-. FTP) TDFTC WTTTTT TUiTTT TT 7"i FTH Th TT . . .TTv.. A,.,Tr,Tr,.TT7- -rriTTni TTh ' . A TT TTv- Tf " i ", . ' ' ' - ' " ' ... 4 J ; - - . . -t . . f i ' i 1 1 i, t '. . (. ' . " ... I. , II I I I I , 'i -t m - it ' " v - - 1 1 1 1 . ii 1 ip ii . ; ' ' ' ' , : r; 1 MOR-KTINQ. EDITION. ' : . ' ' ' T ' ' ; . 1 ' --In ' " ' 1 i . : 1 " ' 1 1 -' " 1 ' VOL. 1. KG, 2k amSGTOJ, N. C., IIOSDAY, SOYESIBEB 20, 1865. PRICE FIVE CEXTS. THE WILMISGTOX HERALD, DAILY AND WEEKLY, : ffHOIA8 M. COOK fc CO., EDITORS AND PBOFBIETOKS. T80-U V. COOK. TIBCSCS T. fOLBT. THE DAILY nERALD Is printed every morning (Sunday's excepted.) Terms f 10 per year ; $5 for six months ; $1 per month. ' THE WEEKLY HERALD Is printed every Saturday. Terms $2 50 per year ; $1 50 for six months ; $1 00 for three months $0 50 per month. The Sunday Mprniiig Herald, A mammoth family and literary newspaper, is printed every Sunday morning. Price ten cents per copy. JOB WORK Neatly and promptly executed. RAILROADS. Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. OrricE Gen. Supt. Wil. & Man. R. R., Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 11th, 18(55. rpHE following trains are run on the Wilming- X ton and Manchester Railroad, with following connections : Leave Wilmington daily at 3.3C A. M. . Kingsville " 7.35 P, M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at 3.05 P. M. " ; Kingsville 1.25 A.M. At Florence these trains connect each way with trains on the North Eastern Railroad daily for Charleston. At Kingsville they connect each way with trains on the South Carolina Railroad daily for Columbia and Augusta. In going to Colum bia passengers stage from Hopkins' Turnout, on South Carolina Railroad to Columbia, a distance of twelve miles. In going to Augusta they stage from Orangeburg, in South Carolinato Johnston's "Turnout, on South Carolina Railroad, a- distance of 52 miles. At Florence these trains connect with the Che raw and Darlington Railroad, which road-runs up to Cheraw Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and down from Cheraw to Florence every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There is daily stage con nection from Sumter, S. C, to Camden, S. C., con necting with these trains. The steamer connect ing with these trains arrives and departs from the , W7 & W. R. R. wharf. The freight office of the Company is, for the present, on Water street, at the wharf formerly used by steamer North Caroli na, running to Fayetteville. The office of the President, General Superintendent and Treasurer, for the present, is on the southeast, corner of Water and Chesnut streets, up stairs. HENRY M. DRANE, Gen. Sup't. Nov. 13th 218 Wilmington and Manchester It. It. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON MANCHESTER R. R. CO., Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 20, 1865. THE eighteenthjannual meeting of the stock . holders of the Wilmington and Manchester : railroad company will be held in Wilmington, N. C, On Wednesday the 20th proximo. WM. A. WALKER, Sec't'y Wil. & Man. R. R. Co. Oct. 26 190-s Wil., Char, and Rutherford Railroad. -Office Wil., Char. & Ruth. R. R. Co. Laukinbuko, N..C, Oct. 18, 1865. AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the Stock holders of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruth erford Rail Road Company will be held at Lin colnton, N. C, on Thursday, January 18th, 1866. WM. H. ALLEN, Secretary. Oct. 26th. 203-s SSS WILMINGTON HERALD. WILMINGTON, If. C, NOVEMBER 20. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Wilmington Post Office. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 5. p. m. Mailt Close. Nobtherk, Eastern and Westers, Dally (except Saturday) at 3 P. M. New York and Eastern, By Steamer Wednesday and Saturdays. Southern, Dally at 6 P. M. Wilmington, Charlotte fc Rutherford R. R. Tuesdays and Saturdays at 6 A. M Mail Arrive. Northern, Every morning except Monday, New York, Every Tuesday by Steamer, Southern, Daily at 3 P. M. Something New. A- new manner of holding religious services was inaugurated by a colored preacher yesterday at the market house. He led off at first to a small crowd, but by a per sistent attempt at an old hymn he gatheredTunto liis fold quite a number of motly and rugged hearers. He was quite fluent when speaking of Daniel in the den of lions, and the idea sugges ted itself that if the lion's on that famous occa sion were half so hungry as the greater part of his hearers looked to be, the story never would have been told. He did not say whether this was the same Daniel so aptly illustrated in the wax figure show, and who was so easily dis tinguished