TOE sWOMINCTON JIEIULD; THOMAS M. COOK &: CO., EDITORS AKX FB0PBIET0RS. 2 v.Sf4 ,;..tiv -i y i r ii in,,, j, -r::-r:,-. Office 36 market Street, up Stlr.: ,; ' Thb Hbhaxd Am A largest circulation of any newspaper in Wilmington. -,:.. i - Thb Hebald IAw A circulation of -any newspaper in North Carolina. , Thb Heeald m official orgtin in North Caro lina of the United States government for the pub- - twatton oj im taws oj congress. : ' -Thb Herald prints th list of .uncaUed for letters in the postoffice at Wilminqton. under the laws of the United States requiring such list to be printed in the newspaper having the largest circulation: Thb Hebaxd w the hee advertising medium , in North or South Carolina. . , WILMINGTON, N. C-DECEMBER 28. iion. HEIIY JT. RAYMOND'S stani- Thespeechof Hon, Hem J. Raymond in Con gress, which we spread f: before our readers! In a recent issue, may be called a remarkable speech. We have heretofore, characterized it as able, and hare explained that it is the ntterence of the lea der, in the House of Representative of that por tion of the' republican party "which is made up iaf the oM silver greyjring of the whig party. It is likewise a conservative speech, and possibly dis closes the middle ground upon Which all' sections of the country must ultimately meet. It is not democratic, ground ; nor yet is it strictly conser vative ground ; it is simply conservative republi can ground.'1" ; ''' " ;' ; . ' ' We do not propose, after, the ample opportu nity pur readers have had of perusing this speech entire, to impose Tipon them a review of it But - the blockade that existed so long between the south and the north has doubtless left the south ern people possibly a little in ignorance of the status of the politicians," and tenure of the politi cal organizations of the north. At the time our late troubles came upon us Mr. Seward was just call ed to the premiership, in 5 Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, leaving Mr. Greeley, as his good man Friday, to do the orgaji-grmdingforhimin the greatstateof New Yrk Greeley naturally . expected some of the droppings from the new shake-up in national af fairs and pressed his claims for office. But as the premier preferred his services 'in the capacity in which he had left him, poor Greeley got nothing On this he announced, in a lacrymose article, a dissolution of the political firm of Seward, Weed and Greeley, and at once began feeling for grounds of hostility to the administration.- He succeded in finding many trifling omissions and commis sions, upon which, he harped incessantly, and in creating several embarrassing issues by means of which he alienated a large portion of the sup port that had previously been given heartily to Mr. Lincoln's administration. In fact, he proved himself a mischief maker of the first order, and succeeded in getting himself into bad repute, not only at Washington, but with his party gener ally throughout the country. At this juncture it became necessary for Mr Thtirlow Weed, theleidinz outside man of the old firm, to cast about for a successor in the bus siness to Greely, and also to give more of his per sonal attention to tbe interests of the old concern. Accordingly'he transferred his interests in the Albany Evening Journal, until then almost exclu sively a state paper, and removed to New York where he opened an office in the Astor Blouse and personally , superintended political affairs, On the approach of the campaign of 1864 an or gan became necessary, the Tribune being too shakv to be reliable, and the Tubes was selected Hon.,, Henry, J., Raymond being the nOmina editor. The Times at that period had an emi nently respectable reputation and was conducted with much ability, but having been ' somewhat erratic in. its course towards the government could not be implicitly trusted. The position of offered it was a tempting oneJ But at the same time its finances were not sufficiently se cure to warrant any great reliance Upon it as it then stood, which accounts for the necessity that arose for investments in it by Mr. Thurlow Weed. And thus it came about that Hon. Henry J. Ray mond became spokesman for the conservative wing of the republican party. 