5 1 ma V" ME WILMINGTON HERALD. WILMINGTON, IT. C DECEMBER 25 SPECIAL1 HALL'S --. -,:- Vegetable Sicilian Mair Reftewer, - Has proved itself to be the most perfect prepx ration for the hair ever offerea to the public. It is a vegetable compound, and&ontains no in jurious properties -whatever. " "' 1 ".' ?. 1T WTTX RESTORE GRAY HAIR; TO. ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the liair from falling out It cleanses the scalp and; makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It Js a splendid hair dressing. vl . K I W. - IT 13 RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY, i B" Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer, and take no other. . f ; 1 , i R. P. HALL & CO, ,v ; Nashua, N. IIM Proprietors, i For sale by all druggists. - ; ' i Nov 22 ' ' . -. ' ' . 226-6mo- ITCH! 1TCI1 ! ITCH! 1 . . SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! ITlicatoii's Ointment I . Will 'Cure the Itch in 48 HoArs. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF..TH& SKIN. Price 50 cents,' For sale by all Druggista. , By sending1 60 cents to Weeks & Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass.j it will , be forwarded by , mail, free of postage, to any part of ! theJJnited States. ! ! sept. 20, 1865. ; . ' ' i72-6m BUSINESS CARDS, t JOSEPH II. NEFF, SHIP C&ANDLEfi, ; : AND DEAI.EE IN : i ., : r- -SHIP STORES, GROCERIES, j HARDWARE," Paints Oils, Glass, ! Books, Charts, Nautical instruments, - ' J v BOATS, OARS, &c. ' V T Corner of DOCK and WATER STREETS,, 4 :i-; I Wilmington, N. C. : - Nov. 16. ' 221-6m ; j . ' . .1 .v, Hathaway, Leach U Stearns, 417 ARCS STREET, PHILADELPHIA, , .. . i j ' Manufacturers of Boring Tools, Steam Engines and Boilers. ' ! Dealers in j- Portable Saw Mills. En srine and Hand-Lathes. Planers, Bolt-Cutters, Power-Punches, Drills, Slide- nests, iscrou ana maepenaent Haw Chucks. Pepot for . .1 . i- BANKS, DINMORE & CO'S . " i i Platform, ,Beam, Railroad Track, Coal and Hay Scales. -. ' :. -t " ..- Nov. 2 r , . V 2l0-3m. J. T. PETTEWAT. BOOEB MOOEB FETTEWAY MOOUE, r GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N, C. PROMPT personal attention given to the sale or shipment of NAVAL STORES, COTTON, LUMBER &c. ' : '; ' j I Office in theFlannei- Building, North! Water street, near the Depot of the W. and W. railroad. Octobcr lG i : 193-s WALTER n MC'RAE. .1 : B. H. GURGANUS. Mc'Rae & Ourganus,; SUCCESSORS TO WM. R. T7TLET. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. : I- 208-lyl Nov. 1. I Lewis L. Squire &. Son, j SHIP CHANDLERS, and manufacturers of .. I ". . , CORDAGE, Vf , i Corner Front and Roosevelt streets,' ' i . - New York. , Importers of Chain, Cables, Anchors Wire, Rope, etc. etc. ' " ifivr . CONSTANTLY ON HAND, J Manilla, Tarred and Hay Rope, iAtb Yar)i, Bale Rope Gunny Cloth, etc., etc. : "j. Consignments; of goods solicited. h Nov.l 1 . ' 20S-lm. DANIEL F. TIEMAM & 240 Pearl St,.IV. Y.t ! ;V: MANUFACTURERS of Paints, WMtel Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and dealers in all articles In this line '. j -'-l; ;. " 7-..-. ' - ' i ' ' i : : axso, i J- "'. TIEMANN'S SOLUBLE BLUE, f f For Washing. And "CALIFORNIA" Vermil lion, pale and deep. ' ! t J Should be glad to see our old friends in thl trade, or hear from them any time by mail, t i - . Nov. 3d. ). - . 2l0-3m, ' ; . i ' ,f k r Sanderson, Brothers & Co., ' MA5TIFACT0EERS OP THE U-- ;4 . f .. CELF13 HATED OAST STEEL, Warranted most Superior for Tools, f : Darkall Works, ) " Attercliffb Works, SHEFFIELD ENG. West St. Works, ) ":f v:.;v. IMPORTERS OF FILES, ' ARMITAGE'S GENUINE MOUSE IOLE : ANVILS. t . i ;: 16 Cliff st., and 24.1 Pearl street, New York. , Boston, Battery march 6t. New Orleans, 24 Bank Place. - Baltimore, W. H.X!ole. PhUadelphia, 516 Com merce street, i Montreal. Saint Paul street. - ,... i : 215-8 Nov. 9. F. IV. FOSTER & CO. LAND AND EMIGRANT AGENTS. IN CONNECTIQN WITH BOSTON and New York Agencies!. ,. - j We procure laborers in any number, and, at short notice. Our, facilities are such that we are enabled to i offer i extraordinary inducements to those in need of labor. 