THE DAILY, WILMINGTON HERALD;' MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1865. THE W1SJ3INGT0N HERALD. -lJLMINGTOK, If. C DECEMBER 4. GPECS AL NOTICES; COLGATE & CO uva tn inform their customers that they still XJ v continue the manufacture of their various styles of Family and Toilet SOAPS, STARCH and CAN DLES. Prices current forwarded by mail on application COLGATE & CO., Nos. 53 A 55 John street, New York. 148-sm. Aug. 23d ; To My Old the Public BUSINESS CARDS. H BUSINESS. CARDS. Friend and Generally. THE SUBSCRIBER takes pleasure in informing kiq fronds- and customers, and tne puu lie in general, that he has resumed business at his OLD STAND, where he will carry on as formerly the HARD WARE and DRY GOODS business in all the va rious branches. His present Stock is large and carefully select ed bv himself, while the facilities for rapid and regular communication witn me norm uj du cables him promptly to supply any article which ma- Ik- deiicient, aud to keep his stock constantly up to the demands of the public. He trusts tLat after a business intercourse with the people of Wilmington and the surrounding country, of nearly forty years duration, he is suf ficiently well known to justify him in dispensing with any more lengthy announcement, while he leu is confident that his long experience of the trade aud of the wants and wishes of the people, .will euablclmu to render satisfaction to all who m vv favor him with their custom. JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, 1865. 204-s JOSEPH H. NEFF, SHIP CHANDLER, AND DEALER IN SHIP STORES, GROCERIES, ARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, Books, Charts, Nautical Amsirumenis, BOATS, OARS, &c. Corner of DOCK and WATER STREETS, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 16. 221-6m Hathaway, Leach & Stearns, 417 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers of Boring Tools, Steam Engines and Boilers. ueaiers m Portable Saw Mills, Engine and Hand-Lathes, Planers, Bolt-Cutters, Power-Punches, Drills, Slide Rests, Scroll and Independent Saw Chucks. Depot for BANKS, DINMORE & CO'S Platform, Beam, Railroad Track, Coal and Hay Scales. Nov. 2 siu-am. i. T. PETTEWAY. ROGER MOORE PETTEWAY & M06RE, GENERAL COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. TROMPT personal attention riven to the sale or JL shipment oi xnavajj oiUMo, wnui LUMBER, &c. Office in the Planner umiamg, iurui ytiCi street, near the Depot of the W. and W. railroad. October 16 Moody B. Smith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 36 Pine street, New York. Nov. 14. 219-lm B.R.MQ0KE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW OFFICE in Journal Building, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 13. 218-lm. MISCELLANEOUS. SHIPPING MISCELLANEOUS. CHARLES SMITH. GEORGE E. SMITH C. F. SMITH CHARLES SMITH & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the sale of NAVAL STORES, COTTON, SPIRITS TUR PENTINE, ROSIN OF ALL KINDS, PITCH, TAR, $C. AGENTS FOR DUPONT'S POWTDER. No. , Central IVliarf, Itontoii. November 11 217-ly ' For New tort. COMMERCIAL LINE . rjHE A. I. STEAMSHIPS FAIRBANKS, Capt. Hptjteb, and W. P. CLYDE, Capt. Robbiss, Will form a weekly line between Wilmington, North Carolina and New York, 6ailhng every THURSDAY. For freight or pasage, having superior accommo- Burning of the Museum. .'. LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. New York, July 14, 1865. Messrs. Herring Co.: Gentlemen Though the destruction of the American Museum has proved a serious loss to rnvRplf and thp. tvtiKHp. T am hannv to verify the old adage, that, "It's an ill wind that blows no body good," and, consequently, congratulate you that your well-known safes have again demonstra ted their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the building, in the hottest of the fire. r After twentv-four hours of trial it was found among the debris, and on opening it this day hate dations for passengers, apply to yielded up its contents in very gooa oraer doukb, papers, policies ot insurance, oanK dius, an m wu- BRADLEY & WOELLJJr, Agents, dition lor immediate use, ana a nooiewmiueuw; North Water, between Chesnut andMulberrv sts.. jvire-rrooi ' HALL'S .Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, Ilasproved itself to be the most perfect prepa ration for the hair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, and contains no m- hirious nrooertics whatever. IT WILL RESTORE . GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. Tt will keen the hair from falling out It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft lustrous and silken. It is .isnlendid hair dressing. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer, and take no otlief. R. P. HALL & CO, 1 Nashua, N. IL, Proprietors ' For sale by all druggists. Nov '2Z WALTER H MC'RAE. B. H. GURGAN U S. Mc'Rae & Gurganus, SUCCESSORS TO WM. R. UTLEY. COMMISSION 31 ER CHAN TS, Wilmington, N. C. Nov.l. 208-ly. George Z. French &, Co. 10 SOUTH FRONT-BT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, WOOD, WILLOW AND TIN WARE. Cotton and Naval Stores, bought or received on Consignment. No 1. - 210-ly. on the trustworthiness of Herring's Safes. Truly yours, P. T..BARNUM Wilmington, N. C. . H. PIERSON, Agent. 77 South street, New York. Oct. 20.' 198-8m HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. The mozt Reliable Protection from Fire now Known. Herrimr & Co.'s Patent Bankers' Safes, with Her ring Jir, Flovd's Patent Crvstalized Iron, the best security against a burglar's drill ever mannfac- CALLing AT ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAM turea. FOR RIO DE JANEIRO. HERRING & CO, No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St., New York. FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING & CO., Chieago. Oct 23 2O0-3m BUCO, AND BAHIA. Lewis 1. Squire &. Sons, SHIP CHANDLERS, and manufacturers of CORDAGE, Corner Front and Roosevelt streets, New York. Importers of Chain, Cables, Anchors, Wire, Rope, etc. etc. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Manilla, Tarred and Hay Rope, Lath Yarn, Bale Rone Gunnv Cloth, etc., etc. Consignments ol goods solicited. Nov. 1 208-lm. A. E. HALL, Forwarding & Commis sion Merchant. 13 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton, Naval Stores and other produce, for sale or shipment, solicited. w 0. G. PARSLEY & CO., No. 6 NORTH WATER STREET, ILL SELL SIGHT (JHfcUJiS on iew York and Philadelphia, AND Will buy sight and time Drafts on all northern cities. Nov 18 228-1 w MEXICO ! MEXICO !! $30,080000 LOAN. OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO ITCBI ! SCRATCH ! ITCS3 ! SCRATCH ! 226-6mo ITCH ! SCRATCH ! . Wliusitoii's Ointment Will Cure tne Itch iu 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAIN, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. LVic'e-M) cents. For sale by all Druggists. By sending 00 cents to Weeks & Potter, Sole Agents, IT0 Washington street, Boston, Mass., itVdl be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to ;uiy part of the United States, sept. 20, 1SG5. Aug. 21st 146-3m DAMEL F. TIEMAM & CO., 240 Pearl St, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS of Paints, White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and dealers in all articles in this line. ALSO, TIEMANN'S SOLUBLE BLUE, For Washing. And "CALIFORNIA" vermil ion, pale and deep. Should be grlad to see our old friends in the trade, or hear from them any time by mail. Nov. 3d. ytu-om. 172-6m v Fro n the army hospital the bloody battle-field the mansion of the rich and 'aumble abode of tue poor from the office and the sacred desk from tlv mountain top, distant valleys and far-off is lands ot the ocean from every nook and corner of the civil.zed world is pouring in the evidence i.ffho astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLAN TATIOX - BITTERS. Thousands upon thousands . . !,.;... i;to tho following mar be seen at our 1 1 l IL btCIC - - r otlice. 4t Wlicvc lite I i TIT ii 1j V 1 owe much to you, for I1 verily the Plantation Bitters have saved my ,. W. II. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y." Thou wilt send me two bottles ,i, vi.intntinn Rittcrs. Mv wife has U1U11 Ui ...... v. . -- been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA CU1UUN, Philadelphia, Pa i I have been a greUt sufferer from .Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching, 'lie Plantation Bitters have cured me. REV. J. S. CATIIORN. Rochester, N. Y." TO THE PUBLIC. THE UNDERSIGNED would beg leave to in form their friends and the citizens of WTil- ?T,rr arA vioinitv. that .thev have now, ana TH0S. B. CARR, M. D., Dentist. OFFICE and residence on. Market street, ncx door west of Willis' Drug Store. Oct. 5th 185-3m L. A. 1IAKT, JOHN C. BAILEY Wilmington Iron d; Copper Works. HART & BAILEY, 17, FRONT STREET, BELOW MARKhT, Wilmington, N. C. HAVING resumed operations, we are now pre pared to furnish Brass and Iron castings fin ished and unfinished. New machinery made and put up, old machinery overhauled, all kmus oi paterns ornamental and architectural. Wrill supply drafts of all kinds of machinery and mill works generally. TURPENTINE AND WTHISKEY STILLS, ? and copper work in all its branches. A ;';!: supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam and Water rip 1 f'tiiv- Machine bolts, nubs, and rivets and ... u.: articles generally found in a machine supply store. Oct. 19 r.M-im. Upholstering Paper Hanging, BEDDING, FURNITURE, ETC. HAVING secured the services of J. W. ZIM MERMAN, who is well known in this city as TWENTY YEAR COUPON BONDS IN SUMS OF 50, $100, $500 AND $1,000. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. $10,000,000 to be SOLD at SIXTY GENTS on the DOLLAR, iu U. S. Currency, thus yielding' an Interest of Twelve per cent, in gold, or Seventeen per cent, in currency, at the present rate of premium on gold THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Most Desirable Investment ever offered. Immense tracts of Mining and Agricultural Lands; Sixty per cent, of Port Dues, Imposts and Taxes, in the states of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi; and the Plighted Faith of the said States and the General Government are all pledged for the redemption of these Bonds and payment of Interest. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $30 in U. S. Cur. will buy a Tper c. gold bondof $50 60 " " " " 100 300 " " " " 11 500 000 " " " " " 1,000 Let every Lover 'of Republican, Institutions buy at least One Bond. 5 Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. CORLIES & CO., and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Ag't of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. nPHE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL JL Steamship Company, will dispatch regularly, ON THE 29TH OF EVERY MONTH, A new and First Class Steamship, to leave at THREE O'CLOCK, P. M. FROM PIER 43, NORTH RIVER. All letters have to pass through the Postoffice. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For Freight or Passage, having splendid accom modations, apply to THOMAS ASENCIO&CO. 17 Broadway, New York. October 31. 307-3m. FOR SEW; YORK. THE Atlantic Coast Mail Steam Ships EUTERPE', CAPTAIN ELRIDGE,. TWILIGHT, CAPTAIN SPICER, will form a weekly line, sailing every Saturday from this port, for New York. For freight or passage, apply to HAP.RISS & HOWELL. June 7th IMPORTANT TO STOCK BREEDERS. BARLEY'S ARABIAN HEAVE REMEDY, AND infallible Condition jWediciue The Great Remedy for Diseases of Horses and Cattle. Its effects are permanent, and always safe. It is free from the iniurious mineral or vegeta ble stimulants that enter so largely into the com- K. 8. WALDB0N, 34 Market Strert. ONE PRICE STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, WILL OPEN ON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1, FAliL AND WINTER GOODS, i QONSISTING in art of Merinoes, Coburgs, Poplins, Delaines, Bombazines, Alpaccas and a full, line of the most fdesirable Fancy and Plain Dress Goods, Black Silks! Best Makers. Hoop Skirts, Balmorals, Corsets, Embroideries, Collars and Sleeves, Hosiery and Gloves in great Variety.. ; WHITE GOODS!! A full assortment in the different Styles and Makes. J on's soft finish Cambrics, for Skirts i MOUftNING GOODS!! in all the different Styles and best Fabrics. ' Perfumery, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks, CloaKings, Mantillas and Shawls, in cluding Breaklast and Evening Shawls. