors from those who from lon)r uff-mt disease have been "redeemed, rcgenerat thralled,'"and now by this reine7y enjuv iiKtnum ty from, paha and suffering, are still better i '! iif 1 of the fact. ' . . Still More Testimony. Ahdover.N. 1L, Oci. IS, KV. Messrs. S. W. Fowle, A Co., Ro(.ton.i i-tV men : I have an earnest desire that all f.f r.ti sufl'eringfrom pulmonary coropUinUthculJ luo the wonderful virtues of Dr. Wiitar't IluUnm Wild Cherry, and make the following fining t; with the hope that some skeptical person n. induced to give him a trial :. Six years since I was attacked w ith a ti'.i.!. cough,,and resorted to physicians, firt t and next abroad, of acknowledged k ill and rj 0 tktion, and made ; us of many patent m lirii,. without the slightest benefit. The diseaso. augmenting to such a degree f defy the skill of the physicians, and the li" '' friends, I was induced, as a lant resort, to make trial of your popular Balsam, w ithout any rV dunce in its merits, as that bad been d lroT4 numberless trials of adrertfjtd tantrums, ftut i! ellectwas magical I Jly friend were apaln h"f ful, and I was astonished at tbe rapid rhn 11 racking cough, the severe pain in my id-, anl d' lugingnight sweats, which had redu'tfd mralirw: to ask eleton, abated, and I was sooa4n a fair of recovery, and by a continued usetjf the rc dy was restored to good health. Yours, very truly. ; GEO. WCHASK. Caution to Purchasers. Tbe only fjcr.u Wistar's Iialfam bas the written signature f " ' Bdtts," and the prinUd one of the Propri-iM the outer wrapper; all other is vile anJ-wr' les Prepared bv SETH W. FOWLE A CO.. ! ton, and sold bv IIEMtY 51 U- jan 1 NOTICE IS berby given that the place cf " Mat.-r . chinist," for the Wilmington, CharMtr Rutherford Rail Road Company, will he LII-d I? the Board of Directors, at thrir Vegular wi"- to be held in Charlotte on the 2Ut dar of M' next. The salary w ill not exceed $1200 prr an num. Applications, statinir amount of alar f f juired, may be addressed to the I'r-ii ot, at Lin coln ton, or to the anderaigned,' t . c 1 Kf IK I' . II I I I fel A .1 . .i Wilmington, N. C., April 9 f lhCl. FOR SALE. 1vA5ns Cbarletton Klcc. ttww Charleston Kicc, 1 U 17 pected by bark Chaa. Smith april 11 UAKKISS A HO.LL. SUGARS AND COFFEE. BBLS. COUGAR, 20 bbls. Extra C. Sifjar, 10 ' A. White Sugar, 10 Crashed hugar, 5 " Cut Loaf Sugar, 2 boxes Loaf Saga, . 25 bags Rio Coffee, 20 Laguira Coffee, 20 roatts O. O. Java Coffee, 50 2 bags .". 1 For sale by april 11 'ZENO II. GRF.KM STEAMSHIP PARKERSBURC TT AS ARRIVKD, and brought Jots f V JUL Goods to KELLKY'S Book Store. Alitchell's Schord Geography and Atlas, Bullion's Greek Reader, ' ' Tower'a.Elementary Englinh Grammar, Stoddar s Mental and Practical AritbuH-tiC Father Tom and the Pope, . Zachas' New American tpeaker, Worcester's Pronouncing Speller, ,. Porter's Chemistry, Comstock's " Testaments and Psalms Large pi int. Ainsworth's Latin Dictionarj, Greenfield's Greek Testament, Elsie Venner, by O. W. IUIme, Field's Pear Culture, Fate of Sir John Franklin, Arm Rests and Pen Racks, .... Ttsabar Baaka, A,. tprdU

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