IS folLMLNGTO BERiLD THOMAS M. COOK fc CO., XlTRt AID KO?lITHa. arm :rn ;i:mri v' Office J Market Sti Street, up SUIra. of ry 'rMation of WffihmS? - r. . .j.J'.. .. .'!' v. Wi HtMLi' ' W mr' UX h&tertisto tntdiut in 5rtA tWiur: 1 " t,:J?: .tm, "r'; i m YUJ3Itf GTON N. 0.. DECEMBER 14. n n j, ,u 1 i' ' i i' ' ' 1 ' "' " "' : -.vfi Af rTTni The subject of the introduction of white la ti tntuVA the Dlace. to a certain nj'li5 icum j y." i: '. il'- t" I extent, oi tnai iorroeriy "i7, w-. , jfDf.wnl attention, and u. begummg to meet with a f certain decree or ravor.: inere is no rTAb nf tlie fact that many are desirous or teat- tl ane&on so often mooted whether white ing xoe o,iiej.vM V. t t - labor; would, be aa profitable as the black ,! '''ilLt'L i' Lti'. "innsxtoA nrlntlA1 ' ' ' M r' ' I been;' and to this end planters and others in snie j btn the" adjacent state are making arrange-' 'mnt ,ran extenthe importation oi white la borers from the north and Europe. There are others who would naturally prefer to retain the labtTtoVmcir long lianit, so thorouufy' famfliarized, and also frocp a sense oi duty tq their, former slave, who have been so suddenly thrown upon their own resources, whereas they were formerly dependent on their masters; but tbi dass.Are becoming frtdually impressed with" the "opinion that the negro will I ?iCh"' the "opinion that the negro will not work: that freedom, has made a fodl of him ; t&VuYa w r ' , , , . to woTkwben he feels so disposed and let It alone whenever he takes the notionbut that he. will he fnsolent' and presumptious ' towards his emplpyer. , Uut in wis connection tlie question arises, what is to become of the negro if we flood tlie country with wlu'te labor 1 We hair them' here among us, and they have got to eaty dj&o)t and be clothed. The answer is simply this : Just in proportion 1 as th,ereedmen show aidispoition to shun work, put on airs and treat the1 whites with insolence on1 fvniTAi ni t..f i, itf'tvtr 1 liye'tb glVe Way to the stern decrees pf .fate, and freedom, instqad of proving a blessing, as it was AimitTTaA will trt Omiu n mra ' Tha trtflti-r ef ..u ' . i , t . , Amena one oi ins noble ones wno minis white labor from the northern states and Europe tored alike t( ., friHld and foe durin- ter. win arye piack laoor rrum our borders, ana the negrp will have to seek a riore eongenial clime elsewhere. .Already we see the effects of the , impressions which are gaming ground in the MAntfi 'mfti iiinl pin'uliti- thot n-i.;f lohnr . ;- ...- r j , . lute v 4ro niuuuutou, in I.U a uumeivm dtsuunra i that are springing up in different localities in the south for the purpose of supplying those who rrlay have a preference for this description of la bo, arnong which we may cite the one just es tablished in, this elty by Messrs. F. W. Foster & Co., whose advertisement will be found in our colurrihsV I JB n.t;' on the other iand, if the freedmen shall deem it to their interest to show a willingness to become Useful citizens instead of drones in the hivej'as we think they eventually will, and go to work cheerfully and with the determination to earn rn honest living; to treat their employers with respect, and to behave themselves in a pro- per and becoming manner, they will always find wjth lhat respect' and consideration which is their due. Then there will be no need for the i substitution of white labor as a general thino-, anaatne former masters of the freedmen Ltfill becohia thi -ir best friends, not only in giving them I work and paying them for it, but y aiding them to attain to that potion in the scale of human progress which their Ulceration from bondage has opened up before them m the future. HEEDLESS ALAKxTI. There seems to be an ininrptswwi in tKia .rm munitr as well as pkawW '-t a mumty asanas elsewhere that there is danger or a disturbance occurring amnncr tTie. rfktrtrorJ . . ..iJH V&AA m WAV&VA pl7r durmS tbe Christmas holidays. We uo not say that this feeling is very general in our community, and we must confess that we do not irt.the least share in the-concern which is felt on the bject:' We'can see no grounds for enter tainmg any apprehension of such a state of things, and if we did, we have confidence in the ability of the people, aided, as they would assuredly be, by the strong arm of the military, to crush any such disturbance in'iU inception. But, we re peat; we can see no just grounds for any uneasi ness at all. We may have those among ns who would-' " endeavor to incite ill-feeling and encourage domestic violence in our midst, but they can hardly effect anything, as seji-mierest, alone, , on the part of wllA I. WitvVl V . 