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! HOUSEKEEPING GOODS!! White and Colored Blankets, Quilts, Tabls Cloths, Damasks, Napkins,, Towels, Towelling, WTiite and Colored, Plain and Twilled Flannels, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings and Shirtings, all grades, and all other goods usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. SHOES I SHOES! irSSubscrmtions also received by Banks and position of most other medicines. mington ana vicimi "J "JJ assortment of a practical Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, we are fT QSoS now Prepared, in connection with our Furniture LADIES DKH,fc lUULi, consisting oi tr. furnish Whirl ow Curtains. Shades. PopUn,. IZnSUs HafrTshuck Moss, Straw and Cotton Mattresses; Merinos, SSf, Feather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters, and Paper lTZ,ZTcSo,, Rooms at short notice.. Also tit up Vessels Cabins, rVwiw mpn's and children's Railroad (Jars, etc.; cut, maKC auu pui uuuwi FJa.nnei8 Oil Cloths, '&c, also repair Sofas, Chairs, ,.v, fn moh ac -wo ri.avp rp.r.eiiLiv uucucu o are determined to sell at reasonable prices to ob tain customers. We would invite ail Duyers iu call and examine our goods Deiore purcnobiug elsewhere. . MAKUUS K iviLirt, 39 Market street. Nov. 20. 224-ID3. Oct. 24. I). A. SMITH, Nos. 2G and 28 South Front street. 201-1 in iitea most oupenoi iui Works, SHEFFIELD, 0RKS, ) ENG. n I have given the Plantation Bit ters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the .nUhiDg rft. ANDEEWSi Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O." Sanderson, Brothers & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED CAST STEEL, Warranted most Superior tor loots Darnall Work Attercliffe West St. WORK IMPORTERS OF FILES, AND AGENTS FOR ARMITAGE'S GENUINE MOUSE ANVILS. 16 Cliff St., and 241 Pearl street, New York Boston, Battery march st. Baltimore, W. H. Cole. Vif.ladelphia, 516 Com merce street. Nov. 9. CARHART, WHITFOlli) & Co., Manufacturers of and Wholes ael Dealers in Ready-Made Clothing, 331 & 333 BROADWAY, Corner Worth St., NEW YORK. T. F. CARHART, HENRY SHAFEK, WM. H. WHITFORD, J. H. VAN WAGENENV A' T. HAMILTON. C'Offlce of Payan & Carhart in liquidation. Oct. 28. 205-eod-6m HOLE New Orleans, 24 Bank Place. Montreal, Saint Paul I street. 215-s It has been tested for fifteen years by the best stock breeders in the country, with unqualified sa tisfaction. HORSES. It is a 6ure cure for HEAVES, COUGHS, COLDS, BROKEN WTND, nnrl nil other diseases which affect the wind of horses. CATTLE- fallprl when nronerlv tested. OICUi the immediate support of the poor, aud to defray all disoases of cattle arising from coughs and other expenses of the County Bonds or Notes, t,ol(js or ovcr work. Its use on some of the largest Sll;lll"ll luc Ulan iinu v.uuuulibij;uv-u Ciert, in sums of $500 and 1,000, payable in one Bankers generally throughout the United States Nov. 7. aid-lni LOAN OF $5,000 SOLICITED. AGREEABLY to an order passed at September Term, 1SG5, of th c Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, for the County of New Hanover (a copv of which appears below,) the undersigned, Chairman ol said Uourt, wishes to oorrow, upou the faith and credit of the County of New Hano ver, which is pledged for the payment of the same, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, for and two vears, with interest, will be issued. " On motion, in open Court, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Court be authorized and in structed to negotiate a loan not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars, By the issue and sale of Bonds, or in such other manner as he may deem more ju dicious, which money, when realized, the Chair man is directed to pay over to the County Trustee for the support of the Poor ot'ihe County, which money shall be disbursed only on the order of the Chairman of this Court. JAMES SHACKELFORD, Chairman .County Court. Witness : Kobt. B. Wood, Jr., Clerk C. C." sept. 27th 178-s Boot and Shoe Store. THE SUBSCRIBERS hereby give notice that they have again resumed business at their OLD ST AMD, on Market street, No. 41, and now offer to their i j rs a Vio Mic rrpnprnllv a full assortment. The Plantation Hitlers nave cureu ir t ""h i ViT T' r, , . . i,:i, t was laid OiUOOlS, csuues nuuucuuic.,".! nf T.iver Comrjlaint, ot which i was laiu , f , un Pirate and had to abandon my business. BRADLEY H. B. KINSLEY, Cleveland, O. n. b. Shoe Findings always on hand. m Nov. 6. 