: ... - , .."'V !-.-!. .5-' PAGE TWO. V. '".'.' 4V.l7-ft -4 - . - I ISUUK: MUUNU(jMT SCHOOLS. lBrinein Rcstilts---Mariv X7ho Have A Uv i vUlvlUUl Ulivv Ul: UU r UUlLik' J . v.!".,. Never Had Opportunity of Schooling Attend. J - POPUILAR of Being Oretcome y Gas-- SS fifty cents you paid for it is gotten. As Result Found pead Un Gore Where He tWas at "Work. .r-r-:.f.. - -r-:; i'-:'--, '-..t:-: Mr. : Amos Matthews. a popular young man who resides at 116 Wright street, in this city, nrda nvorAfvmn tv crs whllA nlMirinir nut ft nine i a uare say out a small percentace oi tne Deome l.. .i J nr. t ti iA. 7ad nM of Wilmington are aware of the magnitude of L,f,oof rtTl n,K-.,.,4 ant in. this Sfatft. 1 -. L. SNEEDEW . . -. r -DEAIiER IN- Fish and Oystcro, Country Gome. Escalopo and Slirimp a full line of Fresh Groceries: Quality and promptness we guarantee to all our patrons. tne moonlight school movement n this State, f tt k-i iMin th. and particularly this city, at the present time; or meter andLeeding a fitting with which to repair yt Mic oauxiMuc uciug iiiuuv in orutsr to carry toe i toe derect, ne sent, nis neiper to get it. wnen work to . a successful conclusion, especially by I the helperLeturned he found Mr. Matthews Iy- ing on nis iace in a noie ire naa aug in prepara- i. ll! A J A J 1 J are de.ating three aights a week tnstruettaK ,KhapJMeSa 1 16 to 60 years, in the rudiments of. a fundamen-1 He decided that no Inquest was necessary and I We nave recently purchased .the Grocery tal education. the body was carried to the Yopp undertaking I Business of J. W, Duls (deceased) and put in ! . i . V. . . . .1 establishment for Drenaration for burial. la full Hha nf Vrait r:nAaA.i A.a i 1a xu onmea nne moonngnt scnoos of Miv Matthews leaves a ife, mother, four U1S cy ana county m tne neighborhood of 300 sisters and three brothers to mourn his lots. jpupils and the curriculum includes everything in I The Record ox tends its tenderest condolence to I in a simple may from A. B. Cs to arithmntin: the bereaved relatives. an4tosay that the pupils are putting their op I Portunity to good" use and working hard to at j tain in even a small degree a simple education, j that has heretofore' for one reason or another I been denied them, is putting it mildly. With what degree of success their efforts will f be crowned-remains to be seen, as the good work progresses; nevertheless, wonders, have already Deen accomplished; and if they persevere to the I -p. tt. j cl ' end there is-no telling the amount of good that Company C, Juniors, held a very interesting e Up-TO-aate oneet Iron OC Metal trill RnmA (:n iha inrlivirlitalo n'nl .1 a : a: mi , l i . I ' J t i -w v u.v.av lutMia auvt iixxmXiXl,y uM a result of these sohools. While it is a fact that New TTan fw'mr hoes rha lowest per cent of illiteracv of anv nnnntv in tha I company State (32 in each thousand, or 32 per cent. 14 in rtne first Thursday. each thousand being adults.), with these schools r ?a.ro P6" this per- The Seniors. Companies A and B. will hold BOYS BRIGADE NOTES. Leopards Put One Over on the Tigers to the Tune of 42 to 20--Wolves and Lions Did Not Play. business meeting on Thursday which was pre sided over by President Hooper Johnson. This holds regularly monthly meetings on SEND FOR E. F. FAXES! Worker. He gives his personal attention to all their regular meeting on Monday, which will be centage should be reduced by one-naif and in a io w jrcaia tv.iijeu ouv euiirery. i , f 77. . " While due credit should be given State Super-1 Pened pith Regular Bible class, conducted by 7i . wvuv ci . v " xu nits uuiiceiveu 1 u w iuu cnapiain. wie, mooniignc sonooi proposition), the State 1 0? number will be the Dorya eral principals, and scores of teachers, for the un- XZ f?8? members are noted selfish and untiring efforts thevhavefiontrihnH v"c 01 many cuner- to the success of this moVmf kIT- eui mu msiruments, , - . . " w- v, j w tuci o la VlaiC other factor