: . ..ir TVr-Tr ----. . lin ...... r. : r . - - iuivji I'liu imi ' "-11 J V r 'II- I'll Fi A -- ,.- - ub Beat lor hi ft .v.. ... . . . 'l , r? 1 - - . , The Prize Portraits of Generals Lee and Jackson. V THRStTmOSt "SW Pie8 of General. I RoVL E- Lee an T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson 1 on fine plate mnor iooi iA, zr .KBOn, .graved and published by George E. fS' 111 " ' "i a, are now out and ready for delivery. They u v... reaay . i w " 1. v me puonsner at " i- - ww.... uud 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1' 1 r pan i i . . The Publishers of the Ameri . secured an nnHmw,C " aave f a,7 ; Ti- """uuiucroi mese6piendid por traits to offer as prizes to subscribers for thai TbXL ular family newsnanp.r ;Th I lIiac PP" 1 of either free, fof every three nhr 6 CSy itwoforeverv'five JSZhE e ;annum: so everv fon ' k:.1;0" eaca per n each side of hin'Zi?"" Jelgbor one vMr t In, ". uo lur lfle BDlenWborhTli.:."1 a 9.P7 of these norfrflit . i,Z u ine statesman and EXiiE which no southern w, nuuvUb. , 11 " "i'Wa the reach of otSS w?!18 neVOte(l t0 Politice, News, Agriculture sletcSPoiitPT ,gence' Historical 5!f S5e?,,Jlte L'terature, Miscellaneous Items. tn th Am ' ?,mor' un' &e-' and is aHe adapted Kg room aU 6 yUnff' the parlor and the eont Mr. Perine is aoknnwW finest artists in this conntrT i!?.e ment of choice Painrm, tt',T r1.,"86"": Coined T.ifh k.r Tji. 7 . in and ,T.i ; T 6 l uo ""lograpns,' Albums &p which he has constantly on ,J ..J. ' 3C rpr . ,,uc cuaracier 01 nis work. chce storrnf Fllal8- "cndJMyor his most S 8ickEnFavin 'Portraits, Litho- s., ,,v,w vreuiiums, aiiowincr fifty cents on publisher's prices for each Twelve o'clock, JTI. THE LATJSST'IEWS BY MAIL was .dead w,0 a 7v 7 cu " was seen tflat he PersStiinh curred so quietly that Persons sitting by baa side bad not noticed it.'- LOCAL I NTEL LIC ENCE . BY TELEGRAPH. 'rt FROM WASHINGTON. Sabbath Services. x, t'Z0hn ' Episcopal church, corner Third and Bed Cross streets: divinA .r tm . -7 1 aii o'clock, P. M. Rev. K. E. (10MWS MiSiCI 10i A. M.. Terry, rec- Methodist church I which ajjd of the House of Commoks E regret that a severe-and painful illness, from ich I am still suffering, has prevented m from iiwnng xor your consideration rr,Q J4M j "J "ic JUU ttUU statement of the' condition of pubhc af- -uiu OT Ihe rji-orrroao V t ' , w xinen maoo u festering Worth Carolina to her W.,,! lirvr. oo . - 1,VD1 a ixiemoer or the union under the f?lv. COnst.itntJr T .. . . ! vwvn. x am nrat tied n 1 that my health is imrjrovinjr and T u in a condition to impart to you at length any ,U1"UMWU m my possession in relation to pub- aiidirs, wnicn you may desire. and tor, Pront street and Walnut streets, divineS at lOf A M byRev. Dr. Chas. F. Deems. " ,'7 Hall) rvices by Rev. 104 A. M.. and 7 V f Ci ' T . ot. uames rnntrrofrofmr. .m I ufgntcS09 tion ofthe nulitary fore in" this di8trict; and th4 - Senator Hahiv admitC .7, 1, JI e Whonbea to assume charge of the citr ! southern members gett'inton nessee seems to form an eicention hnwivr " f11 jrom tne same source notified hAr awi 1? ..."SrPW however, and the council that the mflitarv r.n,v frtn k- er communication from the same source notified Restoration of the Writ SSSTS aWCaUipUS. - General Spher,asuTer of !Se KHlav rppAiroH 1 '' 1. , .... Ma - D f"1 on wmcn sucn a Wo DiffficnltT Anticinat iU bn3r 01 .W 2- coupons have W.L. Young, at St. Paul's T?;0r wursmp at. Powk JZrtr' meF of Orange, and Fim if..L . -- o til rjr:ij lvi Hi rion 1 or hnrrtK . - 1 O'clock. A AT K o "f1 VICe school at 9 o'clock, A. M. aDain Catholic church. Dofv o ana ihird services bv Rrv Tr nM -im -A.. M., and 4 o 'clock. p7 M mi progress thus far made in the work of res toration, has been attended by great labor; and I A New Wonder. By special invitation were present last night at an exhibition of wW must certainly prove the latest .wonnW f It is a portable gas machine for the of gas from petrolium oil. Althonah x' 1 e wuiuaia iveiy simple in its construction and USA rot ? .7um,ue impossible to convey here luea OI. its Onflrntinno XT e. i dec, Organization of tue House, dec, George CvWhitin?. Esol. c.bif.orV f , . Wa.shiitgtok, Nov. 30. The president will, in a few days, issue a pro clamation restoring tie privilege of the writ o: habeas corpus. - SECOND DESPATCH. 