1 ' . those i uiiri iro mennea to engage m any 8T ' vouf(i De a sufficient check in pre vgnting .tneia from attempting" it at this time, 'if the freedmen would but heed the counsel of those who are trying to lead them in the right -ay, mere would De no occasion for any niisun- derstandirg between th two I , Uasses OI OUr population. Major Wickeisham. tha and iffnclent agent of the Freedmen Bureau forW Southern tiwtrt-t nt :wi v iw - ,;V.uern istriv.t of North tJaroiirta 1 gwiMVUMUilf been, prompt and unceabiug in his efforts tb nro- niOta their welfare, and in th fafkft a:, of 'his flutv airt5 Jrge -it "' Io 1 uuvi,lu pro- T, f18 varpM them hnd ehde4vorf d to ' in- ZZ; rr ge. soi ;uieir true juBresm ana ina extent Of. their obligations to so - ciety; desiring that they should become -rwn ceeding $10 per month, and 1 with such terms as .-itf.t -s-'.... v Pe1mav 1e AirreedTiDOn for those' who are votmirer. '.Yts: "usinous, prosperous and . law-abidinff cfozen8.Q;U ! Intthis connection we publish, for the benefit l0, fcenied, the foUcing circular 'just issued bv Maior Wir-VAr. .r ' l ' Abawpokho LjtjTDfe, lv ' I HEinorARiKRS SoriTUiaN Dis op N. C. ' WiLKiKOTox, Nc., Dec, 11, 1865. , . CIRCULAA. .Si .?fr?e?Inen southern district of NorthfJarol ,J.,7" . aroHna.u-'-'- YoflUreTre'Menrwomen and'ciuldTeD"' uu-ouguwwen we bar just pajs wttUprl ,.f il.A ltnlon ... iLs rtMlItS it VO freedom. - tfrcamSrauddenly, and it Is not strange tut much miiwwrettuHiiDg - ana reoaiuswu should exit. During the war almost everything has been destroyed; houses, fences, cattle, tools, fatt were fwept awajwajLcLlhe plantations 'Wereabandooedty their owners; the future was all uncertain. But war "has ended, and with the return of peace hare come the business and re lation of civil Wr. AH people, both black and hit, should: study there relations, which have been - rcaMy changed ; by .the ,war ; they dr?rrlprit7 of &e country WMefi it how: so reduced. , Tbtf can., only should, aevQve, vuesi&eiYep wu f1 KU1U"' labor. All causes You ..t nAtk irnnr urnir nnvjirn preset you must labor or other? . , Murmur not at this. Be patient; your wages are now your own, and if you are economical and save, you can in time purchase and own houses and lands yourtelYeg i r.fe the bily wat m which you can obtain property, The United States has no lanai, ana consequenuy can guu uou aw4)l as freedom, and will proteet yOn in your persons and property ; and tills is all that any one can inuKt - ;tW blartV or white - r - A(ki(M(. .tlw . t Co Diyioe Providence for the future, when ypu are i,TMrK for futnm. whm von are Dtpared ibrtwmethmg tnat is difierent ana net ter. Tna itoa wno na iea you thus far will prtmae. xmx vx., t"""c6c or property you acquire in the future, you must Ubor for and earn. Remember also, that vour iL . DAtMAtM)Wl1 f Kill tDhfl4ftWA empi0yers have rights as well as yourselve?.: their persons and property are 5 to ' be respected; the law will reauire von to respect them. All bar gains &nd contract should be sacredly observed. Be- Willing to work just as you agree to work. If contracts are brokeri,' do not let the blame rest upon you. The law will require this of you. It requires it of all men, black or white, north or south. To be free is to be subject to ; the law. In Obtaining redress for your wrongs, seek the justice of the law and' of lawful 'authority only, do not attempt to redress your wrongs your selves. ' If this werelpermitted.lsodety would be one continual sceri 6f riot and bloodshed Freedrheti, the order, prosperity and happiness of the country is,"ra a ; great measure, in your hands. Be patient mdustrioiis, virtuous and pious, and' satisfy the government and your friett9ftortll and gotith; that yen are worthy of the freedom which has been giveii