1 THJi PAIT.V WILMINGTON HEUALD,. MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1865. it a' ii - in 4 .-f. p Am THE WIL-iiiXuTOA ilEilALi MARINE INTELLIGENCE. " . "' " " " . '. ...! .' t Tide' Table. ' ' I COHKKCTED WEEKLY BY O. W. WILLIAMS, HABBOB i ' HASTES. . . ..-! I - PHASES' OF THE M00X. Poll Mood 2i..., .i........ ....... LaatQu&r. 9th f 1.25 P. M. 6:42 P. M. 11-21 A. M. 7:09 A. M 1:23 A. M. New Woou Kin..... First Guar. 29th.... Full moon January 1, isoo.. . . Hioa T ' 80S. HOOK WAT. j DATS. M8E8.1 8ETS.i . ' o b " j 25 Monday "7772" 7i68 1 morn 0..27 ... 26 Tneaday 7. .2 4. ,69 0..42 1..21, I 1 ' 27 Wednesday.. 7. .3 i ..0 I 1..47-? . 2. .2a I K 28 Thursday.... 7. .3 5..1 , f , 2..64 . 3..35i v ! - 29 Friday....;,.- 7. .8 5. .2 3. .58 4..46i - ' ' 30 Saturday....'. 7. .42 6. .3 6. .04 - 6. .50 K 31 Sunday 7.-4 6. .3 I 6. .01 6..4fl " High water at Wilmington : two hours fifty-eix min utes later than at the bar ? J PORT OF WILMWGTOJST, N. C.DEC. 24. ARRIVED., Deo. 23. . .Schr Francisco, .Warner, Baltimore, to E A v flchr Francis Satterly, llolden, 'from New York, tE A Keith, with m crehandise, ; ; ' ' f Schr Billow. Pierce, fromRockland, Me, j to O Q Pare r ley 6c Co., with lime. . i . : . : ; ) -Dec. 24...Steamer Anita, Relrner, from "New York, to Harris 6c Howell. The Anita is bound for Havana, and put in here from stress of weather, and short of coaj. - Schooner Charlotte,' ,frora Charleston, to Andrews ABardin. V Schooner Dictator, JN ICKerson, ironi ixew iorn, io; Worth. & DanleL - - " ; - '. . ; ' ' CLEARED. . . 1 Dec!.' 23.;.8chooner Robert Caldwollt McCormick, for, Ifcw York, by Worth & Daniel. " . , ' " Brig Julia, Crocker, for New York.by Worth & Daniel Schooner E C Johnson, Baker, for New York, by Rus- seU&Ems.y-rt:r V;;--,4 . Urj, . r Jliss!vaVxB8KL...Schoor(e'r Othello, Maxwdl, sailed 3 i. from Wilmington, N. NoTemoor 18, for New or 1 - laden with ' Government ordnance, Las not een hvara. from, and fears are entertained that she and her crew l) are lost. The Othello was a new; vessel,; or 450 tons: ' "owned by Mr. Aeahel Goodwin, of Cape Neddick, Me. Insured for $30,000. $20,000 in the Columbian company New York, and $10,000 la. the Rockingham Company; -Portsmouth, N. BL, COMMERCIAL TUe llooio Market. V i ' ' : ' v WtLaistiTus. Dec. 23. if: T i CRUDE TURPENTINE .Sales of 230 fcarrela at $S pr 280lbav:: ji:vvP ;l 't; :: ' 1 I SPIRITS TURPENTINE. 60 casks sold at 55 cent for colored, alid 60 cents for .white. i -. "ROaiN.4-200 barrelse6BimQii,'at 15 per barrel ilk W4P TTfKnri-el alfl at 1 15 Tt&r hamftl ' . 1 fiTTONJ- Bale of one amall lot at z cents ror mtai 1MBER. One raft, good mill, sold at 12.60 per M. ' - i h tr '-' Export- Coasrtm se. It Per Schooner Robert Caldwell t 1 A bbla BTirit turnentine. 1251 bbls rosin, 195 babeli f peanuts, 601 balescotton, 2 bales cotton yarn, 4 bbls d rJ fruit, lbbl beeswax, -..',-r' j I.-... - KV,." -! :n i -f Per Brisr Julia 1 '' ea - . . " nblla snlrits turnentine. 1378 bbls "rosin, 182 bbls of s i . s tar, 191 bales of cotton, 36 bushels of peanuts, 2 boxes fur ".!- . r - fPer Schooner E. C. Johnson.1 ft 1' -. 60 bbls spirits turpentine, 4AA bbls crude turpentine,; il " 960 bbls rosin, 14 bales cotton, 27 packages old metul. . official. w "V7"s v-v .,- . : J:, '' i i -f " .. or THE . . : . :r . UNITED STA TE S ' . Passed, at tlie Second Session , j 5 5 OF THE j-.;. . THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. r " 'Chap. XL VIII. An Act to provide for the Afr pointriient qf Clerks in the office of the Assistant 'Treasured at Boston, to fix- tieir Salaries, tind ' provide for the absence of the Assistant Treasurer and for other purposes. ' ' w Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives ofilus United States of America in Von- gress assembled, inat irom ana auer. me nrei, uay 1 of January ,i eighteen hundred and sixty-two,! in rr lieu of the clerks heretofore authorized .and pro vided, the Assistant Treasurer at Boston be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, with the ap- r . -nrnhatinn of t.hfi Secrctarv oi tne ireasury, one chief clerk at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars . of fiftpftn hundred ' dollars per annum, t '( nd one other clerk at a salary of twcjvfe 1 hundred dollars pr anijum, and one messenger at L.v a salary of seven hundred dollars per annum; and I fr. the compensation for such clerics lor the current: and next fiscal year be. and the same is here by appropriated, out of any mohey in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. ' s-W. ; ' ' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, in case of the sickness or unavoidable absence of the Assistant Treasurer, he may, in his discretion, authorize the chief clerk to act in his place, and to -diBckarfre ail tbo duties requirea Dy law oi I -the Assistant Treasurer. Ap?kov?d, March 19, 1862. Chap. XLIX. An Act fo secure to the Officers arid Men actually employed in the Western Depar't - ment, or Depatm&nt pf.j: Missouri, their Pay," t-'. ' Bounty and Pension. -V ' 'r.::". