. .. . - J- v.- r1 v-" ' " ' s -' . t - - -v - - ' ; ? ', ' , : ' In- ' n ' ?r - -.. ' . v. , i . , - ; , - . , V. ,,-:-.fc:,.YK : , . .. ...--.... . i., ' tf, ; t ' 'if . i. " ' ."1 '.. ; . " ' iv f i ' ' ' 4 : t.i- . 4r v 1 i 1; ' 14, . Kir. :-'-. - - 'LIST ot MEMBERS . . EIGIfTlEcokGRESS. Me-JtiHampfhirc.' MUiamH. milt. $ifreo OUctu . - , v ' Alary land. : Rhode J il and Cbtiflcpher'EUeiy. rTf- Jt.XTtt, eirot of tle IfathnaT Aegh a very tjicfcnt. Iiowfvef, c t.ill leave tliff a H ftsr Tctnif ifeCle -4J L.DfB-inea,io'.cfMc p?pcf,ptrDjca i tv fic to snore dcxfcrdos and accommodar- 11 wn wi pamcuj - mrniol the prelert Eopeto'cosfra. t'otxoref ing politituns, ami ulU ftand aloof 35 Vicc.rrcfidet,?. V StmaeVJ Poittr, s s J Adams,1 ; Connetticut JJ&me Rillhtufi. S foheiuR Budley. Ifrafl Smith. i , Mew York tVt Witt Ctinton. John CpdJf. j '. ' r ; Ptf nfy lpant tJpo.gr Logan, -i , Samuel Sijif b. I Virginia Nrth Cafpltna Divti'Sionr. South $!arbKtta "Thomi Sumter, Tierce B er Georgia Abrhft Baldwin, James Jckfon. Kentucky . jfohn S'-irkjoridge. John -owo; fTenntffee. Wt!iirn Cocke, Jo ha Andffotr, an OfHfcion, ihat of the two nations, Frace hd fllemt lpeaator6f the CouhCt. bach an hertodaxi HOUSE 6 k R EPREENTAVIV E, New Hampjhlrc. Delaware emtt .Tteni Cacfa' A R?dnev. ' Wh'th fceira Wad; arts ufem iixa rPoCderttW. If wc fhould fee n army of half a. and.cn ibe fn5ion cf Mr 2twfon, rcfertrd tihe- million Freochmen, ft!y landed oAjtlie ! ho,e at?of lb ctaaf Eogland, w IbalJ not-dare to to 1on ttje r pfideV,. repomd that Vy Had expfels our apprehenliotis ot the llllie, waited on f-e rcf?rfent, nrt that he fcad GgwiSrd becaufe perchaiice we'may We offence o the m -that he oTd trnke a commaascaiiaa 13 to'We huaiane and generous KepubiL 4hV boj wrtitj. . can- If we Hhouhr if e a detachment Mf f wn feeret.r; ; wbfcfi'm ti i fron the legions of Honapirtc, aflifttrg ' Oeredf that it be referred ro comtviccce ef the Jrilh Rebels, in cmth'ig..tbe tin Oats the hoIeWafe on the flat a! the isoicd. . of. erery friend ot government, who ,fDf- ' ' J . may chance to f ll in ibeir wfay., wej flia.ll not hazard nexprvnlon of our ab-i TtrssoAT, OcTOBt t8. horrence, be ca life, for Topth they Vill t,fe; Tef0iTet iffeU. imn a cntf e f be rtjtpfing liberty And equality, to this ,hr r,Vbn the f?a:e of the onion -Mr. Virooo wretched and degraded people ! If we in tie chair. ! "fhouifee the United padoms. fab ver t.l r Th r?ATt 3; ed, and onertfurf terrene public -BiQtt :pn fhe federal rVjta. of the comwnta creeled pn the 'ruins of the Britifh con. twitrt'jd reported to the hnnfe,, vhreb 'fntnt-dUte ftnu'ibn, it'would Vtc berefy to hint a Ijr look ibeniup. acd am d nMhetn rortott: pinion, on any fabie of fculTlon, not !'fs permitted to doubt ithe n)ildi ef?V the I ,hlt h f , P Hem Mef. lmmediately comic.aed;!th tne afrs of, moderation and bcpevpteiw ot the firft fa. by letfign arn,td- vrffe'a wi.hio ibe ju(i: ' aarcaa Vortbttpgtpa. fenct or exciting rcfentrtient, among the (bur own peaceful (bores, glittering with ; To the retraining -ff