from the lions by the blue cotton um brella which he carried under his arm. A hymn and prayer wound up this somewhat novel affair, in our city experience. Whether he is to be as successful in his enterprise as Whitfield was in his day, or " sensation " purgeon has been at a later one, will be dependent, no doubt more particularly upon the smell of beef about his pulpit. Mayor's Court. The mayor's court of Sat urday and Sunday was about as he previous days of the past week. On Saturday the two negros came up before the mayor and claimed the cotton which was held by the city as stolen property,: they bringing up proof that it be longed to them. It was hardly satisfactory to the mayor's mind that they were entitled to it, and so he decided against delivering it up. It is very easy to steal cotton, but hard to sell it with out some; proof that it is all correct and proper. Sudden Death. Mr. R. Bate died after a few days illness on Saturday night last, and was buried yesterday afternoon. He was president of the Howard fire company and a member of the masonic fraternity, by whom his body was escorted to the grave and buried with the honors of the society. The unfortunate circumstances connecting Mr. Bate's name with the killing of Henry Howard only a few days ago, is thought by his friends to have weighed so heavily on his mind as to have produced the disease that caused death. He had not been entirely well since the occurrence. He was looked upon as a very well- disposed and honest man. He was a native of England. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Office W. & W. R. R. Cc, ) Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 4, 1865. s THE thirtieth annual meeting of the Stockhol ders of the Wilmington and Weldon railroad company will be held in Wilmington on Wednes . day the 22d inst. J. W. THOMPSON, Sec'y. Nov. 6 211-tm. Goldsboro' News, Tarboro' Southerner, Raleigh Standard and Sentinel, copy. Wil., Char, and Rutherford Railroad Office Wil., Char. & Ruth. R. R. Co., ) Laurinburg, Oct. 18th, 1865. S ON AND AFTER MONDAY, the 22nd instant, ii Pnawnwr Train will run over this road as follows: SCHEDULE Up Train, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave. Wilmington 8.00 A. M. Riverside.--. -9.00 " North West--9.40 " Marlville... -10.21 " Rosindale..'-11.03 " Brown Marshll.88 " Bladenboro1-12.10 P. M. Lumberton..1.08 4 Moss Neck..--1.40 " Red Banks.... -2.10 Shoe Heel.-.. 2.30 Laurinburg.. 3.04 Arrive at Sand Hill....--4.00 Down Train,, Monday, Friday and Wednesday Leave. 7.00 A. M 8.10 " 8.33 " 8.53 " 9.25 " ,10.03 ". 10.56 " Sand Hill. Laurinburg. Shoe Heel - Red Banks... Moss Neck.. Lumberton... Bladenboro'. Brown Marsh 11. 27 Rosindale... 11.57 Marlville ---12.41 P North West. "1.24 Riverside.. 2.00 Arrive at j WilmiDgton..-3.00 M. TIE LATEST mm BY TELEGRAPH. THE JAMAICA REBELLION. Wholesale Hanging of Rebels, IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO Capture of Monterey by the Liberals. The Fenian Excitement in Cana da on the Decrease. H Immense Frauds against the Govern- ment by the Petroleum Operators. REDEMPTION OF TKEASLaY ROTES. ' fcc, 3- : &c, foe. The Jamaica. Insurrection. Washington, Nov. 18, 1865. The Jamaica Statidard says that over one thou sand rebels have been hanged. Probably before the court martials close two thousand w 11 suffer death for the attempt at extermination! From Mexico. New Orleaxs, Nov. 16, 1865. The latest advices state that Monterey has been captnred by the liberals, who claim that they can take Matamoras when they please. Capt. Sinclair, late lieutenant of the privateer Alabama, captured an imperial transport north of the Rio Grande and brought her to Brownsville and turned her over to the lederal authorities. The Fenian Excitement. Toronto, Canada, Nov. 17. 1865. The Fenian excitement of the last two days has disappeared and a general feeling of security prevails. Immense Fraud- Against the Govern ment. Philadelphia, Nov. 17. Within the past few days immense frauds against the internal revenue department have been discovered in petroleum operations. Three of the largest wells at Pitthole have been seized by the government. Treasury Notes Falling- Due. Washington, D. C, Nov. 17. The five per cent, one and two years treasury notes, falling due, on and after the first proximo, will be paid at the treasury department at maturity. BY MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON. Theatre. To-night Miss Vernon appears as Juliet in Shakspeare's great plajy of Romeo and Juliet, Mr. J. H. Rogers, a new name uson the boards, appearing as Romeo. It is a fine caste and having seen it, we can pledge