:f r. W. Fonninsf,- &,P. Xcringr, Ei.it crs. The PEOPLE can d no wrong. Thomas Lorin, Printer. if WiMINGTON, N. G. WEDNESDAY, JAJVllRY 23, 1833. ft J i i i i i i yi , i i, i i , - i .11 , m M s s. --. ' ' . -sr .. . . . . : I i ii i ' " w !' 1 r i 1 . - 1 ; . ' 1 . I r .-- , . : .. f" .'I '4 .1 i r 1 : m m A": V m f rV' it ; L ill 1 ' & 1 r ttliiiIxt d Tc t r: V"cduf ly lorn lag, by Proprietor R A JN ADVANCE. 'j.'4t exceeding V-'ci'iare nsr-n't i:-:, m. a (ii .''flail 0;l-;-:c5a bi,S;Jo of Market ritrtcu If 4 t Gcntfcl lAssUtbtg oj porta I:- Co. . -1 i f;;:i ;PUBL . --Irs ! I . . An-a-ctr declaratory of-ithc law; riow itf- rCfrivmto tiie LontV ivouns oi uie i .-' ' t . -i several Counties" wit hm ?r to alter, and fix pepe this State thq povv- ate s oli clec- tion,v-lUeclaring; mat rnc cauiu tu u, rar?JoW of the acting ices oeins ( pre- rent, have.the, powr toiterv ux, .w discontinue or create anew seperau; piaccs of electibn.l ' 1 !';- '2.-Vffstinrr the TiMit of electintflnc clerks of the County and b u pe'rior 1 Courts in tht evhral Counties ,w!ithiri this State ih the free wKite men thereof, j -lrovides tliat the Sh:rif4si and all other ipersdris appointed to Ivoid electioiiS for rjicmbers'jpf the General vAlsembiy, feliall ' b evquired at the, Wext annual election, to Openpolfs for the cow .n- tv and superior .cou rt clerks,- and cond uct i'j j Ln'Jln'-'lin'i like . manner as Assembly, hat shall give such J i the clerks, when so clettedJ . r I.AmTJ " i .Trrt f,ih Aiiho ntiw.iiniu nrnst rt- I j bed bv law, at the iirstxoiiit ibr ivhrcli lljey ( were appointed that s-liali happen" in their rnm.tv ntnvr tneir eiecuou. uuu mmh cuib Hue. m :onice for four ears; and - that io Dersdn slialhbe eligible for the appointment xd' elefjlv cif either cour tainedho, "acre of !1 : unless ne , nas at - vcafs, ana rcsiaca I witlnnune county iweive monui3iimueuu-. atelytcqeding the .eJetioiV - r,v'' I i i restinii- in thej Coimtv Courts the riirht of estaMishirig Additional places pf blic sale in t a cirL respective counties, .i A. Providtncr for; the resist rati'on of co- ,'piekoCthe grants for laiid.j; jlPrqviifcs lhaj ;erljfibpicsvof- the o'rigji rials haved:tcn lo?f jpr;destoyc:di registerejd 'in .due form,' shall, hav .. tlie same force jard . clipct as trie original crants.J; , i , r i;:y -iVlakin ..an. 'appn )priaipiia'nd appbirit i n t co mm i s si on e r s foij the r ebni I d i n g of th c Capital in the cHyjOl Kafeiy Apprdpr5i ites SO.OOQv ' and' appoints ! five commis- ' .. G. Concerniiig cha; ities.j; Provides that wlien any property r ?al ojr personal, dias! jbeen grahteji fofehari able piirposes, it shall J benthe duty of the trustee pf sicli. chari : to deliver in. writing. a full account: thereof to ihc clerk ef the'eobhtv Scourt at' the first fcoiirt after the 1st ;4inuary(to be iiled ii-; J mortg the. -records otj ?said court; and :tnat' 5 it shall bb the 4utf $f the cliairmah of thq court where such requisition; has; npt bedri complied with, orfuihere there has been yininiahagbrrient;- of the property, through" negligence or fraud, !to give hotice therebf ro me soiicnor or isucn aisincj, wno snmi filo a bill in iequitv against such grantee, and compel them to ; of siich charity; and isuch; order or decree executor or trustee, render a full. aqcoun ?.he cdurt may . lriakc tas ra a jfecst secure the j performance 01 tne; truit.j 7. . Repealing the.. hct of il 830, entitled tin acfc t o repeal , pa rt of he second section lof an act, passefl iri 13 00, chapter . 708; enti.- tied an act to revise hc militia laws of this State. '.-Provides! tpaf i persons j consciii-. tiousiy ayerse to oeqring arms, may oe ex- empiea ipm pic performance:, ot-miintia du tj' by procuringf; ' certificates bf the "clerks of the qhuijctxi of thir being regular ejrn jbefs thqrbol an dftalng on oath or Jdffiilnf' ation before the- company court martial that tney are' conscientiously ayerse to bearing arms --except in tifri'c of irtsurrectioh or in iTision ; then they s lalijuiriiish their qbota ot men or jiayan cqbn-ateftt. p . ' ;Incoipatatirigi( I'orth Carolina! :is- toricai society. AjUthorics the Society to f ; ' -pW properly hot j exceej tn k j at r an1 She .time 8lOv0CK) ; and to havc ircje access to u mv r'uyiic xvcuas -,oi vac ?5iaie.j ,; Extending thetime for lfayingin entry money, anu ipmaining grants pn ,ail entries made m the years -j J8-29 and '1830. I Ex- tends the timeof payment (( welve monthl ! J 10r Arhendhig act fof 1831, to Jin4 Cfrease the ability bf shefrifis and to rjro vide more efTectuallyfor;the : collectfcn ;of taxes. ; Provides that sheriffs may file their list in; the pflk-e ofj the cbuhtv court cltrk ih vacation where jtheyJhve not corriplded the collection of 'taxes, at the' countv coiirt f .happening-next before-the time, prescribed for. the settlement ,h( their public accounts . I 1 '.1 . 