1 - J Real estate left with us for sale is registered In two influential New York offices and one Boston office without charge. ' ' ' - r Any business in our line intrusted to us will be promptly attended to. ' . j - - ! Office 71 Market Street. , - Dec. 23. - 253-tf VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. THIS old "establishment with increased facili ties, continues) to execute promptly orders for Steam and other 'Machinery, Boilers "Castings, fcc A large water, front on the harbor, with a powerful crane, give's them great advantages in fitting out and repairing Steamers. j ; Stationary 'Engines of various sizes kept' on HAZLEHURST & CO. lSl-em' sept SOth , J. S. T0PHAM & CO. i :t HAVE ON HAND, and for sale cheap, ai large lot . of second hand' Harness, suitable , for Plantation and lumberin? Tjurttoses. Also. RiRnotid hoiid Saddles, at their Trunk, Saddle, Harness and Hardware Establishment, No. 8 tsouth Frpnt stM THE BUSINESS CARDS, ; rjisUwell, &. ; Bro., Nos. 78 and SO, SycamobS Btseet, ; .. . . v- . PETERSBURG, VA. - ,. WHOLESALE GROCERS,-' COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPOBT- ERS OF CHOICEST BRANDIES, wines, :; - a" - - TEAS, ,! v ' t , , . ; HAVANA CIGARS, t .;; &C., &C, &.C. F T7EEPING constantly on hand a large stock of jlv. urocenes, liquors ana Cigars or all grades. Our facilities enable us to offer inducements to the ' ASHWELL& BRO. . , Sept. 29 ' J - -; . . , X ClClOUUIg, T THOS. B. CARRi M. D., Dentist. FFlCE and residence on Market street, nex door west of Willis Drnsr Store. o Oct. 5th 185-3m FURJIITIIRE. K8TABLISHRD I1826. AN EXTENSIVE assortment of FURNITURE and BEDDING in every variety and style, constantly on hund. Orders for the south careful-; ly packed. -' WM. IL LEE, 199 & 201 Fulton St., New York. Oct.25th . ' 202-3m. ' G. W. JEWETT, TTTILL Oped a night School at his School room, : Y : Corner of Second and Chestnut streets, on Monday Deci 4th, for instruction in Bookkeeping, and such other studies as pertain ' to qualifying young men for the Counting Room. " , Dec. 2 ' . 235-s CHARLE3 SMITH, i GEORGE B. SMITH C. T. SMITH. CHARLES SMITH; & ICO., Commission Merchants, For the sale of '. NA VAL STORES, COTTON, SPIRITS TUR ' DENTINE, ROSIN OF ALL KINDS, PITCH, TAR, C. AGENTS FOR PUPONT'S POWDER. . No. , Central Wharf, Boston. November 11 :. ; 217-ly :.; Vmim PUMPS! PUMPS! , Force, Suction & Lifting ' OF EVERY DESCBIPTION ; STEAM AND GAS PIPES, J PIP E A ND S TEA M F ITT I NGS, and every description of" r ' , ;,' : . PLUMBERS', GAS , AND STEAM FITTING GOODS, i FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, BY . , i JOHN. B. FULLER, - . ' 3 Dey street, -:- " ' -! New York. Nov. 6. .H;? ;t ;y -:-. 212-ly .. Upholstering, Paper Hanging, '--. DEDDING, FURNITURE, ETC. v ' HAVING secured the -services of 3. W. ZIM MERMAN, who is well known inihis city as a practical Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, we are now prepared, in connection with our Furniture Department, to furnish Window Curtains, Shades, Hair. Shuck, Moss, Straw and Cotton Mattresses, Feather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters, and Paper Rooms at short notice. Also fit up Vessels Cabins. Railroad Cars, &c; cut, make and put down Car- Eets, Oil . Cloths, &c.; also repair Sofas, Chairs, ounges&c. , v D. A. SMITH, Nos. 26 and 28 South Front street. Oct. 24. " ? - ; 201-lm CARHART, 1VHITF0RD & Cd., Manufacturers of and Wholes ael Dealers in Ready-Made Clothing, 331 & 333 BROADWAY, Corner Worth St., , NEW YORK. T. P. CARHART, WM. H. WHITFOKD, HENRY SHAFEB, J. B. VAIT WAGENEK.? A T. HAMILTON. . BSP'Offlce of Payan &Caihartln liquidation. Oct. 28. 