you. You should also cultivate and encourage a respectful demeanor towards those with 4 whom you are thrown In contact. Remember that you are to live amo'ng and be governed by the dame people with whom yOu have always lived, and you should usa every honest effort to command their respect. CHAS. I. WICKERSH AM, Ri-kvaI Mator knd finn't. ADDrove4 . E. Whittlesey, Colonel, and Acting Commissioner of the State of North Carolina A SORROWFUL REMINISCENCE. To the editor of the Wilmington Herald. rible war, gave me, in the summer just gone, many incidents connected with hospital life in Jhe South. And though there are scarred and h AAriinrr nao tt&L all avof ahw land nUn no Tie- , m.V m.ntlmi f dHn f . tA aH . u j Tr' i) A soiaier irom tms state was ministered to in sickness and death: there was no want of " wo- man's nursing, no want of woman's care," and as his friends may not have received tidings of his death,. I wish you to insert this notice: Lieutenant Reuben M. Gatlm, of Anman's Hill, . Montgomery county, N. C, died Monday morning, May 16, 1864, at 10 o'clock, at the Union Refreshment Saloon, Philadelphia. Raleigh papers please copy. By complying with the above you will much oblige. Dec. 14, 1865. MARRIED. In Magnolia, N. C., pa the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Sprunt, Mr. E. W. JOHNSTON, of Louis- ?ilIeS t0 Miss SALLIE E. HERRING, of this Dec. 14. 244-lt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SACRED CONCERT. REPETITION. A T THE very general request of those who Jlx. were detained on ac mut of the storm from the Concert given at the Cty Hall, on Wednesday evening, in aid of St. John's Church, the com niittee have the pleasure to announce that the singers have consented to repeat the entertain ment at the same place, on Saturday evening next, the 16th inst., on which occasion several new pieces will be given. Cards of admission, issued loPthc concert of Wednesday evening, and not used. -will he. used, will be reoeivedon this occasion. The price of admission on Saturday evening will be one dollar. Cards of admission may be obtained at either of ine places at wnich they were sold for the former concern Only a limited number of cards will be issued. To commence at 8 o'clock. JOHN E. LIPPITT. ) JOHN L. HOLMES. Committee. JAMES A. WILLARD. Dec. 14. 244-3t. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Right Rev. Thoa, Atkinson, D. D., Visitor. Hev. Aldert Smedes, D. D. Rector. Rev. Bennett Smedes. Assistant. The 47, th Term of this School will commence January I7th, 1866, and continue twenty weeks Application for admisUn and for full informal twn should be made promptly to the Rector ueo. i. Z44-3t tsm F. W. Foster & Co., 71 Market street, (up stairs,) Wihnington, N. Land aiid Einigrant Agency. TTAYING made the requisite arrangements we I JWCU 11U1UCU ff UllJi XlADJMk W I nvrftrtrXrWrth Prn1i I tni , it.r a. , 1st. The person .wishing to obtain any gven nutQDer of hands inay give us the order, at same time depositing premium money in s kv v , 2 U-i rr the some ngton to our cred- Jt for 60611 adult and $15 for each person un der ieurteen years of ge, the same money to be depositedon condition that it is not to be drawn Dy ne unui ne persons are aeuvereu. 2nd. That the persona requiring those laborers make contract with them by which each adult maleis bound to eivehfe labor for a sum not ex male is bound to giYe hi labor For a sum i ceedraff '15 ner month ahd each female n i ceeding '15per month ahd each female not ex- 1 said tertnl ot t6 eeed T5 twr ar for This to be exclusive of food and; buildings hi "S! " , ill -jli" :! J. ' quentiy deducted from the wages of the persons employed. ... r im empioymg uus jcina ot ianor that such hare been their habits and modes f life that they will require, to some extent, different food, houses and treatment irom tne itindof liboriieretofore most ly employed at the south ; but it does not follow that thlS Will V mrtA 0TlumDiva r UA 1 "P?0?! when the increased amount of labor hica iney wm perrorm la taken Into considera- 2t Plcig ; their 'lands in our hands 1 pl? ; ' 24Wf. -FOB SEW XOKK. MURRAySTEkS STEAmShIp LINE. - THE TINE fast sailing side wheel steamship CUMBERLAND, Dbab&ohx, .Commander. or rretgut or ravage.' anpiyio WM. B. FLANNER. Dec. 14. WI1ITWS1I HEADS, rxuSTERS U and cam camel hair brushes, sole, harness, band string and lace leather, French and-Aojerican calf skins, window glass, us, paint, ar; pum gar nishes, tin ware, powder, shot and 'caps, pistol cartridges, coach materials and coach Lard ware, hardware, saaaiery sootu, wiuo w w arc, cotton and wool cards, etc., sc, at WILSONS Hardware and Harness Establishment, Market street, near the Wharf, Dec. 12. 