7 - i I I ! I I I 9 i - f; 11 i;; lo render the; land bf a deceased" . debtor hablefor ebfets, whre the plea, of Jul- iy auuujjKici tu iKyen ;iouna m tavor 01 his executor or adrriimstratbr. Provides that where the .Plaintiff iin such sorts '-toiscire facias tol subject the land$ of costs if the 'formerj suit airist the executor or administrator.. j J ', i ; ;'. " j :. , 10. TW the better organization, of the militia of this State.: . ' Requires tnat cap- : n jiins and qommanilahts of companies ' shall pnroii anci Keep eiironea an tne exempts m neir respective companies, 1 una 1 rturn herb to 'the cominaridants of regimerits, mo arc to return jine same annuany 10 ine rigadier andadjujtant geperals. j .'.: ' .13. For the better regulation of Tolun- ecrs Reduces the number necessary! to cbnstitute ! Companies r of Light Infantry, . I .Grenadiers,- Riflertien or ArtiOerv to fbrtvr lour, lriqiusjve pv commissionea ana non commissioned .omcer4y'niasiciins A'nd. pri vates. ; 11. o; allow the : fakin's1. ol depositions in cases of removaL. Piovids;tjt in ca- 3 se of remoral of anv cause from tiie Sune nor court oh one countv to another.! after fhu ordcjrfof removal depositios m'he taken- in Jtrie cause, and thatcoinmissibns may. ipe from either of said frourtsunder the Kamfc rules as if the cause liad been ori (ciiiallvJccmmenced iri the court from whirh 41 - : , 15. T ncr I compensation (l the Secret t.ary "of jSlale for services required of him by an kt of 1 827 Allows! 1 0 cents for CBpjnpj,.p j shall mak previous to the 1st Bfatch next, nL .l.ik.. ,iJ. n i 'I -1 uiai unci iuai uaiciit? suail ut ailQWCU as his; fee for each errant, iriade oht. recorded - 'and deliver,el, 7- cents;; ahdlhat for crxpying- i lar,rc ants obtained- for speculation, or thc sUyeys on ,which such -prants ; vere iwarrant of 040 a- ceits lor each cres 10- iuneiamg tne muitia laws. i'ro viues yiui mi i)iajor uenerai snail review T his divisipn6r: in thseer year',' and a gadier.Gencral once in two vbarslan ; ;ti r -i ... -'?:il.-b-J- . a Bn- d in. case either Simula fail. to revicfA:, or to-equip himselfj or bmake ah; anniraljeturn of his division jorferigade the Clcjerhor shall jcause the 43 j utant General p fgiye such delinquent bHcer thirty days bjtiUf such fhcglcctj andif such; 'delinquqpt; does 'n within fortydays thereafter reiider a sati ot atis- foctorviexctbe, the Governor shall strike his naiie frtn the list of olfice'rsj that cap tains shall ct compel tieir cpmanies to master mjorkhan twice in a yea- yolun'tcer companies bcepted; that: the exercise of ,a regimept K&alior) or. a cpmparjy shalf be, at least tvfo hprs; that each company phalli have a isecotl and third lieutenant: and the. ajdjntant (iqeral shall revise! ari bute th'e mitia laws. It: 1 a distri- 17. uthtizihg widows - ofl persons dy ing inestatei file their pethiors: for a year's supporj befoi letters of administration'are granted. 3cli wisdom may tany time, before tcttersif administration! are granted 111c.neifpt.Lum in me county CQifrt;. praying said; cburt?tokjpbint one mstic-b and three e justic; freeholi utia iLitiiui &UC11 part 0; j t he person- al. esta to' do. c as thy are nowbyja v authorised I IS,. Arnendig the I Oth section, of the, act of 1741, fa the better observation of the pression !. of yic and immorality, i Pro ide that the Sohds rcquircdj to be given by the l 0th setidri of said act.JshallliereaA ter be-made pg;able to the Goi-emor, rj. l o nremt tne unlawtii tnnnnffo. tion off slaves Hm thisH StntJ h rPrnvLi that anjy persoivho shal.:unlwfuliy -convey, oi aid in nveying froni) this State any slave, the jopertw of a citizen thereof; shall be dcemeitTuiltyjof felloliy, an buf fer death withbi benefit of clergy. , 20. To cstablh the Bank M North Ca-i rolina.f Proviis that the capital shall not