1 Washington, Nov, xue president has issued his inuring the pnvilege of th corpus to. all the Jf vvvvu J puse of disfributihff from the gov- u0 auuiuty now due them eminent. . ' J ' " ' ' - INTERNAL BUTlfvlTr. S JS frm intemf 1 toay were organ- of pSiiDKtIlttAe,e,ffort a11 m POsss themselves . uuiuuiu DariOP nrniimimto V wishing to ar t as agents will have liberal terms of tered. By enclosing f 1 you will receive sample cZyes0ofe;heesv0f cnPvigB, andTve copies ot the Statesman, as samples, or by enclos ing 3 you will receive a copy of either of the same, and the Statesman sent to your address for one year. lul Address, ' AMERICAN STATESMAN, Office, 67 Nassau street, New York JC- 234-ltd&w ' GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., (Successors to Cutter $ French,) No. IO S01UI1 Front Street, WIMINCTON, N. C, DEALERS IN. Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Wood and Willow Ware, Tinware, Crockery and Glass Ware. Cotton and Naval Stores Bought or Received Consignment. " October 7 10- lo7-S rt j , have been verv nx,-n, m, r-Af: Peratlns. No fire and no comnlftT .""".i iujf uuues "iacuiuery are used tlm ni , r. as provisional governor, under tb i.. J a weight wh,VT, i! moVTe P?wer uons. The air is introdofi ti, ZZlX, a tank containing oil : a nf w .T" I? ? extremity leads off from t "iT tlQin 1 T. ucul,tU"Ut o 'viujo tue aas Him rsf r. i ! . . . of the president in such away as to promote the oe5C interests of the state, and to ensure a res-torati cuiisiimuonai relations to the ieyerai government at the earliest practicable pe- 1m- S T I 6 O X . Drake's Plantation flitters I "V.M. KJ9 ! They purify, strengthen and invigorate, i They create a healthy appetite. i lhey are an antidote to change of water and ! diet, lhey overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. m 1 . . , I ifle sirengtnen the system and enliven the mind. ' J They prevent miasmatic nnd intermittent fevers I xney Piruy the breathy and acidity of the sto mach. I They cure Dyspepsia and Consumption. ! They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus ; They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache. ; They are the best Bitters in the world They make the weak strqng, and are exhausted nature's groat restorer. They are made of pnre St. Croix Ivum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particular ly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels aud Saloons. Only genuine when cork is covered by our private U. S. Stamp. Beware of umencits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE fe CO., 21 Park Row, New York. October 21 - o nod We can entertain no hope that confidence and activity m business will be revived, or that our people can even begin to renew their former pros perity, until the state shall have been fully res tored to her place in the union. The greatest good of the present and of all coming eenera nons, will be embodied in the nrap.t.innl far. t,nt iva ova . : r :ZtaJ&n ot the freest, proudest AS lOilcr no thiu foot ;t. . 1- i nrC 71 10. ea, me state must ;;a;:r.; Z1A:.SUSIX m,alIlts interests, and in- z:r,:La:mielt ? turai ad- wi h other ,1,7 glDt 10rWard 111 competition m, the career , of wealth and povedshed; " Dec0memore and more Tiftt; n Tsiy ia .'i -i - . " luuii. i ill 1 1 1 nrkrnmw j i , (?Pim-; L vvnicii may De -vv,"vu uci,csBai v. or Avon arna;! i , . . the great end wArT aiain niDto ... l" it, inc com- Srri 0 ine state aU its conaUtu- th "i , us , ,ine common government. Let 7a ' u , uu ainerences which exist amonr ot'," wJuchf.are calculated to obstruct the work ot leconstmction, disappear under the influence whf-? lntense and a more devoted patriotism. Ixe who does anything now, whether by word or act, calculated or intended to embarrass the na tional administration, or to obstruct the work of restoration incurs a grave responsibility and can The convention of the people of this state re cently in session, very wisely ordained, adoJ ordinance of the convention 0f Th'e Sute of No fh SS?hn5 ,rifie(i OU tlle 21st da of November 1789, which adont.-.d n,,ri mtifi k ."Tf..cr' of tln TTnito r j uusuiuuon ot tlit LfniteJ States and also all acts and parts of acts of the general assembly, ratifvir Ir FZSL?', in5TeSdnt8 t0 the said constitution, arrnow and at all times smce the adoption and ratification thereof have been infull force and effect '' jind. lhat "slavery and involuntary servitude otherwise than for crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted .i,ni k K Y . 