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itepre sentatives of the United States of America in Con ? .gress msembled, That the Secretary of War be, nd he is hereby, authorized and required to allow ' and pay to the officers, non-eommissioned officers, --muicians and privates who have been heretofore " actually employed in the military service of the United States, whether mustered into actual ser vice or not, where their services : were accepted and aetnallv emnloved by the generals who have been In command of the Department of the West ojr the Department of the Missouri, the pay and bounty as ia cases of regular enlistment v. f 1 Sr.n. 2. And be it further enacted, That the r. officers, npn-cominbsioned officers, musicians and 'privates sb employed, who may have been wound . ed or incapacitated for service, shall be entitled to and receive the pension alio wed for such disability: Provided, That the length and character of their enlistment and service be such as to entitle them ' under existing laws to such pension. . . " SEC 3. And be it further enacted, That the heirs ' of those killed in battle, or of those who may , have died frem wounds received while so in ser--!lvvlce, shall be entitled to receive the bounty and "i pay to which they would have been entitled hftd r : they been regularly mustered into 'service : Prr vided. That the bounty and pay referred to In this act shall not be payable "unless their term of en- listment and service be of such duration as to en title them to receive the same, according to ex ,i isting laws. , - v ' 4 , AKnoVKT, March 25,11862. r , . ' ! The Watchmaii; ? . o '.' BOUT the 1st of January, 1866, there will be J. commenced in the City of New York? a ;weekly journal designed to. take the highest prac ticable position in its line"" of literature.' Each . number will consist of eight (8) large pages, with six (6) columns to each page,- printed on excellent paper in a superior style of typography. . It will discuss all the topics of Religion, Sopi- ology Science, Literature, Art, Politics, Comr . merce, Finance and Agriculture liberally,, cafe1 fully, thoroughly, and from' a platform fnr above : all partisanship, ;-The chief 'editor, the Key. Dr. . , Deems, of North Carolina, will be assisted by dis tinguished gentlemen lu the several churches, so - that. The Watchman may be -unhesitatingly intro duced into the families of any Christian coinman . ion. - A Hoina Gazette, a Repertory of all the best j current Literature, a Summary of all Unportsnt - Intelligence in every Department of Human Effort, an Advocate of Truth in all things, Friend, a : Guide, a Blcssing-r-thi Is what The Watchmaa i " Intended to become. ' , Price, II for three months, 13 lor tlx monaw, strictly la advance. .'! i I BXSntwirrlptJou may for the present l-o mivk at tb office of the Southern Land Asney, No, Bnjftdway, N.Y. N . Editors will crmf. r a .wot If-srlvlv.g ihn VnHx-tus liuanv liwrtioti m th if rn"- I , icnfis my allow, and seiul lUvtr iitfr la xil.-.o as a!ove.. ;;'- pi or " lilALD, ' . . DAILY; AWD W"WL L : , . THOMAS in. coon: Se ., .: SDltOKS AND PBOPKTETOKS, co. Ononis M. COOK. TICRKHCS V. fOLIT. THE OA1JLY IIIIiALI Is printed every morning (Sundays .excepted.)- Terms $10 per year ; $5 for 6ix months ; $1 per Is" printed every Saturday. Tcnns f 3 50 per year ; $1 3 for six months ; $1 00 for three months. to'!. : 3 per month. - '' ' r j:' x , The Sunday, JTIorniiig Ilernld. : A , mammoth family and literary newspaper, is, L prin ted every Sunday morning. Price ten cents per copy. ; - 'x .JOB WOKR Neatly and promptly executed. ' '.' JPIKST.' um. STEAM-SAW .MILLS. . , - . v - THIS FIRST PaIZE, THE GOLD MEDAL, ; . v.,, -j -.aa awarded to the - ' f WASHINGTON- IRON WORKS by the-American Institute, at their Fair in Octo ber, 1865, for the best s t . - . CIRCULAR 1 SAW-MItL - -. AND STEAM ENGINE. - Orders for these,' Gang Saw-Mills Sugar Mills, General Machinery, Iron and Brass Castings Forg-in-8,v Railroad Cars, &c.r &c, promptly filled. Address GEO. M. CLAP?, Treas'r. - -1 r.. . f Newbnrg, N. Y., or Li. iy. WAJKD, Agent, 55 Liberty street (Room No. 8,) N. Y. Deo. II 241-ly. Artificial Legs. :,:': WESTON'S METALLIC ARTIFICIAL LEGS. ' ' TWO LEGS IN ONE. : You can take off the foot and put on a STUB." '" v 5 '-V'-t j ''.'