-A" THE DAILY WttMINGKfotf HERALD, ItfONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1S66. 01 . .,, . V - ' - '' i i r f Hi" 4 ft v -A v Is CO,. XDITPBf AKD PB0PBIT0B8. 36 Market Strut, up Stain, WILMINGTON. OCTOBEK SO- v E LECTIO If nrtiM Election for Governor, npreent- J tire toCanffre. tndMemberi f ASr-1 '.v.um.'.. riic. will tke pleell Khrlfr and Clerk, will tfce P'" l t- -i - : : : . i. j:. .vAmbcr. 185 XnortOAjr me ' TlfR POSITION OF NORTH CAROUIfA. The state convention, previous to Its adjourn- ment last week, adoptedT the following resoiu .iion s r'. . ! tRM. vn.r foi DSLBPATBS OF THB PEOPLE o, North Caboua, ""SSS' t ITiriTED States, KatUmemt nentiy national and MVMtto, jW. ... ' .i - w.v.. that he u entitled to the lion or in Tyw- - r a, " a2U o fJUjvC !JZta - iMiri to Aw: at as early a J Mr polUiealrights ?y,Y: that W. W. HOIDES, PEOVI- U the same end. TUB nESPONSIBILITY OF BEPUDIA TI0!f. . Those journals and politicians who have been so desperately charging that the president's dis- natch to the provisional governor, urging repu Elation, was procured at the solicitation of the latter, will now have an opportunity to recant . . .11 -r, ,V.!K raftaoifA fllHcft weir, gronnujew. vua.fec0 - upon the President and the provisional govenor. We print this morning a dispatclj to the effect that the provisional governor of Georgia has been ffl;Qiiir riAtifWl hv'thft secretarv of state " that yuiviwii t j - the president cannot recognize the people of any state as having resumed their relation of loyalty to the union that admits as legal the obligations contracted or debts created in their name to pro mote the war of the rebellion. 1 Or if those newspapers and politicians referred to are not inclined to improve this opportunity to recant their base charges, perhaps they will at tempt to urge that this latter dispatch was pro cured at the solicitation of governor Johnston of Georgia, as they claim the former was procured at the solicitation of provisional governor Holden of North Carolina. And at the same time thefee newspapers and politicians profess unbounded jadmiration for President Johnson, and a firm de termination to support his administration and a firm determination to support his administra tion and policy. What a noble and deserving administration they make of it, truly ! The pre jsident procured to enunciate any set of princi ples at the request of his subordinates and the 'officials of his creation ! A policy so flexible that it may be at any time bent to suit the pur poses of aspiring politicians in the southern 'states! .Really, how such an administration and e of policy commend themselves to the confi dence, admiration and support of the people ! All this talk of the procurement of any parti cular jlocument from the president is pure non sense! The policy of the administration was carefully considered' and settled previous to the appointment of a provisional governor for this state ; and no one feature of that policy was more distinctly set forth than that the debts created in aid of the rebellion should be ignored. This journal has reprinted at various times several columns of editorial argument on this point from the'organ at Washington of the ' general govern ment, to show that the rebel debts must be re pudiated. We have also endeavored, to the best of our ability, to prepare the minds of the peo ple of this state for such action, knowing that it was the settled policy of the government. But we have no groat hope of seeing the op position press do justice to the provisional gov ernor in this matter. They will play upon the credulity of the people for their particular ends. They know that our people are an honorable, nign-mmded race, more willing to starve than peril their reputation by disclaiming an honest debt; and, working on this lofty sentiment, which they seem themselves iucapable of appreciating, they hope to set the people against the provi sional governor, and so compass his defeat the approaching election, by spreading . the belief that he is responsible for causing the shame