iu ciiiavi from enierif republicM advocates ; for ; free do ft of the paentry, of Gallk arms, we mult ge'. i1"' . ? fpsechtandiibirty -of. Confcience -lutjn welcome their approach, sndJing Hallc- AtJJ;o ,hVxftiR f all wiona the ehfso . beVb the tnoft. blarheabl option, wat Jmmedtatelf attacked by a! I the malBUvtolent democratic jnppert, froro theAoro r t do w n ardt; TaT! d &! r,;5 l iitiiiil txf u. ed- ny etrery ' aeobtn ctiklgel f i. ihis'iiosdti.: . ; fW confidrrb!e time, he .cdne.dcd bimfeJf vrl'h inerflyjparrylnglfainef'i the derhceraitc edtior, wiibopf fnalci tny - neral altafion telejfify; rX't :.bsRtl; howe er. fbe'has been driven to the neceCntV.of oV- fendlcg htmtilf froth the .attsrkt 4f htwbe hoft p? democracf. In the Fo lowfcg pjblica tion, he difcoaera ari indepeclpee.4y4bho noorsihle; and, we.confefiu, that hcn it'treaied hiod frtcrvda wtha feertty whieK we Jo no fecolleel to hare feeneifiialled.EdHiBaatice frpm the Naitich al iEcis, of SeptfS Wk this week fe ive our readers to make their own refloci'ion, on trie ireat political events which are pafmig b fore Jthem. We once believed, that w night ''VS '"I . M .r: . -KoterXfrtwtlV9. w -i.oe v.iv, t. - - . ; r i - ' Vqnif apd Report by btH- or ctbenrtfe. mhXw iV - .. t i4izr.4 Oilier,., - v ? t..Tv--.v; i irfrca"- never, uaniru Jiiiisi uic ia ra ... . . o- - "'-v'-7.,m vc, ,-o accompiyi"2-.u;i:tircen's. Samuel Hunt m rttviif Hough '-Stte Btt'on . Cl-j toit Clazqed r Ifaffachufetts, v William Eoic , j-iroh C Ti'ninflveld J fffh B Vrnuna. PHanrel B.ii.Qa. I'jmfon Skinner, EJir-nrze Scaver, K:hadCatti, . Samttfl ffa?s4nTy . ' Jimuel fTttLamit Pb mas Br vet t Stih llajlxrci 'fikode Island " ''NfH.tmiah K'ght. . t T' Cnnelicut J9hrt C. Smith Maryland. . JcV;h"-rt;. Nichnlfoa, W 4 U im JVl CTeeryV Ph i Archer, D vVl fj.e'rer, N R Moore, W4t m Rowie, o' Dennis Thomas Plaffa Jffkft Campbell. Virginia. jihn R'l.loJph, jan. H n Smith, J in Cioptorr, ! fhi up hnvi hfn mnit e-ir recrionib de !it,hc ar thrir inrrMs heranle thpv will nN . . .ft.!a n ' Ar itr. ceived. V e have lv err treading nndan ibrintz us pa4 tidinfs ofprcat i?y , principand r'Q;eWltH'htrh aH citued peopie the confines of our duty. We have huch is the enviable Itation lo which the a nr.r :4-nini itf RiafV . nA- gerous ground, and ha.ve p.fled beyond the confines of our duty. We have heedlrfdy wandered from the, courle Editor of a tiepubhean paper is exalted, nev aod Rheai of TeniviJce. which had been marked out fpr fdi, and if he means to accomfnodare himfelt to KeMaed, that fbVoch of the Pre!idenri Mef. before we had perceived our aberruionitbe opinimii of alt of his party. t fa v rtla,f, rfV'"Z f neafUIea fV.r n,e. r. , , k: ff - i-. .t. ventMig-he flag of tb.Umied Statea from Ocir-K'O- we are detedt d in the encampment of Reproachful - and overbearing, . they (ti hy VefT la not n attTmerica.v he t&utd io the enemy. We are cfnounced as de J demand a tinid. and fervile acquieL the tnmmVer of vom'eXnt.ufaQu'ea fprtpr frnm th. rfnnhlicati ftadard. rcnr. Immtiprit nf cnnrrotil or con- , H