1 ." . But it turns out that conservatism and repub licanism do not work very well together. Greely, as the organ of the radicals whom he had mar shalled into opposition to Mr. Seward and the administration, was the leader of the ruling power f mon pure, was held to be what we in this latitude I denominate radicalismthat is such ultraism as : we hear preached by Sumner, 'Stephens and ; company, in Congress, and by Chase, Greely and the Reverend Cheever out of Congress. In t plain words, Greely and company-the new con- cern--crowded Seward, Weed and company the j survivors of the old concern off the track, and j monopolized republicanism to themselves. ! ; J ' In this duemna it is that Mr. .Seward, Thhr- j low, Weed, the Honl Henry J, Raymond and f their associates-which includes &l rthe former members of the republican party, who, have any ! abihty, patriotism or principle-r-find themselves placed. They belong to no party. . That is, they have no party organization as yet. But they are seeking to organize a party. " It is undoubtedly their purpose to occupy ; conservative i ''grounds so far as they can and seek to attract leading democrats to affiliate with them. They ould make a compromise, something Jike the compro mise of 1850, and by an omnibus platform gather in all who love their country and would sac riflce a little of personal . preference" for ti good. It will strike some as slightly singular that these, gentlemen take a position themselves, and ; establish themselves upon it, and then ask every ' body else ,to come to them,' at the isame time" calling it a compromise. We confess that it strikes fus as a little singular, But nevertheless we can giye them credit for honesty of purpose to a certain extent that is as much honesty as politicians are. capable ...of possessing and they certainly manifest a disposition to occupy, broad and national'grounds1. r; As we have already said, it may , be that the country compelled to come; to their positions ; . bnt at present we are forced f to-take issue with 1 thenr bn the 'simple grounds that, having acknowledged the belliger ent' rights of the ;,r80tith, -and again , having con- tended: that the! southern states.were neyer out of the tunon-slightly antagonistic, positions, it Will bt observed and finally having pardoned "-fcyr- hoseTwho were engaged , stilLimother inconsistency taliuu u connection with - the foregoingrrthe fiouthem people are lef t with precisely the same rights under the consti tution as are the people of the north. This is he logical conclusion from the positions assumed by these gentlemen. Therefore the restrictions and' disabilities placed upon them by congress and tha'government are unjust: and we should stanou. to-aay on an . equa. jooung ynw iie. rpsi of. "the-' ination-Has j Mr."Raymond 5 considered this, result of his' argument a-' , ? -"W , '' "But 'wo do'not care' to pursue this subject this time. , Our object has been merely to show i- the standpoint Mr; Raymond: occupies, which1 will 5 enable our readers the more clearly to consider his arguments, .;. ;. a CONVERSION. i i r; r ; We have ever; advocated the freedom of the 1 . - . v.. . , - . . . . . . H . .11 ., . ., . press havealways opposed, the "'Suppression of newspapers and the arrest of editors for the ex pression of their, views on political subjects.. But our opinions are wavering. Tne arrest s of tne editor of the