of the state. Were they honest themselves they would show to the people that they are repudiat ho just obligation ; but that the requirement is simply that they shall not assume an unjust debt, "vicu.ci, mat ere n a uisnonoraDie re pudiation, the United States government, and not tne provisional governor of this . state, nor the people of North Carolina, is responsible for such ut we nave conhdence m the intelligence of ... our people, and have no reason to fear that the machinations of those who are logically opposed to a restoration of civil law to the state will prevail The people have confidence in "the president uu Muiouownis leadings to the end of our troubles. DEDUCTION OF EXPEXniTiinM - - The Secretary of the Navy has forwarded to the Treasury Department his estimate of the expendi- - u account or the navy for the coming year .o m me COSt Of maintJlfntnir w,ruWuWuor only double the cost in 1860. ' the war Department be able to reduce its Aw.A.wi: ... r uunures m tne same ratio, the cost of . -upruug tne Uovernment for the nextyear--' exclusive of interest on the public' debt-will be brought down to tlOO.000.000. n,a . penditures will be $265,000000, which, according , to present annarT.. .m, v . m , ""i m oe quite covered by the income from internal revenue alone. ivoicBrnon the hack Boon. omey, the famous "Occasional" correspond ent of the Philadelphia P-not the most reputable politician in the wHd, ;by the way writes a letter on North, Csj'.lina affairs, which will be read in this latitude with interest The chevallier Forney picks up a good many scraps about the back door of the white house, and is therefore conWonly , received- as authority on wsuuvo-matters., 'it will be seen' that, in fleeting white house wi-iments: b o- , mviucu u me. union candidate in this RtW s Thi is but another link in the chain o videnci uowing mat Mr.; Holdenis the 'choice of the : president The people win do well to give this feature of the canvasshi this State 'due weight : Jt wfll not 'be, wise, in our present condition for i - : i ' . -. P nnvArfnl q frin1 I as tne rresiafnui bm. VOBTIN PLATFOIllL Thelfriendjof Mr. Worth baring put that gen- LA i a. --sit I LT tleman forward as opposea w repumuuo, i find : themselves in a strange fix in view of the dispatch of the secretary of state to the governor of Georgia. 3lr. Worth professes to be, and un- questionably is, truly and sincerely loyai. jjui the platform r on which he stands is somewnat sbaiy because of its hostility to the policy of the 'U administration. Query- will the state ttw surely readmitted to the union1 if such ; . ' , tt.u ..itwiH wor-TTMnfniv acauunwwouvvwu - ., -, " cessfulT, NEW ADVERTIGEMENTS ELECTIOIS TICKETS, PRINTED at Tint Hebald office for $2.00 per thousand. Send in your orders early. Oct 24th. J -wi-iue. Wanted, A GOOD, honest young man, GOOD, honest young man, to take charge of xjL a news and periodical dept. Apply, at WHITAKER'S Book Store. 206-8 Oct. 86, WMtakeri Bookstore. T HE largest Stock of Books and Stationary in - the state can be found at - WHITAKER'S i ; ! ,, BookStore. Wholesale room, in rear of Store, always kept full. Wanted TO RENT OR PURCHASE, q M. Box, 44 Wfl. Q . t offl(je mington post Oct 30 '206-2t Lost ON Friday night between the City hotel and tne ordnance office a memorandum book contain- lner some letters .and cards of no account to any one but the owner. Any person leavingJt at the counting room of The Herald office will receive IT . - W 1 1 1 .nonlno I the thanks or tne owner. Oct. 80 206-St NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! George Z. French & Co. HAVE; JUST RECEIVED. PER STEAMER A SPLENDID STOCK OP P0RK,j - CHEESE, BACON, BUTTER, I ! HERRING, POTASH, APPLES, ORANGES, I I SALMON, MEAL, 1 AXES, COTTON CARDS, KEROSENE OIL, VINEGAR, FL0UE, LARDj . HAMS, CRACKERS, MACKEREL SALARATUS, POTATOES, LEMONS, , . -, BEEF, GLUE, AXE HANDLES, WOOL CARDS, CANDLES, SWEET OIL, BOKER'S STOMACH BITTERS, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, I RUSS' ST. DOMINGO BITTERS, AND A large assortment 9? . TIN, CROCKER Yj, WOOD WILLOW WARiJ. All the above goods wilL be sold very low, FOR CASH. GEORGE Z. FRENCH & CO. Oct 80. 