eferrM to the corcmttttc)f cotritneice ad ma . n A n na . C m m n y 1 Efiiinae tV - thlC iltAtnn 1 iilr oiinoir jnr IlaiaCllJe8 daftrdly?derehion. from duty I Anle.!of reftraint or reultance. .pbftinate and ot i 'A , Daivjcu'i rrjeh Tlims M Rindolph, to oh W Eppea, Jhn u (on, Efti Gray, JJviri Holmef, AQthcriy New, Thrda$ Claiborne, r Jr oe, Thorsat Nrwtoo, joa; A'a Trigg, Tonal G J":lcon, a!le bodied veterans;-aredrawi cut ,nn3Ccommodating, they require of inHlct the fentcri'clendjJi'cjTicfs.ry advocate of the-ir caijfe, to-b$ EerdredJ a J'W nninmn of rl is fomniferi iTnt : fo much of the .Wrffjpc or the Piefiaenf i 11- become nt'cd Statea aa're!? ei to on finncet, cq jit 70 bs . i . . r. ... j l. - t ....... c . . j, WOIIIUi -UfcCVL. s " ;iKC mere Clay til UJC XldlUiS .Ol lUC . ismiwvw 107 wwmii'ww wiyi iqo iifdui, infuriated e5t- J If rnf 'irTtanr rafr trurtr are rie K . . " . K ' y " rnire ninerner inv ani9 n it imriuimn(i nor. of puniflimcnt has already i VV b i 1 e pa ui n g . t he aunt .ecutioners, it is decent and becoming; iceived. We hall never yield to tleir hryto'he id tfeaareflahiifeing a p fi effice j aud prudent, to" obfervela (olero. and opinions frotn the dread of their re- aadp0 rada wuhiniht United Staira:, and ' hat , Jrerpeclfu;,filence. We bsW WiibTub fentmrnt ; . we mall never abandon the j million toour fate we kits the rot with 'ground we have taken r from fearf ,fre0 j mekiiefs aifd humility weimplor com being-abandoned by thofe whd, without "VVo(rorth:aaa Alexaoder. n.fflnri' frv'r our weak : . and foive 'orovocationhave become oiirmoft dead. I motioti of Mr. fcJtcholfor. A :r'v 'r ' V r i 1 - - . . t '. , . 'f I 1 .Tflm.Srftiifu-t' Si r"! L. 3VI i ' ch e 11 . ynilip Van CordaWt, Atvdrew M'C :d. . Oaniel C. Vep!an!c ..flk'iahPaJ riser, pa rid Thorn ts, , ;v ,Thoiti.ia' Sa.trnorav tratluv jCoot ta'jfohn PatteHoto, - O iaer Ph Jp, hnCntine,' (-Jofkua Saudi ; ' K K fan Rtttfiler, tsr bbts Gmlird G'tPivtW JVrw Jerfty . ; Not t elrcVed. Pnf.Jytvama. . Jofeph'C"-!',' - j f oh R chtrda, ' Michel- leJbV V, Ri b' Brown, Ifaae Van Home l.rdr ek Oomtd, Jcteph Heifler, . f Ardejf?n, Jon n W cbeMj Jchn Snoillie, John S'err ; Jrhn- ,Hrwat' D"ia BaVd, ,Anevr G' WilUar?! Fiftdla7, Shr C. B Lucas, 'WliiaiD ftwlge, John Hbca. &cirfl prtlooci vreie pufcnKjd,, wbrtn will he C; AmoK .r-? n - ft : - K- nf X. :ttl,fiotintr n".lr cn,.cr:t,' '?oWifd- br, H,ferred to ,he Co -umuM E!eQn,. 'JlfarttxK2lit!e3Jen- "lircfard Sasdfifd. , f1 . . . . . , . V a-uiu.n. a rroaonary oocofneo, watfe-f - Krf Y-h' vftRvi FoV' rttUJened witll tne IHOOU or a lUpfliciU cetved from he Prefidcnt. - ; , , vviih- nj tsicied mg victim 1- 10 me irieuus anu suvo' vu-i irop.nmi urjcci in cnaic sre now Nfeciei Alef oder, care$ J0f tffe . merciful prceco we eoSSg4"b clofed dopra , ::S-Ha,, wi!h W"t for all readable,; HcdsEr REPRESENTATIVES, ,-iavour in.-ine. innsctu u or toat artqr: -.mon.