exceea two mmns ot dollars! onn uhn f tn 1 vu i"wiau-, i up uuui uy. inaivi duals The prfcipal bank to lie located at naiviii. A-uMitt ijul. 10 receive more than Gi percbnt,h its loans orj discounts, If the Bank refuito navi anvl oif its nntn said notes to draUhtercst of per cent irom uie ume .pajtcnt is aem anddd In i . x i :- dividual stock to taxed 1 Jfeif cent, -pnl the 1st of Octobei 1 838 t We pulilifih bujt lliref the Prirte Acts of moment. Amcndingithe cral actsj; incorporating the Rcjarioke and tape Fear Navigation Companies, and describing ;thc mode of enforceiiijT.the , colition of toll. ! ; ; Authorising cerii persons to raise by way oT-lottery , 2,0t)dollarsj fbrlbiiilding a -b-ridgd across ' Neusi-iver' at John Carter's landmig m Lenoir unty4 , Repealing, the Skecti section' bf the act of 1825, entitled an acy direct' themanner in which licences shatereaftef bie issued to retailers; of Sjiirituoiiiqorjspf far as re. garas pie counties, fiovf JianOver, Kich mohd jand Beaufort. . ' : , : - . And two of tlie Rrsolntloa i ; :" 1 : Declaring the atthmehl of ikhe' Legis lature i to the Constj ion bf tjtie lliiited Stalesj and to the Fera Iniofi ; express ing thp! belief that argp najbrity of the peopld of this State nk & Tariff laws unconktitutipnal; imptic, . fmjdst and op pjressiye,' disapprovinge dbjctrjpe of Nul lilication; and requeg ir members of 'br frAco f r iipa n11kix-xiJ. rl ' v.uujjitso uov an v.miiuuonai means to -11 ' i-i i i - - . piM-u-.u u pcucLuuie -istment oi tne ex isting controversy betifi- South Carolina and the General Govmet. f : : . InsirnctiBg the Tresterlind j Attorney General to take the nefenrv nroceedino-s forasfcertaining, by a hisfon of the Su preme Court, whether V Gap(vFear and Newbern Banks, in ra4r tie trfx remrired by lavv put pf the profit? said Banks, be- lorp dividends are declHt4iave acted in pursuance ot tiie nrotl construction of their charters, v - -1 M ' U r H nisj siory ot the Wife from N. E. Reriew, ehoukl u.i.a iuiituui;ubc may ieaa.l: m s: .t!' " I hare been with thee Ty toar Pf glory and of bliFSf j as memory ft nower jTpwrngthenmethrotfjfig," f i; Senlfirstsaw her. jShewas standing tithc side bf her overeat tlie marriage altetWtras slight ly pale-yet ever and anprj the ceremony proceeded; a faint tinge; pfjmson crossed her beautiful cheek, Tike' reflection of a sunset cloud upon the cltakters ofa quiet lake. .Her:ioTertas'Ke'lfj'er'delicate hand within tis own, gaa on her for a moment with immingled admiration, and the warm and cloqut blood played upon his cheek, shado win gat intervals his manly fore head, and iVmelting into beauty ori his lip." '11-stood in the pridc'of his!yriTth a fair forn, Witn his feelings yet noblo, hi spirit yet warm- . An eagW, to sh her the witu his vviug, n ;j. "A?i elm, where te littMTiUini tendrils nughtcliiis- ; And theyfgave themselves' to one another; ami every heart blessed them fts they went their way rejoicing in their love; w -Years passed on, and again; I saw those 16ve.r-They were seated' together where the light of a summer sunset stole through the half closed and crimson curtains, lend ing a richer tint to theV.delicate'carpeUing and the exquisite embellishments of thejrich and irorireous aDartmeht. Time had slight- ly changed them! naa inaeea given t therni in outward appearance. ancy of the yotmg wife given place to tne grace 01 per- fected womanhood, what paler, and a nd her lip was some iint line of care was slightly perceptible u on her beautiful brow, Her husband's broV too was marked some what more deeply than his years might warrant; 'anxiety, ambition, and pride had gone over it, ' and left their traces upon it : a silver hue was mingling with the dark ness of his hair, which had become thin ned around his temples almost to baldness. He was reclining on the splendidottonian with hi face half" hidden by his hand, as if he ' feared thai ) the deep' and troubled thoughts .vhich'i.pppre$sea,.nim were visi ble iipon his features. r :- f ! . ' EdVard you are ill to-night" said his wile in a, low, 'sweet,, arid half-inquiring voice, as she laid her hand upon his own. The husband . roused - himself f rom his attitude slowly, and a flight fro wtt knit his brow." 'I am not ilii" he' said somewhat abruntlv. and he folded his arms unoh-.his bosom, as if he wished ho interruption of r j 7 - , x his evidently bitter f thoughts.