11 forever, prohibited within the state -' UW7 ord. That it shall be sembly to provide for th vi,: T.,Pi.'u.as: obligations created or Ined by the -tale She wise than in aid of th into kI,,.:. or,ri ii V- 'vuwuuu. xui mat and oblltrariotis nrontai : , , the state, in and of the .V. -.T..-"1 .7a DT indkectly are void, and no generaTsemblTofthis state shall have power to aume or provide for the payment of the same,, or any portion thereof " A ""'1 AAA bAAC? 1 iii 11 L air A equilibrium of eas and oil i, er ,f ,v , uuiiiuuucu uy means of a wheel which is moved by the gradual and almost imperceptible dropping of a 4 weiSt which is suspended from'tbe "axle of the whee ' lnis weight is wound un in a manna,. v . similar fr, ti. 7? . . ouiewuai i7"nV7:,vv,V eigntday clock. The iumuncu uy mis o-as is rr a .i a i tiful character, superior3 it': Ti T " mnnlu in r. ' " w "Jau 0 Com- """V use uuw. ll can 1) POnXTOrl tV X. the Sams ni,.M v. . U11UUSU " t-' i ' vk uiiii i ; 1 1 i ill ill i I a on v- . . ;:i.r!uanulacred ga. it iS aHSert ZZ ITlTu? .mactunng this light does not tvo t - 1 Perour to each burner. ralWtmaSme 1Sv on exhibion at Col. P. Mallett s office on North Water street under the supenntendence of his brother, Dr. Mafftt who stetes IQ6d ag6nCy f0r Several suthern Theatrical. The performances at the Thea tre came off last night to a good house, althouah nf OA . . -. ow ijuuu a one as Miss Vernon deserved , tuc uucusion oi her benefif on as Was hnnorl and expected by herself and her friend ti,. " "-"UO. J.AAC J only tolerable, not poor enough for a red loc. f. zr.v.t-h fai certainly not good enough to enable the to spread himself in a verv leno-thv nr.fr t rr j i' a u rrao 1SS Vernon's fnvaun . and if indeed it was w Lr:XJ, nce' 4i ..... ujaucc nere then we will bid her a kindly regrets at her ln T7inrr no . 1 iopes that at ner ne-rf nio. find n Koff F U1 sojourn sne may fand a better company to sustain her, and that her efforts may meet with w.. ' -T they did here. We hone, hou-evor tw v be re-engaged by the manaaem; atre. & ""ia -lilt;- 30. proclamation, writ of habeas States. ecerirrn ir '& nc heretofore declared insurrectionary, the DV of Columbia, and the territories of TW .M; and Arizona. Wa 5--lVAl. icu, X. xnere is no doubt that the house will be ized without difficmlty ' No credentials of any members from the south have been received except Virginia and Tennes see. About one hundred members have arrived. The eastern and western exnres., train left Hamburg this morning ran into the coal train on the New York Central railroad, killing seven and wounding several others. Rio Janerio advices state that Col. Wood and party, who went to Brazil to negotiate for lands for some six hundred southern planters had with an enthusiastic reception, theemperor prom-ism-all the aid in his power in furtherance of the project. VETERAN FROM TEXAS. ens ret tiouinc the fioTernor for a lie. orsaulzatiou of the HUUtld&c U ! . . ' : New Orleans, Nov. 27. ine citizens of Libertv ' conntv TVa n-w,?' """UCVi vjuvemor namiiton to organize a mili tary force to suppress an anticipated insurrection' irom-the negros,who openly avow their ritrbt tv, a uiviMon oi pTDoerty, and refuse to acrf T01 mre. he chief' justice of the , tmeatenea witn aeatfL - . whv -J1-EPPon, of Texas, has'gone to" nasmngton to complain nf th nrrn, nf - nA.4nAi 'i , . w.iuu, WUUUti - omciais. ana the nmtr0rr,tnj . - lll!Brtrt.AftD.V:-i: 4 ....,ureu mouuiuuods OI Gen. Grant has inat " I iC':,' uvosl marshals-and officers of the r all the offirer. n J. '-"""a "umwB uurewi.