212-3m Tho. Plantation Bitters have cured imp of a. derangement. 'of .the kidneys and the gbo. habriss, that has distressed me tor years Southern Plows, Marrows, CULTIVATORS, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, and every description of Agricultural imple ments, manufactured and for sale by ' J. T. GOODWIN & CO., 29 and 31 Fulton street, New York City. Southern merchants and planters are invited to call. sept. 11th ; xu-om Carriages. THE immense Stock, now in the three large Warerooms, covering an acre of 15,000 Square Feet. " ,n nUv Bt Entrances ou rruauaj au iw v..v beino- the largest assortment of Carriages ever ot fered in New York, will now be sold at greatly re duced prices. Harness, &c. An assortment al ways on hand. Copartnership Notice. rpiIE undersigned have to-day formed a copart X nership under the name and style of Jas. L. Hathaway & Utley, (formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. C.,) lor the transaction of a Ship-ninf- and General Commission Business in the city of New York, at 171 Pearl street. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, WM. R. UTLEY. New York, Oct. 9, 1865. 197-3m stnfk farms in New York and the Western States has saved thousands ot valuable animais. iiany breeders will not be without it. Wherever its qualities are known, it is the universal tavorite. The proprietors simply ask for it a trial, feeling confident that it will give satisiaciion. I'h S OPEK4TIOJ is simple, cleansing the breathing apparatus, by removing Irom tne air ceiis iue uuaguuun; ijuijju, or that secretion which, in heaves and other acute respirable affections, clog them, causing a difficul ty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased nnrt. r:mni- the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circula tion of the blood, and restoring the distended ves sels to their natural size. By its use, the appetite of the animal is improved, all derangements or tne aigesuveorgaus wiaucu, tho skin softened, and the coat restored to a na tural and healthy condition. Ladies', Misses' and Childreu'b BOOTS AND SHOES. A COMPLETE STOCK. Oct. 31. 207-lm SADDLERY, HARNESS, AND unwary organs tl It acts like a charm, C. C MOORE, 254 Broadway." Rms-ouD. Mass., Nov. 24, 1863. DkarHu;: lbave been afflicted many years with veri tifi.atratlntr cramps rn my limDS, com feet and hands, and a general disordered system pi, J,v.; .r.e Hmmna fi"lprl to relieve me. Soi.e fi lends in NeAV York, who were using i'lan- ot; K;tf.o Trail or) nnnn me to trv tnem. 1 commenced with a small wine-glassfull, alter din l',.i: hr. oorffps. in a few days i was astonished to find the coldness and.cramps baa n.;,..,i or,rl T rrmlrl ftleen the ni2Dl, v-iiiuviy ici l jut-, ouu 1- - i tl,,-, i roH nnt done for vears. l teei iikearTother being. My appetite and strength have al.-o greatly improved by the use of the Plantation ' '''ueipectfully, JUDITH RUSSELL. W. W. HABRISS, A, 3. HOWELL, HARRISS & HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 28. C. WITTY, 450 Broadway, New York. 205-4m June is ESTABLISHED 1809. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, SOAPS, &C. No. 211 Washington street, August 30th, 1865. 