- , : . IndilTere'nce from those ye love is terrible to the .sensitive bosom. It is as if the sun of heaven Tefbsed his wonted c;hcernjness, ant glared down upon us with a cold, dim, and forbidding' glance, It is dreadful to feel that the only being of , our dove, refusos to ask our symathy tlrat lie broods over feel ings "which Ke scOrns or fears to reveal dreadful to pvatch the cpnvidsive feature and the gloomy brow- the indefinable, sha dows of hidden emotions the involuntary sisrns'of a sorrow Jin which we areforbid- den to participate, and whose character . we cannot know. j , The wife essayed once more. ;'Edward" she sai'd slowly, mildly, and affectionately, "the time has been when you were willing to confideyour secret: joys and'sorrows to one," who has never, I trust betrayed your' con fidence. Why then, my dear Edward, is tlilTcruel reserve? ; You are troubled and yet you refuse to tell me the cause." Something of returning 'tenderness . sof tened for an instant the cold severity of 'the husband's features, but it passed away, and a bitter smile was; his onlyf reply. ' Time passed on, and the twain were scp crated from each 'bther.;" rTh'e -husband $a.i gloomily and alone. -in -the damp-lcell'ofa dungeon. He had follovyed ambtti6hras his God, and had failed in his high career. He had mingled with men w hem his heart loathed ; he had sought out the fierce and wronged spirits of his land, and had breath ed into tb.em the madness of revenge. He had drawn his sword against his country he had fanned rebellion to a flame,' which had been; quenched in human blood. He had fallen miseraby fallen -andhhd been dcorned to die the death of a raitpr. It was his last night of life. The mor row -ya"5"the -day -appointed for his executi on. He saw the sun sink behind jthe green hiljs of the west, as; he sat by the dim grate of his dunge6n, with a feeling of unutterable horror. He felt that it was the last sun that would set to' him. : j ,.It would cast its next level and sunset; rjays uporhis graveu pon the grave of a f dislionoier traitor. The door of his dunggou Qpened, and a flicrht form entered! and threw herself into his arms. v The softened light' bf sunset fell upon the pale brow and wasted cheek of his once beautiful, wife. . 4 "Edward my dear Edvrad,?Vshe said, "I -have come to save you. I have reached you after a thousand difficulties, and I thank God that my purpose is nearly accomplished.' Misfortune had Softened1 the proud heart of manhood, and as the husband pressed his pale wife to his bosom, a tear trembled on his eyelash. "I have hot deserved fnis kindness,' he murmured in tlie choked tones of convulsiv agohyJ " . v "Edward," said his wife in an earnest, but faint and low voice, which indicated ex-, treme and fearful debility, "We have not a moment to lose: By an exchange of gar ments you will be enabled m-pass unnoti ced. Haste, or we mavvbe too late. ! rear nothing for me, I am a woman, and they will not injure me for my efforts in behalf of a busband,"dearer than life itself. - "But, Margarct,'' said the husband, "you look sadly ill. Ydu cannot breathe the-air of this dreadful, cell. , -. "Oh; speak not bf me, my dearest Ed war d," 'said the devoted woman UI can en-' dure every thirty for your sake. r Haste, Edwardhaste; and, all will be well," and she aided with- a trembling hand to dis guise the proud form of her husband in a female garbl :x "Farewell, my love, my preserver whis pered the husband in the ear cf his disgui sed . wife. as the officer sternly reminded thetsxrpposed lady that the . Ume allotted for her , visit had expired. , Farewell, we shall meelt again," responded bis wife ; .' the hus band passed put unsuspected, and escaped the enemies o( liis life.l . : I -Tiey did ? meet again -that fxrife. and husband rbut only as the deadxna'y meetin the aivTul communings of another Affecti0i had borne tip her exhausted spir rit,;imty the last greatpurpose; of her ex ertions as . accomplished irthe Safety of her hii&andj.and Vhen the bell tollledl bn the m'rbw; and the prisoners-cell wasb penedlte guards found wrapped in the ha bilimes of their destined victiin, the; pale but stilfteautiiul corpse of the devoted Wife. , Tiie irvLng jagulai accouat of a Bleeding family is from tu,atiiutk.'et Inqudrer-if the same