205-eod-6m Carriages. rpHE immense Stock, now in the three large JL Wardrooms, covering an acre of 15,000 Square Feet. , . Entrances-450 Broadway and 16 ,Crosby St., being the largest assortment of Carriages ever of fered in New York, will now be sold at greatly re duced prices. Harness, &c' An assortment al ways on hand. - C. WITTY, - 450 Broadway, New York. Oct. 28. 205-4m W. A. WILLIAMS & SON., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER- aV CHANTS, :: ; . y . - f ILL GIVE personal and prompt attention VV- to the sale and shipment of cotton, naval stores, and other produce. : Liberal advances made on consignments. . - Office No. 7 South Water street. -, W. A. WILLIAMS. JNO.F. WILLIAMS. ' Oct7th. ' 204-ly MADISON & THOMSON. OUSE, SIGN ORNAMENTAL AND FRES CO PAINTING done in the most approved style and at reasonable -rates. Shop- JJo. 1001 Princess street, between Front and-Water. , L. MADISON. ' . ' .'. ,v " n.5 Thomsons ' Nov. 23. ., . 227-lm. . Notice to Merchants. THE SUBSCRIBERS have made arrangements .to have a regular line "of Sailing Vessels be tween Baltimore nd. Wilmington, In. C to start Immediately. "Merchants desirous Of purchasing goods in Baltimore can do go now with the; cer tainty of. getting them through direct with dis patch; and those who wish' to ship to Baltimore can do so by applying to ' .-: v -: ' RUSSELL & ELLIS, No. 10 North Water st, Wilmington, N. C. AGENT AT BALTIMORE, M. A. MITCHELL, . " ; Smith's Wharves. Nov. 28. . f ' 231-lm nome Insurance Co., , , OF NEW YORK. ; vPiiccnix Insurance Co., t OF .BROOKLYN, N. Y. "r Merchants' Insurance Co., ' OF HARTFORD, CONN. Representing Assetf of $10,000000 WE are prepared to effect insuinnce on BUILDINGS and ; MERCHANDISE at lowest rates of responsible companies anywhere. .. Marine Insurance at lowest rates. - KIDDER & MARTIN. Deed : ' 240-lmo" . In Store 50 Kegs Goshen Butter, r . 25 Kegs Ohio Butter, ' ' 50 Bbls. City Mess Pork, : : .; " .75 . - Family ; " ; ; - ; . '-100 Prime a; M ' " , Lard in large and small Packag es, Candles full and light Weights, . -Liverpool and American Salt, . . t ' . -. . Buck and Drop Shot, ' ..- Rifle Powder by the Keg, at . - GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO'S, . ' ; .10. South Front st Dec 15 1 . ' 244-b. DAILY WIUHNGTON HERALD, MONDAY, DECEMBER SHIPPING i P ACIFIC MAIL STE AMSHIP , ' COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE ' 'r . ' , ' - TO ; , - - - a 1 if ornia: TOUCHING ATS MEXICAN. PORTS, , . AND CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL, o , EEAVE PIER No. 43 NORTH RIVER, foot of Canal street," at 12 o'clock noon, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for ASPINWALL, connecting, via Pa nama Railway, with one of the Company's Steam- snips iron Manama for HAN FKAJN CISCO, touch ing at ACAPULCO.. S: .,A-r-Xx- 'i'- - ,": . , DECEMBER. - , . :: ; --A- i 1st HENRY CHAUNCEY, Captain Gray, con necting with CONSTITUTION, Captain Farns wonh. 11th ATLANTIC,- Captain Maury, connecting with GOLDEN CITY, Captain Bradbury. . 21st NEW YORKV Captain Horner, connecting with COLORADO, Captain Watkhjs. - lepartures of 1st and 31st "connect at Panama with Steamers for 5 SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS. Those of 1st touch at M ANANILLO, THBOUGH PASSAGE RATES IS CTJEEENCT. First Cabin. Second Cabin. Steerage. - J350. - ; - f250. $125. A discount of ONE QUARTER from steamers' rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passen gers with families. Also, an allowance of ONE QUARTER on through rates to clergymen and their families, and schoolteachers ; soldiers having honorable discharges, HALF FARE. One Hundred Pounds Baggage allowed each adult. Baggage-masters accompany - baggage through, and attend, to ladies and children without male protectors.- Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down eariy. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. A Steamer will be placed on the line January 1st, 1866, to run from NEW ORLEANS to ASPIN WALL, via HAVANA. ; . For Passage Tickets or further information, ap ply at the Company's ticket office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. W. G. BELLOWS, Agent. Dec. 6th 238-3md For New: York) COMMERCIAL Line. gTEAMER FAIRBANKS, " W.P. CLYDE, 1 Capt. POWELL. 1 RnTmrNra WASHINGTON,. " CHICHESTER. WILL SAIL every FIVE YORK. (5) DAY'S for NEW For freight or pasage, having superior accommo dations for passengers, apply to BRADLEY & WOEHLER, Agents, North Water, between Chesnut and Mulberry sts., . Wilmington, N. C. C. H; PIERSON, Agent. 77 South street, New York. Oct. 20. . 198-3m New York and Wilmington WEEKLY LINE OF STEAMERS. STARLIGHT, Captan PedricK, COMMAMDER, Captain Terry. FREIGHT for the above STEAMERS will be received on the covered wharf, foot of Chest nut street, at any time, free of charge. HORACE M. BARRY, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 17th 246-sld3 1 FOR RIO DE JANEIRO. CALLING AT ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAM BUCO, AND BAIIIA.. THE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL Steamship Company, will dispatch regularly, ON THE 29TH OF EVERY MONTH, A new and First Class Steamship, to leave at THBEE O'CLOCK, P. M. FROM PIER 43, NORTH DRIVER. All letters have to pass through the Postoffi.ee. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For Freight or Passage, having splendid accom- moaations, apply to . THOMAS AS-EJSUIO & CO. 17 Broadway, New York. October 31. 207-3m. Substitute for Peruvian Guano J B A TJ G HVS RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. BAUCH & SONS, MANUFACTUKEBS ASD PKOPKIETOBS, Store No. 20 South Ielaware Avenue, - PHILADELPHIA. rpHIS VALUABLE MANURE has been before JL tne agricultural public, under one nami lor twelve years past, and its character for vigor of ac tion and permanence in effect is well established. Before the war, it was introduced to some extent in the Southern States, and was found to be highly adapted to ;; ".". r ; , COTTON; TOBACCO AND ALL CROPS. The sales now amount to many thousand tons annually, and the facilities for, its manufacture are extensive and complete. The rroprietors or this MANURE are engaged in no other business, and are tnereiore directly interested in maintaining iuily its nign standard or efficiency. The trade supplied by the cargo direct from the wharves of the manufactory jOealersare invited to become acquainted with the special advantages of this aru cle before purchasing other brands. i, - Rsena tor a pamphlet, , ' v ; , Manufactured only by '' ' . BAUGH & SONS, . ; Jfo. 20 South Delaware Avenue, - Philadelphia. " Geo. Z. French fc. Co., Agents, Wilmington, N. C. " -. - Dec 6th - , 238-eod&w3m PLAIN WHITE mm SHIRTS ! FANCY BOSOM LINEN SHIRTS. COTTON SHIRTS. -. . ' - MERINO SHIRTS. - Shirts of qualities and in any quantity at ' slksnipsoNs, " NoZ 33 and -55 Market-street, and Nos. 2 and 4 Front-street, North East cor. . y?; E -a--V':rS Dec 11. 242-s. CABINET ORGAXS. I it ARE AGENTS'for these instruments for V Y Wilmington. Recollect none can be bought only through us. Call and see them at - . .WHITAKER'S BOOK STORE. Dec 22. 