-'.'" I'.'T. '- It is the only artificial "LEG the party wearing can take anart and xut ' tocrether. or take off his foot und substitute, a STUB. v?; Cork-lined, covered with flesh-colored leather, with rubber joints, and without cat-nit cords or spiral springs. It . is self-adjusting, makes' no noise; la cbeaper and lighter, and. will last longer man tne wooaen legs, ana is worn wim ease ana comfort. ' : : - .. , The measure can, be sent, and ; the leg returned by express, thereby saving the time and expense of coming to New York to be fitted. ' . ; . ,V : Price 100 f 125. , A fit guaranteed at your home. .. , --Send lor a pamphlet. ' .. . J. W. WESTON, Patentee. .Ofiice and salesroom, No. 70 Broadway. - v - ; :".' c' e -"New iork.' ' :" 1 Nov. 19. ; :" 5 - "220-w&6St&w5t ' FESnYAL) BENEFIT. OF THE TIST CHURCH. I OR THE NEW BAF- CITY HALL, COMMENCING; DEC. 19, 1865. Admission Fee, Twenty-five Cents. Dec. 16 - 246-lw. FOR SALE. rpHE VERANDA SALOON and fixtures, con JL sistingof a Bar, Billiard Saloon, and four Phelan & Collender's Billiard Tables, new and com plete, and three Ten Pin Alleys, situated on South Water street. ' - If not disposed of before the first day of January the billiard room and ten pin alleys will be open lor their regular business. ' Mv brick dwelling house and furniture, (which is new this Fall,) the - house is situated on Dock street between Front and Second.' 4 V ; And also one house and lot,' near John Barnes', and several building lots in that neighborhood. ' . JOS.H.NEFF. Dec. 18th K 247-s Lost or Stolen. ' A SMALL BLACK AND TAN TERRIER, two xjl months old, from my store answers to the name of. 44 Verney." Any one returning the same will be liberally rewarded, as the owner prizes it highly, being a gift. ' J. D. RYTTENBERG, . - '' . . 33 Market street. Dec. 22. 251-s Holiday Styles, GENTS', YOUTHS', : BOYS' & CHILDRENS', ' ' HATS & CAPS, all the New. York styles at 11 & 13 Front street. Dec. 16 246-ts.' L0CKW00D & COLLINS, . ' : 143 Maiden Lane, New York. DEALERS in Naval Stores and Cotton. Con signments solicited and advances made. Our motto, promptness and dispatch. July pth : : , , 107-ly BUREAU OF RELIEF, ( To relieve Clerical distress, especially n Southern i i iyioceses " UNDER the advice of the Bishops -Tablot, At kinson and Lay. Address' contributions ,to the Rev. W. E. Doanc Secretary, Hartford, Con necticut, ihi-i .rr'4.': 'tlVXX3ki:- -r. ' Southern papers are asked to copy this till for bid. ... J,;;: " V', ''a. :: .. : .-...'. Nov. li. ,'' H8-tf. lotice. ; Lnr AN1EL" KAHN WEILER- is my legally ' an b I B . . . . . J . - ... . V. -. . . . s tnorizea -Aiiornev uurmir uiy uusuuee nuui. Wilmington. SIMON B. KAHNWEILER. . 249-3t' Dec. 20. GEO. HABRISS, W. W. HARRIS S, A, J. HOWELL r:: . HARRISS & HOWELL, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' V Wilmington. N. C " June Is : . ' '- - - - -: FOR SALE. A PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE, 6 horse il power locomot if e boiler, lor wood or coal, In complete running order. H.B. EILERSi ' 250-5t Dec. 21 CHARTER PARTY, : TLANK CHARTER PARTIES,'and other com X) mercial papers always on hand and for .sale at ' .-The Herald Office.,; Dec 15. ' o45- : GLUE, MADBER, - ""lOPPERAS, Candles, Candy,-' White Beans, J Rice, Rio Coffee, Russ' fitters, RussMYinrs, etc, Sargcants Whittcmord";Cotton Cards, vfcc, &c, just received and lor sale low, ly . GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO, 10 South Front street. Dec 21 ' ' 4 250-s. . AYIL5II.GT0X THEATRE TS FOR RENT by the wctk or month. Apply X to the ander'srnid. WM. S. ANDIllOX) . ivrt ; tiirv I va Dcr. 211 4Jt IIILLIARnS. rro tnv Lit n't 1 Itlfp .'it ep TWo.m;w TAl-.LFSaH r t!.e TIIE wilmm hwbj.. ok ut of 4. II. X- CO UN I. Dec 21 H!fF.N. il vrr:rt. Ml'lUU commission houses. CHA5. W. BLOSSOM, -i ' 'lAMSS B. BU3SOH, JOSU-H B. BLOSSOM."" ' , - ; BLOSSDjI BH0TUERS, V ' . (Successors to Benj. Blossom & Son.) CO MM I S S I 0 N MERCHANT S , GOTTON, Naval Stores, Grain, Tobacco, Yams, Sheetings, &cr : , , - 159 Front street, New for. Liberal advances made on consignments, on re ceipt of Bill of Lading.- - References ; The Bank of N. C. and other Banks at Wilmington, Newborn, Washington, Tarboro', Fayotteville,' Raleigh, Salisbury, Charlotte ; and Wadesboro'. a. . A. M. McPheeters, Raleigh,1 N. C, will forward to us, through that place, free of forwarding com mistfoTi,) paying railroad freight, to any shipping port. . -. -, " . - J. R. Blossom & Co., Wilmington, N. C, ) - Goo. II. Brown & Co., Washington, N. C, J - S. T. Jones & Co., Newbern, N.C., . -' nenrv Grislin. Norfolk. Va.. " " i Will forward uroducc to us.: free ' of 'forttmrdino cemmissioni except on naval stores ana grain, by steamer or sailinsr vessel, as Bhinnera mav direct ! and whqn desired, will pay taxes, &c, at the ship-" ping ports. , j. N. B. Consignments to us are covered by Fire and Marine Insurance, as soon as freighted, from all places on all Railroads and Rivers in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and from air soutnern snipping ports, through to New York wb ether advice of shipment Is received or not.