-,.. rciciau reserve corps whose services can be disnen n i;:: ""ut,e . '. r r-a tt itii aim iiiinr i. r ir rnan on receipt of the order lm to rheir nm a L j ii -. " . inuceeu n - T - ' , "u Lauce report by letter to the general oi tpe:armyP , r "..PKiaR PT.lrua The whole amount of navdl adjudicated is filo.oho ma TnT'rJ Whirh ov loAv'nnn,i::.T,."'7u "umV'" ul ,vw,wu nave aireaay been Paid Ti t. I "" OT PARDONED. Itrhas been stated tKof J sj... . doped JoW Mitchell. .VunlmrjStXa mu uoi even armiv lor nardori wW v, v., v,i- i. " . " . r . . " out, istne,' took the oath of allemance at the T'1 ! Joint .stoct company, witb a ment, which was inoUspensable in nrn , nacon. - i "iv-tiu vi wio muusLuai resonrnoo ii prrsov a t. . " 18 ProPoseato raise this capital in the Brevet Lieut CoL R. TT wW a rL,.e"culS at Baltimore, and even to seek the -department of Washinon was te dav Z nCtt? P', "ssary; . It is to be loaned to lieved from duty, and wffife SST "1 iQ.the r secured by service. m v-6.SCo vu piupeny, me cash valuation of f--' ""'vooi.hj teuai rate nreyai intr in kj. Plans f or Soutbern nTPlnnm.n The want of capital so sensibly felt bv the ."i 3? : yet fertile lands, and also" the enterprising 4jisiV nessmen of that section, has suggested many pians ior advancing the again bringing forth the capabilities unr!. ces oi the country, and hniMin. .v.. .i. Among ther puSi& appear to be practicable mo uijidTOv useiuiness it ramH n i Gen. Butler had a with the president by -appointment BY MAIL. gaiety of the Republic's Passengers. FROM WASHINQTON. The Test Oath Before the Court . Tlie FortIlcomiIlg", Message. The question of the Admission of Southern members. acting Wi rrn-l , . A .1 gwu uaiureu loc. APPLICATIONS FOR. PARDONS, &c- &c. fee. Ti i m . . . . ' ;: ' , a tu uma nunseli to HE SOUTHWEST r,llgn the Products estate to the agents W l ' 1 i-I . of the company, at Kome urw! : rr ,1 . "ivviuuuuuiui. WIK Will thus act as factors, and nd interest enough in the project ,t is believed, to insure its success. The usual factors' commissions of 2i per cent1 on the sales, as weU as purchases for the planters, wonM thus accrue to the joint stock . company While therefore the planter would realize the immediate benefit of the needed loan' the com panys business, if properly managed, it would v seem, must be handsomely profitable in ad dition to this scheme, a number of American and Lnghsh bankers and capitalists interested in tbe production of cotton, are making inquiries in re- lation to organizing a national cotton growinff company m the south, the latter being influenced ' chiefly by the failure of the English attempt to produce the staple in India to the extent desired. , wnaai sterling rrice In New Orleans, ARRIVEn.- j. . , ! "v.lo ILL LI1C IInL direction and such as were expected of the ren resentaf ve of a wi cctcu. U1 fcne rep- But in order to remove the liwt.nW0i. : t.- way of restoration,, it is indispensible that the SfT1 L' I O I linn n t I I j r . - v vgwuiiuic onaii raniy the The steamshi n 'ViT.P.VL Pont 151 L- . ' j vuuu. JJU1- ger, arrived at this' place yesterday about noon , 1BW ueril he is consigned to Messrs. -.. i.iuicmson, ana comes here for oi?P u 18 her first aPPfiarance in these waters T SS tlmt sIre is nothing but one U1U uiocKaue runners, the Lucy, in a new dress and under a new namJ n.. f ... , me vwnes ere j,cjul anajrom JSembern nrcrmnrr that freight is much scarcer in ,k' v. ... j in Wilmington. How is 7i fHd " " If T7 1, V.l, , " juu uare lia I a flozen r.r c- ,v, t that you can't load, send tha ,irtr, 7T will have quick disnateh frm " x- " x- f loaded with cotton and naval stores. Washington, Monday, Nov. 27, 1865 i uraiffG CONGRESS COURSE OP THE CLERK, MS. M PHERSON r.. : - ... '-'ii Juumrv ir. is asnoHo t 1 x i.... tiveiv w f ;- , uiau uui compara Hi!' the credentials of members elect of ertber 7" " re?nes have. been received. .to;:-. .r1 insurrectionary or other o, luciwuie, me clerk of the house has not 5Ss; of e members, and win no? probi 111 tJlh,eJe Satday. No credentialshave Mn T Re late insurrectionary states, eXCentintr iirni Virmn , " ' i r " "Kiiiid in complete. The -Hasan's Magnolia ftalm. JiHS IS tllC most, rfolirrlitfnl jj lid.. ,. i7 v"6..u.uu cAiruuruinary ar- ever ( li'nvornil Tf i. . .J , , ' v.ua.uvcs me sun-uumt and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravish- ... r .. - .. - : w aud iw. y V P lmg me marb,e Purity of youth, h,. ii v: , . yFrauce so lnvning a'id run; Wl),. "-'".v" yiiuuti so inviting in the city ...... ..iuivrco I ?1. 