.'!iiiMrL jult 101.. C VOL- iVII., NO. . 302. r WILMINGTON C, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 18(5!. WHOLE NO. 2,30 ; N TERMS: Dalr Paper, SCOOj Weekly, S2.00, ,??IN ADVANCE.- The Pnper I .'topp4, nnlesa a remittt nee mad to cr.tan.c "it- ,pmIy notice i given, o it pajmf"it H.. ra4 bvre ib expiration cf ' jioj mr be miil?d at r rlk, when the let U rejti'rreL 4" jTvADDKLL; LUlitoraml Pro'tor. NORTH CAROLIXA. The Herald Job Office j t". -v romr.lrtdr ' fitli'up with the fiaest as- iortmcnt of Joe Tvre to be found in the Stale SP-V:r5 CI .'UB V. OIK CU DOW oc KW L - . 1 J and b -ni-som- n prmtca at tuu omce irom 1 d-j-.TU tD a Tisitsns caru. uanumwi, Hank., .vc, 4c, neatly aui rrotupUjr . 1 . . ...:. Ami on rtkisonible tcrcas. r riCkW ml a" -1 ' E'pck.l i'.ti.Titiyu - ill given to the Job !m rk entrust! to our Job hand, wh is ci- rrluced in the bu.siie3, will be executed sat-i Lctorilr in every rcict. Give him atrial at jnr rate, and iritis oi done well, no complaint vvili be made of a ithdra-.ral of patrocage. STN DRIES. BOXES Ctolgate'a No 1, and Pale Soap, 10 " llaUini lajer and bunch, inh1f.hii. 50 20 bovei Coreentrated Lye, 20 " " , Potash, pj " Prepared " iO Jars Rock 20 Boxen Starch, 20 " - Bi-Carb. Sodi, Pepper, Spice. Oi-ars, Ink, Taekj, Matches, Aea, Concentrated Soft Soap. Mustard, Ac, Ac, oe ,idea many other articles Uo numerous to mention, which willbold 1-tw, forcah, as by anyotb.-r house in town. Jan 23 , ZENO 11. GREENE. f TIME Or PEACE. PREPARE FOR WAR. -a B VG.S of Fatnt.ia'a P.-.tent Fin.sh, from ZXv) the lart Uuck, ttfth-.m!lt Drup 2ik'"i Kentucky Rill Pwur, li ,r Maket iVwder, 10 r. kvrs Kntaf-kv Kitl- Powder, Lt rae ... AOOOG D. '. For -ale by jan 91 6t.MJ 11 GREENE. ' FLOUR. J1VMILY -and Super Flour Fayetteviile and L r lmiBSta inreCtiZEXlLGREXE. 10RV. bOOO Buhs Hyde County Corn, rn. In store and for .-ale by dee 1 ELLIS A MITCHELL. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. OAA BUSHELS Heavy Canada OaU a very i MESS PORK. BBLS. New City Mew Pork, in store, and to arrive, for "ale, at tont.f 200 bv i ian ill - .11. nirn.no. - - . "MACKEREL. TOS.U asd 3 Mackerel, in store For sale Dv jan - s SUGARS. R. SUGAR, in had, and Wls I . A. B. and C Sugar, in bbls, , noVdered and Crashed Sugar, for W j4a2 j M-MacINNIS. CANDLES AN D U.W u x . 100 jaa 11 B OX ESs Adamantine Candle, 25 i' A -sorted Candv For sale b v ZEND H. GREEXE- FOR 1861. . G I OCX TIN G-UOLSE LAl.EAUaKa.-ine greatest variety of sixes ana styiee. jiverv ' necessary to furnish a Coanting-Room, at ' wniTAKER'S New Book Store, taiagi Market st., bet. Jas. Dawson's and Wilkinson'. jaal r TRUNKS. CANVASS PackingJLeather Folios, Bras and Iron bound, Gents. Drew Trunks, Sauare and Oval Iron Edged. St, Louis Sole Leather, Fine Sol Leather andr Stub Spring, all the late-t pat tern?. i Valises. Sole Leather, Boston, -Enamelled Leather, Ac, tiabraeing thirteen different style. Bas. Enameled, j Travelling, Stitched, Duck, Gothic, Eaaraeled. Venetian, Felt, BrusaeD, PiUiser, Wil ton, embraciag eleven atylea. Ladies Hat Boxes. Sew atvlel French Hat Boxes, new style St. hrs bound edrinsr. . For sale at lasrecedeBted low prices at . laprecedeBted ! JAMES WILSON'S, Xo. 5 Market Street. Jan 28 HAY. Zt BALES Prime X. C. Hay, ex Schooner, f OU falTby ELLIS A MITCHELL. Jaa 23 MP.P.Ii OATS. NORTH RIVER and Eastern Hay, Bran, Cow Peas, also Fresh Ground Meal, and Hommoay, for sale by Jaa 28 i cjuuid a jiututuu. iVSS BAGS. O ATiH GCXX Y BAGS, just received per org -iUUU Shibboleth. For sale by . . Jaa 23. i T. C A B. O. WORTH. j "LARD. : 1 A BARRELS Extra Cincinnati tsaf Lard, IU S " i N. C " " For jsale, in lots to suit, by WOTHADAMEL, . aa 2S Granite Row, Front street. LADY PEAS. FOR SALE, in quantities to suit, by Jan 23 WORTH A DANIEL, - . -T 3 bar- r:,. ."v, . x.r s c APPie naa! SB c i I v'vw fc . .ftnl T for aale by WORTH A DANIEL. CHOICE Country Smoked Sausages, at Jan 13 WORTH 4 DANIEL'S. fvY"vnii iia VTi'VOtTRSELFt TVO tob aoDi-eciate a rood RaxorT Fine Shav- i U Lng Soaps T Soft Shaving Brtubea T - Good .MrapT Callai BALDWIN S : POCKETTCNTV ES. " 1?IXE KagUah Cutlery. Prices low. Qualities exetAVout, at BALDWIN'S. I EASTKK.1 11A.X. . a 1 1 If I BALLS xry superior La.tern tiay ior ; aw faieiow iron wn art. or dee7 STOKLEY & OLDHAJI. I WESTERN SIDES At SHOULDERS Kl CASKS auperior Western Side and Shoul- J J ders. in store, and to arrive, toreaie.ai. MacIXXIS: lowest cash prices, by jaa Vt NEW CROP MOLASSES, TX UQ J. n X UHDS. and bbls. For sale by . MacIXXIS, HOOP IRON. IA TONS. 1, IU and V, inch Uoon Iron. IU jaa 22 For sale by M. MacIXXI fecUy I er ENGLISH AND GERMAN ' HOSE. HALF j 37 VERY size, Celling low, at It Jan 23 BALDWIX-S. GEXTLEMEX can find tbe largest a-tment of.Uoder Wear, at ' BALDWIN'S- . Jaa 23 .J, ' NOTICE. , r 1 : . 4 LL PERSONS who are indebted for G rocenea, Prov'ulons, Ac. either br note or account, to the late firm of Wilson A Williams, and whoaa aeconnta ara long aince due, are requested to make imoiediate payment to thfcubscriber, or aoch ao coaata will be placed in officer'a hands for eollec tioa. i - ' JAMES WILSON. jaal'.-. No. 5 Market atreeL '. . CHFStl- OQ BOXES New York State aieaeplenAU' Special Notices. WALKER 3IEARES, at. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRL'O G13T and Apothecarj, and Dealer in Sole Medi cine, English, French -and German Cbecalcab, awedisi Letchps, Ac., al, rAlXTS, OILS, . 