251-2t r.nscEZLLAnnouG. Burning of the Eluseunl., LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. . i - - - New Yobk, July 14, 1865. Messr. Herring Co.:t . . ' I ' - Gektlemen Though' the destruction; of the American Museum has proved a serious loss to myself and the public, I am happy to verify the old adage, that, " It's an ill wind that blows no body good," and, consequently, congratulate you that your, well-known safes have again demonstra ted their superior fire-proof qualifies in an ordeal of unusual severity. " - - . . , -, The safe vou made for me soma t?m uto wm in 'the office of the Museum, on tti, second floor. Dacs paraui uue uuuuiug, ui ioe nottest ortne After twenty-four hours of trial it was found among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up its contents in very good order books, papers, policies of insurance, bank bills, all in con dition for immediate use, and a noble commentary on the trustworthiness of Herring's Fire-Proof Safes. ,.. . ,.' Truly yours, - ' - " - P. T, BARNUM, HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. . , ........: , . , The mozt Reliable Protection from Fire now Known. Herring fc Qo.'s Patent Bankers' Safes, with Her ring & Floyd's Patent Crystalized Iron, the best security against a burglar's drill ever manufac tured. . . . ; . , .-. y-. '': HERRING & CO, No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St.,-New York." FARREL, HERRING & CO., ' i . v . Philadelphia. HERRING & CO., y v. . ; ;.,-- Chleago. Oct 23 . , . . 200-3m FOR SALE. TT7TLL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, ON THE , V Y Second day of January next, at Commercial Cornevif not sooner ; disposed of, my plantation on the Plank Road, two miles East from Wilming ton.' The dwelling is new. large, and convenient ly arranged, a splendid well of water, kitchen, barn, stables, carriage house, oven, kettle, potatoe cellar, &c There is fourteen acres of land in the highest state of cultivction producing everything in the greatest perfection that is required for fami ly or market use. There is also about four hun dred fruit trees of the very best selection, consist ing of apples, pears and peaches, producing the choicest of fruits. About two hundred scupper nong grape vines, just begmning to bear, and some Isabella, vines. To any one,who wishes a pleasant and comfortable home and within busi ness reach of the city, this is a rare chance, such a one as cannot be obtained elsewhere. 4 The place is handsomly situated, high,' pleasant, and' very healthy, and within ten minutes ride i of the city. For further information, examine the premises, or enquire of v , ;: S. P. 1VEY. Dec. 13. ; L f . 343-ts. 75 Barrels. AND HALF BARRELS, CITY MESS PORK, At 11 and 13 Front Street. . CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent Dec. 19. . ... .:. -. v. .248-8 LOAN OF $5,000 S0UCITED. A GREEABLY to an order passed at September XJL Term, lobo, 01 tne court oi rleas and Uuar- ter Sessions, for the County of New Hanover (a copy of which appears below,) the undersigned, Chairman of said Court, wishes to borrow, upon the faith and credit df the County of New Hano ver, which is tfledeed for the cavment of the same. the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, for the immediate support of the poor, and to defray otner expenses of tne County Bonds or Notes, signed by the Chairman and coundersigned by the Clerk, in sums of $500 and 11,000, payable in one ana two years, with interest, will be issued. 41 On motion, in, open Court, it is ordered that tne cnairman or tms uourt be authorized and in structed to negotiate a loan not exceeding Five j Thousand Dollars, by the issue and sale of Bonds, ; or In such other manner as he may deem more ju dicious, which money, when realized, the Chair man is directed to pay over to the County Trustee for the support of the roor of the County, which money shall be disbursed only on the order of the j Unalrman 01 this Uoutt. JAMES SHACKELFORD, Chairman County Court. Witness : Robt. B. Wood, Jr., Clerk C. C." sept. 27th 178-s SOVIHERK EXPRESS COMPANY, EXPRESS