1 1 riinu oc Yimlnn JThness from the Rtin i. ' U T-.Tr" ' !"'' loir tr .u T , "-"""b mc complex- l; ! tprent and smooth. It contains n9 lj iwua Lilt. Kk III '"-NM'si .inn llnon Kinn... iril, .1 t o, . . O ""'".u nave. ( cents. ui.i... r "J iroy. jn. i. . O w., .ivr Patronized bv An. ins wnat everv lady i -- . everywnere. Ketail price, 50 Oct. 3 eow-ly Artificial Legs. WESTON'S METALLIC ARTIFICIAL LEGS. I T0 LEGS IN ONE. lou can take off the foot and put on a STUB. i tne oniv artiflr!iai i.va v.a ;'i take mart hH ""'5 n mu LiAfti Liivr iinr iir riL'n k. ,i uu suostitnte a KTTTR ubstitnte a RTTTR -oi'k-liaed, covered with -flesh-colored leather, u" rubber loints. and with, is Cheaper and lio-htpr a Rl iuc wooann terra qt So , ... , nfort vuxu wun ease ana Tlie; measure can h conf nA .i.. TK lo xork to be fittedL 7 . ! Price $100, $125. wi a, pampniet. d. W Office and e' 1Q ; . New York. . . . -wC6SU35w5t BOOTS AND SHOES, HE balance of stock' for salo t cosL by j 4 HORACE M. BARRY, amendment, trw constitution of the -United; States prohibiting the ex . ence ; f slavery throno-hont th TTn;,i c.- I uc;with transmit to you a communication on this subject, from Hon. -William H. SeWard sec retary of state, and also a pert; fwi i joint resolution which has passed congress on the ouiyct, appiuveu ieoruary 1st, 1865 I beg leave, gentlemen', most respectfully and enrnefitlv tr m.rn . a . . . . . J r.rv uiec yjU j,uu propriety of ratify ing this amendment unanimously, at the earliest ovlu,,c moment, it is the wish of our best mena, me president of the United States, that this shall ,r, ci i. .. .. u vuo. oucu rauncation cannot fail , ym. icsuorauon to tne union, and thus lay anew. for us and our children the foundations i'ciLuttueut prosperity and glorv pi u visions oi an ordinance passed by the convention at its late session, I have ap pointed the Hon B F. Moore, the Hon. Richard o. -.umieii, ana vviuiamts. Mason, Esq., commis sioners to prepare and report to the legislature a system of laws uporf the subject of freedmen and force as should be repealed, in order to conform the statutes of the state to the ordinance of the convention abolishing the institution of slavery - u.Lii . i iw i imi . ill c in n oriti . 7 I w C YOU. (TPn tlemen. .of mv readiness nnd on-?- ' s .- - uuaicl tu co-operate with you cordially and zealously in every thing which may be calculated to relieve our un fortunate and beloved state from her present de pressed and unhappy condition. ; . TTIil. .17 ...... milu henuments oi nigb respect, I have honor to be, &c, ' : t W. W. II0LDEN, Provisional Governor, the Chicago Times 'Is the War Ended'? -The makes this telling home thrust: lraidr ofyesterday A. VJIVI VA.C T UU1 j OOl4Prrfil Will r-- the war is not ended.' Ho XrC: W-T tne Tirivntonr fil, j . , . " " - r v.v , UOTauuoan curse his crednlitv in in!1"! fals?opd that it, was I Jff mav Found Dead. An inquest was held vesterdav afternoon upon the body of a negro man, name unknown, which was found lying in the third SSfjexfttaCi l- the City fetrchments, near the Mineral Spring road. The body when found was m a state of advanced decay, and had i j ijiiig , tujsre ior a week or ten days. As near as could be judged he was appar ently about 65 or 60 years old! The verdKf jijr was luai ne cajQQ w nis deatn from v.i causes unknown. part, and Tennessee DOSlflon nf tha x 1 . . V.1CI K III rnf nouse is understood to he an ww,,. , T mere,y to administer the law rflffi, m p acig the names of members elect upon the rolls hS course on doubtful points being controlled bv the precedents set by the ihti Iruhnas to the construction of the law. Whatever defects may be discovered can of ri-ht vIlSv61 thr6 hUSe- In addkion to the validity and formality of the credentials, should these facts appear, the only other question which n?ihUrWOUld be Wbethe1' the states latSy ?aSse nare DW hl fuH relation to the other 1fi1 nr ?-J?enS contemPJated by the law of ibd, or m different lano-nao-e whthr completely restored t. thVT; ' V -i aie jutheunfon. Theq fowtSrSr? tarn members elect can or rant. nntl, , v" ICSl; uu propeny occur until after the elec f.Peaker; ?h0Se, duty Jt is t0 administer it "" uiiiei uiemoers Detore Trnn.o,Ii a n i ; n . r'vvvvuiug miiuer uusmess oi organization. ffi.- -x , . . New Orleans, Nov. 25 xue hieamsmp Hudson has arrived at New Or leans witn passengers of the Republic, who had nkATi rnr. J 1 a ' vv For a week we have had a murder nearly everv udy , ana to-aay we have two. Frank Brenan was a-iuBu uy xviicnaei Urotv cause dhmot va TT . . - 1 - vuivuuu lwuuxc Henrv hnmnsnn nA w i wmcu aiiiuuea witn a pen- b-nifa Kir onnfl, . . 