0!ii, Petfumery, Fancr' Article. Ac, '" tUjrlilSdO. Tia- W'J A DATCUELOP.'S UA1K DTE! Thw rplndid Hair Dve has no qual inatastaneona in eflVct beautiful Liack or natural Brown no staining theaka or iojvlc the Hair remediea the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dres, and inrigo ratea the Hair for life. None are c-cniiin nnlMi j sifrai W. A. Batrhfrlor." Sold er.rjirhere. , CHAS. li.YTCHELOB, Proprietor, ! ,spi2r-ly 81 Barclay atreet, Y.. GRAND VIRGINIA. DISCOVERY. Some four month aince our excellent townsman, .N AmTAt! KzeKtci, informed va-tbat he bad prepar ed a hair restorer, with which he was experiment ing upon hU own head, whoae top was entirelj bald. 7e saw him two dars wuce, and on the place o hald fonr raoutbs since, a fine crop of hair has sprang tin with a vigorous rjowtU. ft con vinced U Mr. Ezekicl of the etficacr of his discove ry, that hi haa nacied it "THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr.' E. i about going into an extendi re manufacture of an article which isdettlned to prove of anxious interest to ourba.d pated friends. Klehnond Knquirtr, Dee. 12, 1&0. This famous article can now be had of the princi pal DrnggisM. Those persons wh- desire a tine head of hair, have only to use the restorer accord inp to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its emcacy can have them ; remored in' a short time,, by using the Virginia Hair Restore.- Infallible', proving that it U all it is j claimed to be. ' ' j ! Wliolealo depot v,r r.rdr?, 09 Main Bt. ! R. EZEKlfcL. i I ilK i d ..:v, Nov. 14, 1S59, 1. N. vki'-l, tuk'f oath on iLa Holy Bibl?. that I haTo bSea bald f r ih? pa-t 12 years and, have fertorcd my Hii Restore:-. kFel. .air b r.sing Ezekiel's Virgin hi , Xa'putali Ezskii:l. )i r, ),. ffic n:, by Xapbtali Eze Joe. Mato, Mayor of Richmond. v-. n. LIPPlTT.Solo Agt., Wilmington, N. C. ! j.m 14 HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. A.'BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. The Original and best in the World. All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided if you widh to escape -ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RCSTY HAIR, dyed instant ly, to be beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. . Filteenrflodals aud Diplomas have Seen awarded Wm. A. Batchelor, rince 1839, and over 60,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his pa trons, of hia famous Dye. Wm. A. Batchelor'a Hair Dye produces a color not to be dLstinguitfhed from nature, andjia warran ted not to injure in the le&?t, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes reme died ; the Hair invigorates for Life by this splen did Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. .Tbe Genuine has the name and address, np- i on a steel plate engraving, on iur siues oi eacn ! box, of William A. Batchelor. j CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, sept 29-Iy 81 Barclay Street, X. Y.. LANDRETIl'S SEED. STJUST RECE1VFD, a fuU supply of Land reth'a New Crop GARDEX SEED, Beans, Peaa, Asparagus, Beets, Blue Orast, Red and White Clo ver, and a general ajsortement of small seed. For aale by WALKER MEARES, 45 Market et. nor 23 W. H. LIPPITT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemit, ' .V. E. Corner Fiont and JJarktt St., Wiivinoton, X. C. -SU ALWAYS OX HAND, a fall and fresh as aortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PERFUMER Y, AND FANCY ARTI CLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded, Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. The night bell D t the econd door (on front street,) from- the corner. On and after this day, all presci iptions willbeCAiH. ' , t30 OLUE-GLUE. CARD. We beg leave to inform the tradd, that we have appointed WM. C. HOWARD, Esq., Xa- val Store Br' r. of Wilmington, X. C, Sole Ag't , for our Glue. Boston, apl 1650. GEO. B. ROGERS A CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been appointed by GEO. R. ROOERS CO, of Boston, sole agent for tbe iale of their Glues ia this market, respect fully solicita orders from the trade. Their glazed Glue is warranted equal to, if not auperior, to any manufactured in the Un:d States, and ia warran ted to rive satisfaction, or the monaywillbe re funded. A well selected stock of low grades from j other partiea kept constantly on hand ; samples of i which can be cen at my office. aol9.lv:. W." C. HOWARD, Broker. r " ' i Sr WT.o would call the attention of those suffer ing from Consumption, Bronchitis. Ac, to an ad vertisement in another column of this paper, of an important discovery for the cure of those disease now introduced for the first time to tbe American public, bv Messrs. Leed, Gil'tvore A Co., of Xw York. ' , mar 16-1 m Pimples Baal shed ! Faces Made Clear : Howl Bv one week's vlso of tbe Magnolia Hal..'. A perfectly bar mlew. bnt elegant and eff.-ctusl pre- pa ration. Price 50 cents per botil-r Sold cver tvherc j umnt. Jr - j. u.GAX A CO.. Proprietor. rll!-lvdAw Trov. New i ork. MRS. WINSLOW, Au 'experienced uursc and Icaiala phy.-i- cianTbas a Soothing Sjrup for children teething, which irreatly facilitates Ihe process of teethingby aoftcning the to", rtduciug an iDnamiu .nayaUnain, and is -ure to regulate thebowcK . . II i:.. -a-.il Depend upon it, moinei?, k---' elves, and relief and health to your infants. 