FORWARDERS. THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., LATE - THE ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY S NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE 'AND FORWARD with Dromctness and disDatch. all Freight, Money, and Valuables, to any point in the Southern States, and with their connection with " THE ADAMS' and HARNDEN S EXPRESS, can forward without delay toall points in the Northern States, either by RaUrqads or Steamers, as shippers may desire. All charges on ifreight delivered P to tms Com pany will be paid on delivery ot same at this Office, thereby avoiding the necessity, of forward ing bills 6f charges for collection. - - JAMES MAUUMBJEii, Agent. Dec 13. ' 243-s. Strength to the, Weak! YOUTH TO THE ACED ! I yl - OR ': LIFE REJU V EN A TO R ' "This preparation is nn equaled as a Rejuven- ator andKestorer 01 wasted inert functions. , The feeble, the aged, and all those who have in any way impaired their vitality by excessive mental or physical application, will find the Biokrene to be what its name implies, a Life Rejuvenator, which, while it builds up the shattered constitution, will also impart to the feelings the : briskness and energy which belongs to youth. JNo matter by wnat cause any organ has become enfeebled in its functions, this superb preparation will remove that cause at once ana forever. BIOKRENE CURES GENERAL DEBILITY, IMPOTENCY PRESSION, LOSS OF APPETITE, LOW SPIR ITS, IMBECILITY, MENTAL INDOLENCE, EMACIATION, ENNUI. IT HAS A MOST DE- LIGHTFUL, DESIRABLE AND NOVEL EF- JCiiiUx uruxt mil vvuo oioxxiiu ; ana all who are in any way prostrated by nervous disa buities are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this BIOKUEWE. : The FEEBLE, the LANGUID, the DESPAIR ING, the OLD, should give this valuable discovery a trial it will be found totally different from all other articles lor tne-same purpose. - To FemalesThis preparation is invalua ble in nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful per manence.- .. ' ' -1.... .. .- ' . , . .. t - It is also a'grand tonic; and will give relief in Dvsnensia with the first dose. A brief persistence 1 in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and- banish .Dyspepsia lor ever. Une Dollar per bottle, ; or six notues ioro. Sold by Druggists generally. - sent by express anywnere, oy aa dressing HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, . - - , " -' Proprietors, . - No, 28 Dey Street, -New York; Sold in Wilmington by Dec. 9th ' ' ' ' Heskt McLrs. ' 240-eod6m VALUABLE CITY FEOPEIiTY FOB ; SALE. '": T7H)R SALE, one of the best locations in Wil- X: mington, a Lot 65 feet front on Front street, running through to Second street, containing a raod dwelling, out-houses : and brick stable. The situation is healthy, having a good river front and calculated for a hue residence, or iortwo Duuoinj lots For farther information apply to ' , WSt. SHARPSTIEEN. Dec 20. 249-U 25, 1C35. MICCGLLAfJCOUG. -Mi FALL AND" WESTER GOODS: V'tf as '. WHOLESALE RETAIL, ? TT7"E have removed from our old stand and arf W' : I now opening in the former Commercial building a large assortment of merchandise, conti sisting of : " . . BLACK & COLORED SILKS, . . . ' ' - POPLINS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, DE LADIES, FRENCH & ENGLISH MERINO'S. . . - BOMBASINES, ALAPACCA'fp And all the latest styles of . - - DRESS GOODS, PLAIN,! . ; . f STRIPED &. FIGURED, . CALICOES, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, LINNEN, LINSEY TIckiNG,DENIMS, CANTON FLANELS, t t , . ? : WHITE, BLUE, RED, GREY, ; . . ... - -i ..: . ,: ... . . ' I f AND YELLOW FLANELS, ALL SHADES OF SACK FLANELS, BROADCLOTH, BEAVER, . , SATINET &, JEANS, :! m BALMORAL & HOOP SKIRTS,:! si s ' CORSET'S CAMBRICS " -. " . t: ' : EDGINGS, INSERTINGS & BANDS . , , ' ' ' N' """ k ft COLLARS AND SLEEVES, JACONETS, SWISS AND - - ? ; . . - v -' - ' i CR0SSPART MUSLINS, TOWELING, CRASH AND TABLE ijLOTH, 1 : HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, . j FURNISHING GOODS, 1HLLINEBY, v SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, HAT HAIR NETS, L. ,.