FayettevjQle News, followed by simi lar summary proceedings towards the conductor of tbe Charlotte Times, while it may not have had a, very salutary .effect upon - those gentlemen per- nally, has indeed worked a marvellous change in the opinions of one of our neighbors. We only, trust his conversion to loyalty may be as lasting as it is radical. We begin to hope for bet ter things when we see such remarkable conver sions as yesterday's issue of the sheet referred to betokened. V " -: Habpeb's Nbw Mokthxt MAOAzurB. Whita- ker, bookseller, Hbbaxp buadihgs. has the number for January ofjthis the most popular of our monthly magazines, with contents as fol lows : ' .' ' Winter, illustrated. The British Route for a Pacific Railroad, illus trated. ! ' '. . -' ; A Spot. Revisited, illustrated, , ; . More Witnesses, illustrated. - ; The-Holidays 1. Chnistmas New Tear's Eve., . ... , . , An International affair. ... . Five Minutes Late, illustrated. Armadale. By "VN ilkie Collins, illustrated, Fated Words. Mr. Dod's Six Shots. . A New England Tragedy. All Roads Lead to Rome. Typographical Errors.., The Uses of Life. . Birds Their Migrations and Sojournings. In Memory.. KecoilecriOBS of Lord ralmerston with a por trait. . Wishes Shop. Editorials Easy Chair. Literary Notices. Monthly Record of Current Events. Editor's Drawer. : ! ... DIED In this town, on 27th inst., WM. H. BET TEN COURT, aged 80 years. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this day, from the deceased's late residence; thence to uakdaie Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. S. TOPHAH & CO. JO. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Wilmington N. C, Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery and Hardware, have on hand and for sale cheap, DOUBLE HARNESS, SINGLE " CART & DRAY" WAGGON " LADIES' SADDLES, MEN'S 14 BOY'S " RIDING BRIDLES (all kinds), LADIES' DRESS TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER do., WOOD BOX and PACKING do., TRAVELING BAGS . " : (all kinds), LADIES SATCHELS, POCKET BOOKS, CARRIAGE, RIDING ' AND CART WHIPS, HORSE and MULE COLLARS, RIDING BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, FEATHER DUSTERS, SWEEPING, PAINT, WHITE WASH AND HORSE BRUSHES. STEP LADDERS, HORSE BLANKETS, BUGGY ROBES, GIRTHand REIN WEB SADDLERS' TOOLS, JNAJ.JJS, TAUJSJS and SCREWS, BUTT and STRAP HINGES, FILES, . PLANTATION HOES STAIR RODS, SHOE THREAD, DOG COLLARS, DOG HALTER and TRACE CHAINS, , WINDOW GLASS, CURRYCOMBS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, AND A general assortment of hardware and every ar ticle In the Saddlery Business. Dec. 28. Valuable Turpentine Land for Sale at Auction. ON WEDNESDAY next, 3d day of January, 1866, at 11 o'clock A. M., we will sell at Ex change corner, - i ' ::; f- u 320 acres heavily timbered . Land, situated on 8Ul's Creek, in this county, and four miles from Leesburg, on the WUmington 1 and Wei don Rail road, adjoining the lands of J. B. Pigford and others. There are eight or ten thousand Turpen tine Boies cut, and any one desirous of engaging in that business would find it to their advantage to attend, as the 5 land "will ' be sold without re serve to the highest bidder. ' . ' .; ; ALSO, . ' j.. :'. : . nt same time and place; 268 acres, part of which is heavily timbered (pine) Land, never having been boxed, and about' 100 acres rich Swamp. This Land is situated within four miles Of South Wash ington,' and six miles from the North East river. .For particulars, apply to ; . CRONLY & MORRIS, . . . -; i , - i , Auctioneers.. . "Dec.28. , ; I, .. 255-ta - SUNDRIES. GLUE, . . : , t , HOOP.IRON.v . r , . Empty second hand BARRELS, Do. New New York made, . , SALT,' - ' . ' . . ' - ROPE,. BACON,'1'' "-' - -PORKV for sale in lots to suit, by WORTH & DANEIL. ' - - ' 5 255-s ' Dec' 28. 