1 cr- . ' . . , . fii i in rnnr. L yeaiein all case-. .eeaayerii!tera-ni in column. feb 25-ly nEDAB FALLS GRAIN BAGS. 3,000 just-rc- j ceired, Tor -ic iy dec 5 WORTH A DANIEL. . j- CHEESE. -TNOLISn PIXK APPLE AXD STATE, at hjdeelF- GEO.-MYERS. BLACK WINTER SEED OATS. Oaa BUSHELS heavy Caaada Oata, for seed, "ztLlS A MITCHELL. POWDER. OX KEGS Kentucky Rifle Powder, .1 I 10 dec 27 For sale by' ZEXO H: GREE5E. ORE LIQIIT. -Keroaene Lamps and OU- ' Freah auppUes receivea oy over m, , DIRECTORY. STATE GOVERNMENT. GoTernor Jno. W. EUia of Rowan. Private Secretary -Graham Davea, of Craven. Treasurer D. W. Court, of Wake. Secy of State Rofai H. Page, of Wake. vwmpironei' M. a. urogtiera, or W arne. Attorney General W. A Jenkins, of Warren. Speaker of Senate H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe. " House of Commons W. T. Dortch, of Wayne. State Librarian O. H. Perry, of Wake. Pablic Priater Jno Spelman, " ' T COC.VCILLOKS Or STATE. CouncU Wooteo, of Lenoir ; John W. Cunning bam, of Person; W. A. Furguaoo, of Bertie ; J. F. Graves, of Surry ; David Murphr, of Cumber land; J. J. Long, of Northampton, and W. 1 Hillard, of Buncombe. FECES iL AVD STATE OOCRfi. The United States Circuit Court, for the District of North Carolina, is held atmi-annuaily at Raleigh, on the lt Monday in June and la-"t Monday in No vember. " Judges Hon. J. M. Wayne, of Ovftrgi; IIod. Asa Biggs, of .Martin, District Judjre salarv, $2000. Robert P. Dick, District Attorn.:v; Welev Jones, Marshal. The United States District Courts held at Edenton. 3d Monday in AdiiI and Oct.-- .. . J. M. Jone, Clerk; Newbern, 4th Monday in April and ; October, Beniamin Brown, Clerk ; " Wilmington, ; 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oc- I tober, John h. Cant well, Clerk." j TH CPBSSE COCKT. The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 2d Monday in December. It is also he'd once a vear at Morganton, Burke county, on the first Monday in August, J. R. Dodge, Clerk. The officers are as follows : Chief Justice, Rich mond 51. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Justices, M. E. Manly of Craven, and William H. Battle, of Or ange, salary of each, 2,500; per annum. WL' '.am Hamilton C. Jones, of 'i.vwan, Reporter : Edmand B. Freeman, of Wake. Clerk : Oliver II. P -r. of Wake, Deputy Clerk : Jam Litchf'jr.l. of Wake, Marshnl. c?tHiop. corr.Ts. The Superior Courts are hld in .wen Circuits, bv the following officers : Juagcs, R. R. Heath, of Chowan: Geo. Howard, of Wilson j Jas.. W; Os born, of Mecklenburg, Robert S. French; of Robe son, John M. Dickj ot Guilford , John L. Bailey, of Orange, and Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake. "So licitors Elias C Hines, pf Kdenton, rides the First Circuit; William -J. Houston, of Duplin, rides the Second Circuit ; William . Jeukins, the Attorney-General, ridea the Third Circuit ; Thos. Ruffin, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit ; Rbbt. Straage, of New Hanover, rides the Fifth Circuit ; David Coleman- of Buncombe, rides the Seventh Circuit. PUBLIC WORKS IN JfOETH CAROLINA. The Branch Mint of the United States is .ceaCed at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county in thi? State. This establishment was authorized by Act ot Con gress, passed 3d March, 1835. The "officer are as follows: vGrecn W. Caldwell, Superintendent and Acting Treasurer; John H. Gibbens, Assayer, Melter and Refiner ; John R. Bolton, Chief Coiner; m. F. S. Strange, Clerk. , i The University of Xorth Carolina, situated at J Chapel Hill, in the County of Orange, twenty-eight miles W. X. W. from Raleigh: The Xorth Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and of the Blind, it located at Raleigh, W. J. Palmer, Principal. Fortifications, Fort Macon, Beaufort narbor, Carteret county ; Fort Caswell, Smithville, Bruns wick county. United States Arsenal. Located, at Fayette viile. Insane Asylum of Xorth Carolina, situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients ; 125 patients now in it. Dr.E. C. Fisher, Superin tendent: Dr. F. T. i uller, Assistant Physician ; Mr. R. K. Fen-ell, Steward; Mrs. Hill, "Matron. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, Kemp P. Battle, W. W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, A. M. Lewis, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Taylor, and Dr. Columbus Mills, Directors. Dr. Charles E. Johnston, President of the Board: William E. Anderson, Treasurer. Messrs. Holden, Johnston, and Battle, Executive Committee. . All indigent insane persons entitled to be received, and treated. an-J taken care of at the public charge. Paying patients are also received from this and other Statef. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asvluro, see Revised I Code, chapter on Asylums. f o TOWN GOVERNMENT. coaiiissiosxtiS or ilmingtov. Mavor John Daws'un. S D Wallace. O O Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C Miller and Alfred Martin. KIKE SPARTHKST. Chief Engineer Jan..- Mitchell. Assistant, Chief Enginev -W T J Vnnn. Chief Fire Warden- P W Becrv. , Assistant Fire Waraer -W T J Vann. Fire Wardens George Mvers. B W Beery, C D Ellis. WTJ Vann, Edwrd" Kidder. K Kidder and C D Ellis, to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter Dempsey Martin, i. HOWARD HELISF FIRS COMFANV. (Re-organized June C, 1859.) Foreman W Furlong, lst Assistant J MeLarkev, 2d " P Curren, Secretary G P Wade, Treasurer C Quigley, Chairman D Drwcoll. HOK AXD LADPRR COMPASV NO. I. Forcman-jJohn Wright. lst Astisant J Kizer." Secretary and Treasurer J. F. Bishop. COMITISKIOXZRR OK MAVIOATIO:.'