244-lt. F1L0TAGE. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COM MISSIONED of Navigation and Pilotage, held on the 12th day of December, (Instant,) the follawi&fr preamble and ordinance were adojpted, to wit : WhBEjls, difficulties sometimes arise in deter- mininc the rates of Pilotatre recently adopted, wnicn were mienacu iu uc equnuicut m aill, those ot 1861, it is therefore Ordered, That the rates of Pilotasre for the Cane year Bars and River shall be cstariliEhcd as follOTVS payable in current rands and go into im mediate effect, all conflicting ordinances being hereby revoked. RATES OF PILOTAGE FOB THE CAPE FEAR BARS AND RIVER, ESTABLISH ED ON THE 12TH DAY OF DECEMBER lb65, IN AC CORDANCE WITH EXISTING ACTS OF THE I.EGIS LATUKK OF XORTH CAROLINA. BARS. Every vessel drawing der 7 feet- 6 feet water and un- f:l2 00 Every vessel drawing 7 feet water and un der 8 feet 14 25 Everv vessel drawing 8 feet water and au- der 9 feet Every vessel drawing 9 feet, water an A un der 10 feet 15 IS 00 Every vessel drawing 10 feet water and un der 11 feet Every vessel drawing 11 feet water and un der 12 leet Every vessel drawing 12 feet water and un der 13 feet Every vessel drawing 13 feet water and un 20 2 21 75 80 00 37 oO der 14 feet Every vessel drawing 14 feet waterand un der 15 feet 45 0U Every vessel drawing 10 feet water and over ' tiO 00 n 3 O S O 2 J 2 " RIVER. to Every vessel drawing 6 feet water and under 1 teet- $13 50 Every vessel drawing 7 feet water and under 8 feet 15 75 Every vessel drawiug 8 feet water and under 9 feet 17 25 Every vessel drawing 9 feet water $10 50 12 00 13 50 and under 10 leet 19 oJ 15 00 17 00 Every vessel drawing 10 feet suiter and under 11 feet 21 Every vessel drawing 11 feet Avater and under 12 feet- 26 25 21 00 Every vessel drawing 12 feet water and under 13 feet cl 50 23 Every vessel drawing 13 feet water and under 14 feet - 30 00 29 fjQ 34 85 Every vessel drawing 14 feet water and under 15 feet -ib bV Every vessel drawing 15 feci water and under lb feet A 00 30 00 Every vessel drawing 16 feet water SO ana over leet oi w 43 From Smithville to Brunswick, or from Bruns wick to Wilmington, br vice rcrsa, sh ill br one half the pilotage Irom Smithville to Wilmington. x rum omithviue to i lve i athom Hole, Irom x ivc Fathom Hole to Brunswick, from Brunswick to Campbell's Island, and from Campbell s Island to Wilmington, or vice versa, one lourtli ot tlie rilot- age irom amituvuie to Wilmington : rrovidcd that vessels of 60 tons burthen, owned by citizens of this State, shall not be required to take a Pilot. Bv order, .THOS. H. HOWEY, Clerk, B. C. December 12th, 1865. Dec. 14. 244 It. FRESH 0RAXGES. LEMONS, RAISONS, CURRANTS, CITRON, MIXED CANDY, STICK. CANDY, Wines and Cordials for CHRISTMAS, AT GEO. Z. FRENCH k CO S. No. 10 South Front street. 243-ts. Dec. 13. FOR SALE. TXTILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, ON THE t V Second day of January next, at Commercial Corner, if not sooner disposed of, my plantation on the Plank Road, two miles East from Wilming ton. The dwelling is new, large, and convenient ly arranged, a splendid well of water, kitchen, barn, stables, carriage hoiioe, oven, kettle, potatoe cellar, &c. jhere is fourteen acres of laud in the highest state of cultivctiou, producing everything in the greatest perfection that is required for fami ly or market use. There is also about four hun dred fruit tree3 of the very best selection, consist ing of apples, pears and peaches, producing the choicest of fruits. About two hundred scuppr nong grape vines, just beginning to bear, and some Isabella vines. To any one who wishes a pleasant and comfortable home and within busi ness reach of the city, this is a rare chance, such a one as cannot be obtained elsewhere. The place is handsOmly situated, high, pleasant, and very healthy, and within ten minutes ride of the cit v. For further information, examine the premises, or enquire of S. p. 1VEY. Dec. 13. 