egnseijijences Trays Towd, folks woiU be more cabtioys to keej) out of the (- of sharp pointed instruments such lis bayo- newanJIjrks-J ie' : : ! BLisDERs. It jis prima fecie," some mark .p deficiency fef veracity,, tip attempt to prepo.ss one's hearers or readers with the trvi of any proposition. . Tb say "what I am ji3out to declare is positively true" -seems $3 imply that the fact bf 'the story needs ionger confirmation than it is in the powcrf .die narrator to give it, in order to entillejt 6 implicit belief. Yt we cannot give tra following account of ihc bleeders withauC' premising that it wys comuiuniea- tal to ifs by persons of undoubted veracity, :ho rist fhave belicyed it, though they- .mightivabeeh- themselves- deceived- 5 -' 'f htjge is in the totvn of North4Reading in" tillS 6t$L a familyylistinguish; coders-:" : -By som d by the ti ?; peculiarity hen' certain tie of f3e bl iri thejDnstit'ntionit is said, w membfs of it, themale descendants .in the femaldlline receive even a very ' slight woun mdc they inevitably1 bleed to death.' It is fu iTtliSiT C'i! tint nil nttomnts' tn cfnn tl to stop -tli e flow v ojffblood'bV bandages, tying of arteries, myf?ther means', are toiall; ineificient, or ant'9ttier amea th n Klrssd iT-ill tlipr flnir frnm tbf tvnnnrl or it .v al burst tortn. elsewhere, as from the nose, firs, ,pr lungs, our reaaers ; may numrjefethis as we ourselves were once in clined?") dc, 'among, the numerous current' vagarc& o( superstition and ignorance, but so strqg h the faith of, many worthy and inteliintlpeoplein it, arid j so r iany instan ces are-brdught in its prpof, that on the" sup- positio-o flits, fallaqy, the circumstance, of the presaleside of the belief is no loss curi ous at diificult of explanation, than the rmenortenonatseilj would ee, if, authentic tei were fsome; years --since the "nearest neighbor- to a very respectable family,' a branchbf the 'bleeders,", in which the drathofone of its members occurred from the cause just stated." The subject was a boy eigjit or ten years 01 age, i 1 he bleed ing vs occasioned by a slight woiind in the hand oiiarm, and no attempt beiny- made to stop itlihrouffh fear of hasteninsi the' fatal event Anticipated,; the child slowly;r)!ed to death. Of tihis finally -5 nd occurrence we col easily procure unquestionable ev idences. If thffc idiosincrasv be' a delusion, it must be stmig indeed and datgerds, when it compels a parent to witness thb.tjeath ofa child wthout bsing every -and.; any means to safest. Bib if it be areality, it appears to us t-le worthy ;of a, place in the fpathol agy offife human.s-.ody. ;.! . f nXTfiACi'.-i FaO.M A MODfiUN Die riOXARY. Ste'm Boat. -A machine invented for ,tho cxves.s purpose of checking the too ra- i . .. -.it . i .' ii.. put growui 01 population, uysca.iuing to death vb or three thousand people anhual- y Debtor. A vile vrc-trh," whose crime of misfortune and poverty is punished with relenting severity by our best law- Tiiif. An unfortunate,' wjiose 'means ofshstence being gone, he is kindly and prompy supplied by tlie charity of our laws jith comfortable apartments;- where he lm plenty ,tcj eat and nothing to do. S t a"T r Prison. f A large, airy' commo dious tb'iilumg, erected nt mi hi jr. pvr.p sse for thtvjnore comfortable accomadation of the ab-e. - : , : I j WINTER. A clear fluid, cince used to drinkp:; ' -': ; . ' j j ... ' "' Wiie-is' Stand. In a Court of Jus- tice, a?Nind. pillory, where a person is obli-, gcd' tojieceive every species of verbal insult vfithoui being able to resent it. (H Tit S- 4 RAVE An ugly hole in the crourj'kwhich lovers" and poets wish thev were frj. but take uncommon pains to keep cut. ofl j . . : JsEp,:iES. liorrower and lender. , WiciiMAN, -A man employed by the t opo canon to-sieep in tne open air. Judge Jsaldicvw It gives jus pam to tate lat it is renorted at Washington, on 8 ? . . the ai3iority of letters, from Pittsburg, tht Mr'.'Jitstice Baldwin, of the Supreme Court, had iferome 'insane, and lyas cprnfineJ in a H6stal. It was feared from the manner of th attack, and the symptoms, that it v.-qulprove a case of confirmijd and incu ratleflunacy. ! ' I-; " 4;' -.