&av, Uct. 17. lour ptinifhrnent, whtf b remains jet to A Meffage wa fent 10 the Senate, informing ;V performed. -1 i bey will " piiy the thJ' i!r,bf: Mmf i. ;t. 1 i-. c f si. rt ' Cboien NaUiame! Maton, Speaker. , J.flfd -whites pf botktur eyer f rhr A MelTge wat reccbed lrom )he Senate. Jn. Lformer clrrnfjicy lias given US arh.afiU forming the Houfe that a quornra of the Senate ranee that there is no tincture of &a lice T 'lerawed, brd; in tie afcfenre of the Viee or revr ppe in their manner of pot FT tfotn li.own rra ,deoi pro tea. gers aooui fort Highlanders, all in hi- t ,(k- whirh bus beta aiiiarled to7 l . . V . . . .KOOU tuaitll. - - s - aM ' - -v i in ittii irTn nr vi r a k vniAin rv - v Aiwa) kB them.' i m ir . inftice Ijas De-en tmiereu - eornmutee becDOOmtcd on the eart ot this hen-. w ith mere'vjthcre has-been no crinina Jhintiiib'.Xuch:-. otiri9itee" at -may be aVnninied . The hi? nnlaini, no farcftic repfoach ,hJ on the PieGdnt in A days , rv- , -ii J - i cf the Untied bfatea, and itiforin. that a quoran of un -u. T ri ous inveclivrf .no ill-na ureu . r-.i.4j J .... N brought I U,bufe. We. have heard of no frret any coannunication be may be olcafcd to rnak"e to ,cPmber tion ur coi no fcurn ! cxprf-'ilions of ,refentment, we. iliave ThrFja VVv nna, . William Kermedy, James Gi Irfpie. x South Carolina. William li: lcrr R:-harrtAVinft, Xi.HCaro-v, 1 Kntn $ Moore, ..hEI. Tk&z-as LnvnJe.', Bfnjsimin Uuer. '. .v. -Georgia D? -Ir.f iw.ether, Pf rr Eiflr, Ssmoe! Hammond, - .i. Bryan Kentucky J'jHn Fowler; ; MaifheWWahQe, Jfea Byle, I howa 8andford, G M: Brdirg?i, Marhrvr Uvon, . fenarffee G.brge W. Campbell, ?minations, to afcertain tile fcope and r-Hom9 1. Moore chamberlain and ..jKea. . tenor of our ..opinipns-no charge; of Qf Cetfrnt cr.d ManKfaauriT-MtQrt.S L. . Idiffortinrr and.mifrepreferjtinp; tc rpin-, Mitchell Doa, M'Creery, Nctoo, Crowninti. . -VI.r"" nf other-!. Kverv ma ure hn W U.b rnd Wrnm MWJipptJ erriiory... - r ;;; - ; r.n.ni-: Revifal W 7 Ar-McfTri VVa.-Litiimore. Del ;-v r v """7 .";r.rj" r - ' .T-r Tenne,. ftavle nn n f - nfolnh. Bdimgt, R. Gnfwold, J. Clay, Rod- Tiyed here from Gre ,. iLMj':C-WX, "Wednesday, NovtMBER i3a. The 'brig.,. Alexis, Capt; AllifonJ on iViondny lail, in 40 nocK. J nere came na clays Ten. John Jones, Captain. Allan from Liverpool- Cpt. A ondon papers to the 13th nf W e h a vc- on 1 y been able i to procure one of the 9tb.u-.0n pertifiriR; wirne fled so infid ous everts to lieck r I,lor" j' nf!Ph tR- Gtifwold and-NtcboU we do not obferve. that it contains an inc currency 01 our pauci. ur iu?- Aveflmmi-.AnBfii--f Mn.. f, pe ch the motives of OUf conduct, and Hugcr. were appoined to prepare Oandipr There have been no hints of corrupt a- rols - -i ; pottacy ; no intimations of duplifUy ; . fP-3oiog Ending comnittee, were aa no accufations of a' treacherous coaled. 