243-ts. Shackelford, Haas & Co., RE receiving, and have now in store 100 Barrels Flour, 20 Casks Western Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, 20 25 20 20 Barrels Sugar, Boxes Candy, Boxes Cheese, j Half Boxes Raisons, and many other articles unnecessary to mention, , ALSO, MCKNIGHT'S ALBANY ALE, In cases. Dec. 12 142-lw. Notice. THE undersigned is now prepared to make Buggies, Sulkies, Wagons, Carts and Drays to order, and also Blacksmithin neatly done, and all repairing done with neatness and at the shortest notice. My shop will be found on Second street between Walnut and Red Cross streets, where I can be found at all times. JAMES A. LOWRY, Wilmington, N. C. Dec 12 242-1 w. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. PROFESSOR HENRY SCHOELLER offers his services as Teacher of Music, in all its branch es, to the citizens of Wilmington. Pianos tuned. Apply at Whitaker's book store, or at the store of J aeohi & Co., No. 9 Market street Dee, 4th. ; ' 23&.2w PROCLAMATION, ",' " Br ' W. W. HOLD EN, PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA. Sphere As, it has Ixen represented to me that there U au urgent necity in many of the coun ties of this State, that funds should be raised bv taxation lor the Aupptt of the boon Now, there fore, I, W. W. IIOLDEN, Provisional Governor of the Statp of North Carolina, by virtue of the pow er vested in me, do hereby proclaim and declare- That a majority oi the Provisional Justices of the Peace in any county in this State are hereby empowered and authorized to impose such a tax as in Jheir judgment may Ihj indispensable to the enpport of the poor; gaid tax to be levied, collect ed, accounted for and used in accordance with the provisions of chapter 28 and 80, Revised Code of North Carolina. Provisional officers whose duty it is to execute the orders of the Provisional Justices, are hereby commanded to be prompt in the performance of their duty under this Proclamation. Done at our eitv of Raleigh, on the 9th day of December, one thousand eirht hundred and sixty-rive, and in the year of the Independence ot the L nited Mates the 90th. W. W. HOLDEN, Governor. By the 'Governor: W. R, Richardson, " Private Secretary. Dee. 13. ' 243-lm. SOUTHERN EXPKESS C031PASY, FXrBZSS FORWARDERS. THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., LATE THE ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY, IS NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND FORWARD with promptness and dispatch, all Freight, Money, and Valuables, to any point iu the Southern States, and with their connection with ".THE ADAMS' and IIARNDEN'S EXPRESS," can forward without delay to all points in the Northern States, either by Railroads or Steamers, a shippers may desire. All charges on Freight delrvered to this Com pany will be paid on delivery of same at this Office, thereby avoiding the necessity of forward ing bills of charges for collection. JAME& MACOMoEK, Agent. Deo. 13. STEAM SAW MILLS. POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, MANUFACTURE T)ORTABLE and Stationary Steam Engines and i. Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, x Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery. We have taken the General Agency for North Carolina for the sale of Poole & Hunt's Portable Steam Engines, with Page's Saw Mills, and will receive orders for them at any time. Drawings and Specifications, with Price Lists, can be seen at our office. Regular lines are now running to Baltimore, and the Mills can be obtained promptly. - ANDREWS fc BARDIN, Commission Merchants. Office, No. 5 South Water street, Wilmington, N. C. Aug. lrUh 142-tm SACRED COSCERT. riICKETS of admission to the Sacred Concert at JL the City Hall on Wednesday evening next in aid of St. John's Church may be had of the Hon. JOHN DAWSON. At the store of W. II. LIPPITT, At the store of C. D. MYERS, At WHITAKER'S book store. At the BANK OF WILMINGTON, Of Col. DEROSSET, Of JOHN L. HOLMES, Esq., or J. A. WILLARD, Treasurer. Books contaiuing the words of the pieces to be sung may be had of the above on Wednesday. ' ' J. E. LIPPITT, ) JOHN L. HOLMES, C Com. JAS. A. WILLARD, i Der;. 