12 M CIGARS, JIFFERENT Brands,- just ;Teceived, and for sale by - - No. 8 South Water street " Dec2S. raE'DATTAWTT in aT rebellion ; NuV yPCffTUEi.lEMTC takt;K .u connection "r . .... " t-J" " Desirable -Dwelling and :Bttild- iiigrLoU rfoi Sale .1 AT AUCTION. -V M Wl?nW FSn A V hht( Hrl. ilav nf .T.v,n.r I860, afll, o'cloc&A. MJwe.wili;selljit Ex change corner, uiat large and commodious v DWELLING" " i" S situated upon the corner of Market and 6th streets,' at present occupied by ; Mrs. Emily Burr. The bouse contains iu large and airy rooms, ; witn, pas aage oni first and second floors, the whole behlg In good order, having Gas andall other tieceesary flx- turei;j' iiiere are also Upon; the premises; Jatcn en oontaining three cpoms, servants? hotxsQ con taining two; rooms, and an excellent i Well .of water (brick. curK) ,. The lot;hajasffront;of one hundred feet on Market, ruhnig along 8th three hundred and thirty feet to Princess treet, with a front of one hundred feet on that street af- fordingtwo fine and beautiful . ' " i' ' MrwBTJlIlNG'LOTS' fifty by "phetitt Persons wtehmg to prdure gbodand comforta ble home would do well to attena tnis sale. Term" at salei For' further particulars apply to' CRQNLY fc MORRIS, Ahctioneers. Wilmington, N..Uv-Dec. 28: a ur: i 265-s. Just Receiycfl;1 ,ND for Sale by .: .. POALK & ALLEN, No. 3 South Water street. Nectar Whiskey. Jamaica Rum. Cognac. Brandy, Apple Brandy. ' Holland Gin, in cases. Dec. 28. 255-s ForlSale, rpWO new no top Buggies just received per steamer Fairbanks and for sale by jPQALK & ALLEN, No. 3 South Water street. Dec 28 255-s. 10 Bottes TT'AMILY SOAP just received per steamer Fair- A. banks and for sale by POALK & ALLEN, No. 3 South; Water street. Dec 28 255-s. POET WARDEN'S SALE. DAMAGED CORN jAT AUCTION. ON Saturday next,- 80th Inst, at 11 o'clock A. M.j we will sell, at the office of Messrs. Andrews & Bardin, South Water street, under in spection of the Port Warden, for account of whom it may .concern, 1,165 BUSHELS WHITE CORN, slightly damaged, ex schr. Elba. Terms cash. CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers. Dec 28. 255-ts Cotton and Wool Cards. EVERY description of Paint! Brushes, Paints and Oils, Coach and Furniture Varnish, Drying Japan Varnish, a full assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Window Glass, China and Earthenware, Rope, Twine, Drop and Buck Shot, Powder and Caps, Brushes, &c, &c, at WILSON'S . Hardware and Harness Establishment, Market street, near the Wharf, Dec. 28. 1 255-lt. J. D. Love, JgOOKSELLER and Stationer, 22 Market street. Dec. 28. 255-lw J Taney Baking, ANY parties wishing Fancy Baking done for Balls, Parties, &c, at short notice, will please call at corner First and Red Cross streets, oppo site the Railroad HoteL Dec. 28. t . . 255-"2t Jas. R. McDonald, AUCTIONEER and Commission Merchant, Green street, Fayetteville, N. C, solicits consignments. ' Reference H. M. BARRY. Dec 28. 255-lm f Liverpool Salt; 1 K A fi SACKS on' Wharf, for Sale at re- UJJ duced prices, by O. G. PARSLEY & CO. 255-2t Pec 28. Letter Presses and Fixtures, NY size at WHITAKER'S Book Store i. 255-s. Dec 28 ALBANY ALE, F Bbls. and Hlf. Bbls., Hops, Malt, Cox's Sparklina: Gelatin, Lemon, Vernilla and other Extracts, Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, Preserves, &c, Sfcc, at . . GEO. D. FRENCH & CO'S, "!' ' ' : 10 South Front St. Dec. 23.' , ' 252-. Many Styles PHOTOGRAH ALBUMS, handsome " assort ment, beautiful and appropriate present, ' At 11 and 13 Front street, . CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. Dec 23. . . ... - ' 252-s The Germans ARE respectfully invited to call and see our as sortment of OERMA2i MUSIC; ! . - - r WHITAKER'S Book Store Dec 27" 253-s. THE NEW STILES HATS. .lirjfi ARE " offering many new styles' YV DRESS AND SOFT HATS, HATS OF EVERY KIND, i ' " HATS OF EVERY QUALITY, HATS AT EVERY PRICE, i At II and IS Front street, v :, ... CHAS. D. MYERS. Dec 23.' t . 