1 x IlJ ,.Tei Iiero named Uick Jenkins. icii meu lmmeaiateiy alter receivino- their General Sterling Price, late of the confederate army, is in this city, having just returned from T.CHJJ, t General Thomas arrived lin Mobile on Friday, 1U is purely on matters connected with mo ucpartment. A Columbus fMississinni 1 tlPU'Smnor ia !r,fn. ed of $8,000 being collected bv7 agent, who accounted for but &6.000. Tt. .The stealing mania is rampant." In accordance with the la Mississippi legislature, the tax collector at Vicks-bui-g gives notice that he will collect a tax of $2 upon each person. I be test oath has been anmed hefr.ro thQ ri;. A 'A ,i O VAIO- tuct oourt ere lor two days. Judge Durel inti uidLeu to-aay tnat be cousidesred the law stitutional. ' A Monroe f"T.Ali;oioT.n ' . vvujaiaaia; paper speaks encour oi me prospects of cotton planting ..wuiumi a jail Ulitmue. ' The Same tianur cane n 1- . i - ii jitige numper oi emi- b..-. auuuia ana me contiguous states xic gumg 10 rexas. uncon- m in connoftion with 11 ti-.oo i xi i picius, me lanor ques tion, of course, comes up, and much will depend upon the successful issue with the freedman in his new relations to the white population -Mi. more Sun. Preston King. But tWo weeks have elansed suicide of Preston King, and the sad affair seems to have nearly faded from tho m!nQ Could the veil be lifted, and an insight be given ot the hearts of many, it is to w to- x Hundreds, who hoped to profit hv hi rfa.n event has been a source of secret roi-: ' i.- belief, however, amon? those whr. thini, ', the subject, is gainina eround that, ATr irin not committed suicide, but has wandered off into some retreat of which this ritv ia fi,n ... wiU yet be found.. And while the mere fact of the body not yet haviner been diaeoyerori no evidence that no suicide was committed vet incidents- are by no means uncommon f LL supposed to have been made away with, volunta rily or otherwise, reanpearino- in fnii i;- j health. . It must be confessed, also, that various reasons seem to give color to the anti-snie.idAt.h ory. ihe police are still quietly continuing their investigations upon this latter supposition and may yet find the clue that will le JPto he dis?n tanglement of this deep mystery.-JV. .T. JouVnll of Commerce. . Freedmen' Bureau. General Howard has issued the foUowing or- cause THE SUiVIAY ItIOKri urn. 4LD. Tlie Governor's OTeMagre-Proceedi-e of the State tes:ISlatre-Tl.e latest News "&rapn ana JTlail Clinic tare, &c Arc. liitera- a mammoth The Sunday Morning Herald i : a utcrary paper, will be ready on Sunday morning and will contain all the latesf news of the day by telegraph and the mail up to fjhe hour of goin- to Fv., uesmes a cnoice selection of poetry. RtoriD and other literary matter, relimons i-roiiw ' h . ' O -l.AAAii JJUJC, 5"p, u aceurate market review, &c.', . xi win contain a great variety of useful and entertaining reading matter-valuable alike to the uubiness man and the home circle. I he Sunday Herald has a larre cirenlarinn in to-fn fi auu uubiness men could not better eon.nit - - w - V V JAu Ul It their interests than by patronizing its advertising columns. A limited nnmir r REPORT OF THE SECRETARY Ow Tt -rnn. The secretary of the treasury makes o secret thft faPT, ThQf1 hie- -fT ? nuances will De. merely an enlargement of the icucui v oresenren n h;a X , xxx ixlO X'Ul I) advertisempnt a only will be inserted, which must be handed in by five o'clock Saturday v 'J T AAAJ The Sunday Hebaid is sold at Ten Cents ner copy. " The largest fly-wheel in the wnrM ,00 v cast at the Fort Pitt works in wiT molten iron -was conducted from th -fn-.A. across one of the streets of the city, a distance of ana 'sixty-rnree feet, to the mould. The diameter of the wheel is twentv-five feet a its weight forty-two tons: ; ' ; ' ; : ; ' . The president haaannroyed tha or two citizens of Georgia named Christopher C Kease and John M: Brown, who were convicted oy a court martial of ihe mnrder rtf s the fir7t VriA c-fo are to take place on ine first Friday in January.: f , :.;f-. . ; mhfChestimt.;, U conductor Monday nIA cw irondence, on onaay, asked amanwhowas sitting upright Hotel Arrivals. j ir i?Q ,r" -ay! uuuubuii, or, ao. R M Orrell. do. - D Anderson, do, Mrs Melfeiil, servant & two . cuuuren, ao, ?as Browne, do; Rol Lee, B!aden, T H Sntton, do. L A Powell, Sampson, B C Bowden, Dnplin, K A Sennin, San Francisco a. r lies, is u, H McCrea, K, L Williams, PWladelphi VV J Cameron, N Ilanover, B.Boaia, Jr, Ricr.mond, fjyiui