. (Office 18 Water streeU) George Harris. T C Worth, W C Fergus, Jos II Planner, Wm M Hairii. SCHOOLS. BOAKU OF srrEUIKTEX'DETS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman S D Wallace. WmS Larkins, James McDuflie, James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Robert H Tate, Samnol Player, and Joseph M Foy. WILMISGTOX t-NSTIXCTL. L Meginney, Principal. WILMIXOTOS MALE AND FEMALK SEMIXART G W Jewitt, Principal. i OAK IALfi CEMKTERT COMPAVT. President Donald McRae. Directors Wm A Wright. O K French, Ed ward Kidder, Jno A Taylor, Owen L Filly aw, S D Wallace. Secretary and Treasurer Asa A Brawn. Office next door to BanL Wilmigtn. c"cstt orrirsas. -ocrt., Ac. Sheriff W T J Vann. Clerk County Court Skni JO; Bunting. Clerk Superior Court Jarv '. Wright. Judge U S District Court a.-,- I'izgs. Marshal U S District X C V t ..'.r Jones. Deputy Marshal U S, Diftri M'i'znington -Jc n J Conoler. . . Clerk C S District Court John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity DuBrutz Cutlar. Chairmau County Court James T Miller. IfceTlu: Register of Deeds, Ac Jere .mc nou. Spciai cJ,nstab Magistrate of Town Jun i uonoiey. tables Lewis M William. Jno Utloy, V d- liam U Biddl. J W Hawkin?. Jme.- P Striosrheld, J J Moor. ' IXSTECTOUS. Wood Inspectors Joseph Smith, Wm Holden. Provision Inspectors uavia r. eunung, mram Xaval Store Inspectors Alfred Alderman. Chas. W Hawes, James O BowcVn, John S James. George Alderman. John C bbwden, Thomas V Plaver, John M Henderson, B Southerland. W ll Ham J Price, Robert C Johnson, Xathan h Bor- daX?mber and Lumber Inspectors Jamea Alder man. L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, I WMaaxoe, N CUrk, Rbbert Maxwell, E Tarlingtan. j ... ... - V, WltHISOTOJf OAS U0T COJirAJTT. (Office In SaTiaga Bank Building . ) Preaident Col John McRae. .' :; i gecretary and Treaaaror Wm Hyde. -taFortataaaaatMUvor italhaaay SECRET SOCIETIES. j st. jobk' Loses no. I ilas?mc. (Meets the last Tuesday Eveninp In eaca montiL St. Jofaa'a Uill.j O L Fillyaw, Master. - M ewhor, S W. j Olirer Mclihennr, J W. Jno L CantweJl, Trass. T At Gardner, Sic'y. ' nenry Spalding, S D. A A Harfield J D. J O Bowdn, Tyler.i coscoan chaptb?. ho. 1 masokic. t (Mtetjlit Monday' evening la each moeth it! Si. ' John'a Hall. ) ! Moat Ex R O Rankin,1 II P. Com L C Turner. G M 31 Ex O L FUIvaw, King. V. Ex T B Carf , Scribe. Com I Northrop, G M 2d Com P W Fanning, Cani V. . I H(t. Cora W J Priw, G M lat Com A Martin, PS. V. " M Newhoff, R A Com Jno A Tavior.Tfea. Capt. K Turlington, Trier. ' ' j . CAry ea r LOEa, so. 2u o. o. r. ( Meeu 1 day night, at Odd Fellow's Hail j ) Asa J 3Iorray, NO W X. Smith, SecreUry. James E Kra.T O. T H Howey, Treasurer. CiMPBtL C.VCAMPKEVT SC. 1 I. &. 0. F. i" ( Meets in Hall of Cape Fear Lodged 1st and 3d Friday in each month. J D Gardner, CP. . Thos M Gardner. J W. Rev A P Kepiton, HP. R J Jones, Scribe, j John J Conoler S W. Thos H Hoy-ey, Treas. CAJ'E rXH MAEIVL lOTAu ABSTirSXCI iocTErr (Meets at the Scauiea's Bet ou Dock' Str4f t, every. -Jay evening, in.L -diately after the . close - the Prayer JWtL-g for aeatneri. ) 1 Chas D Elli, President. , Geo W Williams, Vice William M Poisson, Sec-r ' ' President. 1 retarv.- . Jas Fleet, As't Sect'y. fctAMKNs' Th.lF.Sl SOCIKTT. I CLail.-s D E1!J, Preei- B F Mitchell, Smt. A ent. ' Treasurer. "f V D El Gilbert Potter, Col John McRea, A J DeR..vet. 0 G Parsley. Eiecutive Kiard. XV f : 1 1 : . t: " r . i Seamens' Home, c Front and Dock Streets. l..";IES DEXETOI.EST SOCIIirT. lst Directress, Mrs Ken- 4tb Directress,Mrs Hal- . neay. . lett. I .Dir'ectres. .vlr? Har-v Secretary. Mrs Yan- I riss. . . Sickle. ''.3-d Directrc." Mr Dc- Treasurer,1 Mist LUling j ' Rosaet tor. . ' WILVINOTO.V (Organized association. !' nne, 1665; ) i Dc Id McRae, Treas. Dr J H Dikson, President. Geo I vis Vice Prea't. Piatt i. Cowan, Librarian W rii ti Ltley, Sec y Rev R B Drane, R H Cowan, E D Hall, S D. Wallace, John A Taylor, G J McRae-r J G Wright, Director. j . 'MILITARY. WILVINOrOX LIGHT I.STAN i R.T.. . (Org. May 20tb, 1853.) J Wm L DeRoeset, Capt. I C Winslow, .Ensign R B McRae, lst Lient. A D Cazaux tmartc-r J C Mcllhenny, 2d Licuti Master. j H Savage. 3d' " C D 31ver Oraorlvi 0KMMA.N VOtUSTEl:S. - ( Organized February 22d, 153. j j O Cornehlsen, Capt. ; n G Uashegan, 3d Lieut. H Von Glahn, 1st Lieut. W Deinstbatch, Knsign. II Vollers, 2d Lient. J Meier, Orderly.- j BA X K S . ! BANK OF GAPE FEA'.'.. ' j T II Wright, President." H R Savage, Cashier!. J G Burr, Teller. J D Gardner, As't'EHllr r. J McLaurin. B'k-kcepcr- T H Hardin. Dis.Y;ierk. Discount Day, Y ednesday. BASK OF VILHINGTOX, N. C. John MacRae, President. S Jewett. Cashier. W L Smith, iTeller. . .- William Larkins.Boak T M Gardner, DU Clerk. keeper. j Discount Day. Tuesday. , j . bank, ov soHrit CAROLINA. I John D'aVson, -Pres. Wm Reston, Cashier. Wm 1) Smith, Teller. J H Wright, B'k-kcepor. Discount Day,. Tuesday. i : OMMEiiCiAi. Sank of. Wilmington. . i OG Parsley, Pres. Tiai'v Savage, Cashier. Jno McRae, Jr.Tr-l'.oi. A?a t Walker, Ro?k J D Barry, Dis. Clerk. keeper. Diicouct Day, Monday. . f WILMINGTON SA1 jvlo'r. Fro'sident. INUS BANK. . Wm Hvd.; Joh it A Cahipr. RAIL ROADS. 