the part of Miss Vernon as one of great ability and taste. We are glad to see an attempt made by the manager to improve the caste of his company, and employ more usefully that he has already engaged. In a few days new additions, compri sing some very fine talerit, we hear, is expe cted, and with what he has now we think our winter entertainments will not only be entertaining, but instructive. Overhead. The sky last evening looked wearied, and taken in connection with the three past days of excessive and unseasonable warm weather more rain may be looked for. Rain is common to nowadays as to be unnoticed, and should there be another flood, it is very doubt ful whether there would be enough interest felt about the result as, to get up a life-boat. Sailed Saturday. The steamer Ariadne, of the Atlantic coast line, was advertised to sail from New York on Saturday last, and such being the case should arrive here to-morrow. She is one of the largest and lastest steamers that has ever been-in the trade between here and New York. Activity of the Navy De partment. A Large Portion of the Surplus Vessels-off-War to foe sent to Foreign Stations. the prison continue to be strict as before, and the food, correspondence and reading matter brought to the prisoners is scrutinized bo closely as to entirely shut out any attempted improper communication or aid from outsiders. Among the plana which have been in vogue for convey ing money and messages from external sources to the prisoners has been that of secreting in packages of smoking tobacco the object to be transmitted. This was early detected, and is now never attempted with success. Underscoring words in books at long intervals, so that when taken together they embody a sentence, is not unusual with the prisoners when about to return to their friends volumes that have been loaned them for perusal This latter intention occa sions cosiderable labor to the officers of the pris on, as it necessitates a careful scrutiny of all books that enter or leave the cells. The sanitary condition of the Old Capitol's occupants is very good. FISA5CIAL MATTERS. Supplies of the five cent currency will be sent South, where but little of it is in circulation ; but no more will be transmitted at present to the North, the demand there not being so great as in the other sections of the country. Owing to the many counterfeits in circulation, banking and other parties frequently semi notes of large denominations to the United States Treasurer's office, and asking whether they are genuine. That office has, not yet lost anything by connterfeits, its experts readily detecting spu rious issue. Complaints having frequently been made to the Secretary of the Treasury that letters ad dressed to the Department, and the various bu reaus, do not meet with prompt replies, an order has been issued that they shall be answered im mediately. THE TRIAL OF COMMODORE CRAVES. Witnesses for the defence continue to be ex amined before the Farragut court martial. Sur geon Potter and Lieutenant Phoenix testified that, judging from all the facts in the ca.4, Com modore Craven acted as a wise man, judicious and brave commander in not engaging the rebel ram Stonewall. The latter believed there would have been no more chance for the Niagara than there would have been for a brig in a combat with a frigate. NORTH CAROLINA MATTERS. Kenneth Rayner, of North Carolina, had a long interview with the president to-day on matters connected with the political interests of that state, including the restoration of its rights and privileges in the union., THE PARDON APPLICATIONS. Actions on the many applications for special pardon is nearly altogether saspended by the president, whose time is occupied with the con sideration of business of a pressing, if not more important character. BUREAU REPORTS. The reports of the commissioners of the land, pension and Indian bureaus of the Interior de partment are being rapidly urged forward to the hands of the public printer, and will come from the press some time during the coming week. THE COMPLAINT AGAINST GENERAL BAKER. It is said the recent complaint to the "rand ! jury against General Raker, chief detective of j the war department, originated in his raid on cer i tain alleged pardon brokers, whom he accuses of fraudulent practices. The merits of the question will, however, be tested by the court. RECOGNITION OP CONSULS. The president has recognized Robert Barth as vice consul of Austria at St. Louis, and Frederic Granados, vice consul of Spain, to reside in Bos ton. MUSTERING OUT THE VETERAN RESERVES. The work of mustering out the members of the veteran reserve corps, who desire discharges, commenced yesterday, with twenty-three compa nies of the First and Second battalions. THE RUSSIAN CATTLE PLAGUE. Minister Clay has addressed a letter to the sec retary of state, dated St. Petersburg, October 17, in which he warns the United States against the importation of the cattle plague into our coun try. have been ordered to embark for Indianola, and to report for duty at San Antonio to General Merritt. The dismounted colored cavalry at Nejw Or leans are destined for the same place. 