252 TTTE HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF. iYY HANDSOME t -v i , t, , -,., AND SUITABLE - - . . . -CHRISTMAS GIFTS, " ' ' J 8 At 11 and 13 Front street,"" " ' CHAS. V. MYERS, Agent. . ! Dec23L- i-4 V 252-s iL : - i ' ' tL Jjl , , Co-partnership Notice. V MR. CHAS: H. FRENCH, id tiis ' day admitted a partner in our Firm. - ' s - - - -? - ; i. , t GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO. Dec 13. -"Ts -v-j i- t - 243lm.--; (1 -V j- . LIQUORS, &Cr , """ ' v ' ' r RUSS' ST'DOllINGO PREPARATIONS: RUSS; , sT,Dpr.ijNeo BITTERS.. An infallible remedy for Dispepsia,'Loss of Ap petite, Indigestion," General Debility, &c. . Especially recommended to weak and debilita ted women and children. '- RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE MEDI , ' j CAL FACULTY. ..- RUSS ST. DOMINGO WINE. For the social circles. . . ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. A delicious beverage. we cnaiienere tne world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. . For sale by GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., 10 South Front street, Wilmington, And by all Grocers and Druggists. ; Nov. 30. , . . - . ,.. 233-ly LARGE SALE OF GOYERNMEXT PROPERTY, AT - . Fayetteville, N. C3 COMMENCING THURSDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1866, And continuing from day tc day until sold, by POALK & ALLKN", Auct'rs., JONSISTING of the foUowing articles, viz : 3,500,000 Bricks, 2 Fire Engines, with Hose, 1 Boiler, 30 leet long, 5 " 4a " " o it. dia., 2 " 12 to 15 ft. toner, 500 ft. of Iron Paling 8 ft. hiirh 1 inch dia. bar and 6 inehes between bars, 20 Tons of Old Iron, consisting broken ma chinery, 2 eight inch Howitzers, " 2 " "' Colnmbiads, 1 thirty-two Pounder, 5 six Pounders, 1 lot of Grindstones, 1 " " solid Shot, j 1 11 Gas Pipe, 9 Iron Lamp Posts for Gas, . And other articles too numerous to mention. Per order of Chief of OrdnanQe, Washington, D. C. J. F. LUKENS, Dep't. Ordnance Officer, . Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 17th 2i6-sl&d9 . TO TURPENTINE MAKERS. 13,000 ACRES OF '' VIRGIN' TURPENTINE LANDS FOR SALE OR RENT, IN RICH MOND COUNTY, N. C. ON THIS LARGE TRACT OF LAND there is a Saw and Grist Mill, with Flouring Mill, Thrashing Machine and Cotton Gin. The pine trees have not been -boxed, and of course the white rosin will be the product. The trees are large, and will bear three to four boxes. The hauling to railroad will not cost more than seventy-five cents per barrel for Rosin and Spirits of Turpentine. With- one or more Stills, much Crude Turpentine may be purchased in the county, and paid for in groceries and provisions. The whole cost of delivery, of. the vROsin and Spirits in Wilmington ' would not exceed one dollar and three quarters per barrel. If not sold by January 10th, 1866, the trees will be rented at ten dollars per thousand boxes per annum, for one to three years. Apply to J. B. RUSSELL, Wilmington, or COL. STEELE, Rockingham, Richmond co. Dec. 22. 251-3t FOIT SALE. BBLS. BALTIMORE Super. Flour. 50 and Family 50 boxes State Cheese. 30 kegs Nails. 100 cases "Old Bourbon " Whiskey. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. 100 sacks Salt. i 12 doz. painted Buckets. 150 bags assorted Shot. 15 bbls. Butter, Soda and Sugar Crackers. 10 boxes Soap. 10 boxes Glass. " Ira Ford's " New York Spirit Barrels. Bungs, Glue, &e. JAMES A. WILLARD, No. 30 North Water Street, Parsley's Block. Dec. 20. ?. 249-lw Kent, Tucker & Cartct, 144 WATER STREET, NEW TORE, MANUFACTURERS OF CORDAGE Bagging, Bale Rope, Twines,' Pack ing' Tarn, Oakum, &c, &c. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN Gunny Cloth, Gunny Bags, &c, &c ' Dec. 15 - 244-Cm. B.B. MOORE, ATTORNEY AND CO UNSELLOU AT LA W OFFICE in Journal Building, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 13. ,. - 218-lm. Coal. -i K A TONS ORCHARD, Vein, Red Ash; Grate JLtJU aud Stove Coal, daily expected by Brig 'Abby Watson." Dec. 20. For sale by WM. L. DeROSSET. 249-2w SMITH & CURLETT, MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS AND TALLOW CANDLES, Corner of Holliday and Pleasant streets, Baltimore sept. 23d - ; , 75 Just Received, AT 26 28 SOUTH FBONT STREET, A i,ompl.j;tj; assortment ot -. -' KEROSENE LAMPS AND OIL. D. A. SMITH. - , v 231-s. Nov 28 For Sale in Newbeni,. FIVE TURPENTINE STILLS, in complete running order.' - - - -; Will be sold low to close a concern. ' ' ' ' Apply to - --...- - - - - 3 - POALK & ALLEN. Dec r. - l ; . 234-te No. 1 Peruvian Guano! i A A TONS TO ARRIVE per schr. John-, For lUVsalehy ' , . . - ' - - ! MURRAY & MURCHISON. " Dec 22. 251-6t ;f866;: TO;H LET AND FOrrSALE.: - Hilton Plantation DWELLING HOUSE. Withall- - '.. UPLAND AND LOWLAND ATTACHED. TTLLk be rented until 1st October. For terms Y Y - &c, apply to CRONLY & MORRIS, Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, sept. 25th. 176-tr STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILL EOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my Steam Saw Mlil property, one-seperate ensrine to each Saw and .Planinar MiU, extensive pen for timber, cbmrhodious wharf, plenty of water, houses for accommodation of su perintendants and employees. 1 O. G. PAKSliJSx. sept. 21st j 173-8 VALUABLE PLANTATION For Rent or Lease. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for rent, for one or five years, his plantation on Town Creek, ten miles below Wilmington. 500 acres are cleared andfCDced, well -adapted to the production of corn, cotton, wheat, potatoes, ' &c;, and a part is excellent ground-pea land.' In addition to which there is a "' - ' ' ' .: Liarge Orchard of Fruit Trees, Bearing large quantities of fruit. On the place there are two framed dwelling nouses, large barns, stables, etc Also, seventeen framed houses for laborers, jnow occupied by freedmen, most of whom may probably be hired to work on the place. The proximity of this plantation to Wilmington, the easy approach by large flats at all times to it'6 several landings, insuring shipments to any point, offers inducements to enterprising men, especially tnose miliar with hired labor, that lew places possess. Address Dr. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Wilmington, W. U., or call on him at his city resi dencc Dec. 5th K 237-s SLEEPY HOLLOW PLANTATION. CIRCUMSTANCES over which I have no con trol, forces the necessity of offering this desir a Die plantation and residence FOR SALE. . It contains over 700 acres of Land, situated at the head of the Great Hollow ot the Cape Fear river in Bladen county, near Councel's Blufll (a public landing) on the public road, 62 miles above J Yilmington, 14 miles above .lizabetn, 524 miles below Fayetteville, mile from Prospect Hall P. O., 2 miles from Mayesville, 14 miles from Lumbertan, and about 10 miles in a direct line from the Wril., Char. & R. R. Road, i in one of the most agreeable neighborhoods in the State. The improvements consist of a large and pleas ant modern built and well finished Dwelling, containing 8 large rooms and passage, a donble piazza, front and rear, office, pantry, dairy and spring house, kitchen, store house, wash house, ironing room, poultry, house, wine house, meat and smoke house,over6eers house, blacksmith shop, tool house, carpenters' shop, carriage house, bug gy houses, cart sheds, barn, crib, stables for 16 horses, large fodder honse, loom and spinning house, and 18 laborers' lodges, all of recent con