1 WILMI-V0rt)X, CUiUI.OTTE I K CTDSK FOR D li. ..Oii-. i (Office cor Marketand S Water street. ) ! i H W Guion, President. R II Cowan, Sec. Treias. J C McKae, Chief r-ng. Koad unhnished. W1L51IX&TOS MAXCHESTIT. IT A I L KOAD. j Thos D Walker, Pres. Wm A Walker, Secfy. J P Robertson, Gen'l Sup. Jos" J Ling, Treaa. j" R B McRae, Gen'l Freight Agent. j WILVIXGTOV i WET.DO V EUL ROAP. W S Ashe, Presi- J W Thompson, Gen. Hon dent Freiarht Acont. ' S L Fremont, Chief Eng. & Sup. James S Green, Sec'y A Treasurer. S D Wallace, Asst Sec A Gen Ticket Agent. James G Green, Yard Master. P H Langdon, Aud'r A Supts Clerk. William Smith. Ticket Agent. ! CHURCHES. i Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut. ! Methodist Episcopal, (S)5tb bt Church and Cas tle, Rev J H Wheeler. Pastor. j Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev A" Paul Repiton, Pastor. (" Baptist, Front bt Ann and Xunn, Rev J L Prich ard, Pastor. J Baptist, (O S) Castle bt 5th and Cth, Rev Aaron Davis, Pastor, Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev Thomas Murphv, Paster. Episcopal, (StJam.es',) cor Market and 31, Rev. R B Drane, Rector. ? j Episcopal, fSt John's,) cor 3a and Red Croaa. EpUcopal, (St Paul'a, ) cor 4 th and Oiange, BUhop Tbos Atkinson, Rector. Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th. Rev 31 Mc Queen, Pastor. 1 Presbyterian, (now building,) cor 3d and Orange, Rev M B Grier, Pastor. I Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 6th, Rev j L Prichard, Pastor. . ! Lutheran, (now building) cor Market and 5th, Rev J U Mengert, Pastor. ' Seamens Bethel, Dock bt Frant and S Water. I POST OFFICE. WILMINOTOM, NORTH CAKOLlXA. Postmaster Daniel Dickson. i Assistants Joseph L Jacobs, and Office hours from 7'AMto 1 P M. 2 P M to! ouhdown. Sundays, 7 V A M to 9 A.M. V V. Vftl TV A TV If T .oalnSlrot JUI LUei 11 .li.u, V Iff u f , 1. X. OM i i Vi via... .... 7PM and 5 A M. 'Closes 1J and 9 P M, changing on Sunday frojn 1 P M to 10 A M. j Southern Mail, bv W & M R P,. arrives daily' at 4 V A M. -Closes daily at 7 P M. Smithville. X C, (horse,-) arrives Monday j and' Friday at 5 P M. t'losf? Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A M. Onslow Court House, X C, ( horse) arrives Men- dar at 9 A M. i Closes Thursday at 9 P M. j U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. I CCSTOSf HOCSE. i ! Jas T Miller, Collector. DM Foyles, Weigher Di j W J Price, Deputy Col- A Guager. ' ; Di j lector. ' T M Burnett, Insp'r. i A J Gallowav.! Surveyor. W F Burch and Uriah . reuen, .avai urn- nuiuvan, mspeew.r cer. Measurer. ,i Thomas W. Brown, Jr., U. S. Commiioner. ' v . i ; , 1 coKscia. ' T-.. u 1--- ' -..l T,. t,r-V W.to. 1 ' Sranish Vice-Consul F J Lord, 6 n Water Brazulian V ice--vonsui u u rarsiey, jr., err n : ' Water and Mulbery, (upstairs.) Danish Vice-Consul P K Dickinson, cor Front j and Chestnut' - - ' . : ' ' ' "INTERN A LMPROVE5lENT. ! 1 i FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS $26,000 of I the abovti Bonds 'redeemable in 1891 -with : coupons at 7 per cent per annum, payable ini the ! city of New York, lst March and 1st September, ' For sale by i DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. ; dec 1. i .' -): i COFFEE. Tf BAGS RIO COFFEE, 0J 20 bags Laguayra Coffee, 20 mats best Java " dee 1 if ZEXO n. GREEXE. j -t i "VTEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. A auperior j article New Orleans Molasses, now jn store. anil for sale by cprfl jiasiNxr at 3 City J3usino4;. Card r ERRANT A. WILSON, I "11 THOLES ALE AND RETAIL Dealers in j ff meetie Dry Goods, GrocerKf. Clothing,! i JDoOts. isaoes. AC J .No. 14-4 v I j Nv-nh Water Street. 1 ocf 2 Wilmington, X. V JAS. T. PETTKWAY fe CO. IACTORS AND COilMlSSlON Merchant. . , ! . Xo S North Water Street. WlLJdl.NOTO.V, X. C. Solicit cat3rirnn lit r.f a!i kinds of Produce, al so orders for Groc-rie. Bagging, Rop?, Guano, Ac. Ac ; V oct 3 orOE' E KiXUhS. .a', '. HOWti'U'It..W. W. HAB?lSa. IIARRISS Ac HOWELL. G" MMISSIOX .MERCHANTS, Oct z, lfej8 ; U jLMiverov, N. ('. WORTH Ac DANIEL. "i'rOCERS AND COMMISSION Merchant?, VjT No. 2, Granite Row, Wilmington, N.C. Solicit con-'izniatnt of Flour, Dried Fruit, Feathers, B- aT. Tobcaco and Co r.t re produce generally.' Agents for-IIowe:-. c-!-ebrated' Scale. D. O. WORTH. sept 26.1y, J X. G. DANIEL. James aspersok. DW1D S WAbC. 6l SAVAGE, ANDERSON G' 1 EXEKAL COMMISSION' MERCHANTS; July 18, '60-ly. Wilmington, N. C. 'C. II. ROBINSON A CO., COMMISSION -AN'P FORWARDING MER CHANTS, i WUmingtoc, X. C. Office over Mr. Jl A. Willard's store. Entrance V diner Pi incecs and Water st. mar 9, '60-tf f i.. w. EP.it AN r, : it0. w:so v. , ERRANT Ac WILSON, C10M MISSION MKRCHAXTS," Xo. 14 ad 15 Xorth Water st., oct 2, '60-1 y - j A'jlmington, X. O. WILLI AMU. LIPPITT " CHEMIST AXP ?v)RUGOlST, Wholesale and j Retail Dealer Paints, Oil, Dye Stuff. Window Glass, Putty, Segarn, Old Brandies, and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, X. E. cr L?r Front and Market st?.. Wilmington, X. C. mar 25, 58 EDWIN A. KEITH ! OMMISSIO.V MjERCIIAXT, ' WilininctoD, N. '. i. uner3 his services to I'lanters as r actor or Agent fur thebaic of COTTON; will give his per- i sonal attendance to the busine3. 11 commission for selling Cotton, will be 50 ets. per bale, no addi- ' tional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 cts per bale. oct l lSCO-ly j j o. gTIarsley k"cb7 , PROPRIETORS of tho'HiLTOs Steam. Saw a.