206-s MEW GOODS, AT S. M. SIMPSON'S, 83 AND 86 MARKET STREET. PRINTS, DE LAINES, WOOL PLAIDS, RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, ! j DOMESTICS, &C, &C. PPRMING a full and complete assortment of all articles in the Dry Goods and Notions line. Oct 80 206- v 1 por " smithville. . THE tfoop W Bell, Capt W. P. Sellers, will leave Wilmington every Monday and Thurs day and Smlthville every Wednesday and 8atur. day, weather, permitting. AH orders left with wamea -Biucneu wm oe prompuy attended to. - OctSp; ni , i . , . . . 206-lt. Tft lF?T AND POD SALIl. For Sale." JUST RECEIVED WHITE LEAD, ND all kinds of .Paint, at - New Tort nrieeslw- a email advance cm ' 1 - r -, E. BURR & CO. 0ct 28 Fordtentf t , 14 North Waier street, M. McfNNI8, No. 16 North Water street. 204-1 w STORE No. Apply to Oct. 27. Hilton Plantation DWELLING HOUSE. With all UPLAND AND LOWLAND ATTACHED. ILL be rented until 1st October. For terms apply to CRONLT & MORRIS, Real Estate brokers and Auctioneers. , sept. 25th. 176-tr SLEEPY HOLLOW PLASTATIOX. CIRCUMSTANCES over which I have no con trol, forces the necessity of offering this defin able plantation and residence r . 'FOR "8 ALE. Tf nAntiini rvr 7fln nrrMi ff T.Qnrl eitnotoH at head of the Great Hollow ot the Cape Fear river In Bladen county, near uouncers Bluff, (a public landing) on the public road, 62 miles above Wilmington, 14 miles above. Elizabeth, 24 miles below Fayetteville, W mile from Prospect Hall P. Om 2 miles from Mayesville, 14 miles from Lumbertan, and about 10 miles in a direct line from the WiL, Char. & R. R. Road, in one of the most agreeable neighborhoods in the State. The improvements consist of a large and pleas ant modern built and well finished Dwelling, containing 8 large rooms and passage, a double piazza, front and rear, office, pantry, dairy and spring- house, kitchen, store house, wash house, ironing room, poultry, house, wine house, meat and smoke bouse, overseers house, blacksmith shop, tool house, carpenters' shop, carriage house, bug gy houses, cart sheds, barn, crib, stables for 16 horses, large fodder house, loom and spinning house, and 18 laborers' lodges, all of recent con struction, frame and brick chimneys, everything complete, with most excellent spring ad well of water, The Dwelling is surrounded by a beautiful 10 acre grove of oaks, hicory and elm trees, a well improved garden, 20 acres devoted to apple and peach orchards and grape vines in fine bearing condition, and 20 acres are, devoted . to Mulberry trees, containing 8 varieties, which are in full bear- hng from May until August, and is invaluable for nog ana poultry raising; lire wooa anq umDer are abundant and convenient, The lands are as good as any in the country ; the river bottoms rich, the uplands fair, and both susceptible of high improvement. Of the crops grown, corn, cow peas, potatoes, cotton, wheat, oats and rye are the principal all of which do well. 1 U JJ a . . 1 With a trifling exp3nse a head of water thirty to forty leet could be had lor milling or manuiactur ing purposes the stream never fails. The health of the nlaoe Is unsurpassed. In a residence of three vears. with a familv (white and black) ran ging from sixty to eighty, no death has occurred, nor has a physician been called to any case, attrib utable to the health 01 the place, or has any ague or fever of any kind, or other disease occurred. And last, but not least, no sign or sound of mos quito of any description has ever been known upon the place To a person desiring long life and a pleasant one, this place offers rare attractions Plantation furniture, stock and provisions will be sold with the place if desired. Application may be made to me, upon the prem ises, or to O. G. Parsley & Co., at Wilmington. HENRY NUTT. Sept. 30. ' 81 Trunks, Trunk, Now opening at 38 MARKET STREET, a fine assortment of SOLE LEATHER, EUGENIE, FRENCH- & FOLIO TRUNKS, also VALISES, LEATHER AND ENAMMELLED BAGS, from the celebrated METROPOLITAN TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Those trunks through our agency have hereto lore gained such an enviable notoriety. BALDWIN, MUNSON & CO. Oct. 25 202-s. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against entering into any bargain, contract or agree ment with M. Iseman, I. Iseman or G. Richards, of Marion, S. C, for the purchase or sale of their several lots of cotton, amounting in all to two hundred and sixteen bales. The said cotton hav ing been sold by them the 9th day of October, 1865, to me, and a contract of the sale hav ing been executed and regularly signed by each of the parties. H. M. BARRY. Oct. 24th. 201-1 w. COTTON GINS! COTTON GINS? GINS! COTTON Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, Emory &. Craven McCliarty and Excelsior COTTON GINS, WITH Engines, Horse Powers, and everything complete for running, in store, a.nd ready for Immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No. 8 Dey street. New York. Oct. 28. 205-ly Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned have this day . formed a co partnership for the purpose of. conducting a general Hardw.ve Business at NoC 15, Front street, (old stand Messrs. Hart & Bailey) under the style of GEO. A. PECK & CO., and hope by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of public pa tronage. GEO. A. PECK, THOS. F. H. PECK. Oct. 5th 185-1 m Southern Pine Lumber. fJHE subscribers solicit consignments of SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER, on which they will make advance, and which they will sell afloat or from yard. They believe they have the largest yard in the U. S. and unequalled facilities for the sale of Lumber. r WILLSON, WATROUS & CO, Corner 1st Av. & 39th st & 84 Wall st New York References : r Broadway Bank, New York, Mechanics & Farmers Bank. Albany, N. Y. CLARK, SUMNER & CO-, Albany, New York. JORTHERN LUMBER of every kind for sale by WILLSON, WATROUS & CO., 1st Av. & 39th st & 84 Wall st, New-York. CLARK, SUMNER & CO., i - . Albany, New York. Oct 4 , ... 184-lm. F'INE Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes, Combs &c dkc.. at - - -.-,r. BALDWIN MUNSON &.CO.,8.. i .-, 33 Market streets 200-s Oct 23. AMUSEMENTS . THEATRE. . z - - . 1 w MCNDAT EVENING, Oct. 30, 1865. GO AND SEE The tLl d and last representation of the great legendai v Drama received on Saturday night with rai iires of applause BY, REQUEST; r ' f oriemoi : representation of the ; :1 t- AAGJEL OF MID1IGHT, AND SPIRIT OF TJEATIL .i.ul Bernard--Mr. John Davis. Lambeek. .. '': Ji.!Mr. G. E. Andrews. ,:e de Stromberg- - -Miss Ida Morton. Doctor I Baron d Margue. After which DANCE Miss NELLIE PROCTOR, To co. lude with . BETSY BAKER. Tuesd .y, the charming Actress, Miss Sallle Par tington, rill make her first appearanec. j'SEE SMALL BILLS. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Orchest and Dress Circle, $1 00 f arquet a,. Centre Calleryj l Western Gallery, (colored,). Eastern', " Doors open for securing seats daily from 10, 50 00 50 25 A 31., unUl I, Y 31, Doors open at 7 o'clock: Performances to com mence at 7 o'clock, precisely. MISCELLANEOUS. C. POIWOGT, W. B. VINCENT. C. POLVOGT & CO., CORNER FRONT AXD PRINCESS STREETS, - UPHOLSTERERS, PAPER HANGERS, and dealers in SPRING, MOSS, CURLED HAIR, SHUCK AND COTTON MATTRESSES. WINDOW SHADES. OIL CLOTH. Every grade of WALL PAPER. The finest se lection in the state. Damask, Enameled Cloth and Table Covers Picture Frames, Window Glass, Mirrors, Chairs, .Bedsteads, lables, Stools, Ticture Frames to order; Window Glass, any size desired. Paper Hanging and Decoration done with Neat ness and despatch. Carpets cut and layed. Oct. 23. 200-s Copartnership Notice. rpnE undersigned nave to-day formed a copart JL nership und-r the name and style of Jas. L. Hathaway Utley, (formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, JN. (J.,) lor the transaction of a Ship pmg and General Commission Business in the city of New York, at 171 Pearl street. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, WM. R. UTLEY. New York, Oct. 9, 1865. 