01 r... vix,, p,mi riAA -iut "ice nee. with the common enemy. ! I ,? y eXlty- Horn, Vi-nnm LiegOoi and Kennedy. fhive been told of. no : inrjuifitorial exal VI claims M fT s John C. Smih. Gregg, i ti cJ e .wor t b ex t r a cling. .The "INJewJYork Committee of Heal tlx report -1 death and -24 new cafes of the pr e vailing fc ver, for the (aft1 24 hourf - The Committee of JU aft It of Alexan- dna, report: j deaths in 48 hours. !T r i l'a L-'t'l' ui- VU l-.nr-. Oi llevifal ctrJ VhHsiifBed &u faffs-. vVo.litimore,X4 ;V'U,W "'r . Tennev. Boyle and "Df on - ry and pscinc.. let wun ai mis mi 0f ays jtud Mft-U J, Rar ?nane and rentie treatmenr, men are.in lvtenoun. tuttm!, Unfwold. f . ( t n k -lliA fhat nwirtff to ftubborn fiiaferiails' of.our 'coropofitiuhi. 9eV? ; ' ,lT wl" -b'lS f3 ! that we continue refraa.rv aid oba : M Whearot, w.?eleaed rerjeam , rl m.91 .-Hifiilnr. r.ef 1IS Jfl "1-i Mfc V-Uliuuc c , vi v thi? New-Jcrtey Legiflature l.-ye.r. n the pqrfwt of ofirfotmcr opjn.i tfly lepsrjted fvjthour itomg 3ny ;oas.- We are. resdy, to make vy. Jou iiuuncti' iw iw, i'vuiu'av, at arrrt. . Votes for Mr. Wbeatoo, 9 --Air. jpore, "1 Thomariaxtoa vas appointed door keeper and Thna$ Dunn, afjiflam. - ; , Kch member wra ordered to be fuDnlicd with rj. . 1 i : . 1 . : r .... v.-m a.. : fis ir 1 ir- t 1 1 . nri uiii ir- -.ii ciiiip.ji.iitc iii . Vldinf? the Otate mio eiraifu ,aiuuiu t . . . r tnrec newipapeti. aVreeablv -to the Uft cenfus, no electmn , ' "vl K . Mf' "'n, ajter tr few preliminary obfertra ? members of Conarefs could italtc'i more emcacious man me cirnemenr vc ftona, oaered to tHe Koofe the folJow.rgrefoio Jatare,- altd thepaflingof a lav for , he , convince us o pur. error. We r.e.er tativet.,rtia SlJt tf An. hi l. . An election for . 3 nW JCgn- "T" " w .""" Y 7 &rt)s tmbld, Two tbuda of boh H antra conii i, , - y ; - Turpbfe Inure-is -abn)t to ta hev meet and paf rhis lion - is hsd tti eonfeqij State' will h .tve nomcm' dt henreft nrtuvt&f the V S. Eftat Reg Capt Cole .srriVe.d at Alexandria from Rotterdam' which place he left the 26th of Auguftv';0aretliac;6wede'n'had''or glared war ajrainft E-rfland, and it waa fx peeled all the Northern Powers, ex cept Huflla,kwu!d join France. , Jt was reported UufBa hai determined to enter, rnte; a .coalition .'with England. The FVenc'b;WrrajprbgrHling with their gun boats with all po&ible eKpedirioii. , v, , - I f . "Bjr Capt. "Mice, vho arrived yellerday tin 12 3ays -j;; froni 1 St. Pierre's, Martin5- ique, we leartT tiut aflniail Krit'fh trjaa fron arrived. &ruH .xe.cbitimencecl 'jihe tlockade,of, that place on the 20th utt- In the .prcfeoing-,t o V'eeks, " 40-vclIeis -,1a-- ,nft nntinur unalienable pnvilece of tbankfe?o-; cumr. thit bc fo kin? article be cropofed 10I had entered from Sr. ibomas , Guada Ke place, ana uuu 1 ,-. - r.i Aii i. r ib. u0;Hin. .k- a' . . j n . j .t :. . 1 law and an clec jaou uini mis is iiirrcji jere.u .ii.iMnipoM . " r -';i p,,wTf loupe, ano toe unHeA o.ares, laacn pnn lenee of it. this r '?"" l??P?bff,,,i6rftrtl,,eefoonh,,f,j!;r.id Jr.gi,,, jc,P"rnour' O0Pol.r,wf ti M.-r-Iwhich we believe. 10 our cortfciencs. X3 (hn ..!..! , - 1 -tlwas elimfrJrom '-'7 co to o dollars, aud OS erroneous aiU ill toundeu. t rtxrta faid coji2imuc an. !? I about 1 2,000 baritl 0:1 band . I i,- .i, . " -'-I r - .- if 4 1 -; X. "'. 1 ' . '."" 1. ':. - . ? . . ..1 a-1! 1 f. -- - ' . l--J-M-----.ll-l----'