- ' ! f- "''' ; Wpake the following EiLracts lYom an able let ter, wittt-n Lv Judge llugerZui tlie people of Spar- taiibiaDestriet, S. C ...iA,;-T . .ii- . e n f x.m.. - T1 " Tih'e law cf the United States for the collection of Revenue, is proclaimed to be null Jd void, and any. attempt on the part of thdt President, vor pf Congress, to cause; its enjijreemenr, is 10 oe ioiiowea Dy imme: diateyression :i and that lo be succeeded bj' the orffanization of another, and a seperate GoveriimenL Whether this new Dynasty is to have the substance, or even the form of Republicanism, is not yet developed : wheth er it jfeto be directed by the enactment of equal? aws, or by mean oi Military itegu lation may not yet be decided on. v Yqiwilf remember, fellow-ckizens, and I trosjfcHthe people of South Carolina, have not " purely, forgotten the .ground upon which Nullification has been recommended to thejff notice, and the reasons jwhich were urged Iin favor of calling a Contention for the parage of an Ordianco in: cojiforairyj witi iis. doctrine, thor of nullffication conspicuous among forth the; assurance that nullification was peaceful was constitutional, and was calcu lated to give durability, and permanence to the Union!;' It has Jbecn said, and- (nat by these authorities, that it was essentially peaceful ; that" it; wa in thb j GonsUtutiori as thbugkiit : ivre. written' thrbi and' that it would ; pot only presen'e the - Union, but that the Union could no longer exist without it. f -t : "".i---- First, it is peaceful, yet the Ordiance, the Report, and thelAddresses anticipcite (and provide for V collision with; jtlie dovern ment. Secondly, it is constitutional, yet the Legislature are instructed to. frame an oath to be administered to every officer of the State, ; it absolve him from' all: obedience tp the Laws'and tp,the ' Constitution of the (J; States. Thirdly, it! is i to per Union, yet we are called upon) to maktfre raration for an immedi-ite dissolution iof the Union!". . : ... ',; . U t u i The letter concludes with the following bold an J patriotic language, r j "In conclusion, it is mv nainful dutv to warn you of vobr present sitiuatiPn. the ngnt oi opinion is aireaay oinciany uenieu. Brave and honorable men, whose ambitionl has. sought no higher reward, than the glp Vy ofjtheir country, are1 now ) o become tlie objects o fad egrpded prose ription ; jth ose who vvere never suspected before,' fjtre inow.to be 1 . -- - -.1 - 11 I 'II' driven beyond the protection of the law; or submit to. a disgraceful Test mh which t- riuaUy disnonors nim wno taites it, ana linn who administers it. Those, who have idol ized the character and integrity of tluvState, who have loved-her ; as thtir j motner, are now to be tne victims oran -unjwi.vvmd un sparing ' persecution ; those whose fathers 'gave up life, iri the great sirugglpof onpre's s ion, are now .to .be, pointed at las traitors, denounced r.s.fit oljects " of : veneence, and punished under: a statute, ofAyhich the de forces must be written-in the best " blood of the patriot. But thanks.be o God! there exists yet, that courage which scorns to ask for o natter, and Jbuts despotisrri at defiance - tnat s-irit which cannot be ."subdued, ; until the. body. y1 :ch1 Contains', if is utierjy .''des troyed. ', What -is there, letlm? ask,. i:va government. '1 i V. burs., tp authorize an ar;ny Of 1 2,0.00 snlrliefs; with Oifiders to cbmrnfind, appointed by a kindle individual, - without c'orisnlatioh i nd -;v it h db.ii-fi t 'natipn V ' pucHic i.'irr IN?;. tREXTON,'.JOK f.N : At n nui'Ttpfmis pmd TV, f- J VN. iijfl,-) rcS':-itlhiC m'eetmg vened at of the - citizens bf this Con'nti: 1 co the. Court House, :to takp . into (consideration tli-i subject of Nuincatio, th'e South'Caro liiia 'Conventioi, and tlie Preside?it'i. Prp clamatipn ? brrmp'tion of Risdfn 'M. .Mcdan ielEsP., Doctor J.. LaRojrie was call ed to the Chair, and Frederick; IJpsc-ufj Esq. appointed Secretary, and James L. Lalloque, oq assisstant " Secretary. i; A anpointed by the. Chair, Committee was conisiiitincof the following gentlemen, to prepare a '.suitable e prramJe and resolutions expressive ot trie rVamble and resqlutiops expressive of th? Sehtinii r.fs of the-rmeeti ngf :Messrs.i Sim- tnoTis Ha rrison, Wn. ( iood in g, R isdep M Jlc Daniel, ; Freeeriek Foscue, and j John" Jones Esqfs.? , The Committee after haying retired a short time reported jlhe following preamble and resolutions, wh&h, vere una n im ously addpted. ' '' -' ; - 'j''; .- ;''.