197-3m JAMES L. HATHAWAY. WM. R. UTLEY Jas. L. Hathaway & Utley, (Formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. C.) SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, 171 Pearl street, New York. WT E solicit consignments of Cotton Naval V V Stores, Sheetings, Yarns, Tobacco, and oth er oomnern products, to tne sale oi wmch our prompt personal attention will be given. We will make liberal advances upon receipt of invoice and bill of lading. All merchandise and produce shipped to us is insured from the point of shipment, with or with out advice. Invoices should always accompany each shipment. Both of us having had over twenty years expe rience in the south, and our J. L. Hathaway three years in New York, we feel confident we can se cure full prices for our friends who will favor us with their consignments. Oct. 19. 197-3m Burning of the Museum. LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. New York, July 14, 1865. Messrs. Herring 4r Co.: Gentlemen Though the destruction of the American Museum has proved a serious loss to myself and the public, I am happy to verify the old adage, that, " It's an ill wind that blows no body good," and, consequently, congratulate you that your well-known safes have again demonstra ted their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. 1 The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the building, in the hottest of the lire. After twenty-four hours of trial it was found among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up its contents in very good order books, papers, policies of insurance, bank bills, all in con dition for immediate use, and a noble commentary on the trustworthiness of Herring's Fire-Proof Safes. Truly yours, P. T. BARNUM. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. The mozt Reliable Protection from Fire now Known Herring & Ca's Patent Bankers' Safes, with Her ring & Floyd's Patent Crystalized Iron, the best security against a burglar s drill ever manufac tured. HERRING & CO, No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St., New York. FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING & CO., Chicago. Oct 23 200-3m Peruvian Guano. A LT f genUine Peruvian Guano exPec" i ted will be sold low for cash, by WORTH & DANIEL, Brown's Wharves, 8outh Water 6t. 183-s. Oct 3 Gadsby's "City Baggage an d Package Express." I WILL have a Wagon at the Depots and Steam boat landings on the arrival of the boats and cars, and will take and guarantee the safe delivery of all articles of baggage entrusted to me. I will also call at any- private residence or place of busi ness for baggage for the trains, and will also haul light frelflrht and nackaeres to anv place in the citv. IA11 orders left on my slate at the Office of the Adams Express Company will be promptly at , tended to.- V!..-.--- I Sept 29th J. E. GADSBY. 180-lm. MISCELLANEOUS. , Carriages. -v 1 THE Immense Stock, now In the three large Warerooms. coverinff an acre of Square Feet. Entrances 450 Broadway and 16 Crosby st, being the largest assortment of Carriages ever of fered in New York, will now be sold at greatly re duced prices. Harness, fcc An assortment al ways on hand. - , - , C WITTY, - 450 Broadway, New York. Oct. 28. 2064m auuviiSUUf lUly ilU(Un 111411 13 ESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Wil- Xj mington and country generally that he has retorned to Wilmington for tne purpose of trans porting their BAGGACE to and from the railroads and steamboats to any part of the town; on arrival at the depots give your checks and "please call for ANDERSON, who will dispatch your baggage with promptness. October 27 204-2w Wholesale Buyers of SOFT FUR, FRENCH FELT & WOOL HATS, of every quality for MEN AND ROTS, will find the largest stock in the state in our whole sale rooms at 11 and 13 Front street, (up 6tairs.) Purchased direct from the manufacturers we can offer theui at less than New York jobbing prices. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent Oct. 24 201-s. Fine French Beaver overcoats. PETERSHAM BEAVER OVERCOATS. CASSIMER BUSINESS SUITS TO MATCH. SINE DRESS SUITS, WEDDING SUITS, &C, 4C, now opening at BALDWIN, MUNSON & CO.'S, 38 Market street 200-s Oct. 23. DON'T BE DECEIVED. Look at the Stock, COMPARE QUALITIES, ND you will certainly arrive at the just con clusion that our THREE AND FOUR DOLLAR HATS are the same kind sold by large dealers at Four and Five Dollars. BALDWIN, MUNSON A CO. 204-s October 28 SADDLERY, HARNESS, AND JAMES S. TOPHAM fc CO., ! Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail DEALERS LN HARNESS, TRUNKS, Foreign and Domestic Saddlery, HARDWARE, $c, ft., $c. LARGE assortment of the following goods on hand and constantly being received. DOUBLE HARNESS, SINGLE CART & DRAY " WAGGON " LADIES TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER'4 WOOD BOX ' 4 PACKING VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, LADIES SATCHELS, POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONIES, FINE BITS, SIDE SADDLES, MEN'S 44 BOY'S " GIG 44 HORSE COLLARS, MULE 44 i CARRIAGE, RIDING AND CART WHIPS FEATHER DUSTERS SWEEPING PAI NT, WHITE WASH AND, HORSE BRUSHES, COTTON CARDS, PLANTATION HOES, A general assortment of hardware and every ar ticle in theSaddlery Business. Oct. 10 A Superior Remedy. WE can conscientiously recommend to those suffering from a distressing conerh, Dr. STRICKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM. It gives relief almost instantaneous, and is withal not disagreeable to the taste. There is no donbt but the MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM is one of the best preparations in use, and is all that its proprietor claims for it We have tried it during the past week, and found re- nei irom a most distressing cough. It is prepar ed by Dr. STRICKLAND, No. 139 Sycamore st, Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale by all drufirffists. Oct. 26. 203-s Sundries, GEN0 FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, FERTILIZER; P HAT OF LIME; CEMENT, LCINED PLASTER, HAIR ; ROUGH ICE; BACON, S HO r howe's re ' WORT.i . ' , Brown's Wharves, r St Oct. 13. 192 s ; K0TICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Gas Co., and who do not pay their. bills before the 1st of November, will have their gas shut off and their bills will be put in suit for collection. Oct 20.;,;; ; , las-i. STILLS! STILLS!! 4 WHISKY STILLS COMPLETE, For sale by ' HART & BAILY. bept b, 'Co. 159-tf. RAILROAD. Wllmitffftn sid Mwncbeiter Ran, I road . or.Uttr.TAR i S OFFICE WILMINGTON MANCHESTER R Wilmington, N. C Oct. 20. 18ai z. Co THE eighteenth annual meetin of ik holder, of the WUminon d k rAilrMd mmmiT will K- ki .Ji. acbe:. u., on v eonesaay ue xyth proximo. WM. A. WALKFR SectV WiL A. f. v n Oct.21 k. rw. 0 WU., Char and Rutherford Railroad Orrica Wit., Char. & rCth. R r Cn . ' LAcuxBcao, Oct. lth, is,;-, ' fliiu AC r.iv must u A 1 , too 'nd ii a Passenger Train will run over iV roll iouows : SCHEDULE: Up Train, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Down Train, Mond,. Friday and Wa,., Leave. Wilmington 8.00 A. M. Riverside.-..-9.00 " North West--9.40 " Sand nil!.. . Laurinburg Shoe Uecl Red Banks. Ma Marlville.-. -10.21 -5a Roe in dale-. 11.08 " Brown Marshll.SS Lumbcrton... U vrj Bladenltoro' . 1 u .v" Brown M-vahll Rosindalc. -U 57 Marlville 1J 4; i North Wei. i j4 Riverside. . j , j Bladen bo ro'. 12.10 P. M. Lumbertan.. 1.08 44 Moss Neck... -1.40 Red Banks... -.2. 10 tt Shoe Heel 2.30 Laurinburg.. 3.04 M Arrwe mt I Arrut a! Sand H11L.-..-4.00 j ilminnon No goods will be taken by the aNvre Tn . cept a the option of the company, and tLcn d3 the usual rates wui Do charged. A Freight Train wm be run, making t0, each week, leavineSand Hill Moudu ativl 1 day, WUnilngtonrAVednesday and 8.iturdsv freights by this Train must be delivt-rrd 'x warehouse by 11 o'clock A. M on t nda by sunset on Monday evening. Meals furnished on board the Boat conn.