- ' sept. 27th - ' i78-3m. 1. O.WORTH. " .., " , ,,. K. G. DANIEL ; ; W0IITII & MMEL, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER- . r: " ... CHANTS. Brown's Wharves, (T. C. & B. G. Worth's old stand) South Water street. . : TH71LL 'give strict personat attention to sale or " V V shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores and gen eral Troduce. Also, to receiving: and forwardinir Goods, Dealers Bagging, Rope, Twine, Lime, Plas ter, Cement,.Hjiir, Salt, Coal, &e. , 1 Agents for bteamer Ai r.' llurt. ' : .sept,2 ? r'l'i .V;1.-' ' . , 'A 1535m v SaOM YMBERBILT, - 23 FULTGN STREET, NEW YORK, jTEALER' IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE JLJi MENTS.oC every variety, enibraeitnr all the different patterns of Plows in nse in the Southern. States. Horse Power and Threshing i Machines, Fan Mills, Wheelbarrows, . Cart and ; Waggons, Uotton Aims, win uear, Plow ana otner Casungs, Shovels,, Forks,V Hoes, iKakc3, and Garden and Farm Tools, and Implements of every Tariety r SEEDS.'- . - " The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown in this country or Europe, including every desirabie kind and variety. The utmost care taken to have those only which are choice and valuable. - Also, Grass, J!ield and Bird Seeds of every tariety. Bone Dust. Animal Manure, a preparation of Animal Matter, Blood and Bone, a good substi tute for Guano, and cheapest Manure in use ; Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, &c, PLANTS, TREES, &c, Furnished from the most reliable nurserys and growers. .Orders respectfully solicited. Letters of inquiry .cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished on application. '.Nov. 6. . . , - , 211 law6w -?--ALEX.;SPpXT,r- : COMMISSION MERC HANT, . Wilmington, N. C, ' South Water street, Office formerly occupied by the Salt Commissioner. CJELLS or ships Cotton, Naval Stores and Coun- yf try rroauce. Buys good3 ordered from the country. - Will carefully attend to all business entrusted to him, ' .: - . -' . . ' . - Oct. 14th - ' - 193-3m F. T. MOHTELL, 3. A. BARTOW. F. T. M0XTELL & BARTOW, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. F ; 168 Pearl street, New York. LIBERAL cash advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and approved mer chandize. V ' - All shipments to us covered by insurance. sept. 27th ; lTS-lj Murray & Murcliisoii, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, khti:- Wilminjrton, N.' C. ' T ARTICULAR attention paid to the sale of JL ; Cojton, Naval Stores and country produce generally. ' All orders for grocery, produce, &e., filled at the lowest market rates. E; MURRAY, J D.R.MUECHISON, ' - Wilmington. Oct. 8. . ' K. M. MURCIIISON, J. T. MURRAY, ' ' New York. 188-3m. C. II. BENEDICT CO., ' No. 86, Broau st., New York, DEODICE -AND ILOUE COMMISSION X" , MERCHANTS, dealers in Provisions, But ter,, Cheese, &c.J , s . Special attention to Southern orders. Consignments of general merchandise solicited. October 16 194-3G S. D. WALLACE, v : . ,' , ...J, B. SOtfTHERLANP ' - ? -o GENERAL V ' Commission Merchants, v . , : - sr Wilmington, N. C. XXTILL give prompt personal attention to all ' V V consignments of Naval Storee, Cotton, spirits Turpentine, 'Rosin, Tar, Provisions, &e.. &c.. either for sale or shipment, alao to forward ing merchandise, "&c. ' 1 Office No. 24 North Water street. sept. 2d. : - 157 K. Ml McrChison, J..T. Mukrat, - E. Murray D. 14. Mukchisox, . New York. . ii Wilmington, Uarchison Sc Murray, COMMISSION MER CHANTS y .iiiK 1S8 Front Street, New York. A LL consismments to us are insured from point JL. of shipment, whether advice of shipment is received or not. ' - Liberal advances made on'.consignmRnts when desired.- .- -. r . -:-:-;f-r . - - .-'" : - Murray .& , Murchison, Wilmington N. C will pay taxes, railroad - freight, &c.,- on consignments to us, and torward through that puce iree oi com missions. - " .' - " . , ' , . " . - . - Oct. 8 . - . Ib8-3m. Copartncrsliii) Notice. npnE undersigned have to-day formed a copart- JL' nership undfir the name and6tylc.or Jas. L. Hathawav 5C" Utiev. (tormerlv llathawav uo. Wilmington, N. d,) for the transaction of a Ship pimr: and' General Commission Business in the city of New York, at 171 Pearl street, - . . . . JAS. Li. IIATnAWAY, ' ' WM. R.' UTLEY. New York, Oct 9, 1SC5. 197-3m JAAIE3 jL. HATHAWAT. WM. IL. UTLE V. ' 'C. IX. KOBLNSOX, DILII. H. ROB15SOS. C. H. B0BIXS0X & CO., Commission Merchants, TT ESPECTFU LLY annoum to their friends li and the public, that they Lave resumed busi ness In Wllnilnirton. and wiil attend ttromptlr to sny bufiint'ss ciitnisted to tLcm; selling or ship pit g Naval JSlurt-8, Cotton, and country produce generally. OiiU-f over Mr. Akxaader OSdluui' Grain Store, South utef ktrtct. lw. lt! ' 247- roLt5tn, o. K'Ttt. tons AMcrxx. k:ili,m:?u TOTTER ,c; CO., II I'i LN i i A N D Ct .': VI H N U 11 IIU IAN 1 8 u 11 I vft trHi ' - N- V..rk. All ms , -ra.fr ti t ir -rr.l, U fulV Mi- tUi lc OH t'su- COMMISSION HOUSES. i. ,E. TENABLE, t " T. D. WILLIAMSON GKEEX.