1 General . Forsyth General Sheridan's chief of staff has gone to Brazos. THE SCARE OX THE BORDER. The Canadians and the Fenians- howeTcr, that this Cholera, was a clear case of Asiatic More Troops Sen I to the Frontier. MONTREAL BANKERS AXD MONEY BROKERS ARMING THEIR EMPLOYES. c dec., Ac. Contracts for Mail Service in the Southo n States. Negro Suffrage in Wash ington. The mysteries of Pardon Bro- Uuveiled. kerage The Case of Hon. Charles J. Faulkner. MORE TKOOPS TO THE FR0JTT. Bcffaio, Nov. 15. An order was received at Toronto on Saturday by Colonel Dennison from the adjutant general to select from his battalion a captain, two subalterns and a company of sixty-five men, for service on the frontier. A similar order was received at Hamilton on Monday. It 4s understood that nine full companies will be sent to different points on the frontier. EXCITEMENT 15 OTTAWA. From the Ottawa Citizen, Nov. 13. On Saturday Captain Forrest, garrison battery, received orders to be ready on Thursday with his company to proceed to Prescott and occudv Fort Wellington. The gallant battery are "up and doing." PRECAUTIONS 15 MONTREAL. Montreal (Nov. 13,) despatch to Toronto Globe. Ourbanking institutions have resolved to arm their employes, and the money brokers purpose establishing a night patrol. A company of Chasseurs Canadians is under or ders for the frontier. Hundreds are wanting to go. . The Minerve states that a new militia organiza tion is under consideration. r ALL A HOAX WHO'S AFRAID 1 From the Tortfnto Globe, Nov.. 14. While approving of the precautionary steps ta ken, we most earnestly protest against all at tempts to create a panic in the country about Fenianism. So far. the efforts to frighten our people have not been rewarded with any turrets. All classes are quietly attending to their busi ness, and paying very little heed to the devices of the sensation mongers. But abroad the ef fect is not so harmless. We are supposad by our neighbors to be in a state of dreadful excitement and terror. Vast lodges of Fenians in our midst are supposed to be drilling in defiance of the law. Government officials are thought to be in league with the conspirators, and it is devoutly believed that every approach to this city is strongly guarded, and the guards patrol our streets. An imaginary Fenian vessel armed with twelve guns, sails upon Lake Ontario, prepared at the proper time to do terrible execution. So thoroughly has the American public been hoaxed upon this subject tliat jersons residing in the States write to their friends here asking them to take refuge for a time in that country. It is not true that this country is at the mercy of a marauding party of Fenians, even if such a thing were organized and on its way to our borders. The authorities are amply competent, and, if ever occasion arises, will be amply pre pared to deal with the rascals. Our business men and property holders feel no apprehensions on account of threatened Fenian raids. The burglaries of the past year have created a hundred fold more alarm than all the Eetiian stories which have been told. The following letter from ex-Governor Clark was read in the Mississippi house of representa tives on the 20th ultimo : V "Jacxsox, Oct. 2S, 1SC5. "Gentlemen .I am profoundly grateful for the honor conferred on me by the house of represen tatives by their resolutions inviting me to a scat within the bar of the house, and requesting me :o address them. I should be proud to avail myself of the privilege of vUlUnir the house, but as I am still a prisoner of state and en parole, I feel that It would be improper for me. to deliver a public ad dress on the condition of the country, although I am sure that such suggestions as I might make rouJd be hi aid and support of the wise and con servaiive policy which, has been adopted by our people, and which I hope will soon result in the full restoration of our beloved state to the enjoy ment of equal political rights with her sister states In the union, aud under the flag of the union. With all of yon I marched under that flag in a for eign land, and it was victorious. With all of you