- o ' J'umxo Mills. - Wilraington, N. (,'. j 2? V! Tders or lUisuuied lor ILMlJKti, v:li receive prompt attention. nic-h 'il 'yi SMITH & MCLAITRIN, Ffl P. W A K 61 Ho M t' it ( l: ! V'i'miif.'f'i, X. ('. c 10MM1S-UOX AVD Rotor to-: Jon v D Wt'.iox. i:. p. Hut. E-c,. .Mavor. 1'ri .. dene H ranch Bank State X. C. T. M. SMITH, j-,; i Isan ti -.Mill H LAl'.n.'V, MALCOM McINNlS, (GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. X! " Xorth Watfr street, oct 1 Wilniijngton, X. C. L'a.. D. Mters, -Fukit. J. Moor , MYERST & MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in H.it, Ca.. Straw Goods,; Furs, Umbrellas, Car, Ae. Ac, 34 Market street, Wilminarton.iX. C. J une 21, 185D ; ' ' T. C. &, B. G. WORTH, tlOMMISSIOX AND FORWARDING M ER- CHANTS, : :- Wilmington, X. V. UNION DISTILLERY', i . Wilmington, X. ('. J A. H. VAXEOKKELEX, Proprietor, t lL KINDS OF NAVAL ST ORES, pin ehruec!, 'manufactured, find sold. I . i . . . ia . -' t. . -i -j. v nanage anu mu aue i in ;jijiieu, nuu cuiip- erage done at lair i ate3. jan 2 IssG". ! G. POLVOGT, j TTPHOLSTER AND PAPER HANGER, j Gorier Front and PrincesfS Street;, i'-' Wilmington, N. C. Ketpo' coiisf.ii tin hand Mattrassee, Lounge?,! Cushions, Feathers, jCui led Hair, j Mois, and all": Upholstery Material??. Aba, Pa lie r Hangings, Window Shades, Firie Scieo.?, ana;D--corfitioc? of every description. j : ; Pictures framed toiorder. ; j Prompt attention igiven to fitting up Railroad j .Car8,jSteamboat, and Private .Dwellings. ; may 31 .' i :J. IlTC.VW.lV...r i Ill HATHAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MERCHAXTS, I !dee 16, '58 j Wilmington-, X. C. J. M. ROBINSON fe SON, MPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and I DOi 3t.,X omestic Hardware. Agricultural Implements, j . f . f 1 . t- I v" r ' i a, rronifi., i umiutitoH, .i. J i i HENRY NUTT, j "T7ACT0R AN D FORWARDING AGENT, j X I Wilmington, X. C. Will give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care.? eept 10, '57-tf. JAJIL-j i I OKXEY ; j . ALEX.. OLDH AJf. STOKLEY At OLDHAM, TEALERS IX GRAIN, i & COMMISSION JL MERCHANTS, j Wilmington, X. C. "Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flouf, Bacon, and other Country Produce. ' i TURPENTINE STILLS.. IIVE TURPENTINE STILLS, from 15 to 2S barrels capacity, slightly damaged by the fire on our wharC in October last, arc offered for s.ilr On accomodatintr terms. ; Alio, a small jSteam Engine used for the pur-1 pose of Steaming Turpentine Barrels, ana pnmp inji water into the tubs. The Wharf, one of the most eliarible-hi the Town 1 of Wilmington for a large Turpentine and Distille ry business, having a front ot about 400 teet oa the River, with two convenient Docks for the landing off Naval Stores, will, if desired, be rented or leased for one or more years. An Iron Chest of convenient size, is also for sale bv . i i JOHN WOOSTER, march 28 I i THO It. WRIGHT. WHEAT BRAN. . OAAAB USH ELS for sale by ijVniV april 10 ELLIS A MITCHELL. O AT.-. 15J0 bttihels primeMarv!and Oats. ' 2000 bushels prime N. Y. State Oats, n 600 busheU prime Black Oats. api ii 10 For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. HOWRD A SSOC ITION, 'PHILADELPHIA. i 4IBcnev iEndov jessed, Benevolent Institution, establbhedby special j Endowment, .-tor the Keliet ot the sict and j araicteu; with. Virulent and Chrome lseases, and especially tor th cure ? diseases of the Sexual Orj?an5 Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur- ra n : , ; vainaole Kepprson rspermaiorrca-a, ana otoer i Diseases' of the Sexual Organs, and on the New; ueniedies empioyea m toe uispensary, sent in ; sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. ; Two oa , .'.r.,r. fir t9in. T.e.fr.fr.ht. M., lIlB I U k I M IV Hill liH IfV H 'iiv -1 . i h syrr.n. I i?Focia, t tion ..! Pbdadelpsiai, ra. march ''.1 j NEW BUTTER. Pf R Steamer Parkcrrburg, this dav at GEORGE MYERS. april 9 Xos. II A 13 Front rtret-t'.. ? COVERS. RITAXNI A Plate and Dih Cover, all size-, r dec 3. f -f at ; PERUI.N S. ii ' PORTER. , i rr CASKS Brass London Forter t.i genuine rli- j n) cle, direct ;from the importer. ; . Just received and for sale by i 1 anril ll f ! ; ZEXO II. GREEXE. I " ! BROOMSAND BUCKETS. DOZ. BROOMS, G nests Flour Buckets, ' 20 dozen Painted Buckets. Intrtore, f.rsale bv 6 april 11 ? it. -ZEXO IL GREEXE. HJTE BEANS, for sale br sprit It BILL? A MITCHELL. orthrrx nrsiriss c ards. ' jsr. . vf : in" of I Tirboro' X. la!- C ' -lJt.J.-' L. Scotland Wrteutou. N. Do - f DANCY. I1Y31AN A. CO:. ROCEUS AND COMMfSSItJN Mkxt. 124 rrl Utt. IIYMAN DANCY'fc :CO., :0fKKS AND COMMISSION il . u r. Nwkfiv V . fhc NVw Vork l.ow Till b-j rs..cdui ti' 1 'i. . S. Dancy, aid-d b- 11. W. Hroar. ! The Norfolk Houoe w Ul be crdtft-d by Jchn f JI. Ilvmjti and F. M. Jhu-.n. , f X-?" Particular, attention giieti to th of j Cotton, Corn. Wheat, and Nral Seor - Stptrmbor 13-tf Ibtt LONDON At BRYAN. 