- LCCIOtJS ; j, E. VEXABLE & 0., . GROCERS AND COMMISSION -r.4" . . MERCHANTS -" ; 5 T?OR the sale of Tobacco, ,Wheat, Cotton, &c, JD and for the sale and purchase of country pro duce . , - Also Agents for the sale of the celebrated Caro lina Bell, Scotch Snuffifnd other brands: . No. 6 Iron Front, Sycamore street, .. ' . - " . Petersburg, Va ' Will give strict lattention to . the . purchase ol goods not in their line.. Laberal casa advances made on produce in hand. sept.:&ia ' 175-3m HORACE M. BARRY,; t WATER STREET, GENERAL . ,:. Commission - Merchant, .' i - AND "' - WHOL,ESAr,E DEAX.ER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. : . LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on consignments to Arthur Leary, New York- . - AGENT FOR THE STEAMSHIPS Starlight , and Coniiiiiiuuer. Sept. 13 v',; ' 166. ? FOWLED CO., Commission. Merchants, y No. 11, South WilUam street, . . New. York, ...... ' . (Formerly of Alexandria. Va.) RE prepared to make liberal advances on "coiL I signments ol PRODUCE, &c Refer to Messrs. Duncan, Sherman dp Co Ban kers, New iork. ' : - July 10 : , - 1106m iwi?i9CiiT .-ifiaiimiraniTTyjfc' m U 1 JUi Omit ilAJiHAJUHJLlil.UJJ V W.J GENERAL Commission, Merchants. FOR THE SALE OF TOBACCO, EA W COTTON, COTTON , TARNS CL OTHS AND NA VAL STORES. . JEJ"" Orders solicited for the Purchase of Good. 79 Pearl Stkket, New Yokk. Reb't R. S wepson, New York City. " - Sam'l G. Murphy, New York City. Cyrus P. MenienhalL President Farmer's Bank, Greensboro!, N. C. Dan' I Worth, Company Shops, N. C. Geo. W. Swepson, Haw Biver, P. O., N. C. June 29th " 101-6m MURRAY & NEPHEW, Shipping & Commission Merchants, ; 62 South street, New York. CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton, Naval Stores, Cot ton Yarns, Sheetings, &c, &c., will receive our personal attention. Consignments made through WM, B. FLANNER, Esq., Agent for our Line of Packets, will be forwarded Iree ot com mission. V; , -ts ri'-i t "yC'H ' All orders promptly filled. Having been in the North Carolina trade for over twenty years, we feel competent to satisfy our correspondents in all particulars. ". ' , N. B. Full quotations of our market furnished. 13745m L. A. KART, , JOHK C. BATLET Wilmington Iron & Copper Works HiRT & BAILEY, 17, 2 MONT STREET, BELOW MARKET, h' Wilmington, N. C. 'AVING resumed operations, we are now pre pared to iurnisn. Brass and Iron castmgs fin ished and unfinished. New machinery made and put up, old. machinery everhauled, all kinds ol paterns ornamental and architectural. Win supply dralts oi all kinds oi maciunery ana mill works generally. , TURPENTINE AND WHISKEY STILLS, and copper work in gil its branches. . ' A mil supply ot Belting, racking, tiose, oteam and Water pipes and fittings, Machine bolts, nuts, and rivets and all other articles generally , found in a machine supply store. Oct. 19 lye-im. JOSEPH RADCLIfFB &. SOX, . . GENERAL Commission Merchants, 44 SOUTH STREET, BALT1M.OBH, 5II., Buy and sell on Commission COUNTRY PRODUCE AND ALL COMMODI, TIES OF THIS AND OTHER MARKETS. Refer to Messrs. Numsen, Carroll & Co.; Geo. Sanders & Co.: B. F. Parley & Co.; Kimberly Bros. Lewis Jones & Co.; .Tyler & Brp.; C. W. Lord, Esq.'. , ,. .. ' ' ; October 18 - liHs DAVID C. BR1DLKT, CHBIST'a WOEHiBB BRABLEY & W0EHLER, Grocerai;& iCommission Merchants. LIBERAL advances made on consignments, No. -26 Water street, - . y umicgton, ix . u. June SO ". :':: " 103-em 0. G. PARSLEY & CO., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MER- - CHANTS, flfo. 6 IortIi Water Street, inimingtori,' N. C. ... , ! : "TTTILL give strict attention to all . business en T V 1 trusted to their care. Sept. 21st, 1865. ' :. 173-6m S.B.CALDWELL, B. C. II ORRIS CALBWELL & MORRIS, (Successors to Brewer, & Caldwell,) Cott.on Factors, - AND GEXERAIi COMMISSION MERCHANTS. t . ao uiu sup, JNew lorK. Refer to Harriss & Howelh Aucr. 3d ' . 1314m Jas. L Hathaway . & Ulley, (Fo merly Hatha w at & Co., Wilmington, N. C.) SHIPPING AND. Commission '; M erchants, 171 Pearl street, New York. 1TTE solicit consignments of Cotton Naval V V Stores, Sheetings, Yarns, Tobacco, and oth er Southern products, to the sale of which our prompt personal attention will Lc civcu. . . Wc wul make liiK-ral advances upon; receipt of Invoice and mil or lading. All merchandise and produce shipped to us is Insured from the iomt of rtdprucnt. with or with out advice. Invoice thould always, accompany each shipment. , . Both of u having had over twetity years expe rience In the sooth, and our J. L. Hathaway three vcars in New York. e led coufidc-ut we can so i eure fall prices for our friends who-will HUvor as i;u tuc-ir coiutgnmeuu. O. 1 19745m flUlTI.Ni AM OMMKI0N Mi:i:cn.M. Nm3 S.tit r t 11 ut r, J. h 1 f 'I We i v 1 1 t-i . Ui I SI li. MISCELLANEOUS- ! ; WATCHES, CHAINS, Diamoiid Rings, &c. WORTH OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS , - ALL TO BE BOLD FOE ' ' ONE DOLLAR EACH, . -A . WITHOUT EEGABb TO TAL0E !! 