crion, USA. T Trew, Boaton." .s CCGibb8,do, ' W B Turner, do, - A R Taft, Charleston, -a. T X ail, ao, W O Carroll, Korida, S W Myers, do. J J EvaQB, city. H O Flamier, do Capt J M Meody, Ga, P Frederick, Clinton, J M Moselv, do, ; G N Dunett, Seven Points, J E Hasteltine, Boston, O Smith, Term, W L, Bandel, Baltimore, W D Styron, S C, 1 G Close, mail agent, w D MeKinne, W & W liR. hotel' TE Dudley, NY. C O Livermore, Ohio, Cant J M Moody, Angnsta, K J Alorse, Vt, J M Tucker, USA, Ex-corifederabT brigadier-general A E JacV son ot -Virginia, ,own as Mudwali Jacket jy . wunng the latter part Oof the war h . - sneeeh "a1Je i ... THE MESSAGE OUR RELATIONS WITH MEXICO. No part of the forthcoming message has re ceived so much critical care and cabinlt revision 3at PTtl erring to our relations with 1UCA1,;V- xxie -tresiaent bas evinced mansnip, witnout infringing our ij or popular traditions. He taning tbe position that whil J 1 Z5? a J . iiii rprori t rn r vo n . i - , - i,wV(i-' y XJL 1X1" terference on our part is unnecessary, and would prove injurious both to ourselves and the Liberal C3.USC 'i tr- auspices of the press club of ?ent ? 81Jch sub-depots as he may. designate -fof Philadelphia, the subject being " across the con- 1SBWJ? accordance with existing circumstances. a lecturer was intro- ,T . ueu- 0. 0. Howard. Green, U. S. Pension MaJ- Ge,n- Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, a wise states- national digni is understood as while we cannot be in- ln pardons. Notwithstanding the order of the president di recting that no more pardon warrants be . issued at present, applicants continue to flock in Upon the attorney general. Among those who cafied this morning were R. M. T. Hunter and the rebel Generals Terrill, of Texas, and Brown of Tennes Ie' w,?ed 'I e hsts of aPPlioations for par don which have been filed away for future con sideration are the petitions of 122 ex officers of the United States navy, 129 rebel genS offl cers, and eighty-eight members of the C6nfeder ate congress. There is also l. i.-. Jea? r. leaders including George iis Trenholm, secretary of the treasury f geddon TTIV War V MaUo 8ecretarr of the na jy and Reagan, Postmaster general of the con federates ; A. H. Stephens, their vice weddent Governors Smith AetdeofXSZ of Maryland: McGrath f LJrTn.LT Moore, of Alabama, and f!1art f tlt:.,.;: : ' There are olc iZ . ' oaloi'IPP-'--- ! " ; ' 7 t xx. t , iarse petitions for. the re- . . r18' wmch with the others are filed away with the mass nf d T-r!5 SS?rS Pfif n b?reau' to awaifc developments. Many of the application a- 1 j , - - iui wen VA.VU, Ut7 CXI- dorsed by our own generals and senators. ' m ' TO BE MUSTERED OCT. J There are now here nn!v thx i osti oi 4v 1 - . " J J.ww 1 vXXL4 iftJJ Pennsylvania Volunteers. The 195th Ohio Tol unteers and 107th United States vTnrWf are waiting to be mustered out. T ; COMMODORE ftcRAVB-V 1 ' The defense of Commodore Cra ven win mitted to-morrow. The resnlt of fhv-,';Vrtf thQ court to the StonetoaH is interpreted as justify- - - . v, u vuu iu uTCjLuung to en gage her. ' . , )--.,:.. AT THE WHXTB' HOUSE 4i '- '' ' Quite a number of distinsruished yisitx-ira wra at the white house to-day;' Senators Dixon Ne smith and Hahn, Gens. Garfield and Farnsworth and other congressmen, David Woodmtr nn v the uncompromising union men of Alabama, with ACROSS THE COWTIJVElf T, -- u...vcau;ill-M'lie United StJItoa Philadelphia. Mondav TilMr 07 1Ccr, A large and brilliant audience assembled at the p-.w.j, ui music io-nignt; on the occasion of ucu,ei 01 a lecture by the Hon. Schuyler Col der War Department, Bureau op Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned, Lands. Washington, Nov. v L"t;uittr xno. ly.J i Paragraph 11, circular No. ft ... ' ----- VJ - vuu OC11CO from this bureau, is so far modified as to allow the assistant commissioner of a state to draw; upon proper ration returns sunnlies for- according to his estimate, , and have the stores .T;' i, X i L1Jjitliea lecturer was intro- uuu uy voi. ,. vv. u. Green, U. S. Agent. , Mi. n . - .. . . ! ' iu openine-. said that ,t n. v. . , , - x 'oi XLf iroa uy 1X115- take he was announced to speak on the " duties of the next congress." He had already spoken on that siiKinnf - . .J , i . . " v""" j-, auu uau oniy to say he had noth ing to take back, aud nothing to add, except that the only eafia ; . , r j yaiundv. m wnicn patriots roulrf muc, was uuty to our beloved country. TAp plause. Alluding to the sympathy of Russia, so openly and widely expressed to this country Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Approved: A.' B. Eaton, C. G. Subsistence. From South Carolina ' ' CotTTMCTi W OQ To-day Governor Perry sent a message to, the i legislature, m which he stated he had received a communication from , Secretary Seward announ cing that the President, nnd tho. " ' v-w VVUUL1 V T ri M during our recent troubles he honed thot " .ratified at leamino- of a " i J the oidLworid and no . 