- . .:. WATER FALLS, ROLLS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, BAREGE, TISSUE, LOTCB ' . ! . AND CRAPE VEILS, " ' i Cloaks and Shawls. F. L. BAUER, M. M.; KATZ, Agent. 23 Market street. IN thanking the citizens of Wilmington and vi' clnitv for tbft kind riatronawft hp.rp.kofnrfi rflp.r.ivp.d. I bone tbv will pontinne thft samfl' in tba tiew say we nave tne nandsomest and cneapest stocK here. I only ask: call and price, and you can get suited. . Respectfully, M. M. KATZ. Octoberk20 197- JAMES SHACKELFORD 1 31 & 32 North Water St., Wilmington, N. O, SOL. HAAS, aaron baas, loy, Front strefit, jwevr. lork. SHACKELFORD, HAAS & CO., Nos, 31 and 32 North'Water street, Wilmington, N. C. ,J w E have extended our Store House to No. 31, and have now in store the largest stock of Groce- . r. ries in the State, which we ofler to the trade at the lowest market quotations. We have recently re- ceiyed as follows : . " - 200 BBLS. CITY AND PRIME MESS PORK, 50 BBLS. PRIME AND BUTT PORK, 10,000 POUNDS BACON SHOULDERS, 20 TCS. HAMS - " - " 100 BBLS. FINE, S. FINE, FAMILY FLOUR, 100 KEGSJNAlLS, 1 100 HALF BBLS MACKEREL 50 BBLS. WHISKIES and. BRANDIES, in bbls. and half bbls.', ' V . WHISKY BRANDY and SHERRY WINE incases, 'x v" - LYE, POTASH, BUCKETS, , W, SEIVES, TRUSS HOOPS, . ... , , : - HOOP IRON, HERRING, " COTTON CARDS, . 5 SOAPS, BROWN AND FANCY r MATCHES, BASKETS, CBCKERY, COFFEE, f SUGARS, TEA, - . And In tact all articles usually keptjby Grocersl - MISCELLANEOUS For the BCandierchief. 4jl oVw if n i. T.u 1. TK v grant Perfume, Distilled from the Rare land Beautiful ' Tlower from which it its name. 5 r4 .Manufactured only by PIIALON '& SON, 1 NEW.YOKK. BEWARE OF GODIiTEBFEITS. ASK FOB PHALONSTA.kE NO OTHEE. Sold ly Druggists generally; .: ; - . . l:-"Dec 20 vlj . . . ' " M ", -' , -. 249-2aw2mo Notice to the Publk). i t In the year 1846, tho writer embarked in the Draff y iBaslrfeea in the city of Philadelphia, and white thna ea ,i'';gagod, made several experiments in regard to the moll' 5jJ 'desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extracts. My eflbrH f.-t'being Bucce6sful the articles being approved and used the Medicai Faculty t was desirous of placing them 3 ibefbre the public, but hesitated for some time before s f teooncluding to resort to newspaper advertising,' knowing f'-Of the prejudices that existed in the minds of many "...-.against using auvertisea Meaxcmes or xvomtusw, mm it .through the advice of friends, and those who had need ."them, this objection was overcome, . . . ,, .; , , 4Ji After 18 years' exertions, commencing in a small v -way, the popularity of my articles has extended to all gi'i'l'artsof the United States, and widely throughout For-, 'J eign coontrles and this iu the face of much opposition. I w?Every means has been resorted toby unprincipled deal-'-rs since their merit and success have been known fsuch ae advertising larger bottles at less price, oensur- k' ing all other preparations, and even copying my advar I'jtisements but I am happy to state that out of the fcJmahy who have resorted to this, none have been 'cessfuL ; MY OBJECT , ' ig v ;ui uug nonce h whuw iokis Known 10 uie pnouo ana T ' 1 1 1 A . 1 1 . 