-i We, a portion of the People, obeying the admonitions of the father of Ins country deem it our sacred 'duty to discountenance .j Whatever may suggest even suspicion that our nntipnal Ujloh can in hny event be sb.andone'4,' and o, indignantly frown uppn the most systematic effort tb alien a portion of our country from the rest,; and tp enfee- jdjlp the sacred 4tics which now lmk together its various, parts, f ! y Therefor RctolveJ, That 'we consider the Union of our country as ever dear and ever to be' preserved, even aMEc Sacrifice M considerable mtf rest. !! " - I ''Resolved, That we - disapprove the pro ceeaings oi tne nuiiitication party, lately as . . -A.t I n '' ' . 1 1 sembled m convention in Sonth Carolina, as hasty and preiiiature, and the la ws passed In pursuance of thev Ordinance, by the Le gislature; as tyrannical, arbitrary and prbs ;priptive; and-tendibg directly to a dissolu tion of the Uniorb,- ' - I1 '. RnoJveM, -That we approve rthe Presi dent's Proclamations and that we will cor- idially support him in every constitutiPnal measure ne& ssaly ' -for -the 'exbeutiph .of "the laws, and for maintain in sr the integrity of file Union; that we still freveritly .pray the juivme goodness to avert uie . necessity oi resorting to torce; but tnat in our judgment, it is a matter of absolute duty tht President of the United S on the part of ates, if forci ble resistance be made to the!; laws, to see neverless, that the laws be duly executed. ri ; Resolved, That the bet interests of our country, demand; a gradual reduction of the Tariff to the Standard of revenue, as pro posed by the President in his message to the present Congress. Resolved, That the proceedings pf tbid meeting be signed by the. Chairman, and Secretaries, and "published in tfie Newbern Sentinel, and Spectator, the Raleigh papers, ! r aiiiiiigiuu KJiVDv, xM-"V"i omjujici, and all other papers friendly to the cause. . J. 13, JAROaUE. Ch'm. J. E. LaRoquz, Secretaries.. H JiATrrK Gold. In a discussion which took, place iri Congress, on the 19th oh. on a bill to establish. As say offices in the gold region, Mr. Carson stated that in 1R30, the 'gold found in North Carolina amounted lo 204,000 dollars. In Georgia it amounted to 210, 000 dollars: This amount he wa4 uifonned, had rjcrncaorUMnliraWea eong the last year. The distmguished au-, K The following account is jiven of thtr Jgi himself! aad thevmot j manner sin r which - DortjMiguel travels 'Mm las foilo'ivers, have set ! through Ithe countrv.'carrvinr with hini M itrv. - carrv nis sister as a Hostage v;r; s:; "-..-i4-i He tiivels on nbrsebaclc;. wttn a staff of ; about 2Qf officers;" behind this body is biv empty carriagelfor; his Majesty to repose ifih when fatigued. In the. rear of this comes a httem;ith the , Princess Isabel, Maria. 1p appears bsoroed irr griaf sbrrbnuerl by ti strong gutird of cavalry: then an empty'lit- - w i-, - . . . t -- -v;v u ler. ana litters wnn the ladies; close t!m ca- W valcade. j lit this order t S Anrf nmfti P Araetias where a house was. brenired for M W ijon jiigaev out hadeclinedtoppincrt At ;f Santb Tierco the hid prcparol al grand fekst for. him: but he reied'tb'nar i i w up 11. riviiiLr urn MiMVii iiirii n-v nmfML-i. ibrfeastmgi 4 He vent ph to Brara, wlierogf hfi vas lief rivd Tiriib mrr11rie vrin&r m$d . J " 'twv . v- nM VXill. 7 petuate; thetfie episcopal palace, his sister beini-coh- sigiied to" tlie pious care of the- Ursul incs l$J0 that city Of his furtHerpro'iress!nothine-ffi.b that eityj Of his nirtHerprog certain is known; he is saidjtP be comiai-Ifrl down towards the sea. reeeMnnr tb bW- si rigs' arid tlie money of the pjionks'oiv fiM rPut; bat it is understood thai he n.isxcHfMi j P'p?a as his quarters for the wmter.VJ - ' - 1 . : l . ' a( rrjrr XV 4L1F1 CATION .-Tlve (pHowiM iswpjej fr: mfC the las C'.ar-lotjc S. ('. Journal :Jl hHis do eo:ftmvi)t: MM ;u.irt i uiroutjii kmiv uhu llOlJiavKli ?t - 3 tli-i N Utionedllo halve mv name 'striekeiiVoTf. is rilii'-use of inv'mindf.' Iliavesibod u. IS?ll fLi.irviNcj Pater. whichf is ib the 'hands"-l&Je which hb refuses. This is to iiotilv the nubi , wH lie tha i i i . i i i in ri i:ii im wiiv-vftii f l nrt rw t n n roav RARTYTTbr if I did':Tiould f onsidr;;Ji) myself b mark fpr any true republican to sM p. - aav-v v wvx-a, 11I1WV1I VMIV V.M UJ,lf N5 -a f . 1 . 