10M.MlSSlOV MERCHANTS; J , . Xo. 32 IhJia .ttr- Rt-trn Pa 4. unsinment of Naval. Rtrf-, Coiti Lumber, aud other Snthern Prtvlnef M)icitecl. Jj'o. R. Los DO.V, Nov 21-tf S J. II. Br.TAV. Jr. a. OREisr!., w. insm.'x GREINER Ac HARKNESS. COTTOV AND GENERAL C0MM1SSH Hers.. PnTi.ArrpU! . Nov 15, 1857 jwm. L. Hill, . N. M. Nobilk.' ! of Xorth CaroKi..i, f North.C.irol'ir. j HILL Ac NOR FLEET j ( EXERAL COMMISSION' A FORWARDING j.VjT Merchaiit. Shockoe Slip, Richmwud, S a.. Solicit conlgnmeoU of Cotton. Lumbt-r, Ki h. ' and all kinds otMcrvhandize aui J'rodurj. - -ALSO - Agents for fhe purchase of Sui-ars, CofIW, MoI.m I i aoovt articles are oiitreu lorme iuur uirn .ill- j nuaity, ana sve snail be pieasea to opernte lor p.i j tieaordering. prrfmising "aitlihilne. ra our en .ieavora to iipreeenttheui. Jaa 25-ly ! . W. WILKINSON aTCo. f T?RUI1' AN1) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f j1 - SS Barclay tr-t. X. V- i JBa I'articular Jtttention given" to consignments i and purchase cf Merchandise, alt kind. Liberal cash advance tt -rough W 11. K I NSUN a CO., Wilmington, X. C. August 2. 1860-Iy . - . SITGARS--SUGARS! 7r BAKRE..S V Coffee, ao.l C Yl! Suai,. 25 bbls Crushed, Granulated and P.'w.l- n t!j ' Mti'covado Sug.i'- Ugh snd dr . G Lb.. t " ' " " For sale by WtU 111 A DA MEL. jan 8 Granite Ko-.v, COTTON BAGGING. Ualotin jd'to. Frir salt bv aprilO , JOS. K. BLOSSOM A III c. URNING .FLUID. Fluid and Oil tin rain or sale v rv chfitp. at C.VIIiEl'.-. dec PIANO FORTES IN THESE TIMES v. hen we ought U l-.k u' home, why not purchase. of a Southern Mau uinctrtrv? Smhi m. Knabcs A Co., Baltimore, i Md.. wb6o Piar.us havt not been surpasst'd bv any rcld in this inai ket, of Noi tliei a make, and hare .! never failed to take tbe piemtum where)er exlub- Jtf-d al fdi-, Ar. T i sons .vNLing tj purchs-e i can be rtfened to quite a large nuwbe'of fan;t- luja that ue I bfn. :n this cif v KELLEV'S I'.ook .;orj. eb 2u Ag for 'iWir. Knafie A . ellis j Mitchell. T r l.ri. 1 i . april 10 FRESH Hi: AT N" C. Rice, in cak and bbN. for ;fl. bv . april -12 t). G. .PARSLEY I o. Vf "'c' FLorii.--5t bi,vVr-rhWs orgt.' T . brand-.- HATHAWAY A 4 O. dec 21 TZ"EROSENE LAMPS.., large .duply, IV sni table let store, for aale try ciieno with OiCat . " d.-e 7 .CA'SSIDEY'S.- WOLFE'S LIQUORS. ENL'i.NH Sehiednm HhnTfip-. I X Vrv 1'ure Rrandv Sherry W nn.. Math ira I't.r i ' For li-Ale b " WOiail A DA.VlEL.- dec li CORN AFLOAT. A CCl Rl'SHELS I'lin.o Y r,IU" ing per schtr. Crino'I a'p2 " EL'ilS I l'i into" Whit'-, rem lantl- ne. For sale by A MITCHELL. MEMBERS OF HORSE ARTILLERY their measures for hats, this ! MYERS A MOOrTE'S, f Zi Market tre---t. w 71LL .LEAVE day, sf a p nl 1 1 COFFEE-FEE. fZ( BAGS Rio Coffee 20 do Laguayra do 51; tJJ St. Domineo'do 20' mat Java do in stotv and for sal low tor eah . dec 11. bv 2E.VO H. GREENE- BLACK OATS. AA Bl'SHELS heavy Black Oati,jnt rec'.t. OUw Forsakbv "" . april 4 .' "ELLIS A MITCHELL. TlVIIITE BEAlVS. SMAEL LOT, for sale by anriH ElvLIS A MITCHELL. WHITE OATS OFtAA BUSHELS Heavy Xew Y rk Sta ZUUU Oat". For sal" by jan 11 ELLIS A MITCHELL. HARPER'S MONTHLY TTrOR MAY, raeeived and for aalj at Jt april 19 WHITAKlilR'S Xew Book Stoi o. XICKEKBOCK EU MAGAZIN E fur May, i c ceived and for sale at- ' apt U ' iiiiAXVLi- -'t" liOOK .-ior . al SOUTHERN PUBLICATIONS: Dc Bow'a Re view, outhern Literary 3Icrcnger, Xorth Carolina University Magazine, Southern Cultia or, Southern Family Journal, Southern Field A Fireside, and daily papers from larious points South, at WHiTAKFR'S New Rook Store. aplt9 NEW CORN. AFLOAT. 2QAA BUSHELS Prime White NewC'rop iSUvl Corn, now landing, for sale bv jan 10 ELLIS M1TCHLLL. . CANDY. 1 r BOXES Assorted Candv, in 25 lb. boxes, JO, 5 " " ' " ,50 " " Just received and for sale by ' april 12 v ZEXOJI. GREENE. STEAM BOAT FOR SALE, OX ACCOMMODATl.Na terms, , (fyK ferB-whel Steam Boat. ( i.4i,li,i' J - - - " - - - ' M ' horse power gttod speed, and alxlut 5 "veara tUX ! april 4-lra Apply to ELLIS A MITCHELL. PORK PORK. 7TrBBLS, New York City Mes, just recti wd J and for sajle low, for cash, hv dec 11 " ' . ZENOTI. GREF..ML CASH. "ITT'E sh;ill be obliged to resort to the txclu.dvc Cash principle for Groeerie1. We advert i-! sd monthly settlements, but failin? to have a com- i j pliance to the tame, and bav.n? to send funds jn j advance for odr good-!, rcnocrs it nc -vary .to-- j sort to the Cah avsteni. Vcrv i..r.crtfiillv . -W ". GfcO f . MYERS. . . evvoVYMFS A1) A I.GFlilt IS S Ay-VA'r-T. f1?" illitL,Ull.ir. M ., .-- Crabb'i Lom' Alerebra, t d c 'J KELLEY S Nov Brx.tk Store. CINCINNATI PORK. OA A' BARRELS extra heavy Cjncinn.iti Rnmp )J stud Me;, Ptvrk .now htndin. '. For '.sale loiv .for caU bv ' april 4 HATHAWAY A CO. RASTERS' HAY. Pa Hay in market. dtc2t -200 bales of the best FWtern For sale by HATHAWAY A CO. s xr.Triir - . i f GROSS Clark's Friction Mutches, in qnaiter grosse, for Ralp by ipril 12 ZENO H. GREENE. LAMPS TO HIRE. ; I IXUMIXAT1XG APPARATUS, for BalD, Pai tiea, Public Meetings, Ac, can be hired on very reasorable term, ot the Inimitable jaa 8 CASvLDEY. r. j ' j irmrincruor : FEVER ArD'AOUE, ' 1"R O. plfKLrs BKOWX was Tor MvrraJ rear. XJ badly er?Uct"d by D. tptfU, thai K a pi 1 1! thr time Lc was cozdiBv4 to bia bed. wa rvennallv ertrvd Ky a prewtirtion furnled bra voctip rljirve.m'sJtl. Tbta preoerlsttioa. i.rn hiki bj mrr child. wLUo la a aula 4 trancf. hcur d r eri bodv s h Las takenif, aevre having (ailed on. It H'wallr wur la eaaea of Fits a of Drrrrn anl ! and Atc ' To th.prros nbobavo trd anaar 1atodiciae until thr . bate bvcfiu dixouraged, 'and do aoi lei I niljing to einend more money ur-n u&ortaia U, 1 xiilHud the prrectipOoa tot rifsrlaf d uc-r-fully ufiegtho 4Vrrot Mugie JiimUr, j i tnij i (.i va'-ir aacrt!, rn ia plr rtttti ; rstaer. All pf the ibgrdleBt aret.i b fottnd at ' j tl;e Drug tor f IfrnrMrUn. , Addrea Dr. O. j Phr!p ltrn rf , ji (lren. Mtrt, Jersey City i .f. ,!,, dr. o. phelps nn6v.v ' ARCACLAN BALSAM, or the cure of ('inptia, HrooefaiU, AaR. ('urb. Cold a i.d Nervooa Debility. C -i.; f . . . . . . ... For i ma. ; po.ed print ipally of foreign Lrrha and bealiftf ba). imi. it U the oalv euro cvtr disrurated tor Vis of ihJ I.nnjrs.'Stoiuarh ahd Nam. It eota. I oives ail tbiialitHa embodied is the Ik-ma saiiAif ariii rii v. mltd to the kirk: it U a Leaiisg balaaaafor ll th l-bttXT.A) Sorta, llera,Tlihrrtlea and lafia . niakion an unBrpaAabtff Tonic, an botivmL.. able Niriine, a 1'uiii.ri of all the lluida.aa Athii ftract, a .Stiuin.Iant which rroIurr no reartioa. Innd.a buildrr up f watted Here aa4 MmtJ. i Pricei., 81 and 2 per UrfcbolU- ; aai'4 lt4tlra j 2.'