I marched against it, and it was victorious. It again waves over us, U our flag, and may it ever be victorious. "The welcome that has been given to me on my return, is received with deep sensibility, coming from the representatives of a people whom I have served faithfully. If not wisely, and is a most ac ceptable and gratifying reward for such service as I may have rendered. "I am, gentlemen, verv respectfully your obedi ent servant, CHARLES CLARKE." in Confederate Colony In Mexico From the St. Louis Republican. We learn from a gentleman who lived formerly Lexington, in thi state, something of the prospects of the Confederate colony winch is be ing established in Mexico. The ohe to which he belongs, and to which he will return, as soon as ie can dispose of certain property in this State, ies near Conlova, a town on the road between Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico, and about a hundred miles irom tne lormer place. iit con sists of about a dozen large haciendas of appar ently good land, capable of producing cotton, coffee, cocoa and tobacco. 1 lie lanU will De given to the settlers bv the Emperor's government, in racels of six hundred and forty acres to families, aud in smaller allotments to single meuJ Storliug Price, Gen. Joe. Shelby, ex-Goveruor Harris, of Tennessee, and J udge Ferkins, or Louisiana, were there at the time of his departure, With other roposed settlers of less note. Lieut, Maury, formerly of the Naval Observatory at Washing ton, was also there, and actively engaged in fur thering the scheme, by drawing up a report to be circulated in the southern states, with a view of nducing parties of colonists to come over and join them. The work of tilling the soil had not been fairly commenced, ami would be postjonea until there was a suitable accession to their num bers. This they expected to obtain In reasonable time through tlie medium of Maury's report, and the influence of a newspaper which ex-Governor Allen, of Louisiana, has commenced publishing in the City of Mexico. Maximilian, our inform ant thinks, is secure enough on his throne, pro vided the Monroe Doctrine be not broadly asserted by the United States. The armed resistance of the Liberals will soon be overcome, and the oppo sition to him be confined to the Church 'party alone. This opposition, however, is not apt to lake the form of a revolution, inasmuch as the Liberal party first confiscated the Church property, , and Maximilian's offence consists only in refusing to restore it. The Occupants of the Old Capi tol Prison. Ac, &c. No P-oods will be taken bv the above Train, ex eepfat the option of the company, and then double the usual rates will be cuanrea. A Freierht Train will be run, making two trips earh wwk. lftiiv.ivr S:md Hill Mond-iy and Thurs ? duv. Wihiiimrton Wednesday and' Saturday. Up freights by this Train must be delivered at the warehouse by Hi o'clock A. M., on Friday t and by sunset on Monday evening. Meals- furnished on board the Boat connecting with the Trains. Breakfast on day of departure from Wilmington, and Dinner on day of arrival at Wilmington. ' WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation Oct. 26th. 203-s Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon R; R. Cov) Wilmington, Aug.' 29, 1865. PASSENOEH TRAINS SCHEDULE. FROM this date Trains on this Road will run as follows: Leave Wilmington at 4 00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 8 00 A. M. Leave Weldon at 2 00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 5 40 A. M.: Connecting at Weldon both ways with trains to and from Petersburg, bv Gaston Ferrv. and on direct to Norfolk and Washington ; connects at Ooldsboro' with trains to Raleigh and Newbern, Also connects at Wilmington with the Wilmington Manchester Railroad south to Charleston, Co lumbia, Atlanta, Savannah, Montgomery, fec. 1 ' S. L. FREMONT, Aug. 80, 1865-154. Eng, & Sup't. BUSKS. CHARTER PARTY, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS ON ALL RAILROADS, SJISTS FOR SHIPS AND STEAMERS BILLS OF LADING, ( ' For sale at CARD. The undersigned officers of the ill-fated steamer, Twilight, hereby desire to return their sincere thanks to Captain John A. Henriques and the offi cers and crew of the revenue cutter, Northerner, for their timely exertions and assistance in our be half, during the late acident off New Inlet: LEVI SPICER, Captain. W. H. GARDENER, First Officer. D. W. PRICE, Purser. GEO. H. FITCH, Chief Engineer. JOHN SED WICK, First Assistant Engineer. ' WTM. H. PENDLETON, Second Mate. JNO. H. GIBSON, Second Ass't. Engineer Nov. 20th, 1865. Washington, Nov. 15, 1865. Hotel Arrivals. CITY