1 " if iu- ve raia lor nniu you unow what j'ouarc to Kcceirc! SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES ! A ll to be Sold for 1 ICacIi; . 250 SoUdSilyer Dining Sets 575 to $300 500 Silver Salvers and Urns- 50 to , 250 500 Solid Silver Tea Sets complete- 50 to 300 iou nosewooa musical boxes, 6'i airs, vo to : iu 300 Mahogany Musical Boxes. 24 airs. 50' to ' 200 ;250 Gold Hunting Watches--., v.. .75 to 250 250 JLadies'. KnameUed Gold Watches 50 to 200 500 Gents' Hunting Silver Watches , S5 to ,100 500 Open-face Silver. Watches 25 t6 50 500 Ivory.Opera Glasses- 25 to 100 500 Mother of Pearl Lorgnettes- " 50 to ;,100 300 Six Barrel Revolvers- . . . . - -15 to 50 500 Single and Double Shooters- 10 to 50 800 Elegant Oil Paintings--... '50 to 100 250 Marble Statues, Busts, &c- 50 to 200 250 Diamond Kings-... ........ 50 to 100 50 -SO i 5,000 Photo.. Albums, all sizes- - -.... '5 to 1 2,000 Gold Vest & Neck Chains -15 to i 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets : . i. i 5 to 10 13 1 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets-y & to 2,000 Chatelaine & Guard Chains- - 5 to 20 10 7,000 Solitaire & Res olving Brooches ' 5 to 2,000 Lava & Florentine N do. 4 to 5,000 Coral, Opal & Emerald - do. 4 to . 5,000 Mosaic, jet & lava Eardrops - - - 4 to 10 10 10 7,000 Uoral & Jimerald lar drops- - - ' S to 8 5,000 California Diamond Pins- w 5 to 20 10 10 5,000 Cal. Cluster Diamond Pins- - v. ' 3 to 3,000 sets Solitaire Buttons & Studs- - 3 to 3,oooGoid lnmibies, Pencils. sc-?vj a to 10,000 Lockets, double-glass 3 to 5,000 Lockets lor Miniatures 5 to 3,000 Gold Toothpicks Crosses, &c- 3 to . 5,(XXTplain Gold RiDgs-.W.-...; 4 to 5,0W chased ' Gold Kings- 4 to 10 8 10 10 10,000 Shield & Signet Kings- -...... 3 to 10,000 California Diamond Kings 3 to 7,500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, jetf t5'to 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral-..... S to 10 10 10 12 15 20 5,oou sets Ladies' JewelrVTonyx- - ... 10 to 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava- 12 to 2,500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosaic----- 20 to 30 10 10,000 Gold Pens Witb SiL bolders 5 to 5,000 Gold Pens with Gold holders .... 6 to. 12 15 5,000 Gold Pens & hoi ders, super'r - 10 td 5,000 Silver Goblets & Drinking Cups 8 to 3,000 Silver Castor & Wine Holders- 15 to 2,000 Silver , Fruit & CakeBaskets- I - 20 to ' 10 50 Messrs. PARKINSON & CO., No. 208 Broadway, New York,-extensive Manufacturers and importers of many of the leading and most fashionable styles' of Watchef and Jewehy, desiring to Increase their business' to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Sale, subject to the regulations lonowwig : ' ' ' i.; s Certificates, naming each article and its value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be 6ent by mail, to any address on receipt of twentv-five cents. : ; All Articles bold at One Dollar each, untlutut re gard to value . . . On receipt of the certificate you will see what you arc gojng to have," and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article or not. Pur chasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, and in no case can they get less than one dollar's worth, as there tre no uncertainties. The price of certificates l as follows:. One for 25 cents; five for $1; eleven for $2; "thirty for $5, with elegant premium; sixty-five for $10, with bonus ; one hundre d for $ 15, and handsome present to the getter up oi'. the club. .; -ACiEWTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, to whom special inducements are offered. Address, PAKKlEUN &CO., IilPORTEBS, 208 Broadway, New York. Dee. ISth , 3md John B. Fuller, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, H'O. Dey Street, 5ew York , HAS, IN STORE and ready for iHmedite ship ment, and is manufacturing to order, PORTABLEAND STATIONARY STEAM EN GINES AND BOILERS, 2. to 250 horse power ; Circular and Upwright Saw Mills of the most approved construction, of all sizes, cutting 7UU to 1500 leet of lumber per hour : Grist Mills, Mill .Irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Machinery ; Suear Mills,. Paper and Mining Machinery; Tools, Tanks, !ce., for O4I and Salt Works ; Cotton and Woolen Machia eryf, &c. ..,"' ...... Vertical Planers, Iron Planers, . Engine Lathes, Drill Lathes, Boring Machines, Slatting Machines, Lrray &; W ood s Planing Machines, Daniels' Planing Ma chines, Moulding Machines, -Sash Machines, Tenoning Machines, Power Morticing Ma chines," Foot Morticing Ma chines, Biring Machines, Blind Slat Tenoning Machines, Circular Saw Benches, Wright's patent Scroll . Saws, v v ' .' Patent 3elt Scroll Saws, Circular Reserving Miljs Upright Reserving Mills Rotary and Mining . Pumps, "Every description of Machinery and Rail way Supplies.' Upright Drills, feteam rumps, Force Pumps, , Lifting Pumps, Suction Tumps, Hydraulie Jacks, Screw Jacks, Shafting . Pulleys anc Hangers, Rubber and Leather Beltings, Leather and . - Rubber Hose, lumbing and Gas Fit tings, --'. , Steam and Gas Pipes, Steam & Water Gauges, Woodworth Planing Machines, . . COTTON GLNS, COTTON GLNS, COTTON GINS 1 Taylor, Eagle, Brown, Southern," Craven, Ex celsior and McCarthy Cott6n; Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in store, and for "sale at the lowest price. Your orders are respectfully solicited. October loth. . ;. i'J4-eod-ly. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL - Cures Cholera. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL - - ' f!nriR f!hn1fra FOSGATE'S ANODYNE. CORDIAL ' , ; ' ' ' " - - - . ' Cures Cholera. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL - " ; ' ' Cures Dvsenterv. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL . - r ' Cures Dvsenterv. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDLAL j.. - Cures Dysentery. FOSGATES ANODYNE CORDIAL - ' Cures Diarrhoea. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL ' Cures Diarrhtea. TOSGATES ANODYNE CORDIAL , ; 1 - , 4 - ' . Cures Diarrhoea. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL , Cures all Irregularities of the bowels. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL. Cures all Irre Hilarities of the bowels. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDLVL v ; Cures all Irregularities of the bowels. FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL 'k'"i 7 . - - Is recommended oy the physicians. F0SOATE8 ANODYNE CORDIAL Is recommended by the physicians. FOSOATLVS ASODTSE CORDIAL ' ' , Is recommended by the physicians. FOSGaTE"S ANODYNE CORDIAL - -FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL ' FOSGATE'S ANODYNE CORDIAL - .. For sale bjr -. . - .. ' . ? For SAle by I For sale by . W. II. Lirrrrr. V W. II, LIl'l'ITT. .'; W. 11. LIPl'ITT. h Dmgyiet aui A pothnryt ..' - - Market fmrt. i:u;:Bir"tya.N.a Harry Wr!j.s H::!cc:i. no. 'jr yt,v.f.;::t jt., v,a:iNnt!N. N. c. tor, - i MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT STOCK- BREEDERS. :i fe.M. v. i' . " . - ' -BARLEY'S . AllBIAtf HEAVE REMEDY, , ' '. AND ble : Conditio iTSediciut; Tfje Great Remedy - for Diseases of IIorse8 and Cattle. ."tyIccts are permanent, and always safe. i, i f free from the injurious, mineral or veoti. s- bl i sjsnulants that enter so largely, into tbu com po'Itn'of most other medicines. - s js- been tested for fifteen years by thtf h.. t st4 fl"rpreeders in the country, with unqualiiiwl s- tifr-jtHtion. t uki. , . . .'.horses: It"! 'aiure cure for- '" X T4EAVES, - i ' COLDS, BROKEN WIND. aq&'M other diseases which aiiect the wind oi J-I'S : CATTLE. ' a-$l3 never failed, when properly tested, ol cm in; fall diseases of cattle arising from coughs and co. cUior over work. Itsuse on some of the largest st tE farms In New York and the Western SUUt-s ha ilajed thousands of valuable animals. Many br e4ei"fl swill not be' without it. Wherever its qtM5?ies are known,-fit is the universaLfavorite. Tt 4. joprietors simply ask for it- a trial, fetliiw ctf iflint that it will give-satisfaction. jswwmle, cleansing the breathing apparatus, by retryng from the air cells the cdaguable lymph, orOulfcseeretion which, in heaves and other aerate repjile affections, clog them, Causing a difficul tyieathing, and by its action on the diseased pa", t, "fusing the mucous membrane to resume its na dimensions, thus equalizing the circuli tiort ithje blood, and restoring the distended ves seU ta jheir natural size. - Biuse, the appetite of the animal is improved, alleSngements of the digestive organs corrected, thiVpi feoftened, and the coat restored to a ua tuv.dapd healthy condition. " Mp xlMERIOAN HEAVE REMEDY -Is warranted sujierior ; - Requires smaller doses ; Is more easily given ; Is more certain in its,, operation. hiiv other remedv known. 1 .Sjjiaperation is so simple and natural that it maj ilely . be jgiven to hofses and work cau.lt?; witth the necessity of -Withdrawing them 'from the. T4fd -or field. JP'jt fesale by all Druggists aiul general dealers thrVli0Ut the United States aiid Canadas, and by f W, C. N. TUTTLii, General Apent, V.; 32 Dey Street, New'-York. fSfele by , . W. II. LIPPITT. V. JlsrCth . 