1 1 ; . - sr ; - ; j . ' - ' ' ' K..' makingja grant'of land to the New EngfifJ' linrl Asylum, for tne blind,- and the. j Neb ' mW York Ibstitufion for t lie Deaf and Diimv":2.'43 was rejected in the House on the 26th tilt. r-7o 90. We belicAetbe rcneral nrinci- ilne nif lti'r lIll x-f . tlir (irnnniW Vllil,ti. on. A memorial was presented, which-waa-ifsM n umef o i) si y sign ed by the citizens of. Blfck ; s Jf g cbtinty ienhsyivania, requesting thaf Con- ftp gress will .no longer" t;erslst iin taxing fo-vtS renjnil'rpaucis lor ine protection oi tic matr.'f icture. The petition says; - that ti . . . t r 'tJtey ar impelled toftnis course by a deep :wmA sense o'f .. vyh'atis 'dtie--$b thec-A y posilwn iti oj 'their Muiiif a ' brethren, andlan apprenr-'i $i on that a further,- -perststancje in the pro-: fiictr. e s'.ystrin will cause a larra ifortion of ' cause a larga portion of f th c vu:iiuei acv iixuiiu;iii v 10 ciinwuiniB-trj:;, sjrsrj its ditspfut ?ph as a re!icf'f6mroppre4sii,,';i.r Mrs John G. Calhoun,, took: his spates ilf Seyiator jof the; U, S: from S. oa the Dh-.. Uj int. an( the Chair on the same; day rcceiy1 ft - J ed a letter from him, designing hi office ds yfj P- 4;nqedite '; - ; , Ufi ' We; jrar-iithat Miss Jarrji ret Tucker, tC rcceiUlyt deceased, daughter f the late Bd- ?'.5 za Tuc!er, Esq. has bequcthed the sum. bf SO.Oaa to tha citoof Bosfon. in trust.fe the support of a High' School' fpr ,oan0' f,fd Ladies.4-lh5, . .' . , :'- --1 r:" ':; -"i The deaths in Boston, hi -1 oor), 1 70 If .of which 73. were by malignant clrlt- lera. In the preceding year, the bum- -'ii ber of deaths was 1424. 'lrcm !ht Sew WlcAd: vcrlucr. 4t-: The External' appearahcesf of thjiigs'in sC'j Kurnrr at thr nrpKnt titnp lsfnorpi - hlw! 3 ;f . . ...... .... . . tain and; France were for so large a propor tion of the. time engaged in tar with each i 5 other, trjat they were considered; not onlv r oy otner nation?, out by tnemseiycs, as "na, tural enemies," and by this natural charac- , feristic ' they were often designated. V'-f ' ring the-.hrst French revo dutionary pef-ipd. ? 11" Great Britain was the' only bower mXii- rope that, from beginning to end, atood out-.' X against the "Terrible. nebabijjr-nrfdTicrdr, 'S'f (Ceased iis resistance until he jrcvohitiopar." i; pdwer was snbdaed, the former, monarchy tQ restored! 4nd the ancient dynasty replaced :t 'inpbwer, ' ",' L'-."' ' ' r vyi!iiput tne force oujurcat; .pintam. vt Frbnce Would have govcrnedj as he'liad, VS -1 .- 't- 'L A- T-.. .. rA. na-al power, the exorbitant pecuniary cop- VVUUUV1VU' bUlUUIUIbll , 1 U I'-- IJUKj iriuuxions; ana tne, exertion or trip munafy force of jlireat Britain, eventually enabled the other nations to rally, unite their stren gth and prostrate the power which for a long ume naa inrcatenea w ab,sorD universal' do minion. lU was i a dread of the .'revolution-' ary spirit and principles of France, in 1702 andonwkrd to lb 13, whichstiiulatedGrcat Britain to. rbake such '. extraordinary exer tions, and to '.submit to, such unexampled? sacrifices, as occurred in the course of that ; extraordinary ' period. --' " , Within thts last three yearsanether revo lution, short in its duration, but cffiuual - in , its character,-has taken place in France, in dynasty jwhich Great " Brkarnjlabourpd so' -H severly f and do persereringly to re- - place irt power; has beri dethroned aod . forced into exile, and a .hew fomilv havi been placed at the head of the nation, u ith- the ordiriary yitles, andinsignia pf royalty.-! .'t , This new re'olutionary '. sovereign js snp- -ported by the British Government ; and Eu- 1 rope no ex&bits the' stnmgtJ '-spectacle of it closed political union bet ween these t former rival nations, and a combined war fare waged by them against.one of the ct-; dest Protestant hations of Europe, in be-' : ; half ofalportjbn of the sofercigntjwhichi j no longer ago than 1 $ lor was confo rred ur on that nation, by tfie approbation and con- sent, and indeed co-operation of Great Bri- 1 tain and (the other great European power?. Great Britajrr and Erance take unbn them- selves the task of enforcing ohbdipnr'ft from Holland the other powers, thus fir-lantfT oy i ji see iaii piay. Kfl 2 ; sc. rs it . ft '1 i I Mi K- f s . i . 6 Jl " . ' ; T : ' ;':'mv

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