HOTEL, NOVEMBER 18, 1865. October 3L The Herald Office 207-s. J far wronT 'voi n good oruer, suiiaDie W for wrapping papCT;for fale b tne' handred T E Thompson, Yarooro, N C, Ed'wd Hartley, Washing ton City, Dr J P Jones, Loui8ville,Ky W A Hough, Norfolk, , Geo II Ouin, N Y J C Lane, G W Bridgen, W Nov. H Clark, San Francisco, I A A Shatters, Ohio, A B Jones, Washington Cy li M Maxwell, ra, Capt Hiram Parker, TJ 8 C T, Elraira, N Y. W R Feniston &ly, N Y K U .Talein and lady, tea- vartnah, DDLarmla, NY, J W Murphy, Ord Sgt U S A, Washington, BAILEY'S HOTEL, NOVEMBER 18, 1865 R M Farley Richmond City E Kahniveilsr, " City K tfttvans, B Smith; Wayne, W J Stanly. Fair Buff, A J Jones. Whiteville, B T Richwood, Charleston, Col J W .Mctiill, Bladen, Jas Johnson, Jr, Ala, J Red path, Boston, C A Adams, So Ex Co, 19. A L Whaling, Richmond, G W Tucker, Jr, Balt'o, M H Gwyn, Edenton, W B Alleere. Richmond, G H, Baldwin. Mail Agent, C Lipscomb, Mall Agent, E A Brown, So Ex Co, V V Richardson, Columbus GeoHooper, Georgetown, SC. J F Taylor, N O F H Moore, " E GHanes, Isaco H Brinson N C D Haia, Phil Jas Moody, Augusta G W Coun, u D G Carbile, Bait .Miss 8tewart, S C uen Aiaen " T A Brenner, Augusta Mrs Phelps, " Mrs Havens, Augusta UE Gardner. " W H Fitch, . John Sedgwick, " M 'Goldsmith and wife, Charleston E W Morris, N Y Nov. 19. 202-s Capt Spicer, Str Twilight N Haight,Mich H Rvon. Tarboro ,,WGIIargin,Phil , ; . John Stockholm,' sampler W H Gardner, Jr u John Grsybill, Savannah Maj Sears wife and servant Lieut W Parsons. Boston Fred L Kane, Hilton Head Chas J Bally and . wife NY . EF Wright, NY NAVAL MOVEMENTS. The secretary of the navv has decided to send abroad a considerable portion of our surplus naval force, with orders to cruise between the principal commercial ports of each station, ana visit them all as often as once every three or six months. This watchfulness will bring increased respect for our rights abroad, and prevent many vexatious lmDOSitions that have hitherto Deen practised. Should congress withhold appropria tions, or otherwise apply those already maae, this action of the department will of course be suspended. minister to japan. The president has appointed Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, of iew lork, mmister to Japan. SOUTHERN MAIL CONTRACTS. To-day the time for receiving bids for contracts in the mail service of Virginia, West V lrginia, North and South Carolina and Florida transpired, and the formal awarding of the respective con tracts to parties whose rates had been accepted is under way. The contracts about to be con summated for service in the above states will go into effect on the 1st of January, 1866, and ex pire in June, 1867. It is reported that all the bids made for this service have been largely in excess of the rates formerly in vogue for the same routes. ? , THE CASE OF CAPTAIN WINDER THE OCCtTPANTS J OF THE OLD CAPITOL PRISON. Tt is stated that Dick Winder, now confined in the Old Capitol Prison, takes decided umbrage I at the-recent comments that have been made up on his situation in your Washington correspon dence, and asserts that the Herald in publishing them has taken mis means oi urging ms case oe fore a military commission. Winder also affirms that the statement that he has prepared an elaD crately warm and voluminous defence of himself has no foundation other than the fact that he has employed his. leisure hours in preparing a statement exoneratmg nimseii irom we aouses of nower which he is generally charged with hav ing exercised while at Andersonville, and which he proposes to place before the world, wheth er he may be held to trial or not. Aside from Winder, Duncan and Gee, there are no prisoners of any considerable note now incar cerated in the Old Capitol. The last named was brought here from Florida, and wa an associate, as heretofore stated, with the atrocities of An dersonville. The discipline and regulations of WASHiNGton, Nov. 14. A PARDON-BROKER ARRESTED. A number of pardon-brokers add claim agents having brought business down to such a point that it became notorious that money was being paid for the procurement of pardons, and for other cases needing official assistance, the atten tion of General Baker, chief detective, was called to the fact by a pardon being thrust into his face by a notorious rebel bridge burner, who was also deeply involved in certain conspiracies ; on inves tigation he found a certain female pardon-broker, named Mrs. Cobb, had procured it for the sum of two hundred dollars, and had taken a receipt for its payment. One of his detectives wras sent to her, and un der an assumed name