struction, frame and brick chimneys, everything complete, with most excellent spring, and well of water. The Dwelling is surrounded by a beautiful 10 acre grove of oaks, hicory and eku trees, a well improved garden, 20 acres devoted to apple and peach orchards and grape vines in fine bearing condition, and 20 acres are devoted to Mulberry trees, containing 8 varieties, which are in full bear ing from May until August, and is ; invaluable for hog and poultry raising; fire wood and timber are abundant and convenient. The lands are as good as any in the country : the river bottoms rich, the uplands lair, and both susceptible of high improvement. Of the crops grown, corn, cow peas, potatoes, cotton, wheat, oats and rye are the principal all of which do well. With a trifling expanse a head of water thirty to forty feet could be had for milling or manufactur ing purposes the stream never fails. The health of the place i3 unsurpassed. In a residence of- three years, with a family (white and black) ran ging from sixty to eighty, no death has occurred, nor has a physician been called to any case, attrib utable to the health of the place, or has any ague or fever of any kind, or other disease occurred. And last, but not least, no sign or sound of mos quito of any description has ever been known upon the place. To a person desiring long life and a pleasant one, this place offers rare attractions. Plantation furniture, stock and provisions will be sold with the place if desired. Application may be made to me, Upon the prem ises, or to O. G. Parsley & Co., at Wilmington. HENRY NUTT. Sept. 30. 81 SCHOOLS. The Bingham School, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. THE next session will begin Mareh 7th, 1866, and continue forty weeks, presenting to the people of the east the advantage ol a summer ses sion and a winter vacation. Boys thoroughly prepared either for college or for business. Address WM. BINGHAM, Mebauevillc, N. C, -Nov. 27 330-ow. Wilmington MAIE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. CORNER of Second and Chesnut streets. G. W. JEWETT, Principal. Oct. 14 193-s. HOTELS. BAILEY'S STAR HOTEL, FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. J A HIES II. BAILET, Proprietor. HOUSE open for the reception of guests at all hours of the day and night. No pains will be spared to make the guests of the house comfortable in every respect. The table is supplied with every luxury the mar ket affords. , 4 A first class restaurant is attached to the house, where the public will be furnished with ice cream or oysters in iheir seasons, wines, choice liquors, etc July 19th. ' 118 STEAM SAW MILLS. POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore, -Maryland, MANUFACTURE j PORTABLE and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, " ' ! Steam Fire Engines,' Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery. We have taken the General Agency for North Carolina for the sale of Poole & Hunt's Portable Steam Engines, with Page's Saw Mills, and will receive- Orders for them at anytime. Drawings and Specifications, with Price Lists, can 'be seen at our offlceJ ; Regular lines are now running to Baltimore, and the Mills can be obtained promptly. 1 , ANDREWS & BARDIN, . Commission Merchants. Office, No. 5 South Water street, Wilmington, N. C. -Aug. 16th i 143-fem BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 5NEW store;! THE UNDERSIGNED, has taken the store- on Market street, next door tor Messrs. Kahn weiller and Brother, and wiB,! in ai few days re ceive a stock of Books and . Stationery, to which he would invite public attention. Having made his purchases with Cash, prices, no doubt, will be satisfactory., - , ' J. D.LOVIL , : Dec 15. ? i . 