-, with the Trains. .Breakfiut on day 01 di tar from Wilmington, and Dinner ou day of urn WUmineton. ..c ill WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Trausporutiw;; Oct 26th. Wil., Char- and Rutherford Railroad Ojhcs Wiu, Char. & Ruth, K K ( , , Lacjuxbubo, N. C, Oct. 1, IVm ) AN ADJOURNED MEETING of tho s ,Kk holders Of the Wllinlngton, Chariot i r.v erfcrd Rail' Road Company will behld at comton, N. C on Thursday, Juuuarv lUi, oo WM. H. ALLEN, Seen urv Oct 26th. i : s Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. OiricK Gkn Scpt. Wiu & Man. K. R , WUmington, N. C, Aug. 2bih, lsks. ON and after 8unday, Aug. 7th, d:ki!) tra.ni for passengers and freight, will run onnh? Wilmington and Manchester Railroad as fulluwt, Leave Wilmington daily at 0.00 A. M. " Kingsvflle 44 7.3. P. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at 3.06 1'. M " KingsviUe v 1.25 A.M. These trains connect with trains on North In tern Rail Road for Charleston, the Cher&w & Dar lington Railroad and WiL A Wei. K. K. Tht re is daily stage communication between Kiuvi;:? and Columbia, S. Cn connecting with these tnm,-. There is also a line of stages between Camdniudv. Sumter (on WiL A Man. Railroad.) Th. loat connecting with these trains leaves and arri r v. Wil. & Weldon Railroad wharf. The ln i-l t o! flee of the Company will be atA.il. VuiiB..kk len's wharf, on the premises recently occupied by A. E. Hall, and by steamer North Carolina in run ing to Fayetteville. All freight will be received and delivered at this point Passenger Lumih ; done from gtll. & Weldon Railroad wharf n l freight business from above wharf. HENRY M. DRANE. Gen. Sui't. Aug. 26th 151 Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Wilmington A Wkldon R. K. Co ) WlLMUfOTON, Aug. 2"J, lr). ) PASsEIfGER TRAINS SCOEDl LK. FROM this date Trains on this Road will ruu as follows : Leave Wilmington at 4 00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 8 00 A. M. Leave Weldon at 2 00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 5 40 A. M. Connecting at Weldon both ways with trains to and from Petersburg, .by Gaston Ferry, and on direct to Norfolk and Washington ; connects it Goldsboro' with trains to Raleigh and New hern. Also connects at Wilmington with the Wilmint n & Manchester Railroad south to Charleston, to lumbia, Atlanta, Savannah, Montgomery, &. S. L. FREMONT, Aug. 30, 1865154. Eng. & Sup't. HOTELS. BAILEY'S STAR HOTEL, FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C JAITIES II. BA1LLY, Proprietor. HOUSE open for the reception of gueeth at ail hours of the day and night. No pains will be spared to make the quests of the house comfortable in every respect. The table la supplied with every luxury the mar ket affords. A first class restaurant la attached to the house, where the public will be furni&hed w ith ice ( ream or oysters in Iheir seasons, wines, choice liquors, July 10th 11S The Washington Iron Works Have on hand for sale their IMPROVED PORTABLE STEAM ESGiyh CIRCULAR SA W MILLS, GANG SA W MILLS, FLOUR AND C0RX MILLS. AND manufacture to order all kind of Engines, Marine, Stationary, and l'roi ener, Railroad Cars and Turn Tables, Iron Steam e sels "and Barges ; also, General Machinery, iroa and Brass Castings, large and small Forging, &c. &e. Address" GEO. M. CLArr, lre. ' New burg, Or L. C. WARD, Agent, y. 55 Liberty Bt, Koom 8, roew iu& Oct 21 1 FBMITURE. v a r a r. t -a r is 1 8 2 6 m " MM . . . T ' A N EXTENSIVE assortment ot FL'RSiTL r.r il and BEDDING In everv variety and ly packed. WM. IL LEE, 199 & 201 Fulton St., New Y ork. Oct 25th . . ggjg i Harness ALARGElot of first , rate second haadic ' HARNESS, cheap for cash, at thelr-U Saddle and Harness factory of ; e v JAMES 8. TOPHAM & CO., " No, 8, South Front street, '' Next dooricG. Z. French & Co.'s October 17 I9.2w Weddmg Suits. WHITE KIDS, WHITE SILK VESTING, WHITE VELVET VESTING, Just received at BALDWIN, MUNSON & CO': 19s- Oct 20 CABHABT, WHITF0BD & Co., Manufacturers of and Wholes ael Dealers iu Ready-Made Clothing, - 331 & 333 BROADWAY, Corner Worth St, , NEW YORK T. F. CABHXRT, WM. H. WHlTPORn, BE5BT SHAFBR, ' J. B. TAX WAGEStS- A. T BATIXTOX BOfflce of Payan & Carhart in ifquidatioa. Oct 28. 205-eod-Om 1