154-3m. eOTTOA CARDS. WrILMlKGTON, N. C, 30th Aug. lS6o. Thomas M. Cook, Esq., Editor " Wilmington Herald' SIR : For the benefit of the public, please insert the enclosed letter, received from Mr. John Whittemore : W. II. BELL, (Successors to Jno. Whittemore & Co.,) MANUFACTURER OF Card Clothing, tti k T T?T TV . ..x x,Tl,C STTTT.IES. COTTON " AMD WOoIbW VacHOEKV, &c ., No. 91 Aiaiacn lhub. xt v-oxr Pity '2Mb. AUIT., i-OU- If the ladies but knew what thousands of them are constantly relating to us, we candidly believe one-halt of the weakness, prostration and distress hand ex-ji rienced bv them would vanish. James Marsh, i en ., of 150 West 14th St , N. Y., says "he has three children, the first two are weak tnd puny, his wif tin..: u nkU fn nnrsAan d attend them, but u o. 1 l W' UUCU UUttUlc I - . n, j i.ii ua PUntatioD Bitters for the last T" BALERS to MaTOl oiure. ,"'; VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. THIS old establishment with increased lacin ties, continues to execute promptly orders for stPiiTti and other Machinery, doners, castings, &c A larcre water iront on tne narnor, wun a " tti.bCo ?Li3D rrv them reat advantages in Messrs. Shackelford, Haas & Co. VYr"Tl ra,Pft PTR. Gentlemen : At the request oi n ULLlUJi uut ail" i.t,,...-e, . Stationary Engines oi various ejjt uu Iron for Dnages iurnisucu. HAZLEHURST.& CO. 30th 181 '6m sept. 'hat st two vears, and has a child n iw eighteen months old. which he has nursed and reared herself, and liritii srt.- eanov and well. The article is -". u.w v. I 4 i J y J a j invaluable to mothers," etc. Such evidence might be continued for a volume. The best evidence is to try them, Thev speak for themselves. Persons of sedentary habits troubled vith weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, ""k of petite, distress after eating, wrpwinti, c"tstipation, diabetes, etc., will find speedy relief llirnufrh these Bitters. Ariy person refilling bottles, or offering to sell f lantaiion Bitteus in bulk by the gallon, or in iny manner, except as above, is a swindler andim- poster, with whom we shall deal as the law directs. Sold by all re?pectab!e dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. II. DRAKE & CO., New York, May 3ist 77-eodGm L0CRW00D & COLLINS, 143 Maiden Lane, JNew iorK. aval Stores and Cotton. Con- 1 shmments solicited and advances made. Our motto, prompineso auu of-1-. July 6th 107-;Ly SMITH & CCRLETT, lANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS. AND TALLOW CANDLES, Corner of Holliday and Pleasant streets, Baltimore. sept. 23d ; 75 , WILKINSON & CO., BROKERS, 34 Market St. nii.T nnt T aTTTTTT? WILL BUY AND Bii wli.ot, Northern and Southern Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Coupons, &c, collect en all prominent points and sell Exchange In sums to suit. East Window 34 Market St. Nov 7. aft-dlnwlm. Wr. H. Bell, 1 A. 4-V I write you in regard to his successors nip iu tuc mlnufacture of.lhe John Whittemore Cc ton Cards. I can say that i have occn t -his establishment since January 1st, lfeoo, and am still superintending his business. KesPectIyOHN' WHITTEMORE. In addition to this, we caution the public ! that all genuine WTiittemore Cards" are branded "John Whittemore." . a,nvrMMWB" The spurious are branded simply " Wuttemc, e and we respectfully invite all dealers to call and examine the brand of our genuine card. SHACKELFORD, HAAS & CO Sole Agents for the United states. For John Vhittemore's" Cotton Cards. oi loo-3m Raleigh Standard, Charlotte Bulletin a u d Fay etteville News, copy 3 months and send bills, to this office .TAMF.S L. HATHAWAY. WM. R. UTLEY. Jas. L. Htalliaway & Utley, (Fo merly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. C.) SHIPPING AND 171 Pearl street, New York. WE solicit consignments ot cotton rsavai Stores, Sheetings, Yarns, Tobacco, and oth er Southern products, to the sale oi wnicn our prompt personal attention will be given. We will make liberal advances upon receipt of invoice and bill of lading. All merchandise and produce shipped to us is insured from the point of shipment, with or with out advice. Invoices should always accompany each shipment. Both of us having had over twenty years expe rience in the south, and our J. L. Hathaway three years in New York, we feel confident we can se cure full prices for our friends who viill favor us with tfceir consignments. , ' Oct. 19. 