got a pardon for the sum of two hundred dollars, in thirty-six hours, with out said detective having taken an amnesty oath. On the last money being paid she was arrested and taken to head-quarters, where she was finally released on making; certain disclosures. ' Yester day she went before the grand jury, and to-day four bills of indictment were found against Gen eral Baker for larceny, false arrest, etc. Some rich developments are anticipated on the trial coming up, and a full expose of this branch of bu siness. It is understood that the president has forbid her to again enter the white house. CHARLES JAMES FAULKNER, Of Virginia, ex-Minister to France, under Bu chanan, is here again to try and get pardoned. He has a letter from Mr. Lincoln indicating his intention to pardon him. The statements that he has received a pardon from Mr. Johnson are erroneous. CABINET MEETING. The president to-day had a protracted cabinet session, secretary otanton remaining ior several hours. The doors were not thrown open to the public, and no admittances was granted to any one. No pardons were issued to-day. ADDRESS BY COMMISSIONER CONWAY. T. W. Conway, commissioner of freedmen from Louisiana, is to deliver an address here on Friday night in the Unitarian church, in favor of negro suffrage. THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECEIPTS, From June 30th to November 11th, amount to almost one hundred and thirty -eight millions. MAJOR GENERAL SANBORNE, From the west, arrived to-day. He has been on business connected with the Indian department, MARCUS L. WARD, Union governor elect of New Jersey, arrived here to-night. THE NEGRO SUFFRAGE QUESTION. The board of common council have passed a resolution, by a nearly unanimous vote, that in the event of any bill being introduced in congress for the admission of the colored men of ashing ton to the right of suffrage, the mayor be author ized and directed to call the councils together for the purpose of taking into consideration measures for holding a special election to ascer tain the sentiments of the people on the subject. The aldermen have not yet acted on the resolution. Jlessajre of the Governor ef Iudiana. Indianopolis, Ind., Nov. 14. The governor's message was delivered to the legislature to-day. ; It pertains mostly to state affairs; recommends a prompt provision for the payment of the public debt, the estab lishment of a home for disabled Indiana soldiers and seamen, a bureau of emigration, seperate schools for colored children, and the repeal o the statute excluding negro testimony in the courts. He pays a tribute to the Indiana Boldiers and advises that although the heresy of the state sovereignty is exterpated, the questions in volved in the arbitrament of arms must be adju cated and determined by the highest judicial tri bunal in the tnal of Jen". Davis for treason and othtr attrocious crimes. He approves the president's reconstruction policy. He also advocates representation accord ing to the number of voters, and the adoption of such an amendment, if it passes congress. Conflict In BIiBlsippi We learn through a direct channel (says the Nashville Daily Press) that a conflict has already broken out between Provisional Governor Sharkey and Judge Humphreys, the governor elect. Humphreys hates the federal authority so badly that he wants Sharkey to get out immediately and let him assume the office of governor, while Governor Sharkey, on the other hand, refuses to abdicate until ordered to lo so from Washington. The president has instructed Governor Sharkey to hold on to .his office until it is ascertained whether congress will admit the Mississippi dele gation, and recognize her as a state in the union. It is understood that the president is justlypin dignant at the ill-concealed disloyalty of the gal vanized rebels in that state, and may possibly give them a severe rebuke. Colorado to be a. State. They have just had an election in the territory of Colorado on two important questions, viz : the adoption of a state constitution, and the exten sion of suffrage to the blacks. The result in each case was as follows : For the constitution S025 Against the aonstitution. - 270 Majority in favor,- 155 On negro suffrage the vote was : or neero suffrage. 476 Against negro suifragc, 4192 of Rescue of (woMsrt of the Passenger tne Republic Washington, Nov. 15. In a letter to the navy department, Lieutenant Whiting states that two men, on a raft, were re cently discovered off Cape Hatteras. They were the only survivors of the fourteen men of one of the parties who escaped from the steamer Republic, formerly the Tennessee,. Thev had been eight days without food or water. 