107-3meo r 1 ! M- TllHi 0LY M E D I C1NK ROUBLE e 5.S curing CHOLERA, ; . v is DYSENTERY .and DIARRHfEA bof ifecnt and chronic, in all cases, from Infaiu v to J Age, is WOMNE CORDIAL. f-In Testimony of thi3 SUtenient,g;.g Sei '0ertifiCfUes of Physicians, and other Pain run s 'sf caccompauying each Bottle. Jlitfp Medicine is nfit only the Safest and Sur.-. : mt 1m of Cure or Relief, but it is also the CHE A I' EZ REMEDY ever offered to the Public, as 1;. em i;ess-of the dose and the size of the .iotfi wip convince every consumer. The PRINCIPLED of iitlNOMY are as applicable in the selection ol Mtf mes, and as Imperative on the Patent, the f f ire T in the Purchase of any other NECES Jst 4' Of LIFE. f jSTSold by Druggists generally.tt i uriLifi fe co., o2 Dey street,-" "New York, Agents for the United States. W. II. LIPPITT. . ' 14.' sale by ilig 16tii HE SOUTHERN FREE0MA3. a Si UNDERSIGNED proposes to publish, in rt:tie town of Wilmington, about the loth i DV niber, a weekly newspaper, to be called -"The Scf iljern Freedman." As its name indicates, this j'6i,M will be devoted to the interests of the four mf,jns pf colored frecdmen now in the south, an Mho are without influence, property or knowl edf ig.o avail themselves advantageously- of the botii which . government has conferred upon rJ the circumstances in which the close ofil , r.eF jlliah placed' the blacks it is not expected i'..'' tht 'ill be able at present to support success! .. i a t kly newspaper ; because they are not vol u ret Mg people. . They do not vet-understiuid tin. ttt Mature of their freedom, and. arc therefore ex po. t! to imposition itnd deception from'-deaigning pa; im .,The undersigued, however, hopes by di: cb! rgng his duty ai a'public journalist faith i'ui!y tof jhiewhitc and black races, to merit a ehare M th !Stronage .of all philanthropists and christian -be -p orth ahd south; Laboring among the bku k -foj M umber of years as a minister pf Christ ;n;a ha had the honor also of being for some time , aii 4ftnt of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedman, jty hopes to be Able to conduct his paper in lrM manner as may in the Providence of God ecfldybe to the well-being ojt'both races. Viftuhdersighed .being himself originally from Ui"3jjjjrthi and holding his ecclesiastical connection wlaaie vold-school prcsbyterian church in thru 6e;-"ti&,"he is well assured that he can accomplish tolcH3n behalf of the true elevation of the ll.ik rat Jb I He is aware that he possesses the.confidei l pc.a black people of this section, and as his sole HJM - i,een'tQ do them all the good in hU power. ii ase'past as well as the present ind future, he m MthrowS his lot with them for weal or for woe wMi; as a secular paper,-nd will therefore espouse ' tltHefligious as well as the secular rights ot' l he ,r p$ regardless of denominational lines. In the or purging this duty lTeserves to Itself the right t discuss all religious and ecclesiastical move rjfts that may take place in the soutli ox eise w". v having any bearing upon the rights of the p &"5e whose organ it professes to be. It wiii let n" lMpportunity escape to. promote the true inter- ' 3I sjapf tins -people. Avoiding constantly every ev juan and Impracticable scheme, ' It will con A X itself to 'whatever is practicable, wise and; w "(rltsome for the moral, intellectual and soehif 1 Kt4ion of the black,race. ;3p$fe Southern Freedman -will be emphaticilly tb. black man's paper the negro's own familyl x 1flnd appreciated bythemore cultivated whites. Ai events the undersigned believes, thftt it will p Drjftote the interest of every employer-of black msakn uie soutn to nave tnu paperxirculated and T Vtamong their employes. , r ' - 4hi3 paper will be entirely Independent of any p X tical party or organizationy and also of all rc lTllms denominations, north or south. Itamission li i the African on this continent regardless of p fit or churches. It will, however, give all jilor support to the Bureau of Frecdmen, tnd ef vp to facilitate in every way within Its reach t' Successful worklsiga of Uiat benevolent and ptWacworthy instituili'U among the blacks. present the paper will bo published at tLe ilt ing, rates lor uucriucrs; i&i fhontla -. .n or) "?4 re ku'on'ths ."" ............ , i .... i 3.(X) "tKrictly in advance. No euUierli.tion will I re iff u Mrr kjs iitjuu man nx mouths. ' .Wf p-Sfjai U-.Mrt.TipUoBS Kg rm,jve J at Jflkkrf's .took store, i the toWa of Wilmiuj:- , filtr, IU"4oa K'CorJor. New York" 1 "fJPii ihif tV. A-turn ta mcuLiV I-a .. l.tSsH hit i. I. . . . . . .. . ... V Lis OtTTcr, -r st lh fiU t. :;v ti the ru.' f Afrh tt.f t .-U th.uSuiA rv,.,tt t lift 1 1.-'-.. r J-.--; - u t-i t t r ry (Uf. Tb Kit. JMi..le!NcLl!l, , . i.J.i.'f vt;l Vtxi skuf. m. t. j 4i i ; Dcc.2. I r.L 1.1 Hi ' m mm - . ,. ...

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