'rx:zv: nr- ir;"rr:."r: y ooutn j s n v it uij-cva. MJ4t5iiiier nvPT t no i v-.V4iu vi lxio uuuM rnssumn i OTnoHnnr. l ; -. - . wmvuumm IA Lilt) ' Russo-Amencan Telegraph, we would not forget constitution abolishing slavery; also that he had m the first, disnntfh t .: ? I ,i ue uau X -, , wxxu J been informed rvflH4oii u x.x. , vxuwanj uio suiie couia not as sume payment Of the direct tfl- nnleei course sheuld be sanctioned by an act ofmn. gress. ' . . . . The votes for governor and lieutenant-tro-em. or were announced to-day, as foflows: Orr, 9776; Hampton, 9109. For lieutenanrffo-t ter, 17,072. . ; . TTW Governor Orr and lieutenano----.- r wm be inaugurated to-morrow, 29th inst Important Rumor. ' From the Louisville Journal.T ' it, TherflHa in Vin. a!- - ' ' . . . ' rumor. io wmen we con- k9 (1 in the first dispatch to recognize the unfalterin, nxexjiisjiip oi mat nation. xxc mcu pruceeaea to cnto iha mncf noa-irkT-iAn f; a ? . . vwuwa v. U13 i cueut journey or 13,000 miles .ucuauauuss mejfiains to Colerado seemed formed by nature for a railroad. To KT,rt- tv,x, pecuniary success of the road, he stated that it vroo auciiuy paying iz per cent. , . ..xsuuuuiii" au illClueni m tha aaTlir llf f on :j v ... ..- I xxxc vi fu V, , m command of a block house on uio jracmc, wnere ne cut his way through a but rounding force of Indians, the eral was greeted with a Storm, of ant.Ta,, iaot. iixiiiuies, wnen ivir. Colfax resumed -"'J a ngnt to applaud him Tn a icuciit uvuversauon Wi1 1... j . , . . . ucouiueu onenaan as one Dravest, and most successful JDTAT1 Aral fit 1T1 rn1l y . j o - o vv vi iu. iir aescnomg his return trip bv Sea. he ' snnVo rt naae.nrr f n I 1,1:. . x- f ' " "x ''"("'VS "" ivcuuuui; OI. aieXlCO. He ealleT it the republic, because he recotmied nn, -:ft,i l&JT' Thi?'f with deafening : - wuiu uc ana repeawa. 4 . . Mr Colfax then returned to his interestfna de scription of his interview with. Brigham Youn whom he had advised to have another revelaS soon prohibiting poligamy. Brigham replied he would be glad to have such a revelation but some of nia fo.ln -xt x j- Colfax thought it was time to draw distinction. The Mormon r xx xxxi i, w wjcix ieTeiauons. t - - i f . , . rr" w sutu ume as iurther he lecture closed with A.huit,Tii"-ll- m 1118 0386 can be submitted to i.h P0?: on the benefits of the Paciflc f aarf tT4T. 1 ' ' - - ' - ' ' r tment, as a bond of union ; ' ! - ' v . ,u . ? , address was one of the finnst ,.x,i:- j . . , - , - Hon. Jam-i a. . this city,, and the pectufer's- powers -of descrip- 7 Passengers by, the steamer ' , "V tion were rail" annreriate nx. i- , I irom Kaynnnoh temgent audience WmbledTV - r - jt:mv nas been released from Port tji-V. '.' He is stoppimr at lth- TV.ri " i V1 16,. wss that we attach some importance, though it' it dOf!.4 Tint pntnn n . t 5: ' " g ; - w ub liuiii any HonreA thM ; - c. to give information quantity of powder has accumulated and is" stillrF ' rapidly accumulating at Cairo, and that comS' T sanes . quartermasters' and medical . storeTare '1 sathered there for aKn.A..j iu!Tl wreBj-are. ,n uuuuicu uioiiwnn rnxxn ..ti-- rumor we speak of says that the stores have been ordered south, but that the T3owder!r2 affa known, reniains for the present at Cak? " Frank Gurleyr8enWH lTVWf?'. 'irf At a meetin Mnnieipai7Axf.lr. in Rlcuna: V f e " .at Charleston hoteflr1!' leetmg of the citv council thin fWn r - ; - " " ' r city council this afternoon. loon . The total number of national v,,-v. ' to the effect that in cone; "Th.! n?!8 1.610; with a tow ."i" a communication from General Turner was 1 w w wa. uuc- uiiiiiiiii- y wi ii ft f tr - - - - ulai ii jzi -r .

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