. rout. For salt. Ky Henry MrLio. DR. O. PHELPS BROWN RENOVATING PILLS Je'ihU PiU x U) rxlate tho bowrU wbra alltn. , pieparationa h ill fail. Itwdl. ia a trr iot t.me rratiir;.' wnat Is t-rwed rhronle fyxtlyiM or consif ti..o. Sit k Headarbe, Livtaad BUa Coinj.la.ntj ; and it will cure, aj anre as Ihoro U a son that J in- upn u, f 11 the t,ntf-tlflgs and aa rnvarif that ba e their rU in tb wat,f pypi Ntt-ol. h dof not act aa rurrl a Itrui-orarr aJ fair; ii kee the human yiitm in a atate bfaousJ xtM vigorons health, by easily ard almoat jrryp tibiv rlfaniing it of all Itnpun'tira arh hot roa f: in. about Ct pilU. Price 11,00 per bos. DR. O. PHELPS BROWN'S Ethcrial Ointment. Armrif ihe irany afflictions for which as a rr , t ti, it hr no iv-ual, noreXer willbare, la KliMaia ItMu, Fettr .Swien, Fistula, Crampa, DyeUattrrf , Clit'b i a, ht av Odds in tbe Chut aad Head, S.,, J -, Cit-up, I'lfurlst, Quinsy. EidargM Tcn.t. fJlsndular . n tllingi, Ear Ache, Ear Ulcere, all t kinds of I'olii. l lr. ni and Taimorti, Bunu. Ii- Mlngt, Hrui-e. Chilblains. Cats, f 'ofus. Mpraib., Scald. Sore l.lpa, Sore NlppUa, HmtUt Jac, ! .v .umtn', liloU be. ltoiU, h raid Br ad Mump. bit Swelling, GrafrL, Suae, VTeak Muaeular Diaturbanem. Scfofular, SaM Kheum. Murcurtal Sorea Ac. Price 9L0 pot . pet. " Dr-fcriplivc parnpblrts giten to all wLoaa j !v to niv A gt nt.- 'Addres- Ir O. Phelr- Brown, f. I.Gr.nd Streft. Jersey Pity, X J. For aale by ID'xr.T Mrl,i. sol Agi nt In Wil. nimett.n, N. C. ' jaa 2 tf WANTED. - A( )() L,t-i BLACK KOSS, i..r Lica iU ',U 'V tug heat price will be paid at C POLVOGT'S I pfifl-triTy and Paper-banging lMaUUhuitiit "titLerl ront and Princess St. apis CRACKERS. BULK Sugar Crackers, .'i Ixixeti " , 10 j Soda Jut.1 leei i-cd, fi vfh and nfre, and for al bt Til 12 7Tn.N'0 II. GREKNl. WANTED TO HIRE, FOR t'hy tialance of the vear. four or b table bodied Xeirrrt Men. O. li. PARSLEY A CO. april'4 Jcarnal copy d4tf. ' EANTEitN ilXT- . BALE EjMein IliyM ahr. - -, I. f rule, low,-liom whaff, bv 150 Jn rJ ELIllS A MITCHELL. CRITICAL M Mycelial i'l. publixhed, revised, blarjted and aanotatcd by the author, i vol, oo fine tinted papyr. It has a copious index and r.ew portrait, by Thorn Carlyle, and for sale at april IS WHITAKLR'S w Book Store. A BOXES Adamantii.f Caudle-. 20 half boxi-s 10 bonea perm For sale bv apiil 12 ZENO. II. GREENE. ONE VERY HANDSOME ictorine aod fur bow worn, .' wilfle ald at Manufacturers' boles ale prlctM. at the Emporium. CLildren'aattf of Fum, AT COST I . . AT COST! . AT CDS! . At 01 Market Street, I 34 MatkaRtrtet, l c 31 MYEItS A MOORE. I FOR WHOLESALE BUYERS: 1 O 'A DOZEN Palm Uaf HaU. )J 300 doiea Icborn Man. t j 1- 50 dozen Panama Hat., . loO dozen Canton Braid Hat, lOOdoren Smttt, Umraraibo, Durij labia i i - Fancy Straw. 1 :00 doun Black Soft Uata, bl b and low Ciowtu, .ip aozrn Lignt t oicrca 3v a a a.i a a a fill lati, Llf U kkd low Urowns, iuO doen Cloth and Ola led Cap, 100 doyen I'mbrella. 20j Trunks, awrted, lionnt ti. Flan, M.li r At very lo Caoc. litary GootU, Ac, Ac. Ac Ae. w pr-Kcs, or tbe ea or dm a, ot i april 4 34 Mar kt street. ' MYERS A MOOKE. i i : tTO SHIPPERS, t A LARGE aupply ot Billa Lading, boaad a -1 Xx. inaneetf, at ipril 1 KELLEY'S Sn Book Sto,. TO-DAY NEW AND FRESH,- ; KTK. PAKKEKKBURG. -r t , C10NCEX1 RATED LK. V EX-wLix.t bow, , Xew Beef Tora, .Yeaal PowoW , , SmokeslBeef Boek-aheai,. I Rye Flour, , Batter, . 60 bbl. C. Sugar, Raiii, TO ' A- " 10 bbls. B. Sugar . ,0 Crushed GtanulaiH and Powdered, s 15 Nt-f es eh-?c Yellow Chee.. WORTH A DANIEL, ja'3 2 Craolto Row, Frnttrret. ; ; FOR SALE r'HE Suberibr oaera for miI a trar-k of land I lying in the lower part of Bladen Count?. ' containing ois hundritl and aixty-eigbt acres up ! land and vAip, ly i&K on' tbe outh-wi t aide f White Oak Swamp, adjoining the lanD of Angus t us Millers and j-theri, and further description U unnecessary. ' ; ' . J , . j ; Apply to lb su.sfrib-r at.Wiimington. 1 1 nprilfc, t C. D. RUSH. j PASQUOTANK CORN. 1 1 lf l:aM Uorn, on loard Schooner C. H. XlfJKf Cn'pepper. from Elizabeth CHv, jut ar rivid. For aale' ny april 9 JQ3. B. BLOSrOM A CO. LARD. "VTOW LANDING from Scbr Sc., l;j,d, 5 bbls. II We-.tera Lard a siT'lrndid article. IX STORK t . 15 Kega X. C. Lard, in food packagra, i Western Lard, in auial! tarka-re. lca4 For gale by . - Z. 11. G RE1LN F, XjEW FLOUR ! In baara and bbl a. For m1 bv X dcel STOKLEY A OLDHAM FA OLIStFi;OKESE. 21 Box- a at-hf ted rlish Che', just. rtcl fad at ded - i WOKin A DANIEL. rpHOSE CHOICE HAVANAS uayTcflh.., at I dwC r . WORTH A DAXUL. r i r t 4 JirlO Far ala by ZSNO B GBEBXE. at attha

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