8ome of the party were washed off, having no strength to hold on, and others becoming crazy, jumped into the sea. A Steamer Wrecked. , Boston, Nov. 15. The steamer Greyhound, Captain Nickerson, from Boston, for Charlottetown, struck on Bird Rock Ledges, Nova Scotia, on Monday night last, and, filling with water, sunk in eleven fathoms The passengers and crew were saved, and landed at jpeaver liar Dor, is. a. ine ureyhouna was insured for $100,000 in Boston and New York offices, and was valued at that sum. Affairs in Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 15 The house has passed a bill providing for the support of wounded and disabled soldiers General Howard has issued a circular instruct ing officers of the freedmen's bureau to endeavor to overcome the false reports industriously cir culated to unsettle labor and give rise to disorder and suffering. Majority against,- 3716 NEWS. Fire. A fire occurred yesterday morning, a about half past 3 o'clock, on New street, which destroyed the wooden building formerly owned by Mrs. ine Allen, between George and Metcalf streets. It was occupied by Mary Lezaett. Nothing wa3 saved imyond a few articles of wear ing apparel. The origin of the fire is unknown j the loss about $2,500. No insurance. Newbern Tinies, th inst. Assignment. Col. Clinton A. Ciiley has been assigned to the chief command of the freedmen's bureau for the district of west North Carolina. headquarters at Salisbury. Raleigh Progress, YJth inst. - A Trial Concluded. We learn that the trial, by military commission, of Mr. Baines, of Caswell, charged with murder, has been concluded at Salisbury. The decision has not yet transpired. The prisoner was defended by Hon. J. T. More head and Colonel Mo re head. The Harris arson case will be tried next. The prisoners are de fended by Major V. Barringer and W. II. Bailey, Esq. Raleigh Progress, 1th inst. i i Burial op Col. Grates. The remains of Col. J. A. Graves, who died at Johnson's Island, Were escorted to Yancey viller on the 6th, by the Knight Templars and Blue Lodge of DanvHley and Intef red with masonic honors. Raleigh Progress, 11 th inst. '" . ' Tne Bishop of Nebraska. Chicago, Nov. 15. The consecration of the Rev. Dr. Clarkson as bishop of Nebraska took place at St. James' church to-day. Six bishops and over fifty cler gymen assisted at the ceremony, and an immense congregation was present. The services were very imposing. The new bishop leaves immedi ately for his diocese. ' FROM If E W OULEAtf S. Activity In Military Circles Troops Order ed to TexasLate Newi from the Rio Grande the Cause. New Yobk, Nov. 16. A New Orleans letter of the 5th instant states that there has been unusual activity in military circles in that city since the reception of the recent despatches from the Rio Grande. Mysterious orders have been issued, and the sale of boats prohibited. Those on band are be- in placed on a war footing. The sale of all transportation and supplies has ceased. The 1st, 4th and 6th regular cavalry regiments Steamer Loaded with Cotton Burned on the Tombigbee River. Cl5CI5!TATI, NOV. 15. Mobile papers of the 11 instant report that the steamer Duke was burned on the Tombig bee river, with three hundred bales ot cotton. . . i i z- The Cholera. Special Dispatch to the Chicago Republican. ot. Lons, rov, v, 1000. . The Democrat this morning announces the first case of cholera in his city, John Bamidge, a well known citizen, about fifty years old, having died oi it night before last. It is hardly probable, A correspondent of the Boston Post sneaks of the sugar prospects in Louisiana says f l he cane has continued to improve ranidlv under the rains and favorable temperature f the fall. The present growing crop is truly splendid, and though cotton promised best early in the season, me sugar planters are now regretting that tbey did not attend better to their "own pro per culture. In the meantime, the planters art - vigorously preparing for the grinding, which usually begins with us in the early days of No vember, but for the reason above givenahd others, it will not Degin this year until later. CI Flax culture in Canada, according to a state ment from the government emigration agent at j Toronto, is a new branch of industry that promi- : ises largely. He remarks : " It may now be safely said the flax project is a perfect success, although the number of acres did not reach the amount expected this year, the number of tons will far exceed that bf any former year, and will be followed up with a great kexcess in acres this coming spring." - 1

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