12 242-2t. j C. H. .TF. SHINS, STEPHEN W. POLI.Y, Richmond, Va. Yv'ilmiugton, N. C. Co-partnership Notice. HAVING formed co-partnership for the pur pose of carrying on the cabiuet makinir and undertaking business, we will always keep on hand au assortment oi Coffins, Cases, &c. All or ders promptly attended to. Princess st., between Front & Water, Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 12 242-1 weod. Coal. TONS STOVE COAL, for sale, by HORACE M. BARRY. Dec. 12 242-s. Auction Sales 0 F GOVERNMENT ANTIIROCITE COAL, belonging to the Navy, to be sold on Tues day, 10th day of December, 1S65, at Newberne, N. C. 3,500 tons of Anthrocite coal, more or less. Terms cash on delivery. Deo. 11. 240-ts. Home Insurance Co., OF NEW YORK. Pluenix Insurance Co., OF BROOKLYN, N. "Y. Merchants' Insurance Co., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Kcpvcseutiiag Assets of $Io,ooo,ooo WE are prepared to effect insurance on BUILDINGS and MERCHANDISE at lowest rates of responsible companies anywhere. Marine Insurance at lowest rates. KIDDER & MARTIN. Dee 9 240-lmo For Sale to Arrive. 2000 sacks Liverpool grounds SALT. 5000 bushels Nova Scotia Oats supe- rior quality. Dec 9 KIDDER & MARTIN. 240-3t CHRISTMAS GIFTS! "y7"E arc constantly receiving every variety of BOOKS, COMPRISING GALLERIES, SOUVIN1ERS, JUVENILES, &c, Sbc. TOYS OF ALL KIXLS, AND FIRE WORKS INNUMERABLE. We design having the largest stock and greatest variety of GIFTS, both Christmas and New Year, ever brought to ihis market, a catalogue of which will shortly be out. WHITAKER'S BOOK STORE, P. S. This shall not interiere in the least with sales in the heavier branch of the business as we have plenty force employed. Dec. 9th 240-lw DOLLXEU , O. P01TEK. JOIIX BA"ttSI0X. DQLLSEti, P0TTEE & CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers in Cottdn, Naval Stores, &c No. 181 Front street, t New York. All consignments to this address are insured wbeh on shipboard, with or witLoct advices from the shippers. Usual cash advances made on con signments. .. - Vunelst 7S-6ia Lij?upncf lC. RUSS' ST. DOMINGO PREPARATIONS. RUSS ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. An infallible remedy for Dispepsia, Loss of Ap petite, Indigestion, General Debility, Ac- Especially recommended to weak and debilita ted women and children. RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE MEDI CAL FACULTY. RUSS' ST. DOMINGO WINE. For the social circles. , RU83' ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. A delicious beverage. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. For sale bv GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., " It) Soath Ftont street, Wilmington, And by all Grocers and Druggists. Nov. 30. 233-ly BORER'S BITTERS. rjHE oldest and best renowned. L. FUNKE, Jr., Sole Agent. 66 Liberty street, New York. Ausr. 23d 148-Sm PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO X r o r ni - TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS, AND CARRYtNG THE U. S. MAIL T EAVE PIER No. 43 NORTH RIVER, foot of JLJ Canal street, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for ASP1NWALL, connecting, via ra nama Railway, with one of the Company's Steam ships from Panama for SAN FRANCISCO," touch ingat ACAFL'LCO. DECEMBER. 1st HENRY CHAUNCKY, Captain Gray, con nectina- with CONSTITUTION, Captain Earns worth. 11th ATLANTIC. Captain Maury, connecting with GOLDEN CITY, Captain Bradbury. 21st NEW YORK, Captain Homer, connecting with COLORADO, Captain W at kins. Departures of 1st aud 21st connect at Panama with Steamers tor south rAUinu romcs Those of 1 .--t touch at MANZANILLO. TItliOl'OlI PASSAGE KATEs IN CURRENCY First Cabin. Second Cabin. Steerage. $350. $250. 15 A discount of ONE QUARTER from steamers' rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passen ofers with families. Also, au allowance of ONE QUARTER on through rates to clergymen and their families, and school teachers ; soldiers having honorable discharges, HALr AKL. One Hundred Pounds Baggage allowed each adult. Baggage-masters accompany baggage through, and attend to ladies and children without male protectors. Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. A Steamer will be placed on the line January 1st, 1866rtornn from NEW ORLEANS to A8PIN WALL, via HAVANA. For Passage Tickets or further information, ap ply at the Company's ticket office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. W. G. BELLOWS, .Agent. Dec. 6th 238-3md FOR SALE. ON THE SECOND day of January next, (unless sooner disposed of at private sale) at public auction in the town of Wilmington, the following valuable property : A THREE STORY BRICK STORE, On the South side of Market street, known as store No. 20, in Block 151. . A BRICK STORE, On the North side of Market street, No. 15, Block 164. One row of ONE STORY BUILDINGS, On the South side of Princess street, in Block 164. ONE LARGE STORE, On the South-west corner of Front and Princess street, Block 164, and a THREE STORY BRICK STORE, On the South side of Market street, No. 22, Block 151. D. B. BAKER. Dec. 4th 23-2tewts Substitute for Permian Guano. B A tU G H ' S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. BAUCH & SONS, MANtJPACTUREKS AND PROPRIBTORS, StoreNo. SO Sontli Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. THIS VALUABLE MANURE has been before the agricultural public, under one name for twelve years past, aud its character for vigor of ac tion and permanence in effect is well established. Before the war, it was introduced to some extent iii the Southern States, and was found to be highly adapted to COTTON, TOBACCO" AND ALL CROPS. Tke sales now amount to many thousand tons, annually, and the facilities for its manufacture are extensive and complete. The Proprietors of this MANURE are engaged in no other business, and are therefore directly interested in maintaining fully its high standard of efficiency. The trade supplied by the cargo direct from the wharves of the manufactory. Dealers are invited to become acquainted wlrh the special advantages of this arti cle before purchasing other brands. 8Send lor a pamphlet. Manufactured only by BAUGH & SONS, No. 20 South Delaware A venue, PhiladelDhia. Geo Z. French & Co., Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 6th 238-3m THOS, B. CARR, M. D., Dentist. OFFICE and residence on Market street, nex door west of Willis' Dm? 8tore Oct. 5th 185-3m FURNITURE. ESTABLISHED I I 1826. AN EXTENSIVE assortment of FURNITURE and BEDDING in every variety and stjle, constantly on hand. Orders for the south careful ly packed, WM.H. LEE, 199 & 201 Fulton 8L, New York. Oct. 25th, 202-Sm. TO LET AND FOR SALE. Hilton Plantation DWELLING HOUSE With all UPLAND AND LOWLAND ATTAfiiFl) XXTILL be rented until 1st October. For term YV &c, apply to , CRONLY & MORkH Real EUtc Brokers and Auctions ept.25th. 1T... STEAM SAW ;and planing mill foii sai y I OFFER for sale my Steam Xnv Miil rr. - , one-scperate engine to each N;iw and 1' Mill; extensive pen for timber, eomhio Uou " .r plenty of water, houses for accotumod uion ufV" pcrlntendants and employees. O. C. l'AKM.FY VALUABLE PLAXTATHH For Rent or Lease. HPHE SUBSCRIBER offers for n m, ;,,r L . JL five yearn, his plantation on Tow n . l miles below Wilmington. 500 ac res arc cii-na-j and fenced, well adapted to the; j ro.i;;Ctiou v' corn, cotton, wheat, potatoes, Ac .. amh.'' excellent ground-pea land, lu -addition u, w. 1 there is a . Large Orchard of Fruit Trcjs, Bearing large quantities of fruit. On the place there arc two framed dwi ' houses, large barns, stables, Ac. Also, sovf:-.;." framed houses for laborers, now tv -( -ui.-d freedmeu, most of whom may probably t hTf. ; to work on the place. The proximity of this plantation to Wiiiuiu T,, the easy approach by large fiats at al! tim, u i several landing, insuriuglupmeu: to au iu, offers inducements to enterprising men. ei -, ;.k;lV those familiar with hired labor, that u-v, . .. . , possess. Address Dr. JOHN I. BELLAMY Wilmington, N. C, or call on hiiu at hi- eityv.,.' dence. Dec. 5th j;;; , SLEEPY HOLLOW PLAMATIOA, CIRCUMSTANCES over which I luye nu vu trol, forces the neccssitv of oilerhui tlu U. ,.