that we Would deem thi ariHnio in complete without mentioning the important nartl Mr, Iyar Palmgren, one of the most popular trior hnirA nlrn 1 1 .11 ... . I A I f 11 T.'5 1 . . r; J. "-v wuwij locany ana throughout thel"31""3! U1 "ie -origaae, wno nas oeen confined State that is the Junior Order of United Am eri-1 to his home in Rocky, Mount for some time, is can mecnanics 1 laoie 10 pe out again, we are glad to .know. . iVir. aui Jones, of Tarboro, who was the retir- mr 4 v 41 ill i . . . . .. Sh.M "LS .. Mr.qeorge (Jafford is back in commission at Tery ineiDienev of ST "X tne aer shrt '"-ess. gave uis uniinng enorts for the success of these schools, and not only I boosted the movement be fore the State Board;! and in his home county, but made a State-wide canvass among the mem bers of his order to impress URon them the im portance of co-operating with the educational boards m their several counties in causing the schools to accomplish that for which they were The State Council,, at its session in August, did not only sanction and endorse all he had done but went further, and appropriated $1,500 to fur- - s-- ; fix v a uax x v 1111 liih wnrir t r 1- t 1 i :r-. t. ww wax miil La iin mm.ii ncatm fw -w r W&J$t:'Zir "jr. w uire teaoners and furnish PArapnemaiia to carry the work to its goal, It WOUld fill a me-e Of nnr nano . S y wilianly . 'Prize to Winner. meution the mostiraportant. : fT?iSiu with they had a committee present The Capps howling parlor, on Korth Second ti olfKSSl0ns..of thc County Board of Educa- street, near Princess, has a con testson this week -hich carriesa ten-dollar bill as a prize forthe provided fundfforS; highest score in the Monday night gaine. fare of the teachers j being looked after, it bein The scores of all who bowl above the general I wwiSTihat whtbey had given their time it 5re will be kept and a team of six selected TShV! 300 tablets and peneils for the front the highest scorers of the week preceding use of the students, the scheol boards furnfSMn will compose the star team. r i . tne text books: srot a lin rwn k iiii . .! Thfim wni inr-a i 1" J Ti . . , . REPAIR WORK STOVE ERECTION AND HEATING. Be sure of a Job of Quality guaranteed to satisfy. E. F. i FiA LES 516 South Sixth Street WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE. rers, 20; Leopards, 42. w- The goal throwinsr of Ed. Snaknhn , fww T VM. i ui mo wHiuras oi me game. STANDING OP TEAMS. ' Lions. . Leopards Tigers . . . Wolves . . 3 I w. 6 4 2 1 L. 0 S 5 5 Pet. 1,000 .568 .284 .166 PRIZE BOWLING CONTEST, The "Old RcUabic Does not do cheap work, but guarantees a dollar's worth-, of workmanship and leather for your dollar. f J m aMiAn x. 2 , ovuwi Bossioiis, ana in w uwmo wuu win do mchwinner. aaaition to the central mmui Tt nrftmiooe i w -...i! - 4U,i-n . ;. vu-""woc, wuo-maxe ai a--wiia0 W wo aubcrostiiiK ana: v& mana&re- flying TlSlt tO all Of t.h tr V,.1- , . . mnt OTranD Wi-l.-M x it- -r,. '??:. ! ' - owxiuuis escn nignr, "r . " -". avicvnuii iu tne pu dug to visit nave lOCal COmmittCAH for V. I ' I thfiir nnrlnr .n t i t-f .. : . - ;i& i,t iaio meet tne ears anri v 4.1... . ' . -Tha cnantai m T . e"ed to nd from tho school build-1 through the winter and much interest is be ihg ' " vr a ui - vue classes and I mu"Dawu 1.110 uowiing element or the citv . 1 . Twr""!!1 tht no memberl The Raleigh and Wilmintrton m,V hoi Jtma Drill' nlair.a ..iL.tKLZ. i.L s .. - m Send your Boots . and Shoes to him when they need' a new half sole and he will make-.them as good-as-new while r wait, at the '01d Reliable Boot and 'Shoe Repair Works,": No. 28 So. Sec ond Street. Bicycle delivery. of the order is happier ?t ttinTn k 6 m ?n and Wilmington High School K .iK i .V1' any wme than when he I teams will nlav a ?an of fnothnii hV thiu,f. tion. . I uw wruooao aeciao tne cbampionship of East Caro- The Leading Sfifcs Jlakcr if - - ir 11 VTitC Sin 1 ----- .T-ls - V, f":,- -: V. ' " v..---- t if - - - 1 ! V ' i-5 4,