245-lw. 1 THOMAS LTSCn, XTTHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Mer V V ichant, Nob. 11 and 12 Water street, Corner PrincesSv'WUmuigtoN.C. Cotton and Naval Stores, purchased and received on consignment. ; " 1 Liberal cash advances made. , x . - Aug. 80th - 1W MISCCLLANCOUS. Cfias. D. Myers, Agents 11 AND 13 FRONT STREET. "7 oflfer for thpjreMng. the handsomest and largest stock of x,:J. FANCY .. .: UUVJJo in town. - - : ; Everything to suit the taste and please the eye. PRUNES, FIGS, CANDIES, J P. - X ? ? PRESERVES, SAUCE, . JELLIES, RAISONS, CITRONS, CURRENTS, FRESH FRUITS, ORANGES, APPLES, , , . ft SARDINES, FRENCH MUSTARD, 8 ? . - TABLE 'OIL, PRESERVEEHaiNGER, t 1 ? ALM0NDS FILBERTS, I ' HAZIL NUTS, SPICES & FRESH SALMON, GREEN pORN, TOMATOES, I GELATINE VERMISCELLA, . . - . MACOARONI, PINE APPLE CHEESE, PURE WINES, LIQUORS & CORDIALS, GENUINE CHAMPAIGNE, &C, &C. uec. io a56-t. SUNDRIES. Q barrels Mess and Prime Pork. 10 hhds. Bacon sides and shoulders. 150 barrels Apples, Onions and Potatoes. 500 second hand Spt. Barrels. 200 new N. Y. made Spt. Barrels. For sale by WORTH & DANIEL, Brown's wharves, South Water street. Dec. 9th 240-s GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., (Successors to Cutter $ French,y. No. IO South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. , DEALERS IX Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Wood and Willow Ware, Tinware, Crockery and Glass Ware. Cotton and Naval Stores Bought or Received on Consignment. October 7 lS7-d&w-s Sundries. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO , FORD'S FERTILIZER; PHOSPHAT OF LIME; CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, HAIR -ti ROUGH RICE; BACON, SHOULDERS; HOWE'S SCALES - assorted sizes For sale by WORTH ffl DANIEL, Brown's Wharves, South Water St Oct. 13. 193 s COTTON GINS! COTTON GINS? GINS! COTTON Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, Emory & Craven McCharty and Excelsior COTTON GINS, WITH Engines, Horse Powers, and everything complete for running, in store and ready for immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No. 8 Dey street. New York Oct. 28. 205-ly BLANKS. CHARTER PARTY, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS ON ALL RAILROADS. MANIFESTS FOR SHIPS AND STEAMERS BILLS OF LADING, For sale at Tee Herald Office October 81. 207-s. For Baltimore. The schooner "FRANCISCO." HOPKINS' & JENNINGS' LINE, will sail as above, with despatch. H or treight, apply to Dec. 24. E. A. KEITH. 258-5dls For iTew York. The schooner FRANCES SATTERLEE, JONAS SMITH'S LINE, will sail as above, with despatch. For treight, apply to Dec. 24. A. KEITH. 25&5dls FOR CHRISTMAS A HANDSOME GIFT, in a pair of those Polish boots. All kinds for children, misses and la dies. A handsome shoe, the best ornament to dress. Don't fail to call at No. 11 Market street and get a pair of these beautiful shoes. They are hansomely decorated and this la the only place in the city where theyrn be obtained. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON. Dec. 15. 245-2w. COCHRAN & RUSSELL, OMMISSION MERCHANTS DEALERS in Cotton, Naval Stores and South ern Produce. , Liberal cash advances made on consignments. 22 North Front street, Philadelphia. septd 157-6m Wrai imring; Paper, APERS, in good order, iXLD NEWSPi suitable J for wrapping paper, for sale by the hundred at' - --'A- ' .': Al CHE HERALD OFFICE." Oct. 25. 202- French Spring Tops. VERT HANDSOME and Ingenious Toy. A few dozen at Geo. Myers, 11 and 13 Front street. ' ': ' :---: ; ';- ' ; i ' CHAS. D. MYERS, Aet ,:. Dec. 23.- ; . . - - v; 253-s AH the Trimmings 170R A CHRISTMAS DINNER can he found Jl" at 11: and 13 Front street. CHAS. D. MYERS, AgH. 253-s Dec 23. ; , Scotch Irish : A ND BAKER WHISKEY, Pure Wines and xx-r Liquors, imported Champagne, at Geo. Aijers-, ai aaa aj ifxont street. CHAS D.; MXERS, Agt. ' - ' 252-t Dec 23.