197'3m NOTHING AXD DRY GOODS. TTTE HAVE now on hand a very large stock of VV CLOTHING, DRY GOODS and GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, which we are offering to the trade below New York prices. It would be to the advantage of all wishing to purchase goods to give us a call at No. 40 Market street, under Van Ors- TIIE AMERICAN HEAVE REMEDY AND CONDI TiON MEDICINE, Is warranted superior ; . Requires smaller doses ; Is more easily given ; Is more certain in its operation, Than any other remedy known. Its operation is so simple and natural that it, may safely be given to horses and work cattle, without the necessity of withdrawing them from the road or field. For sale by all Druggists and general dealers throughout the United States and (Janadas, and by C. N. TUTTLE, General Agent, 33 Dcy Street, New York. For sale by W. II. LIPPITT. "July 6th 107-3meow JAMES S. TOPHAM fc CO., Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN HARNESS, TRUNKS, Foreign and Domestic Saddlery, HARDWARE, $c, IE LARGE assortment of the loliowmg gooas on hand and constantly being received. DOUBLE HARNESS, SINGLE CART & DRAY " WAGGON LADIES TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER" WOOD BOX PACKING VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, LADIES SATCHELS, POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONIES, FINE BITS, SIDE SADDLES, MEN'S " BOY'S " GIG HORSE COLLARS, MULE a- " CARRIAGE, RIDING AND CART WHIPS FEATHER DUSTERS SWEEPING PAINT, WHITEWASH AND, COTTON CARDS, m AVTATTOV TIOl Mr. photograph IL & c0. aiu-im Nov 3 W A YVITXTAiHS & SOX., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS WILL GIVE personal and prompt attention to the sale and shipment of cotton, .nasal stores, and other produce. Liberal advances made on consignments. Office No. 7 South Water street. W A WILLIAMS. JNO. r . w uo-VH11"' W B H. H. PEIRCE. EDWIN A. HUBBAKP Peirce & Hubbard, (Wilmington, N. C) DEALEBS IN COTTON, IRON, METALS and PAPER STOCK CASH PAID FOR Old Copper, old Brass, old Ropes, old Bagging, Lead, Glass, Print Papers, Rags, &c. Office on Dock street, between t rom, ana aier THE 0SLY RELIABLE MEDICINE. FOR curing CHOLERA, DYSENTERY and DIARRHOEA, both recent and chronic, in all cases, from Infancy to Old Age, is FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL. B3rIn Testimony of this Statement,.! See Certificates of Physicians, and otheir Patrons accompanying each Bottle. This Medicine is not only the Safest and Surest means of Cure or Relief, but it is also the CHEAP EST REMEDY ever offered to the Public, as the smallness of the dose and the size of the bottle will convince every consumer. The PRINCIPLES of ECONOMY are as applicable in the selection of Medicines, and as imperative on the f atent, as they are in tne rurcnase oi any omer SARY of LIFE. fi-Sold by Druggists generally.g TUTTLE & CO., 32 Dey street, New York, Agents for the, United States. For sale by W. H. LIPPITT. Aug 16th 12 AND and ove Oct.27th. 204-ly DOCTOR A. R. MEADWAI HAS REMOVED his office to the room over French's Saddlery Store, formerly occupied by Cronly & Morris, No. 19 Front street, 2d door from Market Street. A select supply of medicines on hand. Nov. 18 228-lm. BUREAU OF RELIEF, ( To relieve Clerical distress, especially in Southern Dioceses.) UNDER the advice of the Bishops Tablot, At kinson and Lay. Address contributions to the Rev. W. E. Doane. Secretary, Hartford, Con necticut. Nov. 11. Southern papers are asked to copy this till forbid. A freneral assortment of hardwareana fifvery ar- ticla in the Saddlery Business. y Oct. 10 Suudnes. GENUINE PERUVtAN GUANO , FORD'S FERTILIZER; PHOSPHAT OF LIME ; CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, HAIR ; ROUGH RICE ; BACON, SHOULDERS: HOWE'S SCALES - assorted siees' For sale by WORTH ffl DANIEL, Brown's Wharves, South Water St Oct. 13. 193 S sS! COTTON Sew Buckwheat, iHOICE TABLE BUTTER, . SUPERIOR TABLE SYRUP. At 11 & 13 Front street. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent Nov 22 226 COTTON GINS GINS? Taylor, Brown, Eagie, Southern, Emory & Craven McCharty and Excelsior COTTON GINS, TXTTTH Engines, Horse Powers, and everyttdng VV complete for running, in store, and ready for immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No.lfc Dey street. New York. 205-ly Oct 28.