- able plantation and residence FOR SALK. It contains over 700 acres of -i . , the head of the Great Hollow ut :n, r i- . river in Bladen county, near t on:. . ! !' :' public laudiug) on the puUic roai, i-v :.i - , Wilmington, 14 miles aJuve Kii.a'.-i i'. -J, i.. . below layetteville, 8' mile irom l'u-;.,: ti(., P.O., "2 miles from Maye-viM. . 1 ; . Lumbertau, and about i uiie. iii.i u;; from the Wil., Char. A li Ii. Load, hi . .. mObl agreeable neighbor!ijcJ m: ;i . The Improvements cop-ii fa !:.:-' ant modern biiilt and well rim-in-! containing 8 large looms and i.ifav piazza, front and r .u , uHiee. jiantr; . spring house, kitchen, slot r- Louse, w. lroniner room, pouiirv, uouse, wmc Louse. and smoke house,ove racers house, bku-kMnit l tool house, carpcuters' shop, carriage hou.- gy nouses, cart sueus, uarn, eni, -;a;u horses, large rodder house, loom and i' house, and 18 laborers lodges, all ol n-, . struction, frame and brick chinmey, - r t bn complete, with most excellent opring ami w-: of water. The Dwelling is 'surrounded by a licaiiiii ,1 : acre grove of oaks, hicory and elm trees, a wt;, improved garden, 20 acres devoted to ap; i .md peach orchards and grape vines iu tim- in m: u. condition, and 20 acres are devoteu u M uitu rr trees, containing 8 varieties, which ai-e in lull ! ra: ing from May until August, and is invaluat ! r hog and poultry raising; fire wood ami tim! rr .u abundant and convenient. The lands arc as good as any in the eountr. . the river bottoms rich, the uplands lair, ami t o:., susceptible of high improvement. .if the v -grown, coni, cow yens, potatoes, eotion, uITlu. oats and rye are the principal all ot wliiliii well. "With a trifling exponsc a head of water thirty,., forty feet could be had for milling or inannfu. t.r ing purposes the stream never fails. The health of the place is unsurpassed. Iu u rechjf in-.' ni' three years, with a family (white and blueki. lon ging from sixty to eighty, no death has urn vl, nor has a physician been called to any Vxse, attni. utable to the health of the place, or has any a-u or fever of any kind, or other disease neeurn-d. And last, but not least, no sign or pound ot mos quito of any description, has ever been known nct! the place. To a person desiring long life and a .lea-mL one, this place oners rare attractions. Plantation furniture, 6tock and provision.- --wii be sold with the place if desired. Application may be made to me, hpon tin- j n in ises, or to O. G. Parsley & Co., at Wilmington. HENRY Nl'TT. Sept. 30. s'' WANTS. BANK OF WILHLGT(, IOTES WAN1TD. WE wish to buy a limited amount of" the a Bank Notes. Apply to WO ORTH & DANIK1- Browns' Wbar Nor. 13. Wanted. (JUQ A MONTH ! Agents wanted for su -eJptU tirely new a riicles, just out. Address t T. GAREY, City Building, Biddefoi .1, Maine. . sept. 13th . lM; :;m Wanted, dUrfciT A DAY! Atrents wanted to a n ' and.wonderful SEWING MACIUM ti.e only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddelord, M tiu.- sept 13th SCHOOLS. Tlie Bingham School, MEXANEJ'ILLE.N. C. next session v, ill begin March 7th, 1" npiiE -L and continue forty weeks, liiiut; s u : ; . people of the east the advantage ot sion and a winter vacation. Boys thoroughly prepared Uh i' ' for business. Addfeso -W.M, 1U.N(.H ' - Mebam . ' '. Nov. 27 Wilmington x MALE AND FEMALE Si;MJ QORNER of Second uud Che Oct. 14 w ji f : '; . Jrmeij.aj 1 ie-8. HOTELS. BAILEY'S STAR HOTEL, FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON N. ( . JAMES II. BAILEY, Proprietor. HOUSE open for the reception of guests at a hours of the day and night. No pains will be spared to make- the guest- j' the house comfortable in every respect. The tatle Is supplied with every luxury the mar ket affords. A first class restaurant ia attached to the Lor-. where he public will be furnished w iih ice ( paiu, or oysters in iheir seasons, vines, choice liquur, etc . . July 19th 11- STILLS! STILLS!! 4 WHISKY STILLS COMPLETE, For sale by r HART & 13A1LY. ept.0, '65. l5lMf HOWE S SCALES. AN ASSORTMENT OF SIZES JUST Kb XEIVED including Counter Scales. WORTH & DANIEL Sale Asenti. Nov. 12. 21S-8- Farina, BROWN CORN STARCH, CHOCOLATE. At 11 & 13 Front street. , CHAS. D. MYERS, Ageut. Kot22 --