1 j . ... i Vregpectable dealers, beliCvicF, after so many yeare S SflrtlfmH that tha DmircistR will iHuvuinUnmi ertions.' that the Druetrists will discountenanca snch "proceedings, and that the reputation of my articles may isv-aot be damaged by the use of inferior or spurious one. - Knowing that many may read this article who are miacciuatatedwith. rao, I append a few remarks from f. ? ."those of my. native city, and whose names are known In s. 11 parts of the world-:. . . ' jtj Boi personally acquainted-"' with Mr. H. T. Helm. ' ffpold, it affords me pleasure in sta'tiog I have been nost t5?iavoraDiy impressea wan his energy and integrity, M i. y.irra aiiuea ai njs succqss. ' ; Wif. WEIGnTMAN, Firm of Powees & WHOBntair, Ninth and Browa streets, Philadelphia. mx ? - tJicenina BvUeivi. Ph!atiflnin. 'When on a visit to the city of New York a few days I ;inoe, I was induced to call on our old friend and towns yl!pan, Ir. H. T. HoImboM, I)ruggist, 694 Broadway, I Y. His Store is a Model a perfect. em-4he hand iomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of ( Tiewmg, ana so extensivj?, oemg 84 reet front, fir 'Tories .in height, and o'ver 200 feet deep. It indeed ..gpordflua much pleasure to' know that he has been so ''.telccessful, and it is ample evidence of the merits of hi b ticles s' in our whole business experience we have jV)t known of the success of any articles without iferit I vertising merely bringing the name before the pee Hi (Boston Harold.) . We do not like to advortise wprthloss wares. jifticles calculated to deceive our readers; and when :fce see ah advertise? like Ju nelnabold, whom we have Jcown for years, gradually extend his advertising from - foar to year until ne occomcs the largest advertiser IB VB United States, we are Batisfled that the statemenlf ;e In regard to his articles mulbe correct." i I ..-" . si fa pie writer reluctantly inserts the abovo. and would ,:. n$i do so- were he not a stranger to manr: and m. 5lde8 by stating the, names of hisartlclea, and the die- i, lases ror wtuch they have been used by many thnayyfr compeie success. : f . . , 1;. , IP ADVERTD5KMKXT.J s ..-;-'" Helmbold's Extract of Buchu Will cure all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Corel jain or Weakness. In the Baerf, Strictures, ko. : Corel Mi trak Nerves, Loss of Memor, Tremblingr, Dimness of f .EJLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUOHTJ " t iure fluid extract, not a weak tea or infdaion., li r,i.!Sa one' thing needful for all complaints incident t9 Kiaies. For particuairs send for Circular. ! - JSELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRlCfT BUCnU 1 . " , x-, , I (gftes Gravel and Dropsical Swellings, existing In Meo4 Itfemeu or Children ; in fact, ALL DISEASES mnnWn ..i-aia 01 a wuetje. iit is the greatest Tonio and i V mcretio known Derfoctlv safe Dleanant in -I ei3r, and immediate in its action. . and i HEMBOLTrS l.iK-t H..!j'r.'.i ;..- ' "... ' r.?i.riu,u.twaci-PI oarsaparuia, . s 'l bottle equivalent m strength to one gonna of the ; fefef up of Decoction t ,' J ; x tl , iy. Bam n uw disease immediately. axDan. ' 1 lg;all HI7iIOR3 OF THE EIjOQD, and ; j BBAimFYING THE COMPLEXION C i I ji , ,'r- -.' 1 . . . -j Spieee articles, being.of such strength, the doea 13 ex 1 1 cSingly smalL . - From this fact, It is used m the United 4 --aies Arsay Hospitals and pobllc Sanitary Institutloni tughout the land- t ... I ; 'LScddty all Druggists Terywherei' ' ' : - -f"'AskforHlmbold's. .Take no other! " ' ! s C3T Gut out the advertisement and send tor tt. and by m means avoid Counterfeit. . - -i 249-2aw2mo Youths' anfl CMIdrens' Clothing. 'it;' . ,- . - , - . LARGE and Varied assortment of t ' "v-"T. ;" A . XUUIUS' AND CHILDRENS' i t . w ii u im u, , li n-N'r 1 hi iirA'nnh n '11 esrr-h.iy mi-ji xv- ' lc "If w . o Wm fk'h o 1. -va mi . f??ul , wiuier wear,jnst received and offer- inat reasonable prices, by I V$ 35 Market street, and 2 & 4 Front it. s i - t 5S VYiimington, N. C Dec 21 I 250-lm sept. 23d , . 174 p5c 5tn - nuTus.-n.aat corner. ,237-a la

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